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your-bigender-big-brother · 3 months ago
Can you make flags for aporingender and poringender?
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Left: Aporingender Right: Poringender - 💙💚
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gender-jargon · 9 months ago
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[Image ID: the Ungequec pride flag by Gent (Gender-Jargon). The flag consists of eleven stripes, with the topmost and bottom stripe being twice as thick as the center stripe. The center stripe is twice as thick as the other remaining eight stripes. From top to bottom, the stripes are very deep blue, purple, lavender, pink, fuchsia, white, orange, yellow, light desaturated green, jade green and very deep blue. ./. End ID]
Ungequec: a gender that is radically distinctive and without equal; a gender experience that is entirely sui generis.
[PT: Ungequec: a gender that is radically distinctive and without equal; a gender experience that is entirely sui generis. ./. End PT]
[PT: Etymology ./. End PT]
From English, "Unique" and "(Sui) Generis", combined as "Ungequec" + "-ec", a neologistic suffix indicating genderness. Literally means, "unique gender".
"Ungeque" is pronounced "yoon-jeck".
Coined by Gent (Gender-Jargon) (link), May 2024.
[PT: Coined by Gent (Gender-Jargon) (link), May 2024. ./. End PT]
[PT: Elaboration ./. End PT]
Ungequec describes a gender that is distinguished from all other identities, being the only of it's kind. It is specific, rare, unparalleled and highly remarkable. It may also be individualistic, eccentric, unusual or quirky.
Ungequec is:
extraordinarily and remarkably distinctive in it's characteristics.
completely and notably unique, being unlike any other gender.
a gender that requires the creation of new language, categorization and/or theory to adequately conceptualize it.
a gender that is the single type of it's kind.
potentially bizarre or strange.
[PT: extraordinarily and remarkably distinctive in it's characteristics. completely and remarkably unique, being unlike any other gender. a gender that requires the creation of new language, categorization and/or theory to adequately conceptualize it. a gender that is the single type of it's kind. potentially bizarre or strange. ./. End PT]
Ungequec is UNRELIN (Unrelated-in-nature), UNIIN (Unique-in-nature), NOVIN (Novel/New-in-nature) and PORIN (Specific-in-nature). It may or may not also be AUIN (Autonomous-in-nature) and/or INBIN (Inbissiec-in-nature). Ungequec is an atrinary, outherine identity.
Pride Flag
[PT: Pride Flag ./. End PT]
The pride flag was created by the coiner at the same time as the term (Gent (GJ), 5/24). The flag consists of eleven stripes, with the topmost and bottom stripe being twice as thick as the center stripe. The center stripe is twice as thick as the other remaining eight stripes. From top to bottom, the stripes are very deep blue, purple, lavender, pink, fuchsia, white, orange, yellow, light desaturated green, jade green and very deep blue. The colors have the following significance:
The very dark blue represents being unlike all other genders.
The purple, lavender, pink, fuchsia, orange, yellow, light desaturated green and jade green stripes represents uniqueness.
The white stripe represents it's single, one-of-a-kind nature.
[PT: The very dark blue represents being unlike all other genders. The purple, lavender, pink, fuchsia, orange, yellow, light desaturated green and jade green stripes represents uniqueness. The white stripe represents it's single, one-of-a-kind nature. ./. End PT]
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noc-ore · 2 years ago
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eatgecom · 2 months ago
A kawaii design of Jankenman, Guuyan, Ururun, Janken Sennin, Kamen Osodashi, Chokkin, Porin from the 1991 retro anime Jankenman.
