#portland in the 90s etc
chelseahotelntwo · 11 months
i have this scenario kind of daydream in my head where it's the mid 90s but im 21 and moved to somewhere like portland and i have my own place and im super mysterious and happy and all and it's so cool....
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If The Howlies were real...
I've been thinking about Steve's time during the war, and wondering if anyone has any headcanons about, eg. where he was stationed, how exactly the Howling Commando mission planning went, etc?
In the comics, Steve isn't assigned to the 107 but to the 1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division (aka the ‘Big Red One’.)
They were part of D-Day landings, on Omaha Beach.
In deleted scenes / clips from the Smithsonian, it’s implied that Steve was also a part of D-Day: 
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(That’s General Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander.)
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(These landing craft 👆 were only used at D-Day. Although it’s possible this is propaganda footage of a rehearsal.)
If the Howlies had the same set up as the 26th, then Steve and the guys would’ve been stationed in Swanage, Dorset:
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(Members of ‘A’ Company 26th Infantry Regiment US Army, billeted at Craigside in the High Street opposite Purbeck House Hotel, Swanage, around 1943 – 44.)
That’s 114 miles south west of Camp Griffiss in Bushy Park, Teddington, where General Eisenhower had his SHAEF HQ, starting from January 1944
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(before that his HQ was at No.20 Grosvenor Square, Mayfair, in London -- aka ‘Little America’ or ‘Eisenhower Platz’ -- a couple of miles northwest of Churchill’s War Rooms, which inspired the underground bunker HQ seen in CATFA.)
Thousands of American troops, including the 26th Infantry, started arriving in Dorset in November 1943 -- which is also when Steve arrived in England after rescuing the 107!
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While in Dorset, the US troops were largely engaged in rehearsing for Operation Overlord, aka D-Day. 
One such rehearsal was the disastrous Operation Smash, on the 18th April, 1944, which was a live-ammunition practice for beach landings at Normandy. (Disastrous because six men accidentally drowned when their Valentine semi-submersible tank... sank.)
Operation Smash was staged in Studland Bay (that’s 4.5 miles north of Swanage). Present to observe were: Winston Churchill, King George VI, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, and Acting Admiral Louis Mountbatten. They did so from ‘Fort Henry,’ a 90 foot long bunker (built and named by Canadian engineers in 1943 -- so it would’ve been there by the time Steve n’ Co got there -- and it’s still there today!) overlooking the bay. 
The US troops moved on from Swanage in late April 1944, and departed England entirely (from nearby places like Weymouth, Poole Quay, Portland Harbour, etc.) on 5th June 1944. D-Day was on the 6th.
In the deleted scene from Avengers, Steve is clearly shown crossing  the Ludendorff Bridge:
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...But this is impossible!
Because that bridge (at Remagen) was only captured on the 7th of March 1945:
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(9th Armored Division in Remagen, Germany, recorded 9th March, 1945).
...and Steve had already crashed the Valkyrie 6 days prior!
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(So unless that bridge was captured earlier, possibly because of Steve n’ Co., that footage can’t be right! 
CATFA does have a habit of putting the US Army in places they had no business being yet at that time of the war -- i.e. showing the US Army right up at the North of Italy, when in reality the Nazis still held it. 
(In fact, Mussolini’s Nazi puppet republic, the Republic of Salò, was nicknamed after a lake in Brescia... which is 200-ish miles further south than the US Army are shown in November ‘43.)
So I guess it’s possible that Steve & Co really were in Remagen, Germany, and crossing the Ludendorff Bridge before March ‘45! 
Or (perhaps more likely) we’re supposed to read is as some generic bridge in Western Europe, captured on D-Day.
Where exactly the Hydra factories were (and thus most Howlie missions) is not categorically stated. However, what Steve says / taking rough guesses from the map we see in Krausberg...
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...it looks like the Howlies would’ve had missions in: Italy, France, (then) Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Greece. 
(The script also mentions Belgium and Russia, which are neither shown on the map nor mentioned. However, there is a shot of them creeping through snowy forests, which looks very much like the Ardennes. That might put them in Belgium as part of the Battle of the Bulge -- which in turn gives us a date that could be the ‘difficult winter’ mentioned in the Smithsonian footage.)
If the Howlies were an active team from say 14th November 1943 -- 1st March 1945 (when Steve went down in the Valkyrie) 
That’s 473 days / or 1 year, 3 months, 15 days / or 15 months, 15 days.
If they had 9 missions total during that time...
6 Hydra factories around Europe
+ 1 winter mission to save over a 1000 men (as mentioned in Smithsonian; could be Battle of the Bulge? 🤔)
+ 1 D-Day mission (possibly including amphibious landings &/or bridge captures)
+ 1 Zola-capture mission, probably somewhere in the Alps. 
+ 1 Valkyrie mission makes 10.
