#post menopause hair loss
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torontobeautyclinic · 3 days ago
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Struggling with hair loss? Stop it now with our powerful hair treatment designed for a receding hairline! Our proven formula nourishes your scalp, strengthens follicles, and promotes regrowth for thicker, healthier hair. Say goodbye to thinning and regain confidence with visible results. Don’t wait—restore your hairline today with the treatment that truly works! See more https://www.torontobeautyclinic.ca/hair-loss
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covid-safer-hotties · 5 months ago
Also preserved in our archive
by Lydia Wilkins
“Come back to me when you start wanting children,” my gynecologist said. I had asked about the implications on fertility, thanks to my Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) diagnosis — and was dismissed once again. It enveloped me with such despair.
For over two years I was shunted between varying medical offices, from primary care to an STI clinic. Among many disabling symptoms, I was experiencing hair loss and excessive hair growth along my jawline since my SARS-C0V-2 infection. After developing Long COVID in March 2022, doctors considered me a “medical curiosity” and tested me endlessly, leading to wrong diagnosis after wrong diagnosis. I was prescribed medication after medication, but nothing seemed to help.
Eventually, I added another diagnosis to my chart when I was diagnosed with PCOS by a gynecologist. The hormonal condition is lifelong, presenting with symptoms such as excessive hair, hair loss, fatigue, and irregular periods. The World Health Organization recognizes PCOS as a leading cause of infertility; you are also at risk of other conditions such as diabetes. The gynecologist additionally said there was a possibility that I have endometriosis, in which tissue from the uterus grows in places where it should not be. Endometriosis is recognized for extreme levels of life-impacting pain and is also associated with infertility.
The impact of Long COVID on sexual health is still not fully known, but there are serious signs of sexual and reproductive health being impacted. To be a disabled woman who has to advocate for herself, with the research, in the face of medical indifference is beyond exhausting. At every stage, I have correctly diagnosed myself, while specialists would play “catch-up.”
Why are medical experts and public health officials not sounding the alarm, to warn the public about the impact of Long COVID on fertility?
Like COVID-19 which leaves inflammation in its wake, PCOS is also thought to be an inflammation-related condition. PCOS is primarily a hormonal condition that impacts an estimated one in ten women and may put you at higher risk of severe COVID-19, according to research. PCOS can also make it more difficult to get pregnant, or, like endometriosis, increase complications during pregnancy.
I still have so many questions, such as if there is anything I could do now to mitigate the chronic nature of PCOS. Yet, doctors continually fob off these questions, shrouding me in a patronizing expectation of “having to wait until you start having children,” as if once I am interested in children, I will gain admission to an elite secret club of better care.
The UK campaigning group Long COVID Kids has documented the wider impact of Long COVID on reproductive health — such as changes to menstruation and triggering menopause. The same post also points to a study of the negative impact on ovarian function, along with other triggered conditions such as ovarian cysts.
A Patient-Led Research Collaborative review also found that women with Long Covid had increased rates of reproductive health issues — including, but not limited to, endometriosis, infertility, ovarian cysts, and other conditions. The review also mentioned another condition I am waiting to be tested for, after two years of misdiagnosis — POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). Why are these conditions not considered in tandem with each other, to save time and needless testing that causes nothing but distress?
We also know that COVID-19 tends to disrupt menstruation, as well as “fertility potential.” COVID-19 impacts male fertility, too, reducing sperm counts even after mild infections and causing erectile dysfunction. Some people with Long COVID are opting out of having children altogether, because of the strain of delivery and childbearing to the body, or because of the inability to raise or financially support a child.
Before catching COVID-19, I was bouncy, energetic, and socially confident. I had never had any notable health issues; now, my hair falls out in clumps, enough that my hairdresser has adapted to hide the thinning hairline. Excessive hair growth dominates my jawline and eyebrows. There’s also acne, dark spots of skin, and tense bloating warranting “she’s pregnant!” commentary from friends, family, and colleagues. There are few resources on how to cope with such an overwhelming diagnosis and aftermath.
I have been disabled from birth — but attempting to access reproductive healthcare with Long COVID has been a rough learning experience. Thanks to a litany of traumatic experiences when seeking relief from Long COVID, I am now obliged to take a chaperone with me to all medical appointments. Medical professionals speak to my chaperone as if they are the patient — “what can I do to help?”
We are told we have to trust medical professionals — but that trust is a privilege not afforded to disabled people in healthcare settings.
I, in turn, am the “sweetheart” spoken at with “the voice.” Disabled people everywhere know it — slow and childlike, patronizing and loud. I am not afforded dignity or privacy as a result. Other professionals have asked for free disability education instead of discussing my symptoms; it’s an inappropriate presumption, as well as beyond bitterly distressing.
My care was also marked by desexualization, or being reduced to the presumed state of a child. Doctors assumed, “she’s disabled — so she won’t be interested in any of that,” as Lucy Webster documented in her book, The View From Down Here.
Disabled women learn to suppress our anger to achieve any kind of diagnostic result, never “speaking to” the weighted horror. We have dreams, too — but they are tempered by societal commentary, both inside and outside a medical setting. I used to dream of an ordinary life, maybe a life of growing old with a partner, a house, a family in some way. Now, I realize it would be a privilege to not be questioned about these wants or to not be subject to constant commentary.
Women have long been advocating for better reproductive healthcare in the Western world; PCOS has long been misunderstood, with treatment often merely consisting of being told, “just lose weight.” A lack of curiosity has written off reproductive healthcare as only “a woman’s issue” for far too long.
More research on the emerging connection between reproductive health and Long COVID is needed, as is a deliberate culture shift in any caring profession. That can only start with education aimed at ending ingrained stigma. Health is a collective concept — and if we forget that, the pandemic has taught us nothing.
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grison-in-space · 1 year ago
sorry I know this was not your point in the intersex post but I was wondering how you deal with your facial hair? I'm a cis woman and have lots of chin and facial hair (not to mention absurd body hair, as well as progressive hair loss on my head) and it's been pretty devastating for my self esteem. I have never been a beauty and now that chronic illness and age is catching up to me I have a hard time not feeling subhuman (the debilitating anxiety does not help).
My doctor insists I don't have PCOS and that my hormones are normal after multiple tests and 2nd opinions I've gotten have said the same. I tried laser and it seemed to make it worse, and I liked electrolysis and did many sessions over six months but it's not affordable to me at the moment and it seems it's all grown back? But it's been a few years so maybe it's just new growth. I am hoping to restart the electrolysis if I ever get close to having a comfortable financial situation again lol.
