#poor baby is scared and doesn’t like loud noise
eyeofnewtblog · 3 months
Things that happen at home:
So, Zelda puppy is…terrified of “weird loud noises” and with the 4th of July being in the middle of the week, it’s been a pretty consistent…showing of fireworks.
Normally it’s just a three day weekend of cowering and being uncomfortable, and then nothing, but my poor dog has been straight up cowering under my husband’s desk while I’m at work for five days straight. And as soon as I get home and pay the Cheese Tax, she’s stuck to me like glue. Like literally will not be more than 2 feet away from me for the entire rest of the night.
Which is fine, except she’s clearly shaking every time a firework goes off. We pretty clearly can’t leave her alone at all this week, and it’s really making me dread new years because the 1st of January 2025 is also in the middle of the week. Which means a solid five days of intermittent fireworks instead of just two or three days of a lot of fireworks.
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neondiamond · 1 year
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
I was reading old posts AGAIN!11 cause I love your posts and all I could imagine is if Eddie got mad at Joan she would run tight to Steve and start pulling the whole I didn’t do anything why is he yelling at me act and that Steve would absolutely side with Joan.
Steve is in the kitchen eating peanut butter on toast when he hears the phrase “Joan, goddamn-“ followed by the sound of glass breaking, followed by said cat clawing her way up his leg to be held. Steve sits his toast aside and cuddles her, “Poor baby, did you get scared by the noise?”
“She didn’t get scared,” Eddie hisses as he enters the room, glaring at the cat. She doesn’t get scared is echoed in his loud steps to the broom closet. “She’s not a baby, Steve.”
“Then why is she baby-shaped?”
“Why are you baby-shaped?” Eddie mocks.
“Cause I’m your baby,” Steve answers. “She’s just a little girl, Ed. She didn’t mean it.”
“She broke my American Music Award.”
“I’ll glue it back together for you,” He says like that would even be possible. “Seriously, though. Are you hurt? Is she hurt?”
“Can’t you just call them and have them replace it?”
“Then come here,” Steve told him, waving him over and not stopping until Eddie is close enough for him to kiss him on the cheek. He holds Joan out to him and she curls up in Eddie’s arms when he takes her. “Awe, she wants to say she’s sorry.”
Joan rubs her head against Eddie’s cheek and he sighs, “That’s actually pretty swe – Oh, no. She just wanted my earring. Ow.”
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berylcups · 2 months
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La Squadra x Reader: Stop teasing me!
CW: suggestive content, pervy behavior
Notes: finally got some inspo squeezed out! 😅 now fyi the actions of the boys here are only acting as if you are their S/O. They know better than to be grabby towards coworkers- because that’s ✨ harassment ✨ hope you enjoy 💜 beryl
This leader likes to tease. You think he wouldn’t but look at how much he teased Doppio when he was trying to kill him. You definitely getting teased. 😭
He likes to take one of his belts and cracks it to make a loud snap sound to make you jump. It never fails to make him chuckle.
“What do you think it would be like if I tied you down and spanked you with one of these?” He smirked.
“Noooooo that’s gonna hurt like hell! Don’t do it~!”
Whining just adds fuel to his fire.
“I bet it would hurt. I’m sure it would leave a good mark on your ass.” He chucked as he snapped it again.
He won’t really do it. 😅 unless you really REALLY want to.
He also likes to go invisible and sneak up near you and just lightly touch your arm and mimic like a spider's movement until you freak out and slap where you felt the tickle only to feel an invisible monstrous hand.
“Damn it Risotto! Don’t scare me like that!” You hissed.
“Heheheh sorry.” He chuckles. …he’s not sorry. But you know that already 😅
Ass or no ass, he’s gonna smack it every time. He always has an excuse to have you bent over to have yourself vulnerable for a spanking. This short king is gonna purposely drop stuff and ask you to pick it up so he has access to your poor ass 😭
“Hey baby, I dropped my wallet under the coffee table. Can you be a doll and pick it up for me?”
“My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns hun!” He laughed as he smacked your ass like a bongo drum.
He plays your ass like the drums. Feel free to fart on him to get him to stop. ✋ 🛑 …well it might just make him laugh more probably-he’s definitely not prudish 😅
The king of teasing. He so rude 😭
He likes to take whatever you're focused on like a magazine, cell phone, or a game boy right out of your hands and hold it up so you can’t get it back. He’s gonna make you jump and beg for it. If you have a chest/pecs he’s gonna look disrespectfully as you feebly jump up to grab your stuff back.
“Oh~! You’re so close! Just a little higher! Keep jumping Y/N!”
He also likes to jump scare you anytime you’re near a mirror. He’ll grab you by the shoulders and yell “gotcha!!!” and laugh like an evil asshole while dragging you into the mirror realm to give you a shit ton of kisses…and if you allow him, to go further 👀(this is his way of making up for jumpscaring you 😅)
This boy is just too sweet to tease. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t try!
He pretends like he’s going in to kiss you and then end up kissing your cheek and blows on it making a raspberry. 😂
He’s a tummy lover so he’s gonna pin you down so you can’t squirm your way out of a belly raspberry. I think fart noises are funny to him lmao- just don’t fart for real 😳 he doesn’t judge-he just doesn’t want to accidentally embarrass you!
He doesn’t look like a teaser but he is. Don’t let his no nonsense attitude fool you. He likes to come up next to you and snap your bra straps(if you wear them), your not safe even if you don’t have boobs… he likes to hook a finger under the waistband of your underwear and snap it hard 😫 …stockings and garter belts aren’t safe either! He has big shit eating grin on his face too when you whine and scowl at him over it.
“Heh calm down Y/N. It doesn’t sting THAT bad. If you're gonna act like a brat I can give you something to really cry about.” He smirks.
This butthole loves to ruin the mood by telling you cursed things about the human body.
“Did you know that the skin on your lips and the skin on your anus is the same type of skin?”
“MEL STOP 🛑 ✋ “
“If we kissed right now we’d make one long tube from asshole to asshole… that’s kinda romantic if you think about it.”
“They make molds of your asshole for Valentine’s Day chocolates … would it be romantic of me to make you some of mine? …can I get some of yours too..?”
If you start hitting him out of disgust he’s just gonna moan fakely like a pornstar.
💜“Oh yes~! Hit me harder Zaddy/Zommy! Ooooh~! Give it to me good~!” 💜
Everyone in the entire building is going to hear him act like a complete whore. Keep that Hand strong and tell that slut to behave himself! 😤
This dick is a massive teaser. He’ll take every word you say wrong and say it’s one of your Y/N-isms.
“Pfft did you really just say pasketti?! Don’t you mean SPAGHETTI??? That's going into the book of Y/N-isms.”
“NYUHG KI??? You sound like you are trying to vomit! It’s gnocchi!” He’s gripping his sides from laughter, you might make him sick himself from laughing so hard!
He doesn’t mean any ill will by it. He secretly thinks it’s cute when you say words wrong whether you do it on purpose or not.
A couple of his favorite words you say is:
Bong gee or no - Buon Giorno
Fuuuuuuuuusili - Fusilli
Nayro dee saypee uh - Nero Di Sepia
EXpresso- espresso
Brew SHIT uh - Bruschetta (this one kills him the most because you didn’t use the “sk” sound 😂)
Another thing he likes to do is just plain evil… he makes his hands extra cold and grabs you with them to make you jump. He can’t stop laughing when your whining and begging for him to stop grabbing you with his icy hands 🙌 …he always makes a beeline towards your chest and grabs. Yes. Under the shirt. He’s an evil little man 👀
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changingplumbob · 9 months
Chopra Household: Chapter 5, Part 5
The baby is here and the household has to adjust whether they like it (Cassandra and Rahul) or not (Savannah and Mercedes).
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Cassandra: Go have some breakfast girls
Mercedes: But-
Cassandra: I’ll come when I can but I have to look after Viola for a bit
Savannah: Come Mercedes, we plan
Cassandra: Plan what
Savannah: I said play mama
Cassandra brushes off the tongue slip and settles down to pump. Her milk supply is back and she’ll have her work cut out for her avoiding mastitis this time.
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Mercedes: How we plan
Savannah: You keep mama busy, I loud scare Viola
Mercedes: Will work
Savannah: Yes, go to plan
Rahul: What plan is that honeybee?
Twins: *freaked out faces*
Mercedes: We be heard
Rahul: Now girls mama and papa are tired after being at the hospital. I need to take care of outside while mama takes care of Viola. You two think you can occupy yourselves today
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The girls nod quietly so Rahul heads outside to check on the livestock. The poor chickens need their morning feeding.
Mercedes: Food go fly, food go fly
Savannah: Waste food is silly, food nice
Mercedes: I like play. You think papa heard
Savannah: Not plan. He be mad if heard
Mercedes: I be cute self and-
Savannah: I bang bang on toy. V be scared off
Viola however looks perfectly happy in her new green onesie
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Mercedes: Mama, you have time for me
Cassandra: Of course I have time for you little ladybug, I’ll just grab breakfast
Mercedes: This my best toy, very poor tant
Cassandra: Let me come and see!
Mercedes: It make noise, hear hear
Cassandra: Very nice Mercedes, is that what makes it important
Mercedes: My love make poor tant. You love make me poor tant
Cassandra: That's very sweet Mercedes
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Savannah wobbles and almost falls on her face in the nursery.
Savannah: That close
Viola: *gurgles*
Savannah: Do you like music V? I hope not
Viola: *gurgles*
Savannah sits down and begins her task, thumping away loudly on the xylophone! Unfortunately for her Viola doesn’t react to this and after a while Savannah gets bored and starts to practice some tunes.
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Outside Rahul finishes with the chickens, and the weeds, and begins to care for Turtle and Seven. They have better relationships with Cassandra but neither fight Rahul.
Mercedes: Savannah! I do job, you do
Savannah: V be tricky, she not care about my music
Mercedes: You must play too good
Savannah: I play loud, promise
Mercedes: We need new plan
Savannah: Let me think, V not win
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Cassandra goes to check on Viola who is indeed doing fine. Since she doesn’t require care Cassandra figures she can help Rahul by doing the twins baths.
Cassandra: Who wants bubbles
Mercedes: Mama Savannah nap
Cassandra: Did she get too tired
Mercedes: Yes but I have bubbles mama
Cassandra: Here we go
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Rahul: I see you there Binky
Binky: *twitches nose* do you have offering
Rahul: I’ll give you a gift in just a second, don’t go anywhere okay
Binky hops around the yard while Rahul finishes harvesting for today. When he’s finished he pops inside and grabs one of the older eggs to give to Binky. The rabbit approves and gives Rahul some apple jam in return.
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It’s only been six hours but Cassandra feels like she has to pump again. She perches on Savannah’s bed while Mercedes babbles about her dolls. When Savannah wakes up she gets a bath before requesting to be carried to the nursery.
Savannah: Mama help with shape
Cassandra: You want some block help honeybee
Savannah: Yes
Cassandra: I suppose Viola is napping, we just have to keep quiet
Savannah sits down and begins going over shapes with Cassandra. Every so often she drops blocks loudly on each other but Viola sleeps through.
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Rahul dishes up some cottage pie and Cassandra is getting the twins seated when Viola wakes up shrieking.
Savannah: V bad, she cry loud
Cassandra: She’s a baby honeybee, it’s tough being a baby
Rahul: Can I feed her? Please please please
Cassandra: *giggles* There’s plenty of milk in the fridge
Mercedes: Why mama laugh
Cassandra: Papa was being cute, that’s all
Mercedes: I cute
Savannah: Me to
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Savannah: Why V have milk
Cassandra: She doesn’t have teeth yet. Now Mercedes, what do we do with our food
Mercedes: *sighs* eat, not make food fly
Cassandra: Good girl. Let’s get tucked in
Rahul: Well hello Viola, papa missed you when I was outside all day
Viola: *cries*
Rahul: There there, how about we try… a new diaper. Doesn’t that feel better? And what about some milk huh? I heated it up just for you
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Cassandra: Can you two say Viola? Little ladybug? Honeybee?
Mercedes: Fly olaf *laughs*
Cassandra: Viola
Savannah: V old ga *laughs*
Cassandra sighs and breaks the name down for the two girls. After some work they manage it. Now they can say Viola properly when they make plans to remain the top kids in the house!
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With Viola settled, Rahul and Cassandra both help the girls try to potty. Mixed results as Mercedes has a little accident. Then it’s off to bed, no time for stories tonight, Rahul is exhausted. As for Cassandra, it’s been 5 hours and she needs to pump again already. This may be a tricky thing to juggle.
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Before heading to bed Cassandra says goodnight to Turtle and Seven. She apologises for not being outside much today and promises she’ll try tend to them tomorrow. Both seem content to snuggle.
Rahul: You’re here
Cassandra: Go back to sleep big guy, you were exhausted
Rahul: I’m not the one that went through labour
Cassandra: Does it count if it was a c-section
Rahul: Umm, I’m too tired to figure that out.
A few hours later…
Viola: *shrieks*
Rahul: Must be my turn
Cassandra: No, I think I need to pump again
Rahul: Already
Cassandra: It seemed okay with the twins but Viola really does not need this much
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Cassandra peeks in to tell Viola she’s just heating up the milk then heads to the kitchen to sort it.
Cassandra: Here’s some milk I prepared earlier. You know mama has to pump, if you wanted to dirty your diaper at this time, it would be most convenient
Viola simply guzzles her milk and gurgles away while Cassandra sorts out her breasts. I left the right one too long and it leaked, whoops. Before going back to sleep Cassandra makes sure Viola is smiling even if she doesn’t want to use her diaper right now.
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In the morning I make sure Cassandra wakes up before her breasts misbehave. Rahul makes the family French toast for breakfast and after Cassandra has fed Viola he goes and talks to her. During his cooing and rocking she uses her diaper and he is able to change it before heading to the garden.
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Savannah: We take all mama time, Viola get no time
Mercedes: YES! Like plan Savannah
Savannah: You do as plan
Mercedes: Yuck is done
Cassandra: Good morning my darlings! Look at this wonderful breakfast papa made
Mercedes: Mama I have problem
Cassandra: Oh no, what’s wrong ladybug
Mercedes: I got yuck in pants. Savannah got yuck in pants to
Casandra: *sighs* really? Well I guess breakfast can wait, who should we change first
Savannah: Me older, I go first
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Cassandra carries Savannah to the changing table while Mercedes goes over to Viola
Mercedes: *whispers* We win mama and papa, not Viola
Viola: *gurgles happily*
Cassandra: Okay now your turn Mer- what are you doing
Mercedes: Rock in chair
Savannah: *giggles* Rocking chair!
Mercedes: I said
Cassandra: Very clever, come on, we need to get you clean so mama can go look after Turtle and Seven
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Outside the scores of crops have dwindled leaving the strongest aubergine in each one. Rahul has plenty of fertiliser on hand and doses them before beginning to harvest the plants. He’s using some of his family leave today so he can do what he likes. Cassandra meanwhile carries her breakfast outside to feed the chickens. She can’t collect eggs while eating though so takes some time to chat with the animals.
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Savannah: Mama spend time with us, we win
Mercedes: I said
Savannah: Viola not do much. She gurgle and cry and sleep
Mercedes: She boring. Not like us
Savannah: I glad you my sister
Mercedes: I said!
Savannah: How big Viola get, we still be best sisters
Mercedes: YES! We best
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Charles being scared of fireworks, so you're spending the whole night in your apartment. At first you tried to watch his fav film to distract him but it didn't work. So you're taking him to the bed room to take care of your boy.
At first you're undressing him slowly, kissing his face and body, stroking his skin until he's just whiny mess only capable of mumbling soft 'mommy's and' please's. Then you prep him carefully and without haste. You want him to stop thinking about everything that surrounds him and think only about you. When you start fucking him his eyes roll back and his mind really shuts down. You flood him with pleasure and praise by telling him what a good boy he is for you.
In the end, he doesn't even notice when it's past midnight and the fireworks aren't going off anymore.
- 🪸
Oooo I love this!!! A headcannon of mine is that Charles has quite a few sensory issues, so this fits right in with that and I love it so much!!
So firstly, Charles just doesn’t like fireworks. He never has liked them and he never would. They’re so loud and then they’re so bright. He hates loud noises AND he hates very bright things. Fireworks are both.
Despite this, he’s gone to many New Year’s parties that included views of fireworks, mostly because he didn’t want to admit that he doesn’t like them, that their sound scares him and their brightness hurts his eyes.
But then he meets you, and you go out of your way to try and accommodate all his weird quirks. You always peel the apples before adding them to smoothies to prevent the skin from forming little bits, never have the overhead light on, always keep some extra soft shirts in your apartment for him, etc.
You just do all you can to make sure his life is as easy as it can be, because you love him and accept him for who he is, including all the sensory issues. So when he admits he doesn’t like fireworks, it’s a no brainier for you to suggest that you two stay home.
Charles looks at you like you’ve gone insane. Because you’re… you’d stay home with him? Just like that? You’d skip celebrating new years to stay indoors with him just because he doesn’t like fireworks?
You confirm that yes, yes you would. And Charles can’t deny himself this. So he agrees.
You tell your friends that you’re having a quiet new years together, watching the fireworks from his apartment in Monaco.
The reality is that you have all the windows and blinds closed in his apartment, trying to block out the fireworks as much as possible. You’re cuddled on the couch, chatting about nothing in particular while kissing.
But your poor baby boy is so tense!! He can vaguely hear the pops of fireworks throughout the night and he hates it so so much!! Why won’t it stop!!!
That’s when you ask him if he wants to scene, telling him that it’ll distract him. He agrees almost instantly, because he’d never turn down a scene with you.
Maybe you actually grab Charles’s noice cancelling headphones that he uses on flights? You tell him that all he has to do for this scene is so lay there and let you play with him, that he can cum whenever he wants. And then you have him put the headphones on.
And fuck he loves it so much!!
He can’t hear a thing, which makes your touches so much more intense. But most importantly, he doesn’t hear the fireworks at all.
You stretch him out slowly, feeling his legs shake on either side of you. You press kisses to his thighs and hips, just kissing anywhere you can reach to comfort him as you slowly work him open.
All the tension drains from his body when you start fucking him, letting out little whines and “mommy” over and over again. He can’t even hear your responses, so he’s whining just on instinct. You can see how gone he is, not a single thought in his pretty head. None at all.
You make him cum just after midnight, making sure to end the scene only once the fireworks are over.
He does most of the aftercare with the headphones still on, because the sudden rush of sound would overstimulate your poor little one.
When you do take the headphones off, you whisper constant praise to him, making sure he knows how good he was.
And then tell him it’s the new year, and now he can get his first cuddle session of 2023.
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janekfan · 2 years
Reunion Part 2!
Ingo is different.
It’s there in the way he moves through the apartment, exploring as Emmet looks on, surrounded by their excited Pokemon doing their level best to get underfoot. Ingo avoided them deftly, nimbly, with a grace he’d not really had before. More sure of himself in body if not in memory as he examined old photos in their shiny new frames.
He doesn’t remember when they were different.
He doesn’t know that Emmet shattered the originals in a fit of anger and hopelessness or how he planned to keep that secret from him. Ingo didn’t need to know. Not now. Not yet. Maybe not ever.
Because Emmet is different, too.
