#pokemon type wild
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bison2winquote · 2 years ago
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Blaziken, Pokémon Type Wild [fangame] (Pokésho)
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cinimuffin · 5 months ago
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licensed2faint · 5 months ago
I said like forever ago that I would make tier list for dragon types, and I've finally gone and done it. Big thanks to @veterantrainerray for suggesting I do this like a month ago.
These lists are directed at newbie trainers, specifically younger trainers. If you're thirty-two and have a twenty acre property and all the time in the world to read up on the care and training of a Salamence, go for it. I'm not your dad.
I've ONLY added Pokemon I have personally trained, so I can try to explain each list. I made two lists, one for captive-bred 'mon and one for wild-caught. Captive-bred pokemon tend to be hardier and less temperamental, so the list is a bit different. ALSO, while I used the final forms, this list is assuming you got them in their first form. I do not recommend trying to train a fully-grown wild Salamence. For any reason. That's a catch-and-release beastie.
honourable mention: Gyarados. Not a dragon-type, but temperamental as one. My recommendation is that this is a very strong guy who (probably) loves you very much for taking care of him when he was weak, and also he hates everyone else. Train him to wait for your command, and also socialize him while he's still a Magikarp to avoid the 'us vs. them' mindset as much as you can.
First up, the 'domestic-bred dragon list!'
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Acceptable Starter: Swablu and Dratini are not very aggressive pokemon, and domestic-bred ones are usually much hardier than their wild counterparts. Dratini are a little more intelligent, and thus easier to train, but a domestic Swablu is pretty intelligent itself. Neither of them evolves into a pokemon known for aggression, so I think overall they're pretty well-suited travelling companions.
Fine with experience: Horsea is Horsea. You know him, you love him. Domestic ones, are, again, hardier than than their wild counterparts.. Honestly, the reason I have them here rather than 'acceptable starter' is because of Seadra. All the good breeding in the world can't guarantee a calm Seadra. You have to make sure your Horsea is well-trained BEFORE it evolves. But if it is? Your Kingdra is gonna be a breeze. Way more chill than Seadra, if not a bit snooty.
Druddigon get a bad rap, which is unfortunate. I love them. Might be my favourite dragon type. Domestic breeds are hard to come by, since they're not very popular, but the ones I've met are wonderful. They enjoy sunbathing a lot. The reason I put them here is actually because they tend to be stubborn. And while it takes a lot (compared to other dragon types, NOT most pokemon) to get them irritated, they CAN AND WILL use their strength to solve a problem. So the difficulty lies in getting them motivated enough to train them well. But if you're just looking for a guy who sits out in your yard sunbathing and looking scary, maybe give a breeder a call...? (you should still train them not to attack without a command, though!)
Flygon is actually usually really sweet-tempered. The reason he's so low is actually because of Trapinch and Vibrava! Trapinch, even domestically bred ones, are not all that intelligent, and thus hard to train for people who don't know what they're doing. The digging instinct can be very, very difficult to train out. They're hard-wired for it, it's how they survive in the wild! Vibrava are much more intelligent, but when they first evolve, there WILL be accidents with the wings. They're still figuring things out. Give 'em time, teach them to only do that stuff outdoors, etc etc. But if you can get through that, Flygon are wonderful companions! Every now and again in Hoenn you'd find a family with a pet Flygon instead of the typical Skitty or Poochyena. Love em.
Might need outside help: Domestic Gibble tend to be much less wantonly destructive than wild-caught, since having that bred out of them was a big goal of the original breeding programs in the first place. That said, instinct is instinct. If you aren't giving them their proper exercise every day and making sure to train them, they are going to wreak havoc. You need to be paying attention to it at all times. They're also pretty curious lil' guys! This means they will see something neat, like a fire hydrant, go 'hey, what's that?' and then answer that question by destroying it. They tend to get labeled 'aggressive' which is. Well it's not really true, but the difference between 'playtime' and 'this little guy hates you' doesn't matter so much when you're human and a Gibble is chasing you, open-mouthed. Domestic Gabite are much more calm on that front, and fully-trained, domestic Garchomp tend to be remarkable bastions of self-control. Again, it's all about surviving and training that first stage.
