#too bad dialogue forces the character back to their original size
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wild-magic-oops · 10 months ago
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Enlarge was never particularly useful to me + I like to focus on damage with my wizards/sorcerers so I've never had Gale learn it before but I decided to give it a try this time in order to sometimes buff my paladin a bit before combat. 100% no regrets
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annaraebananawriter · 2 years ago
It’s Stupid, Really
Well, well, well. What do we have here? Why, it’s another oneshot based off of some tweets from @dreemurr-skelememer, this time about Dream having a panic attack/ptsd episode in front of Nightmare, how interesting!
I did change a few small details, but the overall idea is the same. I just got into a flow while writing it and rid the flow until the end. 
Also, fun fact: I had planned to write this in January. I got all the dialogue written in my document and everything and then never touched it until now. I had originally planned to do it from Nightmare’s POV, but apparently that was the wrong move, because I looked at it again and decided to write from Dream’s POV instead, and I kid you not that the exact second I made that decision, I knew how to do it.
All the motivation I was missing came flooding in.
So, maybe all that advice about scenes maybe needing to be written from a different POV than what you planned is true. 
And the pacing of this might be fast, maybe too fast, but I think it reads well. Reads like you’re short of breath, I think.
Now, I...I don’t have much else to add. Happy reading, I guess!!!
Fandom: Undertale/UTMV
Characters:   Dream, Nightmare (Who belong to Joku), and mentioned Ink (Who belongs to Comyet), mentioned Bad Sanses, and mentioned Blue (Who belongs to P0pcornPr1nce)
Warnings: A panic attack and/or a PTSD episode, calling a panic attack and/or PTSD episode ‘stupid’, and self-hate, and I think that’s it. Let me know!
Summary: “ A party with a big crowd of people triggers a panic attack for Dream, who gets lost in memories of the Apple Incident. Luckily, or unluckily, depending, Nightmare is also at this party and is also the closest person available for Dream to cling to. (UTMV, Dream Sans Centric)”
Word Count: 3240
Dream tries to hunch himself over to appear smaller. Maybe he can blend into the crowd and can slip out of here soon.
Ink had heard of a party in some AU and really wanted to go. He tried to get both Dream and Blue to go with him, but Blue already had things to do. Dream, on the other hand, had a rather boring day planned of lying in bed and thinking for hours, and he felt bad because he wanted to say no but didn’t have a real excuse, so he ended up saying yes. Ink was excited, however, and they arrived rather early.
One would think that arriving early would help him get used to the size of the crowd, but the more skeletons he watched enter, the worse he felt. He was offered a drink multiple times and could politely deny only a few times before people got suspicious, wondering if he was alright. He grabbed some water to make people stop asking. It seemed to work, so his next problem was getting lost in the crowd until he could escape to a quieter part of the building. It made him uncomfortable, being surrounded by people, but he forced himself to work through it, sipping at his drink.
Oh, look. An exit was right in front of him, and only a few skeletons were in the way.
He sighs in relief, clutching his drink like a lifeline.
“Hey, Dream!” A Sans he’s only seen a couple of times from an AU he can’t remember the name of shouts, leaning on him. He grabs Dream’s drink out of his hands. “Why’re you just drinking water? Let me get you a real drink.”
“Oh, no thank you, I…” Dream starts, but the Sans stumbles off anyway. He cringes, sighs, and backs away, aiming to huddle into a corner and be invisible until the end of the party.
On his way, more people shout, gleeful about something happening further into the crowd, and he flinches. People shift, aiming to get a closer look at all the commotion, and he tries to elbow his way through as gently as he can. He stumbles and gets dragged into the crowd, people pushing him multiple ways.
He cringes again, trying to escape, but can’t find a gap to squeeze through. Is it just him, or is it really hot in here all of a sudden?
“You absolute beast!” Someone shouts, sparking laughter—
No, no, not laughter, jeers. People whisper to each other, nasty things about his brother—
No, no, no, not about his brother, just comments on whatever is going on—
No, wait. More people are shouting, some proclaiming that they knew it, some hurling insults, some just scoffing in disbelief—
In disgust.
Someone in front of him shifts to the right. He catches a glimpse of a skeleton huddled on the ground, curled up by the base of something—
A tree, Mother—
No, stop, stop being stupid—
And something rolling on the ground in front of them—
An apple—
Dream’s breath hitches.
He steps back, turning, trying to get away from it, telling himself it wasn’t real, it couldn’t be real. It was the past. He wasn’t there anymore, he left long ago. This wasn’t happening. Someone shoves at him—
And if this wasn’t real, would he still feel that? He can’t tell.
There are more leers and someone whoops, throwing something in the air—
Rocks rain down on Mother.
Nightmare tries to talk over all the noise, frantically explaining himself, but no one is listening.
Dream tries to fight his way through, get in front of the crowd, in front of his friends. He’s confused because they never acted this mean before. They keep throwing rocks, and he knows being hit with a rock hurts, so why are they throwing them at Nighty?
Something is wrong, something is wrong, something is wrong.
The wrongness fills him in rhythm with his footsteps. He’s breathing heavily, using all of his efforts to get out of this blasted crowd and find Nighty and get him away from all of this noise. His brother doesn’t like loud noises anymore. He doesn’t know why, but that doesn’t matter, because this is a loud noise and Nighty hates it here, he’s sure of it.
They need to get out.
Dream runs—
Stop, stop, stop, get out of here, this isn’t right, move on, move away—
Find Nighty and protect him, find him and protect him, find him and protect him—
Hurry, hurry, hurry—
With a final shove, he steps out in front of the crowd and looks up frantically, searching.
Only, Mother isn’t here. Neither is Nighty.
Blinking, he turns, facing the crowd of villagers, but this crowd is warped, wrong. They are all wrong. He doesn’t recognize any of them. He backs away from them, confused and worried and alarmed. His back presses against a wall and he stops breathing.
He can’t move.
He can’t move.
He can’t move anymore, something hardening his body and making him numb—
No, no, no, no, no. Not happening. You’re not there.
Stop being stupid.
He needs to find his brother. He needs to find him. They’re in danger. Nighty’s in danger. They need to find each other and run before it all goes wrong. They need to escape.
Where is his brother? Where is he? Where—
The word looks dizzy, he feels dizzy—
There’s someone beside him and—
—They know his name.
Dream blinks.
The breath he was holding escapes him in a gasp.
The person beside them is dark and blurry. He can’t make out many details. Something moves behind them. Another villager? Then that means this is a villager. Not one that he recognizes, though. But maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe they can help.
They might know where Nightmare is.
“Dream, what…” the villager starts, confused, and concerned. Dream jolts into action, frantically grabbing onto their shoulders. His hands slid, almost like he was grabbing at oil. That’s odd. It’s familiar, too. Odd. He tightens his grip. “Hey! Get off—”
They don’t like that very much. Dream doesn’t care what they do or don’t like as long as they help him. “Have you seen my brother?”
The villager stills. “Huh?”
Frustrated, his fingers twitch. He glances around as the villager takes a moment to reorient themselves.
No Mother, no brother. Still the same.
His chest is beginning to tighten again.
“My brother.” Dream exhales sharply at the villager’s confusion. “Looks like me, exactly like me. Just wears purple instead. It’s his favorite colour.” He doesn’t know why he mentioned that. The villager didn’t need to know that. Can’t he do anything right? “Have you seen him? I need to find him. I need to find him. Fast.”
The villager laughs harshly in disbelief. “Is—Is this a joke or something? Dream—”
“It’s not safe here. Not safe. I need to find Nighty. I need to get to him. It’s not safe here.” Dream explains, glancing around again. No change. Has it gotten hotter? He feels like he’s sweating a lot. “We’re in danger. Very bad, bad danger. He’s in danger. I need to find him. Have you seen him? Please tell me where he is.”
Though he hears the villager try to speak, Dream rushes over him, impatient. “Tell me, please. Tell me, tell me, tell me. Please. I need to get there in time. I can’t be late again. Things—” He chokes on a breath and something pricks at his sockets, the edges of his vision darkening. “I can’t lose him. I can’t. He’s all I have. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please…” His voice cracks and he repeats the word over and over.
Please help him, please, please, please—
Please save Nighty, please, please, please, please—
Please, please, please, please—
He’s being led somewhere. Is the villager helping him?
Please, please, please, please—
The music—when did that start? Where even was he?—fades the further they get.
Please, please, please, please—
Doors shut behind them.
Dream can’t see anything anymore; he’s panicking too much.
Where was he? Where is Nightmare? He needs to find Nightmare.
The villager makes him sit down. He frowns, trying to get up. He can’t rest now, not when Nighty needs him. The villager doesn’t let him up.
“Breathe, Dream.”
He is breathing. Isn’t he? Maybe he’s not. Maybe he’s dead and that’s why this place is so unfamiliar and Nighty wasn’t here and, and, and—
He’s breathing. He’s trying.
He wants his brother.
“I’m right here. Keep breathing, slowly. Match me. In…out. Good. You’re not in the village, Dream. Okay? You’re not there.”
But wasn’t he just…?
“You haven’t been there in years. We’re both safe. It’s okay.”
But it wasn’t. It wasn’t okay.
He needs to—
“Keep breathing, focus on breathing.”
Dream wants to scowl. He wants to frown and complain that he is doing all of that and it’s not helping. But he doesn’t, he instead inhales—
And his chest lightens a bit.
He squeezes his eyes shut, and exhales, trying to do as ordered.
His chest continues to lighten, cracks appearing in the stone as patches fall off of him—
You’re not there. You haven’t been there in years. Focus, Dream.
But it all feels so real.
And he can practically taste the apple on his tongue, the smell of negativity in the air—
And he inhales—
And the feel of a smooth staff in his hand, fabric clenched in his fist, tinging in his legs as he’s turned to stone—
And he exhales—
And the sound of wind and silence and manic laughter—
And he breathes—
And he sees—
And he—
And he blinks, sockets aching.
And he sees the darkness in his vision fading. It bubbles away, letting his surroundings take its place. He’s sitting against the railing of the balcony of the building. One of them, at least. The bars bite into his back. There’s a faint breeze, carrying the smell of flowers from the garden below. It’s nice.
And Nightmare is in front of him, kneeling, hand outstretched and hovering.
Dream blinks in surprise.
Nightmare looks concerned, eye wide.
They stare at each other for a moment.
Brow furrowing, Dream clears his throat, craving a glass of water. His voice is hoarse. “…Nightmare?”
Nightmare shifts, hand lowering. “Yeah.” His brother relaxes a bit, still watching him.
Something drips off his fingers.
Goop the same colour as the goop that covers his brother covers his hands. It’s slimy and gross and the minute he notices, he wants to wipe it off, but it feels awkward and inconsiderate of him to do that in front of his brother.
Dream glances around, avoiding looking at him. Shame begins to heat his face and he internally sighs. Of course. He just had to get this way in front of Nightmare. This is like, the worst possible thing. But it’s just his luck. And now he’s left here afterward, wanting nothing more than to teleport straight home and sleep the next week away.
But doesn’t he owe it to Nighty for an explanation?
“Sorry��” His voice cracks again, and he coughs. “I—”
His mouth continues moving, but nothing comes out.
He frowns, trying again. “I—”
“Hold that thought.”
Dream looks up as Nightmare stands, walking back inside.
Well, if he really wants to, he could teleport away now and not face the humiliation surely coming his way. Nightmare will probably return with one of his guys and then a fight will break out, taking advantage of his weakened state. He doesn’t want to fight right now, doesn’t even want to move. If he could, he would just flop over and sleep right here. Then all of the aftermath of this can be dealt with once he wakes up.
But, no, he’s a big boy, and he will face it now as he should.
He wraps his arms around his legs and buries his head in his knees. God, he’s such an idiot. No, he’s weak. He knew coming to this party with Ink would be a risk. He felt the panic at the start, the minute they arrived and people were still pouring into the big, big room, but he swallowed it back and tried to forget about it. It was only when the crowd pulled him along that he got lost in his head. Everyone he pushed in his fight to get away must be so confused, and they must’ve talked about it with their friends and now everyone was probably wondering why he was acting so weird.
Hopefully, no one noticed the terror he felt, but he has a feeling it might’ve been obvious…
This will be such a big mess to clean up. Why did his brain have to betray him like this? Why did he give in so easily? It was like he wanted to get lost, and he never wants to get lost. He always says that it’s the last time he’d ever feel like this, but there always ends up being another thing that triggers it again. He doesn’t know how to stop it besides avoiding anything he manages to clue in on, like crowds.
And yet, here he was. Here he fucking was.
A hand grabs his wrist. Dream’s head snaps up. He watches, eyes wide, as Nightmare holds his hand and runs a damp washcloth over it, cleaning it. For some reason. Why? Why would his brother come back just to clean him up?
This wasn’t his mess to deal with.
This…this, the cleaning, reminds him of patching Nightmare up under Mother. It brings the aching longing he got sleeping in branches and walking through the woods to the front of his mind. It hurts and hurts and he’s unable to shake it off.
“Are you alright?” Nightmare asks, focusing on his task.
Dream swallows. “I’m fine.”
His brother looks up, unconvinced, raising a brow.
“Really, I am,” he insists.
Nightmare’s eye flicks over his face, searching for a lie.
Dream prepares himself, resigned at explaining. The words are on the tip of his tongue, ready, when—
“Okay.” Nightmare goes back to cleaning. He’s ruing a perfectly good washcloth just for Dream. He doesn’t know how to feel. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
The words feel foreign to him. “Oh…Thanks.”
Nightmare hums.
Dream’s not used to being told he doesn’t have to talk about things if he doesn’t want to. The villagers always wanted to make sure he was happy, asking him again and again if he was and flocking to make him feel better if he said he wasn’t. Even now, people prefer to know everything about his job. Most of the conversations he has with people besides Blue or Ink or a few others are one-sided questions about himself.
He's relieved that Nightmare is giving him a choice. He wants to stay silent and let them both forget this ever existed. If they can, that is. Still. He wants to keep any of what he was thinking about to himself, as much as he can. His brother is still his enemy, after all, and giving away all his vulnerabilities will only result in more difficult battles.
He doesn’t want to say anything, and yet he does.
For some reason, having a choice makes him want to tell Nightmare something even more. “I don’t like crowds. Specifically, not, um…big ones. Or loud ones. Or big loud crowds crammed in a small room. Whenever I’m in one for a long time, it…” He swallows again, glancing up and catching Nightmare’s eye. “It brings back bad memories,” he whispers, feeling childish that he’s avoiding saying anything specific.
Nightmare watches him for a moment. “Okay.”
His face is expertly blank. He can’t tell what his brother is feeling.
“I apologize that you had to deal with this.” Dream sighs. “I usually handle it.” He chuckles, tired. “It’s stupid, really.”
Nightmare still doesn’t say anything. Still blank. He’s finished with his task, setting the washcloth aside so he can fiddle with his fingers.
Dream starts, “I—”
“I don’t like apples.”
He blinks, forgetting what he was going to say. “…What?”
“I don’t. Brings back some bad memories. So, I don’t buy any or eat any. And that’s fine. I’m sure my boys know my dislike of them, too, ‘cause they never bring any home when they go shopping.” Nightmare pauses. “They may not…understand, exactly, but they don’t need to. They’re my friends. They accept it and live with it.” He looks right at Dream. “We all do.”
Dream blinks, looking at his hands. There wasn’t a speck left on them. Even all the dirt from the week, the build-up of grime he hadn’t had the energy to wash off, it was all gone. It felt strange to see the white bones underneath, marred by scratches as they were. He clenches them and opens them, admiring them.
Nightmare wasn’t talking about himself anymore. In his own, roundabout way, he was offering some advice that Dream really needs to hear. Stuff he has told others to do—trust those around you because the fact they were still there meant they cared far more than you realized. Friends lean on each other; no friendship is one-sided. Communicate, and you’ll have a better relationship. Whenever he had given the advice, he always felt he was lying, spouting facts he didn’t know were true. His brother seems to say it with such belief, and he probably does because he's learned all of it himself.
While Dream was stuck in stone, Nightmare was growing and moving on. He already knew this but it still surprises and pains him when he sees what that really means firsthand.
And yet…for all of his moving on, his brother still helped him today.
His brother could’ve just left him to his panic attack, let him make a fool of himself in front of everyone. Let rumors spread across the multiverse about him, watch his reputation and others’ trust in him crumble. Let him be weak. That was his goal, right? Beat him and give him a taste of what was owed to him, a sliver of what happened to his brother all those years ago? Why help his enemy out of a vulnerable spot, why not take advantage?
Dream wants to say it’s because, despite everything, they were still brothers, and that took priority over anything else.
With a new surge of confidence, Dream clenches his fists. “Right…Night, I—” But when he looks up, Nightmare is gone. He falters, looking around the empty garden as if his brother was simply hiding from him, but he knows he is gone.
He doesn’t sense him in the AU anymore.
Sighing, he stands on shaky legs. He’s disappointed, yes, but not surprised. He’ll just have to tell him another day how sorry he was about what happened, how much he misses him. Ask if he feels the same way. Ask if he wants to be brothers again in more than just title. Maybe, just maybe, Night’ll listen to him and maybe he’ll even say he wants to as well.
For now, though, Dream steels his resolve and leaves.
He’ll explain to Ink in the morning that he doesn’t really like big crowds, parties included.
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smurphyse · 3 years ago
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Hey friends! I'm turning 25 on the 29th of June, and I wanna celebrate with y'all!
What's the Challenge?
Well, it's fairly simple... I want you guys to create either a oneshot, OC, moodboard, gifset, series, art, really anything based on the prompts below for fandoms, original work, anything! I'll take the time to read through them all and like, comment, and share each one!
You can pick an existing series, character, oneshot, OC, etc to create these for! I just wanna see what you guys create, and I'd personally love it if you wanted to make anything based on my own Masterlist (a little gift for me and I'd honestly DIE)!
Tag everything for this as Smurph's Birthday Challenge so I can keep track of it!!! and tag me too if you like @smurphyse
When does the Challenge end?
July 29th! One month from my birthday, and even though I will share, like, and comment on each one, I am going to declare my favorite <3 :)
Smurph, what are the Prompts?
Pick from as many of the categories below as you like! These are just my favorites, but feel free to pick some of your own or just GO WILD and do what you want!
Category 1: Song Lyrics/Titles
Miserable Man by David Kushner
Moonlight by Future Islands
This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory
Why Am I Like This? by Orla Gartland
Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil
Loving You Is Lonely by Harmony Byrne
Wolves Still Cry by Lawrence Rothman
Romance by Ex:Re
still feel. by half-alive
Talia by King Princess
Dreaming of You by Selena
This is Heaven by Nick Jonas
Sexy Weekend by Scoundrels
Mansard Roof by Vampire Weekend
Everything Now by Arcade Fire
Category 2: Dialogue Prompts
"But did they experience pain? Did they know they were going to die?"
