#president!lucifer fanart
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sk540 · 13 days ago
🔴from chemistry teacher to Homeless pregnant and her family
🟢To the Tumblr community
•The war has ended, but the suffering continues.
•I will spend the remaining months of my pregnancy🤱 enduring the same hardships. Do
•We are still living in tents🥺 on the streets
•no homes, no jobs, and no clean water.😥
•We have no source of income, as our workplaces have been destroyed.😔
€10 can make a difference❣️ 🙏
🛑💵No donation last 3 days👈
✅#am vetted
Everyone, please donate, imagine yourself living in tents without anything, just take some from your salary and donate to Palestinians so they can live comfortably 💗
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notfunnymajik · 5 years ago
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Preview 87!
David Chisum as President!Lucifer.
I think those were good episodes lmao.
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lucifucks · 4 years ago
OM !! brothers in hs
wrote this when I was bored so uh yeah (sorry some are longer than the others ;-;)
p.s: this may be wildly inaccurate bc well I've never been to a physical hs so yeah TT
• romodel student
• most likely a ta
• defiently in student council and probably is the president
• thinks he is the smartest person in the whole school district
• has no disregard for others feelings
• has friends that dont attend the same school
• only goes to lunch to eat then goes to the classroom to wait for class to start
• skips school events
• goes to the library sometimes but most of the time its to study
• doesnt bring his phone to school
• has really good grades
• probably has a shitload of honors classes
• has a lot of school rewards
• probably in the debate team
• secretly wants to be in the drama club
• attends school plays
• secretly likes psycology and philosophy class
• thinks hes good at drawing when hes just average
• likes painting
• really good at history class
• probably in a wannabe gang
• popular
• class clown
• really bad grades but somehow passes math and is good at it
• tries everything to be seen as cool
• rowdy at lunch
• dresses like youre generic popular latino (bf yall say anything I'm hispanic)
• has drip
• has gotten suspended
• gets detention almost every day
• loves hip hop music
• probably a wannabe soundcloud rapper
• smells like cheap cologne and some type of food
• has a slit eyebrow
• says no homo
• has a piggybank
• probably really into streetwear
• watches anime in class
• doodles instead of taking notes
• known as the weird kid
• gets bullied
• eats lunch in the bathroom stall bc he has no friends
• probably draws fanart for his fav anime characters
• gets commissioned a lot and accepts them bc he secretly likes the attention
• really good at anything related with science
• average grades
• has akward posture
• messy hair
• looks like he has never gotten an ounce of sleep in his life
• gets really nervous before tests
• has considered cheating but chickened out
• doodles on his arms
• wants piercings but afraid of needles
• flexes his anime merch every chance he gets
• probably has anime themed school supplies
• probably has a clear phonecase
• has a fixiated crush on someone since middle school
• zero drip
• probably dyes his hair
• has longish hair
• popular
• probably wears ankle braclets
• has really pretty hands
• dyes his hair a lot
• spends way too long in the bathroom
• smells like a thousand wishes from bath and body works
• only likes flowery scents
• has a very long routine
• only eats salads for lunch
• only likes healthy food
• wears a lot of pastels
• has dirt on everyone
• uses pantene for his hair
• probably either always hosting parties or going to them
• wears really high quality clothes
• probably makes his own outfits
• has a vsco girl waterbottle
• probably has a bulletin board in his room
• loves scrapbooking
• has a diary in which he writes in daily
• likes painting
• has cringy instagram captions
• uses snapchat 24/7
• quick replier
• texts 24/7
• probably texts in class
• paints his nails
• wears makeup
• always adjusting himself every chance he gets
• good posture
• pretty graceful in everything he does
• has really pretty pens and highlighters
• pretty notes
• has popular girl handwriting
• lives in the library
• has cat themed school supplies
• has a cat phone case
• probably sticks cat stickers on his locker
• reads every chance he gets
• really good at literature and english
• good grades
• a social loner
• in a lot of clubs
• loves poetry
• dresses like haruhi did in the ep 1 of ohshc
• likes soap operas
• a sucker for romance movies
• has tons of secret admirers
• probably wears glasses to school
• has pretty handwriting
• probably only uses a black pen
• has really messy notes
• his backpack is a whole mess
• has a journal
• has social media but doesnt use it
• secretly writes ffs and imagines
• his notes app is a whole other dimension
• probably delusional as fuck
• does others peoples homewotk bc he cant say no
• eats in the library at lunch
• perfers savory food
• loves sports
• a social butterfly while also being reserved
• well liked by everyone
• wears sport wear
• perfers ft over texting
• has 2 posts yet has a shitload of followers
• not that good in school
• loves animals
