#poirot reaction
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shelma32entertainment · 2 years ago
Agatha Christie's Poirot | The ABC Murders | REACTION | 4x01| Part 03
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poirott · 1 year ago
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Hercule Poirot and Ariadne Oliver
Kenneth Branagh and Tina Fey | A HAUNTING IN VENICE (2023) David Suchet and Zoë Wanamaker | AGATHA CHRISTIE'S POIROT 10x02 "Cards on the Table" (2006)
"Yes, I shall be at home all this evening. Does that mean that I may have the pleasure of a visit from you?" "It's very nice of you to put it that way," said Mrs. Oliver. "I don't know that it will be such a pleasure." "It is always a pleasure to see you, chère Madame." - Agatha Christie, Elephants Can Remember
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Anyways here, please have a bunch of screencaps of Hastings not being able to keep his eyes off Poirot. Or, Hastings looking at Poirot Like That^TM.
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One of the things I deeply love about this show is when Hastings is just staring at Poirot with a little grin on his face. or he's hanging onto Poirot's every word. and then someone will call his name or do something interesting and he'll look up like 'huh? what? I'm sorry I was distracted' Poirot has Hastings' undivided attention SO much of the time they're on the screen together AHGHG they make me INSANE
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pflanzidiezimmerpflanze · 6 months ago
Started Murder on the Links read the name Duveen went nope and closed my tab lightning fast
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apoloadonisandnarcissus · 5 months ago
Megathread: All Clues concerning “Elrond = Sauron” in “Adar meeting/Kiss scene” (2x07) - Part I
Fellow fans and I have discussed this theory several times, and in many posts, but I think it’s time to create the ultimate megathread, with all the clues, about it. 
And brace yourselves: this is a long read. The amount of evidence is mindblowing and so extensive I had to make two posts about it: Part II.
I) Visual clues:
1) The Touch ™
Let’s start with the obvious one:
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This might parallel Sauron’s proposal to Galadriel in 1x08 (and even Galadriel’s reaction is somewhat similar in both scenes):
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In 2x08, there’s also a callback to his previous offer (in Season 1 finale): I would have placed a crown upon your head. I would never have rested until all Middle-earth had been brought to its knees, to worship the light of its Queen.
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In 2x07, there is an actual callback to Sauron’s offer in 1x08; when Galadriel reveals to Celebrimbor that she did wanted to accept Sauron’s offer (to be his queen):
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2) Elrond's Inexplicable Glow Up
When Elrond arrives at Eregion, leading the Elven army, his face is soiled with dirt and mud. However, in the tent with Adar, he’s all cleaned up, with a fresh face, and pristine clean and polished armour and cloak, and flowing hair.
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You have the beauty of your foremother, Melian of the Valar. If even a fragment of her wisdom is in your veins, you must know you cannot defeat me in battle. Adar can't see a pretty boy without gushing over him, 2x07
Why is this mention of Melian odd in this context? Melian was the Maia who fell in love with an Elf, Thingol, and birthed Lúthien, the Half-Maia, Half-Elf lady who married Beren, a human (and these two are Elrond’s ancestors). Maiar falling in love with Elves? Does this ring any bells?
Adar compares Elrond’s looks to one of the Maiar, angelic beauty (that Elrond, in spite of having Half-Half-Half-Maia blood, cannot truly have, no matter how attractive he is). And this isn't the first time in Season 2, that Adar talks about Maiar beauty, either:
And after what seemed endless thirst and hunger... I saw it. His servant's face. Sauron's face. And it was beautiful. Adar talks to Halbrand/Sauron, 2x01
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There is also a lot of fire (red) on this scene; especially over Elrond himself: the ones who read my post about Sauron's color code in "Rings of Power" already know that red is the color used to signal Sauron's deceptions.
3) The Mystery of the Two Pins 
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Hercule Poirot has entered the chat because the pin Elrond usually wears isn’t (1) the same as the one he has on in the scene with Adar, nor (2) the one he gives Galadriel: these are two different pins.  
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Elrond’s pin is square-shaped and fits the circle; and the metal is mate. The one he used on the tent scene with Adar is diamond-shape and shiny (like Galadriel’s), and it’s placed on top of the circle (and not inside). 
3) Passing plot-device objects in an intimate manner is kind of their thing
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4) The Two Saurons in Prince Durin’s speech
This is actually my favorite clue, and it’s used in mystery/thriller genre.
When Prince Durin is giving a speech to the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm to get them to fight for Eregion alongside the Elves, he mentions Sauron on two occasions. And what’s the footage on screen?
Sauron with Celebrimbor at Eregion (predictable):
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But then, we have this: Elrond leaving the Orc camp after his meeting with Adar. Odd...
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After we see him leave Orc camp, Elrond's next scene in 2x07 is him in full battle. Which might indicate that the battle didn't stop for Adar's meeting with Elrond... for some reason. 
4) Bear McCreary (OST)
“Elrond’s theme” is not present in the “Kiss OST”, which is strange, because when two characters kiss, usually their themes are mixed together. Yet, in 2x07, we only hear “Galadriel’s theme”.  
"Battle for Eregion": 4:27 - 5:20 (Kiss OST)
"Last Temptation": 6:27 - 6:55 (Rendition of Kiss OST with Sauron's theme on the background | this bit was edited and cut from 2x08, for some reason)
II) Autopsy of a Scene 
In this scene, we, the audience, see Elrond acting completely out of character. “Rings of Power” has established him as diplomatic character, a politician, and even Adar himself tells us this: "You are a courtier. More suited to wielding a scroll than a sword."
We do see (the real) Elrond growing into his “warrior” role in this episode, however, we still witness a certain vulnerability and unsureness to him during his scenes at the Battle of Eregion, because he’s starting his warrior arc, and we see him suffering with the loss of his kin, and his anguish and heartbreak over Durin not coming to help.  
