#post elixir
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witch-hazels-musings · 4 months ago
seeing you get hit
Genre: angst/comfort NEUVILLETTE x GN reader  |  Anthology warning: the reader is punched in the face, kicked (2xs), mention of pain and discomfort / Mesulines are treated unkindly and spoken too derogatorily / Neuvillette obliterates a guy (oh also you wake up in his bed -- fufu) Synopsis: *character* becomes progressively worried about you not returning - as the hours tick by, they notice a commotion has started and find you in distress as they check it out. Quickly they head to where you were and, well, their reaction to seeing you being accosted by someone in the middle of the city, let’s just say they took matters into their own hands
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"Sir, please calm down," you said, raising your hands to appease the irate man waving about. You moved to position yourself between him and the Melusine and could feel her trembling as she latched onto your clothes.
"How dare you raise your voice to me!" he shouted, swatting at your hands, forcing you to shuffle backward toward the canal. With how tightly the Melusine stood beside you, it became increasingly difficult to not trip over her.
"I can see you're angry -"
"I'm not angry, I'm annoyed. I want an apology from that - that thing, now!" He jutted his hand toward the Melusine and she hid further behind your leg. Rage billowed off him like salty wind on the high seas, every transgression equalling small cuts that made you wince. You knew there were those who dislike the Melusines, but you never had the disgusting privilege of meeting one - until now.
"I did say I was sorry, sir," she mumbled, to terrified to speak louder than a gentle caress of water over shallow rocks.
"There, will that satisfy you?" you asked, hand against his chest to keep him from moving closer. He locked eyes with you, shoulders heaving, face flush and red. His stare darted between you and her, back and forth, increasing in frustration. You moved until he couldn't see her at all. "Leave."
His lips curled into a feral sneer. "You think you're bravely protecting it, huh? If it's so important, let it face me-"
"I'm protecting her."
Rage swept over him and, without thinking, you shoved the Mesuline to the side and took the full force of his blow.
Neuvillette made his way through the crowd, chin lifted as he carefully took in the people. Some smiled at him, others bowed their heads in dutiful respect. He minded neither, but returned their gestures with a kind nod.
He rarely had intentions when he wandered through the city. It was typical for him to meander like a slow moving river carving a lazy path to nowhere in particular but today he felt a strong desire to happen upon someone. You. One who had grown rather close to him over the last several months, one who, at times, would come by to, 'check in on him,' while he worked, one who found a habit of leaving bottles of mineral-rich water on his desk when he was away. He found your company, pleasing.
Though, so far, his unassuming searching had come up empty. Did you make mention of leaving Fontaine today? He couldn't remember.
Near the canal, frustrated voices billowed on the wind. A crowd had formed in a rather unusual way. He stared, unable to see through the bunched people when something tugged on his leg.
Neuvillette pushed through the crowd. They jumped out of the way and tripped over themselves to allow him through while he looked ahead at the sight beyond their breach and felt the blackness of the sea consume him.
"Monsieur Neuvillette!" the Mesuline shouted, her eyes filled with worry.
"Are you okay?" The Mesuline asked, her face inches from yours as you coughed and blinked through the white. A high-pitched ring clogged your ears so you opened your mouth to clear the noise only to gasp at the pain it caused.
"You stupid -- so desperate to go down with those fucking things? Fine!" The man shouted. You looked his way just in time to see his leg fly toward your stomach. It sent you careening into the stone pathway and knocked the Mesuline halfway into the water. You tried to grab her, but she slipped from your grip when you landed on your arm, it bent unnaturally in your tumble. You cried out but that didn't stop him from slamming his foot into your chest.
Gasping, you rolled onto your back and stared at the blinding sky. It hurt to breathe, hurt to think. The Mesuline rushed toward you and you lifted a shaking arm to block them from the man's wrath.
People screamed and rushed forward to grab the man as his foot came down toward you but all you saw was radiant blue rising toward the sky, and from its shimmer came the rain.
A massive wave rose from the canal and covered the land in a shallow, unmoving layer of crystal-clear water. You could make out the bodies of onlookers but they seemed frozen, more like mirages, glistening in quiet stasis. The buildings of Fontaine reflected in the mirror-like water, making your stomach flip, but the hovering figure in the eerie blue turned your skin cold.