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radiogornjigrad · 11 months ago
Zlatko Gall: Uz dodjelu Porina za životno djelo Huseinu Hasanefendiću Husu
Za Huseina Hasanefendića Husa baš nekako vrijede stihovi koje je sam napisao: „pusti nek’ traje“. Jer, Hus traje. I traje. I traje… Još tamo od post-Mlinarčeve Grupe 220 i ranih inkarnacija Parnog valjka pa do danas. Bez obzira na sve silne promjene stilistike, ćudljiv ukus masovne publike i žanrovske infekcije koje su ga očešale u minulih četrdesetak „i kusur“ godina koliko već valja njegov…
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lyrasky · 1 year ago
【花束みたいな恋をした】ネタバレ 考察「始まりは終わりの始まり」あらすじ感想
【花束みたいな恋をした】ネタバレ 考察「始まりは終わりの始まり」あらすじ #菅田将暉 #有村架純 #オダギリジョー #AwesomeCityClub #戸田恵子 #岩松了 #小林薫 #清原果耶 #細田佳央太 #韓英恵 #中崎敏 #押井守 #PORIN #佐藤寛太 #劇団EXILE #岡部たかし #切実
大人気俳優W主演!売れること間違いなしの恋愛映画『花束みたいな恋をした』。2021年1月29日公開当時の菅田将暉と有森佳純は、今よりも超アイドル的な人気俳優であったこともあり(今も勿論大人気俳優さん達ですが)、この2人が恋愛する映画なら見たいと言う人が溢れていたのもわかる!キラッキラした俳優さん達ですものね。 公開されたら予想通りの大ヒット。「はな恋」という略称も生まれたほどだ。 Lyraは邦画はあまり映画館では見ない為、当時興味もなかった事もあり公開が終わった頃に知り合いに見せて貰ったのが初『はな恋』だった。 この後暫くして偶然、いくつかの邦画作品を見る事になるのだが、この『花束みたいな恋をした』から邦画やドラマで明大前界隈が頻繁に使用され始めたと感じる。それも下北沢とセットで邦画の舞台に使われるようになった。今はブームは去ったようだが。 地味な場所。こじんまりした町が何故こんなに人気…
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nyaskitten · 4 months ago
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New Raine OC time!!!!! His name is Poran (or Porin I'm not sure yet) and he comes from a Panda tribe from the Wyldness! He grew up in a relatively secluded region of said realm, and doesn't Really have many friends aside from a few people in his tribe. I think he's very eager to learn, and is always looking to up his combat skills.
After the Merge, he moved to a fight club city within the Realm of Madness, wherein skilled warriors from across the realms could go to test their skills, and there he found himself to be a pretty good fighter! He might've . Also . Joined a gang at some point BUT we don't discuss that !
He's friends with Karlof (met him through some Metalonian fighters) as well as Ronin and Skylor. Don't ask how he achieved this!
His biggest goal is to be able to battle any of ninja, but considering their very poor experiences w/ tournaments and fighting activities, they're NOT stopping by a place called the "City of War" anytime soon...
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andreisvechnikov · 7 months ago
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Porin Assat Thank you Seth Jarvis for visiting our beautiful city and best of luck for the upcoming season!
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neroushalvaus · 5 months ago
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Mä rukoilen ihmisiä puhumaan taas dekkareista, mysteereistä, rikoskirjallisuudesta, whoduniteista, nordic noirista, etsiväfiktiosta... True crime on true crimea, koska se on... totta.
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jemichiart · 8 months ago
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Poriconi may have been cut short by the weather, at least for us sellers, since the location basically flooded and everything and everyone got soaked... However, if I may say so myself, I did have a pretty cute little booth in there for the little time we had.
Welp, nothing you can do about the weather..!
A moment later:
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badhockeymom · 2 years ago
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Now, do you think that Burnzie got this shirt from
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Known Porin Ässät legend Sebastian Aho?
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overexciteddragon · 1 year ago
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SOCKS IF ONLY YOU FUCKING KNEW HOW MANY TIMES I STARE AT THAT WORD DOCUMENT AND WANT TO RIP OFF MY FINGERNAILS W MY TEETH!!! Porcelain Inheritance WILL prevail but it'll have to tie me down first like a wild fucking animal. I'm an unbroken horse and ur my disgruntled cowboy
It is a painful truth that actually none of my fics are abandoned, no, not even the ones that haven’t updated in five years. I still know exactly what happens next, and after that, and so on. They’re not abandoned; they’re right here, haunting me, characters climbing up my pants like kittens nagging for dinner.
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gender-jargon · 9 months ago
Gender-Jargon GIN Terms Masterlist
[pt: Gender-Jargon GIN Terms Masterlist ./. End PT]
I said I would do it, so I went ahead and did it.
[PT: I said I would do it, so I went ahead and did it. ./. End PT]
Tagging @imoga-pride and @in-nature-archive.
Here is a list of GIN ([Gender]-in-nature) terms that I used on my old blog (Gender-Resource) for tagging. I have also included more recent GIN terms that either I have coined or has been coined by others that I currently use or likely will use in the future for tagging.
