#pokemon new region legendary
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pokemonlunarregion · 1 year ago
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Pokemon Lunar legendary.
How to evolve: No Evolution.
No shiny version as it is shiny locked.
Region: A region of eternal night as scientists created plants that could grow in moonlight, though there is some places that try to create artificial lights for the plants that couldn't grow in the moonlight. The moon still changing to different fullness percents with times there is no moon visible.
Region name: Lunar region.
Type: Dragon Dark.
Pokemon species name: The serpent dragon.
Ability: Magic guard.
Description: This Pokémon is only known by a few select people in the entire region. It has strong magical abilities that it can use outside of battles. It was once known to the public however overtime its existence was covered up to most people. It became only a vague memory at best to some. It is an ancient Pokémon that a long time ago put certain Pokémon to sleep; Only to be awoken when this Pokémon uses its magic to allow this to happen. The reason for it putting these Pokémon to sleep is mostly agreed to be to allow it to show it's better than them, though some insist it is aware it will one day be defeated and stored those Pokémon away as a last resort defence. It is able to turn invisible by darting through a cloud in the sky, however this is only a temporary thing as it cannot be invisible for more than two minutes. It can use its long tail to wrap its victims up, and will usually use its tail to wrap up a victim before kidnapping them though this rarely happens.
Lore: This Pokémon is said to have slept for one thousand years until it was awakened by a persons Pokémon magic. It is believed to be a vengeful Pokémon believed that it will destroy the world if not stopped. Its power was greatly feared by the masses, and still is to those who know of its existence. It is said in ancient legends that if this Pokémon were to awaken from its slumber then a hero will rise to stop its rampage; and this hero will be able to get it to break the spell of eternal night making night and day cycles again. That person will be declared the highest standing hero of the region. Though this hero must beware as it is said that this Pokémon will be able to sense if someone is the hero, and it may use its magic to do what it deems needed to stop its defeat. In some ancient tales it's said that it can roar in a way that it can be heard across the land, and thus was deemed to be an omen that the end of the world is to come.
Signature moves:
One it has when encountered:
Moon blast: A full moon appears between the Pokémon's horns and with the power of the moon sends a beam at its opponent. Only able to hit one opponent.
Special move.
Move type: Dragon.
Attack power: 70.
PP: 10.
Accuracy: 100.
One it gets at level 90:
Star fall: Stars are summoned around the Pokémon and launched at an opponent like meteors. Able to hit multiple opponents at once.
Special move.
Move type: Dragon.
Attack power: 90.
PP: 10.
Accuracy: 100.
Stats: At level 70 when encountered.
Hp: 165.
Attack stat: 180.
Defence stat: 150.
Speed stat: 120.
Special Defence stat: 145.
Special Attack stat: 174.
Stats: At level 100. Dependent on how it is trained/raised.
Hp: Min: 325. Max: 415.
Attack stat: Min: 280. Max: 480.
Defence stat: Min: 268. Max: 350.
Speed stat: Min: 245. Max: 365.
Special Defence stat: Min: 250. Max: 350.
Special Attack stat: Min: 280. Max: 480.
Design inspiration: Mega Absol, Dragonair, Pokemon fusions, dragons, and imagining how royal dragons would lay to look down upon their subjects, with a slight change so the pokemon is looking to its wings instead of just holding its head up high.
Lunar region is a region that I have thought about making. I will be making more Pokémon and variants for this region.
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al-mayriti · 5 months ago
btw after four years i finally finished all data from my iberian-inspired fakemon region. if you even care
#i might start ybraposting again soon who knows#i also have this crave to do pixel art and actually make maps and try to make this a game but i dunno how much this crave will last tbh#i made pixelart back in the day when i was in deviantart so. it's been a while#idk let's see what happens#anyways now that i have the final product#i can say. my fake region is ybra#where pokémon rose and carnation take place (very funny that they are named after the two last canon professors)#yes i know clavell isn't a professor but you know what i mean#i believe i started working on this during gen vii so. lol#anyways. we have ybra as the main region#BUT#there will be three dlcs after you complete the main story#yes three!!! honestly there were only two until i realized i left out a big part of iberia in my original plan for ybra for some reason#and these past days i've been making a region inspired by the kitakami dlc hehe#anyways onto the three dlcs. they are.#1) the glory of ossana. this takes you to ossana. based on southern france aka occitania aka whatever is between kalos and ybra#you have 5 gyms to beat here all thematic (for example there's one specialized on starters and the last one is specialized on legendaries)#of course being next to kalos there'll be references to it. the pokedex has pokemon both from ybra and kalos. and you'll get a new rival#for this region: serena - champion of kalos#also after beating the gym leaders you might get to battle a certain giant man that's 3000+ years old#2) the islands of the muses. this wouldn't make sense if you don't know the main story of the games. but basically throughout the game#you encounter these girls call the muses that protect the access to this dangerous evil pokemon#well. in this dlc you'll visit the homeland#based on the canary islands. each muse has an island associated to them (kinda. cause there's 7 islands)#there's also a mythical pokemon encountered in each territory of the muse and a mini storyline dedicated to it#also these islands are open world!!! and each island has its own pokedex#after beating all the muses and completing all their quests you'll be able to fight mnemosyne their mother and (spoiler) previous champion#3) (the new one!!!!) mysteries of lurmamua. you'll travel to this secluded land called lurmamua based on euskal herria when these mysteries#have been happening just as the region is preparing for an international film festival that is sure to attract tons of celebrities#from all over the world!!!
