#poor xaden
skyfallscotland · 6 months
Before that, I was writing tooth-rotting fluff. So here 💖
“Don’t cry.” I comfort her as best I’m able, rocking slightly on the spot. “I’m sure daddy didn’t mean to yell.” The last few words are pointed, a scowl on my lips as I eye him critically, certain that’s who he must be. He’s the spitting image of her, or well, she is of him. He’s beyond gorgeous—windswept black hair, high cheekbones and full lips, and tawny brown skin covered in tattoos. His eyes are a gold-flecked onyx I’ve never seen before and I’d say he’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen, but…he just made his three year old daughter cry.  He knows it too, judging by the way his face crumples as he reaches for her and she shies away. “It’s ok.” I try, brushing her hair back from her face as she releases a hiccuping sob. “I’m sure he’s sorry.” I glare venomously over her head, implying that if he isn’t already, he’s about to be.
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mysterylilycheeta · 1 month
Liam: What, did you do? Xaden: Alright, but you can't be mad at us Liam: What. Did. You. Do? Violet: Okay, first of all, we were minding our own business Liam: BULLSHIT Xaden and Violet: WE WERE!
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aprill-99 · 1 year
Xaden: *about Violet* “Fuck, I can’t believe I’m going to have to care about her forever!”
Violet: “We’ll, you don’t really have t-”
Xaden: *rolling up his sleeves and pulling out knives* “-Nope. I’m gonna.”
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stars-that-pass · 1 year
Xaden “I’m so fucking tired” Riorson and Violet “And I’ll do it again” Sorrengail
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chaoticneutraltor · 3 months
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ann7av · 12 days
@sabu123098 just because you asked bestie
Since we’re here, does it look like she could bench press me with no issues or should I add a little more muscle?
For character consistency, of course, I’m very dutiful when it comes to cannon (as I make obvious in my page, no need to check this statement’s veracity)
Oh and Brennan is there too
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All I have at the moment is a pencil guys, so no pretty colors but I’ll do some shading eventually, maybe, one day…. And they also need eyes
Edit to include Xaden and Vi, but this one is still in progress because there’s something bothering me about Vi and I can’t decide what it is for the life of me.
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acoraf · 2 months
Iron Flame concerns and thoughts???
Page 600:
They have been rebuilding Aretia in the 6 years since it was burned down after the rebellion.. I dont recall it being mentioned how many survived or are currently living in Aretia and helping rebuild. It's also not mentioned how their economic situation is, but they don't seem to have much to bargain with, considering they can only promise weapons, they don't have yet might I add, to Tecarus in exchange for the luminary..
My concern is food... I'm guessing the people of Aretia must be supplying their own food, because they wouldn't have anything or anyone to trade with since they needed to stay hidden. So logically, they would have grown just what they needed to keep themselves, their livestock and the occational dragon alive and well fed. This would all be fine and make sense... Untill Violet and Xaden brings half of Basgiath..
Page 466:
Two hundred dragons and a hundred and one riders-nearly half the quadrant-strong. And more are coming, taking a slower route with hatchlings.
...And then Mira joins them aswell with 40 riders and 40 dragons...
This prompts Aretian forces to start search parties to look for any other riders who want to join the cause after learning the truth. We don't know how many riders are found by the patrols, but I'm guessing some must have been found, or they would most likely stop the searches, right?
And now they have joined another 100 plus of Fliers to the not even half rebuild city, and there is only mentioned ONE TIME about sheep for the dragons???
I get it's not Violets concern... But wouldn't she notice something if food was short? Not to mention her boyfriend is supposedly the.... Ruler? Commander? Leader? Heir? To the place, and he would probably ba aware of any issues and be concerned about an extra 2-300 mouths to feed... Not to mention the between 3-400 dragons and gryphons... 🙃
Oh yea.... And they want to BRING IN REFUGEES WHEN THEIR WARDS ARE UP???
Where does this magical food come from ? What are they trading with??? And fucking who????? Am I looking too much in to this??? Help 😭😭😭
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contententhusiast · 1 year
Lmao next book is gonna be all about violets deep mistrust of men. First Xaden then dain then her brother. 3 of the 4 most important men in her life have all lied to her 🤐
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Just finished iron flame.