If anyone has any questions about the terms here, just let me know and I would be happy to answer them :-)
Fin: (Feminine-in-nature)
Unfin: (Unfeminine-in nature)
Troin: (Troinine-in-nature)
Min: (Masculine-in-nature)
Droin: (Droxinine-in-nature)
Unmin: (Unmasculine-in-nature)
Lin: (Androgynous-in-nature)
Unlin: (Unandrogynous-in-nature)
Femain: (Femasline-in-nature)
Ambiguin: (Ambiguine-in-nature)
Altrin: (Altraeninine-in-nature)
Nin: (Neutral-in-nature)
Unin: (Unneutral-in-nature)
Neuin: (Neutrine-in-nature)
Epin: (Epicene-in-nature)
Trinin: (Trinterine-in-nature)
Amin: (Ambiguous-in-nature)
Perin: (Peraine-in-nature)
Ilyin: (Ilyagine-in-nature)
Mvin: (Mavriquine-in-nature)
Auin: (Autonomous-in-nature)
Othin: (Other-in-nature)
Nuin: (Null-in-nature)
Vin: (Void-in-nature)
Agin: (Agender-in-nature)
Glin: (Genderless-in-nature)
Gein: (Generic-in-nature)
Kein: (Kenochoric-in-nature)
Luxin: (Luxine-in-nature)
Inbin: (Inbissiec-in-nature)
Enmin: (Enmitiec-in-nature)
Shocin: (Shocking-in-nature)
Uin: (Undescribable-in-nature)
Din: (Describable-in-nature)
Apin: (Apathetic-in-nature)
Usin: (Confused-in-nature)
Main: (Male-in-nature)
Fein: (Female-in-nature)
Lein: (Femache-in-nature)
Buin: (Butch-in-nature)
Sobin: (Soft Butch-in-nature)
Fuin: (Futch-in-nature)
Femin: (Femme-in-nature)
Bufin: (Butchy Femme-in-nature)
Genoin: (GNC-in-nature)
Qin: (Queer-in-nature)
Ain: (Aporine-in-nature)
Ouin: (Outherine-in-nature)
Diasin: (Diastine-in-nature)
Xin: (Xenine-in-nature)
Oriein: (Orientation-in-nature)
Lexin: (Lexcial-in-nature)
Gsrin: (Gesneriad-in-nature)
Aesin: (Aesthetic-in-nature)
Coriin: (Coric-in-nature)
Whilin: (Whilom-in-nature)
Roin: (Neuroine-in-nature)
Iin: (Intersex Exclusive-in-nature)
Altin: (Altersex-in-nature)
Yin: (Yonderine-in-nature)
Cuin: (Culturally Exclusive-in-nature)
2sin: (Twospirit-in-nature)
Amplin: (Amplusian-in-nature)
Chin: (Changing-in-nature)
Plasmin: (Genderplasmic-in-nature)
Cinn: (Choice-in-nature)
Idin: (Fluid-in-nature)
Uxin: (Flux-in-nature)
Flin: (Fluix-in-nature)
Aporin: (Nonspecific-in-nature)
Porin: (Specific-in-nature)
Unrelin: (Unrelated-in-nature)
Relin: (Related-in-nature)
Plin: (Partial-in-nature)
Poin: (Polygender/Omnigender/Pangender-in-nature)
Antin: (Antigender-in-nature)
Novin: (Novel/New-in-nature)
Infin: (infinite-in-nature)
Doxin (Paradoxical-in-nature)
Oposin (Opposite-in-nature)
Contrin (Contradictory-in-nature)
Vain: (Vague-in-nature)
Vasin: (Vast-in-nature)
Win: (Weak/Disconnected-in-nature)
Reclin: (Reclaimed-in-nature)
Rin: (Rejected/Repulsed-in-nature)
Contrin: (Contraversial-in-nature)
Polin: (Political-in-nature)
Sucuin: (Subcultural-in-nature)
Cocuin: (Countercultural-in-nature)
Quesin: (Questioning-in-nature)
Virin: (Virine-in-nature)
Lierin: (Eraine-in-nature)