...That would give them 52.5 days (less than two months) to both plan, travel in and out, and execute each mission. That seems like a pretty tight turnaround, especially if each factory was different enough to warrant a new/fresh plan. 
(One difficulty never mentioned because their raids are relegated to a montage: the fact that Hydra factories appear to be staffed by slave labour. Means the Howlies can’t just bust in guns blazing! Or, at least, I don’t think Steve would stand for it. They’d have to free the workers first, and hopefully they’d be workers both physically capable and willing to join in the fight.)
In the film, they are never shown being back in the UK between these missions,  right up until the last Valkyrie mission in 1945, and dialogue seems to suggest there hasn’t been any personal contact between them and the HQ staff in between. (It does seem a bit nuts to be shipping them out and back every time, rather than just keeping them on the continent. Also nuts to be planning their most important Valkyrie mission only the day before. But anyway...) 
In order to take part in D-Day, they had to have been back to England at least once, to receive those highly classified orders and to rehearse (can’t be discussing details of D-Day over radio!) 
Also, they couldn’t have been allowed to go haring off attacking Hydra bases any old where, because it might have been inconvenient for D-Day (ie. if the Nazis increased defenses in certain places just because Captain America had been sighted there recently.)
TPTB could have used the Howlies as a diversion, sending them on dummy missions designed to make the Nazis think D-Day is going to happen somewhere else. I think Greece and Italy would be a great way to convince the Nazis that an invasion will be coming from the south, not the north! They could even have used doubles of the Howlies to throw the Nazis off the scent, as part of the Ghost Army (they did this IRL with Bernard Montgomery!) 
Maybe the SSR would be advised to keep the Howlies’ real missions as far away from Normandy as possible, earlier on, and then the reverse right before D-Day? (ie. damage Hydra’s factories that are nearest to Normandy, close to D-Day, so that they can’t supply weapons and don’t have enough time to rebuild).
Other possibilities: 
If they were not stationed in the UK between missions, and weren’t with the US Army of occupation (because it hadn’t invaded that part yet) Steve & Co. might have been living undercover in Nazi-occupied territory in the run up to missions against local Hydra bases (in, eg. France and Poland. Chance for Frenchy to get his Maquis on!) Very dangerous, very nerve-wracking, very Inglourious Basterds of them. Also potentially very dangerous for the locals, too, since there would surely be reprisals against them after any successful anti-Hydra attack. 
IRL There was a concentration camp called Terezin in Czechoslovakia, near-ish where that one Hydra base is shown. (It’s the one that the Nazis famously filmed a propaganda movie in, after cleaning it up and deporting a bunch of people to Auschwitz to seemingly reduce overcrowded living conditions, to fool the visiting Red Cross.) So Steve and the Howlies might have gone off-mission to go and liberate that; could be that was a source of slave labour for the nearby Hydra factory. (From a character POV, Terezin was known for having a big artistic culture among the inmates, and surely Steve would feel empathy for those used in propaganda, having been made to do that himself.)
Logically speaking, I would’ve expected that last Hydra base to be in Holland or Denmark -- not Greece -- to complete the ring of bases formed around Germany. 🤔 Maybe even more likely to be Denmark, since the Tesseract (which kicked off the whole Hydra supremacy thing) was discovered in Tønsberg, SE Norway.
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aprillikesthings · 1 year
I run into people--online, IRL--all the time who seem to think I'm this exotic brave creature for traveling alone and going places alone.
And, to be fair, there are places/events I do not enjoy alone!! Movies at the theater by myself aren't as fun. I've gone to a couple of concerts/shows alone and while in many cases it's better than not going, it's not as fun as going with friends. (Except for classical music concerts. I don't know why.)
And, also, I am an extrovert; and for me part of the fun of traveling alone is meeting and chatting with new people, even if just small talk.
(Lol that has come up more than once on forums/groups/etc for people who do solo travel--the actual introverts who don't want to talk to people and that's why they travel alone, getting grumpy that most of us are social and like meeting people!)
And obviously: it's fun to go places with friends or my partner. Showing my fave places and events to Daci will never get old and I still have a long list to get through! Like Astoria and Seattle!
But! I love going places by myself.
And I keep realizing: I've always done this?
I was the oldest kid and only girl among my siblings. I also often had few friends. So I went places alone or I was stuck in the house. So sometimes I just wandered around, to the extent I was allowed to do so, lost in my own thoughts, playing pretend in my head.
In Iceland as a kid (living on the American military base) I would walk around just because. I would go to the USO and drink Lipton tea and read a book because...why not? In Virginia Beach I'd walk to the store and flip through all the magazines and buy a Snapple (it was the early 90's lol) and walk home. I'd bicycle around aimlessly (not that I was allowed outside our subdivision). I would've gone to the beach or the mall alone if I'd been allowed!
My parents were considered overprotective, and I still got to do all those things. Wild to think about, now.