"I will knock you on your ass if you even THINK about it!"
"He was gonna hurt you..."
"Get on your knees and show me."
"I love you. I'm still gonna kill you, but man am I gonna feel bad about it!"
"I don't think I'm doing this right."
"What the fuck-? Oh... OH."
"When I picture myself growing old... it's always with you."
"Who's gonna let you?" "Who's gonna stop me?"
"How long have you been standing there?" "Longer than you like."
"When this is all over, I want my sanity back."
"Hah! You owe me ten whole dollars!!"
Category 3: Naughty Prompts
Doggy style
Reverse Cowgirl
Cum stuffing
Consensual Non Consent
Free use
Cum play
Blood Play
Shower Sex
Anal sex
Plugs! (any kind, but oh boy do I wanna see some vaginal plugs)
Pet play
Knife play
Double Penetration (or multiple penetration!)
Pillow humping
Thigh riding
Boot licking
Breath play
Risky texts/sexts
Public sex
Mutual masturbation
Cock warming
Watching porn together <3
Forced kisses
Clit slapping
Forced orgasms
Breeding Kink
Bruise Kink
Size Kink
Pick anything you want from any category, or just create something on your own for the Challenge/Celebration! I'd love to see what you guys come up with and I can't wait to see!
Happy birthday to me! - Smurph <3
Don't forget, tag it as Smurph's Birthday Challenge!
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leahazel · 3 years ago
More about my morally-grey heroines and their messed-up relationships
I wanted to elaborate on this post I wrote about D&F and BFS, but it turns out that adding readmore links to reblogs is a PITA, and I just now that this is gonna turn into a fucking novelette. 
So here we go.
Time to go into some detail about this!
Let’s define our terms:
“Decline and Fall” is my 120K+ series of loosely chronological, interconnected short fics, set in a tiny fandom for a visual novel that’s been in alpha development since 2015. For the record, the word count disincludes unfinished drafts, and stories that I’m holding back because they’re based on canon spoilers.
“Blood from Stone“ is my 100K unfinished Skyrim WIP, which began as a response to a kink meme prompt, and is not so much a rarepair as a non-existent one.
Both of these stories centrally feature young female protagonists and their sexual relationship with a much older man. Both heroines are... “grey” to say the least.
Let’s compare our fandoms, shall we?
Skyrim is a juggernaut fandom for a super-popular RPG which is part of a 30-yo franchise. The setting is moderately dark and casually sprinkled with murder cults, cannibalism, secret police death squads, and the prison industrial complex. The player character can be a thief and a murderer and everyone just learns to be okay with it because the only alternative is a fiery apocalypse. They also rob graves for the lulz.
Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem is a pinkie-toe-sized fandom for a hybrid RPG and dating sim where attractive young people flirt and date for the purpose of brokering world peace. The setting is one where you can actually broker world peace effectively. The player character can perpetrate a fair amount of proxy violence, but maintaining a good reputation dishonestly is legitimately difficult.
Now, let’s compare our heroines:
Corinne is a 24-year-old bounty hunter who became a folk hero, a soldier, and a cult assassin. She’s living alone and working for a living since she was 18. She’s never been in love, but she’s had multiple sexual and romantic relationships in the past. I deliberately wrote her as being very sexually confident and self-assured. She also has combat training, magical training, her special Dragonborn powers, and an incalculable amount of social clout. By every metric, she’s a powerful character. Though she can talk her way out of a tight spot (all my favorite characters can), she can also fight her way out.
Verity is (at the beginning of D&F) not yet 18 years old. She’s a princess from a very conservative kingdom who was raised to become a barter bride in a diplomatic marriage. The values that were passed to her were duty, tradition, and absolute obedience. Her primary skills are social, charisma, eloquence, and persuasion. Then she was dropped into the deep water of a diplomatic summit and had the weight of future history put on her shoulders, without ever having been taught how to make her own decisions or live with her regret.
To sum up, we have one hyper-competent, confident, and independent badass, universally recognized as powerful and dangerous, and then we have someone who’s basically a deconstruction of a traditional fantasy princess.
Okay, what about the more specific setting within the game world?
BFS is set in Markarth, arguably the most corrupt city in Skyrim, and the site of a localized war, on top of the 2-3 other wars that Skyrim has going on. The city is controlled by the cartel-like Silver-Blood family, and their enemies are swiftly and brutally eliminated. The rule of law is a joke. When the player character arrives at Markarth, they witness a chain or murders and are drawn into a conspiracy that sees them sentenced to life in prison for a crime they didn’t commit. The ruling elite suppress the native underclass by a variety of inventive methods. The roads into the city are controlled by the remnants of a violent but failed uprising, and this uprising is actually the origin story of Skyrim’s entire civil war storyline.
D&F is set in Revaire, explicitly the most violently war-torn of the seven kingdoms. Once the epicenter of a conquering empire, it was a country full of arts and culture, until a bloody coup slaughtered the entire royal line and instituted a new and more brutal regime. The new regime is on shaky grounds and foresighted people predict its imminent fall to rebel forces. So much, so canon. In D&F, I made a point of developing the new royals and their small coterie of supporters, as well as illustrating their constant struggle to conceal how widely reviled they are by the populace, and most of the former nobility. Their apathy to the plight of the common people is underscored in contrast to Verity’s compassion, which is ridiculed as a sentimental feminine affectation.
I’m attracted to certain themes, as you might have noticed.
Now, we get to talk about love interests.
Thongvor Silver-Blood is rather anemically characterized in Skyrim’s canon, so much of the information that I include in BFS is inferred. From his limited number of dialogues in the game, we know that he’s politically ambitious, a Stormcloak supporter, easily angered, and that he has one legitimate friend in the city. Like most Skyrim characters of his age bracket, he served in the Great War. He’s defined by his relationship to his generational cohort. In BFS, he’s def8ined in contrast to his brother. Thonar is comfortable being thought of as a villain. Thongvor still needs to believe that he’s the good guy. And I’m gonna get more into that in later chapters, too.
As a love interest, he’s initially in awe of Corinne, and always genuinely adoring, but more than a little jealous and possessive. BFS is not a story about love redeeming bad men (don’t get me started), but Thongvor shows different sides of his personality to different people, and the side that Corinne gets to see is much nicer than what most people do.
Hyperion Asper is a character of my own devising, whose existence in 7KPP canon is purely implied. We know his children, Jarrod and Gisette, and we knew that he organized a coup to seize the throne. I posit him as a tyrant and unrepentant child-killer (not directly stated in D&F, at least not yet). He’s ruthless and manipulative and his sole purpose is maintaining a sense of personal power. I structured him as the bad example that Jarrod tries -- and fails -- to live up to.
As a love interest... look, he’s a man who’s cheating on his wife with his son’s wife. He seduces Verity and manipulates her, and takes a special delight in pushing her buttons. All his compliments to her are mean-spirited and back-handed. He’s also jealous and possessive... which is especially pathetic, since he’s jealous of his own son, whom Verity doesn’t even like. His rage is a constant implied undercurrent in the narrative.
And the relationship dynamics themselves?
Corinne kisses Thongvor, proposes marriage to him, and then sleeps with him before riding off into mortal danger. She’s fond and affectionate, but she shies away from intense emotions, whether negative or positive. Since they spend most of their time apart, their marriage has been defined by Thongvor yearning like a sailor’s wife, while Corinne ran around doing violence and crime. They only just had their first fight. It will change when they get to spend some more significant time together... but on the whole, their marriage is fairly happy, and the emotional dynamic favors Corinne -- so far. It’s not a pure gender reversal, but that element is definitely dominant.
Hyperion starts seducing Verity on their very first meeting, and relies on a combination of magnetic attraction and Verity’s inexperience in life to keep her coming back, against her better judgment. Their relationship is mutually defined by a combination of attraction and resentment of that attraction. The danger of the situation is an essential element, to the point where it’s hard to imagine their affair would survive without it. It’s a puzzle and a battle, a source of fascination but not of comfort. There’s lust involved, and curiosity, but not a shred of love or even like. The closest thing to genuine affection is when Verity briefly imagines that there could be a version of Hyperion she actually liked, cobbled from his various, hidden good qualities. Any trappings of a genuine relationship are deliberately discordant.
I have tried, more than once, to imagine an alternate universe in which these two could be happy. It can’t be done. they are a study in dysfunction.
So where’s the similarity, with all these differences outlined?
Corinne’s choice to marry into the Silver-Blood family makes her complicit in their rule of the Reach, corrupt and reactionary as it is. Her reluctance to accept being called by their name reflects a reluctance to confront unpleasant truths that’s fundamental to her character. Choosing to be one of them affects and will continue to affect how other people see her, mostly negatively, and mostly without her being aware of it. Being Thongvor’s wife has gained her enemies. The fact that she doesn’t share his more reactionary views is something that they’ve both chosen to elegantly ignore, but the rest of the world won’t be so generous.
Verity’s choice to marry into the Revaire royal family makes her complicit in their violence against the forces rebelling against them, albeit in a more subtle way. Her personal dislike of Jarrod and the fact that their marriage was purely political will not absolve her in anyone’s eyes. Neither will her compassionate and charitable character, which can only be seen as a fig leaf to the Revaire royals’ general brutality. She has lost at least one good friend -- who will never see her the same way, since she chose to throw her lot in with his enemies. She will go down in history as an Asper wife -- but if she’s lucky, not just as that.
Both Corinne and Verity choose to accept some of the violence of the system that they live under, in order to serve their own lofty, long-term goals. Both of them are more image-driven than they care to admit, and though they are genuinely caring and compassionate, they will readily sacrifice compassion in service on their goals. They are queens (or queen-like figures), one-degree-of-separation members of the ruling class, implicated but not directly in control.
And their relationships serve to highlight what they are willing to accept, even though it goes against their conscience.
Is there a conclusion to be drawn here?
Sort of. I want to write about power, compromise and complicity. For whatever reason, it turns out that yw/om relationships are... a really good vehicle for exploring that. I can’t really explain why that is, just yet. I just... have had these thoughts floating, unstructured, in my head for months on end. I needed to get them out on paper, and give them some semblance of order.
I don’t even know why anyone but me would read this, as long and meandering as it is. But having it accessible might be of use to me.
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arwenkenobi48 · 4 years ago
The Fiend and the Fugitive Character Profiles: Stardust, Drakon and Smokey
I found the traditional format for these character profiles a little too taxing, so I’ll simply describe each of these characters with a little bit of prose and dialogue, then include trivia relating to each of them.
He removed the crash helmet and goggles from his head, revealing two small conical horns upturned on his forehead, with two smaller ones aligned vertically on the bridge of his nose and between his eyebrows. The young man swished back a rich crop of hair, the colours of which were most striking, starting out with a deep purple and ending in an electric turquoise. The area around his eyes and halfway down his cheeks were marked by what appeared to be some sort of ritual tattoos, a rich crimson in colour, forming abstract shapes closely resembling crescent moons, only more angular. His bright purple eyes sparkled happily as he adjusted his parka, bowing modestly from side to side as the crowd cheered. “Thank you, thank you all, thank you very much,” he beamed, his voice rich and cultured. There was no doubt about it; this eccentric figure was indeed Robin’s childhood friend, albeit going by a different name. How on Earth did he manage to earn so much money? Surely not by becoming a human snowball every time he went skiing.
“Mephistopheles, hold this for a moment, will you?” Stardust placed a large object in the demon’s hands, so heavy he nearly dropped it, then calmly took it back and placed on the now immaculate shelf. “Thank you, old chap,” “What was that thing?” Mephisto demanded. “Oh, just a giant cosmic pearl gifted to me by a relative,” Stardust replied casually. “Why, whatever is the matter, Mephisto? You’re looking awfully peaky all of a sudden!” “I think it drained my dark energy,” Mephistopheles gagged. “Well, that’s certainly something else, as they say. I’m sure it’s not as bad as that. You know those things absorb energy like spherical sponges,” “I didn’t know that,” grumbled Mephistopheles, who now felt like he had just been cured of a cold, but in the worst way possible. As much as he felt bad for his rival, Stardust couldn’t help feeling rather amused that what dragons considered medicine had made a demon sick.
Stardust is one of my oldest OCs
His name is actually an English translation of the Draconic name Esrah, which quite literally means “essence of the stars”
Stardust is demisexual and panromantic
He’s a philanthropist who protects dragons that have been made homeless and have suffered discrimination from humans
Many assume that Stardust’s odd appearance is due to body modifications, but he is actually half dragon and can shift between human and dragon forms. This is technically called a Dragon Angel
Stardust’s only relative that he’s in contact with is his grandfather, Mitsuo, who is a 1000 year old Japanese water dragon
The only thing Stardust and Mephistopheles can healthily bond over is table tennis. Regular tennis is out of bounds after Mitsuo got knocked out during a rather heated match (quite literally, the ball was going so fast it was gathering heat)
Despite having sold his soul to Mephistopheles, Stardust repents and is able to retrieve it. He has already proven himself to be a good person after donating his riches to support his fellow dragons
Stardust enjoys listening to heavy metal and opera
The dragon was around the same size as a Shetland pony, but at first glance nowhere near as cuddly. The dark blue scaly skin contrasted with an armour-plated golden underbelly, the curved horns, spines and barbed tail also indicated that this was a creature you wouldn’t want to mess with. Although he had sharp, owl-like claws, his hands and feet were bizarrely humanoid in shape and the powerful muscles seemed to indicate that this creature could be both bipedal and a quadruped, although being an all fours appeared to be the more comfortable of the two. His golden eyes peered up and his nostrils flared. He was clearly trying to appear intimidating as he stretched his wings out, but he somehow failed in spite of himself. “Now, listen ‘ere, human,” he warned in a voice with a strong regional accent. “I don’t know exactly what you’re up to, but let’s get one thing straight, yeah? You don’t wanna be starting any fights, especially not with me!” He bared his teeth, but they didn’t look as though they were capable of doing damage to anything other than a shawarma.
“Eh, who am I kiddin’?” Grumbled Drakon, sinking to the floor like a depressed panther. “I let you down. All cause I got the collywobbles seein’ them humans all at once. I wish I didn’t scare so easily, Smokey,” The baby’s reaction seemed to indicate that he not only understood his guardian, but empathised with him and wanted him to feel better. Even in his sadness, as a lump formed in his throat and a tear in his eye, Drakon couldn’t help but smile.
Drakon’s name is the root word of “dragon” in Greek
Drakon and Smokey are implied to be brothers from different clutches but with the same mother, although nobody knows for sure
After his cave was destroyed by humans mining for gemstones, Drakon resides in the House of Stardust. He thinks highly of Stardust and considers him his best friend. The feeling is mutual and they frequently protect one another from the cruelty of humans
Drakon loves shawarmas to the point that he put on quite a few pounds and now has a build similar to a bear
The inspirations for Drakon came from the Cowardly Lion in the book version of The Wizard of Oz and Captain Haddock from The Adventures of Tintin
Drakon hates trumpet music. Whenever he sees a trumpet he will do everything in his power to destroy it (and by that he’ll usually yell at it, stamp on it or at worst, set it on fire)
With a loud whine that sounded like a cross between a baby bird chirping and a kitten mewing, Smokey came galloping down the hallway. His round body was shaped like a squashed pear and his limbs were short and stubby, although he could function perfectly well. He clearly still had a lot of his baby fat, but despite that, he was surprisingly fast. His mottled skin was so dark grey it was nearly black, although a bright red belly and round eyes resembling those of an owl stood out from this. His wide yet snub beak gave him a strong resemblance to a potoo bird and his wings hadn’t matured yet. The most striking feature of this infant dragon, however, were his floppy, comically lopsided ears, which flapped around like ribbons as he galloped along. He didn’t speak, as he was much too young to learn how, but simply uttered his trademark “nee-nee-neesh!” noise as he hugged Stardust’s leg.
Smokey is five years old in human years, but that’s closer to two years old for his subspecies
He can’t breathe fire yet, but manages to sneeze out a fireball to protect his friends from the forces of Hell
Being so young, Smokey cries very easily. Possibly as a result of losing his parents, he also gets upset whenever someone leaves the room, as he thinks they won’t return. This results in him running after them and clinging to their legs while ‘neeshing’ loudly.
I was originally doing to give Smokey some dialogue, but decided against it, as I felt he’d be much cuter without it and his actions would speak louder than words
He gets his name from the fact that smoke always blows out of his ears whenever he tries to test his fire breath
Smokey hates Mephistopheles and can sense his evil aura from a mile away. Whenever he sees him he makes a noise like an angry teapot coming to the boil
Despite being little more than a newborn in dragon years, Smokey is capable of great empathy and comforts his friends when they’re feeling down
His favourite album is Shepherd Moons by Enya
Smokey was based on a plushie I use for emotional support
His favourite food is Greek honey cake
Apologies for the absence again; mental health really hasn’t been great at all, but I was still determined to deliver some of the content I promised. I realised that there was nothing stopping me from writing the first draft of The Fiend and the Fugitive, so I made a start on that and I’m looking forward to officially beginning the project in September!
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thickenmyblood · 4 years ago
It would take me three months -if not more- to write 14 thousand words and you wrote that for a single chapter in 4 weeks... I read your replies to some asks and you said every one has different styles but how do I up my word count? Love wtsioa by the way !
Just to be clear, I don’t think length has anything to do with quality. Clutter in writing is a thing, which is why most final drafts are shorter than the original version/manuscript.
Someone who clearly knows what they’re doing when it comes to writing short pieces that have an impact on the reader (amazing because they’re bite-sized and always, without fail, leave you wanting more) is @goldencuffs. I believe it’s a matter of style, which is personal and can be taught to a degree. If you are more comfortable writing drabbles, one-shots, or shorter pieces of fiction there is no shame in that. This writer’s fics are perfect examples of how to de-clutter your work and weed out everything that is unnecessary, boring, repetitive, etc.
Now to answer your question: if you want your fic to be longer, you have to write more. I know it’s a shitty and basic answer, but it’s the truth. The way I see it, writing a chapter/fic is like making a dress. You need a lot of fabric because, as my mom says, it’s always better to have too much than too little. When you have a lot of fabric you get to experiment more, it’s as simple as that. You might even get to make a dress and a skirt. Is this analogy even making sense? Probably not. 
At least 25% of what you write won’t make it into the final draft. The dialogue will feel stilted, it won’t make sense, etc. You’ll have to cut it out, and so the WC will decrease. But that’s a good thing! Because you have written a lot of stuff, when you cut out 25% of it your model won’t be naked. She’ll have a dress that suits her fine.
