crescentbea02 2 years
Kung fu Panda the dragon knight trailer just dropped and oh boyyyy do I need to talk about it
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First off why do mr Ping look like that??? He even looks like that in the poster? Posession maybe? Idk but thats creepy
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Po being adorable and sad because hes leaving China :'((((
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And there they goooo look at this shot its so beautiful馃馃馃馃
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But then Po gets suspicious馃憖Im curious to know why
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My girl Veruca being a girlboss plss I love her
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I have mixed feelings about this because yes Luthera looks so beautiful with that headcovering on but I swear to fucking god if they try to give a western girlboss moment like "I refuse to wear this because the men dont have to so its sexist" forgetting that she is from freaking medieval England I will drop the show in an instant. Also if any of the characters is xenophobic to any of the different cultures I will drop it too (I trust the writers not to do that but even so)
Overall this trailer looks so fun and promicing!! I am very excited to see the dynamic between Luthera and Mr Ping and all of the new characters who will appear. I really hope their characters continue to develop properly and I really want to see them experiencing all of the traditions.
Btw I heard they are also going to central america... If there is not a capivara among them I am going to be mad.
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tad-moved 2 years
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30.08 // During the last days of summer holidays I had big hyperfixation on KFP: The Dragon Knight, Luthera and Po/Luthera. I was trying to draw Blade, so I could know how to do it. I went with both digital and traditional ways. I was shocked that I had two different styles on different flatnesses. I鈥檇 like to be closer to one style and still I have some problems with it xd Yup, I adored TDK series and Luthera. And I ship Po/Luthera, they鈥檙e so comfort ship <3
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shin-slayer 11 months
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amogus au
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undercat-overdog 10 months
Ok, I said in this post that I wanted to talk about POV and what different characters would use for their species; I've been thinking about it for a while, because it's important to me to portray Elves as thinking of themselves as the default and I like having them think of mortals as different, as a way of worldbuilding and establishing POV. It's the same basic principle as why I think the War of the Elves and Sauron is a N煤men贸rean name, not an Elvish one.
In brief: man and woman can and should be used to refer to Elves when writing from an elven POV.
I think about markedness a lot when I think about writing generally, and one of the concepts is that there are things that are unmarked, the standard, the default, the normal, the unexceptional. To an elf, the default species is elf, not human or dwarf or ent. I want to write from that POV - to an elf, humans are different, even alien. They're other. Elves are us, humans are them.
I, meanwhile, am writing in English, and man and woman are common words, the most "unmarked" words for the concepts; they're standard (e.g., woman sounds more normal than female human). Something like elf woman or female elf is more marked. Why would an elf use a more marked term to refer to their own race? Using she-elf or whatever for Elves but woman for humans uses more marked words (more uncommon, more specific, etc) for elves than it does for humans - but for elves, it should be the opposite! Elves are unmarked! Elves are default! Humans are different. If an elf is talking about someone, the default assumption would be that the someone is an elf, so if they're not an elf, it would be specified.
So when writing from the POV of an elven character, I would use woman for a female elf and mortal woman for a female human (if necessary to disambiguate). Man, meanwhile, means "Human" when it's capitalized and male when it's not. (Now, if I were writing from a human or dwarven pov, I would use elven woman, if necessary to specify that she's an elf.)
But, you say, what about using Elvish words? Well, first of all, I hate it. We're not writing in Quenya. English is great, and so are the other human languages people use to write fanfic. But that is a subjective matter of taste and you may disagree! Nothing wrong with that, de gustibus, etc.
More objectively, n茅r and nis are not words specific to Elves; n茅r means all males, so using it for specifically elf men and not human and dwarven men is incorrect (to quote Elfdict, "N茅r can be used regardless of species and so is equally applicable to male Elves, Men, or Dwarves, but is unlikely to be used of male animals, for which the word [岽筈.] hanu is more applicable."") (Sindarin is a little more complicated, given the more complex out-of-universe changes, but it too has race-neutral terms for man and woman.)
Lastly, Tolkien himself uses man and woman to refer to non-human species. He calls Galadriel and Finduilas women, and Aredhel is "taller than a woman's wont." Earendil is a man (though he is not a Man) and Curufin is a horseman and there are lots and lots of kinsmen and kinswomen. Hobbits meanwhile, in Appendix F, have "women" and "man-children" (Tolkien is talking about how Hobbits name babies, thus the children part, but I like to think he's getting one more dig in at Pippin).
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lyuluuh 13 days
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love this genre of fn skin
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naciapiracia 1 year
a poll for Polish speakers
if you are learning/speak only some Polish and didn't previously know any term for "outside" in Polish, pick the "i don't speak Polish" option
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00lari00 5 months
I feel bad that I'm not drawing much of anything these days and not even on my own whiteboard :'] I saw all the people drawn and I haven't been able to participate properly yet because I don't have time.
I still have 2 important drawings to finish and things to do, I promised myself I wouldn't draw in class for the sake of my good grades.
BUT MY WIP WILL BE DONE ONE DAY I PROMISE!!! I just feel a little tired these days because of my classes :'] but I'll still be online to chat and see the whiteboard drawings!! I'll reblog as many as I can I promise!! 馃挄馃専
Just some drawings I managed to do these days
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Fusion of Pollo and Brutus- Polus belong to me and @smoresthehalloweenqueen
A drawing of Jaques with Reginald because..yes XD Version of my au!
