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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months ago
Little Maria walks up to her parents’ bed…
Maria: Mommas, Daddy. I had a nightmare.
Carol, Wanda and Y/N all sit up at once…
Carol: oh baby
Wanda: detka
Y/N: of course, little star. Come on in.
Little Maria gets in bed and snuggles Y/N…
Carol kisses the top of her daughter’s head as Wanda sends in calming thoughts…
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i-heart-slashers · 4 months ago
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ᴘᴏᴠ: ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ʙɪʟʟʏ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴛᴜ.
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achirding · 2 years ago
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Sonic finds that there are some definite perks to being the king. C:
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itslulabee · 10 months ago
Participation (Ch.5)
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Thorin x OC (smut!!)
(part one, part two, part three, part four, part six)
Description; This fanfic is posted to my AO3 as well, it's basically just pure filth with my OC Kaia and five members of Thorin's Company, our final dwarf, Mr Oakenshield <3
MINORS DNI !!! they shag, duh...
AN; There's like no build up at the start we're jumping right in where we left off! NSFW shit right from the get-go under the cut ;)
Translations for any Khuzdul will be at the end! <3
~ <3 ~
Kaia and Dwalin stayed together on that rock for a while… long enough for Dwalin to make Kaia finish three more times. He was relentless, insatiable, turning Kaia into a sweaty, writhing wreck with his words, fingers, mouth and cock.
After Mahal knows how long, Kaia was sat on his lap, his arms wrapped around her and dragging his hand through her hair. Kaia could do nothing but lie against his firm body, humming in appreciation for his gentle caresses.
“This feels right.” She murmurs, nuzzling into his neck.
“Aye, it does, doesn’t it?” Dwalin says, his voice rumbling like thunder all around her. “Our sweet girl.” Kaia smiles against his chest, pressing a kiss to his peck before extracting her head. Giving him a dazed smile, he helps her stand up.
After being thoroughly fucked by four different dwarves, her body was certainly feeling it. Her legs were shaky and unstable, not to mention her hips ached and she was sure she was covered in bruises and hickeys across every inch of her skin.
But she had never felt so complete.
Dwalin rested a hand on her waist, his other coming to hold onto her hand. He kisses the crown of her head, and Kaia was taken back by how gentle he was in this moment. She had seen the grizzled warrior slaughter orcs by the dozen, wielding his axes as if they were an extension of himself, barely breaking a sweat in the process.
Mere minutes ago he had been holding her against him, bouncing her up and down his cock with the strength and fervour of a wild animal, his blue eyes on fire as he held her head in place to keep their eye contact.
But here he was, holding her upright as if she were a precious jewel, delicate and priceless. Kaia smiled up at him, and was rewarded with seeing his smile in return.
As the two approached camp, they could hear a loud conversation. Unmistakably the voices of Nori, Dori, Bofur and Bilbo, the latter sounding horrified.
Entering the small clearing, the conversation became clearer, and Kaia could clearly hear from Nori and Bofur that they were explaining Dwarvish customs in great detail to the hobbit, who was bright red and holding his hands over his ears. Dori was also red faced, telling Nori and Bofur to be quiet.
“You see, Bilbo, when a dwarrow cannot satisfy his One, it is custom for her to bring in another to satisfy her, sometimes her husband will even watch-” Bofur rambled.
“Please stop.” Bilbo says, deadpanned as he stared at the dirt below.
“Aw, give Bilbo some peace, Bofur.” Kaia calls, patting Bilbo’s shoulder as she passes.
The group turns to look at the new arrivals. Bofur’s face lights up at seeing her, whilst Nori’s eyebrows sky rocket into his hairline. Taking in Kaia’s dishevelled appearance, and the relaxed way Dwalin holds her, the group begins hollering.
“I cannot believe it!” Nori says, shaking his head. “She’s got to have broken a record for the amount of lovers taken in one night!”
“Watch your tongue, Nori.” Dwalin warns, walking Kaia over to sit next to Balin. Kaia gives the older dwarf a careful smile, anxious about his reaction to this new information.
But Balin beams, giving her a small hug, “Welcome to the family, lass!”
“Aye, welcome to the family, Dwalin!” Bofur says, wrapping one of his arms around the formidable body of the warrior in a half-hug, who rolled his eyes and grumbled something under his breath.
“How did the conversation with Thorin go?” Kaia asks, trying to keep her nerves at bay.
“Oh, I imagine it’s going fine.” Balin says, patting Kaia’s shoulder beside her.
“They’re still talking?” Kaia looks over at Bofur, “Why are you back?”
“Well the conversation got a bit heated and Fili basically shoved me out of it... I imagine our king did not appreciate my jokes all too much.” Bofur chuckles, walking over to Kaia to sit on the ground in front of her, his back to her. She opened her knees and he reclined back, sighing contentedly as she played with one of his pigtails.
“They’re arguing? About… well, all of us?”
“Can’t imagine it’ll be better when he finds out about Dwalin, too.” Nori shrugs, and Dori smacks him around the back of the head.
“I wouldn’t worry, dear. I’m sure it’ll all be fine.”
“Dwalin!” Thorin’s voice booms across the camp, and all heads spin to see the King Under the Mountain standing at the edge of the clearing. His eyes are fiery, narrowing them at everyone present. Both of his nephews are behind him, Fili rolling his eyes and Kili looking nervous.
When his eyes fall on Kaia, his expression is tense yet unreadable, he looks away from her quickly, giving Dwalin a pointed look, before turning on his heel.
With a quiet sigh, Dwalin stands, walking over to where the king is stalking away. Fili follows after his uncle, and Kili stays put to catch Kaia’s eye. When he does, he gives her a sweet smile, looking like he wants to say something, before Dwalin grabs him around the scruff of the neck and drags him to follow the others.
“Well, that’s just fantastic.” Kaia sighs, wrapping her arms around Bofur’s neck. His large, calloused hands wrap around her forearms, pressing delicate kisses along her skin.
“I’m sure it’s fine, lass.” Balin says, but his eyebrows are knitted together.
“Why’s he mad at Dwalin?” Ori asks, scribbling away into his notebook, his eyes flickering to Kaia and Bofur every so often.
“I imagine he heard him and Kaia going at it like rabbits.” Nori says, nudging his brother.
“What?!” Kaia asks, eyes wide and heart thumping, “Did you guys hear us?!”
“No, lass-” Balin starts.
“Luckily for us.” Bilbo cuts in, his head in his hands.
“-but Thorin, Fili and Kili were talking in the cave… it’s not too far from where you and Dwalin were… well, you know.” Balin’s voice is comforting, but Kaia can feel her stomach in knots.
“They heard it?!” Kaia says, feeling her face flush red.
“I heard it.” Bofur says softly, nipping her thumb with his teeth, a clear smile on his lips.
“Oh for the love of-”
“Kaia!” Another booming yell from Thorin, and Kaia jumped in her seat. “A word.”
Looking at Thorin, she could not figure out what he was thinking. He looked tense, his body maintaining his usual kingly posture but his hands were balled up by his side. Sighing, Kaia rose from her seat, crouching to whisper in Bofur’s ear.
“If I don’t return, he’s thrown me off the cliff.” Kaia says, kissing Bofur’s temple.
“See you down there then, lass.” Bofur jokes, giving her knuckles a kiss as she leaves.
Walking over to where Thorin stands, Fili, Kili and Dwalin pass her on their way back to the group. Fili kisses her cheek, giving her a hand a squeeze. Kili rests a hand on her cheek, nuzzling her nose.
“It’ll be fine, Amrâlimê.” He murmurs, kissing her gently before he follows after his brother. She watches them go, and feels a pair of lips against her temple, as Dwalin passes.
