#pokémon homecoming
pokemon-npcs · 12 days
Spreading some happiness because I'm having a bad day
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askpokepelago · 2 years
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In a world where Professor Mohn could reunite with his family in Alola...
Thank you to the animation team who ensured that we could see one such reality come to pass! In celebration of The Homecoming Crown - JN111 airing in the United States today, I’ve decided to upload my Ultra AU art. This Mohn’s story ✧ (story history) The Good Spirit universe ✧ (story continuation - follow for new content!) Artist personal blog ✧ (follow for art/memes) UAU Lusamine design concept ✧
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sunny-fossils · 1 year
Paldean sandwich, pizza edition!!
[Image ID: All things considered it’s not bad. Still horrendous but edible]
Chestnut keeps staring at me like this I don’t think it likes my pizza!!!
[Image ID: Homophobic Necrozma stare]
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How many legendaries does it take to cause a space-time event at Homecoming? Because so far I've counted 5 (including a very legendary Mareep).
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Do NOT tell Clavell what i did
[a photo of the homecoming banner, with a small, tiny drawing of Leon wearing a “Champion Ass” t-shirt with a grin.]
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facts-i-just-made-up · 5 months
what are the card suits?
The card suits as commonly known are Spades, Hearts, Clubs, and Diamonds, but is was not always so. Various decks for many games and purposes have different suits including:
Tarot Cards- Swords, Cups, Wands, and Pentacles
Uno Cards- Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue
Credit Cards- Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express
ID Cards- Driver's, Insurance, State, and Social Security
Sports Cards- Baseball, Basketball, Football, and Calvinball
House of Cards- Democrat, Republican, Independent, and Whig
Score Cards- Golf, Mini-Golf, Bowling, and Witcher Romance
Punch Cards- 100100100, 10101011, 10010, and 1001000101010111
Pokémon Cards- Electric, Grass, Poison, and Planeswalker
Orson Scott Cards- Ender, Alvin, Homecoming, and Ravenous Homophobic Bloggings That Sully His Entire Body Of Work
Hallmark Cards- Thank You, Happy Birthday, Condolences, and "Sorry I Got Semen In Your Eye" (yes I know that was a cake)
Alu Cards- Castlevania, Hellsing, Waverly, and no joke, my friend Alucard J***** from when I was in college at CU Boulder. We met because you could look up people by name on the school website like pre-facebook and spam bots and see their info and email and I looked up the name as a joke and there was one guy and I emailed him like "Dude your name is Dracula backwards!" and it turned out he's related to Bram Stoker and goes to these meetings of his family in Ireland each year and I went with him once and met this girl named Ryann and we hit it off and walked around talking way late into the night and then she turned into a bat and left and I never saw her again and when I went back to tell Alucard, there was no trace of him at college or anywhere else and it turns out Stoker's family all died off in the early 1900s. True story.
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vendoramachine · 8 months
random headcanons
velvet & veneer
pretty self explanatory. i needed someplace to dump all these stupid little thoughts. also, as the younger sibling of an older sister, these are all just me self projecting our relationship <3
- vel is mildly dyslexic and it’s been a sensitive topic for her entire life (yet she still makes fun of veneer for not being able to do math)
- veneer had both of his ears pierced, but his left ear eventually closed up cus he doesn’t wear his earring on that side (ifykyk)
- velvet’s anger issues has made her throw things at veneer on multiple occasions
“do you remember that time i accidentally hit you and you threw that moisturizer container at my head?”
- both had a very intense phase where they were obsessed with pokémon, specifically, team rocket
- jesse and james were both of their gay awakenings
- velvet always used to practice painting nails and doing makeup on veneer, that they never really grew out of it (she still does it for him <3)
- they never apologized to each other properly after getting upset with each other
“…you hungry?”
“…yeah. i’ll go with you to check the fridge.”
- strangely enough, vel asks to sleep in her brother’s bed if they don’t have anything going on the next day
- vel is one of them VIOLENT ASS SLEEPERS who kicks everything within radius, and her feet are always cold as fuck
“vel… vel, stop kicking me… v-velvet, YOUR FEET ARE COLD!”