I find shaving it feels awful, the stubble is painful and I have a five o clock shadow like 2 hours later, but spending 30 minutes plucking every day is also not fun. Waxing just always rips off my skin and misses enough hairs to be annoying, even when I've gotten it professionally done.
It's absolutely driving me mad but it feels like I have no options to do anything about it.
I am so sorry, Anon: the chin and neck hair hits me in a bad sensory place as much as or more so than the visual side of it, so I compulsively pluck it as it appears. (I pretty much ignore everywhere else.)
My experience with laser hair was that it at least lightened and softened the hairs that were produced where I had it as a teenager, which makes plucking feel less necessary. Occasionally I contemplate one of those at home laser hair kits, but I've never actually gotten around to grabbing one.
That said, the level of androgenization you're describing is absolutely high enough to be worth seeking care for. Check whether your insurance has provisions for gender affirming care. You may also be a good candidate for spironolactone (for the thinning hair) or HRT, particularly if you're post menopausal. You're probably still going to be grappling with hair until you can do another electrolysis or laser session, but those should help you with keeping facial hair from coming back.
Have you seen a dedicated endocrinologist? It's also worth seeking an expert opinion, because the specific suite of symptoms you're describing certainly do sound like something unusual is going on whether or not it's PCOS.
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clownsnake · 7 months ago
guys. Astarion wasn’t literally considered a child when he was 30. Among elves he was clearly seen as Of Age to do adult things like drink and live independently and fuck and pay taxes. its just that elves have a stupid extra concept of adulthood that doesn’t MEAN adulthood in a literal sense. has nothing to do with physical or brain development. not even necessarily emotional development, but it kind of is depending on how u interpret it, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
basically elves in the forgotten realms trance instead of sleep (we know this) and until around age 110, during their trances they “dream” of their past lives (I’ve only seen a few ppl who know this, but idk if they also knew it stops at a certain age). They then stop dreaming of their past lives naturally, and it’s generally considered kinda traumatic to go through bc well. you’re losing what has been a fundamental part of yourself for so long.
I interpret that as being like a “shared trauma maturation stage” where instead of elves brains literally becoming more adult, losing the guidance of their past lives feels like more of a final step towards independence to them. and adulthood is just the closest social experience to this stage of being “truly on your own”
around 30-40 they get a “first reflection”, which is when their dreams start having experiences from their current life. (Makes sense for Astarion having a dream about Cazador in origin runs that prompts the biting scene) And then the loss of past life memories at 100-110 is called the drawing of the veil.
Tl;dr Astarion was a young adult by elf standards stop infantilizing him PLEASE
Getting into headcanon land now, feel free to draw your own conclusions from here.
i imagine older elves kind of have a sense of being more “mature” than under-110 elves in the way tht people comparing their trauma tend to do. Like “u think ur so smart and worldly but you haven’t even been through half the shit I’ve been through.” PATRONIZING that’s the word I’m looking for, it’s patronizing. And since every elf goes through this, they just kind of assume that yeah, going through this trauma/emotional loss IS a big step towards being a full adult. so it’s like if the concept of adult had a Pokémon evolution that didn’t involve getting wrinkly and hair loss and going through menopause or erectyle dysfunction. Adult 1.5 steam update.
I have no clue if Astarion would have the drawing of the veil as an undead elf. The fact that he even has dreams shows that being revived as a vampire keeps certain bodily functions running, mainly anything relating to the brain and consciousness, but idk if it would keep him physically at 30 or let his brain change.
Although hold on, in the epilogue where you’re a mind flayer and considering eating Astarions brain, you get narration that’s like “ooohh his brain part that handles senses must be sooo wrinkly” which would only be caused by the shit he went through post-vampirification. Meaning his brain Would be able to change and “mature”. But that’s also just an assumption that mindflayer!tav/durge is making.
k I looked it up. The exact quote is “Astarion’s sweet brain may be a bit less wrinkled than the rest, but you hunger for its teasing cells. His parietal lobe - which controls his sense of touch - will be an aphrodisiac in your maw.” Hilarious, he canonically gets called smooth brain. Anyway if u kill him I don’t think you get to eat his brain, withers just banishes you asap lmao. So we don’t actually know if his parietal lobe changed over his un-life! I’d wager it did though, based on his “don’t touch me” selection line (and probably some other lines hinting towards over-sensitivity tht im forgetting). And change caused by external trauma vs change caused by aging is different anyway.
no conclusion wrt to if he’d reach the drawing of the veil or not. Does it even matter? He’s still the same adult man, who’s gone through far worse hardships than losing memories of his past lives. If he lost his past life dreams too, well then I don’t think that’d make much of a difference for him.
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astrogirlythings · 8 months ago
My PCOS journey:
Vulnerabilities and all.
The biggest problem with new age women's health issues is that even many women fail to empathize with them. How can we expect men to empathize with women's health?
When I talk about women's health I don't mean "PERIODS" or "PTSD Post pregnancy" or "MENOPAUSE".. There are so many health issues that are not being talked about enough (at least from where I'm from 😒). Starting with a few - PCOS, PCOD, Thyroid, Hormonal imbalance and other lifestyle diseases. Not to mention that they have no cure and the only solution we have is to manage it and its symptoms.
While fighting with its symptoms.. one of the biggest things that helped me overcome my PCOS and Hormonal imbalance is some much needed moral support. Of course strength training, diet, 8 hours of sleep, managing stress and having a positive mind too.. but being surrounded by those who make an effort to understand ur health is a blessing.
I suffered excessive hair loss and weight gain and as a woman I've been constantly reminded that those "Assets" (Head full of hair and a slim figure) are the only things that add value to me and my existence.. and it's messed up how even the most educated are unaware about women's health.
Truth be told, I've spent years of my life picking up my pieces and reconstructing myself emotionally, mentally and physically. The sleepless nights I had were consumed by me obsessing about my body, its image and how it was perceived by everyone around me. The world has successfully convinced me that I am nothing without this so called "Perfect body". I lost many opportunities because of my negative body image. Deep down I knew that I am smart, creative, funny, kind and I am also known to be a good friend. But people succeeded in making me feel less than what I am.
As I write this, I want to convey that you are not alone. I believe that I am not the only one feeling this way.