“Don’t let him scare you, lass.” Dwalin murmurs, before grabbing her ass, “You’re ours.”
Kaia blushes as he walks away, before turning back to look at the King Under the Mountain. He inclines his head behind him, and storms away. Sighing again, she follows him.
The pair end up at the mouth of a cave, Kaia following after Thorin as he stomped along the edge of the cliff. They were silent for a moment as Thorin looked out at the trees around them, and Kaia bit her fingernail as nerves crept up her spine.
Neither of them had had a conversation longer than a few seconds. He would throw out commands and thinly veiled insults about her being a human, and she would offer back her own, even less conspicuous complaints about him. After a while of this, Balin and Gandalf had told them to cease their childish behaviour, and the two had left it alone. Whatever they said to one another was a short question and a one worded answer.
But now, Kaia was courting his younger nephew, fucking his older one and heir, as well as his head of guard and closest friend, and the very eager, musical miner who just so happens to be a part of his Company.
Kaia worried if he thought this was some kind of power play. Seducing three of the most important people in his lives to get to his head. Perhaps he just thought she was a whorish human who had no right to be in any kind of relationship with the heirs of Durin. Mahal knows, but Kaia had a bad feeling.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Thorin sighed. He turned from the trees to look at her, his face blank but his eyes held a fire in them. Kaia gulped, readying herself for the verbal ass-kicking she is sure to get. Hopefully it’s just verbal…
“I hear you and Kili are courting?” Thorin asks, his voice gruff.
“Uh… yeah, he braided my hair this evening.”
“I’ve been told there is more information than that.” Thorin scoffs, walking over to the cave wall to lean against it, arms folded, “Why don’t you tell me, from your point of view, what has transpired this evening.”
Kaia’s mouth hangs open, finding herself lost for words for a moment. Thorin raises an eyebrow, waiting for her to start speaking.
“How much… do you want to know?” Kaia asks, avoiding his eyes.
“Do not leave out any details.”
“Surely the others have told you enough-”
“I said,” Thorin cuts in, his voice loud and commanding, “Do not leave out any details.”
Kaia swallows thickly, feeling her heart hammering. A small part of her was a little turned on by this side of Thorin, the kingly side of him. But, she really did not need to be distracted by those thoughts when he was clearly enraged by her.
“Alright.” Kaia murmurs, clearing her throat.
“Speak up.”
“Okay!” She exclaims, feeling her cheeks go red. “The others explained dwarvish courting rituals earlier, and made me and Bilbo aware of the concept of ‘lovers’. After, I, uh, went to bathe in the river. Kili came to talk to me, and… well…”
“Well…?” Thorin urged, growing impatient.
“He told me he cared about me. Then we… well, you know.”
“Assume I do not.”
“We… made love.” Kaia mumbles, and feels herself flush harder at Thorin’s condescending laugh.
“You ‘made love’?” He laughs, and Kaia feels herself grow angry.
“We fucked.” She says, her voice louder and stabler. “He told me he wanted me, then we kissed and I pushed him against a tree and took him into my mouth. Then he fucked me against the ground.”
Thorin has gone still, his eyebrows slightly raised to indicate his surprise, but the rest of him dares not move. His breath leaves him in a short huff, and he clears his throat.
“Go on.” He says, his voice slightly raspier.
“I didn’t cum.” Kaia shrugs, “Kili was very eager and I focused on making him feel good. Fili discovered us, and was outraged to find that Kili didn’t make me cum.
“Aye, that is disrespectful, and unbecoming from a son of Durin.” Thorin muses, shifting slightly. “What then?”
“Then Fili fucked me.” She continues, feeling emboldened for some reason. Perhaps it was because she could see a slight blush across the kings cheeks, and his breath was coming out more shallowed. “He used his mouth on me, made me cum with his tongue and his fingers. Then he also fucked me.”
“How many times did you cum?” Thorin asks, his eyes dark under his thick eyebrows.
“Three times.”
“Good.” The king states, resting his head back against the wall, his eyes half-lidded as he watched her. “Continue.”
“After, Kili asked me, formally, if I would wear his courting bead. I agreed, then I went to bathe, finally. Your nephews are very distracting.” A teasing lilt to her voice made Thorin sneer slightly at her, but she could tell he was trying to keep his kingly composure.
“I do now want to hear your snide comments, girl. What happened once you went to bathe?”
“Bofur found me. I had been gone a long time and he thought that the river would be free. It was not. I was in there… wet, naked…”
Kaia lifted her hand up, dragging her finger along her dress collar, a small gesture which could be seen as nothing, but she did it with intent.
Thorin’s breath quickened slightly, but he kept himself still, his eyes trying and failing to remain on her face.
“Bofur was sweet. He was unsure about joining me at first, he did not want to make me uncomfortable. But I wanted him, and he wanted me. We fucked on the bank.”
“I’m sorry?”
“How did you fuck? What position?” Thorin’s voice is strained, his jaw ticking as one of his hands twitched beside him, wanting nothing more than to relieve some of the pressure his trousers are applying to his stiffening cock. He had to remain stoic, but Mahal he wanted to know… he wanted to hear it from her lips…
“I rode him.” Kaia states, her hand drifting down her torso, down the valley between her breasts to settle atop her stomach, the tips of her fingers playing with the buttons.
Thorin keeps his eyes on her face, his own stony. His hands remain by his side, his head tilted back as he watches her. But he refuses to let her win this game they have started.
“Did he make you finish?” He asks, voice even.
“Yes.” Kaia smile slightly, “Twice. He let me use his cock as I rode him, and I made him cum by pulling his hair… it seems your dwarvish obsession with your hair translates to the bedroom, huh?”
Thorin scoffs, shifting his shoulders to move his hair back. It cascades over his shoulders in dark, silver tinted waves. Kaia wonders what it feels like against her fingers, if he will cum feeling her tug on it the way Bofur did…
“You seem to be unable to be fully satisfied, Kaia. You had both of my nephews and Bofur, then decided you needed Dwalin as well?”
“Four talented and handsome dwarves offered themselves to me and you think I would refuse?” Kaia scoffs, rolling her eyes, whilst Thorin’s own narrow. “I have needs, Thorin… ones which have been thoroughly seen to.”
“I am glad, because they will not be being seen to again. Not by any member of my Company.”
Kaia’s face falls, she feels her heart stop in her chest at his words. He stares at her with indifference, and Kaia feels rage bubble up inside her.
“Is that so?”
“it is.”
“And how will you go about keeping that rule in place?” Kaia asks, taking a step towards him, “Will you keep an eye on all four of them to make sure none of them sneak away? To make sure none of them lay a hand on me?”
“I will take you back to your farm if I have to.” Thorin sneers, his voice clipped, “I will not have you jeopardising this quest with your feverish desires.”
“They are not just my desires, are they Thorin?” Kaia bites, crossing her arms over her chest, “They all wanted me as much as I wanted them-”
“You are a distraction-”
“I know. You’re distracted now, aren’t you?” Kaia cannot stop the words from tumbling out, but she feels greatly rewarded by the shock on the King’s face. His mouth hangs open slightly, his eyes wide. “Is that it?”
Thorin’s jaw tightens, and he narrows his eyes at her as she walks closer to him, standing right in front of the King Under the Mountain.
“Maybe you are just upset that you didn’t get to have me first… that your cock was not the one I was fucking myself on this evening-”
“Watch your tongue!”
“Why should I need to, you can watch it for me?” She darts her tongue out and drags it over his neck, expecting Thorin to shove her away. But he gasps, his head leaning back further to give her better access. Kaia hums, licking along his jaw and pressing a kiss to his beard.