We don’t see this in this scene, at all. It’s a completely different vibe. Here, his body language and attitude it’s like he owns the room. Even when Adar is a bit uncertain, "Elrond” is commanding and bold. Sure, he knows that Durin will come to help, but Adar’s legions are still massive (and the Dwarves only manage to control the situation in 2x08 because the Orc army is shattered and their leader is having a religious experience at the top of the hill).
Let's dig in:
"Your kin"!?
"Not before you have painted the sands of the Glanduin black with the blood of your kin."
Nevermind the threat, Elrond calls the Orcs Adar’s “kin”. Why is this odd? Perhaps we should recall Galadriel’s chat with Adar back in Season 1, to understand how the Elves truly see the Orcs:  
Adar: My children have no master. Galadriel: They are not children, they are slaves. Adar: But each one has a name. A heart. A heart. Galadriel: A heart created by Morgoth. Adar: We are creations of The One, Master of the Secret Fire, the same as you. As worthy of the breath of life, and just as worthy of a home. Soon... This land will be ours. Then, you will understand. Galadriel: No. Your kind was a mistake. Made in mockery. Adar reveals to Galadriel that he killed Sauron, 1x06
Galadriel calls the Orcs "slaves" and "your kind" because their existence is a mockery to the Elves themselves. Morgoth breed them as a corruption to Eru (Ilúvatar)’s creation (the Elves are called the “Children of Ilúvatar”). Meaning: no Elf alive would ever acknowledge the Orcs as “children” out of nowhere (let alone Elrond who’s meeting Adar for the first time, but apparently can read him so well like he has known him for ages).
The previous scene to Elrond’s arrival at Eregion, there's a lot of weight on Sauron’s blood being black, too: If you do not believe me, cut him open. Look at his hand, look at his blood. Black as pitch" as Celebrimbor describes it. We also see Sauron perform an illusion for his blood to appear red.  
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Adar: My children have endured cruelties your bravest couldn't bear to hear spoken aloud. Elrond: "Are you prepared to spend their lives so freely, Adar? Are they?"
Why does Elrond keeps acknowledging the Orcs as "Adar's “children" or “kin”? He’s the enemy, and there is no agreement or diplomacy happening in this scene, because Elrond has been antagonizing Adar even since he set foot on that tent. There is no reason for Elrond to talk like this... unless he’s not Elrond, at all.
Because, in 2x01, we saw another character speaking in such a way: 
There is one. Since Galadriel's defeat, she sought out a new ally. An ancient sorcerer, to instruct the Elves in forging a new weapon. One you first told her about. A power over flesh. Do you remember those words? A power that will allow him to use your children as slaves in his army once more. Sauron/Halbrand "plants the seeds" of the Battle of Eregion in Adar's mind, 2x01
And this is the moment when Adar realizes that Halbrand is, in fact, Sauron, and later has Galadriel confirm his suspicion. It’s the mention of “his children” (Orcs) that triggers the recognition between them. Maybe, because: "Do you want to know what he [Sauron] offered me? [...] Children." He tells Galadriel, in 2x06.
The “idea” of the Orcs came from Morgoth, and Sauron was the one who used Dark magic to see it through. And, perhaps, that "magical imprint" creates a recognition between them, because, like Charlie Vickers said, Adar and Sauron share a deep and mystical connection.
Why is all of this relevant? Because after “Elrond” calls him “Adar” (“Father of the Orcs”), there is a switch on Adar’s whole demeanor, and we can even see him looking deeper into Elrond’s eyes, as if he was suspecting him not to be actually be Elrond. And we can see this in Adar’s body language:
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Vorohil: The enemy outnumber us ten to one. So why the confidence? Elrond: Because I know something the Father of the Orcs does not. Vorohil: And what is that? Elrond: Even now Prince Durin is rallying a legion of Dwarves to our aid. And at the first rays of sunlight... you will guide them straight into Adar's flank [...] Ride to them now. Meantime, I will ensure that Eregion's walls hold for one more night.
Elrond continues to call Adar the “father of the Orcs” after he leaves the tent for some reason (force of habit?).
But it has to be noticed that Vorohil himself is puzzled by Elrond’s confidence and boldness. And why is Elrond sending him away, exactly? It’s not like Durin and the Dwarves need an escort to get to Eregion, we know they have been there before, in 2x03. Or is he sending him away for him not to tell anyone about this meeting with Adar? 
It's also worth mentioning that another character is also "ensuring that Eregion's walls hold for one more night":
Sauron: Lord Celebrimbor refuses to permit a counter-attack. He says the river will protect us [...] And that is why we're not going to obey him. Gather your finest troops. I am taking command of our defenses.
And how would Sauron know that the Dwarves are coming to help Eregion? Because King Durin III has one of the Seven rings of power, connected to Sauron himself. Which means that Sauron has a direct streaming service into Khazad-dûm, and is aware of everything that happens there. More; King Durin (by the power of his ring) doesn’t allow the Dwarves to help Eregion. Which means, the Elven army will be defeated (just like Sauron wants).
Planting the seeds of discord 
The diplomacy isn’t in the room with us, because we, the audience, don’t see Elrond trying to reason or deal with Adar in any way, shape of form. Instead, Elrond taunts him with doing Sauron’s biding and sacrificing the Orcs’ lives, while going full warmongering on Adar. 
Adar: Sauron is my enemy as much as yours. Give me what I need to defeat him and let us all be rid of him. Elrond: Is it not you that has done his bidding by laying siege to Eregion? Adar: Eregion has fallen into shadow. It belongs to the Deceiver now, as does every Elf within its walls.
What an odd thing for Elrond to say... How does he knows that Adar is doing “Sauron’s biding”? Has he earned his “gift of foresight” already? Without his ring of power? 
Elrond: Are you prepared to spend their [Orcs] lives so freely, Adar? Are they? Adar: The Ring for Galadriel's life. What is it to be? Elrond: Ask me on the field, when the neck with a blade against it is yours.
In this scene, "Elrond” is taking advantage of the Orcs’ dissatisfaction with Adar to create even more conflict between the “father” and his “children”. And the camera lingers on Glûg after “Elrond” says this: who was the first to betray Adar for Sauron, and stroke the first blow to kill him, in 2x08?  
