#post apocalyptic scenario
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sullina · 1 year ago
those post-apocalyptic scenarios where people are like "we'll just loot abandoned supermarkets for food and stuff" honestly never really made sense to me, because like...
that stuff is gonna run out? Like, that is very very predictably gonna happen. A grocery store isn't endless, even if it seems like that sometimes.
the fresh stuff in there, the fruit and vegetables, are gonna go bad
doubly so for the frozen and refrigerated stuff, depending on how long the electricity will last, if it's even still running while you get there
depending on how many people there are, that strategy is only gonna work short-term
what you need to do is use however long you have with that strategy is to build new *and re-newable* sources for food, water and hygene products. Not to mention a fire or *something* to cook the food, which also needs fuel, and I'm really hoping you're not planning to rely on anything oil-based for that, because that's also gonna run out sooner or later and when you assume that all kinds of oil plants are gonna be abandoned and shut down, you're unlikely to be able to procure more, unless you have people on hand who actually know how to do that.
And guns are often shown as an integral part of post-aopcalyptic wastelands. But what are you gonna do when you run out of bullets? make more? Who's gonna make them? And where? and WHY? If markets are shut down, money's worthless. All kinds of money. Because there's nowhere you can buy anything.
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imm0rtal-idi0t · 4 months ago
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The Adventures of Merlin | s1e5 'A Remedy to Cure All Ills'
I'm a book binder, and currently working on the momentous task of binding the entire Merlin BBC script (transcripts). I'm using the transcripts from the Merlin fandom website, and going through each scene, writing out all the stage directions, as well as correcting spells and translating them in the footnotes.
It's taking ages and I'm only up to episode 6, but it'll be so worth it. It'll be bound in 5 volumes, one season per book.
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lamarseillasie · 9 months ago
Joyeux anniversaire, Ami du Peuple!
I know it's been a long time since I've been here. I'm doing my best to come back, but in the meantime I'll leave you with a video I've prepared especially for this occasion - Marat's birthday. This is a short compilation of clips showing some of Jean-Paul's portrayals in media. And yes, I chose this song! All the clips that appear in the video can be seen in full here.
Vive MARAT !
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mj-iza-writer · 1 year ago
This is experimental, and anonymous gave me the idea for doomy and gloomy, and I've been rolling it in my brain for the day. I can't help but brighten the end though. -MJ
Sorry it's long, I put in 'read more' to shorten it. I hope you enjoy.
Post Apocalyptic Whump.
"We'll stop here for tonight", Leader nearly collapsed with the weight of Whumpee on their back, "how are you doing Whumpee?"
"Hmmm", Whumpee moaned.
"That's what I was afraid of", Leader sighed as the team helped get Whumpee down from their back.
"Please just kill me", Whumpee whispered as the team unwrapped their bandaged arm, "I'm slowing you down."
"I'm not doing that", Leader looked over the arm, "we are going to get you medical help, and you will be okay. I promise you. You are just as essential to our team as the rest of us."
Whumpee fell quiet as they looked over the arm.
"I'm not going to sugar coat it. Your flesh seems to be rotting away from your body", the medic carefully moved the arm, "this infection has spread really fast."
"There must have been something more in that rust you got cut on", Leader frowned.
"It hurts", Whumpee looked at Leader and Medic.
Medic pulled out their stash of painkillers and eyed Leader, "we need to get them to that Doctor before I run out of these."
"I'll be okay", Whumpee quickly stated, "I don't need any right now, see if anyone else needs them."
"Whumpee?", Leader sadly scratched Whumpee's head.
"I'll be okay, I know others in our group are hiding their pain. They need it too", Whumpee frowned, "can we wrap that up so I can go to sleep."
The night was long for Whumpee they kept as quietly as possible as the others slept. They thought about the doctor, hoping they would actually help.
'Medical help is scarce nowadays', Whumpee reminded themself, 'I may be too far gone when we get their. They won't want to waste it on me.'
They heard Leader wake up, they faked sleeping.
"I know you're awake", Leader leaned over to them, "you need to get some sleep."
"What if.... what if they won't help us?", Whumpee whispered, "what if I'm too far gone?"
"We can't dwell on that. We can only go there and see. If that happens, then we will think about our next steps", Leader patted their head, "please keep your hopes alive. In our current world, we need to hold onto hope."
Leader wrapped Whumpee in a hug and they both managed to fall asleep.