- but ven is a blanket hog so they hate sleeping in the same bed but still do it cause it’s oddly comforting for them both
“veneer, it’s cold, bro… give me the- STOP TAKING THE BLANKET!”
- for some reason, they’re always coming at each other’s taste
- “i really don’t know what you see in ritz.”
“yeah? well, at least i didn’t fall for a random fan from the crowd.”
- their favorite places as kids were costco and ikea (don’t ask i just have a feeling)
- vel needed glasses as a kid, but she always hated how they looked on her, so she never wore them. ever. her eyesight is still lowkey shit.
- they both took violin and cello lessons as kids, but they thought it was mad boring and left (they don’t remember a single thing about it)
- velvet will fuck up a raw ass steak (so raw that you might as well give her an entire fucking cow), eating it with her bare hands like a wild animal
- as kids, they always talked about bailing each other out if one got arrested (but they both got arrested so that’s out the window 😻)
- “ugh, orange is so not my color.”
“girl, fuck you mean? you look better than all the bitches here.”
- ritz and orchid always go together to visit their criminal lovers in prison
- vel hates the feeling of gel, but does it for the aesthetic (veneer hates it too)
- veneer got his drivers license after vel, but she gets the WORSTTT road rage, so he doesn’t trust her and drives them everywhere
- vel has literally almost stabbed her brother with her sharp crown thingy
- veneer constantly asks his sis what he should wear because he’s too scared of being insulted
- both of their retinas have been burned by all the flashing cameras
- surprisingly, most of vel’s high school homecoming dates were men. nobody except veneer even knew she was a girl kisser until she turned sixteen
- they have matching robes. for sure.
- veneer is a shopping addict ( velvet carries his bags every time cus she thinks his complaining is annoying )
“ugh, my arms-“
“shut up. give me your bags.”
- vel had a giant ass rottweiler when they were in middle school that always scared the shit out of veneer, so that’s why he was so fucking scared of rhonda (velvet’s dog was really sweet tho 😢)
- ven coughs so hard from inhaling too much of vel’s perfume
- vel has a crippling fear of heights and veneer is the same with small spaces
- veneer is terrified of horror movies, and vel tells him to stop being a pussy (one jumpscare and you’ll see her clinging onto her brother)
- vel laughs her ass off every time her brother is mad because she can’t take his twink ass seriously
- these two turn into monsters when it comes to nintendo games (specifically mario kart)
- vel had the nintendo switch and ven had the nintendo lite
- they bought two so that they could have separate animal crossing islands, but ended up living on the same one anyways
- veneer loves the little clink that his shoes make
- never let either of them near cinnamon rolls. ever. (their asses will demolish entire buildings for that stuff)
i’ll probably add more to these later on, so watch out! i’m working on the requests, so watch out for those too!
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Tomorrow's Homecoming! Hope you've got your coolest digs ready... because these four Hoco Court members do!
It's Homecoming Court Time!
Our first member (going in order of listing) is...
GIACOMO! (@dj-vice-in-the-house) With this wild-style DJ drip!
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Next up is...
KEN! (@askkanjohtrio) With his elegant blue ballgown!
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Third we have... uh... hm. Arceus...? (@god-of-all-pokemon) God of all Pokémon, god of... Homecoming.
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And finally, we have... Gala! (@galaseado) Complete with her delightfully fluffy 'fit.
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Thank you all for your creations stunning enough to make a Leavanny tailor cry--hope you're looking forward to the show starting tomorrow morning! Remember--the real dancing starts at 6 (EST)! You'd better bust your best moves!
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sunsetuniverse · 5 months
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All my fics and links 💜
AO3 - TikTok + Youtube (for my X-Men edits) - Alt for reblogs
Fics under the cut:
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X-Men (All Media):
captivate me with your incredible self - 4.9k - Erik Lehnsherr & Pietro Maximoff
Post-DOFP - Peter seeks out the Brotherhood to face Magneto.
when you're around I see rainbows and stars - 2.3k - Erik Lehnsherr & Pietro Maximoff
Post-X-Men Legends 2 - Pietro recovers from his ordeal.
