#poor liver
transcatgirlanarchist · 10 months
there are 3 centipeides in my liver :)
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envymourn · 1 year
I'm fucking HiGh
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evilminji · 11 months
Can you make Ghost Booze?
No really, serious question.
If Danny hit, say for legal purposes, 21 and TOTALLY not like 16+ with an internet connection and a dream, and looked a Zone Plants? And Wondered?
We know, basically, if it's Fauna it boozer. Gods bless the natural kingdom etc. BUT! While he maybe be looking at some sweet, FREE, neon day-glow fruits and veggies? They...are ectoplasm.
That Ectoplasmic Grape cluster? Ectoplasm. The neon purple mango? Ectoplasm again! These starchy tubers? From the fridge. But THESE tubers? The orange glowing ones? Ectoplasm! It's all goo, all the time, baby!
And DOES ECTOPLASM FERMENT? Is the question!
Cause we aren't ASKING IF there is ghost booze. Of course there is. But THAT may just form fully developed, bottle and all! So? Can they? Do we need Ghost Yeast? If it DOES ferment, does it even release ALCOHOL or something else? Like radioactive by-product?
Does it make sludge?
What does the illicit Ghost Moonshine Danny DEFINITELY hasn't made in the OPs center, TASTE like? Paint thinner with a hint of battery acid? Floral after taste? Is it fruity? Could it kill a man? Does it still GLOW?
The people demand ANSWERS!
@hypewinter @nerdpoe @ailithnight @the-witchhunter @hdgnj
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k20spock · 9 months
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[ID: An image of The Razor from the game Slay the Princess, sprinting forward ready to attack. She has a clown nose and a clown wig edited onto her. End ID.]
watched the slay the princess live with the cast earlier and thinking about one of them responding to a request for a clown princess by saying we already have the razor. silliest woman alive.
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why did he do that
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dogtiber · 1 year
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“hello may I have ur dinner ingredience”
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itsbrucey · 9 months
Adding to my ever growing pile. A fic about Darryl getting Grant to eat and them just. Existing and figure stuff out. N talking.
( muffled scream sobbing from behind my bedroom door)
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getosugurusbangs · 1 month
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lilithsaga · 7 months
Man, it's getting really hard to understand Nijisanji's side when they keep making their situation worse...
I love a dumpster fire as much as the next person... but this is too much even for me! 🔥
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sonny-whorezik · 5 months
tw dead animal
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so i got the heart out and put it in with formaldehyde and ethyl alcohol and i think i got my measurements wrong bc the heart is now greying and hideous on my shelf but i must hold out til the end. i wonder. what does this mean symbolically ? has unrequited adoration taken a physical role in my life? is this punishment for morbid curiosity and selfish preservation of what is not mine? listened only to tmbg and what a jarring experience to slice through ribs listening to I Hope That I Get Old Before I Die. also made chicken burritos and showed my friend bride of reanimator and he fuckign hated hill's wings.
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hanarchy · 8 months
HELP ME emerald fennell went to one of the boarding schools i looked at while deciding which one to pick in the uk… it truly just makes so much sense like the whole vibe. everything just. clicking in my head
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zusakid · 6 days
Are you even a coffee drinker if your piss has never smelt like coffee before????
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not-poignant · 2 years
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It's that time of year again! Hammered out a modest (for me) word count of 472k over the year, with December's reflecting my overall burnout. Finished Falling Falling Stars, started another story to get addicted to (Underline the Black and friends), and overall it's been a great year for emotionally authentic writing! (My yearly wordcount does not include: worldbuilding, outlining, planning, multiple drafts (only the first draft of a chapter is included), or half-chapters since I *only* count completed chapters. It's a bit unconventional, but having a monthly wordcount where I only count completed chapters has been working for me for years now!)
This has been the first year in a little while that I haven't hit 500k, which I think reflects both a desire to spend more time relaxing and resting between writing, but also being absolutely smashed with a lot of new medical diagnoses and appointments, and being often too burnt out to write at all.
Next year doesn't look much better on the medical front, and may indeed be a lot worse. Being diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), T2 Diabetes (50% of the people with my permacancer get T2 diabetes which only goes into remission upon removal of the tumours, but my tumours are inoperable, so my T2D can't go into remission) and possibly Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) on top of all my other disorders each came as huge blows. One of the saddest being learning I may never be able to take ADHD meds again, and having to stop after a very amazing 3 months where I could schedule writing ahead for the first time in my life, and plan a holiday for December.
There will be no more Schedules going forward, that was sadly a 'medicated ADHD' blessing, and it's gone now. :(
So going forward into 2023 I don't know what writing I will be doing or what I will achieve. I don't know if I can continue writing the way I have been, and if I get an official confirmation on the PAH (so far it's only CT confirmed), and only have around 5~ years left to live, my writing future could look very different indeed.
But it's business as usual in the meantime.
This year I am the most broke I have ever been on the medical front (I have no health insurance, and only some of our healthcare is free, which doesn't include psychiatry, or the calibre of therapy I need, and now that I need to see a private pulmonologist and possibly engage in lung rehabilitation, things might get pretty awful pretty fast). I have never been more grateful to all the folks who have supported or who are still supporting on Patreon or who have given to Ko-Fi.
I love everyone who is in this little community, but for the ones who kept me financially afloat so I didn't drown, thank you.
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cosmixies · 1 year
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hairtusk · 9 months
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I will share my time with you, you make the years go slow
And I'll take good care of us both, you'll see how I can grow
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blackquillchillin · 1 month
what is ""a lot"" of soda for u?
so, heres the deal.
I started drinking soda to help cope with collage, and then started drinking LOTS of soda to help cope with collage.
and then i mostly cut back.
but today....today was bad. three pepsi zeros, one dr pepper at work.
then another pepsi when i got home (possibly two? don't remember for sure)
so uh. not good. not good at all.
still, pulling all nighters with them in collage was worse, right?
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