• actually pretty smart but underestimates himself
• gets really nervous before games
• probably hangs out with his friends a lot
• really pure
• doesnt have a crush and hasnt had one
• platonic vibes only
• gets really attached to u if your his friend
• he loves sanrio core
• hes emo/alt
• hes really into astrology and spirituality
• he exclusively watches gore/horror anime
• he probably only has twt and tiktok
• hes on gore twt
• he vapes
• has really bad influences in his life while also being the bad influence
• only wear baggy clothes
• has his headphones in 24/7
• probably always takes the bus to go places
• loves fruit
• likes spicy/tangy foods
• he loves hightop converse
• very creative
• has piercings
• wears eyeliner
• probably has worn sfx makeup to school
• gets into a lot of fights
• tells people to kys
• glares at everyone who even glances at him
• probably has a death note and has written many names in it already
• is either really good or bad at school
• somehow does really well in finals
• chronic cheater
• secretly likes kpop and jpop
• wears beanies
• probably paints his nails black
• has dark ass eyebags
• looks dead inside out
• hes on alt tiktok
• skateboarder
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tvxcue · 3 years ago
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I posted 5,770 times in 2021
1047 posts created (18%)
4723 posts reblogged (82%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.5 posts.
I added 7,628 tags in 2021
#spn - 3282 posts
#sammy - 1357 posts
#speaking - 1062 posts
#dean - 649 posts
#fanart - 335 posts
#shinee - 255 posts
#winbros - 226 posts
#cas - 200 posts
#video - 136 posts
#q - 126 posts
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s15 midam is still bonkers. like they said adam was the second pick, heaven brought him back to be a body and then had to spend centuries in a cage with two of the most powerful angels in creation who were meant to fight to the death. and then they said adam grounded michael in the cage and was the only being he believed in like he did his father. all they had was each other and that was enough. now watch jake abel act like a married couple with himself.
703 notes • Posted 2021-02-12 10:04:44 GMT
just the way spn claims to be removed from politics even as it reinforces the united states as a state and exalts it above all others. dean doesn’t vote but he doesn’t like canada. lucifer wants to possess people with power and he goes after the u.s. president. the entire bmol arc just exists to glorify american hunters and explicitly mark violence and murder as an american right and responsibility. and the episode where the monster of the week is from peru, the motw’s sister, also a monster, has to leave the u.s. when the winchester’s let her live. she doesn’t harm anyone, the winchesters have let monsters go freely before, but she has to go back to peru because she’s not american. there’s also a line in taxi driver when sam is trying to sneak into hell, where dean calls the reaper getting him in a coyote. when sam and dean lose their luck, they drive to alaska to try to win it back, but there’s no significance to the crossing into canada. more than that, they cross the border into an entirely new country but they have to go back into a u.s. state for the story to continue. and even aside from matters of borders and international contexts, sam and dean weaponize the state against gordon, a black hunter, when he becomes a threat to them by calling the cops on him. the show and its characters are aware of the u.s. as a state and they consistently reinforce its right to exist and its exceptionalism but there’s a firm insistence that this isn’t relevant to the story.
966 notes • Posted 2021-02-21 21:06:36 GMT
one of the things i do wish the show had looked at more is just how weird sam and dean are in comparison to other hunters. like “celebrating the life of asa fox” was so interesting because jody, who’s been hunting for much less time than them has hunter friends and knows a lot of hunters really well. meanwhile sam and dean come in and everyone is fascinated because these guys stopped the apocalypse and one of them got possessed by lucifer, what the fuck. like......how much do you think mary learned about her own kids just because of what other people said about them? also jody, who knows sam and dean as these weird dudes with so many issues, and then the people she meets are just like omg theyre soooo cool and interesting.
and this does go back, as all things do, to john! because john also knew people like this! he knew ellen! he knew about the roadhouse and spent some amount of time there. he knew gordon and who knows how many other hunters. but sam and dean only really knew bobby. john kept them isolated from the rest of the hunting community and it was explained as being for their own good because hunters are usually kind of fucked up people, so better that they don’t interact with them too much. but there’s just so many hunters that we see are just people! and sam and dean never got the opportunity to create any sort of community which was detrimental to both of them, sam because he constantly felt alone in his own family and had no one else to look to and dean because he built his entire identity about keeping his family together and safe at the expense of himself.
