#precious is their lovely daughter
tooshnado · 1 month
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me?? posting actual art again?? on tumblr??
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dasketcherz · 11 months
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it was a pretty cool dlc, i enjoyed it a lot
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lady-griffin · 1 year
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Based on this post.
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hamilgodd · 4 months
Is Doriane Pin the Brocedes lovechild?
Hear me out… Doriane and her precious blond hair and tenacious personality, plus the way she is in charge that resembles Nico.
And her talent, her amazing skills driving and how she is conquering everything she wants that is so like Lewis.
In this essay I will be exploring the similarities between them in order to establish their family relationship…
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origami-teacup · 2 years
me rn
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laeska · 1 year
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diandrarumi · 4 months
another headcanon, so i read that fic about harry giving ginny his mother's necklace and it was just so sweet....
so in my head ginny is not that big for jewels and accessories, like she obviously loves girly things but she also grew up poor so she probably knew that jewellry is a luxury indulgence that is not something she'd have the luck to have. So she never really bothered with any of them
but then she saw how harry cried when he went through his family's vault and saw lily and euphemia's jewelry box and how harry was so touched knowing that he had family heirlooms passed down from the women in his family
and like he shyly gave ginny his mother's necklace and proposed to her with his grandmother's ring and when they got married harry gave her the jewelry box and told her that he hoped they would grow old together and that he could watch her pass down these heirlooms to their daughter and daughter in laws if they have any
and since then you'd never see ginny potter out and about without bracelets, earrings and necklaces.
ginny even lent victoire the potter tiara when she married teddy
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cascade05 · 11 months
Guys Deserve Flowers Too
Saw this post and it got me thinking…
Imagine see a handful of flowers that remind you of Katsuki. Imagine what they are but I was thinking of, well, Imma just collage it cause I don’t know how familiar with flowers y’all are…
On second thought, the picture is giant so I’ll put it…. so where else, maybe…
Anyway, you see these flowers and the kinda look like explosions and the flower lady tells you they (Dahlias) are stubborn flowers and they’re tough to kill so it literally is Bakugo Katsuki/Pro Hero Dynamight and now you HAVE to get them. So you do and you get a few others you think will look good.
Carnations last a long time when they’re cut, not withering as fast as other flowers.
Lantanas are cute little bundles of petals and the orange and red ones are so purty…
Course, you want some green in the bright conglomeration of bursting colors so you go with some leather leaf fern cause they’re big and refreshing.
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You leave the shop with two bags of flowers and you’re beaming about them. The excitement kinda plateaus when you get home and realize you don’t have a vase big enough. You’re shocked by that fact because Katsuki’s bough GIANT bouquets for you before. You look everywhere and cannot find a vase.
Then you see one of the decorative jar things—ya know what I mean, right? It was black clay and you never understood why people would get something like that and just eat it sit unused. It just collected dust on a shelf full of other things that collected dust so it’s existence was an annoyance to you but Mitsuki bought it as a housewarming gift so…
Anyway, you used that. It was about time it pulled its own weight anyway, even if your husband would think you’re an idiot for using a decorative like that as a vase. You would argue that vases were a type of decorative and they were meant to be used but that didn’t matter.
What matters is you and the amazing bouquet just finished. Yaaasss! It’s beautiful, no doubt, because it made with l o v e. A fact you will rub in your snooty husband’s gorgeous face if he dares to make fun of you because that’s who we are, right?! Right.
He comes come and you greet him from her spot on the couch. He kisses your head as he walks by, mumbling a greeting of his own before he hops in the shower. You continue reading or doing whatever it is you like to do.
At some point in life, he notices the giant bouquet on the kitchen island and he stops. He didn’t buy those. The man narrows his eyes in thought, mentally going through all the important dates before deciding it wasn’t an important day today. Unless something happened that he didn’t know about. The man decided to probe.
“You got flowers,” he grumbled stupidly.
“Uh-huh,” you hummed absentmindedly, not giving him anything.
“Look nice.”
You looked at his back, giggling silently to yourself before looking blankly at your book when he turned around. You could see the confused look on his face out of the corner of you eye and it took everything you had not to burst into laughter.
“You get ‘em from that shop by the bakery?”
“No. They’re from a new place that opened up—by where the farmers market is. It’s a cute little shop.”
He stares silently at you before looking back at the flowers then back at you. You could hear the frustration on his face. He would cave in eventually. Bakugo Katsuki hated admitting he didn’t know something important and if he forgot an important date then it was worse. He wouldn’t ask, but, well, he couldn’t think of a single special occasion that happened today. So, he had to ask.