Lyan and their boyfriend Picadin
And the brothers Pollo and Mary belong to @capturecharlesau and @jaytoons7
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polutrope 9 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, and I hope it's evident I'm coming from a place of compassion, but...
I know it's hard to anticipate your future capacity and we all like to be optimistic about it -- "Yes! I want it all! I'm so excited!" -- and we are excited, and we do have good intentions -- but if you have noticed that you often do not have the spoons to read prompt fills you requested, or support an event or exchange you participated in by reading and commenting on a few fics in the collection (hopefully you are commenting on your own gifts, but if you're having trouble even with that, definitely scale back your involvement), then stop requesting things and step back from events.
Overcommitting, even if it's only a "meeting social expectations" commitment, sucks for you because you probably end up feeling overwhelmed and/or guilty, and it sucks for other people who might feel unacknowledged and unseen. Be nice to your future self, set reasonable expectations (based on past experience, because anticipating is hard af), and everyone wins. As for those things you haven't gotten to, either hunker down and get to them or accept you can't, and that's okay, and turn a new page.
(And if you didn't need to hear this, it's not for you.)
(And I know not everyone is going to share these feelings, I'm not a spokesperson for the fandom, but they are based on conversations with a lot of people and not just pulled out of my head.)
There is a flipside to this, which is that if you are writing a prompt fill or gift fic for someone and you produce something significantly longer than expected (I am guilty of this), there's a reasonable chance your recipient will be both grateful... and overwhelmed. That doesn't mean don't run with the inspiration, but recognise there's a possibility it won't be read by the recipient, or at least won't be read for some time. And recipients of long fics: it's okay to feel overwhelmed by them.
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lillikoifish 8 months
Ive hit rock bottom guys I am so deep in it now 馃様 my 2 week gamer bender of playing TES IV: Oblivion has finally reached its climax. You know which character I am pining for every day? Wishing I could marry? Wishing marriage was a mechanic in my vanilla xbox one game pass version of this game?
Lucien Lachance, the sexy assassin? Nope. Martin Septim, the Sean Bean voiced complex and kind savior? Nope. Janus Hassildor, the vampire count of skingrad who yells at you and we all love being yelled at by sexy authority? NOPE!
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xenobotany 26 days
when i was younger mx. nomi-nomi taught me how to make websites on the network. so i made one dedicated to my vriki "polus jr." and i thought it would be vital to share to the masses.
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crescentbea02 2 years
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Po and Blade had a stargazing scene and you're expecting me not to ship them?
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wannabeyakuza 16 days
So.....Devyat Rodya huh? Before I say anything else I gotta say that death 2 line is genuinely the most harrowing and unironically disturbing thing in this game, the 100 percent honest fear and panic in Rodya's voice is enough to make me never wanna stack courier trunks ever. Out of all the death lines in game this is the realest reaction to getting pasted so far.
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As for the ID story I definitely am placing this ID at the number 2 spot for saddest Rodya ID with the obvious number 1 being T-corp, not alot of her lines show it(obviously) but she's clearly very afraid of Polu and it's history doesn't help much being essentially a bad omen case. Stack on top of that no pun intended, that the Devyat basically have her walking through the arctic with a time limit? Wallahi she is not having a good time. Free her man.
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The ID itself? It's something alright, making a unit so heavily reliant on the chain battle system this early is certainly a choice but she applies good rupture count and her damage whens she's not running away is nice. In the future when chain battles are more frequent and more devyat units drop she'll probably be better but right now? Uh well uh...Sheeesh uh.... Anyway all is forgiven it's like Kanye said "Prettiest people do the ugliest things" and right now her ugly crime is being released to early. I forgive her though. After all she can do no wrong.
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weirdphilosopher 5 months
oh yes. an excuse to show off my progens
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vs now:
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crazy what a few genes and apparel can do
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sparkly-caroline 9 months
Tan's new Boyfriend
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Tan found the Olive Impostor, but plot twitst, Olive is in love with her now and they started dating! Good for them, man
The other crewmates very much question her desicion, though. For multiple reasons lmao
If SS and the Fortegreen Crewmate are ever in the same drawings, best believe SS is gonna be the Olive color 99% of the time... unless I ever decide to make the Spiderman meme :3
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nemeliis 1 year
Throws my transgender beams at you loudly
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I hate him (affectionate)
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theoihalioistuff 4 months
Does anybody know where Theoi gets the theory that the titans (save for Okeanos and Kronos) held Ouranos down and were associated with the cardinal points?
The titans attacking Ouranos as a collective body, save for Okeanos, is attested (Apollod. 1.1.4 and Orphic Fr. 135 Kern), though how they participate is to my knowledge never expanded upon. Though Theoi cites nebulous "near-eastern cosmogonies" as parallels, I've yet to find these (despite the popularity of the motif throughout many other mythical traditions).
Koios being named Polus by Hyginus (Fabulae. Preface) is certainly very interesting. 螤蠈位慰蟼 could sometimes refer to the Pole Star, and Leto is sometimes described as hailing from Hyperborea (Ael. On Animals. 4.4) or being brought to Delos by the North Wind (Hyginus Fabulae 53 and 140). Though a connection to the North is not impossible, it's nevertheless conjecture. Likewise Hyperion's association with the East is, again, not impossible, but also eyebrow-raising. Krios' identification with the constellation Aries and the South is, to put it generously, wacko conspiracy, and Iapetos' association with the West is non-existent.
Is this an invention of Theoi, or is it based on any previous scholarly discussion?
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