#pokemon the strongest mega evolution
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jadeazora · 7 days ago
Y'all remember how the English dub missed the point of the Megalith being called the Megalith (i.e: it being the source of Mega Evolution), and decided to call it the Giant Rock instead like it was a YGO Abridged reference?
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saelrum · 5 months ago
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Might as well practice dynamic poses while my Mega-Evo Special obsession is resurfacing
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tsmeweek · 1 year ago
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We are now some 2.5 months away from the 10th anniversary for the airing of the Strongest Mega Evolution Act I. I am excited!
Prompts for the week:
Day 1 - April 3rd: Anniversary / Pokémon Catching Day 2 - April 4th: First Time / Miare (Lumiose City) / Dragon Day 3 - April 5th: Mission / Family / Break Day 4 - April 6th: Hoenn / Mask / Release Day 5 - April 7th: Trip / Dark / AU Day 6 - April 8th: Love / Memorabilia / Legend Day 7 - April 9th: FREE DAY
1) How to participate?
Pick the prompt that you like best for each day of the week, create a fanwork for it and post it on tumblr, tagging #tsmeweek2024 or #tsme10thanniversary! You can also pick several prompts for one day to combine, or mix prompts from different days, as you wish. You can switch days up as well! Go wild! All forms of fanworks are accepted! Fanarts, crafts, fanfic of any lengths, cosplays... Pick the medium you prefer! Prompts can be interpreted however you want. If you pick "Miare" and want to depict an alternate ending for the Flare Crisis where everyone dies, go for it! Creativity is welcomed! Does "Break" mean "mental breakdown", "take a coffee break" or "break.....fast"? Up to you! Don't worry about having to participate every day of the week. Just do what you can! Once you publish a fanwork, don't forget to tag #tsmeweek2024 or #tsme10thanniversary! Those are the tags that will be scoured to be reblogged on this blog.
2) Does PokéAni XY&Z count? What counts as TSME?
The rules are lax. The XY&Z season of PokéAni definitely counts, as TSME characters played a very important role in it. So does the World Championships in Journeys, since Alan appeared in it. As a basic principle, so long as it involves a character that appeared in Act I-IV of TSME, it counts as TSME. So yes, you can absolutely create a fanwork about Daigo/Steven exploring Hoenn with Shouta/Sawyer, or Pachira/Malva dating Carnet/Diantha if your heart desires. You can also create fanworks with TSME characters and characters they never interacted with in canon!
3) Other rules
This blog will have ship art and will accept any ship. Do not harrass people over ships. Racy pieces or pieces with content warnings will be accepted on the blog and tagged with a "n/sfw" tag and "cw" tag. For viewers who do not want to risk seeing any such pieces, you can block these 2 tags. As an artist with a n/sfw or cw piece, please help making the blog friendly for all, by putting the full art under a preview and read-for-more. Please tag the full cw as well!
4) Like The Mega Evolution Specials, but don't know what to make?
Then, reblog, reblog, reblog!! Reblog the posts you see and like as a form of celebration! Share the love and keep it circulating so that it reaches more people!
Have more questions? Don't hesitate to drop an ask on this blog. you can also ask @potahun.
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duckbang · 11 months ago
TSME Week Day 1
Inbetweens (TSME Week 2024)
Chapter 1/Day 1
Alain doesn't want more teammates. But there is no one else that he could possibly trust with the job, and he always ends up gettng attached watching over them
Or: how Alain met his team
Written for the tsme week event hosted by @tsmeweek ^=^
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loafyall · 1 year ago
I'm so damn late for this but it's so cute!!!!!!
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🎃👻hope you get lots of treats this year 👻🎃!
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epicspheal · 2 months ago
Hellooooo it's been a while!!! i swear, I've been racking my brain to ask you something for so long but i got. nothing. Until now!!!! So you know how Pidgeot is considered ( one of) Blue's ace/signature pokemon? Do you have any idea why that is? I always figured it was either bc it's a route 1 pokemon ( and in recent years, rivals tend to have their signature pokemon that isn't a starter be route 1 mons), or like. Color scheme. But i'm curious to hear your thoughts on it! Also, in general, what do you think Blue's relationship with his Pidgeot is like (in the cactuverse i mean)?