“If you wanted me too, you could have just said.” She smiles against his skin, and she can feel him swallow hard.
“I’m their king, their leader. I cannot find myself distracted by urges like this, by desires you have put into my head.”
“Have you been distracted, my king?” Kaia murmurs, feeling hm shiver against her at the formal term, “How long have you wanted me?”
“Since the morning after the storm.” Thorin responds, far too driven by his lust to care about the repercussions of his honesty. “You have bewitched me.”
“Have I?” Kaia chuckles, leaning her head back. “I am no witch, Thorin Oakenshield, whatever you feel for me is caused by no spell.”
“It might as well be.”
Kaia pouts, taking a step from him. His hands move to pull her back, but he stops himself, cursing his immediate desire to keep her close.
“If you do not want me, my king, then all you have to do is say.” Kaia says, shrugging. Thorin glares at her, his jaw tense as he looks into her eyes.
“I am a King. I am not going to be some humans lover, least of all the woman bound to my nephew.”
“Ah, see, I knew it was your pride getting in the way.” Kaia laughs humourlessly, shrugging, “If that is the case, then I shall go. If you wish it, I will return home-”
Kaia turns to leave, but as she turns her back, she feels Thorin grab her wrist. He tugs her back, pressing her against his chest.
“No. No, you will not go.” He murmurs, his mouth close to her ear. “I do not want you to.”
“I thought you said you would not become a humans lover?”
“And you were right, it is my pride speaking…” He says, his tone quieter and gentler than it had been mere seconds ago, “I… I do want you… I care for you. But… it is not easy. I feel as though the weight of the world is on my shoulders, Kaia. I do not want to do anything that would put our mission at risk. I do not want to find myself falling for you and being unable to focus on the task at hand…”
The honesty takes Kaia back, and she lets out a shuddered breath, leaning her head back against his shoulder.
“I know, Thorin. You have so many responsibilities, but that can make you feel alone.” Kaia murmurs, turning herself around in his arms. Thorin’s head is bent slightly, his hair like a curtain around his head. “You do not have to be ashamed about having desires, about caring about me. And you do not have to be ashamed to admit that you cannot do this all alone. Let me be here, for you. Please.”
He rests his forehead against her own, his eyes screwing shut.
“And if I become yours, Kaia, what then? I have lost so much in this life, what if I lose you too. What if we all do? Kili loves you, as does Fili, I can tell. I have only ever seen Bofur be serious when he talks about you, and I know Dwalin would never take a lover unless she was special. You are special, Kaia. I could not bear to give my heart and body to you just to lose you as well.”
“You won’t.”
“You do not know that.”
“Neither of us do.” Kaia shrugs, tucking his hair behind his ear, “If we lived our lives in fear of what could be, we would never feel any joy. You deserve joy, Thorin. Please, let me be the one who gives it to you.”
Thorin looks up at her, his eyes soft beneath his knitted eyebrows.
“Even if we did survive this quest, and we take back Erebor… I would be king. I would be your lover, but I would also be your king. Your One’s uncle-”
“Yes and I have already bedded his brother in front of him” Kaia laughs, kissing Thorin’s nose gently. “Stop looking for reasons why this cannot be, my king. Whatever problems and issues we come across, we face them. I know that I love Kili, I know that I adore Fili and Dwalin and Bofur, and I want you to be a part of us.”
Thorin stares down at her, his eyes soft as a small smile appears across his face, “You’re going to have to ask me formally.”
“Oh, do I?” Kaia smirks.
“I’m a king, little human. I’m not a miner who you can just fuck on the side of a river, you must ask me properly.”
Kaia sighs, rolling her eyes good naturedly. Taking a step away from him, confusion flashes across his face. Before he can assume she has rejected him, Kaia gets down on her knee.
She assumes the best imitation of bowing in front of a king as she can, bending her head down as she extends one hand to him, with the other on his chest.
“Oh, noble King Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror, king Under the Mountain and uncle to my One. Would you do me the honour of becoming my lover? Would you fuck me hard, make me scream, drive me to the point of insanity on your cock, fuck me in every corridor of Erebor when we get there, and-”
She is cut off by Thorin taking her hand and pulling her up, right into his arms as he laughs against her hair.
“That’s good enough, ghivashel. Not very formal, mind you.” He chuckles.
“Hey, I used all of your official titles!” Kaia laughs, and Thorin wraps his hands around her waist, pressing her closer to him.
“When we reclaim Erebor, I will do you the honour of fucking you on my throne.” Thorin’s voice rumbles against her neck, and she moans as his hands travel over her body.  
“How about we start off with you fucking me in this cave, your majesty?”
Thorin pulls back, raising his eyebrow at her, “You fucked four different dwarrows tonight, and you want to go again?”
“I haven’t had a king…” She murmurs, dancing her lips against his own. He groans, pressing his lips to hers in a searing kiss.
Kaia wraps her arms around his neck, her fingers tangling in his hair as he glides his hands over her waist and hips, groping at her ass with an appreciative hum, before he grabs her thighs and lifts her up.
She squeaks as he lifts her, wrapping her legs around Thorin’s waist as he walks her back to press her against the cave wall. His lips never leave hers, biting her lower lip and causing her to yelp, giving his tongue access to her mouth.
Every moan she finds escaping her is swallowed by Thorin, who digs his fingers into her thighs as he grinds himself against her.
“Fucking a lady against a cave wall, is very unbecoming of a king.” He murmurs, dragging his teeth over her pulse point.
“Well we can save the ‘love-making’ on satin sheets for when you have your kingdom back, your grace. Right now, I need you to just be Thorin.”
“Thorin would definitely fuck a lady against a cave wall.” He chuckles, securing her weight against the stone as one of his hands lifts up to pull down her sleeve, kissing her shoulder.
“Then get to it, Oakenshield.” Kaia moans, tugging on his hair.
“As you wish, Halwûna.” Thorin groans, reaching his hands up to tug on her dress. It falls away easily, the back of it having already been destroyed by Dwalin’s hands. Thorin shifts her higher up, giving him easy access to her tits.
One of his hands remains on her thigh, the other glides over her torso, the callouses on his palms delivering delicious friction against her skin, causing her to bite her lip and drop her head back.
Kaia can feel his beard drag along her chest, his lips pressing kisses along her collarbone before delving deeper, pressing kisses to her nipples. They pebbled against the cold air, and he groaned against them. His tongue darted out, licking a long strip along her right breast.
The hand in his hair clenched, and he growled against her tit, latching onto it with his teeth.
“Fuck! Thorin!” She cries, the pain and the pleasure sending a shiver through her body.
“Quiet, girl. You don’t want the rest of them hearing us, do you?” He murmurs, before looking up into her eyes, “Do you?”
“I think this Company is far past secrets.” Kaia chuckles, breathing harshly as he continues to suck on her tit, dragging his teeth over them to illicit more noise from her.
She threads her fingers through his hair, tugging harshly every time his teeth bit down onto her, and he rewards her with a groan every time.
“It seems Fili got his love for teasing from you.” Kaia breathes out, and Thorin chuckles against her skin.
“Does it turn you on to bring up my nephews while I’m sucking your tits, ghivashel?” He asks, a teasing lilt to his rumbling voice.
“Perhaps.” Kaia says, grinding her lower body against his strong stomach, “Does that bother you?”
“No. In fact, I have half a mind to call them here to watch as I ravage you.” Thorin says, kissing her breast once more before lifting his head up to give her an evil smirk. Kaia can only groan as he pulls her down the wall, readjusting her thighs until they are wrapped around his hips.
