#poor murder baby gets rejected
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Thanks to bookofviking_ on Instagram for sharing this clip ♥♥
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liketolovexx · 2 months
Just finished watching prisoner of Azkaban and just wanna give Sirius and Remus a hug bc they need it and think they’d both give great hugs :(
I’m so sorry for the lack of writing guys, I’ve been kinda depressed as of late! I think I’ll be doing more of little blurbs and drabbles, so please send sweet or smutty requests for Sirius, Remus, James, Marlene and Regulus<33 love u all and I’m so sorry that I couldn’t write a full fic for u my sweetheart :(
Moony & padfoot getting hugged by their love<3
Sirius had been locked up for a DECADE. When he got out, when he came to you, when he shattered in your arms, he felt like your warmth was melting him back into the boy he was in Hogwarts. The one who’d finally found a home, a family. The cheeky, mischievous, long raven-haired boy who’s face lit up with laughter whenever he was with his friends family. The boy who always had a witty, sassy remark, the boy who finally felt love. Once he’d finally got out of Azkaban, he came straight to you, planning to find Remus right after. Standing face to face with you was scarier than he thought it would be. He was preparing himself for rejection, for you to call him an evil murderer and lash out. “Sirius..? My Sirius..?” You’d mumbled, reaching out a hand to touch his cheek. He was trembling. Underneath a layer of shadow, brought on by the trauma he’d endured in prison, his eyes were still the same. The eyes of the boy you loved. “Oh.. oh, sweetheart..” you’d whispered, gathering his body in your arms. Once he was safe in your home, you had him on the sofa, cuddled in your arms like a child. Eventually, once his inconsolable sobs died down, he lifted his lachrymose face from your soft chest. “I… I knew you’d believe me. You know- you know I wouldn’t kill them… right? You…” you shushed him, petting his hair. “Sirius, I know for a fucking fact you’d never. You’re safe now. I won’t let anyone get to you. You’re gonna be okay.” I imagine him nuzzling his head back into the crook of your neck and refusing to move for the rest of the night. He’s still a stubborn fuck, obviously LMAO
Remus, poor boy, has been alone for just as long. With James and Lily and all of his friends dead, Peter a traitor and Sirius in jail, he had literally nobody. (Also, I’m sorry, but for angst purposes I’m gonna have to say he couldn’t see you either for whatever reason.) when you two got reunited, I imagine it was literally heartbreaking. He was sat there with vacant eyes, staring at you like you were a ghost who was trying to torture and trick him. God knows he’d had enough delusions of you and of Sirius coming to him, he thought this was his mind being mean to him again. His rosy lip twitched. “Remus?” You breathed, trying to break him from whatever trance he was stuck in. Unblinking, a tear dripped from his eye. His brows furrowed and he pouted determinedly, though you could see the anguish in his eyes. You were so confused. “Stop it. Please, not again.” He mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut, trying to shuffle away from you. “Remus, it’s me” you said, unable to help a disbelieving bark of laughter. “No. No, no, you’re being mean to me. Why is this happening? You’re hurting me.” He growled, hands sliding into his hair and tugging on it. Ever since hogwarts, Remus hadn’t been able to let go of the self hatred, so he thought that you were just a vision his mind was projecting to hurt him more. “Remus, baby.” You lurch forwards, not giving him time to run from your embrace. You lock him tight in your arms. You feel his tense body go slack, as his shoulders start to shake. He whispers out your name, voice laced with so much grief and so much relief. You’re back. “It is you. Oh, I love you. It hurt so badly” “I know, sweetheart. I’m here now.” You coaxed. With one hand in his caramel hair, the other petting his back, you felt him fall asleep against you and the seat you were both now on. <3
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Don't think we forgot about you...
Don't think we forgot about how you were caught playing with your moonbump during your 1 and only tour at the Meyhew Clinic---squatting down with your knees together.
The same day you threatened to selfcide yourself & an unborn baby because you & Sparry were boo'd at the Cirque du Soleil performance.
You forgot to tell NOprah how you went a full day without any selfcide ideation. You were flooded with endorphins from petting the animals & physical touch from your NYC bff.
You were happy all day until your mask slipped in Royal Albert Hall. EMBARRASSED because you were boo'd by the audience & Sparry publicly REJECTED your claw.
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You were boo'd for poor job performance. Your claw was rejected because Sparry needed claw-free hands to clap for the special guest.
You and Daniel posted a photo of your disgusting avocado toast, hot tea & chocolates. You gushed about what a wonderful visit the two of you were having, just like old times...
Daniel flew all the way from NYC to London to do your makeup for the engagement but you lied to NOprah.
You told NOprah you were alone and couldn't skip the event because you might commit a murder. You lied to NOprah about your makeup. You told NOprah you had to put your makeup bag in the sink and just get yourself ready for that event.
You lied. You and Sparry lied.
You brag about how easy it is for you to cry on demand and yet somehow you managed to cry throughout the performance without shedding 1 tear from your left (or right) eye.
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Thanks for reminding the world that you trauma bonded yourself to Sparry & the BRF by naming your website after their missing (abandoned) Jack Russell Terrier dog named TIGger, and their (abandoned) nannny named TIGgy.
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A few hours after squatting in 4 inch heels with her knees together, she's wearing a beachball under her dress & needs Harry's help just to sit down in a chair.
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And that coat is still NOT chic or elegant!!
In Trouble with mummy
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anthroposeen · 2 months
tmagp 13 relisten notes!!
there are spoilers for episode 13 below the cut!
- admits to sam that she asked alice for advice and general information about him. this implies she has a pretty friendly relationship with alice (evidenced by alice buying her a mocha) and seems relatively unthreatened by her past with sam so far.
- "no one, im mysterious" -> evidence for her not being from this dimension, if no one can give a lot of information about her
- reveals jack is her baby! (not followed by a glitch)
- says the past couple years "since the move" (between dimensions?) were weird for her
- believes the incidents they work with are real, and im certain shes in the same boat as the audience rn, trying to categorize them with background knowledge that isnt accurate anymore
- easy to make blush, doesnt know how cute he is, is an overachiever, obsessive, a but repressed, nosy, kind of a recluse, and very easy to wind up
- gifted kid syndrome poster child; he seems to view being turned away by the magnus institute as the beginning of his rejection streak (not admitted to oxford, didnt get first, got fired from his legal firm). i think this will be a major point in his motivations and a fear of rejection and need for validation is going to drive him to receive the greatness he wants (and believes he has earned). i can already see a corruption arc brewing for him, poor thing
- did NOT tell celia about his experiences in the institute or what his "incident" was (referring to lena's interview where she asked him what the worst thing he's seen/experienced was). this isnt super sketchy considering its a first date, but is interesting since he was the one who wanted "all the baggage" out early
- he doesn't want to accept that the incidents are real, but i think he does believe in them. he brought the topic up to celia and has asked alice about it before too, so he may be aware that the incidents are real, but is unwilling to fully conceptualize what that means for himself and his world view
- says that alice doesnt love the idea of him seeing celia, which means he may have picked up on her feelings for him
- feels guilty over instigating the mr.bonzo incident -> whats really interesting is that she doesnt threaten to quit or not be involved, she accepts that she gas another email to look through and another external to interact with, but it seems to upset her
- she asks lena why this (externals and mr bonzo murder) is happening, implying that she can stomach the work if its for a reason
- gives gwen the ABCs of genre-awareness:
- this dimension also has "opposing forces- most of them meaning to be harmful.