Hi there @ihopethisendswell! It has been awhile! I hope you're doing well! And good question, why is Blue considered his ace. Well there's kind of two answers to this: a corporate answer and lore answer. Corporate answer is...TPCi is not super keen on canonizing one of the Kanto Starters for any of the Kantrio. Yes we get instances of Blue with Charizard in early promotional art and in Let's Go. Pokemon Generations and Pokemon Masters EX give us Blastoise as the canon starter. And Evolutions and the Gotcha! Music Video canonizes Venusaur. So in lieu of just sticking one of the Kanto Starters (or even Eevee as a nod to Pokemon Yellow) they tend to go with what is canonically, always his first official catch as a trainer (barring the yellow version). And that would be Pidgeot But then there's the lore aspect: it's a symbol of Blue's character
I mentioned a bit of this in my post about Blue's Pidgeot, but his Pidgeot is very much a sentimental pick among his team that is crafted to be the strongest non-legendary picks in Kanto. Pidgeot is underwhelming as a Flying type especially when you consider the fact that he had an Aerodactyl (that admittedly he was struggling with per the lore from Pokemon Masters). And Pidgeot especially in HGSS shows his growth in learning to care about the bonds he has with Pokemon as much as he does the training aspect with the move Return in it's moveset. And then of course when we factor mega evolution in, this is one his prime mega evolution picks. So we see that Blue's Pidgeot symbolizes not only his sentimental streak but his growth into being okay with bonding with his Pokemon. Also as a Flying type it kind of highlights his unrestrained nature. As much as we like to joke that Lance is a Flying Type champion, we can argue similar for Blue as between his Pidgeot, Gyarados, Aerodactyl and Zapdos...there's a lot of flying types there. Even in the lodge his most exciting Pokemon type is the Flying Type. Blue doesn't tie himself down to one place long seeing how he couldn't be bother to stay at his own gym for long stretches of time. Even as a traveling trainer he was always rushing to the next stop, not really stopping to enjoy the journey. There was a video essay I saw of Kanto a few years back that actually explained how this dichotomy between Blue flying ahead and Red enjoying the journey and how this is ultimately part of his undoing as a Champion.
So yeah his Pidgeot is very key to his character which is (off topic rant) I get annoyed when Poketubers who try to make league teams better take it out of his team in favor of something stronger.
Now to answer your question about Blue's relationship to Pidgeot (in Cactusverse) it's a very powerful bond. Outside of his Blastoise and his Sylveon (yes I give him a Sylveon in cactusverse). Pidgeot has seen him through everything: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Pidgeot helps to ground Blue and his emotions. And Pidgeot is the leader of his main gym team (whereas Blastoise is the leader of his team for champion level tournaments). Pidgeot takes his role as a leader very seriously.
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quartings · 1 year ago
Legends Z-A Thoughts and Theories!
Okay, I was pretty quiet on my opinions for Scarlet and Violet, but I'm confident enough to be very pleased and optimistic for this! Legends Arceus was the strongest Pokemon game we had in a decade, and to see them continue this, bring back Megas, and take an extra year to hopefully make it non-buggy? Makes me so so excited!
On Megas:
It's a bit of a surprise to see Megas back, but honestly? Not too much of a surprise. Even ignoring the inevitability of Kalos remakes, Megas are the only gimmick Pokemon kept around in their spinoffs. It was in Mystery Dungeon, Shuffle, Smash Bros, Pokemon Go, and probably more I'm forgetting! So it was always in the back of Gamefreak's mind and I'm glad it's truly back again!
With Gens 8 and 9 bringing back cross-gen evos, I think they'll focus on only giving Megas to three-stage lines, to not quash the potential of 2nd stage Pokemon getting regular evolutions. So starters and Pokemon like Flygon can get Megas since they can't evolve further, but Pokemon like Tropius and Chimecho probably won't, in case they get evolutions in Gen 10 (That then get Megas)
I also don't think we fully grasp how many more Pokemon can get Megas now, too. Barely any of Gen 5 and 6 had Megas (Seriously only 2 Pokemon between the 228 Pokemon in those gens) and we've had THREE more generations since then!!
Note: We went from wanting a Dunsparce evo, to wanting a Dunsparce Mega, to getting Dudunsparce with mixed fan reception. Now I'm going to be a selfish deluded clown bitch and get my hopes up for a Mega Dudunsparce.
Speaking of starters and Megas, do we think we'll get a mish-mash of older starters for this game that then get Megas (Say, Piplup, Snivy, and Scorbunny) or will we get Megas for the three Kalos starters?
Megas may mean Mega Stones return as held items, and held items weren't in Legends Arceus- new gameplay advancement?
Legends Arceus gave us 7 new Pokemon (most of them cross-gen evos) and a dozen new regional forms. Do you think we'll still get regionals this game, or will the design team be focused more on making new Megas instead?
