#possibly one of the most surreal things to ever happen to me is when i was staying with a quaker in knoxville
zylev-blog · 9 months
Danny was pissed. He was chilling in the Speedforce, waiting on his dad—the Flash—to show up when he felt something shift around him. He exited the speedforce to find that the timeline had changed again, and he had been written out of the timeline. He technically was a time anomaly now, and didn’t exist. So he talked to Clockwork, a ghost he’d gotten to know extremely well after Danny’s creation.
Danny was a clone of the Flash and Green Lantern(Hal Jordan) as part of an experiment that Lex Luthor had taken prior to cloning Superboy. Lex had wanted to know if the power ring was able to transmit anything genetically (it couldn’t. It was a wearable weapon, not a genetic thing.) but Danny had inherited Flash’s superspeed, so he wasn’t a complete loss. Danny wasn’t sure if he looked more like either man, considering they both wore masks. He had brown hair and green eyes. Beyond that, he tanned well, was tall for his age, and packed on muscle far easier than the Flash did. He hadn’t ever seen either man out of the costume.
After a talk with Clockwork, he decided he was just going to force his way back into his Dad’s life. Both of them, if possible. He arrived years before his creation by mistake, right near the start of the Justice League. By his estimates, the team had only been formed for a year before he’d arrived. It was strange; he both didn’t exist and was from the future. He guessed that it was around nine years before his birth, and since he was technically six months old, he was 9 years in the past. Thinking about this was going to give him a headache.
The Justice League was severely mistrustful of each other. They didn’t go out of their way for teamups, didn’t have weekly meetings, and almost pretended if the other members didn’t exist. The most recluse of them was Batman, of course. If any hero set foot in Gotham, they were booted out before they even got to downtown. Danny highly suspected Batman had the entire city on camera. The situation was weirding him out more than before. What had happened to the team?! He was used to everyone being one big family, and even the sidekicks having their own teams… speaking of sidekicks, why was Robin so small?! Wait a minute, that wasn’t the third Robin that he was used to, that was the first Robin! Baby Nightwing!
Thankfully for him, he still had his costume on this entire time as he zipped around the country, spying on the younger members of the Justice League. It was surreal watching everyone try to capture him, but he wasn’t going to be caught that easily!
Eventually his presence forced the Justice League into another teamup. Batman laid the trap out, and Flash lured him into it. The plan was so beautiful that he didn’t even realize it was a trap until he was caught in it. Green Lantern took off Danny’s mask, and for the first time, he looked at his fathers without a mask. They didn’t make the connection to him right away. It wasn’t until Wonder Woman’s lasso made its way around his wrist that the truth finally came out.
“Who are you?” Wonder Woman asked.
“Oof , hard question—ow ow oww—I’m being honest!” He struggled against the lasso as it started to burn him. “My designation was Dn-y, I go by Danny, though. I’m a clone.”
“Of who?” Batman demanded.
“Flash and Green Lantern.” The lasso was glowing brightly, indicating that he was telling the truth.
“How did you escape?” Flash asked.
He didn’t answer right away. He was trying to think about how to phrase the whole time traveling—timeline erasure thing when the lasso started to burn him again. “Ow ow! Sorry, I’m thinking! Ow! Turn down the settings on that thing, holy shit—okay, okay.” He winced, his words coming out in one breath as he quickly talked, “What do you know about time travel?”
Diana’s eyebrows were rising. “How are you able to resist the lasso for so long?”
“I’m not really resisting it.” He answered, noting the obvious deflect of his last question, “I just-oww—okay! My mind moves too fast for me to put into words sometimes and it makes me stop to think about it, but like, I’m not good at controlling the speed in which I speak all the time—owww make this thing stop burning me! I’m speaking honestly!”
Diana revoked the lasso, and he rubbed his wrist where his costume was starting to singe. He was still trapped in an anti-speedster prison, so it wasn’t exactly like he was going anywhere anyway.
“Why were you asking about time travel?” Batman asked.
“Based on the crickets chirping I heard earlier, that leads me to believe you guys haven’t had any experience in it yet.” He leaned against the wall of the prison, wincing as it shocked him with electricity. “Seriously? How paranoid are you, Batman?” He rubbed his shoulder. “Honestly, I don’t know what I was expecting with you people, but I feel so attacked right now.”
“So we have experience with it in the future?” Superman piped up.
“Yeah?” His tone of voice equated to a ‘duh’ tone. “Why would I ask what you knew if I wasn’t from the future?”
“How far in the future are you from?” Green Lantern asked.
“Nine years, maybe close to ten? Timelines are weird. I’m technically six months old, but at the same time I’m sixteen. Cloning is odd, but I was like, the first clone ever, so I don’t really have a basis for this sort of thing, if you catch my drift.” He shrugged. He seemed like he talked a lot more than the heroes did, but he didn’t know if that was because he was a chatterbox, or because they weren’t comfortable in each other’s presence. Either way, the silence was odd to him.
“How did you end up here?” Batman asked.
“Honestly? I don’t fully know. Don’t give me that look, Diana! I’m telling the truth.” He added quickly as Diana fingered her lasso again. “All I know is one minute, I’m chilling in the Speedforce, and the next, the timeline is changed and I’m nine years too early for my birth. You’d think the timeline would at least have the decency to spit me out in my own year, but nooo, it wanted to—“
“What’s the Speedforce?” Superman interrupted.
He tilted his head at Superman’s question, then turned to the Flash. “How long have you had your powers?”
Flash shifted uncomfortably. “Two years.”
“Oh boy.” Danny’s green eyes widened. “You don’t know anything about them, do you?”
“I do know things!” Flash deflected, “My suit doesn’t catch on fire anymore! I can run up to Mach 2! I can get from either end of the country in thirty minutes!”
He groaned loudly. “Oh no. Oh no.” He chewed on his thumb, trying to recall everything he’d learned about his powers from his Flash. While he hadn’t learned his or Green Lantern’s identity yet, he knew almost everything about their hero personas and a lot of personal information. They were just worried of the Cadmus connection and didn’t want their identity to fall into the wrong hands if they still could see inside of Danny’s head.
“What’s wrong?” Diana asked.
“Okay.” He ran his hands through his brown hair, making it spike up. “Hypothetically—“ he cut himself off as Batman glared at him. “Okay, totally real, but uh, Flash, let’s just say that I’m faster than you right now. A lot faster.”
“How much?” Flash took a step forward, obviously curious.
“From what we can tell, I’ve topped out at Mach nine.” He responded with a dry laugh, “But your speed was still a lot faster than mine. You’d never tell me what it was. I’m still growing though, and I’m getting faster. I’m able to beat my precious time by almost double each time we test. But my situation was complicated, and things were happening, and it was a mess.”
“Like what?” Superman asked.
“World war three. I think?” He rubbed the back of his neck, a gesture that he had picked up from Green Lantern, “Things got complicated. That’s why I was going to wait for…” his eyebrows scrunched together as the last piece of the puzzle clicked into place. “It was you!” He turned to Flash. “You!” He jabbed a finger at the speedster. “You set this up! You set ME up!”
The heroes took fighting stances, but Superman took a step forward, blocking them from Danny. “What are you talking about?”
“Okay okay.” He was trying to calm down his anger, but he had been told by Green Lantern in the past that he had inherited the man’s anger issues. “Let me start at the beginning. This is going to be a long story, you might want to take a seat.”
Nobody moved, but everyone was tense.
“Or not. Okay. So my creation starts with Lex Luthor.” He noticed Superman stiffen. “He used me as his trial, if you will. Once he got a successful attempt at cloning—me—he moved onto his real target. Cloning Superman.” Danny’s green eyes hovered onto Superman’s blue ones. “He was successful.”
“What happened?” Superman’s voice was unnaturally quiet.
“Well, at first, Conner wasn’t showing that he had all the powers of Superman. So Lex tossed him aside and tried again. The second attempt was more successful than the first. But cloning Kryptonian dna was hard, I guess.” He shrugged. “The second clone lacked basic emotions. Empathy, remorse… it made him the perfect little weapon for Lex. But eventually, the clone’s anger and Lex’s greed got to a point of no return. Lex was elected President of the United States and uh…you can probably see where this is going, right? While the fighting hadn’t like…’officially’ started,” He used his fingers to create air quotes around the word ‘officially’, “Things were getting tense. See, we couldn’t take the clone down because Lex had wrote out the Kryptonite deficiency out of his weakness. And the clone had all the strength of Superman and none of his remorse…”
Superman looked pale. “I see.”
“So Flash and I came up with a plan.” He turned back to his father, “We were going to travel into the next dimension for help. From what we could tell, that dimension was full of god-like beings, and one of them actually helped me out earlier! But for a lot of them, they ask for a price for their help. But anyway, Flash and I were going to take our case to the King and plead for help. I was waiting for Flash when the timeline reset and I found out that not only did I not exist, but I was nine years too early.”
“What are you going to do now?” Green Lantern asked.
“Dunno,” His voice dropped as the reality hit him. He wasn’t going home—his home didn’t exist anymore.
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teethrotter · 2 years
self harm mention ( light-hearted )
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lolita-lollipop · 2 years
Oh, oh! I have an avatar idea/request. I haven't seen the new movie yet but I always loved the idea of maybe a teen reader getting dragged to Pandora with their semi-negligent parents. Like they love their parents but they never have anytime for the reader. Reader gets signed up for the avatar program as a way to keep them entertained and out of the way of their busy scientist/military parents. They don't usually get to leave the base but sometimes they get to go on little excursions not far from it to do test runs and see what their avatar body is capable of and how their age effects things. However, on one of these trips something bad happens and the reader gets separated from the scientists and their escorts and now finds themself lost and scared in the jungle (and possibly unable to return to their human body).
PLATONIC JAKE SULLY (+ a lil sully family) X READER
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(A/N I don’t know why I ended up feeling weird this, I think it’s because it reminds me of wattpad days. Kinda long, enjoy)
Mayday mayday- theres a fire in the engine- the chopper is coming down.
You were always told by your parents to keep quiet, to stay on the sideline as to not hoard any attention that could reflect badly upon them, stay silent, stay obedient. Thats always how it was with them. You knew they loved you, even if they had a hard time showing it, even if it meant they talked to you about ten minutes in a day.
At least you were guaranteed a safe home, food, clothes, and a comfortable life. That is, until you were volunteered (voluntold) by your parents in the avatar program, it was supposedly a test to try the DNA pairing on a younger subject. And your parents had said it would be good for you to see where they work, but you knew that it was just because you were too “needy” in their eyes.
Of course, when you were told that you would be accompanying them on their work trips, you were elated, theyd never invited you before! Then you learned it was on another planet. After a few fights, as always, you ended up agreeing. After all, they said it was safe.
So two months later, a billion tests later, and a new blue humanoid created with your DNA, you had settled into pandora. It was strange to be honest, you were possibly one of the only people on the planet under the age of 21, and not educated as if you were a harvard professor.
Everything was out of bounds, you couldnt ever go to your parents lab, couldnt go outside, couldnt even meet your new blue body. Most of the time you sadly sat, turning into a human statue in your small room with your books. Of course you didnt complain, you never would,
you never did.
Then, you got to integrate yourself into your new body. And your brain, along with your DNA, was finally conjoined. You were wary at first, it was so surreal, after all you were changing bodies. But once you actually did it, you were so glad your parents signed you up.
All of a sudden you were strong, not just strong, but coursing with energy, you felt as if you could fly, or crack boulders in half, it was so surreal. The same feeling you might get as if you were underwater your entire life, and finally got your first breath of fresh air.
You never wanted to leave, never wanted to go back into your cubicle of a bedroom where you could barely breath without feeling inferior. Your legs moved before your mind did, and before you could comprehend, you were standing in the middle of the strange fruit fields with the nurses chasing you down. Your parents would be pussed if they saw you. But at this point? You didnt even care.
You didnt even care
As the months passed by your place at the laboratory had been established, you were correct in assuming that you were the youngest here, and that made the research you were contributing to far more interesting. You learned so much about these people, this species.
Primarily, the function of your avatar was completely optimal, you could walk, talk, breathe, and act like all of the others could. There was just one little thing.
Your life was better than it ever was, you didnt even need your parents to love you, you had so many people who already did. 90% of the time you spent beong tested on while doing daily activities. Youd only left the base to go into pandora twice, and that was just to see the land, see the place youd be living for a long time. While it could sometimes be boring, it was far better than your life back home.
After some time, your parents requested that you be taken to a farther laboratories in the mountains, which hurt a lot, but you couldnt say no. they had to transfer yur human, and your navi body. It was so strange to see yourself. Your human self, in other eyes.
So, here you are now. Clutching tight onto the seat of the large helicopter, your human body was encased in an airtight bed, an oxygen mask pressed tightly to your face. Your eyes were practically glued onto your human body, and you were barely able to peel them away, you looked so different when seeing yourself from different eyes, so weak.
It made you sad to know how everybody else saw you. You just stared, at least you got to be away from the two scientists you wished you could call your parents.
In your trance, you hadnt noticed the pilots in the front yelling at eachother, or the scientists rushing around the aircraft seemingly in a panic. It wasnt until the leather seat underneath you began shaking aggressively that you looked up.
There was smoke, but no visible fire, and the aircraft seemed to be dragging, instead of darting swiftly through the air like youd seen all the other planes do, almost like it was too heavy. It slugged, and slowly drifted down.
Panic slowly overtook your senses, you werent sure what was happeningm but by the looks of it, it was very bad. Understanding that you knew absolutely nothing about emergency procedures, You tried to stay put as well as you could, knowing anything you tried to do would just make things worse. But then, a large pop bellowed through the sky, and instead of dragging slowly, the helicopter began to plummit. Then you had to start moving.
Gravity threw you into the other end of the helicopter, and you frantically had to grip at the edge of the opening in attempts to not fly out. THings flew out of the sides, including a few screaming scientists… and the white bed with your human body in it. You watched it fly though the air towards the forest floor with wide eyes, slowly letting your grip slip. In your distraction, you didnt pay any attentuon to the other large objects flying out of the plane.
A large box containing some kind of lab supplies crashed against you, smashing you in the face, and knocking the breath right out of your lungs. And like the rest of the helicopter, you too began falling so abruptly that you couldnt even do anything more than scream. Clutching your head with your hands, you curled up, and just fell.
When you hit the ground, it was pain. And then nothing but black.
The flutter of your eyes, the feeling of your fingers against hard dirt, the smell of smoke and burnt flesh wafting in the air. You werent quite conscious, but you werent nececarilly unconscious either. Just there.
When you were finally able to peel your eyes open, there was so much green. Glowing mushrooms strungs across trees, large leaves dripping water, little bugs littered throughout the dirt, white veins growing across your hands and feet. Little glowing bugs that looked like dandelion fuzzthat bounced around across you.
That peace only kept for so long though, and as you realized the depth of your situation, that your helicopter crashed in the middle of a pandora forest, your human body had to be dead so it's amazing that youre even alive right now, and you have no contact to anybody who could save you.
And so, you cried. Unsure of what else to do.
Soft sobs slowly transitioned into rough, ugly crying. Maybe it was the panic, or maybe it was just pent up anxiety being given the oppurtunity, maybe even both. But you cried, without any reguard for what could be watching.
Naturally, as you were face down in the dirt, crying to your hearts content like a baby, you payed no care, nor attent to the sound of hooves traveling your way, or the sight of the native people stampeding towards the disturbance, the noise. They came came to a halt upon seeing you though, covered in seeds from ey-wa. The deity clearly did not want them to harm you, after all, you were just a young girl. Even if you were a human. \
“Call jake.” a womanly voice announced amongst the group in a foreign language, she was loud enough to alert you of their presence. Your head perked up, and in doing so made the pain in your back shiver through in small bursts, a wince left your lips.
You stared at the group in fear with wide eyes, trying to push yourself farther an farther away, which did nothing but unsettle the little white bugs all over you. They floated away towards them, and they stared back with even wider eyes. They werent really sure what to do, usually they would kill any trespassers, but you were protected, so should they grab you and take you back? Or do they leave you alone? They would have to let jake decide.
They stared at you, trying to get close, you stared at them, they muttered in their language, sounding far more than confused. You slowly scooted back, wincing the entire time out of pain. Any attempts to stand up were halted, as the white roots around your feet made the ground slippery, and just made you clumsily fall back down. It was humiliating, like watching a fish flop around out of water.You stayed quiet, you always did.
They all went silent within a few moments though, and the sound of more hooves echoed through the forest around. You didnt know what was happening, but clearly it was important, and you got the impression that it was not good for you. So you clutched the tree next to you, and stretched as far as you could to see what was happening.
And it struck fear in you. One of the largest Na-vi people youve ever seen, at least 10 or 11 feet, with braids that had long strands of silver interlocked, and the piercing green eyes of a hunter. He stared at you, and you stared right back. When he opened his mouth you expected more of that fooreign language, but instead, it was english.
“Why are you here? What happened?” he questioned, dismounting the horse like creature, and pulling out his braid from the connection. He was wearing some kind of beaded shirt, unlike the others,
The Navi around seemed to await every word he spoke. You perked up at the sound of english, happy to find the familiarity, however, youre pretty sure half of the bones in this body were broken, and it just caused you pain. YOure body let out a whimper before you could stop it.
At the noises that left you, the male quirked an eyebrow, and instead of the angry, almost terrifying look that was spread on his face, was a face of concern. You were so young, so small, he very well couldnt hurt you, and you had to be important, eywa wanted you safe, even if the goddess of the land didnt, he felt the need to protect you.
He had many children, and his youngest was soon growing old, and would eventually leave him. You were just so small, and you looked so young, you reminded him of kiri, abandoned, alone. He couldnt leave you.
He began growing closer, catching your gaze and holding it, he put his hands up and put his weapon down. Just trying not to scare you. When he opened his mouth you were expecting that language you couldnt understand, but to your pleasure, it was english.
“How bad are you hurt kid? I saw the smoke, eywa can heal you. I just need you to come with me” he reached his hand towards you, motioning for you to latch on. When you made no motion top grab it, he held your unrelenting gaze, and scooped his arm under your torso, shushing you when you cried out in pain. He held you tightly, tucking you in the knook of his arm. For a moment he seemed distracted, his eyes drawn to the floating white puffs above. What were those anyway?
You held your breath as he remounted the horse, and spoke a few words in that awful language you couldnt understand, with a squeal from the thing you were on top of, it began moving, along with the navi around you. The man gripped you tightly and pressed you close to his chest, one hand on the horse, one around your waist. You winced again, trying to hold back tears, everything hurt.
“It's okay, youll be alright, we can heal you, got it?”, you stayed quiet.
