#post ww hiatus
weirdest-worlds · 5 months
I’ve been on Tumblr for over a year now and I only make an intro now. In all honesty, I know nothing about this website, so 🥲
Name: Trixie / Trix / Weirdest Worlds / WW
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual, lesbian??
Favourite colours: Blue, purple, green
Favourite animal: Axolotl or foxes
Fandoms: UNDERTALE, TSaMS (kind of), FNAF SB, Poppy Playtime (specifically Chapter 3), Percy Jackson!! (I'm trying to read all the books, very hard work)
Other Blogs
I also have a Fresh Sans RP account @fresh-ya-broski, and an account for my OC's @ww-household. This is my main account. Just art, reblogging, random posts, all that. Certainly nothing to special, but I enjoy it around here.
Art requests
On a bit of a hiatus right now. Feel free to still request things, though! I'll get to it eventually...
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I survived!!
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carrs-universe-writes · 2 months
Well what in tarnation-
Um hello 👉👈 funny seeing you guys here...uh...come here often? Still wondering about my silly little writing? Oh haha...yeah...about that...
Crazy how fast time flies when you have time blindness.
So let's get the big stuff out of the way. I am no longer writing Wolfwater, WCA, or M715 as interactive fiction. I am still writing the stories, but no longer as interactive fiction.
No one knows what's happening with dragon smut because it was just a silly little side project so as of right now it's on indefinite hiatus/canceled.
But the other three are still deep in the holes of my brain. These characters mean a lot to me at this point. But I've lost the passion to make them IFs. Not only is it way too much work for my Swiss cheese ADHD brain to stay focused on, writing is also something I can just kinda do mindlessly. But with IF I have to pay WAY closer attention, and that makes it a stressful thing, not a fun, relaxing form of expression.
To put it simply, it's way too much work that I don't want to do.
So where does that leave the stories? Well, as novels.
I've already started rewriting chapter 1 of Wolfwater, and I'll post it in it's entirety here when I'm finished. Some things have been changed, like now Alex is the protagonist. And given Alex obviously isn't interested in a lot of the romance options, one of the subplots will finally be Ezra and Aim kissing all on their own. Big day!
WCA will be split between Casey and Quincy’s POV's mainly, but there will be no serious changes to the plot, other than the fact that...well...you aren't there.
And M715 will be changed so that Zelda is the main protagonist. Again, very little to change in that story, other than shifting who things happen to.
The original playable IF version of WW ch1 will stay up forever if you ever want to reread it. And nothing is being deleted or changed on the patreon, all the original drafts will stay up. But they are not going to be edited again.
I know Wolfwater especially has been in the works for like 4 years, but unfortunately I used all my dopamine up writing Far Cry fanfiction when I was in middle school, so I'm now a very slow writer.
If you've been here a while, get ready for some deja-vu because: I'm leaving my job at the gas station soon and starting basically my dream job driving a truck. Just me and my dog in a truck all day, not a single customer interaction to be had. Hopefully around the end of summer I'll be there full time and can quit the gas station, which will be better for me. (I feel like I've seen this movie before....)
Um I struggle with genuineness but ummmm thank you to those that have stuck around while I was doing absolutely nothing. But I am writing again, I am back, everything is sorta back to normal.
Now stop looking at me 😖
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selinascatnip · 9 months
Hi 👋 @selinascatnip bestie when you have less on your plate and I hope that you will update the next chapter of your awesome 😎 Dickkory fic, wandering worlds soon 🔜 as well as post @ambeautys birthday 🥳 fic soon 🔜 and some titanstober fics. :)
Hi Vanessa, I hope you're doing well.
C's birthday fic is currently in revision phase, first draft already done, and will be published on the 24th.
WW is kinda on hiatus, because my heart isn't in it at the moment, and every single time I forced myself to finish a fic it didn't when I didn't feel like it I ended hating the story.
But I don't ever abandon a fic forever, the Naruto girlies just got the ending of I fic I planned to finish five years ago lmao. I don't think it will be the case for WW because unlike AOH, WW has a script, but the new chapter will come when it is ready, that's all I can say.
I won't say anything for sure about Titanstober, but I don't have anything planned and October has always been VK month to me, I should give my VK girls some love maybe, or even Sailor Moon in general, really, I feel like I'm in debt with a lot of my friends from that fandom.