"What is - what's happening?" the man asked, panic seeping from him as he searched for familiar ground. He looked at his feet only to shout and stumble onto his backside. "Monsters! I told you! Those things are monsters!" He pointed to the Mesuline who was now securely tucked against your chest. She trembled, buried her face against you and held on so tightly it made you wince.
"You are mistaken," a voice said and the water fluttered, every droplet alight with energy it couldn't bear. "I am the monster you seek."
Through bleary, rain-blinded eyes, you watched the figure descend before the man and, when it was close enough, you recognized its face.
Beads of water lept from the basin to reach him like hands pawing to touch even a thread of their so-called God. You could sense the energy in the shallow pool, feel it in every drop of rain that cascaded across your face but none of it touched Neuvillette. He remained - unaffected.
"Iudex ..." the man said, his voice barely audible even in the strange quiet. Senses returning to him, he scrambled to a low, deep bow and splayed his hands beneath Neuvillette's hovering feet. "Monsieur, please, this is all just a terrible mistake."
"Have the rules of Order been unclear to you?"
"I - I don't understand."
"Your crime has been witnessed by many and yet, you stand before me, denying all accusations?"
"P-Please, Monsieur. T-they attacked me, I was just defending myself."
"It appears communication with the accused is going poorly. I shall afford you one final chance before I render judgment."
"Judgement? What-you can't!" The man stood and came up to Neuvillette's hips. "You may be the Iudex, but you can't sentence me! I deserve to be tried. You'll see - you'll see then it was all a mistake."
Neuvillette glanced your way, his eyes narrowing. When he looked back at the man, all the color drained from his face. "By order of -"
"No, wait! Please!" The man raised his hands and Neuvillette did the same.
"I render you, guilty." Power boiled below the surface and set the world rumbling. "Bow your head, and be sanctified," Neuvillette said and with his judgment, a pillar of water burst from below and consumed the man until there was nothing left.
When the waters receded, Neuvillette made his way to you. Each step steady, measured, undisturbing of the waters beneath him. He knelt at your side, laid one hand on your forehead and another on the trembling Melusine who hid further against your body.
"Neu --" you said, pain taking your voice.
"I am here," he hummed and you fell away like the tide.
When you awoke, you found yourself surrounded by lapping silk. Cool fabric warmed by your body heat. It hurt to lift yourself up, but only slightly. It seemed your mind remembered the pain of the day before while your body didn't. You touched your chin but it felt normal.
"I see you are awake," a voice echoed in the room but you couldn't see them. Giant rods on each corner of the bed held up a royal curtain that obscured your vision.
You were tempted to slip free from the sheets when the pitter-patter of feet held you in place and from the nothing several Melusines rushed to greet you. Each was more excited than the last. They swarmed you with thanks and laughter, sweeping you up in their joyous voices.
Another being appeared near the edge of the bed, except his presence made you go still. He moved gracefully to sit beside you and instinctually you moved so he had more room. He noticed.
Neuvillette frowned. "I have frightened you," he said, sorrowful as dropped his gaze.
"What? No, I'm not -" You reached for him then pulled back at the last minute. He noticed. "I'm not afraid of you. I swear."
He contemplated your reply for what felt like forever before nodding in acceptance. "I hope you do not mind the accommodations. I had little place else to take you."
You tried to not think about it too much. It was almost certain this was - as you now suspected - his room. "It's fine," you replied and hoped the shadows didn't betray the heat rising in your cheeks.
"I am pleased to hear." Neuvillette smiled and let his eyes drift to the Mesulines surrounding you. "I believe thanks are in order."
"You're the one who saved me though."
"That may be true, yet it was you who protected the Mesulines, was it not?"
Your palm went flush against one of their backs. You didn't think much at the time, it was just - "It was the only thing to do."
"Indeed," he said, his eyes soft, kind, and fixed on your own. You dropped them under the pressure only for your heart to stop when his hand cupped your chin so he could look at you again. "I am grateful."
You looked at him, tried to breathe, tried to force words - any words - through your throat but all you could manage were several shallow nods to which he responded by running his finger across your cheek - leaving you drowning.
