#poor thing 🥺
willowser · 1 year
love island bakugou, he'd be so pissed if someone else chose you before he had the chance at the recoupling 💀
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brandwhorestarscream · 8 months
Reincarnation au
It doesn't make sense, but here goes:
Bayverse jazz, but as a reflection of his brutal death his tanks are very sensitive
Jazz tries to feed him and baby always throws up like 90% of his bottle and winds up crying cuz he hurts from getting sick but then also crying cuz he's hungry but trying to feed him just makes him get sick again and then he's in even more pain it just becomes a vicious cycle-
Ratchet has never seen a sparkling have this much trouble keeping fuel down! His fuel tanks are fine, scans don't find anything amiss, no misshapen pieces or irritated bits or anything lodged in there. Jazz tries feeding him at every angle, makes sure baby is burped religiously. But the only thing that helps is just feeding him teeny, tiny increments once to try and build some tolerance in his digestive system. Baby hates only having an ounce at a time, he's starving! Always tries to hold onto the bottle and cries like the world is ending when mama takes it away. Jazz feels like such a monster for making him cry 🥺 poor bitty probably has to have energon transfusions just to keep his levels up, which is far from pleasant for such a young sparkling. I could definitely see him developing a severe phobia to needles as he grows up because of it
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softshuji · 1 month
Damn it Koko
It's my fault, I shouldn't have argued with him, it's my fault he's upset and decided to do this. And now he's not speaking to me because he's so mad at me.
They'll be back soon though, my uhm, friend, will be coming back with them I think, and then you'll get to come off babysitting duty maybe. I'm sorry that my actions have inadvertently led to you being inconvenienced, if it weren't for my argument with him he wouldn't have left.
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edenfire · 2 months
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💞💒 Shuake Week - Day 4 - Future 💒💞
after the events of p5r, of course, they move in together🥺💗💞 (with morgana too😊🌸)
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flatoutin-eaurouge · 3 months
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Mika had to retire his car after one lap due to a blown engine at the A1-ring, 1997.
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infectioustomfoolery · 11 months
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who up holding they caulfield?
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ohmystarrynight · 6 months
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I was talking with @spiritkidd about this episode and this was the resulting convo
This is probably one of my favorite episodes in the show (besides all my other favorites which is just every episode in the series) but S2 Ep09 was literally hilarious.
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italiansteebie · 1 year
Sometimes, Steve needs to hurt.
And before, when this would happen, he'd hurt those around him. He'd lash out, call them names, until they'd crack, and so would their fists on his body.
You'd think for a person who's lived through so much pain, that he would need peace, for once in his life.
But sometimes peace is too quiet, and he gets this itch under his skin, and he has to feel something. He needs the pain. Pain keeps him going, pain reminds him that he is useful because if he takes all the hits, the people he loves won't have to.
Until he can't keep up, and the pain he tries to keep for himself, leaks over onto the pages, the pages that he was supposed to keep clean. Keep safe from rips, tears, and spills, and he's failed.
And for a while, that pain keeps him at bay.
The reminder of failure on the faces of his friends twist the knife deeper into his heart, and he can feel again. Until, they've healed. And they can walk again, and suddenly, the pain ins't there anymore, just an empty promise he failed to keep.
So he bottles it up, letting the emotions build, because at least that way, he can feel something, and if he feels it, then it's real, right? It's real, and they still need him, and he can keep taking the hits for them because that is what he's good for.
And when he can't let his pain leak out onto the pages of others, he'd much rather contain it within himself.
So when a nearly healed Eddie Munson crawls through his window one night, exposed to the pain Steve had let engulf him, he's shocked. Because Steve Harrington of all people, should not be curled up in a big, empty bed, in a desolate room making soft whimpering cries like he's trying to hold himself together. "Steve?" He calls softly, watching as the shaking figure under the covers slowly comes to a stop. "E-Eddie?" In the darkness, Eddie can see him sit up, wiping the tears away, and putting on that oh so clever mask. "Eddie? What's wrong? Why are you here?"
"Well, I- I had a nightmare, but Stevie. Are you okay?"
And there's a tenderness in his voice that Steve hadn't heard since Nona Gloria had passed, and the walls come crashing down. "No." He whispers, allowing the darkness to be his shield. If Eddie can't see him, then it's not the vulnerable, right? But under the cover of darkness, Eddie slips his way under the covers, grabbing for Steve's hand. He shifts until he's facing Steve, watching as the words form on his lips. "If it's all over. Where-" Steve's breath gets caught in his throat, and he swallows. "If it's all over, what does that make me? Am I still... Needed?" And Eddie watches the tears build and eventually fall down Steve's face. "Oh, Stevie." Eddie soothes, reaching, pulling Steve into his warmth, even under the covers, the man is so cold.