991 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 18:45:22 GMT
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supernatural, byzantium // andrew mcmahon in the wilderness, “cecilia and the satellite” // supernatural, various & sundry villains // supernatural, tombstone //  cormac mccarthy, the road // supernatural, the future
1120 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 20:06:25 GMT
i think spn could engage with whiteness in an interesting way because for the most part whiteness is treated as a default and therefore a non-entity, which then makes anything other than whiteness something, which makes it an Other. and this is built into supernatural, like sam and dean don’t have any barriers because of their race because they’re white which means they have white privilege, people question their authority in the early seasons when they don’t try to blend into their disguises (like when they look too young to be fbi agents or are wearing something out of the norm for hiking or whatever) but their whiteness keeps doors open so they never even have to notice those doors are there. and as they get older and invest in suits and stuff like that people just stop questioning their authority full stop. this show and the world they inhabit is only possible in this way because they are white. and it frustrates me that the one time they engage with their whiteness amounts to nothing, in night shifter when henricksen first shows up he theorizes that john might be a white supremacist which is SUCH a loaded statement because what does that say about the people (��monsters”) john is killing? are “monsters” often people of color? or is john killing “monsters” that happen to be people of color? john’s, and by extension sam and dean’s, whiteness is textual here, it’s a Thing, something to acknowledge and contend with and then it’s never addressed again.
1772 notes • Posted 2021-02-21 01:02:52 GMT
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Top 10 Things I Love About Supernatural
It’s been almost half a year since the show ended and now that the dust has settlIed, I just want to list ten reasons I love this show. Despite it’s flaws, it’s been quite the ride.
1. Team Free Will
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When I first got the idea to make this list, I originally planned on doing entirely separate entries for “Sam & Dean” and “Destiel”. Except then I wanted to pay tribute to “Sastiel”. And then I wanted to do an entry for “Team Free Dads”. By that point, I was already halfway through the list and I hadn’t even moved on from the main characters. A few months ago, I made a post about why I love every single pairing in this group. Obviously, Sam and Dean are a legendary duo. Obviously, Dean and Cas have an unparalleled story. Obviously, Sam and Cas are an underrated team. As for Team Free Dads, I’ve always had a soft spot for father/mentor figure characters and and all three tackle the role in different ways. I love Jack, too. I love how everyone in this bizarro family is “broken” in some way. We’ve got the Allistair’s prized pupil, the spawn of satan, the boy with demon blood, and the angel who nearly obliterated all of heaven. But they help each other heal by being supportive and seeing the good in each other. They all love each other so deeply and when together, nothing can stand in their way. Not Michael, not Lucifer, and not God himself. They tore up the book and wrote their own story. And it was a pleasure to watch it all unfold.
2. The Suppporting Characters
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To list every single supporting character I have loved and lost in this show would take way too long. I don’t know if it’s the writing or acting performances, but I love pretty much every single supporting character on this show. Even villains like Azazel or Allistair are top-notch villains. Hell, I even like characters like Metatron, Lucifer, Mary, and John! Characters like Rufus, Charlie, Crowley, Rowena, Kevin, Ellen, Jo, Bobby, Gabriel, Balthazar, Mick...how am I not supposed to love them??? All of their stories were cut so short. I’d watch a show about any of these characters. The Wayward Sisters were robbed. So many ships were gone too soon (Sam/Rowena, Dean/Jo, Cas/Meg, Etc.). So many heartbreaking deaths. I want to be best friends with all these characters. Why be a “dean-girl” or a “sam-girl” when you can be a garth-girl? A kevin-girl? A claire-girl? A bela-girl? There are so many great characters with interesting and compelling backstories and so much untapped potential. I could go on forever on this, but I digress.This show has one of the best supporting casts I have ever had the pleasure of watching.