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X-Men '97:
X-Men '97 with a side order of Dadneto // Ongoing series:
1. atlas (the stars will remember that you tried) - 3.1k - Erik Lehnsherr & Pietro Maximoff
Post X-Men '97 E2 - Pietro Maximoff stops by after the trial to see his father.
2. vilomah. - 2.4k - Erik Lehnsherr & Pietro Maximoff
Post X-Men '97 E3 - Pietro visits the X-Mansion to see his father again, only to find himself picking up the pieces of the X-Men’s latest tragedy.
3. through the looking glass - 2.5k - Erik Lehnsherr & Pietro Maximoff
Post X-Men '97 E4 - Roberto enlists Quicksilver to help convince Magneto to let the team go out for Jubilee’s birthday.
4. fault lines - 9.3k - Ongoing - Erik Lehnsherr & Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff
X-Men '97 E5 - Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch attend the gala, and the subsequent fallout.
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tomorrow is another day - 4.2k - Tony Stark & Peter Parker
Post-Homecoming - It's the anniversary of Ben's death, and Peter isn't answering his phone.
resonate - 1.9k
Endgame fic - the stones comfort Tony.
in a world we must defend (pokémon) // Ongoing series:
1. the man who knew too much - 1.4k
Everything went dark for a split second, and in the blink of an eye, everything changed.A bone-chilling groan reverberated around him, causing his weak heart to pound against his chest. He pressed the heel of his hand to it, reminding himself that the Arc Reactor was gone - Rotom fixed you - you’re okay -
2. open your mind and let me step inside - 3.5k - Tony Stark & Peter Parker
“I just,” the kid shifted uncomfortably, “I-I got bit by a drugged up Spinarak, got all these powers: the strength, the healing, the stickiness - all my senses, it’s like they’re dialled up to three-thousand. I get - I under - If Spinarak feels like that all the time - I just…” He trailed off, thinking of how to say it. “I understand what Pokémon are going through now, you know? I’m… like them."
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The Shadow of the King - 2.9k - Ramiel & Sam Winchester
AU of 12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You) - Sam and Ramiel already know each other.
Blue Bird Lamentation - 1.1k - Gabriel/Sam Winchester
AU of Gabriel's return in 13.13 Devil's Bargain - Gabriel wakes up in the Empty.
Looking Too Closely - 2.5k - 1/2 Chapters (oops) - Gabriel/Sam Winchester
AU of 13.22 Exodus - Sam has an overdue conversation with Gabriel and is indirectly hurt by Lucifer.
We Have History Together - 1.2k - Jack Kline & Sam Winchester
AU of 14.19 Jack in the Box - Sam makes the decision to break Jack out of the box and flee the bunker.
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Good Intentions - 1.3k
Tag of 5.10 The Kindness of Strangers - Merlin thinks about the path he’s followed, and the alternative.
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all-hallows-street · 4 months
do u think we will get a season 5 announcement soonish???? Its been so long...
Hello anon! Sorry for keeping you waiting, Mother's Day weekend was busy. (Happy late Mother's Day to Lynn :p)
I do hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I honestly don't expect Season 5 to get released any time soon. There are two reasons: Time between seasons (excluding between season 1 and season 2, they were likely worked on at the same time) are usually longer than a year (392 days between S2 and S3 and 448 days between S3 and S4). We are just over 237 days or 2/3s of a year since the last episode of S4 was released. Second and more concrete reason is that HMCH put out an end of the year summary with their projects from 2023 and what to look forward to in 2024. Season 4 of WSJ is mentioned for 2023, but nothing about WSJ for 2024.