It began when Ingo disappeared, with the way he shrank himself and moved through the subway as if a shadow. It continued all while avoiding the depot agents and their offers of help and support. He’s not quite sure he’ll ever be the Emmet he used to be
He’s afraid of what might happen if Ingo realizes it.
“Ah! So I have always worn a frown!” Eyebrows raised in surprise, Ingo turned towards him, and Emmet’s brittle grin turned real.
“Yes, Ingo. Always.” He laughed, watched Ingo’s eyes crinkle at the corners just like they always have when he smiled in his own way. “Since we were both verrry small. You are also the loud one!”
“That still seems to be the case.” Though this time he spoke so quietly. Knowingly. Even when missing most of himself his instincts were still there and he watched Emmet as closely as Emmet watched him. Did he even notice he was doing it?
Emmet knew about the innumerable scars hidden beneath his brother’s new clothes (saw them when Ingo was unconscious and vulnerable and had no say in the matter) but not how he got them. Not if he was scared or alone or even how close he came to losing Ingo permanently, without his realizing it. Ingo did not talk about them (refused to) or the reason he sometimes slouched as though his back was bothering him.
They’ve always known everything about each other.
Everything. No matter how small.
Now it felt as though they were strangers.
All the secrets, too many, too big to even know where to begin. Let alone which tracks to follow where.
Ingo was on several different supplements to combat vitamin deficiency and medications to ease insomnia and soothe the anxiety of being back in the big city surrounded by noise and the untold press of people. Prone to forgetfulness it didn’t matter how sharp his mind still was, he couldn’t figure out his Xtrans.
And he couldn’t remember the proper times.
Emmet showed him how to set a reminder.
Now he had reminders for everything. Sleeping. Waking. Eating. Without the rhythm of his former duties Ingo found himself hard pressed to remember when to eat. He lost time, zoned out when Emmet was speaking to him, panicked over sounds he didn’t recognize. Only reassured by the familiarity of Lady Sneasler. That alone was enough to hurt Emmet, when Ingo recoiled from him in latent fear, though he tried his level best to hide it.
It was difficult. Adjusting.
Unable to be the brother Emmet needed him to be.
Too caught up in himself to be of any use.
The bed is so soft he can’t get comfortable and he spends too much time sleeping to fend off the headaches that come with remembering. He’s exhausted despite it, plagued with nightmares that disrupt and disturb. How could he tell Emmet about the friends he still missed? The friends, and more that he’d left behind in Hisui only a few short weeks ago. It wasn’t fair to his younger brother but almighty Sinnoh above, they were d–
Ingo bit his knuckle to stem the surging panic and sorrow, rising, choking, stranglingclawingsmotheringdevouring–
Little Lady’s sandpaper tongue swept over the bitemark, his hand held gently in her dangerous paws.
And how could he mourn their loss without admitting to his poor, hurting, baby brother that part of him wanted them all back? Wanted everything back the way it was except not really!
Even the food. The food is so processed he can’t figure out what’s in it and while it is very tasty, it leaves him sick to his stomach until one day Lady Sneasler makes him stop forcing himself and Chandelure lifts whatever the snack is right out of his hands.
Emmet looks haunted and disappears for the rest of the day. Somewhere out in the bustle of Nimbasa even though he hasn’t been able to bear letting Ingo out of his sight since he was released from hospital. Blanketed by his mingling teams, Ingo falls asleep on the couch waiting for him and wakes to an apartment filled with the smell of something delicious. Padding into the kitchen on soft feet, knuckling the sleep out of his eyes, Ingo yawned hugely. He glanced over Emmet’s shoulder, resting his chin there comfortably, to peer into the pot with wide eyes.
“What are you making?” The counter was a disaster zone; the surface strewn with various ingredients. “It smells divine.” For the first time since Ingo landed back here in Nimbasa, his mouth watered, hunger making itself known with a low rumbling. Emmet laughed, smiled. For real. Ingo could tell.
“Your favorite.”
“Set the table, it will be ready soon.”
Already on his third helping, Ingo praised his younger brother between mouthfuls.
“I did not know you were such a masterful cook, Emmet!”
Ingo didn’t remember how terrible Emmet used to be. Or the time he nearly burned a hole in the ceiling trying to make Elesa dinner after a particularly hard week. Or how the paint got everywhere when they tried to cover it themselves. The pain of another memory lost was dulled by his brother’s satisfied happiness.
Ingo is different.
Quiet. And he’s never been quiet in his life. But now, he’s accidentally snuck up on Emmet more than once.
The cries of certain Pokemon terrify him like they never had before, had him nearly running into the living room where Alakazam was watching some old nature documentary, fear plain on his sheet-white face. It had taken more than a few hours for Ingo to start speaking again, to explain that he’d been confused, thought he was somewhere else. He doesn’t like anyone, human or Pokemon, standing behind him unless it’s Lady Sneasler or more recently Chandelure.
Once he even scaled the side of a subway train, fingers finding every impossibly tiny handhold with impressive speed, to rescue a wayward Liepard and gave everyone in the vicinity a heart attack while Emmet left him in the care of an agent for only two minutes to respond to an emergency call.
For said Liepard.
Ingo hears things that no one but their Pokemon can hear and more than once Emmet found himself laughing at the way their heads would cock to the side simultaneously over something only they could perceive. He’s so sensitive to sound and easily overwhelmed by the city where before he embraced the chaos, the rush of the trains, calling above noise with relish and aplomb. Now he spent his time on the roof to feel the sun and open air and escape the claustrophobic walls of the city. The fact that he found it acceptable to climb rather than use the stairs meant the requisite conversation about safety checks was mandatory.
At least Chandelure and Lady Sneasler have come to an uneasy accord. Their shared affection for Ingo both paving the way and making it harder to share the Subway Master turned Warden. They fought over his attention and clearly thought they knew best when it came to him taking it easy. It’s cute; Emmet loves to see his brother so cared for. So fiercely protected when he failed him.
Especially when something stole the light from his eyes and sent him away.
For hours at a time. Even though his body never left the room.
Emmet could trust them with his care.
Ingo is different.
He’s also not.
“Emmet, language!” And he’s sure his grin could have lit up the entirety of Gear Station because it was stronger than Galvantula’s Flash, had to be, and it’s been such a long time since his cheeks ached from smiling so hard. Ingo, brows knit, looked so confused at Emmet’s reaction but he’s so happy to be scolded because it means Ingo remembers. There are little things too. Like the way he stands closer to Emmet when he’s upset. Signs he doesn’t seem to realize he’s using as he speaks. Old habits like the way he makes coffee in the morning when he’s half asleep. Knowing the route to work when Emmet brought him in the first time.
Names and titles come and go but Ingo dedicates himself to learning each and every depot agent’s moniker with all of the studious precision Emmet remembers from before.
When finally given the go ahead to return to the station his excitement is palpable and despite his many worries, the spring is back in his step, the shadows smudged beneath his eyes less, and he’s talking a mile a minute.
Smack in the midst of training with Emmet to reup his certifications the train began acting strange and Ingo’s voice had been booming the correct calls automatically, hands already reaching for the emergency brakes. All protocol proper and correct. Later, he oversaw the inspection himself; brand new coat and hat put aside for safety, sleeves rolled up, gloves removed, face smudged with grease and engine oil over the flush of infectious enthusiasm. He talked about maintenance for days, drawing up plans to cover the errors and led the training himself.
Like he’d never left at all.
Still here in all the ways that counted.
Still Emmet’s big brother in the way he got after him about eating enough. Sleeping enough. Tucking him in when he dozed off on the couch during their rewatch of all Ingo’s forgotten favorites. Leaving him snacks at his desk before departing work early for the different appointments he had to keep now.
And late at night when the nightmares came and tore sleep away from him with grasping claws, Ingo welcomed him sleepily under the covers. Held him through his shaking, silent tears and reassured him that yes, Emmet, hush now, Emmet, I am here.
I am still here.
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laalaaisqueen · 4 months
Rewrite of the Cure AU-Chapter 8: Security break and chirping
A concerning beeping noise startled Lenny as he was making his way back to the communications center.
The last time he heard it was during the Water Gun incident.
He checks on it and luckily the security breach seemed to be just located at the basement.
But he should still investigate on what was causing it.
It was back to concern when he came across the broken card scanner, electricity sparking from it. It seemed to have been smashed by something.
What the hell could have broken this? Lenny had this designed specifically so they wouldn’t break easily.
He steps towards the opened door and his ears twitch in shock from picking up the sound of a child crying.
The scientist cautiously moves down the steps, it has been an odd day after all. The purple light scans the room like search lights, a room he doesn’t really use, and they land on a familiar tiny figure.
It seemed to be shaking violently, it quietly cried and whimpered. It’s huddled in the corner.
It wasn’t warm down here at all, so he didn’t know why the little creature would come down here.
Lenny carefully approaches it, not wanting to scare the poor thing. Now that’s kneeling down closer to it, he realizes it wasn’t just a child. It was a baby.
Maybe somehow they had broken the scanner, so it must be able to jump high.
He quickly checks to see its limbs.
It didn’t seem to have any arms.
So maybe its head?
Should he be impressed that a baby did all that, or concerned over this high amount of IQ?
This creature was very strange looking for a baby. Usually a newborn baby will have a lot of fur, he’s confident the test subjects are kept in certain tubes of a certain liquid so they develop properly.
But it barely had any fur, logically it shouldn’t be able to survive like this. Without proper care, it probably would end up dying anyway.
Lenny winces at the thought. He have to get to his lab to create a liquid needed for correct development. Of course he wasn’t going to put a baby in a tube, a bath would be better.
And he had to get it out of the cold basement.
To be honest, he’s never held a baby before, but he had to try.
He slips off his coat, he didn’t really have anything else in here to use as a blanket.
“Hey, buddy, I need to get you out of here, it’s not safe down here.” He very carefully swaddled the scared tiny Tubby with his coat.
It emitted a high pitch chirping noise almost like a bird and his ears twitch back in response to the loud noise.
Guardian’s feet came to a halt, his head turning in response to a sharp noise. “What was that?” He eyes the open door.
“It’s probably nothing, we need to go to talk to Richard.” Tisa shoves him forward.
He turns his head again hearing someone climb up the steps. The black female shoved him again while also looking back.
“What are you holding?” It’s extremely rare to see Lenny only wearing ONE of his coats.
Whatever was in the coat in his arms was making small but high pitch noises.
“None of your business.” He makes his way in the direction of the elevator.
“Alright then.” Tisa pushes Guardian. “Off to the cafeteria, Richard will meet us there.”
While curious about Lenny, he moves forward.
She nudges him to a table where a tall red Teletubby was sitting, he was drinking something and Guardian kept getting distracted by the black beanie.
“Okay, let’s start.”
“I thought we were waiting for Richard?” Guardian’s pale eyes dart around, not realizing the red Tubby and Tisa were laughing under their breath.
“He’s right here Guardian.”
He glances at the male with a confused frown.
“Don’t worry, everyone gets confused.” Richard smiles a bit too gleefully for someone who was in charge.
“Richard you should get your paper and pen out, you don’t have a sharp memory like Lenny does.”
“Ah, right.”
“Alright, tell us what you know Guardian.”
“Uh, well, I was watching the test subjects like I always do when Tinky Winky broke the custard machine and then Po hung herself-”
“Whoa, wait, why did she do that?!” Richard interrupted, looking panicked.
“I think it was something in the custards, I got up to go get some custard samples after Dipsy tried to kill Laa-Laa.”
Tisa taps the table. “Did you get any?”
“No, Tinky Winky kept telling me to stop and wouldn’t let me.” He pouts slightly, recalling the purple Tele’s accusations of ‘stalking’.
“Well, it’s fine, we only need blood samples.” She pauses. “...Maybe we do need at least one cursed custard sample.”
“Did you find out why the custards are…” Richard narrows his brows as he tries to find the word to use, then just throws his arm out.
“No, I don’t know why or how the custards are doing this.”
Tisa stares at him for what feels like a long time.
“...So you don’t really know anything.”
“Come on Tisa, don’t be mean.” Richard spins his glittery pencil while Guardian shrugs.
“Not a single word he said is actually helpful to our situation.”
A vibration from her coat pocket draws everyone’s attention. She pulls a device out and...puts it to her ear. “What?”
No matter how much Guardian strained his ears, he couldn’t hear the other line.
“That’s an odd request but okay sir.” She shoves the object back in her pocket. “I think we’re done here, I need to head off to the lab.”
“Which lab? There’s more than one.” Richard stands up, folding the paper into his jacket and taking off his beanie for a second to drop the pencil into.
“On the top floor, duh.” She walks into a hallway.
“You’ll be okay on your own, right?” The red Captain addresses him.
Guardian nods once making Richard beam as he leaves down a different hall.
He waits for a bit before following the way Tisa left.
After walking through hallways she stops in front of what he can only assume is how to get to the top floor. She presses a button before the doors open and she steps in.
He makes sure to stay out of sight and only revealing himself when the doors shut.
Guardian slowly approaches it while it emits small noises until a sharp ding rings out. He waits for several minutes before pressing the button, he’s startled by the doors even though he’s aware it was going to happen.
He slowly backs into the...thing.
The metal doors shut making him a bit nervous about being in a tight space.
There are a number of buttons but all he had to do was press the highest number.
It begins making the same sounds from before, he covers his ears when the same ding rings out. The doors open and he carefully steps out.
And great, there’s more doors.
“Maybe I can just listen to the doors?” So he starts pressing his ears to all the doors, all he got was shivering.
Until he got to the last one.
“...Did you bring someone with you?”
“No, why?” Tisa’s voice sounded truly confused.
“He can’t possibly know I’m here.” Guardian mumbles under his breath.
“...I see.” There’s one second of silence before he speaks. “Are you almost done, I’m concerned this poor kid will dry up.”
A sharp chirping noise makes itself known.
“Does he have a bird in there?” He wonders to himself.
“Yeah it should be done, do you literally plan on bathing the kid in this chemical instead of water?” Tisa’s voice was getting closer to the door.
“Of course, he obviously did not come out of a womb so he needs this-”
“Please never say that again.” She suddenly opens the door making Guardian fall inside.
“...Uh, what are you doing up here?”
“Doing such a terrible attempt at stalking.” The taller Teletubby in the room shakes his head.
“I’m not stalking! I’m eavesdropping!” The white Tele pouts, why was everyone using that word.
He seems to ignore his protest. “If you’re going to stalk people physically, you need to learn to not talk out loud, you alert others to your presence.”
“Wait are you explaining to him how to stalk?” Tisa raises an eyebrow.
“He’s doing it wrong.” Lenny sighs exasperated as he unwraps the bundle and sets the tiny baby in the tub of strange green liquid.
Guardian was torn between insisting he wasn’t stalking and wanting to know what the tall Tubby was doing.
The tiny creature lets out another chirping noise.
Guardian gets onto his feet and curiously moves further into the room. The other didn’t shoo him out of the room so he took that as a good sign to move closer to the tub on the desk.
He was unable to really see the stumbling creatures from the helicopter, but he’s positive this tiny chirping thing was one of the creatures.
“Is this one of the…” Guardian didn’t really know exactly what to refer to it as.
“The creatures? Yes.” He uses his gloved hand to gently pat the green...maybe water where it wasn’t reaching on the little...creature.
“What is it sitting in?”
“He’s sitting in a chemical that’ll help him develop properly and not die.”
“Huh? Why would he die without it?” He looks at the baby again who was staring right at him.
Its-his eyes were black with tiny green pupils.
“Because his skin is too dry and barely has any fur, babies typically usually have all their fur grown when they are officially out of the mother’s womb.”
Guardian blinks.
“Will he need it forever?”
“No, of course not, just until he’s developing properly.”
He wiggles his arm less body and chirps again.
“He seems to be less scared than he was previously.” The indigo Tele comments out loud.
Guardian watches closely when eventually he grabbed the soft looking towel next to the tub so he could carefully rewrap the tiny Tubby.
He emits a high pitch chirping noise, craning his neck in Guardian’s direction.
The taller eyes him then glances at Guardian, though because of the goggles he couldn’t really see his eyes very well.
“I normally don’t like this but...can you step closer?”
Even though he was confused by the whole sentence, he walked closer, pausing at the other’s slight tensing.
Then was thoroughly taken aback when he stuffed the swaddled kid into his hoodie, like not actually inside, into as in he can feel the baby against his chest fluff.
Of course he doesn’t wear a shirt, a shirt AND his hoodie would feel suffocating.
Guardian looked at him, truly confused.
Lenny shrugs a bit. “It’s a Fluff thing, I think it might be good for him if he’s against a lot of fluffy soft fur.”
“Huh? How do you know I have soft fur?”
He walks around him. “Because I’ve heavily researched Fluffs.”
Guardian carefully follows him, faintly noting Tisa must have left at a certain point, mindful of the literal baby against his chest. “You keep saying that word as if I’m a separate species.”
“...Well it’s more like you’re a different race, species more refers to different kinds of antennas.” He locks the door once they’ve both officially stepped out.
“What? How am I a different race?”
“You’re literally the fluffiest Teletubby here and I could list every feature of different races, but there’s an apocalypse to deal with and I have to get Richard to do his job and there’s just too much to do.”
Guardian looks up at his head and well maybe different races are a thing, because Lenny’s ears were sharper than Laa-Laa’s.
...And Dipsy, Tinky Winky, Po, and Laa-Laa also were very different from each other.
“What is he then?”
The other looks down at the baby that seems to have finally settled down since he isn’t making those loud chirping noises. “I actually am not really sure at the moment.”
...That was until they stepped into the thing that brought him up to the top floor in the first place.
The second it started going down, the child began making the sharp sounds again.
Lenny's ears twitched violently while Guardian just winced.
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takalzuoom · 2 years
Hi saw your requests are open so is it ok to request the first years being jealous of their s/o cuddling grim instead of them?
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okay, so, i started this in june and finally finished today. i have horrendous writers block where all my thoughts and ideas are just jumbled around and i just can’t write anything for the life of me. this isn’t my best work, but it is my work none the less and i managed to complete it in a creatively challenging time. so i hope you enjoy it ‼️
i love Deuce i swear, i just got bored with his part…😬
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“Don't do that”
“Do what?”
“Coddle him” 
“Oh, quiet Ace! He went through something very traumatic- leave him alone”
“Yeah! Leave me alone!”
“It was his fault! He knows not to pull anything on Vil! Cause when there's Vil, there's Rook!
“Who ended up chasing him around the school with his bow and arrow for 20 minutes!”
“Yeah! I’m the victim here!”
*Buzzer noise* Wrong-o!
No cause ace was getting pissed off at this point
Cause after a long, long day of school club and hanging out with friends, he deserved some y/n time. Don't you think?🤨
Like he didn't miss class once today! He’s earned it 😐
So like a bull in a china shop, he barged into the ramshackle with a heavy backpack. Complaining about Riddle. About what?
Sevens know what
But he threw you on the couch, soon following as he manhandled you into the corner.