Some people write one scene chapters. I can’t do that because I hate writing transitions and, consequently, I suck at it. I also take my mom’s advice of “too much is better than too little” to an extreme (i.e I write twenty pages of pure dialogue—I’m like Plato but stupider and less famous). So what works for me is to outline a chapter before I start writing. That way I know how many scenes I’m going to write. Like this:
Chapter 1
- X and Y talk about Y’s engagement
- Y gets drunk at M’s birthday party and throws up all over the presents
- X takes Y home and pays for his taxi (weird taxi driver talks about politics while Y heaves in the backseat)
- Y wakes up the next morning with a headache, calls in sick to work, goes back to sleep
- Y wakes up again and orders sushi -> bad idea
If I’m writing the first scene and I realize it’s gone on for too long (20 pages of dialogue), I force myself to stop and move on to the next scene. And when the scene is not working and the words are not flowing and I’m growing frustrated because I just can’t write it the way I want to I move on to the next scene. 
Maybe God can sit down and write ten thousand words in under two hours, but I can’t. However, what I can do is write 500 words each time I sit down to write. After a week or so (let’s pretend you write everyday, which is another issue altogether that I will not get into because sometimes my moms IS wrong) you’ll have roughly around 3.5k words. Three weeks after that, you’ll have 10.5k words. 
You’re probably thinking, “this bitch has been going off for an hour and I still have no idea how to write more” and I agree. Here’s some help:
Scene 1: X and Y talk about Y’s engagement.
- How did they get there?
- What are they wearing? Is this important? Does it have to do with their personalities?
- Where are they? Are they standing? If they aren’t, are they comfortable? Are they tired? Do they wish they were somewhere else? 
-  Dialogue. A lot of dialogue. This is a scene where they talk, so make them talk. A lot. BUT there’s a word of caution to this tale: beware of dialogue tags. “Said” is ALWAYS the best option. Adverbs? Everyone will tell you they suck, and I don’t agree. I like adverbs, they’re fun. Are they necessary? Not really. Should you use “softly” and “sharply” fifty billion times in the same scene? Er, no.
I still have reader PTSD from Twilight.
- What is going on around them as they talk?
- Feelings. How do they feel about what they’re saying?
I think the only advice I have is focus on the details. Clothes, the weather, inner monologues, feelings, food, scents, etc. Details doesn’t mean useless information. It means small and relevant information, like worldbuilding.
This only works for fics, in my opinion. The readers already know your characters and they have an emotional connection to them, which is why you can write longer chapters that are all about dialogue and relationships without having to worry too much about plot. I have very strong opinions about plot and why we should stop obsessing over it, but you didn’t ask about that so I’ll shut up now.
Also, I’m not qualified to give you any sort of advice. I just do it because it’s fun. If I followed all these rules my writing wouldn’t suck, but listening to my own advice always sucks, so I don’t do it. Which is why I end up having 20 pages of dialogue that I POST TO THE INTERNET.
Hope this helped.
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Ask for writers
I was tagged a while ago by @theisolatedlily @zanniscaramouche and @tomlinvelvetfics. Sorry it took a while!
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted: I’ve been writing since I was literally able to, but I first started writing fanfic on ff.net back in the good old days. I wrote HP fanfic, among other things. In 2012 I made the switch to AO3 and started writing Ziam fanfic.
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?: I’m very similar to Louis in a lot of ways, so his POV definitely comes easiest to me. When I’m writing Ziam I find that I prefer to write from Liam’s POV, though I don’t feel I’m necessarily similar to Liam.
3. where do you often find inspiration?: Movies, shows, random posts on Tumblr.
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?: Not necessarily either of them, I feel. I’ve had a little bit more time but since I don’t work much I’ve always had the time to write. It’s more the other way around, writing has helped my quarantine.
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence? Silence. I can’t write with music on.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?: In general, bad grammar or ooc characters pulls me out of a story really quickly. I don’t tend to read much fic, since I don’t want other people’s writing style to seep into my writing, so I suppose that would be my own biggest pet peeve, is when I find that I’m not writing in my own voice.
7. describe your ideal writing setup: Basically just at my desk, in a good chair, because right now my chair sucks and my back issues are making me lightheaded a lot, which is why I haven’t written as much as I want to.
8. favorite time of day to write?: Early in the morning/day. When I don’t work I like to write from around 9-11 am since I have the most energy in the morning.
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?: Fantasy, for sure. Soulmates/fates/dystopia fics are still great.
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? how do you typically overcome it? I do when I haven’t been writing for a while, I need to be in tune with my story to really keep it flowing. I tend to force myself through it by just committing to certain times to write, and trying to keep that regularly so I don’t stray too far from the fic.
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult? I tend to write as I go, meaning that I sit down and the words just come pouring out. When I’ve outlined and I feel like I need to stick to that, it sort of feels stifling and I struggle, so I’m best at just free writing and letting the story go where it needs to go.
12. how do you come up with original characters? (if applicable): I don’t usually write original characters into my stories, but if I did it’d be from people I know or based roughly on characters in shows/movies.
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word? My absolute least favorite word is cum. Especially as a verb. That’s a hard no from me. I don’t really have a favorite word.
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?: I feel I’m a pretty solid story teller, and that I manage to put emotion into my work that translates to the people who read it. I want to keep working at my craft, I don’t feel there is something I’m particularly bad at, but I know I can improve a lot.
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?:  Definitely there’s no fair in farewell. It’s been in my head since 2014 and I finally sat down to write it in 2017/2018. It’s got so much world building and such a unique storyline, I’m still so proud of it. I don’t remember how I came up with it, it sort of feels like the story’s always been there, just waiting for me to sit down and tell it.
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?: calibi, 11, single space.
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?: I don’t really know? I don’t think I make a lot of consistent typos. I just write fast and mess up words on the regular lol. but this is a question better suited for my beta, @lightwoodsmagic!
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?: Yeah I really only write AUs. 
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?: Angst is my absolute favorite. I love writing emotional stories, with a lot of introspective characters. I feel that lust is the hardest to write since I’m aroace and I just cannot compute that people want to do the deed lmao.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?: that there is always hope and fate always works her way.
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?: The best is to not compare yourself to anyone else, since it’s a race you’ll inevitably lose. The worst, oof, I don’t really know.
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?: There’s no fair in farewell, absolutely. I feel like it has movie potential.
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?: Chronologically. Usually my stories go where they want to go, so if I wrote out of order none of the scenes would match up.
24. how do you handle criticism?: My first instinct is to be frustrated. My second, more thoughtful attitude, is that I will listen if it’s something I feel is valid. I am very vulnerable in my works and so criticism feels personal sometimes, but I’m also secure enough in my work to know when something is valid and when I should stick to my own ideas.
25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?: Do it. Write what appeals to you. Write from your heart and your soul.  
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?: Any comment is great, but I love when people point out the parts that made them emotional or that resonated with them. I love when people pick out quotes that they say helped made them feel better.
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend?: Oof. I don’t think I’d want to exist in most of my AUs. I’m pretty content with my life as is, but I’d love to befriend Zouis in my Zouis wallsficfest fic just because I am that mom friend and they both needed hugs.
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?: I’d love to get asks about my fics in general! These asks are pretty damn fun!
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?: It’s added so much love. Love for my writing, love for the stories and universes I put out. And love in the form of dear writer friends who have enriched my life and who have become some of my most favorite people.
30. why do you write?: because I’m a writer and I have to.
boost yourself + tags!
1a. share the last sentence you wrote:
The only one who has a choice is Harry, and this time, Louis will have to listen to it.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about:
I’m only working on my @onedirectionbigbang which is a Pygmalion fic and it’s so far 27k of pining and angst and if that doesn’t tell you enough IDK what else to tell you 
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of: 
Nothing particularly comes to mind at the moment. 
4a. share the best first and last lines from your work(s): 
I always try to start and finish with a good line. Here’s the ones from TNFIF:
Sometimes, when he looks down, Louis envies them.
And every day he thanks God for giving them the chance to find each other.
5a. link the last fic you read: 
I uh, kind of reread my own fic last night, does that count? It’s under the moonlight
6a. link the last work you published: 
My christmasfest fic room for your love underneath this tree
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable):
8a. someone that inspires you: 
Louis Tomlinson, and as far as writers go, @londonfoginacup and @lightwoodsmagic
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year:
I truly don’t read much, but anything Emmu writes is top notch for comfort honestly. She infuses her fics with so much warmth and charm that I can’t help but fall in love with every universe she creates.
Alright, I think a lot of people have already done this, but if you haven’t and want to, consider yourself tagged! I’m gonna tag @lightwoodsmagic @jacaranda-bloom @disgruntledkittenface @fallinglikethis @vintageumbroshirt and @dinosaursmate just to see if they want to share!
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twelverose · 5 years ago
i once believed love would be black and white, but it’s golden.
One year together measured in the memories lit by golden haze.
Rating: Teen (Implied sexual content)
Paring: Tentoo/Rose Tyler
WC: 6k
Tw: panic/anxiety attacks & drinking/smoking
A/N: a light plot. more of a character study than anything. but like, it was fun to write so. (angst & fluff)
Song: Daylight by Taylor Swift
Read on Ao3
Maybe you ran with the wolves and refused to settle down Maybe I've stormed out of every single room in this town Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it's morning now It's brighter now, now
“He needs you. That’s very me.” echoed through her mind as she watched him sleep.
They were driving back to the zeppelin. Pete driving with her mum in the front seat. They were trying to give them as much privacy as possible. Not that it mattered. The moment they made it to the main roadway, he fell asleep.
He fell asleep holding her hand. Like he was holding onto his promise.
When Jackie realized he was asleep, she went on about Tony. Which morphed into why Pete needed to finish some project that had been sitting in the garden for a month now. Rose pointed out why it had been abandoned. Her mum gave her no mind. Explaining you need to finish what you start. Rose scoffed. Quiet enough to avoid a scolding from her mother.
It took about an hour to get there.
Once they woke up the Doctor- which took a lot more effort than it used to- and made it onto the airship, Rose found herself exhausted. The last 72 hours catching up to her.
72 hours of fixing timelines and finding her universe and saving all of them. An emotional roller-coaster stuffed in for good fun. She wasn’t sure how she felt right now. Everything was foggy- including her vision.
She made her way to her usual seat. The Doctor not trailing far behind. They were pressed together in the seat. Not that they had to be, but it was a subconscious thing. Something they did before everything could give her butterflies all over again.
They listened to Pete’s call to Torchwood. Well, he did more than Rose. The drone of his voice forced her eyes shut. She started to drift off, resting her head on the Doctor’s shoulder.
She was half asleep when he asked, “It’s gonna be us?” in a low voice.
She reached for his new, new, new, hand, “Yeah.”
They were lucky. Lucky to have each other. Rose reminded herself that everyday. But falling into things- things they never did before- was beginning to look more difficult than they thought.
Days full of new aliens and old tropes. Meetings that sounded exciting in theory but when given context, Rose couldn’t process correctly. The Doctor trying to fit into the routine of work and home. Old jealous feelings and new conflicting ones falling out of each other’s mouths. Learning to communicate truthfully.
But they made it work. Just like they always have and always will. Although time decided it would move slow.
It was a hell of a day repairing a fleet of fly-sized spaceships and giving the captains directions to Bangladesh. That’s what the Doctor did. Rose was granted the honour of detailing her most recent experience with the “Original Doctor” and how they saved universes.
There was a heavy dread in the back of her mind. Thinking of all the versions of the people she knew that she failed to save. She never got used to detailing what happened when she jumped. But the dread had become something new now. It was thinking of the day they drag the Doctor into an interview room and drill him on how he’s different. She already was holding a grudge against the stoic people she knew would question him.
She didn’t like them in the first place.
Rose came home late. Annoyed and brain dead by the ten hours of redundant questions. Why had they waited two weeks to ask? She didn’t know. But the thought only annoyed her a little bit more. The Doctor was lying on the couch, watching some documentary. Probably about the universe. She couldn’t really focus on anything either way.
“Rose!” His head popped up when the front door closed. Hair adorably mussed and a bright smile on his face.
She gave him a small smile, “Hey.”
He looked like he was about to ask her questions about her day. But bit his tongue when she gave him a pointed look, “Tired?”
She nodded and fell onto the couch next to him. She didn’t want to explain. She could probably ask Pete for the tapes or documents if he was so desperate for an explanation. But he looked at her with those puppy dog eyes and she caved. Giving him a brief explanation of what she had to say and why it was stupid. It wasn’t much but it was what she had to offer.
“I was stuck on Earth working for U.N.I.T. for five years. Reminded me that I wasn’t a desk jockey or meant to live a linear timeline.” He said matter-of-factly.
Rose snorted, “You’re stuck with both for the time being.”
“Not so bad when I’ve got you.”
The words echoed memories she still considered precious. They happened more often now. Soft moments laced in a golden haze replaying in her mind. They changed her moods completely.
This time, she couldn’t help but lean up and kiss him. Something they were trying to find the natural for. He still let himself go lovesick. Like now, as Rose pulled back with a tongue in tooth grin at his small sound.
He wasn’t entirely ruffled. But definitely dopey eyed when he mumbled, “I love it when you grin like that.”
She hopped up to grab her phone, much to his dismay. And people thought they were attached before.
“Rose, wh-”
“I need to call mum. And order a pizza. You can look for a movie in the meantime.”
“That’ll be at least an hour! What am I supposed to do after I find the movie?”
Rose raised her eyebrows, “Last time it took you almost two hours because ‘Films aren’t the same here!’”
The Doctor opened his mouth to defend himself but couldn’t quite find a good defense. She was happy that he didn’t. Because she was right. he found a movie right before the pizza showed up. It was some sci-fi fantasy that didn’t really interest Rose but she doubted she’d stay up until he found another one.
For a man who was so used to letting things happen, he was picky over the media he consumed.
It was a pretty movie, she would give it that. The colors and framing were nice. But nothing else really appealed to her. After eating and curling into his side, she found herself drifting to sleep. Only opening her eyes when the light was bright enough to wake her up. Or when the Doctor moved because his arm was falling asleep or the dialogue pulled him into the story.
Part of her wished she wasn’t so tired. She loved watching him react to new things. Now they lived in a universe of brand new. It normally included having to hear him complain that she should at least try and enjoy the story. He didn’t protest too much. Just enough to remind her that you could find good in every story. So in return, she’d read a book.
Reading gave her a better advantage of watching him. His eyebrows and lips would twitch, as if he was replying. Or maybe criticizing the character’s choices. His fingers would twiddle and feet would tap. It was almost childish, how much he immersed himself.
She loved it. But she was also happy with where she was- option number two. It was also twice as comfortable.
Before she knew it, she was being lifted off the couch. Rose could feel him strain slightly as he carried her. She tried to hide her smile but couldn’t help but let a small one ghost her face. He tapped the bedroom door open with his foot. Moving as gently and quietly as possible, as if she wasn’t a deep sleeper. He knew that well.
Maybe he didn’t know when she was pretending. It made something catch in her throat. All the times she would pretend to be asleep- most of the time because she was already halfway there- just to spend time close to him. Did he never really know?
When he tucked her into bed she realized that he had yet to spend a night in the bedroom. Sure, he needed a little less sleep than the average human- because he wasn’t average. They shared a bed several times before, but he never stayed with her now. Granted, her bedroom wasn’t an alien jail cell or an archaic guest room.
It was an intimacy they never had without barriers and boundaries. Before, they were too aware of what time and space can do. Well he was. When he kissed her forehead, Rose realized it was something they could throw into the wind.
She grabbed his arm before he moved away, “Stay.”
There was a company party at Torchwood. The Doctor had been around long enough- two months and three days- for people to know who he was. Which meant he and Rose ended up staying for an afterparty. And then found a few.
In theory, it was Jake’s fault. He was the one who wanted to test the Doctor’s limits. They were greater than Rose expected. And unlike previous times, he wasn’t afraid to let it show. They ran around the streets of London. Jake showing them holes in the wall, where to get anything and everything. He broke up around 1 in the morning. Leaving them to laugh when one of them stumbled and hide from her father’s paparazzi in dark alleys. It didn’t do much but make them look worse in the morning.
They didn’t care. Too busy having a good time. There’s no doubt in that. They danced and flirted and had way more than one too many. Stumbled home and…
Rose woke up to a pounding headache. Maybe she was getting too old to have that type of fun. But the moment she had the thought, she decided the hangover was worth the fun. Even if the bed was empty when she woke up.
She got out of bed with a groan and grabbed the first shirt within arms’ reach. Which happened to be the Doctor’s button down from the night before. She brushed her teeth and took a few painkillers before walking out into the living room.
The stereo system was playing music that Rose wasn’t familiar with. But she heard him humming along.
She stopped and smiled as she caught sight of him. Clad only in a pair of briefs, the Doctor was swaying side to side as he chopped something. He was light. Not the tense and straight-backed man who needed to prove he was still worth his title. Hair beautifully messy, a blush spreading over the freckles of his back, and remnants of them from the night before.
He was beautiful. Especially when he let the weight off his shoulders.
She couldn’t help wrapping her arms around him when he was within reach. Pressing a kiss against his spine as he chuckled. Appreciating the heat his body left against her cheek.
“Good morning.” The vibration of his voice made her feel light as well.
She hummed in response. Appreciating the feeling of it all.
“I figured I could make us some breakfast.” He said, his voice slightly hoarse.
“Have you made any tea yet?”
“No.” A tinge of pink gathered on his cheeks, “I waited because it’s better when you make it.”
She let go with an exaggerated sigh and a smack of his bum. Smirking to herself at his quip, which was exactly as she always thought. She made their tea in their respective mugs. Her’s was one her mum painted with Tony, his was the one Tony made for him as a surprise. It was lumpy and chipped and colorful. Rose knew it was the few things that would expand into the sentimental collection he’d grow. It would probably remain one of his favorites.
She sat on the counter next to where he was making their omelettes once the tea was ready. She watched his focus intense when he went to flip them. Tongue daring to peek out the side of his mouth.
“Since when did you learn to cook?” She asked suddenly.
He placed his omelette on a plate before giving an explanation.”
“Oh, er,” His hand went to rub the back of his head, “When you have meetings or something during lunch, Jake has been showing me some stuff. He gets a kick out of it. Finally found something he’s better at than me.”
Rose laughed, “You found yourself a drinking buddy!”
“Oi!” He scowled, she noticed how he barely kept his finger from pointing, “I have not become that domestic, Rose Tyler!”
She couldn’t keep but laughing even more. The image of a Doctor disheveled and only in his pants, making breakfast and trying to defend that he still had an edge. The only thing that could make it any better was a “Kiss the Cook” apron.
Rose made note to get him one for the next holiday.
“Rose!” He whined, “Please, will you let off it?”
She found herself saying, “Make me.”