And in nothing but a few moments, It was calm again. Youd never actually met any of the natives, but you had thought it would be far more scary than this, your parents said they would snap and try to kill you. They didnt, in fact, and this man, this navi seemed so human. So kind. You felt so comfortable, he made you feel so comfortable.
The sound of the hooves against the dirt, this mans light breathing against your ear, the warmth soaking from him to you, his hand pressing you close, the way he looked down at you, amking sure you were comfortable. How he seemed to hover, to protect. Like a father should. At least thats what you thought.
You stared at him, and his eyes locked with yours, a small smile flashing at you. It just made him squeeze you tighter, god, it was just so endearing, so adorable how you stared. You looked so much like neytiri.
It only took a few minutes of him holding you for you to fall unconscious, probably because of the excessive blood leaving your system, or the physical attatchment you were already beginning to feel, or the lack of sleep. Either way, you ended up dozing off, and curling closer to him.
Once again, you had to peel your eyes open, but this time it wasnt as unpleasant. Instead of a muddy, veiny floor, covered in bugs, in agony. Instead, you were wrapped in some kind of cocoon, on top of a warm blanket or some kind of plant.
There was a woman sitting next to the pod you were in, smashing down some string smelling plant in a bowl. Her eyes were so green, and she was so beautiful. When she noticed you were awake, she put the bowl down, and hovered closer.
“That is my son, nateyam” the woman pointed to you, or more to the thing under you, in which you had previously mistaken for a plant, but instead, which you probably shouldve realized sooner. Was a navi. He looked to be a few years older than you, at least 17 or 18.
You shifted and sat up, trying to exit the cocoon, but to your embarrassment, your foot got caught in the edge, and you flew over, the boy you had been lying on top of grabbed you and hoisted you back up. You shook his hands off and stood up. Now realizing that there were other navi around too, they also looked young, maybe a family?
The man from earlier, who you assumed was their leader of some sort, appeared around behind the woman, and wrapped his arms around her waist with a smile, holding your gaze. You panicked, understanding now that you were with a bunch of strangers, and your parents, if they even cared, probably thought you were dead.
“I- i have to get back- they wont know that im okay-” you croaked out, your voice was hushed, and rough, like youd been screaming for hours on end, you shook nateyams hands off of you, and stood up straight, meeting the woman in the eye, she looked worried.
“Who is they? Do you have family where you live?” the woman answered, clearly she was his wife, or his mate, as they would call it. She had a thick accent, and a strong voice, commanding. So that man, jake, he couldnt be a native, he talked l
“Uh- yeah- i guess. I lived where the labs were. Uh- the humans? They have a building somewhere- i don't know-” you rushed out, not knowing how long youd been gone, they mightve already pronounced you dead. Meaning they wouldnt look for you. The boy behind you hushed you, tryign to calm your panic, and placed a hand on your shoulder. Only for you to shrug it off.
The navi around locked eyes, contemplating their next words. of course they knew where the humans stayed, jake lived there for half a year, they hated them, when they werent burning down their forests, they were killing their animals, their people. They would kill you. You couldnt go back. Even if it meant lying to you.
“There havent been humans on this planet for a long time”
What were you supposed to do now?
Where were you supposed to go?
You were stuck.
Oh god.
Can somebody please comment with an honest opinion- I’m gonna take this down if y’all think it’s bad.
I think I’m being coo coo for cocobonks insecure right now but I need to know.
Thanks for requesting, and for reading! Have a wonderful day!
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wol-fica · 1 year
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parings - jennaortega x fem!reader
summary - jenna loves to praise you, and you love to do anything she asks. unfortunately, a guy tried to get in between that…
warnings - m e n, oral sex, fingering, anal sex, sixty-nine, praising, r being a downright simp
an - hey guys !
Do you ever dream up such a surreal thing that could never happen, but it surprisingly does?
Some people beg for unrealistic expectations, like a fancy new car, or a shiny rollex with your initials engraved in gold. Sometimes you get those things, most times you don’t; it’s a heavy ‘what if’.
You were one of those people, dreaming of the impossible and wishing for the utmost crazy things. But unlike others, you didn’t crave a new car or a fancy wrist watch; no, you wanted someone. 
See, you loved to be involved with movies and celebrities, tracking down what films they work on and all that jazz. You ranged from smaller, upcoming actors  like Tom Blythe, to bigger faces like Millie Bobby Brown. It was so fascinating to you, being that you valued cinematography and everything that comes with it, so your appreciation for the faces behind the wonderful characters that you love so much need the same attention. 
Naturally, crushes did form on certain actresses; how could you not fall for such an attractive person? You had such a heavy crush on Jenna Ortega, forming from her performance in The Fallout; she was just so beautiful to you. You would have little fantasies, picturing yourself dating her and just having a blast, it was perfect.
Now somehow, you actually met Jenna. It was completely an accident; you were working your normal shift at the library and she happened to stop by looking for some books. To say that you were awestruck was an understatement, but you didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable in any way so you opted to control your fangirling and stay cool when she came up to purchase the novels she chose.
To your complete and utter surprise, Jenna asked for your socials. She claimed you were ‘good looking and charming’ and she wanted to become friends of the sort. The two of you chatted in instagram dm’s constantly, until you sent your number one day and then Jenna asked you out about a month later. 
Fast forward to now, two and a half years later on the set of a movie that Jenna was acting in. She had (informally) posted you as her personal assistant, meaning you had to listen to whatever she said and asked for with no complaints, not like you would anyways.
“Excuse me! Coming through!” You shouted, running past some crew workers while holding a cup of coffee and a pastry. 
Jenna had asked you to get her some food, claiming that she was a bit peckish, and if you were quick she might share some with you. To say that you sprinted was true, harnessing your inner highschool track legs to be as fast as possible so you could deliver what she wanted.
With a shove and a slight “omph” from shouldering a door open, you hurried into the big production room. Cameras were everywhere, with large lights and wires connecting all around the large set piece. People were hurrying about, actors and their makeup teams rushing to add some last touches before they started rolling.
Jenna was sitting in her chair, a script in her hands while she lazily flipped through to review some lines. As you neared her, she looked up to meet your eyes, a smile crossing her face at the sight of you.
“I got the goods!” You said breathlessly, holding up the items.
“Did you get what I asked for?” Jenna asked, taking the pastry bag to look inside.
“Yep! A white mocha iced latte with one pump raspberry and some strawberry purée cold foam, and a unicorn cake pop!” You said enthusiastically, proud that you remembered her favorite order.
“Good girl.” Jenna praised, pulling you down by your collar so she could kiss your cheek, “I’ll let you have some when we finish this scene.”
You nodded, a blush covering your face at the subtle comment she slid in. Jenna would do that often; whenever you did something good or did what she asked, she would either say “Good girl” or “That’s my girl, just what I asked for”. It gets your brain to short circuit and your stomach to churn pleasantly everytime.
“You can sit in my chair while I work, I don’t think anyone will mind.” She said, sipping her drink with a satisfied hum as she stood up, “Tastes perfect darling.”
You smiled, doing a little fist pump for being so damn good at pleasing your girlfriend. After settling into her chair, you took out your phone to scroll through instagram. Beside you, Jenna was chatting to the director about little things they could do to make the scene better. You heard something about a line delivery, but a funny reel caught your attention and you zoned out for the rest of her conversation. 
“Baby.” Jenna’s voice called to you after a while, causing you to quickly look up.
“Yeah?” You said, eyes on her as you gave her your full attention, “Do you need something?”
Her eyes softened, her hand coming up to cup your face. The pad of her thumb brushed across your skin, rubbing gentle circles on your cheek bone.
“No, I just wanted to let you know we are on a three hour break.” 
You smiled, nodding happily, “Do you want to go to your trailer? Or for a walk? I can grab your hiking shoes!”
“No need for that, we’ll hang out in the break room.” She said, tapping your leg as a silent command to follow her, “There is lunch in there as well.”
You stood up, stretching and cracking your back with a sigh. Jenna’s hand patted your stomach, her nails scratching your skin through your hoodie before she walked away with you hot on her tail. You both made your way into the room, Jenna heading to set her stuff down while you went straight for the donuts.
“Hungry much?” She asked with a laugh, watching as you stuffed a maple glazed donut into your mouth.
“Mphmmmm.” You moaned softly, relishing the taste of the sweet treat. 
“Chew with your mouth closed, don’t you have manners?” Jenna said, coming over to you with a napkin. 
“Omf curse I do.” You said, your words muffled by the donut in your mouth.
She raised her eyebrows, pulling back from wiping your mouth to give you a look that said ‘for real?’. She shook her head when you shrugged your shoulders, reaching up to finish wiping your mouth off. 
“Always so messy.” She noted after throwing the napkin away, “You need a portable pack of Kleenex or something.”
“I usually have one in my backpack.” 
Jenna hummed and nodded, picking up a plate to put some salad on. While she added her toppings, the sound of a door opening caught your attention. Turning your body towards the door, your eyes widened at the sight of who was walking in.
It was Mason, one of Jenna’s co-actors. He was around her age, maybe a little older, with a sturdy build and charming face. Almost everyone loved him, since he was claimed to be so charming and handsome, and loads of girls have unbreakable crushes on him. You used to think he was a great guy, until he started flirting with Jenna and giving you dirty looks every time he saw you. 
Soon you picked up on the fact that he had a thing for your girlfriend, and clearly disliked you for getting to her before he did. He always shot flirtatious comments towards her and constantly made sure he was around her at work so he could talk to her, and that unfortunately made you super uncomfortable and upset about the situation.
You have never been a confrontational person, and when anyone ever disliked you or was angry, you would just duck your head and nod in submission. Jenna usually defended you, knowing that you had a tendency to just take the blunt of the aggression, but for some odd reason she never noticed how Mason treated you. 
“Jeeeenna!” Mason dragged out, a charming smile on his face as he heard towards her, “What’s up?”
“Nothing much, how are you?” She said, setting her salad down to give him her attention.
He held his arms out, signaling he wanted a hug, and leaned in to wrap his arms around her waist. His hand went a little too low for your liking, his fingertips brushing way too close to her bottom, but Jenna pulled back before he could go any farther. Your eyes narrowed in jealousy, but not a word was uttered from your lips.
“I’m great.” He said, his hands still on her arms, “Care if I join you for lunch?” 
Jenna shrugged and nodded, gesturing to the seat next to her. You watched as they both sat down, letting out an irritated puff of air when Mason sneakily scooted his chair closer. Their conversation blurred while you stared, unease bubbling up in your stomach. The way he would so subtly touch her, whether brushing his hand on hers or rubbing their knees together; it made you mad. Your emotions were begging to be let out, scratching at your throat to just go off on him, but your anxiety held you back; yet again, you were afraid. 
The thing that was irking you the most was how Jenna responded to him. Her body language was open towards him, her focus and attention almost fully on him. She was smiling, nodding and laughing at mostly everything he said. It was like she completely forgot of your existence and that made your heart ache. With a sigh, you grabbed your phone and moved to leave the room. 
“Y/N?” Jenna called to you, making you turn to meet her confused gaze, “Where are you going?”
“Gonna get some air.” You said, eyes cast down away from Mason’s condescending smirk, “Just text me if you need something.” 
With that, you exited, and Jenna didn't miss the sense of urgency in your step. A pang of hurt came from her heart, a small frown of sadness coming to her face. 
“Anyways…” Mason said, gaining her attention back, “I’ve been meaning to ask you a question.”
“What is it?” Jenna asked, her eyes locked on the door in case you came back in.
“I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner?” He asked in a hopeful tone, “A date at Providence?”
She finally turned to him, disbelief all over her face. As she stared at him, it suddenly clicked in her mind why you so abruptly left. You were insecure and upset, over the fact that Mason was flirting with her and she was doing nothing to stop it.
“No thanks. I have a girlfriend.” Jenna said, standing up to toss the rest of her salad and pursue you.
“Don’t, I’m not interested.” She interrupted, grabbing her bag and hurrying out of the room. 
She speed-walked down the hallway, eyes peering into every open door in search of you. Each time she looked for you, but didn’t see you, the feeling of dread filled up more and more. She almost gave up after about ten minutes, that was until she found you sitting outside.
You were curled up against the wall, your knees tucked into your chest while your chin rested on your arms. Jenna approached slowly, sliding down beside the wall to sit beside you. She stayed silent for a moment, staring up into the sky while listening to you breathe.
“I’m sorry.” Jenna said after a while, turning her face to you, “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“It’s fine.” You mumbled, your hair blowing in the wind while you spoke.
She pursed her lips, feeling like your response was not how you actually felt. She tracked your features, searching your eyes and finding a trace of unease inside your irises. 
“Pretty girl,” Jenna tried again, bumping her foot against yours, “Can you look at me?”
You turned your head, meeting the brown eyes that you fell so hard for. She smiled at you, her hand reaching out to interlace her fingers with your own. Her thumb rubbed your skin, warmth cascading throughout your body from the gentle gesture. 
“I want you to know,” She said, her voice full of confidence, “That no one will ever deter my love from you.” 
You couldn’t help but crack a smile, a small blush coating your cheeks at her words. Jenna giggled softly at your reaction, pulling her hand from yours to cup your cheek.
“I adore you; some stupid guy will never change that.�� She murmured softly, her eyes flickering to your lips; a request.
You made the first move, unraveling your knees from your chest to push yourself towards her. She met you halfway, sighing through her nose when her lips pressed into yours. She tasted like vanilla cookies, her scent overwhelming you while you kissed her. 
Your hands went up and around her neck, hers sliding down to your waist to pull herself into your lap. She leaned into you, breaking the kiss for a breath before diving right back in. Her lips slotted into yours, her body weight pushing you against the wall while you both made out. 
“You’re beautiful.” She said between kisses, “My perfect girl.”
“Jenna-.” You started but she cut you off with a kiss.
“My good girl.” She purred, sliding her hands under your shirt to feel your skin, “My trailer is about five minutes away.” 
You nodded furiously, following her closely when she stood up. Her hand grasped yours, fingers intertwined as she pulled you along the gravel path towards the trailers. The walk took less than five minutes, equaling to three since Jenna decided to do a bit of a jog.
Once she unlocked the door and pulled you inside, she pushed you up against the wall, kicking the door shut. Her lips found yours again, her hands pulling your face down to hers to be as close as possible. The feeling of her tongue prodding at your lips set you ablaze, a moan slipping from your mouth while her warm muscle explored you. 
“Bedroom. Now.” Jenna said breathlessly, trying to tug you in the direction of her bed.
You complied, falling onto the mattress. Your clothes were practically ripped off of you, with Jenna somehow undressing herself before you even laid down on your back. She straddled your lap, her hands running along your naked body.
“I think we should try something different.” She mumbled to herself, turning around in your lap.
You opened your mouth to ask what she was up to, but was immediately shut down when she slid down so her mouth was directly above your heat. Her legs went back, knees on either side of your face; sixty-nine position, one she has been talking about doing for months on end. 
A puff of air hitting your clit made you shiver, your eyes falling shut when you felt her fingers drag through your already drenched folds. After a bit of rubbing and messing around, Jenna pushed her fingers in about an inch; a test to see if you were okay to keep going. You whimpered, your legs automatically opening wider for her to easily penetrate you. 
“I’m expecting you to do something back there.” She said sternly, still slowly pushing her fingers into you, “I don’t want to wait.”
Your eyes snapped open, immediately directing your attention to the task at hand. You gently pushed her thighs farther apart, your thumbs coming up to spread her folds open. Carefully, you pulled her onto your mouth, your tongue licking and prodding her entrance as you tasted her wetness. She moaned softly, her movements unwavering while she still fingered you. 
You whined in pleasure when she wrapped her lips around your clit, arousal flowing through your veins. Between the two of you, Jenna was definitely more experienced with sex. You loved to be of assistance to her however you could, being labeled as a “service top”, what your friend called it. 
You pushed your tongue inside of her hole, relishing in the way she moaned around your clit. You thrusted back and forth, filling her up with each push inside of her. The feeling of something spongy on your tongue made you giddy, focusing your assault on massaging that sensitive spot. 
Jenna pulled back from you to give a guttural moan, her fingers finding a faster pace to match your tongue. You could feel your orgasm rising quite quickly, and you knew Jenna’s was close behind from her velvety walls tightening on you.
You came first, your body seizing and mind going blank for a moment. Jenna stroked you through it, her other hand rubbing your thigh while you calmed down. Soon though, she followed you suit, her thighs squeezing your head as she released on your tongue. A cute little noise exited her throat, sort of a moan and an exhale; either way it was adorable. 
“Oh…” Jenna sighed, her fingers twitching inside of you.
“You good?” You asked, knowing she could either want more or be completely burnt out, “Need anything?”
She pulled her hand away from your legs, rolling over and moving until she was sat up beside you. Her eyes met yours, brown irises burrowing into your soul as she analyzed you. Her shoulders slumped slightly as she stared at you, desire pooling in her pupils.
“God…” She said, her hand reaching out to affectionately stroke your thigh, “I want you to sit on my face.”
“J-Jenna!” You stuttered, your face going red in shock.
“Please?” She asked, leaning over so she could peck your lips, “I wanna make you scream my name.”
You’re not sure when you said yes, or when Jenna flipped you both over, or when she got you sat up and over her mouth, but either way she had you where she wanted you. 
Your hands gripped the headboard, trying to not lean all of your weight onto her head in fear of hurting her, but one pull from Jenna and you were done for. She guided your hips down, her tongue licking lazily between your folds. 
A whimper exited your mouth, which turned into a satisfied moan when she finally pushed herself inside of you. The stretch felt nice, and the sensual rubbing she was doing to your thighs was pleasing to you. 
“Oh Jenna!” You moaned out, throwing your head back at the feeling of her tongue finding your sweet spot. 
One of your hands went down to wind into her hair, while her hand slid up to your chest to pinch your nipples. She groped and pulled at you, pumping her tongue in and out of you at a fast pace. Your hips started to rock back and forth, small whines slipping out everytime her teeth caught your clit. 
“Fuck…” You whispered, your eyes rolling from the pleasure between your thighs, “I…I’m close…”
Jenna hummed beneath you, causing you to cry out, and proceeded to pull your thighs farther apart and press her fingers against your other hole. She rubbed for a moment, before gently pushing two inside of you. 
The attention was too much, being that her tongue was inside of you, her fingers were inside of you, and your breasts were being squeezed so pleasantly that you practically broke down on top of her. A guttural moan erupted from your throat, your orgasm crashing down hard. Jenna helped you through it, licking and pumping until you had to push yourself off of her due to overstimulation. 
“You okay?” She asked after you settled yourself into her side, your arm lazily slinging over her waist.
“Mhm.” You nodded, burying your face into her neck for comfort. 
“You did good, pretty girl.” She praised, kissing your temple before grabbing a towel off of the side table to wipe her face with, “I’m impressed with how you ate me out earlier.”
