#anyway i’m in line for a rental car and this tiny child is pretending to be pikachu
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yoloyeahhh · 11 months ago
pokemon has created hoards of tiny children running around yelling “pika” for generations and yet all i can think of is the eating disorder and eating rocks, please fix my head
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sandjob · 8 years ago
I thought my last dream was weird, what the fuck is going on? (8/7/17)
Dream journal part two: Electric Boogaloo
First of all, holy shit. Let’s see if I can piece all this together.
I had finished rendering/uploading my videos and was drowsy as fuck, so I decided to go back to sleep for some fucking reason.
I was talking to my friend M, and told her that I was sad because I could never meet K in my dreams. I really want to spend time with him properly, but I have trouble focusing enough to get into the astral. She told me that I should ask him to pull me into the astral while I’m dreaming next time. I had done this once before and it worked, so I decided to try again... It uh, ?? Not sure what happened here.
I cannot stop sleeping. Anyway, let’s see how much I can remember... This might be long.
Everything is weird and disjointed again in the first dream. Some sort of small cave that looks like it’s made of the same material as garbage bags, and a few holes that let sunlight stream in. Can’t remember much else, except that that was not the only place I found, and that I don’t think I directly met K.
Ah, wait. I ended up in Sophia’s rental cabin (?) which she had to rush out of to make room for the new tenants. It started off as Merk’s two roommates, which... For some reason, one of them, S, was acting extremely pissy? But it was never explained why. I was confused and upset about it because S is normally very nice! 
They were complaining and moving things around, “Why couldn’t you guys put them back where they BELONG?” they kept asking me. I shrugged many times during that conversation.
Family members showed up. Their family. I talked briefly with a few of them, but didn’t leave for some reason. I asked what they were all doing in town. A funeral, they said. “Family members” included a duck, a small horse, a goat and a sheep. In the fucking cabin.
I offered my hand to each animal respectively. For some reason they all interacted positively with me. Until I reached the sheep, who bit down on my hand. It didn’t hurt. I pulled my hand away carefully, so I wouldn’t upset it. It tried to headbutt me.
I stepped back away from the sheep, but it kept trying to headbutt/kick/bite me. I kept moving away from it calmly. Everyone else kept acting normally and ignored the sheep, until it kicked one man in the face trying to get to me. It was a pretty big sheep.
One of the family members said they were going to call “Goat” to see me out. They didn’t seem annoyed with me, they just thought I maybe needed help? It was weird. Goat showed up and calmed the sheep down, putting one arm around the sheep and one arm around me. He walked me out of the building with an arm over the shoulder. I didn’t look at his face until I got outside.
He seemed very friendly, and I immediately liked him. When we got outside and I was starting to walk away, I realized he was waving me off but I hadn’t taken time to look at his face. He didn’t want me to, but I saw it anyways. It was kind of grotesque, with one eye larger than the other, and kind of wrinkly or something. He had red hair. 
He kept apologizing about his face and I told him I wasn’t bothered by it, (but I can’t remember the words I used?) and that he looked fine. I tried smiling at him to let him know that he didn’t have to worry about me. It went well. 
At some point I woke up, seconds before my phone started to ring. My sister was calling to see if I wanted to do oil painting with her tonight. We agreed to do it later and she left to take a nap.
I fell back asleep and still don’t remember a lot. I was with my mother at some sort of... Museum/medieval reinactment place. There were big wooden facades with castles painted/carved into them. It was a mess. I remember not a lot, except that archery was going on in one of the buildings. I wanted to check the whole thing out and my mom agreed, but something was preventing us.
We ran into a man in the weirdly central parking lot, who was hanging off a light pole. He told us that something was going on (can’t remember what) and that the museum was under siege?
I was in a room with some other people. Another guy with red hair, shoulder length, was clothed laying in the bed with two mostly naked people. I don’t think they were having sex, but it still felt a bit weird. I was standing a few feet away from the bed, looking towards the door. I spoke briefly to the red haired guy (I don’t remember about what) and started walking to the door. I ended up in some sort of tiny closet partially in the wall and under the floor. I was ok with being in there for some reason? One of the people in the bed was slightly green tinted, but alive, and wearing something strappy.
I’m with my mom again, and we are on some sort of road trip. We are at a gas station. I have a second younger brother, and he has a dark brown mohawk and a shit attitude. My mother had just bought us pjs. He wore dinosaur pjs (what is with my brain and dinosaur pjs?) which were white and dark green with T rexs on them. I for some reason picked out a teal blue flannel nightgown. Still trying to figure that one out.
My mom bought me a cheese burger. As we were checking out, I looked at the beer cooler, and I looked at the... novelty fish tanks. Containing miniature sharks and other cool creatures, underwater hermit crabs and things like that. Some of them were marked as “used: 32.00$$” like used cars at a car lot or something, in that fluorescent yellow or pink paint.
My younger brother demanded that mom buy him something, a toy I think? I told him not to be rude. My mom yelled at me for being “an ass” to my little brother. Somehow the subject turned into me being abused as a child, but him being spoiled. She said something about him learning on his own. I tried to push the issue to clarify that I was not blaming the abuse on her, but she wouldn’t listen. It wasn’t my idea to talk about that.
A woman behind us in line was buying several puppies “on a sale” and for some reason we looked at her with distaste. My little brother was polite to the gas station attendant.
We walked through a store of doll clothes. I asked my mom if I could stop and look for BJD sized clothes, and she said yes. I didn’t look for BJD sized clothes for some reason. I ended up following my mom instead. She was still mad about earlier. I continued to try and reason with her. She kept bringing it back to the abuse subject, even after I tried to drop it. It keeps happening. This happens a bit in real life, too...
We walk to a large closet door and my mom opens it, revealing a hot spring/bath. We go in, and she goes into a secondary closet like door which contains a shower. We all got in the bath with our clothes on. I began eating my cheese burger, but the ketchup wore through my left hand and made a hole. I looked at it in confusion and washed it off in the water. The hole was gone.
I managed to calm my mom down and explain that I hadn’t been blaming her for the abuse shit. She started to relax again.
I walked over to my little brother, who was liberally squeezing toothpaste onto a toothbrush with his back turned. I held out my hand and asked if I could have some soap. He squeezed a fuckload of toothpaste into my hand, and turned back around casually. I decided to just deal with it, and pretended I was going to wash myself (still wearing my nightgown?) with the toothpaste, making sure my mom saw so I could make her laugh.
The toothpaste wore through my hand. It was a big hole, most of the palm. I flipped my hand over and looked at the back, laughing. I folded my thumb in, and stuck up my pinky and forefinger, which for some reason looked hilarious and made my laugh. When my mom asked what I was doing, I held up my hand with a hole in it and said “Haha, look!! Toothpaste stigmata!” 
My mom looked a bit shocked, but I said “It’s ok, I’m just being dramatic, it doesn’t hurt now, but I bet it’ll sting a fuck ton when I put it in the water” I started laughing.
I woke up and rolled over to pet Krieg. My sister called right then, saying she was ready to come get me for oil painting.
Everything is fucking weird.
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