Pros Only: Both of these guys are here for similar reasons: Their instinct in their final evolutions has a tendency to override their training, so you're gonna have to not only have a firmer hand then a lot of trainers are comfortable with, but train them pretty continuously throughout their lives. They're fiercely independent, so forming a bond based on respect very early on in their lives is direly important. Otherwise you ain't getting them to do anything for you. Thankfully, at the very least the domestic breeds tend to not be too violent/destructive.
Salamence has an added difficulty: most people don't train their Bagon or Shelgon correctly. Bagon is one of the most easygoing dragon types out there, and Shelgon have a tendency to be pretty placid. This leads to trainers not taking their training too seriously early on, which leads to disastrous consequences once they're fully evolved. Just because your Bagon listens to you doesn't mean your Salamence will. Practice your recall training. Or Else.
You put that thing back where it came from or so help me: Hydregion is smarter than you. You may be able to train a Deino. I don't know you. They're bitey, but not the worst out there. But you do NOT have the resources or the know-how to handle a Zweilous. Straight-up. They have high energy levels, need a LOT of food, and can and WILL injure themselves via infighting. There's a reason Hydregion is rare as hell, and it's because a lot of them don't make it to adulthood due to injuries. It's a survival of the fittest tactic. I love Hydregion. I have one. If you don't have a damn mountain range in your backyard, don't get one. They NEED a place to go off and be destructive, and they're territorial as all hell. Just don't. Please.
Next up, the Wild-Caught List!
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As you can see, there's nothing on the acceptable starter list. I'll get into why in the next categories.
Fine with experience: You're looking at basically the same thing with the wild Kingdra line as you would be with a domestic breed, with one notable difference: Wild Horsea tend to be a lot less hardy and a lot more timid. It'll take it longer to start trusting you, but honestly just doing the upkeep to keep it happy and healthy should start winning it over. They're more intelligent than most people give 'em credit for. Your eventual Kingdra is probably also gonna be more headstrong, but honestly for some trainers, that's a good thing.
Dratini suffers from the same problem. They have pretty specific habitat needs- but if you're at the point in your journey where you get your hands on a wild Dratini, honestly I'd trust that you're able to provide what it needs. Bonus, though, is that while wild Dratini can be cautious, they're very curious, too! And if your vibes are good (lookin at you, Ray!) they're usually more than happy to come along with you. And as our dear friend Ray is learning, one that is eager to battle is a ready and willing student! There's a reason they have such a great reputation.
Might need outside help: Wild Druddigon tend to be pretty territorial, on top of all the stubbornness. They're usually also a bit more proactive in expressing the classic dragon type temperament. You're looking at more intensive training to get recalling down and increase their tolerance for being bothered. No shame in asking a dragon-type expert. That said, I still love these guys. If you can read their body language, you could probably get through a cave of them no problem.
Oh, Swablu. Swablu, what will we do with you? Wild Swablu are flighty little critters, and kind of frail, to boot. And wild Alteria are stubborn. They will not get dirty. They think they are better than you. This isn't to say they're awful! An Alteria is usually pretty affectionate with its trainer, wild or domestic. A properly-trained one isn't going to be raging any more than a Dragonite or a Kingdra. But trying to train a Swablu is harder than it seems, just because they're not great listeners. If You've got patience and a guide, you're fine, but really I'd suggest asking an expert.
I don't know how to say this without sounding mean. Please understand I've raised five Trapinch. They are. Difficult. and a little stupid. Wild ones especially don't really have any sort of grasp on the world of training. You are looking at one hell of an uphill battle. But they're kind of a rite of passage for Hoennian trainers, and if they can do it, you can too! Really, you're going to be doing most of the 'basic training' for these guys in the Vibrava stage. You should still be taking the time to get your Trapinch used to being balled and the sound of your voice, obviously, but the traditional way to train a Trapinch is to do double battles until it evolves. Then do a lot of the indoor-outdoor distinction, once it can understand what a building is. And if you can deal with a Trapinch, you can deal with a Flygon. They're pretty relaxed, especially for a dragon type.
Pros Only: You don't have the patience for a wild Gibble, and you almost certainly aren't capable of tying down The King of the Caves when he wants to rampage. That said, if you do manage to train one right, and you've got a firm hand an a certain kind of attitude, you've got a partner for life. A wild Garchomp's respect is a tough thing to earn, but it's worth it. I was debating putting him on the final tier, but honestly... if you're really, really dedicated it's certainly possible. But you NEED to get in contact with somebody who knows what they're doing. Trying to freehand training is going to get your arm torn off.