Being surrounded by people who truly make an effort to understand ur health and ur erratic mood swings (because of ur health) is a huge blessing.. God knows that I want that in my life. Everyone wants to feel empathised and if u don't have someone that empathises with ur health.. I hope my empathy towards women's health helped u.
I am now 27 years old and I have finally succeeded in managing my PCOS symptoms (Physical and mental symptoms) after struggling with them for the past 9 years. Yup.. I lost most of my 20s to PCOS and I am cautiously optimistic that the struggle is over now. And even if it comes back.. at least I know how to deal with it.
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mothmvn · 2 months ago
please be more educated about menopause. it’s very different for women than you’d described. sure, it can be similar but boys don’t have to deal with the death and failure of one of their important organs - the uterus, etc, is the only organ that we give up on.
menopause research is underfunded, but not nearly underfunded as erectile dysfunction or the issues that men deal with. women’s healthcare is routinely swept under the rug and I really hope you’d comprehend that. please check your privilege. not everything is as simple as “oh I’m turning into a boy! this is my chance to understand them!” no, boys don’t have the risk of osteoporosis that women going through menopause due. women experience a severe decline in their bone density and under performance in many vital areas of their body during and after menopause.
you can’t excuse male behavior by comparing it to a debilitating biological experience. I know you’re a man (or he/him aligned) from your profile so you may just be undereducated but your post comparing a boy’s experience with puberty to menopause is grossly disrespectful and an oversimplification. would you say that to your grandma or your mom while she goes through menopause? please go read up on menopause.
idk what you think happens to transgender men as we grow old, but i'm very familiar with menopause - i'm going to experience it one way or another. all trans people with ovaries eventually do, provided we live long enough to have age-related menopauses. in addition, many transgender people get their ovaries removed (many people get total hysterectomies!), which gives them osteoporosis risks that they have to mitigate with HRT for the rest of their lives... just like a cisgender woman post-menopause. calling it a "women's health issue" kinda ignores my actual life, and my future as a trans man (complete with menopause)!
anyway, i wrote that post because i think it's funny that my body is physically experiencing a combination of menopause and male puberty - there's a lot of common symptoms! hot flashes, irritability, body hair, thinner hair, facial hair, sweat, wetness, libido, dryness, loss of flexibility, rougher skin, lower voice... that's what higher testosterone does to a body. and i'm neither a teenage cis boy nor a menopausal cis woman, so which is it when MY body does that?
i'm kinda midway between puberty and menopause in age. HRT is putting my body through a years-long puberty, which includes many of the effects that await me at menopause. i'm getting a headstart on all that shit my mom and aunties warned me will happen in my 50s -- or do i suddenly understand cis guys' complaints from their puberty years? or is it both?? do you see what i mean? it's funny when you're me!
all i think is that it's weird the two don't get compared more often, really
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contentment-of-cats · 1 year ago
Pandemic pantry now past-tense
I was raised by a family that had food scarcity trauma. My maternal grandmother was so malnourished as a child that she developed rickets. My maternal grandfather routinely had to go out and shoot his breakfast post-1906 earthquake. My paternal grandmother was from coal country, so malnourished as a child that she never exceeded being 4 ft 10 in tall and bow-legged from rickets as well. My paternal grandfather, despite living in a thriving metropolis was just three generations removed from the potato famine that sent his survivor ancestor across the Atlantic.
These are people who survived first World War, the 1918 influenza, the Great Depression, and the second World War. In particular, my maternal grandparents went through the Great Depression with young children. For all of these people, food was love. A full pantry and refrigerator, plus a freezer chest in the basement meant that the hard times would at least have a cushion. Hunting meant that you didn't have to rely on money for the butcher. A garden next to the house supplied fruit and vegetables.
My pandemic pantry grew out of my emergency food, since I live in earthquake country. I was better prepared than a lot of people, but I also had that generational paranoia about an empty shelf. I kept well-stocked until after I had received my vaccines. Then I started to gradually dwindle the stockpile and replace it with fresher items.
Then in October of 2021, I wasn't feeling too good. I've had a diagnosis of fibromyalgia since 2007. I understood not feeling good, but this was a new level. I was told that it was probably menopause and the fact that I was exercising a lot at home. Never mind that my periods had stopped when I was 52. I couldn't eat. The fatigue was so intense that I would actually fall asleep if I sat down. In my home office, I stood up and paced in order to stay awake. Finally in March of 2022, everything came to a head, and came to a stop. I had stage 4 colon cancer and a 10 cm tumor in my gut.
From my first week on chemotherapy and radiation I could not eat. I was hospitalized for dehydration due to the vomiting and diarrhea. The next five weeks were a fine line between killing the patient, and killing the cancer that was killing the patient. My diet consisted of saltine crackers, soda water, baby food packets, and little else. When I would go in for my chemotherapy treatments, they made sure to give me a small enough dose of steroids that I would get hungry on top of a big dose of Zofran to stamp down the nausea. I remember the infusion clinic tuna fish sandwiches very fondly. Usually the steroids would stick with me long enough to get another meal down when I got home.
Even after I finished chemotherapy in August of 2022, chemotherapy was not finished with me. It stayed in my body for weeks afterwards. I was still losing weight, my hair was still falling out. I hadn't needed to trim my nails or shave my legs for months. Then I had the big operation in November with a full hysterectomy, a ureter and bladder resection, a colon resection, and an ileostomy. I still couldn't eat. The weight loss continued even after the resection was opened and the ileostomy closed in February of 2023.
During all that time the pantry just sat there and gathered dust. Some of it expired. In March of this year I started using bits and pieces because my appetite had started to come back slowly. I rapidly found out there were many things that I had enjoyed previously that I could no longer eat. Bit by bit I emptied that pantry, thinking of my grandparents, and even my mother and aunts, ever paranoid about food and having a conflicting relationship with it to the point of disordered eating. I thought about my own relationship with food, and being a size 3 in my twenties. Sometimes you face your demons, other times you vomit them out, other times you eat them.
Emptying my pandemic pantry by box and by can has been another part of my journey. As someone who was divorced from food for so long, much of my enjoyment has returned. I appreciate being able to eat more than I ever did before. I appreciate not only the opportunity, but the ability. Now that my pantry is empty, I'm thinking about what to stock it up with. I won't put anything in it just for the sake of having it, or filling an empty space. Each box and can must have a purpose, must be appreciated and enjoyed.