What I do have planned is to publish another DK for @feaap on December that I haven't started yet, and I plan to give @cyanis-art a hand with the NejiHina Week, because since I'm back here in Ninja Hell, I might as well, and a palate cleansing was long overdue, I've been writing and reading DC fic only since 2018.
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leseigneurdufeu · 2 years
one of these days when I've got time, I'll take pictures of my Disney's Moby Dick comics and translate from french to english for the joy of everyone involved in Whale Weekly
i'll probably forget I made that post just after posting it so remind it to me when there's a hiatus in WW
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connorbarritos · 8 months
Tournament Report, 2 League Cups and 2 League Challenges (It's been a minute)
Hey y'all, it's been a minute so I felt it's time to make another tournament report. I've been in a bit of a depression lately and lost motivation to do pretty much anything, so sorry for the long hiatus. In the month or so I haven't posted, I went to two league cups and two league challenges, and I managed to earn championship points in three out of the four tournaments I went to. Here's how they went.
League Cup #1, September 16th, 2023, 8/24 +25 Champ Points
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For this cup I played Miraidon ex with Path to the Peak, which was a break from the norm of me playing Lost Box in these types of tournaments. Honestly, I wanted to play Lost Box before tournament, but I just decided on a whim to play this instead. There is no other reason why. With that out of the way, lets get into my matchups.
Round 1: Single Strike Lugia w/ Dunsparce. WW, 1-0
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At first glance Single Strike Lugia seems like an auto-win, but good players will always find a way out of that loss. Fortunately for me this round, my opponent just couldn't get set up at all in both of our games, so I took an easy 2-0 victory. Dunsparce was a little scary to see, though.
Round 2: Single Strike Lugia LL 1-1
Round 2, I hit another Single Strike Lugia player, but this time they were able to set up and were also able to minimize the amount of Lugia in play, so I was always taking a bad matchup against either Stonjourner or Tyranitar V. I don't have Zapdos in my list, so my Miraidon could never take a ko onto a Tyranitar, which is a huge boon to my opponent. Game one ended up being really close, but game 2 was a bit of a loss.
Round 3: Miraidon w/ Path mirror, LWL 1-2
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In my opinion, the mirror is very unfun to play sometimes, especially if you lose the coin flip and go second. Whoever goes first has the opportunity to straight up win on turn one if they start Miraidon and get Path down on the first turn. There's not much the player going second can do in that situation other than to hope they have a Research in their hand. Unfortunately for me, I lost the coin flip and went second. Not much I can do. At some point I hit 0 Lightning Energy off of 2 Electric Generator and couldn't attack in game 3. Very unlucky game, but I still had a chance to make it into top 8 if I won out.
Round 4: Gardevoir, WW 2-2
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In this round I ended up playing against the one Senior division player in the room. TPCI tournaments uses age divisions to try to prevent children from playing with adults, with the youngest division being Juniors (think elementary school), then it's Seniors (think middle school), the it's Masters (think high school and beyond). Since there was only one Seniors division player, they had to play against either the best performing Juniors division player, or the worst performing Masters division player (me in this instance). In our game this round, I ended up winning 2-0, not much else to say other than my opponent wasn't the best. We take those though.
Round 5: Chien Pao Baxcallibur, WLW 3-2
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This matchup is heavily favorable for me, so I was very happy that I hit it. My opponent, however, was very disappointed since this was both of our win-and-in round. I did make it a little too close by miss playing quite a bit. During games one and two, I would use Miraidon's Tandem Unit ability to put two Mareep into play, then they would immediately be ko'd by Radiant Greninja. I adjusted in game three by only putting one into play, and I ended up winning pretty convincingly afterword. I was a little nervous of bubbling out at 9th, but I ended up being the 8th seed, guaranteeing my top cup berth and some championship points!
Top 8, Single Strike Lugia (round 2 opponent) LL
I hit the same opponent as round 2 in top 8, and unfortunately my games went a similar way. Game 1 was super close, but I just couldn't close it out. Then, in game 2, I started a Raichu V and Squawkabilly. I used Squawk and Seize, and drew zero playable cards on my first turn, and then another on my second. Unfortunate way to go, but that's the game sometimes. I was just happy to make it to top eight and earn some championship points.
Overall, I had a blast! It felt great being able to do so well with a deck I hadn't had much practice with, so I'd say this tournament was a huge success. In my next post, I'll write about my second league cup I played in this past month, so stay tuned!