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year ago
Personal headcanons for Gale's tower layout:
5F: An astronomical observatory with an orrery in it. The stardome is enchanted to reflect whatever sky and weather Gale wishes; if he wants to see the stars in Kythorn, that's what it shows him. If he wants rainy weather to read to, guess what. The stars reflect whatever position the orrery's been set to. There's a walkable ledge around the exterior of the roof for Tara's pigeon-hunting.
4F: A portal room, surrounded by three guest bedrooms and a bathroom. The bedrooms are themed: one smells like a sea breeze and faces the harbor, colored with sunset shades with gold accents, one smells like rose potpourri and fresh grass, mostly pastel purple with brass, one smells faintly spiced, deep maroon and bronze. Morena prefers the rose one. Each one comes equipped with a vanity that has three (magic) mirrors, a wardrobe that removes wrinkles and stains of anything hung in it and repairs minor stitches, a set of candles that never burn down their wicks, and curtains that, when drawn, enact a silent barrier around the room. The floors are polished hardwood with plush, patterned carpets. The bathroom is self-cleaning, has running water on command, whatever temp you want it, warms towels for you, and has a magic mirror (magic mirrors in my headcanon show hairstyles and things you WANT to try before you actually try them out).
3F: Gale's floor. His bedroom, a walk-in closet, a room for Tara, and a personal bathroom. Gale's bedroom has silence-spelled drapes, glowing crystal sconces he can dim with a wave, a desk, a large canopy bed (the one he summons during his last night in Act II), a small bookshelf for whatever he's currently reading that doubles as his nightstand, and a plush window seat. The walk-in closet is neatly sorted, with everything from travel robes to finery to wear to the annual Blackstaff Ball, and has the same enchantments in it as the guest room wardrobes, with the added effect of making anything put in it inexplicably smell like a library. His bathroom is just like the guest ones, but larger. The bathtub inside, when activated, always assumes he wants his bath piping hot and lavender-scented. Tara's room is smaller, but fully designed for her little cat body. Scratching posts, cat-sized perches and comfy cat towers, and a little bookcase and window seat of her own. She keeps her space VERY neat, in contrast to Gale's "organized chaos" sort of living.
2F: This is the floor we see in Gale's Act II illusion. The packed library, the messy desk, the private study, the balcony... He sorts his books by topic, then by date rather than author. Tara is appalled by it. The balcony has a minor enchantment to keep weather, pigeons, and seagulls off of it. Tara is upset at the lack of birds; it's SUCH a cozy napping spot, and you're going to take away her free breakfast, too? Gale's compromise was the 5th floor's walkable ledge, which is a prime pigeon-hunting perch.
1F: The entry floor. It's got a sitting room to entertain guests with, and a large, well-kitted kitchen. The dishwashing basin does the washing for Gale. On the wall in the sitting room, there are two notable paintings: one is of young, 10-year-old Gale in a cape, standing proudly with both his parents and holding his first-ever proper wizard staff. He's TRYING to have Tara on his shoulders, he insisted, but she's just too big, so he's wound up leaning forward where she awkwardly perches on his back. He has a snaggle tooth. The other painting is of a much older Gale, dressed finely and standing with his mother, smiling. It was made before he got the beard, so he looks a decent bit younger than he is. Tara is wrapped around Morena's shoulders like one of those feather boas, but she's headbutting Gale's shoulder affectionately.
B1: Gale's wine cellar and well-stocked pantry. He collects all kinds of wines from all over Faerûn, usually getting them from merchants that pass through Waterdeep, but he's not opposed to cracking open an expensive vintage with the right company. There's a locked cabinet labeled "in case of Elminster" that contains some cheeses and wine to offer the older wizard, that way Elminster doesn't raid Gale's pantry when he's not looking. If you don't feed Elminster, he WILL feed himself at your expense.
B2: Gale's spell workshop, scroll storage, alchemy lab, and vault. Gale's not especially well-versed in alchemy (I think Wyll's got dibs on that, personally), but he DOES mix himself up some Arcane Cultivation elixirs from time to time. And if a potion recipe intrigues him enough, he likes to have a place on hand to try things out. The vault is well-guarded with spells, but, sadly, pretty empty; it just has his savings there now, where once it held all sorts of enchanted items he'd picked up through his studies and younger adventuring days.