- these "forces" need to be "balanced" and controlled in order to maintain order in the world/system -> still working off of a smirke-esque theory that retaining balance will keep the world secure. i dont know if she means balance between forces of good and evil or forces in the supernatural sense
- says the OIAR is managing the bad guys, as in monitoring their actions and directing externals to "balance" things
- actually offended that sam doesnt want to share information with her and isnt having a good time knowing sam and celia are seeing each other
- tells sam "he cant prove anything" about the cases being real, but doesnt tell him hes wrong
- i would fling myself from a sky scraper for you, miss dyer, but please never say bussin or fire again
- "stop trying to make an impact" -> the more she tells sam to cut the x-files shit out, the more she stops protesting his suspicions. her scolding has gone from "nothing is going on, chill out" to "sure, theres a conspiracy, but we are paid to ignore it"
alice/sam's past:
- dated at uni, previously stated they were together for several years. it seems to have been a decent split since they stayed in contact afterward.
- sam was there for her when her parents died, but lost contact after
- she contacted him w the OIAR job details after he made an exceptionally pathetic vague post
- centered around gambling and self harm to achieve success- this draws ties to episode 2 (self harm) and episode 9 (luck). i expect this is more aligned with ep 9, as the self harm seems to be in the interest of changing his odds/luck, and the incident is primarily about gaining external success, not physical change. though, ep 2 could be a personal experience with ink5oul that is not representative with their "force"
- the narrator of this statement was quick to actively sacrifice his own well being to achieve better luck, which is a pretty stark contrast to other people who looked to harm other people in their own interest (violin guy and dice guy, i forgot their names sorry!!)
- zorro trader may be a reoccurring organization in relation to gambling
- the narrators options for his debt were to either pay it back or have a personal adjustment, once he completes the voicemail he is transferred to the adjustments apartment, which was not an option on the original call log and something he did not request
- he is promptly adjusted :)
- i think this could be related to the theme of keeping balance, since the incident narrator claims it isnt wrong to play with the loophole, and it ends with him getting what he owes, which is a nice connection to lena's explanation of the OIAR's purpose
- "im happy you're happy", alice (she is not happy that sam is with celia!!)
extra comments:
- i really didnt expect an explanation of the OIAR and its position in this so early, and im surprised lena was the one to reveal it. this exposes that shes pretty open with the staff she feels are on a need-to-know basis, and it also changes my expectations for how we'll come across a big reveal in this series, since information is being given in a more open way
- i think alice and celia definitely know something but in opposing ways- acting as foils to each other with sam (information seeker) in the middle. celia knows about how the fears work in the tma dimension, and alice knows why and what the OIAR are really doing- together, they solve the puzzle that sam is trying to piece together.
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angel-of-the-moons · 7 months
The Ghost and The Relic
Merc!Ghost x Fem!Soul Survivor!Reader
TW/CW: Chem usage, raiders, slavers, murder, executions, child death.
A/N: Depending on how much I like this or how many people like this I might continue this but god I need to get this out of my head lmao.
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It'd been four years since he took up this kind of work. Three since he'd joined up with the old man.
It was his idea, really, to form their little "Task Force" and roam the Wasteland, performing jobs here or there for settlements, providing temporary security and escort details for caravans...
But Simon "Ghost" Riley had a thought. Several, actually. But they all muddled together after a while, especially around his "team".
Their whole team, a rag-tag group of "soldiers" from all the way in the Mojave to managing, by sheer dumb luck to come ashore with their families from another goddamn country.
Ghost's family was one such case; they'd apparently immigrated 75 years after the Great War from someplace called London. He didn't care much about it, or his family, given how shit a hand he'd been dealt.
His father, the abusive sadistic bastard that he was, had fucked up his younger brother so badly that he himself turned to chems and booze, almost killing himself in the process.
Ghost had rejected that path, convinced his mother to leave his father, and they took his recovering brother and moved into a new shack he and a few of the other residents of their small farming settlement had built and they settled in there. Ghost took up a job in the local militia, defending their homes and settlements; and he became a terrifyingly good shot.
His little brother got clean, stayed sober, and married the girl from a neighboring farm. She was a good match for him and they both loved each other immensely. And it was to their small unit's great joy when they mentioned they were going to have a baby.
A baby boy. Joseph. Their mother was thrilled.
But it all came crashing down, eventually.
Thanks to the old rat bastard.
Raiders slipped right through their defenses during the changing of the watch, in the dead of night when the farmers were all tucked inside their homes.
They'd taken Ghost's farm first, nabbed him on the way down the dirt path to their shack and drug him to their camp, locked him in an old shipping crate.
He didn't know how long he'd been there, or how long he had been tortured... all he knew was that when he finally got free, their settlement was almost razed to the ground, the majority of the militia dead, women taken for sport.
And his family?
Dead. Well. His mother, brother, and sister-in-law anyways. There was still hope for little Joseph.
When he'd gotten to the meeting hall (or what was left of it) he found his father bound and beaten by the settlers, so tweaked out on jet and psycho he didn't even feel any of the pain.
He'd ratted them all out for some fucking chems, like the narcissistic, sociopathic junkie he was.
Ghost had suited up in the best scrap armor they had, bagged provisions, packed loaded weapons and plenty of homemade throwing knives, and set off to find Joseph and the others that had been taken as slaves.
He didn't even look back when he heard the gunshot from inside the hall.
He tracked them for days, maybe longer. He wasn't sure. All he felt was an all-consuming drive to get his nephew back, to save his former neighbors.
But he was too late. He found Joseph's crumpled little body beneath that of a partially nude woman, one he faintly recognized from the settlement, but not enough to recall her name as the haze settled in over his skin.
All he saw was red. Red, like the blood covering that poor, tiny, fragile body.
He moved in the dead of night, creeping like a spectre as he executed every raider and slaver he came across. He shot some, stabbed or slit the throats of others. One he left with his voice box slashed, another with their liver hanging out, both still alive as they bled to death in their dingy tents.
It took him less than an hour. A bunch of jet-addicted starved fools was nothing against Simon Riley and the black rage that swallowed him up.
He'd killed them all.
He led the surviving captives back to their settlement, along with the dead they could recognize, and then burned the camp.
Ghost cradled Joseph against him, swaddled tight in a ratty, blood-stained blanket.
The whole trek home, all his mind would think about was how tiny Joseph was. How he'd carried him like this multiple times back to his own bed after he'd curled up at their fireplace with their pet dog. How he carried him as a baby, and a toddler...
And now, he had to bury him alongside his parents and grandmother, and their beloved pet.
Simon Riley wasn't... he wasn't dead. But he wasn't alive either.
He was like a walking corpse.
A Ghost.
And his name became apt when he'd assumed that moniker (mostly due in part to the skull balaclavas he'd wear. The most intimidating one being the one with the actual skull attached to it...).
He moved like a Ghost, wandering aimlessly, performing jobs.
Then, he met the old man.
John Price, former NCR ranger, before he decided to retire early and leave. Well, more like he went AWOL.