Commin: (Commidine-in-nature)
Ithin: (Itherinine-in-nature)
Andin: (Anderine-in-nature)
Diphin: (Dipherine-in-nature)
Umbin: (Umbinine-in-nature)
Pretin: (Preterine-in-nature)
Bin: (Binarine-in-nature)
Nobin: (Nonbinarine-in-nature)
Enbin: (Enbinine-in-nature)
Midbin: (Midbinaraine-in-nature)
Nomidbin: (Nonmidbinarine-in-nature)
Abin: (Abinarine-in-nature)
Noabin: (Nonabinarine-in-nature)
Trin: (Trinarine-in-nature)
Midtrin: (Midtrinarine-in-nature)
Atrin: (Atrinarine-in-nature)
Noatrin: (Nonatrinarine-in-nature)
Tin: (Trans-in-nature)
Cin: (Cis-in-nature)
Trisin: (Tris-in-nature)
Ipsin: (Ipso-in-nature)
Ultin: (Ulter-in-nature)
Iptin: (Ipter-in-nature)
— Gent (link)
[PT: -- Gent (link) ./. End PT]
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ruttotohtori · 5 months ago
Pekola kehottaa Satakunnan Kansa Länsi-Suomi -lehden tiistaisella tekstaripalstalla noudattamaan Raamatun kohtaa, jonka mukaan homoseksuaalisuudesta tulisi rangaista kuolemalla. Pekola kirjoittaa, että ”Raamatun perussanoma ei ole ”rakkaus”, vaan kristityn vastuu teoistaan. Tärkein Raamatun kohta on 3. Moos. 20.13. Noudattakaamme sitä”. Kyseisessä Raamatun kohdassa todetaan, että ”Jos joku makaa miehenpuolen kanssa, niinkuin naisen kanssa maataan, tekevät he molemmat kauhistuksen; heidät rangaistakoon kuolemalla, he ovat verivelan alaiset.”
Ylen tavoittama Antti Pekola sanoo puhuvansa vertauskuvilla, eikä tarkoita suoraan, että homoseksuaalisuudesta pitäisi rangaista kuolemalla. – Se on vain vertaus, että tätä ei pidä tehdä. Se on suoraan Raamatun tekstistä, ei minulla ole kanttia vastustaa Moosesta, hän selventää. Pekola sanoo haluavansa herättää keskustelua, mutta tuntee olevansa yksin, vaikka keskinäisissä keskusteluissa muiden ihmisten kanssa hän sanoo kuulevansa myös samanmielisiä mielipiteitä. – Ovatko ne niin pyhiä asioita nuo Kallen ja Villen avioliitot, että täytyy vain ummistaa silmänsä.
Antti Pekola on aiemminkin esittänyt homokriittisiä mielipiteitä. Esimerkiksi vuonna 2018 hän vaati Keski-Porin seurakuntaa lopettamaan rippikouluyhteistyön ihmisoikeuksia, yhdenvertaisuutta ja tasa-arvoa sukupuoli- ja seksuaalivähemmistöille ajavan Setan kanssa. Hän perusteli vaatimustaan sillä, että puhe homoseksuaalisuudesta ja tasa-arvoisesta avioliitosta hämmentävät nuoria. Ollessaan aluevaaliehdokkaana vuonna 2022 hän herätti huomiota vastauksellaan Satakunnan Kansan vaalikoneen väitteeseen ”On hyvä asia, että homo- ja lesbopareilla on samat avioliitto- ja adoptio-oikeudet kuin heteropareilla.” Pekola totesi vastauksessaan, että kyseessä on perversio, jota ei mitenkään pidä suosia, vaan siitä on päästävä eroon. Hän myönsi myöhemmin lehden haastattelussa, että vastaus oli virhe ja poisti sen.
jaahas, että semmonen huru-ukko....