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dogboots · 7 months ago
haha nooooo pokemon you don't want to fill your roster entirely with jokemon and things that only exist for a gimmick that won't exist next game and recolors of old pokemon noooooo you don't want to do that!!!!!
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artblooger19moon · 1 year ago
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Pokémon Books that I have read
Pokémon Junior Raichu Show Off Sarah E. Heller
Pokémon Junior Two of a Kind Sarah E. Heller
Pokémon Junior The Wobbuffet Village Sarah E. Heller
Pokémon Junior Nidoran’s New Friend Gregg Sacon
Legendary Pokémon The Essential Guide Sinnoh Edition Katherine Fang
How to draw Pokémon Featuring Sinnoh Characters Maria B. Alfano
Pokémon Essential Handbook Gabrielle Lord
Pokémon X & Pokémon Y The Official Kalos Region Guidebook
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jadeazora · 2 months ago
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PLZA Wishlist/Hopes, gonna divvy it up between both, past, and present/future:
Obtainable AZ's Floette
At least one new Zygarde forme. Imagine if it could go beyond Complete.
An underground area based on the catacombs (doesn't have to be mass grave tho)
Hostile rogue Megas being our rampaging Noble equivalent
Bring over (at least most of) the ORAS Megas
More Kalosian Megas, or potentially re-introducing Battle Bond as a "pure variant" of it (especially since Mega Evolution was mentioned to have terrible effects on the Pokemon.)
Yveltal being a threat to the city at large at some point, with a team-up with Xerneas to corral it.
AZ getting more story importance.
Letter "A" Legendary Pokemon, perhaps based on one of the Kalos League statues?
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Malva, Sycamore, Lysandre, and Diantha ancestors (I feel like Sycamore or Malva's ancestor has the highest probability of being our main villain)
I feel like it's more likely to get his Floette here? It's gonna be a hundred and something years till it returns to him, we can look after it in the meantime!
Old starters getting new regional forms a la PLA
Going more into depth about the discovery and origins of Mega Evolution.
More lore on the war from 3000 years ago.
Set maybe a couple decades after XY at most rather than the far future. (Descendants would be cool, but I'm more interested in the characters we actually know tbh.)
Sina and Dexio sharing a joint professor role since they give you the Zygarde Cube in the Alola games. They could potentially carry on that research.
Vastly expands outside of the Lumiose we had in XY, further into Kalos. (I always wanted to explore the ruins of the Ultimate Weapon.)
Villain Sycamore or Malva. Or both. Like I said when I brought this up before, I don't think Sycamore would be evil, just misguided and let his guilt get the better of him. Malva is still more of a villain, and we need more lady main villains in this series. It's only really been Lusamine and Sada (if you played Scarlet), but this girl had hella potential in XY, and it's always been super frustrating to me that she got so little screentime.
The Flare scientist girls too! The only one of them that really got any slight fleshing out was Xerosic.
Diantha gets more story importance. She's another character who got majorly shafted in XY and deserves another chance!
Kalos starters with new Megas, secondary Kanto or Hoenn starters.
Potentially canonize Lysandre's survival from Masters here. It would be neat to see him get stuck with the same immortality curse AZ has, condemning him to live in and adapt to the world he lost faith in.
What are some of the things you all want to see? 😄
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kafus · 1 year ago
over the weekend at the knoxville regional pokemon championships, i met up with a longtime internet friend in person for the first time, and he traded me a very special pokemon - a unique celebi that takes a bit of context to explain the significance of
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from november 2001 to january 2005, the building that is now a nintendo world store in new york city was actually an american pokemon center, which hosted the "Gotta Catch ‘Em All!" station, a large machine that you could pop your gold/silver/crystal cartridge into (or later ruby/sapphire/firered/leafgreen, but that's not relevant here) and get a special distribution pokemon unique to the store. often times these were normal pokemon in eggs with special moves they couldn't usually learn, but other times they ran distributions for shiny legendaries, and of course, the mythical celebi.
there's very few pictures of the machine and all of them are pretty low quality, but you can see an iteration of it here during the gen 3 era:
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when PCNY (pokemon center new york) shut down, the machine and its contents were presumed lost forever, but due to the preservation efforts and the good luck of a few individuals, some of the distributions have been preserved, as well as parts of the machine and its software. this is extra incredible because almost all gen 2 save files from the time the machine was actually functional are long since wiped due to the battery inside dying, meaning that very very few of the gen 2 event pokemon distributed from this machine at the time still exist. i won't go super in detail on that in this post but you can read an article about all of that here (julie, the person who runs this historical PCNY fansite is incredibly passionate and if you want to know anything about the PCNY store i absolutely recommend reading her writing!)
so, one day when i was rambling to my friend (his name is Venty!) about my fascination with the PCNY machine, and how i wish i had been born early enough to experience that, as well as wishing that i could have traded with anyone in gens 1-3 as a child but never got to due to isolation, venty told me that he's actually friends with a guy (Professor Rex) who knows the guy who owns the remnants of the PCNY machine (Gridelin), and he would love to reach out and ask if there's any way rex could distribute a celebi to himself and trade it to him sometime so that eventually when me and venty met in person one day, he'd be able to trade the celebi to me.
i pretty much burst into tears and very passionately explained how much that would mean to me - not just because owning a celebi actually distributed from the historical PCNY distribution station is just... insanely cool, but because like i said, i had never traded anyone in the old internet-less generations of pokemon, and having that be my first was just... a monumental thought. i am deeply fascinated with old gen event distributions because of the tactile, interpersonal nature of them, in direct contrast with my isolation and loneliness as a child. it might sound silly to be so worked up over a collection of bytes/pixels, but i really couldn't believe venty would offer me something so kind. and not only did he offer to ask - rex said yes!!
so on may 21st last year (2023) rex traveled out and distributed the celebi to his pokemon silver cartridge. specifically, the celebi is from the "Celebi Present Campaign" which ran from the 22nd of november 2002 to the 28th of november 2002. the display on the monitor is the same video that would have appeared on the screen in the PCNY store, but flipped sideways here haha. (the gen 2 distributions were special and had custom animations for the legendaries and stuff, which you can watch here in full quality on gridelin's channel - there's videos of the other distribution animations on his channel, too!)
