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dragonnnfly · 2 years ago
Hiccup: Astrid, it seems Gobber invited some guests to celebrate our engagement
Astrid: Really? Who?
Hiccup opening the door to reveal the entire population of Berk: Berk
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empressofthesunwriter · 6 months ago
Second Chance
Hiccup has many regrets that are catching up with him. His marriage is a joke, his kids hate him, and Berk suffers under his leadership. Life was better when Toothless and Leandra were with him, and they flew together under the sky—just enjoyed being together. Yet even his dragon left him. And the girl he realized too late, he loved had moved on a long time ago. But sometimes life gives you a second chance. Unofficial Sequel from To Belong
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Chapter 1
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kelocitta · 9 months ago
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Twitter Joke
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hyaesia · 4 months ago
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doodles him looking uncomfortable with my sparkly glitter pen
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toothlesstism · 8 days ago
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Kitty (but as a gif)
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lookatthoseuselessgays · 2 months ago
A semi coherent rant abt Gojo’s outfits
You know how adult gojo, doesn’t wear casual things much? Like he’s always wearing the button down and slacks or the uniform? The time we’ve seen him in casual wear was when he was training with Megumi in that one scene, he’s still wearing jeans tho
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that’s it. Even when Yuuji was living in his basement, we never see him out of the uniform. I know that I might be pushing it but it really seems intentional, we see him in his uniform for damn near all of his screen time pre-ch. 221, and my question was, Why?
My first though maybe it’s just him being dramatic, until I watched HI where he’s dressed casual all the time, he didn’t care then, when his ego was just as inflated as it is now!
so then I thought, huh, maybe I need to touch grass, (I do) but I chose not to, then it hit me. What happened between the uncaring outfits he’d put together pre-KFC breakup and his constantly put together self post-KFC breakup. He became alone (I’m sorry Shoko, you are a godsend and deserve better than this useless homosexual) and the saying became “I am the strongest,” not “we are the strongest.”
He needed to distance himself from people to complete all of the missions, to put a physical reminder in place that he is the strongest and that “when you die, you’ll be alone” yes that was a reminder to Megumi, but he has probably told himself this same thing over and over to himself after Geto defected.
clothes are a symbol of power and have been for the good part of all human civilization, now is no different. The fact he wears his uniform all the time is kind-of like a dog wearing a collar with the name and number of its owner on it. It’s dehumanizing. When he’s in formal wear, he looks like he’s part of high society, because he is. He wants to look above people, so he doesn’t get attached like he did with Geto.
does he regret the time he spent with Geto? Hell no! Does he feel guilt about all the innocent lives taken by Geto? Yes. Does he still love Geto as much as he loved him pre-HI? Hell yes, he just misses Geto to now.
in HI Gojo wears casual things all the time, the trunks in Okinawa and the white tee and sweats he definitely stole from Geto.
His uniform also matches with Geto, the difference is, he matches it with someone he believes to be his equal, his “one and only.” No he didn’t choose to wear the uniform itself, but he did choose to make him and Geto match. The fact both of them wear the uniforms shows the are both on the higher up’s leashes, something that Geto breaks away from by wearing the garb he does after he defects, while Gojo stays firmly planted because of the scene where Geto tells him not to kill the star religious group, he stays like a loyal dog, as Geto told him to do. He becomes the dog sitting by the fence, his leash still there but not tied, unmoving because he was told to stay. He does not run, he does not fight, he follows all the higher up’s orders, except the one to kill Geto. What shows that is in his uniform as an adult, he keeps the jacket the same from his youth, the one acknowledgement of the fact his collar says Geto’s name, not the higher up’s.
another thing abt the fact he almost is never casual post kfc is that he only wears casual clothing in front of Megumi, who is essentially his child. Not even in front of Yuji when he had the boy living in his house. Probably a sign of some trust issues that he has, or the fact he feels he needs to be detached from people, because he’s the strongest.