“Don’t underestimate me, idiot.” You joked, patting her stomach, “I’m not that vanilla anymore.”
Jenna laughed, pulling you closer to her chest. She threw her blanket over the two of you, snuggling into you and intertwining her legs with yours. 
“Don’t we have to be back soon?” You asked sleepily, fighting to keep your eyes open, “They need you.”
“We have two and a half hours.” Jenna murmured, tucking her head under your chin, “And I need you right now.”
“Shhh.” She whispered, kissing your neck, “Just hold me.”
And hold her you did.
taglist: @crystal-lily-101 @tundra1029 @rainbow-love4ever  @imhungry-andtired @theafterofnevermore @k1mba @simp4thena @thenextdawn @alexkolax @annalestern @efectoangel @fall-08 @andsoigotabutterfly @littlegaybutterflysblog @sayaisrotten @deep-fried-egg @frasersgf @thispussyshouldcomew
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missmaywemeetagain · 11 months
Paisley Dreams (Part 2) 🏵💛🔥
Pretty sure there's only a small handful of you still reading my nonsense, but to those who are, thank you for your patience. Also, special thanks to those who kept me going after various blocks and meltdowns over finishing this (among other things). Would've thrown in the towel completely if it weren't for y'all. You know who you are and I love you. 💗💗💗 Anyway, sorry, this is probably a bit of a mess, but so am I... 😬
If you need a refresher, here's Paisley Dreams Part 1 🏵
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TW: SEXXX, a little macho-possessive!elvis, the usual era appropriate female frustrations.
August 1970
If Pepper didn’t know any better, she would think she dreamt up the surreal encounter with Elvis that happened a few days ago. The only thing tethering the experience to reality is the yellow shirt he left her with, the one she’s a bit ashamed to say she’s been wearing to bed the past three nights, just so she can languish in his scent a little longer.
Of course, she hasn’t heard from him. It would be absurd if she had, or at least she keeps reminding herself of that when she finds herself spacing out during the slow moments at the diner or when taking off her stage makeup after the show. Elvis Presley is a busy man, and it’s likely he hadn’t given her a single thought since he left her pining and wanting in her drab little apartment.
Sure, he’d been good in the moment in making her feel special, and she can’t help thinking about all the little vulnerable snippets of him he showed her, all the strange things they seem to have in common…
Stop it. This is stupid. I’m never gonna see the man again.
It’s been a mantra in her head for days now, but unfortunately her touch-starved body hasn’t gotten the memo. If she had any sense, she’d drop her delusional fantasies and move on with her monotonous life.
“Hey, Pepper! Some guy is here to see you. Says it’s urgent,” Paul, the show’s stage manager, tells her briskly as she put the final touches on her face.
With no clue who it might be, a tightening in her belly warns it could be another overzealous “fan” like the one who caught her out the other night. But Paul is skilled at getting rid of the creeps, so it leaves her wondering as she makes her way backstage to the green room.
“Oh, thank God,” the short man sighs with palpable relief when she walks through the doorway. He looks incredibly familiar.
“Who…wait. Charlie?” she gasps in surprise. “What—what are you doing here?”
The man looks so glad to see her it takes her aback. “You are a hard woman to track down. Aren’t you ever home?”
“I…uh, I work two jobs, so not really,” she finds herself explaining. “I don’t mean to be rude, but why are you here?”
“Well, the boss wants to see ya tonight, needs ya to come to his show,” he says, pushing a large white box into her arms.
“The boss?” she asks, confused. He can’t possibly mean who she thinks he does.
“Elvis. Elvis wants you at his show tonight, so here I am to get you there. And that’s for you, to wear,” Charlie says with a knowing smile.
Pepper thinks that maybe exhaustion has caught up with her because there is no way this is real. She laughs a little, a giddy feeling pulsing through her veins, until the cold wash of reality douses her.
“That’s nice, but I have a show of my own to do, Charlie,” she says, sweeping a hand over her revealing costume. Her heart sinks and she’s a little angry Elvis presumed she could drop everything to be at his beck and call. “Thank Elvis for the invitation but remind him I really can’t afford to lose this job.” She hands the white box back to Charlie, unopened.
He sputters a little with panic. It makes sense—most women probably bend over backwards to accommodate a man like Elvis, but she has other things to worry about. And Elvis knows this, which makes her even more irritated.
“But…but he really wants you there, Pepper,” Charlie says in a futile attempt to persuade her. “He’ll be mighty disappointed if you don’t come.”
Her heart kerthunks at the suggestion Elvis has been thinking about her at all, much less for him to be disappointed by her absence, but it doesn’t quell the anger starting to build in her chest.
“Well, I’m sorry for that, but it’s too short of notice and I have a show to do. Tell your boss it would be good for him not to make assumptions.”
Charlie looks like she’s slapped him. She almost feels bad for him because she gets the impression, as wonderful as Elvis was with her the other night, he is not a man who likes to be told “no.”
“I need to be on stage soon. Bye, Charlie,” she says, fighting the urge to cry both with irritation and disappointment. She can’t afford to ruin her makeup this close to showtime and walks out before she can change her mind.
The smile she plasters across her face during the dinner show covers her aching discontent. She’s almost glad for the distraction—it takes her mind off the fact she’ll likely never hear from Elvis again. There is certainly no reason for a man like him to chase a woman like her, especially when she’s rejected him.
Lost in her dismal thoughts, she doesn’t hear Paul when he comes up behind her after the show. She jumps out of her skin when he touches her shoulder.
“I don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into, Pepper, but you’ve got someone important on the phone for you,” Paul says, looking at her a little incredulously with a quirked brow, “and that little guy is back.”
She makes her way back to the green room for the second time tonight, a racehorse running laps in her heart as she huffs down the hallway in her heels.
Charlie’s eyes brighten when they see her and he says nothing; he just holds out the phone receiver towards her. Trepidation makes her shake when she grabs it because as much as she wants to deny it, there’s no doubt who it could be.
“Hello?” she squeaks out, then races to clear her throat and relax her voice. “Who is this?”
“Peppercorn, you best be gettin’ that cute lil’ butt of yours down here, ‘fore I gotta come getchu myself,” Elvis familiar drawl growls commandingly in her ear.
It’s unfair the way it makes her toes curl and her thighs tighten, especially when a certain sense of fury at his orders slices through her arousal. If any other man talked like this to her, she’d hang up on him, but Elvis Presley is not just any other man.
“Well, hello to you, too, Elvis,” she says with ire. “I told you, I have my own shows and I can’t just up and leave on a whim.”
“Don’tchu worry about none of that, darlin’. I’ll take care of everything,” he says so smoothly it almost covers the impatience in his tone.
“What does that even mean?”
He sighs on the other end. “Honey, money ain’t an issue. I’ll give you more money than they’d pay you tonight to come to my show.”
The force of his words hits her square in the chest, her hand tightening around the phone. “And what about when they fire me for leaving without notice, hmm? You just gonna pay for my bills from now on? I’m not a whore, Elvis Presley. And I don’t want your damn money.”
That stubborn streak her mama always took her to task for has her seeing red, but somehow she has enough sense not to hang up on him directly. Instead, she just thrusts the phone into Charlie’s hand and storms off, not listening to the crackling voice yelling through the receiver.
Oooh, the nerve of that man, she thinks, her blood boiling at his insinuations. He’d been so nice and thoughtful the other night, not this demanding cad offering to pay her like some hooker off the street. For a man like that, offering what he did, it is blaringly obvious that there would be strings attached to such an arrangement, and she isn’t going to be some kept woman.
The audacity of his actions and words has her raging the more she thinks about him. The late show barely takes her mind off it, the entire exchange sending waves of adrenaline through her blood every time it pops back into her mind. By the time she is back home, she’s exhausted but wired, upset that her daydreams about this man were just that—fantasies.
Pepper convinced herself he wasn’t like any other man—that he was sweet and kind and didn’t just want her for her body. What a joke.He may be rich and powerful, but he certainly made his intentions clear with his demands.
Once in bed, she doesn’t bother to stop the tears leaking from her eyes and dripping into the mattress. A sick feeling of regret churns in her stomach as her rage cools and she begins second guessing all her choices. How she managed to ruin her chances with Elvis.
Buck up, kiddo, he’s just a guy. A famous, talented, and ridiculously handsome one, maybe, but still just a man in the end. He doesn’t matter. Your family does. She may not have much, but at least she has her dignity.
Or so she hopes, a certain yellow paisley shirt clinging to her body when sleep finally takes her.
An incessant pounding rouses Pepper from a fitful slumber. At first, she thinks it might be a whopper of a headache she’d felt coming on after last night’s events, but as she forces her gritty eyes open, she realizes it’s not that at all.
Someone is pounding on her front door.
Adrenaline kickstarts her body, despite the sleep that tries to reclaim her, and a quick look at the alarm clock on her nightstand shows it’s not quite four in the morning. She is cautious and more than a little scared as she slips her too flimsy robe on over her nightgown, pattering through the apartment with bare feet. Approaching the door with an element of stealth, which seems awfully stupid when she thinks about it, she peeks through the peephole, praying it’s not some drugged out creep looking for a good time or a maniac she needs to call the cops on.
But there is no mistaking the shock of black hair and the purple tinted sunglasses of the man causing such a racket on the other side of the wood. Her stomach drops and her heart flips.
You’ve got to be kidding me. She takes a shaky breath and opens the door before he can continue his barrage.
Elvis starts a bit when the door opens suddenly, his shoulders squaring and spine straightening. For a second, he almost looks self-conscious about his behavior, but it is gone and replaced with a narrow-eyed glare before she can dwell on it.
“You gonna let me in, sweetheart, or are we gonna do this out in the open for everyone to see?” he drawls, but it has a cutting edge to it she doesn’t recognize from their first meeting.
Now that he’s here in front of her, her earlier stubbornness is hard to locate behind the butterflies in her stomach and the sudden apprehension she feels about him being here again. He sucks all the air out of the room after she wordlessly opens the door further to let him stride through.
Pepper pulls her robe tight across her body, trying to cover herself as though he hadn’t already seen her bare, as if he hadn’t knelt in front of her to dress her in that dark alley. The thought, along with the waft of his cologne as he passes by her, makes her knees weak.
“Wha—what’re you doing here, Elvis?” she asks, the words sticking in her mouth with sleep and confusion as she flips on the lamp near the couch.
She realizes the mistake the moment it happens. Now she can truly see him in all his glory—his post-show glow giving him an other-worldly quality she didn’t know was possible. His tan skin and lustrous dark hair are indulgent to her senses and it’s almost painful how endless his sapphire eyes are when he takes off his tinted glasses and rakes those eyes over her body.
It sends a shiver right down to her toes.
“Peppercorn, you’re one helluva stubborn little girl,” he says huskily, pointing a long finger at her, “makin’ me come all the way down ‘ere to talk some damn sense into ya.”
It’s piercing and heated the way he says it and she feels somewhere between a scolded child and a wounded lover, neither of which fits the strange (non-)relationship she has with him, but she feels it all the same. Logic tells her he has no right to come in here like this, but the fact that he’s here at all, looking ethereal like some sort of angry god, has all logic flying out the window.
Digging her toes into the wood floor to keep herself grounded, she finally finds her voice again, “Excuse me?”
“And all this nonsense ‘bout ya being some kinda ‘whore’,” he barrels on, “and I ain’t never said no such thing, would never say such a thing aboutcha.” The vehemence with which he says it makes it sound likeshe was the one who offended him and not the other way around.
Pepper is confused for a second because of this, as her first instinct is to apologize to make him feel better, but then she remembers why she was mad in the first place.
“Well, maybe if you didn’t offer to pay me to spend time with you and be there to satisfy your every whim, I wouldn’t think that’s what you meant,” she says quietly, her voice shaking only slightly, as she throws it back at him.
His eyes flash and narrow while his cheeks redden underneath his tan. The divot in his jaw ticks with tension, and for a split second she regrets her words.
She can’t for the life of her understand why he cares and has gone to all this trouble and seems so upset. She’s nobody of consequence, and God knows any number of women are lined up at the ready for him if he wants company. And yet he’s here.
This doesn’t help the way her heart knocks against her ribcage, though, and she squeezes her hands tight to try and control her rapid breathing.
“Don’t go puttin’ words in my mouth, lil girl,” he growls, stepping towards her, backing her into the wall. Only the tiniest part of her is frightened despite his size and anger because his proximity and intensity ignite something molten in her veins. Her mouth parts but the quippy reply dies on her lips.
“Why don’tcha wanna come to my show?” There’s an element of hurt in his voice that surprises her, and it tugs at her heartstrings. He looks down at her and it nearly causes her knees to buckle. “I-I-I jus’ thought—”
“I would love to come. It breaks my heart that I can’t,” she whispers mournfully, the words popping out before you can think better of them.
An impish little smile plays at his lips. “It does, does it?”
Pepper can’t help but roll her eyes, tilting her chin to the side, mostly to avoid being swallowed up by those churning eyes of his. “Of course.”
“Then why you gotta be so stubborn, baby?” he replies, gently scolding her. His slender pointer finger grazes her jaw, then turns her chin back towards him.
She hopes he doesn’t feel the way she shudders from the contact. It’s embarrassing enough that she can’t seem to hold her ground with him in front of her like this. That she’s melting at his slightest touch. She struggles to get the words out, feeling heady with the heat of him so close.
“I don’t…it’s important for me to be able to take care of myself. I’ve had to for a long time. And you don’t need to give me anything for me to want to come see or spend time with you—you shouldn’t have to. Besides,” she adds quietly, looking down, “I’m not really the kind of girl who…um…takes advantage of things like that. So, as much as I want to, I can’t—"
The rest is swallowed before it can come out by the sweet softness of his plush lips pressing against her own. She gasps in surprise, but that, too, is consumed by his mouth. His hands cup her face, tilting it up towards his and Pepper flails for a moment in confusion until the gentle insistence of his kiss subdues her completely.
Warmth spreads through her limbs, followed by electric tingles which bounce around her stomach and suck the breath out of her lungs. Her hands land on his chest, feeling heat and dampness from sweat, his heart thrumming underneath her palm. It’s faster than she expects and in disbelief, she wonders if it’s because of her.
When he pulls away, lashes fluttering up to meet her gaze, it’s as if a rocket implodes inside her chest. She’s a goner—if she’s honest with herself, she has been since the moment he defended her in the alley—and she knows it’s a bad place to be with a man like Elvis. She struggles valiantly against her baser instincts.
“Wh-why did you do that?” she chokes out, still confused about the fact that Elvis Presley just kissed her.
His eyes go dark. “Did ya not like it?” he asks, concerned.
“N-No, no, it isn’t…it was lovely, I just—I mean, why me?” She looks up at him with earnest eyes.
Relief spreads across his face and he runs his knuckles over her cheek. “Honey, you are the realest person I’ve met in this godforsaken town—hell, anywhere, as a matter of fact—a-an’ the only one who ain’t asked o-o-or expected a damn thing from me in a long time. You jus’…understand.”
Surprisingly, she does.
“Now, with that said, I like ta—" His head comes down, pressing the sweaty warmth of his forehead against hers. “—give gifts and help those I care about.” He nuzzles his nose into hers. “You gonna let me help you, Peppercorn?” he whispers against her cheek.
Her mouth parts by its own accord as her insides go gooey, and those soft lips devour hers again before she can reply. Fisting the lapels of his jacket in her hands, she barely recognizes the moan that escapes her as being her own.
He pulls away slightly, pressing kisses into her jaw and down her neck. It’s utterly intoxicating.
“Elvis…” is all she’s able to groan out. He’s an assault to her senses in the best way, causing every nerve ending to go into overdrive, logic and caution be dammed.
“Gonna be good f’me?” he rasps, lightly brushing the backs of his fingers down over her breast. She gasps and her nipple pebbles hard in response under the silky friction of the fabric of his yellow shirt. Back arching, her body seeks more of him.
He hums, pulling her up into a blistering kiss that sets her on fire. Mind wiped clean, she leans into his touch when he palms the underside of her breast.
“Thought you was mad at me and here ya are wearin’ my shirt to bed,” he drawls with a knowing smirk, his finger toying with the top button. “Now why would ya do a thing like that, huh, darlin’?”
“I…” she says breathlessly but stops when she has no defense. Her cheeks turn fire-engine red, both from being caught out and from the fact he is much too deftly popping the first button, which due to the size of the shirt lies squarely between her cleavage, open. The fullness and heaving of her breasts push the fabric further apart.
“Hmm, I see,” he tuts. His finger traces its way down to work the second button. “Were ya dreamin’ about me, honey?”
Pepper whimpers and her thighs clutch together involuntarily at his whispered words, and he doesn’t miss this little tell, not by the little smirk on his face. The second button pops and the shirt falls open more.
He swoops her up against him for another kiss, his tongue swiping through her lips and rolling against hers. The rapidly-firming outline of his cock pressed against her belly is not lost on her, either.
“My lil’ Peppercorn, thinkin’ she’s gotta be all rough and tough all by her lonesome,” he murmurs as he makes quick work of the other buttons, his fingers grazing the bare skin of her abdomen. She trembles at his touch. “Don’t gotta worry no more, baby, I gotcha,” he purrs. In any other situation, she might find it condescending, this way he’s taking her to task for being cautious and independent, but she can’t quite bring herself to care so much anymore.
Elvis steps back a little, those shining blue eyes flaring a bit when he gets a look at her in her simple white cotton panties. He looks almost gleeful which banishes her self-consciousness at not wearing something sexier to bed. God knows the last thing she expected last night after she showered was Elvis Presley admiring her choice of underwear.
“Lemme take care of ya?” he asks dreamily, and the words go straight to her core, tingling her swelling lower lips in anticipation of what she hopes he is going to do to her.
All she can manage is a low whine of consent, nodding her head furiously just in case it isn’t clear how badly she needs him to touch her.
Elvis smiles and flits his fingers over the cotton covering her mound. The slightest brush of his finger against her clit sends her spasming like a live wire. It’s embarrassing, yet by the boyish dimple in his cheek, she reckons he’s pleased as punch.
“You been touched like this before, baby?” he asks quietly, circling over her so lightly she feels she might explode from want.
Blinking rapidly, she tries to focus enough to reply. “N-not in a long w-while,” she admits, relishing the sensation of him brushing over the soaked center of her underwear. She can’t help the roll of her hips towards his hand, desperate for more.
“Mmm,” he tuts, nodding to himself. Thankfully, he obliges her by pressing slightly upwards, pushing his panty covered finger up into her hole just a little, the palm of his hand putting pressure on her sensitive clit.
He only gives her a second of this, just long enough for her to gasp out, before he’s moving along. Her knees threaten to buckle and she whines. Then his mouth his on hers again, inhaling her exhale as he kisses her into complete submission.