Thorin presses a kiss to her jaw, growling slightly, “No. I think I’ll wait for another time to share you. Right now, you are mine.”
With quick, rough hands, he lifts her dress up to bunch around her waist, pressing his hips against hers to keep her upright.
“I want to see you.” Kaia murmurs, dragging her hands over his clothed torso. Thorin raises an eyebrow, seemingly unwilling to take off his tunic.
“It’s cold.” He says.
“Yeah, I realised. If you haven’t noticed, I’m wearing my dress as a belt right now.” Kaia laughs, playfully punching Thorin’s shoulder. His face breaks out into a small smile, looking over her body with loving eyes.
“That is fair, sweet girl.” Thorin says, keeping his hips pressed to hers to keep her up, whilst his hands grab at the hem of his tunic, tugging it over his head.
Kaia feels a blush creep up her neck at the sight of him. He’s covered in thick muscle underneath tanned skin, decorated with dark and silver hair, tattoos and scars. His muscles ripple as he tosses his shirt away, and she cannot resist the urge to touch him.
She drags her fingers over his chest, admiring the dark hair and the roughness of his skin. Thorin watches her as she looks him over, his expression guarded as he begins to feel self-conscious. Kaia was beautiful, soft skin and delicate imperfections which made her so real. The King Under the Mountain was riddled with memories of war, he was old and withered. What if she was disgusted by him?
“You’re beautiful.” Kaia says, softly.
Thorin blinks at her, taken aback by her compliment. But he sees only honesty in her eyes, her pupils dilated as her fingers draw circles down his stomach, gently caressing the scars littered along it. Overwhelmed by the affection displayed by the human in front of him, he kisses her gently. She sighs against his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him even closer to her.
“No-one’s ever called me beautiful, Gêdel.” Thorin murmurs against her lips.
“Well get used to it.” Kaia smiles, leaning back to look into his sad, blue eyes. “I’ll spend the rest of my life telling you how beautiful you are, if you let me.”
“Only if I can repay the favour.”
They share a smile, before resuming their kiss. Their lips start gently, dancing together in an unspoken confession of adoration, getting to know each other more and more with every breath they shared.
Over time, they grew impatient. Kaia felt his hands rubbing against her hips and thighs, causing goose bumps to erupt over every inch of skin he caressed. She moaned against his mouth, demanding for more. Thorin kissed her harder, his tongue seeking her own out as their hands wandered.
“Are you sure about this, sweet one?” Thorin asks.
“Yes, I am.” Kaia whispers, biting at his jaw, “My king.”
Thorin groans, kissing her shoulder and her neck as one of his hands leaves her. Kaia can hear his belt buckle being undone, and her body thrummed with anticipation. Thorin shoved his trousers down to his thighs, gasping as the cold night air hit his cock.
The heat from both of their bodies was both stifling and not enough, the winds of the forest caressing the pairs bare skin. Kaia wrapped her arms snug around the king before her, pressing her chest to his. He hummed against her skin, one hand holding her up whilst the other moved to play with her cunt.
Kaia gasped as she felt his finger drag along her inner thigh, before reaching between her legs. His index finger caressed along her folds, feeling how wet she was for him.
“Oh, mahal…” He murmurs, his cock throbbing at the feeling of how soft and wet she was.
Pressing his finger into her, Kaia moaned and bit her lip, feeling her body shudder with the intrusion of his thick digit. He pushed into her, deep until his thumb pressed against her clit.
“Thorin…” Kaia breathed, her head hitting the wall behind her as she shifted her body, begging for more.
He obliged. A second finger joined his first, and his thumb began dragging across her clit in rough, stable motions which made her gasp. Pumping his fingers, Thorin watched Kaia’s face as her jaw went slack.
“Does that feel good, ghivashel?” He asks, knowing the answer but demanding praise. He needed to hear her tell him he was good, I needed it like a drowning man needed air.
“Yes! Thorin you feel so good! Please, please don’t stop…” Kaia pleads, her hips bucking slightly to fuck herself on his fingers.
“Good girl, ride my hand. That’s it, you look so pretty coming undone.” Thorin praises, fucking her faster on his fingers as he feels himself grow even harder watching her expressions.
Her face twists beautifully, eyes fluttering closed as her chest heaved. Unable to resist, Thorin lowers his head, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. She moans, grabbing onto his hair to keep him in place.
“I’m gonna…” Kaia murmurs, rocking her hips against Thorin’s hand.
“Are you going to cum, ‘arsûna?” Thorin asks, kissing along her breast as he flicks her clit harder, “Are you going to reward your king by cumming all over his hand?”
“Yes! Yes!” Kaia gasps out, feeling her peak nearing.
“Do you deserve to finish to soon?” Thorin chides, “Have you earned it?”
“Please, Thorin!” She begs, feeling her legs shake as she gets closer. But Thorin’s hand stops.
“Please, what?” He asks, his voice low as he talks against her skin, looking up at her with fierce eyes.
“Please, my king!” Kaia practically screams, her body thrumming on the precipice.
“Good girl.” He says, biting down onto her tit as three of his fingers enter her, fucking into her fast and hard, his thumb rubbing her clit with renewed ferocity.
Kaia chokes out a sob, her scream getting caught in her throat as she cums. Stars and flashes of lightning erupt in front of her eyes, and her body shakes against Thorin’s own. His fingers do not cease, coaxing her through her orgasm as Thorin groans against her.
The feeling of her cunt strangling his fingers has Thorin’s cock pulsing, begging for the warmth her cunt provides. He needed her, but he held back as he felt her slump against him.
“Are you alright, ‘Ibinê?” He asks, his voice raspy as he feels the blood pumping through his shaft.
“I am, sweet king.” Kaia murmurs above him, running her hands through his hair, causing him to sigh contentedly, “Are you going to fuck me or are you waiting for something?”
Kaia chuckles above him, and Thorin presses another kiss to her chest, “I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He says, his voice gentle.
“I’ve fucked four dwarrows and came a dozen times tonight, Thorin. Nê akhshum.” Kaia says, her voice soft. Thorin looks up at her, surprised by her use of Khuzdul. Kaia shrugs, “Balin has been teaching me, Bifur too.”
“Oh, why?” Thorin asks, kissing her jaw.
“He said there would be need for it, eventually.” Kaia smiles, “I don’t know if he meant this, though.”
“He knows more than the rest of us, Halw Kurdu.” Thorin chuckles, kissing her cheek, then her nose. “Are you ready for…” Thorin clears his throat, suddenly nervous.
“Your cock?” Kaia asks, smiling at Thorin swallows thickly, “Yes, I’m ready, my king.”
“If you keep calling me that, this will not last long.”
“Do not sell yourself short, Thorin, it appears dwarrow stamina is very impressive.”
Thorin grins at her, kssing her hard as he lifts her up slightly. Kaia gasps as she can feel his length pressed against her. He’s huge and thick, and throbbing. Thorin releases his own groan at the feel of her heat beneath him, and the two take a second to breathe before, Thorin pushes into her.
The tip of him is enough to make Kaia’s head spin. She bites her lip at the feeling of him stretching her, the all too familiar sensation of penetration a welcome sting after tonight.
Thorin, however, feels as though he is about to burst. Her tight heat envelopes him hot and wet and oh so tight. His mind blanks as he pushes forwards, the sound of his own heart, his lovers breathing and the wet noises of their coupling like music to his ears.
“Mahal… you feel… gods, Kaia…” Thorin can barely get out the words as he sinks deeper, his mouth hanging open as he stares into her eyes, loving the look inside of them as he slowly pushes all the way into her.
“Thorin… my king…” Kaia murmurs, her hands on his shoulders as he presses his hips to her, causing her eyes to roll back into her head. “So… big, fuck….”
