#pokemon rentals
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agnerd-bot Ā· 9 months ago
Me Before Playing Scarlet: Alright I have four-fiveish team members planned but I have no idea how to finish my last few slots... Oh well, not like it'll be that hard. Usually I have the opposite problem!
Me Now Playing Scarlet: *has over a dozen Pokemon and is desperately trying to balance them all because I love them* Well, shit.
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chaserainbows Ā· 27 days ago
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Character Development Questions For Trainers
šŸ† - What is the greatest battle accomplishment your muse has achieved?
May's greatest achievement recognized by the league is, of course, defeating Wallace to become the current Hoenn Champion, but she actually had several other battle-related success stories. During her reign as the champion, she managed to defeat Steven in a friendly battle and challenge the Battle Frontier, ultimately defeating Anabel at the Battle Tower. She also fought several legendaries, but defining those battles by league standards is a little difficult.
For Sidney, being approved to join the Elite 4 is a really big accomplishment, as he had to prove that he could hold his own in battle against the reigning champion (Steven at the time). He's also a regular figure in international tournaments, frequently placing in the top ranks, and has challenged the Battle Frontier as well, having obtained 5 out of 7 gold symbols.
The main reason why he doesn't have a full set yet is because he has bad luck. He did beat the Battle Pike, though, because as a Dark trainer he's no stranger to making his own luck.
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ejbcya Ā· 1 year ago
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WHO: Anyone and everyone!
WHAT: Play the online versus ranked mode and match with other people in doubles or singles battles.
WHERE: In Galar (Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield).
WHEN: Every week on Saturday 1700-2000 UTC and Sunday 0000-0300 UTC (and a countdown link for the next fight night). Two 3-hour time slots listed to accommodate different timezones' saturday nights.
WHY: To populate the Pokemon Sword & Shield ranked ladder so more players have the opportunity to rank up. (and to potentially win a raffle for old event pokemon!)
@ SirToastyToes made a video outlining this event. But in short, this "Galar Fight Night" mainly serves as a way for the community to help others reach Master Rank in the versus mode. Upon reaching Master Rank, players have the ability to earn the "Rank Master Ribbon" for any future victory within that rank.
But having been released nearly 5 years ago and a majority of the player base moving to the more recent game's ranks (Scarlet & Violet), very few people remain playing Sword & Shield. And for avid pokemon ribbon collectors, the Rank Master Ribbon is neigh impossible to achieve for the 200+ pokemon unable to visit Scarlet & Violet.
So the Pokemon Ribboning Community has organized a weekly event where people are encouraged to play ranked matches regardless of their current tier. Build a party or borrow a team, I hope to see more people in the stadiums of Galar!
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kitschyliepard Ā· 10 months ago
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Sad to see the end of reg F; feel like I finally locked into this team!
Squeezed into top 4 at locals tonight for the second time, and this squad got me into Masterball tier on ladder for the first time in Scarlet/Violet (don't judge me, i rarely get more than 30 ladder matches in a month cuz life gets in the way šŸ˜­)
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sadboimusic69 Ā· 3 months ago
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Snow/double dragon VGC 2025 team
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quibbs126 Ā· 7 months ago
Iā€™m currently annoyed on how with both DPPt and PMD Explorers, I have a version of the game (I actually got two versions with Explorers because I didnā€™t realize they were basically the same game), but I am constantly made aware that there is a superior version of those games (Platinum and Sky respectively), and for both Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s considered the one you should just objectively play
But at the same time, because those games are so beloved and I didnā€™t know these facts at the time DS games were still being regularly sold, theyā€™re either ungodly expensive and/or I just have a hard time finding them
Like Iā€™m sorry I wasnā€™t aware at 8 or 9 years old that these games were the better ones and that I have the versions that are apparently considered crappy, at least by comparison
Thank god Heart Gold and Soul Silver didnā€™t get a Crystal remake too or Iā€™d be 3 for 3 on these Gen 4 games
ā€¦Okay Iā€™m probably getting a bit too heated up. This isnā€™t targeted at anyone, or to shame people who play those games, itā€™s just a personal thing that gets me, and always has with Sky in particular
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thesilvervicar Ā· 1 year ago
IEYTD PokƩmon Teams
Once again I am putting way too much thought into PokƩmon AUs and absolutely want to ramble about this more.
Agent Phoenix:
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The Handler:
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John Juniper:
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Dr. Roxana Prism:
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The Fabricator:
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Commander Solaris:
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(Not pictured: 45,731 more Combee)
Dr. Zor:
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prof-lemon Ā· 9 months ago
Urgh finally out of that forest. Dahlia's flying back to Azalea, she was a very helpful Farfetch'd.
Sorry for not saying much about Ilex, the reception was kind of crud in there. The two highlights were really the shrine I saw to the forest's protector, it was really beautiful. And a picnic by a little lake in the forest we all had.
I think I can see Goldenrod up ahead! Just in time, too, looks like the sun's about to set.
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satoshi-mochida Ā· 1 year ago
Some thoughts and details on my last Gamefly rental, Detective Pikachu Returns.
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Taking place two years after the first game, Tim Goodman, now in college, and Pikachu are continuing their detective work and still searching for Tim's missing father, Harry.