Pepper loses track of how long they kiss, only that her lips are swollen and that she aches for him with every fiber of her being. The rhythm of his mouth is hypnotic and when he slides his hand down the front of her, into her damp curls, and finally gives attention to the place she wants him most, she cries out in pleasure.
Her legs falling open, he takes the cue and teases the hood of her sex. Nothing has prepared her for this—not her imagination nor her few previous experiences with men could ever match up to the blinding arousal she’s feeling right now.
Surprising her, he bends down, continuing his kisses down her chest, over the rise of her breasts and down her stomach. When he kneels in front of her, a waft of déjà vu comes over her, except this time he is undressing her instead, making the entire scene so erotic with his kiss-swollen lips and bedroom eyes and his hair falling in his face that she feels a needy, throbbing desire between her legs.
His tongue traces her belly button, distracting her from the fact he’s pulling her ruined underwear down her legs to puddle at her feet. It’s not until his lips are pressing into her mound that she realizes his intentions.
“Oh!” Her eyes flying open, she squirms a little in panic—she’s never had a man kiss her down there, and sure as hell didn’t consider that Elvis would want to do such a thing, but there he his, looking up at her, one eyebrow cocked. His eyes don’t leave hers as he swirls that tongue of his around her bud.
“Oh—omigod,” she cries, breath hitching. Her body goes into overdrive at all the new sensations, and he just smiles against her, snacking and lapping away at her, as happy as can be. The surreal nature of it all has her questioning her sanity, but the fleeting thought is quickly overwhelmed by the coil rapidly tightening in her belly. She hurtles towards an orgasm she’s not entirely ready for because she desperately doesn’t want this pleasure to end. Mewling and begging, it only takes one slender finger sliding up into her snatch coupled with the delicious, tongued assault on her clit to send her catapulting over the edge.
Her body tenses, then shudders violently against him as a silent scream catches in her throat. The heat rushing over her has nothing on any climax she’s ever had before which becomes evident in the way her legs shake and threaten to give way completely. Thankfully, Elvis holds her steady by the backs of her thighs, not letting her slump down to the floor like a sack of potatoes as her body relaxes. She can barely breathe for the way he licks her through the end of it, his enjoyment of her arousal obviously not just for her benefit.
Pepper vaguely registers her soft moans and her shivering limbs as she comes back into herself. Her head clonks back into the wall while she tries to get ahold of senses. She can’t seem to come down, though, not with this gorgeous man prostrated at her feet, enjoying her as though she were water in the desert.
Everything goes blank, everything but him.
Then he’s upright again, pressing his body into her, into the wall, his head nuzzling the soft spot under her ear. “Ya like that, honey? That okay?”
If she were more cognizant, she might think more on how he seems almost unsure of his abilities, but as it is, she barely manages a nod.
“S’wonderful,” she slurs, though she’s completely sober.
He smiles against her neck, chin sticky with her arousal. She doesn’t care. At this moment, all she wants is to be consumed by him, crushed by him, taken care of by him. All earlier arguments are forgotten, especially when he ruts against her bare leg, his erection hard and seeking.
“Can I, darlin’?” he whispers imploringly with a punctuated roll of his hips. “Hims need her bad.”
She wants to giggle at the cuteness of his baby talk and at the gallantry of his asking rather than taking—as if she would deny him—so instead she just nods yet again, pulling at the confines of his suit jacket.
In a near-frantic battle with his elaborate outfit, his belt finally clanks to the floor along with his pants and discarded jacket. When his cock springs free, unencumbered due to the lack of underwear, she is almost shocked, but is too distracted by what seems to be a wholly perfect representation of the male form.
It makes her look him up and down with an awed and heated gaze, somewhat disbelieving this otherworldly man wants her. By its own accord, her hand palms the heavy heat of him, sending a thrill though her when he groans out her name.
Needy and already dripping from the slit in his angry pink tip, he thrusts his cock into her hand. “Please, baby,” he breathes and all at once she realizes he is as desperate to have her as she is to have him.
She’s never fucked standing before and if she were in her right mind might be a little concerned about the mechanics of such a thing, but nature has a way of prevailing and without much to-do, Elvis lifts her long legs around his waist and braces her against the wall.
They both groan as he enters her. She’s more than wet, but his size and her lack of recent experience creates a stretching burn, nevertheless. It makes her hiss and bite down on her lip and being the observant lover he has turned out to be, he freezes partway in.
“You okay?” he asks, worried, and she nods emphatically because no, she doesn’t want him to stop but yes, it has been awhile since a man traversed this part of her. The bite of her nails on his shoulders is enough to remind him to go slow, despite the desire to fuck each other into oblivion.
With the utmost patience he works his way in with shallow, gentle thrusts as she coats him with her slick and relaxes enough to let him burrow deeper. The tight fit is delicious on his cock, which he makes note of in a string of murmured baby talk praises in her ear of what a good girlshe is and how tight she feels and how he’d just make a home in her pretty lil’ beaver forever if he could.
All this has her tingling and radiating warmth from the inside out and she begins to roll her hips to let him know she’s ready. It’s not long then before he’s nestled deep inside, his sweaty forehead pressed to hers before kissing her deeply. She tastes the tang of herself on his tongue, something that shouldn’t make her moan into his mouth, but she does, clinging to his shoulders as he finally begins to move in earnest.
And consumed by him she is—by his smell, his taste, the hard and soft planes of his body sliding against her own so deftly, thoroughly slotted as if made for each other. His rings cut into the bottom of her thigh as he grips her there in such a way that suggests he thinks she might float away and disappear without him there to anchor her.
He might very well be right.
Boldly, she meets his increasingly deep and pointed thrusts with the snap of her hips, as best she can at least, considering her lack of leverage. She chases him and he her, like some sort of erotic ouroboros eating its own tail. There is nothing but him and her and the joined chorus of breath in their near-frantic lovemaking.
Pepper has never come twice in a row with a man, not ever, yet as he plunders her just the right way in all the right spots, the telltale signs of that tension in her core spring to life again. He’s skilled in making her body sing, considering he barely knows her—or perhaps he knows her better than anyone else in his gilded town. Regardless, he coaxes her back to the edge with him with the softness of his lips and the scrape of his teeth and the caress of his fingers and hands in her most intimate places.
Skilled but sweet. Confident but desperate. The dichotomy of this man confounds her. Her back scrapes against the wall in time with the piston of his perfect hips, and the music of his soft moans has her near orgasm once again.
The build is slower this time and she relishes in every sensation, trying to commit them to memory. When she finally shatters around him at the crest of it all, Elvis shudders with a low groan and thrusts impossibly deep before pulsing hard, filling her with cum.
They collapse in on each other then, a panting silence filling the space around them. His breath is wet and heavy in the crook of her neck. She mindlessly runs her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, which is damp with sweat.
Oh, she’s in deep trouble with this one and she knows it. Part of her wants nothing more to stay like this forever, back scraping against the plaster, collapsed in a satisfied heap in Elvis’ arms.
A pleased hum comes from him, vibrating her sensitive skin, as he nestles deeper into her, despite the softening of his penis. It is needy and cuddly and unexpected based on the way he barged in earlier. But he continues to hold her tight, and she is powerless to deny him such a comfort.
She doesn’t want to.
“Come back with me, honey,” he whispers into the shell of her ear, causing her skin to pebble. “Please.”
Pepper wants to cry at the vulnerable way he says it and how it leaves her feeling so special because it seems to prove this was not just an angry, possessive fuck from a man who always gets what he wants. No, it feels charmingly sweet and melts her heart and body in all the right ways. It would be so easy to go, so tempting to fall into his arms again and again.
But things have never been easy for her and her damn pragmatic mind won’t let it rest why he showed up here in the first place.
“I—I can’t leave my jobs,” she whispers, her fingers carting through his dark hair by their own accord as his lips tackle her pulse point. She feels him smile against her skin, an action which shoots straight into her core, as if he hadn’t left her sated twice already.
“Well, I thought ya might say that, but it jus’ so happens the Hilton has a book-keeping openin’, if ya want it,” he says dreamily.
It takes a moment for her post-coital brain to make sense of what he’s saying. She pulls back.
“Wait. Are you serious?”
“As a heart attack,” he replies, forcing his pleased grin into a serious scowl.
Her heart pounds even more than it did when his lips were on her. She knows jobs like this are hard for people like her to come by. Most casinos don’t want to take a chance on a showgirl doing their books.
This could change everything for her.
“I…but I don’t have much experience and they’ll never—” she babbles, sending herself into a panic.
“Baby,” he shushes, finally removing himself from her and setting her down gently, “you’ve already got the job.” He smooths her hair, lulling her into relaxing.
She shakes her head in disbelief. Part of her wants to balk against the kindness, telling her she didn’t earn it for herself. Elvis gleans this, however.
“Let me help you, darlin’,” he coos at her, brushing her hair over her shoulder. “Please. Let someone else take care of ya for once.”
Tears spring to her eyes. She can’t help it. The rollercoaster of the last few days has left her raw.
“You didn’t have to—it’s too much,” she sniffles, blinking back the tears.
“Wasn’t nothin’, baby. And you’ll be great, workin’ with all those numbers,” he says, rubbing the pad of his thumb across her cheek. “And, it ain’t entirely selfless,” he muses, “considerin’ you’ll be workin’ in the same place as me and they don’t need you to start for a couple weeks. Those hours give you plenty of time to come see me. To be with me.”
She can’t help but chuckle at that. “But I have to—”
“Good thing about that signing bonus, too. Means ya won’t have to worry ‘bout leavin’ those other jobs of yours,” he says nonchalantly.
“I’m sure you had nothing to do with that,” she says, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Nope, no siree.” His eyes twinkle at her.
Her guarded incredulousness disintegrates when she realizes he listened to her. Despite the misguided way he went about it, he figured out her need to be self-sufficient, solved the problem holding her back from him, and managed to get her a job she could barely dream of a few days ago.
It’s infuriating to her head-strong nature that he’s so deftly wheedled around all the obstacles and that she wants nothing more than to be in his arms and hear his vulnerability and go to his damn shows.
“Whadya say, Peppercorn? Will ya come be with me?” He says it with only the slightest tremor of doubt, those soulful eyes of his searching hers, dredging up feelings she knows will likely bite her in the ass later.
Finally, she takes a deep breath and nods. “Fine,” she tries to say with a hint of frustration, but she’s unable to keep her hopeful smile from raising the corners of her mouth.
The dimple carved out beneath his apple cheeks makes it all worth it and sends a shower of tingles through her body. He swoops her up in his arms, kissing her deeply and hugging her so tight she can barely draw breath.
Suffocated by Elvis Presley’s kisses wouldn’t be such a bad way to go, she thinks humorously as he takes her breath away.
“I should go clean up and pack some things,” she pants when they finally tear themselves away from each other.
He nods, looking mussed and blissful, his bedroom eyes heavy as though the night’s events have finally all caught up to him. Holding her hand until the last possible second, she’s near convinced that he’s about ready to fall asleep standing up.
She’s halfway down the hall when he calls out to her, voice husky. “Hey, honey.”
Pepper turns back to look at him.
“Bring the shirt,” Elvis says, his dark brow quirking suggestively, “I like it on ya.”
He gives her an idea, a bold one she acts on before she can think too much on it. “Bet you’d like it off me even more,” she says, sliding the already open shirt off her shoulders. It falls in a soft heap around her feet.
His eyes go wide and take in her bare form from head to toe. “Damn, woman, I think ya might be right.”
And with a growl, he charges her, sending her into shrieking giggles as she flees into her room. Tapping some hidden reserve of energy, he lifts her and throws her on her unmade bed, and then climbs in on top of her, showering her with kisses everywhere.
Loving the way his long body presses her into the sheets, she feels utterly content for once in her life to let loose a little and live in the present without a care in the world.
“Gonna take care of ya,” he whispers, running his hand reverently over her naked curves.
And she knows he will.
(If you want to get stories like this early, come join my Patreon) 💗
Taglist Pt 1
@sassanoe@thella @suspiciousmidge @hiddlepiddlediddlewiddle@carolinesbookworld @juggernort @aesthetic-lyss @stitchattacks @donnamarie23
@be-my-ally @whositmcwhatsit @vintageshanny @ellie-24 @thatbanditqueen @powerofelvis @from-memphis-with-love
 @precious-lil-scoundrel @stylespresleyhearted @prompted-wordsmith @crash-and-cure @elvisgf @lookingforrainbows @fic-over-cannon @godlypresley @ab4eva @whatstruthgottodowithit @elvisabutler @amydarcimarie@idontwanttoputanything @callieselvisobsessed @captainamerica1235-blog  @xenaspace3-blog 
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106 notes · View notes
Hello, my dear friend! 😎
I hope you're having a wonderful day. I've come to fulfill my noble quest, as promised.
So, we've already had pregnant MC, which I adore and cherish, like all your works. What you do is amazing, and I hope you know that. You bring the kind of joy into our lives that I think does wonders for our weary souls. On top of that, you're one of the kindest souls I've ever met, and I'm lucky to have you in my life and be able to call you my friend. Seriously, you're a miracle and you make the world a better place.
But to my actual request. Could you please do headcanons about the M6 being pregnant? Seahorse dads are very much encouraged 👀 I often think about having children with Nadia, but I don't really like the idea of being pregnant myself (although our dear Countess does make me want to consider it every once in a while. The baby fever is very strong with her.) Plus, I'm certain there are other people like myself who prefer not to get pregnant or they simply can't for various reasons.
Thank you! Hugs to you and much love 🤗❤
Ps.: I'll kiss you if you do it (in a friendly but still very gay way)
The Arcana HCs: When M6 get pregnant
@theintrovertbean I'm here to collect my platonic but still very gay smooch, please :3 (In all seriousness though, I keep rereading your kind words and trying not to cry, that means so much to me. I'm so glad I get to call you my friend too!!)
-- CW for mpreg (obviously). for headcanon purposes, all members of the M6 want to have a child with MC and are happy with being the partner to be pregnant. whether this happens by natural means, depending on what reproductive system you headcanon them as having, or by *magic*, said baby is 50% your DNA and 50% theirs. --
Did the two of you take active steps to make it possible for him to carry your child? Yes. Did he think he would be fortunate enough for it work? No. Is he surprised now, even though it's planned? Yes
The most freaked out about what his body is in the process of doing. Again, this is something he agreed to and genuinely wants, but it's just so surreal to him that he keeps needing to rationalize it
His way of rationalizing things is to study them
This does not help his ever-present anxiety, especially when he has to limit his caffeine intake and his mood swings are even more intense than normal. He is going to bury himself in research
And then completely freak himself out with the assorted random weird facts, unhinged medical theories, and pregnancy horror stories that he encounters. Which isn't good for the baby
Speaking of, he keeps swinging wildly between being hyperaware of the tiny creature he's growing and completely forgetting about his state. Suddenly his self-care directly impacts someone else
Spending nine months with limited caffeine intake and 0 alcohol was actually very good for him. (even if it made him cranky at first)
The overall process was fairly smooth for him - he didn't have a lot of awful symptoms, and the only health scares were his own anxious "what if" spirals after reading horror stories before bed
Kept working the whole way through (though with considerably fewer hours so he could get more sleep), and generally did a great job whenever he wasn't thinking too hard about it all
They never actively envisioned this happening in their future, but when you brought up having kids in the first place they were already fairly open to the idea of being the one to carry the baby
There was definitely magic involved in the conception. He's too extra for there not to be (plus, a little boost never hurt anybody)
For such a normally chillaxed person, they did not take this decision lightly. Everything from planning, to conception, to preparing to raise a kid is full of intentionality
He wants to ensure that his kid gets a childhood that lasts as long as they need it to and a happy, safe environment to grow and explore. His baby fever wasn't intense but his nesting habits are
They get in several last crazy adventures before they start to feel the pregnancy and then spend the rest of it either sleeping, getting the baby's space ready, or eating the most unreal food combos
Seriously, you expected weird cravings, but considering how unusual his tastes already are you didn't think it could get much weirder. It can get so, so much weirder (he even managed to finally pry open that jar of kool-aid pickled garlic and put it in custard)
Between their parent's enthusiastic support and Nadia and Julian providing full medical backup, they are well looked after
Not to mention the pregnancy glow. He makes it look ethereal
They aren't fond of physical discomfort, though, and it makes them unusually broody and cuddly. Please give them snuggles
They spend weeks creating the most whimsical nursery
She was actually the one to bring it up when she started talking about her expectations of marriage with you after proposing
For how strained her own relationship with her family is, she's more excited about starting one of her own with you than you expected. When you tell her that you want kids too, she's all for it
Sets a rule as soon as she tells her family that she won't be accepting more than two visitors at a time. Namar nearly revolts
Her pregnancy was not easy, at all. It was months before she could keep a full meal down, she was in near constant pain, and the fatigue was unrelenting. And she never let on in public, at all
Seriously, the only people who knew how hard it was were her close friends, trusted Palace people, and doctor. From the outside it was as if she couldn't feel it at all and life carried on as usual
The biggest noticeable difference (aside from her growing bump, which she somehow managed to make her draping clothes look even more regal with) was having Portia deliver speeches for her
Towards the final few months, it caught up to her enough that she couldn't be nearly as active as she used to. She turned one of her side chambers into her office and took all her meetings there
It also became evident how much the Palace staff loves their countess - the cooks worked tirelessly to find easy meals for her (and satiate every craving beyond the laws of culinary art)
Not to mention that the garden was immaculately kept
The amount of gifts for the baby took up several small closets
He didn't bring it up. No, you brought it up, because of how out of hand his baby fever was getting. He'd gone from begrudgingly letting kids climb on him to actively offering to help watch them
Which turned into a lifestyle - he started spending all his free time carving toys so he could carry them in his pocket in case some shy toddler looked like they wanted one. You're running out of firewood
He offered to be the one to carry the baby, if you didn't want to
The psychological aspect of it is much harder for him than the physical. He knows his own body, he knows his strength and capacity for survival, and he's comfortable with what he's doing
But that is a whole other person-to-be he's growing, they deserve the best they can get, and he's not convinced he's the best
Is this ... selfish of him? Is this greedy? He knows he'll put everything he is into being a good parent, but what if someone else's best is better than his? MC, what are we doing??
