#post s7
dangerpronebuddie · 1 month
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I Am What I Am Cause You Trained Me (5k)
"So it's all my fault Christopher’s first instinct is to run?" Eddie protests. “And Shannon's?” "Eddie, you enlisted," Helena says gently, but there's nothing gentle about it. "And Shannon ran off to LA," Ramon adds, oh so helpfully. "And I was ten years old when you told me to step up and be the man of the house because you weren't around," Eddie says, jabbing a finger towards Ramon. Ramon does at least look a little guilty about it. Helena, as always, is undeterred. "He was angry at you, Eddie. He needed his space." "Which I was giving him," Eddie hisses. "You didn't have to take him away for him to get a little space or time or whatever he needed." "He asked us to come get him," Helena reasons. Buck, who'd been quiet so far, steps beside Eddie and speaks, his shoulder brushing Eddie's in silent reassurance. "And you didn't think to at least consider trying to mediate first?"
[read on ao3]
For the @badthingshappenbingo prompt: verbal abuse
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noemitenshi · 5 months
And silently loom the shadows of my past
Summary: Tracy loves to cause mischief - but this time she may have just gone too far
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Troy shouted his daughters name in the way all parents did when they suspected – more than that, were most certainly convinced, at least Troy was, that their kid had done something stupid. And as all kids that most certainly had done something stupid, Tracy did not answer her father's call. "God damn it," Troy muttered. Normally, he'd be charmed by Tracy's antics − but not when it put others in danger. And she most certainly had – put someone in danger.
She knew better than that. He had taught her better than that, god damn it. What the fuck had she been thinking?! Ok, no, that wasn’t any use, getting angry at her, he thought, as he ran restless fingers through his hair. First he needed to know exactly what had happened – though he could guess. Could guess that Tracy had dared Tom (Deborah’s son. Deborah, who was still standing right next to him, equal parts annoyed and worried) to do something dangerous. Because Tom hadn’t been seen for hours. By anyone, if Deborah was to be believed.
It wasn’t the first time those two had done stupid things – to everyone’s sorrow they seemed to have deemed this the most interesting game among themselves; daring one another to do dangerous, forbidden things. Troy had a feeling that Tracy had started it. Their whole dynamic reminded him uncomfortably of himself and Mike—
Russell, unlike Tracy, was quick to follow Troy’s call. Good man. He still wasn’t sure how he’d been lucky enough to find someone like him, but he was glad to. Russell was Troy’s second in command, his most trusted fighter. And he’d earned that title over and over again. Their friendship ran deep – as it tended to do when you’d saved their life and they’d saved yours, over and over again.
Russell came over, his expression telling Troy he was expecting to receive orders. There was a certain tone Troy used when he went into leader mode.
“Any chance you seen Tom?” Troy asked without much hope and Russell shook slowly his head, his eyes sweeping the area. “No,” he said slowly and then, as Troy expected of him, his mind went where Troy’s was, “Tracy…?”
The question didn’t even need asking in its entirety. Troy nodded swiftly.
“We think so. She’s also nowhere to be found.”
Russell didn’t hesitate, radio-ing the rest of their men, urgently.
“We’ll find him,” Troy assured Deborah. She nodded, though didn’t go without a muttered,
“When that boy gets home…”
Troy took this as a good sign. If she could threaten her son, she wasn’t as worried as he’d feared. He, himself, on the other hand, had a very bad feeling about this. Tracy making herself scarce like this meant she knew this one was bad. Or – she was with Tom. On whatever ill-advised adventure they’d cooked up.
And he didn’t know which one to hope for.
They did end up finding Tracy pretty quickly. And it turned out all his instincts had been right and she had done something very stupid. Troy breathed through the urge to grab and shake her, shout at her until she understood what it was their childish games had ended up.
But by the way she looked at him, head tilted towards the ground, her eyes flicking up just for moments at time, looking pointedly away when he caught her gaze, he knew she knew she’d fucked up.
“Where could he have gone?” he pressed out instead, focused on finding Tom, who she’d dared to go outside the fence.
He’d made sure all kids were well-trained – but even so, they were not used to being out on their own. No way to tell they wouldn’t panic or freeze in the face of danger. And though for Troy it was second nature to be outside, he knew it wasn’t for the kids. Even if they’d seen walkers up close, he’d also made sure they knew them, knew how they moved, how to incapacitate them, it was still different when they weren’t chained up. When there weren’t adults around.
“Fucking hell, Trace,” he growled – the only way he allowed himself to show his anger – and she shrank back. “Where do I find him?!”
“I… I don’t know…” she finally whispered her response.
God damn it.
God fucking damn it.
These childish fucking games. He’d known where they led to, he’d fucking known. Why hadn’t he put a stop to it sooner?!