3. The Themes
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It’s no accident that I got addicted to this show at the time that I did. Namely, my Senior Year of College and 2020. Graduating college and entering the “real world” felt like it’s own sort of apocalypse. 2020 definitely exacerbated my worst tendencies. Messages like “family don’t end in blood”, “you can write your own story��, and “always keep fighting” really resonated with me. I could definitely relate to the feelings of insecurity these character’s felt and the ways they suppressed/repressed their issues instead of facing them. I could relate to the feelings of not fitting in and I could definitely relate to the loneliness. This show helped remind me that I’m not alone. That it’s okay if my values and identity don’t line up with the what I envisioned for myself. And, most importantly, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that I should never give up. If Dean, Sam, and Cas can keep moving forward despite their demons and despite how bad it gets, so can I. Regardless of how the story ended, these themes resonated with me and I’ll still hold them with me. A single episode can’t take that away.
4. The Fun Episodes
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This show has so many legendary standalone episodes. Changing Channels. Ghostfacers. The French Mistake. Fan Fiction. Tall Tales. Bad Day at Black Rock. When this show goes for the absurd, it goes all-in. It takes the risks it needs to take, it gets completely insane, and it pulls it off. So many of these episodes could have easily been the moment that the show “jumped the shark”. Yet, time after time, the show delivered on it’s potential. I don’t know how much I can say about these episodes except that they made me laugh out loud, made me fall even harder for these characters, and that they’re the episodes I remember best. If I were to rewatch any episode, it would be one of the fun ones. This show knew how to not take itself too seriously and how to poke fun at itself. I’ve always had a soft spot for shows that can make me laugh and cry (X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, Doctor Who, etc.), and this show definitely nails the fun part. 
5. The Sad Episodes
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Death’s Door. Hammer of the Gods. Despair. Carry On. Abandon All Hope. In My Time of Dying. Swan Song. When this show wants you to cry, it doesn’t pull the punches. It gets downright devastating. No character is safe. Literally every character you love will either be forgotten or will die. Or both. The amount of trauma Sam and Dean have to go through is insane. Both have literally been to hell and back. Both have killed countless people, including innocents. When this show decides it wants to wreck you, it’s overwhelming. I sobbed when Bobby died. I sobbed when every single member of Team Free Will died for the final time (I still can’t watch any of those scenes). I still wish Jo, Ellen, Charlie, Kevin, Mick, and Gabriel had been given more time to tell their stories. Being a hunter means a life of endless angst. Being an angel or demon doesn’t get you off the hook, either. I remember going into this show thinking it couldn’t hurt me. My favorite character type is “mentor/father figure”. But holy hell...I don’t think every single sad moment was necessarily good writing, but when it was? Damn. 
6. The Biblical Themes
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I’m not a relgious person. But, despite this show being steeped in Christian mythology, it really touched on my feelings about the Old Testament in a profound way. Well, really just Ben Edlund and Robbie Thompson did. I’ve never seen a show really hit the overall feel of the bible the way this show does. The idea of Angels as mystical and terrifying creatures. The idea of God as a flawed father figure with a penchant for wrath. The sheer epicness of the biblical stories. The idea of family members constantly being turned on each other. Cain and Abel. Jacob and Essau. Moses and Ramses. Moses and Aaron. Abraham and Isaac. The bible is full of stories of family drama. This show doesn’t always give angels and demons weight. Sometimes it’s silly and stupid and cheesy. But when it hits right? It’s epic. This is more of a personal thing I love about the show, but definitely a plus!
7. The Music
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The early seasons music is so good. I really miss the classic rock of the golden era of the show. I mean, there are still some great musical moments later on, but damn. I loved hearing songs I recognized and I loved learning new songs. I loved when the song and the scene hit perfectly in time (Death’s intro. Cas’s return in Season 13.). Also Supernatural wouldn’t be Supernatural without the ‘Carry On My Wayward Son’ song at the end of every season. Even at the end of a season I didn’t love, that recap would always get me pumped. Also Chuck singing Fare Thee Well? Dean and Lee singing together? Fan Fiction? All great. 