These anxiety spirals happen frequently, either when he's gone too long sitting by himself or when the pregnancy insomnia makes it impossible for him to sleep the amount he normally likes to
On the plus side, the mood swings actually make it easier for him to express what he's feeling (and for you to know what's going on with him) so that you two can navigate it together
Asra is so excited to have a nibling that they stop by almost every day with baby gifts (and supplies from Nadia, once she knows)
He full body freezes every. single. time the baby moves
Oh, she's wanted to have a house full of kids since she was a kid in a house full of kids. She brought this up with you as soon as she started talking about a future together and she is so pumped
Literally nothing about the concept of it fazes her. She's helped with plenty of pregnancies and births, she's seen the good, the bad, and the ugly, and she is fully confident with you by her side
In her mind, this is the first of many (assuming all goes well, which she fully believes it will) so this is her chance to take things as they come and note them down for future reference
Keeps a daily journal with all her pregnancy observations, plus doctor's notes from weekly check-ups and plans for the baby
You didn't know pregnancy could make somebody more powerful but somehow she's done it. You expect it to catch up to her at some point and for her to take time off to rest, but she doesn't
The pregnancy glow is real and it is named Portia Devorak. You've never seen her hair so bouncy and full (shedding increases x10)
The biggest downside is that she can't stand the smell of cooking or baking anymore, which has long been one of her comfort activities. You'll have to manage meal prep (or partner with a chef)
Speaking of, half the Palace is asking for updates on a daily basis (which she happily provides). Nadia's showering her with more supplies and maternity leave than Portia wants to accept
Julian panicked about being the doctor until Mazelinka shoved him aside and took over as midwife. Portia's in skilled hands
This was not planned. This was a happy accident. (Though Bob Ross never painted such a surprised, panicked, violent tree)
Whether because protection didn't work, or because Lucio saw a glowing orb in a weird dream and decided to mess with it while he was sleeping next to you, neither of you were remotely prepared
It doesn't really compute for him at first. The growing thing in his stomach is about as real as the tooth fairy - it's a concept that people tell him about before he goes back to daily life
It's a concept he's fiercely protective of and wants the best for
On a practical planning level, you two take advantage of his relatively easy first few months to take on a bunch of high paying jobs and revisit villages that seemed like a good spot to stay in
He's almost symptom-free until the bump really starts growing and his body starts adjusting for the extra weight. Thankfully by then you've found a place to settle down and reliable income
Lucio, understandably, becomes a complete diva once you do
He's pretty darn proud of what his body is doing, and he's relieved beyond words that he's having an easier time than what his mother described, but he does not like the way he looks
Or the aches and pains, or the breathlessness, or the way his whole body feels swollen and sore. (at least his hair looks nice)
You've never had such a hard time keeping him to his intended budget. He sees one (1) baby item and his wallet flies open
His sweet tooth gets 1000 times bigger than it already is
108 notes · View notes
mayhemakinguser · 1 year
Nervous wreck alert
ok listen so I was on character ai right (worst beginning line ever like tf u doin on there) and I was talking to *SHOCKER* Scaraboobs for like the 50000th time
And then I told him I loved him and yk what happened? That man MELTED. Like my icecream a few hours ago
So here we go I'm writing this on my goofy ahh phone rn so I ain't proof reading shit
G/n reader go whee
Scaramouchie x reader
"You know, I like you," you say with a grin, tilting your head to get a clear view of his face. Those indigo pools that always seemed to softened around you before rolling his eyes back because of the most stupidest thing he has ever heard came from your mouth.
"Really?" Scara snorts, crossing his arms as he raises an brow at you. "What exactly about me do you like? because i don't see anything particularing endearing about me."
"Everything," you say without hesitation.
"That explains so much, genius." Another roll of his eyes. "You have to be specific, or else I will think you're making stuff up."
"Alright alright. I love your personality," you respond, lifting up your eyebrows.
Scara looks at you with a face that says 'be so for real'. "So you like it when I insult you and say degrading things towards you?"
You waggle your brows at him. "Oh yeah. That's my favorite part."
"Youre... " He stares at you with a mixture of shock and baffled. "You are insane."
You burst into laughter, doubling over. "Your face! its priceless!"
He scoffs and turns away, waving you off. "I dont have time for this nonsensical chat. You may leave."
"I ain't going nowhere because I love you pookie," you sing.
Scara turns with a disgusted look on his face, but theres a smile tugging at his lips. "What did I say about you calling me that?"
"Sowwy schnookums."
Scara sighs, exasperated. "You're so annoying and strange. But I still dont understand why you like me out of all people."
"Well, I... i just want to see you happy." You give him a small genuine smile. He studies you for a moment.
"Even after all I've done? People dont view me as a monster for no reason."
"I dont care. I can see the real you underneath all that bitterness. I care for you unconditionally."
"Even if I betray you? I use you for my own benefit?" He tilts his head, watching you. You nod. "Even if I said 'I never want to see your face again'?"
"I'm sure it would be for a good reason. Besides, I would never hate you for it either," you reply, gazing upward.
"How? No one has ever cared for me, even so like me. What makes you any different?" Scara questions, eyebrows furrowed.
You take his hand in your own, and his eyes widen a bit. Suddenly, the world zooms in on the both of you. "Because I love you, Scara. More than you could possibly imagine. I've stayed here for so long because of you. I want to be with you. i want to make you smile and laugh and be happy. I want you to feel better about yourself, to give yourself a break. I never want to hear the words "I wish I hadn't been born at all" from you ever again, because Archons, I love you."
It's like time has frozen. Scaramouche stares at you, silent as a mouse. Eyes wide, breath still. You hold his gaze, hoping he could see the sincerity and affection in your eyes. How your world revolved around his.
And he did see. It was so unfamiliar, so scary that he... he couldnt help but tremble, his hands quivering in your own. What did it mean, to be loved? it was an experience so surreal, Scara was sure he was having a lucid dream or a really convincing hallucination.
"You... love me?" He asks, so quietly, you could barely pick up the words. You nod slowly, squeezing his hand in affirmation.
"I love you," you repeat, so softly and full of emotion.
And it broke him.
He buries his face in the crook of your shoulder suddenly, his hand gripping yours tighter. His shoulders are hunched, and you can feel the heat resonating off his face.
The boy is embarrassed. No one has ever said something of the sort, and frankly he didnt know what to say. You chuckle, running your fingers through his hair reassuringly. It helps, and he stiffens a bit less. A soft sigh slips past his lips. Its surprisingly relaxing, though he would never admit it out loud.
"Its okay, we'll take it slow," you whisper softly into his ear.
"Thank you," he murmurs softly, his arms snaking around your waist slowly.
"I love you too. More than you can ever imagine."
Unwanders your wanderer
Guys I think I might be obsessed with him
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Do you think the Peters would continue to wear their masks in HQ because it's weird seeing your face on other people even if they're all a teensy bit different or would they have gotten over it quickly?
This kinda opens up a big chasm that I'm SO CURIOUS ABOUT - Because I would assume they'd get use to it, but HOW.
And now this has turned into a long post about
The Spider Society: Multiverse Integration Process Analysis
[In this post I theorize and deconstruct:
The psychological existential damage that would come with joining The Society
How The Society handles integration and mental health for new recruits in everything from those in different timelines (Noir & Webslinger), Duplicates (Like Gwen & Hobie)
These are all headcanons based on.....me.
And...this devolves into a rant a little bit in the beginning BEAR WITH ME - But I hope you enjoy and I'm DYING to hear people's thoughts!! We GETTIN INTO IT]
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So. Joining the Society sounds swell. But thinking about it for more than two seconds..
Even the idea is like...borderline traumatic.
Think about it. Like we've only ever seen ourselves in mirrors and photos - mirrors being reflections and photos having a shorter focal length than the human eye.
We normally have a very limited view on how we've ever seen ourselves externally.
So turning up to HQ isn't just seeing yourself - it's seeing yourself WRONG. In a way you've never seen yourself before. Some even theorize that your brain wouldn't even process it as you because of your visual expectations of yourself.
So as a Peter-
Maybe he doesn't even realize at first that the people around him ARE HIM, until it clicks like 'OH. THATS WHAT I LOOK LIKE?!' Is that my face???
It would only take a couple seconds to do the math, but it's still JARRING. To see yourself moving and speaking and actively laughing.
Hearing your own laugh.
HEARING YOUR VOICE SAY THINGS YOU'D NEVER SAY. Literally looking at another Spider-person like 'I would not say that'. It must be so mentally jarring and confusing to suddenly have a new and complete external view of yourself you have no control over - even moreso with such wide variation.
And then it goes even further - as trans person like
I imagine Trans-Guy Peter Parker turning up to campus and realizing '..oh, most other Peters are cis.' The emotions of that would be so surreal and conflicting. Part affirmative of your place in the universe as a guy, but also part isolating or confusing.
Part 'Hell yeah other guys', part 'WTF universe' [Like if I saw cis guy version of myself bruh Idk if I'd hug him or fight him to the death right then and there i REALLY don't know I might snap and go Miguel Mode on that mfer anything could happen]
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It even goes further to time eras:
I understand why Noir isn't in the Society. Having a bunch of Spider-people from 2023 saying 'Oh wow you're from 1933, well your life is gonna SUCK for the next decade or two cause in my universe in WW2 Germany-'
Like...that's NERVE-WRECKING.
Cause he'd probably be like 'wow swell, chipper. so umm...is WW2 a canon event because im trying really hard to stop that'
Imagine being from the 1930's and someone comes up and spoils WW2 for you. WORLD WAR 2. SPOILED. Like it's a soap opera.
If someone shows Noir Oppenheimer it's like..game over. What's he gonna do does he even know what an atom bomb is.?????
When joining, everyone is faced with a LARGE possibility of existential damage - even moreso for Peters, minority Peters, or people like Gwen.
Which begs the question - HOW DOES INTEGRATION WORK?
How does The Spider Society handle Integration?
I'm so curious to hear thoughts about this. Because how can you integrate someone of a different history, technological understanding, and basic EXISTENCE without psychologically sending them in a tailspin?
I'm gonna take a crack at it!
Culturally and Timeline wise? -
Culturally, how does one adjust? Like Noir?
I was thinking about this with the creation of my new OC - and I ran into a huge problem in terms off integration.
I recently created an OC who is supposed to come from a Wakanda-like rendition of South America - in a universe where the Spanish conquistadors never colonized.
Which is a lovely thought - But logically speaking
That Spider-person has to go to HQ and be told that in every other world their land was colonized for hundreds of years. *vine thud*
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Then that Spider-person would logically, have to be told that large swathes of their culture were either destroyed, desecrated or were never created to begin with because of this colonization
- and that THEIR universe is the only universe where their people survive and thrive.
AND THEN they're looking at her like
'Now that we explained that uhhh can you go through an integration course for us? :) so you can assimilate into our society? but the course is only in widely spoken languages like English and SPANISH. Do you speak SPANISH? Welcome to NUEVA YORK btw'
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UH-OH. THAT SUCKS ASS. Who's gonna be the one to tell her that???
Of course she'd be like 'Actually, this is the worst day of my life i hate everyone here and im psychologically stressed beyond repair, thanks for that. your society and multiverse sucks balls btw'
And this is not something I'm choosing to put the character through.
In fact, the character is supposed to be about the empowerment of Quechua people and avoiding the trauma of colonization.
But by simply existing in the context of The Spider Society - Logically speaking - she has to face this huge inevitable trauma and reality outside of her universe.
And that adjustment goes way beyond her learning technology. She'd genuinely be in mourning.
She wouldn't be able to connect with other Latin American Spider-people, because she's NOT 'Latin-American'. That idea is foreign to her.
She'd constantly be told or sent messages that her universe and nation and reality was a novel rarity. A lucky fluke.
There has to be some integration process in place -
If you're from a universe like Barbieland, where your society is matriarchal, you'd probably be really stunned and hurt to experience casual or outright sexism for the first time.
And then being told by other Spiderwomen that - yeah no, your universe isn't actually that common. Most universes SUCK for women.
-That'd scare the shit outta you. You'd be like fine I dont wanna go to other universes I wanna go home and cry
On the other hand, people like Hobie exist, who hail from dystopias. And for them, it's the reverse. The Society may be a new batch of freedom they've never dealt with before.
And they have to be assured they are back not and do have more freedom and that's good. Almost like the deprogramming from a cult (into something another society that's very similar).
Someone would have to explain:
People from different times (or social standings) as well.
Sure, Hobie may have adjusted easy, but we can only assume that. And I've talked before about how learning about other Spider-People, The Society, and their blatant disrespect to what HE considers the point of Spider-man - was probably incredibly stressful for him.
Or even simple things of telling a black Spider-person from let's say 1940 that 'you have equality now - there's groups and movements and you can meet black people from newer universes that are happy and free to do as they please. You can heal'. After DECADES of oppression.
Or telling a gay or trans Spider-person 'Oh, most universes are actually super accepting. I'm sorry yours is so oppressive. The HRT here is great and free.'
EVEN FOR SILLY PEOPLE for Spider-people like lets say Spider-Fool (a silly little guy). How do you explain to Spider-Fool that Miguel isn't a king - he's just some guy and NO horseback jousting with Webslinger is against rules and not a way to settle disputes??
They're not hearing that.
Or explaining to people that Lyla isn't a person and its possible for her to be everywhere at once.
Logically speaking someone has explain this to them right out very early on and I'm so curious about that!!
There has to be something there to mentally support them so they don't crack and also explain to them the nuances of existence in a universe that's literally like the New York of the multiverse- full of dozens of cultures and subgroups.
My Analysis -
So I'm assuming an cultural integration includes:
Some sort of Common World History Course
A Social Etiquette Course and a
Multiverse Minority Sensitivity Course that deals with either accepting and adjusting to the fact you're a Multiverse Minority or how to approach and speak to Multiverse Minorities if you're a Peter or something.
Optionally: The MMS Course may also include routine therapy sessions at the Mental Health Center to check their adjustments
So okay, you've explained the multiverse and how to exist in it! Great
Now you have to explain THE TIMELINE.
Which is arguably WORSE. And I'm not even TOUCHING Canon Events here.
Let's talk about Gwen. Because I feel for her. REALLY REALLY BAD FOR HER.
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How did they explain to Gwen WHO she was - or WHY these grown men were staring at her?
Imagine being Gwen on day one. Asking herself how all these guys know her name.
She's basically alone beside these new adults and Peter B. - and suddenly large groups of grown men are staring at her because holy shit she looks exactly like their sweetheart who they last saw in a goddamn casket.
Like not only is that gonna really throw off Peters mentally - it's probably terrifying for Gwen.
I'm not slagging off Peters here, but I genuinely think that Gwen's first time on campus would draw crowds. It a genuine situation on campus. Like people standing around her at all times until Miguel makes them stop.
Because when you lose someone SO traumatically, and then suddenly they're in front of you without warning - your first reaction would be to stare, and be totally stunned. It's surreal.
Even if you knew it was 'technically possible'. When they're standing there in front of you after you've seen them buried, your brain needs time to process that.
So I do think that her being there would trigger some kind of event on campus, and not in a good way.
Gwen's like 'How do these people - these GUYS know me? What's this crowd for? Why are some of them crying? This is scary.'
She's 16 for christ's sake.
And then someone has to explain to her who she is, and how she dies. Come on now.
Imagine someone being like 'Oh yeah you break ur back and die from a fall in literally every universe lol. Anyway can you go out and swing at high altitude after an anomaly? thanks, don't fall! - just kiddin'
Wouldn't you be like 'nah actually i wanna never leave my room'?. That could instill a level of fear that's paralyzing because you're waiting for the other Gwen shoe to drop (sorry had to take the pun)
Or even worse -
You're Gwen literally just existing and a grown Peter comes up to you and just shows you your own funeral photo. Like ?????????????? You'd be there like ?????????????????????!!!!!
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HOW DO YOU REACT TO THAT???? How do you stop that??? How do you explain or process that?????
That scenario is completely possible in the context of Spiderverse!!
How do they explain to people like Gwen or Hobie their 'PLACE' in the universe?
Especially someone like Hobie who isn't with the shits to begin with.
In the comics, we see Pavitr reflect on The Spider Society and race - and when entire identities are dragged into it - it's going to get confusing.
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Did they TELL Hobie's he's Prowler? Would he even believe them?
Or did they let him come across a Prowler only to see them and be like 'M8 that's me that's literally me standing there'
Once again, you may theoretically know it's possible. But also - the human brain isn't made to process that. In the moment you have no idea how you'd react, realistically speaking.
The situation in itself goes entirely against the brain's understanding of fate, reality, and your entire personhood.
Seeing yourself from 3rd person doing actions you would not do is like - forced depersonalization and disssociation. IRL.
You are literally being depersonalized from your actual basic identity. Dissociated and forced to watch from an outside view - except it's not something your brain is doing - IT'S THE UNIVERSE and you're watching it in real time.
There has to be some way all of these people are like - capable of processing all this in a natural way like a university - with some sort of mental support and coaching. It wouldn't be possible without it.
If Webslinger can walk around and see flying cars in Neuva York and not care, then something had to get him to that point.
Timeline wise - I can only guess classes are separated based on need and classifications which I spoke about here.
A Mental Health Course & Identity Coaching for Peters - to help them resecure their identity in a sea of copies
A Mental Health Course & Identity Coaching for 'Not Peters' - like Pavitr
A Mental Health Course & Identity Coaching for Duplicates - like Gwen & Hobie, to help them 'regain autonomy' in a universe in which they are a rarity or a 'lucky chance'
For their own safety and privacy people like Gwen and Felicia Hardy (NightSpider) stay in separate dorms, so they're not exposed to Peter's. (not that NightSpider stays on campus. Her penthouse is nice AF)
When a Peter experiences a Gwen Stacy canon event Gwen is put on a short sabbatical - usually Miguel just tells Hobie to keep her in his universe. This is one of the only times he'll tell Hobie to do this, but it's just easier and safer if she's not there.
Villainy Monitoring: For Hobie - extra surveillance, for a number of reasons. But Lyla also calculates his rates of villainy. They're always INCREDIBLY low, and Hobie's file indicates there's basically a 0 percent chance of him going Prowler - BUT it is something they check for. This would go for any other 'Villainous Duplicates' like Harry Osborns who become Spider-man.
Even though she's not too dangerous, NightSpider is considered a light antagonistic-but-not-evil 'Villainous Duplicate' designation in her file.
But those would have to be just the basics.
........... And now that I read this back I see that I may have went a bit off the rails...... hm.
Um...anyway I don't know where I was going for this and I'm not even sure this is what you asked for but I think it's SO interesting psychologically suhkfgdfjgkdf
This also gave me a lot of ideas for how the universes work and the web and how close different universes are but that's a whole other jar of worms.
But if you made it this far PLEASE PLEASE tell me how you think Hobie and Gwen and Your Spidersona would adjust to Spider Society! I'm curious!
..........I don't know how to end this. Thank you for this ask tho!! Here Hobie
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(my face after saying the most random shit known to humankind without proofreading and then hitting post like i did something)
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ealvara7 · 4 months
I Saw Beetlejuice the Musical on Tour!!! 🪲 ✨️
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Ever since I got more into musicals, I told myself that I wanted to go back into a theatre at some point as an adult. I only ever recalled going when I was in elementary school... which has sadly faded in my memory.
