#politics too
scavengerssuccotash · 1 month
Gonna say this with kid gloves on since some apparently respond to this particular valid point with vitriol.
Know when a news article is misconstruing something in order to garner clickbait and sensationalize.
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skull-pun · 4 months
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happyroadkillart · 4 months
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trans-androgyne · 2 months
I’d just like to ask folks to have a little more sensitivity about the “Tampon Tim” stuff—the way Donald Trump and U.S. conservatives are making fun of the democratic vice presidential candidate for putting free tampons in boys’ bathrooms. My girlfriend broke the news to me as though I was supposed to laugh, and it wasn’t until she saw the look on my face that she realized how personal this was to me as someone who’s advocated for menstrual products in men’s restrooms at my school and lobbied for access in prisons in my state. This is about trans guys and I want people to remember that.
I remember seeing a Kaitlin Bennet video where she went around smugly asking people if they thought tampons should be in men’s restrooms, with the obvious intended answer being of course not. We’re a joke to them; being connected to menstruation and menstrual products is already considered embarrassing for women, but for men, it’s downright humiliating and disgusting. As people who need tampons, who can get pregnant, who have breasts, but claim to be men, we are considered a perversion of the sex-gender binary. We cannot exist, and they make that clear. When you leave trans men and mascs out of these conversations, such as by pivoting to jokes about fictional cis men, you are contributing to our erasure. Please just remember who is actually harmed by these sentiments, and listen to our perspectives on it. Thank you.
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problemnyatic · 27 days
"I think this Category of human being is disposable" okay that not only sucks and is fascist but also makes getting you to deem someone to be disposable a simple matter of convincing you they're in The Category regardless of the truth. Also The Category is often misapplied to a vulnerable minority because it makes people like you agree they're disposable.
"Anyone who disagrees with me about The Category of people being disposable is a Category apologist or probably also in The Category themselves" Oh so you're just totally unconcerned with truth or justice or ethics or human rights and just are feeding your bloodlust for the sake of revenge fantasies. got it 👍
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rapid-apathy · 6 months
I'm telling you, stay away from this astrology/occult/witchcraft/magic ritual garbage.
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lady-raziel · 17 days
honestly if in like 2012 you had told anyone that dick Cheney and Taylor swift had both endorsed the same candidate for president and that person was a Democratic woman of color and she was running against reality tv star Donald Trump they would have asked what shitty adult cartoon episode you were referencing
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Bruh. He tried not to shake her hand. He didn't look at her. He didn't say her name. Harris did the opposite.
We've all worked with a dick like that who thinks he's better than you, a woman. Fuck that noise.
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bartletforamerica · 3 months
One of the things that kills me about this anti-Biden stuff is that it doesn't matter. He's the Democrat against Trump. Just get him elected with a Democratic Congress and if he can't do the job, Harris will. Biden being a touch old is not the worst thing in the world. Woodrow Wilson was incapacitated during his presidency and his wife ended up running things; at least now we have a proper mechanism for transferring power to the VP. A Trump presidency is far more dangerous than Biden needing orthopedic shoes. Stop undermining the Democrat on the ballot and get him elected with a Democratic Congress that can actually do something (and keep the line of succession Democratic as well).
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just to be completely clear, the amount of military power and political influence Israel has has NOTHING to do with its settlers being Jewish. Israel is a force for American & European interests in the region and they're just doing what America does and allows/encourages its close allies to do.
war crimes aren't considered war crimes when someone America finds useful is doing them. european and american pushback against anyone criticizing Israeli apartheid & genocide is 100% because these crimes are useful to American & European hegemony.
Governments that are deeply antisemitic, like France, aren't suddenly caring about Jewish people. Jewish people, persecuted the world over, don't hold some kind of hegemonic power outside of Israel.
The state of Israel and its attendant brutal treatment of the locals are both incredibly useful to the US, and American hegemony means we're expected to celebrate both.
not bc they're Jewish. this isn't a break in the pattern of western antisemitism and it's not evidence that antisemitism doesn't exist.
it's just like how you could get fired for saying shit against the US war in Afghanistan when i was growing up. it is 100% about US military and political interests (ok slightly western europe too but lbr)
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politijohn · 1 year
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Tax the rich
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queenoftheantz · 8 months
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hi yes hello a friend gave my baldurs gate 3 for my birthday and is now painstakingly teaching me how to use the controls
Meet my little cosmic horror protagonist Luvtröja!! They are just a little guy!! They like sitting in chairs :]
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Yes, people do need to take accountability for the partners they choose to date, at least to some extent. And no, this doesn't apply to abusive relationships, that situation is entirely different.
I'm talking about white people who date other white people who are openly racist. I'm talking about "allies" who date other people who are openly homophobic and transphobic. I'm talking about liberal women who date very conservative men. And seeing bigotry as nothing more than a "political issue."
Of course, it's different if your partner lies and actively hides their political views from you. But if your partner is openly voting for people like Trump, openly supporting conservative politicians, openly hating/harming minority groups, then you should leave them. And you should be held accountable if you to choose to stay with someone like that.
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he would not have made it through the first day tbh
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percypaints · 3 months
Trump survived. Here's what will happen.
Every media, news outlet will be showing this photo. Not of a convicted felon who was impeached, who summoned violent terrorists to the white house, who sexually assaulted many women, but of a survivor, a hero.
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And Trump will win 2024. The Alt Right and his MAGA supporters will see this and be more motivated than ever to vote Trump. Centrists will see this and think "the left is so much more extreme than the right" and vote Trump. Fuck, even liberals, after seeing Bidens disastrous debate performance might vote trump. In their eyes, he's a survivor now, he's strong now, he's worthy now. If you don't believe me, wait and see the top comments of news articles, the Reddit posts, the twitter quote tweets.
It isn't if Trump wins, it's when Trump wins, Ukraine is Fucked. Palestine is extra Fucked. And of course, America is absolutely Fucked.
I don't like Biden, but Americans have to remember: you live in a two-party system.
It is Biden or Trump.
And I'd much much rather an old husk of a man that has done so much good for trans rights, social policies, and human rights in general, than Trump. Yes, Biden has sent aids to Israel. Do you think Trump won't do the same? Do you think Trump won't do worse?
"Vote for a third party, they're both awful" you might say. Come on, be realistic. This is about holding the line against fascism. It is going to be way WAY easier to change the system when you're up against milk toast Joe than an actual dictator. So,
For the love of god, vote Biden in Novermber.
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demon-fetal-harvest · 7 months
Sadly, the stabbing of Julius Caesar doesn't pass the Bechdel test.
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