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They are going to focus on film production, so I think it's safe to say that there won't be any All Saints Street donghua this year. And in case you have been living under a rock, you should check out HMCH Pokémon short Homecoming! It's the short film for the new year they are teasing in the screen. On the bright side maybe we could get an announcement any day now? While the first seasons got announcements close to the release date (season 1 had a very early reveal that the animation was being worked back in 2019, but the full cast reveal and trailers dropped close to the first episode release in Tencent video), season 4 got a reveal in December 2022 and it started releasing in July 2023. It could be we get a reveal at the halfway mark this time too! Keep in mind this is all just speculation, the releases of the donghua are all over the place...
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sunnylighter · 2 months
[Official] Special Pokémon Original Short Animation Homecoming
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megas-choices · 8 months
tag the person you'd like to get to know better
Thank you for the tag, @liviusofpella!
Last song:
Favorite colour(s): Yellow, blue and purple!
Currently watching: Pokémon Master Journeys. Trying to watch all the available Pokémon Journeys episodes before the Pokémon TV app shuts down in late March
Currently reading: Does Choices count? Murder at Homecoming specifically since it currently has a Book Pass
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Spicy! I may have low spice tolerance, but I recently ate bun bo hue, which usually has a lot of spice. I managed to endure it! 💪
Last thing(s) I googled: ..."sauerkraut" bc I needed to make sure I was thinking of the right kind of food 😂 Another thing I googled recently was "eelektross bw 2" for references for my White 2 team. I want to try out my team in the many competitive modes of Black and White 2.
Current obsession(s): Pokémon, haha. It's mostly the older games, I haven't touched any of the Switch versions. Still obsessed with Tyril, the elf husband 💕
Currently working on: Preparing for my next semester (sorta), planning practices as a student driver and progress on some games! Also, ? 🫢
Tagging: @erixadraws @aces-and-angels if you want to!
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zedpercyfan · 1 year
Left Behind - Chapter 1
The Status Quo
ASH KETCHUM had always been too busy traveling on the road to pay much attention to those in his circle of friends and acquaintances.  He always remembers a face when he’d see them again but in transit it was always what was in front of him or a second step ahead that mattered – long term plans were kept vague and that’s how he liked it.  “Day by day” in his words.
As he aged, however, that philosophy began to get challenged.  It was after Alola when he took notice.  Ash hadn’t paid attention to the social media accounts that Bonnie had made him set up, so one day when he went to Kalos for Professor Cerise, he had a huge shock when he noticed a ring on Clemont’s finger.
“Hey, Clemont, what’s that about?” he asked eventually has they conversed over tea and cake.
“Oh, didn’t you see, Ash?” replied Clemont.  “I proposed and got married to Serena two years ago.  The wedding was eight months ago.  She and I posted about it on InstaShoot.”
The black-haired boy blinked in shock.  Had he really not noticed, he thought.  Strange…
“Er – yeah, I-I must’ve forgotten about it! Haha!”
Clemont cocked his head to one side.  “Yeah.  I-it’s okay.”  Something in his voice told Ash it wasn’t though…
Stranger things happened still.  Soon he found out Bonnie and Max had crossed paths somehow and were now dating; Kiawe got engaged to Mallow (he’d been apparently developing feelings for her the whole time when they were in school together.  Ash seriously questioned how he hadn’t noticed before.  Wouldn’t that have been obvious?); Brock got engaged to Lucy; May and Drew got married and already have a kid on the way.
The then 24-year-old was incredibly confused and wondered: had he never really noticed any of these relationship signs?  It seemed odd to Ash…and the worst part was learning all of this either on his new social media accounts or by directly encountering those friends and apparently being the only one not to know.
Worse was to come.  He returned home to Pallet Town a few days after learning about Kiawe and Mallow’s engagement to each other.  He wasn’t physically or psychologically tired from the journey as Goh and Professor Cerise suspected but he took the vacation regardless because he needed a break from all the shocking news he was enduring.