“I need to… please, Kaia, can I move…?” Thorin begs, surprising himself with how breathy and eager he sounds. His mind is clouded, the only thing he can feel is the tight space between her legs and the softness of her skin underneath his fingers.
“Move, Thorin. Fuck me hard, please…” Kaia commands, her words disappearing into a high pitched whine as he quickly pulls back and thrusts back into her.
His pace is rough, hard and sloppy. Gone are his worries and his desire to remain kingly, now all he wants is to fuck her fast and hard, claiming her cunt. Every time he pulls his inches out, her cunt tries to pull him back, and he is more than happy to oblige, surging forward hard enough to cause them both to let out a strangled gasp.
Kaia keeps one hand on his shoulder as the other disappears between them, rubbing against her clit and feeling where his cock enters her. The feeling of her nails dragging along his length makes Thorin wince, but the slight pain just brings him closer.
Thorin fucks her wildly, his cock never leaving her for a second as he pumps himself in her, his balls slapping against her as his tip snaps against her cervix. Kaia feels as though she could die on his dick, the air leaving her every time his body shoves against hers. Her hips feel bruised, her tits rubbed raw against the hairs on his chest, and the beautiful sensation of his kingly cock fucking her hard enough to carve it’s shape into her cunt.
Another orgasm is fast approaching, and Kaia can only grip onto him with one arm as the other continues to rub her clit. Thorin shakes and shudders against her, panting as he uses all of his energy to pound into her. His forehead is covered in sweat, and he drops it against her shoulder as he gets lost in the feeling.
Thorin presses her thigh up higher, getting better access to her cunt. After a few more sharp thrusts, Kaia screams as her orgasm crashes over her. Her cunt strangles his cock, causing Thorin to gasp and murmur out Khuzdul, his eyes rolling back. His hips do not stop, desperately fucking her through her orgasm.
“Thorin! Please, let me go, I can’t-!” Kaia pleads, her orgasm subsiding and the brutal pace of his hips making her squirm with overstimulation.
It takes great effort, but Thorin releases her, and she slides out from him. Thorin feels as though he might die if he does not finish, but he would never keep going when she tells him to stop.
Kaia looks down at his cock, glistening and red, and drops to her knees. Thorin opens his mouth to tell her not to, but the second she wraps her lips around him, his protest dies in his throat.
She wastes no time in taking him into her mouth, pushing her head down as far as she can go. He’s so thick and long, and when he hits the back of her throat he’s barely halfway in. Kaia swallows around him, hearing him gasp and groan as one of his hands wraps around her hair. She removes her mouth for a second to drag her tongue along the underside of him, before wrapping her lips around him once more.
Her hands aid her efforts, pumping up and down the rest of his shaft in circular, up and down motions. That and the suction she applies to the top of him, has Thorin almost collapsing on top of her. Kaia looks up, watching as he leans over her, his forearm resting on the stone wall while the other grasps onto her skull.
Thorin’s eyes stare down at her, half-lidded and full of desire as she bobs her head along his shaft. The King Under the Mountain tries to keep himself from fucking her face, his hips stuttering and his hand flinching with the effort to not move her head the way he wants her to.
Kaia can see his internal battle, and she releases him from her mouth, pumping him with her hands as she looks into his eyes, “Fuck my face, my King.”
Thorin groans, spluttering slightly at her words, before the hand in her hair tightens and pushes her back to his shaft. Kaia eagerly opens her mouth, accepting his appendage when it glides through her lips.
All restraint is gone from Thorin now, he’s too close and too desperate to feel her mouth around him. He begins thrusting into her face, forcing his length further and further down her throat until she is gagging around him. Kaia does not protest, nor does she try to move. She keeps her throat as open as she can, taking deep breaths through her nose as the King vigorously fucks her.
It's so erotic, her eyes flitting up to watch the normally composed King under the Mountain as he becomes a writhing beast above her. One of her hands leaves his shaft, going south to her clit, and she begins grinding on it, the vibrations from Thorin fucking her face providing her with effortless friction that makes her body spasm with pleasure.
Thorin is a mess of sweat and groans above her, his eyes rolling back even though he tries his hardest to watch the scene below him. She is truly the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, and watching as she takes almost all of him down her throat and pumps him with her hand makes his chest feel as though it will collapse.
His balls are tightening below him, and he can feel himself getting close. The arm pressed against the wall is the only thing anchoring him from falling into a void of ecstasy, and he presses his forehead against it to try to keep his breaths even,
Kaia can feel him getting close. The hand in her hair grips even harsher, providing an almost painful sensation. His thrusts are getting sloppier and harder, and Kaia feels herself gagging almost constantly.
If it wasn’t for the fact that Thorin’s mouth is releasing a string of gibberish, moans and words of praise, she would find the gagging embarrassing, but the sensation of it is heaven for Thorin Oakenshield.
She rides her hand with more fervour, feeling herself getting closer as the dwarf above her begins stuttering out begs and pleadings.
“Oh, my sweet girl, make me cum, please… you feel so good, abnâmul, mahal maharuma, you’re going to make me cum… fuck!” He gasps out, on the edge of cumming down her throat.
Kaia wants to feel his spend in her mouth, needs it to finish herself, so she moves her hand from his cock, bringing it down to grab onto his balls.
Thorin bellows, thrusting his cock down her throat as far as it can go as he finishes. His cum comes out in hot spurts down her throat and across her tongue. The sensation of it and the sound of Thorin’s groans makes Kaia orgasm, her fingers pruning with the wetness of herself.
Thorin pulls himself out of her mouth, uttering a small apology for finishing in her mouth. But Kaia simply smiles at him, swallowing down what he gave her and wiping her mouth. He takes another breath, before pulling her up and wrapping his arms around her, his face in her neck.
They stay like that for a few moments, leaning against the wall for stability as they caress each other, soothing one another gently. Thorin murmurs against her skin, words she can barely hear and understand, but his tone makes her feel warm and safe. She kisses his jaw, nuzzling against the roughness of his beard.
“We should probably go back. They’ll be wondering where we got off to.” Kaia murmurs, and Thorin lifts his head to give her a dazed look.
“You’re right.” He says, reaching down to pull his trousers back up. The two begin pulling their clothes back into place. A rustling sound catches their attention, and Thorin sighs.
“Bofur get out of those fucking bushes!” Thorin bellows, and Kaia looks around as a hat pops out from one of the nearby shrubs.
Bofur looks over at them, wide eyed and red faced, clearing his throat.
“Apologies, Thorin! Was just wondering what was going on!” He calls.
“You were wondering ten minutes ago, you dolt!” Thorin sighs, buckling up his trousers.
“Enjoy the show, sweet dwarf?” Kaia asks, chuckling to herself.
“Very much, lass. I’m also very glad Thorin and you are on the same page!” Bofur laughs, trying to conspicuously fix his clothing.
“Were you touching yourself, Bofur?” Kaia tuts, and Bofur flushes red again.
“If I catch you watching us again, I’ll tie you up so you can only watch and not reach any kind of satisfaction. Understood?” Thorin says, his voice back to its commanding lilt.
“Heard loud and clear!” Bofur salutes, winking at Kaia as he runs off back to the camp. Kaia laughs, and Thorin gives her an exacerbated look. “You’re going to have to get used to that, darling. You’re sharing with four other dwarrows.”
“I’m well aware.” Thorin says, kissing Kaia on the forehead. “But we’re really going to have to have a conversation about boundaries.”
“Sure, my king.” Kaia teases, and Thorin growls before he dives in for another kiss.
Woo, final smut chapter done! There will be an epilogue chapter next, just to conclude it all!