On the world:
It's been confirmed the whole game is only in Lumiose City- how big is the map?? Hopefully we really do get lots of sidequests, biomes for wild Pokemon, and traversal options.
When is this? We're redeveloping Lumiose City, but are we in the past developing it into its current state, or are we in the present/future developing it into a new solarpunk city? Or neither, and this is a "Paradox" game set in a timeline which doesn't quite match ours?
This doesn't have to be an isekai (as in, we don't have to be time travellers again per se), just keep that in mind!
The "Z" in the logo represents Zygarde, with the black color and green hexagons. So who's the "A"? It's green with green scale/leaf patterns on it. What does it represent? The "Chaos" to Zygarde's "Order"? Is it a 5th Zygarde form or is it a whole new Pokemon?
Meta thoughts:
This further confirms my theory that Gen 9 will last until 2026, where they announce Gen 10 on that year's Pokemon Day for their 30th anniversary, and that's great! I'm glad they aren't overworking themselves too much compared to Gens 6-8.
On them "skipping" Unova remakes: I don't see this as skipping. We've been long overdue for a Z version since Kalos is literally the only Pokemon region to only appear in one release (no third version, no remakes, no sequels, no ultras, no DLC). So we're simply making up for the "deficit" of a third version here, and we can go back to focusing on Unova remakes for Gen 10.
Do you think we'll get any final updates to SV to tide us over until the next LegendZ trailer around August? Maybe a small DLC, mythical reveal, or free update?
Pokemon Adventures skipped the last Legends game, so they'll probably skip this one too? I'm fine either way- at least by skipping it, they won't be too rushed and stressed, and they'll actually have the time to flesh out SV and catch up with ORAS/SM/USUM/SwSh in the full volumes.
But on the off chance they do adapt Legends Z-A, do you think we'll get dexholders named Z and A??
Note for the future- the Yoasobi Pokemon song BiriBiri has a part where they namedrop all the game titles- one part has the lyrics "ABC to the XYZ". Long shot, but if Legends Z-A does indeed have an ABC theming, this could be a crazy bit of either coincidental or intentional foreshadowing!
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year ago
Here's my theory on new megas for Z-A
New Gen 1 megas: unnecessary, but given Game Freak's Genwunner bias, it's inevitable
New Gen 2 megas: since almost all gen2 pokemon are pretty bad due to the power creep over the years, getting some new megas for these guys would be great
New Gen 3 megas: unlikely since we got a bunch of gen3 megas in ORAS
New Gen 4 megas: also unlikely since we just got a bunch of gen4 content in bdsp and legends arceus
New Gen 5 megas: pretty likely, given how much Game Freak was teasing BW content leading up to Pokemon Day
New Gen 6 megas: despite the fact that mega evolution came out in this gen, there is only 1 gen6 mega, which is Diancie, so hopefully the Gen 6 game will add Gen 6 megas
New Gen 7-9 megas: since mega evolution was "scrapped" after gen6, it would be great to see megas of more recent pokemon
However, one really cool but extremely unlikely thing for Game Freak to do:
EVERY pokemon can "mega evolve" (maybe just getting a large stat boost in their strongest stats), kinda like how every pokemon can terastallize, and certain pokemon get mega forms, where they can change types and abilities etc.
Disagree on Gen 1 megas because a lot of Gen 1 Pokemon that haven't gotten any updates over the years could actually use one. I wouldn't mind seeing a mega for something like, say, Dewgong or Parasect. The problem is that GameFreak keeps giving stuff to the same group of popular Gen 1 pokes instead of the ones who actually need something
Also, giving mega evolution as a non-form changing stat boost to all Pokemon wouldn't actually be surprising given GameFreak's track record. The biggest problem would be explaining why it doesn't change the form of 'mons that they might want to add megas to way down the road. Maybe all the non-form 'mons get a generic mega stone, so they could write it off as just that species stone not having been discovered yet or something?
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cathartidart · 11 months ago
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TSME DAY 2: Dragon [image description: a digital painting depicting a scene inspired by the pokemon specials "The Strongest Mega Evolution". The scene in question depicts Rayquaza looming over the "giant rock", which is a giant keystone. The background is over a stormy ocean. The whole scene is dark, illuminated only by the Giant Rock and Rayquaza's golden rings. End Image Description]
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moons-now-seperate-art-blog · 6 months ago
psst. what pokémon do you think each four sword character (including zelda) would have
Oh boy (pulls out my Pokémon au sheet)
Green has Leavanny, Togekiss, Breloom, and an Absol that can mega evolve (Megas are the coolest gimmick yet I refuse to let them die. Fingers crossed ZA actually does something with it)
Blue has Primarina, Milotic, Gyrados, and Cinccino.