So basically your back was against his chest as you were both playing 'a knock-off version of Mario kart’
Your words again, cause only seven know what a Mario is
Sigh, everything was perfect with Ace being a little shit and your laughter echoing so loud through the ramshackle, that the ghosts just couldn’t help but investigate 
And of course, Ace was being a little shit, kicking you when you would pass him, randomly shouting when you were about to catch - and my personal favorite
Shoving you off the couch, getting on top of your waist and immediately going for your sides when you prevailed through his distractions,
So yeah, everything was almost perfect he says as your screaming for him to stop cause the tickling is starting to hurt
Keyword: almost
Until grim came running in, tears rolling down his fur as he yelled for you, effectively killing ace who got scared shitless. Though you reacted quickly, shoving him off and running to the cat's aid 
Oh sevens you would’ve thought Someone died by loud Grim was wailing… Which was completely unlike the fur all as he was a big baby
(He denies it)
Until he was sniffing about how rook was out to kill him, again
“Mhm, yeah, okay Grim whatever you say. C’mon y/n let's get back to the game”
“Gimme a sec Ace” you mumbled picking up the cat as you started consoling him
And of course, Ace was about to call ‘bull’, but an arrow landed right next to your head, effectively piercing the wall as a small, purple note unfolded 
‘ Je t’aime petit chat <3 ‘
You huffed "How romantic"
Though Grim only yelled louder.
As you looked up at Ace gave you an unimpressed look
“You really believe that?”
“Ace… An arrow just almost pierced my head through the window!” You huffed, scurrying to the kitchen with a tight hold on the squirming cat
Great, just great, ‘the great grim strikes again’ as a cockblock.
Fucking cats
Sighing, he plopped down on the couch with a pout, looking over at the discarded controllers
“I’m here,” you said, voice nasal liner than usual- Oh great scenes what's that awful stench
And there you were, clothespin over your nose as a munching grim laid happily in your arms 
Making room for you as he grumbled about the awful smell, Grim all of a sudden started begging you to sit on the other couch since Rook already struck there and he might do it again
“Lighting doesn’t strike twice Grim, yer fine”
“Well, Rook does! And he wants my head!” 
“Mhm“ he was unimpressed at Grim’s piss poor acting, and how you didn't catch on- was beyond him!
Shrugging at Ace as you sat down, you began petting the distraught cat, as Ace rolled his eyes wider,
So he went back to playing- single player this time as you were too busy with your pet. 
You should be cooing and laughing at him, not that fleabag!
Speaking of the pet, he felt a heavy gaze on him as he sneaked a peek at you both-
Why the fuck was he looking at him like that
Oh my seven. A lightbulb went off in his brain as the cat's tuna smirk got larger.
That little shit did it on purpose 
Ace gasped audibly, brows furrowing as he pointed to the cat, who quickly looked away while feigning innocence
Oh my sevens he was right
If the light bulb lit up before then it practically exploded now as he remembered Grim’s vow of revenge yesterday. All because he didn't give him the answer to Trein’s homework he work so hard to get
Little fucking bitch
“I thought he was gonna kill me” grim dramatically whined, throwing the empty can of tuna to the ground as you squeezed him tighter
“There there, Grim- let's get you all cleaned up”
He sniffled “I can still see him when I close my eyes”
“ I know Grim”
Carrying him like a baby, grim only smirked as ace gasped again, hand flying to his chest in disbelief 
“That little punk is fool’n ya y/n! Look!”
You brought grim to your face who was already back crying
Calling Ace insensitive while glaring, you put grim back in the crook of you next as you made your way towards the stairs
‘Suck it’ grim mouthed as he did the ‘decapitation’ signal. 
leaning back into the couch, Ace could only huff in annoyance as he grabbed his controller and went back to button mashing
“I fucking hate this place” Ace slouched into the couch, trying to drown out your cooing
“Uhh y/n?”
“Yes, Deuce?”
“what are you doing?”
“Nothing much, why”
“Ah… just asking”
Pleaseeee 😩
Though that little brat Grim had no problem giving him attention, smirking at him as he sprawled all over your stomach. 
Oooo someone get Crowley 'cause there’s about to be an overblottt
(or not, cause Crowley is quite literally like a bird, only squawking and shitting and sometimes doing the occasional party trick)
He couldn't even say anything as his mouth was gaping like a carp as grim continued to roll all over you while making continued eye contact with him. 
So all he could do was plop on the other sofa, clenching his fist as Grim was now propped on your stomach, elbow holding him up as he waved. 
…That rat bastard (my aunt says this and I find it hilarious)
Deuce could live without your cuddles and reassurance…. But not today. 
Cause after absolutely BOMBING TREIN’S history midterm- the one you both spent all week studying for
 He just wanted to be in your arms 😿
He’s just an innocent little boy, won't you take pity upon him?🥺
Apparently not cause Grim is still staring him down. 
“Deuce, you're staring, is everything alright love?”
Ah. Uh. Ehhh
“Bombed Trein’s test” was all he was able to mutter. The taste of his words was like black licorice as put his head in his hands as he had a tight grip on his hair
He heard a sigh, which was shortly followed by Grim’s grumbling and a light pause
Then a small thud, and what sounded like paws walking away. Though when he finally peeked from behind his wrists he saw you sitting on the couch, smiling. Arms outstretched as you beckoned him over
Though looking over to where he heard the diminishing ‘footsteps’ he saw Grim, standing down the hallway just… staring at him. That was until
“He- he flipped me off” 
“He may be sassy, but he is just a cat, he has no portable thumbs ”
He nestled into you, arms snaking around your waist, legs dangling over the edge as he was still in shock about what just occurred. 
“He just… “
“He’s a cat deuce”
“Yeah- But! He breathes fire! So he could flip me off!”
“You know he doesn’t have the brain capacity for that”
Jack needed you. 
Let me rephrase that. 
Jack had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day 
From his morning run being cut short because of a leg cramp, being late to class, someone somehow stepping on his tail, and then missing his favorite lunch!
Just a bunch of small clouds that slowly added up into one big cloud that loomed over his head the entire day. But he could eat with it. 
So, as any level-headed character would, he decided to deal with it at practice. You know? Get his frustrations out while attempting to make up for his morning run. 
Until his luck carried over to that. 
And oh boy there's a list. 
From Jack tripping when the gun went off, Jack tripping on his shoelace when he was about to pass the leader, Jack having no water since another first year tripped over it causing it to spill, Jack getting gel in his eyes, someone stepping on his tail again! And even coach Vargas yelled at him for slacking!
So yeah, he was having a shit day 
He was confident that he was hiding his mood. 
But he forgot he was a beast man and an incredibly domineering kid already. So beastmen and non -beastmen. Beastmen plugged their noses from the aggressive, angry smell, and non-beastmen cleared the hallways once they took a glance at his deepened scowl and clenched fist. And if they’ve learned anything from Trein’s class, it was to never mess with an animal (or beastmen) whose tail had a low, slow wage and pulled back ears 
He had one mission and one mission alone, to get to you- his last resort of claiming down before he goes apeshit
What better way to counter his shit day than to hang out with his partner?
(He would rather die than admit he wanted you to cuddle him. Though couldn't deny the slight tail wag every time he recalled holding you close as you would kiss his cheek. 
(Which was a lot better than punching a wall… or person)
So off he went to the ramshackle, quicker than usual due to the lack of foot traffic 
You told him he could just enter and exit as he pleases, but he knew better than that, not wanting to come at a bad time or to intrude your privacy…
Even though you insisted he did. 
So he knocked
The thought of just walking in and cuddling you was tempting, but he didn't. But as 5 minutes turned to 10, he was growing increasingly annoyed- until a ghost showed up and let him in. 
“Hello Jack! Y/n is in their room resting, please come in” and with that, he entered 
He didn’t know if the ghosts were going to prepare something for him, or wake you up to let you know you had company, but he excused himself and made his way up to your room- already preparing an excuse so he could weasel his way in next to you 
So with a (useless) knock on your door and fighting the hesitation that racked his mind, he entered. And there, like a lump on a log, was you sleeping. Hair sprawled out beside you, as you were wrapped like a pig in a blanket. 
And almost like a cold gust of wind on a summer day, jack felt his shoulders and jaw relax 
And dear sevens, if only he saw himself now. Knowing he’d already wipe the growing smile off his face and still his wagging tail 
Softly making his way towards your bed with a small, microscopic smile, he was about to touch your face- until a paw swatted him away
What in the-
“No touching my henchman” Grim scowled, climbing out of the blankets (and Jack would rather not dwell on where he was resting) as he was now by your face, standing as he put his arms out. Acting like a barrier between you and your boyfriend 
“Huh? What- no. I wasn't going to do anything to them, just wake them up”
“No! “
???? Where- where did this cat get the audacity????
“Fine” Jack huffed, walking to the over vacant side of the bed
“No!” Grim scrambled to the other side, effectively sprawling himself over the bed with a glare. Okay, now Jack was getting annoyed
“You're not allowed to wake my henchman! They told me to shoo away anyone who bothers them!”
“I'm not bothering them, I just want-“
And with that, grim slammed himself on your side, arms and legs wrapped around you tightly as his glare remained. 
At this point, Jack was getting uncomfortable. Seeing grim cozy up to you- quite aggressively with full-on eye contact might add. Was just really pissing him off
“Hey don't do that to them while they're sleeping” going to grab Grim, who then swatted him, jack’s eyebrows were furrowing faster than he ran
And at this point, Jack had enough, so instead, he joined Grim and you in bed, on a new mission to get Grim off you and then actually snuggle with you. 
( i really wanna write that jack pulls him off and grim flies across the room, hits the wall then attacks jack and they get into a huge brawl while you try not to giggle)
But I won't. I can't. 
Cause it's better than that
You, annoyed that your boyfriend wasn't taking  initiative, wake up, pull grim by his scruff, and toss him out
Not even a toss, you full-on chucked him out. Like you were throwing a football
and you thought about pretending you did that in your sleep, but the ‘uhh’ coming from Jack’s throat proved that you weren't going to get away with it.
So you turned to face him as he stared at the door to see a mad Grim slowly walking away from the door just in time for you to miss him
But with the awkward eye contact and Jack quite literally weighing down your bed with pure muscle… it was hard to take anything seriously 
“I'm sorry Jack, I couldn’t move ‘cause Mr. snuggle bug was so tired.” You swore you heard Grim argue in the background “And I wanted to see what happened- OW!”
He flicked your forehead! How rude! 
“That’s not very nice of you!” Huffing as he laid down back facing you. Drooping yourself over him, you began playing with his hair and nuzzling his neck to let him know you were sorry about not intervening
You received a grumble, but you know the apology was appreciated when you felt his tail wagging against your thighs
I've never written for Epel or Sebek before so bare with me 🙇🏻
He was tired. That’s all. 
Tired of school, tired from spell drive, and most importantly- tired of Vil’s ‘special treatment’
(More like hell)
And so what better way than to end the day than with your world-famous cuddles?
“Why is he here?”
You shrugged, letting down Grim who started to wander Epel’s room, face in awe as he compared it to a ‘five-star hotel compared to your 0-star dump motel’ 
“I couldn't find a babysitter”
“I’m a grown cat! I don't need a babysitter!”
“Tell that to Lucious, who is still in recovery!”
“Never” he hissed
You sighed, hugging your boyfriend as he eyed grim who was just- going through his things like he was even there. 
Letting go, Epel stood standing as you lay on the bed
“I'm sorry, what were you saying”
You chuckled “I said” he heard you rustling behind him as Grim started inching closer to his carvings 
“What's up, that made you go into such a poo-poo mood?”
“Just been a bad day”
5 feet
“Ah really, like what? Was it ‘he who shall not be named” you joke
3 feet, Epel started inching closer
“Uh huh”
“Was it your mom”
“Yep- I- what?”
Turning around to look at your smirking face, he heard a crash 
“Grim are you kidding me?” You yelled, dashing behind Epel to snatch away Grim. 
A shiver ran up Epel’s spine and he could feel his eye twitch as he whipped around at the scene
Though it all went in slow motion for a second, each apple- carving and work in progress hitting the floor. Their screams in agony as they bounced on the rug, and ricocheted off each other. 
Though the one his eyes never left was the butterfly apple he carved for you- just for you. He could see a single tear roll down its skinny body before it completely shattered on the floor. 
It was quiet. There were no more screams, no more cries, no more nothin’
He couldn't even hear you as he slowly turned towards you, eyes no longer sparkling like the chandler in Vil’s room as you beckoned him to his bed 
“Epel, sweetie, are you alright?”
He couldn't even speak as he nuzzled into your neck as his mind played catch up
Nodding his head solemnly, he closed his eyes as his head started to throb-
“Oh shit lol, sorry about that”
A twig snapped
“You sonava bitch! ‘M gon’ whoop yer ass harder ‘den molasses!”
“Epel- Epel wait no!”
Holding him down as he began to squirm in your hold as he reached for grim, who was now using you as a human shield. 
“Get out ‘ere ‘n fight me like uh real man!” 
“Y/n hold me, I'm scared!” Grim cried as you pushed Epel away causing him to hit the floor. But thanks to his adrenaline pumping, he was quick to recover and pounce again- until he saw grim smirking from behind you as you acted like a barrier, clearly frowning
“You really gon’ help dat thing?”
“It was an accident, plus you were scaring him”
“I’ve met mice with more ba-“
“Epel!” You gasped. With lighting speed you picked Grim up, hugging him tightly as his sight-eating smirk only grew larger. Backing up to his headboard, you shot him a glare
You've gotta be kidding me right? Like- this is all one big joke, right?
Why were you cuddling him? The one who broke the present he spent weeks on! You should be consoling him! Not grim 😾
Oooo he was so mad. His mind already running through different revenge scenarios
But no, he was better than that- better than him. He won't drag himself down to Grim’s level just because he got him upset. No. That’s not very manly of him
Think. What would Leona do? What would Vil do? What would anyone else in this scenario do-
“Oh, y/n..” 
“Yes, Epel?”
“I’ll be right back, okay?”
He heard you hum in acknowledgment as he made his way towards the door, checking behind his shoulder to see grim snuggle closer to your lying form, eyes earthing him like a startled deer
What felt like a few hours ended up being a few seconds as your mind already started to drift when Grim’s startled gasp echoed. 
“Y/n he’s here! He knows I’m here! Help me !” Groaning groggily as Grim started trampling all over the sheets,
“Huh? What, what are you talking about?”
Though he had already leaped off the bed and made a break towards the door, inaudible cries left his fear-stricken face as you just stared at him owlishly
He abruptly paused before he left the open door.
“No!” Diving under the bed and weaseling his way through the crates of apples that made a labyrinth under this bed
The only evidence of his presence was a slowly rolling apple and a few muffled whimpers 
“Ah, trickster!”
“You wouldn't have happened to see that certain feline companion of yours around, have you?
“Hmm,” You thought aloud, hand on your chin “Well, I’m not sure. One minute he was here, the next minute he wasn't though he may be close by…”
He smiled, spewing some kind of French bullshit as he left with a skip in his step, your boyfriend emerging from behind the huntsman
“Anytime Rook”
“Epel…” you warned
“What?” He gaped, making his way towards the bed as he kicked a crate more under the bed, a muffled yelp was barely audible as Epel yawned, saying some bullshit about how ‘beat he was’
You snorted “Is that so Mr. man?”
“You bet”
Cuddling closer to you, he discreetly looked over the edge of the bed to see a pair of paws flipping him off ???
“Little shit”
What was one way to get Sebek quiet? Well, quieter than usual 
Cuddle him. 
You've tried flustering him, but he would only get louder and cause your ears to ring. You tried kissing him, but he’d only shove you off then lecture you about germs??? (Bruh idk, he's using anything at this point)
So the best next thing to do is cuddle him. Don't get me wrong- he adores cuddling. 
Only if it’s Diasomnia though, and sevens forbid you to ask him to relax 
“I can not! What if there is a sudden call from waka-sama? Or someone comes into harm's way! I would not be a strong, super knight if I could not protect those dear to me!”
Does this man have any shame? 
As previously shown, he loves being there to keep you safe and sound as he imagines all these different scenarios of rescuing you if there was a burglar or some heinous creature  
Like Grim who decided to intrude on you….
Yep, just you, your obnoxious boyfriend and even more obnoxious 2” menace of a house pet in bed…
it was going great!...
Yeah, this wasn't going to work.
Especially when Sebek had just given you hair privileges (2 months into dating) and he was excited. Seeing you brush through Grim’s fur made him wonder what it’d feel like if it was your hand in his hair 
“Do not shy away hu- y- perfect! You finally see how fae are superior in every way of hyenine! Espcially grooming!” .... .... “Did konw that waka-sama grooms-
It was exactly how he imagined, warm, comforting, and powerful. 
But as fast as it started, it stopped. The warmth of your hands was suddenly gone- and when he was about to complain he was met with electric blue, cocky eyes. 
Though of course, you couldn't see since Grim was staring right at his soul
Jolting up from your thighs (which he had insisted upon ‘resting’ on since he could be able to spring into action at any time -not some other reason-
What the waka-sama??
“Hu- y/n, why must this…” He gave him a once over “pest be here? Last time I checked I hadn’t invited him”
“He was lonely” you shrugged, never once stopping your nails from trailing his back. The cat let out a content sigh
“My henchman said they weren't doing anything today, so we were planning on catching up on our show until you kidnapped them. So this is technically your fault”
Sebek gaped, eye twitching and fist clenching as he felt his heart rate start to pick up 
What. The. Fuck.
“How dare you insinuate that this is my fault! There is not one but to blame but yourself you scheming mongrel! I ought to have your head for that blasphemy!”
Sebek sprung out of bed, taking the covers with him as his foot hit the floor with a thundering step. 
Groaning his name, you rolled over with Grim “You wanna fight huh? I can take ya with my eyes closed!”
“That is what I like to hear, pest. On your feet!”
“Sebek! Where the fuck did you get that!"
"One must be prepared for everything perfect!"
"Oh yeah, uh huh right. Well, you mind putting it down!"
There in his pajama pants no shirt glory, was Sebek, hand on hip as he pointed his sword at you. The point of the blade was so close it  almost disappeared from view
“Oi! Watch where you’re pointing that thing!”
“You wanted a fight” he got into a ready position “You will get a fight”
Scrambling back as you left grim by itself, Sebek began swinging, actually trying to hit grim as he kept yelling about ‘paying for his sins?’ Whatever that means
“ Calm your manservant henchman!”
Uh oh
The swooshing stopped, and so did Sebek as you peeked from over the bed at his disgusted face 
“Manservant/ Manservant!” He gasped “You dare insinuate that I, a knight in training of the benevolent, astounding, all-powerful wake-sama, would be a ‘servant’ to a lowly human?” He snipped
... What
“I was going easy as you are y/n’s familiar. But now, you shall feel my retribution!”
Grim gulped 
“Sebek stop! He’s only trying to get under your skin.” You scowled
Though he ignored you, per usual
“That’s it I’m out” hands in the air, you walked behind a panicking grim with a sigh 
“Human stay!”
“Stay?” You gasped, pointing towards him, his stance never wavering “ I’m not your dog Sebek! And you!” You turned your hand to Grim “ We can always watch our show before we go to bed! So you didn’t have to ruin our date!”
You swore they were made of stone as they didn’t move an inch, Sebek’s piercing eyes never stopping as he was mid-strike, and Grim’s running position as he at least dared to look a little guilty
“I’ll call you when you’re down with your temper tantrum Sebek”
Going going gone! You left the room with a lick of the door, both male's eyes following your figure until they were left to stare at the door. 
there was a pregnant silence
“Tiny cat… You, are the one to blame for this”
“Wha- Me?”