thank you for coming to my rant, please add things or correct me if I got something wrong! I love over analyzing the costuming choices in things I like, so expect that with the flow of utterly useless homosexuals 🤗
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thereweredragonshere · 5 months ago
I want to hit Dean DeBlois over the head with a gift of the night fury shaped frying pan
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countlessofvoids · 6 months ago
I know I'm five years late on this and frankly this conversation is really fucking annoying at this point, but I gained analytical skills just recently, got hyperfixated on HTTYD again and have few things on my mind;
There's a ridiculous amount of bad writing decisions regarding the third movie's main antagonist and even more in the entirety of the film. However in my opinion, Grimmel's character could improve even if you kept all other aspects the same by getting rid of one plot point. And that is "drugging deathgrippers with their own venom".
One the dumbest parts of THW, only beaten by Toothless & light fury's boring romance and the movie's message. But the difference between those is those at least serve some purpose. This could go unmentioned and much wouldn't change. Sure, it shows us Grimmel uses their venom for his crossbow arrows, other than that, the "slavery" aspect is useless. All it does is make him ridiculously evil. Because the audience forgot he's not nice, apparently.
What I'm getting at is - I believe a better alternative would be the deathgrippers serving Grimmel not because they're forced to, but because they want to. Make them have genuine bond like Hiccup has with Toothless.
In universe justification: Deathgrippers are said to be intelligent dragons, so they'd probably understand that working with some creature who helps them hunt is beneficial for them. And since they're pack animals, hunting also works as a bonding activity. This would be a perfect gateway for Grimmel to make them more loyal to him. They don't necessarily need to have Hiccup & Toothless' bond (although I would personaly prefer it that way). Think of it like the speedstinger in RTTE - Despite not liking Snotlout at all, it defended him against the other speedstingers because it considered him a part of it's pack.
Writing/narrative justification: Having a group of dragons take part in killing simply for their enjoyment portrays them as intelligent creatures, which emphasizes how similiar dragons are to humans. Some are assholes just because! Also it means them dying at the end isn't a horrible way of making your audience question your protagonist's morals, since in this version they kinda deserved it.
Grimmel being friends with a bunch of dragons while hating all the others gives him depth as a character - it makes him a hypocrite.
But most importantly, Hiccup and Grimmel being parallels would be much clearer. It shows how they're the same person on different paths, that he could be like Hiccup but choose not to. Or it could lead to him being a parallel to Valka. Older person who doesn't like other people and prefers living with dragons? Sounds like Valka to me!
Now this could create a plot hole with the whole Alpha thing, since in canon they don't listen due to being drugged. However I choose to ignore that because I don't like the idea of every dragon mindlessly following Toothless no matter what personality and concept of the alpha in itself.
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just-null · 1 year ago
the way you drew kokichi .. i think im ascending to the heavens .. i see the light .. chest collapsing .. heartbeat flatlining ..
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oho, a Kokichi enjoyer!! tysm!! it was my first time drawing him at the time so im glad i didnt fail him. i dont want to fail any of the kyoto group. i love them all!! even w my clear favoritism
he's nice too, a bit more expressive than Noritoshi so i can finally draw something that isnt :| or >:( even if it isnt by much- i like him too
I like how he's both a dick but also kinda sweet. He's a different flavor of tsun... i can use this. my knowledge on him is limited but FROM WHAT I SAW IN THE WIKI OH MY GOD???????? OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! KOKICHI!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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transformers-synergize · 1 month ago
Also, about the holoforms post, okay, they don't have it for the sake of development and plot, but what is the in-universe explanation for them not to have acces to holoforms? Don't they have the tech for it or just the knowledge to make it?