And the quiet whimpers soon turn into sobs, and he cries. He wails for the loss of the life he could have had, and for the life he wants but can't have, and for once in his life, the emptiness feels a little better than pain.
"Thank you, Eddie," He whispers into the darkness, taking the hand that was still grasping his own, and pressing a soft kiss into it, allowing the darkness to let him be brave. "Always, Steve. Always," Eddie breaths back, pressing a kiss into Steve's t-shirt clad shoulder, returning the will to be brave.
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lovefrombegonia · 10 months
Shen Jiu with Ning Yingying and Ming Fan:
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willowser · 2 years
Did you hear the theory of Shouto's scar? The chapter and episode we learn Toya's backstory is called 'The wrong way of put out a fire'. We know that his firepower is connected to his emotions, and with his unstable home life and family, his emotional state was all sorts of crazy. And, when Touya tries to attack baby shouto for the first time, before that Rei sees him says, 'We have to cool him down!'.
Okay, okay, so, when shouto overheard rei on the phone, and she turned shock to see him there...it's a theory that she didn't mean she saw Endeavor, she saw Touya. She saw him when his hair was just turning white and with his big shocked eyes thought he was going to burst into flames and hurt himself. So she grabbed the nearest water (and Touya's flames were blue, boiling water still would've cooled him down) to realize too late that it was her baby shouto.
She wasn't trying to hurt the image of endeavor, she was just trying to cooldown one of her babies, her firstborn. 😭😭😭
i have not heard this theory !!! her firstborn STOP I WILL CRY 🥺
i am so interested to see how their relationship plays out in the manga, if it does !! bc i imagine his feelings about rei are just so complicated. like there was a small amount of time when it was just him and his mom and fuyumi 🥺 before natsuo came along 🥺 and i feel like that has some kind of soft impact on his heart. those are the days he remembers, when he thinks of them 🥺 her FIRSTBORN i. am soft.
ANYWAY that's so interesting !! 🥺 at that point in their life, she must have been just so, so stressed 🥺 and with everything with touya 🥺 maybe she just wanted her baby back !!! and with the split hair !!! i never considered this, how sad 😩 thank you for sharing !!!
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lillotte17 · 1 year
Okay, you know what, I need to channel certain anxiety goth demon here for a moment and hype certain angel who happens to be abysmal at human magic tricks and likes collecting old books, because I feel like even the people defending Aziraphale are not giving him nearly enough credit or agency.
You know who actually came up with the idea (on the fly, I might add) that saved Job's children?
The Marvelous Mr. Fell, that's who.
Sure, Crawly/Crowley was always planning to spare them, but Aziraphale is the one who suggests that maybe Bildad the Shuite is an expert on human births. You know. Like the one that happened in the Garden of Eden. *wink wink nudge nudge*
He's the one who sneaks the salamander children into Job's robes.
He's the one who changes them back at the right moment.
He's the one who lies to Gabriel to seal the deal.
Between the two of them, during the bullet catch sequence, Aziraphale is the calm one. He's actually more calm about Crowley pointing a gun at his face than he is when he initially walks onto the stage by himself. And he continues to be calm even when Furfur directly threatens both Crowley and himself. He stays calm, and he switches the picture and saves them both.
Aziraphale read all of Agnes Nutter's 4000 prophecies in less than a day, annotated everything, figured out where Adam was, who he was, where Armeggedon was happening, and even charted things out on maps, entirely on his own.
He also researches the rumors about Everyday showing up on the Jukebox in the Resurrectionist Pub, and figures out that Gabriel was on Earth preforming a miracle in company with someone else. He runs out of time to connect the rest of the dots, but really, his sleuthing skills with newspapers and books are off the charts.
Edit (I forgot one and it's one of my faves): We also see how competent he is when he's getting ready to host the ball. He knows how to get what he wants from people. If he can't win them over by just being nice, he knows exactly what to tempt offer in order to get them to agree. Crowley is just following him around like :O!!! Because watching the bae actually being good at stuff is attractive entertaining!
AND perhaps most tellingly of all, when Crowley plays the part of Aziraphale during the switch, he's so SO brave. He's collected. He's polite. He holds his head up and walks into the fire.
Aziraphale is so smart! He's courageous! He keeps his cool under pressure! That is the way that Crowley sees him, and Crowley is the person who knows him best!!