“Indeed! If it wasn't for you none of this would have happened! It is your fault that they walked out!”
“Well if you weren't such a selfish jerk we would have all gotten along just fine!”
“How dare you call me a selfish jerk you- you-“
Grim came back to Ramshackle with a haircut
looking sharp Grim
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I’m actually really proud of Sebek’s part ng. and yes- he is racist... sorry babes
I love how you can see the shift in quality with each part lololol
tumblr on the computer is a scam, i spent 20 minutes spacing everything out perfectly only for it to fuck it out and bullet point it… smh😐
also hate how long and wordy this is but oh well🤷🏻
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dorimena · 3 years
i’m recently jumped on the subby!bakugou train and i can’t help but imagine this:
when the time came for his first time with you, he thought had that shit it the bag. how hard could it be? well, turns out it ain’t what he expected. everything was going fine until it was time for you to lower on his cock. as soon as you did that, he was done for. you were so unbelievably soft and warm and tight, he lost all drive to be the one in charge. you thought there was something wrong with him for a hot minute because he was just fuckin sitting there, panting and not answering you. “Suki, do you want me to start moving?” “hmMMm” is the one time he did answer, along with him burring his head into your chest and squeezing you tighter. It’s like he was bracing for something. Adorable. Well when you did start moving, boy was he in for it. Instead of grunts and groans like you were initially expecting from such a tough guy, he was letting out moans which you have never, ever heard from him before. While you were setting the pace, you tried getting him to move away from your chest so you could see that cute face of his. Though he wasn’t budging. What you did see of his face however, was a lovely shade of pink across his cheeks, ears and even his shoulders. Poor thing was embarrassed for not being able to take control and feeling so overwhelmed already. Adorable. You just might have to give him a reward for that.
This is- my heart doki-dokied a bit too hard and I was ready to combust (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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You guys have been dating for some time, but you don’t really remember how long, not that it would matter.
He came to you out of the blue, nervous and trying not to make eye contact with you while having a cute blush on his cheeks. But you didn’t point it out or ask him about it, knowing it’ll just scare him off and have him ‘forget’ what he wanted to ask or say.
“I’m ready” is all he said before getting up and going to your shared bedroom.
You remember how your friends made a scandal about you guys living together and sharing a bed but never having sex. Not because they’re religious or anything, but more because they didn’t understand why you guys weren’t getting it on with one of the hottest proheroes in the country, unless he had erectile dysfunction.
Let’s just say the ruckus and mockery was enough to make you begin ignoring them. Maybe they had good intentions, but they’ve done a horrible job actually caring. You’re sure they just wanted the juicy details to get themselves off of.
Meanwhile, Bakugou’s lady friends, Mina and Jirou, were much nicer with the information, trying to not have you be discouraged with how long Bakugou’s taking with having sex with you, even if you later clarified that you’re not bothered by it, but you’re glad they care about your emotional wellbeing (?) Well, only Mina kind of confuses you sometimes, but she went to lengths to make you a cheer-up box. Really was just a box full of nice snacks that you hid from Bakugou before he pouts snarls about how he can make better snacks.
You feel a bit shy, suddenly bare on top of him after being fingered well enough to take his thickness. The blond, on the other hand, is sporting a smirk, one full of impatience yet pride, wanting to hear you moan and whine like you did moments ago. He’ll be the one making you cry tonight, making you beg for him and cry out his name loud enough to alert the neighbors about who is railing you.
Even if you both spoke about dynamics and such, you both also agreed that it didn’t matter how the first time went, as long as you both enjoy yourselves.
But boy oh boy was Bakugou thrown into a horny loop.
The moment you sink down on him, he feels you clench hard around his suddenly hypersensitive dick, he feels his gut being punched quite deeply and his thighs quiver, whether in anticipation, impatience or overstimulation.
But how could he already feel overstimulated?
He doesn’t really, but he can’t put a finger on how or what he’s feeling, not when all you keep doing is clenching and sucking more and more of him deep inside you, small pants leaving your mouth as you adjust being enough to make him realize that he can’t… move.
He’s not frozen in fear or shame, but he suddenly forgot how to move.
As if you’re sucking his knowledge of how to sex out from his dick.
God, why did you feel so good? Not even his not-so-secret fleshlight satisfied him enough like this.
Heck, he’s not even a virgin! But he sure does feel like one again.
Once you are ready, you ask him “You gonna move?” in such a sweet tone, in such a soft tone, Bakugou barely gets to remember how to answer properly.
So a hum of confirmation is the only thing you hear from him before you feel how his hips oddly move, as if simply trying to reach more in you. And if you hear his voice crack a little, you don’t say anything at all.
You wait for a bit but his hips really don’t do anything, but they keep twitching. So you tighten your grip on his shoulders and begin to grind slowly, feeling how he slides out a little and then slides back in perfectly.
Bakugou shudders as you keep doing that, his eyes focused on your chest before leaning in, burying his face in your skin as his arms wrap around your waist now, holding you not too tight but tight enough to somewhat ground him back into reality.
How pathetic! All of his sexual prowess and experience, his dominance, completely gone as you begin bouncing on his lap, pulling gasps of your names and cute moans from the depths of his throat.
You were ready to listen to his groans, his grunts, his growls, the usual sounds he makes whenever you come home early and eavesdrop his fleshlight moment, the way he lowly moans your name and compliments how well you’re riding him always haunting you to sleep, making you wish the day you both have sex come sooner.
And now that that day has come, you’re engraving his airy whines, his rising-in-pitch moans, his gasps of surprise whenever you clench rather tightly around him. And you’ve decided that from now on, it’ll be your lifelong mission to have him make those noises everyday, any way.
Whether you’re sucking his dick underneath the covers or stroking him while he’s playing some co-op game with his friends online.
You call for him in between your own much-lower-pitched moans, trying to pull your chest away to look deep into his eyes but instead being pulled in closer, making you feel the vibrations of his sounds against your heart.
So you look down, trying to figure out how to pull him off. Then you see how pink his shoulders look, making you wonder if that’s because of you or something else. And when you somehow change your angle, you catch the side of his face completely pinkish-red, making you giggle as you go even faster, fucking him hard enough until he’s choking on his calls of your name, lifting his head enough to reveal his eyes as he silently tells you how close he is, how he wants to cum.
You don’t know this, can’t even guess, not when you feel him pulling you down harder, small squeaks interrupting his whines.
How can this man be so adorable? Such a powerful being, one once praised as if a god, suddenly being a mere moaning mess under you while you bring him closer and closer to his euphoria, to his sweet, sweet satisfaction.
You smile once he cums, holding him close as you slow down, milking him as he makes cute noises close to being punched repeatedly in the gut.
You’re definitely taking the reigns from here on out, and if he wants to fuck you, it’ll be by your orders.
“Baby boy~”
And Bakugou silently nods, shivering at the name and peeping out the tiniest moan of “yes”, as if awaiting your next command.
“I didn’t cum yet.”
And you didn’t have to say it twice, not when he’s trying so hard to properly use his hips to fuck up into you, making the bed squeak inconsistently.
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amnxsia · 3 years
nsfw alphabet yuka makoto
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content: fluff, smut, crack and me trying to be funny
tw: gun play, breath play, and choking
word count: 1039
taglist: @namrekcaivel, @callmepromise, @namischild, @erens-piss-cleaner​
(let me know if you want to be included in the taglist)
a/n: the sniper mask brainrot has been getting to me so here some food next person might be eren or the whole jjk and aot universe cause im down bad hehe. and this is inspired by @pancakesv​ hcs of sniper so i just thought why not do my own version of it :)
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A= Aftercare
What he’s like after sex
Yuka would be surprisingly very soft after sex, like he would bridal carry you to the bathroom to wash yo off, take showers with you, clean you up like between your thighs, fix your hair, help you with your makeup all of that type of stuff BUT ITS TOTALLY DIFFERENT when he’s railing you into the mattress with no sign of stopping all of that Yuka being soft and cuddly goes out of the window like he enters this mode sheesh just makes me want him more .
B= Body part
His favorite part of your body 
For Yuka it would probably be your collarbone and neck, he could easily get you flustered and worked up by just easily raking his fingers which are very cold down the side of your neck and into your collarbone, and if he has his gloves on which are warm it would be even worse could you just feel leather moving very very slowly in your collarbone and neck and if was he was feeling horny better believe that hand is going to be in your shirt lightly playing with your boobies. And speaking of boobies that would be another favorite part of your body I honestly see him taking off his mask and just smashing his face into them
C= Cum
His favorite place to cum & and what his cum is like
Yuka’s favorite place to cum on your body would be your stomach when your laying on your back and he cums he just likes to see his artwork in all it’s glory, you being his artwork cause he loves you & your body sm. His cum wouldn’t be to thick and it wouldn’t be watery??? it just slides down your throat with ease :’)
D = Dirty secret
A secret that he will never tell anyone
He likes it when you wear lace panties bras, and skirts so when the wind blows so he can see it but he acts flustered and oblivious cause his horny ass doesn’t wanna get caught LMFAO. But yeah he’s going to take this secret to the grave.
E =  Experience
How experienced he is in sex  
I think Yuka is decent at sex during your first time he would most definitely be flustered a lot and he would awkward but then you guys do it more and more times and the awkwardness ceases and then he’s more confident in himself and his abilities to please you during sex.
F = Favorite position 
His favorite position during sex
Yuka’s favorite position during sex would be reverse cowgirl. He just wants to be with you and get all the physical contact as possible!! He’s just touched starved for u poor bby <3 
 G = Goofy 
How he acts during sex
Yuka would most definitely not act goofy during sex since that it is a intimate and scared time that means sm to him he would most likely act very concentrated 😏 if ykyk
H = Hair
How trimmed he is down below
I = Intimacy 
How intimate he is
Again Yuka is 100% intimate with you he just likes to be there with you in the moment basically nothing else matters to him then making love to you and with you <3
J = Jacking off
How much he likes to jack off
Alright so I could be wrong about this one folks but I’m going to try. I think Yuka only likes to jack off when he’s just stressed in general like he just needs to release some pent up emotions 😏
K = Kinks
Yuka’s kinks
Breathplay, gun play, and choking << lightly though cause he doesn't wanna hurt you <3
L= Location
Where Yuka likes to get down and dirty 😏
I think Yuka would probably only like to have sex in the bedroom or the couch in your house, away from prying eyes
M = Motivation
What get’s him “worked up”
Just seeing you physically active means bONER aCTIVATED 
N = No
What he says no to
Yuka would most likely say no to heavy bdsm
O = Oral 
Does he prefer to receive or give?
It’s a 50/50 thing. He likes both but really prefers giving.
P = Pace
What’s his speed 😏
Again folks I’m not so sure about this one but I’ll give it a shot. I think Yuka would probably last a good three - five rounds, cause this baby is so tired for some reason jdjhfhfhj but we love him all the same.
T = Toys
You guys don’t use toys. 
U = Unfair
He’s a cocky and mean little shit 🙄👊
V =  Volume
How loud he can get and what noises he makes 😳
He makes these cute little whimpers and grunts when he’s being a sub, it’s so cute it makes you wanna stop and give him a bunch of hugs and kiths 😚. He can get a bit loud depending on the situation but he never gets like: AAAAGGHHH FUCK OH MY GOD (IM SO SORRY IM CACKLING I HAD TO) 😭.
W: I couldn’t think of anything for this letter don’t hate me 😞.
Damn papa you a rare breed, no comparing 😩☝
X: X-ray
His dick 😳
Ok ok, Yuka’s dick is probably a 12 inch  6-7 in length he’s trimmed and clean down there too. *lip bite*
Y: Sex libido 
How much he wants to get down 😏🤲.  
How horny he is basically.
I’d say around 6.5 - 8.5. But if you’re not in the mood that’s perfectly okay cause he likes cuddling and doing other things with you.
Z: I couldn’t think of anything for this letter too don’t hate me 👊👊.
And it’s motherfucking scary, trying to keep him cause I found him 😁☝.
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lexiawrittings · 3 years
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PAIRING. Ransom Drysdale x Reader.
SUMMARY. Ransom asked for you to come, so you did. Having in mind what would eventually happen, and with the full intention to enjoy yourself while you are at it.
But soon, you find your thought deep in reminiscence on how you and your “cousin” had started this prohibited relationship in the first place.
A/N. DARK AU. It’s a very DARK series! ANGST AND SMUT (explicit sexual content, 18+ only), slight Daddy Kink. Mentions of incest (kind of... not really. Do not read it if it makes you uncomfortable). Ransom, as usual, is a d***. In the flashback, reader is 20/21, still studying in a private school before going to college. And Ransom is 23/24.
This is Sequel/Prequel of Forbidden. Don’t hesitate to leave a comments, your thoughts, and feedback. I hope you will like it and thank you for reading.
A lots of Love. Lex! xx
WORDS. 3972ish.
You knew you could just open the door and let yourself in Ransom's house. However, after working for the last years on the West Coast, you didn't know on what ground your relationship stood. Except, when Ransom opened his front door, a faint smile creeping on his lips, his blue eyes mischievous, you knew you were still close from his perspective.
" I thought you would never come. " He greeted you, pushing his body to the side for you to step inside. " I was spending time with the family. " You announced to him, removing your light jacket from your shoulders. " You know, our family. The same family who celebrates Easter and every other holiday together. The family I didn't have the chance to catch up with since I left. " You informed him, tucking your jacket under your arm. " And who's fault is that? " He whispered, embracing your body from behind, his arms on your lower stomach, his face leaning on the crook of your neck.
You deeply sighed already annoyed but pressed your back against his chest, your head against his shoulder, the softest of his sweater under your cheek made your mind quiet for a minute.
" You know, I wasn't the one who left. " Ransom mumbled his lips against your ear. "I wasn't the one who moves across the country, breaking up what we had." " Something we should never have started. " You murmured, your eyes looking at his fancy carpet on the floor. " I took the best decision, and I don't regret anything. " " You sure, baby? " Ransom nudged his nose against your neck and pressed a soft kiss on your skin.
No. No, you weren't sure. But you have made a decision back then; to stop what you have with Ransom. Your cousin. Something that started so quickly that you always wondered how everything had unfolded so fast.
a couple of years ago;
You always loved to go to Harlan's when you wanted to do your homework. It was quiet, from your little sister begging for you to come to play with her and your mom babbling on and on about a new product. Harlan being a calm, and peaceful man always loved you to come to his place, to talk and grab something to eat and drink or just work. But this afternoon, another person was here beside you.
" Ransom what happened! " You shouted out, frowning your eyebrows at his poor sight.
Leaning on the counter, his hands holding a frozen bag of peas against his cheek, your cousin sighed deeply watching you warily stepped inside the kitchen. You could see the form of a red bruise under his makeshift band-aids.
" Nothing. " He grumbled, dropping his gaze on the floor, annoyed by your question. " Alright. " You grimaced in front of his awful bad mood and shrugged your shoulders. " I'm gonna do my homework here if it doesn't bother you. " You announced to him with a faint smile, dropping your bag on the floor and taking a seat at the smaller table. " Whatever. " He rolled his eyes toward the ceiling and pushed his back to you.
You remembered being close with your cousin a long time ago, when you were both just small children. You will never forget the playtime you used to have together, in trees building some kind of cabin and pretending to be either pirates or bandits. But as you both grew, and you both become more different having other hobbies, and interests, you grew apart from one and another. Also, Ransom growing up as dickhead wasn't helping your relationship. A fresh glass of juice and some good cookies and you were in a perfect mood to start your homework. Beginning with a paper on the French Revolution. But a loud noise coming through the TV prevented you to focus on the lines of your book. Glaring at your cousin's back, you quietly swore seeing him increasing the device's volumes, the voice of sports commentators echoing through the kitchen as the pictures of a baseball game played on the screen.
" Can't you just go to the study, living room, or your mom's room to watch the game? " You asked irritated by his selfish behavior. " I'm kind of working here. " You told him, biting your lips to not insult him as you should. " Can't. " Ransom replied, his back still turned toward you. " I don't want to miss anything from the game. " He added, leaning his side on the counter. " Ransom, I'm sure you missing out a few seconds of this won't be the end of the world. " You sighed, throwing your pen on the table as you heard the loud cheers from the crowd while a player does some kind of throw. " Yes, it would be. " He simply declared, starting to tap his fingers on the table next to him.
You rolled your eyes, holding yourself to push him on the ground, and started to chocked the life out of him. You took a deep breath, collecting your thought, and tried to concentrate, once again on the history page until a fast and quick hand grab your book from the table. You snapped your eyes up toward the culprit. Your older cousin's face was holding the book pretending to be interested in the pages.
" And what's this about? " Ransom asked, completely mocking you and making you lose time with his childish behavior. Maybe he hasn't grown up that much. " Ransom, give it back! " You ordered, raising and walking toward where he stood. You tried to reach for your book, but he dodged his hands, a smile playing on his face. " That's not funny but childish, R'. Come on'. " You tried again but your cousin ducked his hands to the other side under your frustrated and angry gaze. " You haven't grown for a bit, haven't you?" " And, you are still the whiny, stuck-up little girl who don't know how to have fun. " He answered smirking as he saw your poor attempt to take your book from his hands.
He took a step back as you took a step forward. You tried once again to take back the book, but this time Ransom put it behind his back, making you pressed your chest against him. You stretched your arms behind him trying to catch your stuff. You could feel his hot breath against your cheek, his profile next to yours. Suddenly, he leaned his face into the crook of your neck and put a soft kiss on your throat, just under your ear. You shivered feeling his warm lips on you, almost forgetting about your little fight.
" You smell so good Y/N. " Ransom murmured his lips pressed against your skin. " You always do. " He added, putting another kiss on your neck. " R-Ransom? " You called him, unsure of what he was doing. " What happened to your face? " You questioned him in a whisper, worry growing inside your stomach. You slightly pushed your head aside, letting more room for his mouth on you. " I fought with some jerk at school. Nothing to worry about. " He explained to you, his lips still brushing the skin of your throat before he put light kisses on you again. He dropped the book behind his back on the table, and pushed his hands around your frame, resting them on your lower back. " I don't want to talk about this anymore. " He murmured pressing a firm kiss on your ear. He bit lightly your earlobe between his teeth. " Y-Your mom says that you fight a lot lately. " You choked a moan, closing your eyes for a few moments before opening them and realizing what was happening. " Do you remember when we were playing at the back of the garden every summer? " Ransom recalled, changing the subject. " We were spending every August together. Sleeping here for the holidays. And, at the moment the sun was up, we were there. Playing all day. " He continued putting light kisses on your cheek, moving dangerously toward your mouth.
You licked your lips, dreading his words and his movement while you put your hands on his biceps, trying to catch your balance. You exactly knew what he will say next. Scared and embarrassed you dropped your eyes on his chest, not strong enough to look inside his mesmerizing blue eyes.