The next day, they made it to the City of Sanctuary, these were places where many top doctors, scientists, and many others were kept protected. People could come in for a few days at a time for rest and to see the doctors.
"Sanctuary please", Leader almost pleaded as they knocked at the gate.
A screen opened and a face peaked out.
"What do you seek?", the person asked.
"We are five survivors from City D, we seek medical. Four of us need to be checked, but our fifth member has a bad infection on their arm", Leader stated, "we beg of you."
"You said City D, that's a long walk", the person looked at them all, they glanced at Whumpee on Leader's back, "is that the one with the infection?"
"Yes sir", Leader sighed, "you were our closest City of Sanctuary, our closest hope."
"Okay come in", the person closed the screen, then opened the gate to let them in.
As they walked through the settlement, many others sanctuary seekers watched them with saddened faces.
They were led into a private room to rest.
"Let me see the infection and see how bad it is", the person came around to a table and patted it.
Leader carefully set Whumpee down on the table and watched the person unwrap the arm.
Whumpee winced as the bandage pulled rotten skin off. They all watched as the skin dropped to the person's shoes.
"That's not good", the person sighed as they looked over the arm, "I have two people in mind, can you other four wait for us to take care of the arm, or should I bring some doctors to do your checkups as well?"
Leader looked at all the team members. They all agreed that Whumpee would need to be the main priority for right now.
"Whumpee needs to be treated as soon as possible", Leader looked at Whumpee, "we can wait."
Two doctors came in. One instantly looked at Whumpee and left shaking their head.
"That's not good", Whumpee looked at Leader.
"Don't mind them", the second doctor stepped up to the table, "let's see what's going on, my name is Caretaker."
Leader introduced everyone in the group.
"We can't lose Whumpee sir", Leader frowned, "they are important to our group."
"I'll see what I can do", the doctor looked over the arm, "what exactly happened?"
"Our home in City D was attacked by another group, it was burnt down in the end", Medic sighed, "on our way out a few of us got some minor burns. I was able to take care of these. Whumpee got their arm sliced open by some rusty metal. It looked fine at first, and I was treating it as normal. I think there was something in the rust though."
"Are you a doctor?", Caretaker looked up shocked.
"Not quite, I'm a nurse practitioner though", Medic sighed.
"Got you", Caretaker smiled, "I'd hate say it, but I can't save the arm."
Whumpee looked at Leader then looked down.
"Now, now don't look so sad. We have two options. I can amputate this arm to the shoulder and give medicine to fight any infection coursing through your blood. You'll be here for a few weeks while you recover, I'll need to monitor your healing. You'll all receive sanctuary for that long as well.
"What's the second option?", Leader looked at them.
"We offer medicine to Whumpee to make them comfortable until they die. They won't survive much longer like this", Caretaker watched their reactions, "again you will all receive sanctuary until they pass."
"What's the survival rate if you amputate the arm", Leader looked at Whumpee.
"If it's successful and heals well, they have a good chance", Caretaker sat down beside Whumpee, "I can have that arm removed in 60 minutes give or take. A colleague and I will do it together along with a few nurses. We've done this before."
Leader kept staring at Whumpee.
"Whumpee I suggest you let them do the amputation", Medic spoke up.
"It's Whumpee's choice", Leader sighed, "although I agree and don't want to lose Whumpee, they have to be the one losing the arm."
Everyone, including Caretaker, turned to Whumpee, but before an answer could be given the door was slammed open.
"Caretaker, we can't use our services to save a dying person", the doctor that had walked away earlier came in quickly. Clearly, he was eavesdropping.
"What?", Leader looked at then angrily, "is this not a City of Sanctuary. We seaked you out, walked all the way here, and you deny us."
"You four can receive care...."
"Stop", Caretaker cut in, "I will not allow you to stop me from treating this team. I can save them, and I am going to do it. Whether you like it or not."
The person scoffed.
"Go get Benjamin we have a person to save", Caretaker turned to Whumpee, "let's try to amputate, I promise you I think it will work."
The person stormed away as Whumpee nodded.
The team sat outside as the procedure was done. Several teams had come by to talk about their travels, and what was next for this world they were trapped in.
Caretaker and Benjamin came out a while later both grinning.
"It was successful", Caretaker announced, "Whumpee will be out for a while, so we have time to take care of you four."
"Let them be seen first, I'll wait", Leader looked at them, "I want my team to be taken care of."
After the other three were taken care of, Caretaker came out for Leader, who was leaned up against the wall.