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and then months later, during the weekend of august 11th 2023, rex and venty met up at the pokemon world championship in japan and rex traded the celebi to venty's gold cartridge...
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...then, finally, just this past weekend, on sunday (february 4th 2024) venty and i finally met in real life for the first time at the knoxville TN regional pokemon championships, and with link cable in hand the celebi finally made its way to me in my hotel room, after crossing the ocean twice and passing through canada to the US to japan and back to the US...!!
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gen 2 pokemon data isn't very complicated, but you can tell that my celebi is unique from the other PCNY celebis dumped online (here and here if you'd like to play with some of these historical pokemon yourself) because it has the trainer ID of 00204 which none of the publicly available celebis have - though of course to me, regardless of what becomes publicly available in the future (and i hope one day the common layperson can simply emulate the PCNY machine, video game preservation >>> unique collections always) this celebi will always be special and unique because of how it got to me, and because it represents my friendship with venty who i care so much about. it was an extremely kind gesture i will never forget and i can't believe how much traveling and how many people were involved with getting this tiny bundle of bytes and pixels to me. i hugged venty after the trade was done haha
oh, and by the way, don't worry, i have the hardware to back up my gen 2 save files so this celebi will never die even after my crystal cartridge battery eventually dies once more!! (also, while i don't think it would be an issue i do want to say please don't bother any of the people mentioned in this post...! gridelin & co are working on making the distribution machine in question available for anyone to use, it'll come out whenever it's out and for now there are dumps of the events that were recovered. i would not want them to receive any annoying requests for pokemon because of me. thank you!)
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tinygenderfluid · 11 months ago
You know what's kinda insane to me?
The fact that Ash Ketchum isn't famous in the pokemon universe, like in-universe.
You mean to tell me that a ten-year-old going region to region, meeting multiple legendaries and solving insane problems with his recognizable as fuck pikachu isn't atleast twitter famous? Not even considered a cryptic that when people say that they met him, he beat their asses in a pokebattle, then continued to also beat a legendary/an evil league/team rocket, that people online don't go: "oooh another region/world wide incident that can go on the conspiracy board, time to put new red threads between this major world-impscting event and the fact that this kid might me god."
I mean, he atleast should be famous in Kalos from the jumping-off-the-Prism-tower-fiasco alone but he also sorta stopped an artificial apocalypse set up by an evil pokemon league using an unidentified legendary and a previously long lost mega-evolution form from a starter pokemon. (It's been a while since I watched the anime, don't get on my ass).
I mean, pokemon champions are kind of considered famous because people recognise them in-universe right? Shouldn't someone online have recognised him from hanging out with so many champions alone? You mean to tell me that if some random ten-year old started showing up in news articles with famous people even if he was just in the background, no one in the entire world would make a reddit post saying 'hey look at this funny coincidence, this kid has been spotted with 5 champions or something' ????????
Buzzfeed unsolved episodes have been made about less.
I get it that he wouldn't become well known from the mewtwo incident - because mewtwo erased the memories of everyone involved if I remember correctly - but you mean to tell me no one remembered him from the three legendary kanto birds and Lugia (saved the world), Entei, Celebi, Latio and Latias and literally every other movie? Sure, say those aren't cannon. WHAT ABOUT THE TIME HE LITERALLY GOT KIDNAPPED BY A THOUGHT TO BE EXTINCT POKEMON IN THE FIRST SEASON?? THAT DINO-ASS FLYING POKEMON THAT FORCED CHARMELEON TO EVOLVE INTO CHARIZARD SO THEY COULD FIGHT IT? HE'S NOT ATLEAST INFAMOUS IN KANTO FOR THAT??
Also you can't tell me that there are a lot of ten-year old who fight in multiple major pokemon leagues in contention for the title of regional pokemon champion.
There has to atleast be one autistic 5-year old and their mother in the pokemon world who know all about Ash Ketchum because his adventures are low-key insane.
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4ster-bl4ster · 9 months ago
❤️ • If you could try any food from another region, what would it be? What's your favorite food from your home region?
🧡 • You meet Jirachi and it gives you three wishes, what do you wish for? (Only stipulations are no wishing for infinite wishes, the ability to wish for infinite wishes, no killing, and no ressurection.)
💛 • You get one billion pokedollars! What do you do with them?
💚 • If you could have any pokémon typing/type combo what type(s) would you be? (Bonus: If you could use four moves as well which ones would you pick?)
💙 • Do you have a memory that you'll cherish forever? What is it?
💜 • If you could become the 'chosen' of any Legendary or Mythical Pokemon which one would you choose and why? (If you are already a chosen, how did you meet your patron legendary?)
💗 • If Dialga gave you the ability to go back in time and change one thing in your life, what would it be?
🤍 • What alignment would you say you are? (Lawful good, chaotic neutral, etc)
🖤 • Do you hold a grudge against someone? If so, what for?