Moving to the Portland area, that first summer after high school I'd take the bus to Barnes and Noble and buy a frappe at Starbucks (they were NEW at the time lolll) and browse the books for hours alone, bouncing off the walls with caffeine and sugar. That fall I got my license and realized I could drive downtown (or drive to a light rail stop and take that) and nobody could stop me. I would poke through vintage clothing stores and Powell's books and nobody would hurry me along or complain that they wanted to go somewhere else. It was bliss!
And I think it was like, ten years ago or so, when I found out a fairly common source of like, anxiety? fear? -was eating at a restaurant alone. And I still cannot wrap my mind around the idea. Like....why. What are you afraid will happen? Nobody is paying attention to you. Nobody cares. Like. What?! Just bring a book.
But I've had so many people tell me I'm brave for going places alone and I just don't feel brave at all? To me being brave means being a little scared and doing it anyway, and while I'm always nervous when traveling about SOME things (taking public transit in a new place, especially when you don't speak the language; is intimidating at first), the general concept of going to a place alone is just exciting to me.
I don't have to worry about anyone's needs but my own. I can eat whenever/wherever I want, do whatever I want, go wherever I want. It's so, so freeing.
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lunod · 10 months
I think it's so wild when people in my city who live almost entirely online genuinely believe the stereotype of the south being "worse". Like the legislation kind of sucks true but consider: the place you want to leave soooo bad has the majority of population growth driven by POC (literally 90+%), the disability rate is 30%, and we have one of the highest LGBT populations in the nation. We got year round popups supporting small businesses, usually from marginalized creators, HBCUs and HSIs, tuition is extremely low compared to other states, Multiple mutual aid groups, so many free fridges that they have to be called by the street they're on, a literal anarchist bookstore where a bunch of shit is free or by donation, etc.
Legislation is very important but in terms of human rights it mostly matters if you have the ability to sue someone or people believe you that it was a hate crime. Idk I feel like more people will believe me and help me here than in Portland Oregon lmao.
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miidnighters · 8 months
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independent supernatural oc multimuse | selective
activity notice as at 12 Aug
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Hi I'm Possum or Poss, she/her 30+, Australian. My rules/about pages are more detailed, but the crux of it is don't be a dick, standard RP etiquette, I'm online pretty much all the time so responses vary from being Very Fast or queued, smut only w ppl I connect with ooc.
Barty FC: Aldis Hodge/Vondie Curtis-Hall
Immortal 'Time Vampire'; and can manipulate time Based in Florida Runs a sanctuary-like Cafe Been around since the dawn of time - can change his face to something older when he's Feeling It Make sure you hit him up on Insta - it's no secret he's been pictured existing for years
Bella Rose FC: Clare Bowen
372 (looks 22-25 ish) Vampire British based in New York Enjoys cosy nights in & feeding on men in clubs. Does Not look like a predator. Misses the sunrise so fills her apartment with colour
Billie García FC: Zión Moreno
135 (looks 28ish) Vampire New York Sired by Bella Rose after being injured in WW1 Native language is Spanish Writes smutty books; often has nasty smut scenes drafted in her notes app
Callisto Jones FC: Georgie Flores
24 Witch New York Runs her family's Apothecary (fifth generation), sells spells on the side. Will not get in cars. Visibly scarred. Not a morning person - get her a coffee; stat
Flynn Hunter FC: Colton Ryan
22 in human years Beached selkie Portland, Maine Can only see in darkness, otherwise blind Eyes shine in the light Studying music production
Hartley Greer FC: Margot Robbie
32 Supernatural hunter (tired - maybe it's time to retire?) Originally San Francisco, now wherever Freelance fashion writer Extra feminine as a fuck you to the father who wanted sons Here for a good time not a long time
Isaac Norman FC: Mike Vogel
35 Mutant/Gifted Human Kentucky Runs the family apple orchard Can talk to plants Southern boy/Society boy/Mama's boy
Lulu Sutton FC: Jane Levy
26 Were-shifter Australian, currently in America Shifts into a dingo at will & on full moons Environmental scientist Dresses like she stepped out of a 90's catalogue
Morgan Lewis FC: Christian Byers
32 (looks 28) Cursed human Nebraska Died once, now that's off the table Artisan glass blower Tells other immortals he's a vampire rather than explain the whole curse thing
Pls make sure to read the full bios when you can bc there's a lot more detail in there and links to verse pages etc <3
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old1ddude · 1 year
Faith in the Future Troutdale, Oregon
Okay, I saw Louis in the flesh a few weeks ago and it’s about time I wrote up my experience.
The McMenamins-Edgefield amphitheater is a lovely venue for outdoor concerts.  There are plenty of tall trees surrounding (and a few within) the field, so the whole thing is shaded fairly early on June evenings.  Due to heavy traffic through greater Portland, we were not as early as we had hoped, but did find a spot for our low beach chairs about halfway back.  The venue was not crowded (except for right in front of the stage, which was a separate, roped off area I think.)  I believe it was roughly half of full capacity (which would have been quite crowded.)  As it was, halfway back, we had respectful distances between our party and those who surrounded us.  85%-90% of the crowd appeared to be females in their mid-late twenties.  There were a few men around the same age scattered about along with some couples who were 50 plus.  If I had to guess, I’d say the vast majority of the crowd were old 1D fans.