Why is Elrond using tactics from Sauron’s playbook of manipulation and deception in this scene, exactly? Because, here, he’s “planting the seeds” of everything Sauron wants: the Battle of Eregion proceeding (as planned), the Orcs betraying Adar, and giving Galadriel a means to escape (which appears to be the only reason why Elrond is there, in the first place).
Houdini Elrond 
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Elrond removes the pin in front of the Orcs and not one sees or says a thing about it. Glûg might have seen it (as I’ve read some fans saying), but Galadriel breaking free wasn’t going to stop the battle, so there was no point in him allowing it; and Galadriel killed several Orcs during her escape, so it kinds of contradicts the theory that Glûg  “let it slide” because he was upset with Adar. 
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However, the Orcs being blind it’s one thing, but Elrond boldly faces Adar without his pin. Are you telling me that this corrupted Elf, with thousands of years old (older than Galadriel herself), doesn’t notice that Elrond’s pin is missing and that he took it off? 
What kind of sorcery is this!? Is almost like... magic.
"Forgive me"??
Why is Elrond asking for Galadriel’s forgiveness in this scene, exactly? It can’t be because he’s allowing her to stay as Adar’s prisoner, because he’s giving her a means to escape. And he looks very emotional for it to just be a trick to fool Adar. 
Also, Elrond being there in the first place is a contradiction to the promise he made Galadriel, in 2x04: 
Galadriel: Promise me, Elrond, you will put opposing Sauron above all other considerations. Even my life.   Elrond: I will make no promise whose asking is borne of that Ring. But I swear to you... defeating Sauron will come first. Even before you.
Is he apologizing because he broke his promise? Or because he’s about to kiss her (as I’ve read some saying)? All of these justifications seem kind of weak.
There’s another character who has a lot to apologize for, and who already had a similar to parallel this one, back in 1x05:
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604to647 · 9 months ago
Husband Material
3.1K / Detective Tim Rockford x fem!reader
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Summary: You come home drunk after a fun night out and Tim takes care of you.
This one shot is based on that Tiktok trend where girls refer to their boyfriends as their “husband” to see what their reaction will be 🤭🤭
Warnings: 18+ Content (MDNI pls) but it’s all fluff!  Maybe Tim gets a little handsy when he helps reader undress 🤷🏻‍♀️ (she’s into it). Drunk reader, consumption of Chinese food. Established relationship, petnames (Shutterbug, gorgeous, baby), soft!Tim. Reader wears a dress and heels (but they hurt her feet).
A/N: After writing Marine Attraction, I couldn’t shake the Tim brainrot so I decided to start a non-linear series of fluffy one-shots for Detective Rockford and his Shutterbug – the series will be called The Rockford Portfolio (… you know, like The Rockford Files but ‘Portfolio’ because reader takes photos 😁😁)
Photography aesthetic dividers by @saradika-graphics 😍
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Tim pushes his reading glasses up his nose as his settles in under the fluffy duvet cover, two of your matching pillows propped up comfortably behind his back, ready to dive into his book.  You’re not home yet, but Tim doesn’t mind waiting up.  Since the two of you exchanged keys six month ago, he’s probably spent more time at your place than his own – he prefers the warmth of your apartment, with the soft décor and personal touches that remind him so much of you to the cold, sparse feel of his own place.  He had originally worried that you might mind that most days he comes straight here after his long day at the precinct, but you hadn’t minded one bit. 
You didn’t mind making room in your closet for his sharp, if slightly monochromatic suits among your more colourful wardrobe.  You didn’t even mind the gun lock box that sits on the top shelf of that same closet; a safe place for Tim’s service firearm where it remains for you, out of sight, out of mind.  You certainly didn’t mind the permanent home his gun holster had found on your bed post – within arm’s reach should the mood strike you to see it frame your boyfriend’s broad shoulders.  And if the little pile of police paperwork that lives on a corner of your dining room table or any of the other little ways you’ve made room for him in your place didn’t convince him, you would tease that you’d never dare keep him from reading his way through your Agatha Christie collection.
It tickles you to no end that your big bad police detective boyfriend spends all day solving mysteries, only to choose to spend his free time reading books about detectives solving mysteries.  When you shared your amusement with Tim, he had winked at you, tapped his finger against his temple and recited, “If the little grey cells are not exercised, they grow the rust.”  So delighted at Tim quoting your favourite Christie hero you had immediately attacked his face with your lips, planting breathy butterfly kisses over every inch of his handsome face, the book he was reading consequently knocked to the ground and forgotten for the rest of the evening in lieu of decidedly less bookish activities.
He’s right in the middle of a Hercule Poirot soliloquy when he hears the front door open and then your loud, breathy giggle as you bump into the foyer table; shortly after, your keys jingle when dropped in the key bowl, clinking with his own that he had placed in the same bowl several hours earlier.  Tim listens to you struggle a bit with kicking off your shoes, realizing you must finally be free of your work heels when you let out an exaggerated sigh of relief as your tired feet touch the cool hardwood.  He emerges from the bedroom just in time to see you wobblily padding towards the kitchen and grins to himself - you’re drunk.  Tim calls your name softly and when you see your handsome boyfriend smiling at you, delicious and all at home in your apartment, wearing only a wifebeater and his boxers, your eyes open wide – you were on a way to get a snack, but he’s a snack. 
“Timmy!!!!!” you launch yourself in those strong, muscular arms that you know will feel so good around your tired body; Tim catches you easily and envelopes you in his welcoming embrace, his grin only getting wider – you only call him ‘Timmy’ when you get tipsy.  You've been so excited to go out with some old work colleagues that didn’t work at your firm anymore, finally able to arrange a get-together that worked with everyone’s busy schedules.  Evidently you had a great time tonight – Tim’s glad, he pulls you in for a soft, tender hello kiss before steering you over to the kitchen where you were undoubtedly headed to get something to eat.  Sitting you down at the breakfast counter, he fetches you a fresh glass of water and two preventative Advils, and encourages you to tell him all about your evening while he heats up a plate in the microwave.
