#of course theres the ursa major part
crescentbea02 · 2 years
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Po and Blade had a stargazing scene and you're expecting me not to ship them?
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #289
“Alan Retrieved, A Visit to the Office, Bath Time”
[Notch] It's the people who aren't normally their second forms I'm worried about...
[Deer] - Like Steve?  He seemed pretty distressed over it
[Notch] Wait, what? Steve has a second form? I thought he was just a normal Steve.
[Deer] - Yes, apparently he has a second form.  It looks kinda like the light foots that NK brought here
[Notch] Light foots? Are they a tribe or something?
[Deer] - No, like a upright reptile?
[Firebird] Those raptor heathens? They stole my pie once. Not sure how they got up the tree to do so.. -Huffs-
[Notch] Huh. Wait, RAPTORS?
[gem] -waddle over to the group-
[Notch] AAA! - At huge space dragon-
[Gem] -flops over-
[Firebird] -Looks up at Gem- ..Huh.
[Gem] learning to walk is harder on four legs
[Deer] Bristles a little at the other dragon in surprise-
[Yaunfen] Looks up- Gem!
[Notch] Gem?! Since when did you....? Is this a space angel thing?!
[Gem] hey and doc made it for me.
[Deer] - I see, how are you holding up?
[Gem] we had to blow up the side of my house to get out of the hall way and I am still not use to walking in this form
[Yaunfen] - I'm stuck human!
[Notch] Human-ish kiddo. You still have your cute little horns and tail.
[Firebird] Same here... ..... Wait. Does that mean Flowey is stuck as his bear form? Oh hell..
[Yaunfen] Giggles-
[Notch] Flowey is a bear?
[Firebird] Yeah. A play on the term Ursa Minor/Major, I'm pretty sure.
[Notch] Geeze... half the server can shapeshift. I know it's aggravating to be stuck, but I'm almost jelous.
[Deer] - I'm just glad nobody is stuck anymore...  At least not to my knowledge
[Notch] Um.... - he quickly types in the chat- Is anyone who shapeshifted trapped anywhere?
[NK] Not anymore. There way be a very large hole in the desert right now though.
[Flowey] No.
[Notch] Why in the desert? I thought your group was either underwater or in a tree?
[NK] I was helping Liz with hir little lair thing when I got transformed. We are beside the desert and Liz dug into it.
[Notch] Aww. Their making their own house? That's cute.
[NK]  Very cute.
[Yaunfen] Goes over and tugs on Notch's tunic-
[Notch] still idly petting Cp- What's up Yaunfen?
[Yaunfen] - Um, you should let Gambet know where Alan is
[Notch] OH... yeah, probably. I heard he was kind of a dick though... I'm not sure I want to talk to him...
[Deer] - Notch, he's probably very worried
[Notch] Yeeeeaaahhhh, but I don't want to get stomped for having the little guy. And I don't want Lie's house to get wrecked because he ripped into it.
[Deer] - Then what should we do?
[Notch] You're a dragon right now. Could you take Alan home? I can watch Yaunfen if you want.
[Deer] - Sure
[Stevie] Comes running over covered in mud and water-
[Notch] At Stevie - just... why?
[Stevie] - It's fun
[Gem] i'll come with you to help take alan home
[Deer] - Thank you Gem
[Gem] no problem
[Deer] - Could somebody get Alan?
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[Yaunfen] - I'll get!- Runs inside
[Endrea] Looks as Yauinfen approaches- Did you forget something?
[Yaunfen] - Mama is going to take Alan home
[Endrea] - Ah, I see
[Alan] -look at the Yaunfen-
[Alan] -Snuffles-
[Yaunfen] - Come on Alan, it's time to go home!
[Alan] -Gets up and hesitantly scuttles up to Yaunfen-
[Yaunfen] Leads them outside-
[Alan] Going home now? -stretches and pauses just inside door- ... -Hesitantly scuttles out-
[Deer] - Hello Alan, are you ready to go home?
[Alan] Nope.