-Connor B.
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lonely-t0wn · 3 years
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📸: rob loud, via @mendadam
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hotfuss · 4 years
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fidgety brandon
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youll-remember-me · 4 years
Part 2 of 2
Throw back to when Brandon pleasantly surprised us in Windsor, Ontario July 9, 2019 with acoustic Ms Atomic Bomb
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nosweetdreamm · 5 years
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presented without comment
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Fic Finder
Let’s have another round!
1.  Does anyone know what happened to this one? ⤵️
MOJO! I really love your blog, I am a huge fan of how dedicated and organized you are! You work so hard for us in fandom! [Oh, thank you, darling!]  I know you’re on a hiatus [not anymore!] but I hope you see this when you come back, but I am in dire need of finding a fic.
All I know is it’s name. And has I think omega lan zhan the fic is called off-key the creator took it down and I don’t remember who the were.
Please if anyone knows I would totally appreciate it!!! 💜💜💜💜 thank you again for all you do! 💜💜 -- @shamelessfanpolice
2.  Your account is amazing istg. The amount of fics I have has doubled since I started following you. [Woo hoo!  Thank you!]  I was wondering if you or your followers could help me find a fic that’s set in the past in Europe. I saw a picture of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian in Victorian dress and it made me want to read read something like it.
FOUND?  This one is RPF actually, but it sprang to mind immediately and perhaps you’re looking for:
Bound With a Same-Heart Knot by mrsronweasley (E, 59k, RPF, yizhan [xiao zhan/wang yibo], my post)
3.  hi can you find the fic where wwx and lan wangji are married because of business. then later they adopt a-yuan, then after that since the lan elders have enough power from the SANREN company and baoshan sanren and wen ruohan are a couple, the lan elders wanted lwj to marry nhs but nhs fell in love with jiang cheng and lwj fell in love with wwx. nhs is lwj's ex bf - @masterofdemoniccultivation
4.  Hi🥺 welcome back and happy lunar new year 💞. [Back atcha, lovely!]  I was wondering if you know this fic where wangxian get together at cloud recess and they're both ace don't the other. And I also think there's a scene with xicheng where they're happy that their brothers are finally interested in s*x
FOUND?  Could you be thinking of Under Extreme Duress by sssrha (T, 34k, wangxian, my bookmark, WIP where they are asexual betas continually dragging apart oversexed alpha/omega couples)?
FOUND!  @magic-orange-cactus says their bookmark for Let Them Eat Cake by Vamillepudding (G, 8k, wangxian) reads, “Asexual wangxian and cloud Recesses that take their sexual education SERIOUSLY XD”)
5.  find the fic where lwj had a gf but then when he met wwx he fell in love with him. wwx and lwj started dating and lwj broke up with his gf then his gf threatened if he doesnt go to her she will die doing suicide and lwj says sorry and goes to the hospital for his EX girlfriend. but what lwj didmnt know is it that wwx only had 1 year to live and wanted to spend his time with lwj so his family allowed . lwj tried to speak to wwx and lwj's gf tried to hit wwx and madam yu hit her and shouted at lwj ex gf and jyl got so mad, she hit lwj's ex gf and when baoshan sanren revealed ww is gonna die any time lwj tried to apologize to him and after sometime wwx forgave him, and later they adopt ayuan and then they married and then wwx was brought to the hospital, in his last days with his family and lan zhan and a-yuan and then wwx was dying he crawled to a-yuan and lwj and hug them then died and lwj died from a gunshot in protecting a-yuan -- @masterofdemoniccultivation
One Year Time Bomb by Kaien24 (Not Rated, 53k, Tragedy, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Romance, Character Death) 31 is probably “One Year Time Bomb” by Kaien24! i’ve been looking for it on and off since i saw this post and finally found it again
6.  Hii! Happy anniversary!  I wanna thank u for your hard work! The fic recs have kept me afloat these past few months.  [Thank you!]   However, I wanna ask for help in finding a fic where wei ying was cursed by some "fertility" goddess and was given a woman's body then lwj got her pregnant. That's the last thing I can remember huhu hope u can help. Thank you!!