So today, I am going to make one of my grandfather's favorites. Creamed chipped beef on toast with an egg over easy, coffee, and a glass of orange juice. You're never going to find an epicurean or a gourmet tucking into this modest breakfast made with dried beef and canned milk. I have always enjoyed it though, and appreciate the history that brings it to my table today.
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silvergeek · 7 months ago
For anyone in the USA:
Look guys, I need you to please not ignore this post.
Please go to the link and contact your representative. Please ask them to vote to pass the house Menopause bill. Please. I'm begging you on a personal level.
Trying to get satisfactory medical treatment has been emotionally challenging. My GP, psychiatrist, and even my gynecologist, have extremely limited knowledge on how to treat perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms.
These symptoms are NOT just physical. They also affect women on a psychological/emotional level.
When estrogen decreases, so does serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and even endorphins. My symptoms have included chronic insomnia, night sweats, hot flashes, dry/bleeding skin, hair loss, air hunger, sleep disordered breathing, heart palpitations, as well as sudden onset of anxiety and depression without any direct cause.
My doctors are **confounded** and it has been four years of not getting proper treatment. I have even dealt with some nasty, dismissive attitudes from doctors. Why? Because next to NO research exists to back up the very common symptoms I am bringing to them.
They need MORE training, across all specialist fields! Please pass this bill. We need more research and better training.
Please don't ignore this. Please scroll down and contact ypur rep and ask them to vote to pass the bill. I don't care if you hate your rep (I hate all of mine). Ask them anyway.
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mossbark · 2 years ago
You are defining "gender affirming care" and "care trans people receive" and the people on the post are defining it as "care which is sought out and used to affirm one's gender".
You are correct that Viagra and HRT for menopausal cis woman are not medically exactly equivalent to HRT for trans people, but that is not the point being argued. The point being argued is that cis people also take medical actions that are primarily to make them feel better in their gender.
It is similar to the common point that a cis woman with a moustache who does laser hair removal for it is doing so because a moustache does not fit her idea of her own gender presentation; this is the same reason a trans woman might get laser hair removal.
"The point being argued is that cis people also take medical actions that are primarily to make them feel better in their gender."
The point I am actually making is that cis people are not taking Viagra or estrogen to primarily affirm their gender. They are taking them to correct symptoms of physiological dysfunction. This isn't a hard distinction to grasp.
"I can't maintain an erection, which makes sexual intimacy difficult if not impossible. (And/or) I also have concerns about high blood pressure." Viagra.
"I am suffering from fatigue, hot flashes, hair loss, osteoporosis, insomnia, unstable mood, and pain during sexual intercourse due to my body's natural hormonal cycle being discontinued as I age." Estrogen for menopause. Also, for what it's worth, there are numerous physiological risks associated with being estrogen-deficient long-term, including an increased risk of dementia.
I think it is utterly out of touch, and uncompassionate, to completely ignore all these symptoms so these treatments can be framed as being about gender identity instead of physical day-to-day functioning. Again, I cannot overstate, I am in favor of gender-affirming therapies for those who want them, but it is crucial to understand why it isn't fair, accurate, or helpful to declare apples are really oranges because they're both round fruits. Overlap can exist between treatment outcomes, but that doesn't make the treatment the same.
While I agree cis women, trans women, and anyone else who gets LHR (edit: Lazer hair Removal) likely do so for the same reasons, you're again comparing apples to oranges by saying medical intervention is similar to a cosmetic procedure. You can also get into a discussion that goes beyond the scope of this conversation about drawing the line between personal aesthetic and gender presentation, which I would argue is what most cis people are actually experiencing in these given contexts as opposed to gender dysphoria. A woman who feels ugly because her skin is wrinkling and her hair is falling out is experiencing body dysmorphia, a diagnostic category that can overlap with gender dysphoria, but also includes eating disorders. If this same women declared she felt like less of a woman because she doesn't feel beautiful, you should probably have the empathy to understand she isn't declaring she doesn't truly feel misaligned with her gender identity, but is lamenting her appearance. These are fundamentally different experiences that due to the limitations of language, may be expressed verbally in similar ways. Also, I think the discomfort *most* presented in the initial argument is wildly overstated.
My biggest contention with everyone who has engaged with my perspective is that they are prioritizing gender expression, which is reflective of their own lived experiences, over the realities of these given diagnoses. It amounts to speaking over the lived experience of patients. To put it in perspective for you, how does this argument break down if a trans woman has ED, but wants to have PIV sex with her partner? What if a transgender man, who realized his identity later in life and does not want to seek transition, suffers from osteoporosis after entering menopause, and opts for estrogen therapy to reduce bone loss? In these situations, the argument breaks down and is no longer about affirming gender. The ultimate point I am making, simply put, is that treatments meant to restore bodily function are not the same as gender-affirming care because of coincidental overlap. The targeted symptoms are different, and it is a blatant misrepresentation to claim that cis people seek out these treatments primarily to feel better aligned with their gender.
Its popular on this website to demonize the fields of psychology and psychiatry, because I suppose they can feel restrictive to people who are untrained and uneducated on why we abide by the DSM and other treatment guidelines. This conversation is a perfect example of why it requires a master's or above to even get a job in the field. It requires critical thinking, good judgement, scientific integrity, and a solid understanding to tease out the nuances of why one diagnosis over another. I think it has become common to assume bigotry is at the root of every distinction, and sometimes it is, but this particular subject is not one to take at face value.
Hopefully this clarifies why I think this conversation is getting redundant, because at the end of the day, it's an argument the OP admitted is based on their personal politics and desire to push social boundaries rather than an understanding of how the human body works.
TL;DR not everything is the same and it doesn't have to be.
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torontobeautyclinic · 5 days ago
How Post Hair Transplant PRP Treatment Helps Your Hair Grow After Transplant
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Are you experiencing hair loss? Hair transplant surgery can be an ideal solution for you. However, including Post hair transplant PRP treatment can enhance the results and accelerate your hair growth.
Post Hair Transplant PRP Treatment: A Natural Approach To Hair Growth
PRP therapy leverages the body's natural healing mechanisms. The Platelets (tiny blood cells) contain a wealth of growth factors, injected into the scalp. It can:
Improve blood flow to the hair follicles, nourishing them with essential nutrients and oxygen.
Promote faster healing of the scalp after the transplant procedure
Make transplanted hair follicles stronger and enhance their survival rate and reduce the risk of hair loss.