“Any reason for ‘em?”
You hummed softly, kicking your foot up and down before turning a page. You weren’t really reading but, well…“For you.”
Did he really forget something? But you didn’t usually buy him flowers except on his birthday and, even then, it was always simple and never this large. “Why?” he asked.
“Cause I kinda like you, that’s why.”
He made a face and you laughed at it, getting up from the couch to cup his pouty cheeks. He gently grabbed your hips, tugging you a little close as you look up at him with a soft smile. “They reminded me of you, that’s all,” you say, smiling growing when his ears turn a soft pink.
He doesn’t understand that sort of thing—how flowers could remind you of him. You know he doesn’t, so you explain it. As you speak, your hands move and your arms end up resting on his shoulders as you fiddle with your fingers behind his head. You feel like a schoolgirl with a big fat crush when he wraps his arms around you and gently sways, his red eyes lighting up the more you talk. It embarrassing and you feel like you’re on fire, but you wouldn’t mind burning if it was for him. Not like he’d let you burn. It makes you nervous and shy but you explain it anyway because he’s worth being shy for.
You tell him how stubborn he is and how resilient. How determined and strong he is.
You tell him how his touch lingers on your mind endlessly, how you live for the way you can feel him—can see him in the world around you even when he’s not there.
He snorts softly when you tell him how beautiful he is—how pretty his eyes are—and you puff out your cheek in response, pouting at his lack of faith. You ask him if he doesn’t trust you or if he never looks in the mirror and he mumbles that he trusts you more than anyone else in the world. So you tell him again, that he’s the most gorgeous person you’ve ever met. That the small moments you share with him make you fell close to bursting because you love him so much and you know he loves you too.
You tell him you love how he fits against you—how you fit against him. How safe you feel in his large arms and how protected you feel just by seeing him. You tell him that, after a long day, all you need is one hug and you feel so refreshed and loved.
It mushy and soft and lovey-dovey but you tell him all that anyway. You’re too embarrassed to look at him and he must share the same sentiment cause he buries his face in the crook of your neck, planting a few small kisses by your shoulder. You shyly press your face into your other shoulder, biting your bottom lip as your cheeks burn.
“Do you like them?” you whisper softly, gently fiddling with his hair.
He doesn’t respond, not for awhile. He seeks refuge in your arms—in the safety of your love and you let him. You’re more than happy to. Eventually he mumbles against you. You can’t hear him. You don’t really need to. You know what he said—what he meant. It makes you smile, makes you press his head further into you as you wrap an arm around his shoulder and hug him close. It’s the same feeling driving Katsuki to press his palm against your back and press you even further into himself. His other hand fiddles with your belt loop while he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“You’re an idiot,” he finally says and you snort.
“Whatever, dummy.”
“I should be buying you flowers, dumbass” he mumbles.
You know how grateful he is and you know that he treasures everything you said. You know he only said what he did because he thinks he has to work to deserve you and you know that, even if you told him no. It was you who was undeserving, he would never believe you.
He appreciates your words, you know he does, but he’s an actions kind of man and everything will always mean more to him if he sees your love. You know he sees it which is why he’s so shy all of a sudden. You’re feeling a bit coy yourself and bite your bottom lip, puffing out your cheeks as you do and you can feel the tips of your ears tingling.
“Yeah, well, guys deserve flowers too,” you breathe, “idiot.”
He snorts softly, kicking your shin lightly. “Idiot,” he parrots and you burry your smile in his hair.
It wasn’t until later in the week when Bakugo noticed the black paint on the substitute vase was running off due to the water and, well, you both had a great time trying to find that exact clay decorative in the store. It was a bonding experience, you told him. He called you an idiot but that was no surprise.
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snootlestheangel · 5 months
More Bailey feelings
I was watching a compilation of Nik moments/interactions in both MW2 and MW3 and just realized he's like one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet
Bailey hearing that Price is married. Laswell asking Price something and mentioning this "Nik" person. She doesn't want to pry into Price's personal life, and he doesn't seem to be a very open person. (Price is just emotionally constipated, it's okay sweetie)
She first sees Nik in passing. He's been the one transporting most of the survivors out of the 141 base. She has the instinctive response of "oh shit he looks like one of the men I was stuck with during the quarantine that was NOT a good person". She finds out he's Price's husband and is trying to tell herself "he doesn't seem like a bad person. Both Laswell and Price trust him, so I should too"
Bailey is terrified the first time she has to interact with Nik. She hasn't even seen him yet but the idea that she has to is scary enough.