Honestly, with Salamence, you're looking at about the same issues as you would be with a domestic, with two exceptions: your Bagon's gonna be a bit more of a wild child (but still nothing crazy) and your Salamence is gonna be aggressive. No way around it. Keeping it trained is a full-time job. If you're not looking to make a trained team of six and would rather just focus on a few, then you might have the time to dedicate to making sure the training sticks. Otherwise, leave it.
You put that thing back where it came from or so help me: Look at me. Look at me. Do not go near a wild Hydregion. Do not attempt to steal a Hydregion's baby. You will die, and it will hurt the whole time you are dying. And then that beast is going to start rampaging, and if there's a human settlement on or even near its territory, they are going to pay the price for your stupidity. Then they'll call the rangers in, and IF they can subdue the Hydregion, they're not going to be able to release it, because Hydregion can always find their way back home. They'll have to put it down. Don't fucking do it.
You can probably keep and train a wild Axew. Just make sure it has an everstone, because you are in no way, shape, or form prepared for a wild Haxorous. See the above, minus the rampaging parts. They're usually content with just you and anybody in a direct line-of-sight. If you train it well, it'll probably just run off into the hills instead of attacking you, at least. They've got really powerful instincts, and need things most people can't provide. 'Oh but Laser, don't you have a wild-caught Haxorous?' I do and I also have an entire nature preserve, complete with mountain range. He loves me, in his own way. I know this because he is willing to wait for food and not attack everything in his territory. I can go into his territory without being instantly vaporized, and he's willing to come out of his territory and interact with me. This does not mean he is safe to be around. It only means that I have twenty years of experience. If you want one, get a domestic breed. There's plenty of Axew breeders all over Unova.
I hope this was informative! Please remember that pokemon are individuals, and not all of them will conform to what I've laid out here. Please also remember that your life is not worth the possibility that you could get that one in a billion, super nice Hydregion. Dragon types have their reputation for good reason, and I simply can't stress enough that you need to do a lot of research before owning any of them.
Good luck!
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avanii · 1 year ago
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The Volcano Pokemon
My first full-background painting with acrylic inks, featuring two of my current favourite things! I think Typhlosion would do well in the Icelandic environment I based this painting on. Time taken: approx. 9 hours.
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darksilvania · 2 years ago
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Fakemon Challenge #1 - DESPEARADO (Grass/Dark) The Peashooter pokemon
Based on western outlaws and pea plants
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It has the ability "Skill Link" and its signature move is "Pea Shooter", a move similar to bullet seed but each hit has a power of 30
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scart94 · 1 month ago
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I’m new on Tumblr I hope you enjoy this my work 😊
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kuixotic-arts · 7 months ago
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(*neon genesis type of angel)
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quillpokebiology · 1 year ago
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Sea Sniper
Sea Sniper is the name for members of the Dragapult line with a Horsea/Seadra/Kingdra father. This breed is actually safe to breed, since originally, Dragapult were aquatic and still have gills, are great swimmers, and live near water.
(Also, most of the time, these Dragapult will have other Oceanic crossbreeds, but these have purebred Dreepy for simplicities sake)
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This breed of Dreepy usually live by the ocean instead of lakes, making homes in lagoons or on the beach. They often live in groups with their hatchmates, with both the mother and the father staying to raise them. Because of that, they often copy the behaviors of the father, clinging their tails around each other and eating small bugs and sea vegetation.
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Just like how they are fast flyers, these pokenon are fast swimmers as well. They sometimes create mini waves with their tales when playing with their hatchmates, which has been known to knock over boats. Despite this, they don't often mean any harm, and like Drakloak, are still quite tolerant of humans. Like Seadra, these pokenon will cling to Coral and sleep.
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Sea Sniper Dragapult often live in caves by the ocean. While they can go to the deep depths of the ocean, they aren't built to go as deep as Kingdra without the pressure crushing them, so they'll often go near the surface to fly or swim as they please. They often still love with their hatchmates, so you'll see them fly in groups.
@illusionsignmisdirection //thanks for the idea!