I didn’t know what to expect from Andrew Cushin, but his short set blew me away.  He was charming, humble, grateful and disarming  when he talked to the crowd and poured out his entire soul with every song he sang.  He only himself, a guitar, and a keyboardist -- and that’s all he needed.  He sang about some very painful things (such as his alcoholic father) but he has an absolutely beautiful voice.
Next up were the Snuts and I would have enjoyed most of their songs had it not been for the lead singer’s voice.  His sound is harsh, shrill, nasal and just plain ugly.  I’m sure he could sing nicely, but this is apparently his style, or brand.  I HATE ugly art!  It was quite a contrast with Cushin (who made beautiful art from ugly, painful experiences.)  The Snuts make otherwise good songs obstreperous and ugly.
I’ve Been Lying to Myself
While I’m not one to watch much fan video of live concerts (the audio quality is just awful and you often hear the crowd more than the artist) I have seen many, many clips of Louis performing live.  Upon seeing these clips, I have consistently (in my head) blamed any deficiencies in Louis’ vocals on things like the crowd singing off key.  (And to be fair, the crowd, more than often, does sing VERY badly and no where near in key.)  However, after listening to a live show in person, it’s clear that Louis can’t carry a tune very well.  At the beginning of every song, I would hope he had hit his stride and would pull off a decent vocal - only to end up wincing at some point, because he would hit some absolutely sour notes.  Now, a lot of very famous artists (Springsteen, Petty, etc.) could be a little off key, but gratingly sour is another matter.  I think Louis might well be aware of his shortcomings, because he doesn’t seem to have much confidence on stage.  His voice is mixed like a background singer, so his very proficient band comes through much, much louder and clearer than his vocal.  Meaningful interaction with the audience seems limited to those within twelve or fifteen feet of the stage.  I certainly didn’t expect to make eye contact with him (especially with those sunglasses he wore -- what was up with those?) but please make some effort at playing to the whole venue.  Louis as a live performer is in one word, disappointing.  I take no joy in saying the most memorable part of seeing Louis live, for me, is sour notes and very little stage presence.
“Faith in the Future” is one of my favorite alums.  My favorite tracks include:  “Written All Over Your Face,” “Face the Music,” “Chicago,” “All This Time,” “Headline,” “Silver Tongues,” “Common People” and “Angles Fly.”  The only songs I usually skip are: “The Greatest” (it’s okay, but I was never into Imagine Dragons music) ” Bigger Than Me”  and “She is Beauty...”  Louis writes some very good music and is occasionally brilliant with his lyricism.  The thing with lyrics is, the way they sound is just as, or more important than what they say.  Some of his best lyrics come from “Silver Tongues” such as:  “You said love was a pretty lie, And I choked when your smoke got in my eye...” and  “ You said grass was a dirty drug. You like to preach with a vodka in your mug.”  Also, the way he delivers those lines on the album is sublime. 
I’m sure Louis has a long future, if he wants it, in music, but I don’t know how long he can sustain a career as a live performer.  Something tells me that even people like Swfity (who shows zero talent for music, lyricism, or staying on key) must have impressive stage presence.  From what I’ve seen a thousand times in clips, but only admitted to myself after seeing him live, Louis just doesn’t have “it” on stage.  I wish him the very best and I hope he proves me wrong one day.  For now, I’ll continue enjoying his music, but don’t see myself paying to see him live again.
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datascraping001 · 1 year
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a-minus-content · 1 year
Work with a difficult thing long enough, 
There is still an aft and a fore(-     ), 
Stern, bow, RAS, only two fuels that fuel
Thought (maybe) and the fear when it does come
Is something you can just mouth? The name (of the)
And it is names that make this feeling 
The same as that feeling
Meaning maybe in the analogy I can squish down 
& just practice everyISH dayISH for 11 years & then I will get 
to ride you home. I guess when I say
I have to get the fuck out of Portland.
This region even, I am saying I need
To get the fuck out of my head.
I am velvet I imagine because I am 
Imagining velvet, a day planner dual-ing as a cigarette case, 
Which were so prominent in the 90s at some point,
When it was vintage 70s swing dance & all 
The etcs. we are now recounting in lieu of? understanding 
How we got here (economics). Bb love what 
are the other intrinsics? What’s 
The obvious reward & how good is it (: I mean
Talking dollars ): & how confused are you (or are you?
You are) about the intangibles? 🔁
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fictionz · 2 years
When in doubt, Star Trek
I listen to a lot of podcasts in which the speakers examine works of film, literature, video games, television, etc. and the opening question is always “what’s your history with this particular work?” And let me tell you, listening to someone dive back into their own history in relation to the subject is a real joy. It’s targeted microbiography, part nostalgia and part background for the discussion ahead.