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starlene · 7 days ago
A list of Finnish productions of The Addams Family the musical (incl. professional, community, and school productions)
2013: Tampereen Työväen Teatteri, Tampere [professional]
2015: Oulun teatteri, Oulu [professional]
2016: Tiirismaan lukio, Lahti [high school]
2019: Musiikkiteatterikoulu Skene, Helsinki [community]
2019: Kaarinan Nuorisoteatteri, Kaarina [community]
2020: Rantasalmen Nuorisoteatteri, Rantasalmi [community]
2021: Vaskivuoren lukio, Vantaa [high school]
2021: Jyväskylän kaupunginteatteri, Jyväskylä [professional]
2021: Munkkiniemen yhteiskoulu, Helsinki [high school]
2022: Teatterikorkeakoulu, Helsinki [university]
2022: Kotkan Kaupunginteatteri, Kotka [professional]
2023: Seinäjoen kaupunginteatteri, Seinäjoki [professional]
2023: Viikin normaalikoulu, Helsinki [high school]
2024: Salon lukio, Salo [high school]
2024: Ruokolahden Musiikkiteatteriyhdistys, Ruokolahti [community]
2024: Keravan lukio, Kerava [high school]
2024: Porin lukio, Pori [high school]
2025: Eurajoen teatterinuoret, Eurajoki [community] [upcoming]
2025: Vantaan Näyttämö, Vantaa [community] [upcoming]
2025: Turun Kaupunginteatteri, Turku [professional] [upcoming]
Just to prove that I'm not exaggerating when I say everybody has done it here already. I'm not even 100% sure this list is complete, but it's what I could find. That's 20 Finnish Addamses so far, if you didn't count them already. (Let me know if you know about other productions.)
For context: in Finland, the high school musical theatre scene is not nearly as robust as it is in the US. Only some high schools have musical programmes. So, looking at this and keeping in mind that some of the community productions have been produced in co-operation with local high schools... I don't know how many high schools do musicals around Finland, but looking at this, it certainly feels like at least a third of them have done The Addams Family already.
For further context: in 2024, Finland had 5 619 399 inhabitants. That means we've got one production of The Addams Family the musical for every 280 970 Finns. Sure, the theatres would run out of space fast if every single one of those people decided to go see their allocated Addamses – but when you substract babies, the people that are not interested in musicals at all, and the people who hate The Addams Family in particular... I just think there's plenty of The Addams Family available for everyone interested, even without any professional, publicly funded theatres investing their resources in this particular musical.
Searching for all the Finnish Addamses, I noticed one of the high school productions was credited as one single student's high school theatre diploma. Of course, that student had other people onstage with them – but if a high school can licence this so one singular student can get their diploma, it must be a very cheap musical to licence indeed. Which is great for community and school theatres, really! I see why they want to do it; it's got plenty of roles for a variety of performers and fun aesthetics. Good for them for getting to do a musical without bankrupting themselves.
But the professional theatres, man. I really have nothing but disdain for them, and for this musical when staged in a professional setting. It's simply not a good musical, not even an okay one, nor is it a good adaptation of The Addams Family. It's a bland, boring, heteronormative La Cage aux Folles ripoff, and while it may be a good vehicle for community theatres to show off their talents, for professionals... Choosing to stage this particular musical has nothing to do with artistic ambition or wanting to give the audience something interesting; it's all about choosing something cheap based on a familiar IP to get butts on seats.
Which would be okay for a private for-profit theatre, but when you're doing it with taxpayer money... I just don't think it's a really great look. I know times are hard and the theatres need to make their money because the public funding doesn't cover all costs, but even so. Staging the 20th Finnish production of The Addams Family after several nearby-ish high school and community theatres have already done it... Was there seriously nothing else at the bottom of the barrel for them to scrape?
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mokkapaladin · 15 days ago
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SAMMAKKOLEIVOS "frog pastry/cake" by Sarpi, @ Pori, Finland
Okay. So in Danmark we have this concept called a "kvaje kage", which literally means "screw-up cake". Essentially, it's when you've screwed up in either your place of work or any other cultural context, and you need to "atone" by bringing cake the next day. It's very common here. But, some bakers also make some form of cake or pastry that they call a kvaje kage, and well, this one Danish baker just made these lol
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Donald Trump kvaje kage. Both to be used as a kvaje kage, but also because, well, Trump is quite the kvaj himself lol. Oh, and these kvaje kager are a play on the type of pastry/cake we have in Danmark called "Kaj kage" that looks like this
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Kaj is one half of quite the cultural institution here in Danmark: the extremely popular children's show characters called Kaj & Andrea
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Kaj & Andrea originally ran from 1971-1975, and then again from 1996-2007, and they were IMMENSELY popular here. Both my parents and then me and my siblings grew up with them, and you've been able to buy Kaj & Andrea plushies ever since the show first started (and most kids here had both of them at some point or another)
Anyways, context probably wasn't needed, but I just thought tumblr might find this funny 😄
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