#pray for my children
real-life-cloud · 1 month
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zosan fankid + matching w pappie zeff ☺♥
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cinamun · 1 year
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Just one question | Next
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aprito · 9 months
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"He stared at her black and blue neck, rage boiling inside him once more. How dare he… handle her like livestock. There was no respect in his attack. She was a speck to him. Even he killed Chika with some element of ceremony. And yet, Sakura… wanted Sasuke home, even after all he had done. Sasori was once again reminded of why it was so easy for her to take him under her wing last autumn… “You said that mercy is useless,” Sakura replied, catching Sasori’s attention once more. He looked back up at her, his doll eyes reflective and gentle. He did believe that… “Your mercy saved me,” he admitted, speaking slowly."
At the edge of my seat with every update of A Second Chance by @evartandadam. She just gets both the themes of the series and these two <3 Please give it a read if you haven't!
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delladuck · 1 year
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tbh forgot that i even made this
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You know I don't think Timmy actually ended up sharing Wanda and Cosmo for all that long with Chloe in the grand scheme of things.
I mean there's various points in the show that seem to imply that having Fairy GodParents is a temporary thing. Like extremely temporary for most kids.
As in even being 10, and having gotten Cosmo and Wanda at age 8, Timmy's considered as having been a GodChild for a long time. Even if that's only a couple years.
Like there's a reason why there's multiple episodes about all of Fairy World being interested in whatever Timmy's up to.
Timmy's an outlier case.
He's going to end up aging out of the system (bar any breaking of any major rule that the fairies can't find a way to forgive) and everyone knows it.
They made a whole live action trilogy of bending the rules just for him where he gets to keep his fairies as an adult, and then turns into a fairy at the end of that trilogy.
He's a, probably wouldn't have made it to adulthood without fairies, kind of a case.
That's not the case for most kids who get fairies, or at least it's heavily implied that's not the case for most kids who get fairies.
Take Cosmo and Wanda being Crocker's fairies in 1972, and having already been his fairies for about 2 years by that point, but having had been Billy Gate's fairies in 1970.
We're never even given a hint that Billy lost his fairies traumatically, because he grew up to invent the internet just fine, and we never hear about him beyond that. And it seems like if a kid traumatically loses their fairies before their ready, it ends with them being a screwed up adult.
Which tells me that whatever situation Billy was in to need fairies resolved itself shortly after the time travel thing.
Heck even then, it was heavily implied that Crocker's life, even qualifying for fairies, was better than Timmy's was. Considering the only things mentioned is that he's got a single mom that works multiple jobs, and when she doesn't she tends to focus on her hobbies, and an evil babysitter to deal with.
He's not bullied at that point, he's not struggling academically, the only things wrong with his life (before getting over dosed on magic mindwipe and being disfigured and losing his mind as a result, which turned him into a social outcast) is that he's got a single mom who works a lot and leaves him with a mean babysitter so she can have me time.
That's it, that's what makes him qualify.
And he would have aged out of at least one of those problems before turning 18. He would have been 14 when he would have naturally outgrown needing to have a babysitter (as that's how old Vicky starts babysitting Timmy).
Then by that point he would have also been old enough to get a part time job of his own. Lightening the financial lode on his mother, and possibly freeing up some of her working time to actually spend with her.
Meaning it's possible that both of his fairy qualifying problems would have resolved themselves by age 14 or 15.
But also the kind of miserable it takes to get godparents (at least when that baseline is first established) is temporary for most kids.
I wouldn't be surprised if the typical Fairy GodParent & GodChild relationship typically only lasted like a year or two for most kids.
[And it seems like the majority of kids we meet who have GodParents, get them at age 10.
I'm pretty sure Timmy being 8 and getting his Fairies, is the youngest kid we ever see having Fairies.
Other than de-aged Vicky that one episode, but because it happened in the constraints of one of Timmy's wishes, I'm not going to count it. Especially because when Cosmo and Wanda are reassigned to Vicky, no one comes to erase Timmy's memory of having fairies, so she doesn't have to worry at all about hiding them which all other godkids do.
Also Vicky is just given Cosmo and Wanda and not her own fairy, which I feel heavily implies that all of this is falling under wish logic, and not normal logic.
Crocker is the second youngest, because he had Cosmo and Wanda at 9.]
Especially in cases where the root of the kid's misery is something they have the power to personally confront and change.
Like if a kid gets a fairy because they're being bulled at school to the point it's ruining everything else in their life. [Bully is making it to where they can't complete school or home work, causing grades to drop, meaning no extracurricular stuff, and getting in trouble with parents.]
But that kid manages to reveal what's happening, and gets things to change, and their life goes back to how it was before. Then that kid obviously doesn't need a GodParent anymore to make up for their miserable life.
I could easily see plenty of situations where a kid might only have a GodParent for less than a year.
Like Hazel's situation from A New Wish weirds me out, because all her problems are super temporary problems that resolve in like a few months to a year for most kids who have those problems.
It's missing her older brother who left for collage. Which most kids eventually get over after just getting used to them no longer living in the same house as them.