Medic came out with a big smile and a fully stocked medical bag.
"Great", Leader grinned.
"You got some goodies", Leader grinned.
Medic nodded enthusiastically.
"I'll see you next", Caretaker opened the door.
Caretaker waited while Leader undressed and got ready for the exam.
"You know you're one of the better leaders that have come through here", Caretaker started to turn to Leader, "you take good care of your te.... what the heck is that?"
Leader smiled weakly, "the day before the world went to hell, I had open heart surgery. I wasn't able to return to have the stitches removed. No one on my team knows about this, and it needs to stay that way."
"May I", Caretaker started to walk over to them.
"Yep that's fine", Leader sighed.
"Your skin has grown around the stitches now, it will hurt a lot to take these out", Caretaker ran their fingers down the stitches.
"Yes I know. I'm fine with them staying their, they don't bother me anymore", Leader sighed, "it's part of me I guess. Please don't tell my team though, I don't need them to worry."
Caretaker studied Leader, "I'm going to say it again, I've seen pretty good leaders come through here, you are a great leader though", Caretaker marveled, "I wish I could help you with that.... do you want me to try."
"No, no. I don't need any open wounds to deal with", Leader frowned, "like I said it doesn't bother me anymore, and I don't have to worry about infections with them left in."
Caretaker shook their head, "okay, um, I guess let's get you taken care of."
Leader stepped out of the room after all was done. The team was waiting outside.
Caretaker came out a few minutes after.
"Whumpee is awake, but a little loopy from the drugs and the infection. I believe they will make a full recovery though", Caretaker looked at Leader, "you made it just in time, any longer would have probably been different.
"Thankyou... for everything", Leader smiled.
Everyone also thanked Caretaker.
"I'll be in to check on you in a while", Caretaker walked away, "I'll bring dinner."
Everyone went into see Whumpee. It would take a while to get use to, they knew that. They were happy to have Whumpee, that's all that mattered.
Later, Caretaker came in with someone else, both carried food.
"This is one of the leaders in this Sanctuary City", Caretaker introduced as they handed the food out.
Leader helped Whumpee, who was struggling to figure out their one arm.
"I need to ask", the cities leader handed one last food item, "I heard one of your team members is a nurse practioner."
"You've kept your team healthy this whole time, that just shows how good you are at your job", the leader continued, "would you be interested in staying in our city."
"Yes", Medic raised their hand as they hurried to eat.
"I-I would, but I can't leave my team they need me", Medic looked at the members.
"You wouldn't have to", the leader continued, "your team can stay here, I understand your hideout was burnt down. You could all stay in our City of Sanctuary. Caretaker can keep an eye on the injured members of the team as well. We need a nurse practitioner here."
"Injured?", Medic looked around, "you mean just Whumpee, right?"
Leader shot a glare at Caretaker.
"Yes Whumpee of course", Caretaker jumped in.
"Can we talk about this and give an answer tomorrow?", Medic replied.
When the five were alone they eyed Leader.
"What do we think", Leader sighed and looked at everyone.
"Where else do we have to go, City D doesn't feel like home anymore", someone replied.
"We traveled all the way here. I was getting sick of being nomadic, honestly", another stated, "we will be close to medicine and have shelter."
"It would be nice to be in a protected area, maybe even get updated quickly on the world's progress", Leader watched Whumpee struggle to open their water canteen, "plus Whumpee may have a better chance in case the infection did spread", Leader reached for the canteen.
Whumpee looked at them all in defeat.
"I think most of us are in agreement, but it is up to Medic. The city seems to be most interested in them", Leader looked at Medic, who was in deep thought, "Medic would be working hard for us to stay here. I will agree with whatever Medic wants to do, and follow their lead."
Whumpee sighed, "I miss my arm", they smiled a little, "I agree with Leader, though. I'll follow what Medic wants to do."
"I have to agree", Medic finally answered, "their isn't much else out their for us. City D was getting to be dangerous, and the nomadic lifestyle isn't safe. We could be in areas where we won't get news and updates", Medic paused.
"I know I will be busy, but that's what I signed up for isn't it? I wanted to help people. This may be my chance to use my skills", Medic looked at Leader, "I think we should stay here, at least as long as we can."
They all sat together quietly, enjoying the peace they felt.
"I have to be honest", Leader finally stated, "it's been something I've kept secret for this long, and I think Caretaker is pulling a few more strings than what we think."
"What do you mean?", Medic looked at them along with everyone else.