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animezinglife · 10 months
I definitely did not fully think the audiobook thing through...
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super-oddity · 11 months
IRON FLAME SPOILERS theories & shit
okay violet’s second signet!! ry confirmed that it did manifest in this book… theories I’ve seen:
andarna’s linked to the gods, meaning her capabilities and violet’s signet defy established norms.
communicating with or resurrecting the dead. stems from her conversation with liam, though ry did say in an interview that liam was, in fact, just a hallucination. others theorize that even if that were the case, maybe sawyer was truly beyond saving had violet not intervened.
soul mender/something to do with healing venin. from the emphasis on “balance”; violet can both destroy and save the venin.
amplifier for other signets. mira’s shield, rhi pulling the dagger through a wall, dain seeing specific memories…
foresight. seeing the future; the way andarna was sure they would bond before she even hatched
time travel. linked to andarna’s power to stop time as a feathertail, the idea is that violet will ultimately go back and influence characters in the past
truth-sayer. “The only signet more terrifying than an inntinnsic is a truth-sayer.” Violet has an incessant need for the truth, and Xaden says he will always answer honestly so long as she asks the right questions.
more theories!! bc i need to consolidate these somewhere:
naolin turned venin and is still alive (poor brennan & tairn); it’s never says explicitly that he dies, just that saving Brennan “cost him everything”— much like Lyra’s words when talking about sharing the knowledge and protection of the wards
xaden’s mom turned venin and is still alive
violet’s dad turned venin before Violet was born/conceived
if resurrection/communicating with the dead is gonna come into play, burning a person’s belongings severs any potential connection/makes it impossible
either Violet and Xaden have been having the same nightmares and were both targets or one of them is seeing the other’s dreams
“recovered correspondence” could simply mean that it was recovered from a destroyed location, or that it was for a time believed to be lost… i’m more worried about the seemingly static ranks…
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idk1027 · 1 month
Poor Mira…
Violet:*Gets a call from a contact named “daddy”* Mira: *looks over violets shoulder* Violet I know grief can be hard but our dad is dead. And like really dead not Brennan dead? Violet:*Answers call* Hey Xaden what do you need? Mira:*chokes*
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somewhere-in-the-rain · 3 months
The Empyrean as tumblr posts (part 3):
Violet Sorrengail (to Jack, probably)
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Xaden Riorson
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Ridoc Gamlyn
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Brennan Sorrengail (minor spoilers for FW)
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Liam Mairi
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Sawyer Henrick (poor guy is just trying his best)
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Catriona Cordella for most of IF
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Imogen Cardulo
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Bodhi Durran (yes okay this one is a tweet, kindly ignore that)
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Bonus: teenage Andarna
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These are so fun to make <3 I hope everyone else enjoys them as much as me, and if you don’t, then I guess I’m posting to the void from now on lol
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 10 months
✨️Bodhi durran ✨️ that's it.
Imagine him being the most amazing boyfriend. I don't know if you have seen lockwood and co on Netflix but that scene where lockwood dresses Lucy's wounds and is looking dead ass deep in her soul smiling, my god bodhi material.
To get to my point if you could write a one shot of bodhi finding out you're injured and going ballistic to anyone that let her out of their sight and got hurt and then finding you trying to wrap your wounds and instantly going all soft and helping I would be forever in your debt
Ps. If you haven't watched lockwod and co it's absolutely worth it.
I haven't watched the show so if this isn't exactly how you pictured this, I apologize✨🤍
"Where is she?", Bodhi yanked onto one of the recruits, who was in the same formation as you, shirt up. The poor lad looked like he was about to shit himself at best as he stumbled over words. The thing was... Bodhi was fun and games until he wasn't. And that wasn't part come a lot sooner than expected. Considering that the past weeks of him being a section leader had been rather calm. But that sorry fuck just had to show off. Had to break formation. Had to try to prove his piss poor ego and get you hurt.