FOUND!  This one is  In Sickness and In Health (And In Strange and Unexpected Times Too) by purplemonster (E, 28k, wangxian)
7.  the cultivator killed wen remnants INCLUDING wen yuan and wwx ran to lwj. what wwx didnt know is lwj forgot about wwx forcefully by lan qiren.
wwx: l-lan zhan wen yuan- a-yuan is dead lan-
lwj stabbed wwx
wwx: lan zhan??. then after that wwx laughed until he had resentful energy, jin zixuan was only in a coma. lan xichen and jiang cheng ran to koi tower jc : wei wuxian lxc: young master wei wwx: ahahah! since you wanted me to be a demon then ill be a demon AHAHAHAH then wwx flew to burial mounds , the lan clan has lost support because they were scared of wwx. #badguyjinguangshan #badguylanqiren #jinzixuan and jiang yanli is alive --  @masterofdemoniccultivation
FOUND? THE DAY THE SUN BLACKENS by FongLian (Not rated, 16k, wangxian, WIP, Angst, Family, Regret, Brotherly Angst, Brotherly Affection, NMJ is caught up in the Cross-fire, LXC & LWJ left Gusu Lan, WWX Finally Gave In, He Wants To Destroy The Whole Cultivation World, And Create New One For His Baby, A-Yuan is Stuck in Between Life and Death, Yes A-Yuan is Like the Lucrecia Crescent of MDZS, Sayings: "Be Careful What You Wish For", LQR Made A Very Huge Mistake, JGS is Doomed, JZX is in a Coma, He'll play a Role Later)
8.  Can you help me find a fic in which Jiang Cheng walks in on Wei Wuxian making out with his past/future self and Lan Zhan just watches with morbid fascination?? I know its vague but that's all I can remember
FOUND! @whereisyourcahier says it might be one of The Same Moon Shines series Though I'm Gone (Still Think Of Me) by sami (M, 8k, wangxian)
9.  Excuse me, there's a fic I read where WWX came across a magical future seeing object while at the Cloud Recesses, (I think it was a Lan headband?) and it only works if he and someone else touch it. I'm wondering if you'd read it and could tell me the title, because I accidently closed all my google pages and can't find it. [Oh my god, I HATE that, and installed an app called “Session Buddy” so that if it happens again I can still pull up all the closed pages AND the pages before them.] 😔 💔  ~ @respectpotatoes
FOUND!  by @whereisyourcahier who says the future-seeing-object isn’t a headband, but everything else fits:   Yearning for Miles by Murahi (M, 270k, wangxian, WIP)
10.  Blessing upon your crops for the service you provide this fandom. [My crops appreciate the blessing, thank you!]  There was a fic I read where lwj got cursed into saying every thought that ran through his head, and I forgot to bookmark it :( I know it was an E rated fic, too. Any help you or your followers could provide would be huge! ~ @gerudoheiress
FOUND!  Could you be thinking of  beneath six layers of silk by darkredloveknot (enheduane) (E, 13k, wangxian, my post) where lwj is cursed to speak out loud all his thoughts and feelings -- but specifically those relating to wwx.
FOUND! @planb-is-in-effect suggests another option:  Crack me open, pour you out by Tenillypo (E, 16k, wangxian)
FOUND!  @trektaalik  says a third option could be Rarely Pure and Never Simple by thunderwear (not rated (G), 3k, wangxian, my post) (hee, hee, evidently lwj truth curses are a popular trope!)
11.  Hello! Sorry to bother I'm looking for a rec post I think it was yours of fics where Lwj was bad with WWX in the beginning and then he tried to be better after it had a lot of wips ~ @miss-yae
FOUND!  @mikkeneko believes it might be  To Bring You Back Within My Reach by ablaiseofglory (M, 21k, wangxian, WIP)
12.  Hi, Mojo! I was wondering if you could help me find this one fic? It’s a one-shot, maybe 4-10K? It features vampire!lwj and vampire!wwx and it’s kind of dark. I think they hide under a glamour of sorts. Um...Xue Yang is featured in there, too. Along with Lxc and jc. Have you heard of it? Thanks. ❤️☺️💞
FOUND! @sssrha​ thinks this one could be The Way You Tremble by themunchking (E, 6k, wangxian)
13.  I also have a submission for your next Fic Finder post! It is one of the Modern AU, baby A-Yuan gets left with WWX so he and LWJ adopt him and get together in the process type of fics. I distinctly remember a segment where they go to LWJ's apartment for the first time and it's super posh, and WWX enters the hallway to see LXC standing there, meets him for the first time, and realizes that LWJ has told his family NOTHING about his new bf or kid. It is NOT The Simplest Way Forward NOR Take My Hand Take My Whole Life Too, I checked through both of these and this scene doesn't appear in either. Help? @mikkeneko [I’m pretty sure that IS a scene from Simplest Way Forward, though?]