[Deer] - Well I think it's time.  Your father has to be very worried about you
[Alan] -Huffs but nods- Ya..
[Deer] - Come on, lets go- Starts walking off slowly so Alan can keep up
[Alan] -Trots after Deer-
[Yaunfen] Follows after them-
[Gem] -follows after deer-
[Deer] Heads towards the castle, scanning the skies-
[Gambet] -soaring over the castle-
[Deer] - Gambet?
[Gambet] -Head turns and homes in on Deer-
[Gem] I just realized I left the gates at my house open I will see you guys later -is trying her best to run back but it's sloppy-
[Deer] - Be careful Gem!
[Gambet] -Glides down to Deer, spotting Alan-
[Deer] Waits patiently-
[Gambet] -As he draws near- What are you doing with it? -Squints at Deer as he lands-
[Alan] I was adventuring! She brought me back! -Scrambles up to Gambet and tries to scale up one of his legs-
[Gambet] Oh.
[Deer] - I believe xe spent most of the day with Endrea and her children
[Gambet] -Squints a bit at Deer- Ah.. so it was having a very productive day without telling me where it was going. -Cranes neck to give Alan an unamused look-
[Alan] You were asleep!
[Deer] Smiles a little- Yaunfen's at the adventuring stage too
[Yaunfen] - I like adventure!
[Gambet] Adventuring would be fine if it told me first. Just could have woken me up, Alan.
[Alan] You're grumpy when you're woken up.
[Gambet] ... -Sigh- True.. A note, at least.
[Deer] - Don't worry, there's plenty of adults around to keep an eye on them
[Gambet] Either way, I'll be taking it home now. Say goodbye, Alan.
[Alan] Bye!
[Deer] - Good bye
[Yaunfen] - Bye bye!
[Gambet] -Makes sure Alan is snug on his back before turning and flying off-
[Stevie] Is still splashing in puddles-
[CP] Irritated tail flicks in Notch's arms-
[Notch] Looks down at him- Just focus on your little brother being happy and settle down.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Stevie] Trips and falls into a particularly big puddle-
[Notch] checks on him- You're a mess. I think it's gonna be bathtime for you soon.
[Stevie] Giggles and runs towards Notch-
[Notch] Careful there, the cobbles can be slippery!
[Stevie] Hugs Notch's legs and looks up with a big smile- I love you father
[Notch] Smiles warmly- I love you too, even when you're a muddy mess.
[Stevie] Sneezes-
[CP] Squirms-
[Notch] Yeah... warm water bath.
[CP]  Squirms harder-
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[Notch] Looks back at the house - Um... Lie doesn't have a warm tub, or one at all, does she? Darn it... I've been putting off working in the basement and mines not done... - kinda deflates- I guess we're going to the castle... And Cp, stop squirming! - looks back- Hey Lie? Flux, is Lie awake?
[Flux] - Somewhat
[Notch] Hmmm..... I think I still have it... -Walks to the door- Hey Flux, I don't want to track mud in the house. Can you look in my trunk by the bed for that basket TLOT dropped off? Stick a wool square in it, I'll just carry Lie.
[Flux] Looks around and finds the basket.  Putting the wool in before carefully picking Lie up and putting her in the basket- Here, I'll carry her
[Notch] Thank you. Come on Stevie, let's go.
[Stevie] - Okay- He reaches up for Notch's hand
[Notch] Sniffs a bit. - Cp? when was the last time you bathed? Actually I have an idea! - he kneels down and holds Cp out to Stevie. - Do you want to carry your brother? I'm sure you've ridden on his shoulders lots of times. You can be the big brother today.
[Stevie] Gasp and wide eyes as he reaches for his brother who goes limp in his arms-
[CP] Murder eyes at Notch-
[Lie] Snickers from basket-
[Notch] Corrects Stevie's hold so Cp is comfortable and resumes leading with a happy little whistle
[CP] Would spit a fire ball at Notch if he thought he could get away with it-
[Notch] Jumps a little as his phone rings.