" We played mommy and daddy back then. And we pretended to be in love, playing with your doll and all. We also had our first kiss. A light, innocent kiss. " He breathed out, brushing your nose with his own. " Our first kiss, something I will never forget baby. " Ransom murmured his mouth a few inches from yours. " It was a silly little game for children. " You declared, shaking your head slightly. " We were being goofy. " " What about the time when my friend Carter challenged you to kiss me? " He mused, stroking your waist and playing with the hem of your school sweater, his fingers starting to pull up the fabric to touch your skin. " Was it also a game, or does it meant more for you? " He inquired, his mouth close to yours, you could feel his breath against your lips. " I- I - " You stuttered lost for words, your heart beating hard inside your chest. You licked your lips again, frustrated and confused. " Let's play again, Y/N. " He whispered, his fingers stroking the skin of your waist. He pressed his figure closer to your body. " You will be the mommy and I will be the daddy. " " What are you talking about?! Ransom stop it! " You tried to push on his arms, but his stronghold didn't move away from you. " Why do you want this? " You murmured, puzzled by this odd behavior, still trying to squirm away from him.   " Because it's fun and I want to kiss you. " The dark-haired man answered before pressing a soft kiss on your lips.
Stunned, you didn't kiss him back. But you stood inside his arms, his soft mouth against your own. The souvenir of your other kisses playing inside your head when you were young children mimicking what the adult used to do. When you were a teenager wanting to prove yourself in front of his stupid friends from boarding school. Doing the bold move to kiss your cousin for their stupid "dare". Ransom pulled away from you a little and pushed a soft kiss on your cheek.
" Kiss me back, Y/N. It's ok, just kiss me. " He mumbled to you, pressing another kiss on your cheek. " It's wrong. " You sighed, uncomfortable. " If Harlan saw us…" " Grand pa' is not here. " Your cousin informed you, pulling your body closer to him. " Anyway, we aren't doing anything wrong. Come on, baby. Play with me for a minute. " He urged you pressing a soft kiss on your lips, once again. " No. Ransom it's bad. " You pulled your face away from his, pushing your mouth aside from his wandering lips. " We can't, we can't. " You murmured closing your eyes, ashamed. " Of course we can." He protested, enlacing you ore tightly. " I know you want to. " He said, before catching your lips with his own, humming against your mouth.
You closed your eyes, feeling his fingers caressing your flesh, scared, puzzled, and excited, you kiss him back unsure. Confused, you slid your lips against his mouth, tasting him. Ransom bit lightly your lower lip, pushing his warm tongue inside your mouth. Gently he started to stroke you, drifting his hand on you butt. You let him, you rose your trembling hands on his cheeks to pull him closer to you. Ransom backed away a little bit, his bright eyes shining inside the room, lightened by the afternoon sun. He stroked your nose with his and made you turned around, your back collided with the counter. He put his body in front of you and carried your frame on the edge of the table, making you seat on the cold marble board. He put each of your legs behind his hips, a grin creeping on his lips as he stepped up between them. Stunned, your hands still on his cheek, you started to lean your head again to touch the soft skin of his lips. They felt like heaven. 
"Now, Daddy will take care of you. " He mumbled against your mouth.
You kissed him, both of your nose brushing and your wet lips sliding against each other. You caressed his cheeks, tilting your head on the side while his hands were on your waist holding you close against his chest. You tucked your feet behind his back, your heart beating hard inside your chest. You were still scared and confused but your needs and desire were growing stronger than anything else. Ransom kissed you back with the same vehemence, his hands under your sweat, stroking your skin. You slid your lips on his cheek, and lightly put a soft kiss on his bruised flesh before leaning your head inside his neck and kiss him harder, your hands drifting behind the back of his head, your fingers caressing him through his soft short hair.
" I- I can't stop. " You stuttered, your mouth against his ear. " I- I can't stop kissing you. " You mumbled kissing the soft skin of his earlobe before biting it gently. " Don't. " He groaned softly under his breath, feeling your teeth on his skin. He slid one hand on your thigh, stroking the black thighs before pushing his hands further down, under your skirt to touch you through your clothes. " I want you to give me everything... " He murmured, his face against your shoulder, biting his lips feeling your nails scratching the back of his head. "First, I want this. " Ransom continued, the tips of his fingers lightly touching your pussy through your light thighs.
You stopped kissing his neck, and Ransom pushed his forehead against your yours, his eyes burning with dark heat. You bite your lips, feeling his hand on your most sensitive part of yourself. Does he know? Suddenly, you heard the front door opened and a low voice coming out from the hall. You quickly try to pull away from him, eyes wide open and your body starting to shake. Ransom only chuckled in front of your reaction but did not let you g. He only pushed his lips against your ear, still smirking.
" Don't worry. I will be gentle. " He murmured, his lips brushing your ear, while the voice of his mother came closer and closer toward the kitchen.
At the minute Linda Drysdale entered the room, Ransom stepped away from you. He turned down the TV, leaving you sat on the edge of the counter, your eyes filled with horror as you watched your aunt talking on the phone. Her eyes were on her luxury bag while her hand was looking through something inside.
" No, no, no Tommy I said 20k of commission. Didn't you hear me? Are you an incapable scumbag and also deaf? Is that why your wife left you! " She shouted out into the earphone stuck inside her ear, as she dug through her Hermès. Finally raising her eyes, she caught you and her son inside the kitchen. " Y/N, sweetheart please get down of the counter, the marble comes from Italy. " She urged you, calmly, her blue eyes soft before they grew hard again. " No, I'm not talking to you Stuart. You remembered you are deaf and useless. " She practically yelled to her interlocutor. She finally turned toward you again with a tired smile. " Please children, would you tell your grandfather that I will be in his study when he came back, thank you. " She said without waiting for your answers and walked inside the hallway toward your grandfather's room.
Still choked, you dropped your frame on the floor, legs wobbly from what happened. You retrieved your history book and started to step forward. You heard Ransom chuckling behind you as you sat once again at the smaller table, still bewildered, embarrassed, and a bit excited. Before leaving the room, Ransom walked behind you , and put a quick peck on your cheek.
" Go, away. " You snapped, frowning your eyes without looking at him. " See ya, Y/N. " He chuckled, even more, beaming while he walked toward the huge living room.
You shook your head, clearing your ideas from what happened with your cousin, his lips, his eyes, his smell, and his soft hair. And tried to focus t on your paper unaware that you just had started something that would go beyond your control.
" Where did you get the video, anyway? " You demanded, your face pressed against his naked shoulder. You heard him taking a deep breath, pulling his head away from your neck, his grasps on your naked thighs grew tighter. " I don't want to fucking talk about another man's dick when I'm deep inside you. " Ransom warned you, his voice low, biting your cheek to emphasize his statement.
You whimpered, feeling his throbbing cock inside your pussy. Straddling him on the couch of his living room, you stroked the skin of his arm, biting your lips.
" I'm sorry, Ransom. I won't mention him, I promise. " You whispered, putting a soft kiss on his lips. " Good. Now start moving baby. " He ordered you, his sentence barely finished that your hips began to move, up and down on him slowly. " That's right be good for Daddy. "
You let a loud moan escaping your lips, feeling his shaft inside of you, filling you up to the hilt. Ransom pushed his hand on your ass, caressing your skin roughly while he raised his head to catch your nipple between his teeth. Rolling the hard bud with his tongue, you pulled your head away from his body, letting more space for him to kiss your breast. You whined feeling the delicious sensation of the tip of his dick hitting you inside, and his warm tongue licking and biting your chest.
" You are so wet for me. " He mumbled, his mouth pressed against your flesh. "So wet and warm around me. It's s’good. " He groaned, his eyes fully dilated.
His wonderful praise to your ears made you increase your pace. You whimpered, dropping your head on his shoulder, once again, feeling him meeting your pace as he thrust himself up into you. Your body was covered in sweat, you felt his lips running up against your cheek before catching your mouth. His kiss was feverish and his tongue warm dancing with your own. Ransom kept shoving his cock deep inside of your pussy, feeling your movement faltered when you were too busy tasting his mouth. You moaned louder against his lips, feeling your climax growing inside of your core each time, he hit the sweet spot inside of you.
" Open your beautiful eyes. " Ransom incited you, he grunted feeling your walls below clenching him more. He looked into your eyes, while you open your heavy eyelids with difficulty. " I want to see you come all around me. I want to see your face. " He panted, pumping you quicker.
You moaned under your breath looking at his dark blue eyes. You hold onto his shoulders, feeling him shifting inside you making you whimper and hold on to him tighter. You had never felt so alive since you left and you could feel every cell of your body awaken while your orgasm hit you hard, blowing inside your core, making you cried out his name watching his feverish eyes in awe. Ransom looked closely at every emotion going through your face, still thrusting his cock inside of your pussy. It's all he needed to let go. Watching you come apart. He grunted loudly your name as he emptied himself inside of his favorite place.
" Fuck, Y/N. " He groaned, his hips jerking up and spams taking hold of his body. " You killing me, baby. " He chuckled low, pulling on your ass with his hands to push your body closer to him.
As usual, you let him, and put your head on his shoulder, trying to calm your ragged breath, beating heart, and blissful emotions. Ransom put a light kiss on your forehead, cuddling you on his couch, his hands stroking your back, his soft dick still inside you.
" I'm glad you are back. " The brown-haired man admitted, opening his eyes and putting another kiss on your forehead. " We can play like the old times. " He huffed, while you frowned your eyebrows stepping away from his body, you looked at him. " I don't want to play anymore, Ransom. You know we can't and I don't - " You tried to tell him, looking at his face as he rolled his eyes stopping his light stroke on your frame.  " All we do are some kisses and fucking. " He barked, grimacing and mocking your reticence. " It's not that wrong because let me remind you; we are not fucking related. My uncle found you in some depraved orphanage and brought you home. We are not family! " Ransom shouted out at your face, his heated eyes showing his annoyance at your "prude" behavior. " So, if I want to fuck you, when I want to, I think it's ok that I do. " He growled angry and then you felt a sharp pain against your ass. He had slapped your bottom.
You widened your eyes, horrified and surprised by his " douchebag " behavior, and punched him on his shoulder under his glare. Ransom opened his mouth, shocked that you could both play this game. A silly game as usual with the two of you as you both started a series of punch, slap, and blows, fighting each other like you were both, six and nine or thirteen and sixteen. Children snapping at each other with hits on the arms, some hair pulling, and bites. You gasped feeling his cock pulling outside of your pussy and his hands pushing you to lie down on his sofa. Ransom quickly took hold of both of your hands, pinning them on each side of your face. He put his figure above you, hovering your frame.
" That's enough! " He fumed, his dark blue eyes, completely dilated and burning with rage. " You hit first! " You replied, angry with him and trying to free your arms away  to get the hell out of here. But he kept a stronghold on you.
You were both panting again, and you both were glaring at each other. But then you felt it. The tip of his cock hard against your lower stomach. Ransom didn't flinch, his hard gaze still on you. The tension was unbearable, thick, and fucked up. But you couldn't resist anymore.   He followed the slight movement of your mouth, you opened it a little bit, licking with the point of your tongue the skin of his arm. It's all your cousin needed to start to rub his cock on your clit, hard and slow. You arched your body against him, the tingly sensation making you moaned, and closing your eyes.
" That's what you want! " Ransom breathed out, moving his hips to let the tip of his dick slightly pushing inside of you, but he quickly took himself out stroking your clit again. " Is it what you want, Y/N? "
You bite your lips, avoiding to reply to his question, pushing your head to the side, biting softly the skin of his arm. He chuckled softly, seeing you moving your hips at the same pace as his own.
" Alright then, " Your cousin leaned his head into the crook of your neck, licking the salty sweat covering your body. " Let's play. "
Tags: @chvntelle-99​ @iloveshawnieboi​ @stupendouslovegardener​
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abundanceofnots · 3 years
The door to the darkened alley next to the Alibi Room opens behind him, letting out a jumble of voices and loud music. Mickey expected Ian to find him there sooner or later. That’s why he’s so surprised to see that it’s not his husband pushing the heavy door open with his hip, his hands occupied by holding two glasses of beer, but Tami, his—
Well, whatever they are to each other.
Strangers, mostly. Both holding the title of Gallagher family appendages—the husband and the baby mama—who occasionally shared a laugh over some Gallagher bullshit. But that has always been as far as their relationship went.
“Occupied,” he informs her curtly before he takes another drag of his cigarette.
Tami smiles, undeterred.
“I was actually looking for you,” she explains as she lets the door close behind her, cutting the sounds from the inside to mere thumps again.
“Look, if you’re already tired of your baby daddy’s dick, I can’t say I blame ya, but you’ll have to find someone else because, on principle, I don’t fuck Lip’s sloppy seconds—”
Tami makes a face. “Jesus fuck. Is that really the only reason you can think of why I might want to see you?”
His eyes dart around her head of hair as he tries to look at anywhere but her, suddenly feeling very tense.
“Well, fuck you, too. No, here, listen.” She passes him one of the beers. “I saw the way you looked back in there and thought you might wanna talk.”
Mickey’s felt sick all evening. Ever since their big announcement when Ian threw his arm around Mickey’s shoulders, squeezed him tight, and gave him that blinding grin before he told everyone the good news.
There was clapping and noise, so much fucking noise. People were reaching out their hands to tap him on the shoulder or shake his hand, and it made Mickey feel like those hands were all grasping his throat while his blood was pumping in his ears.
His plan was to spend the rest of the party here, where he could breathe again, chain-smoking his way through the ordeal. He thinks he’ll be sick if he drinks anything right now, but he takes the glass from Tami anyway.
“About?” he shoots back noncommittally.
“Why you’re scared.”
On instinct, Mickey scoffs out a laugh. “Fuck off, I ain’t scared.”
“Right,” Tami replies, giving him a pointed look over the rim of her glass as she takes a sip. “That why you’re hiding out here during your own party?”
“Just needed to—” Groaning in exasperation, Mickey pinches the bridge of his nose and composes himself. “I just needed a second away from everyone congratulatin’ me. Or callin’ me daddy Milkovich. Or fuckin’ Kermit asking if I was gonna be the mom or the dad—” He cuts himself off again, measuring Tami with a hard stare. “What’s it to you, anyway?
She responds with a sincere smile.
“Believe it or not, I was scared of having a baby, too.”
Mickey’s brows furrow in confusion. “That why you decided to have another?”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not scared anymore.”
“Sounds fuckin’ stupid.”
“Maybe,” Tami admits with half a shrug.
They spend the next few minutes in silence, Tami drinking her beer and Mickey finishing his smoke, his own beer left untouched.
“But you’re a chick, you know, so it’s different,” Mickey states resolutely after he lights another cigarette, confident he’s found an argument she couldn’t dispute. “You have, like, all those motherly instincts and shit. I don’t.”
For some reason, she snorts and shakes her head. Then, her expression softens again, and she says, “I have it on good authority that there’s one little boy who basically worships the ground you walk on.”
“He’s five. Fuck does he know,” he retorts back derisively, immediately chastising himself because Freddie knew a lot, in fact. Most importantly, how to get underneath Mickey’s skin.
Not that he didn’t love and pester Ian just as much, obviously. Everyone loved Ian, the charming motherfucker. But Mickey and the kid had a special bond, much to Lip’s irritation.
Freddie was one of the main reasons Mickey decided that he was ready to have kids all those months ago. He isn’t so sure of it now, though.
He takes another drag and lets the smoke out through his nose.
“I never thought I’d be this,” he explains ambiguously, not just meaning being a guy who gives enough shit to smoke outside a bar. “Always knew how to survive. I was good at that. I was gonna see forty, most of it behind bars, maybe fifty, if I was lucky enough and didn’t lose a fuckin’ limb at some shitty construction job. And then, one day, I wake up to a tire iron to my spine—”
“If that’s a metaphor, I don’t follow.”
“—and next thing I know, I have a whole ass husband, a fuckin’ condo on the West Side like some yuppie, and I catch myself sayin’ things like, fuck it, let’s have a kid. What’s wrong with me? I can’t fuckin’ do this, can I?”
The truth he’ll never admit to anyone, probably, is that Tami’s right. He is scared. Fucking terrified, really. Because there’s a kid who will have him for a dad, and Mickey feels sorry for it.
The poor bastard isn’t even a proper baby yet. It’s just a sonogram stuck to their fridge. A baby-like matter that Ian’s app insists is the size of cauliflower now. When Mickey finally managed to spot one in Whole Foods, he found himself apologizing to it for some bizarre reason.
He doesn’t want to be like his dad. He wants to do this right, but he doesn’t know if he knows how.
“The most important thing?” Tami breaks the silence then, reading Mickey’s reaction correctly even when he doesn’t say anything. “You don’t bail on this kid. Or Ian, because he’ll need you to be there just as much.”
Mickey bites his cheek and nods. There’s a chance he’d say more, ask Tami for advice even, maybe, if, at that very second, Ian didn’t come out to join them, bursting out of the alleyway door as if summoned.
“There’s the pops-to-be!” he cheers a little too loudly with a smile that splits his whole face. He stumbles forward on clumsy feet and envelops Mickey tightly in his arms. “I was looking for you.”
“Fuckin’ octopus-man,” Mickey laughs, careful not to let the drunk idiot spill his beer. “How much did you have to drink?”
“Just a couple beers,” Ian answers as he nuzzles into Mickey’s neck.
“Such a fuckin’ lightweight.”
Humming his agreement, Ian snags Mickey’s glass and knocks down most of its contents in one go. He belches before saying in a low voice, “I was planning on dragging your ass to the bathroom later and having my way with you, but since we’re already here, alone...”
He already has his free hand palming at Mickey’s dick over his jeans when Tami makes a sound behind him, something between a snort and a cough.
Ian’s eyes take a minute to properly zero in on her.
“Tami! Hey!” he greets her with exaggerated excitement. “You’re here, too. Why are you here, too? Something wrong?”
Tami looks pointedly at Mickey. “Wanna tell him, or should I?”
He seriously considers being honest for a second, but his next words are out before he can stop them.
“Your brother’s girlfriend was tryna jump me.”
Tami almost chokes on the incredulous huff of laughter she lets out. She finishes her beer and shakes her head, staring Mickey down.
“You’re such a fucking asshole, Mickey, I swear to God. Forget I ever said anything,” she barks at him as she goes for the door.
“Hey, Tami,” Mickey stops her last minute. “Thanks, or whatever.”
Tami rolls her eyes. Still, just before she slips back inside, she throws a quick smile over her shoulder.
“Did you just thank her for trying to fuck you?” Ian inquires stupidly when the door closes behind her.
“Sure,” Mickey sounds off without further explanation.
He turns back to his husband and lightly pats his cheek, letting his hand slide all the way down to his junk in hopes of pointing his attention in the right direction again. “So, about those plans you had—“
But all of a sudden, Ian’s white as a sheet, giving him a look of absolute horror.
“What?” Mickey asks, mirroring his look.
“Think I’m gonna puke.”
“’ Course you are,” Mickey has enough time to groan before Ian bends in half and proceeds to throw up on the sidewalk.
Mickey takes a few steps away, trying to give Ian some privacy, but he’s stopped by a hand clutching his wrist and pulling him back.
“I’m so sorry, Mick,” Ian says in between spits as his hand slides down to hold Mickey’s awkwardly.
“Hey, that’s okay,” Mickey tells him gently—just as gently as he strokes his back in big circles. “I’m here.”
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minniepetals · 4 years
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— summary: running away from your master is never easy so you deem yourself this will be the last time if you are fatefully brought back to his hold again. so what happens when you stumble upon seven men who says they won’t bring you back? what happens when they promise you their love and care instead?