He grimaced, wishing he could hit something. Tracy still looked at him with wide, guilty eyes. If they wouldn’t find Tom in time, it’d be on her conscience. He couldn’t let it.
“Let’s go!” he ground out, turning on his heels and stalking away, expecting both Russell and Tracy to follow.
He went for the dirt bikes. Tom probably didn’t get far, but they still had a lot of area to cover, and most of it wasn’t easily accessible by car – that had been by design. So their camp was well-hid.
“Is… Tom going to die?” his daughter asked, voice timid and almost inaudible. He grit his teeth.
“Not if I’ve got anything to say about it.”
And that was that.
Minutes later they were past the front gates, and they wouldn’t be the only ones, Russell had stayed back to organize a larger search party. But he couldn’t wait around for it, not with such a thing hanging over the conscience of his daughter. They needed to find Tom before something else did.
“Any idea where he could’ve gone?” he shouted over the engine noise over his shoulder. He felt her shake her head against his back. “Think, Trace! Anything you two talked about? Anything he said he was curious about?” He tried to jog her memory – if there even was one – while the world flew past them, his sharp eye sweeping the area, again and again – he wouldn’t want to miss anything.
Then, Tracy’s arms around his middle tightened, and he turned his focus back to her, just before she whispered a hesitant,
“Dad… the stream. I think he went to the stream…”
Troy had already turned the bike around, not waiting for her to finish the question, then relayed the information to Russell. Tracy’s grip on him was still tight, tight.
He started at the closest point to their camp, driving upstream. Tracy was leaning to the side, probably so she could watch their surroundings, too. Could catch sight of Tom, if there was any. Hopefully Tracy was right with her guess. Hopefully Tom hadn’t strayed too far.
“There!” Tracy’s trembling voice rang out – firmer now. Troy had already seen it, too, a little dam made out of stray branches in the stream. Something a kid would do. And a bit further away he could see a fresh path trampled into the undergrowth. He tucked his lips under his teeth, a subconscious gesture of concentration, and sped along that path—only to come to an abrupt stop when he saw two figures – fighting. The smaller one had to be Tom, or at least some other kid, not big enough to be an adult. The other was, though, the one pulling and dragging at Tom, while he tried to kick and bite this unknown figure.
So it wasn’t a walker then. A walker would’ve chomped down already. The unknown figure turned their head, just a quick look backwards, before trying to hurry Tom along even more insistently. And for a second Troy thought he knew that figure. Maybe it was the hair, or the build, or maybe the semblance of her profile…whatever it was, for a second he thought he’d seen a vision of his past. Or a nightmare.
For a second he’d thought this was Madison.
He used to see her in every flash of blonde hair, in every slender figure, in every blue-eyed woman… back then, when he’d barely survived her at the dam. He used to see her everywhere for years. But not for a while now. Not in the last few. Not since… Tracy?
But that couldn’t be. It couldn’t be because she was dead, his mind playing tricks on him again. He must’ve been more apprehensive than he’d thought about Tom vanishing like he had, why else would his mind show him a ghost of his past.
All of that only lasted for a second, a slight hesitation, then the gun was in his hand and a shot rang out.
The figure keeled over and Tom ran. Good boy. Tracy started to run, too, no doubt trying to get to Tom, but Troy caught up with her in long strides, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Stay,” he hissed, and she nodded with wide eyes, chastised. That was why he didn’t want kids out alone, they weren’t yet able to adhere to all the rules, all those things that would keep them alive. Too easily distracted. He pressed a gun into her hand – no way to know if this woman had been alone and he’d be damned if he left his daughter unprotected. Then he ran towards Tom, towards this woman. Whatever she had planned with Tom, he had to know. Had to know if she’d acted alone. If they were in danger.
Tom ran towards him, too, and seconds later was wrapped around Troy’s legs.
“Go to Tracy,” Troy whispered, tone tense. He had no time to soothe him, though Tom looked like he needed it.
Later. There was time for this, later.
The woman was half-crawling, half-dragging herself away from Troy, leaving a bloody trail behind. He was able to block her path only moments later. That stopped her pitiful attempts to get away and she raised her head. His breath caught in his throat and the blood in his veins turned to ice.
“…Madison?” he whispered in a voice that didn’t sound like his.
“You?!” Her voice very much sounded like her. Angry and ready to fight. Though there was a slight tremor in it, too. And when she’d spoken he’d seen her bloody teeth, the blood welling in her mouth. He’d at least damaged the lungs. It wasn’t likely that she’d make it.
He knelt down, to her eye level.
“What the fuck are you doing, stealing kids?” he asked. She glared at him.
“As if… you haven’t done worse.” Her breathing was labored, and she ended up coughing after that sentence. It wracked her body and it looked like she’d lose her balance, fall. He caught her.