BUT, because so many people enjoyed this fanfic on AO3, I'll be making a few one-shots continuing on with this story! So look out for those!
Translations <3
Gêdel – Joy of all joys
‘arsûna – hot one
‘Ibinê – my gem
Nê akhshum – Don’t Worry
Halw Kurdu – Sweet Heart
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ezekiel13 · 4 months ago
Scully and Skinner and Mulder all pointing guns at each other is like. Bizarre polyarmory. Good for them.
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theunburntsblog · 2 years ago
Hey mate!
How bout a poly Billy & Stu x male reader who they tease and call a pet?
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MALEREADER!: he/him pronouns used NO graphic depiction of reader. Poly relationship between Billy, Stu, and Reader.
A/n: I'm so sorry this is quite late. I've been going through a lot of things! Hope this will make it up to you : 3 mind you, this might be occ I'm very rusty atm.
You and your partners gather around into the living room of Stu's house. Sitting down onto the floor, drinking some beer while playing Uno.
Stu looks at the cards he has before placing down a draw four against Billy as he chuckles softly. "Hmm, let's see here. I guess I'll change it to.. green, " Stu said teasingly poking his tongue out at Billy, who scoffs and rolls his eyes in annoyance.
Billy takes his turn, placing down another draw 4 card before looking up at you and smirking and declaring uno. "Uno, I believe it's your turn, isn't it, pet?" He tilts his head to the side, teasing you. You sternly look at him, "I'm no pet, you're not gonna win so easily." You start to pick up 8 more cards as Stu holds in a laugh and fails miserably. "What's so funny!" You exclaim, furrowing your brows in annoyance. Stu shrugs, smiling widely with his teeth. "It's just funny to see your confidence. Let's be honest, babe, you don't have much chance to beat us for one. Secondly, you're more like a puppy, ya know? Those big doe eyes just scream it"
Billy looks amused at Stu's answer, nodding along. "I will have to admit, you're loyal and have a big heart it's cute. You're definitely a pet. There's no doubt about it."
You set your cards face down before stealing a sip of Billy's beer, then crossing your arms. "You're full of yourself. You both are." Stu coos, sitting his cards down as he moves closer to you, pulling you into a hug "awww he's tryna act all big, sweet boy." You giggle, gently pushing him away, but Stu just showers you more affection while Billy just smirks and admires his two lovers.
He shakes his head at both of you. "Don't try and hide it. You know we're right. " You accept Stu's love, shaking him off as the room fills with soft laughter. Stu reaches over and starts tickling you, which makes you yelp and move around to get out of his grasp, yelling out for Billy to help you. "Billy! Get him off me! Help!" You frail around. Billy goes to you, and you assume to pull Stu off, but he joins into the antics.
You roll around onto the floor as your boyfriends continue to tickle and tease you. Rambling about how cute you look all flustered while you can't really make out what they're saying because they're just speaking over each other as you giggle relentlessly.
After a few moments, they stop tickling and teasing you. You managed to finish the match of Uno, and you also ended up winning, which made Billy and Stu bicker like children because they didn't win. You all cramp onto the couch, cuddling as limbs interlinked while watching a cheesy movie to poke fun at.
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timecrayon · 2 years ago
may I present to you:
The Camelot Polycule
Arthur/Gwen (committed, married, romantic and sexual, "with all my heart")
Arthur/Merlin (committed qpr, depending on the day my headcanon is either romantic and sexual OR one-sided merlin in love with arthur OR completely platonic, literal soulmates either way, unfortunately also totally co-dependent)
Merlin/Gwen (qpr besties, they would never abandon each other! are they romantic? who knows, not them)
Merlin/Arthur/Gwen (yes, i'm listing this seperately, absolute ot3)
Gwen/Lancelot (committed, romantic and sexual, there will never be any competition between lancelot and arthur, they would both die for her, it's what she deserves!) (cheating subplot, what cheating subplot? i don't know her)
Gwen/Morgana (qpr, they loved each other so much, romantic, maybe sexual? friends to lovers to enemies-with-complicated-feelings)
Morgana/Merlin (somehow exes without ever actually having been in a relationship)
Merlin/Gwaine (is it a friends with benefits situation or is it romantic? yes)
Merlin/Lancelot (they have such a special and wholesome semi-romantic relationship, maybe sexual in the beginning, but quickly decided it was not for them)
Merlin/Freya (was it puppy love? is merlin married to a literal goddess? nobody has ever asked him)
Gwaine/Percival (committed, romantic and sexual, this is fanon right?)
Leon aro-ace king (maybe marries gwen after arthur's death?)
Merlin/Leon (the immortal qpr, can act like brothers, an old married couple, a long distance relationship and exes in the span of one phone call)
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memetrash-coyote · 17 days ago
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"The lass wants yer fingers elsewhere, Gunnie."
Some early Zora n Gunvor where Gunvor learns how folk from Holidon flirt, though you'd think she'd be used to it from Iolanthe.
Thankfully, Gunvor's mask hides most of her flustered face.
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roamingtigress · 2 months ago
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Auld Lang Syne and Other Pleasures
Hosea and Dutch make a New Year's Resolution -- to open up their relationship, with none other than the charismatic Josiah Trelawny. In addition to themes of polyamory/open relationships, also contains a mention of period-era homophobia.
Auld Lang Syne and Other Pleasures
by Roaming Tigress
A New Year predictably sets out the drive to reach personal resolutions within the next 365 days. Many have goals for self-improvement; maybe a vice or weight to shed; others are more issues of the heart and mind. Perhaps some are pushing themselves to ease their temper or learn to communicate better. Others have loftier aims; such as finally getting that trip to the Catskills Mountains or somewhere more exotic; France, Spain, or maybe Italy.
Others are still excited about the possibilities that life itself writes resolutions for, which sets out its own course of actions and end games.
Sometimes, one sets a goal and hands the reins over for life to take hold of the bit, and go for a ride.
Dutch and I decided to pursue the latter—we decided to embark on the journey of opening our relationship.
Now, some of you may be saying; after being together for so long, is boredom setting in? Has Dutch got on your last nerve? Does Dutch want a younger model to play with?
I haven't experienced a day of boredom since I got into a relationship with that man. What is boredom? A moment when your mind wonders what it could do versus knowing what to do?
Dutch exasperates me daily, but no, that's not it.
. . . Dutch can be a bit of a cougar, as can I. However, I can safely confirm his status as a flirt for all age categories. I've seen him flirt with younger ladies to try and make an impression (sometimes I suspect to boost his self-esteem). He often overdoes it, coming off more like some overeager teenager than the smooth talker he thinks he is. I've also seen him flirt with an old general who could have been old enough to have been his father (and said general, though amused, brushed him off with the tried and true 'I'm old enough to be your father').
Does this mean that our status as soulmates is over?
Far from it.
At the end of the day, after flirting with the prettiest ladies, the most handsome of gentlemen, it's me that Dutch wants to dance with. It's me who he wants to hold onto and whisper silly sweet nothings to. He wants me to call him an idiot and ruffle his hair as I wake up in the morning, with him on top of me as if I was just part of the bed.
And it's me that he loves.
No, our decision to open our relationship was based on our trust. It would be another way to add a little more fun to our relationship, to satiate our appetite for excitement and adventure in a way that shouldn't get every lawman and Pinkerton on our trail.
We would open our doors to close friends, and maybe for fun, good acquaintances that we run into at the local saloons. I have seen the type of glances in our direction from the sheep farmers even in Valentine; they know, we know. They are strong, burly men that I'm sure could handle Dutch and I just fine, maybe with a little wrangling.
The idea excites Dutch.