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, fluff, hybrid!reader, rich!bts
— word count: 9.7k
— warnings: mentions of abuse, running away from an abusive household, hybrid cruelty, hurt and comfort
— rec music: bts - heartbeat
Soaked and damped, your hair wet with a sweet smell of cherry blossom fragrance as the pretty tiny bubbles surround you. In the room the lights are bright and you feel a little shy as you sit inside the pretty porcelain bathtub while his fingers run through your hair in a gentle manner.
You have never felt this kind of touch before. It's so sweet and gentle and just...kind.
Oh so kind. 
You purr when he scratch along your kitten ears and Jimin chuckles lightly as he goes on, cleaning the area around it.
"It's a little torn," he frowns at the sight, fingers careful not to brush around it so that he doesn't inflict more pain. He's sure you've been through enough. He knows you've been through enough. "Does your neck hurt when you move around?" He asks gently, noting at the gash that circles it. You have cuts and bruises almost everywhere and something about that makes his stomach drop while his heart yearns for you.
"It does," you say in a small voice so sweet and careful. He doesn't know why anyone would ever want to hurt such a poor little thing.
"Where else does it hurt?"
Your old bandages were thrown in the trash, left discarded for you to never see and be reminded of the sad memories again. They weren't fixed up in the greatest way but what else could you do? You had no experience with those things, he can tell.
"It's okay, everything else are just scratches," you tell him and Jimin pats you gently on the head.
"You don't have to worry about asking too much, dear one, we're all here to help." You turn yourself slightly to meet his gentle eyes with your own that are painful and yearning for love and care. His heart hurts a bit at the sight so he reaches for your hand through the wet bubbles. "If it hurts, tell us. You won't be bothering anyone."
Your lips form into a small pout, eyes a little confused at his kind gesture. "But...my last master always told me I should never ask for help."
Jimin frowns. "No baby, it won't be like that anymore I promise you."
"It...won't?" You tilt your head just a little because it'll hurt the gash around your neck so he goes to hold your head and allow it to return to its original position. "You won't..bring me back?"
"Oh dear, of course not."
"R-really?" You're almost afraid, too afraid that if you let yourself trust in his kindness, it will backfire on you. What if he's lying? What if he becomes tired of you? What if he comes to find you annoying and brings you back? What will be the consequences then?
You're too afraid to think of the punishments that will happen. You're sure it's something way beyond your own imagination. What if this time when you return, you really won't ever see the light ever again? What if he starves you for weeks? Months? What if he hurts you even more? Or worse, what if he leaves you to...to die?
"This..." you hesitate and he sees the tears already swimming in your eyes. Your fingers hold onto the edge of the bathtub, gripping against it tightly, while your eyes cast away from him and towards the tiles of the bathroom floor. "This isn't the first time."
"No?" You shake your head and had forgotten about the pain on your neck so it hurts you and Jimin lets out a little gasp. "Careful sweetie, you're still in pain."
"I..I-I'm scared." Maybe you shouldn't have told a human this but what difference would it make? He knows anyway just by your tears alone. "I'm so scared."
"We won't bring you back, love," Jimin promises you as he lightly runs his forefinger along your jawline until it reaches your chin. "We won't bring you to the shelter or anywhere you wouldn't want." He carefully allows himself to tilt your head up. Carefully. Because he doesn't want to put you through any more pain. Your skin is soft and wet from the bath, the bubbles covering your shoulders and down so that he cannot see anything else below it but your collarbone peeks out just slightly. It's soft and pink.
Just like those pretty lips of yours. It's glossy. Pink and glossy and looks oh so sweet.
"We'll even keep you safe in here if you want to stay."
You blink for a second. "You'll let me stay?"
"Of course," he hums.
"Even if it means..." your cheeks blush as you bite your lower lip, small figure shrinking for a moment. "Even if it means..forever?"
Jimin smiles and you think it's just a kind gesture he's showing you to show appreciation for the fact that you wish to stay but that his answer would be no. They're always no's. A soft smile before whispering the reluctant reply and you're left to fear for where you will go.
A shelter, a pound.
Either way, you find yourself back in your owner's home and he rewards you with severe punishments. It is never fun but perhaps this is your destiny. If Jimin says no then you will give up. This will be your last run. You won't run away anymore even if it means you will never receive hope and kindness because it lasts for just a little while.
These kind gestures are sweet but the more you have it, the more you understand that it can never last forever. They never do. Because the next thing you know, you're waking up and returning to that dreaded mansion.
"Yes baby."
You stop breathing. You stop breathing.
"Even if it means forever."
You don't know why but those words itself hurts you even more than when the humans that have told you no.
"I'm not..I-I'm not always a good girl," you tell him.
"None of us are," he replies.
"I'm a mess."
He hums. "Me too."
"I'll always be seeking for attention. Loud noises frighten me. I-I get scared very easily. I can be a brat. There are so many things I wish to do and wish to wear. I-I'm not a good person. I'm very selfish."
"Oh baby," he pouts, "are you trying to convince me otherwise? Because it isn't working, you know."
Your brows knit slightly. "It isn't?" Why not? It always worked, so why doesn't it work on him?
"Not one bit," he shakes his head.
"Even so," you look away again, "what about your..friends?"
"Them?" Jimin chuckles. "I'm sure they'd love it if you stayed with us. Taehyungie and Jungkookie really loves little kittens. We've always wanted to get ourselves a hybrid but never got around to it so this must be fate."
"..fate," you whisper.
You think you like this word.
"Mhm. So don't worry about it, okay?"
"But..." you squeeze the bathtub again, hands trembling. "He...he'll come looking for me," you say. "He always does."
Jimin frowns and takes your hands into his. "Baby look at me." You do as he asks and he gives you a determined gaze. "No matter what happens, I promise you we will keep you safe."
"Even if he offers you a ton of money?"
"He's not the only rich resident living on Earth." Ah. You can tell Jimin is rich. After all, this bathroom is anything beyond what you can ever afford. You're sure that even his shirt alone is more expensive than an average human's apartment. "And even if any of us weren't so well off, we still wouldn't fall for such a sick joke. Your life is worth so much more than anything money can offer, baby, value yourself more."
Jimin is so kind you almost forget that this is your first meeting and he doesn't know you so much yet. But he's so willing to keep you safe that it makes you want to cry.
"It's illegal to keep me without owning me," you say.
"Seokjin's a powerful lawyer, baby, he can defend your honor, and Namjoon's a prosecutor who'll go up against your owner if he has to," he tells you otherwise. "We'll fix this, baby, by law or not. He won't ever touch you ever again."
"A-are you sure?" You ask him timidly. "What if you have to face consequences because of me?"
"It doesn't matter."
"You're willing to do this..." you press your lips together, thinking, and then meet his eyes again, "for me..?"
Jimin smiles. "For you." He runs his fingers through your hair again. It's dried a little from the air and by now he's sure you'll end up cold. "Now," he pets your head, "can you tell me your name, kitten?"
No one has really ever asked for your name. Your owner always called you by rude names sometimes you'd even forget you had a name. But you told yourself that if there is anything he can take away from you, it is that he will never be allowed to take your own name.
"..Y/N," you say. "My name is Y/N."
He kisses you gently on your forehead. A sweet, soft kiss.
"I'm Jimin."
Jimin helps to dry you up while Yoongi helps to clean around your cuts and gash and bandage you up.
You sit on the white tiles of the bathroom floor in just a simple piece of Jimin's grey button up shirt. It lays down to your thighs, covering you up well as you face Yoongi with your back in front of Jimin. Your fluffy tail sticks out from the shirt and it's a little too intimate, really, just sitting there in nothing but Jimin's shirt as the two men help clean you up.
But the blowdryer against your soft hair feels so soft it makes your head spin with bubbles and clouds and cherry blossoms you just want to fall asleep right then and there.
Jimin's fingers against your hair feels nice while Yoongi wraps a long bandage from your left wrist to your fingertips. He's already fixed up your neck and tummy, wrapping it with white bandage wraps. He just needs to do your right arm and your legs.
"Did you...fall of a tree?" the older man asks with a small frown.
"I.." you hesitate. "Mhm," you hum to confirm his fears.
Yoongi lays your left hand on your lap gently before moving on to your right side. "That must've hurt."
"It...it did," you admit. "It was scary. I-I fell asleep on the tree because I was scared someone would see me if I slept on the ground and woke up when I began to slip but it was too late to hold on then."
"You can't use your hands for a few days, okay?" Yoongi tells you. "And your legs aren't in the greatest condition either. We'll be taking care of you from now on so you don't have to worry about not being able to do things for yourself for a while." His voice is calm and steady. It's gentle yet demanding. A soft demand, something your master had never used. He's always been harsh and rude but the way Yoongi commands you makes you want to do it all. You don't dread his commands, you welcome it.
"You'll...be taking care of me..?" You ask him timidly.
Jimin presses a small kiss to your head at your question. "Of course, baby." Even though you've told him your name, he still opts to call you baby. You don't mind it, in fact, you like it. It's a pretty nickname and it makes you happy.
But you're still frightened to be happy because you know that happiness doesn't last for long when it comes to you, it never does no matter how much you wish for it.
As if sensing your fear, Yoongi looks you in the eyes and keeps it there as he place a small kiss against your knuckles.
"It's going to be okay, Y/N," he tells you. "Everything will be okay."
You aren't entirely sure yet. "How are you so sure?"
"Because we're here and you're here," he simply says. "Doesn't that already make things a little better?"
Not a little better, a lot better.
When you walk out of the bathroom, the maknae almost melts in sight.
You were pretty when they found you, broken pretty but pretty, and now here you are standing in their home with your body leaned slightly against Jimin for support. His shirt lays prettily against your frame, falling down to your thighs, with a fluffy tail swaying gently from side to side, and ears twitching a little at the sound of their feet padding your way. Jungkook wants to hold you and cuddle you but he knows that will be for another time when you're more comfortable.
There are bandages that hides your skin. One wrapped around your right ear, another around your neck. Two on both your wrists, hands, and fingers. Down your legs. He's sure you also have them hidden beneath Jimin's shirt and that itself makes him tear just slightly.
"How do you feel?" The maknae asks as he walks over carefully. When you don't flinch away and you allow him to run his hand gently against your head, Jungkook grins. "Are you hungry?" At the question, your stomach growls and he gifts you a sad smile. "We made food plenty for you to eat."
"I...um.." You bite your lip, eyes wavering with hesitation.
He reads your mind. "It's okay, you don't have to be afraid," he says and holds a hand out as a offer for you to take.
It's different from your last master. He doesn't hold his hand out, he just grabs you by the collar or hair and drags you about. You never have a choice on whether to go with him or not, he's always dragging you around.
So seeing this is different and it makes your heart confused because you really do want this, whatever it is, to last forever, but you're afraid of it being gone.
While a teardrop falls against your precious cheek, you allow yourself to live in this fantasy and place your hand over his palm.
Jungkook smiles at you. A sweet, sweet smile, and leads you into the kitchen.
"In this house, there are no rules," Seokjin tells you when he puts a bowl of porridge in front of you. Your mouth waters at the sight and smell. "Eat as much as you want, no one will punish you for anything."
You look down at your hands wrapped in bandages and is about to pick up a spoon when someone else takes it instead.
"It's okay to ask for help," Hoseok says with a sweet grin as he scoops up a spoonful of porridge and gently blows on it. "Tomorrow, there'll be more food."
As he hovers the spoon in front of you, you think that this is too good to be true.
"Want to go shopping?"
You blink your eyes at Namjoon's question. It's hard tilting with the gash around your neck so you settle with this instead. "For..what?"
He smiles and dimples appear before his cheeks and your heart almost swoons. It's charming. "For your clothes, of course."
You gasp. "N-no, you shouldn't..- you don't have to."
"But of course we should, Y/N."
You shake your head before wincing at the pain that shoots against your neck and it's their turn to gasp.
"Careful, Y/N, please be careful."
"I'm sorry, I'm okay," you promise Yoongi before turning to Namjoon again. "Y-you don't have to buy me anything," you tell him. "You shouldn't waste your money on someone like me. It's not worth it."
"Oh darling, is this what he's gotten you to think? That you aren't worth anything?" When you don't answer Seokjin's question and your eyes cast to the floor, they know that it must be true.
So Namjoon kneels before you and takes your hands in a gentle manner. He meets your eyes from the floor and sends you a sad smile. "All the things that he's told you are wrong, my love. You are precious as a gemstone, as the most beautiful flower in the universe, as the greatest person to have ever been born. You are worth more than anything in this world."
The sun shines bright from the morning day. It falls past the open curtains, through the glass windows, and touches you in a way you hadn't felt for a long, long time.
It's warm.
Just like Namjoon's hold.
Namjoon's hold is so much more precious. As if you are special, as if you are someone delicate and he doesn't dare to ever break.
"So let us do this for you, hm?" Taehyung says and you look up as he places a few pats on your head.
You feel nice. You feel like you're a good girl and you're being rewarded even though you've done nothing to deserve all this. "O..okay..." You say and they smile. "But I...I-I don't want to go out." You swallow a lump in your throat. Still afraid, still timid. "I don't want to..I don't want to risk anything. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, sweetheart." Taehyung smiles. "We'll go in your stead, me and Namjoon, and we'll get you all the pretty clothes that you deserve."
Namjoon nods as he stands again and when they're about to walk away, you hold the hem of his shirt just slightly but it's enough to make him understand that you still have something to say. "Please don't get too much."
Namjoon chuckles and ruffles your hair. "Don't count on it, baby."
You sneak out of your bedroom wearing a white cotton sweater that Namjoon and Taehyung got you a few days ago. It lays just against your upper thigh feeling oh so soft against your skin.
Tonight you can't sleep again but this is the first time you don't feel like staying in bed and doing nothing to rid of the nightmares. So you walk out, tiptoeing lightly though you don't know why because you're sure no one else is awake. But then again, you don't want to wake anyone up because you're being too loud.
They've already provided enough for you, you can't be ungrateful.
Still, you aren't sure why you're leaving your bedroom. Maybe for a drink of water, to clear your mind. Maybe hoping someone is awake? If they are, what will you do?
You don't know but your ears catch on something.
The light rapid tapping clicks of a keyboard just downstairs where the large living room is. You walk down with slow steps, legs better than it was when you had first met them. The bandages around them, your tummy, your ears, and your hands are all gone. Yoongi has checked on them everyday and was strict on when he'd take them off.
All that's left is the gash around your neck that still needs a little more time to heal.
It feels like a collar at this point but you don't find any ill will towards it. Yoongi wraps it around you after all.
The living room shows a bright light coming from the screen of a laptop and you find Hoseok sitting on the sofa, his brows creased with focus as his eyes run over the tiny letters written on the screen. For a moment he just sits there reading, a hand rubbing his chin, barely blinking just to keep himself from missing anything.
It's a similar scene to your last master but also so different.
Because Hoseok is kind and although his gaze is serious and firm as he's in his work mood, you know that he is gentle and that he will never hurt you in any way. The past few weeks with them have proved it.
You're mesmerized by the way he sits alone that you almost forget it's wrong to yearn for someone like him.
But seeing that he's awake, you definitely don't want to head back to your room now. You don't know what you'll do but you can't head back to that lonely place and you can't disturb Hoseok.
Yet when you take a step forward, something creeks underneath and you hold your breath as Hoseok looks up and over his shoulder to see who it was.
You think he'll grow angry that you've disturbed him but he doesn't. He isn't the same as your previous master. That isn't Hoseok or any of them because instead of shouting at you to return to your room, his face contours into a soft expression and the crease between his brows disappears for a moment.
"What is it, kitten?" His voice is strained from working over hours but it welcomes you in. "Can't sleep?" He asks.
You want to nod your head but your neck hinders it so you're forced to speak up. "Mm-hmm."
He extend a hand out at your soft hum, offering you to come along. You allow yourself to go at his request, feet padding softly against the floor.
He lets you sit next to him on the sofa, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you in close yet deeming you not close enough so he settles you on his lap instead. You blush a deep rose color and hope that the darkness hides your face but the screen in front of the two of you only illuminates it. He chuckles gently, carefully placing you between his legs as he holds you close and breathes in your sweet scent. Hoseok leans in as if he can't get enough of you, places a kiss on your head, on your cheek, and against the bandages of your neck.
"Keep me company, hm?"
You've never felt so loved before. Not before leaving your master's mansion and accidentally meeting them.
But Jimin said it was fate. Jimin said this isn't accidental.
A serendipity.
You like that word. You like serendipity.
So you allow yourself to lay your head against Hoseok's chest, curling up against him. It's a little difficult with your neck but you do well eventually getting into a comfortable position. He smells nice, they always smell nice, and when he places a hand against your thigh, your tail curls around it subconsciously.
You can sleep now.
It soft and warm and you know you can trust him.
Some nights are better than others.
Some nights you'll wake up or you can't fall asleep at all and you'll stay cooped up in your bedroom, hugging the blanket, hugging the pillow, hiding yourself from the world, and cry silently to yourself. Those nights they can usually tell what has happened the morning after because you'll have bags under your eyes.
"Baby don't be afraid to wake us up if you have to," Jungkook tells you.
"Would you like to sleep with us?" Taehyung offers. "Will that make you feel better? Because it always makes me feel better sleeping with others. I can hug them and they'll hold me so that I won't be afraid of the dark."
They are too kind and you're too afraid of using that kindness to your advantage, still afraid of being happy and then growing disappointed all over again. So you sway your body a little from side to side because you can't hurt your neck and although they look like they want to say something further, they nod and let you make your own decision.
You will come around when you feel a little more comfortable.
Some nights are a little more unbearable and usually you can take it, usually the nightmares aren't that bad. But this time when you tried to sleep, any time you'd close your eyes, the images of your old master will appear to torment you over and over again.
The night is scary, you dread the night. Because unlike night, the morning offers you light. The morning offers you Seokjin's sweet pancakes. It gives you their warmth, their arms that wraps around you, their sweet good morning kisses.
So you try to stay awake through the night, hoping for it to just pass by like any other nights.
But tonight is harder than other nights and you're scared and you don't know if you can wait that long until the morning sun appears.
So you take the covers off your body and walk out, legs trembling as they lead you to the first door that is the closest to you. You knock on it softly. Three soft knocks.
It's dark and it's quiet and you think that perhaps the person behind the door can't hear the knocks because it's too soft but Seokjin is a light sleeper so of course he hears it.
Your ears pick up on his footsteps coming your way and you hold your breath, afraid, as he walks over and opens the door.
"I-I'm so sorry," you quickly apologize before he can say anything. "I just..I couldn't sleep and I know it's rude to wake you up in the middle of the night but I was so scared and the nightmares got a little too overwhelming but if you don't wish to see me then I'll gladly leave—"
"Nonsense," someone else speaks up. Their voice is deep and groggy and when you look up, you find Namjoon stepping up from behind Seokjin.
They've mentioned that they usually sleep together, often times switching it up between members because everyone would like a chance to sleep with one another. Split up in groups of two, two, and three. There's even a grand room with a bed bigger than you can ever imagine, that holds about seven or more people. They've told you that if you ever wanted to join along, you didn't have to be shy but you've always opted with sleeping by yourself.
Tonight you have Seokjin and Namjoon.
"Come here, pretty one," Seokjin says as he puts a hand behind your back and ushers you in. Namjoon closes the door behind you and you're led to their bed and laid right in between the two of them.