"You're speechless all of a sudden?", Bodhi shook the guy in his grip, "Answer the goddamn question before you end up like a roasted chicken on the solstice table". You could hear a pin dropping in the background that's how silent the squad had gotten. "I think I saw her entering the building", some other recruit cut in. Bodhi narrowed his eyes, "You think or you saw?", shoving the quivering male he stepped aside sizing everyone up.
"You weak shits better listen and better listen well", he practically growled through gritted teeth. His first instinct was to run after you. He saw the blood gushing from your hand after the coalition. But he also knew his title. Causing a bigger scene than necessary would only turn heads your way. And neither of you needed that. Neither of you wanted to become a target leading to one another. "If any of you will ever do anything similar to what Marco did today", Bodhi grunted. Gods, he felt like Xaden. "I will skin you myself and believe me your dragons will smoke you alive. Dismissed", he practically roared as the recruits hurried away. Bodhi ran a slightly shaky hand through his hair.
"She is up in your room", the voice made Bodhi jolt slightly. Garrick was leaning against one of the pillars. "I passed her, she's fine, man", Garrick continued to speak since Bodhi just stood there, "You did well here too. More and more like our beloved Xaden every day". He knew it was a dig. The two cousins had been compared ever since their interactions were brought to the daylight. "Why don't you go fuck yourself", Bodhi grunted as he walked past his friend. "Gets boring after a while", Garrick chirped in return. Bodhi simply snarled but that of course earned a satisfied chuckle from Garrick.
"Show it to me", the sudden bag of the door practically hitting the wall and the raised voice made you drop the blood-soaked rag. You knew Bodhi was gonna find you eventually. Your dragon was practically counting the minutes for you ever since you had flown back first and dismounted. "Bodhi, it's okay", you tried to keep your voice calm. The wound wasn't all that bad it was the angle and the damaged tissue of the skin that caused it to bleed so much. "Don't you it's okay, me", he grunted, "Show me", his voice was lethal low. He never used that tone with you. It was his section leader's voice. The voice he gave a report in. But it never was showcased around the people he trusted and cared for.
"There's nothing to look at it's...", "I didn't ask, I gave you an order", he cut in, grabbing your upper arm gently so he could look at the damage himself. Bodhi's eyebrows knitted together for a moment, his jaw flexed. "Sit", he muttered motioning towards the bed. "Bodhi", you breathed out. "Baby, I swear to everything holy to me", he exhaled a shaky breath, "you either sit or I am carrying to the healer's wing and will put you on bed rest for a week". You huffed at his threat but you knew that he wasn't bluffing so you followed his orders.
Bodhi was so gentle as he carefully wiped away some of the blood before pressing a clean bandage on your cut, securing it in place. Make sure it's tight for a couple of hours before the bleeding slows down. He would redo it in a couple of hours. Wash it off with a salve he would go ask for. Then another bandage. Then... "Bodhi, I can hear you making plans in your head", you muttered. It was cute watching him fuss at times. It was his way of showing love but you also knew that his head was a wild space and it only took one bad thought to have it all spiraling out of control. "Does it hurt a lot? Do you need something for the pain?", he asked, his concerned eyes searching yours. "Start by giving me a hug and then sit down with me", you said softly, "I promise, I'm fine". You reached out for him, taking his hand into yours, squeezing it.
"I just hate seeing you hurt", Bodhi breathed out, his shoulders drooping. "The feeling is mutual but there are times we can't do anything about it", you reached to run your fingers through his messy curls. That now was completely out of control since he no doubt had been pulling at them. "Do we have a murder scene in the backyard?", you nudged your boyfriend's shoulder, making him snort. "Not yet but we might...", Bodhi exhaled, turning to face you.
"You promise you're okay?", you met his worried gaze but this time instead of answering him you just leaned in and kissed him. Slowly and tenderly. Letting him feel your love. "Good enough proof?", you asked when you two finally broke apart. "Not sure... maybe a couple more kisses", Bodhi thoughtfully nodded his head. You giggled slightly before cupping his face once more.
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angstywaifu · 6 months
The Reward - Garrick Tavis x Reader
The highly requested Part 2 to I Just Want To Talk To Them. Garrick deserves his own shower scene. Warnings: I know you all know where this is going... But just in case. 18+, smut.
