I'd love an Eggo Waffle
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
well look who it is. my old friend. the conses of my quences.
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
I think the hot new trends for this summer should be reading comprehension and critical thinking skills
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
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sick post i just found online. sorry i couldnt find the source
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
Literal definition of spyware:
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Also From Microsoft’s own FAQ: "Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. 🤡
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
[DRENCHED IN BLOOD] we really should all do this again next week, yes
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
whys combat and military gear always got to look so fucking cool when the people wearing them just objectively arent. thats unfair
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
sorry for bitching and whining. unfortunately i have to or else ill start killing and eating people instead
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
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If the business is allowed to have personal financial gain as the main goal, then so are the employees.
If the business was a worker coop, then helping each other make a profit instead of focusing on your own pay would be the goal. But if the business is not required to care about the well being of the employees, then the employees should not be required to care about the well being of the business.
If the business can replace an employee and leave them for dead when the employee stops being profitable, then an employee can quit a job and leave the business for dead when they get a better offer.
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
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hey. why is it called that
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
also while im waiting for my tea to steep, since im petty, and they cant fire me any more than they already have i can tell you about the Button That Makes You Lie To People because i CANNOT stop thinking about it and its driving me fucking nuts
i worked at a fancy gourmet coffee shop, but not everyone who came in knew that or cared, so we’d occasionally get ppl who got all their coffee knowledge from starbuckses. starbuckae? starbukakke
anyway sbux has this thing where they’re literally just wrong about what they call some drinks. for example, a cappuccino is traditionally a double shot of espresso with milk foam, like a few sips of drink, but at starbucks the smallest possible “cappuccino” is 8oz and espresso with that much milk? is really just a bastard latte. 
but to explain that to someone who doesnt know better takes time, and there a line forming, and a latte… is close enough to what someone who thinks of a cappuccino as a 16oz drink is expecting. so if someone asked for a “large cappuccino” we were instructed to go “okay :)”, plug in a large latte, and then, before they could see, scroll down to the secret buttons, the forbidden buttons, the deceit buttons, and press the one called “cappuccino”, in “quotes”, which would not only put a cappuccino on their receipt, but would send a message to the barista, across the room, who would then make a latte, see the pink “cappuccino” indicator, and go 
“large cappuccino? :)” 
and i just, like, that’s just, i love how, food is made up and not real
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
hey folks if you have an android phone: google shadow installed a "security app".
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I had to go and delete it myself this morning.
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
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psychic-winged-turtle · 7 hours ago
when i say “girl” randomly as an interjection i’m speaking to the omnipresent all knowing being of Girl. asking her for mercy. taking girl’s name in vain
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psychic-winged-turtle · 8 hours ago
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Tonight House Republicans voted 217 to 215 for a budget that'll take $1 TRILLION dollars from Medicaid, attack food benefits for kids, hurt seniors and vets.
but I don't want to talk about that, I want to talk about these two Democratic members of Congress you've never ever heard of.
Democrats, Congressman Kevin Mullin of California and Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen of Colorado.
Congressman Mullin had knee surgery that didn't go well, two surgeries, a life threatening blood clot and a week long stay in the hospital, and the moment he was discharged from the hospital he got on a five hour flight to DC to vote against the Republicans evil budget, using a walker to get to the floor of the House
Congresswoman Pettersen gave birth to her son Sam, in the picture, exactly one month ago on January 25th. They flew from Colorado to DC after Republicans refused to allow her to vote by proxy after having a baby. Congresswoman Pettersen took Sam onto the floor of the House to vote to protect the Health care of 400,000 Colorado kids.
why talk about this? because so much of the conversion is about telling people there's no one good, no one worthy, no one fighting. I promise you there are people undergoing personal hardship to do the right thing.
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psychic-winged-turtle · 8 hours ago
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psychic-winged-turtle · 8 hours ago
i love when people go "this looks like a 10k post to me" because it never works half the time and i just see them try so fruitlessly in my notes
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psychic-winged-turtle · 8 hours ago
I love how here on tumblr dot website we regularly cast the greatest curse we can muster on each other by pointing our long creepy fingers and intoning "10,000 notes" in a voice that carries the winds of the mountain with it.
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