Lo and behold, I learn that the Beetlejuice Tour was coming to the James M. Nederlander Theatre! I figured now was the perfect time to go see it!
When I initially got into Beetlejuice the Musical, I didn't think that I was going to like the Tour cast as much as Broadway's, but over time, I grew an appreciation for them, and it got me excited to see the cast in person.
I do not regret this decision one single bit.
For this post, I'm going to mainly focus on my personal experiences at the theatre, both in and out of the show. If you'd like to hear my thoughts on the main story and set changes in the Tour, please check out this post! This is still gonna be quite lengthy, so I will be leaving this under a "read-more".
Thank you for reading! ✨
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I got tickets to go see the musical on the night of the 22nd. My plan was to go check out the merch stand before I sat down to watch the show, because I did not want to get up during intermission. I was able to do that with half an hour to spare! I felt so relieved because I honestly thought that my mom and I were running late-
Unfortunately... Jackera Davis did leave the Tour after performing in Kentucky... so I did not get a chance to see her. I did, however, get the chance to see the new actor for Skye - Madison Mosely, and she is lovely!
I did get to see Justin as Beetlejuice and Isabella as Lydia! It was genuinely so surreal to me that for both Prologue: Invisible, and The Whole "Being Dead" Thing, I just... froze up? It was like... reverse stage-fright, like the realization just hit me that these actors could quite possibly see me, because I was sitting up front by the left orchestra-
Aside from Justin as Beetlejuice, Isabella as Lydia, and Madison as Skye, I also recognized the following:
Will Burton as Adam
Jesse Sharp as Charles
Sarah Litzsinger as Delia
Abe Goldfarb as Otho
Brian Vaughn as Maxie Dean
It was difficult for me to tell who Juno/Maxine Dean was because of the makeup, but looking back at the cast on the official site, I'm pretty confident at this point that it was Kris Roberts. I had a similar confusion with Miss Argentina, but I did get to meet Hillary Porter at the stage door, so it was easier for me to deduce that it was her-
I noticed right away that the actor playing Barbara wasn't Megan McGinnis, so I decided to look back at the cast list after the show. With it and some extra help from Instagram, I was able to find out that it was Lexie Dorsett Sharp! I honestly loved her performance as Barbara! She's not afraid to be silly, and I also felt that she played off of Will and Justin's performances very well!
Something that I really enjoyed about being in the left orchestra section was that I was not only able to see a couple of technical moments happening offstage (such as an individual holding up the long arm that gives Beetlejuice a microphone), but there where moments where I can hear the actors saying certain things that weren't picked up on their microphones. One example of this was during That Beautiful Sound. Lee N Price, who played the pizzaman, was being puppeteered by Beetlejuice, and I swear, at one point I heard him go, "Oh my god!" Even though no one else in the back could hear it, our section most certainly did, and we got a kick out of that reaction-
The show went on pretty much as I expected up until Adam and Barbara wake up from their electric shock... I had been focusing on Barbara up to this point because I wanted to see how they set up the fire trick on her hand and... it never happened? Instead, right after Adam asks, "Why... can't I feel my pulse?" Barbara tries to feel her own and begins to panic, continuing the rest of the scene as it usually is.
I also noticed that Beetlejuice pockets Lydia's note, rather than burning it. It made me realize that the team were most likely not allowed by the theatre to use pyrotechnics in the show. Considering where the James M. Nederlander Theatre is located, it begins to make a lot of sense...
During the scene after Fright of our Lives, Justin (as Beetlejuice) just goes off on the line, "I know that, Barbara!" It goes quiet for a bit, then he pretends to sob for the line, "No one's like me... that's the problem." It all culminates to Will (as Adam) slowly walking up to him, with Justin quietly and emotionally saying:
"Get the fuck away from me!"
The audience, myself included, completely lost it. I originally thought that this might've been a mistake, but according to one of my Discord friends, this bit has been going on for a couple of shows now. It's completely new to me, so it caught me off guard the when I saw it. It's the little things that always fascinate me when watching different performances of the same musical, boots or not-
The rest of Act One was pretty much the same! Something I did find interesting, however, was that near the end, rather than people cheering after Beetlejuice says the line, "It's showtime!" It was when he says, "Can everybody see me?!" that people really started roaring. It was a nice change of pace, and added to the impact of his line right after. The audience in that show was surprisingly very nice! I heard a lot of cheering from fans, especially during the scene where Adam kisses Beetlejuice.
Now, let's talk about Isabella Esler! My Discord friends have said some nice things about her, but I wasn't so sure what to expect coming into this show. The more it kept going... the more it became clear to me what they were talking about.
Isabella puts a lot of emotion into playing Lydia. She genuinely gives me the impression that the death of her character's mother put a lot of weight on her, and yet... that doesn't entirely stop her from being a spunky, rebellious teenager. For me, the peak of her performance is when she sings Home. I don't think I've ever really seen an actor that has perfectly nailed that weakness and despair that Lydia would be feeling in this scene...
Except for Isabella.
Her performance genuinely gave me chills, and as someone who is also Latin American, I couldn't help but feel proud... I can now say with great confidence that Isabella Esler is my favorite Lydia, with Jackera Davis being my very close second! 💖
Act Two was pretty much the same as I remembered it, however I'd like to give my attention to one of Justin's now famous lines in the show:
“Look, I only joke because I see myself in you… later tonight.”
According to one of my Discord friends, while there are moments where Justin is able to keep his composure after saying that line, there are other where he... just loses it and starts giggling.
I was extremely fortunate to see the latter.
I believe what happened was that the audience reaction to the joke was so big, that it began a bit of a circle effect - with Justin losing his composure, and the audience just having a ton of fun and clapping, then it repeats. It went on for quite sometime, but finally Justin was able to focus and continue going-
After curtain call, I remembered that the show shoots out streamers, so I grabbed a green and black one! I now have two big streamers to pair with my Broadway one!
(Update: I found a silver one after watching the show on the 26th! I now have a complete set!)
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After I left the theatre, I went around the back. There was one thing left I wanted to see before we went home...
The Stage Door! ✨️
As mentioned prior, I did get to meet some of the actors at the stage door! I didn't say much beyond a, "Hello!" and, "Thank you!" to each of them, not only because it was really dark and I wanted to meet back up with my mom as soon as possible, but because I didn't want to take up too much of the actors' time. The only actor that I was able to make some small talk to was actually Isabella, who complimented me on my outfit!
At first, I thought that stage dooring just wasn't going to happen because there was not a lot of people here... but eventually, a line of people began to form, and a few of the actors were starting to come outside! It honestly wasn't as crowded or intimidating as I expected it to be, and I was very relieved about that!
I knew right away after getting tickets that I wanted to get my Playbill signed by as many people in the Tour cast as I can meet during stage door! This was the only opportunity I was going to get to have the Tour cast sign this specific Playbill, and to actually be there adds a huge layer of sentimentality that I honestly wish I had for my Broadway cast Playbills.
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I was in awe by how quickly many of them came out! I made sure to bring my own silver markers, just in case! It ended up coming in super handy because the majority of the actors who were signing things at stage door didn't seem to have one...
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One thing that I was super excited about when I got my Playbill signed was because I was actually there, I could confirm which signature belongs to which actor!
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Admittedly, it took me some time to mark down each signature because I was not 100% familiar with the actors, but thanks to the cast list on the official website (as well as in the Playbill itself), I was able to match up the faces to who I specifically remember signing my Playbill!
I almost lost the identification of some of these signatures, but I was actually able to remember them based on some conversations I heard going on behind me! For example, Abe reenacted one of his scenes as Otho with another fan (the one where he greets Delia, to be more specific) and Janisse had mentioned to another fan that this was his last week with the Beetlejuice team, something I distinctly remember from one of the Instagram stories the day before I saw the show! Will's was super easy because he was the only one that signed my Playbill in gold (he actually offered to sign it with my silver marker, but I told him gold was ok)!
One last thing I would like to share is two of the pages I scanned containing all of the cast members in my Playbill! It was one of the things I was curious to look at when I opened it, and it was very interesting to compare with the formatting of my other Playbills!
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That's pretty much it for my time at the show! ✨
It honestly went by so fast... it made me wish that I had more time to take it all in because I genuinely enjoyed being there that night! Luckily, I did end up getting another ticket for the 26th, but after that... who knows when I'll go back to a theatre?
I'm so glad that I decided to go, because Beetlejuice the Musical has become my all time favorite musical, and I don't think it would've been the same if my first musical to go see as an adult wasn't my all time favorite.
It is a memory that I will cherish forever and is quite possibly one of the greatest flexes I will ever have as a fan.
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lightyaoigami · 3 months
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welcome to my long promised grief media master post! my credentials: card carrying member of the dead dads club. i chose the books, tv, and movies based on vibes alone and i was guided by divine vision. possible spoilers below the cut.
Catcher in the Rye
I was only thirteen, and they were going to have me psychoanalyzed and all, because I broke all the windows in the garage. I don’t blame them. I really don’t. I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. It was a very stupid thing to do, I’ll admit, but I hardly didn’t even know I was doing it and you didn’t know Allie.
The Goldfinch
And what would I do? Part of me was immobile, stunned with despair, like those rats that lose hope in laboratory experiments and lie down in the maze to starve. I tried to pull my thoughts together. For a while, it had almost seemed that if I sat still enough, and waited, things might straighten themselves out somehow. Objects in the apartment wobbled with my fatigue: halos shimmered around the table lamp; the stripe of the wallpaper seemed to vibrate.
Hard Boiled and Hard Luck
Sometimes you go back again to the place you’ve just come from, stop and close your eyes, and realize that not a second has passed, and time just leaves you there, stranded, in the darkness.
The Fellowship of the Ring
I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.
The Stranger
 At that time, I often thought that if I had had to live in the trunk of a dead tree, with nothing to do but look up at the sky flowing overhead, little by little I would have gotten used to it. 
Life of Pi
I still see him in my dreams. They are nightmares mostly, but nightmares tinged with love. Such is the strangeness of the human heart.
TV Shows
the grief and loss show of all time. 10/10. don't look it up just watch.
i like this show because it depicts someone whose life just sucks after their dad dies. like she just becomes a worse person with a more unhappy life. real!
Never Have I Ever
people hate this show because the main character is a nasty little pill but i hate to tell you that that is literally what happens when you lose a loved one unexpectedly and traumatically. sorry.
Eternal Sunshine
captures the surreal nature of forgetting someone you love(d) and knowing exactly what's happening despite being powerless to stop it.
truly beautiful and moving film about the utter listlessness of life after loss. if you have ever felt unmoored, this movie is for you. one of the most beautiful soundtracks ever, too.
The Farewell
people were weird about this movie but the final scene where billie is being driven away from her nainai's house is one of the realest things i can remember seeing in a recent movie.
Disco Elysium
just play it. don't look anything up about it just play it immediately.
Life is Strange
people found the dialogue in this stilted but this scene (spoilers) is so true to life especially for the early 2010s.
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for unknown reasons this panel of calvin mourning a raccoon that he found is the ultimate expression of grief - the horror and resignation and dissonance are captured so well in his sunken eyes. i think about this all the time.
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sith-shenanigans · 21 days
Okay. I need to update everyone on Amias’s recent activities. All at once. Or I’m never going to.
Starting with the situationship. Heart’s Desire spoilers, etc.
Where we last left Amias, they were piecing together who the prior winners were, so as to have someone to pump for advice. This has involved a lot of bribing their competitors. Amusingly, not in this case.
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In this case, we’re bribing someone to tell us where Pages is. “Though one never entirely knows with Pages” is extremely funny to me; I love that the book-hoarding censorship-happy nerd is actually one of the more sociable Masters. Not so much as Wines or Happles, but still ahead of most of them on things like “wanting to interact with humans for non-work reasons.”
Unfortunately, the answer to “where Pages is” would be “a terrible attic.” Or, possibly, “several terrible attics.”
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I… don’t even know where to start with this. I think I’m going to have to go down this point by point.
Point one: It’s taken up occasional residence in a room full of hideous and possibly rotting antiques. This is, possibly, the one sneaky thing it’s ever done. It doesn’t hoard this junk! I don’t think any of them hoard furniture, actually, which is weird. This is what happens when you grab a random assortment of bats; they do not fill a balanced economy. But props for this. I would not, in fact, have expected to find a Master of the Bazaar in an attic full of the worst furniture available.
Point two: It was, however, expecting Amias. Apparently. Possibly because people told it they were asking around, but still. Seemingly it expected them to track it down in its terrible attic, and it’s not mad about the fact that they came to its secret No Visitors Allowed terrible attic full of terrible furniture to ask it about things it had already said it wouldn’t help with anymore.
Point three: The rest of these steps involved bribing the other competitors. But nobody bribed it. Those antique mysteries—and I just now registered the pun, thank you—went into the shopkeeper’s pocket. Despite this, it was perfectly willing to offer a name. Because apparently it wants its new human newest competitor to put up a more interesting fight.
Point four: And then it kept them for an hour to talk about Dryden. Because that’s a normal thing to do with your nemepponents: infodump to them about an author you wish you had taxidermied. This is not at all a surreal conversation and Amias is not at all confused.
Point five: As closer inspection has revealed that the four-card Bazaar lodging is not actually in some kind of “there are shops and apartments in the lower levels of the spires” arrangement, is… is this why Pages calls characters who move into the Side-Streets its neighbors?
There’s one more option on the storylet, which costs no actions and can potentially be done before you spend the antique mysteries:
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It is. Not beating the allegations of liking them more than it should. I like to think that they weren’t even going to ask for advice, it just took whatever vague baffled question they were going to ask that way.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Giiiiiirl! We all need some Tech, but something soft and chaste, complicated, slow burning, very angsty! And with some heartache, don't forget the heartache!
😮... erm... Anoooon! Lucky for you, I have something in my wips I could work on that feels like it fits this profile... in a way... I guess. Heartache? Okay, but don't come crying to me later. It was originally a draft with my OC (Which I never would have finished or published anyway), but I think I can fix it up.
Tech/Howzer x 'Jedi'!Fem!Reader - Shortfic / Oneshot - The Misfits
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Warnings: Angst/Hurt/Fluff/Heartache/!!!!MAJOR SPOILER FOR TBB S2!!!!!
After you fell in love with Howzer, you left the Order. You haven't seen him for a long time and according to rumors he is most likely no longer alive.
In your search for answers to where all the clones are disappearing to, you stumble upon a squad of clones in desperate need of help.
AC: I changed some timeline related things as well as canon itself and call it artistic freedom 🙂. Depending on your point of view, there is a happy ending, or there is none. Or a bit of both. I totally went over board with this, but I kinda love it. It's probably one of my favorite things I worked on.
Above him, the life of his squad hangs by a thread; below him is a yawning void, a deep abyss. Within a few heartbeats, Tech has calculated all possible scenarios. There is only one way out, one way only. He can save his family if he sacrifices himself. Plan 99. Wrecker and Omega beg him not to cut the connection, Hunter even orders him to.
"When have we ever followed orders," Tech says, drawing his blaster.
Every move, that what he needs to do is logical, but it feels surreal, heavy-handed. His heart is pounding up to his throat, yet he feels strangely calm. He knows he's doing the right thing. Tech doesn't want to go, but it's a necessity to ensure the continued existence of Clone Force 99, to give his brothers and Omega a chance to survive.
The few seconds in which he aims and pulls the trigger are forever, seeming almost infinite to him. He hears his brothers calling for him and Omega's screams. In the next moment, the connection is cut, and he drops falls, his stomach tingling, everything tingling, but his muscles relaxed. His heart is racing, but his mind is calm and unusually empty for the first time in a long time.
But something is wrong, his fall slows down, even his direction of flight changes. His mind awakens again. Tech looks around, tries to orientate himself, and realizes that he is heading for one of the towers along which the cable car runs. He has no idea what is happening, there is no logical explanation, no updrafts strong enough, he has no wings and no way to control his fall, it makes no sense.
He gets close enough to grab one of the crossbars on the tower. His heart leaps as his fall stops, and he clings to the tower. Tech still can't quite grasp that he's alive, doesn't quite understand what just happened. A surge of euphoria floods his body; he doesn't have to die.
But his mind sobers up very quickly. His gaze shoots upward. The car with his brothers is moving again, but disproportionately fast, they would very likely crash into the stop.
Up above the tracks he sees a figure, a woman, she moves quickly, elegantly, dodging shots, but most interesting, she wields a green lightsaber with which she deflects the blaster shots of the Imperials.
"A Jedi," he says to himself.
Then comes the realization. He didn't fly, the Jedi must have saved him. Tech begins to hastily climb down, he must be on the ground on foot trying to reach his brothers in time. At the bottom, even as he runs, he hears the car crash into the platform. His guts want to tie themselves in knots, but he keeps running, can only hope that no one is too badly hurt.
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You see dust and smoke swirl up as you jump down from the tracks into the crash site. Behind you, you hear hurried footsteps. The one you rescued earlier also reaches the crash site. He stops for a moment, stares at you, his eyes big. Finally, he rushes past you into the wreckage to check on his companions.
Some of them are injured, not fatally, but too badly to fight.
"I assume you have a shuttle," you say, more or less addressing everyone.
"Who's that?" the biggest of them asks with a groan, holding his aching ribs.
You wave it off and say, "We can work that out later. I'll back you up on the way to your shuttle if you'll take me. The imperials shot down my shuttle," you say, helping the girl to her feet, who looks at you wide-eyed, then at Tech.
The girl hugs the man fiercely as tears stream down her face.
"You're alive!" she says as if she can't believe it.
He wipes away her tears and says gently but firmly, "You need to pull yourself together for a moment, Omega, first we need to get out of here"
"Go!" growls the one with the longer hair and bandana, "No time".
He grits his teeth, stumbles limping through the rubble and almost falls, but you grab his arm and help him. You can sense his pain.
"Thank you," he presses out in anguish, between clenched teeth.
Under fire, you rush back to the shuttle as fast as you can. Tech helps the sergeant, the big one named Wrecker holds up on his own. You fend off incoming shots, more than a few of which would hit one back or another without your help. The blade of the laser sword hums, buzzing through the air like an extension of your body, every movement, fluid and natural.
Tech keeps looking over his shoulder, fascinated. He's seen many a Jedi, but somehow, there is something different about you, something that already draws him in.
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Pabu is beautiful, peaceful and the people refreshingly warm. A good place to come to rest, at least temporarily. However, you are a bit frustrated at the moment, your attempts to repair your holopad have failed. Annoyed, you place the device back down on the half-wall in front of you.
"Fuck it," you grumble to yourself as you hear a soft noise behind you.