“In fact, I haven’t,” he informed her while his arms steadied her. Kids were off limits. Especially when they weren’t doing anything threatening. He couldn’t imagine that Tom had threatened her.
God, this felt unreal. Of course it did. He’d thought her dead. The nightmare of his past. But here she was, alive.
He almost felt like moving to stop the bleeding. It wouldn’t help, though. Not for long.
What was she doing, stealing kids?! Was this the same Madison that had whacked him for… for what, actually? Being a perceived danger to her kids? Out of morality?
“… I thought I killed you.”
Of course she didn’t answer his question. Still playing her games, still trying to have the upper hand. Not this time, though. This time she’d lose. Her shirt was already soaked through.
She knew it, too. It was in her tone, still angry but now, now there was surrender in it, as well.
“Next time you’d best stay to make sure, huh? My ability to survive is unparalleled.”
“I will,” she whispered. He almost didn’t understand her, with how much she was coughing up blood. It wouldn’t take long now.
“Why did you try to take Tom? What do you do with the kids?” That was a guess, that she’d taken more. She hadn’t contradicted him on it before. And she didn’t now, either. Instead some of her fight returned and she hissed,
“Why do you care?!”
Hissed it like she didn’t believe he did, and blamed him for it. His lack of caring. He had no intention of getting drawn into her bullshit.
“Does it matter?” he asked pointedly. She was dying after all. He cared or he didn’t, it would be irrelevant to her in a few short minutes. He couldn’t help himself though and added, “Tell yourself… I’ll save them.”
She laughed, short and ugly and he smirked in return. It didn’t last for long because then she was coughing again. Longer this time. He waited for it to ease.
“What happens to them, Madison?” he asked again, serious now. Commanding. She felt her life drain from her. What would it matter if she told him, indeed. So she did, all the while telling herself he’d save those kids.
He’d saved this one from her, after all, hadn’t he.
-The end-
Or more like, the beginning. Of course Troy now sets his eyes on P.A.D.R.E., mobilizing his entire force to save the kids and their parents. And he gets a neat little compound out of it, too. The people from his past he'd run into doing that (e.g. Luciana, Daniel, ..?) could still be assholes to him, but this time most would get around to seeing he has changed. And/or they operate on the principle of 'better the devil you know'.
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lionguarded · 1 year
[ dress ]   your muse having mine dress up in lingerie. (Dante)
@ofwings-andclaws; urmmm did this escalate? yep. to my defense.. we know silas struggles with sexy clothes ahaha
mother nature could fuckin' fuck herself.
seriously, though.
silas was not joking, nor was he just ... angry at her. it was so much more than that. so. much. more. anguish. he felt anguish & it was her fault, entirely. she brought dante into his life, she made silas so he couldn't withstand, so he couldn't free himself from the alpha's grasp - no matter how hard he struggled. life within dante's bed was so much warmer than away. but he struggled nonetheless. he'd ... knelt - submitted his very self to him.
yet dante always found something else to demand, every glimmer of pride silas found within himself quickly dimmed & the omega was angry. like the cage wasn't torment enough - dante wasn't sated. he never was. the day dante found complete & utter satisfaction would surely go down in new haven's history.
"c'mon cariño. just once, it'll look good on you. try it on. you can take it off if you don't like it."
....dante said. well, his alpha was a little fuckin' shit of an alpha & one day... one fucking day silas would really punch him in his stupidly handsome face. until then, though.. well. he'd ... comply. what else was he supposed to do? how could he possibly deny him that request when he sat there... on their bed, shimmering crimson in his direction. fuck him, sideways. all the fuckin' ways.
sindra would have a fuckin' field day if he knew the lengths silas went to please his dumbass idiot of an alpha. you never tried to please me, he could practically hear him say. yeah, well - dante wasn't .... ugh. he was a douche & silas wanted to strangle him on the regular, but .. it was different than in the royal city.
which was the only reason he.... left the bathroom. yes, he'd fuckin' undressed in private. fuck everybody who had a problem with that. silas had only few qualms about his body, or nudity - his issue was what he was supposed to wear. that ...thing.
it was light fuckin' purple.
"lavender's gonna look great on you."
leaving the bathroom... was ..not easy. silas was seething when he did, brows furrowed hard - that stupid piece of cloth, which .. wasn't much at all & his backside saw even less fabric than the front. where did he even... get this? & why? what had he done to anger him into asking him to wear this? hadn't he suffered enough?
fuck you, mother nature. i mean it. set a foot on earth, you're dead.
the grin on the alpha's face... gods, he was begging for a good, hard punch. one that made his teeth creak in terror. "happy?" low rumble. he was not ... happy. not at all.
"c'mon, turn around. let me see the other side."