“What’s that?  You made me food?” you exclaim, giddy.
Tim chuckles, “Nothing fancy like that, Shutterbug.  I ate dinner at the precinct and brought home my Chinese takeout leftovers.  Just plated it so I could heat it up quickly for you when you got home – figured you’d want an après bar snack.”
He’s so sweet.  And thoughtful.  And hot, you smile dopily as you thank him.
“You know, gorgeous, I could have come picked you up,” Tim looks over at you from the open microwave door.
“You’re so sweet, baby!  I know you would have, but you’ve been working so hard on the Pie case – I knew you would already be working late, and I knew we would be late too with all the picture taking.  I didn’t want you to get home and then have to go out again.  It was easy enough to share a cab.  Oh!  That reminds me – I gotta check in with the group chat.”
Your fingers are still flying over your phone keyboard as Tim places a plate of steaming hot Chinese food in front of you – you smile gratefully up at him.
Tonight’s night out had been double duty for you – in addition to seeing some friends that you haven’t seen in forever, a local food blog that features your photos regularly had put out a call for cocktail photos, so your group had gone out with the mission of trying as many different mixed drinks as possible. 
As he always does after you go out and shoot photos, Tim sits next to you and listens to you as you swipe through your camera roll and happily chirp about the pictures you took: the subjects, lens choices, angles and lighting options.  He does his best to concentrate on the pretty pictures on your screen but can’t help stealing glances at your sweet face, alight with enthusiasm and joy.
Finally putting your phone down, you start to dig into your cooled down food as you catch Tim up on the rest of your night, tipsily chatting non-stop in between bites of delicious, greasy food:
“Ok remember when I told you about Vicky’s deadbeat boyfriend who she basically carried through her internship?  He apparently tried applying for a job at her new boyfriend’s restaurant??!”
“Guess what they had on the menu, baby??  A flight of spareribs – isn’t that such a cute idea?  I thought, ohhh Tim would love this, he can never choose between crispy and bbq. Ha!”
“And she ended up getting two dogs from the shelter!  Do you ever thing about getting a dog?  I kind of wish we had a dog but we’re both so busy…”
“… should have made him clean the toilets, is what I said.”
“Ooo!  Dumplings!”
“They had that Chablis we liked so much at that wine bar in New York!  I didn’t get any because we were only getting cocktails for my photos.  But no one ever has Chablis – we need to go back!”
“So then you’ll never guess what she said: I would rather eat a lightbulb.”
Your unrestrained laughter rings throughout the kitchen, eyes twinkling in mirth, thoroughly amused by you and your friends’ antics.  You’re leaning back in your chair, your feet resting in Tim’s lap as he rubs your sore feet, the very picture of happiness that Tim imagines whenever the stress and realities of his work threaten to envelope him and he needs a little light to guide him forward.
With amazement, Tim watches as you gracefully manipulate your chopsticks and pick up cube after cube of salt and pepper fried tofu and pop them in your mouth, your elegant movements belying your state of inebriation, “Sounds like you had a great time tonight, Shutterbug.”
“Oh we did!  I miss those girls so much.  It’s hard for us to find a time to all get together but when we do it’s always soooo much fun!  We just pick up like we used to when we were all juniors at the firm, it was perfect… well except for those two guys that couldn’t take a hint.  Yeesh.”
“What guys?” Tim looks up, eyes darkening, his big, firm hands stop their caressing of your arches.
You wave your chopsticks wildly in the air, as if to dismiss his concern, “Just a couple of guys at the bar that kept sending us drinks.  We kept sending them back.”  You wiggle your feet in Tim’s grip and he catches on – immediately starting to massage them again.
“Did they give you any trouble?”
“Not really.  Too laughable to be trouble – they came over before dessert was brought out to ask why we didn’t accept their drinks?  I mean?? We told them that we were drinking for work, like my photo thing, not for fun.”
“And they got the message?”
“I mean, it took a while, but yes – they kept trying dumb lines like, Work hard, play hard!” you scrunch up your face at the ridiculous memory, “I finally had to tell them that my husband’s a cop in order for them to leave us alone!”
Husband.  Tim wills himself to keep his expression neutral, as if you hadn’t said something that piqued his interest and sent his heart racing.  Husband.
“Oh yeah?  What did they have to say to that?”
“Ugh!  One of them tried to convince me that he’d be a better husband than 'some meter maid,'” you roll your eyes as you shove black bean chicken chow mein into your mouth, “Timmy, did you splurge for extra crispy noodles?!” Your delight fills Tim with pride – he doesn’t know how you can tell after the sauce practically drowns the noodles, but you always can.
He nods, entertained by your cheery chatter, “You know, everyone has to do a rotation in Parking Enforcement – it’s a legitimate part of training.  So, what did you say?”
It takes you a beat to answer, so tickled by the image of your hulking Tim in a little cap and vest writing parking tickets, “I quoted Clueless of course: As if.  My husband is the biggest, baddest detective in the LAPD.  He’s the smartest investigator on the squad and has cleared more cases than anyone else in the precinct.   And he’s a ferocious guard dog who would rip apart any one who would dare make a woman feel uncomfortable.”
“You told them all that, Shutterbug?” Tim’s half proud and half shy at your praise, and still unable to get over that you’re calling him your husband in public.  It’s making him unspeakably happy. 
You nod vigorously, eyes wide and innocent, as if you couldn’t imagine a world in which Detective Tim Rockford and his accomplishments aren’t being praised to the sky at every given opportunity.  “I also told them that my husband is the sweetest and kindest person I’ve ever met.  And that even though he has hardened criminals scared shitless, he only ever makes me feel loved and supported, 100% appreciated and taken care of.  I love my husband!”  You look so happy you could cry, and Tim can’t help but feel his entire chest swell at how you described him to those two bozo strangers - that this is how you see him, what he means to you.  He loves you so much.
He tells you so as he kisses the top of your head, taking your empty plate to the sink and fetching another glass of water before wrapping his arm tightly around your waist and leading you to the bathroom.