An additional note: Tara has perches all throughout the house, on every floor, basically anywhere Gale spends a lot of time doing things. The cushions that are hers are magically heated and smell like tea and mint.
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brakeneckspeeds · 6 months ago
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Made a couple memes off stream and forgot to post them. Behold! Variety
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demonsreverie · 2 months ago
WindWaker has my kiddo obsessed with Chu-Chus, so they’ve been pretending to hunt them all over the house 🤍 As Link, naturally, with their Halloween Master Sword and Shield 🤭 This does mean that every time I turn around in the kitchen I must become Ganondorf and battle them to the death but that’s normal 🥰
So we made some delicious Chu Jelly Elixirs today!!
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wild-magic-oops · 10 months ago
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Enlarge was never particularly useful to me + I like to focus on damage with my wizards/sorcerers so I've never had Gale learn it before but I decided to give it a try this time in order to sometimes buff my paladin a bit before combat. 100% no regrets
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Has anyone got any healing potions? I've got a sore throat and i think at this point only arcane elixirs can help me (it is mildly inconvenient)
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child-of-hurin · 6 months ago
lost my ability to cook in the move & i cannot seem to find it
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archiveofkloss · 1 year ago
karlie kloss for carolina herrera’s good girl blush elixir (2024)
carolina herrera via instagram and twitter: “Rose. Vanilla. Patchouli: these are the foundations of the brand new Good Girl Blush Elixir, a seductive reimagination of an iconic fragrance.”
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daseiins · 5 months ago
WHY is scarlet tangled in a toxic situationship with the Old One get her out of there!!1!
(i am actually so intrigued i dont think ive seen anyone write a situationship between oldie and a The Wizard char. consider this an invite to ramble abt her)
i don’t have 100% of the details flushed out but in scarlet’s canon, the summit actually goes well and she has a chance to work with the old one on a way to travel to and from earth!
scarlet ends up getting incredibly comfortable, opening up to the old one and answering his questions about being bartleby’s scion over games of chess (that he typically tends to lose)
there’s definitely some kind of sexual tension between them. spending hours in a lab together tossing witty banter back and forth with more ease than breathing tends to do that, though.
as they’re incredibly close to finishing the portal to earth, the old one just…. vanishes. scarlet doesn’t hear anything from him for weeks, until a letter arrives from him, thanking her for her time and the valuable information she gave him, and how her contributions will help lemuria for centuries to come.
but basically scarlet’s just really lonely and gets a little bit (a lotta bit) manipulated and she takes the break up so hard she cuts off all her hair and swears off dating men forever
im in a toss up of if i want her to have a rebound with the OG lemuria scion bot or if i want the scion bot to just be like. her. like what if ur ex(?) built a robot that looked exactly like you that was the heart and soul of his most prized work. what if.
but yeah after oldie she dates mellori and they live happy ever after <3
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witch-hazels-musings · 4 months ago
I hope you're doing well good stranger. Just wanted to drop by to say Price of Grace was one of the MOST amazing and heart-wrenching fics I have EVER had the honour of reading. Your take on messmer and your writing was utterly beautiful- lord the entire story was such a roller coaster of violent emotions I wish I could experience for the first time again. I still find myself thinking back on the story even though it's been around 2 months since I've read it (still have not gotten over that ending my heart ACHES). I've recently decided to write my own messmer fic and I would like to thank you for being one of my first major inspirations and dragging me into the messmer rabbit hole!! I'd love to know if it would be possible to use the nickname pyrefly in my own story with full credit to you and Price of Grace of course? 100% understandable if you're uncomfortable with that, the name just had me completely weak and was definitely one of my favourite parts of the fic even if it seems a lil stupid! Congratulations on finishing your first book, may you keep blessing the world with your wonderful writing!!