"Before all of this, I had open heart surgery. Quite literally the day before", Leader pulled up their shirt to reveal the old stitches, "I was never able to get them taken out after, and I couldn't risk having an open wound."
They all gasped.
"Your skin has grown over it now, that's going to be hard to remove", Medic looked closer, "why didn't you tell us?"
"They never bothered me. It's fully healed, so I let them go", Leader smiled sheepishly, "Caretaker saw them when I had my check up, I'm sure they are going to try to remove them sometime. I might allow it even."
"You're getting these removed", Medic scolded, "you're crazy for letting that go this long."
"It was safer for one thing, instead of going around with opened wounds. It was long healed by the time you joined our group so you wouldn't have been able to do it either. Plus where wasni supposed to go?", Leader argued, "I'll let them take it out when they are ready."
After a while, they all started to relax again. They huddled close together, and within a few minutes, all of them were fast asleep.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @weirdthingweee
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capt-zjaybird · 10 months ago
Trudging through the rubble of a fallen civilization, with nature reclaiming what man has built, the streets of asphalt covered in dirt and sand, with animals roaming the streets.
Shop signs and posters are faded and dusty, events of a long time past. A lot can change in 10 years time.
So why not put on the earphones while wandering, scavenger? Beats from 50-90's while venturing for survival, looking upon what this place was before, in a time of its own, in its prime.
All while music accompanies the stroll.
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djlechat · 1 year ago
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gottaarc · 1 year ago
Might start posting entire academic essays featuring media analysis to my blog
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sarahowritesostucky · 2 months ago
How Would Nuclear War Between Russia and the U.S. Affect YOU?
Okay, I don’t know much about geopolitics, but this channel is so entertaining to watch all the potential scenarios of war. One day I really, really want to write a fic that’s set in the midst of a present day societal-collapse--not post-apocalyptic, mind you, but during and immediately after the disaster events themselves.
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pyrosex · 3 months ago
Ik that Mad Max Fury Road is mostly about female bodily autonomy, and I 100% understand and get that I really do but when I think of putting potential blorbos in that scenario my looney goon brain immediately goes to making it mpreg
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thedevotedhealer · 1 year ago
A MODERN! Naruto Zombie Apocalypse AU (happy v day)
Short reader x Male! Sakura
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// I got motivated to write modern AU version while I was working on the IMVU model of Sakuro. Enjoy~
"Oh, You're here! I didn't notice how you came in" Sakuro got up and scratched his head sheepishly. "sorry about the mess... The recon mission got a little... heated" he bit his lip, averting his gaze from your eyes.
You look around, taking in the gruesome scene, people and zombies alike scattered about, some had bullet holes, some were missing body parts. even though you were used to the dead by now, three years had passed since the Zombie virus breakout. people screaming and dying, either from being brutally murdered by one-another or eaten alive by the zombies left and right, you still had the urge to vomit from the stench of the rotting flesh.
You covered you nose and mouth with your hand, brows furrowed from disgust.
The man in front of you, Sakuro Haruno, as he introduced himself earlier had been given an order from a man named "Tsubasa Senjū" to go out scavenging for food and perhaps any survivors.
And that's how you two met. It has been a week since the encounter with the pinkette and his team.
Tsubasa had paired you up with him and Ino for the past few missions, since you didn't really know anyone else, and therefore couldn't trust them. all of them were weird in their own way, you mused in your mind. Inochin Yamanaka or Ino, for short, was a tall blonde-haired male. The man was good with scouting and scavenging missions like these. he had boasted multiple times about it. He knew where to find what and always whipped out an escape plan out of the most unfathomable death or life situations. He was obsessed with his hair, therefore an extra bag was needed for conditioners he would stuff in them.
Then there was Sakuro: The man was around 6'2, taller of the two best friends by an inch or two. His skin, unlike the blonde male, was covered with small scars and big gashes from the three years of hell they had been living in and some from his time in the army, his frame was bulkier than Ino's but also lean-ish. He was an ex-military, served five years, and was a combat medic, a very useful and valuable position in their current state. Unlike Ino-kun, Sakuro prided himself on his monstrous strength and medical knowledge, inheriting his combat style from his sensei Tsunade and his non-official sensei during his boxing and wrestling time, Ashura He was an apprentice of their current group leader, Tsunade, an ex-veteran, of two great wars. you later found out that the two had met during his service with Tsunade as his superior and Sakuro helped open a hospital in their old town village after his service. They trained many medics in their wake. Those very medics and comrades would soon fall into the misfortune of the current world. Aside from Tsunade, he had no biological family. His parents passed away during the first days of the walker attacks, being the "easy prey of the food chain". That, you two had in common. Your own parents and sister died in the crossfire of guns and Zombies.