Price was convincing in bringing Ghost into his makeshift military outfit.
There was Alex Keller, a former Great Khan that Price had picked up after his splinter tribe had been killed by his own former allies, the New California Republic.
Then there was Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, a Brotherhood of Steel scribe who became a soldier over a mission that went FUBAR, and left his chapter to travel with Price and his growing "unit".
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, a rather peculiar man with a fondness for explosives who somehow managed to get close enough to Ghost to actually be considered a friend. He had been a Gunner, but left them shortly after he realized that he wanted to do good, not just work for caps.
And finally, there was Kate Laswell. Part of a small surviving group of something called the "Enclave" Price had explained what their group was at some point, but none of them particularly cared.
For the first time in what felt like a lifetime Ghost was... Content. He had a purpose, no longer wandering aimlessly, part of a unit. A task force. "Task Force 141" Price named it. Apparently it was a nod to the unit he originally was assigned to as a young recruit for the NCR.
Very few of them focused on their past lives, they'd lost so much in their travels, in the shit order they'd been born in. There was no reason to think about all that, now.
After all, past is the past, is it not?
Not entirely, as Ghost came to find out.
Once they'd gotten through the remains of what used to be "New York City" back before the Great War (now it's simply called New Necropolis, given it's dessicated state, and it was strung tight with "death zones".
It wasn't until they moved a bit East that Ghost suggested they set up a permanent base of ops.
He suggested Boston, Massachusetts. It seemed like a good idea, supposedly riddled with Vaults they could repurpose, military checkpoints they could loot for scavenged gear...
Price surprisingly agreed to send him alone, like he asked. Ghost didn't want to risk the other members of his "family" on a possibility he may be wrong.
But... Ghost was rarely wrong these days.
Especially about the past staying in the past...
He'd managed to trek to a ruined neighborhood surrounded by creeks and a river, by the looks of it, emptying out into a large lake with several other tributaries connecting.
Sanctuary Hills, the old, overgrown sign told him it was. Yeah, maybe 200 years ago, it was a sanctuary. But then again, maybe it could be again. A lot of the houses were still intact. Plenty of scrap metal, wood, etcetera.
Put up some reinforcements on the remaining structures by cannibalizing parts from the ruined structures, build some fences, plant a few crops for provisions, stockpile weapons in the cellar behind that one house...
What he hadn't anticipated on was a Pre-War Mr Handy, still futilely standing watch over his previous owner's house.
He took offense when Ghost set up his sleeping bag in the yellow house across from his master's, citing that it was "impolite" to assume the house was uninhabited.
Judging by the dusty skeletons lying in the back bedroom, yeah. It was uninhabited, save for the radroaches and bloatflies that took a liking to the "idyllic" neighborhood.
That damned robot harped non-stop, although the water it purified for him was something he was grateful for, his yammering certainly got on his nerves.
"Oh, you should have met Sir, he was a soldier too, you know! A rather polite chap, loved the Missus and their baby boy! Oh, how I miss them." The robot sighed, sounding almost wistful.
Could robots feel emotions? He'd yet to meet one that did.
But then again how long had this robot been alone, exactly?
Apparently, he remembered when the bombs were dropped. So, a very very long time. Ghost tried telling him his masters were probably dead by now, even in the safety of their "Vault" he couldn't get into. It's been 200 years.
"Look, bot..." Ghost sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose through his mask, setting his hammer down on the table.
He'd been trying to fix up the yellow house for a few weeks. He'd managed some work, namely the roof and larger holes, obviously. Codsworth had even been kind enough to help with the cutting and the welding, just glad to be of service to someone who didn't shoot at him.
"I'm a little busy, here. So if you want to get nostalgic, save it for when I--"
His eyes went wide and he went deathly silent when he heard some kind of alarm blaring across the hills. Very faint, but it was a completely alien sound from the ones he memorized from the area.
He'd grabbed his pistol, and immediately started for the trail leading to Vault 111.
Which... is where he met you.
Dressed only in your blue vault suit, with a Pip-Boy secured to your wrist, you stumbled down, blinded by the sunlight and delirious from being down there for... well.
You'd collapsed against him and Ghost grunted, deciding to carry you over his shoulders back down to Sanctuary.
He noticed a glare in the distance, like the glint from a pair of binoculars, but he paid it no mind.
The moment Codsworth had laid eyes on you, the robot would not. Shut. Up.
He kept chattering on, almost blubbering, actually.
"Oh! Oh, it's the Missus!" He'd declared, obviously confusing you for his owner, long dead...
"Oh, but where is Sir and young Shaun! Oh, why is she alone! Where are the others?" Codsworth lamented dramatically.
Ghost waved him off, checking your vitals and looking at you for any injuries.
You had none. In fact, you were perfect. Your skin was clean, spotless and pristine, unmarred by radiation or scars.
He'd been silently looking over you when you awoke in the dead of night, Codsworth busy purifying excess amounts of water, apparently finding an intact bathtub to fill, so you could have one when you awoke. Or for cooking, or drinking... he didn't really care.
He was so lost in his curiosity of the one thing he'd never seen before: you. A Vault-Dweller, that he didn't register your eyes opening, long, clean lashes fluttering as you blinked, adjusting to the dimly lit room, only illuminated by a single oil lamp.
He'd set up his spare sleeping bag for you to use, while you were unconscious.
He was honestly taken by surprise when you screamed at him; scrambling back in the opposite direction.
Oh. Right.
The mask.
Yeah, it made sense why you were freaked out. Not a lot of Vault-Dwellers were probably rocking skull masks as the latest fall fashion craze...
"Listen." He'd growled out, fixing you with a soft, yet stern glare. Ghost was not without his mercy, and he understood that this new world must have been terrifying for you.
"My name's Ghost. Not gonna hurt ya. What's your name?" He said, sticking his hands up in a non-threatening manner.
When you'd uttered your name, his eyes widened visibly. It was the same name that Codsworth had said. Could be a coincidence.
That is... Until you told him about being frozen. For 200 years.
"I... I woke up, when..." You said, your voice breaking apart to cough, your mouth unreasonably dry.
Ghost had moved to kneel in front of you, handing you his old, dented canteen to drink down in a few gulps before wiping your face with the back of your hand.
"Oh god." You cried softly. "They killed him! They took my baby!"
Ghost's ears instantly perked up, and his own past flashed in the back of his mind before he pushed it aside.
"Who did?" He pressed.
"I don't know. Some... Some guy. A guy with a scar, and a gun, he... There was a woman in a radiation suit, then the man... Nate, he..." Your voice broke off in a choked sob.
He felt pity and sympathy for you after you'd given him bits of information.
And when Codsworth came doddering in to investigate your screams, Ghost knew you were legit.
You were his owner.
And you'd been frozen for 200 years inside an ice box; your family ripped away from you by some cruel force.
After a tearful reunion and the viewing of a highly emotional holotape, Ghost watched as you silently walked back into what used to be your home.
He gave you your privacy to acclimate (kind of) into your new "life", until he decided that some things needed to be said. You couldn't be emotional in the wasteland, that got people killed.
It could get you killed.
So Ghost decided to follow after you, where he found you on your knees in front of your baby son, Shaun's, crib, clinging to a slightly rotted rocketship that was once connected to the mobile that dangled above.