When the younger sibling gets used to the older siblings absence, a pretty good chunk of them revel in the bizarre experience of being either the new oldest, or an only child for the rest of their own childhood.
It's moving to a new city and having to make all new friends. Which Hazel does over the course of season 1. She's got 3 friends if Dev counts.
Everything causing her to need fairies is all extremely temporary. Which is a large part of the reason why I don't think she'll be one of the kids to age out of the system the way Timmy was.
She's got parents who love her, she's not struggling at school, she doesn't have an abusive babysitter, she's already started making friends at her new school, her brother came home from collage, but even then that's something she'd just grow out of eventually.
So I feel like unless something in her life changes for the worst, she's going to only have Cosmo and Wanda for a few years at most. And lose them around age 14-15.
Sure her problems are a lot more relatable than Timmy's ever were.
Which is understandable considering Timmy was a kid who had literally everything going wrong in his life, except he wasn't living in poverty.
From neglectful parents, being bullied as school, an abusive babysitter, being specifically targeted by a teacher for harassment, being the target of a girl's stalker crush on him, being canonically considered an idiot even without Crocker targeting him (even though I'm pretty sure he just has ADHD). And that's just the major stuff he starts off with.
That's not even getting into like the magical enemies he makes over the course of the show. Who are out to get him from then on.
And the fact that his parents weren't actively malicious towards him, just forgetful and oblivious.
But Hazel's problems are also all a lot more temporary than Timmy's ever were.
And that's like, the big thing that makes them different and give me the feeling that, while Timmy definitely aged out and had fairies until the last possible moment, kids like Chloe and Hazel probably only had fairies for a few years at most.
That's most likely why Wanda and Cosmo still refer to Timmy as their last godchild before retiring. Even though they were assigned Chloe years after they were assigned to Timmy.
Chloe's issues probably resolved at some point and Timmy returned to being a singular GodChild from that point on.
[I'm guessing she grew a backbone at some point, lets her parents know all the pressure they put on her was making her miserable, and stopped being a complete doormat for literally everyone. Because those were her big problems that caused her to qualify for Fairies.]
Which was probably extremely awkward for Timmy in the aftermath of Chloe having her memories purged of fairies, considering they only spent time together because they were made to share fairies.
Sure Timmy had seen kids lose their fairies before, like with Remy, but he'd never cared then because he hardly spent any time with Remy, and no one would call him and Remy friends.
But it had to be weird when it inevitably happened with Chloe, because by the end there, she basically lived in the Turner house.
Heck of the two kids who get fairies in A New Wish, I'd say that Dev is the kid more likely to be an age out case than Hazel. If he ever regains godparents.
Considering having a single parent, who literally loves business and money more than he'll ever love his own kid, is a bit more of a permanent misery than "I moved to a new town and have no friends, and my brother went off to collage" is.
Just to be honest.
Like maybe it's different rules because Hazel is a post-retirement passion project for Cosmo and Wanda, and they can stay with her until she'd age out because they're not on official rotation or whatever.
But no one will be able to convince me that she'd actually need fairies the entire rest of her childhood unless something horrible happens to her in season 2.
Like baby girl those are some temporary issues that tend to resolve themselves within a year, how are you going to keep qualifying for fairy godparentship the rest of this series?
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aprillikesthings · 11 months
There is something deeply funny to me about the fact that, of people who pray the rosary (at least in the United States); the Catholics tend to be super conservative, and the Episcopalians/Anglicans tend to be gay.
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luzisahomosexual · 8 months
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Lyrics: My Body’s Made of Crushed Little Stars - Mitski
Art: Cherry Crush (webtoon) - yemsao
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I think that possibly the only thing as annoying as people hating on Sarah Jacobs in 92sies is people treating David as "oh yeah and this guy" in the stage musical
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r7inyz · 4 months
greetings after a bit of art hiatus i return with my fnaf MCI designs. please don't kill them (doing charlie emily and cassidy later...)
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silly guys
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thret-rhett · 2 months
Adam, Eve, and Lilith. they’re my ocs now more lore in tags
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#the lore:#they’re in an on off throuple#lilith is ofc adams first wive#from before adam (human) was split into two adam (man) and eve (woman)#so lilith is ‘whole’; in modern understanding she’s intersex &transfeminine#lilith and eve had an affair in the garden of eden#in which lilith tempted eve to eat the fruit; while yes persuaded eve wasn’t deceived to do this she made the choice for herself#then she gets sexy w adam and feeds him the apple.#not fully a free choice on his behalf moreso eve choosing what’s best (free will&the enlightenment from the fruit) for them as a unit#adam in a lapse of judgement blames eve. bad choice buddy your wife is always right#so when they’re kicked out they split for a little bit#adam rebounds with lilith and she provides for him and it’s comfortable but he misses eve#they’re together about half a year#meanwhile eve is praying and atoning and has been cultivating plants along a river#adam tries to see eve a couple times during this but she’s mad at him still#after 7months she’s ready to fotgive him provided he helps and hunts animals for them#while they are separated eve is approached by an ‘angel’ who is lilith in disguise. she cares for her and then they go to adam.#adam is like why do you try harming us what have i ever done to you and lilith is upset that he left her and that she was kicked from eden#they get away from her etc#they set up a permanent shelter and as a reward for reuiniting and pushing back ‘satan’ (lilith) he blesses them with a child —Cain#then they later conceive Abel on their own about 2years later#they have other children etc#after abel is killed by cain adam and eve get in a fight and things are tense and there’s another brief affair with lilith#it’s a three way thing to kind of act as catharsis#later later they have seth and that brings them back together#that’s most of it#my art#adam eve and lilith#adam and eve#artistic nudity
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
I hope we get a scene of Alicent with Aegon's body. If her son is damned to die, if she is damned to spiral into insanity, if she is to lose her life too the grief, let me see her with his body.