Encourage the growth of new hair from the existing treated area
Combining PRP With Hair Transplantation Creates A Powerful Synergy:
Enhanced Graft Survival: With PRP, the transplanted hair follicles can be restored effectively in their existing area.
Improved Hair Density: PRP ensures denser and more natural-looking hair growth
Reduced Healing Time: PRP accelerates the healing process. It ensures that you can get back to your normal routines more quickly.
Minimized Side Effects: Rest assured that PRP is a minimally invasive process with fewer side effects.
The PRP Treatment Process
Blood Draw: A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient.  
Platelet Concentration: The blood is spinning in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red and white cells
Injection: The concentrated PRP is then injected into the scalp where the hair is thinning.
Multiple Sessions: A series of 2-3 PRP treatments is typically recommended
Moreover, it will stimulate hair follicles and make hair grow, even in genetic bald spots.
 Who is a Candidate for Post Hair Transplant PRP?
In today’s world, many people are suffering from hair loss problems due to various reasons. This is why most patients are undergoing hair transplantation and they are suitable candidates for PRP therapy.
However, don’t forget to consult with a qualified hair restoration specialist before deciding on this process.
Potential Benefits Of Post Hair Transplant PRP
You can experience denser hair growth and a more natural-looking hairline.  
You will see hair growth more quickly with Post hair transplant PRP treatment.
It improves your confidence and satisfaction by ensuring long-lasting results.
Addressing Concerns
Is PRP Painful?
Some patients experience minimal discomfort during PRP injections.
Are There Any Side Effects?
You may experience minor side effects like temporary redness, swelling, or bruising in the targeted area
How Long Does it Take to See Results?
You may see the results within a few weeks, typically within 3-6 months
Looking for Post hair transplant PRP treatment? Count on us. Visit www.torontobeautyclinic.ca for more information.
Resource: https://torontobeautyclinic.wordpress.com/2025/03/10/how-post-hair-transplant-prp-treatment-helps-your-hair-grow-after-transplant/
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aurahomeopathyclinic · 5 days ago
Alopecia refers to excessive shedding or thinning of hair from the scalp or other parts of the body. Best homeopathy doctor in India. What is Hair Loss (Alopecia)?
Hair loss (Alopecia) refers to excessive shedding or thinning of hair from the scalp or other parts of the body. It can be temporary or permanent, depending on the underlying cause. Hair loss can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender, and may range from mild thinning to complete baldness. Identifying the root cause is crucial for effective treatment and prevention.
Common Causes of Hair Loss
✔ Genetic Factors (Androgenic Alopecia) – Male & female pattern baldness, hereditary hair loss.
✔ Hormonal Imbalances – Pregnancy, menopause, thyroid disorders (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism), PCOS.
✔ Nutritional Deficiencies – Lack of iron, biotin, vitamin D, zinc, and protein.
✔ Stress & Anxiety – Emotional or physical stress can trigger excessive hair fall (Telogen Effluvium).
✔ Autoimmune Disorders (Alopecia Areata) – The immune system attacks hair follicles, causing patchy bald spots.
✔ Scalp Infections & Conditions – Dandruff, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, fungal infections like ringworm.
✔ Certain Medications & Treatments – Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, steroids, birth control pills, blood thinners.
✔ Excessive Styling & Chemical Treatments – Frequent coloring, bleaching, straightening, or excessive heat styling.
✔ Underlying Health Conditions – Diabetes, lupus, chronic illnesses, or post-surgical recovery.
Best Homeopathic Medicines for Hair Loss
(Homeopathy treats the root cause and stimulates natural hair regrowth.)
1. Hair Loss Due to Stress & Anxiety
✅ Ignatia 30C
Indications: Hair fall triggered by emotional distress, grief, or shock.
Dosage: Twice daily for a few weeks.
✅ Natrum Muriaticum 30C
Indications: Hair loss due to prolonged stress, dryness of scalp, dandruff.
Dosage: Twice daily.
2. Hair Loss Due to Hormonal Imbalance (Thyroid, PCOS, Menopause)
✅ Lycopodium 30C
Indications: Baldness in women with PCOS, hair thinning, digestive issues.
Dosage: Twice daily.
✅ Sepia 30C
Indications: Hair loss due to menopause, hormonal imbalance, irritability.
Dosage: Twice daily.
✅ Thyroidinum 30C
Indications: Hair fall due to hypothyroidism, sluggish metabolism.
Dosage: Once daily.
3. Patchy Hair Loss (Alopecia Areata - Autoimmune)
✅ Phosphorus 30C
Indications: Hair falls out in patches, excessive dandruff, sensitive scalp.
Dosage: Twice daily.
✅ Fluoricum Acidum 30C
Indications: Sudden bald patches, hereditary hair fall, brittle hair.
Dosage: Twice daily.
✅ Silicea 6X (Biochemic Tissue Salt)
Indications: Weak, brittle, slow-growing hair; improves hair texture.
Dosage: 4 tablets, twice daily.
4. Hair Loss Due to Nutritional Deficiencies
✅ Calcarea Phosphorica 6X
Indications: Hair fall due to calcium & phosphorus deficiency, weak hair roots.
Dosage: 4 tablets, twice daily.
✅ Ferrum Phosphoricum 6X
Indications: Hair loss due to anemia (iron deficiency).
Dosage: 4 tablets, twice daily.
Home Remedies & Prevention Tips for Hair Growth
✔ Maintain a Healthy Diet: Include protein, iron, biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc-rich foods.
✔ Regular Scalp Massage: Use coconut oil, castor oil, or rosemary oil to improve blood circulation.
✔ Avoid Harsh Chemical Treatments: Reduce hair coloring, bleaching, perming, and excessive heat styling.
✔ Use Mild & Natural Shampoos: Avoid sulfates, parabens, and harsh surfactants.
✔ Hydration & Proper Hair Care: Drink plenty of water and keep your scalp clean and moisturized.
✔ Manage Stress Effectively: Practice yoga, meditation, deep breathing, and ensure adequate sleep.
✔ Protect Hair from Environmental Damage: Wear a hat or scarf in extreme weather conditions.
When to See a Doctor?
⚠ Sudden or excessive hair loss without any known cause.
⚠ Visible bald patches or signs of scalp scarring.
⚠ Persistent dandruff, itching, or scalp infections.
⚠ Hair fall linked to an underlying illness (thyroid, PCOS, autoimmune disorders, etc.).
Would you like a personalized homeopathy & diet plan for hair growth?