-There are two female voices on the other end as he picks up. They're obviously on speaker phone -
[Notch] Hello?
[Dofta] Way too excited- Fangbo told me your son is temporarily a little kid?!
[Fangbo] She wants to see.
[Notch] Weighs how much shit he'll be in later and makes a snap decision, he swings around quick and takes a photo with his phone of the muddy child happily cradling his catified brother. There's an answering loud chorus of AWWWWWWWWWWWW from the phone-
[Stevie] Tilts head curiously- Father what did you do?
[Lie] Peeks over the edge of the basket to check on her husband-
[Flux] Just smiles at the brothers-
[Notch] My friends heard you were a cute kid and wanted to see. Cuteness confirmed.
-Small amount of soft giggling from the phone-
[Dofta] He's adorable.
[Stevie] Gets closer and yells- Hi!
[CP] Ears flatten a little at the loudness-
[Dofta] Hi yourself! You look like you've had a fun day playing outside.
[Stevie] - Uh huh!  We're going to go take a bath!
[Fangbo] Don't you have one in the house?
[Flux] - It's still in the process of being made
[Dofta] Who else is there?
[Notch] Stammers a little bit - That's my girlfriend Flux. - You can hear the smile in his voice-
[Flux] - It's a pleasure to meet you
[Dofta] Hang on a sec- theres a click and a picture pops up on the phone of Fangbo and Dofta waving in a selfie. Behind them is part of the office.
[Notch] Turns it so she can see and points to them. - This is Dofta and here's Fangbo-
[Flux] - And your relation to them?
[Notch] They helped build the game. They're programmers. Old coworkers and friends.
[Dofta] Aww
[Flux] - Ah, so from your world
[Lie] Stretches and rolls over- I'm so comfy right now
[Notch] Can I... send them a picture of you?
[Flux] - Of course
[Notch] Grins and moves around her a little to get a flattering angle. He snaps a pic and sends it.
[Fangbo] That's your girlfriend? She's so elegant!
[Dofta] And she's a server?!
[Flux] - Yes, I was made from CP and Stevie's original seed
[Dofta] It's just... and we thought it was just a game...
[Fangbo] No one ever expected it would be able to create artifical life. Not just once, but in multiple ways?!
[Dofta] I see cat paws? Are you carrying a cat in a basket?
[Flux] - That would be Lie
[Lie] - Tell them I say hi
[Notch] That's Lie, she says hello. we're all a bit out of sorts with this bad update.
[Dofta] So I heard. I can get you a clean copy straight from the mainframe, but someone will have to come get it.
[Lie] - CP or I could sneak out as a cat...
[Notch] We'll still have to find Doc to get it patched in though...
[Lie] - Good point, so let's wait on that a bit
[Stevie] - Father?  I feel mud in my underwear...
[Notch] You could get it and just hang onto it for now. We will need it. I'm sorry Stevie, let's walk and talk.
[Lie] - Do they have it ready now?
[Dofta] I'll go find a flash drive. Give me a minute.
[Fangbo] I'm staying on the line, you can use my computer to come out if you want. My laptop is on Dofta's desk-
[Lie] - Coast is clear?
[Fangbo] We're in a closed office. It's okay. Dofta just went down the hall, the mainframes near the rotunda.
[Lie] Stands up- CP?  A bit of help?
[CP] Huffs a little but creates an opening for his wife-
[Lie] Jumps through and ends up on the desk-
[Fangbo] Awww, you're so fluffy and cute.
-There are several new pokemon dolls on Dofta's shelves and she's also aquired a spider plant.
[Lie] Purrs a little- Thank you
[Fangbo] Sorry about the update. I don't know how the bad copies got into the mix.
[Lie] - Well sometimes Doc can be impatient
[Dofta] Comes back with a rather fragrant ham and cheese sandwich and a tiny green flash drive. - OH! You're so adorable! I've got it right here! I even brought you a sandwich for your trip.
