#poor mason
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ask-woods · 1 month ago
I wanna know about the first time mason kissed you. Cause I know it wasn’t you that kissed him!
Not exactly the most glorified first kiss, but buckle in, because you’re in for a long ride.
It was the night of when Mason’s pops, real shitty guy, not fun to be around, told him in a letter that he should’ve died in Vorkuta. Not fun. Wish I could’ve knocked some sense into the bastard, but that’s besides the point.
You know how us military men and our relationship with alcohol is, always leaning on it like a crutch when shit hits rock bottom. Well, Mason was piss drunk, I’m talking he couldn’t have walked a straight line or recited his ABC’s if he’d have tried. Bastard had some pills in sight, and I walked into his poor excuse for a tent right as he reached for him.
Knocked ‘em out of his hand, asked him what the fuck he thought he was doing. Ironic, now, given my own…situation. He was all sorts of fucked up, mumbling and wobbling, practically collapsed into my arms.
I let him cry for a while, shit, I get it. My pops wasn’t the best either. Family struggles are shit. Wiped his tears, and he kept apologizing and thanking me for being with him, then he just leaned forward, and kissed me right on the lips.
Never really forgot that.
He passed out on me about a minute later. Didn’t remember a goddamn thing when he woke up, the bastard. I was just hoping he didn’t notice how fucking red my face felt.
But yeah, that’s the story of our first kiss.
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ncromancer · 4 months ago
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@arkvoodlee asked:
👚 femboy hooters outfit ( I don’t make the rules )
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"I'm going to scream, Crypto." Hands on his hips, he looked down at Crypto with a cocked brow. Face scarlet, he reached down to pull idly on the white croptop that barely covered his chest. "Who in the fuck let you into a Hooters in the first place?"
Bright orange short shorts, thigh high socks that he had to rip holes in so he could fit his feet in. Tail whipped idly behind him, embarrassed over anything else. He knew he could be talked into most things, but he still had no idea how he got talked into this.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 9 months ago
finishing up this fic which i started and wrote a large chunk of last august...one of the earliest instances of wondering why is frank's wife in every fic i usually avoid them like the plague lmao
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survivingpierce · 11 months ago
❛  you don't have to leave just yet ... you could stay the night if you wanted to.  ❜ [ from mason ]
🐝  *  ―  𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑶𝑴 𝑫𝑰𝑨𝑳𝑶𝑮𝑼𝑬 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬��𝑺 𝑷𝑻. 𝑰. || @dcmoniism
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              "and leave in the morning with the same clothes?", katherine asked while peppering kisses along mason's jawline. "your elderly neighbor will think i'm a floozy…" not that she cared about what some random person thought but she liked the excuse.
              katherine is usually no one who stays the night. that would result in too much familiarity and although mason doesn't know because she's so good at making him believe what she wants him to believe, it's not like that for her.
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ask-woods · 1 month ago
They got you too? Bastards are ruthless with this shit.
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another long while of waiting. punished for his patience.
"...i really should shut this line down, jesus christ."
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moldycalico · 1 month ago
This is how Harry was before he got killed by Missionary
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i have no idea what his eye colour is btw can someone enlighten me
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tanglepelt · 2 years ago
Dc x dp idea 14
I always pictured Danny as liking galas. Not cause he enjoys the atmosphere but because he can cause subtle chaos. Then one time it’s not subtle at all.
Jack forces Danny to go events with Vlad. Danny just makes subtle remarks to Vlads peers about his bad practices.
Hinting towards how his wealth was massed odly and suddenly. Pointing out things that just went missing and suddenly one day Vlad just had. Overall each event he goes to Vlad looks worse and worse.
Danny has hinted to him being forced to be at event. That he doesn’t like being called little badger. He’s also getting the inside scope on new tech and ideas by playing dumb. Tucker is taking advantage of the inside info.
So there is a huge gala going to happen in Gotham. The masons and vlad are both going to be in attendance. Obviously this means Danny is getting forced into it same as Sam.
Now sam openly causes problems at the gala. Like standing on a table screaming about animal rights or something. She’s an activist she would so do it. Just imagine Damian joining in. He doesn’t like the galas either after all.
Both sam and danny snuck in reporters. Danny did it to ensure sam would never have to go to another gala. He could use them for his fun as well.
Dick is on a chandelier now to add more chaos. Jason is having the time of his life watching it all unfold.
So Danny just “unknowingly” talking to the reporters about vlad. He also starts talking about the masons. Vlad got distracted talking to another rich person he was planning to rob.
Tim assumes Danny doesn’t know he’s talking bad mouthing ti reporters and goes up to him. Danny is just like dude let me trash talk the fruitloop. When Tim subtle pulls him off to the side.
Danny “accidentally” reveals that vlad is trying to kill his father, marry his mom and adopt him. He is so used to people not believing him why would this rando.
So on top of making a gala a madhouse now the bats are investigating Vlad. Not that Danny realizes until the bats show up in amity.
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lovelystarkersworld · 5 months ago
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Pepper leaving him during this scene definitely gave him some form of insecurity about his PTSD. i get that she was also spooked because of the suit but to just leave him and then MOCK him afterwards as if she didn't just wake him from a night terror was cruel imo.
And once Peter find out what happened, his heart is broken. Almost as broken as when Tony found out that Peter had an entire building collapse above him one time.
The first time it happens Peter immediately wraps his arms around Tony and pulls him close to his chest, whispering sweet nothings into the older man's ear. Tony sobs because he'd never had someone hold him when he was most vulnerable, soaking the boys t shirt in tears.
i don't dislike pepper btw. i dislike this scene
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megamindsupremacy · 6 months ago
Relativity Falls AU Outline Part 1 [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
-It is my hot take that Relativity!Dipper wouldn't be a scientist or paranormal researcher. I decided he's an investigative journalist, because "Mystery Solving" seemed more his speed than "Physicist" and whatever the other 11 of Ford's PhDs are.
