lizah-aart · 5 months
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Sometimes life is actually pretty good on Vertumna. I love the little dates Dys will bring Sol on, they always go out in nature to see a special place that has them at peace with the planet.
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i-rate-creatures · 10 months
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Vriki from I Was A Teenage Exocolonist, its one of avaliable pets btw
holy shit little guy,,, its so cute!!!! 8/10 :]
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aclassi-queer · 5 months
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Life is much improved with a Vriki!
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xenobotany · 27 days
when i was younger mx. nomi-nomi taught me how to make websites on the network. so i made one dedicated to my vriki "polus jr." and i thought it would be vital to share to the masses.
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flipperworld · 8 months
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Chapter 192 - Shocking Biology
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aru-art · 5 months
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good morning exocolonist nation
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iamverprost · 9 months
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boy reading an old story book
(reference under the cut)
i've been wanting to redraw it since 2022
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yes i'm a slow worker
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shwoo · 2 months
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Hahaha I did it
I maxed out every skill and everyone's affection in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist, and with five more month of the game to go.
I also saved everyone who could be saved, including Socks, and the eyebeast from the first attack, got Anemone to break up with Vace, got Vace to go to therapy and apologise to Rex, stopped Dys from blowing anything up, and encouraged Nomi with their visual novel. I was also on track to get the peace ending by this point, and to repair Dys and Tang's relationship. That one requires getting Rex's bar built and then doing the barista job eleven times, which is one of the more annoying things to fit in.
I didn't become governor, because I think it'd be a better outcome for Marz to let her do it.
One thing I didn't manage was to get Nomi in on the polycule (get them to date Rex), because I misread the story files and missed that there's second check for whether you're dating Rex before they'll actually ask him out. After they're together, you should be able to initiate a relationship with Rex with him still dating Nomi, as far as I can tell.
I guess I could've just not dated Rex, but it does help with the minmaxing to date every poly character at once.
There isn't a "make number go up" endgame career, so I ended up becoming a lawyer. Persuasion is hard to raise, so I did the assist the governor job a lot. I stopped just short of finding out about the Earth ships, so that means they didn't exist!
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vriki · 1 year
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A sociopath & his daycare attendant husband <3
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*sounds of muffled cries in the distance*
I forgot about the makeship vriki plush until it was too late!
Curse you, ADHD!
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nordicbananas · 10 months
*appears in your inbox* HELLO! I have been directly invited to talk about I was a teenage exocolonist!!
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I'm rn like halfway through year 18 so I am very close to the end of my first game I am very hyped!!
Thoughts on nomi? They seem sweet but unfortunately all of my social stats are SHIT so I can't really interact with them beyond. Giving them gifts occasionally. Whenever I do a run and work on my social stats I'm def gonna try n be friends with em
Rn my two best friends are cal and tangent, though rex also as high as it can be with my like. 50 engineering and him only being around since year 15 haha
Uhmmm other than that? I am soooo intruiged by what is going on in this game, like I only just got to the ridge when exploring and I'm so mad it's taken this long. Also I think this run has gone so bad oh man I killed tammy age 10 and then we had a famine in which killed flulu, and then got the stuff I needed for the shimmer cure the day before geranium died and I'm so mad I still haven't figured out how to use the stuff I find while surveying to progress plots and agrh I'm mad. And so I'm currently at war with the planet and have no idea what to do about it aha
If u want me to kindof liveblog the ending of my run then 👀 I am sitting patiently in your inbox until I finish the game later today hehehe
omg i hope that your first playthrough and second if you've finished it was AMAZING and that you continue to play. because i adore the replayability of this game so much.
NOMIIII yeah it's actually kinda hard to get 100 hearts with the helio kids if that's not your goal
cal and tang are so <33 they're the silliest!!! i love them both and they have such amazing arcs i think. rex is also very cool he makes me happy :)
(nomi and rex forever they're best friends even if they end up dating in some endings <333)
dwdwdw for the deaths, actually do worry they made me cry too, but you can save all three!! there's usually stuff about your past lives to help you, and once you do it the first time it's super easy to keep on doing it. YOU CAN DO IT SAVE THEM ALL!!!
good luck with nature though. not much you can do about that after it happens.
also please ik this is late but please update me about your adventures!!
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vancilart · 10 months
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fiercestpurpose · 4 months
I purchased IWATEX on the Switch so I’m playing the game from scratch again. ❤️
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two-person-job · 9 months
if they ever made a sym version i would throw him at the wall every single day i love him so much
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deusexlachina · 9 months
Exocolonist skills tierlist
Made a ranking of all the skills in Exocolonist.
Intended for second+ runs - some minor spoilers.
S tier - Trivialize the game
Engineering - The Brain Trainer grants +15 to each of the twelve skills, the equivalent of years of training, for all purposes except Perks. The Vintage Focus Device trivializes card challenges. The only reason I don't get this immediately is because you need kudos to buy these, and your early-game income is quite slow. The other two perks, an extra card and an extra gear, are quite solid too, giving you value along the way.
