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ncromancer · 4 months ago
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@arkvoodlee asked:
❛ say ... we're both intelligent and cultured aliens here , so how about we go back to my ship and test the springs out in my new chair ? ❜
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The way his expression goes blank for a solid second, his brain catching up with what he was being offered. Maybe it was all the years of isolation that made it hard for Mason to pick up on this sort of thing, maybe he just wasn't good at being social. But the moment his brain caught up with what Crypto asked, his face turned absolutely scarlet.
"I uh." He idly tugged at the hem of his shirt, refusing eye contact. Sure, Magican's were known for how sex-positive they were, but Mason wasn't exactly a native to his own homeworld. "I, I don't know--" It wasn't that he was against sex, not by any means, but getting to point A to point B was so embarrassing for his poor little heart.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months ago
-🍄 I hc all the songs of om to be made by the characters during the times that mc is off in the human world or something and then mc find the disks or vinyls or whatever and they all get really embarrassed about it
Okay, but that's adorable 😭
Like oh no MC we miss you so much we're going to write and record songs about you! But then not tell you!
Meanwhile MC is like huh what's this? And once they start listening it's like... wait... is this song about me??
Aww that's so sweet! MC could use it to tease them so bad like oh, did you really miss me that much?
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floralpotions · 4 months ago
guys........... tomorrow.......... i will be f/o plushie haver...........
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transjlawrence · 11 months ago
me, desperately trying not spoil my own fic but wanting to talk about it: what if I was a [redacted] and you were a [redacted] and we went to [redacted] and I [redacted] because [redacted]
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sparrowsfallingfromthesky · 2 years ago
getting new hozier and new gregory alan isakov while still basking in new darlingside and new caitlin canty and newish noah kahan is so wild. I never have this much new music at once
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diviinedogs · 9 months ago
I have to start watching Mashle sometime since my kid cousins love the opening (and idk what other anime they watch yet.... they're 3, 4, and 8)
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apollys · 10 months ago
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deja salir una carcajada y niega con su cabeza, sacudiendo también sus manos para darle a entender que mientras esté de pie y consiente no tiene nada de que preocuparse. “descuida, falsa alarma” bromea logrando tranquilizar su propio corazón. “yo sé que no está abandonado como tal pero no deja de darme esa sensación y las cosas abandonadas me parecen tétricas, no se si eso tenga sentido alguno” admite riendo bajito, explora con su mirada los alrededores, comprobando que la sensación es genuina. su sonrisa se hace cada vez más amplia ante cumplido, pese a que habían pasado años desde que dejó de practicar deporte. “gracias, yo creo que si lo hice bien en mis mejores años” admite retirándose un mechón de pelo rebelde lejos de su rostro. “¿quieres saber cómo se llamaba mi primer caballo? apollo” la idea la hace reír. “en ese momento pensaba que era de lo más original” y es que había sido un derivado de su propio nombre, por lo que en su momento le había encantado contar aquella historia. “¿cuál es tu animal favorito?” inquiere con genuina curiosidad. “para nada por favor, pregunta tú lo que quieras” una de las cosas que más le gustan es compartir con personas agradables y desde su último encuentro con el contrario comprendió que él era una de esas personas con las que podría charlar sin cansarse. “nostalgia… mmm, creo que puede ser algo así pero no por lo que estás imaginándote, siento que estos lugares que en su tiempo fueron habitados por tantas personas albergan muchas memorias” hace una pausa. “me imagino que estuvo lleno de tanta vida y verlo así, tan vacío… me da esa sensación de nostalgia– es un poco tonto” confiesa, escuchándose a sí misma. “me siento un poco intrusa, no me quiero imaginar mi casa siendo explorada por un grupo de personas en unos cuantos siglos más” se ríe ante la propia idea. “sería extraño” no tiene ni idea si sus palabras tienen el mismo sentido para su interlocutor pero quiere compartir lo que ronda por su mente. “¿trabajabas con caballos?” el interés nuevamente se apropia de su expresión.