Not FOUND?  I don’t think it’s this one but... Let's Play Pretend and Live Our Lives by Tassos (E, 51k, wangxian, my bookmark)  is a modern au where wwx has A-Yuan (saved from rescue work) and he and lwj play chicken until they’re ACTUALLY married & co-parenting and meanwhile lxc and lqr are clueless.
FOUND?  @artemisisdiana thinks this one might be  your heart, two doors down by ghostsgf (G, 10k, wangxian)
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dojae-huh · 3 years
Ten already spoiled the hair color (green) back in September 9th, through which he posted a black and white photo on Instagram, and so it's for sure that his participation in songs were recorded back then. Moreover some people said that when he posted a video of himself diving/dancing in the water, it's a preparation for SMCU or so. He's an important part hence can't be left out. Also if WW joined (as we would love to), it would all be "Why give him so few lines?" and so, better let WW (1/2)
(2/2) plays his role in China as well as to finish his acting period. Also I heard news that WayV will go back to China around spring next year. The worst part is that because of L's scandal WayV may not be able to release their second album, which Kun had mentioned during the SM Conference with LSM (He really did say WayV plans to release the second album THIS YEAR <sorry just to highlight the part this year>)
WayV was scheduled for an album this Autumn actually, and to tour in 2022. But we also were promised a new group and a new unit. It looks like this year we'll only get an announcement for them. There was smth else beside Lucas' scandal that postponed everything, I suspect. For example, NCT's album drops 2 days after MAMA, which probably means no NCT2021 performance. But we'll see about that.
I don't think re-recording Lucas' parts would take a long time, when TY got sick, Sungchan, Jeno, YY and Shotaro (I think these neos, but my memory is fuzzy) took his parts quickly. It's more to do with taking a cooling-off period and focusing on NCT2021, I suppose.
Last and this year many groups lost members, yet the comebacks happened. There is no statement about Lucas' hiatus, so it's still unclear whether WayV will become a 6 member group or not. I know about the NY greeting, but a temporally missing member is not unusual for NCT units.
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measuringlife · 3 years
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Fresh color after 15 months! . I didn’t realize how much I needed this until I saw how I looked after we finished! . As much as I adapted to life in quarantine and found different pockets of self care, some of my out outward aspects of self care went on permanent hiatus - like coloring my hair, wearing earrings, wearing clothes besides comfy PJs workout gear, or putting on makeup. . I’ve been fully vaccinated for 3 weeks and yesterday I celebrated a friend’s birthday at Top Golf with 30 others then went to a few breweries. It felt like the first day of my new post vaccine life. . I’ve missed dressing up, going out, and reconnecting with acquaintances. It was nice to talk about my ability to really focus on WW journey over the past 14 months, my last 3 months as a WW coach, and all the BodyPump I’ve taught in gyms while wearing a mask or in my basement with all the equipment I’ve collected this year! . I went into quarantine as one person and I’ve re-emerged as someone new and improved. It took yesterday to fully grasp it starting with my hair! . #transformation #haircolor #quarantine #quarantinelife #theafter #selfcare #wwcoach #ww #groupfitnessinstructor #lesmillsbodypump https://www.instagram.com/p/COqXriIBw-h/?igshid=bb4nusr7gnwd
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Best Element Week 4: Will they Wed-nesday? II
Here we go, y’all. Last poll results of 2020. 
For purposes of these results, “BE” is short for Best Element, the poll which we just completed. “WTWD” is short for results from the first round of Will they Wed-nesday?, the bracket challenge from this fall.
Also, just a reminder- in Wedding Wednesday, the bracket was seeded chronologically by family, but WTWD was randomly seeded. So don’t be surprised to see some random matchups!
Additionally, I will use the following colors to highlight the winners on each table:
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If you need a reminder of the proposal locations, click here. 