You clutched it to your heart as you sobbed quietly at the horror of it all.
What had the world become? How could you, a former lawyer, survive this?
Ghost cleared his throat and straightened his posture in the doorway, looking at you in the dark. The moon was full, casting dim cool shadows through the holes in the structure.
"I know this 's hard for you." His gravelly voice dragged out with each slow, deliberate step he took towards you.
He had to take it slow, like you were a wounded animal.
'Hnh. Not that far off, actually.' He thought.
"But you got'ta understand. You need to learn how to survive here, now. If you don't, you're as good as dead."
"What's the point?!" You snap, standing to your feet and tossing the plastic rocket at him.
It bounced harmlessly off his barreled chest and clattered to the floor.
"I don't have my son, I don't have my husband, I don't have my family!" You said through fresh, hot tears as your anger and grief rose to the surface.
And just like that, the flames died, and you flickered out, deflating into more quiet cries as you stood, defeated.
"I have nothing."
"Not true." Ghost said, shaking his head. He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder. "You got a bot out there that's been making water for you for bloody hours, now just so you can take a bath. He's still here, and he's been waiting for you all this time."
You looked at him, eyes glassy and oh-so hurt, but you let him continue.
"And you have your little boy. Somebody stole him." His eyes flashed in the darkness of the room, a glint only illuminated by the moon's light, taking more steps to you until he was face-to-face with you, looking down at you.
God, this man was terrifying.
"And you're going to get him back."
"What...? But--but how? I'm just... me! I was a lawyer, for God's sake!" You blathered.
"First thing's first: you learn to survive." Ghost told you bluntly. "Then..."
He reached into the holster on his chest and slapped a pistol into your hands, the weight almost as hefty as the one you felt settle onto your shoulders, and into your heart.
"You learn to defend yourself. You need to learn to shoot."
He turned to walk away, gesturing for you to follow with a jerk of his head.
"C'mon, then. Let's get to it." He grunted.
"Right now?" You stumbled as you followed him out into the ruined street. "It's past midnight!"
"No time like the present."
You couldn't tell, but you were certain this man was smirking at you behind his mask.
"Hey... what's your name?" You asked him as he began to line up old cans and bottles against a rusted car.
"Name's Ghost, like I said. Now, lift the gun and aim down sights. Don't pull the trigger. Squeeze it."
"What does that even mean?" You asked, taking aim as he stood beside you, still as a statue.
'Still as death.' You thought sardonically.
He grunted again, his voice coming out an annoyed growl:
"If you want to survive, you'll learn what it means. Now, keep both eyes open..."
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TG stans and stansas rejoice in and ridicule women who get brutalized by their intimate partners, suffer traumatic miscarriages, lose almost all their children, and are murdered by a family member then turn around and cry about Helaena and Sansa's treatments in the fandom.
TG stans call Rhaenyra a fat whore, call her lazy for not riding a dragon into battle after a traumatic miscarriage (btw it takes 1-2 months to recover from a miscarriage), mock Visenya's death, and view the rest of Rhaenyra's children as subhuman. But when TB points out how Helaena and Aegon were both overweight in the book, talk about how Helaena went insane after B&C, and how she doesn't do much plot wise in either the book or show, they start bitching.
They complain about how people shouldn't target Helaena's weight, we should be sympathetic to her after her son is murdered, and she's really a victim so we should pity her not critique how little she does. Yeah, I agree, Helaena deserves sympathy for everything that happened to her, but so does Rhaenyra. But that doesn't matter to greenies, they just hate Rhaenyra so much that they'll act just as if not more awful than the misogynistic lords of Westeros.
Stansas will blame thirteen year old Dany for the crimes of her father, blame a bridal slave for the acts of her husband who bought her, call her a psychopath for not "properly" mourning her abusive brother who threatened to carve out her unborn baby, mock Rhaego's death, say she's a selfish person for freeing slaves, say she's a tyrant/horrible ruler for not perfectly dismantling a system built on millenia of slavery, mock her death, and theorize she'll turn into an mad tyrant based on nothing.
But if anyone criticized Sansa's portrayal on GoT, say she was being willfully ignorant in AGOT, talk about how she's persisting in her fantasies, critique how she acted in seasons 7/8, or theorize literally any ending for her character other than being qitn, they're sexist and hate all "feminine" women. They come up with the most horrible theories and write such hateful metas about Dany but then turn around and act like they and Sansa are the ones being victimized.
The shear hypocrisy of TG and Sansa stans is astounding, it's no wonder those parts of the fandom overlap so much. As long as they have their victims that they can project onto (Alicent/Helaena and Sansa), they're happy. But if anyone dares to criticize the characters or point out actual facts from the story, they turn around and bitch about how much we "hate their poor babies". It's just so frustrating seeing how much they hate and hate Rhaenyra and Daenerys yet reject anything that doesn't align with their ideas.
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dracalix · 3 days
everytime i think i can’t hate crispin and daemon even more i acc do. assholes.
« the white cloak is the symbol of our purity » OH BC YOU’RE PURE MISTER HYPOCRITE? 🤡
and when were YOU when jaehaerys was murdered? BANGING ALICUNT.
his hatred for rhaenyra UGH this is what happens when you reject the « nice guy ».
also i was SO glad nyra finally tells daemon what he really is and shows us his real face bc YES he’s a p€d0 who has always been jealous of her power. he used her as the easiest way to get close to this power. there was never love between them, only manipulation and grip. viserys was both afraid and uncertain he could count on his own brother.
« book daemon would never 😞 » OFC THIS SELFISH MF WOULD HELLO? he started to teach nyra abt s€x when she was like 14 in the book (started to have eyes for her in the show). he took her to a brothel at 17/18 and left her there half naked to ruin her reputation bc he perfectly knew everyone would know. and since she was already the heir well that was the ideal way of marrying her and getting closer to the crown he had lost. he’s a horrible man.
well now abt the greens, aegon and helaena DESTROYED me. their ways of grieving are so different, aegon being more violent and helaena being more … idk, in a deep state of shock and depression. her madness is slowly coming and i’m so afraid … my girl 💔 (HER HAVING A PANIC ATTACK ON THE CARRIAGE HELP).
ik aegon isn’t a good person but i think his character is so deep and interesting … he could’ve been a whole different person if someone had cared abt him in his youth and if things had been different (also i’m MADLY in love with tom glynn carney, it somewhat impairs my judgment lmao).
« my little son’s body » 💔
quite relieved to find out the parade was otto’s idea. i mean this man is monstrous, aegon, helaena and alicent didn’t want that (even if alicent didn’t really fight the idea). good thing aegon fired this creep bc « viserys was right abt you » I’M SORRY DIDN’T YOU PUT HIM ON THE THRONE WITH THE HELP OF YOUR DAUGHTER WHO CHOSE TO TRUST THE LAST WORDS OF AN OLD SENILE MAN AFTER HE PROBABLY TALKED NONSENSE FOR YEARS 🤡
aemond with the woman who r@ped him 💔 poor baby, he seemed so vulnerable all naked and curled up, regretting what happened with his nephew.
jace opening himself abt his relationshipS with fatherS 😞
ALSO absolutely devastated abt the cargyll brothers. almost cried when they fought. erryk killing himself out of shame and honor was heartbreaking.
anyway, this episode was GREAT, get behind me asoiaf victims 🤺🤺
(i need helaena to tell EVERYONE what her mom and ser crispin were doing)
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terrence-silver · 2 months
Can you please do a scenario where Terrys beloved dies during childbirth and how he copes with his grief. Would he accept and love the baby or reject and blame the baby.