The Doctor wasn’t having any of that taken lightly, he took the two steps to invade her personal space with zero hesitation. The next laugh got caught in her chest. The smile remained though.
He smirked when the only sounds were their breathing and the music.
“Didn’t have to do much to do that.”
“You wish.” She mumbled, trying not to show how much she wanted him to kiss her.
“You’re wearing my shirt.” It came from deep in his chest.
He kept close to her. Close enough to where she could feel his breath against her lips. She was seconds from giving in. Letting him win until-
“Food’s getting cold!” He made a dramatic spin to grab their plate.
Rose kept in the groan. Feeding his ego was the last thing she wanted to do in the moment.
Which was fruitless. Because he still had sharper hearing. Thus, he easily made out the “Tease.” she let out underneath a loud sigh.
“You can wait, we’ve got the rest of our lives.”
She followed him to the table, “You wouldn’t say the same if I did it to you.”
He set the plates down and turned to face her, an offended look on his face.
“As if.”
She smiled, “As if you haven’t thought the same way.”
“Like…?” He did a poor job of hiding the way he looked at her.
“Well, we could stay inside all day. Just the two of us.” She took a step closer.
“I thought that was already planned.”
She ignored him. Standing on her toes and whispering, “Or the rest of the weekend.” before pulling him into a kiss. Only to push him away when it became a little more than chaste.
The day she had been dreading came two weeks later. Rose’s ears had been ringing ever since she went by the Doctor’s lab to see if he was ready to go. Only to find a few of his coworkers and to hear that he got taken up for an interview. Jake said he didn’t see him during their breaks.
She called her mum everyday. It was habitual. But today it seemed like Jackie knew what was happening. Maybe Pete told her. Rose didn’t really care. She might later.
Why didn’t they deserve a heads up?
Jackie tried her best to soothe Rose. She could hear her daughter pacing the flat, rummaging through things. Half-heartedly listening to Jackie’s story about Tony and dinner. She was halfway out the door when Rose said,
“He’s home. Talk to you later.”
And he was a mess. Hair messy but not in the way Rose liked. Shirt untucked and blazer unbuttoned. His jaw set. He looked angry. The type of anger that would hide behind his eyes. That made deep brown shine gold if you knew him. She wondered if this was going to be a different anger than before. She heard stories of Donna Noble’s emotional and passionate rants and rages. She saw Donna close to falling apart when she sent her back to fix the timeline.
He looked a lot like both right now. A mix of a wildfire and a downpour.
He looked afraid.
“Hey, c’mere.”
His fist clenched.
“Talk to me.”
She reached for his hand and led him to the sofa.
She couldn’t read him. All tempestuous thoughts couldn’t translate the way she was used to. He saw that. So instead he tried to put on the facade of someone who has it together. One that only told her it was worse. Something terrible tugged at something deep within him.
“I didn’t think it’d be that bad.” He cleared his voice, “It actually didn’t bother me until I got home.”
It was exactly what she expected. Everything that made her heart hurt for him.
“It does that, doesn’t it?” She wasn’t sure what to say.
Her mum had always been better at this. She always knew how to get through, to tell people it was okay to say what they needed. Rose was better at feeling the same as them without the words. But she sat in front of a silent rambling man.
“Yeah. It’s a blow to the chest.”
She reached for his hand, interlocking their pinky fingers. There was a static shock when she did. And that seemed to be the tipping point. The shock that told him to let go.
“I need you now.” His voice broke at his attempt to hold back tears, “I don’t know. Before I could go on. I could keep going. But it’s different, isn’t it?”
Rose nodded. Still unsure of what to say, how to help. She understood. Understood so clearly she wondered if he had tapped into her mind.
“Do you think they realize what they say?”
“Yeah.” Rose looked down, “They’ve done it to me and mum several times. Well, mostly me.”
“How did you deal with it?” His eyes were wide. He looked lost trying to navigate what he was feeling.
“I knew I had to get back to you.” It came out simple. Like it was clear. Like she never spent days in bed after these interrogations sometimes.
He shook his head, “I’m not the me that you were trying to get back to. They know that. You know that.”
“I know you’re the same man. One less heart and hair that’s got a streak he always wanted.”
“Now I’ve got a last name and pay rent. Not exactly the man you met.”
“It’s been eight years since we met, for me. We change. I don’t mind, Doctor.”
He grabbed her hand, not taking his eyes off of it, “Some people do.”
“To hell with them. We’re going to live lives they can only dream of.”
A silence settled over them. Rose heard her phone vibrating in the kitchen, but didn’t care. She watched as his eyes traced her face. Curious and willing. Unsure and timid.
“I’m not sure what else is going to happen. I don’t really care,” He took a shaky breath, “All I know is that it’s you.”
Her mum and Pete asked for them to look after Tony for an evening. There was some publicity event or whatever. Jackie couldn’t remember what exactly. Rose never minded. Her little brother was easier to take care of than most would think. Raised just as she was plus a little more expense. He deserved it. The miracle child who kept her company at her worst times. He knows it too.
He also adored the Doctor. For one, he looked super cool and was super cool because he saved the universe and worlds with his sister. Two, Tony could ask him any question and he’d have the answer, the Doctor never dulled it down either. He just would answer the questions that followed. Tony’s favorite thing though, was that they could get into messes and out of them without too much consequence. Rose was sure that if he knew the words, he’d already be calling him a brother-in-law.
As much as they were two peas in a pod, it took an hour of debate between the boys for them to figure out what they were going to do. In the midst of the Doctor arguing the pros of his idea, Rose announced that they would be going to the park.
After a walk around, they settled on a hill. The Doctor laid out his trenchcoat for him and Rose to rest on. Tony left for a few minutes before coming back with a handful of flowers. Handing them to Rose and asking her to make him a crown. Before taking off to find more, so they could all have one.
“Since when could you do that?” The Doctor asked, pulling out a prototype of his sonic.
Rose shrugged, “I taught myself when I’d babysit my little cousins. Muscle memory at this point.”
“You’ve never mentioned it.”
Rose looked up from the braided weeds with a smile and raised eyebrow, “‘Cause you’re not a six year old who needs to be kept busy. At least, most of the time.”
“I’m six months and fourteen days.” He puffed his chest.
Rose rolled her eyes, “Always have to bring yourself into it, don’t ya?”
Before he had the chance to reply, Tony came running up with another boy in tow. Quickly dropping a few handfuls of flowers at Rose’s knees before steering toward the Doctor. People who appeared to be parents a few yards behind. Rose waved, making sure it was alright as the boys focused on the Doctor.
“This is Dr. Noble! He’s my sister’s boyfriend.”
Rose chuckled at Tony’s explanation of him. But the boy held out his hand to shake in a grand gesture. The Doctor took it with the same enthusiasm.
“And what’s your name?”
“Jackson. I’m Tony’s second best friend.”
The Doctor raised an eyebrow, “Well who’s the first?”
Tony looked shocked, “You are, Silly!”
“Of course I am, Tony.”
Something overtook the playful gleam in his eyes, something softer and touched. Rose noticed that there may have been a tear in his eye. She smiled at the ground, glancing up every so often.
Tony started asking the Doctor to tell his favorite story. The one about what happened at Krop Tor. She listened as closely as the boys, he had never let her hear it in entirety before. Most of it was as it happened, granted, not as grave. There was something he didn’t know, which wasn’t normal. And they got trapped when they went to figure it out. So it goes.
But he changed his tone at the end of it. Lowering his voice when he asked, “Do you want to know the best part?”
To which the boys nodded eagerly.
“Well, I wouldn’t be here to tell you this if it weren’t for someone.” He nodded his head at Rose, “I was just fighting the body. Which is scary but nothing compared to the soul of the Devil.”
“C’mon!!” Tony bounced on his knees.
“She was the one who made the final move. Ready to sacrifice herself and who she loved for the better of the universe,” He started to whisper, “I knew that she was the best. But this is when she became the very best.”
He explained how she shot the window of the rocket. Dramatizing it to make her sound more impressive. Throwing his hands around while talking about the Tardis. Dedicated to giving the happiest ending for the boys.
He did it with a breeze, leaving them whooping and cheering.
They were once again antsy to run around and burn off energy. Rose handed them both a crown, trying to keep Tony’s attention.
“When do you have to be back here, Anthony?”
He scowled at the use of his full name, “Before the sky turns all dark blue.”
“You’re good to go.” Rose laughed.
Tony pulled his friend away. They only managed to get just out of ear’s reach before Jackson came bounding back up.
The Doctor looked up from where he was fiddling with his sonic, “Yes sir?”
“What’s your first name?”
“Doctor,” He grinned mischievously.
“Your last?”
“Noble.” He said it with pride.
Jackson gave him a questioning look but shrugged and ran back to Tony, who was poking at something with a stick.
Rose left the rest of the flowers on the ground and turned her attention to the sunset. Listening to everything going on around them. The phantom breeze in the trees. All the kids calling for each other. Passing conversations.
“What about when we get married?”
It came out of nowhere. She tried not to let her surprise show, “What about it?”
“Our last names.” He looked at her, the wind in his hair reminded her of their time on New Earth, “I quite like Noble and I don’t think you should give up Tyler.”
“What if I want to?” She raised her eyebrows at him.
“Well, I mean-”
“I’m joking, Doctor,” She looked at him, lost in thought, “We could hyphenate them.”
He shook his head in thought, “Hm, but who would go first?”
She shrugged, returning her focus to the sky. Listening as he rolled “Noble-Tyler” and “Tyler-Noble” off his tongue while it turned a brighter and brighter pink.
She swatted at him with the back of her hand when Tony ran back to them. Trying to avoid any conversations that aren't necessary. He asked the Doctor to come play with him because Jackson had to leave. Before he started to drag him away, the Doctor managed to give Rose a peck on the cheek. The six year old was too impatient. Leaving him to yell “I love you!” at her.
Her eye roll was followed with her own shout, “I love you too!”
The Doctor was wearing a tuxedo similar to the one he wore the first time they were here. This time it wasn’t to gain information but to give it. He was to give a lecture on something he figured out in the eight months he’d been here. He argued that it wasn’t that important. That he didn’t need to do it. Pete reminded him that the other scientists working on it eight spent years. Not months.
The Doctor and Donna’s personality had always been intertwined in him. Rose knew it. She first noticed because he was quick to reply to her mum’s quips and actually started to enjoy spending time with her.
He said it was because he’s half the alien he used to be. But both Rose and Jackie beg to differ.
But this was the first time she’s seen the personality merge work against him. He couldn’t just brush off the idea of speaking in front of people who are there to question him. Speculate how he did it. Insecurities bubbled to the surface and crawled into his nerves.
Rose found out through Jake, who had to pull her from talking to people before the seminar. She wasn’t the one resisting. She was tired of questions about this “mystery man” who was “quick to put a ring on her finger.”
Although, the reactions to the fact that she was the one who got down on one knee humored her. But led her to explaining that he got her ring later.
“He’s been pacin’ the room like an animal that hasn’t got enough enrichment.” Jake said while walking Rose to where the Doctor was, “I couldn’t get through to him but we all know you can.”
She entered the room to a speaker being in pieces across the floor. The Doctor sitting in the middle of all the pieces, trying to rig something together. She wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be a DADA sculpture or a new invention. Either way, his new anxieties were making him manic.
His head snapped up and he gave her a tense grin, “Rose! I was just thinking of you.”
“I don’t think you stop doing that.”
He shrugged and started sweeping all the pieces into a small pile in front of him.
“Doctor,” Rose said it softer than before, “What’s going on?”
“I’m about to talk to a room full of people and I can’t suppress hormones like I used to be able to.”
He said it with a straight face. Leaving Rose to hold her breath to keep from causing him anymore anxiety. She wasn’t sure if her urge to laugh was caused by the point-blank approach of explanation or the fact that he was clearly lying. She didn’t think on it too much. She tried to think about what her mum said and did all the times she was at a breaking point.
The first thing she noticed was how disheveled he was. Only half dressed, though he’d never admit it. Then it clicked.
“Presentation is the most important thing. That’s what I’ve learned from Pete. So let's tidy you back up.” She held her hand out to lift him back up.
She talked about everything except what his mind was so desperate to be focused on. Coaxing the dopey smile and puppy-dog eyes out of him. In the end, it was more flirting than discussing. But it worked the way she needed to either way.
Rose couldn’t help but notice how he focused on her hands when she buttoned his shirt.
“I’ll unbutton them later if you don’t have a heart attack on stage.” She said with his favorite grin.
She couldn’t help but let it slip. And the mischievous look she got in return was worth it. Now that he was dressed, it was time to move onto his hair. Which would only take so long due to the fact he was overprotective and particular with it. This was where she planned to dig back in.
He gave her a sheepish smile as he sat down in front of the mirror, watching her hands start to tease his hair.
“What had you so worked up earlier?” She asked, watching his eyes dart from her to anywhere else in the mirror.
“I started thinking too much. Or- I focused on one thing and wouldn’t think of anything else.” He looked like a schoolboy. Embarrassed to feel things.
Rose thinks this is the most human moment he’s had yet. His superior biology not quite what it used to be.
“What was it?”
“Well, uh,” She swatted the hand that went for the back of his head as he spoke, “I didn’t want to disappoint Pete. or Jackie. Or you.”
His eyes met with hers in the mirror and she gave him a sweet smile, “My mum and I don’t care. You know that. Pete? He’s got PR on standby if necessary.”
“I know,” The Doctor shrugged, “But you’re the ones who let me get here.”
Jake knocked on the door, “He’s got five minutes!”
His spine went rigid again. Rose ran her hand over it in response. She pressed a kiss to the back of his neck, where no one would notice if a lipstick stain was left.
“Just talk to ‘em like you’d talk to Tony, yeah? Go on your big monologue and worry about what’s going on in their heads later.”
When he stood up she fixed the lock of red in his hair to flow with the rest.
“I love you. You know that?”
“Absolutely.” She straightened his bowtie one last time, “You know, you have nothing to prove to me.”
Rose blew air out like a cigarette, watching a cloud too hazy and heavy form. Those days were long gone. She realized they had gone before she met the Doctor. A long memory now, where she lived in a parallel universe with a new half-human, half-timelord Doctor. She didn’t mind, though. That’s life isn’t it?
It was this line of thought that led her into sleepless nights. Comparing lives. Wondering how her old Doctor was doing. Wondering if her Doctor was really, truly, happy. If they’d ever get back the life that they belong in. All this what-ifs and open-ended question that she’d never get an answer for until the moment came. They ran rampant through her head. Like a skipping record.
Sometimes it was tempting to pick up old habits when she got like this. She knew why she didn’t when the door behind her slid open, revealing a shirtless, groggy Doctor.
“Rose, it’s 3 am.”
“I know,” She turned to face him completely, “I couldn’t sleep.”
He hummed in understanding and sat next to her. Looking up at the sky full of stars he’s yet to map. It made a sharp pang go through her chest. To see him like this. So bare in a universe he was ready to make a mark on. Then Rose noticed the goosebumps rise on his arms with a gust of wind. He’s yet to admit that he’s been cold. Even when it’s written all over his face and hands.
She also noticed the way his eyebrows furrowed. As if he was counting each and every star.
“Why couldn’t you sleep?”
She shrugged, “Thinking ‘bout what you said.”
“We’re at the halfway mark. Now is time for her to grow on her own.”
Rose thought back to the shed on Pete’s estate that they spent every free day they had at for the past month. Which meant one of them pulled the other out of bed. Because they had their very own Tardis growing inside, waiting to learn of new skys.
“But will we make it that long?” She felt the fear bubble over into tears, “It scares me. To not know when. Which is ridiculous but I’ve waited so long and I know you’re just as restless.”
He sat there for a second, gathering the right words.
“Rose, you did the impossible once. All on your own. Yeah, you had Jackie and Clive and Pete, but-”
“Now I have you.”
The words hung heavy in the air. Like it was some confession. Admitting something she always wished for had come true. But it wasn’t made up of the dreams she once had. It was messy and real but even worth more than what once was the only thing that let her sleep at night.
“I told you a year ago, it’s gonna be us. I could care less about what else there is.”
Maybe that was the catharsis. The unholy amounts of emotion came pouring out of her. She fell into his arms as she broke into tears.
She had no clue where it came from. Maybe it was stress from work. The clutter starting to build in their tiny flat. Or knowing they were so close. Her heart begging to be reminded of what showed her love in the first place.
“Rose, you golden girl. You did it. You got back to me- or well, I came back with you. Besides the point. You’ve done it once. What’s a second time with the impossible holding your hand?”
He rocked her slightly as she started to calm down. Brushing her hair out of her face and wiping her tears. Pressing kisses against her forehead. Mumbling things she normally didn’t hear.
He pulled her back with a wide grin, “Hey, we still have to get married before leaving. I don’t want another slap from your mother.”
“I think we should do it Vegas style.” it came out as a snotty laugh. And in the back of her mind she wondered if he ever saw her like this before now.
“I don’t care as long as it’s you.” He smiled, “You said it a while ago, ‘Better with two.’”
She giggled, rubbing her eyes one last time, “The stuff of legends, us.”
“Especially in a few months' time.” He said, looking back up at the sky.
“We’re gonna be alright,” Rose pulled him into a tight embrace, “We’re okay.”
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thesunnyshow · 4 years ago
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Name: Elsie
Writing Blog URLs: @jyeonvoir​, @linochee​, and @cinnominroll​
What fandoms do you write for?: The Boyz, Stray Kids, and NCT (Mostly for dreamie)
Age: 20
Nationality: Indonesian
Languages: Native-level Indonesia, Intermediate English, and Beginner-level Chinese
Star Sign: Aries
Favorite color: Soft blue and pink
Favorite food: Fried chicken
Favorite movie: Along With The Gods: Two Worlds
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Favorite animal: Cat and Dog
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): Since I was in middle school, I dreamed to be a news anchor or a tv presenter
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?: I actually prefer milk more than those two, But if I have to choose, I will go with tea
Go-to karaoke song: Popular songs of the year that I know (Western and Korean)
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?: Space and time manipulation
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?: Srivijaya era (3rd – 14th centuries) or Majapahit era (1293–1500)
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?: I don’t think I would. Restarting my life would mean I have a chance to fix my future, but it also means I might lose something I have in the future (and it does not always mean good)
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?: Either the popular kid or the loner
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?: 100 chicken-sized horses. Normal-sized chicken already scares me, I can’t imagine what will happen if I have to fight horse-sized chicken, even it’s one.
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?: Yes, I do. Not everything can be explained in science, y’know.
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?: When I was five y.o, I had my parents panicked once. So back then, instead of going home with my little sister, I went to the hospital alone and visited my mother who had just given birth to my little brother without giving any notice to them. My neighbour, who saw my little sister went home without me, worried and called my dad. Panicked, my dad called my mom and told them that I was missing. Lucky, I arrived at my mom’s room just when she answered my dad’s call and they hadn’t called the police yet. Later that night, I got a long lecture from my dad at home.