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So, interestingly, there’s a tie for first in location in WTWD: Josie & Kelton (vs. Jill & Derick) and Erin & Chad (vs. Josh & Anna) got the exact same number of votes for first overall in WTWD. Only Josie & Kelton placed in BE, where they were second overall. Carlin & Evan are first overall in BE, and second overall in WTWD (vs. Josiah & Lauren). Tori & Bobby are third overall in BE, but they didn’t place in WTWD, where third went to Zach & Whitney (vs. John & Abbie). 
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Jessa & Ben’s Thorncrown Chapel engagement is a favorite overall, winning both BE and WTWD (vs. Joe & Kendra). Jinger & Jeremy got second overall, and Josh & Anna got third (ok, I might have caused this with my “vote for them, I dare you” post. Or people are really into Corky Bells. But, 10/10 hilarious meme, I love y’all.) Joy & Austin are second in WTWD (vs. Ethan & Olivia) and John & Abbie are third (vs. Zach & Whitney). 
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Jessa & Ben are once again first overall in both BE and WTWD. Carlin & Evan are second in BE, and third in WTWD (vs. Josiah & Lauren). Josie & Kelton are third overall in BE, and tied for second in WTWD (vs. Jill & Derick); they’re tied with Erin & Chad (vs. Josh & Anna). 
Here this is in chart form: 
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Personal Touch 
If you need a reminder of the proposal personal touches, click here. 
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Carlin & Evan’s first dance is first overall in BE, and third in WTWD (vs. Josiah & Lauren). Zach & Whitney are second in BE, and first in WTWD (vs. John & Abbie). Erin & Chad were third in BE and second in WTWD (vs. Josh & Anna). 
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Jill & Derick were first overall in BE, and third in WTWD (vs. Josie & Kelton). Josiah & Lauren were second in BE, but did not place in WTWD. Jinger & Jeremy were third in BE, and first overall in WTWD (vs. Tori & Bobby). Jessa & Ben, who were last place in BE, were second in WTWD (vs. Joe & Kendra). 
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Carlin & Evan are first overall in BE, despite not placinging in WTWD. Ethan & Olivia are second in BE, and third in WTWD (vs. Joy & Austin).  Zach & Whitney were third in BE, and first overall in WTWD (vs. John & Abbie).  Erin & Chad are second in WTWD (vs. Josh & Anna) despite not placing in BE. 
Here’s that info in chart form: 
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Overall, I am surprised how closely the WW/WTWD results tracked with the BE results. When they didn’t, that person was almost certainly competing against a fan least favorite, like Josh & Anna.  But on the whole, the WW/WTWD polls were a better metric than I thought they were! 
What’s Next? 
I mentioned before that due to the bar exam, there will be a short-term poll hiatus until March 2021. If you’d like to suggest poll topics between now and then, here’s your link.  [Quick note: the long term guessing polls, found here, won’t be impacted by the hiatus.] But there’s one final piece of these polls, the first of which will go live in half an hour, the second of which will go live in 45 minutes: 
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ask and ye shall receive :) 
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plasmavamp · 4 years
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[cracks knuckles, breaks hands]
aight fam here’s the official catch-up post to whatthefuck lolita’s been up to in the sims 4 (and continuing from where i left off in my DU posts lol)
featuring Nasier, Caleb and Morgyn ~
[ nasier belongs to my bestie, Mav @mavesathesimblr​ !! ]
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caleb and nas actually started dating early on in college ! nothing crazy happened uwu that yall know of lol, but yeah. spent 4 years as dorm roommates. around year 4 morgyn came to visit caleb a couple of times and hung out with the boys ^^ Nas and Caleb stayed in-dorm for the last winterfest (and other holidays) of college. caleb graduated a bit before nas did lol
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the boys moved to strangerville shortly after graduation!! caleb lowkey isnt a fan of the neighbors but he knows how they get lol. morgyn moved in with them not too long afterwards ^^ 
(third pic is an edit i might post late btw)
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morgyn was in a kinda-relationship with caleb before he went to college, btw. kinda meaning they knew each other and and might have had feelings. well, with the feelings still present and the three of them having some type of chemistry, it was agreed for the three of them to date together ^^ Caleb hasn’t decided how he feels about drinking human blood but, he’s trying lol. His plasma trees are bountiful but Nas is being a good bf and just wants to help his bro out. Also, Lilith came to beat up Caleb for ignoring her texts and calls and invites all the damn time (she lowkey harassed him but she just wanted to check on him lol)
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Caleb’s been leveling up his vampire abilities basically; he’s already a grandmaster but he still had shit to learn tbh. Morgyn developed a garden in the back and decided it was a good idea to have a cowplant. The cowplant was adorable (but it ate morgyn and nas twice lol). Also, Morgyn and Nas got closer and decided to become boyfriends as well rather than sharing Caleb uwu ~
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speaking of trying human blood out, Morgyn started volunteering to help Caleb out with that. Turns out he temporarily borrows their magic lol.