From under his chin, you look up and coo, “And he’s hot too, you know?”
“Hmmmm?” Tim smiles down indulgently to find your cute, drunk face grinning at him mischievously.
“My husband.  He’s so fucking hot.  I want to climb him like a tree and sink my teeth into all his hard muscles and mark him up so everyone knows he’s mine.  Oh my god!”  You step in front of Tim, startling him with your sudden movement, the two you continuing to make your way through the bedroom.  Under Tim’s watchful eye, you walk backwards as you babble eagerly, trying desperately to make him understand, “You don’t even know how handsome he is?!?  He has the perfect nose and the deepest brown eyes.  His lips are so soft, perfect for kissing.  He is SUCH a good kisser.  OH!!! His facial hair looks sooooo good… I wonder what he would look like with a full beard.  Probably just as fucking hot as he does now.  My husband’s face is DEVASTATING!” You sigh dramatically.
Now starting to get embarrassed at your compliments, Tim turns you around gently and marches forward.  Once in the bathroom, you stop abruptly so that Tim bumps into you – giggling, you wiggle your butt into his crotch, wordlessly asking for help you don’t actually need to undress.
Tim disrobes you swiftly – wanting to help you get to bed as soon as possible, but makes sure to kiss a gentle path along the skin he reveals as he unzips the dress he watched you put on for work this morning; after he helps you step out of your dress, he dots kisses down the back of your thighs and calves that leave you shivering in pleasure.  Left in just your matching pastel floral lingerie set, you brush you teeth and start your night time skin care while Tim watches you fondly from his seat on the edge of the tub.  No matter the circumstances, you’ll never go to bed without washing your face and putting on some of the elixirs and potions that overrun your bathroom counter – Tim’s convinced they must work though - you’re radiant, stunning; if he didn’t often find himself distracted by the soft curves of your enticing body, he would never look away from your beautiful face.
“Did you know your husband has the best wife?”
You look over at him and giggle into the face towel you’re using to dry your cleansed skin, “Oh yeah?  Tell me about your wife, Detective Rockford.”
As you start to apply your creams and moisturizers, Tim comes up behind you, gently skimming his fingers up and down your bare sides, leaving little goosebumps in their wake, “My wife is gorgeous.  Prettiest woman I’ve ever met, inside and out.  She’s smart, kind, and hilarious, and I think the most considerate person on this planet.  Did you know when I first met her, she volunteered to wait and be the last to be interviewed by a grumpy detective, so that school trips and families with kids could go first?”
Your eyes crinkle at the memory of when you met Tim at the aquarium nearly a year and a half ago, “How do you know your wife wasn’t just angling to be interviewed by the hot detective?”
Tim points a finger at himself comically, arching his eyebrow at the you in the mirror reflection, Me?  Do you mean me – I was the hot detective?
You nod heartily, Of course you.
“Well, looks like my wife had my number from the start.  She’s smart like that.  Her brain is the sexiest part of her you know?  And that’s saying something because everything about her is sexy,” Tim starts kissing your neck.  His hands trail up to your breasts and he softly gropes your curves over the lacy fabric before reaching one hand between your bodies and undoes your bra clasp, his other hand ready to help you drag the bra down your arms, exposing your bare chest to the detective's lustful gaze.  Nuzzling into your ear, he whispers, “My wife is so fucking hot,” as his fondles your breasts in his big, meaty hands – rolling your nipples between his rough fingers then lightly tugging before releasing them, causing your tits to jiggle. 
You turn in Tim’s arms, your lips immediately meeting his, mouth open with an unspoken invitation he eagerly accepts.  Tim licks into your mouth hungrily and you match each stroke of his tongue with a brush of yours, every nip of his teeth with an equally playful nibble.  You sigh into Tim’s mouth as his lips press to yours over and over, mapping your soft cushiony lips and sucking them swollen to mark you as his.  He hardly allows you to take a breath, and you’re not sure anymore if your dizziness is from tonight’s alcohol, or the way Tim’s lips slot so perfectly over yours, stealing all your air.  You love it - air is nothing when you have Tim.  Moaning softly so the sound fills his mouth, you hear Tim whisper huskily, “Arms up, Shutterbug.”
“Anything you say, Detective,” you shimmy your half naked body playfully in Tim’s arms and raise your arms over your head as requested, and for a second, you can’t help but gaze adoringly at Tim’s devilishly handsome face before your vision is obstructed.
“Hey!  What th-?”  When Tim’s grinning face comes back into view, he lowers your arms to your sides and you look down at your chest.  You realize that Tim has slipped one of his oversized band t-shirts over your head to wear for sleeping.  You give him an exaggerated pout and a silly whine before pressing your now t-shirt clad body to his, your final drunk attempt at seduction.
Tim dispenses a soft kiss to your lips, nose, then forehead, “Not tonight, gorgeous.  You’re drunk.  You don’t need sex, you need water.”  He points to the glass of water he brought from the kitchen and leaves to place the drink on your bedside table so that you can finish getting ready for bed. 
Snuggling under the covers after taking three big gulps of water from your glass at Tim’s insistence, you sleepily arch you butt against Tim’s bulge, giving it a half-hearted shake, stopping only when he gives you a pinch on the bum, murmuring, “Tomorrow, Shutterbug.”  You grin at the promise and yawn, “Goodnight, Timmy,” before finally succumbing to your alcohol fueled exhaustion and passing out.
Tim wonders if you’ll remember calling him your husband tomorrow.  He wonders if you meant to say it or if it just slipped out.  He wonders what it could mean that you said it at all.  He wonders if you somehow know about the ring box that’s hidden in a pair of old sport socks he never uses at the back of his dresser drawer in the bedroom of a house that he’s hardly at anymore. 
Tim tightens his arms around you - he wonders a lot of things, but the one thing he never wonders about is how he feels about you.  Pressing one last soft kiss to your shoulder, Tim breathes in your soft scent – a mixture of perfume, lotion, home, and whispers, “Good night, Mrs. Rockford.”