But then she sees Nik walking towards them with his swagger walk and his cool sunglasses and that dope leather jacket and she's just like "oh okay, I guess I'm just paranoid"
And then when he actually speaks?? Maybe not addressing her directly but the first time she hears him speak??? He's just so Russian and just so casual and he intentionally says something to fluster Price
And Bailey wants to laugh. Wants to laugh cause he's clearly not a threat to her at all and he's so totally the opposite of what she expected that it's so relieving its almost comical.
Bailey who does befriend one of Gaz's little cousins. Gaz's mom and his aunt are pretty far apart in age, and their kids also end up with age gaps. Gaz and his sisters are between the ages of like 24-30 his cousins are all between the ages of 13-19.
Gaz's youngest cousin is Ava, who sees the new girl in her class and instantly has a "target acquired" moment for acquiring a new best friend. Ava who is a bit of an outcast from the social circles forming amongst the other 13 year old girls.
Bailey ends up actually meeting Gaz before ever finding out he works with Price. Bailey was invited by Ava to join her to the local fair or something. It was originally just her siblings and her, but then Gaz came back home on leave and decided to be "cool older cousin" and take them instead of Ava's mom.
He's actually so good at putting Bailey at ease it's honestly incredible. She has a couple of "oh shit crowds" moments but Gaz is playing it off and is like "Yeah we'll go do this thing instead to avoid the lines. Lines suck, we're just trying to have fun, yeah?"
And it works. Bailey has a lot of fun despite still seeming very anxious the entire time.
Ava and Bailey become inseparable over time. Ava definitely hits another kid for them saying something mean about Bailey. Gaz finds out and is definitely laughing his ass off. Until he remembers he has to go home eventually and face the wrath of both his mum and his aunt for teaching his little cousin how to throw a proper punch.
Bailey hugging Ghost. That's it, that's the feeling.
Bailey hugging any of them to be honest.
Bailey's first night home and she can't sleep so Price stays with her until she does fall asleep, except he also falls asleep. Nik waking up to see Price laying flat on his back in Bailey's bed with her curled up against his side.
Bailey getting her period and having horrendous cramps. She's just borderline miserable as she lays in her bed all day.
Surprisingly, both her fathers are good at acting natural about the whole situation, even if it's just checking in on her a bit more frequently and being a bit more hovering.
She's too emotional to not cry when Nik cryptically leaves only to come back with her favorite snacks. He genuinely doesn't understand why she's crying and oh god Bailey please it's okay and "oh fuck, I made her cry, John is gonna kill me"
Nik ends up sitting on her bed and holding her for a bit to help her feel better. It's still relatively soon after she started getting closer to him, so Nik's a bit in over his head with the whole situation.
Price checks in on her only to see her dozing off in Nik's arms. Nik is getting teary and Price can't tell if it's because they're getting closer or because he's so confused as to what happened.
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coldshrugs · 8 months
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can't stop thinking about io and estinien raising havi, so have some gentle and proud dad!estinien. i think he might miss her when she leaves home. just a little.
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gildeddlily · 19 days
I'm genuinely going crazy because of jon snow. I haven't been able to think about anything else for the last two weeks, when I watched the fourth season of got- now I finished it and everything is worse!!! I have thirty tabs on chrome of fics about jon snow. I'm writing a fic about jon snow. I impulsively ordered the first two books because everyone says book jon is even better and I'll go get them tomorrow cause I need to consume more content about jon snow I need to absorb him like cream on skin. I've watched every jon snow edit ever made, even the ones with the ugly music and the fifty seconds intro and the ugliest phosphorescent fonts and four likes. I can't think about anything that isn't my doomed by the narrative boy jon snow. I had like two second to breath a little when I had my three days jamie phase but now nothing can distract me from jon snow. not hotd second season, not cregan stark's beautiful face JUST SEEING HIM MADE ME THINK ABOUT JON not jace's beautiful crying face not emma d'arcy breathtaking acting. just jon snow. and this isn't a cry for help is a send me every good jon snow fic you have please!!!! doomed by the narrative jon snow has full control over me.
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dejadoodles-101 · 5 months
Just a drawing of my two lovely precious daughters 🧡💚🥰
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Here’s my take of what Envy will probably look like. I have a feeling she wears child-like clothes since she looks like a child. This is also something that I used to wear when I was very little.
