bitter69uk · 1 month
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“The Full Eartha – Carlsberg for Breakfast: "In the early 80s, I was the manager at the Coffee Shop in the Cumberland Hotel at Marble Arch. Miss Eartha Kitt was staying at the hotel for a few days whilst she was performing at the Hippodrome. We were informed she would be joining us for 'breakfast'. "She appeared alone at noon in a beaded cocktail dress, huge heels and full slap. "'Miss Kitt, it's an honour to have you here. The staff would be extremely grateful if you would sign a menu for them,' I said. "'Daaaahlink, I'll sign anything for you if you bring me a beer,' she growled. "And that was her 'breakfast' for three days. Precisely at noon, she would arrive alone in a slinky, fabulous dress and 'breakfast' was two bottles of Carlsberg and a long, fine cigar."
Breakfast – Eartha Kitt-style! This juicy tidbit appeared in last week’s Popbitch gossip e-newsletter. I guess we now know how the divine Ms Kitt maintained her enviably svelte figure! I wonder if Kitt was puffing on an actual cigar or was it one of those slim brown cigarillos like Tura Satana smoked in Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (or Alexis Carrington smoked in Dynasty!). Pictured: portrait of Kitt by Anthony Barboza, New York, 1992.
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jenna-appleseed · 11 months
Spooky Halloween mix recommended by popbitch
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oneminutetoeleven · 1 year
Most popular Twitter theories rn
- it's his son
- it's a former (male) friend/colleague [male has been specified in the theorising]
- it's Sarah Vine
- it's his wife
- it's Nadine Dorries [meme solution]
- it's him plating seventy four dimensional chess [huge expanding galaxy brain solution]
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prettybluedress · 1 year
From Popbitch, 6th April edition
The trailer for Greta Gerwig's new Barbie film seems to have been very well received so far, but secretly we're hoping for it to cause a bit of a blow-up. When Aqua released Barbie Girl in 1997, all hell broke loose with Mattel – who ended up taking them to court over it. As well as claiming trademark infringement, Mattel took objection to Aqua's portrayal of Barbie as a "promiscuous" bimbo and Ken as "licentious". The record label countersued for defamation, after Mattel likened them to "bankrobber[s] handing a note of apology to a teller during a heist". If you think all of this is a bit much fuss over what was just a goofy pop song, you're in total agreement with the judge. He concluded his judgment with what might be the finest sentence in pop culture litigation: "The parties are advised to chill".
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lovepollution · 2 years
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Popbitch serving peak British culture this week.
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ghaffari · 3 months
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Latest Collab with the infamous celebrity newsletter "Popbitch"
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celticcrossanon · 3 months
Celta, saw this royal tea that I'm taking with a quite a bit of salt. Rumor is Prime Minister Sunak's aides are placing bets "on the date Harry and Meghan are going to split." From the gossip email newsletter Popbitch-- where journalists anonymously send in gossip obtained from their sources.
I genuinely think they have much more important work then this
Hi Nonny,
I think that government officials have important work to do as well, but I also think they are capable of placing bets on unimportant things like the date of a celebrity divorce.
If this is true, then it says to me that the divorce of Harry and Meghan is something that has been discussed in the Houses of Parliament, hence the placing of bets on when it will happen. I have no idea why or in what context it would be discussed. It could be something going on behind the scenes, or it could be idle speculation. It could be even be linked to a story going around about Sir Keir Starmer removing Harry's titles if he wins the election. I have no idea what happens in the halls of Parliament but I suspect it is no different from any other workplace, with gossip and rumours doing the rounds like they do everywhere else.
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lenetaylor · 1 year
You can get too high, Paul McCartney edition
this is from popbitch so who knows if it's true. i want it to be true. i am now imagining mary yelling at stella to keep a better eye on him: "you know what he's like! you can't let him wander off like that!"
also endlessly amused at the thought of Harrison Ford still dealing industrial grade weed to famous people
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How reliable is popbitch? Look at this :
>> What a shower! <<
Lipgloss v gossip
One of the weirder Royal stories of recent weeks was that Meghan and Kate’s falling out came about because of a breach of lipgloss etiquette. Maybe it did, but that feels like quite a minor incident to break up an entire monarchy over. Besides, there’s a far more compelling explanation for the frosty relations between the two.
Meghan didn’t agree with the way that Kate handled the so-called “Rural Rivalry” situation and told everyone who attended her US baby shower so – filling them in on all the ins and outs of it, explaining what she would have done differently had it been her instead.
Naturally, the gossip soon spread all over NYC and the Hamptons, before making its way back across the pond to Kate – who was furious to find out she’d been such a hot topic of conversation at the party.