💔 • If you could erase any one memory that you've ever had, would you? If so what memory would it be?
// Remember to send an ask to who you reblog from!! :] //
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casteliacityramen · 26 days ago
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Jack is hit with every type of exhaustion under the sun: the food coma has set in, Rio's healing has replaced his sharp pain with dull aches, and his horrendous sleep schedule has finally caught up to him. He's only three, painless breaths in before his eyelids slam shut.
One last thought occurs to him before he drifts into unconsciousness:
'Since when could a rockruff learn heal pulse?'
"There's another Reshiram," Ray telepathically groans as he leans forward on the counter. She looks back at him to see him staring off into the distance, taking in her account of what she saw in Sinnoh that night.
"I know how much you don't like surprises, so I wanted to give you a warning."
"It's good to know that our encounters so far have been friendly, but if any troublesome legendaries show up, there's going to be issues." Ray slowly says as he shakes his head, making adjustments to the menu. He's not subtle about which legendary he's most concerned about.
Rio reflects on the brief connections she's made. She might be leading some of the aforementioned "troublesome legendaries" to this stand, if her memory is still serving her correctly. She decides to keep that bit to herself.
"The Hoopa report mentioned that we might be dealing with Pokemon and humans across different timelines, different origins, and different rules. So far, we've seen a Mew, a Kyurem, a fox spirit, and a subordinate of death, itself," Rio says.
"Let's hope that this day is stranger than the others," Ray says, already exhausted when thinking about all of the potential new, strange customers.
Luckily, the two of them are in Castelia City--a good portion of the residents work for the movie industry. If any strange people hang around, they can be brushed off as someone in costume, at the very least.
Rio furrows her brow,"What if we're faced with someone who can do serious harm? What are we supposed to do about it? We're still on probation. We can't take any action against active threats unless we want to get into more trouble with the triumvirate. But... if I'm remembering correctly, Unova is one of the most affected regions."
"Supposedly, there's a team of Oathkeepers dealing with this, but the only other Oathkeeper in Unova is our Warden." Ray shakes his head, stopping to think deeply. "Even if we're on probation, the Order has no reason to hide any operations in Unova from us. It's our territory."
Rio slowly turns to him, realization slowly spreading across her face and dread flashing in her eyes.
"When was the report filed?"
"Six months ago-" Ray stops. Six months ago. One day before Rio was released from her metaphorical prison. He was so preoccupied with her return under his supervision that he never put two and two together. He sighs heavily, his tongue scarf hiding a deep frown.
"This isn't just probation. It's also a reassignment." Rio's telepathic voice is so quiet that it's practically a whisper.
Rio is the best overall combatant in the Order. It'd make sense for the higher-ups to take her out of her metaphorical prison to act as a gatekeeper for any extra-dimensional threats. Ray's under the same category. He follows Rio shortly behind in terms of fighting prowess.
Between the three of them; Ray, Rio, and the Warden; they fulfill a standardized team size of three Oathkeepers per task force. It's starting to make sense as to why Rio hasn't gotten into immediate trouble with the way she acted with Kon.
The Order doesn't trust them enough to hand out official orders. If they break their oath again in dealing with an other-worldly threat, the Triumvirate get another reason to put them back on ice.
Ray feels a pang of hurt spread across his chest. Is this how they view them now? Shepherds turned into sacrificial lambs?
Judging by her offended silence and the sad interest she's taken to looking at the ground, he sees that Rio is thinking the same. She lets out a bitter laugh at her current disguise--fitting for someone who's being treated as a glorified guard dog. Ray lets out a soft sigh, making a sympathetic face at her.
"For what it's worth, I still think you're ready to be out here."
Rio's gut reaction is to quickly lash out at Ray spotlighting her hurt feelings, but whatever retort she readied got stuck in her metaphorical throat.
"What if I'm not?"
"You are," Ray responds immediately, confidently. From Rio's perspective, it hasn't even been a year between her time in war and out of it. Yet, he remembers when he was in the same position she's in now. If he got better, she definitely can.
"We've both had a long day," Ray says gently, "Thanks to your and Ayumi's efforts, I don't have to stay open for long for tonight. We both deserve some rest."
"I'm getting a head start," Rio says. She gives Jack one last look-over before she rests her head on her paws and closes her eyes.
Ray gives her a sharp exhale as a laugh. As long as she's curled up on that stool, he knows that she's never really at rest. A glorified guard dog, indeed.
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((The Inbox is open for three to five orders! Everybody is available for questions, even Jack. If you ask Ray and Rio about any dealings with the Order, they will brush you off.))
|| Previous Post || Ask || The Story So Far ||
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lightofunova · 2 months ago
The cityscape spanned across the entirety of her vision, proud buildings in steely greys and muted blues rising to meet the day. Reshi watched as neon lights shone brightly despite the harsh sunlight dulling their glow. Each tile was separated by these lights and it enamored her the brilliant hue they glowed.
She truly felt as if she was in a brand new world, spinning in awe. Proceeding theough the town, she realized how similar the layout was to the Opelucid she knew. It was almost as if it was an edited memory…
And yet the more she looked…
“We’re here based on reports our leiges have recieved, remember?” A voice echoed in her mind. “Well it’s nice to spend some time together away from the castle!” Her own voice had responded.
“Stay vigiliant.” He had reminded her, firm, yet not rude.
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How long had it been again…?
Right. 3000 years. It felt longer each time she thought of it.
Did she truly-?