We don't know why Aziraphale chose to leave with the Metatron, yet. But even if he was completely tricked (which I personally sort of doubt), it definitely wasn't because he's dumb and doesn't know what's going on around him.
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softshuji · 6 months
Shion's the one in control of that specific area.
And have you heard from him? Do you know if he's okay? It's a lot of work and responsibility for one person and well...he's shion, he's a bit reckless and doesn't like to ask for help with anything. I'm just a little worried. I hadn't heard from him so I don't know if something has happened or not.
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send-me-a-puffalope · 10 months
OMG WAIT ANOTHER PERSON THAT KNOWS OF AMY HUGHES' EXISTENCE?? I love when people acknowledge the wet cat
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the duality of woman 👁️👁️ (i use the same like 4 images whenever i post/talk about amy even tho i have like a whole album of photos)
BRO I WAS LIVE BLOGGING WATCHING DEAD OF SUMMER TO THREE OF MY FRIENDS— is it recent? no. is it well written? not particularly. but is Amy Hughes so so so so so so so good as a twist villain??? ABSOFRUITLY.
like i knew the ending going into the show right. but halfway through i was doubting my own knowledge like no fucking way Amy isn’t actually just a really good person with so much anxiety and so much misfortune. WRONG. MURDERER! COMMITTED ATROCITIES! MADE A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL! (i’m so into her)
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francy-sketches · 1 year
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little baby in a silly hat
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*Transformers: EarthSpark S1C Spoilers ahead!*
This scene is just so AHHHHHH!
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Bee swiftly catches Jon after Thrash yeets him off himself to fight off a crazy G.H.O.S.T. agent.
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Bee then gently sets Jon down and gives him a little pat pat. As if to say, "There, there, human." 🤣 Jon looks so frightened. He probably thought he was gonna hit the ground hard or die. But nope, Bee catches him in time. I'm sorry, but I just find this scene so adorable. 🥺
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Bee then cautiously steps over Jon. 🥺 It's even more adorable when you remember that Jon said earlier in the episode (Stowed Away, Stowaways) that he always knew that Bee was good and that he wants Bee to join his team. I don't know, this scene just does things to me. I just found it kind of wholesome. 🥺
It's the little things~
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crossbackpoke-check · 4 months
the deweys photos are from this video: https://youtu.be/5xTwJho44ao?si=bPw8MZZ327lCogVZ aren’t they just everything
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kissing you and the minnesota wild official media team (with consent) full on the mouth, THANK YOU THIS VIDEO IS EVERYTHING 🥰🥰 i have seen pieces of it before i think (connor petting a shark 🥹) but the entire video start to finish is such a delight, 10/10 would recommend
#i’m so glad i saw this now and not when i was deranged at 2AM last night (i say as if i am not currently deranged)#like i had to physically pause. stop watching the video. to take notes to tell you guys about it i hope you know#holyjost thank u i love u i appreciate u & how u always have the sources 😭#i send out a prayer to the universe (put shit in the tags) & u provide#liv in the replies#holyjost#i love this reaction image btw it is one of my FAVORITES#anyway i was just chilling and then lost it at the ‘brandon just says shit’ part and had to start writing down notes (as follows)#there is SO much. the lore. the fact that brandon lasts two seconds before his shirt comes off everyone else is so bundled#dewey2 immediate “sharks” girl help the two of them on the bean bag together#the boat competition BOLDY’S CONTRACT??? yeah i AM thinking about that in a weird way what kind of contract brandon#also boldy motion sickness girlie he’s so real for that one 😭😭#and brandon talking a big game and then like fuckin. curled into a ball on the beanbag passed out bro i cannot.#LD BONITA? LD BONITA FISH??? So excitedly???? my GOD.#LEAVE THAT POOR FISH ALONE!!!!#oh the shark lore 🥺 dewey baby let me take you to this fantastic thing called an aquarium.#you can pet sharks there!!! i can’t even. i know i’ve seen it and had a breakdown about it before but connor’s hand when he pets the shark#the absolute joy oh my god. connor PLEASE ik u want to touch all the fish… we have sturgeon & sting rays & jellies#brandon praising connor’s attitude 🫡 he is so goal oriented they said the goal is a vibe check and connor studied.#also. save me hot brothers save me#what the fuck is this yeti cup ritual give me a cult au NOW wkdndiwkdi they’re such freaks. i love it. also just drink it bro#VLADDY MENTION THAT’S MY BOY HI BEAUTIFULLLLL#OH THIS WAS THE MIDDSY FIGHT???#awww Freddy (who i never think is a forward??)#connor dewar#brandon duhaime#minnesota wild#for reference!
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