Contact us for a customized consultation and start your journey towards healthier, fuller hair!
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spikewriter · 22 days ago
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My friends, if you experience any unexplained bleeding outside your period, or if you are post-menopausal and have spotting, please, please, *please* see your doctor as soon as possible. Most cervical cancer can be detected in Pap Smears (yes, you need those) and HPV tests. Mine is a rare kind that wouldn't be detected by such tests, less than 7% of all cases. I've got a wonderful oncology team -- and it really is a team because there are so many moving pieces. I start chemotherapy on Tuesday, radiation on Wednesday. They are optimistic, are keeping a close watch on things, and are giving me some sound advice. But it is going to mean major changes in my life over the next few months. I've cleared away all writing deadlines, pulled out of an anthology because I need to not have that stress on my plate. I'm still going to write as best I can, but I also need to give myself grace that things may not get done, that I have to listen to my body. I have to be careful about crowds and mask if I do go out. I'm knitting hats and tams if/when the hair loss comes. I monitor my weight because while I can afford to lose a little, it could be a sign of something else if it happens too rapidly. And I hold hope. My Lenten discipline this year is following my care team's instructions, hydrating, and making certain I get enough food and sleep. Also, avoiding any websites that support quick or "alternative" cures because I don't need that in my head space. I'm lucky. I have medical insurance that will cover much of the cost, excellent doctors, and the funds to cover what isn't covered by the insurance. I'm lucky in that sense. When we move from external to internal radiation, they're looking at some of the most advanced treatments currently available as an option. There are swings and roundabouts, things to worry over, but the outlook is promising.
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norajworld · 30 days ago
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Struggling with hair loss, dryness, or breakage during menopause? You’re not alone. I remember the moment I first noticed the thinning—those patches along my hairline that made it look like I was going bald. I felt embarrassed, confused, and hesitant to wear my hair up. For me—and I know for so many of you—hair is so important. It’s part of our identity, our confidence. But here’s the truth… there is absolutely no reason we have to accept thinning, brittle hair just because we’re getting older. Strong, thick, shiny hair is possible at any age! In this post, I’m sharing the tried-and-tested methods that have helped me (and countless other women) support hair regrowth and reclaim healthier, more vibrant locks. Let’s dive in! Turn on your JavaScript to view content Need help navigating menopause? When you subscribe to the Busbee Style newsletter, you’ll have access to our BRAND NEW free menopause resource AND style resources to help you feel and look your best. thick & healthy hair during menopause 💡 Why does menopause cause hair thinning?During menopause women lose estrogen and progesterone, which can lead to slower hair growth, thinning, and increased shedding. These hormonal shifts also make hair more prone to dryness and breakage. 💡 Can hair grow back after menopause?Yes! While hormonal changes impact hair health, the right health and haircare routine can support regrowth and prevent further thinning. I’ll share the many treatment options below. 💡 What are the best treatments for menopausal hair loss?Some of the most effective treatments include biotin supplements, Nutrafol, collagen and Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP treatments. 💡 How can I make my hair look fuller?Volumizing shampoos, lightweight conditioners, root-lifting sprays, and strategic hairstyles (like soft layers or side parts) can instantly create the illusion of fuller hair. How to Deal with Hair Changes During Menopause Manage Stress It feels so unfair—you go through a lifetime of periods, cramps, childbirth and postpartum recovery (for some), surgeries, and body changes. Then, just when you think you’re free… menopause arrives, bringing a whole new set of challenges—including hair thinning, dryness, and breakage. And to make things even trickier? There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for hair loss. What works for your best friend might not work for you. But don’t give up! Regaining healthier, stronger hair often takes patience, trial, and error—which can be frustrating, especially when it feels like nothing is working. Managing stress is a crucial step in this journey. When estrogen levels drop, cortisol (the stress hormone) often rises, creating a vicious cycle that can contribute to further hair loss. To help manage stress, you can try: ✔️ Regular movement (walks, yoga, strength training—whatever feels good for you)✔️ Meditation or journaling to clear your mind✔️ Talking to a therapist or trusted friend✔️ Prioritizing sleep and hydration✔️ Eating a balanced diet and avoiding common triggers like caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods Finding ways to reduce stress and support your overall well-being will not only help your hair—but your entire body—through this transition. Less is More: Protecting Your Hair During Menopause When it comes to caring for your hair during menopause, less can actually be more. That doesn’t mean neglecting it completely—but simplifying your routine and being more mindful can make a huge difference. Here’s how: 1. Use Less Heat Menopausal hair is often finer, drier, and more brittle, so reducing heat exposure can keep it healthier and stronger. If heat styling is a non-negotiable, try not to blow dry and curl it on the same day—this small change can prevent extra damage. When you do use heat, always apply a heat protectant spray and keep the temperature as low as possible. 2. Wash & Style Less Often Over-washing can strip natural oils that keep your hair hydrated and healthy. Try extending time between washes by using dry shampoo before bed—this allows it to absorb oil overnight, so you wake up with fresher, more voluminous hair. And when all else fails? A chic hat or sleek ponytail can buy you another day or two! 