Organizing: The Org100 Perk is the single best tool for deck optimization, which is critical to passing hard card challenges (allowing you to win where a coin flip would lose). Allows you to pick only cards that improve your deck, saving you dozens of bad ones, which are much more common. Incredible for any kind of build, but also synergizes extremely well with the VFD by purging nonblue cards. The other two perks are the same as with Engineering, though in the opposite order, which is more useful - you want more gear slots as soon as you can.
A tier - Very helpful in any run
Perception - A lot of people would put this one in S-tier - I don't, largely to stress how incredibly, universally good, Organizing and Engineering are. The final perk makes exploring vastly easier, letting you skip bad events and farm all the collectibles. Getting the full value out of this, however, requires a bit of save scumming - most events can spawn in different locations, and the only way to tell what's what is by checking them. Only some events let you just nope out without penalty, and you won't know which those are. The main cost to doing all events is stress, which can be dealt with in other ways, such as Bravery, below. Perception100 is the best way to farm gifts, which synergizes with Cre100, since that chews through your inventory quickly.
Creativity - The final perk is immensely helpful for grinding friendship. Partly because it gives more opportunities to gift, but, almost as importantly, you don't have to worry about whether you need to wait to gift so you can give someone something better/on their birthday. But you need enough items to get the full value out of this, and it's quite possible to befriend everyone without Cre100 - the only really difficult one is Vace. The store upgrade is one way to get the very good Emojiproji - the other way is stealing it while working at the Depot, which requires doing a few jobs there. It's also a way to get the jacket, but Marzipan will give it to you for half price very early on, and if you can't afford that, it's free.
Empathy - Plenty of useful skill checks. The most important part is unlocking the Spa, which lets you convert kudos to thinning your deck - the best use for kudos after the special store items.
B tier - Broadly useful
Bravery - You need at least 5 points to sneak out during Glow, which gets you some interesting scenes and some useful opportunities. All three perks are nice. Strangely, the best one is at 66, which reduces the stress from exploring by 5 per event. That's really good! It greatly reduces the need for Per100, and if you have both, it's quite possible to get negative stress from exploring, which is cracked.
Animals - A bit of this is necessary to get pets, which are some of the best items in the game. The Vriki in particular stands out: it gives you +1 to a primary skill when you succeed on any skill check - even ones that don't normally give skill points! Upgrading pets is nice, if you have them, though by far the most value comes from upgrading the Hopeye, which reduces stress by 1 point per level. What's nice about this is it's a free bonus to resting, which you have to do anyway. Note that the Park will let you start levelling your pets even before you get Ani33 - it takes a few visits for them to level up. The best part of this skill, though, is the extra gear slot. The idea is that this is for a pet, but you can use it for anything.
Persuasion - You need this if you want to be governor yourself. If not, you can pass almost every skill check, and all the important ones, with 50, which you can get with all four Persuasion items (Brain Trainer, jacket, emojiproji, and doll). The perks are pretty bad. A bonus to social skill increases would be nice...but levelling persuasion comes at the cost of levelling the other two skills in the first place. (If you got that one first, it'd be good!)
Biology - Necessary to be a doctor. The extra augment sounds incredible, but the time and training to get Bio100 outweighs the benefits you'd get from any augment except Calm Temperament. More collectibles is alright. The xenobotany lab is nice if unlocked in the early game. Some of its events can be quite useful...
C tier - Limited use
Toughness - There are only a few Toughness checks in the game, and the only important ones can be done through other means. Upgrading cards is amazing in many deckbuilders, but in this one, you can only upgrade your starting cards into slightly less shitty ones. You might as well just get rid of them in the vastly-better Spa. Immunity to being injured sounds impressive, but there are very few chances to be injured, they're only when you screw up, and it's healed as soon as you rest.
Reasoning - You need this to be a teacher. There are only some places where you need to level reasoning at all, and most of the time, you can use other, better, stats. The autoplay fairy only slightly improves your hand. And if you've gotten the best possible hand, which becomes quite doable with experience, it's utterly useless. The mental skill bonus is useless for the same reason as Persuasion100.
Meme tier - Negligible value in any run
Combat - You never need this in a run. Even if you want to go into combat, you don't need a single point in combat, except for a few checks, which are invariably bad ideas. Combat items are bad, and the bonus to red skills is, like the other two, useless. There are only two reasons you would want this: you're going for a particular career, and you're trying to befriend Vace. Even so, you won't get much use out of this.
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spinel224 · 9 months
INTRODUCING MY OC FOR I WAS A TEENAGE EXOCOLONIST! I love her and will be adding more about her soon
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Name: Lyric (Lyra)
Age: 23(?)
Parents: Flulu and Geranium
Skills: jack of all traits
Gender: female
Relationships (romantic): Vace, Dys, Cal, (at one point Rex)
Friendships: Everyone else
Pets: Nami(Vriki), Orchid(Hopeye)
Allegiance: the Colony, gardners (kinda)
Appearance: (looks like Sol) likes her hair up in pigtails, has star freckles on her face, scars from her past lives (from deaths/ injuries/ past self-harm), chubby
Sexuallity: pan and ace (sex is weird for her because of the time loop)
Occupation: a bit of everything, is referred to as the Colony Oracle (prefers to be called a Seerer), used her past lives to get what she calls the Optimal Timeline (everyone lives, Marz is governor (Lyra helps), and the Gardners and the Colony are at peace (colony is not a zoo))
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