“Ah, Pallet Town,” sighed Ash when he saw it once he ascended to the top of the hill.  “Doesn’t look like much has changed.”  Ash huffed with content; it was a line he uttered every time he saw the place.  Then has grew closer and closer he heard an orchestra of familiar sounds, sounds that didn’t belong to Pallet Town.  “Er…”
Past the thick tree lines that filled his right vision stood familiar yet alien buildings.  There stood several new suburb blocks with several more under construction nearby.  “Um, no one mentioned those last time we talked…” Ash groaned.
As he entered town, the changes hit him in his heart more.  Now there were shopping strips, more than ever before, the once quaint and quiet town now a hustling bustling place.  A whole crowd of elementary students rushed by him from a café he usually only saw in the big cities – the sight of it in his hometown hurt his head.  He sought out his family home, yet once again, it hit him like a bullet train to the solar-plexus, and that hurt.  “Oh, what in the hell is this?” asked Ash Ketchum.
Now his house was replaced with a bigger one, the material the same, now with more storage rooms and a bigger kitchen, dining, and living room.  Ash slept that night, not feeling at home at all.
The next day he found his Mom already out of the house.  Not thinking this strange, Ash went about his breakfast before he headed for Professor Oak’s Laboratory.  His time in the company of his Pokémon at the corral went by peacefully.  Professor Oak and Tracey were as cordial as ever with him and nothing seemed amiss to Ash in comparison to the shock he had had for a homecoming yesterday.
Delia Ketchum was noticeably tired when Ash returned home late in the afternoon, but she hadn’t given him any reason to be concerned.
The next morning saw her absent from the house yet again.  Ash was unconcerned and once more set off to the Oak Corral.  It was at the lab where Ash wondered if something was up, because he found the Professor and Tracey both absent.
“Huh… Strange.”
He headed for a convenience store and was in the middle of walking back to his family house when he saw Gary leaving the local church.  Ash froze up where he stood adjacent to the doors. “U-uh…”  Ash was without words.  Gary was in a tuxedo, a girl with long brown hair he didn’t recognize in a wedding dress, her left arm hooked with his, Professor Oak walking nearby and his Mom in a fancy dress right behind.
“Oh, hey, Ashy-boy,” said Gary as soon as he noticed him.
Ash recovered and tried not to show how stunned he was. “Hey, Gar-bear.  You’re…you’re married – er – that’s amazing!”
“Yeah, it is.”  Gary paused and looked at Ash.  Ash’s lips trembled slightly.
“So, um, no one said anything…”
“Sorry about that,” said Gary awkwardly.  “It was RSVP, and when I talked to your Mom, we weren’t sure how available you’d be to come.”
Ash’s heart sank.
“I’m sorry, dear,” his Mother added solemnly.  “You just seemed like you really needed a rest so I didn’t want you to worry about attending.”
“I totally get how busy it can be as a Research Buddy so I just assumed things were busy with ya.  It was a surprise to hear you came home, but like I said…”
“That and the church does get upset with last-minute arrivals,” said ‘Leaf’.
“Well, it’s not like we were that crowded,” said Gary suddenly.  “A few people couldn’t make it anyway.  Your Mom probably prepared too much food for the reception anyway, so come with us.”
“Well, um…”
“Good idea! Ash, you do have some fancy clothes for parties, right?”
“Well, yeah, I-”
“Good! Put them on and head for 720 Purwey Street. No, on second thought I’ll come with you to make sure they’re on right,” said Delia as she ran up as fast as she could – or as fast as a woman could in heels – to him.
“Y-yeah…thanks.”  Ash sighed inwardly.  Now all he’d done was waste his money buying some hundreds yen worth of food in the plastic bag he was carrying.
“Oh, hurry, hurry,” fussed Delia as she knotted his tie on his dress shirt.
Ash grimaced and kept his thought about how they wouldn’t be in a hurry if he had just known about the event that morning to himself.
The reception went by with Ash not knowing how to feel.  He felt happy for Gary but he also felt an icy loneliness.  He didn’t know this ‘Leaf’ girl, never knew she existed, and couldn’t shake the feeling he was a spare brought to eat the food that some five absentees left behind.