For all his talk and bravado, Dutch is a man who likes to be controlled, and dominated. For me, it adds a dimension to his being; in many ways, that man is not unlike an onion; he is layered, and can be delectable with the right dish. He is a little hairy (though he does much 'manscaping'; I have more hair on my chest than he does), and he is a little smelly -- think of something of a combination of horse, cigar, and cowboy. Delicious!
The first we would open our door to though would be the charismatic, enigmatic Josiah Trelawny.
He is not a big, burly man with the build of a bison, but he is a dashingly handsome fellow. And, less shallow, the three of us have been good friends for some time. He comes and goes when it comes to involvement with the gang, but it's tolerated for the friendship and loyalty he's given us.
Josiah is a man who leads a double life. He has a family; a wife, Donna, who's not lacking in Irish feistiness and good humour, and two children, Cornelius and Tarquin, names you might not be shocked he'd give children. Like us, Josiah and Donna wanted to add a little 'something' to their relationship, a little spice to their delectable flavour.
I have caught the flirting glances between us, which, over time, progressed to hands resting on shoulders a little longer than a casual friendly pat. Eye contact between us all had become longer. Jokes became more insinuating.
It was only natural that the Trelawnys were the starting point for this new journey; the chemistry was perfect.
But the lady and the gentlemen would part for the evening this evening.
Donna had chosen to go to a New Year's ball with fine lady friends in Saint Denis. They had come over from Belfast to visit family for the holidays. Later, she took two of the ladies -- Bridget and Deirdrie -- to host their own New Year's celebration in their cozy city apartment. The Trelawnys lead layered almost doubled lives. Her pastor father boasted Donna had long been a 'good church girl',. Imagine his shock at learning that his 'good church girl' had an eye for the ladies as she did for the gentlemen!
Dutch's excitement was palpable as he heard the carriage come to a stop at the Rhodes Parlour House. It was a common destination, particularly on New Year's Eve, but, Dutch was convinced it was Josiah.
And for once, Dutch was right.
Our hotel room door was knocked enthusiastically, and Dutch opened the door with matching enthusiasm. He ushered Josiah in rather quickly and carefully; Rhodes isn't friendly to people of our orientation. We were armed of course; we set our gun belts on a nearby chair, but he knew those within the parlour room were as well. It's allegedly a place of proper repute, but there's always a chance that those of less than adequate repute will be lurking about, with intentions to crash our little party.
"Ahhhh, the old guards! Welcoming the wayward into the fold, are we?" Trelawny's theatrical mannerisms in his entrance were out on full display; I would have been disappointed if they weren't.
"Never a minute late!" I smirk, pouring some wine into three glasses and setting them on the night table-slash-dresser. Our wine was a vintage 1880 white from Italy, with distinct fruity hints; we like to spoil ourselves. We might have pilfered it from behind the bar of the saloon; Dutch played the part of the drunk flirt with the bartender, and I did the rest.
"And If you weren't so charming, we would have given you the boot for that by now!" I let out a chuckle all the same, taking his coat and hanging it up on the rack. Josiah had also brought a vintage wine with him, an 1870 from Burgandy.
Dutch took the bottle from Josiah and set it by our bottle, but not before taking a cheeky sip from it.
"I'll have to keep working the charisma then, don't I?" Trelawny's Trans-Atlantic was a little lower in tone than his usual, and took the glass I offered him. He sipped it while casting a little flirting eye contact.
Dutch couldn't help himself to a little teasing, and raised his glass to him before having a sip. "Work that magic any harder, and you’ll have us under your spell."
That mustache of his is twisted up into a dimply smile, a spark in his eyes. "Of course, I'm not so sure you haven't done that to us already." He's got a hip popped out as he sips on his glass, his other hand propped on the wall. He's not so subtly flirting; he's bringing attention to that waist of his, which Josiah's eyes (and maybe mine) may have settled on.
The dim lighting gently accentuated our features, highlighting our most handsome. Cheekbones were gently washed in a warm glow, glinting off our eyes. There's something to be said about this new vibrant electric lighting, but I find it lacks the 'character' for setting the mood that the old oil lamps and candles never fail to deliver.
"There's always a few more 'tricks' that I could teach you two." Josiah's voice came out as one long purr as he took a fine cigar that I had offered from our box, a Christmas gift from Dutch.
"Such as . . . ?" I asked with intrigue, as a knowing smile appeared on my annoyingly thin lips.
Josiah leaned a little, his mustache turned into a widening smile. He knows that I know.
"I'm a little overdressed for the first trick."
Someone in the room thought we had a bit too much on.
Dutch had started unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt, casting us a playful smirk. Knowing him as well as I do, I could surmise that he thought that Josiah had lingered a little too long with me and was growing a little jealous, a little needy. Showing that chest out a little more would get attention on him -- and it did, for us both. When Dutch feels like he isn't getting the amount of attention he feels he deserves, out comes his 'look at me' acts.
"Someone's a little eager," I grin, and come right over, giving a kiss to his cheek and sling an arm around his upper torso, that he predictably leaned into as I pull him in close.
"Never change."
'Never change, you frustrating, adorable idiot, never change.'
I knew at the back of my mind that Dutch's insecurities -- of which that jealousy had come from -- would need to be worked on together as a unit. If I am to occasionally let myself get whisked away by Josiah from time to time, he'll need to be reassured that Trelawny wouldn't turn me into a literal disappearing act.
I smiled though as I pictured Donna stealing him away on those evenings; she would put up with no nonsense from him. They'd go from pub to pub, sampling a little brew here and there, with a few lawmen in pursuit. Alcohol can produce a Dutch that can be nostalgic, but also a little silly and well, when a nostalgic, silly Dutch is let loose, anything could happen. Donna with a few under her, and you could have a riot. They'd eventually lose them, though and maybe spend a bit of time canoodling before they'd return.
Dutch will be fine.
Dutch brushed it off, though he leaned into my arm. "Just getting ready for the magic show to start." He added with a wink, slipping his shoulders out of his black coat -- that beautiful, velvety black coat. There is a bit of wearing it now, but I'll be damned if it wasn't his most attractive outfit.
Trelawny set aside his glass and came over, taking off Dutch's hat. "Hats count as clothing. We need to have as minimal on for our trick to work." When Dutch unexpectedly snagged his arm in his jacket, as if distracted by the task at hand, I helped him pull it off.
"We don't want anything to block the flow of the magic. Haberdashery is so awfully blocking."
Oh, Trelawny.
With a wave of his hat directed at himself, Josiah's jacket had disappeared in a puff of smoke. Dutch and I stood slack-jawed at what we had seen. We knew well of his tricks, but it was something else having them played out before in our own private magic show.
"Is the audience impressed?" He teased, slowly waving the hat in front of him. "Do they want more?"
Dutch was just as quick on the banter trigger. He sat half on the bed, a leg propped up on his chest, sipping the remainder of his wine. "We paid for the ticket, we expect the show!"
Josiah was one step ahead of the man with the slightly less impressive mustache.
"Patience, my dear man, patience!"
With one swift wave of the hat, to our delight, his clothes disappeared into apparent thin air.
Before us stood a tall, handsomely sculpted man -- posed casually against the doorframe with Dutch's trademark black hat twirling on a finger. He was lean but not thin; rather fittingly elegant. Some nice musculature was apparent; the light of the candle flickered them, his form, his waist, and his collarbone. He felt us looking him over as if he was some fine piece of artwork -- and he loved it.
"Now, audience, are we ready for the audience participation aspect of the show?"
I lean back on the bed with Dutch, slowly sipping the remainder of the wine while studying the splendid creature before us. He was ever so theatrical in his request for consent.