Red has Ninetails, Alolan Ninetails, Ludicolo, and Slurpuff
Vio has Serperior, Goodra, Frosmoth, and Kabutops
Shadow has Banette, Mimikyu, Swoobat, and a Shiny Hisuian Zorua
I tried to give each of them a diverse spread of generations and team members, but completely avoided any eeveelutions or picks for them I'd seen a ton of. I wanted this to make sense while also being unique :3
Some standout ones that I was insistent on keeping with them while putting together the teams was: Green with Leavanny, given it's a friendship evolution and known for taking care of the pokemon in its care, or people, in Green's case.
Blue with Milotic, since I thought it'd be funny if Blue got this gross looking feebas, gave it a chance anyways, it it became the strongest member of her team.
Red with the Ninetails. The fire and ice rod comparisons were too strong.
Vio and Serperior. I may be a bit biased, since Snivy was my first starter, but I'm also a huge smug Vio truther, and the personalities fit so well.
Shadow with Mimikyu and Banette. Cmon. The comparisons are right there. Vengeful discarded doll and pokemon trying to pull on the popularity of a more beloved pokemon. They were made to be on Shadow's team.
I didn't wanna give everyone full teams of 6 since Link would have at least one of each of the Colors pokemon, though I don't know which ones yet. I wanted room to build the teams up from the original four mons :3
I never finalized Zelda's list before I got pulled away, but my picks would be, looking back- Tsareena, Florges, Lapras, and Delcatty.
I like to think of her Florges as being a variant unique to Hyrule with Silent Princess flowers :3
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wishing-stones · 1 year ago
So, I've been replaying Pokémon games(FireRed and Emerald, specifically) and thought I could try and make up a team that resembles the R&R boys.
I came up with this:
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(If Ren was a Pokémon, in my opinion, they would be an Aegislash)
I like these selections! I can see why you picked them all. I especially love the use of megas here, and Alolan Marrowak for Dust. Choice! Nightmare as a Tentacruel made me giggle and I adore the idea of Gallant Mega Gallade as Axe.
You inspired me to do my own take!
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Nightmare is naturally Darkrai, because, let's face it, it's a perfect match. Darkrai's realm is of dreams, and it can inflict terrible nightmares onto others. It doesn't always do this maliciously, though, and it's generally used to chase people away from its territory. Humans are flighty creatures, though, so they villainize poor Darkrai for what it does. Darkrai's Shinny palate is purplish with teal eyes, too.
Killer fits Bisharp especially well. They generally command larger groups of Pawniard to do their dirty work for them, and will concede control to someone stronger if defeated. Killer is a competent leader, but bows out to Nightmare as the boss. Bisharp's shiny palate is also blue and yellow, which fits! Bisharp can also evolve into Kingambit, but I feel like Killer would purposefully not do that, even if he met the criteria for evolution. (Completely as an aside, shiny Bisharp was the first wild random shiny encounter I found in Scarlet! I think mine's a girl though. I'll have to check.)
Dust I thought would be nice as a Hissuian Typhlosion. Generally calmer than their Johtonian counterparts, they space out a lot and are thought to be watching the flow of life energies and looking for lost souls to eat. Kind of disturbing for such a placid-looking Pokemon, even if that process is said to purify the spirits as well. They're especially dangerous if they lose their temper, though, and their ghostly flames will burn everything and everyone around them until there is nothing left. Definitely sounds like someone we know.
Axe was tough to settle on, but I decided Kleavor would fit him well. They're generally rough, strong, brutish Pokemon... but at the same time, there's one that inhabits the forests of the Obsidian Fieldlands, and its caretaker is a small boy. Presumably, with socialization, these often violent Pokemon can be fairly tame and helpful to allies. The entire Scyther line gets a lot of bad rap for their appearance, and Kleavor is no exception... But, if you take the time to get to know them, they're loyal and steadfast.
Cross was perfect for Mega Absol, absolutely brilliantly done. Absol by itself is said to predict disasters, and its appearance is perceived as a bad omen. Mega Absol's very aura is so intimidating, it might kill the fainthearted from shock, and according to its Ultra Sun Pokedex entry, it hates this form because it doesn't like fighting in the first place. Cross isn't a huge fan of fighting generally, only if it's unavoidable, and he's good at it anyway, despite not enjoying it most of the time. He also absolutely sees himself as a bad omen, and tends to keep to himself.