“My Lady?” A hand clasped her shoulder pulling Reshi from her thoughts. “Are…Are you alright? You seemed to be staring off for awhile.”
“Mm. Just reminiscing.” She replied. “Ah, the change is rather drastic from what you are used to. It is quite a marvel though.” His gaze admired the city, her own following suit.
“Please! Listen to what we have to say!!” A voice interrupted the two, catching their attention at a crowd formed around an odd group. White uniforms with a stark emblem.
“What are they doing here.” Tornadus growled. Reshi moved closer, eyes focused on the man speaking towards the crowd.
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“Our lord N has combined his power with the legendary god of old and intends to create a new world with his aid! We herald the return of the hero of Unova, founder of this region. Pokémon are different from people. They are living beings who contain unknown potential. They are living beings from whom we humans have much to learn. They are beings whose greatness we should acknowledge! Beings who should be freed from our oppression! Think of the harm you are inflicting upon your beloved pokemon on a daily basis! The battles we force them through for our own entertainment, the food we feed them! Are we truly caring for them and giving them the best life possible?! Or are we demeaning them into mere pets!”
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The man’s eyes caught hers, and he gave her a warm smile, a waver to her steeled resolve. Something wasn’t right.
His passion and conviction…his words were fervent, and yet something inside them felt hollow. Just who was this man?!
"We, Team Plasma, invite you to join us! We all want to create a new world where people and Pokémon are both free! Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you now... Please, release your Pokémon. And so I end my plea to you today. Thank you one and all for your attention."
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fallershipping · 13 days ago
What else do you hope to see in Pokémon Legends Z-A? Story or otherwise?
Hoping they bring back Diancie bc with mega evo’s return(FINALLY) and Kalos’ return I think it’d be cool for it to come back with its mega too.
A way to get the SHINY legendary XY Pokemon but you already fucking know it won't be the case.
A decent story about environmentalism that doesn't get muddied by Quasartico being completely evil as a plot twist. Some kind of way to see Lumiose city "level up" which means rarer and stronger Pokemon will start appearing. I don't think we'll be customizing a room because we're in a hotel, sadly! (Unless somehow AZ's hotel gets fancier the more quests you do for him... Which Celeste might not like and honestly I like his patchwork style more...)
Emma. Emma and mostly Emma with a new assistant(s) that works for her. I don't want Looker to appear if he will take the reigns and also if he doesn't bring Anabel or make a mention of her. I want Emma to THRIVE. I want to do missions for Emma. Emma is the most I'm excited for because she seems like her own little plot line. I am SO excited to see her be an independent character AND possibly be a mentor to someone else. (Also my pipe dream is more one on one Anabel and Emma moments BUT that might be in the future for masters!... but that is my biggest dream)
Uh... ALSO if Quasartico's name has something to do with Quasar... Ray-Quasar, if you will? I wonder if ORAS Megas will be back, and yeah sure I want to see new megas bUUUUUT I WANNA SEE MORE REGIONALS SO MUCH MORE.
Edit: AND KALOSIAN MEGANIUM (please dont be a mega!)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 months ago
Hello, I was wondering if it's okay if I ask of this request?
Reader x Necrozma, Platonic or friendship like (you can change somethings if you want)
Reader, as sort of like ancient or historical figure, who befriended/bonded Necrozma. Known as Sort of like a guardian(or other) and has a weak body (or eyes) conditions. Reader's personality are pure-hearted/minded, creative, and pacifist (or as One Piece Otohime's personality )
((Y/N) can have a Team and you can change it if you want; Team: Primarina, Dusk Lycanroc, Umbreon, Espeon, Minior, Zoroark)
In ancient Alola Times, when the Light Trio (Solgaleo, Lunala, & Necrozma), and Necrozma (In his ultra/original/true form) are once a peaceful creatures that spread light throughout the universe in order to give life to planets. And the time people (and pokemon) worship these trio
At that time, the Light Trio met Reader and the guardian deities, at first, Guardian Deities and Light Trio were distrust and about to fight each other but Reader wouldn't allow it and compromise w/ them, then Necrozma and Reader, they bonded and trusted each other and became partners and friends, so does w/ others, they do enjoy each others company, whether their in training, helping, caring, etc.
Necrozma and Reader has a closest bond, as they enjoy each others company, whether Necrozma taking Reader to the sky to sightseeing, or Reader doing dance moves (similar to z-moves) or sculpting/crafting on the Stones/Crystals as Necrozma watching curiously at Reader doings, and vice versa
People of the Alola, know or aware of Reader and her befriended/bonded with any pokemon including the Legendary pokemon and they won't do anything harmful happens to Reader…
Until the ancient residents of Ultra Megalopolis, they take Reader as Hostage, managed to restrain Necrozma, imprisoning Them within the Megalo Tower, using Necrozma's light as a source of power…
When Reader finally escapes & tries to saved/rescued the confirmed, harmed, Necrozma, she got hurt in the process (eX she's alive but she got blind), which Necrozma had witness the scene & go berserk, resulting in its desire to drain all light from the universe to regain all of the light that it had lost And it rescue Rescue reader and escape as Necrozma find a safe place for Reader
At one time in the past, Necrozma arrived at the Pokémon planet in the Alola region, where it puts Reader to a safe area, and guardian deities saw Necrozma and Reader, they thought Necrozma hurt Reader, and they attacked it but Necrozma defeated the guardian deities, but Solgaleo & Lunala managed to defeat it and banish it back into Ultra Space. Before Necrozma's banishment, it left its 'last' message to them (like; 'take care of Reader' or other).