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Like five hundred other people are to blame.
Surgeons. Doctors. Nurses. Midwives. The medical staff at the emergency room. The poor, unlucky chauffeur who drove the beloved to their usual appointments, for all we know. The measures they took. The measures they didn't take. The amount of dedication they clearly didn't show, in his opinion. It is the ultimate betrayal that'll get so many people hurt. When Terry Silver pays a sum for a service, he expects the service delivered to perfection and according to his instructions; that's how that social contract works because nothing's for free, and if you throw a whole fortune at something, you expect nothing but your vision delivered to you down to the smallest details. The fact that he was failed so catastrophically it resulted in the death of the person he covets and loves the most? Someone stripped away beyond his control to stop it!? When he trusted vetted professionals, the best of the best in their field, to do the job right!? I swear to god, heads will fly. He daydreams about what could've happened if he just kicked down the doors of the delivery room and carried beloved out of there before it was too fucking late. The revenge will be horrifying, though. People will lose jobs. Their licenses to practice medicine. They'll be blacklisted. Sued. They'll find their cars blown up. Their places of residence broken into. Burned down. The hospital they worked in foreclosed, bought out, bulldozed overnight and turned into an empty privately owned lot until not even a single brick remains of the place that killed beloved. For the love of all that's holy, some of the participants involved in the tragedy might even find their own loved ones done in by mysterious circumstances because blood can be only repaid by blood. A life for a life. And since Terry might just think the life of someone he loves is worth infinitely more than just one life, the retaliation can be truly awful and result in some many injured parties and so much damage it is pretty hard to describe just how far he'd go.
Pretty far, I'd reckon.
Murder, carnage and torture type of far.
When the dragon's been woken, it's impossible to get him to slumber again.
But, however far it does go, I doubt he'd ever blame his child; if anything, his possessiveness of them is only kickstarted into some very excessive territories day one seeing as how they're the last thing he has left off from beloved and the one thing that'll outlive him and carry him on, into the future, and so, all the more reason for him to be devoted to his offspring with all the lovesickness a human heart can produce, blaming, perhaps, himself, all the more, behind the narcissistic facade that he is infallible and all powerful. Terry actually feels he's entirely to blame, triggered into a bygone time where his clumsiness resulted in a friend's death, and here he is, decades later, at the very exact same place. He lost control then and he lost control now. Almost like he's back at the very same spot he was in Vietnam and he's still that scared, shivering boy in the cage and he's angry. Desperate. Vulnerable. And oh so feral. And everyone best beware. This is an issue that The Valley might just end up burning down over, engulfing everything far and wide. Man would step on the whole world because he'd feel the world deserves it now more than ever.
This is an extremely deadly mindset to put Terry Silver into.
No telling how violently all of it could culminate in his mourning.
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bonefall · 1 year
you talk about clear sky likes he’s this huge tyrant or something. now i haven’t read dawn of the clans in a long time but was he really that bad? i don’t remember a lot of things that happen in that arc btw. or did you make him even worse with the bonefall rewrite??
i should reread dawn of the clans
Things Canon Clear Sky does;
Throw his disabled brother into the wilderness to die
Reject his only surviving son because its mother died in a building collapse after leaving in protest of all his violence
Come back only once that son is grown and useful
Refuse to care for a clanmate with an infected wound, kicking him out
Tells his son to lick the pus off his friend's wound if he cares about him so much, publicly
A lot of public humiliation in general
Is 1 of 2 suspects in the mauling of a battered housewife who dies of her injuries
General warmongering
Responds to the idea of peace talks by taking a prisoner of war
Starves that prisoner of war to the point of emaciation after promising to care for him while he's detained
Starts the bloody First Battle when the starving prisoner of war catches a bat because he hasn't eaten in days
Dozens of people die in this completely pointless and avoidable fight. They cannot dig the mass grave in one day.
Murders Rainswept Flower during this, saying he "got so mad he didn't know what he was doing". This is accepted as a reasonable excuse lmao something is deeply wrong with these writers.
And that's all BEFORE the "Redemption Arc." He continues to act like this but now the narrative decides he's good now and everyone's mean to him for holding him accountable for his actions, he's so sorry guys :(((
After his redemption arc;
Loudly whines and complains that StarClan is forcing him to take an outsider, Micah, as a doctor
Treats him poorly while he's in SkyClan, shown to be verbally abusive every time it comes up (Micah insists he's not so bad if you give it back to him, though this is shown to not be true)
Foists a Clanborn apprentice onto him immediately, Acorn Fur, with the implication that she will replace him as soon as possible.
Refuses to allow Moth Flight and Micah to gather sap for another Clan, knowing denying medicine will kill someone
Orders Red Claw to fight Micah, getting Micah killed
Refuses to allow Moth Flight to finish Acorn Fur's training
When his baby son gets mauled by a fox, he refuses to allow Acorn Fur to go get help until infection sets in
He blames Wind Runner for this because she held Moth Flight back for like 5 minutes.
Holds Moth Flight as a prisoner of war when she needs that sap again until Wind Runner apologizes for killing his baby
So in short; he is canonically an awful tyrant and I'm barely making him any worse in my rewrite. I'm just making it so he doesn't have a failed 'redemption arc' because he didn't even actually change in-canon.
I don't care how "scared and sad" he was when he was doing war crimes. His motivations are piss poor excuses for justifications and his botched redemption arc is one of the worst plots the writers ever hatched.
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ssaalexblake · 2 years
The Dracula updates for today were such a weird mix of horrifying and hilarious to me? 
You have the viscerally horrifying image of the count feeding on Mina, forcing Mina to feed off of him, both of them covered in red blood as he restrains her in an odd and creepy way. Jonathan unconscious at their sides all the while, hypnotised into submission as much as Mina, but at least with the vague mercy of being unaware of the proceedings (for now). What Mina tells us the count said to her, that he’d brutally murder Jonathan. That there’s no point in screaming anyway, because he’s already fed off of her, no reason to stop him now! That he will turn her into a monster and his slave and there’s nothing she can do about it, he crossed him and he will punish her. 
Jonathan embracing her after this attack, rejecting that she is in some way tainted by this all and all the while smearing the blood of both Mina and Dracula over himself without a care of it. Van Helsing declaring that the count would sleep well as he is so full from a large meal and will be tired and plump, having briefly forgotten that the meal and her husband are right there next to him struck into horror by his words. This isn’t even going into what was done to poor Renfield, who was brutally and viciously murdered by Dracula who was trying to kill the only person to treat Him like a person we’ve seen in the book. 
I haven’t really genuinely thought of any of the proceedings as viscerally horrifying before these events in the book, but the passage where they find Mina being fed upon was truly disturbing. That we can look back and remember Lucy’s implied awareness of what will happen at the very end, coupled with Dracula cruelly torturing Mina with the knowledge of what he’d do to her as she is in a situation equivalent to being drugged and only half aware, it paints a picture about what may have occurred when Lucy and he were alone that we did not get to know about. 