When did you post your first piece?: If I remember it correctly, it was around early July 2018 on my personal blog -- one or two weeks after I just joined Tumblr. But, before Tumblr, I had posted fics on Wattpad in late 2014
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr?: It’s all because I found a few interesting fics here and then it motives me to write again. I also happened to be looking for a new platform to write since I was bored with Wattpad.
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?: I do write fluff and angst fics, but mostly fluff because I’m a sucker for fluff. I’m not good with angst and bad at writing smut
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?: Used to write Ocs, but since I joined Tumblr I write X Readers more often than OCs.
What inspires you to write?: MVs (The one with a story) and song lyrics
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?: Romance with a little bit of fantasy
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?: Take a break from writing for a while
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?: My favorite work of mine and the most succesful, excluding the drabbles and timestamps, is Lee Know’s fic titled “What Are You Up To?”. Among the oneshots I had made, it is the only fic that reached more than 200 notes and I’m quite proud of it. It was inspired by a Korean novel I read and a bitter experience of my junior high school love.
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?: I hope my readers can see many sides of a relationship, either it friendship or between lovers. Sometimes, relationship can’t be smooth and have a happy ending like in movies and novels, and it’s not always sad and dark. Also, since the culture that I have grown up with different from people that I meet from this online platform, I want to show how I see a relationship supposed to be.
Who is your favorite person to write about?: In the boyz, it was Sunwoo and Kevin since they are the easiest out of twelve to write for me. In Stray Kids, It is either Bang Chan, Hyunjin, or Lee Know. As for NCT, I think it will be Jaemin and Jeno.
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?: Yes, I do. To me, writing fanfiction is easier than an original. In fanfiction, I don’t need to make a detailed characterization of the characters since it’s using a real person as the reference. But as for an original, the more detailed the characterization of the characters the more people could get the sketch of the story since this is the character that I made myself without a reference. 
What do you think makes a good story?: A good description, and language that easy to understand, followed with a balanced proportion of dialogue and description.
What is your writing process like?: I start by writing the outline first and do some research before starting to write it. I don’t have a specific plan like when should I write or how long it should be, but I tend to write when I’m in the mood. I can’t force myself to finish a fic just in one week (If I do, I will not satisfy with it and the ending will feel rushed). That’s why It usually takes a long time for me to finish a fic or req.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?: Yes. Of course I would. I’m actually in the process of repurposing one of my old fics into a webtoon with my little sister. But we don’t know when we will start.
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?: I love strangers-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers, secret relationship, and bad boy tropes. To be exact, any trope that show a good development of the characters and has a fantasy in it will be in my to-read list. However, I can’t stand the tropes with angst (especially if I’m not in the mood to read angst), break up, and thriller in it. I will still read it, but not on the top of my to-read list.
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?: Supportive friends and family members. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?: No, I don’t. I always write for myself and put my satisfaction first before anything. 
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?: No, I don’t. It never happens to me.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?: Some of my college friends who are a Kpop stan do know about it, though they don’t know my blog url. Only my little sister does.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?: Yeah, most of the times. Especially for those who write X Readers fics.
Do you think art can be a medium for change?: Absolutely. Art has the power to inspire change in the masses.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?: Feedback and constructive criticism on my works are so, so valued! It’s important for me to able to improve and motivate myself.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?: Please stay healthy and be happy. Feel free to talk to me whenever you want because my ask always open for you.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?: You will never know your potential until you try it. It’s okay if your first work doesn’t look great. No one is perfect, even me. I used to make so many grammatical errors in my first fic (even in the newest one, though it wasn’t that bad like before). As long as you satisfy with it, you still can improve it in the future.
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?: Nah, There aren’t.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?: Yes, I do. And I’m thankful for that. Because of them, I was able to learn new things and experience many styles of writing by reading theirs.
Pick a quote to end your interview with: “Sometimes you feel like you are alone in this world, but in reality, you have people around you who love and care for you.” -- Huang Renjun
Interested in your very own episode of The Sunny Show? Find out how to apply HERE.
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forgotten-daydreamer · 5 years ago
"The Last Airbender" honest commentary by me
-> I remember I watched this once, when I was something like 12, and I think my mind FORCED me to forget about it, and now that I'm 20 I feel the urge to watch it again. I saw clips on YouTube so it's not like I know nothing at all, but very very little. I'm honestly scared. I'll point out the things that I like too, if I find something like it. So... bring it on.
What is that gibberish in the background even supposed to mean? As someone who studies Japanese I am deeply disappointed. "But A:TLA's words are in Chinese!!" yes. But, for those who don't know, Japanese imported them as kanji so I can recognize them even if I don't speak Chinese, for these characters are written in the same way, even if pronounced differently. Or, well, I could recognize them if this gibberish meant anything. But it doesn't.
Not a fan of the prologue written onscreen as Katara reads it aloud (I suppose it's her?) to be honest. Especially when it's in... English. At this point why not changing that ugly gibberish into the English translation of the words? It would've made more sense, even if it doesn't.
Katara and Sokka sure are very... huh... White. Watching the racism and whitewashing jump out is too painful. Damn, I'm already upset with this movie and I'm only 2:35 minutes in.
A:TLA Sokka would never raise a finger on his sister- never in a million years. This dude straight up grabbed her arm! Not. Cool. Dude.
"I thought about Mom, isn't that strange..?" no Katara, it really isn't. She's your dead mother, it's not strange to think about her. That sentence just seems forced, it's got nothing to do with what's happening.
Okay, Sokka following his father's teachings is actually accurate, nice one.
I take it back. Sokka, what the actual fuck- why would you break the ice right under your feet?? A:TLA Hakoda would be very disappointed.
Oh, look, Aang's white too. How surprising.
Katara, the kid just woke up from a coma, stop asking him a thousand questions, cut Aang some slack!
Acting skills sooo not on point. Maybe the actors are actually good, and maybe it's just the dialogues that are... off. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and see how it goes.
I apprecciate the effort of trying to make Aang's tattoos look "cool" but next time, please don't.
This camera work is giving me a headache. The angles keep changing rapidly with no reason, and sometimes the camera's too close to the actors... Who did this?
Are Katara and Sokka the only white people in their village? I'm... confused.
"I am Prince Zuko." uh???? Where's your scar? Come on, that is literally one of the main points around which his story revolves, you can't just not put it there. I'm so upset.
Oh... that's the scar? Dude, I have a worse scar on my knee, I'm not even joking.
Of course Katara and Sokka's grandma is white, makes sense. So there's three white people in this village while everyone else is Asian, from what I saw. So it's okay to cast Asians as extras but not as the main characters? Holy shit, this movie is so problematic already.
Zuko, for fuck's sake, stop yelling. Aang's right in front of you, you two are, like, three inches apart. Stop screaming!
Firebenders need firepits to draw fire from..? Just bring a flamethrower with you next time, it'd be more efficient than your attacks anyway...
I'm not even 11min in and I want to stop already. I can't endure another 1:30h of this. I'm not strong enough.
"[Our mom] would have fought!" she didn't, that's the whole point. She surrendered to protect you, Katara, and the others. I get that the producers changed the story a little, it's normal, but- you can't change these things.
These dialogues... I want to rip my ears off. So little logic, so little pathos, such a poor timing- I want to cry.
Okay, this Iroh seems pretty similar to A:TLA's, thank goodness they didn't mess him up too much.
That is NOT how you pronounce Iroh!! I was a fool to think that there was one character that hadn't been completely ruined in this movie.
Nice nod to Hama, not bad.
Grandma casually has a map next to her when she needs it... Okay, I guess.
The scene on the ship- I'm speechless. Negatively speechless. I want to wash my eyes with bleach.
I love how Zuko just watches Aang fly away, like- "oh, there he goes". A:TLA Zuko would've jumped into the freezing ocean and swam toward him if he had to.
I can't get over their pronunciation of Aang. Ahng? Ohng? What is the reason behind this- why did they change it? He's literally the main character, you just don't do that.
With all due respect, the CGI is bad. I get that this movie is kinda old, but... No. There are older movies with better special effects. Low budget, maybe? I don't know.
"Souuka and I-" it's Sokka. Not Souuka. Sokka.
Zhao is hateful and annoying, which is accurate. I miss the ugly sideburns though.
Iroh calmly sipping tea while Zuko kicks ass- spot on, I can't deny that.
I hate Sokka so much. He's completely out of character, too annoying, uncharacteristically angsty and so boring. How can someone completely mess up a cool character like him?
"There is earth right beneath your feet"... oh my God, for real? Wow, how did they not notice that sooner...
"It's time for you to stop doing this!" reminds me of that one vine with the kid that yells "whEn wiLL yOu LeArN tHAt yoUR aCTioNs hAve ConSeqUEnceS!?", I don't know why.
Katara pushes a Firebender. She pushes him. He could burn her to a crisp and she- okay, you know what, I'm just going to ignore it.
Again with the firepits, I can't even-
It takes six Earthbenders to lift the rock the size of a chair..? And they also have to make a little dance to do that..?
The extras in the background don't even move- guys, at least pretend to dodge or be afraid, or cower backwards, don't just observe while you stand still looking as if you were glancing at the horizon.
Literally everyone in this movie is portrayed by Asian and Middle Eastern actors except for the main characters... Who allowed this, who said that this was okay? Seriously, who. Please, fire this person.
If Aang can't bend the other elements, what was that on Zuko's ship? Were the fire, the rock and the water acting up because Aang was there? It makes no sense.
"Avatars can't have a family." are you sure? 'Cause Roku did, even Wan (and Korra, after Aang) in a way, and many other Avatars too, I'm sure. That's not why he ran away, not at all.
Again with the fake Chinese characters... I mean, I think they were trying to imitate Chinese cursive writing, but... The lines are so straight, so stiff, so clean- there is no way that authentic cursive looks like that. Have you ever seen Japanese cursive? The characters are unrecognizable, but the lines are fluid and curved, not like that.
The scene with Katara and Aang practicing by the river confuses me because- I don't see any water being bent. Is it just me? I'm serious, maybe I just didn't see it..?
Ozai asking about Zuko and acting mildly concerned and almost caring is off-character. It makes it look like he feels guilty, when A:TLA Ozai does not. Also, let's say that this Ozai feels guilty, why doesn't he just welcome his son back, then? But he doesn't, 'cause he indirectly says so, so it makes no sense.
More gibberish. Please, stop. Don't do that again. I beg you.
"-sentenced to Agni KEE." goddamn it. Agni KAI. Not KEE. KAI! Why is that so hard for these people to say things right?
I still don't see any Waterbending. Are they just moving randomly? Are the practicing without actually bending the water..?
Oh, alright, now there's water moving, that's better. Still, so many movements for a little stream of water being lifted in the air- almost like that dance the Earthbenders did earlier. Seems excessive.
Is that monstrosity supposed to be Appa? Why is his face so- human? Oh Spirits, forgive them!
Again with this "I can have no family." thing- did the producers even watch the whole show or just read the summary of Wikipedia?
You know what, the Blue Spirit mask is accurate, in a way. Old masks used to have wigs attached sometimes, so it's not as bad as it seems. His stance though- that's a big no.
Zuko's swords don't actually hit anything most of the times he swings them around- just saying.
"What is this?". Ugh, Zhao, Aang's an AIRbender. Get it? AIR. So he is moving the AIR. I mean, you know he's an airbender, why are you acting surprised that he can redirect the wind?
Yue's white too... I checked online, and I discovered that the actress has Mexican origins: this has nothing to do with Asia and the Middle East so I personally consider this as a desperate attempt to include diversity- as if there were no actual Asian and Middle Eastern actors out there, but fine, I guess. What was I expecting at this point? Oh, I also know that this actress is Asami's V.A. which doesn't change much but since I like Asami I'll pretend to like this Yue too, a bit.
Extra™ moves to create a 10ft tall tornado... Okay, Aang, you're the boss.
Pakku is white too, hm? I don't know what to say anymore. Should I just stop pointing out this cast is so, so wrong? Probably. Will I? No.
Sokka's face when Yue tells him her hair's white because she was stillborn- that is the only realistic face he's done so far. Also, Yue's acting is not that off, and I actually like it! She's better than others.
More waterbending without water. Budget cuts.
I take that back, Yue is basically smiling when Sokka tells her that the Fire Nation is there, like, come on! Yue, I believed in you...
The dialogues are so fake, nobody talks like that! I'm sure that this is among the reasons why the actors seem incapable of doing their job- I'm sorry for these people, maybe the poor performance is not entirely their fault.
I'm trying to figure out what's up with Zuko's hair, and I'm not talking about the fact that it doesn't grow where the scar is, that's normal. What bothers me are those spikes he has on the front and on the back- or whatever they are. I am confused. Better than ponytail!Zuko, worse than all the other haircuts he had in A:TLA.
Zuko's actor is the best one in this movie so far, in my opinion. He's believable. He yelled a lot in the beginning, but now (1:12h in) he's not that odd.
How to understand when a scene has been not thought through: when characters don't do something that normal people would do. Zuko throws fire at Aang when he tries to escape, and then he just stands less than ten feet apart as Aang hides- he watches him, he stands there like "okay, I can't attack you now because the script says I'm not supposed to". Then do not include him in the shot! Or, at least make him say something- no, he just stands there and watches as his enemy is literally three seconds away from him. He could reach him with a little leap, without even running!
They showed Azula for a split second in the Agni Kai scene and then Zuko mentioned her once. Is that all? I hope to see her more, even a little something. Not including her would be a huge waste.
I don't ever want to see Appa again. So ugly he's scary. Who is the person that created the CGI for our amazing flying bison that we fell in love with? This isn't Appa, it's... Something else, something terrible.
The scene where Yue passes out when Zhao kills the Spirit- the secondhand embarrassment is real there. I had to look away, it's so bad.
This Zhao is maybe the most out of character person in this movie, and it's hard to beat Aang and Sokka so that sure is something...
If they say "Souuka" one more time I'll cry. I'm serious. I'll do it.
Alright, alright, the scene where Aang saves the day is pretty cool, I liked it, despite the questionable CGI.
Why do Katara and Sokka keep Aang upright by gripping his upper arms so tightly? That hurts! There are different ways to do that, less painful and more efficient.
Ozai looks like he has no idea of what he's talking about, he looks like me when I read maths.
There she is, Azula!! Wait- are we seeing her again?
...okay, we're not.
What can I say... Disastrous. No cabbage man, literally only five seconds of Azula, everyone is out of character, bad casting, bad pronunciation, gibberish wannabe Chinese characters, odd CGI... Everything is wrong.
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thegrabowskis · 5 years ago
Things I liked:
The Rey/Finn/Poe friendship dynamic was really cute, even though it wasn’t set up in the previous movies. (Rey/Finn and Finn/Poe were, but I don’t even think they were all in the same room in TLJ until the very end.) I loved their three-way hug at the end, it was so nice.
Hux being a spy purely to spite kylo ren
Kylo’s redemption. It felt pretty well-earned, since they’ve been building up to it since TFA, even though it was in the middle of such a mess of a movie and was kind of sloppily done. (and tbh i think it was the right decision to kill kylo because redemption or not you can’t have a mass murderer walking around with a happy ending post-trilogy)
The dialogue between Kylo and Han being an echo of TFA.
The lightsaber fights between Kylo and Rey felt like they had real weight to them. They were choreographed but not in the way the prequel fights were; there was emotion and fire in these fights, and every time the sabers hit, you really felt the impact both physically and emotionally.
Leia calling to her son in the Force right before he killed Rey, making him drop his saber.
The scenes where Kylo and Rey communicate through the Force bond between them. My favourite scene in the whole movie was the one where it kept switching perspectives; he was on a dark planet at night and she was in his quarters. That was one thing they took from TLJ and made better.
If I can divorce myself from the cynical nature of it, hearing the voices of all the Jedi (especially Hayden Christensen as Anakin) and all the Jedi “living” in Rey giving her strength was a really lovely idea.
Loved Ben’s tiny little humorous, human moments when he was coming to save Rey. His “ow” we he hit the wall and his little shrug when he was about to fight the knights of ren were both great.
The visual and sound of the ghosts (?) of all the previous Sith yelling in unison
The visual of Kylo and Rey facing off against Palps with their two lightsabers raised in identical ways
really a lot of the visuals were neat; JJ knows how to make a good looking movie, even if it doesn’t make narrative sense.
Rey reaching her lightsaber back to kill the emperor, realizing that kylo was on his way, and bringing her empty hand back to show that she had passed it through their force bond to him.
acting was real good.
Things I hated:
The ticking clock element that went nowhere and got completely abandoned halfway through
The force can do literally anything now, even bring the dead back to life, which nullifies the whole reason anakin turned to the dark side in the first place
Finn being force sensitive with no setup of that from the previous movies
Several times they set up some plot device and basically turned right to the camera to explain it to the audience (the Sith Finder, are you fucking serious)
Force ghost luke caught the lightsaber Rey threw, which means force ghosts can interact with the physical world, which nullifies any remaining impact of their actual death
Palpatine being the puppet master the whole time without any explanation as to how he survived rotj. and his snoke clones.... what the fuck was that
Rey being palpatines granddaughter. Like WHY.
Kylo being like “I never lied to you about your parents” when he absolutely did, he said they were no one, just filthy junk traders who sold Rey for drinking money. This movie retconned a lot of shit from tlj but this/the whole granddaughter plot pissed me off the most.
Poe and Finn each get non-character Female Love Interests in the most blatant Case of the Not-Gays I have seen since I don’t know the fuck when
Leia has a goddamn lightsaber now. They show a CG’ed younger mark and Carrie training at some point soon after return of the Jedi (?) even though it was never mentioned before this film that leia trained to be an actual Jedi; she was just force sensitive.
How palpatine switches so fast from “Rey you have to kill me to continue the sith line” to “oh actually nvm I’ll just kill you and keep living because your and ben’s force bond connection rejuvenated me and somehow made my skin clearer and my fingers grow back”
You could never catch your breath because they had to shove three movies worth of plot into one film, so it was just action scene after action scene after action scene with no time to process the action scene that just happened
There was one very jarring shot of cgi Carrie Fisher that looked REALLY bad, like almost looked like they didn’t finish it on time
The backgrounding of Rose. They literally pretended she never fell in love with Finn. The two of them just acted like regular colleagues.
Why was lando there
Like narratively I get why poe’s whole plan at the end was “uhh idk hope for a miracle” (Disney loves stories of Hope), but I DONT get why he told everyone else that was his plan. That would not actually give me hope at all if I was flying to try and take out a fleet of planet killing star destroyers with my x-wing the relative size of a flea.