Cybertron was an intergalactic colonial empire, so many bots who dealt with alien words, whether as diplomats or infiltrators, took advantage of Holoform. But outside of dealing with alien races, holoforms don't have many uses that couldn't be accomplished by other cheaper, easier means, so Holoforms are extremely niche and were only really owned by those who needed to use Holoform.
they don't have the schematics on holoform generators, or the proper material,so ya the couldn't build one
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cathalbravecog · 3 days ago
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my first daily roller (and friends!) before april first ! who knows where hr waits before april anyway?
not guaranteed daily. originally intended for my main, but i do have a toontown blog for a reason so i'll use it. training myself to be okay with shittier art that just gets the point across without the need to be perfect as well. also this is an actual sc i took going into the farlands before my minecraft fucking bricked itself by being there
#these are all meant to be removed content characters#or characters locked behind events#admittedly#i forgot the counts. sorry.#its daylight so they cant show up sorry guys#my reasoning for winston being here by the way#is that their cutscene is clearly aware of the video game medium#letting it glitch all over the place. no other cogs do this other than anyone in FTF or high roller phasing through floors#and those are already noncanonical events#i like to view clash as like.#either a real place or partially aware of its video game mechanics. like the world. to the characters its just reality. however i like to#imagine that winston has an awareness of this somewhat that they cannot comprehend#just to kind of tie back to their sp.amton/je.vil inspiration she seems to have . whatever. characters and genre i like. let me Imagine#things. ok?#that being said being corrupted fits with the farlands. soooo. yaaay.#this is where cogs go when theyre taken out of the game or are waiting to come back ok#excuse to draw obscure faves.#clancy doesnt even have a wiki page. lord.#i originally wanted to do this with just winston or cathal. to me it fits winston well and as for cathal. cathal is my mc username and skin#these are not meant to be 'good' posts or whatever btw. ill ramble here all i want with my garbage quick art just so im#more fine with doing as such and not feel like i gotta conform to social media as it affects me a lot unfortunately#toontown corporate clash#ttcc#high roller#low baller#redd heir wing#ottoman#chief of dollars#witness stand in#HES HIDDEN!!!
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dragonnnfly · 2 years ago
New Hiccstrid one-shot just posted!
Summary — 2 weeks after the dragons left for the hidden world Astrid and Hiccup sit together on the cliff, thinking about the past, and talking about the future.
Rating — General audiences
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empressofthesunwriter · 6 months ago
Second Chance
Hiccup has many regrets that are catching up with him. His marriage is a joke, his kids hate him, and Berk suffers under his leadership. Life was better when Toothless and Leandra were with him, and they flew together under the sky—just enjoyed being together. Yet even his dragon left him. And the girl he realized too late, he loved had moved on a long time ago. But sometimes life gives you a second chance. Unofficial Sequel from To Belong
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Okay, I really have a problem, but when my plotbunnies plot I have to write it down and publish it to see if somebody likes it. Again if you liked To Belong, don't read it, but if you want Leandra and Hiccup together, that's the fic for you :D
Chapter 1: Regrete and Betrayel
Hiccup made a face as Astrid stormed out of the house with their kids.
They had (again) a fight over how they could expand the Trade Routes for New Berk.
Astrid wanted to do it the old Viking way and just pillage weaker tribes, but Hiccup wanted a more diplomatic approach.
It had worked for them in past.
This had made his wife's famous anger appear.
Why couldn't he do once something the Viking way?
No wonder the other chiefs took him not seriously.
Which in turn made Astrid as chieftess look bad and when something the proud Hofferson (in this moment she called herself not even Haddock anymore) hated was appearing weak.
Equally angry Hiccup shot back he never did things the Viking way, that's why they had made peace with the dragons and had lived good years with them.
And she...she really dared to say he should let go of this!
The dragons (Toothless, oh buddy) wouldn't return, Hiccup needed to become a real Viking now.
He had shouted back, that she knew he was never the perfect Viking, why did she then marry him?!
Why was she even together with him, if she hated so much his un-vikingness?
Astrid had been for a second still.
A second which was an eternity for Hiccup.
Till she answered...she didn't know anymore.
Punching him in the face would have been mercifully than her words.
Once, she said, he had been this cool boy who showed her another way of living, but he needed to grow up finally and lead the tribe like a real Viking.
Striking him down with her axt (the axt he so loving took care of for her) would have been merciful.
It was then that Hiccup realized...had he never taken Astrid on her first dragon flight with Toothless, she would never have taken an interest in him.
He was still the weak, dumb, useless fishbone in her eyes.