8. The Cast & Crew
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I never care about the actors or actresses in a show. I definitely don’t bother with the names of specific writers and directors or their styles of writing/directing. They’re just random people who happen to write for or play these characters I love. They’re not actually the characters. But these guys? Well, for one, I’m pretty sure half this cast actually is their character. At least to some degree. They’re also just...really cool people? Who are all friends? They make a point to do community service, to interact with fans, and to promote positive ideas. Jared’s Always Keep Fighting campaign. Misha and GISH. The fact that they all participate in fundraising opportunities and encourage fan engagement. Do they all have issues? Definitely. Have they said stupid things? Yes. But the good far outweighs the bad. They’re an entertaining bunch whether onscreen or not and I hope they all do well in whatever their future endeavors may be.  
9. The Fandom
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I joined this fandom late. To be honest, I thought this fandom was obnoxious before I found myself a part of it. Now that I’ve been in the trenches? It’s got it’s ups and downs like any fandom. There are some parts that are more toxic than others. A lot of people yelling that their opinion is the only opinion. But overall? The good outweighs the bad. And the good? The good is great. Some fanfictions I’ve read are better than actual books I’ve read and just as moving. The fanart? Incredible. I love reading all the metas about random aspects of the show I never would have noticed. I love the music videos and I love the analytical videos. In real life, I’ve made many friends through our mutual love of this show. Hell, even getting sucked into GISH once or twice has given me some solid memories and brought me closer to friends. I wish all fandoms were this much like family. I’m so glad I got to be a part of this fandom and I can’t wait to continue being a fan. After all, nothing ever stays dead in Supernatural.
10. The Chaos & Insanity
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Season 16 has been a time. First, Destiel went canon. Then suddenly Sherlock was having a 5th season, Putin was retiring, and Georgia was going blue. Destiel going “canon” and Joe Biden winning the presidency will always be correlated in my mind now. Things in the fandom went from quiet to blaringly loud real fast. Carry On happened. The fandom went into a civil war. I can’t even remember half of what happened in Season 16, but it’s been a wild ride. There’s been ups (my personal favorite being the french dub and the Saileen wedding). There’s been downs (Jared’s controversial statements and the original scripts being leaked). At one point Misha Collins had sex with Bill Clinton???? It’s been a wild time. It’s honestly gotten me through the end of this pandemic. At least it’s entertaining. I would say that at least all the craziness is over, but is it ever really over? Every time I say that something else completely insane happens. But it’s been fun. I’m glad I started watching this show despite my reservations and here’s to whatever happens next. 
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diminuel · 5 years ago
So, I've been gone from the fandom for ages (I honestly think the show has been on life support for a long time now) and even though is still don't want anything to do with the latter season I STILL LOVE YOUR ART SO DAMN MUCH. I loved it when I was still active in the fandom and still love it now even having giving up on it. Thank you so much for all the amazing fanart you do, and for keeping my dreams of destiel alive.
;w; ♥
Thank you! I’ve enjoyed later seasons, buuuuuut there have been story lines that I just disliked, which makes it hard to rewatch them like I rewatch earlier seasons…? The whole Lucifer hopping vessels (religious figure, rockstar, president of the united states) and then knocking up some poor woman? Bascially the entire Lucifer story line, followed by the Nick story line. Hate it so much and it makes rewatching S12 - 14 hard. :C
(Disclaimer: I mean no offense to those who enjoy those story lines, who enjoy Lucifer or who enjoy Nick. It’s just not for me.)
But yes, the love I have for Dean and Cas keeps me going! I can’t believe that there are only 10 episodes left before SPN will be completely released into the wild and EVERYTHING belongs to us. I think I’m kind of holding my breath a bit; I can’t even write canon compliant fics right now because I’m just so anxious about where it’ll go and how it’ll end that my creativity is somewhere down in a dark pit of hell. 
(Though I think in this era of TV show revivals this won’t be the last we’ve seen of Supernatural.)
How did I end up rambling so much? In any case, thank you! I’m glad you still enjoy my art! ♥3♥
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bloodyneptune · 6 years ago
 Ttheres Gundam Wing posts on my dash .
oh...dear god what is happening
got into Harry Potter after someone did fanart of HP characters mimicking a Gundam Wing image which i was obsessed with...and a few days ago i see a Drary post on my dash. DRAIRY
HP led me to fanfics, when smut was rated lime/lemon...saw a bunch of posts suggesting we’ll have to start citrus ratings again.
fanfics led me to this, the lowest circle of Internet Hell, where Lucifer resides not as a giant, but a computer with three monitors; one displays the “tag your gore/pomegranate” post. the second is a drawing of an anthropomorphic Tardis banging an anthropomorphic Impala. the third displays the fucking “i like your shoelaces/thanks, i stole them from the president” post.