It moved so fast you barely got to take in any of the neat planet designs
The knife which they conveniently found which conveniently had the Sith Finder’s location written on it and fit the shape of the wreckage where the sith finder was, Goonies style. That was so stupid I couldn’t believe it
Never explained what it was that Finn wanted to tell Rey; it was implied he wanted to tell her that both he and leia knew she was palpatines granddaughter, but no explanation is given for how they would have known that
The very obvious having of the cake and eating it too re: Reylo. They made reylos happy by giving them the kiss but then tried to make antis happy too by killing kylo so it could never happen again. (although if luke’s force ghost can interact with the physical world, then i see no reason why kylo’s couldn’t)
the prognosis
while there were elements and scenes i liked, there were way too many times during this movie where i lifted my hands in a “what the fuck?” gesture. it kept my interest the whole way through, but (mostly) not in a good excited way; instead it was in a “this is so stupid I can’t believe I’m seeing it with my own two eyes, if they fucked up this bad how ELSE are they gonna fuck up?” way. it was so clearly scrambling and desperate to close up the trilogy and retcon anything they didn’t like about TLJ that removing my cynicism is next to impossible. it felt like they took the life of the original trilogy, killed it, buried it, and danced gleefully on its grave.
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years ago
Best of Marvel: Week of January 15th, 2019
Best of this Week: Iron Man 2020 #1 - Dan Slott, Christos Gage, Pete Woods and Joe Caramagna
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This shouldn't work, but oddly enough it does.
Machine life forms in the Marvel Universe have a complicated history in terms of their status as sentient beings and whether or not they feel as humans do. Ultron has always displayed a rage and hatred towards humanity and the Avengers in particular not dissimilar to any number of human or alien enemies of these heroes. On the flip side of that, Machine Man, since his original comic series and until his newfound prejudice against meatbags, has always sought to show just how human that he is in the face of anti-robot discrimination. (see Machine Man, 1978)
This conflict was on full display in Tom King’s amazing Vision (2015) series which saw Vision feared for building a robotic family and trying to live a human life. While robots and AI based beings aren’t nearly as hated and reviled as mutants, Dan Slott’s Iron Man series has been building to this - a human/robot war spurred on by Tony Stark’s brother Arno. Though he’s not quite the Arno Stark from 1984’s Iron Man 2020, he still sees a future in peril from an as of yet unknown technological threat.
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Pete Woods opens this book with Arno having a nightmare in the form of a planet sized being that looks like they’re composed of circuits and death. Woods colors the lights of the creature with an eerie purple tone that accentuates its darker purple-ish exoskeleton. Arno appears almost as an insect by comparison as he floats towards this. All of this is made even creepier by Joe Caramagna’s use of stilted, robotic lettering to give the creature a cold and calculated voice of doom. When we do get a close up of Arno’s face, he is stricken with fear.
Arno’s been up to a lot in the background of Tony’s adventures in the Tony Stark: Iron Man series from the last year. He’s resurrected his dead parents sing the same method and technology that Tony did after Carol Danvers killed him (and she DID kill him), he’s taken up the mantle of Iron Man after Tony revealed himself to have been an advanced AI in the form of Tony Stark and he’s found himself a partnership with the money hungry Sunset Bain, who’s now in control of Stark Unlimited after Tony’s revelation. Arno’s been a busy man.
On top of all of this, spilling out of The Ultron Agenda, there’s a crisis among the people over the uprising of machines which Arno eggs on by calling even the most advanced ones lifelike simulations.Janet van Dyne tries to quell the fears and James Rhodes can’t be bothered to talk to the press as he also has robot matters to deal with. One of the first conflicts that Slott and Gage present us with is a hostage situation in which Life Model Decoys of the original Nick Fury try to liberate construction bots. Woods frames it as a dangerous situation with one of the LMDs holding the site manager as a human shield. The numbers of the LMDs look intimidating until Iron Man appears.
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Pete Woods does an amazing job in revamping the original 2020 armor for the modern day. Arno looks like a terror with his almost Ultron like faceplate and even more ridiculously oversized gears as shoulder pieces. He retains the standard Iron Man colors and even homages the original golden legs by placing armor over the front of his legs. I would have preferred that all of the leg be gold, but Woods still does well with the redesign and the pose that he gives Arno when he appears - blowing the head off an LMD with lethal force.
Arno quashes this rebellion easily enough, but somehow all of the robots manage to escape. Tensions continue to rise and the same thing happens when anti-robot forces invade a secret robot bar and they manage to escape again. We then find out that one of the heads of the Robot Rebellion is Machine Man (Aaron Stack). Both Machine Man and Arno Stark were the feature characters in the original Iron Man 2020 story so it’s great that Slott and Gage recognized that and revitalized their history in this new story. The potential for their eventual conflict to end in much the same way is pretty tantalizing in my eyes as Machine Man defeats Arno at one point in that original story.
Though, I have to admit that both sides in this story have some NEFARIOUS ways of taking the fight to one another. In an effort to draw out the Robot Resistance, Sunset Bain and Arno blow up a robotics factory after buying it out. Woods draws Aaron with genuine shock and anguish as he watches the explosion on the screen and it really sells how much pain this is causing. After the broadcast, Sunset and Arno look at the rubble as a necessary evil to stop Stack and his followers.
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In retaliation, however, Machine Man WIRES A BOMB TO A MATERNITY WARD. I’m usually on board with Robot Rights, even advocating for better AIs in sex dolls, but this is the thing that people are afraid of and Aaron is only stoking the flames of fear here. It’s a reckless move that won’t garner support for the Robot Rights Movement, if anything Arno is just going to fight back against Machine Man and the Resistance even harder out of fear of his nightmare. 
Woods draws an amazing stare down between Machine Man and Arno, neither of them really having eyes to blink with. Machine Man gives Arno an ultimatum; either let him and the poor bomb disposal robot escape or the bomb goes off. In five panels, we see the character of both. We get ne close up shot of Arno’s plated eyes with rain pouring down on him and similar shot of Machine Man, then we get a third person perspective with the bomb on one side and Machine Man on the other. Arno takes the bomb and Aaron taunts him as he flies away. It’s tense and the lack of dialogue makes it far more serious than expected from the mostly comedy character that Machine Man has become.
Arno also tried to warn Aaron of what was coming, but I understand why he didn’t want to listen. For whatever reason Slott gave Arno a sudden-ish character change either in a recent Iron Man annual or a little while before a rogue AI invaded Tony’s eScape (2019?). Arno was initially helpful and supportive of his brother and robots like Jocasta, but then all of a sudden he became withdrawn and kind of a dick. This version of Arno had been locked away, unable to move without machines until Tony found him and tried to reintroduce him into the world (Iron Man, 2013), so maybe Slott and Gage are building on his use of the Extremis virus for movement to explain the change?
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Alternatively, this is all just a way to retell the original Iron Man 2020 story as Arno inadvertently created the threat he went back in time to stop in that story because he refused to take a moment to see how damaging his actions were and that same recklessness is on full display here with Arno 2.0.
All in all, this story was pretty weird and fantastic. I doubt it will reach the heights of the philosophical masterpiece that is Nier: Automata in regards to it’s “can machines feel human too” themes, but Slott and Gage are doing their best and that gives us a fan story with lots of callbacks to the past. Pete Woods pencils, coloring and inking are phenomenal here and make this book visually appealing. His style and heavy hitting action give the proper weight that an Iron Man story needs and his updated 2020 Armor isn’t bad at all. This one is absolutely a high recommend.
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centuryofdean · 5 years ago
When Lightning Strikes - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 of When Lightning Strikes. As a constant reminder, I do not own any of Tolkien’s characters. I do not own his story line or plot. All I own are the changes and my own personal Original Character Laurel.
This is my first fanfiction blog. I do post my work on other fanfiction websites. If you are interesting in knowing more about it, send me an ask or a message.
I am looking to get more into requests as well! Send an ask or a message with a request on a one-shot or drabble and I will do my best to do that for you. Currently the fandoms I am familiar with / willing to try and write for are:
The Hobbit / Lord of the Rings Harry Potter Supernatural Marvel the Madalorian The Witcher Night Huntress (Series written by Jeanine Frost) Anita Blake Vampire Hunter (Series written by Laurell K. Hamilton) The Hallows (Series written by Kim Harrison).
Thanks everyone! Enjoy the next chapter below!
Author Disclaimer:: The Hobbit, Middle Earth and its characters are not mine. I take no credit. The story line and even some dialogue–also not mine. Instead I claim my Original Character Laurel and the adjustments to the story line.
Summary:: From when Laurel Took was small she dreamed of a man. Every time she dreamed of him, he could not see or hear her. Over time they are able to communicate–but he’s been dreaming about her too. Finally after years of anticipation Laurel takes the leap and kisses him. Only for her to wake up and dread the real world. Then lightning strikes and she finds herself in a familiar place, with a familiar face.
Rated:: M for Mature. Please do not read this story unless you are 18+ At this point in the story there isn’t much, but later on the M rating will come into effect.
Warnings:: Language and Violence
Pairing:: Kili x OC (Laurel)
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It took a time to explain the severity of the situation. By time I finished the story, the sun had rose. All the while, I ensured that every part of her I could touch without undressing her was dry. One by one the rest of the company awoke. Bilbo took a look at her and agreed with my assumption of her race; he also thought she may be a Hobbit.
Not once did she stir.
"So," Thorin announced once everyone woke and was gathered around, "our journey has come to a minor bump. We must build a sleigh of sorts so that we can transport her with us. This… woman is Kili's companion forward on. Once we reach a town we will assess her condition and see if she is fit for this journey or not."
Most of the dwarves jumped to action, going into the woods and gathering materials.
Once I explained to him of the dream—and the one that happened just before she fell from the sky—he agreed that it was no coincidence that I have been seeing her for years, and she suddenly appear to me. As for how she got here; not even Gandalf was able to come up with an explanation.
In a matter of hours the camp was packed and ready to move. Dori and Bofur got Nori to help them compose of the simple sleigh. It was big enough for Laurel to lay on and someone else to keep an eye on her. Though I wanted nothing more to ride with her, I felt it would have been better for Oin to keep watch of her health. We were able to dry her clothes, but a chill still ghosted over her skin and a fever on her forehead was starting.
Throughout the day when we took breaks for the horses to rest or to refill our water skins, Ori would sit in front of the sleigh and draw pictures of Laurel. One time I stood above him and watched as he tried to capture her likeness.
"What sort of tunic is this," Ori pinched the various hued green short tunic. "I haven't seen anything of the sort before. It's hard to draw it. The runes are very odd as well."
I knelt down beside him, looking between her and the forest around us. Was this the clothing she wore when she hunted? "I think this is her hunting attire," I murmured, "it allows her to disappear into the trees."
Dwalin was watching from a distance, "I dunno how she'd hunt in tha'. Too heavy."
I also pinched the material, amazed at how thick it was compared to my own jacket I wore.
"Let's continue forward," Thorin called from the line of ponies.
At the end of that day we were camped for the night once more. Thorin tried to stay in an abandoned home that appeared to have burned down, but Gandalf insisted to camp closer to the woods.
When a conclusion was not met, Gandalf stormed off into the night leaving us. Glolin created a fire in a matter of minutes. I gathered Laurel placed her in front of the fire with blankets surrounding her.
"Brother, watch over her while I take watch of the ponies," I muttered. "Have Bilbo bring me some soup when it's ready."
There was a big enough pasture on the edge of the woods that the abandon house had to keep the ponies mostly kenneled while they rested for the night. My body sagged against a tree trunk, eyes dropping with tiredness. Now that Laurel was actually here I didn't really want to sleep anymore, I much rather stay with her until she woke. Alas I couldn't fight the need for sleep.
The sound of a snapping branch in the woods startled me. It was quite loud and very close. I rose and glanced at all the ponies to see if they were startled as well.
There was two ponies missing.
Before I could go look to see if they were the ones that made the noise in the woods, Bilbo was climbing up the hill with a bowl in his hand. "I brought you some of the soup that Bombur made," he forced a smile.
"Bilbo," I muttered, "we are missing ponies."
A loud unfamiliar laugh crackled through the night. In the distance a large fire could be seen in between the tree trunks, one that was not ours. Each of us slowly crept through the woods, trying to get a better look at what was happening. In-between a couple of trees was our ponies, tied in a rope barrier. Next to the fire were three large trolls.
Bilbo chirped, jumping behind me. "Bilbo," I pushed him towards the commotion. "Take this blade and cut the ponies free. This is one of your burglary moments!"
"What if they catch me," he urged more importantly, "what then?"
"Go ahead and start," I motioned, "I will get the rest of the dwarves. We will defend you if anything happens."
Without a second look to him I jumped to action, running past the remaining ponies and to the camp we had set up. Everyone turned to look at me while I started to catch my breath, "Trolls. Stole the ponies!"
"We left them alone for only a few moments," Balin grunted, "how is it they stole all he ponies in just a few moments? Without making any noise?"
"Not all," I remarked, "just two. Bilbo is going to try and cut them free. We must go aid him!"
One by one they rose, grabbing all of their weapons. One glance at Laurel told me she was asleep and wouldn't wake for a while still yet. A few tree branches and leaves were lying on the edge of our camp, so I gently laid them across her to try and hide her from anyone who happens to walk by. It would be good enough until we returned. Dori put out the fire to hide our location.
Together we rushed to the tree line quietly to watch. The three trolls were large, eight dwarves tall and about five dwarves wide. Bilbo was the size of their hands. He crept behind the one, where the ponies were standing and tried to cut through the rope.
In the center of their area was a tall fire underneath a pot and spit.
"I 'aven't ate ponies in a long time," one of them exclaimed. "Tonight will be a good supper indeed."
"Tom," another called, "grab one of the ponies and prepare it. The pot is almost ready for meat."
Just as the troll called Tom turned around to grab a pony, Bilbo yelled and fell into the rope dropping the knife. A groan left me softly, what kind of burglar drops his weapon and gets caught?
"What's this," Tom shouted as he picked Bilbo up by the leg, dangling him high for the other trolls to see. " I've never seen one of these bafor'!"
All three started to argue about what he was. "When do we attack," Dwalin asked quietly.
"We wait to see if he gets away first, or if the sun will rise before," Thorin stated.
"He don't smell bad," the troll that was stirring the pot muttered, "might as well throw him in as well."
The last troll drew a long blade from his waist and pointed it at Bilbo.
"Attack now," Thorin muttered disdainfully. At once all the dwarves surged forward with a cry of battle. The trolls were startled, the one dropping Bilbo.
The arrows at my hip were made of wamara and plentiful, along with the strong sword at my hip. Fili and I jumped the nearest troll, stabbing it and shooting it with the weapons we had. It flinched and started to swing it's large hands. The rest of the pack of dwarves were similarly attacking the other two monsters.
Suddenly I was knocked to the ground, air leaving my lungs and me breathless for a moment. With another arrow knocked I took aim for the nearest trolls throat.
"Drop all yer weapons," one called out loudly, "or I rip 'is arms and legs off."
In-between two fingers on each hand was one of Bilbo's. The beast was pulling on his hands and arms causing our Hobbit friend to groan and fidget. "I'll do it," the troll muttered again, "drop all the weapons."
Begrudgingly each of us dropped the weapons in our hands.
One by one we were tied at the feet and wrists, then bagged to our necks and tossed into a pile off to the side. Our weapons were collected and tossed in a pile next to the ponies.
"William, how many dwarvies do we want ta start cooking," Tom exclaimed excitedly.
"I don't know," the cook muttered, "but do we want to skin them, chop them up, or boil 'em alive?"
Time seemed to drag along as the trolls argued back and forth on how they were going to cook us. Half of us were picked up and tied to the spit to turn and cook slowly.
How were we going to get out of this mess? Closing my eyes I prayed to the Valar that no one was messing with Laurel and she was alright.
Bilbo stood quickly in his sack, eyes darting everywhere. "You don't want to be doing this. Very bad business, eating dwarves and Hobbits."
"It is very good business, and food," William muttered, poking Bombur with a branch as he turned over on the spit.
"No very bad business, especially the lot of us. Infected, everyone," Bilbo stuttered, eyes still raking the woods around us.
Infected with what? No one here has aliments! Some of the dwarves agreed with me, muttering about nonsense. The trolls were bickering back and forth about eating something infected. Dwalin grunted about being as healthy as a horse. Thorin kicked him and gave him a look.
"I've got parasites as big as me arm," he changed his tune, rolling over and looking ill.
The rest of us joined, moaning and groaning about being sick.
"Don't listen to them you fools," William muttered, "they are trying to trick us into freeing them. We're going to eat every last one. We better hurry before the sun comes up."
A small gasp could be heard faintly before one of the trolls, Bert as he was called, grunted. "Ow, something bit me," he muttered, looking all around for something that could have bit him. A tree branch shook, causing all of us to look towards it.
As quick as lightning, something shot out from between the leaves.
Previous Chapter << Chapter 3: Falling into a New Reality
Next Chapter >> Chapter 5: Fuck, I’m Dreaming Again
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kalira · 5 years ago
CATS movie thoughts~
(post mirrored from Pillowfort here)
I went to see the new CATS movie with @mad-madam-m yesterday (we've been planning this since the first trailer dropped) and it was actually a) better than I expected, and b) enjoyable, which was a nice surprise! (I expected us to enjoy it because it was entertainingly bad, honestly.)
I've loved CATS since I saw the Broadway version as a kid, and listened repeatedly (incessantly) to the soundtrack thereof back then - and at times even these days - and was delighted to see a production of it when it came to our city when I was small.
The movie left me with 2-3 major issues and a handful of quibbles. . . I have not organised them at all, but here are my thoughts.
. . .which I am putting under a cut because I had a lot more to say than I thought, apparently.
I am not surprised they did an outsider character to be an audience surrogate, but *SIGH*
Also . . . Victoria? Whose characterisation in the stage show is 'excellent ballerina'?
I know that's why they chose her, they could fill her in as they chose, but it was weird to have a cat who left almost no impression in the stage show as the 'main character'
Okay I admittedly missed that they apparently folded in Jemima/Sillabub to her as well, but that really doesn't make me feel any better
Did we have to have the incredibly forced romantical feeling type focus?
Not to mention we had some oddness towards that with Munkustrap initially
Then there was Misto falling tail over paws - because he bumbles through everything - at her
Then the oddness of the Munjojerrie and Rumpelteazer song which was probably not supposed to added the both of them to that list, if more briefly
Holy heckies adding a new song for the new central character was not a bad idea but literally anywhere else in the goddamn movie, and not spinning off of Memory oh my lord all the no it was so cringe
Look you cannot build off of Memory as 'but I have it worse than you so feel better'
Who has it worse is never a good game to play at all, playing it here was so cringey
'What's a Jellicle?'