-Mabel is a fashion designer, which is someone else's idea that I liked and stole
-It is my other hot take that Mabel and Dipper don't have a dramatic split like Stan and Ford do when they're young. They're more in-sync as kids, and they don't have the same familial pressures that the Stans do, growing up. So they're just fine with each other!
Okay now for the actual plot:
-Dipper is an investigative journalist who isn't doing... great in his career. He's not breaking any huge stories or winning any awards, and the stress of his job is getting to him. He catches wind of some sort of "Northwest Conspiracy" involving a false founder of a town and jets off to Gravity Falls, determined to make this story the start of his career
-He starts investigating the whole conspiracy. Pacifica Northwest catches wind of all of this and is Quite Irritated that some random Californian fucker is in Gravity Falls specifically and solely to ruin her family's reputation. Which, from her point of view, is fair. I'd be annoyed too.
-To be completely honest, I forgot the smaller details of the "town founder is a fraud" and "murder ghost haunting the manor" episode plots, so just... everyone accept that Bada Bing Bada Boom The Secret Is Revealed And What The Fuck There's Also A Ghost
-Through the power of being mildly annoying to each other and teamwork, Dipper and Pacifica defeat the murderous ghost. Pacifica realizes how badly her family has fucked up in the past and (un)graciously + (un)enthusiastically decides to be better. She and Dipper go from hating each other to tentative friends/allies. As a sign of this friendship and also because she saved his life, Dipper promises to not publish the huge article that proves that Pacifica's entire family is full of shit
-He instead pivots to investigating all of the weird shit around Gravity Falls - which he is now aware of, thanks to the murder ghost. This is his last-last-last chance at making a name for himself in the industry; publishing the Northwest story would have helped him, but again he's trying to be a good person and all of that
-While exploring the woods, Dipper finds a mystery cave with mystery symbols and managed to summon a helpful friendly yellow mystery triangle who promises to help him discover all of the mysteries of Gravity Falls... for a deal.
-Dipper goes "DEAL" and slaps Bill's outstretched hand like a high five, then has to awkwardly go back and actually shake his hand to make the magic deal binding.
-Then his brain reboots and Dipper goes "wait what's my end of the deal?"
-ooohhhhhh nothing much!! he just has to build this portal to another dimension! the portal will reveal ALLLLL the secrets of Gravity Falls!! wahoo!
-Dipper [journalism major] Uhhh let me get back to you on that whole "building a portal" thing. I'll be right back.
Dipper, calling Pacifica (he has no money or engineering knowledge): Heeey can I have like a lot of money to build an interdimensional portal? I know we're still kinda friends kinda nemeses but I promise it's for a good cause also you owe me for not publishing that article
Pacifica, trying to become a better person (this will not backfire in any way): Well, if it's for a good cause. Not like I'm using this money for anything else.
Part 1 | Part 2 |
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young-stanley · 5 months ago
Stanley knew he just heard something he wasn't supposed to hear. It was evident in the weird stillness in the air when he was spotted, and if not by that then then by the harsher tone Mason took on. Almost reminding him of Filbrick when he was caught easedropping on a phone call.
He ran.
While attempting to ride one of Fiddlefords sheep, Stanley was flung into Fidd with a crash, knocking them both over. Stanley jumped right back up - "uh.... oops?"
Ooc: Sorry, I'm tired and this seems funny so therfore....
- @young-stanley
Fiddleford grunts as he falls back and looks with wide eyes for a moment, startled, then relaxes and chuckles. He stands and brushes himself off. "You alright, kiddo?" he grabs the sheep and keeps it by his side so it doesnt run off, though the critter seems content to stand and graze anyway.
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heatherchasesyou · 1 year ago
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posting the sep drawing coz i actually like it
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ncromancer · 4 months ago
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@arkvoodlee asked:
❛ say ... we're both intelligent and cultured aliens here , so how about we go back to my ship and test the springs out in my new chair ? ❜
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The way his expression goes blank for a solid second, his brain catching up with what he was being offered. Maybe it was all the years of isolation that made it hard for Mason to pick up on this sort of thing, maybe he just wasn't good at being social. But the moment his brain caught up with what Crypto asked, his face turned absolutely scarlet.
"I uh." He idly tugged at the hem of his shirt, refusing eye contact. Sure, Magican's were known for how sex-positive they were, but Mason wasn't exactly a native to his own homeworld. "I, I don't know--" It wasn't that he was against sex, not by any means, but getting to point A to point B was so embarrassing for his poor little heart.
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maumausie · 2 months ago
Mason is the type of guy to. Say he doesn’t hear the numbers anymore but 8 2 0 13 18 19 8 11 11 7 4 0 17 19 7 14 18 4 5 20 2 10 8 13 6 13 20 12 1 4 17 18
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hawnks · 4 months ago
A werewolf knight promised a bride in return for his unflinching loyalty and unmatched battle prowess.
His Jarl thinks the most beautiful, talented, and wellbred Lady of the island will suit nicely as his gift.
But the wolf has already made his choice -- he'd made it long before he ever went to war. Everything he did, every terrible, horrible, deadly thing, he did it for her.
And since he was promised a bride, well. Who can stop him? It's his due, after all.
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arlecchinos-enlightened · 8 months ago
I've made up my mind, I love you Faulkner, you're just my little guy! You didn't do anything wrong (LIE BUZZER)
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bughead-in-the-comics · 1 month ago
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From A Way Out, Jughead's Jokes #10 (1969).
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