While at an event to start Pokemon Friendship Week in Ryme City, a Corviknight suddenly shows up to cause trouble. Initially thought to be under the influence of the chemical 'R' that drove Pokemon into a rage from two years ago, Pikachu notes it doesn't seem to be acting the same way those affected by it were.
It soon becomes clear after the first case that something else in going on behind the scenes and making the city's Pokemon act up.
Like in the first game, the main gameplay is having Tim talk to other people, having Pikachu talk to Pokemon, inspecting the areas for clues, and putting everything together to discover what really happened during each section of the game. If anyone has something new to say, they'll have a yellow speech bubble with an '!' above their head, otherwise, it'll be '...' .
There's a few parts where you'll need to press or mash A while Pikachu is doing something, like mashing A to climb up an Aloan Exeggutor's neck. These were in the first game, too.
New to this is Pikachu teaming up with some Pokemon to help investigations, such as having Luxray use it's x-ray vision to see through walls. These are fun changes to gameplay, though I wish there was more of it.
Also new is side cases called 'Local Concerns' not related to the main story that you can do. Characters who give side cases will have a blue speech bubble with an '!' instead of a yellow one. Some early ones are given automatically, but most have to be found by talking to people or Pokemon, depending on whether you're playing as Tim or Pikachu. After each chapter, Tim will get a newspaper delivered which will have more entries in it depending on the Local Concerns finished, showing some follow-up to them(and I think extra images are added to the credits, as well). Here's the full list of them to make sure you don't miss any.
At any time, you can press Left or Right on the D-Pad to have Pikachu give hints or give various comments, some being related to the current case(and some not, just being stuff like 'Detective Tips' and the like, which can be amusing). The latter can also be done when playing as just Pikachu at certain points, usually talking with whatever Pokemon is helping the investigation. If you like listening to these, check them often, as there'll be new ones based on the location, point in the story, etc.
There's a cute little reference to the Detective Pikachu movie early on, about how movies sometimes do their own thing, that was nice to see.
Since the first game released, we've had two new Pokemon generations, so new Pokemon appear in this game that weren't in the first game, though only up to Galar/Sword and Shield and previous generations.
There's a Story Jump option that appears in the main menu that'll let you jump to any point in the story. I played it all the way through without stopping, so I don't know if it appears before finishing the game or not.
The game is pretty easy, you still can't actually get any kind of Game Over, and is probably meant for younger players(maybe a bit too much at times, gameplay-wise), though I still enjoyed it. It's still charming to me, and I'm invested in the story and characters, and wanted to see where things continued from the previous game.
I wasn't going to get to this until later on, but after a really awful looking and titled video about it popped up on my feed, I decided to check the game out myself earlier, and it's nothing like the video's title suggested in my opinion. I'll admit there's some areas it could have been improved or ironed out, like some writing and investigation parts, but overall, it felt like a satisfying conclusion to the two games' story to me, with a possible small hint of more to come.
I think that if you enjoyed the previous game's story and gameplay, you'll probably like this one, as well. Maybe get it on a sale if the price is a bit too high right now(Black Friday is coming up, so maybe then?).
Next game being sent is: OPUS Collection. I may not get to it right away; I want to try and clear the backlog a bit.
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acetraineramelia Ā· 1 month ago
I was at a rental tournament yesterday. Pretty fun for the most part but why did they have a bunch like Patrat as potential rentals? I'm sure it doesn't enjoy being repeatedly knocked out by way stronger opponents.
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yoloyeahhh Ā· 11 months ago
pokemon has created hoards of tiny children running around yelling ā€œpikaā€ for generations and yet all i can think of is the eating disorder and eating rocks, please fix my head
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nocturnalsleuth Ā· 1 year ago
what's a guy got to do to trade a video game these days
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wevelocityteampresents-blog Ā· 1 year ago
Climb That Ladder!
Despite all the important things I had to do on Sunday, I was able to take part in the new Online Competition for PokƩmon Violet.
Unfortunately, my run was cut short. The reason is a little complicated. But let's just say my health wasn't doing so well that evening. By the time I felt well enough to play again, the tournament ended. It's not like it was a bad thing, though.
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Technically, this is probably the most successful tournament I've played in. I never even lost a single match. (Even though, I thought I'd be done for during the last one.)
Oddly enough, even though I only went through 2 matches, I still won a prize.
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What is with these League Points being used as rewards? In other games, you'd get a PokƩmon with special moves or a participation ribbon. I'm not joking when I say this is less than I make in a day.
Now that the competition is over, I won't be needing Kuresa in this version anymore. (For now, anyway.) Before I took her back to Brilliant Diamond version, I created my first (and probably only) rental team.
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It might not be allowed in Ranked Battles. But it'll at least put your opponents in their place.
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sadboimusic69 Ā· 5 months ago
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Cool Amarouge/Zoroark VGC 2025 team
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beheeyem-fan Ā· 2 years ago
why did no one tell me unova was going to be THIS humid? i think Valis (alo-ninetales) is getting mad at me and Nieste (polteageist) clinging to her, but the promise of Razz berries is keeping her tolerant.
At least Flora (lilligant) is okay with the heat, cause she has Chlorophyll.
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Does Anyone Know Where Will of the Elite 4 Lives?
Asking for a friend.
Wanna mail him some flowers.
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