let her hold her baby in her arms one more time. let her wipe the blood that poured from his mouth and nose as he died. let her run her fingers over the viscous burns that adorn his skin. let her fix his hair. let her bathe him with a cloth as she had when he was a babe. let her kiss his cheek, his forehead, his hair, his hands. let her lay her head against him, hugging him like she had failed to do for years.
he was her firstborn and yet, her heart was still beating and his was not, she was not yet cold in her grave, no, no her son was cold, her flesh was warm, too warm. he was her baby, her son, the boy she tried so hard to protect, who had loved even when it hurt, who she had stood in front of a dragon for. she loved him, the very bones of him, and now he was dead.
let her lose her mind right there, in that room, still clinging to her body, one that's too cold, too still, too quiet. let her scream out to the gods, damning them, cursing them for taking her eldest son, amongst everything else in her life.
I want her to drive away anyone who tries to take him from her, forcing the silent sisters or whoever would be left to deal with his body at that point. let her curse and spit and claw at anyone who comes too close.
she would stay there for hours, reflecting on her memories of him. maybe she talks to him or hums a lullaby until she finally loses her battle with what remains of her consciousness and sanity, falling still against the table.
she dreams of Aegon, she dreams of the life she wish she could have provided, the life she had tried so hard to give him. a life where he was safe, a life where she had been a better mother, a life where she didn't need to live in and impose fear up on her children. maybe if she had tried hard enough he would still be alive, she'll think as she floats in the space between consciousness and unconsciousness.
she'll wake in plain chambers she only partly recognizes, she'll learn of her sons lackluster and sparsly accompanied burning, she'll learn her son was gone and she was alone. there won't be much of her left to care. she just continues dreaming, dreaming of her dead children and spiraling to madness until her broken heart finally gives out.
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[my previous post inspired this, cause all I can think about now is Alicent mourning her son and its gonna put me in an early grave]
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herbofgraceandpeace · 1 month
I was chilling, and now, alas! I am not.
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Who wants to go play bass for Fall Out Boy at Riot Fest on my behalf?
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a-dream-deferred · 5 months
just found out my great aunt and her daughter have been killed in an airstrike in gaza. إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون. الله يرحمهم ويتقبلهم شهداء
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hussyknee · 11 months
*piercing whistle*
Extremely unfriendly reminder that this blog is against all genocides, colonizers and imperialists. That means supporting both Ukrainians and Palestinians
Tankies are as much genocide apologists as Zionists and their "Putin says Ukraine has Nazis in it so he gets to genocide them because war math" manifesto is the exact same one as "Netanyahu says Gaza has Hamas in it so genociding them is the good of all".
People who deny one country's genocides and their right to self-sovereignty DO NOT FUCKING CARE about Palestine's. They're Western clout chasers here to exploit the trauma of Muslims, Arabs and the Global South to push their own pet imperialist's agenda. They deny the genocides of not only Holodomor but also the Uyghurs and are apologists for North Korea. They call the revolts of the Global South against socialist and communist governments "colour revolutions". They promote divisive rhetoric that alienate and pit oppressed communities against each other and work against solidarity. The only difference between them and Zionists is that they live outside the sphere of influence of the imperialist power they align themselves with.
THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT HARMLESS. A lot of you slept on Zionists until now, and we suffer for it. Do not let Tankies do the same.
Do not boost their blogs.
Do not give them platform.
Do not let them co-opt the grief of colonized to weaponize against other colonized people.
Check who you reblog from where possible and give each other heads-up if we miss them.
Our humanity CANNOT stop with our skin colour. We CANNOT liberate ourselves by contributing to the oppression of other people. By the same token that you guard against antisemitic rhetoric, PLEASE, guard against rhetoric that harms all oppressed people.
Wishing both Zionists and Tankies a very explode in an air strike like the children whose lives are so cheap to you. Both Ukraine and Palestine will be free.
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nc-vb · 11 months
if it’s gotten to the fucking point that the Ministry of Education has to announce that “the school year is cancelled” for part of Gaza because all its students have been murdered, humanity has failed, failed at everything— flat out, point blank, and unequivocally failed.
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