They hold you gently, careful not to be too strong and accidentally squish you but right now you'd really like to be squished, to know that they're here and they won't ever let go. But it's a little difficult with your sore neck, where the two of them place soft kisses against, and you think maybe you can ask for the tight holds when your neck heals.
For now, you let Seokjin sing you a soft lullaby to sleep even if it means repeating it a few times. He doesn't stop until he's absolutely sure you're asleep between their hold, where your soft purrs ring through the air and Namjoon goes on the brush away a small tear that escapes the corner of your eyes.
"She doesn't deserve any of this," Seokjin whispers into the night as he strokes your cheek.
"One day she'll be strong enough to tell us who he is," Namjoon is sure, "and when that day comes, we'll get him and finally make her ours."
"Legally or...?"
When the younger man smiles, Seokjin can see it through the moonlight glowing past their windows. He doesn't have to say a thing for Seokjin to understand what he means.
Yeah, that'd be something all of them would like.
For you to finally be theirs.
"W-wait..-" You stop Yoongi before he can collect the first aid kit and he looks up a little confused but urges you to go on. "Why...aren't you bandaging my neck up again?" You ask him, eyes filled with conflicting thoughts.
Yet Yoongi only smiles. "You have no need for it anymore," he states simply. "It's all healed now with just the scar left."
"N-no, I.." Your voice trembles and his brows knit together as he wonders what's going on. Surely you'd like the bandages gone, right? Doesn't it feel uncomfortable? It's been a month since you've had it on. You take the first aid kit and place it back on the table and take his hand into yours. "Please wrap it again," you ask of him. "It..scares me. I don't want to look at the scars imprinted on it because it'll remind me of what he did."
"Oh, baby." If Yoongi can, he'd leave the house right now to beat up the man that had ever dared to call himself a man, treating you in ways too cruel for a human, hurting you, leaving you to starve and thirst. It's all his damn fault, he's made you this way. So afraid of the world, too afraid to trust that easily. Yoongi can only wish for you to smile. He wishes to see it but he doesn't think he's ever seen such a precious thing plastered on your face.
So he sighs as he take the roll of bandage to wrap it over your neck like the routine the both of you has gotten used to. He'll tell the boys about this later but for now, Yoongi places a soft kiss against your neck when he finishes.
"You are loved, Y/N, please never forget that."
"How do you feel? Excited?"
"Mmm.." you trail of at Jimin's question, feet hesitant as you stare at the garage filled of vehicles. "Scared," you whisper and he takes your hand to squeeze it gently.
"It's gonna be alright," the oldest of the group assures with a soft smile.
"It's been a while."
"It has, hasn't it?" Taehyung nods as he thinks about it. You were just a small little kitten that had fallen upon their paths and they decided to take you in without hesitation. "But you're going to do great, I know you will."
Jungkook takes the driver seat of the black minivan while Jimin sits in the passenger seat and Taehyung stays in the back with you.
You haven't been out since they've taken you in and quite honestly, you're a nervous wreck. But you also know that if you want to heal, you'll have to take measures into your own hands. They've taken care of you so well so you have to step up the courage for yourself. You'll be alright, you know you will, with Taehyung next to you to hold your hand steady and the other two who checks on you through the rear mirror every once in a while.
It's just a simple task of grocery shopping. You wear a light pink long sleeved plaid mini a-line shirtdress that falls to your thighs. Taehyung likes seeing you in dresses so most of your clothes are just him spoiling you with pretty dresses.
You don't mind it. Well at first you did but he was always so insistent and told you he wanted to spoil you so you couldn't go up against him, not when he's always so willing to give you everything.
It's different from your last master.
Everything is different.
Even the steps you take as you walk around the supermarket and Taehyung and Jimin holds your hand while Jungkook pushes the cart. Your master never allowed you out to do anything and even if he did, his eyes were always on you to make sure you didn't run away. You can never scream aloud for help, he's threatened you so many times to not do that. And because of his status and money, you were always way too afraid to go against him in person.
But here, walking along the maknae line of your caretakers, Jungkook smiles as he sees the swaying of your tail which indicates that you're alright and he has nothing to worry about.
"Hello, do you know where they sell coffee beans?" The boys have their backs turned away as you stare wondrously at the various meat to your side when someone approaches you. It's a hybrid, a she-wolf, and it shouldn't scare you but it does and suddenly your heart is quickening and you can't get any words out.
Jungkook must have noticed because when he turns around and sees you, he's quick to act. "It should be down there, aisle eight," he points and the wolf smiles as she thanks him.
When she leaves, the three of them turns to you. "You okay?" Taehyung asks with concern as he places a hand on your shoulder.
They make it all better so you let out a soft sigh. "I'm sorry."
He shakes his head. "Don't be, my dear. We're so proud of you." He rewards you with a little kiss against your neck and at this point, the neck kisses has come to symbolize their love and care for you. A sign telling you that they're right here, that they won't go anywhere.
"I think we got everything on the list," Jungkook says a few moments later after wondering around the store. He looks over the paper Seokjin had given him again before shoving the thing behind his jean pocket. "Want to buy anything?" He grins your way. "You can get any snacks you'd like."
They look at you as you think for a moment before saying, "Mochi."
Jimin raises a brow, amused. "Mochi?"
"Does it taste good?" You ask and he chuckles.
"I want some," you say cutely and they proceed on to the frozen section not long after.
"What flavor would you like?" They all look good but as you look around at the variety, Jimin sees that you're more drawn to the pink ones. "Strawberry it is."
When you walk back out to the parking lot, something drips against your skin.
Then another, and another.
Before the four of you realize it's raining and Jimin has his bag of groceries all in one hand while the other rushes to hold his jacket over your head as you all run towards the minivan.
He's quick to open the door and rush you inside while they head towards the trunk to place the groceries in before safely returning to the safety of the van.
You run your hand against Taehyung's hair to flick away the tiny drops of water that drips from the tip of his hair and he goes on to pat along your dress. "You alright?" The man asks and you nod. "Your bandage got a bit damped," he says, pressing his lips together.
"It's okay," you say and Taehyung smiles as he tucks your hair behind your ears.
"Let's get you home."
When you return, the first thing Hoseok does is pull the four of you aside to dry yourselves with towels and change out of your wet clothes while the hyungs take care of putting away the groceries.
"Did you have fun?" The man asks as you sit on a chair while he wraps a new bandage around your neck. You nod at his question and he smiles.
"Next time we'll go to some place more fun," Jungkook promises with a gentle ruffle of your hair.
"Will it be crowded?" You worry.
"It doesn't have to be," he tells you. "Until you're comfortable, we'll only do the things that doesn't involve too many people, alright?"
When Hoseok is finished with your neck, the five of you return to the kitchen where Jimin helps you open your snack.
"It's cold," you shiver at the feel of the soft yet freezing sensation.
The man chuckles as he picks up a piece for you and offers it to your mouth. You take a bite which make things a little more cold but you're too caught up by how sweet and delicious it is to care. "Wow!"
"Delicious, isn't it?"
"Mhm!" You nod enthusiastically and Jimin smiles fondly as he goes to wipe away the white powder that has made itself around your lips with his clean hand.
"I'm so proud of you, baby."
You frown cutely in confusion at your second bite. "But I haven't done anything."
"But you have, my sweet kitten," he tells you otherwise. "You've gotten more comfortable asking us for things and have decided to go out all on your own. We're all so proud of you."
The soft kiss he rewards you with on your forehead makes your heart flutter.
"I have a present for you."
It's a late night. The stars and moon are present in the sky, the curtains closed to keep any creepy things of the night from scaring you, and the lights are on as the eight of you sit around in the comfort of the living room.
You look at Yoongi with confusion as he pulls out a white box with a pretty pink bow wrapped on top. "We all decided to pitch in," he says. "There's two of each from each of us in here all for you."
"For me?" He nods as you look at the box, curiosity peeking in as you wonder how there's two of each gift from the seven men that sits and awaits for you to open the present. You take the box, sniffing instinctively yet smelling nothing that can ruin the surprise.
They watch you steadily, holding their breaths as you untie the pink bow and let it fall away. When you open the box, something unexpected greets you. There are rolls of soft silk that lays in the box, all in different colors, fourteen altogether. It sits prettily inside in rows, soft in colors, not too bright, not too dull.
You take one in hand, an ivory color, and the silk unrolls upon your fingers. Your eyes widen at what it has to offer, untangling into a long piece of silk that looks so similar to something you have gotten used to wearing.
"Th..this..." You look up at Yoongi who holds a steady gaze. It's calm and soft, just the way that makes your heart ache and flutter at the same time. There are tears swimming at the brim of your waterline before he even explains it.
"They're for your neck," he says gently. "We figured it'd feel much better to wear something that doesn't seem like you still have to heal, because you're already doing so well, something that doesn't look like a burden, something that will make you feel better about yourself instead of looking in the mirror and staring at the bandage wrapped around your neck. We wanted to make you feel pretty because you deserve so much more than what this world has to offer, Y/N. You deserve all good things that doesn't always have to remind you of your previous life because you are beyond whatever he had always told you. You are loved and cherished and there is nothing in this world would we like more than for you to know that you will never be alone. We'll always be here for you, Y/N, so you don't have to be afraid anymore."
It's a scary world.
A world that frightens you more than the sleepless nights you'd still sometimes get.
You aren't used to kindness, you aren't used to others seeing you as an equal. Heck, you were even afraid when that hybrid approached you for directions.
But to be here with the ones that have found you laying helplessly on the dirty ground, the ones that have taken you into their sweet home, cleaned you up, fixed up your wounds, fed you, allowed you to have your own room and bed, the ones that have never stopped showing you that they care. They'll always press a kiss somewhere on your body, remind you that you deserve all nice things, shower you with love and affection, and have never gotten angry at you even when you make a slight mistake.
It's as if the universe has finally allowed you to live well, as if this is destiny and that you're meant to be here with them, loved and cared for.
Sometimes you do wish there was something a little more but you know that you cannot be that selfish. You have them as this and for now, that is all you'll ever care to want.
So you push the box aside and you wrap your arms around Yoongi's neck and he allows you to climb into his lap, nuzzling your nose in the crook of his neck and allow yourself to tear up. "Thank you," you whisper.
"Oh, pretty kitten, you deserve the world."
You shake your head lightly. "I don't care about having the world, I just want you."
He meets the eyes of the others with a soft gaze. "You have us, baby."
"Do you ever want to be ours legally?"
You look between Seokjin and Namjoon who sits across from you from the coffee table and stop eating the half eaten apple slice in your hand.
It's a question you love and hate at the same time. Yes you want to be theirs legally, but that would also mean another thing. You aren't dumb, you know Seokjin and Namjoon can take care of these things because they work for the law, fighting for more rights for hybrids but you know that it won't be easy.
It will never be easy for your case.
"Won't that mean..." you trail off, eyes falling to your lap as you plop the last piece of apple in your mouth and return your hands to your lap. You chew onto the fruit slowly, swallowing thickly before looking back up at them, a little more conflicted. "It will mean having to deal with him," you say in a small voice. "It means..I have to see him...won't I?"
"No, baby," Seokjin shakes his head gently. "I will not allow him to see you if you definitely do not wish for that. He won't be able to hurt you ever again."
You curl up into a little ball, arms wrapped around your knees, head hidden halfway against it. "But he's scary," you say, voice timid with a soft whimper. "He'll think of ways to get me back once he knows I'm still alive and..and..-"
"Hey, hey, hey." Namjoon rushes to your side in a calm voice with arms circling around you. "It's okay, baby, we've got you. I promise you everything's going to be okay."
Seokjin comes to your other side. "Any hybrid mistreated by their owners are protected under the law. He will not be able to get past us, I promise you."
"How're you so sure?" You sniff as you lean in closer to their touches. "He's a powerful man."
"There's one of him and seven of us," Namjoon reminds.
"And two of us who knows the laws more than anyone," Seokjin adds.
"Have a little more faith in your freedom, baby, we've got connections too."
"I'm scared," you confess though in all honesty, you don't really have to because they can already tell. Why wouldn't you feel scared? Petrified? This is dealing with your last owner after all.
A man not worthy of being titled a human and Seokjin and Namjoon just wants the nightmares all gone at the snap of their fingers.
But they know that it will be much more than that, something more difficult.
And seeing you in this distressed state, lips whispering sweet comforts into your ears, they meet each other's eyes and there's a silent vow that they give one another.
A vow that they will fix all of this.
You're worth all of it after all and they will never give up on you.
The nights are long but the days grow longer. Insomniac. Trying to hold onto the last pieces of hope you have left in this life.
It's scary, not knowing what the outcome will be especially when the boys refuse to tell you how the case is going because all they wish is to protect you. You've told them plenty of times that you can take it, that you're strong and brave enough. But even then, they'll only pat your head and say, "I know, babygirl, but let us take care of everything, alright?"
Maybe they're right, maybe you'll go crawling back to your little hole and deem everything and everyone is scary and mean all over again, but it's even more scary not knowing anything.
Seokjin and Namjoon comes home so late and then locking themselves up in their offices. The rest of the boys hold you through it all, keeping you safe in their arms, whispering sweet comforting words to make you feel a little better.
It helps. You know you'd be in a worse condition if it weren't for them, so you allow their warmths to welcome you in.
It's just scary so you refuse to sleep, knowing the nightmares will tear you down all over again. So you stay in the arms of your sweet boys who cradles you and press kisses to your head, petting you, scratching you lightly on your kitten ears just to evoke soft purring out of you.
"Do you think we'll win?" You ask Jungkook timidly as he runs his hands through your hair with a sweet rose scented shampoo. Your fingers play along with the pink bath bubbles hoping to distract yourself but it doesn't really help. "Do you think I'll ever become yours?"
"Oh, baby," he sighs with a gentle smile curling along his lips, fingers stopping midway to press along your human ears and raise your head up. You're pouting just slightly with big round eyes that he can stare at for days if he could. Jungkook leans in, the tip of his nose touching yours, giving you a sweet eskimo kiss. "You're already ours even without the legality."
"I am?"
"If you want to, that is."
"Of course I do!" You wrap your arms around his neck, only to remember you're still in the bath soaking wet a little too late, and a cute gasp leaves your lips when you wet him. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean-"
"I know baby," he chuckles, "it's alright."
You place your hands back into the water sheepishly with your cheeks rose pink. "I'm just.." you sigh, "I'm just scared, Kookie, and I'm worried about Namjoon and Jin."
"Namjoon will make sure to throw him into prison, sweetie, and Jin will make sure you are legally ours and that he won't get to you. No matter what tricks he has up his sleeves, he won't get away with this, I promise you. They'll take care of him. The laws have been readjusted to protect the hybrids and their rights. We'll win this, I know it, and it may take a while for everything to heal but Y/N," there is a soft gaze resting on his face as he goes to lightly graze along the skin on your neck.
It doesn't hurt anymore but you still like covering it up and the only times it's out there for them to see is in moments like these. A scar to remind you of what has happened but that you're healing day by day, all because of them.
"No matter how long it will take, my sweet kitten, we will never give up on you, you got that? You've got us for the rest of your life."
You smile at his words. "Is that..a threat?"
Jungkook laughs. "No, baby," he shakes his head then leans in to place a soft kiss upon the scar, "it's a promise."
"Jin!" You jump out of Hoseok's hold and run over to the man that finally emerges from his office. Him and Namjoon are always either at the law firm or stuck in their offices trying to win this case and now here he is, hopefully to take a breather. The man welcomes you in his arms and holds you up, chuckling with you greet him with kisses because you miss him. "You alright?" You ask as he sits the two of you down on the sofa beside Taehyung.
He readjusts your position to something more comfortable and you look up from where he holds you, a thumb reaching up and slotting itself right in between his creased brows.
His tired expression softens and Jin sighs with content, knowing all of this will be worth it in the end. "I'm okay, baby," he assures you.
"But we need your help with something," Namjoon says as he comes in to join the group. His arm crosses against his chest, brows furrowed, a look of discomfort as he closes his eyes for a moment of hesitation as if asking anything from you is too much.
"What is it?"
He lets out a sigh before fluttering his eyes open again and meets your gaze. "Sweetheart...can you tell us what happened?"
You knew at some point you'd have to come clean about your past and tell them everything. Of how you were brought into his home, what happened, the details of what happened and not just the gist of everything because they know the gist. You're a hybrid who was unlucky to be bought by some cruel man like many other hybrids out there, therefore starved for days, hurt and beaten.
But that's all they know. And they can only guess what happened.
They don't know how you were hurt, how your neck was in such a condition, what horrible things he's made you do, what hurtful words he's told you, they don't know any of the details.
So are you ready?
Seokjin can feel you trembling so he holds you a little tighter, a little closer, pressing your ears against his chest for you to listen to his heartbeat because he knows it calms you down listening to the beat of their hearts. "Oh baby, it's okay. We're right here. You don't have to say a thing if you don't wish to. You don't have to revisit the past, baby. It's okay." He press kisses on top of your head, rubbing his palm upon your arm and back.
And he's right.
They're right here no matter what happens. Always here to comfort, always here for hugs and kisses or to just be the pillar you need when you want to be held, always here to listen.
They aren't like the master you had before. They listen, they care, speaking in soft gentle tones for you, spoiling you with gifts, allowing you to eat whatever and as much as you want, never scolding you for anything except for when you aren't taking care of yourself, but even then they'd promise they'll be the ones to take of you in your stead, until you learn to care for your own self.
The world is scary. Humans are scary, some more than others, some that just seems scary but aren't, most of them you may never come to trust.
But still, they're here. Right here, holding you, not forcing you to do or say anything against your will.
So you shake your head and lean back just a little, wiping away your tears, holding a hand against your heart and take in a deep shaky breath to steady yourself. "No, it's okay," you say, taking Seokjin's hand and squeezing it gently. You look up at the rest who has on the same worried expressions and can feel your heart fluttering with warmth, wanting to cry again but for a different reason. "It's okay, I trust you all."
The story is long and horrible and has you crawling in fear all over again as you relive your nightmare but they're right here for you. Even as you cry and have a breakdown, them telling you you don't have to go on, but you still go on.
For them, and for yourself.
Not everything is alright but they always make it better.
Weeks later, your ears pick up on the entrance door creaking open and Namjoon and Seokjin walks in, suit jackets draping over their arms with their briefcases just hanging on the tip of their fingers, hair ruffled and messy, tired eyes, looking oh so exhausted. They see you emerging from the kitchen floor and you greet them with a small smile just ready to comfort them into making sure they rest in between all of this mess.
Yet something feels a little different than the past days, and when you see their faces brightening at the sight of you, arms held open, you think you understand what that means.
The tears form along your waterline before you can even think of the thoughts, feet rushing at such a fast speed before you can tame yourself, running straight into their arms with sobs escaping you. And so they hold you there, laughing, hugging you back just as tightly, with sighs that indicates that it's over. It's truly over.
You're theirs now.
"You alright, little one?"
It's in the middle of the night, you're in your room head filled with thoughts as you sit on the floor at the foot of your bed, fluffy white rug underneath you, with a pretty familiar box that falls open in front of you. The rain falls hard outside, dropping against your windows, thunder crashing at one point or another, but you aren't afraid as you were before.