Waaaaa!! Well thank you so much!! Technically this may come as a shock to some of my followers lol, but yeah, we love Messmer in this house 🏡🏡 (sorry not sorry about bringing you along hehe)
And of course! I think it's such a perfect nickname he'd give so this just makes it even more cannon ୧⁠(⁠﹒︠⁠ᴗ⁠﹒︡⁠)⁠୨
(oh and yeah the ending brooooke me. I still read it and cry!)
And thank you for the love on my book! To be honest that fic makes me desperately want to write a book with similar vibes and feels - mhmmhm mhmmhm
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lovecatsys · 1 year ago
you've heard of the love triangle, now get ready for...
...the hate triangle~~
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reawaken · 4 days ago
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happy monday, as per tradition, i've done it
#tbd /#“reyes the game just came out” let's not worry about that .#(lotsss of rambling + some spoilers in the tags btw. jic)#epilogue gut-punched me so hard i laid there for a good hour or two just. bawling. i went through this game w minimal tears mind u#laughing my ass off then whaBAM. they know how to get me... every fucking time... without fail...#like maji.ma n saej.ima talking about dreams n getting hit with “kiry.u kazu.ma. you never could give up on that one.” what if i backflippe#into incoming traffic. THE REASON MAJIMA WENT TO HAWAII WAS TO FIND THE ELIXIR TO SAVE KIRYU. EVEN L8R WITH RETROGRADE AMNESIA HE WAS STILL#DRAWN TO IT IN HIS JOURNEY WITH NOAH. (VAGUE GESTURES ABOUT FATE) I'M GONNA EAT GLASS.#the fact that it's called the heart of the dragon. like okay. alright. whatever. WHATEVERRRRRRRRRR#noah is also my beloved son. he's everything 2 me... the goromaru is everything 2 me... that's FAMIBLY!!!! loved watching saeji.ma +#nish.ida + mina.mi going along w it all. like ugh fine we'll tag along on this adventure cus u're still my kyodai/boss💔‬#the bonds and drink links broke me esp. they all love and cherish majima so much i can't take it anymore#god. pyih was incredible and sooo much fun. get into these games. i beg... plot w my pookies. let me talk ur ear off. join my insanity#i'll even stream for you if i must. i stream them for buddies all the time. monkey rattling the door bars gif. anyway#if you've reached this far. hi<3 i'm still sick liek a dog<3 BUT trying to power through it with a to-do list for here#aka clean out some drafts + my inbox. start a lil fresh. post another plotting call cus i feel so bad i've not interacted w some moots#and i need to get my mssgs in order... that'll help me (again)#log into viktor and reply to some things there<3 looking directly at rem as i say this#ummm work on that oc blog in the bg as well finally. + possibly. emphasis on posisbly. another blog (yagami judgment) (he never leaves#my mind. sawry!)#my other yakuzas will remain here for now.
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faranae · 1 year ago
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Feeling fairly certain one of Discord's new icon borders was specifically made for me...
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rosywitchwizard · 2 months ago
had a go at the the Snapple Rain Elixir™ today. tastes like something i would’ve pretended to like as a child
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funsizedcrow · 2 months ago
undead botw link...i am rotating him in my head
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salmoniid · 2 years ago
what i think different botw/totk elixirs taste like
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bright elixir: corn syrup, smells a bit like medicine
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chilly elixir: lifesaver mints and club soda
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electro elixir: flat mountain dew
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enduring elixir: honeysuckle, faint notes of carrot
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fireproof elixir: ash.
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energizing elixir: sour apple candy
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hasty elixir: blue raspberry, but SPECIFICALLY the blue raspberry flavor on ring pops (how DO you mess up blue raspberry that bad i've always wondered that) as well as hints of seawater
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hearty elixir: cherry gumdrops, and, hear me out-
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-the hearty elixir also kinda tastes like what dr stinky gummi bear scratch and sniff stickers smell like. hear me out just hear me out
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mighty elixir: carrots and those pale, too-sweet and too-husky oranges that you regret buying
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sneaky elixir: huckleberries with strong notes of what sharpies smell like as a flavor. and hints of lavender.
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spicy elixir: cinnamon candy and fruit roll ups
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sticky elixir: tastes like water with a strong earthy tone to it, almost muddy. smells sickly sweet. oh and it's the texture of watery slime so have fun with that :)
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tough elixir: grape candy and blackberries
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