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' lo siento, lo siento. ' noble disculpa de la tarde, asegurándose desde ahora que siguiente ocasión avisará. dará señales aunque sea de humo. mas no negará que es adorable verla casi saltar del susto. o deduce como imbécil, cruzará dedos para que no sea caso. ' ¿por qué tétrico? ' su visión de panorama resalta de espectro depresivo, enlazando falanges detrás, desplomando hombros entre largas respiraciones. saber más de fémina es refrescante, sorprendiéndole pasado. un deporte con muchas exigencias, centrándose en espalda de contraria. ' seguro te veías fantástica. ' elogia con total honestidad, adoptando expresión acorde a sus acciones, disminuyendo centímetros de distancia por secretismo. ' amo los animales, menos las serpientes. así que entiendo la incomodidad. ' susurra con ápices reconfortantes, asintiendo. ' ¿sería entrometido de mí preguntar a qué se debe exactamente? ' porque de darle riendas sueltas a pensamientos, la lista de causas abarcarían varias páginas. ' ¿o estar aquí te hizo nostálgica? ' con abandonado pasatiempo normal que recordase eventos de entonces o siquiera las emociones que le abrazaron como una segunda piel. ' confieso que al llegar también recordé anterior trabajo. '
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youareinlove · 10 months ago
sorry killatrav but this outfit is not it
i like it without the jacket, it's fun and whimsical. with the jacket it looks like a kid colored on it aldksfj
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humanitys-strongest-bamf · 2 years ago
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 you! <3
the dumb smile that appears on my face whenever i get one of these a;ldkfj;aldksfj :')
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katierosefun · 3 years ago
hi! do you know if beyond evil scripts are available in english somewhere?
hi! i don't think there's any full beyond evil scripts available in english, but yujaeyi on twitter has/is doing a translation of the beyond evil script book in english! it has some scenes translated, but also a lot of the really cool stuff from the script book (like detailed character descriptions, resumes, etc).
there's also the beyond evil script bot on twitter run by @yondcr / (twt) which might not be like, a long pdf that you're looking for, but it's got all the individual lines from the beyond evil on netflix.
hope that was somewhat helpful!
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quitetheketch-moved · 3 years ago
You know that question of what would you do in a world without capitalism? I think in a world without capitalism, the answer would be the exact same thing I always did: customer service. I actually unironically loved doing tech support, being help desk is such a fulfilling thing for me and I have amazing soft skills. Even the yelly angry people wouldn't deter me. Like I did a decade in the trenches, I'm not just saying this in the theoretical - if capitalism hadn't demanded working conditions be the way they are, I would still be doing the exact same job.
Like I'm disabled, but I'm only unable to work because of the current system, and trust me I tried so hard for years to keep up with the demand for metrics and call times and sales and scripts and Jesus fucking Christ it's a nightmare. But the job itself outside all of that? Loved it. Loved helping people, even and especially angry people at the end of their rope!! I was fucking GOOD at it, too.
Anyway, yeah. After the revolution, i'd go right back to doing help desk. I'd go right back to tech support. I'm a helper.
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lily-cmdier99 · 4 years ago
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Attention elsewhere
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misc-obeyme · 7 months ago
The benefits of dating Barbatos are that you get to adopt 3 "sons" and participate in being the 2 parent. First, you'll get a 6'9 "tall masculine Demon prince as your son. Then, a shady powerful sorcerer as your second son. Lastly, you'll get to adopt a 5000+ year old angel boy as your son. Ah yes, what a happy family indeed.
No way, I'd be like Diavolo and Solomon are on their own, my only son is baby angel Luke!!
Sorry, Dia, I love you and all, but like pretty sure Barb has that covered.
Solomon is too much of a menace.
But Luke? Sweet lil boy.
You know, on second thought, it would be really funny to call Diavolo son aldksfj. Like ah yes, that's my son the demon prince it's fine.
Solomon would be so annoying about it, though lol.
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druidgroves · 2 years ago
sad to report that yes, deleting the part of your writing that you’re struggling to write out & cant wait to stop writing but still worked so very hard on & suffered through, does in fact make the process faster & more enjoyable when you actually start writing again
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radioprune · 4 years ago
i do feel somewhat cosmically connected to teenagers throughout time because the conversations me and my best friend were having about the beatles at age twelve would have been indistinguishable from those happening in the year 1969
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sparrowsfallingfromthesky · 2 years ago
Kate and I have just learned that in addition to the floating ducks when someone says fuck in our chat, there are also goats when anyone says goat! obviously one of us set that, but because we mention goats so rarely, we both forgot about it immediately
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