Over the short period of time of hanging around with him, he slowly opened up to you and even managed to teach you how to use various types of weapons, like hunting knives, shuriken, and kunai, which was awesome, senbon and guns. He preferred hand pistols, hunting knives, and fists though. It was basic-level self-defense but it was good enough so you wouldn't die from some unfortunate encounter with a walker or a man and hold back the team.
Over the week, you managed to grow fond of him, but one thing that never ceased to both awe you and frighten you at the same time was the man's capability to shatter bones and rip bodies, shoot them down with an accuracy only an ex-fighter would have and still manage come out uninjured and almost, comically squeaky clean from the close-combat fights.
Shaking your head you came back to reality. "come on, Sakruo. this is not the time to be fooling about. The amount of noise your havoc has made will surely draw more walkers our way. me and Ino-san managed to scavenge a decent amount from this warehouse. Time to go."
The pink-haired male looked down at you, standing tall over 6'2. "Yeah, sure. let's go pipsqueak." he ruffled your hair.
You growled at him, swatting his hand away "Hey! stop calling me that!"
He chuckled and headed for the door. "Sure, pipsqueak. I'll stop calling you pipsqueak when you grow an inch or two taller, But I guess that won't be happening anytime soon now, will it?" he teased, making you even more flustered and angry.
infuriated by his remark, you ran after him "Hey, wait up, damn it!! i ought to teach you a lesson!!!" you yelled after him with your fist up in the air, promising a good beatdown.
As soon as you stepped out of the warehouse, throwing angry cusses Sakuro's way, distantly you heard a choir of groans.
A herd was coming your way.
You two looked at each other with wide eyes before both of you got in the car. Incohin started the car and drove away into the sunset.
Another successful day of the game "Try not to get your head bitten off by dead meat and bones".
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wingedcatgirl · 1 year ago
though if I was writing the beans scenario, our self-insert would find the beans can in a pile somewhere, try to talk the other person down by suggesting 'hey we can share', but they'd be like rarrr no fuck that this is the hell future, only the most vicious survive and insist on fighting for the whole can
then after we win we'd share the beans with them anyway. we would leave them behind afterward but this would be the start of their character development into a strong and compassionate leader. the main story would be us trying to get to a specific place but there'd be little vignettes between chapters showing them gathering up other survivors and trying to rebuild something instead of just survive. and they'd only see us again in the final chapter, just in time to save us from the villain
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forestwhisper3 · 2 years ago
Working on different things, but the song that I listened to while writing Goodbye to a World is playing and now I’m curious.
What did you all imagine Chip to look like? In all honesty, for me, he was sort of a vaguely humanoid-shaped cloud of semi-solid data that sort of shifted between purple hues depending on what was going on. My headcanon was that Mikey was working on drawing/creating a sort of avatar for him, but didn’t get the chance to show it to him before...you know.
Anyway, that’s enough out of me. I got a kitten pawing at my laptop because I didn’t initiate playtime when she wanted me to, ahaha.
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joncronshawauthor · 11 months ago
10 Signs You're in a Zombie Apocalypse: A Survivor's Checklist
As a devotee of zombie fiction, you’re doubtless well-versed in the signs of an impending apocalypse. However, in the unlikely event that you’re caught unawares, here are ten definitive signs that you’re living through a zombie apocalypse. After all, forewarned is forearmed – quite literally in this scenario. Facebook Mastodon Reddit Threads X The Sudden Lack of Morning Traffic: You wake…
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zaryathelaika · 1 year ago
The real answer.
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Sources: BBC Radio 4's "Siberian Stories: Reindeer People"; X/@therealsamparr Credit: Ivan Boiko
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liu-yu-xin · 2 years ago
Ik this is like worst case scenario world being torn asunder type situation for some of u but i have to say i love the dash and the twt timeline when something like this happens and im just close enough to the fire to understand it but not enough to get burned
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iknaenmal · 2 years ago
whats sweet tooth :o
ohh its a tv show made by netflix ! its about um. well theres a lot of charactes but id say its mainly about gus whos a deer boy hybrid who lived with his father after a pandemic that killed 98% of the earths population. its rly good i recommend you have a look at it if you want !!
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