Baggs was similarly a brilliant choice for Malamar. Not only are its hypnotic powers said to be the strongest of all Pokemon who possess them (yes, even the Pokemon deliberately named for it), but it has reportedly influenced historical events with them, and people don't often recall time spent under its control. This has been utilized by people, but for such a self-aware Pokemon (who often uses these abilities on its own for its own gain), it's up in the air whether or not it was the trainer's idea, or the Malamar's. Also, its pre-evolution is downright adorable. For something so calculating to come out of such a cute Pokemon is oddly fitting.
I also agree with Ren as Aegislash, or even Zacian, who requires its sword to achieve its true form and potential.
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fallershipping · 2 years ago
Felt inspired to write a lil bit of my headcanon for Anabel's ranking amongst trainers:
She's certainly not THE best, but amongst the best. Since her Battle Facility days, she's around a champion level. Which might sound rare, but champion ranked trainers can have all sorts of ranges that might make for great disparity between them all.
Cynthia is one of the strongest, while Honey (Mustard's wife) is somewhere in the middle, and several nameless NPCs that go into the Frontier/Facility challenges are on the lower/middle side.
I'd say Anabel is a mid/high-mid tier Champion level trainer. She reached that title in her Salon Maiden days, then fell and was hospitalized for some time. Her memories were scrambled, so she thought she would never bond with her Pokemon again.
Those fears were quickly disregarded. Being around her Pokemon during her healing allowed for some lost memories to clear up. Her bonds never disappeared-- ANABEL never truly disappeared... But she had to accept she was a new Anabel.
Her battle focus became more Interpol related rather than competitive for some time, but this led to her having a different perspective on her Pokemon. She suffered some losses, but she's not pressed on becoming the best-- only to study and study and study. She is analytical, and does have strategies depending on whether she is testing a recruit, in a mission, or in a full force tournament.
Anabel is also shown to be keeping up with the times and putting G-Max on her Snorlax or Z-Crystals on her beasts or Mega-Evolution on her powerhouses. I don't think she canonly has all of these... But at the very least I like to consider Mega-Latios, Z-Move Raikou, and G-Max Snorlax as canon. Hell, I love that Masters Anabel is a defensive/support Snorlax to synergize specifically with Looker's strategy while Snorlax has an offensive movepool when she's solo.
So Anabel isn't worse than who she was in Gen 3 but... Different. A little bit more experimental and introspective. She watches a battle carefully in her animations: arms crossed and snapping her fingers when she commands her Pokemon with grace.
I guess for me the first SUMO Anabel battle, even though her team was level 61 across the board, gave me trouble the first time I battled her. And I was like "FUCK POST GAME IS GONNA BE HARD IM GONNA DO SOMETHING ELSE FOR A WHILE" because I had to use Solgaleo to get her to stop beating my ass LOL. So if she was going a bit easy on me here... I can't imagine how she is in the Battle Tree.
She's the ONLY special character to be a 1/7 rarity. She barely appears compared to the others. I think for me, that's a sign Anabel still got it so many years later...
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saelrum · 11 months ago
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I'm in a heavy nostalgia trip after rewatching Pokémon XY special episodes again..... Gods I love this mini-series.
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tsmeweek · 1 year ago
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On 3 April 2014: Act I of the Strongest Mega Evolution (TSME), also known as the Mega Evolution Specials, aired in Japan and introduced us to the adventures of Alan, Manon/Mairin, Lizardon/Charizard and Hari-san/Chespie, beloved characters who defined the final arc of the Pokémon XY&Z anime. 3 April 2024 will mark the 10th anniversary of Act I! 10 years is a special number. In celebration, join in from 3 APRIL to 9 APRIL 2024 for a week dedicated to loving TSME, where art and writing in any form is welcome! The prompts will be released in January, leaving 2 months and a half for everyone to prepare something. The guidelines on how to participate will also be included. Visit and follow this blog to stay updated, and/or to check out information! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop an ask on this blog, or @potahun. Do you have prompts that you would like to see featured? Feel free to drop suggestions in the ask box!
See you for TSME Week!!
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duckbang · 11 months ago
In a school setting Alain would be that guy who always gets top marks and everyon's parents encourage them to be like him. Model student, an idol, always gets his work done on time and everything.
Not in a Gifted Child™ way. He's a hard worker and all that
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aki-346 · 1 year ago
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"I didn't know why you never came to look for me. But I walked over to you while you were asleep and hugged you and said: "Daddy. I missed you so much."" ... "I knew it was you." "When did you realize it was me?" "When you came over to hug me." -- TSME x Who's the Murderer? / MXDZT, Season 7 Episode 5: "Triumph in the Skies: Leap Over the Meridian"
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