Okay I know, audience surrogate, but oof
Actually let me skip back - the CGI did not bother me that much and it's like 99% of the ranting I have seen about this since the very first trailer. It never bothered me that much.
The cats were made a bit more plain; that bothered me.
Let them have ruffs, especially the toms, wtf did you remove those for it looks a) weird, and b) wrong for cats
However the show really can only be played by humanoid cats, I think, or it . . . look, the production wouldn't work with more catlike cats
The addition of dialogue stringing together the songs and adding more plot elements and freedom to work with them was really not an issue in my opinion
It strung together the slightly expanded plot in a way it really needed
It wasn't that jarring or awkward, to me
Misto, oh baby, why oh why did they do that to you~
Mister Mistoffeelees, who is an aloof, confident, and incredibly skilled magician in the stage show is made into a nervously fumbling barely-past-kitten who fails at almost every bit of magic he attempts (and falls and trips rather a lot as well, when he's a brilliantly graceful dancer in the stage show)
It was painful, oh sweetie
I can guess part of why they did it, but it was not well done and I don't think it was necessary
Misto's magic was painful; not because it was painful itself but because he was so bad at it, and everyone expected him to fail every time he tried
Misto using his magic for Gus' song, for dramatic effect? I thought it was really great and also really sweet
Actually Misto being so starry-eyed at Gus was adorable all around
That could have been put in even with Misto being his confident stage self, in fact it could have been super cute to have him be composed and confident and then go to an overexcited kitten with Gus in front of him
The absence of the Conjuring Turn was so sad, it is a star point of Misto
Look I'm not a fan of the 'awkward bumbling male finds his confidence because of the unwavering (with no reason) faith of the new female love interest' trope in general, having it wedged in here suddenly did not make me like it any more
Upon the note of Misto, the rescue of Deuteronomy . . . was very badly timed on the beats, and badly done (I felt) when it finally happened.
I didn't expect her to show up when Misto first tried
I semi-expected the second time, but okay
When she didn't show up the third time it stopped being any kind of suspense - especially since, let's be real, the plot is not really a huge mystery - and became 'okay so . . . what are we doing instead now?'
And then the fourth try, when she did appear, it was done very anticlimactically
Deuteronomy being female didn't really bother me but it left me a bit eh
Judi Dench is awesome, but Deuteronomy not really singing is weird
Also, let Judi Dench's Deuteronomy have been implied to have had 9 - or 99 - wives you cowards
. . .plus that line being altered to be another repeat of 'Old Deuteronomy's had many lives, some may say ninety-nine' . . . it was awkward/clunky and felt over repetitious
Jennyanydots . . . oof, poor hon
Jennyanydots is a mature and above all sweetly sincere queen in the stage show
She honestly wants to better the mice and the cockroaches, and it's a bit silly perhaps, but she is determined to do it - and does
And the other cats respect her and, more, they genuinely care very much for her it seems
And she's earnest
I expected her to be played more for comedy given who was cast to play her, but the extent of it felt not great, to be honest, even before the other cats began to feel like they were mocking her a bit
Not to mention - the joke about the mice being dinner and a show I could let pass despite being very different from Jennyanydots as she originally was, but actually eating cockroaches as it went was a bit too far
As I told M when we were discussing the movie after the showing, it was like, I was rolling with it, and then they rolled too far
Also on that note? The CGI mice were a bit o.O - when the CGI cockroaches started marching my thought was actually 'oh, this won't feature in my nightmares at all'
They won't actually but they were kind of horrifying
I did like the cats watching with that alert, slightly twitchy focus of a cat seeing a small moving creature
The traditional costume change looked . . . weirder and creepier with the CGI than costume work
Bustopher Jones went from a dignified figure to a ridiculous one
It was again rather terrible to watch, wince-worthy
Prancing through the rubbish bins and splatting through things instead of his usual stage show refinement and rather snobbishness? Oof
Bustopher has always been respected, even specifically so because of his size, making his weight a joke and/or something he's 'extra sensitive' about was . . . so unnecessary
The Rum Tum Tugger has always been my favourite, since I was a wee tiny Kalira
. . .he was blessedly not so bad as I feared - and even went back closer to the rocker cat (complete with flirtatious tease nature) than the rap adaptation I have heard of and been continually ohgodwhy no at
However, why did they discard the few details of his character that are not a self-important flirt?
He's not even focused at that - in the stage show I am accustomed to he is very much a determined performer, basking in being adored
he was a bit 'oo shiny' and kept ignoring his adoring audience in the movie?
In the stage show he is also around to drop in playful lines from time to time
Also he sings a good chunk of Misto's song and brags him up, as well as pieces of other songs
While he claims to be distant and aloof, and may somewhat be, he continually comes back and causes minor disruptions for his own (and others') amusement in the stage show
He also protectively shelters some of the kittens more than once
Misto's barb was kept in but sounded more like a jealous, anxious attempt to detract attention instead of a teasing barb at an egotistical friend
Along with many of the songs, Tugger's was altered so that it is entirely sung about himself, and as with many of them, I felt it was better with some of the lines from another singer
Though his is not so bad as many, perhaps because he's already talking himself up
I wasn't really surprised to find he's changed from the inspirations I remember from the stage show and when I was little (Mick Jagger and David Bowie, mother told me when I got older XD) but it was still a little bit of a disappointment
Also a bit random, when mostly the soloing cats - at least/especially the ones singing for themselves in front of all the others - were competing in the formalised 'who gets to ascend' spread, that Tugger is evidently not
Mungojerrie & Rumpleteazer were kind of fantastic and then kind of wtf for me
me, during their song, as they pulled Victoria along with them to play and cause all manner of mischief in the house: I don't think I'm intended to be shipping Victoria with both of them now, but I definitely am
me, at the end of their song, as they deliberately abandoned Victoria strangling and trapped as a dog came barrelling up after her with saucy nonchalance: . . .what the fuck?
me, when they were helping with Macavity's attack directly: excuse me no
I know they're said to be 'rumoured' to help him out in the stage show but this was very different
Yeah they said here that it was 'only a bit of fun' and they didn't know Macavity was planning to kidnap Deuteronomy, but . . . no
I did actually like their colouration redesign, making them I think the only cats I did in the entire movie
The lack of their tumbling and acrobatics was a bit sad, though their song and playful successsion of running about, Victoria in tow, was fun
Macavity was played super well considering he has no lines in the stage show so rather little to go on, and the expansion of his plot was honestly understandable - I mean, CATS has a heck of a thin plot for a musical, let alone a movie
One of the things that bothered me about him was honestly that his song where he is described he is described as ginger and poorly-combed
He's played by Idris Elba and his fur is sleek rich brown
He looks great, but alter the lines, you've already altered several, including Deuteronomy's because of the genderswap
On that note, the plot expansion in general . . . it was way better than I feared
I was afraid they were going to wedge in another plotline alongside the (very thin/hardly there, admitted) one in the stage show and it wouldn't go well
On the other hand the making the Jellicle Ball an official competition was a little eh to me
The more I think about it the less I like it even, really
I suppose it had to be, maybe, to work with expanding Macavity's plot and actions, but I don't care for it (and I think it could probably have been worked around)
I could have done without the queens being actively aggressive to Grizabella, oof that was owch
They recoil and hiss and act like she has the plague or a curse, very disdainful of her, in the stage show, and it works well
Having the queens actively attack her, not only hissing but instead of recoiling circling her and closing in on her to slash at her? It was . . . not good
So I guess the lead queen that I noticed doing that the most is . . . Cassandra? I honestly thought it was supposed to be Bombalurina
Bombalurina only showed up as Macavity's chief singer and queen underling, to distract and drug everyone
Really? Yeah some of the queens sing about Macavity in the stage show, but Bomba is even the one who comforts Demeter when Macavity's presence freaks her out (in what seems like a trauma reaction, rather) in the stage show
I have no idea who is supposed to be Demeter, the queens were all but interchangeable background, really most of the chorus cats were
Which brings up the theme of a lot of the cats being unrecognisable to me, honestly, and/or having their roles remixed a little, or straight-up lessened
Skimbleshanks was awesome, and his song/number was perhaps even better than in the stage show
The tap-dancing along the rails? Awesome
The cats playing around in the sleeper cabin was also pretty great honestly
 I will say when Skimbles appeared my immediate impression was of a very specific within-the-LGBT+-community gay man stereotype
Also I am terribly amused that he's wearing half a suit of clothes and it's the opposite half that he was in the stage production I'm most familiar with
Munkustrap was rather different, still a large part of keeping things going, if not the same way
Less serious than I'm used to? Not that he's only serious, but still
He made the best faces, like, it rescued a few awkward moments
At least a handful of moments that made me go 'this is so very not the Munkustrap I know' characterisation-wise
With the battle removed and a few other things, many of the moments that make his personality shine were gone
No seeing him lunge into action as the Jellicle Protector, basically
No seeing him trying to manage the little play-within-a-play put on for Deuteronomy (even when Tugger causes mischief) although I can't blame them for cutting both of those
No seeing him shield the kittens or younger/other cats without hesitation
Instead there was mostly just the slightly silly characterisation that showed in the moments between in the movie, it seemed to me
Gus the theatre cat was another of those whose song was rewritten to be sung by themselves, though his is the most notable for that, given he barely sings at all in the stage show
I really think it worked better the other way
But they gave me Ian McKellen being awesome in that song so I am okay with this
Also, Gus using a bit of that to scare Growltiger off the ferry and into the Thames? Fabulous
Misto's song - I talked about him and about Deuteronomy's rescue, but the song
I love having it led in by Tugger in the stage show, and I love having Tugger brag him up
Tugger is good at that, honestly, it so suits his style
Misto needs a bit of bragging up, especially for this moment
First of all, changing it up so Misto sings most of it himself instead is a bit sketchy
Changing it so it becomes less of a confident, showy number and instead is Misto being so anxious he can barely sing and constantly checking reactions . . . that made it worse
Next up, changing it from Tugger - who reads as friendly to Misto, in the stage show - leading in Misto's song and encouraging the others to praise him, to Victoria who has only just met him and all the other cats being dubious as they join in. . . I did not like
My shipper heart: why would you take that away it was excellent interaction!
My non-shipper heart: why would you take that away it makes much more sense and it also makes a lovely balance with Misto teasing Tugger during his song and shows that Tugger took it in the light-hearted spirit (they're friends, they're there for each other) it seemed to be
Also that it was so sweet a bit of interplay they took it away from Tugger to give to Misto's Sudden Romantic Interest in the movie, with zero changes otherwise? I have some side-eye.
I already mentioned the rescuing Deuteronomy beats being all wrong, but it also left me thinking we'd be getting less of Misto's song and it was oddly broken-up when we did get more
The catnip usage had me a bit o.O I'll be honest, for several reasons
Erwhat with the drugging everyone in that scene?
The glowing I'm going to assume is to show that it's having an effect on the cats, but it came off a bit weird to me
There were several cats it looked like were 'trying to escape' the catnip who most definitely had/should have already been hit
Also how did the cats assisting Macavity avoid being affected? Bombalurina at first made sense, sprinkling it below herself, none of it after that did
Wow Macavity's song and climax there with the stairs right up to the 'Heaviside Layer' in his stage display? So cocky! An unwise cat
Deuteronomy smacking him down? Very nice
Continuing to do so when he disappeared them both? Even better
I was really rather surprised not to see the melee battle among the cats in the climax with Macavity
Of course that also took away some of the drama, aaand some of the chorus cats, especially the toms', chances to shine
The queens were pretty indistuingishable from each other but at least we saw them somewhat, the toms mostly seemed to be entirely background blur
Growltiger being added in as Macavity's henchcat was actually kind of great? Watching over the kidnapped cats and as a secondary (and subordinate) Bad Tom, yes
In contrast to the mischievous Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer being used that way, I am so there for it
Grizabella was . . . a little disappointing?
She was played wonderfully! But she could have been played more
Seriously, fabulous actress there for her and they did nothing with her other than her songs and crying while singing them?
The stage production I'm familiar with has more than that with her and less time
Let her be proud and trying to gather herself up
Let her be dubious of herself and/or the others
Let her stand aside as though she doesn't even want to rejoin them after being turned aside
Look there's lots more that could have been done in the space there was with her in the movie (and without involving Victoria so much as she was, which was still a bit cringey outside Victoria's song, but at least not so badly)
She 'went with Macavity'? Felt a little unnecessary and also . . . hrm, to me
The stage show doesn't explain why the Jellicles reject her or where she was
I honestly always assumed she left on her own - Grizabella the Glamour Cat? - to make her own way, and eventually fell from grace
It was also a little strange to see her so young
Deuteronomy making the choice also felt . . . a little flat to me
I'm not sure what I was expecting or what the problem was
Regardless, it felt a little lacking somehow
I was impressed with how they had Grizabella's ascension managed, since that would be necessity be rather different from the stage show
Also great for Misto keeping some of his confidence from his song and rescue for this bit
Macavity trying to leap on and hitch a ride to the Heaviside Layer was excellent, and his getting stuck and having his magic not work to get himself un-stuck? Great
I do wonder - is his magic entirely broken, or just not working to catch his ride on Grizabella's balloon again?
The Ad-Dressing of Cats feels a bit awkward in a stage production to me; having a close-up of Judi Dench staring at me in the movie screen, for an extended time, did not make it better
Also the prologue bits about the naming of cats and what a Jellicle is were both changed and so there was no semblance of something similar in the beginning
I still think it would have been awkward, but if it bracketed the movie with the fourth wall breaks it might have worked better
The faces of the three cats close around Deuteronomy as she recited the entirety of that - which felt too long - were the only things that kept it being too awful
Munkustrap was the best in that
Misto looking horrifically embarrassed a few times and hiding behind his hat once . . . oh baby, I feel
'You're a Jellicle now!'
There's a Jellicle Ball once a year, see you then
So . . . for now, goodbye to your butt that was thrown in a sack into a junkyard we immediately ran away from
Rather than it being the Jellicles' (second, in some cases) home
I know your whole arc has been please accept me, see me, give me a place to be
But run off on your own, see you in a year
Seriously Victoria could have followed Misto, or Munkustrap, or Mungojerrie & Rumpleteazer, or anyone
Even Munku's mate could have, say, come up and encouraged Victoria to come with them
Not that we saw enough to assume he had one, still don't know who was supposed to be Demeter, but beside the point
It was a rough ending there
. . .I had a lot to say, and I'm not willing to swear that I didn't repeat myself anywhere - if I did I apologise - or skip over things I might have wanted to say. I saw the movie 24 hours ago and wrote most of this when I should have been asleep.
I did enjoy the movie and will probably watch it again - I also plan to watch the Broadway version again very soon (as soon as the library brings it to me) and have been listening to the Broadway soundtrack since yesterday afternoon.
(I may also be writing more for this fandom soon, but we'll see about that.)
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ultradiplr · 5 years ago
Sleep Aid
A Si/Oc x Sigma fanfiction
Plot: Uahi and Sigma are up late from insomnia, stressed and jittery from the day’s activities, they decide to do something to relax.
Tags: Mutual M, Age Difference, Size Difference, Original Female Character, Dirty Talk. Literally just “What if we did X? Haha, just kidding…. Unless?” Comedy-ish. Bad porno. Idk man.
A/N: Self indulgent AF because I’ve decided I need to establish that Uahi and SIgma have “that” kind of relationship - Just a couple of buddies being pals and doing a little bonding. Also The Beast: Part 2 is still getting written, I just had a rough few days and wrote this dumb thing to make myself feel better.
Uahi laid on what constituted as Sigma’s bed in his lab as she watched him write and rewrite an equation on a board. Her eyes followed the motions of his hands droopily, exhausted from the day’s training yet stupidly wide awake, untapped stores of energy still inside her with no way of getting out at this time at night.
Sigma was in much the same boat, exhausted by a tedious little meeting that went on much later than he expected. Tired yet completely alert, his mind running through a million things at once, a million things that could be done tomorrow, yet his body was forcing him to do them now, even as the numbers and letters he wrote were starting to look more and more like gibberish to his straining eyes. 
The two of them usually sat up late together like this, both insomniacs on even their best days, but tonight just felt especially ridiculous as the clock ticked by, showing the time in bold red numbers.
03:00 AM.
Uahi stretched out on his bed which was much, much larger than her and custom made to fit Sigma’s large body, usually it was a delightful haven for her sore and battered body after a long training day, but tonight it just felt so.. Uncomfortable. No matter how much she twisted and turned, no matter the weird angle she tried to place her limbs in, no matter what she tried she just could not get comfortable.
“Siiiiigmaaaa.” She groaned, loudly, defeated.
Sigma sighed and wiped down his board again, whatever he had written not making any sense to him. “Yes?” He asked, hearing Uahi groan.
“I’m tired.” She grumbles behind him, saying similar multiple times tonight.
“I know, but what can we do?” He says with a sigh, going back to writing… something, on the board.
“Masturbate.” She says before letting out a long “Ayyyyyy.”
Sigma cracks a tired smile at the sound of her fake bostonian accent, easily imagining her shooting him finger guns while saying it. He rolls his eyes a little. Even while completely exhausted his friend didn’t miss an opportunity for a crude joke, how admirable. 
A stretch of silence settled between them, with only the squeaking of his pen against the board as Sigma wrote another batch of equations and Uahi’s steady breathing as she stared up at the ceiling and watched a few wisps of her hair flow above her. 
The idea felt like it hung in the air between them. The two had always been pretty flirtatious with one another, dirty jokes and innuendos a common part of their bantering, but for some reason this instance felt… different. Maybe it was the lack of sleep lowering their inhibitions but the idea of getting off right now sounded really… nice. The total relaxation afterward would probably make trying to sleep easier. It’s worked for them, separately, before...
Doing it now wasn’t that much different from doing it alone… right?
“Haha, that’s a weird thought, right?” She laughed awkwardly and sat up a little on her forearms, looking over at him. 
Sigma is blushing as he looks back at her, too tired to really try and hide it and Uahi unconsciously bites her lip at the sight, he’s always looked so handsome when he blushed. His eyes roamed her body, taking in her relaxed pose and the loose sleeping clothes she wore, admiring her curves and muscles and the intricate tattoos on her arms before his eyes slid up to her face lingering on her lips for a moment before meeting her gaze.
“Unless…” His tone has shifted just a little and it’s her turn to blush, causing him to smile. 
It wasn’t that different… right?
Sigma put his pen down and gently drifted toward Uahi on his bed, who sat up completely and shuffled back until her back hit a wall, eyes locked with his as he came closer and cheeky smile plastered on her face. 
“Damn, didn’t know it was so easy to get you into bed.” She teased as he sat down on the edge and took off his day clothes, throwing them to the side, and leaving himself in an undershirt and boxer briefs.