..... mother nature, why are you testing my self-control? i'm trying to cut back on the bloodshed.
he tur—
......deep breath. he turned around ...slower.
stop being cute. i hate you. the purr he could hear across the damn fuckin' room wouldn't save dante's hide when he was dressed again. silas didn't like thongs. he didn't get their purpose - no matter how often dante explained - in vivid detail & with examples for practical experience. he didn't... get what was wrong with just... taking off his briefs instead. then again... it was dante. he hardly made sense.
"on the bed. arch."
oh, how silas wished he could claim he didn't know what that meant. but dante had been very thorough in his ....education & unfortunately for him, silas was a good study & while dante fiddled with something behind him, he... climbed on the bed to ... arch. the mattress dipped under the alpha's weight, but otherwise ... he was quiet, his hands exploring. as if to emphasize how important this was, his hands solemnly focused on his bottom half, gracefully ignoring his front - not that there would be much use for attention with the cage in place - but still.
naked palm laid flat against an ass cheek & squeezed not-so-gently, but when he pulled away... the other found the same cheek, only this time... leather met skin in frenzy. slap.
... he wouldn't dare.
mother nature, just tell me what i did? i can fix this.
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911bts · 1 month
911onabc: How many takes does it take to shoot a scene for #911onABC? 🤣
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billiewena · 5 months
thinking about how the only time bobby and cas interact in season four is when he knocks him out cold to talk to dean alone. and the next time bobby sees him, cas is powerless and just comes to steal dean's necklace in a weird interaction that had to be filmed close-up because dean and cas are just inches from each other's face. the next time is an offscreen interaction where he just gets dean's address from bobby and probably left immediately after. combine this with the fact that bobby knew dean had a male siren the season before (and tried to be supportive) and let cas be in the family photo a few episodes later, there is a nonzero chance bobby singer was the first destiel shipper.
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watchyourbuck · 6 months
I don’t think yall understand how meaningful it is to have Oliver say “when you close your eyes it all feels the same” (kissing on screen). The fact that he doesn’t laugh it off, or say he had to push through it, or that it was a little weird like other actors have in the past is so incredibly important. This is him portraying a character and his sexuality, and it’s so validating to have the actor do his job the way Oliver has, in such a caring, positive way. It’s the feeling of finally belonging, of blending in when you’ve been marginalized and picked out all your life. Love is love, and a kiss is just a kiss.
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aaronsinferno · 4 months
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Hope this helps 🫶🏾❤️
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heaveniowa · 1 month
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“buffy ended the show single :)” ok but only because her current love interest just DIED!! (he near quite literally died in her arms! in sacrifice for her!) her last words of the entire series were telling him she loves him and then saying his name in admiration. she isn’t single; she’s a widow.
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beets · 5 months
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baby, bi bi bi
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rancidsugar · 8 months
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ashiyn · 1 year
guess who started watching a few new s7 povs
song: william tell overture: final - rossini
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basslinegrave · 2 months
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#considered posting this to my 'main' for a second but then realized i just post most ship art here so it goes here.#now the real question should i use the main tags or stick to a ship tag. but i think the tags might be empty anyway so dont mind if i do#my art#monarch a trois#dr. girlfriend#henchman 21#the monarch#dr mrs the monarch#uhhhh#venture bros#vbros#ask to tag#im new here i have no idea what tags to use 🫡#i mainly just wanted to draw them all together cause yknow. they could be a thing#so yeah this is ship art but take it however you want#ALSO i got very lazy with the clothes and coloring i honestly just wanted to do a pose like this and then didnt really want to think abt#the clothes and then when it came to coloring i considered leaving them in all black but it was hard to see them then#so i added a tiny bit of color after having this sit in my files for over a week#i want to draw them more but i have no ideas at all im just imagining them having like movie nights whenever they can nd stuff#i loved how domestic the show got to depict them being somehow. injecting the scenes where theyre in their kitchen into my bloodstream#but now that sheila isnt a part of the villain trio its like ough... leaving the boys home alone in their r/malelivingspace#garys s7 room 💀#also i cropped this cause i could not be bothered to draw shoes. i actually drew them for dr gf and monarch but i gave up on garys#<- has not drawn shoes in months because of liking cartoon animals that dont wear them
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911bts · 3 months
911onabc: Setting the record straight – @/oliverstarkk IS British, has always been British, and will always be British. #911onABC
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watchyourbuck · 5 months
On a more serious note I actually feel so bad for younger Tommy bc he’s out and proud now but we all saw how they treated queer people at the 118 before our team got there, and how he must’ve experienced hate all throughout the Academy, and maybe at other firehouses too and god the actual army, and idk it’s easier now for me to see why he acted the way he did in the earlier episodes and how he must’ve felt pressured and weird and alone and how I just know he looks up to Hen so much and im a mess rn
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meep-meep-richie · 4 months
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i guess i can only hope to find something that good
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