....actually it kind of makes sense that ive seen the fucking shoelace post going around again unironically. its the Tumblr Apocalypse, of course the Devil walks the fuck amongst us.
i feel like im being spat out and experiencing the different levels of internet hell in reverse.
wait...o-oh god. oh god i know what level is next. if i see so much as a JubJub i will lose the entirety of my shit. .
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sel3nee · 3 years ago
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I posted 4,046 times in 2021
39 posts created (1%)
4007 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 102.7 posts.
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#steve/bucky - 560 posts
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#bucky barnes - 162 posts
#steve rogers - 152 posts
#animals - 104 posts
#art - 96 posts
#sebastian stan - 67 posts
#this is me - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#how am i supposed to keep watching marvel movies when i know they can pull weird shit out of their asses like they did in endgame ?
My Top Posts in 2021
my friend : I thought Steve's ending was good, he deserves the rest.
me : *goes on a rant about every implications of Steve's going to the past, including, but not limited to : him being ok with Bucky being tortured for decades, watching racism, sexism and homophobia without doing anything, knowing that hydra has infiltrated shield.
my friend : so, do you still want your captain america coaster.
me : ...
me : yes. I will not let endgame ruins Steve Rogers for me !
9 notes • Posted 2021-06-26 19:37:40 GMT
If Chris Evans comes back to captain America, I hope it's to tell us that no, Steve Rogers after Endgame was not a fucking coward that spent his life hiding from history and letting terrible things happen because he felt he was entitled to a woman he knew for 2 or 3 years.
10 notes • Posted 2021-01-15 10:07:54 GMT
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Sebastian Stan on Instagram (x) - 12/04/2021
13 notes • Posted 2021-04-12 18:45:23 GMT
oO Top 5 Fandoms Oo
Janvier : Captain America - Elementary - Haven - Star Trek Discovery - Sense8 Février : Captain America - Haven - Star Trek Discovery - Sense8 - American Gods Mars : Captain America - Haven - American Gods - The Good Place - Bob's Burgers Avril : Captain America - Haven - Bob's Burgers - The Good Place - The Flash Mai : Captain America - Haven - Sabrina The Teenage Witch - Bob's Burgers - The Flash Juin : Captain America - Haven - Dark - Sabrina The Teenage Witch - Lucifer Juillet : Captain America - Dark - Buffy - Sabrina - Motherland : Fort Salem Août : Captain America - Arrow - Motherland : Fort Salem - Word of Honor - Brooklyn 99 Août : Captain America - Arrow - Word of Honor - Brooklyn 99 - Foundation
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Oo Movies and Series Oo
Movies 2021 Series 2021
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
oO Books Oo
Deadpool : Dead Presidents Le Trésor de Crésus et autres histoires (Intégrale Don Rosa T5) - Don Rosa
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
oO Music Oo
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
oO Random Oo
Tomb Raider Shadow of the Tomb Raider
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
oO Theme Oo
bridge - Octomoosey
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
oO Previous Scrapbook Oo
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
16 notes • Posted 2021-02-25 20:44:22 GMT
I know that the Sense8 finale is over the top and not realistic at all (even for a sci-fi show), but I just watched that series for the 4th times, and I know I will one day watch it for the 5th.
Yes, this is the 4th time I’ve cried at the exact same passage, but it makes me so happy to have one sci-fi show where everybody is happy and no ones dies. I’m tired of gritty and dark endings, where characters die for a big twist. They gave me exactly what I wanted, which is a happy and joyful ending, all the characters meeting each others, and a big party!
144 notes • Posted 2021-02-08 20:12:49 GMT
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lil-loucifer · 8 years ago
1-50 fool
1. Your first OC ever?
Not gonna lie, it was a fuckin Naruto OC I made when I was six
His name was Rei and he specialized in fire-based jutsu 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Uhhhh, right now I think my favorite is Aurelio Morgenstern, since I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to develop him lately
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Not really?