But at the same time, lets be honest, the mental image of the four men barging their way into the Harkers bedroom by literally body slamming it till it gave way and stumbling into the room, Seward noting that Van Helsing did in fact literally fall over into the room was legitimately a funny image to me. Meanwhile, Dracula looks up from his meal, shocked at four grown men suddenly falling into the locked room he’s in. It’s like a sketch from a cartoon. Two doctors, one Lord and a cowboy bottleneck through a locked door to interrupt count Dracula's lunch. Everybody is frozen in shock for a few seconds. 
And then to make it worse later on in the day, Dracula is cornered by the five of them in Piccadilly, four whom have crosses and one who has a Kukri knife that gets so close to nailing Dracula that it slashes his pockets and he drops all his cash. Sensing the writing on the wall, Dracula ducks down, grabs some of his money off the floor (i assume he has a reason for this, but that it makes the rich guy look like a cheap old bastard adds to the humour), and runs away from them and launches himself Through A Damn Window, runs across the garden and locks himself in the shed to keep them away from him while they stand there shocked at the course of events. I can almost see the Dracula shaped hole in the window! It’s like a scene ripped out of tom and jerry! It’s hilarious! Dracula gets mugged, jumps out of a window and locks himself in a shed to get away from the baby lawyer with the big knife. 
I was laughing really hard. 
It’s the dichotomy that gets me here. I am both horrified but laughing my ass off at how the count is, actually, laughably ridiculous. The vampire can’t even get a decent meal and a nap without some random men ruining it all. 
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I have a question!! Would the egos like playfighting? Like, pillow fights, play wrestling, stuff like that!!
(you write so well, thank you for all you do!! You are an amazing human being!! 🤭🫶)
Ooh, this is a really good one!
The Detective: - Unpopular opinion but I don't think he would - Pillow fights are a maybe, but I'm almost certain that play wrestling would scare him. Poor traumatized baby :( - If he was in a playful mood, he'd probably accept a pillow fight, though - You would win
MadPat: - He would tell you he hates it, but in reality, he loves the adrenaline rush from play fighting - He's scared of accidentally hurting you, though. He's a murderer but he'd rather burn alive than ever hurt you seriously - He sucks at pillow fights for some reason. I couldn't even tell you why, he just does - Play wresting, on the other story...
Mack (crewmate): - Ohhh, you're so on! - He won't often initiate a play fight first, but whenever you do, he'll jump to the occasion - He's a sucker for pillow fights. Play wrestling is fun too, but pillow fights are one of his favorite things to do with you
The Hermit: - If you try to start play fights with this man I fear he may take it as rejection - Like he'll think you don't want to be with him anymore and he will be so, so sad - If you explain it to him he might agree, though. Maybe. - Prepare to lose, though
WarfPat: - Yesssss, absolutely! - He'll start play fights every time he gets the chance! - He'll try to beat you every single time, but he loves when it's a fair match and he almost loses. - Sometimes he'll let you win just because he loves seeing your smile
DarkPat: - He doesn't particularly like them, though that doesn't mean he won't - You can, however, get him into a pillow fight if he's in a very specific mood, and if you initiate it - Almost always lets you win, like a true gentleman
Ness: - YES! He adores play fights - He has a tendency to start pillow fights that don't end until both of you completely tap out - And he's so competitive with it too - Play wrestling is less his style, but if you started something, he'd happily follow suit
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dandylovesturtles · 9 months
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OKAY sorry to send two asks in a row (and sorry to send a picture instead of copy and paste, my c&p isnt working well for some reason?) but this part is. Also my favourite.
Haha no worries!
AH YES the Brains and Brawn floor cuddles + Leo Rejection Part 2: Electric Boogaloo. I'm sensing a theme with these asks lol.
"Donnie!" Raph hurried over, reaching out for him.
"Raph, I don't think that's-"
He put his hand on Donnie's shoulder, and Leo watched as Donnie sagged into the touch. Raph knelt, getting in close, and Donnie slumped so he was resting his head on Raph's plastron.
"I gotcha, Donnie," said Raph softly, stroking his arm. "You're good, you're good. Just breathe."
Donnie hasn't been okay this whole fic, but he's especially not okay right now. And with everything going on, Raph and Donnie haven't really had time to work out that big blowout fight that happened between them. Sure, Leo bullied them into apologizing, and they both meant what they said. But they still haven't really had a time to fully work through what happened with just them, without meddling from Leo and Mikey.
Donnie's dealing with a mix of guilt and the leftover adrenaline of "I almost committed murder for real" and he needs help right now. Donnie seems to distance himself from Raph's babying more than the others, but at the end of the day that's still his big brother, and Donnie is still going to go to him when he needs just the right brand of comforting that only his big bro can provide.
After everything is over, Raph and Donnie are definitely going to take some time to properly mend their relationship back up. Not that it was ever truly broken, of course, but they need to have a real talk. But this is the first real overture between them: Raph will always be there when one of his little brothers is in trouble, and Donnie having the trust to let Raph in when he's this vulnerable is a big deal.
tl;dr it was really important to me that Raph be the one to comfort Donnie here. Too bad we don't actually get to know what they said because Leo didn't eavesdrop on their conversation haha
Leo stood stock still, watching his brothers cuddle on the medbay floor. Okay, so not all touch is bad. Just me.
But of course Leo is not in his brother's head and he doesn't know what all Donnie is thinking right now. And normally he might be clear-eyed about his brothers' various ways to know this isn't really a rejection of him, but he's been through so much that his brain isn't quite firing on all cylinders. He's making everything about himself again, which I don't mean as a criticism of him (he is really really not alright right now), just a fact.
Sometimes we hurt people without meaning to and it's not anyone's fault but that doesn't stop it from hurting.
It felt like the stab of a white hot knife.
I use this phrase way too often lol it makes me cringe seeing it here. This is why you get yourselves a beta, kids. Don't be like me.
"I'm gonna go..." Leo stopped, swallowed hard to banish the tremble in his voice. "I'm gonna check for any more damage to the lair."
Raph looked in the direction of his voice. "Wait, Leo-"
"I'll be right back," he promised, and was out of there before Raph could say anything more.
Run! Run from the bad feelings!
Poor Raph, he knows Leo isn't okay either but he can't just leave Donnie in the floor and it's not like he can clone himself! (Okay he can kinda clone himself but not in the way Leo needs right now, haha.) It'd be helpful if Mikey was here but Mikey is not. Cowabummer.
Leo does want Raph to stay and help Donnie. He knows Donnie needs that right now. And it's not like he even really needs to be the comforter over Raph; if Donnie hadn't pulled away from his touch earlier then he wouldn't be as upset by this now. But he's definitely feeling singled out right now.
Thanks for the ask!
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womanofwords · 1 year
Daddy’s Baby Boy (Hero’s POV)
Villain’s POV
CW: platonic yandere caretaker hero, whumpee villain, whumper supervillain, abduction, broken bones, infantilisation, Stockholm syndrome, drugging.
My life changed forever the day I went to break up Supervillain’s headquarters. It was gruelling and terrifying, but nothing I hadn’t handled before. But that was when I found the worst thing I had ever seen in my life.