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I look around the dining hall. And come up short on the two people I am looking for. The first is the cadet that I had been up against during challenges. He was nowhere to be seen. Not sitting with his squad or usual group of friends. Even they looked worried as their eyes scan the dining hall looking for him.
The second was Garrick. His usual seat next to Xaden with the rest of the leadership was empty. Very obviously empty as Garrick usually took up double the space of anyone else on that table. Xaden’s eyes meet mine. I nod towards Garrick’s empty chair and all he gives me back is a shrug, telling me he doesn’t know where he is either. But by the way he looks at me, it confirms my suspicions. I knew where Garrick was. I knew exactly where it was. And as much as I should be worried for the poor guy on the receiving end, I couldn’t deny I was eagerly awaiting Garrick’s return. No. Garrick’s reward for me. The way he had whispered it in my ear and kissed my cheek had set me on fire. A fire that had not dulled in the hours since he had been gone. My body craved what had been the unspoken reward.
”What’s got you so nervous?” Asks Imogen as she takers her place next to me.
I sigh and shove my plate away. There was no way I was finishing the food on my plate. “I’m worried about where Garrick is.”
She just looks at me and smirks. “No, you’re worried about what he’s done to the other guy.”
I go to reply but the door to the dining hall slams open, the noise echoing around the hall. The usual buzz of conversation gone instantly. I turn to see something that would have everyone else’s blood in the room run cold. But not mine. No, my body floods with desire. His hazel eyes lock onto me instantly. A smirk appearing on his face. A smirk that shows of his white teeth, that are a stark contrast to the red of the blood that is splattered over his face. The same blood that also adorns his hands. But besides the blood, there is not a single mark on Garrick. No cuts, not even a bruise. Meaning none of the blood is his. It all belonged to the other cadet. Garrick walks between the tables, the people he passes shuffling in their seats to get away from him as his steps echo around the eerily quiet hall. Even Imogen who is never phased by anything shuffles away from me as Garrick stops behind me. His hands placed either side of mine on the table as he leans over me, his breathing tickling my neck as places his mouth next to my ear.
”How about I give you you’re reward? Need to show my girl how good she was for giving me his name.” Garrick whispers in my ear before placing a kiss to my jaw.
My body shivers at his kiss, and I know he notices it with the slight chuckle I hear. I turn to look at him and meet his lust filled hazel eyes. No not hazel. Black. His pupils are blown wide that I can barely see any of the hazel in his eyes. I barely nod before Garrick’s arms wrap around me, easily pulling me from my seat before carrying me out of the hall in his arms.
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I gasp as my naked back meets the cold stone of the shower wall as Garrick pins me to it, his lips kissing and bitting down my neck before latching on one of my nipples. My fingers tangle in his curly hair as I arch and moan as Garrick’s tongue swirls around the sensitive nub before sucking on it. His fingers dig into the flesh of my thighs as he grinds up into me. My body twitching and the sensation. I wanted. No, I need all of Garrick. I needed him everywhere, and gods was he everywhere. No part of me was left without attention. He kissed and sucked at anything he could get to. His name falling easily from my lips as he mouth finds my other nipple.
”Such a good girl.” He whisper against my chest, as he pins my hands above my head in one of his. “Such a good girl giving me their name. Letting me teach them not to touch what is mine.” The last word coming out as a growl I feel rumble through him as he presses his chest against mine.
Garrick lowers me back down to the ground, turning to start the shower, the cold water hitting my skin causing me to gasp. The cold water was startling against the contrast of how warm I felt. Garrick smirks as if he knows exactly what he had done. No he did. He steps back from me and slowly removes his clothes. Gods was this man attractive. It was like he had been carved from stone. Each muscle was perfectly defined and toned. As my eyes drift lower, my mouth drops open. The girls he had been with had talked, but I always thought they had exaggerated. But they had not. Garrick was big. And he was about to be all mine.
”Like what you see sweetheart?” He asks as he kneels in front of me, placing one of my leg over his shoulder as he slowly kisses from my ankle to my knee, resting his head against my knee as he looks up at me. Still no hint of hazel in his eyes as he looks at me.