"We are . . . "
Josiah took his time shedding us of our clothing, layer by layer, in a slow burn reveal. There was a particularly cheeky twinkle in his eyes, even more than usual; he liked what he was seeing. I look over at Dutch who cast him a coy expression as he leaned back to put his glass on the table, but I know he's loving the attention. He's Dutch, after all. And Dutch craves -- no, needs -- attention, on the level of fish needing water.
I felt at once excited, maybe a little nervous as we sat on that bed, now nude before Trelawny and also feeling . . . A little shy.
I'm used to being in the nude with Dutch of course. And there was always the chance that, given our lifestyle, the gang would catch us bathing in the nude in whatever body of water we were closest to. And that was exciting.
But it felt different now.
There had been a shift in dynamics, of which I was no longer in control.
Josiah did not take control by force intimidation, or even his magic, but by charm, his mannerisms, and his confidence. And we fell for it as those he -- we -- had conned countless rabble.
We can manipulate a person or two but Josiah is a bit of a master of that himself.
It was that shift had left me feeling that shyness, that vulnerability. I was eased out of my comfort zone of being in control.
And as if sensing, Josiah had toned down the theatrics, as if not wanting to intimidate. I was not uncomfortable, but he didn't want to risk it. This was a new dynamic and he wanted to tread carefully. He knew that when Donna would come into the picture she would run the show, and wanted to form a bridge between us three before the queen would ascend her throne.
He gently patted me on the shoulder and then went over to sit on the bed, where he literally started Dutch out of his hand with a square of cheese and crackers we had set aside on a plate on our nightstand. I smiled as I sat on the opposite side of Josiah; I had some competition now, and I think I loved it.
"Careful, he bites!" I lightly 'warn', as he lightly kissed Josiah's fingertips.
"Lies!" Dutch snorted.
Trelawny grinned, tapping Dutch playfully on the nose. "Oh, I think it's It's a risk I could take!" Sure enough, with a second tap, Dutch scrunched up his face in the manner he does when he's annoyed, and gave his finger a nip, seizing his fingertip between his teeth with a playfulness that belied his expression.
Josiah feigned shock, tapping him on the nose again when Dutch snuck in a nibble. "Naughty pussy cat!"
I leaned in with a smirk. "I warned you."
"Oh, I think I could have him good and tamed in no time!" Josiah flashed me another dashing smile and ruffled Dutch's hair gently before he pulled us both in close in a warm snuggle. Getting naked can have its disadvantages, namely getting cold, but the body warmth between us all was wonderful.
Dutch's position within our dynamic had also shifted; he became submissive to us both, a position that I was certain was part of his grand scheme for paradise. And now, with extra attention, he'll be even more insufferable.
Thanks, Josiah.
I then offered Trelawny a slice of cheese and cracker, subtly surrendering my standing, which he ate with one little nibble at a time. He mirrored the gentle kiss on his fingertips that Dutch gave him (pre-mauling).
We lean in and kiss Trelawny on each side of his neck; they're the soft, familiar kisses one would give a spouse while getting breakfast ready. He almost purrs as he leans in towards us in alternating directions, encouraging us. "My gentlemen . . . " He slowly drew out his words as he took one of my hands, squeezed it, and softly traced the side of his thumb over on top of it.
"We'll take this journey slow, old friends."
He slipped an arm around behind Dutch and gave a hint of a love handle a gentle squeeze. Dutch let out the manliest little squeak, but I know he loves it.
Josiah's voice was teasing, affectionate.
"That includes you too!" He gave Duch ribs an affectionate little poke to emphasize, smirking when Dutch squeaked again and buried his flushed face into his shoulder.
I leaned my head on Josiah's toned shoulder, watching the exchange with amusement. Now I can safely guess that Dutch wasn't feeling particularly shy per se, unlike Yours Truly, though he was a little more quiet than his usual -- something few would complain about. I suspect was taking it all in, and he looked like a puppy cuddled up to him.
Puppylike. Dutch was being puppylike. Soaking up as much attention and affection as he could get and was eager to take in more.
I rarely see this playful side to Dutch with anyone other than myself; it made my heart swell to two sizes.
"I know you'll try to be a rebel but we'll keep you on the straight and narrow." Trelawny paused as he realized, giving Dutch's belly a gentle stroke; such a sweet gesture only encouraged him and he was soon nearly sprawled out onto his lap, quietly begging.
"Well, narrow."
Josiah happily obliged Dutch's silent request; Dutch just had put on his irresistible puppy dog act. He gave my hand one more squeeze before he pulled me up closer so that I was snuggled up against Dutch with Trelawny as our base; effectively our big spoon. Josiah leaned his head against mine, chuckling lowly, the sound rumbled through his chest and reverberated against us. It was a strangely comforting sensation, maybe because it reminded me of a heartbeat, a reminder that are living, breathing beings with rich potential ahead.
'The very idea of keeping Dutch on the straight and narrow!'
Still, I smile and take hold of Josiah's hand again, linking my fingers in between his. "Ten minutes the new year, gentlemen. Ten minutes until . . . " My voice took on a slight waver.
"This is official."
It seemed only natural to start this journey on a clean slate -- and it was already off to a promising start.
I will come out of my shyness and I know it'll only be a matter of time until Dutch won't shut up, but for the time being, I will revel in the quiet, the warmth of being situated among two warm bodies. There is something warmly intimate about such skin-to-skin content. At once it was deeply romantic, indescribably comforting even when I felt I didn't need to be comforted.
It felt . . . Right.
We will be all right.
A gamma-phone some distance away in the parlour house played a lively tune, as some gentlemen and ladies sang 'Auld Lang Syne.' Dutch though, was oblivious. He was drifting off to sleep, indicated by his head flopping against mine. He rarely stays up to see the new year roll in, and I'm never far off. There was a time when we'd be among those revellers staying up at all hours, but as the years ticked on by, perhaps the Sand Man coming for us early was a merciful attempt to slow the march of time, if even by a few hours. Though this year, we nearly made it; missing by perhaps a few minutes.
Josiah wrapped his arms around as much of us as he could gather, the lean build of them belied their, strength. He leaned down, softly kissing us on the tops of our heads, so as to not stir us awake.
He would forego sharing and drinking that vintage he had brought over, but what's a drink when your arms are filled with those you cherish?
"Happy New Year, gentlemen."
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dragonprincess18 · 4 months ago
Here it is, the sequel to The Dragon That Will Pierce The Heavens! Hope you all like it, we're going on one hell of a ride!
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blxck-hearted · 1 year ago
Thena: I'm into polyarmory
Sersi: Do you mean polyamory?
Thena, holding multiple swords: No.
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veiraiya · 1 year ago
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Started to think that I should’ve be more patient instead of forcing myself to write.
Even though it’s complete, there’s a couple of chapters I kinda wish to change now…
But I have school works and three other fanfics 🥹
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queer-ghosts · 7 months ago
i am completely aware that people can have strong platonic or otherwise loving relationships without it having to become romantic.
however, this will not stop me from headcanoning every dnd party ever as a polycule
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icekingofhope · 9 months ago
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weirdwitch13 · 9 months ago
Because if I have to live with three or more people to afford rent. I might as well be both in love and having sex with them
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lemoonthetwink · 1 year ago
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My boyoooos hehe
Delivering some polyarmorous crap because I am delulu
I can't tell me to choose between Felix or Rime, I just can't, it's a package take or leave lmao
Like, the relationship between Felix and Rime is so interesting and there's so much room for angst... And also the reader and Rime, they're interractions are just so fun
Yeah I'm delulu, I like people that are morally gray and twisted
Also the third character is my OC Lysandre
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