You welcome it, tail swaying gently from side to side. Perhaps it just goes to show how angry your last master is but even then he cannot win at this game called your life. You're sheltered in a home that will never let anything bad fall upon you. Sheltered in their arms.
When you look up, Yoongi walks in as the others follow, their eyes casting to the pretty white box you have out on display, scarfs untangled from their rolls, clashing upon one another.
You are more than alright.
"You've taken your scarf off," he takes note of your naked neck as he settles beside you. "You doing alright?"
He rakes his hand into your hair, scratching upon your scalp lightly. "How can I not?" You purr, consciously leaning in closer to him. "I don't think I'm scared of it anymore," you say, placing a hand against your neck. "But the scarfs hides the ugliness so I'm gonna keep wearing it."
"Sweet kitten," Yoongi sighs as he takes you into his lap. "Nothing about you is ugly, you got that?" He says, chiding gently.
"People will say otherwise," you pout.
They don't say anything but Jimin comes forth, putting the box of scarfs to the side, his hand holding your face. Before you can question what he's doing, he peppers kisses all over your face that has you bursting out with giggles because the sweet sensation feels ticklish.
"S-stop," you squeak but he doesn't relent and Yoongi only holds you still in his arms, refusing you to turn away and escape both their grasps.
"Not unless you say you're pretty," the younger man muse.
"Okay, okay! I..-" He lets you hold him still in front of you, faces just about an inch away. "I.." you stutter, "I'm pretty."
Your cheeks are bright pink under the light of your room from the embarrassment of saying such a thing and Jimin chuckles. "Mmh," he hums, voice dangerously low, "you sure are."
The next thing you know, Jimin's lips falls upon yours and your eyes widen, heart drumming loud and hard against your chest almost to the point of you thinking it'll probably take flight.
Your first kiss.
It isn't a peck, a small one that leaves too quickly for your liking, but even as he feels your surprise and hesitation, he doesn't stop there, not when your own eyes eventually flutters shut, and goes in to actually taste your sweet lips against his pillowy ones.
The world feels like it's stop just to allow this to happen, your head spinning in circles still not believing this is actually happening and not understanding why. But you don't pull away because his lips are so addicting, sweet and soft just as you've imagined them to be.
When he leans away a moment later, your face is flushed and Yoongi can feel the heat radiating off you.
"Ah hyung," Jungkook whines from behind the man that has just kissed you, "I wanted to go first."
Jimin chuckles when you avoid his eyes and go to hide your face in the crook of Yoongi's neck, curling into a ball against him. "Hmm...I'm guessing babygirl likes it?"
You never knew Jimin could be such a tease.
"Come on," Namjoon sighs, "we're supposed to take things slow, clarify things first, not just go straight for her lips."
"Wait, what?" You lean away from Yoongi's hidden shelter, eyes wide and filled with curiosity as you look towards Namjoon for answers. "What does...what did that kiss mean?"
"Shouldn't you, you know," Taehyung chuckles, "ask the one who kissed you?"
"I..-" You don't know how your body can grow hotter by the second but it does and butterflies are flying everywhere in your tummy, heart drumming frustratingly loud.
"You don't know what it means?" Jimin feigns a pout. He holds the side of your face, kisses you on the head and the temple. "You don't know, my sweet innocent kitten?" He tilts your head just a bit to press a kiss against your neck.
You think you do but no one's ever told you such words before.
"Can you..say it?" You ask meekly as you look up at him, eyes gazing through your lashes. "Can you say the words?"
His face softens at your insecurities and the tears that begins to form without your knowledge. "Oh baby," he breaths, "I love you so much."
"We all do," Hoseok says. He takes your hand as Yoongi holds you a little tighter.
"We love you," Seokjin declares.
A tear falls against your precious cheeks and their heart aches at how much you've had to suffer to finally find happiness, to finally find a home. Jimin catches it before it can drip down from your chin and wipes the trail.
Were you lucky to stumble into their paths?
Months ago you'd probably say so sitting in that bubble bath as Jimin washed you. But now you don't think it was ever a happy accident.
Perhaps Jimin was right when he said this is what one would call a serendipity. Hearts written in the constellations before the universe was even created.
And for that, you know you've found your home.
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twiceinadream · 4 years
“Yeogi, yeogi, yeogi.”
Requested: Yup
Request: Momo is unable to escape her dorm on Valentine's Day so instead, y/n sneaks into the dorm
a/u: Hey, everyone! I didn’t realize it was already Friday I’ve been so busy this week, so sorry if this seems a little weird I wrote this over a month ago and just finished it today. I hope you still enjoy this Valentine’s prompt. I love you guys!
Category: NSFW and Fluff
Word Count: 2.7k
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Momo sat in front of JYP with a scowl prominent on her face as he shook his head, “I’m sorry Momo-ssi, but I can’t have you going out and about with Y/N-ssi on Valentine’s.” The man pinched the bridge of his nose, “It’s just too easy for you and Y/N to be recognized and I don’t want the media swarming the two of you.” Jinyoung trailed off at the end, clearing his throat before frowning, “I’m sorry Momo, I really am.”
The Japanese girl ran a hand through her hair as she tried to play off her sadness, “It’s fine, I understand.” Her voice was sullen as she exited his office and left the building. Resisting the urge to cry in the van till she returned back to their dorm, just wanting to cuddle with Boo and Dobby before she told you she would have to cancel the plans you had made. Mentally preparing herself for the disappointment she would hear on the other end of the line when she broke the news to you, sometimes she hated being an idol.
It didn’t take long to get from the company back to Twice’s dorm as Momo stared at your contact, resisting the urge to call you until she got inside as she thanked the driver and headed up. Her head hit the wall of the elevator as she rode it to their floor, her heart sinking into her stomach as she entered the shared dorm to find Sana, Nayeon, and Tzuyu sitting in the living room. Expectant looks on their faces as Nayeon raised an eyebrow at her, noticing how Momo’s shoulders were slumped forward and she looked like someone had just told her she’d have to give up jokbal.
The eldest bit her lip as she made eye contact with the third oldest, “How’d it go?” The question was stupid, Nayeon knew that, but decided to ask anyway. And with the way Momo just stared at her for a second before leaving down the hall, she got all the answers she needed, “I guess that’s a, ‘No’.”
Tzuyu deadpanned the sole Korean, “You don’t say Unnie.”
The sound of bickering followed Momo down the hall as she opened the door to her, Sana, and Nayeon’s shared room. Boo and Dobby lounging on the bed as they got up the instant the door opened, happy yips coming from both of them as they saw their owner enter the room. Their tails wagging as Momo laid on the bed, a soft smile gracing her lips as they cuddled into her sides. A frown taking over her smile as she smiled heavily, cuddling the two dogs as she felt tears sping into the corner of her eyes.
The Japanese girl burried her head in their fur as she let a soft sob from her lips, ‘Why couldn’t she just see you like every other couple on Valentine’s?’ She continued to cry till she eventually fell asleep, sad looks on Sana and Nayeon’s face as they listened on the other side of the door. They hated seeing any of their members sad, Momo especially since she wasn’t really asking for much.
That was when Tzuyu came up behind them, “I have an idea.” The maknae said, scaring the two older girls as she made them jump.
Sana held her hand to her chest as she spun around to face the Taiwanese girl, “Jeez! And what would that be?”
Tzuyu smiled, her dimple showing, “I need to make a few calls and you’ll see.”
-The Next Morning-
The sound of loud voices in the kitchen is what roused Momo when she realized she fallen asleep crying, her eyes her puffy and dry as she dragged herself out of bed. Her head felt like it was pounding when she noticed that Boo and Dobby were gone but the door to the bedroom was open. But by the sound in the kitchen she figured that one of girls had taken them out of the room.
The Japaneee girl didn’t even bother to fix herself as she headed towards the kitchen, just wanting to get a strong cup of coffee before she had to call you. She felt sick to her stomach at the thought of letting you down so early in the morning, but continued her trek down the hall when she spotted most of her members already dressed in the kitchen, “Are we going somewhere?”
At the sound of Momo’s voice the five other girls stopped what they were doing, staring at the main dancer. Before the front door suddenly opened: Sana, Nayeon, Tzuyu, and a hooded figure stumbled in, barely registering that the Japanese girl was there when the three turned the hooded figure around so that they were facing the door. A bright smile on Sana’s face as she looked at her best friend, “Momoring, you’re up! We have a surprise.”
The glee in the younger’s voice made her raise an eyebrow, “Do I need to change?” They stifled a laugh as Nayeon turned the hooded figure back around, and time seemed to slow in Momo’s eyes as the figure slowly lifted the hood to reveal, “Y/N?”
You smiled brightly at your girlfriend’s reaction, shooting her a wink, “The one and only.”
“How did you…?” Your girlfriend’s voice trailed off as she resisted the urge to cry, her body flooding with so many emotions when Boo and Dobby circled around her ankles.
You crossed the distance between the two of you as you wrapped her in a hug, “I got a call from Tzu last night saying that the company wouldn’t let you go out today. So Yoda, the snake, and a bunny snuck me in so I could be with you.”
Momo’s jaw dropped as she looked at her members who were putting on their shoes, “Wait, where are you guys going?”
Jihyo smiled as she motioned to the cabinets and fridge, “We put a little something together for the two of you, enjoy your day together and we’re all staying at Jeong’s sister’s place tonight, so use your time wisely.” The leader winked, making you and Momo blush a deep shade of red.
“Th...thank you.” The dancer said earnestly, going over to hug each of the members as they left.
“Of course Momo Unnie.” Tzuyu smiled, pushing her back towards you, “Now go have fun.” And with that: you, Momo, and the dogs were left alone.
It was had gotten late into the evening, with a day filled with rom-com marathons and snacks when you both started craving real food. Momo was leaning against you when she felt your stomach rumble, the sound making her laugh, “Aww, is my poor baby hungry?”
But before she could get another word in, her stomach began making the same noise as you stuck out your tongue, “I guess that makes two of us.”
Momo pouted as you both got off the couch, stumbling your way into the kitchen as you pulled open the fridge. Finding a few miscellaneous items, some chocolate covered strawberries (which you made a mental note of) before you saw a jar of half finished pasta sauce, you held it up to your girlfriend, “Spaghetti?”
The Japanese girl turned to look at you as she was rummaging through the cupboards, pulling out a box of pasta, “Perfect! And I think we might have meatballs in there.” You opened up one of the drawers to find the package she was talking about, only to find fuzz covered meat.
“Momoring, these are spoiled.” You cringed as you quickly threw it away, not wanting to look at it anymore, “Guess we’re back to just pasta and sauce.”
Your girlfriend shrugged, “At least we still have some food.” You nodded as you began taking out a few pots.
“True, and we haven’t burned anything yet.
-A Few Moments Later-
“Omg, Y/N! The pasta is burning!” The sound of the smoke detector going off didn’t help the fact you were now frantically running to the pot of burning water as you threw it in the sink.
“How did we burn water!?” You looked at your girlfriend in shock as a beat of silence passed between you two. You both held each other’s state for a second longer before you both burst out laughing, “I probably jinxed us earlier.”
Momo giggled as she went to hug you, knocking her fist against the wooden chopping board, “We forgot to ‘knock on wood’ Y/N-Chan.”
You nodded, “Without a doubt, but what are we gonna do now?” But before Momo could answer the sound of a knock sounded throughout the dorm, you cocked an eyebrow as you went to open the door. Not wanting the delivery person to know this was Twice’s dorm, “Can I help you?”
The man on the other side held up two plastic bags, “Food delivery for L/N Y/N.”
You raised an eyebrow in confusion, “That’s me.” He nodded as he handed you the bag.
“There you go, have a nice night.” You thanked him before closing the door, walking back to a sheepish looking Momo.
You looked between her and the bags when it suddenly clicked, “You knew the food was going to burn!”
The Japanese girl pursed her lips to prevent from laughing as she held her hands up in defense, “No, I just...um. Wanted to be prepared?”
You shook your head in disbelief as you placed the food in front of her, letting out an offended gasp, “Even my own girlfriend doesn’t trust my cooking skills.”
She deadpanned, “Y/N, you burned water.”
“Did not! The pasta caught fire!” You crossed your arms like a child as Momo began laughing, her eyes crinkling as you couldn’t help but smile too, “But, good call.”
You let out a content sigh as you finally bagged up the last of your guy’s dinner before you found a note left on the table, ‘Come and get your dessert -Momoring <3.
You quirked an eyebrow as you noticed the door to Momo’s room was cracked open and a small stream of light was peeking out into the hallway. A smile broke out onto your lips as you made your way to the partially opened door, hastily making your way in as the sight before you made your breath catch in your throat.
Your girlfriend was clad in an ensemble that left little to the imagination as she sat with her knees parted at against the headboard. You swallowed hard as you looked her up and down, your cheeks felt hot under her gaze, “Is this for me?”
Momo had a coy smirk on her face as she made a come hither motion with her finger, “Happy Valentine’s Y/N-ah, come and open your present.”
You wasted no time shoving off your pants as your shirt quickly followed, making a pile on the floor as you ounces onto the bed. Connecting your lips in a heated kiss as you ran a hand over your girlfriend’s exposed abs, loving the way the muscle tensed under your touch as you moved to cup her breast. A breath moan falling from her lips as you pulled away, nipping and sucking at her neck as you left marks deep enough to show.
Your hand snaked behind her back as you quickly unclasped her bra and let the garment fall to the floor, enjoying the newly exposed skin as you took a stiffened nipple between your index and thumb before pinching it slightly. A gasp catching in the Japanese woman’s throat as you took the other into your mouth, swirling the stiffened peak with your tongue before releasing back into the chilly air of the room. Repeating the process with the other as you inched down a little further till you were eye level with her crotch, “May I?”
Momo nodded her head earnestly as you took the elastic of her panties between your fingers, pulling the fabric down slightly so that her hip was exposed. You kissed along the skin that made your girlfriend’s grip on your shoulder tighten as you teased her further, a desperate whine sounding from above as you finally let up, “Needy.”
The dancer pouted as you pulled her underwear off completely, a few strands of wetness still clinging to the material as her opening pulsed with need. Her pussy was pink and puffy with arousal her clit peeking ever so slightly from its hood as you placed a kiss and lick to the junction where her leg and sex met. A surprised moan falling from her lips as you blew a steady stream of air onto her heated core, “Y/N, please.”
You rolled your eyes at your girlfriend’s impatience before leaving one last kiss to her inner thigh and diving straight in. Her body tensed as your tongue made its way into her opening, her juices hitting your lips as you ate her out. She tasted-ironically-a bit like peaches as you continued to lap up the essence that leaked out of her, you lifted two fingers to Momo’s mouth indicating for her to suck them as you worked on her lower half. Her tongue coating your digits in saliva before you pulled them away and repositioned them at her aching core. You teased her entrance with your middle finger before sinking in to the molten heat that was Hirai Momo’s sex, a releaved moan slipping from her lips when you added in another finger. Thrusting slowly as you felt for the rough patch of flesh against her frontal wall, resting it with an experimental tap to warm her before copying the come hither motion she had made before as your fingers lightly stroked her g-spot. A loud whine came out of the dancer as she fisted the bedsheets.
Satisfied with your fingers you used your free hand to lift the hood hiding your girlfriend’s swollen clit. The bud had a slight red hue from the neglect but it wouldn’t be like that for long as you left a lingering kiss against her clit, sliding your tongue along wet folds. Momo groaned happily as her hips canted against you, chasing your pliant mouth. With a throaty moan, she let go of the sheets to fondle her breasts, tweaking her nipples gently.
Momo groaned in delight, grinding against your face as you slowly fucked her with your fingers. Your chin was slick with her wetness and as she moaned, your hands drifting along her sides and belly.
You alternated between gentle suckles and broad strokes over her clit as she continued fondling her plump breasts, humming softly against her center as her walls clenched around your thrusting digits. She squealed in delight, grinding against your face, “Oh, yes...”
You couldn’t hold back your moan at the sound, you placed open-mouthed kisses along her slick folds. Before closing your lips around the fat swell of her clit, giving her a second to breath before sucking. Hard.
Momo let out a shriek as her hips jerked off your face, her orgasm gushing out of her in a sudden burst. Covering the lower half of your face with her release as her body shuddered with every wave of pleasure. A series of clipped pants was the only thing you heard before Momo finally came down from her high, carefully taking your fingers out of her as you moved to spoon her.
You smiled as your girlfriend’s bangs stuck to her sweaty forehead, a blissful smile on her face as you leaned down to kiss her, “How was it?”
“Amazing.” Her tone sounded breathless as she nuzzled into you, “What’s the damage?”
You smirked as you looked down at the dark bruises you left on her neck, using your index finger to point at them, “Let’s see, yeogi, yeogi, yeogi.” Momo scowled as you placed a kiss on her swollen lips, “Nea maeum.”
Your girlfriend looked at you for a second before pushing you off the bed, “No! You did not just use Chae’s song to describe my hickies!”
You laughed as you got up from the floor, “Well isn’t that what it’s about anyways?”
Momo rolled her eyes as she threw a pillow at you, “You’re sleeping on the couch.” You stuck your tongue out as you crawled back onto the bed.
“Admit it, you thought that was clever.” The dancer huffed as she turned away from you.
“Shut up.”
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stellarstarss · 2 years
uh uh uh co-op bot headcanons
some are personal, and more wholesome hcs cause they’re my comfort characters,,, 
Atlas Headcanons:
headcanon height: 6′5″
- squeaky toys confuse Atlas. like, he doesn’t know HOW it squeaks. he just knows it Makes Noises. 
- Atlas stims by jumping, hopping, and rotating/spinning his head. - Atlas mimics purring noises when affectionate, but sadly he cannot purr by default. to some it might sound scary cause it sounds similar to his growl, but he’s just trying to show that he loves it. - Atlas’ affection!! To show affection to a human, Atlas gently bonks them with his head. before, it was kind of trial and error and he accidentally knocked someone out from being too eager. if you don’t want him to do that then he’ll accept a nuzzle, he likes those. - Atlas’ antenna will wag when he’s really happy, just like a dog. it will increase in intensity the more he’s happy - he’s... a heavy sleep mode snoozer, good luck trying to wake him. he’ll also will twitch in his sleep occasionally, prolly dreaming of electric sheep /j
P-Body Headcanons:
headcanon height: 6′7″
- P-Body stims by clapping, happy little feet taps, and hopping!!
- P-Body purrs when affectionate or when she’s in sleep mode. those chirps she makes in the game (and also heard in the files) is how she normally speaks
- P-Body has a weird little behavior thats never really seen, she’ll actively stalk a laser pointer when not testing. yes, she’ll go insane like what cats do. she might get hurt in the process of catching it but hey, doesn’t stop her from catching it tho!
- She’s a light sleep mode snoozer. any loud noises happen and it’ll wake her. poor baby - Speaking of loud noises, she doesn’t like the sound of thunder. it scares her. She always goes to Atlas for comfort
Both in general:
- Their pupils dilate when startled or scared in the actual canon, but in my hc they will dilate when affectionate or chill. 
- Since ive seen people ship them, i have some on how they show their love: nuzzling, hugging, and cuddling. sometimes they’d occasionally tickle each other. P-Body ALWAYS fails cause she’s ticklish. - Since they’re programmed to feel touch, they enjoy pets and other physical affection!
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