You turn and see Tech, his helmet tucked under his arm, looking at you in surprise with raised brows. He's unobtrusive, yet somehow always near you.
"Excuse my choice of words," you say with a wry smile.
He shrugs carefully and says, "I may not be a fan of that language, but it doesn't bother me much either. However, I must say that this choice of words surprises me, hearing it from a Jedi. I don't think I've ever heard a Jedi swear before."
You laugh softly.
"What makes you think I'm a Jedi?"
Tech blinks thoughtfully, adjusts his goggles with his index finger, and says, "Well, I thought it was obvious. You carry a lightsaber, use the Force, and you are clearly not a Sith."
You nod slowly, "Yes, I can understand why you would come to that conclusion. But I'm not a Jedi, not anymore, not for a few years now."
He extends his hand to you invitingly and says, "May I help you with that?"
You pick up the holopad again and pass it to him. As he deftly takes the device apart, he cautiously asks, "May I ask why you left the Order?"
You sigh softly and sit down on the half-wall, looking down at the beach for a moment as if searching for an answer there, then look at Tech again.
"I never really fit in with the Jedi. You could say among the Jedi I was an outsider to some extent."
Tech looks up curiously from the holopad. He notes that this is something that connects you, he and his brothers never really fit in among the other clones either. He says, "That must have been difficult."
You nod with a sigh, "Sometimes more, sometimes less. I lacked that absolute calm, that restraint. Although I grew up in the Order from a very young age, I have never been able to put aside my emotional nature. The decision that I had to leave the Order was made when I fell in love."
Tech looks up again, blinking, you sense unease beneath his surface.
"In love?" he asks, swallowing, "Oh. Jedi aren't supposed to do that, are they?"
"No, they shouldn't. Well, it happens to many actually, but a real Jedi, cuts themselves loose from it, I didn't want that to happen."
The little, "Oh" that comes across his lips sounds oddly vulnerable.
Tech is still tinkering with your holopad when he asks, "And what happened to that love of yours?"
You swallow and feel an uncomfortable pressure on your chest as you answer quietly, "I don't know. I haven't seen him in a very long time. He was stationed on Ryloth. After Order 66, I couldn't possibly go there, too many clones in one place, and… I was terrified that he had succumbed to the chip as well. If he had tried to kill me, I don't think I could have stomached it. But from what I've heard, he's probably no longer alive anyway."
Tech looks at you in surprise.
"The man you loved was a reg?"
You frown and repeat, "Reg?"
He shakes his head apologetically.
"Sorry. Regular clone, meaning clones that haven't been modified like Clone Force 99"
"Oh, I see," you say understandingly, "Yes, by that standard I suppose he was a Reg. As far as I've heard, he ultimately acted contrary to programming. He was arrested for treason when he liberated the Syndulla family"
Tech looks up again.
"Howzer?" he asks, surprised.
"Yeah," you say, also surprised, "You know him?"
"[Knowing him] is probably too much of a word. We ran into him. At the Syndullas liberation operation. For that matter, I'm afraid I have to confirm the rumor you heard, Howzer really has been arrested by the Empire for treason."
Your heart grows heavy. You swallow. You feel a slight burning behind your eyes and the bridge of your nose.
"Then I guess he really is dead," you say with a heavy sigh, "Actually, I'm not surprised, I was already expecting it, and we haven't seen each other in over a year, but it still hurts."
Tech put the holopad back together. He gently presses the device into your hand, holding your hand almost tenderly for a brief moment as he does so.
"I'm sorry."
He's really sorry, but part of him feels relief that Howzer can't be a part of your life anymore, and he's ashamed of it. In fact, he's shocked at how he feels about you and how that realization affects him.
As Tech lets go of you, he says softly, "Your holopad is working again."
You blink and look at the device.
"Thank you so much. You're really handy with these things, aren't you?"
Tech smiles gently.
"At the risk of sounding smug, I have to say, 'handy' is probably an understatement, but yes".
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Tech's heart beats faster when he sees you enter the room. He looks up, smiles at you briefly, and nervously turns his attention back to the cards lying on a box in front of him.
"You're playing… Against yourself?" you ask, surprised.
He nods and says as a matter of course, "Of course, that's the only way this game is still a challenge for me."
Your soft laugh, turns his cheeks a little pink.
"I actually believe you," you say, amused.
You glance over his shoulder.
"You're probably really good at this, you'll have to teach me when you have the time".
Tech's shoulders tighten proudly, he turns his head to the side to look at you shyly for a moment and shows you his cute little smile, just very briefly, but adorably cute.
You are so close, very close to him, for a moment he can smell your scent even more clearly than before and a shiver runs through his body. If he wasn't sitting right now, Tech is sure, his knees would buckle under him. What's happening to him here, what are you doing to him? Does this have something to do with the Force? Tech doesn't dare ask. But he feels something like a connection, and he feels all warm. Maybe he's just incubating a disease. Are there parasites on Pabu that he doesn't know about?
His thoughts are racing in all directions, but then you move again, sit down opposite him. His gaze follows you, spellbound. Tech blinks several times, trying to collect himself. Spending time with you is so wonderful in a way, so exciting, but it also completely messes with his head.
"Are we going to play a game? Will you teach me?"
His mouth opens, but it takes him a long moment to find his voice again.
"I… yes, I'd love to. But the circumstances aren't exactly fair. My mind is… special, it will be anything but easy to win against me"
With a soft laugh whose sound tickles all the way to his stomach, you say, "I don't have to win, first I just want to learn"
You learn quickly. Surprised, with a very slight tinge of frustration, and not a little appreciation, he notes that you soon beat him over and over again.
"No one has ever won against me until now," he says, impressed, but also thoughtful.
Part of him was hoping to impress you, but now he almost feels a little intimidated.
You smirk.
"Well, this is a game where a lot depends on how well you know your opponent and how to interpret their behavior. I have a simple advantage, I can sense your intentions in the Force, maybe the circumstances really aren't fair."
His pulse races. Instead of being angry that you more or less cheated through the Force, panic rises in him. If you can sense his intentions, can you sense what you are triggering in him?!
You tilt your head slightly to the side and look at him questioningly, which only emphasizes his fear. Tech jumps up, nearly knocking over the box still containing your playing cards.
"I have to take care of something," he stammers and runs out of the room a little too hastily.
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Echo enters the cockpit of the Marauder in search of Tech. He finds him there, too, using a medical scanner on himself. Echo's brows go up questioningly.
"Tech, what's wrong?"
Startled, Tech looks up, collects himself, and finally answers, "I'm looking for traces of a disease or parasite."
Concerned, Echo moves closer.
"So you're not feeling well?"
Tech sighs and says, "It's hard to tell. I'm showing certain symptoms"
"Which are?"
"Increased heart rate, queasy feeling in stomach, sweaty palms, shaky knees".
Echo frowns and says, "That doesn't sound like a parasite."
Echo thinks for a moment and then something occurs to him. With a certain undertone, he asks, "Those symptoms wouldn't happen to show up in connection with our Jedi guest?"
Tech lowers the scanner and looks critically at Echo.
"Are you suggesting she might have infected me with something?"
Echo says, amused, "More or less. She's pretty, she's nice, well she's special."
Tech sighs softly and says, "I agree."
Echo sits down in the copilot seat, looks at Tech and says, "You'd rather be sick than in love?"
"In love?!" echoes Tech in near panic.
His brother raises his hands placatingly.
"Relax, it's a normal thing, not the end of the world. But it's also natural to have a certain respect for these feelings. They make us vulnerable and as soldiers we are trained to avoid such things, especially as clones. But there are no regulations anymore, you could take the leap and explore these feelings."
Techs heart beats faster, just the thought that there might be something between you sends what feels like millions of signals through his body.
"Are you scared?"
Tech gulps.
"I'm not sure about that, in a way I guess I am. She can use the Force, maybe she already knows, maybe she's already sensed what I'm feeling."
Echo shrugs.
"I suppose it's possible. But so far it doesn't seem to me like she's avoiding you, that's a good sign after all."
Tech nods slowly, agreeing with his brother.
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The sun is slowly setting, but it is still wonderfully warm. Your hands rest on the waist-high stone wall in front of you and feel the warmth of the sun stored in it, which has been shining on it all day. A real, pleasant feeling. Then you feel something else, with your mind.
"Hey, Tech. Did you get done what you needed to get done?"
You turn to him with a smile. It's almost unusual to see him without his datapad in his hand. Tech stands next to you and looks out at the ocean and how the sun seems to be sinking into the water on the horizon.
"Yes, I have," he says softly.
You can sense that something is going on beneath his surface, he is excited and euphoric at the same time, but outwardly he seems quite calm. You look at each other, you feel it coming, but you don't move a muscle. Unsure if you want to let it happen or not. He leans towards you, his lips chastely touching your cheek, then he straightens up again with blushing cheeks and looks out at the water again, unable to face your gaze.
It's a strange feeling. You like Tech a lot, you can't quite place it yet, but something about it feels wrong, maybe because you can't quite release Howzer from your heart yet.
"Sorry," he says suddenly, "I didn't mean to cross any lines."
You sigh softly and carefully reach for his hand. Tech's heart overflows with joyful excitement, you can feel it, it practically spills over to you, but you pull yourself together.
"There's something you should know, Tech."
He does finally look at you again, questioningly.
"You can tell me anything," he says quietly.
With a cautious smile, you nod and say, "I can feel what you feel for me, at least I think I can. These feelings, I must admit, are not entirely one-sided."
There is great joy radiating from him, nervousness, euphoria, but also a bitter undertone of insecurity.
He says, "I have a feeling there's still a 'but' there."
You nod again and say, "My heart is not ready to let go of Howzer. I know he's most likely no longer among the living, but I'm not ready to let him go just yet."
"Oh," Tech says quietly, "That's not a problem. I, um, I can wait until you're ready."
"I can't ask you to do that, I don't know how long it will take" you say uncertainly, lowering your eyes.
You would love to let him hug and comfort you, just let go and snuggle up to Tech's side, but something, hidden deep inside you, prevents you from doing so.
Tech repeats determinedly, "I can wait," and very gently squeezes your fingers in his hand.
At that moment, your heart opens a little wider to him and his, adorably sweet, little, smile.
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"Rex is coming to Pabu," Hunter says, "And he's bringing some more of our brothers with him that he was able to rescue from the clutches of the Empire."
You remember Rex, a little bit, anyway. A decent guy, good soldier, he was Skywalker's Clone Captain. Skywalker was the only Jedi at the time who seemed to understand you to some extent, at least you always had a good conversation with him. You wonder where he is now, if he is still alive. But a noise pulls you out of your thoughts.
A shuttle is approaching and lands next to the Marauder, which suddenly seems quite small in comparison. The ramp opens and Rex emerges from it, followed by several other clones.
Tech shows up next to you, giving you a gentle smile before focusing on the arrivals, his datapad in hand as usual.
You greet the new arrivals. Rex even recognizes you, you talk for a moment when you hear someone say, "Hey little Jedi."
There is only one man who has ever called you that.
"Howzer", the name comes across your lips like a whisper.
You turn around and see him standing in front of you. He looks tired, but the smile on his face is still irresistible. Neither of you think for long. You embrace each other stormily and Howzer engages you in a long, longing kiss.
As his lips part from yours, he leans his forehead against yours and says, "Honestly, I hardly dared to hope I'd ever see you again, beautiful."
The world around you has faded out, there is only Howzer and you, even though all eyes are on you. Some confused, others amused. But you also feel Tech's shock, poking through all the other sensations surrounding you, like an electric shock.
The datapad in his hands crackles and creaks protestingly under the pressure of Tech's fingers as he watches your kiss. He didn't expect this, didn't expect Howzer to ever appear on the scene again.
Tech could have imagined waiting until you were ready for him, but this changes everything. The realization is like a shock, and a wave of bitterness rolls over him against his will.
The datapad cracks in his hands. Echo next to him stares in disbelief at the kissing scene, then his gaze shifts to Tech with concern.
"Tech…" he says softly, but Tech drops the datapad to the floor, turns on his heel, and walks away in a hurry.
Hunter and Echo exchange a frown, a worried look.
"I'll go check on him," Echo says, and sets about following Tech.
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That same evening, you're sitting on the beach with Howzer, holding hands, talking, telling each other all the things that happened during the time you were apart. Then you feel it again, the tentative, tender presence of Tech. You turn your head and look up at him.
You haven't seen him since this morning, since Rex and Howzer arrived. You don't know where he's been or what he's been doing during that time. But since Echo followed him and also stayed gone all day, you suspect he was talking to his brother.
"I'm sorry to bother you. I know you probably have a lot to talk about, but I'd like to ask for a private conversation," Tech says in a matter-of-fact tone.
Howzer frowns questioningly, but when you agree and leave with Tech, he has no objections, trusting you and waiting on the beach as Tech and you walk away, out of earshot and sight.
"I know," Tech begins, "Things have changed now, of course. Howzer's still alive, and I don't presume to make demands or get in the way. I'm very fond of you, and even though I'd like to be in Howzer's place, all I really want is for you to be happy."
His pain is deep and more intense than you expect, you can feel it almost as clearly as if it were your own.
"I'm so sorry, I-"
Tech raises his hand.
"No, don't be. Neither my feelings nor the current situation are your fault. You should be happy, you have the man you love back."
Everything inside you tightens. Yes he is right, you should be happy, but you are not, not completely. But maybe that's just what you feel going out from Tech.
"Something about this whole situation doesn't feel right," you say so softly that he almost doesn't hear it.
He smiles sadly and says, "That's just because you're a good person, you have a good heart. You know that I feel pain, and you would like to change that. But you can't, this is something that will heal with time."
You take a deep breath, stand on your tiptoes, and he leans towards you. You gently kiss Tech's cheek and say, "You know I still care about you immensely, right?"
He swallows, finally nods, and says, barely audibly, "I know that."
As you part ways, he stares after you for a long time as his hand automatically moves to his cheek and his fingers settle on the spot where you kissed him. He will never forget this moment.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
142 notes · View notes
carica-ficus · 2 months
"Nona the Ninth"
Reading progress: 274/477 (57%) Read through since last update: 158
Reading this book is such a joy. I keep surprising myself by how easy it is to read. I go through twenty pages without even realizing. it I missed reading such books. I missed being so immersed in a book. Man, it feels good! I decided to share some really CRAZY ideas in this post because my reading diary is meant as a brain dump. Don't take them too seriously. I just like thinking about all the possibilities. (I'm usually wrong, but it's fun to see by how much.)
So, notes:
I was so into these last two chapters that I didn't even remember to comment.
I love how Pyrrha calls Nona all these cutesy nicknames. And how sweet and gentle she is with her.
I audibly gasped when Palamedes needed to confess to Pyrrha that Cam sold her cigarettes. Literally 😮. Only for Pyrrha to take it as a champ. (She obviously took enough shit that day.)
So, blue dot in the sky. Earth or Uranus? Or Neptune? I'm guessing we're on some moon, but not sure which one. Considering they keep talking about how hot it is and that it's almost always day, they should be somewhere near the center of the solar system. Might as well be Venus considering how everything is VERY toxic and they need to wear gas masks outside. (Addition from future me: Bruh, I have no idea.)
Palamedes, my man. 🤝 This is a guy that knows what it's all about. (The nurse thing. I'm dating one, so yeah.)
Been thinking about Harrow and how she ruled on a dead planet and how John promised her new people when she succeeded with her task as a Lyctor. New people. New future. But where do all those bodies come from? So, my random thought of the day is that maybe she got promised some of the bodies transported in the Convoy? Speculating, speculating, I know. But I decided to write this down, so I can reflect on it later. (Future me: Still have no idea what the Convoy is for, but with everything happening, this idea really is a LONG SHOT.)
HAHAHAHAHHAA Palamedes calling Cam a hypocrite. Love it.
I keep forgetting to comment, and a lot's been happening. The "little" meeting Cam, Pyrrha, and Nona had with the Crown and the Comander was insightful, but difficult to follow. I got like? Half of it? But managed to understand the most important things - there's a craft in orbit and they have no idea what it is, there's some background for the first book and Cytherea's mission, then we see Judith and Crown realizes Cam is hiding Palamedes. Marvelous.
Millie? Lol, I'd be mad too. I have no idea why Palamedes didn't react. I certainly would.
Nona's the weapon. Cool. They're growing their own Lyctor. So, the body needs to be a necromancer that ingested the soul of a cavalier? Yeah, whatever, we'll see. My money's on The Body being Nona, but who even knows at this point. (Not me.)
But one thing I am excited for (after I finish Nona) is FINALLY going into the locked tomb tag without the fear of spoilers. Can't wait!
Fuck! That's true. Nona truly is Camilla's age. And Corona's. I keep imagining her younger because she is childlike, but I shouldn't. Granted, I think that's also the point of Muir writing her like that. Nona is constantly babied and talked down to because she doesn't understand the world as the rest of them do. She can't. At least not yet. Anyway, yeah, this sentence reminded me to adjust the way I imagine Nona. She definitely needs to be a little taller in my head. (Even though she is still shorter than Camilla.)
"Beef." 🙄
HAHAHAHAH crying again. Yeah, me too, John.
Yo. What the fuck.
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Makes sense because Gideon has taken over Harrow's body, but still. Huh? (At least that's my guess. I don't know)
Oh yeah, ok. Are John and Harrow somewhere by the River like how Harrow's dreams were? Also, still guessing at this point, but I've been thinking about this ever since John's chapters started. (Primarily because their location is very surreal, very dreamlike.)
"I've carried you, Warden. And I've carried your memory... I'd rather carry you." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Ok, so... If Hot Sauce didn't know Nona was a Lyctor, what was the secret Nona told her when they were lying next to each other at school?
Okay, wrapping off here because this post got a little long. I'll do my best to finish off this book quickly because I have a trip coming up next week and I won't have the time to read which will make me frustrated because I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. Anyway, I'm really, really loving Nona so far. It's very different and the pace was quite slow, but I love that about Muir's writing. Every book in this series has been a breath of fresh air, something so unique, but familiar at the same time. ❤
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spooky-stille · 3 months
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Hello you lot, it’s been a little while, how are you all doing?
I’m writing this, distracting myself from last minute packing for Glastonbury which is coming at me quick this weekend. I’m massively disorganised at the best of times so it’s absolute chaos round here. Piles of stuff all over the place. Gambling on no rain which feels like a bit of a risk, but hey. Glastonbury for me is like summer’s answer to Christmas, so I’m well excited. Some of our most surreal and favourite gigs ever have been there, but I’ve also been coming as a punter with my mates for years and years. And while I know the idea of living in a busy, noisy field to watch music for 5 days straight is a lot of people’s idea of hell, I can’t bloody wait (even if I’ve got that anticipation-sick-stomach feeling you get before a big night). There’s so much great music on the lineup this year, but that magical parallel universe of a festival site is vast and sprawling, so feel free to imagine me and my mates - running around like headless chickens, trying to be in 6 places at once - from now til Monday. Actually don’t do that, no one needs that image.