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the boys have jobs btw! Nasier is a marine biologist (using his college degree for good use), Caleb went into acting, and Morgyn is a scientist! (still cant believe Caleb’s very first acting gig [shown] was him being Mario. Its funny bc Caleb’s italian lol, but the gig was the vlad straud handyman gig lmao)
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caleb’s early acting gigs were lowkey lame but my favorites were the handyman and pirate gigs tbh o: but here’s a few of his early parts lol. (He started straightening his hair again by the time he was in the apocalyptic movie!)
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they also adopted some pets! Tod is a fox, Sparky is the cat—you can see more of Sparky here c: He’s Morgyn’s familiar hehe. [casually inserts “Fox & the Hound” ref for Tod and Nas lol]
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Morgyn literally is best friends with the damn aliens. These pics are 3 different occasions, and they got abducted six times so far u.u thankfully morgyn is unable to bring any aliens back with them fjhgjhff
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Nasier had leveled up to 10 in his career already and basically was making bank at this point. Caleb won his first award for the apocalypse movie!! and Morgyn was hard at work and building all of the things o:
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After winning his award, Caleb hit career level 10 as an actor and had his acting skill leveled up as well, so he stepped away and went into the medical career (thanks to Mav for the suggestion lmfao). Before starting his new job, the boys went on vacation to Granite Falls. Caleb was moody one day, it thunderstormed the next day (caleb and nas got spooked but morgyn deadass stayed outside to watch the weather). Overall they had fun hehe.
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some time had past, caleb and morgyn bumped up in their careers (while Nas just chills out with his job but uses some of his vacay time to stay home lol).
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When Caleb and Morgyn had a few days off together, Nas used his vacay time and spent the days with them...and in those days, the three decided to get married. The three visited in three different places and collectively proposed; Nas asked Morgyn in Sulani; Nas asked Caleb on Sixam when Morgyn had finally built the wormhole generator; and Caleb asked Morgyn in the realm ♥
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After having 3 beautiful weddings with their close friends and family as the guests, they are honeymooning in Selvadorada—and that’s where I’m at in my game now c:
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I have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot of pictures from this save oml. Most of them are taken with some flare and reshade, some are just screenshots of dumbassery, some are posed with ship aesthetics, some are [ahem] taken with ww lol. But overall, I have spent a solid in-game year in this save 👀👀👀 and i’m nowhere near finished with it hehe. Caleb, Morgyn and Nas have had quite an adventure of bs that I’ve mentioned and PLENTY more that i didn’t wanna ramble on about, but they’ve got a whole life of marriage and more for them :] and I’m excited.
I’m sorry that I keep forgetting to like, actually post shit lol, and I’m sorry this is a halfass attempt to catch everyone up. Only my friends know what’s all been happening through screenshot spam and streaming lol. But it’s been fun. 
I’m gonna go play some more, but I wanted to finally sit and share what’s been up with my game since putting Bloodborn on a hiatus lol. I’ll probably post more once the boys are out of their honeymoon phase uwu ~ 
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barzzal · 3 years
henlo just a shortie psa bc i was mia for almost a month. uni has been a lot for me mid-april til now and finals starts tomorrow so i don’t think i’ll be fully back yet. anw, i still owe some of you blurbs from ww and i’ll post everything as soon as i get back on writing. the same goes with fic updates btw. also, i haven’t checked my notifs and inbox yet so pls don’t feel like i’m ignoring u istg i hate being so busy :<< but yea, i promise i’ll get to it once this semi-hiatus is over. i hope everyone’s well! AND PLS SUPPORT PALESTINE U CAN LEARN MORE ABOUT IT HERE
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lonely-t0wn · 5 years
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Brandon Flowers || The Orpheum || 11-21-19
📸 mzbrightside9381 on instagram
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