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shapercreater · 2 years ago
Welp, the polls have spoken, and this I bring with a Drumroll... The results!
Mipha/Female Basculegion (58.3%)
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Daruk/Golurk (88.2%)
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Urbosa/Ceruledge (45.5%)
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And Revali/Decidueye (68.3%)
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Thank you everyone for the votes and suggestions, I will post again once I have them all sketched out, and maybe if I have the energy I'll eventually even try and color them
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Ingo and Zisu (with Akari). Thanks again to @waywardstation for being kind enough to let me color in their fantastic sketches! (funky little akari under the cut btw) Link to Wayward's original sketch right here!
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timegears · 2 months ago
oh btw i think i might be in hell
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pitruli · 4 months ago
I finished playing the Pokemon Z fangame (well what there was so far actually)😭
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ash-ketchums-hat · 4 months ago
Missing Ash Ketchum hours for the third night in a row. 😟🥺
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amphibimii · 1 year ago
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Officially locking in my starter predictions for Legends Z-A
I believe the possible starters won't be as straightforward as people think, but my reasoning for Chikorita is just pure cope and feelings.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 3 months ago
Spring Bonnie Pokemon?? Yeah. Initially only ever seen in one stage, so everyone just kind of assumed, "Well, that must mean that this rabbit Pokemon can't evolve, right?" And just sort of moved along for a bit.
But then someone had the pre-evolution, and then watched in amazement as it evolved into the other stage, so everyone was just kind of like "Oh- wow, okay, we were wrong about that, then, it seems."
A very kind Pokemon, but often begins to get mistaken for the Springtrap evolutions--either during the night, or just by anyone who knows about him, but not about Spring Bonnie, and then starts to worry.
Some are often seen hanging around another Pokemon--Fredbear--like the two are a duo. Ones that do encounter each other, they almost never separate.
Rambling in the tagssss.
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thuganomxcs · 6 months ago
What type of Pokémon team would Yusuke have?
BRUH This is DEPENDING ON THE REGION TOO. For simplicity's sake let's go with the newest Paldea region. If Yusuke were to pick a starter then of course that starter would be:
Fuecoco, WHY? Because Yusuke runs hot. Adding Puu likeness to him I think he'd just let him be just that, an unevolved Fuecoco cause Yusuke needs a cute mascot with him. Now Yusuke's out in the wild with his new pokemon. The two will see so many different pokemon on the way during this exam (I THINK it was an exam, LORD knows he wouldn't stick around for class either way) and then the pokemon that would catch his attention is Pawmo. Look at it, little guy and looks like it likes to throw hands, he'd resonate with that pokemon so he'll catch it and eventually on the long journey it'll evolve, so second in line is Pawmot.
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Another pokemon I think he'd actively catch is a Slakoth, because knowing Yusuke he'd be making a pretty good meal and that'll attract the little mon tow his campsite. Yusuke might see a kindred spirit in Slakoth's lax nature and catch him too and of course it would evolve into Vigoroth and the two are just on the same wavelength, always up for action. What I also wanna stress is Yusuke would be the type of trainer that would help a pokemon along the way of his journey. The pokemon I'm sure he'd find would be another cute one, maybe a Happini that would represent 'Keiko'. The poor little thing could have lost its egg and of course Yusuke would help her out, with a nudge from Fuecoco of course. So they find the egg and Happini didn't want to separate herself from Yusuke so she joins him and eventually turns into a Blissey through bonding. If I'm not mistaken Blissey's themed item is a Lucky Egg and in Yusuke's own canon he's a pretty lucky individual soo it works.
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We're nearing the end of the pokemon selection. NOW We did say Fuecoco's with him because Yusuke really has a knack for having something cute be connected to him spiritually in some way, but I think the TRUE stand-in for Puu in the realm of pokemon would be Altaria. It's a bird, with a long neck and it's blue, we know he'd definitely be knocking heads with this. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST the pokemon Yusuke would definitely catch is a mankey. You don't need me to go into WHY he'd have a Mankey. Look at it, it's mannerism. It'd shine to him and he'd DEFINITELY want it on his team. ALSO I will say even here Yusuke would be a kind of fighter, not a demon or something like that honestly but definitely still a street fighter, so he and his primeape can throw hands. Then Anihilape.
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