A frail, broken body laid in a pool of blood on the floor. I was about to call the police about a murder victim when I saw movement, a hand groping the floor for something to hold on to.
They were alive.
“Who is this?” they whimpered. The voice sounded male. I scooped him up and took a long look at his face.
It was the most adorable thing I’d ever seen.
Those big eyes, those pouty lips, how waifish they looked. They were probably starved for some time before being beaten. That poor baby had been abused for months on end, possibly even years.
And that would never happen to him again.
First, I’d have to kill Supervillain or, better yet, get her killed. She was undoubtedly the one behind this, and if she wasn’t the one directly doing it, then she would be the one directing others to get their hands dirty.  That wasn’t hard: Supervillain may have always been ready for a fight, but she was never bullet proof.
Then, I would report finding Villain to the authorities so he could go to the hospital. Nobody seemed to care that they were hurt so badly, which was so callous. How could anyone look at such an angelic face and not care about what happened to them?
A few days after the terrible incident, Villain was still in my head. He was such a sweet boy, who probably wasn’t even a bad person. Supervillain had probably forced them to do it.
Taking them home was difficult. I had to pull in a lot of favours for this to work. Bribing the nurses on shift so they wouldn’t say anything, someone to take Villain’s place in the hospital so it would look like he had made a miraculous recovery, yet another person to make a portal directly to my new safe house to make the whole operation easier. I had to pay a lot of hush money to these people so they’d keep their mouths shut, but my baby boy was worth every penny.
Taking care of Villain was nothing short of a labour of love. It broke my heart every single time Villain rejected my love, but I kept my faith. Villain would learn to love me once he knew how much I cared for him. I would wake him up with breakfast in bed (a meal replacement shake because he couldn’t chew) first thing in the morning. Villain struggled with the bottles at first, but he learned to tolerate them eventually.
Then his old bandages would be removed so he could be bathed. I would be scared of hurting him as his wounds were stitched up, but painful, and his whimpers and yelps of pain made me want to bawl. While he was in the bath, I would brush his hair, which was full of mats and tangles. Some of it had to be cut, but what I could brush out made him whimper and groan. I spent a ridiculous amount of money on brushes so this wouldn’t hurt him or damage his hair. It was so fluffy and I would hate to ruin it with split ends.
After the bath, he would get new bandages for his wounds and oils massaged into his skin. This seemed to be the only part of our day that Villain actually liked, as he practically purred while face down on his bed. Physical therapy would happen after he had clothes, stretching and bending the ways he had to so he could become stronger.
Our day ended with Villain wearing the most adorable footed pyjamas and sitting in my lap to drink soup from a thermos. I would take him downstairs to watch a Disney movie and then I would bring him back to his bed to snuggle him.
Slowly, very slowly, my efforts paid off. Villain’s cold demeanour would start slipping away, his defenses coming down. I would smile and tell him that I was so proud of him for being so brave and calling me Daddy. He would blush with shame, but that would lessen with time. Eventually, he would say the word Daddy with no shame at all and the sweetest lilt in his voice. The best time was when I came home from going somewhere and I would hear his excited squeals from upstairs. Every time I got home, there would be endless snuggles and one of the stuffed animals I got for him was presented to me. My baby boy became the sweetest angel once he was out of his shell.
Once it was safe for him to come off bed rest, we got started on walking. There were good days and bad days, but Villain would always be so tired after practicing walking. This would lead to me carrying him from place to place, something that I cherished as much as possible. Villain would snuggle into my shoulder and want to stay there forever, only agreeing if we cuddled all night. But once he became confident with walking, he would trot at my side like the adorable puppy he was. We’d even go on walks together to a nice park, where it was expansive, pretty, and most importantly, secluded.
The first time I used muscle relaxants on Villain, it was during a moment of weakness. That day, I was feeling particularly clingy and missed the days when he needed me . . . needed me more. One dose of muscle relaxants and he would be incapacitated for at least half the day. “Did mean, awful Supervillain do this to you, too?” I asked, covering my tracks. Villain sobbed into my arms.
“I’m sorry, Daddy! I did something bad!” Villain wailed, the first time it had happened. “I disappointed you! I’m sorry!” Even after giving him a few stuffed animals for comfort, telling him over and over that it wasn’t his fault, and giving him another smoothie, he would only be contented with kisses and snuggles. I did feel guilty, but Villain was so obedient and eager to please for a week afterwards, and I was hooked.
After that, it would happen a few times a year, roughly every two months. I will admit, I hated how much he would cry when he woke up from a nap to see how his legs wouldn’t hold him up, but he would be so affectionate and snuggly, and then so happy when he was better.
I’d heard of people who kept other people in their house, mainly in true crime documentaries. These people would torture their captives in all sorts of ways, cut them off from the world, restrain them with all sorts of tools. But I’d never needed to do such things. There was no reason for me to do such a thing to my precious Villain, though. No more hurt and pain for my baby boy. He’d gone through more than enough.
Besides, I have Villain exactly where I need him. He’s well-loved and well-trained. And when someone has everything they need where they are, you can leave them alone with every exit available, and it won’t make a difference.
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The Locked Tomb/Steven Universe Crossover
This crossover was inspired months ago by the random thought "Hey, Pearl would definitely want to be Rose's cavalier" and hasn't left me alone since. So here you go, niche audience of one! (It's me. I am the audience)
First of all, yes, Pearl has to be Rose's cavalier. Not only does it neatly align with Pearl's knightly devotion and the institutional power imbalance they're both trying to ignore, Pearl absolutely is the kind of person who would take "my not-wife refuses to kill me and eat my soul in order to attain immortality" as a terrible rejection.
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She's so insane about Rose, she'd fit right in in this universe (pun not intended). Also, the cavalier-necromancer romance taboo works excellently for Pearlrose. For one, of course, the forbidden romance. Cav!Pearl confessing to necro!Rose that she's been dreaming about running away from the Houses together to live in domestic bliss on a nice moon somewhere has the exact same vibes as su!Pearl's confession in Now We're Only Falling Apart. But more importantly, cav!Pearl giving Rose's suitors a "You may have caught her eye, but I am her cavalier; she swore an oath to me; our fates are entwined till death do us part" speech only to go to her rooms and wallow in how the very position that ensures she'll be by Rose's side forever is what will forever keep her from pursuing her true feelings is too good.
Meanwhile Rose is in the next room going "Oh woe is me, for I am a cruel, selfish woman, to keep the love of my life from the glory she deserves! Alas, I can't bear to let her go, even though I know in my heart that her care for me is only the rightful, proper care of a cavalier for her necromancer! The least I owe her is not to take advantage of our pure, sacred bond, so I shall go and drown my sorrows in another fleeting affair!"
Writer's choice whether they miraculously manage to communicate before Rose gets herself killed in one way or another, but ironically the dystopian 50% character death rate tlt verse is much more likely to give them a second chance than pastel redemption arcs su, because Steven Universe is a story about healing from trauma with the power of a supportive network of loved ones while The Locked Tomb endorses attacking the cold unfeeling universe with teeth and fingernails until it returns your girlfriend, and both of them are so valid for this.