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Fuckin Enfer Incendie. A guy with an asshole french name that translates inaccurately into “Hell Fire”
He’s a demon who uses, you guessed it, fire-based powers.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? 
I can’t decide oh fuck but it’d probably be Enoch Branwen???
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
A lot of my old OCs are white with dark hair because I wasn’t creative back then (Still have trouble with creative designs tbh)
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
I sent a character in for an SYOC a while ago, but she stopped writing it…
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
Sorta? I’ve been putting together an RP/suggestion blog using Aurelio Morgenstern as an RP character
He’s a demon hunter who lives in a relatively uneventful small town that’s still high in supernatural activity. There’s a local demon hunter community there, but he’s kinda shunned for fighting using the magic of a demon, Azazel. 
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I mean, I’m 100% down to give Lucian Caelius Luminita to a friend of mine for her story, bc I have nothing to use him in. 
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? 
I… Totally suck at designing overcomplicated outfits, so my OCs normally wear simple clothes
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? 
Aria Hamilton (not related to Hamilton in any way, seriously) is the only upbeat character I’ve ever created.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
A friend of mine and I have been developing this fuckin story for like, a month or so, about her character, Crystal Ruiz, being raised by one of my (sort-of) good parent OCs.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? 
Wayland Smith is a huge crack-type character who unintentionally winds up causing catastrophic destruction in the most ridiculous ways that often come off as impossible and inhuman. What’s worse: This man cannot die and literally only exists for me to come up with ridiculous scenarios to have a good laugh.
I made him for The Sims Freeplay and he became the guy who pissed everyone off whenever I got a daily mission that required negative interactions.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory 
Wilk Argentum: part of an extraterrestrial race made to assimilate with the human ace to determine whether or not they were worth saving after their society collapsed following a major thermonuclear war. 
He got along with the remnants of society well, and went on several adventures with people who befriended him, but ultimately, he unwittingly fulfilled his primary programming by condemning the human race to death, despite it being the only thing he’d ever known.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? 
Faith Branwen, probably. 
17. Any OC OTPs? 
I got these new characters, part of a four-person superhero team I made up for DC Universe Online, and two of them; Wendigo (Power: nature-aligned magic and shapeshifting into man-eating creatures) and Morningstar (Power: Creation-based abilities) slowly develop from casual dating to really strong-ass feelings for each other
There’s also this guy, Dante, who I always wind up shipping with his ex, Michael, but I don’t know how I’d get them back together yet.
Also most of the characters I ship with my friends’ OCs have a special place in my heart, especially if we develop their relationships :3
18. Any OC crackships? 
Not really?
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Jack Winters was the first OC whose story I really shared with another friend, and we got super close from sharing the stories and eventually getting to know each other, and not just our OCs. Hey guys, shipping gets you places.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
I only really have one OC with confirmed singing talent, and that is Alto Artrose, who is, ironically, a soprano. 
21. Your most artistic OC
Wilson Pendleton is basically Delson Rowe pre-superpowerification. 
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? 
A friend and I normally joke about Lucian Luminita being a much worse parent than we actually portray him in the story; mostly due to him being a single father, who is also a vampire, raising an angry werewolf child. 
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Dante “Seraphim,” also known by his codename Lucifer, was originally going to be called Lucifer as his true name, and be a child of the personification of Death, being sent to ensure that people die when they are supposed to. And if they don’t, they get murdered by the Reaper’s Son. 
The idea was scrapped, but eventually revisited by several other OCs later. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Aria Hamilton, because she’s the only one here who isn’t fucked up.
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
My fuckin Homestuck self-insert, Luke Napier. He’s basically me, but physically fit, attractive, and actually handles his responsibilities properly. 
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? 
Nah, not really. 
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? 
Dante “Seraphim’s” story wound up being heavily influenced by the song “Take Me To Church,” with it’s whole ‘growing out of religion’ theme. 
28. Your most dangerous OC? 
Enoch Branwen, the “Atropos” of this Branwen Moirai. The Branwens preside over the mortality of gods; when an immortal’s time has passed, it is Enoch who is sent to dispatch them. She has killed numerous entities, and is responsible for the Fall of the Old Gods. 