As I’ve been on an ever-revolving tour of everything Star Trek, I’ve listened to many people explain where they began with this sprawling fifty-plus year series. It’s got me thinking about that as well, and since I love a good catalogue of unnecessary information, I’ve decided to explore that. Now I can check this when I need to remember how many times I’ve watched all this.
The beginning: 2012 DS9 #1, TNG #1, movies #1
So I don’t remember the moment I started watching Star Trek, but I know I started because I was browsing Netflix at the time when they were the streaming platform that had all the TV shows. I knew Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes from their other works (X-Men and Fact or Fiction, respectively) and that they were famous for being on that space show that was on the air when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s. I should’ve started there. But instead I came across the Star Trek show featuring a black captain and a big-eared hypercapitalist, and I thought, sure let’s do it. Then, having completed that, I did go and watch the one with Professor X in the lead role. I remember that one being real rough going in the first seasons and wondered whether it was worth finishing, but this was the essential lesson of all Star Trek: ya gotta stick with it because it gets better.
Having watched both Deep Space Nine (DS9) and The Next Generation (TNG), I thought I owed it to the series to see what the big deal was with Kirk and Spock and all those old-timers. I really only understood The Original Series (TOS) as a punchline in shows like The Simpsons and as the material from which Futurama pulled a lot of stories and themes. But also... I just couldn’t see my way to watching an old show like that in its entirety. And hey when there are a bunch of movies featuring those characters, why not just take the shortcut and watch those instead?
Now we get to how I know that this was all circa 2012. Netflix didn’t have the movies but I was living in gloomy SW Portland near to a honest-to-goodness Blockbuster video store. Since I moved away later that year, I think I got a new Blockbuster card just for that one location and just to rent these specific movies. So the image I can recall as my first Star Trek memory is a dark afternoon, a stack of Star Trek movie DVDs on the coffee table, and feeling stunned when that’s what V’ger turns out to be. I also watched the TNG movies afterward for a full-on weekend marathon. This would’ve been the last thing I did before leaving Portland to return to the bay area.
This time in order: 2014 TNG #2, DS9 #2, VOY #1
So that was a lot of Star Trek, but I can’t says it hit. So circa 2014, now living in a stable place in Oakland, I decided to give it another try. I’d already been doing this with other shows for years, so as long as all the shows were still on Netflix, might as well. I dived back into the show starting with TNG this time, then DS9 again for the full confirmation that this was my favorite of these shows, and moving on to my first time watching Voyager (VOY). While the contrast between TNG and DS9 is there but fuzzy, the contrast from these shows to VOY was huge. I’d watched Battlestar Galactica and Firefly years before and that early 00s CG-heavy style of sci-fi has a distinctive air of trying hard to get away from the kinds of goofy (at the time) practical effects seen in shows like Star Trek. DS9 had some of it, but late VOY really leaned into CG bonanzas.
But still no TOS or The Animated Series (TAS). I just wasn’t ready to take it seriously. Then I got to early 2015 when things were, uh... shaky in my personal life.
Alright, fine: 2015 TOS #1, TAS #1, TNG #3, movies #2
But things settled down when I got to Portland again and was ready for more Trek. While I know I finally devoted some time to getting through TOS and TAS, I mostly recall zipping through them in a semi-distracted state in order to get to the more familiar TNG episodes. TOS is just very much of its time and I couldn’t get past some of the outdated notions and production quality, as forward-looking as the show was for its time.
Something about Sisko: 2016 DS9 #3, VOY #2, ENT #1
Having kicked off a complete rewatch from the start the previous year, I went on to DS9 because of course, and then breezed through VOY with little appreciation for it in order to quickly get to Enterprise (ENT).
ENT was... rough. I had naturally developed the innate instinct to stick with it past the first season, but then I had to extend that to season 2, and season 3, and it wasn’t until season 4 that the show seemed to find a good voice and cadence. Naturally, that’s when they decided to cancel it.
Kelvin calls: 2016-2019 Abrams movies #1
I don’t recall or really care exactly when I watched the Kelvin movies. I’m pretty sure I sort of watched them as they released, and I would have definitely watched the third one in the theater as I was all-in on watching stuff at the theater by this point. So let’s say I’d definitely watched them all by this period.
Strangely, I don’t think I was (re)watching the shows at this time, except for a couple of episodes of Discovery (DSC) that I was jazzed to see on Netflix in the UK during a work trip in 2017. DSC was one of those big gets for CBS’s streaming service so it never released anywhere outside of that in the U.S. But after that, I didn’t bother to watch the rest until a few years later...
Covid comfort: 2020 DSC #1, PIC #1, DS9 #4, DS9 #5
2017 to 2019 was strangely bereft of Star Trek, but I came back around in early 2020 as news of Picard (PIC) began to circulate. Since I was signing up to what was then called CBS All-Access to watch that, I decided to go and watch the seasons of DSC that were available then. That was... fine, but it wasn’t quite the same Trek.
