#potato varieties
Inaugural celebration of the International Day of Potatoes.
On May 30th; to mark the International Day of Potato 2024; The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations will host a hybrid event entitled ”Harvesting diversity feeding Hope.”.
Inaugural celebration of the International Day of Potato.
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saturdaysky · 2 years
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The Meeting on the Turret Stairs but Make It Shadowgast
After more than a year, this painting is done! This is one of my favorite paintings, and it was wonderful to reimagine it to suit one of my favorite pairings. :D This is by far the most I have ever worked on a painting, and I learned so much while making it. Please enjoy all the details I crammed in there to find.
Some close-ups under the cut!
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And where it started, the original painting and the sketch:
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Cheers, all 🥂💜🧡
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centeris2 · 5 months
I just realized Jorvik/the druids must have a really weird relationship with purple corn and purple potatoes.
Do they refuse to eat purple (and also the pinkish red varieties) of corn and potatoes because they look pandoric? Do they think they're magical because of the colors??? How can this be tied in with the Potato Festival...?
(but also that'd be a hilarious way for sso fans to make a "pandoria" themed meal, using purple potatoes or corn for the starch.)
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thedrotter · 2 months
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re:kinder goofy (for the most part) doodle dump !!! last two are from. five months ago when i was barely starting to draw these characters but i found them amusing 😊 enjoy snacks
#re:kinder#fanart#doodles#hiroto re:kinder#rei re:kinder#shunsuke takano#aya re:kinder#yuuichi mizuoka#and company !!!#isnt it fun to see how i struggle to keep ym art style consistent even through my doodles isnt tjat awesome#miss mizuoka is there so i dont forget the fact i can draw adults but i dont wanna draw anything that isnt rekinder related#not because of anything serious just because my brain feels the barrier of being FORCED to draw other media...#must draw character from comfort media ONLY !!!! /lh#ou do forgive the goofy look of chie's cat i eont know how to draw a cat to save my life im so sorry#learned nothing from warrior cats phase 😞#for the uninformed the mistresses are holding tazos which are. idk little plastic disk things that used to come in potato chips in latam#its like em beyblades for americans (i think) . brag yo dragon ball tazo collection and fight with em#oh yeah ARE THOSE YUUICHI'S OCS LIKE GENUINELY ARE THE MISTRESSES HIS OCS OR IN UNIVERSE FAIRYTALE CHARACTERS#i ask myself that often like. is he just good at character design at 8 why do his monsters have such variety and nice color palettes#the sizes i drew for the mistresses are VERY VERY messy and i would likely draw them differently scale wise . but who care for funny doodle#sixth doodle pic was a palette cleanser after fighting for my life imitating 10 year old me's art style#i drew yuuichi as i would have as a child and i got afraid i would forget how to draw him in my current art style for some reason#its so runny now that i think about it#so many more things can be said but im zzzźzz good good night
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thestudentfarmer · 8 months
Hello everyone,
Sorry it seen a few days, took a little break to enjoy some time with family before the buying holidays are upon us.
This year I'm going to attempt to make most of my gifts. Wether that is baking, a skill-craft or otherwise I'm not entirely certain.
Most people I can gift to I know will be happy with a home gift of bathbombs, lipgloss,soap or a homebaked goody/candy but I may try branching out this year with a homesewn jacket.
Anyways for now a Garden update :)
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Carrots, no kore radish at the moment and surprisingly enough it seems a few cabbage have survived.
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Cucumber, and the eggplant
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Nasturtium and broccoli
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The sunflowers, pumpkin and beans
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Close up of some beans coming in :)
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And the sweet potato, I think I'll be able to dig them up soon. So far no seed pods from the flowers either.
Also. Now that it's been a few days and they've gotten more comfortable, a small share~
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We've got new peep-peeps. :)
🌱🌿Happy homesteading and gardening🌿🌱
Nov 3 2023
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voxyldy · 10 months
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아이유의 팔레트 with #뷔 🎨
음악부터 신조어까지 섭렵해버린 천재 곰돌이⭐️(Feat.스스로 불가능한 것들을 재해석해서 가능하게 하라!)
#오늘의뷔 #V #BTS #방탄소년단 #V_Layover
#뷔긴어게인 #칭찬샤워잘받고갑니다
[#Today's BTS]
IU's palette with #V 🎨
A genius bear who has mastered music and new words ⭐️ (Feat. Reinterpret the impossible and make it possible!)
#Today's V #V #BTS #BTS #V_Layover
#VGINAGAIN #Thank you for the compliment
Source: @bts_bighit
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dearmrsawyer · 4 months
omg MY FINAL EVOLUTION!!! 💪💪 ilu steph 😂 The reason i want to eventually grow my own potatoes is because the potatoes we buy (i've only ever bought them from supermarkets) are just so inconsistent in quality, AND also they're not labelled with what kind of potato they are. so i never know what potato i'm going to get?? at our supermarkets potatoes are labeled with how they look, so they're either 'red' or 'washed' or 'dirty' if they still have dirt on them, but they're NEVER labelled with their name/variety because they'll swap them out based on what's available. my family always buy dirty potatoes because they're cheaper and uuuusually taste better, but sometimes they have whiter flesh and sometimes they have yellower flesh, and you don't know which one you're gonna get til you wash and chop them, its SO infuriating. i want to know WHICH potato i'm buying because they are good for DIFFERENT things. i want CONTROL. one day i WILL evolve and i WILL have control over my potatoes, and i'll be unstoppable
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thesauras · 20 days
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first garlic harvest (❁´◡`❁)
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(Major S-Class Heroine spoilers)
ok idk if im mischaracterising tesilid but like. tesilid in my head is such a funny guy because he went fuck this shit im tired of living and the world wont let me die in peace so ill destroy it so NEITHER of us can exist and he becomes a mass murderer and puts his entire heart into it. and he's like teehee since this will be the last round i'll just have fun committing some (many) atrocities, but then when it doesn't work out he goes uhh hey god if you're actually out there. that wasn't very nice of me, sorry. i'll be good this time. and he genuinely means it 😭 both times. when he destroyed the world and when he said whoops that was a shit idea nevermind wont try that again. like he's beating himself up for it and when things go wrong he blames it on his sins, like does that sound like a thoroughly evil person to you. it's like he was just being a little silly and committed a whoopsie when he was off destroying the world yaknow like that wasn't really him that was just a slip of judgement when the chaos and evil got him at his very fucking worst and had zero support. it just so happened that this "slip of judgement" occured over an extended period of time and he did actively pursue it for a while but like
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eldritch-bisexual · 3 months
Been on a c-drama binge. Not good for my self-esteem. Or the bisexuality.