In this case however it means, that instead of slowly healing, Pearl absolutely refuses to accept Rose's death to a Harrow and Camilla extent. Does she threaten to stab whoever takes Jod's role in this AU? Does she try to break into the Locked Tomb because to hell with the Houses, she's getting her wife back? Both? In any case, tlt rules demand that she succeeds.
Anyway, I put them in the Seventh House because roses.
As for the supporting cast:
Ruby and Sapphire are the Fifth House wholesome married couple who make Pearl and Rose stare in longing for what they cannot have.
Garnet is Paul. Obviously. Cue another, different kind of yearning for what could have been from Pearl. Poor Garnet has just come into existence. She doesn't deserve having to be everyone's emotional support already.
I struggled with figuring out a role for Amethyst for a while until it hit me: Wasn't it fun when Amethyst experienced self hatred over how the life was drained out of her planet to make her? Try being the result of two hundred child murders! Don't the inadequacy issues gain a delightful new dimension when your entire generation has been killed off in anticipation of your abilities? Guys, I think Amethyst is Harrow Nova.
I have no idea what plot has to happen for Rose to end up with Jod's baby, but that is the only role for Steven I will tolerate. And Connie is his cavalier. Obviously.
Peridot is sciency, Lapis is the quiet OP lady, and they're in a QPR. There was no way I wasn't going to make them the Sixth. HOWEVER. Due to how extremely OP Lapis is with an element manipulating power specifically. I decided that she's the necromancer and Peridot is her incredibly academically talented BFF who they're pretending is the necromancer so she can be along for the ride. This would be plot relevant if this crossover had an actual plot instead of self indulgent vibes only.
Jasper gets Judith's role. Completely loyal to the ethically dubious regime, absolutely convinced that she's the only one who is doing the right thing and everyone else is just not strong enough, ends up corrupted possessed by a Resurrection Beast.
Bismuth is a Blood of Eden commander. She would like to fist fight every single Uppercrust zombie, however, just like su!Bismuth, she is easily won over when a former Homeworld gem House zombie shows up on her planet and announces her intent to fight the Diamonds Jod and his Lyctors and/or bust into the Locked Tomb.
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hopeymchope · 10 months
Do you think you can help me out? I don't understand why everyone loves Ibuki so much. I mean, I don't want to hate her, but the one thing I don't like is her music. It's been bothering me ever since I learned that she's a fan favorite, I want to know if anyone doesn't like Ibuki because of her music. I get that her popularity has to do with her jokes and fashion, but some of it feels like dark humor to me. You can read my blog for more info if you want (some of it doesn't make sense though).
I don't think anyone likes Ibuki's music aside from Hiyoko, lol. (Unless, of course, you're talking about that amazing fan recording of what "I Squeezed Out the Baby But I Have No Idea Who the Father Is" could sound like, which I would say is an absolute jam.) Just look at everyone else's reaction to it in-game! So you're definitely not alone in such an opinion; I'd be stunned to learn if ANY fans legitimately liked her in-game/in-anime music, actually. I always thought the whole POINT was that it's supposed to sound like a cacophony of garbage. But having some crap musical preferences isn't usually enough to hate OR love somebody, y'know? Whether they're real OR fictional.
(But please, y'all: If any of you legitimately love — or, like @dangan-kagura, totally hate — Ibuki for her.... eccentric musical style, I'd love to hear about that. I want to know you exist!)
But ultimately, I think Ibuki is beloved by the DR fanbase because of three main reasons:
A) Yes, she's funny and cartoonishly positive and speaks in the third person, but she also runs deeper/smarter than she usually acts. We do tend to really dig characters with layers to them that run deeper than our first superficial impression.
B) We also love someone who is relentlessly individualistic and shows no signs of caring what other people think of her. There's an admirable quality to her, particularly in how she's pursuing her music when we meet her.
C) A character with queer undertones (overtones?) is always a character that fandoms will gravitate towards.
Let me go a little more in-depth on those points.
Regarding point A: Obviously, Ibuki acts like a goofball a lot of the time, which can be endearing. But she also surprisingly pulls her weight in the class trials by catching others in lies, pressing people for answers, reporting on exactly what sounds/voices came from where at what points during Chapter 1's murder, and so on. She can be quite insightful — remember that in DR3's Despair Arc, she's the only person in Class 77-B who points out that there's something between Fuyuhiko and Peko — that they're clearly closer than they pretend to be. All of the above speaks to how lowkey observant she is, which supports how she can drop some legit wisdom, such as her mini-speech about "finding oneself" during her final FTE in Island Mode.
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Regarding point B: As we gradually learn her background in-game from various conversations and FTEs, we find that she once wrote and co-performed a song with her Light Music Club that became a top-charting single. That fact combined with her incredible guitar skills helped her get scouted by Hope's Peak as the "Ultimate Musician." Even so, she ditched her club and quit pop music so she could make the heavier, harder music SHE wanted to make. And... it's not exactly being well-received, but she doesn't seem to give a damn. She left behind the easy route to praise and loads of cash so she could maintain her artistic integrity and do what she's passionate about and loves doing. That's easy to admire.
Regarding point C: At the end of Island Mode, if the player/Hajime suggests they could now be "lovers," she rejects that notion with a strong "DENIED!" Plus she talks about her heart pounding hard when she sees the other girls in their swimsuits. And there's her request for Mahiru to take picutres of Mikan in compromising positions when poor Tsumiki falls in Chapter 1. And, y'know... the infamous "Welcome to the world of girl love!" quote. All this together has made her be popularly believed to be gay or at least bi/pansexual, and characters with those kinds of hints just always get a lot of love from fans. Geeks do love their slash.
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I hope this helped you understand why people are fond of her — including myself. I'd probably put her anywhere from tier 1 to tier 3 of my favorite characters, depending on the day. She's not a lock for the top level by any means, but I'm still a fan and enjoy her presence.
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asmo-cosmetics · 6 months
reminder for the five hundred thousandth time that anyone who holds the Formidably stupid opinion that "solomon is basically the exact same as a rapist for pacting asmo like that!!!1!!" is:
a baby
woobifying asmodeus to a frankly ridiculous degree
holding solomon to a different standard of morality than literally every other character in the game (they are all literally murderers)
disrespectful to the rest of the fandom by filling the main tags with their one wrong opinion without tagging anything filterable
forgetful, i fuckin guess, because they sure don't seem to remember the power asmodeus has over not only solomon but literally every human except mc
seriously i can't get over how much these idiots must just absolutely hate and despise asmo because they clearly think he's stupid as shit?? do you seriously think one of The Most Powerful Demons In Existence just got so emotionally drunk - something that rarely happens because he has such a high tolerance to demonus - from being rejected - something that rarely, if ever, happens, especially from a human, because he's asmodeus - that he would sign his life away to the next random human to come along? i assume that you think the other brothers would all be just as susceptible if you got them drunk enough? no? hm. wonder fucking why
illiterate probably because if you actually read the chapter you might have noticed that asmodeus gave him terms. "oh but didn't he just say that solomon has to give him attention all the time or whatever" ... yeah. are you genuinely stupid or do you just not see that supposedly poor drunk widdle asmo tricked the most powerful sorcerer in the world into being at his fucking beck and call. stop treating him like he's an idiot, it really reveals a lot about you that you think the pink sparkly femme character is a ditz. work on that!
not welcome on my blog, i will block you
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