😉 3. Skip the Extensions If your hair is thinning, you might be tempted to add extensions for extra volume. But many types of extensions put stress on fragile strands, leading to more breakage and hair loss. If you want extra fullness, consider clip-in extensions for occasional use instead of permanent ones. 4. Be Mindful of Hair Dye & Chemicals You don’t have to give up hair dye completely—but if you’re serious about preserving hair health, consider taking breaks between color treatments or opting for gentler, all-natural dyes. Look for a salon that specializes in ammonia-free, low-tox hair color to reduce damage while keeping your hair vibrant. By simplifying your routine and making these small changes, you’ll protect your hair from unnecessary damage—helping it stay stronger, shinier, and healthier through menopause and beyond! Combat Menopause Hair Loss Another common menopause hair change is hair loss and shedding. There are a few routes you can take to combat this… Take Biotin – This is a really common supplement you can take for your hair, skin, and nails. It’s likely that your daily multivitamin already has biotin in it so make sure to check that first. But as always, talk to your doctor before trying anything new. Biotin is tricky with thyroid medication, so again just talk to your doctor before taking it to make sure it’s right for you. Additional Supplements – There are SO many options out there that claim to help with hair health. People really LOVE Nutrafol and have seen great results. I ordered one bottle, but couldn’t commit to the four pills per day. It felt like too much, but if you are open to trying it, it is highly rated and people say it really makes their hair grow and improves thinning and dullness! Another highly recommended brand is Wellbel. Thickening Treatments – Basically…fake it til you make it. If you’re experiencing hair loss and need some volume, you can use products like thickening shampoo, thickening conditioner, thickening mousse, thickening serum…you get the picture! Multiple Team Busbee members use this Bumble & Bumble Thickening Spray and it really works! I’ve used it for years and swear by it. It’s not the ‘cleanest’ but for volume, I’ll make an exception. Collagen – Collagen powder in my morning coffee has literally CHANGED my life!! I stopped taking collagen for about 6 months in order to try colostrum and noticed within a couple months that my bald patches along the hairline were back. I also noticed that my eyebrows had thinned out tremendously. I was actually kinda shocked by that. I resumed my daily 2 scoops of collagen and within a month, my brows are thick again and baby hair is growing to cover the thinning hairline. Consistency is key here. I would plan to use collagen every day. Liquid collagen is pre-mixed and ready to drink. So it could be more convenient for some and it has the potential for faster absorption. Based on our research, the overall effectiveness of both forms (powder vs liquid) is considered the same. So it really boils down to personal preference. Want to know how to improve your sexual wellness during menopause? Be sure to check out this post. Turn on your JavaScript to view content Be Gentle on Fine Hair If your hair is already fine, damaged, broken, or brittle…be gentle with it. Make sure you switch your hairbrush to one that minimizes breakage and is gentler on your hair. This one has great reviews. If you like to wear your hair up, use silky, non-pull hair ties, and make sure to do a loose hairstyle so you aren’t straining your hair in a tight bun or ponytail. Another way to take care of your hair is to get regular trims. Just like we need daily exercise to keep our energy levels up, regular trims are important to keep up with hair maintenance, hair growth, and getting rid of damaged ends. Make sure you get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks to reduce breakage and keep it healthy, growing, and thick! Treat Texture Changes & Dullness Hair Masks – Hair masks can make a HUGE difference for your hair’s texture and shine. You should do a hair mask at least once a week. I really like the Obliphica hair mask and the Colleen Rothschild Restorative mask, but there are so many options out there. The team loves the Briogeo deep conditioning mask. Good Shampoo & Conditioner – Make sure you’re using a good shampoo and conditioner. A few Team Busbee members love the Davines brand – each of their shampoo/conditioners tackles a specific problem. For example, I use Nounou shampoo/conditioner that treats brittle hair while another team member uses the Momo shampoo/conditioner that treats dry hair. Davines has a shampoo/conditioner for every type of hair from stick-straight to super curly hair. I also really like Colleen Rothschild’s haircare products and the highly-rated Olaplex shampoo and conditioner. Don’t Use Too Many Products – I know…I’ve already offered a lot of advice that involves using different products. But keep in mind that using too many products at once can create build-up and weigh your hair down. If you do use a bunch of products, make sure that you have a clarifying or detoxing shampoo to help get rid of the buildup. I recommend something like Quai Detox Shampoo. If you want to DIY it, try adding a capful of apple cider vinegar to your regular shampoo. Turn on your JavaScript to view content Treat Your Scalp We’ve talked a lot about your actual hair but haven’t touched too much on the literal root of the issue…your scalp! An unhealthy scalp can affect hair and hair follicles. And one big hair change symptom for menopausal women is having an itchy and/or sensitive scalp. If you’re experiencing that, there are tons of scrubs and serums out there that you can try. The Divi scalp serum gets amazing reviews and a Team Busbee member said she loves it! I linked a few options below… Turn on your JavaScript to view content Seek Professional Help Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) – Performed by a dermatologist, PRP is another option for those battling perimenopausal or menopausal hair loss. It’s a treatment that uses your own blood to stimulate hair growth. Your blood is drawn and then placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the plasma. Those platelets are concentrated into a PRP and injected into the scalp. One of my good friends here in Telluride shared that she tried it 2 times with a 6-month growth cycle between treatments. She said she noticed a significant improvement in her hair growth not just along her hairline but her full head. She was very happy with the results but did say it’s quite painful. Consult your medical provider – If you feel like you’ve tried everything or you’re just extremely tired of the frustrating symptoms of menopause, make sure you’re talking to your doctor and/or a menopause specialist! There are so many options out there now and you don’t have to suffer through it. It’s also worth noting that depending on your age, it’s important to make sure you’re on top of your thyroid health. After I had Elizabeth at 38 years old, my hair really thinned out. I thought it was just a post-pregnancy thing. Turns out, it was actually a problem with my thyroid. I had mild hypothyroidism and had to start taking T3 medication. That medication, in combination with collagen powder, helped regrow my hair. Don’t forget, you’ll get instant access to our incredible Navigating Menopause resource by subscribing to the newsletter. This resource will answer a lot of questions and help you get started on your menopause care journey. Source link
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torontobeautyclinic · 20 days ago
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Discover Effective Mesotherapy for Hair Loss and achieve thicker, healthier hair naturally! This non-surgical treatment nourishes hair follicles, boosts scalp circulation, and stimulates hair regrowth. Say goodbye to thinning hair and restore your confidence with clinically proven mesotherapy. Book your session today and see real results in hair restoration!