The problem here continues being: is the rumour true or false? 😅
Oh wow. PopBitch was one of the few outlets covering Harry’s drugs use (he supposedly got cocaine from his trainer and he said “hi granny” when using a pound bill to snort the stuff), and they reported the freebies in June 2018 when everyone still thought Meghan was a saint, so they are kind of reliable.
However, they get little details like names and titles wrong sometimes. Your call as to whether you believe it or not.
But the interesting part here is that the “rural rivalry” wasn’t public until AFTER Meg’s shower, I think. The articles came out in mid to late March.
Edit: Here’s the Dan Wootton article (he’s the show biz reporter who got the Megxit scoop supposedly from Meghan’s camp). There supposedly was a print mention in the Daily Mail a few days before, but I never saw it. Anyway, the earliest that puts it is Mid-March, several weeks after Meg’s baby shower. Totally open to corrections on this one.
And Meghan’s baby shower was February 19th. If the Popbitch blind is correct what they are saying is that the source of the Rose rumors was…Meghan. Way to hide the lead, Popbitch.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 months
Popbitch says theres a minor royal placing divorce bets by u/MyJoyinaWell
Popbitch says there’s a minor royal placing divorce bets Popbitch is weekly mail out in the U.K. They publish showbiz and sometimes political gossip, but not very interested in the royals. They tend to be pretty spot on although some things you never know who they mean unless you are very familiar with tabloids and journos behind the scenes. They'll never publish the name of this minor royal, but I thought it was funny.Any guesses who if is?text from the email: |||||>> Big Questions
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bitter69uk · 8 months
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An irresistible tidbit from this week’s Popbitch gossip e-newsletter from a contributor called BJM:
"Back in the summer of 2000, I was doing some work at a video editing facility in NYC in an old industrial building with excruciatingly slow elevators. While I was waiting for the lift after a midday ciggy break, two women came into the lobby to wait with me. I smiled and nodded at them, and we all stood silently while waiting. No indication that I was in the presence of greatness. "The elevator finally arrived, we all got in, and the older woman urgently and repeatedly pressed the button to their destination floor as she purred, 'I haaaave to peeee so baaaadly.' "It was the absolutely unmistakable voice of Ms Eartha Kitt. "I laughed and said that I couldn't understand why we didn't have public pay toilets like in London. While doing the pee-pee dance, she readily and robustly agreed that the US was very uncivilized in comparison."
Pictured: portrait of La Kitt by Terry O'Neill, 1989
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finepairofboots · 2 months
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Someone would mention the 1984 ones or the upcoming 2028 Los Angeles Olympics and Buck would know this fun fact. (Thanks Popbitch!)
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perezhilton · 3 months
What a crappy situation! All the Gwyneth Paltrow and Derek Blasberg details HERE!
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isay · 4 months
From this week’s Popbitch…
Hidden in W's recent excellent interview with Miley Cyrus was a fabulous bit of pop trivia: Dolly Parton still uses a fax machine.
Dolly is Miley's godmother and regularly sends faxes to her. Miley says she makes Dolly send the faxes to her lawyer's office, as he's the only person she knows who still has a fax machine. She then pops in to her lawyer every time Dolly says she's sent one.
It's usually worth the trip. The last fax Dolly sent to Miley? "How much do I love you? As much as my heart can hold and as far as my arms can reach.
Dolly Parton's Xmas present to Miley last year was a mannequin, made to Dolly's proportions, wearing one of her outfits.
Maybe she should have got Miley a fax machine?
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"It is a risk their teams have been aware of from the beginning and have had strategies around" What do you think those strategies are or could be?
It's not really what I think those strategies are - there's lots of discussion and evidence about the strategies and available to UK celebrities to manage the British tabloids.
The basic strategy is to have someone who has information and power who can play their game and keep your story out of the headlines. There's a very good article in popbitch about it - and this byline investigates article is also pretty key. People only talk about the strategies after they haven't worked, but it still gives you a pretty good idea of the lay of the land.
It's important to understand that for at least the first two and a half years of 1D Max Clifford was involved in their publicity strategies. Max Clifford has boasted that nobody he represented was ever outted. There's quite a lot of information about how he operates in Louis Theroux's documentary 'When Louis Met Max Clifford'.
Tabloids haven't changed that much, and the strategies needed to deal with them haven't changed that much.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
The call of nature
Posted fro ‘Popbitch ’ The call of nature​
As David Attenborough begins to wind his work down at the ripe old age of 96, his team has been spending some time sounding out possible successors to continue his TV work and keep his various nature doc franchises alive.
But who has the right combination of fame, public standing and environmental chops to assume the legendary Attenborough mantle? One person we hear was initially considered to take over was Prince Harry, but discussions fizzled out when Team Sussex began asking questions about how both halves of the happy couple could be best utilised on-screen
Thank you❤️
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