“To be fair, this is my bed,” He scooted back until his back met the wall next to her, dwarfing her a little in comparison to him, even sitting down, “What should it mean that you’re already here?”
“That you can’t take a hint.” She stuck her tongue out at him and he chuckled.
Settling in next to her, his legs outstretched in front of him, he stretched and yawned, relaxing against the wall, already feeling a sort of warmth pool at the pit of his stomach, the reality of what they were going to do slowly seeping into him.
Uahi felt a little jittery, excitement and embarrassment mixing into a concoction that made her want to both get on with it and to just get up and leave right now, filling her with more restless energy.
They sat silently next to each other, neither knowing exactly how to start, before she piped up “You wanna see my favorite porno?” she asked.
“What?” That sort of caught him off guard and he blinked down at her, face going red again.
“I mean, we’re not just going to try and do this alone, right?” She asked as she got on her knees and crawled toward the edge of the bed, reaching under it.
“I guess not,” He started, looking off to the side a little, feeling a little sheepish. “truth be told, I didn’t really think about it.”
She snorted and brought up his smartpad, talon issued, and most likely monitored. He tried not to use it much outside of his work because of that, but it seemed Uahi had no qualms with using it for any personal activity she wanted as she scooted back next to him, already tapping away in the search menu. As a video loaded up, the title of witch he didn’t catch, she held it up in front of them, and knowing what she wanted without her asking, he suspended it in the air. It was a little funny, they’ve done similar for watching normal movies together, ironic that they’d do the same for a dirty one.
Uahi leaned against him as the video started playing, and she smiled when he heard him scoff at the title, “O-asis University 7: The Hard Professor.” 
“Really? This your favorite dirty movie?” He asked as he watched the video open with a stock video of the city and university.
“Oh, so you’ve seen it before.” She said, wriggling her eyebrows.
He rolled his eyes and scoffed, smiling, “No, but I’ve heard of the series… can’t believe they made seven.”
“They’ve made thirty actually, but I dropped off after seventeen.” She said nonchalantly.
The scene transitioned into a classroom set, shot on a cheap camera of course, though he could give them props for somehow finding something similar to the actual rooms at the University, at least from what he could remember.
“Why did you drop it?” He asked, the talking easing him into the fact he really was going to watch a porno with her.
“Recasting mostly,” She shrugged, “My two favorite actors had such good chemistry, when they got replaced it just wasn’t the same.”
There were two characters on screen, an older but handsome man wearing an ill fitting and cheap looking suit, obviously the ‘hard” professor, and a woman wearing an equally cheap looking knock off of the uniforms there only more… revealing. Their  innuendo filled dialogue was a bit cringy on paper, but the delivery was actually done pretty well, by porn parody standards. Sigma snorted at a particularly awful joke and Uahi giggled, and it went on like that through the painful introduction. When it finally got to actual sex he had to admit, it seemed almost believable, and sort of personal, but it wasn’t really his cup of tea if he was being honest.
He looked over to Uahi to make an observation about the whiteboard in the background containing an interesting equation but when he saw the way her eyes focused on the screen, face red, and worrying her lip between her teeth, he was shut up instantly, feeling his blood run hot at the sight.He watched as Uahi began to fidget a little, her hands balling into her shirt as she watched with rapt attention, legs subtly rubbing together as she got worked up. It was strangely cute… and very arousing. He felt himself harden a little as she shifted around, pressing her thighs together as the scene turned rougher.
Uahi meanwhile was just too focused on what was unfolding to notice Sigma’s staring, the sense of drama and story elements always able to suck her in before the fucking really solidified her attention. She loved the series with her whole heart, and the unfolding relationship between Professor Richard Longhard and Kitty Galore was always her favorite sub plot, plus they were both hot as all hell. 
As the dear professor bent his student over his desk and began teasing her with a light spanking, Uahi’s fingers just about dipped into the waistband of her sleeping shorts, only pulling at it slightly, holding off from actually touching herself due to where she was, still sort of hesitant. 
Sigma noticed this and held back a groan, a hand cupping himself through his boxers as the other flexed on his thigh, attention completely on Uahi as she became a bigger and bigger mess, hair rising higher and higher she got hotter and hotter. 
There was a loud moan coming from the screen and Sigma looked back at it and caught the “hard professor.” slowly stuffing his large meat into the smaller woman while he leaned over her on the desk, whispering something in her ear.
“He has such a pretty dick.” Uahi’s voice came out strained, tinted by the faintest whine but full of desire.
“Not the sort of description I would use.” Sigma said, trying to hold back the waver in his voice as he watched too.
Uahi smiled, “Why, what does your dick look like?~” she teased, wiggling her eyebrows, leaning up into his side.
He gulped and nudged her back playfully, causing her to giggle, “Perfectly normal, if you must know.” 
“Really, not old and wrinkly like you?” She teased harder, hand snaking its way up and into the side of his shirt, small and hot against his skin, tickling his ribs a little.
He swatted her away again, laughing, and she giggled, shifting so that her back was toward the hovering smartpad now and looking at him, “Come on, out with it, I wanna see~” She said, looking at him expectantly, face red with a large, goofy smile.
He chuckled, nerves kind of on fire now that her attention was all on him with his erection so painfully obvious in his briefs. He shifted a little, feeling awkward. He didn’t want to stop, but he definitely didn’t want to be the only one who was exposed.
Uahi saw his hesitance and she realized she probably should break the ice a little first. Quickly, so as not to let herself lose confidence, she pulled her shorts off her legs and threw them over the side of the bed.
His breath hitched, his eyes went wide, his face somehow grew hotter and his hard cock throbbed as Uahi crawled over his leg and sat between his knees, which he widened to make room for her. She sat down and slowly opened her legs for him, making his mouth grow dry as she revealed her wet core to him. 
She felt emboldened by his focused, wide eyed but dazed stare at her, fighting to urge to cover herself as she leaned back onto her forearms. “Your turn, old man.” She said with a wink, and shot him the smuggest smile she could muster in her slowly dizzying state.
Sigma gulped, eyes focused on her glistening lips, as his thumbs hooked into his  waistband, slowly lowering it down. His cock sprang up as the cloth moved off it, hitting him softly in his stomach, and he heard Uahi’s breath hitch at the sight. His gaze moved to her face, and the look she was giving him matched the way she was looking at the video earlier, making his cock throb and his heart clench.
It was not in fact, wrinkly or old, or “perfectly normal” either, he was huge, thick and long, and with a sprinkling of salt and pepper hair at the base. Already leaking a little, and having a beautifully delicious red tip, it made her mouth water.
“It’s uh…  wow… you’re big.” Her voice sounded breathless and he smiled inwardly at it, his ego and confidence getting a sizable boost from that.
“Think I match up with Professor Longhard?” He joked, and she snorted a laugh,
“Honestly I think you’re bigger.” And it was his turn to laugh.
This felt good, nice, two friends just.. Hanging out. 
Uahi leaned over to one arm as her other hand snaked up from beside her and petted her mound in front of him, not touching herself, but just teasing a little. Sigma hummed in approval and his own hand began to lightly feel up his cock, even with his hand wrapped around it at his base a good five inches stood out of his grasp. She drooled a little at the sight and moved her fingers lower over her sex, lightly running it around her lips. She shivered at the feeling, but Sigma could do nothing more than watch and start to move his own hand on his hard cock.
Uahi slipped her own fingers between her slick folds, gathering the wetness and spreading them around, loving the way Sigma moaned at the sight, his hand slightly picking up speed. She spread herself with her fingers with a wink and actually laughed at the way he choked.
“You’re a dirty girl, you know that?” He said with a glare, his hand squeezing himself for more delicious pressure.
“Mhmm, a dirty girl for a dirty old man.” She replied, licking her lips and fluttering her eyes in a very faux sexy manner which made him roll his eyes.
She slipped a finger in herself carefully, and Sigma groaned as he watched it disappear, hand following her speed. She tensed a little at it, more sensitive than she expected, and let out a shaky sigh. She slipped another finger in too, and began to pump them into herself in a steady rhythm, moaning as he began to leak pre at the sight.
“So Beautiful.” The words slipped from his mouth without realizing it, and her body flushed darker.
She moaned and fell back to free her other arm, hand going to rub at her clit, his words hitting her like a freight train with desire. She rolled her hips, the new stimulation putting her closer and closer to the edge.
She was watching him, pupils blown wide with desire, turning her dark brown eyes almost black. He groaned at the sight of her, laid almost bare before him, looking at him with hunger, playing with herself in front of him, watching him, watching his hands and face and his swollen cock. He shifted, shaking as he did, and arched over her, one arm bracing himself next to her head as he continued rutting into his hand, the tip of his cock so achingly close to her core.
“What are you thinking of?” he asked, breathlessly above her flustered face, head framed by the twisting and writhing wisps of her hair..
She bit her lip, looking off to the side, “Y-you.” She said, her voice needy and… vulnerable.
His heart fluttered at the admission and the tone, “And what about me?” He asks, hotly yet tenderly.
She whines and her hips leave the bed for a moment, “Fuck.. i don’t know, just… your stupid handsome face and your stupid big cock and just...” she grinds out before shutting her eyes tightly and taking a moment to breath.
His hand cups her face with his free hand and she leans into it, when she opens her eyes, they’re dark and focused, a dangerous, hungry look.
“I’m thinking about you Sigma, and you, splitting me open.” Her voice was shaky, needy, wanton. 
She lifts her hips again, rolling them, making the faintest hint of contact between them  and making him moan and stutter his hips. She laughed breathlessly, nuzzling into his hand, 
“I want you to ruin me~” She said, fluttering her eyes, and taking his thumb into her mouth.
He flexed his thumb in her mouth to push on her tongue, moaning at the feel of her soft wet mouth as he hunched over her, imagining himself doing what she asked. Of him dipping his hips lower, just a bit lower, and hilting inside her in one hard thrust. Thrusting inside her at a brutal pace, causing her to scream, to beg, to cry for him. To hold onto him like her life depended on it as he fucked her open, more open than she probably ever been. God, he wanted to ruin her too, wanted to touch and taste and just… destroy her.
He squeezed his cock as he felt his balls tighten, his climax coming soon at the images she’s conjuring up, but he didn’t want to cum, not yet, not until she does.
He dipped his head down next to her, “You’d be such a good girl you’d let me do that, right? Let me tear you open? Use you? Would that make you happy?” He whispered into her ear, a bit frantic but  dripping with arousal.
She nodded her head a little, his thumb in her mouth, whining around the finger, her hips picking up more as her fingers worked herself faster. He joined her in that fact, thrusting harder into his tight, wet hand above her, frantically trying to chase and hold off his own end.
“You look so pretty like this, such a pretty mess, and a mess all for me.” His words where making her stomach flip and twist, too soft, too tender, too loving, she wanted to cry and laugh and kiss him and hear him say more, but she felt herself starting to peak and she could do nothing but cry out around his thumb.
“S-si-gma.” Her broken sob made his heart clench as she tensed up under him.
Seeing her come undone was a trigger for his own and he muffled his cry in the mattress as he bit down beside her head. He tensed and shook as he tried to keep himself up, feeling himself empty a thick load, his hand pumping every last drop out of him as he chased the high longer. When he finally finished, he collapsed beside her, panting.
A few minutes of them doing nothing but panting and contemplating what they just did passed before Uahi broke the silence again with a laugh, a genuine, bubbly laugh, that had him joining quiet easily.
“I can’t believe we just did that.” She said clapping a hand over her eyes, astonished
“Me neither, that was quite an… experience.” He looked at her, smiling, still a little out of breath. “Are you alright?”
She turned and faced him, scooting closer, “Yeah, I am, it was fun.” she said with a yawn.
He wrapped an arm around her and brought her into his side until she could rest her head on his shoulder, “I guess it’s finally time to sleep.”
The two began to drift asleep, warmth seeped into their bones, completely relaxed against each other, and basking in the warmth of each other's presence. As they were on the cusp of sleep a thought occurred to Uahi,
“Sigma, what happened to the smartpad?”
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wearesorcerer · 5 years ago
Ioun Bloodline Arcana
Whenever you have an ioun stone orbiting you or implanted, you bond with that stone. You may telekinetically recall one bonded stone within 20 feet per Sorcerer level, causing it to orbit your head as a swift action. You may use ioun stones as thrown weapons that function as darts and deal bludgeoning damage, and you are considered proficient with them. The stones count as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. You lose your bond with any stone out of your possession after 24 hours.
I need to unpack this a little. My evaluation is fairly mean, but this ability is a C+/B- - because of the Bloodline Powers.
First of all, the paragraph needs to be reorganized:
Whenever you have an ioun stone orbiting you (or implanted, for that matter), you bond with that stone. You lose your bond with any stone out of your possession after 24 hours. As a swift action, you may telekinetically recall into orbit one bonded stone within 20 feet per Sorcerer level. You treat ioun stones as thrown weapons with which you are proficient; they function as darts, but deal bludgeoning damage and count as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
There we go: actions required before effects, passive abilities before active ones, generalities before specifics, normal rules before exceptions, and relevant tangents in parentheses.
Effectively, this gives you an ability slightly better than a cantrip, but in contradictory ways.
The first contradiction:
As a swift action, you may telekinetically recall into orbit one bonded stone within 20 feet per Sorcerer level.
Bonus Feats: Acrobatic, Craft Wondrous Item, Magical Aptitude, Quick Draw, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Focus (Knowledge [history]), Throw Anything.
You won’t want to use Quick Draw (iterative attacks [like you have any] for thrown weapons) because of the action restriction. Now, the recall ability exists both for the attacking and to combat kleptos from yoinking your stones, so maybe that’s for balance. However, given the capstone power, I suspect it’s because someone thought returning (a +1 enchantment that makes thrown weapons work like how they say boomerangs do) would be too powerful for first level characters to have.
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(<3 Bowie-sama.)
The second way it’s contradictory is in range. Most attack cantrips work at Close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels, meaning 25 to 75 ft.). Darts have five range increments of 20 ft., with a cumulative -2 penalty on increments two through five. Yes, your maximum range with recall becomes available at 5th level. However, you will always take a penalty to match the maximum range of the cantrip (even though you can exceed it). Further, since most attack cantrips use ranged touch attacks¹ and you still have to roll against armor, you’re not going to hit shit.
You are still better off with a crossbow, given that to use either you need to be within closing range of, say, an enemy Fighter. (I will make a big stink about this point when I review Reserve feats.)
So, onto the second question: how exactly are these
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(DMG 3.0 and 3.5, but art with similarly sized stones exists all over.)
comparable to something like this?
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The dart used in D&D/Pathfinder (pictured above: late Roman plumbata) is most closest to today’s lawn dart, not the tiny things used in the game of the same name (though they do descend from the military ones). The comparison this Bloodline uses is a bit of a misnomer chosen for the sake of mechanics.
See, darts are mechanically nearly identical to sling bullets:
One dart weighs 1/2 pound (in D&D, at least). Sling bullets come in groups of 10 and such a group weighs 5 lbs. Math: it’s what’s for dinner. (Bum bum bum.)
Both the dart and the sling deal 1d3 (Small) or 1d4 (Medium) damage.
Both have a crit of x2 with a normal crit range.
Both are simple weapons.
They vary in three respects: price (pft, we’re using magic items, which are loads more expensive than either), damage type (already accounted for), and range. As I explained above, slings have a range increment of 50 ft. (nice!), whereas darts have one of 20 (sad face!). So, the comparison is more to this:
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Still, this seems off; ioun stones are usually shown to be really small, like pea-sized. Does any source (3.x, Pathfinder, fifth edition, something else) provide sizes to corroborate or contradict the art? Not that I could find.
Thus, I tracked down the stones’ origins: Jack Vance’s short story “Morreion,” coincidentally also about finding the sources of ioun IOUN stones. The ones in D&D are lifted from that (with Vance’s permission; yes, they are copyright Vance, not TSR/WotC/Hasbro or Paizo). It took me a while to acquire the story (I had to use the regional interlibrary loan consortium), but right there at the beginning of chapter 2 (of 41 pages²) was what I sought:
“each approximately the size of a small plum.”
A brief Wiki Walk told me that plums are about 2 to 7 cm (3/4″ to almost 3″); Google confirmed about 1-3″ plums.
How big is a sling bullet? Well, Wiki claims about 1″ in diameter, though they’re oblong. The key is that they’re often made of lead. Ioun stones don’t get weights, but that’s easily waived (or else presumed to be irrelevant because of telekinetic force).
So yes, this ability is reasonable in principle.
In application, could/should this have been better? In all ways, yes. I will give my version of how this should have worked come the end of the week.
Is it a bad Arcana? Not really; I’d give it a C+/B-, but mainly because of its interactions with your Bloodline Powers.
¹ The main exception to this is telekinetic projectile, which launches an item out to close range as a thrown weapon attack. The trade-off is that it deals 1d6 non-magical bludgeoning (regardless of what you throw) rather than 1d3 magic of an energy type. However, it’s an abomination for one reason: it also deals damage to the object thrown.
² Bear in mind the 41-page count while I explain some things - or, rather, go on a rant.
Jack Vance’s Dying Earth series is one of the primary sources used to develop Dungeons & Dragons - hence “Vancian casting” (and Vecna, an anagram and homage). Had he not inspired the casting system, we likely would have had a spontaneous arcanist from the beginning. (Psionics have been spontaneous since Eldritch Wizardry [OD&D Supplement III, 1976]; had they not earned a reputation for being broken af, the would-be Sorcerer of 3rd edition would likely have been a Psion instead.)
I say all of this because neither H.P. Lovecraft nor Gary Gygax, both noted for their use of strange words, hold a candle to Vance. So horrendous is his diction that it took me several days to get through those 41 pages.
Mind you, I have a Master’s in English with foci in literature (specifically Shakespeare) and linguistics; I’m used to word choices people don’t like and trained not to get annoyed by them.
This did.
It’s like he sat down with a thesaurus and consulted it for the least-used words he could find for every word in dialogue and many words in narration. On top of that, the plot didn’t make a lot of sense (there were lots of weird jumps in logic, in part because of the diction, but also just bizarre behavior). In the end, I felt I had wasted an interlibrary loan (What if I had accidentally damaged the book? I’d have lost ILL privileges on this tripe!) and a lot of reading time I could have put towards The Starless Sea (which is due sooner and has a line waiting for it, but I wanted to get this post done).
I cannot speak fairly of the Dying Earth series because I haven’t read enough of it, but the diction is something that Vance is noted for. I don’t want to write off Gygax’s tastes, but so many of the things I detest about D&D go back to his personal preferences, in particular Jack Vance. I’m unsure if I will try again another time because I think I’m being highly unfair, but seriously, I hated this.
At least we have IOUN stones. (No idea why Vance insists on the capitalization, but he does.) And grues. And robes of eyes. And several other nifty things.
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