After Reader recovered (but she got blind) & find out what happened to Necrozma, Reader cries & promise to train, explore, and plan that someday she find & help Necrozma…
While goes on her (new) lifestyles, Reader found the fragments of Necrozma, decided to use these to create something, Z- crystals, rings, & moves, and with the help of the pokemon including the Legendary and also the Alolan people, to experiments and learns how to use it (also you can add that she's the one who gave these to the Totem pokemon, Kahunas, & others). Making Reader unknowingly became the originator/creator of Z-crystals, watches, moves
-It happened so long ago, now that you look back on it, your body old and frail now, as your Bewear napped behind you, snoring softly. You looked up, despite not being able to see, feeling the warm sunshine on your face as you longed to see one of your oldest friends once again.
-When you were a child, you had been out exploring with your Stufful and happened across a massive temple, one that was home to Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma, the Light Trio.
-Inside you saw the Light Trio arguing with the Guardian Deities of Alola, like they were fighting about something, and being the peaceful person you were, you ran into the fray, holding up your little hands, “Don’t fight!”
-Everything froze, seeing you there, their large eyes blinking in confusion before they quickly calmed down, trying to figure out how you got to the temple as Stufful ran up to you, hiding behind your legs, peeking out.
-It was strange, seeing this young child amongst the strongest Pokemon in Alola, but they were all gentle with you, making sure you were safe as you wanted to befriend all of them.
-It was several years afterwards when something terrible happened, after you had been dubbed the priestess of the Light Trio, as you befriended them and they all trusted you, when unknown individuals from Ultra Megalopolis attacked, wanting Necrozma for their own needs.
-However, to get Necrozma, they had to take you first, knowing that you were the one who was the closest to Necrozma, knowing to keep you safe, the massive Pokemon would go without a fight.
-You fought back, telling Necrozma to fight, as you didn’t want to see your friend used in such a way, being turned into a power source to light this Megalopolis but he refused, not willing to put you at risk.
-You weren’t treated badly, as they kept you comfortable to keep Necrozma in check, but that didn’t mean that you were going to cooperate and you fought- you did your best to escape, to rescue your friend from this fate.
-After careful planning and some hard work, you were finally able to do it, escaping your captors and rushing to Megalo Tower where you saw your friend in such a state. You tried to free him, but that’s when you were attacked, being hit from behind, robbing you of your sight.
-Seeing this, Necrozma’s powers went berserk, and he attacked, fueled by his rage to rob the light from the universe to regain what he had lost to save you.
-He brought you home, not caring about his safety, he only cared about you and getting you away from these evil people who hurt you.
-When Lunala, Solgaleo and the Deities saw you and Necrozma after being missing for weeks now, you now blinded and hurt, they all immediately turned on Necrozma, thinking he had been the one to do it.
-He didn’t fight back, knowing they wouldn’t listen, and instead just told them to keep you safe, not wanting to see you hurt any longer, and he fled to Ultra Space, unable to be with you any longer, not willing to risk your safety again.
-When you awoke, no longer being able to see, you called out for Necrozma, but when the others told you, via telepathy, that they chased the one who hurt you away, you broke down, crying harshly, yelling at them that Necrozma was the one who saved you- telling them of the kidnappers and what they did to Necrozma, and that they were the ones who attacked you!
-You were furious, your heart broken that they immediately thought that he hurt you, something they still regretted to this day, not that you are old and grey.
-You forgave them, but you longed to have your friend back, wanting him back by your side. You missed him watching as you danced or tried your hands at different crafts, you missed watching him perform powerful attacks to impress you with- you missed Necrozma.
-That’s why you spent your life doing what you could, despite having no eyes, to train yourself, teaching yourself how to do things again.
-You created the Z-Crystals from the fragments you could find of your friend, used your dancing to create the moves to power the crystals, and created the powerful moves alongside the guardians, teaching the Alola people of their power.
-You never stopped looking for your friend, wanting him back in your life again.
-There were times when you could feel his presence, like he was watching over you, even after all these years.
-You sighed softly, closing your eyes as the sea air blew in, comforting you in a way, as you prayed that Necrozma would wait for you when your time finally came, and then you could be together forever, friends for life and death.
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masa-yoshi-dan · 4 months ago
Ensemble Stars!! x Pokemon || Cosmic Production
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Starmaker Production || Masterlist || Rhytm Link || New Dimension || Others
Nagisa: Absol (mega). Grimsnarl. Togepi. Gigalith. Carbink. Archen. Hiyori: Absol. Hattene. Togetic. Sprigatito (shiny). Lillipup Ibara: Absol. Morgrem. Arbok. Gimmighoul. Jun: Absol. Hatterm. Mightyena
Eden has a dark and elegant style so I was searching among dark types. I was choosing between Absol and Liepard. Absol is dark type but more majestic (and should be psychic or get fairy type), and Liepard has a similar color-palette with Eden (dark color with yellow). I decided on Absol. I thinks, it fits more.
For Adam and Eve I was trying to find gender-based forms or evolution but none of them looked fitting for them. So I went with Grimsnarl and Hatterm which were made as counterparts for each other.
Togepi is left after Fine. Togepi did not evolve during fine, Nagisa just thinks it’s cute like that (Ibara goes not think it's cute, it runs everywhere, he needs to look over it and it's driving him insane). Nagisa loves rocks and fossils. For rocks, cool rock with his color palette and cute rock-fairy would do the trick. Also their differences fit Nadisa’s stoic and serious outside and cheerful almost child-like inside. Also, Gigalith helps with mining. I wanted to give him Sableye, but it eats gems and hunts Carbinks as prey, so hard no. For fossils it was hard deciding on one. I went with Archen, I thought it would fit Nagisa’s silliness and trouble with self-identity. Another option was Aurorus for its elegance.