They look just like me! Lmao
I’m not kidding tho actually I have curly red hair so they have my hair pretty much lol
Anyway, hope you guys like my drawing of my kiddos! 🥰
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katofvalentia · 1 year
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Sara [May 2022]
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arataka-reigen · 2 months
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Fuck it, post Yoru orange/blue moodboard.
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real-reulbbr-band · 3 months
If they have kids with platoria?
I assume you mean this one prompt thing? If so absolutely! (Don't mind me making this pretty it's cause I'll most likely be pinning it) ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა𓎩♨
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(。•ㅅ•。)〝₎₎ Basics! ✦₊ ˊ˗
. .╭∪─∪────────── ✦ ⁺.
. .┊ ◟﹫ Name: Chiffon * ੈ ♡🍮 ⸝⸝🪐 ༘ ⋆
. .┊﹒𐐪 Gender: Female
. .┊ꜝꜝ﹒General Appearance : Chiffon is an American Curl kitten, her coat is a soft blend of palish-blondes and whites; ginger and rosy markings speckle her fur, creating a warm colored coat reminiscent of a sunrise. She has longer waves of fur around her arms and legs that appear to dance with every movement. Her ears are rounded giving her a perpetually and curious look. She wears a blue (occasionally pink) pastel Chiffon fabric bow ribbon instead of a collar, and a smaller ribbon of a complementary color around her fluffy tail. 
For in-show reference however, her design is inspired by pre-US Tour 6 and early Hamburg chorus Jennyanydots. I made a little moodboard If that helps :3
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. .┊ ⨳゛Personality: Chiffon is an imaginative kitten who enjoys the simpler things in life. If you don’t find her socializing with any of the other kittens or eagerly helping her parents with their daily tasks, she’s most likely off trying to come up with a new ribbon dance routine. But her creativity isn’t limited to dance; she loves playing make-believe and finding articles around the junkyard that she can make fashionable. She is observant and tends to pick up on cues from her environment quickly; like her mother, she values empathy, leading her to be more mindful of the emotions of those around her. Even though she gives off the impression of being confident, she is highly sensitive to criticism and conflicts, which she frequently responds to poorly, making her feel like she's being backed into a corner. Her sensitivity, however, finds a good balance with her playful and inherently easygoing nature towards life.
. .┊ ◟ヾ Special Talents: Her Talent is ribbon dancing, which Plato and especially Victoria were happy to see her take interest in; her routines were normally quite whimsical and fun. Despite lacking technique while she was still young, she made up for in her boundless energy when performing for her parents. However, she does eventually grow to have exceptional precision and expertise in ribbon dancing.
. .┊﹒𐐪 Who they like better : It really depends on the moment. Chiffon throws around the word "favorite" depending on the day, not fully understanding its significance, normally while she's snuggling up to one of her parents. Plato and Victoria don't take it too seriously, but they do like to play-fight about who's the favorite whenever Chiffon throws around that word since it does make Chiffon happy. Regardless, they both know they're Chiffon's favorite adults in the yard, and that's plenty enough.
. .┊ ◟﹫ Who they take more after : Visually, I'd like to say a good blend of both, but since Victoria is pure white, she generally appears more like Plato, with her ginger mane and heavier markings around her coat, but her white and rose-colored markings and the careful way she carries herself make it clear she's Victoria's.
But in terms of personality, she inherits a good amount from both of them. Plato's easygoing nature and protective instincts did influence Chiffon's more empathetic demeanor, particularly when she interacts with others. From Victoria, she did inherit her innocence (which isn't as noticeable when she's young but becomes more apparent when she's older) along with her innate attraction to dance that differs from the typical jellicle, and of course the way she moves when simply walking or interacting with others is similar to Victoria's own gracefulness. 
. .┊ ◟ৎ Personal Head canon: Well, any head canon I have about her just becomes canon regardless, but she really didn't adjust well to collars, much like her father; whenever she had one on, she kept tugging at it and needed long breaks of not wearing it. This didn't go on for too long, as Plato and Victoria realized she wasn't adjusting to collars comfortably, so Victoria chose an alternative, ribbons. there were plenty of spares around the junkyard, so each morning Victoria would groom her and ask her to select the ribbon she wanted for the day and tied it around her neck securely. Chiffon did enjoy this, and the spare ribbons did end up sparking her interest in ribbon dancing.
. .┊ ⋆𐙚₊˚ Face claim: Lisbeth Brittain!
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I was going to reblog that prompt but then I realized I only had one "finished" kitten fankid so this is perfect! Thank you SM!!
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jpoog · 13 days
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art of my awesome amazing beautiful oc navy who i love with all my silly little heart. might be posting more art of her in the future :D
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