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amu-azu · 9 months ago
People ship Amuro with many characters, but I just realised that characters on DC only assumed he dating Azusa, not with the others.
1. Amuro's fans (canon and movie)
Even though his fans don't like Azusa-san, they still assume there's a thing between Amuro-san and Azusa-san and write about it on social media (just like in real life).
2. Sonoko (canon)
Sonoko literally assumes and teases they are dating. Ran might also assume they're dating that time, I'm not sure about that, but she doesn't really help Azusa clear up the misunderstanding to Sonoko.
3. Kaito Kid (canon)
When Amuro says, "I love you, Azusa-san," the reaction of Kaito Kid who's disguised as Azusa shows that he assumes there is something between Amuro and Azusa.
If we connect it to the previous episode, Kid who disguised as Kazami, sees Amuro holding Azusa, so it's not surprising that he assumed Azusa would be happy when Amuro confessed his love.
4. Vermouth (canon)
When Vermouth disguises as Azusa, she hold onto Amuro's arm. Vermouth probably don't think they are dating, but sure she assumes they are that close.
5. Subaru Okiya aka Akai Suichi (one of the commemorative voice lines for the 100th volume)
Subaru Okiya says "I had no idea you were dating the waitress from Poirot." (Referring to Azusa), to which Amuro replies with "Y-Yeah, well..." instead of denying the misunderstanding and keeps going along with Okiya's questioning.
I copied that from AmuAzu trivia. I'm really curious about this trivia, though. Do you know where I can see or hear it?
6. Tsuruyama-obachan (ZTT)
Tsuruyama-obachan is AmuAzu shipper in ZTT, of course she assumes there's something between them. She even says that to Azusa when Amuro temporarily away from Poirot.
7. Kazami (ZTT)
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In one of the ZTT chapters, Kazami thinks Amuro is inviting women to his apartment. Azusa is the first person he thinks of when he finds blonde hair in the bathroom, but he immediately denies it because her hair isn't blonde.
Even more interesting, Amuro never deny their assumptions. When Azusa tries to deny it, Amuro actually asks Azusa not to think too much about the fans. Amuro also doesn't deny when Sonoko teases them.
What do you think about it? Am I just making things up or have you also noticed other characters in DC assuming there is something between Amuro and Azusa? 🤭🤭
You are absolutely not making things up. Gosho was been planting the seeds for "something more" between them. like you just demonstred, he's bringing up the possibily off a relationship between them, using other characters.
If he will make these seeds bloom and make them an official couple is that we don't know (but I hope he does)
about the trivia, sadly I've tried to find a video of the app but couldn't. that I posted was based on posts on twitter by Japanese fans back then when it came out. sorry.
and thanks for the ask.
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hopelesslyprosaic · 9 days ago
Was just reading Richard Lancelyn Green's The Uncollected Sherlock Holmes and he makes a really good point in the introduction that I hadn't thought about in quite this way- that the Golden Age of detective fiction, in all its variety, was kick-started in the early 20c by a bunch of writers (EC Bentley, Baroness Orczy, Agatha Christie, etc) reacting to Sherlock Holmes by creating detectives who were as different from him as it was possible to be.
I find it a really interesting thought (and I'm sure there are other writers who can be said to have done the same, though Green doesn't mention them)- the idea that a very varied and creative genre could spring from writers all being so influenced by one particular character that they wrote something as distinctive as possible from it. If Holmes's existence spurred creativity enough to give us the Old Man in the Corner and Poirot (I'll admit, I never really got into Trent's Last Case), not to mention the other varied detectives who would arrive over the coming decades, then that's a great legacy in its own right. To be fair, the cultural penetration of Holmes and ACD was so massive that it's almost impossible for subsequent writers not to have been influenced by the canon, but the idea of the reaction to him triggering this 1910s-30s flourishing of creativity does tickle me.
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expatesque · 3 months ago
Monthly Recap - Nov
Second round of this, under the cut
Mansfield Park, Jane Austen - Do not recommend, was decent in the start but a slog by the end. Fanny is the most insipid protagonist I’ve come across in Jane by a mile, truly wishing her the worst.
Death in the Clouds, Agatha Christie - a top notch Poirot, very fun and twisty.
The absolute drama around Yellow Bittern has been so jokes, Vittles as ever had a great take
Ann Helen Peterson on how to show up for friends (meh, some interesting suggestions, very American oriented) and whether the kids are too soft (oriented towards journalism but a good question to be asking in any industry).
So much about the last 6 months of the economy (tuned out for my gardening leave, now have to catch up).
This month included Halloween so we had Practical Magic (an absolute must watch for the season for me), Beetlejuice (first time watching, more entertaining than I thought it would be), and I Married a Witch (the second you see Veronica Lake in this you understand why someone would risk their eternal soul and stay married to her)
A lot of West Wing - election season always gets me back to here, one of the best shows ever
Drop Dead Gorgeous - a fun one for a wine-filled night in with a friend
A hungover binge of Man on the Inside - sweet and cute and sad, especially if you know people who've had memory issues.
I am continuing to watch Charmed at night before bed, which is low stakes and amusing enough. Also watching Vampire Diaries, which is terrible but great fun mainly because I live text my reactions to my friend who’s already seen it while I watch, so it’s really half a friendship exercise.
Attended: The ballet! Saw Encounters: Four Contemporary Ballets at the Royal Opera House which was largely eh but (1) the Royal Opera House is amazing, worth seeing anything there for the venue (and esp the bar), alone, and (2) the final piece, The Statement by Crystal Pite, was absolutely mind-blowing, one of the best things I’ve seen in a long time.
Went to three V&A Young Patrons things: Portrait Miniatures handling session (v cool), opening party for the Great Mughals (v fun), private viewing of the Great Mughals (v good, see below).
Learned to: Use hot rollers. Really recommend, they're a super easy way to look way more polished and genuinely take <10 min start to finish. I used this tutorial (and can confirm the volumizing spray she talks about is very good).
Made new friends!: Ana I think is going to be a good one, maybe Parker too. And Beatrix is a perfect tennis friend, not sure if we'll graduate beyond that.