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cleverhottubmiracle · 1 month ago
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Fact: You don’t have to white-knuckle perimenopause and menopause! For many women, the unnecessary suffering that is brought on by the hormonal hurricane that is menopause can be avoided or at least mitigated. It really can! Leave it to Generation X (known for being independent and resourceful) to lead the charge in menopause education and advocacy. The conversation is heating up and it’s no longer just about hot flashes. Understanding menopause is about education, yes, but it’s multi-layered and can be a very complicated time of life. We see you and we’re here to share with you everything we wish we knew sooner. Busbee Style subscribers have access to Your Complete Guide to Navigating Menopause. This printable PDF resource offers greater detail about symptoms, relief, and medical options, and Erin shares some of her personal menopause experiences. It’s an invaluable guide! Understanding Menopause In a perfect world, the universe would hand us a Meno Memo or Meno Manual on our 35th Birthdays with a clear-cut outline of everything we’ll experience in the next decade (or two or three!) in anticipation of perimenopause and menopause… because it’s A LOT. Having the knowledge would greatly change how we perceive our physical and mental health when our reproductive kill switch starts to short and flip. Unfortunately though, so many of us got in our menopause boats without a captain, a map, or a paddle. Navigating your perimenopause and menopause journey starts with being able to identify your symptoms and exploring treatment options. What makes this extra tricky, is that no two women will experience menopause or perimenopause in the same way. Your journey will be uniquely yours. And the plot thickens because most medical professionals are not adequately trained in menopause care. So, self-advocacy really is SO important. In today’s post, we’ll explore the symptoms (there are more than you might think), the facts, and treatment options for perimenopause and menopause. So, you’ll hopefully feel empowered to change how you think about “the change”. Symptoms There are over 35 known symptoms of menopause. We might remember our mother’s hot flashes, moodiness, and weight gain. But lesser-known symptoms like thinning hair, heart palpitations, digestive issues, and memory loss (just to name a few) may not have been on your radar. In fact, your healthcare provider might have been treating your menopause symptoms (like depression, anxiety, or poor sleep) without understanding the root cause…perimenopause, menopause, and erratic hormone fluctuations. The estrogen we’ve had in our bodies since birth is a significant piece of what makes us tick. But when we lose all or most of it suddenly or inconsistently, it’s no surprise our bodies go into freak-out mode. Menopause specialists recommend getting baseline bloodwork to have your hormones checked as a first step in perimenopausal and menopausal care. Then, you’ll likely need to have bloodwork reevaluated every 3 to 6 months. There’s a possibility that instead of treating each of your symptoms independently with different types of medications or modalities, just balancing your hormone levels could alleviate all or most of your symptoms. Symptom Relief Now, let’s talk about getting relief for your symptoms. The first important step is to find a menopause specialist or provider. This really is critical! Why is this so important? Recent studies have indicated that only about 20% of OB-GYN residency programs provide ANY kind of menopause training. Similarly, according to a 2021 New York Times article, medical school students may spend as little as one hour learning about menopause. Crazy right? You definitely want an informed and experienced healthcare provider when it comes to getting a treatment plan underway.   Start by having a conversation with your OBGYN or GP for guidance about whether they can recommend a specialist, or you can ask your friends for referrals. You can also use the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) searchable directory to find a specialist near you.  For some, finding a virtual menopause specialist and booking telehealth appointments vs in-person office visits might be a more accessible option. Many of these providers are covered by insurance, but you’ll need to do a little homework there. Midi Health is one telehealth resource a Busbee Team member used for her treatment plan, and she found them to be very knowledgeable, compassionate, and helpful. For a full listing of other options, be sure to gain access to our free resource by becoming a subscriber here. Understanding Menopause Treatment Options Hormone Replacement Therapy One of the most widely used and effective treatments for perimenopause and menopause is HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy. Whether it’s in pill, patch, cream, or troche form, HRT replaces hormones that the body no longer produces in sufficient quantities. But HRT really got a bad rap for decades. This happened because the results of a Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study in 2002 created panic and fear about HRT. The study indicated that HRT had more risks than benefits and could even cause breast cancer. This study scared so many women and as a result, many opted not to take HRT.   Although that study was later refuted by several other studies, the initial communication that HRT could cause breast cancer scared so many of us. That WHI study was really “loud” but the results from the less damning subsequent HRT studies were more muted. So, unfortunately, many women have been suffering needlessly for years. This is a conversation you’ll have with your specialist, but most women are in fact candidates for, and could benefit from, some form of HRT. HRT Alternatives If you and your menopause specialist determine HRT is not the right course of treatment for you, there are alternatives. Certain supplements have been shown to alleviate symptoms, bring relief, and improve your quality of life. Knowing your options is key! Supplements Supplements are regulated by the FDA, but the rules and regulations for supplements are very different than those for drugs. Be sure to always consult your menopause provider before taking any supplements. The dose amount and how regularly you take them can be individually specific. Here is a list of some of the most recommended supplements by menopause specialists that may improve symptoms: Fiber – Improve weight management, energy, and moodMagnesium – Better sleepVitamin D – Bone healthCalcium – Prevent bone lossBlack Cohosh & Siberian Rhubarb – Hot flashesOmega 3 – Joint pain, stiffness, and heart healthPre/Probiotics – Better overall gut health and digestionFlaxseed – Night sweatsTurmeric – Inflammation and anxietyCreatine – Increases energy and muscle massVitamin K2 – Bone, heart, blood, and brain health*Veozah*  – A prescription drug that exclusively treats hot flashes Turn on your JavaScript to view content Getting the right cocktail of HRT and/or supplements can take time. Patience is the secret sauce! Menopause Diet & Exercise One of the many unfortunate symptoms of menopause is unwanted weight gain, especially around the middle. It can be so incredibly frustrating and even lead to feeling shame or embarrassment. You might find that whatever diet and exercise plan worked for you in the past, no longer seems to be giving you the same results. Hormone changes can change how we react to and tolerate certain foods. While we go into greater detail in our Empowered Through Menopause Resource (remember, you can gain access here) there are a few things we wanted to mention… Diet Adding foods to your diet that are rich in protein and fiber while avoiding processed foods and sugar are generally most recommended.  You’ll also want to increase your water intake. Certain studies indicate that drinking the number of ounces that is equal to about half of your body weight is a good general rule of thumb. Exercise Most experts recommend strength training and walking for perimenopausal and menopausal women. Lack of estrogen has been linked to bone density loss. Strength/resistance training helps you maintain muscle mass, balance, and agility, and improves bone density. Walking is highly encouraged by many doctors and some suggest using a weighted vest. Even just going about your daily household tasks like laundry or emptying the dishwasher while wearing a weighted vest can vastly improve your balance, endurance, and strength. In the beginning, you’ll want a weighted vest that is no more than about 10% of your body weight. You can always increase the weight as your strength levels improve. In case you’re wondering, ‘What can I do today to dress my body in the most flattering way and feel more confident?’…we share 5 easy, slimming style secrets in this post. Menopause Communication Lastly, we wanted to briefly touch on communication. It really is an incredibly important piece of the menopause puzzle. Changing the “she’s just going crazy” narrative about women and menopause to one of understanding, education, sympathy, and empathy is vital. Our daughters and nieces should understand the facts…that hormonal changes will naturally occur in their bodies, treatment is possible, and wanting and expecting to feel good is something we all deserve. But shouldn’t we also educate our partners, husbands, and sons? Maybe then the “coming unhinged” stigma changes to one of care and compassion. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Busbee Style newsletter for access to Your Complete Guide to Mitigating Menopause. We created this resource just for YOU! Source link
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