Lillipup = Bloody Mary
Togetic left after fine. Sprigattito does not have much thoughts other than “Shiny’s colors literally Hiyori’s colors”. Hiyori does have a lot of plants tho. I was thinking of the final form, Mewscarada, but I think Hiyori would like more cute mons, then strong ones.
Ardok is a snake. Gimmighoul because money. I was thinking between it and it’s evolution, Gholndego, but the image of Gimmighoul in chest sitting on table while Ibara working was too hard to pass.
Jun does not feel like someone with many mons so I stopped on just the hyena pokemon, Mightyena. Jun had it as Poochyena which evolved after forming Eve.
Shu: Klinklang. Florges. Tarountula. Magearna (Pokeball). Mika: Klank. Mimikyu. Banette.
Valkyrie’s symbol is gears, and Klink’s line is the only gear pokemon.
Florges is from the Kalos region which is based on France. It’s elegant, feminine and Floette resembles of a doll. Almost all Shu’s interest in one. Red flowers one describes as being able to heal both body and spirit. Shu needs it. Tarountula is the only pokemon that I could think of for knitting. I don’t want to give anyone legendary or mythical pokemon but Magearna is so perfect for Shu! So he can have mythical. As a treat.
Mimikyu is a lonely pokemon who made its rag by itself. Pretty fitting for Mika. I imagine Mimikyu’s cover being torn and Mika fixing it. Also Mimikyu might be based on lovecraftian horror. Perfect. Banette is an abandoned doll that turned into pokemon. Also it’s category is Marionette pokemon.
Hinata: Toxtricity (Amped). Ambipom. Slurpuff Yuta: Toxtricity (Low Key). Aipom. Scovillan
2wink like acrobatics. Acrobatics is an actual move, but a lot of pokemon who can learn it are just fast. Ambipom and Aipom are only acrobatic enough.
I was searching for “twin” pokemons and found Toxtricty only fitting ones. Their form depends on nature, so perfect. Also their bright colors work with 2winks bright palette.
Also i wanted to give them opposite pokemons. Hinata loves sweet cream puffs and Yuta loves spice. So pokemon based on sweet cream dessert and chilly pepper pokemon will go!
Rinne: Vespiquen. Flapple. Dragonite. HiMERU: Combee. Inteleon. Zoroark. Kohaku: Combee. Cherrim. Hisuian Samurott. Niki: Combee. Appletun (shiny). Alcremie. Munchlax.
There’s little to non bees pokemon… Crazy:B’s symbol is honeycomb so bee pokemon whose design is also heavily based on combs is perfect. Beedrill also worked due to being a poison type, but I see it more like a wasp (and don’t want to give them Kakuna or Weedle).
Rinne gave Niki shiny Applin. When they formed Idol duo Niki-the-airhead-the-oblivious noticed what other units had the same pokemons and suggested Rinne get his own Applin. 
I wanted to find a pokemon who would work as “the village ruler’s family gets that pokemon and trains it”. I decided to go with pseudo-legendary ones and Dragonite fits the most (powerful but friendly, asian-based). It was Dragonair when Rinne ran away and evolved before the main story. Flapple has the ability Hustle which kinda fits Rinne.
I wanted to give two pokemons to HiMERU, one being Kaname’s, another his own. Inteleon has a similar color palette to him (esp fs1) so it was chosen as Kaname’s pokemon. When Kaname enrolled in Reimei it was Sobble, then it evolved in Drizzile, and under Oremeru it evolved in Inteleon. Oremeru grew up abroad so I wanted Pokemon from not-japan based regions. Zoroark cast illusions on itself and was described to be extremely protective of loved ones, even holding grudges on those who hurt loved ones. Perfect.
For Kohaku I went with only japanese-based pokemons. Kohaku has various associations with sakura so the only sakura-based pokemon, Cherrim, is his. For him being trained to do “dirty work” I went with Hisuian Samurott. Unovan Samurott is based on samurai, but Hisuian most likely based on ronin.
Munchlax is all about eating so it would be stupid to not give it to Niki. Although, I almost did not give it to Niki. The thought of needing to feed both Niki and Munchlax who “needs to consume its own weight (231,5 lbs or 105 kg) in food every day” was terrifying. For cooking I search for every pokemon with any reference to food. There is not much not-sweet food pokemons, surprisingly.  I stopped on Appletun and Alcremie. Appletun is friendly and kids eat skin on its back as snacks (*cough* in Galar it is a custom to give an Applin, its pre-evolution, as a romantic gesture *cough*). Alcremie treats trainers who she likes with berries, many patisserie chiefs seek Alcremie as their partners and her cream is described to bring happiness to anyone who eats them. I was thinking of more pokemons (like slowpoke and clauncher), but Niki definitely would not have a lot of them (he had two before meeting Rinne and was thinking it's more than enough), so I cut the list.
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julianrahmat · 1 year ago
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If you like what I do, please consider supporting me on Patreon
" The monks at the ancient Snowpoint Temple arrived with a strange report: The "statue" on the temple grounds turns out to be a long dormant pokemon! The League has deployed artillery and built fortifications on site, and we need Hunters on standby when it finally awakens." - Snowpoint dispatch
Regigigas, the Collosal Pokemon is the final in a series commissioned by Patreon supporter Cholulorax. It is the leader and creator of the Legendary Titans.