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EVENT - FAO regional office brussels event to mark International Day of Potato 2024.
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From Brussels (BELGIUM), a Hybrid event will be held on on Monday, 27 May 2024, in Brussels, at the Residence Palace - International Day of Potato 2024 – Brussels Celebration. The FAO Liaison Office in Brussels is delighted to celebrate the first celebration. The event, which is co-organized with the Embassy of Peru in Belgium, will feature high-level interventions from FAO, Belgium, and Peru, and will close with the screening of the documentary “Opening the Earth: The Potato King”.
The FAO Liaison Office in Brussels is delighted to celebrate the first International Day of Potato on Monday, 27 May 2024, in Brussels, at the Residence Palace. The event, which is co-organized with the Embassy of Peru in Belgium, will feature high-level interventions from FAO, Belgium, and Peru, and will close with the screening of the documentary "Opening the Earth: The Potato King", a stunning celebration of the indigenous cultures and the Andes, and an occasion to recognize the importance of potatoes in global food security and sustainable agriculture.    Potatoes, originating from the Andean region of South America, have become a global staple, providing essential nutrients and calories to millions. Their adaptability to diverse climates and versatility in culinary dishes make them a crucial component of diets worldwide. The International Day of Potato will serve henceforth as an annual reminder of the potato's significant contribution to global nutrition.     The Brussels celebration will highlight the importance of sustainable approaches to potato cultivation, especially in fostering resilience in the face of environmental challenges, as well as the deep cultural significance of potatoes in many regions of the world. The event will leverage both the Peruvian and Belgian historical and cultural connection to potatoes.      The FAO International Day of Potato celebration in Brussels, which will gather EU institutions, UN Member States and policymakers, will serve as a platform for global collaboration and exchange on the role of potatoes in achieving better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all, leaving no one behind.      Speakers from FAO, the Embassy of Peru, the Belgian Government, and potato associations will intervene and share their views. 
Speakers include:
HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, the Self-Employed, SMEs and Agriculture, Institutional Reforms and Democratic Renewal of Belgium
HE Luis Enrique Chávez Besagoitia, Ambassador of Peru to the EU and Belgium
Maurizio Martina, Deputy Director-General of FAO
Raschad Al-Khafaji, Director of the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels
Nuria Moreno, Secretary General of EUPPA
Christophe Vermeulen, CEO of Belgapom
Tine Vanhee, Team lead Partnerships and International Profiling at TRIAS
Eric Ebner, Film Director-Cinematographer
Date:  27 May 2024 Address:  Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Brussels Time:  14.00 - 16.30 CEST Register here 
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aastarions · 10 months
i love mac and cheese literally no other food will compare to mac and cheese for me like i think boba is like a solid 2nd place but nothing will trump mac and cheese
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runnerguitar · 7 months
"I'm Alive (Realization)"
In Collaboration with GamingVarietyPotato (gaming-variety-potato.itch.io) , here is the theme song for their game "The Snowperson"!
The full version of the song is available on youtube and all streaming platforms!
Youtube Version: https://youtu.be/Ntljwop3hY8?si=TAIToUgbhW67oEbE
Game: https://gaming-variety-potato.itch.io/the-snowperson
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Yet another bob's burgers ass problem in the princehendir household.
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thestudentfarmer · 9 months
Its rime for a Garden update. 🌱🌱 :)
First up the velour beans and sunflower mix,
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Second pic of same
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The pumpkin, I have been checking the undersides of the leaves regularly for the dreaded squash Beatles. I've heard of a few new ways to be rid of them so I'll be giving a few new tries to find what works best. With luck I'll be able to grow regular zuchinnis and squashes again :)
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The eggplants
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Carrot and radish row, more carrots have sprouted but still not so much on the radish
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Armenian cucumbers
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A few lil back bits,
The deep bed planted with sweet potatoes and asparagus
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This upcoming week I'm planning to thining a bunch of the vines to blanch for quick meals later.
Seed bed update,
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Leftover bean tray (left side, I'll be dumping it soon)
Broccoli (middle), I'll be planting them soon
Turmeric tray (right side)
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Moringa and ginger (left) I'll be uppotting the moringa this week.
Leftover nasturtium (middle)
Cabbage (right) I'll be planting them this upcoming week.
I'm hoping to get around to starting some new planter beds cut out so I can get more grow space going soon. The new beds I'm wanting to put some Olla style waterers.
That's it for the garden goings right now,
🌱🌻Happy Homesteading and Gardening 🌻🌱
10 5 2023
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voxyldy · 7 months
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Behind the scene photos of Tae on the recent episode of SBS Running Man.
Source: SBS
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