So a bunch of us who were watching PIC together hoped that would hit the spot, and while I recall enjoying it, it still wasn’t quite the classic Trek (of the 90s, because what does “classic” even mean for something that’s around for decades?)
And yep, just keeping DS9 on loop by this point. This is when I began to see that there’s something about Garak, someone who I’d really not thought about much in previous watchthroughs. He’s really unlike any other character on this or in any TV show. I glommed onto his attraction to Bashir when before I’d never even glimpsed it. Oh and Nog, gah he’s great too. Rewatch a show enough times and every character starts to really pop.
Oh! And this is when I came across @queerspaceworm‘s HD upscale of the DS9 series, which is really the best way to watch the show now.
Can’t stop won’t stop: 2021 LD #1, DS9 #6, TOS #2, TAS #2, TNG #4 , movies #3, 
I didn’t even realize how much I’d squeezed in last year, but there it is. Lower Decks (LD) was fantastic and scratched that itch for exploration and week-to-week hi-jinks. I also played all the DS9 video games and started reading the DS9 novels because that’s how I do.
Later in the year I dragged myself away from another DS9 rewatch in favor of starting over from TOS, which leads us into the current times.
The neverending frontier: 2022 DS9 #7, VOY #3, ENT #2
This year’s DS9 rewatch led me to buy the EU DVD set so I could rip the episodes with all language dubs intact. It was Spanish this time but the disparity between spoken dialogue and subtitles is awful. Subs are best for non-native speakers to get the gist.
I finished the VOY rewatch just a few days ago and this time it really hit, to the point that I’m now listening to podcasts, reading novels, and playing the video games featuring these characters when I’d previously only done that for DS9. It’s still kind of a mess at times but I just appreciate the time with these characters more.
The upcoming ENT rewatch kicks off next month. Will it finally click the way VOY did? And then on to the Kelvin movies again, and DSC and PIC and LD and Prodigy (PRO) and then, then I can finally watch Strange New Worlds (SNW). Please Paramount no new shows until I’m caught up thanks.
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otherpplnation · 3 months
Kathryn Miles on the 90s, the Shenandoah Murders, LGBTQ Rights, Finding Refuge in Nature, and Wilderness Crime
In today's flashback, an outtake from Episode 774, my conversation with Kathryn Miles. It first aired on May 25, 2022.
Miles is an award-winning journalist and science writer. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Saint Louis University and took both her Master of Arts and Doctorate in English from the University of Delaware. The long-time editor of Hawk & Handsaw, Miles served as professor of environmental studies and writing at Unity College from 2001-2015 and has since taught in several graduate schools and low residency-MFA programs. Miles is the author of five books: Adventures with Ari, All Standing, Superstorm, Quakeland, and Trailed: One Woman’s Quest to Solve the Shenandoah Murders. Her essays and articles have appeared in publications including Audubon, Best American Essays, The Boston Globe, Down East, Ecotone, History, National Geographic, The New York Times, Outside, Pacific Standard, Politico, Popular Mechanics, and Time. She currently serves as a scholar-in-residence for the Maine Humanities Council, a visiting professor at Colby College, and a member of the Eastern Oregon University MFA faculty. She is also a private consultant available for emerging and established writers. Kathryn lives in Portland, Maine.
Otherppl with Brad Listi is a weekly literary podcast featuring in-depth interviews with today's leading writers.
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wondercementpvtltd · 2 years
Tips to Help You Find the Best Portland Cement Company
People often think about what the project should look like, what kind of designs a person should look out for, which raw materials you should use, what amenities they should provide, etc. But people often neglect or do not give much attention to those things which are of utmost importance. When you are working on any construction project, you want the best cement company to ensure that the cement will last long. Cement is the bonding agent that puts everything together and without high-quality cement, building a solid foundation is next to impossible.
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Following are the factors one should consider while looking for the best portland cement for construction.
Types of cement: 
There are 23 different types of cement commercially used in India. Based on its constituents, each type of cement has its advantages, applications, and uses. The grade indicates the compressive strength of the cement, which helps in building the foundation of any project. The most commonly used cement are Portland Pozzolana Cement, Ordinary Portland Cement, and Portland Slag Cement. All three types of cement fulfil different purposes and are considered specialized for that type of construction.
Ordinary Portland Cement: Ordinary Portland Cement is the basic ingredient and is manufactured by a fully-automated, dry manufacturing process using state-of-the-art technology under strict quality assurance. The product comes in various specifications to suit various conditions and applications. OPC is available in OPC-33 Grade, OPC-43 Grade & OPC-53 Grade.
Advantages of Ordinary Portland Cement
It is highly durable due to the low percentage of alkalis, chlorides, magnesia, and free lime.
Almost negligible chloride content results in restraining corrosion of concrete structures in hostile environments.