The young chief told her this and he saw for a moment the truth in her eyes, before she lied, saying how wrong he was.
She wanted to help him nothing more.
He just told her to get out.
Get out of the house.
The house he had built for them.
Astrid had been furious, they shouted and screamed at each other very unkind things, before she took the kids and slammed the door shut behind her.
Zephyr and Nuffink hadn't even looked at him or told their mother they wanted to stay with him.
Hiccup had noted how his kids came more after Astrid.
Of course, no love was lost on their side too.
Defeat Hiccup sit down on a chair and let the tears flow.
He hated all this.
He hated his life.
How he wished he could tell his younger self that the few years he had with Toothless would have been the best in his life and he should have never let his bud go.
What was he thinking?
They fought so long to live with dragons in peace and then just let them go to the Hidden World?
It sounded like a bad book!
The brunette man wiped his tears and signed.
He shouldn't think about this.
No one could change their past.
You could only move forward.
What a load of crap!
The gods really hated him.
Giving him a hellish life, a few wonderful years and then back at the hellish part.
What did he do to deserve this?
Oh you know why!, hissed a voice inside him. You chose Astrid over Leandra who truly loved you. Don't be surprised that is how it ended.
He had to agree with his inner thoughts.
He had realized way too late and did nothing when he admitted his feelings for the Spanish girl to himself.
Her Goodbye Letter was still his most precious possession, along with scales from Toothless.
Tired emotionally from the day, Hiccup decides to go to bed.
You couldn't change the past.
On the other side of the globe, Leandra was facing a storm with Starchaser, but the storm in her heart was worse.
How could Xia do this?
How could have she been so stupid?
Her wife had betrayed her.
Xia's family had never liked how Leandra had "seduced" Xia to a life of sin. That was what same-sex relationships were for them.
But...but Xia had chosen her.
They had married and adopted children.
Six girls and four boys!
They had lived years with Starchaser happily in a little village near the Silk Road where they were accepted.
Then as all the kids were grown she thought, she and Xia would continue to be happy.
Yet, after Ulf, Leandra's brother, visited them, the next days her wife had been weird.
Asking her about Hiccup, if she still had feelings for him...Leandra was speechless.
And maybe that moment in which she stared in disbelief at her wife, had made Xia lose trust in her.
Other than that she couldn't explain why she found her wife, with the owner of the noodle shop in their bed!
Leandra had screamed, nearly returned to her old ways as an assassin, but Starchaser stopped her.
They grabbed their things and left China.
Her wedding ring she had thrown into the ocean.
Shall Xia be happy with her noodle guy!
Leandra was done.
She should have never left the brotherhood and lived a normal life. In her veins flowed the blood of the First Civilization, making her a perfect assasin.
And how she had loved the Levithan Brotherhood and Syria.
Her mentor, her brothers and sisters in arms.
She had been born for this life...but for her Xia, she had given it up.
Because she loved her.
What a foul she had been.
Now she and Starchaser were homeless.
Flying from one place to another.
Leandra was unsure if she could join the Assassin Ranks again.
She may still train, but wasn't she too old now?
Or didn't want her to face her once family after she left them?
Signing Leandra told Starchaser to dive down.
She had seen a cave where they could rest.
After they made themselves comfortable, the last dragon rider and her dragon fell asleep.
While Leandra was thrifting off she remembered Ulf's words: "Come visit me and father and Sigrùn. They miss you, Leandra."
Back then she had laughed, why should she return to the Barbaric Archipelago?
Why should she step foot in New Berk?
She was happy, so she sent Ulf with words of love back there.
However...maybe seeing family would be good again.
Leandra decides to talk with Starchaser in the morning about this.
For now, she dreams of a time were she was still young, for the first time experience flying on Starchaser...with Hiccup and Toothless by their side.
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rosey0928 · 1 month ago
Race To The Edge has no right to be so funny 🙏🏻😭
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erroryeswifi · 6 months ago
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Laurence Needlemeyer my beloved
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toothlesstism · 8 days ago
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