Revarnished my outdoor furniture: trying to help it survive this winter better than last.
A lot of soaking in oxygen bleach of towels, tea towels, stained shirts, etc: getting things into shape for when I go back to work.
Went to a Thursday singles event and went on a date off the back of that: event was scary and kinda meh but I met someone so, worth it.
Found someone to play tennis with during the week (and played twice outside of drills): a big accomplishment, she’s lovely and a good player and available the same kinds of times that I am. Jackpot.
Last Month’s Goals
☑️Use all class pass classes: Actually had to buy more passes, did a lot of F45 and Qigong this month.
☑️Read a book: see Read section above.
☑️New Recipes x4: (1) Confit Chicken Legs - so good and how amazing that they keep for months, (2) Rick Bayless Slow cooker mole - a really good mole recipe (available on YouTube) with a huge amount of depth for (relatively) little work, (3) Brazilian Stroganoff - made this for the Brazilian GP (I try to make themed food for every GP) and it was decent but not my fav and I’m unlikely to make again, (4) Not proper recipes but did a lot of making my own condiments and syrups, e.g. rosemary simple syrup, pickled chillis, slow roasted cherry tomatoes.
☑️Go to a new museum: The Wallace Collection, can’t believe I haven’t been before, it’s free and lovely. The Swing is actually very cool in person, I hadn’t realized how small it is. And the recently completed conservation is wonderful, the colors are really stunning. There’s also a nice cafe. Recommend!
☑️☑️Go to an Exhibition (x2): The Great Mughals at the V&A (very interesting, lots of little details, was glad to go to private viewing with two of the curators as that added a lot), Silk Roads at the BM (incredibly good but also incredibly packed. Try to go first thing in the morning). Note: This one means a major exhibition at a museum I’ve been to before.
☑️Go to the theater: See above, Did section.
🟧Crochet: Making progress, still want to get better about doing this more regularly at night.
❌Write More: Total fail here, need to reconsider how to prioritize this and figure out what the main blockages are.
❌Lay morning foundation: Also total fail on this, probably should reconsider what's realistic for these colder months.
☑️Budget: Barely, was tougher this month. I'm ready to have income coming back in.
🟧Memorize a poem (x2): okay really this is a fail but I had to memorize a rap for Russian class so I'm counting that as a half tick.
☑️Russian flashcards: This is going better and my vocab is improving.
🟧Screen time: Better but still not good. May need to think about how to cycle this through the week / month vs blanket bans/reductions.
🟧Job prep: Unlikely to have any interviews until Jan so this has slowed down but is in progress.
Next Month’s
Carrying Over
Use all class pass passes (I expect to use less because I got home for Xmas midway through the period)
Four two new recipes (shrinking this as I will be doing less regular cooking and more holiday cooking)
Read a book
Visit a new musuem
Go to an exhibition
Go to a show (off for this month, busy start to the month and then I’ll be home)
Write more
Morning foundation
Memorize a poem
Russian flashcards
Job/interview prep
Quality time with people at home (grandmama, gran and pa, Jack, parents, Grace, Anna, M&M)
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shelma32entertainment · 1 year ago
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Shelma32 Plays | Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases | PS5 | #01
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poirott · 1 year ago
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A Haunting in Venice Advanced Screening Reactions
An early screening of the movie was shown at the El Capitan Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA, September 7 2023, to largely positive reviews.
The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel's Blossom Room had a spooky setup, fun photo-op backdrop for selfies, masked Venetian gondoliers floating about, and the film's costumes on display!
Source (Photos): stacilaynewilson, dennis.tzeng, asadayaz, idkgravity, joerussotweets, izumihasegawa, zack.quin Instagram Stories
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babyleostuff · 7 months ago
For a prolific writer like you ( and I know you've got mad skills because I like a stalker went through your blog and with each ask you write good stuff, hitting the feelings right and all) do you have a book recommendation? Your discography of writing is so vast and profound and for each character ( and we all know there's 13 reactions you have to nail every time ,)you must have read an ocean fill to be deeply inspired to write this well.
Sincerely how the hell do you nail quality WITH quantity this well ?
In other words... you're Uhmazeing
first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH this literally made me go 🥰🥲🥳😍💜🥹. complements like these always make me shed a tear (in a good way ofc).
AND DO I HAVE A BOOK RECOMMENDATION??? OH HONEY I DO!!!! (literature and writing are basically my whole life).
you didn't specify which genre you're interested in so let me give you some options <3
picture of dorian grey, dracula, psycho, animal farm, pride and prejudice, little women, the handmaid’s tale
the only crime and mystery i enjoy reading is sir arthur conan doyle and agata christie, so sherlock holmes and hercules poirot is just chefs kiss (and their books are such wholesome, short, to the point novels that i can’t imagine someone not liking them)
if i had to pick my fav tho „then there were none” has to be one of my all time favourites, it’s so so good
the song of achilles, the invisible life of addie larue, a court of thorns and roses, electric idol + radiant sin, the ex hex, kingdom of the wicked, these violent delights, serpent & dove
(F1) dirty air [don’t get discouraged by the first book], (hockey) off-campus, (american football) the wall of winnipeg and me [not that huge fan of this in particular, but idk maybe you like american football]
the housekeeper and the professor, a little life, the secret history, if we were villains, a dowry of blood, little fires everywhere, radio silence + loveless
TIK TOK (it hurts me that a genre like that even exists)
twisted series, check & mate + the love hypothesis, the spanish love deception, love redesigned (an actually good tik tok(ish) book), kings of sin series, dreamland billionaires series, archer’s voice
i think that’s the best i can do for now (and i realise that not all of those recommendations are masterpieces and classics of literature, but sometimes you just need a book with bad writing and poor plot).
i hope you’ll find something for yourself! 🫶🏼
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I was watching Columbo last night and thinking about this post I once saw about how Tumblr likes Columbo cause it's pretty close to being the closest thing possible to a left-wing cop show and how true that is. Columbo's adversaries are always rich people who think they're clever and underestimate Columbo's intellect cause he isn't rich and he has working class coded mannerisms, clothes, and tastes. This got me thinking about whether an equivalent character could be written today (for something set today, not a period piece) and what they'd be like. I think it'd be tricky cause of how the relationships between class, policing, and partisanship has changed.