[Lie] - Thank you, but in this form I only have room for one item in my inventory
[Jeb] Pokes his head in and starts to say something, but it's cut off by a squeak of fear at the sight of the cat-
[Lie] Crouch down and butt twitch before leaping at Jeb-
[Jeb] AAAAA!
[Notch] What's going on out there!?
[Lie] - Tell him bitchy cat
[Fangbo]- Holy shit!
[Dofta] Lie says bitchy cat?
[Notch] Oh dear....
[Lie] - It's fun to do that
[Jeb] Is on the floor in the hallway- Ow....
[Lie] Jumps back up on the desk-
[Dofta] Tell you what, take my kerchief - She lays the drive and the wrapped sandwich in the middle of a small floral scarf and ties the corners into a neat bundle-
[Jeb] From the floor- What are we giving them now?
[Fangbo] Just a snapshot copy.
[Jeb] Thumbs up but doesn't get up-
[Lie] Picks the bundle up delicately in her mouth- Thank you, is there anything you guys need?
[Dofta] Nah. I hope this helps out.
[Fangbo] Grins-  Just send us more cute pictures.
[Lie] - Okay, we will- Hops back through the still open portal and into the basket
[CP] Closes the opening-
[Notch] Thanks guys. I'm going to go take my kids and get them cleaned up. I'll call you back when the hub-bub is over.
[CP] - I'm not a kid!
[Notch] How do you figure? I'm still older then you.
[CP] Grumbles and lays a bit flatter-
[Notch] Gives him a pat on the head. - I'm not rubbing your nose in it. Feel loved dammit. - He opens the side door to Doc's house and looks around the room. - There's a shower in here, but we should probably use the low pools in the lab, they're bigger and heated.
[Stevie] - We're going swimming?
[Notch] You can swim in it if you want. They're decently large. - heads down the steps- It's so quiet...
[Flux] - I wonder where everybody is...
[Notch] Deerheart is likely either hiding with Doc or looking for them, apart from that, I don't know. - The door gives a squeaky groan as he heads down the hall.
[Lie] - Who knows where Steve and TLOT are...
[Notch] Comforting eachother I hope. Whoops! - He steps on the button and the armor stand pops up from the floor and wobbles into a standing pose.
[Stevie] Jumps in surprise and almost drops CP.  He whimpers a little-
[Notch] It's okay Stevie! You know Doc has a weird sense of humor.
[Stevie] Holds his brother a bit closer- Okay...
[Notch] Glances at the caged Endermites and bouncing slimes as they pass. - There it is. And thank goodness. I'm a muddy mess.
[Stevie] - No I am!
[Lie] Pops up to look over the edge of the basket- I think you both are
[Notch] Let me have Cp so you can strip off. - Reaches for him-
[CP] The moment he's out of Stevie's arm he starts trying to escape-
[Stevie] Is just throwing his muddy clothes everywhere-
[Notch] OW OW OW Cut it out or I'll just toss you in the lava side!
[Lie] - That would be bad, he's not fireproof like this
[Stevie] Standing stark naked and still covered in mud- I'm ready!
[Flux] Sets down some carpet near the edge of the pool and sits down with Lie-
[Notch] Freezes- He's NOT? -looks down at the cat-  Oh geeze.... I'm sorry Cp... You know I wouldn't hurt you. -winces- Even though you're hurting me! OW!
[CP] - I will murder you if you put me in that water!
[Notch] Go ahead and get in Stevie. And Cp, you're filthy. Do you really want to lick that all off?!
[CP] - Who says I lick anything other than my mate?
[Stevie] Jumps in and it's up to about mid chest on him-
[Notch] Exactly- He casts about for a moment but it's impossible to hang onto Cp and get his clothes off. With a resigned sigh he hops in fully clothed and still holding Cp.
[CP] Loud angry cat noises as he tries to scramble for the edge of the tub-
[Stevie] - Father you're silly!
[Notch] My hands are just full of angry cat! - He's trying to get Cp moderately clean at least. The water is nice and warm.
[Lie] Snickers from her basket-
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