Regigigas can be considered as a "final boss" monster, as the battle with it takes place at the fortified Snowpoint Temple grounds. Not much is known about Regigigas, but it appears that it predates the building of the Snowpoint Temple, as it was thought to be a statue of a long forgotten deity, but recent cracks in the rock revealed it to be a long dormant Pokemon. 
When Regigigas finally wakes, it lumbers slowly, its attacks weak and slow. But as the battle drags on, it becomes quicker, tougher and more powerful. Hunters must slay it before its strength returned fully, as it is bound to devastate its surroundings
Researchers theorize Regigigas may be the progenitor of all of the other titans, as many similarities can be found with the titans.
Regigas boosts the hunter's strength the longer they are in combat.
Regidrago weapons have high Normal (Raw) attack, but average sharpness and negative affinity, but can be offset by exploiting Regigigas's armor
We will return to the regular releases, starting with Rayquaza. I apologize for delaying it for more than a year, as doing this as commission really helped me out financially and I was strapped for cash since moving to my new home. Thank you for staying and supporting this project. 
But going forward I will be doing only one set of weapons and armor for each Pokemon form, as it allows me to not hold back and ration my ideas. So a normal pokemon will get 1 pair armor (Male and female) and 2 weapons, instead of 2 pairs of armor and 4 weapons. But pokemon with multiple powerup forms and regional variants will get 1 set each.
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moooclipse · 4 months ago
I cannot escape pokemon, it has a grip on me.
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I've wanted to make a trainersona for a while and finally got to it. I like to think I'd start of as a trainer traveling to different regions to meet new pokemon, and then later on decide to become a pokemon professor who studies shinies (and maybe legendaries?)
Most of my pokemon have names; Spirits the female absol, Lumi the shiny male umbreon, Wynter the female alolan vulpix, Tinker the shiny female sylveon, Moonstone the shiny male dusk form lycanroc, and Piko the female pichu. Still working on a name for Silvally. Either Tinker or Lumi I think would be my first pokemon, mostly because they're both based on pets I've had irl- my current black cat named Reaper and a black and white cat I used to have when I was younger named Tinkerbell.
Spirits is based on an absol I have in pokemon sleep, it was one of the first pokemon I got not long after the app came out! Although I didn't draw one, I think I'd also have a snivy, since one of my first memories of pokemon is from getting a toy snivy figure from a McDonald's happy meal. Might honestly swap out Piko with said snivy, not really sure why I included Piko other than reusing her from an older drawing (that I've been swayed from pikachu from the show since I've been watching it lately ^^')
While I'm at it might as well share some older art with my trainersona at the time not yet considered trainersona. First one was with my at the time main pokemon sleep team, which is where Spirits comes from, and the second one was with pokemon I at the time wanted to have if pokemon were real, which is where Pikos design, Wynters collar, and Tinkers marking (although barely visible on the recent drawing) came from.
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Komainu (growlithe) and Nepheli (togetic) are both fully evolved now too, since the pokemon sleep art was made a few months ago.
Ok I need to stop rambling about pokemon-
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High-Stakes event announcement. Warning: High-Stakes
Reblog if you’re interested in my space kaiju-themed rotomblr event involving giant worms, time travel, dimensional encounters, lingering powers of ancient gods, and at least one insane robot
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The worst fear of the multiverse has been realized: Quantuvour, the All-Devourer, has been released from its prison of time and has resumed its feast on the multiverse. It has set its sights on the pokemon world and has begun to circle. The All-Devourer is too big for any earth weaponry to damage from the outside, and gives off energy preventing Deity-level Legendary Pokemon from getting close, and the dimensional deities who first sealed it no longer live. The only hope the world has is for bold adventurers to enter its body and kill it from the inside out, attacking at 2 major points: its heart and its brain.
Vengeance of the All-Devourer is an event on the lower end of high-stakes open to all of Rotomblr (and Gliscord (discord) if preferred) in 3 parts: First your muse will survive an attack from Quantuvour’s minions at a landmark from the region of your choice after Quantuvour appears in the sky, shooting its spines around the landmark. The part will culminate in the landmark being lifted into Quantuvour’s stomach, where your muse (along with all the other muses) will make their way to Gear Station within the stomach, and begin part 2. 
Part 2 is a collaborative fight against Quantuvour’s Heart and an insane robot named Omega, ending with Quantuvour preventing a chain reaction from Omega’s exploding core from destroying it by consciously funneling the energy away into its attacks on the Earth, needing you to run to its brain. 
The final part will be an attack on Quantuvour’s Brain as it begins the final stage of its planet eating process. Its spines cause the planet to shrink and it positions itself to swallow the planet whole. After the success of the attack on Quantuvour’s brain, the chain reaction started in Part 2 will destroy Quantuvour, its front half plummeting to Earth to form a new continent and its bottom half forming a planetary ring system around the Earth. All landmarks will be returned to their original conditions and positions, except for Gear Station and Blueberry Academy, which are lost in the dimensions somewhere (finding them will be a future plot point)  
If you have multiple characters, feel free to sign them all up! They’ll each get an encounter! If you have multiple blogs, same story! All types of PkmnRP blogs are welcome here, be they faller, hybrid, eeby, self-insert, and/or all or none of the above! Everyone is welcome to participate! So what are you waiting for? If you want to participate, reblog this post! Also the tag for this event will be #vengeance of the all devourer
If you have any questions the mod will be more than happy to answer them! 
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