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
Aurelio Morgenstern, Wilson Pendleton, and Sora Williams; the problem children.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? 
Maybe Enoch’s girlfriend, who still doesn’t have a concrete name. 
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Aurelio Morgenstern blogs about his activities as a demon hunter, not that anyone really listens.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? 
Ian (motherfucking) Grey. This kid’s story throws him into a killing field made for children with magical powers, where he eventually gets possessed by the Wormwood Star; an entity that throws his magical abilities into overdrive. 
Ian has a natural affinity for healing magic, and the Wormwood Star strengthens him to the point where he can heal from injuries almost instantly. The horror of his game isn’t the threat to your survival, it’s from all the pain you endure as you fight your way out of this hellhole. Your enemies can’t kill you, you can’t kill them. But they will hunt you and hunt you until your mind breaks and you can’t fight anymore. 
Basically, imagine Dark Souls with no weapons. 
33. Your shyest OC?
Can’t really say :c
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Dante “Seraphim” has a twin sister, Aria. Her codename is Lilith.
35. Any sibling characters? 
Aside from the “Seraphim” twins, the Branwens are one of my favorite sibling groups!
They’re like the moirai, but they decide when gods die. Faith, the eldest, predicts the lifespans and destinies of the gods when they’re created. Wolfgang, the middle child, watches over the world and ensures that all the gods and deities are doing their jobs, playing their roles, and having faith in the Branwens’ writings.
When a god steps out of line, or refuses to lie down and die, they send Enoch to do what must be done. 
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? 
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human 
Lucian Luminita is a vampire, the Branwen siblings are sorta-gods, Dante and Aria “Seraphim” are half-angel and half-demon, respectively, etc.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? 
Enoch Branwen and Aria Hamilton. 
39. Introduce any character you want 
Lemme tell you about Become Death:
He’s an ally of that superhero team I mentioned earlier, with Wendigo and Morningstar. Obviously, “Become Death” isn’t his real name, but it’s a nickname that just stuck.
Death is an enigma. He doesn’t really know who he is, where he’s from. He just knows that his job is to punish the wicked. The evil. He takes no pleasure in killing, but it’s what he does best.
Before he died, Death was an infamous serial killer. He was brought back to life by an unknown entity for an unknown purpose, but now, he works in the dark to preserve the light. 
He also hasn’t been developed beyond the fact that he wears a fancy suit, and there’s a skull mask grafted onto his face. 
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Most of the fondest memories I have about OCs is just taking about them with my friends!! 
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
Throwback to the time I commissioned my sister to draw my Persona 3 OC and he came out looking exactly like a fucking Haikyuu character with a gun (tw for suicidal imagery and guns)
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? 
Uhhhh my fuckin Percy Jackson OCs
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Dark clothes and expensive fashion, friends. A lot of leather. 
Also punk rock. It’s good. 
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
They all have pretty unique concepts and stories, as far as I’m told.
45. A character you no longer use?
Luke Napier. Every incarnation of him has ben replaced with a “Jasper Morris.” 
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Nah, nobody’s seen me write a story ^_^ 
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? 
I’m pretty sure @theninjabookworm101 has at one point during our friendship. 
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Nobody is innocent
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Aria Hamilton, purely for the sake of poking fun at her crush
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you wantIf you want, you can tag your ask answers with #yetanotherOCmeme so I can check them out too `v´9
Hnnnnggghhhh alright so lemme tell you about this time I tried to do worldbuilding
So I made this fuckin steampunk-themed world once, right? And it’s still largely unfinished, and there’s only one real place that’s developed in any capacity and that’s the city of Durendal in the nation of Wayland. The Waylandian city is widely known for being amongst the most historical cities in the world. It was one of the most rapidly-advancing cities during the industrial revolution. It was in Durendal where most scholars and inventors joined together to create the first stable airship. It is in Durendal where the strongest council of magicians established its headquarter. It was in Durendal where the infamous Wick Rebellion was cut down by Royal Protector Daniel Maxim. And it is in Durendal where the Licht Sisters will face off against a conspiracy against the Grand Sovereign of Wayland itself. 
(That’s not really an OC thing, but hey, it’s the only story concept I have saved rn that I didn’t share from)
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