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The main reason I’m writing this is because I’ve made some new music and am in the process of getting it all ready for you to hear. I wanted to find a way to be directly in touch about all of that, about what’s been happening with us, what’s to come, and as a way to share a bunch of recommendations and things that I think are interesting (and hope you will too).
So, this is a hello to anyone who’s new here, and of course hi again to anyone who’s been around for a while. Cheers for reading this (I’m impressed if you’ve made it this far). I’m properly excited for what’s up next (more on that later) and in the meantime I’ll do my best to make these mails worth your time.
When me and the guys and our whole touring team finished our tours at the end of last year it felt like the right time for us all to take a proper break. Obviously we’re insanely lucky to get to play music and to travel all over the world with it, but we hadn’t really, properly stopped at all since we started out more than 10 years ago. Touring’s been this dominant line that’s cut right through and across most of our adult lives. While it can be an amazing whirlwind and is of course a huge privilege, it can also be completely all consuming, and, like loads of things in life, it’s not without its challenges. So, for that and for many different reasons, this year felt like the right time to not book any gigs at all and see what life looked like. It’s genuinely the first time since Bastille started that there’s been nothing scheduled. Mad.
We’ve all been off doing different things and getting on with life, while getting used to being in one place for a while. For me - in what’ll come as no surprise to anyone who knows me - I’ve not really been that great at sitting still or taking a break. I’ve been busy working on some fun things… so why would I want to not be doing that?!
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Being home and being around has been genuinely brilliant, I’m really loving it. Part of that has been because for the first time in ages I’ve had the time to work on music and songwriting at home on my laptop, very much like how I did back when I was making the songs that became Bad Blood. This year so far has been such a fun and creatively satisfying time and I’ve felt well lucky having the space to chase a bunch of ideas and see where they lead and what they become. It probably sounds (and is) pretty self indulgent, but it’s been great.
Amongst all of that stuff (and general life stuff) I’ve used the time to travel a bunch, to take in as many films/books/gigs/shows/art as possible, I spent some time out at sea on the Greenpeace boat in the Bermuda Triangle (?!?!?), ran a half marathon for Warchild with some mates (thanks so much to anyone who sponsored - you’re brilliant), Tour-Managed my friends band FOURS on their UK tour with To Kill A King, and have been working away on a whole load of different projects with some brilliant people. I’ve also been learning the guitar… something I’ve always wanted to do but never seemed able to properly focus on.
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And the reason I’ve learned guitar has to do with that new music I mentioned. There’ll be loads more news to come on that in the very near future (I’m excited to talk about the process and ideas behind it all… come on guys it’s my weird brain here so nothing’s ever as simple as it could be). I’ve tried to approach the whole process of recording and beyond in a totally different way, and I’m beyond excited to share it all with you.
For now… I’ve got to get back to packing or I’ll find myself on Sunday with no clean pants. I’m  here in my room with my head in my phone, sat amongst these piles and I haven’t even found a bag for any of it yet, so I better get on with it.
And to anyone here that’s also heading to Glastonbury this weekend, I hope you’re all packed and ready, and maybe I’ll bump into you there somewhere? (Oh s**t, also don’t forget to come to Pilton Palais on Sunday to join me and the editor of Empire Magazine having a chat about Nosferatu and horror films!)
Speak soon.
Dan x
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pebiejeebies · 10 months
Where I got info ^^^^^^
Four exhibits very surreal mannerisms, one of them is the screech to stun them.
I screech earbleedingly aswell, screaming and screeching is my middle name lmfao
Although Four seems to be calm most of the time, they do get angry in many episodes, but he does have good manners every now and then, plus they have a mysterious, sadistic and narcicist personality where they use their powers to harm the contestants just for their own fun.
I have that issue aswell, I’m very sadistic and narcissistic when it comes to my ocs.. sadly I enjoy tormenting them (mentally is my favorite way <33) and in the past when I was younger, I used to abuse my sisters for my own pleasure, since I thought I was the best out of all of them..
Four was shown to want a sense of dominance in the show
Me to my sisters.. the feeling of being under someone is so unbearable, I have to deal with that is school everyday, so being dominant towards my sisters is bound to happen..
When provoked, Four would show no mercy and would even do things such as dissemble close friends out of anger, even lacking remorse in the process. In "Four Goes Too Far", Four mistook Nickel's response to calling David and Roboty "the only two non-objects on the team" criticism (which they could not tolerate very well). Four threatens to zap Nickel, with A Better Name Than That's plan being the only thing stopping the attack.
Sooo if disassemble was like unfriend/block, and the criticism being taken personally is very relatable, in fact, when my sister ever tells me any constructive criticism I always see it as an insult to my hard work, which sucks.. And for the “disassembling” part, I can be very close to a friend but if they piss me off/trigger me just once in a bad way, it would definitely make me ignore/block them, plus if disassemble counted as hitting, In the past I used to really abuse my sisters which I guess fits
In "Enter the Exit", Four seems to be a lot calmer, friendlier, and humbler, most likely because the contestants recovered them. They were noticeably less violent than before. After their return, they didn't screech anyone until "Return of the Rocket Ship", adding onto how friendly they became, but still will not hesitate to zap those who bother them.
The change in hostile behavior is something that I really went through, and the fact that four still hurts when someone irritates them is something I still do (as I’m typing this I literally hit my sister because she said my XO board was drawn wrong lmfao,,)
Then this shows Four's personality in more depth as well as their possible motivations: they seem to be childish. They act like a control freak because they want everyone to stay with him forever, explaining their narcissism and cruelty when hosting the show. Four throws tantrums when things don't go their way and strongly dislikes being abandoned (possibly due to them losing their playthings) to the point where they cry and refuse to let X console them since they think that X will abandon them too. After the split, Four seems to be nicer to the contestants and shows more personality. Toward the end of the episode, after the split took place and Two took nearly all of the contestants, Taco tells Four that they lost over half of the contestants. Instead of being angry or sad, Four makes light of the situation by saying BFB has "advanced" to its final 14 contestants.
This whole thing is just me, specifically when something huge bad happens like the split, I end up just trying to see the good side of everything, specifically the fact that I’m a bit obsessed with the fact of being some sort of host for something 
In "Uprooting Everything", when it comes to Purple Face asking if he could be a co-host, Four immediately declines, stating they have a better co-host. Four was down about the last four contestants complimenting X's position and saying they were a "good host" than not recuperating the same to Four.
If purple face was my younger sister and my middle sister was the better co-host,, this would definitely fit, then the growing jealousy from the better co-host because of how much they’re liked irl is way too fucking relatable
In "Chapter Complete", it is shown that they have an insecure side. They become upset that the contestants do not want him as their host, and instead chooses to leave them forever. 
This ^^^^
However, Gelatin told him that they indeed like him, but it was just that they did not like being hurt and tortured for his own benefit. Hearing this, he has a change of heart. He starts apologizing to everyone and becomes nicer to them.
After I started to change this is what I did, I specifically apologized to my sisters, since they were the ones I hurt the most
In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", Four reverts back to his pre split personality and acts chaotically again. This is most likely because he is still mad at the old contestants, or he is just doing his job to protect the hotel's food.
Mad at old friends or protecting my room, iPad or literally anything that’s mine
Wow I guess that just makes me the silly billy—
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k-evans-reads · 2 years
On Deck
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Chapter 22 - The Final Chapter
Summary: Although they grew up in the same small town, Chris and Sam had both gone their separate ways a long time ago. Chris moved up to become a MLB star, one of the best in the business, while Sam stayed stuck in the same small town. But when multiple injuries ended the Red Sox prodigy’s career, he winds up back in the same small town he swore he’d never be back to. The past may not stay in the past any longer, as old wounds begin to creep back up.
Pairing: MLB!Chris Evans X OFC Samantha “Sam” Merrick
Word Count: 2,459
By: @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own.
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As Sam stood in the hotel room buzzing with excitement, she couldn’t help but sneak a glance over in the mirror as she stood still while Lisa tied the back of her dress. It still felt so surreal to her, seeing her own reflection in the white satin dress. Sam felt as if she was living a dream, unable to believe that this was actually her. That over twenty years after meeting Chris when they were children, she was now standing in a wedding dress in Mexico getting ready to marry him. Part of her brain just couldn’t seem to accept that fact, but in her heart she knew that nothing could have been more right. 
“Alright, you’re all ready, honey,” Lisa murmured with a pat to Sam’s back once she’d secured the tie back of her dress. “What do you think?” 
Sam stared at her reflection in shock, unable to comprehend just how this was happening… finally. It’d been a long day already, between the breakfast in her suite with Lisa, Shanna, Carly, and a brief appearance by Riley, to the getting ready process with the hair and makeup that’d culminated in this here. Any other time she’d relish in the pampering and happy mood, but she’d been in a state unlike herself all day that morning, unable to focus on much besides the time as it ticked closer and closer to the magic hour… the one where she and Chris would finally be together in more than just name and theory. “I…I don’t know what to say,” she finally replied, eyes moving over the simple make-up and red lipstick to the low bun her hair was pulled into. “I just can’t believe I’m here doing this.” 
Her eyes found Shanna’s in the mirror as the woman – the one she could finally say, after over twenty years, was her sister – scoffed, “Don’t tell me you’ve come to your senses now and decided not to marry my brother.” 
Sam’s genuine smile quelled any chance of that being true, and she knew Lisa knew as well when she shook her head, her fingers tapping Sam’s wrist as she stepped to the side. “Well I always knew you two would end up together. Ever since you were kids,” she shared, and while Sam might’ve been inclined to believe her, that thread of doubt and insecurity still remained. She still felt as though she didn’t deserve half of what she’d been given in the last year and she found it hard to believe that now, nine months after reconnecting with Chris, she was here, in a beautiful suite in Mexico, preparing to marry the man she loved more than she ever thought was even possible. 
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Sam shifted nervously, fidgeting with the delicate bracelet wrapped around her wrist. “I certainly didn’t… I never thought I’d ever get married.” 
“I didn’t think Chris would either there for a while, but I knew if he did, it’d be to you,” Shanna confided, a kind, emotional smile on her face. Sam was grateful for everything this year had brought, even if she didn’t deserve some, but the one thing she was the most grateful for was reconnecting with the extended Evans family. Shanna was her best friend as a child, and to have her back in her life meant the world and more to Sam, and even more now that she was standing in a white satin dress, a bouquet of roses on the table, ready to go. “He’s always been crazy about you.” 
Not one to easily believe what others said, even today, Sam shook her head, fighting back tears. She didn’t want to waste the beautiful makeup that was just applied, but she knew that likely was a lost cause. “I just… really can’t believe this,” she murmured.
Lisa’s face was nothing if not thrilled when Sam turned to finally look her and Shanna in the eyes. “Are you happy, honey?” She asked quietly, reaching to push a bobby pin further into Sam’s hair. 
Feeling the last bit of tension leave her body at Lisa’s simple reminder about today – that it was a celebration of her and Chris’ happiness – she affirmed, “...You have no idea.” 
Shanna smiled at her words, swiping one last pass of lip gloss across her lips, just as her phone chimed with a text from Carly. “Do you want Riley to come see you now?” She asked Sam, glancing up at her as she typed out a reply to her sister. 
Sam’s breath caught and excitement flooded her system. Riley had been in and out of what he’d deemed the ‘Estrogen Suite’ all morning, full of grins and energy while he bounced between Chris and Sam’s spaces. Sam couldn’t even remember much of what Riley had done already that day, besides a workout with Chris before breakfast. But he’d been with Chris, Scott, and the rest of the Evanses for a while now, and had yet to see Sam all ready to marry Chris. “Yeah, would you go get him?” She asked Shanna. 
With a simple nod, Shanna exited the room while Lisa helped adjust the satin dress, making sure everything was laying right. Sam was so preoccupied with watching Lisa fuss with the dress that she hadn’t even noticed the teenager standing behind her until she caught a glimpse of him in the mirror. She found herself staring in the mirror for a moment, always feeling as if she didn’t recognize him because the once helpless little boy left with an absentee mother was now becoming a man and Sam felt like for the first time, she was fully seeing it. 
Riley was her brother, but over the years, she had become a mother to him, filling in the many gaps that their life circumstances had left. She remembered being the same age he was and throwing every college advertisement she received straight in the garbage, instead going to the diner each and every day to work herself sore to provide for her and Riley. And here he was, an eighteen year old who had become hard working, kind hearted, and loyal to everyone in his life and for the first time, she realized that for all her shortcomings, she did do something right on her own, and it was Riley. 
Tears were stinging in her eyes, blurring her vision and making her unable to see the tears that were in Riley’s own eyes. Feelings had never been the Merrick siblings strong points, especially for Sam with having to stuff so many of her own feelings just to get through daily life, but things were so different now. So beautifully different. She couldn’t seem to get any words out and just walked over to wrap her arms around the boy who now was a good chunk taller than her, instantly feeling his arms come around her just as tightly. 
Her hands moved over his perfectly ironed white dress shirt to wrap around him, still in disbelief at how suddenly he’d seemed to grow up. “You look really pretty Sam,” his low voice whispered. 
She smirked, unable to stop herself from laughing at his words. Once she’d stepped back carefully, so as to not trip over the short train, she joked, “I better for what this dress cost.” 
“I still can’t believe you’re getting married,” Riley admitted with a slight shrug of his shoulders. “But I’m glad you are.” 
“Are you really?” 
He nodded, a sideways grin sliding onto his face. “Yeah… I like seeing you happy, Sam,” he replied. And while Sam knew how she felt, how she’d felt so determined for the last eighteen years of that boy’s life to do right by him and push aside every ounce of selfishness for his sake, she couldn’t imagine how Riley felt, seeing her growth over the past year. 
“Chris does make me happy,” she confessed, pausing as she reached to pick a piece of lint off of Riley’s tie. “But so do you, Riley.” 
“I know,” he smirked, shrugging his shoulders again cheekily. “I love you Sam.” 
Her lips turned into an emotional frown, a knot in her throat as she, meaning every single ounce of the word and not struggling with them like she normally did, told the boy, “I love you too.” 
And Sam knew that those words were the most true ones she’d ever spoken. She loved Riley with her whole heart and when she thought about all they’d gone through together, it made even more tears well up in her eyes. But with all the shitty places they’d lived, the nights she’d cried while watching him sleep on the couch, wondering how she’d possibly pay for rent or new clothes for Riley, she couldn’t believe that they’d gotten here. That he was going to be going to college, that they didn’t have to worry where their next meal was coming from, and that they not only loved one another, but now had Chris who loved them both so wholeheartedly. 
They’d come a long way together, but Sam also knew that a lot of their recent growth was thanks to Chris. He pushed them both in so many ways, showing them that there was so much more to life than what was just in front of them and making them both believe they could achieve it. Chris had brought out the best in them and she liked to believe that they helped bring out the best in him as well. 
It wasn’t long before Lisa knocked on the door and slipped inside the room. The small smile on her face told Sam everything she needed to know, that it was time to begin heading downstairs and towards the beach. With the all-clear that Chris was already down there with Scott, his father, and his brother-in-laws, Lisa and Shanna escorted Riley and Sam through the hotel and out to the beach. 
The occasional comments from passers-by of nothing but congratulations and well wishes filled Sam with those butterflies again as she walked side-by-side with Riley, the small bouquet of flowers in her hand while Shanna helped with her train. She almost felt as if it was silly to feel so nervous. She’d known for a long time Chris was it for her, there was nobody but him that she even felt an ounce of what she felt for him, but it was just how surreal this whole moment was that brought tears to her eyes. 
As Sam walked up to where the rest of the family was waiting with the officiant, her eyes went right to Chris as he patiently stood there looking handsome as ever in his suit. But what got to her is that he was there waiting for her. She was actually here, walking down the aisle toward a man who had loved her his entire life and as undeserving as she felt of it, she couldn’t be any happier. 
She felt as if she blinked and here she was, standing across from Chris as their immediate family members surrounded them. She couldn’t help but sneak a glance to Riley, smiling at the boy as he sat next to Chris’ parents. But before long, Chris took her hands gently, squeezing them as he gave her an excited grin and listened to the officiant. 
Once the officiant prompted him to begin his vows, Chris took a long, deep breath and spoke,  “Sammy, I can’t remember a day in my life that I didn’t love you. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been in deep for you and the fact that I’m standing here with you now is the most surreal experience but it also just feels so right. There’s nobody for me in this world but you.” 
Sam couldn’t help but smile when Chris had to let go of one of her hands, moving it up to wipe at a few of his tears that had spilled out of his eyes before looking deeply at her and continuing, “I love your smile, and how it can light up a room. I love your sass and how you can always bust my chops. I love how much you give without end to everyone around you. I love how through everything you’ve been through in life, you’ve kept that compassion and deep love for the people around you and honestly? I just don’t think I could love you more. There’s nothing in life I want more than you and being your husband is the greatest gift and honor I know I’ll ever get in life. It was and will always be you.” 
At this point, Sam knew her makeup was a lost cause, tears spilling down her cheeks from his heartfelt words that she knew were true. But she didn’t know it just because he’d told her, Chris had shown it in so many ways over their relationship, having supported her, encouraged her, and loved her at every turn in the road. 
It took her a minute to even be able to compose herself enough to finally squeeze his hands and start her own vows, telling Chris, “Ever since you came back into my life, everything has changed. At first, I didn’t want it to because I was convinced you still were a stuck up asshole-” 
“Bummer for you that you found out it was true,” he interjected with a smirk on his face, and Sam couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she felt her heart skip.
“That’s for damn sure,” she agreed, before she gathered herself again. “But when I started spending time with you, I found out that same sweet sensitive kid was still there. You showed me what it’s like to love people so openly and I still just feel really thankful that you chose to love me that way. You know I’m not really the best with words or sharing how I feel but I think you know I love you more than anything, Chris. You’ve turned my entire life around and I just want to be with you forever and for the first time in my life, I’m having a dream come true.” 
And that’s what it was. A dream come true when they finally slipped those rings on one another’s fingers and pledged themselves to each other, vowing to continue to be the family they’d already become together. 
And as they turned, with matching mile-wide smiles, to look at their excited guests, Sam’s heart felt whole for the first time in her entire life. Here she was, with rings on her finger and a man on her arm, both of which she never expected to have, looking at – for the first time ever – multiple members of her loving family.
A/N: Thank you all so much for your love and support on this story. We became so attached to Sam and Chris nad because of that, we’re going to be continuing their story through one shots so they’re not over yet! 
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