Significant savings in cement consumption while making concrete of grades M15, M20, M25, M35, and pre-cast segments due to high strength.
Portland Pozzolana Cement: Portland Pozzolana Cement, "Product of Future," is a variant of OPC cement and is prepared by a fully-automated, dry manufacturing process using state-of-the-art technology under strict quality assurance. PPC is manufactured by inter-grinding well-burnt OPC Clinker with gypsum and pozzolanic materials like power-station fly ash or siliceous earth.
Advantages of Portland Pozzolana Cement
Less permeability of water.
Resistant towards the attack of alkalies, sulfates, chlorides, and chemicals.
Better workability.
Low heat of hydration.
Due to high fineness, PPC has better cohesion with aggregates and makes more dense concreteness.
A comparative lower Water-Cement ratio provides an added advantage for the further increase of compressive strength of the concrete.
Better surface finish.
Portland Slag Cement: Portland Slag Cement is made by grinding clinker and granulated blast furnace slag. Due to environmental and economic benefits, one can also use Portland Slag Cement as a replacement for Ordinary Portland Cement.
Advantages of Portland Slag Cement
Ultimate Compressive strength
Resistant towards chloride and sulfate attacks
Low risk of cracking
Improved workability
Check manufacturing date: 
Cement should be used within 90 days because the cement starts losing its strength after some time.
Check cement manufacturing grade: 
Cement is available in various grades. Some of them are OPC 33 grade, OPC 43 grade, and OPC 53 grade. Use the one which is appropriate for you.
Cement Quality: 
It is difficult to identify which cement provides the best quality due to immense competition in the marketplace where so many cement companies sell their product, and therefore, it becomes difficult to choose the right one. The best method is to find a reputed company in the market with cement suppliers having years of experience and also providing ideal cement products.
Selecting the best cement can be hectic if you are not well informed about the cement quality. If you are still confused, you can even contact Wonder Cement and avail of the facility by giving a call at 1800313131, or you can visit the website to know more.
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collagetry · 2 years
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In the 90s I created a small zine comic of a Gay Anarchist punk kid ... My idea for a few years now has been that today--where blue hair and faux/woke leftism is the norm--a Conservative kid is the genuine non-conformist and Rebel. Esp in slavish ideological monocultures like Portland. Then I thought a Gay Conservative kid is even tougher and braver, still. The school teachers and asmin, most classmates, etc against him for being Conservative ... A lot of Conservatives none too pleased with him being unapologetically Gay. Thinking his nemesis--a radical trad leftist (maybe my old character!?) may be his secret crush/love interest, too ...which drives him crazy. Fights, drama, desire, frustration, humor! Maybe some unlikely and fun friendships with other kinds of outcasts ... with a TERF would be fun/ny, because he's so anti-feminism. lol A Goth kid? Fun contrast. Don't know if I'll pursue it. As there's prob only slightly more than Zero market for it. Then again, so what. I may do it just for fun 😜 I welcome story ideas, and ideas for his name! #sketchbook #comics #comicart #comiccharacters #gay #gaygop #gayconservative https://www.instagram.com/p/CmNfmaRpsI3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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biscuitsco · 2 years
Hello! My name is Biscuits and I'm the artist and owner of Biscuits Co. This account is to help share, update, and promote my art and shop! Here are some things about me and my shop:
- I'm based in Portland, Oregon
- I'm 22 years old, gender fluid, and queer.
- I'm a mix media artist and I make: jewelry, paintings, drawings, prints (printmaking), sculptures, ceramic pieces, cardboard cutouts, collages, etc...
- About 70% of my art is make out of recycled materials. I get my supplies from thrift stores, buy nothing groups, yard sales, art recycling stores, and my own recycling bin. I also use old boxes to ship my products in.
- 90% of all my art cannot be replicated and is one of a kind. Because most of my materials are recycled, it's almost impossible to replicate. For example, a lot of my earring charms that I use are random toys, trinkets, and keys from art recycling stores. So most of the time I only have one pair of those earrings.
Thank you for getting to know me and my business! I'll be posting my products on here shortly, but if you don't want to wait you can follow me on Instagram @ biscuitscoshop . I currently sell my art only in person and on Instagram. I'm also sharing a few examples of my work. I hope y'all have a great day!
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I don't have the exact stat or the book title handy because all that stuff is in a box somewhere, but for a course we read a book profiling online behavior and communication, focusing mostly on Usenet bc it was written when that was the main place to be online, just before/just as LJ started gaining ground, and the author found that something like 10% of users made 90% of the posts, and like half of users only ever made 1 or 2 posts. Informal surveys I've seen of specific groups, like comparing the number of people with TERF/GC markers in Twitter bios to who is making the tweets, seem to bear this out. I think that that's a big part of why people struggle with the idea of private discords- there are plenty of bigger servers that are lurker friendly, but unlike with Usenet or LJ or tumblr or twitter you can't really find them without knowing an in. afaik there's not like, a big searchable discord directory.