”Gods yes.” I spit out way too quickly, earning a chuckle from Garrick.
My body feels like its on fire again as Garrick slowly kisses and bites his way up my thigh. The cool water of the shower doing nothing to subdue the feeling. Garrick hovers just above where I want him to touch him. Need him to touch me. He’s so close that I can feel his breath tickling me. My hips arch off the wall, seeking the touch I want from him. Garrick slowly drags a finger right up my centre before circling my clit, my eyes rolling back into my head at the sensation.
”So needy for me. So desperate.” He muses before his tongue replaces his fingers, licking straight up my centre before dipping back down to probe my entrance.
My hands fly to his hair, gripping his dark curls between my fingers. Our moans fill the room as he licks, probes and sucks. No part left untouched. Garrick grips my thigh tightly before plunging two fingers in without warning. I nearly cum then and there at the sensation, my whole body falling forward. Thank gods Garrick is tall as I brace my hands on his back, my fingers digging into the flesh of his back. I expect Garrick to falter his pace with the movement, but instead it spurs him on as he moans as my fingers grip his back. His fingers set a brutal pace, every so often curling and hitting the one spot that has me seeing stars and nearly collapsing on top of him. I start spasming around his fingers, my breathing becoming heavy and irregular. I whimper as Garrick removes his fingers and mouth from me. I promptly lean back and look down and glare at him as he smirks up at me. His mouth and chin glistening with my arousal.
”Not yet sweet heart. The first time I make you cum it’s going to be around my cock, not my fingers.” He tells me, his voice so husky and rough it has me clenching around nothing.
Garrick stands, easily picking me up with him. As I wrap my legs around his waist I feel his cock prodding at my entrance. I try to sink down onto it, but Garrick holds me firmly just above it. But with just enough contact that every step he takes has the tip slipping up and down, teasing what is about to come. Garrick places me on my feet, pulling me into a quick and rough kiss before spinning me around. In the mirror I can see how blissed out and needy both Garrick and I are. But our eyes look black in the mirror. Both our faces flushed. Garrick grips my hips, pulling me flush against him, his hardness pressing into me.
”Hold on tight sweetheart.” He whispers in my ear, his breath tickling my neck before pushing on my shoulder lightly.
I glance down to see the basin in front of me. Instantly I know what Garrick wants. His smile as I lean forward and grip the sides of the basin is all the confirmation I need. He leans down, placing a kiss to the small of my back before standing back to his full height. One hand resting on my ass, as the other lines him up.
”F-fuck.” I stutter out as Garrick pushes in, stretching me wide.
I knew he was big, but gods did it feel way bigger as he pushed his way inside. Thank gods Garrick was easing me into it. Little by little, Garrick thrusted in an out slowly, each time sinking in that little bit further. I look up in the mirror and watch as he drags his lower lip between his teeth as he watches himself sink deeper and deeper inside me. As he bottoms out inside me, both of us let out a moan that echoes around the bathroom. Thank the gods Garrick put silencing wards up as well as a ward that would only let him or I in and out. No one was interrupting us. Garrick is quick to set a brutal pace as he thrust in and out. I can’t help as my mouth falls open at the sensation of him filling me perfectly. I can tell he feels the same as I grip him tightly.
”God’s it’s like you’re made for me.” He moans out before leaning forward and bracing his hands either side of mine on the counter.
Garrick uses his new angle to reach around, his fingers instantly finding my clit and rubbing circles around it. I can’t even slow the orgasm that rips through me, my knees giving out. But Garrick holds me up easily while his fingers continue to tease my most sensitive spot. I can tell Garrick is doing all he can not to finish with me as my walls clench and spasm around him. My whole body shaking to the point I’m unsure if I will be able to walk out of here without his help.
”Think you can take some more?” He growls out as he kisses his way down my back before standing back up to his full height.