“Why wasn’t I told?” he muttered to himself as he swallowed his second glass of white wine.  No one heard him, though, and he preferred it to stay that way.  His Mother happily conversed with some of the local ladies in attendance while Ash was left alone – he figured his own feelings didn’t need to be known, the loud music and clicking of shoes on the dance floor drowned him from sight…
He felt hurt and unsure of himself.  It seemed like pointless bureaucracy to think about the logistics of letting him know of the festivities.  He had been around Professor Oak’s practically all day yesterday, why not inform him of Gary’s special day.
Delia now placed more focus than ever before into the family business left to her by his Grandmother.  It turned out that the expansion to their house was necessary to allow his Mom to host cooking lessons that she started offering.  Ash kindly offered to move out to leave space, his Mother gave her blessing.  In truth, Ash only agreed to it because it hurt too much to feel so out of touch with everything around him.
He was glad when he was able to go back to work soon after.  The problem, however, was that he soon became too engrossed to work.  Months passed by, and he was forced to take an even longer break.by Professor Cerise and Goh again.
Ash tried to spend his free time not obsessing with what else was happening, but he couldn’t escape it.  Tracey and Daisy had twins before his break; May had given birth while he had been researching in Hoenn and he had not been invited to say ‘hello’; and Lana had recently become a CEO of a now global-expanding Riding Pokémon Training and Education Company.
“Ugh…and Lana really asked Brock and Professor Cerise to help with setting that up before asking me?”  Ash hated trying to make it about him, but something stung about not being trusted enough to help with those ventures.
“Everybody…has so much going on, buddy,” Ash said to Pikachu early one morning on the second-floor balcony.  There hadn’t really been a point to sleeping in as he’d have liked, everyone he knew was either out of town or preoccupied with other things, so he couldn’t have a nightlife (not in a small town like Pallet) and doing it of his own accord wasn’t really his style anyway.  “They’re all doing things I wouldn’t have expected, or are deep in their relationships…”
Even Paul had gotten a girlfriend recently and that weirded Ash out just because his image of him was a surly one.  Maybe he’d been wrong about Paul the whole time…
Still, things could be more shocking, Dawn was currently juggling two relationships at once after deciding she indeed has bisexual leanings.  Then again, he isn’t an expert in romance so maybe it made sense Dawn never confided this to him.  Then there was Ritchie, who changed careers entirely and now is a building engineer; both Violet and Shauna separately went from fashion models and influencers into real estate and restoring national heritage sites; but perhaps worse of all was how he could see and read about pretty much everyone he knew but Misty.
He'd never been able to get an answer, not even a word.  Her sisters always picked up her phone, apparently busy with meetings with the League – none of his and her mutual friends really knew either and social media was of no help.  Ash sighed and drank his milked-down coffee, he had a feeling he knew what was going on, or at least an inkling.  His heart ached as all of that weighed down on his mind.
“Y’know what, though?” he said to Pikachu, continuing his out loud wonderings.  “There’s no point in dwelling on ‘ifs.’  We’re here, and we’re now.  Not like there’s anything else to do, Mom’s running the restaurant.  Let’s just go for a ride.”
“Pika-chu!” said Pikachu in agreement.
Ash hurriedly got his bike out the door and after collecting a random assortment of his Pokémon friends to bring along, began his journey.
“Anywhere you really want to be, Pikachu?”
“Chu. Pika!”
“You don’t have an idea either?  Seems we’re in agreement – anywhere we please!”
Ash biked along aimlessly.  He breezed through Viridian Forest and past the city and out into the unknown, biking without awareness.  He peddled through fields of flowers, past lonely farms and rice paddies, rumbled past bridges that were above rivers or dips in the grasslands, plunged into naturally formed rocky caves turned tunnels and ones purposefully built, he’d tread and weave through towns and cities, climbed up winding roads, and crested a hill and took in the sea breeze as he passed by the ocean from atop a cliff.