And bringing up this or other social difficulties with fandom/online interaction often gets incredibly unhelpful responses. Some people feel attacked by people not loving the idea of hidden servers becoming the main place fandom happens and will reply with stuff like "well maybe you should try not being a friendless loser" but even if they want to be helpful, as you said social skills are hard to teach. In fandom-adjacent terms, you see it a lot in activism conversations- people will say that the "real" activism, direct action stuff and protest organizing, doesn't happen online- which, extremely pragmatic and fair- but if you ask how you can get involved, then, you tend to get variations on "well you have to go meet people" that are incredibly inflexible for issues like being immunocompromised and effectively trapped in your house forever by COVID, or living in a rural red state where there is absolutely not a leftist co-op no matter how many times you look or someone from Portland insists that can't possibly be the case.
I think it's made worse by lurking generally being wiped off the face of the net more and more- like half the "kids these days" comments here and elsewhere seem to be younger fans not lurking around to observe the social norms on tumblr or ao3 before being loud about it, and having no idea that might even be an option, and twitter facebook etc are all built to drive engagement at any cost. You see something enraging on tumblr you can scroll and you probably won't find something like that on your dash for a few dozen more posts unless you really suck at curating your feed, but on Twitter the next post is probably just as bad, and eventually you break and respond. Political or fandom or something else, lots ends up behind closed doors for security reasons because harassment is so bad. I think a lot of people find that 10% of people making 90% of posts with everyone else just reading/liking/reblogging/etc figure a more natural way to engage, but if you tried to suggest that that was something to strive to accommodate to a Twitter exec they'd probably drop dead on the spot.
The problem is that the 10% tends to include the people who build spaces, and even if they're friendly to the 90%, it's the rest of that 10% they remember by name.
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aprillikesthings · 2 years
Today in “fuck this country, why can’t we have Nice Things??”*
To get from Paris to the town of St Jean Pied de Port, you take a couple of trains, transferring in Bayonne. (The distance is about 430miles/690km as the crow flies.)
Today I decided to look up the schedules so I’d have a good idea of timing when I look up flights to Paris.**
Okay so first of all: the total trip is like. Six hours. From Paris to the southwest edge of France.
Secondly: both trains run about every couple of hours all day.
I love Amtrak, and take it whenever it’s feasible. But Portland to Seattle only runs like twice a day. It takes the same amount of time as driving, sometimes more. If I want to take it to Chicago it leaves once a day.
EDIT: I just looked. It takes longer to drive. LONGER. 8hr 30min if you pay tolls and over 10 hours if you don't.
*cries into hands*
(*i mean, 90% of the time the answer is racism, Reagan, or both)
(**Yes, I might take a day in Paris but honestly it’s gonna depend on flight times, cost, etc. If I take an overnight flight I’m probably gonna head straight off to StJPdP, get a private room, and sleep off my jet lag there. My first day of walking is gonna be short!)
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harristops · 3 years
tbh I would go with this line-up, even if Ali can't play the 90'
krieger, mcclernon, turner, strom
gunny, petersen, viggiano
kim, leroux
If not, I would bet on a lineup with three defenders. Thoughts? What would your lineup look like?
Yes, I would like this! I think Plummer is a great super-sub for Krieger, and Toni can come in for Viggiano or Strom if needed. Turner was a pleasant surprise and honestly (aside from those near own goals) was the best defender on the pitch by a long shot. She is so good at the CB and if she can play the full 90+ mins, she's golden (which she was). Strom is okay, still finding her feet, but honestly I would love to see Carrie get some minutes. She was exceptional in the CC especially against NCC in that first match, and I think if she was trained up she could bring a lot to the defense over someone like Toni (who I strongly believe is better fit as a defensive midfielder).
I actually really like the diamond midfield Portland runs with, and I think this could be a great option for the Pride to pursue or try out, because throwing too many players back doesn't allow for enough fire-power or support up top when and if there are transitions. Last game we saw Syd make breaks but no one was there to assist her. I'd see Gunny and Viggiano/Chelsea anchoring the sides near the D, with Abi and Taylor up top to help feed Syd more balls and also provide more offensive power on rebounds, fast breaks, etc.
My ideal line-up would be:
GK: Harris.
D: Krieger (RB), Turner (CB), McClernon (CB), Peterson (LB).
M: Gunny (RDM), Abi, Taylor, Viggiano (LDM).
F: Syd.
This way you have the defensive support while balancing your offensive power with the speed/youth of Abi/Taylor/Marissa. Also, this way Syd can have options if needed because Abi is fast af and even Courtney showed that as a leftback she could zoom up the pitch to assist with corners or crosses where fit. We need speed, youth, and pressure, no more of this sloppy, slow back-passing. Ash already has enough to deal with she doesn't need to add being a midfielder and defender to her list if she can help it, in my opinion.
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