I lift my head up to look at him in the mirror and nod. Gods I wanted more of him even if I could barely hold myself up. Garrick smirks in response as he pulls out, spinning me around and picking me up with ease again. He walks us over to a bench in the middle of the room, laying me down on it. Garrick is quick to place a nearby towel under my head which I’m grateful for as he pushes himself back in and sets a brutal pace. He brings my legs over his shoulders, leaning over me just enough for the new angle to have the gripping and clawing at his arms and torso. Red marks instantly appearing where my fingers and gripped and clawed at his skin. But Garrick doesn’t seem to mind, in fact it seems to spur him on. Each thrust seems to have more and more power behind it. And I know another orgasm won’t be far away with the angle and the pace Garrick is setting. Every so often one of Garrick’s thrusts will falter ever so slightly, letting me know he isn’t far off as well. I watch as Garrick’s gaze flickers from me back over to the shower where we started, where we had left the water running. A small smile graces Garrick’s lips before he dips down and presses a quick kiss to my lips before picking me up and walking us back towards the shower. The entire time he keeps inside me, each step making him rub against that perfect spot. He angles us before reaching over to adjust the water temperature. I brace myself for the the cold water from earlier, but I’m instead met with warm water that has me relaxing into Garrick’s arms. But it’s short lived before the familiar stone meets my back, and my hands are pinned above my head again. Just like we started. Garrick kisses up my neck, leaving small marks in his wake. Before kissing up my jaw and capturing my lips in his. Compared to before, his pace is more careful and slowly. His cock dragging slowly in and out of me, my body trembling around Garrick at the sensation. It was such a start contrast to before, but as he breaks away from the kiss and rests his forehead against mine, his eye’s look different. Still blown out and filled with lust and passion. But something else laid there. So many things left unspoken in them. I respond by tangling my fingers in his damp curls and pull him into a kiss which he responds to immediately. Our tongues fighting for dominance as his pace picks back up. Garrick growls in frustration, clearly not happy with the pace an angle. He stands back from the wall, and lowers me to the ground. Spinning me around again, but instead of a basin to grip onto I have a wall to brace myself against. As soon as my hands meet the stone wall Garrick thrusts into me, my head almost hitting the wall with the force as Garrick sets the most brutal pace yet. Clearly chasing his release this time. Profanities fall from both our lips and echo around the room. Garrick’s hand loosely grips my neck, pulling my back flush against his hips. Instantly my walls flutter around him, my release close.
”That’s it sweetheart. Be a good girl and cum one more time. Cum with me sweetheart. Can you do that?” He growls into my ear as he kisses just under my jaw.
”Y-yes.” I barely stutter out.
”Good girl.” He growls as the grip he has on my neck tightens slightly, his other hand reaching down and rubbing my most sensitive spot.
Instantly I scream his name as my body shakes and convulses. Garrick’s arms being the only thing keeping my upright as my body goes limp and my knees give out. I vaguely register Garrick swearing in my ear before his thrusts become erratic and falter, and I feel his release sliding down my thighs as he thrusts in and out of me as we both ride out our orgasm’s. Garrick hold’s me tightly against him as he lowers us to the ground and leans up against the cold stone wall and tucks me under his chin as he cradles me against his chest. His hands caressing my back and legs as we sit under the warm water and catch our breaths. I feel his lips press against my hair before he rests his head against mine, letting the warm water run over us as we enjoy each other’s embrace.
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intairnwetrust · 25 days
The clips I saw of Rebecca Yarros answering 'Who’s most likely' questions was my highlight of the day
Write a poem about a lover and give it to them? "Sawyer."
Write a poem about someone else's crush and give it to them? "Ridoc."
Hahaha you can not tell me this has not potential to become a canon event. As now Sawyer has a hard time with sign language so he decides to write Jesinia a letter but in the end he doesn't have the courage to give it to her and Ridoc is just nuh uh not with me honey.
Stab a friend in the back? "Sgaeyl."
Ohhhhh okay interesting 👀
Deserves a happy ending? Someone in the audience shouted Liam and RY's answer: "Yeah he deserved it" like Ma'am 🤌😭
Also her again being 1# Dain Defender (I support)
"Dain is not the only one violating boundaries. He is not as hot." (in regards to Xaden) Poor Dain 😭😂
Kill someone and cover it up? Someone in the audience shouted Tairn.
RY: "Nah he wouldn't cover it up. He just be like, there's a body."
Hahahaha facts.
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