He took it all in, not really caring for where he was or how much time had gone.  His only stop was a ramen cart at the border of some town somewhere along the way.
He didn’t keep up where he was going because he didn’t want to think.  Thinking, he realized, only brought him pain and regret.  Traveling was in his heart; he loved adventure and that was where he felt truly at ease.
Yet he couldn’t escape his anxieties.  Alone in the open country with only the sound of bike gears winding alongside only the occasional Pokémon cry left his brain to go back to speculation.
Had Misty found a boyfriend or girlfriend by now?  Was she pregnant?  Running a business or had she taken over from somebody – followed in Violet’s footsteps?  Perhaps all his calls in the past few months fell on deaf ears because she was preparing for her wedding?  Ash shook his head, trying to will the bad thoughts away but he just couldn’t.  Out of everyone whose lives were changing without him knowing, it was Misty’s that strangely irritated him the most.  The idea of yet having to have another major epiphany of events beyond his control was too much to bear.  He never noticed that he was suddenly going uphill.
Atop the slope lay a four-way crossroad.  Ash in his state climbed it without a problem and when the gradient flattened, he had no way of slowing down as a stopped bike with someone on top came into view!
“Whoa! Look ou—”
With a resounding crunch, metal met metal and Ash was hurled into the dirt path.
“Ow…! Damn it. Hey, are you all right…Misty?”
Perhaps it was his last thoughts making him think it was Misty.  There was no way such a coincidence as the very person he was thinking of would be there when he needed them was.  No way her hair was still as short as the last time he saw her.
“Ash, is that you?”
It was her.
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Live footage of me after homecoming yesterday
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Good Old Days (Weird Al Yankovic)
Do you remember sweet Michelle?/She was my high school romance/She was fun to talk to and nice to smell/So I took her to the homecoming dance/Then I tied her to a chair/And I shaved off all her hair/And I left her in the desert all alone/Well sometimes in my dreams I can still hear the screams/ I wonder if she ever made it home
"It's a song about a serial killer getting nostalgic for his early kills."
Pokemon Theme Song (Jason Paige)
It's you and me I know it's my destiny (Pokémon)/Oh, you're my best friend/In a world we must defend (Pokémon Gotta catch 'em all)/A heart so true/Our courage will pull us through/You teach me and I'll teach you (Ooh, ooh)/Pokémon! (Gotta catch 'em all)
"This is a weird one because I've never seen Pokemon, and I've never played pokemon go. Like, the only pokemon i can name is pikachu. AND YET. the chorus of this song hits like a gut punch, a kick in the balls, and a kick in the pussy all wrapped up in one. i find myself consistently hoping that someone will have made a FMV with this song everytime i enter a new fandom and noone ever has. someday i'll learn video editing so that i can be the change i wish to see in the world"
Good Old Days submitted by @diogenescynic2288
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kitandsheepy · 1 year
Tinky Pinky the Tinkaton smiling triumphantly at the camera during Multi Battles, with a battle arena and several fainted Pokémon behind her
Adam's Eiscue doing a tap dance during Open Mic
Adam's Diglett eating some sashimi
Rebecca busting it down pg-13 style on the dance floor
Steven jamming out on his rollator seat
Adam's Eiscue befriending Grusha (@glaseado-mountain-peak)
Sheepy and @k-kha0tic's Mareep dancing
Quinto the Quaxly dancing his heart out
A selfie of Rebecca with fireworks in the background
Kit and Cinn (@saphs-tales-from-paldea) playing together in the quiet room
Fay the Comfey (@samurai-little-and-the-fairy) sitting around Kenneth's (@askkanjohtrio) neck
Tori the Kartana (@samurai-little-and-the-fairy) popping its head out of a Mareep's wool
A Seviper (@accessabilityanon) sitting on top of Atticus (@navisquadatticus) as Quinto sits next to it
The same Seviper talking to a Dundunsparce (@medali-gym)
Fay and Tori reuinited in the quiet room]
We had a great time at Homecoming!! Thanks so much @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour for putting it on!
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