For example, it feels like the character/archetype Columbo is most clearly written in reaction against is Hercule Poirot. Or maybe Poirot's knock-offs, in the same way a lot of fantasy isn't so much written against Tolkien as written against Tolkien's imitators, I'm not really into detective fiction so IDK. I think a modern equivalent of Columbo would have to be centrally written in reaction against the archetype of the "gritty" Dirty Harry style cowboy cop who steps on toes and breaks rules but gets results. I think actual Columbo already had some of that in it, but for a modern remake it'd have to be much more central. I'm not sure what that would look like. Though one thing I can picture relatively well is, like, I could totally see one of remake-Columbo's cases pitting them against a murderer who's exactly that kind of cowboy cop but written as a villain.
An important part of Columbo's character is he's smart but he superficially fits a rich person's stereotype of what a stupid person looks, sounds, and acts like, and this causes his adversaries to underestimate his intellect. I think the tricky thing with a modern equivalent of Columbo would be giving them a persona that triggers similar contempt in people who live in nice five bedroom houses regardless of whether that particular nice five bedroom house has a thin blue line sign or an "in this house we believe" sign on its nice lawn. I'm not sure what that would look like either. One idea I had for is a modern equivalent of Columbo might be a woman who has big breasts and a big butt and is "thick," i.e. has a body type stereotypically associated with strippers, porn stars, and fanservice characters, specifically because of the negative stereotypes associated with that body type - @who-canceled-roger-rabbit, I think you might appreciate this idea!
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unionizedwizard · 11 months ago
(hercule poirot voice) ze psychology! monsieur! this is the point! you must understand the psychology!
so. about the psychology:
1) why in hell would my mother attempt to poison me via a book? like what was the POINT?
- i highly doubt this was meant to kill me. first of all because there would have been easier and safer methods to do so, as my friend pointed out; secondly because this is a pattern (the infamous case of the "infant abandoned on the sidewalk for an entire day before being returned by the neighbors at nightfall" comes to mind, among others.....), she loved neglecting me and endangering/ignoring my safety; thirdly because i guess my unnatural and inexplicable survival skills must come from somewhere...
- but mostly because i think i was more use to her alive than dead. firstly because me dying would have put her in danger of being suspected by the authorities (possibly. honestly i'm not too confident the cops would have investigated in the first place but you never know), and her chief concern was always social respectability and her reputation. and secondly because she needed to have someone to exert her power upon. i was challenging her authority, unlike her husband, and she did enjoy breaking me. it was something she said & made obvious very often btw, not me having heard too many fictional villain monologues. (maybe i like unhinged villain monologues because they remind me of home, tho........)
- so why the poison? why this?? i think it was some sort of enrichment for her. she always found it hilarious to see people suffer (she always talked gleefully about the awful things she put her students through, like humiliating them, making them cry and panic, banning them from slouching or using the bathroom or drinking water in class....), whether it was strangers or people she knew personally. she found it genuinely entertaining and openly despised people who did not ("stupid and sanctimonious people" she called them)
- she didn't consider me as my own person, she openly and constantly reminded me i was her creation and therefore her possession, and a disappointing, useless failure of a creation at that. she would have considered it normal to use me as an experiment subject. it was well within her rights according to her. (she was especially fond of telling people (while i was sitting right there) that when i was born and the nurse put me in her arms, she took one look at me and said "oh well, this one's a failure. better luck next time"). like i know how this sounds but it was just. normal at the time. just a fun anecdote to tell (in her defense i was a weird and disappointing baby) (but anyway this is neither here nor there)
- i will read queen margot to learn more about the poisoned book that's part of the plot, apparently, but as i said in my original post about this whole thing, she LOVED recreating random book events or dialogue in real life, and subtly. the metanarrative dramatic flair...... i think she would definitely get a kick out of seeing me suddenly get sick without knowing why, while holding the very clue that could lead me to the answer of the mystery. that is 100000% something she would do.
- she hated the fact i was really into literature because it was *her thing*, and kept sabotaging my efforts by convincing me i actually didn't know how to "truly read, not just consume and destroy books". (i will stop there but there's a lot of things to be said on the topic). she gave me very few books, growing up, so this gift and especially her forcing me to finish reading the novel were highly out of character for her
- i'm hazarding a guess which might be a bit over-the-top here but: it might also have been meant as a deterrent. conditioning me to have an averse reaction to reading or something (she *was* very fond of dumas)
- finally, why the three musketeers? i can think of three points that would make this novel the perfect candidate for such a project: 1) it is a typical, inconspicuous gift for an 11 years old (even though it didnt fit my own tastes); 2) it is an uncommonly long novel, meaning exposure to any potential poison would be particularly high; 3) as mentioned before, it would have been thematically perfect: a clue, that only she would have known about (she does like her tragic irony and double énonciation and mindgames in general)
genuinely, it does fit with her personality. i think she would have found it a way to have a bit of fun and conduct a nice little experiment + power trip combo.
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your-nanas-house · 1 year ago
Thank you so much for answering my ask, and also the imagine with it was so lovely! I’m so happy you’re taking requests too - your writing is brilliant. I should probably say major spoilers for Death on the Nile in this if anyone hasn’t watched it yet! I had an idea where it was the reader who was shot in Death on the Nile instead of Bouc, except it’s non-fatal (maybe Jacqueline had bad aim and hit her in the leg or something) and it’s Poirot’s reaction to that - he’s torn between apprehending the culprit and taking care of her. I imagine Bouc would urge him to stay with her, and Poirot would be furious about her getting hurt.
Thanks for requesting, dear!! Love it, I wanted to do it a bit longer but I opted for a shorter version, hope you won't mind 🥰
Worried sick
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◇ Pairing: Hercule Poirot X platonic!Reader
◇ Warnings: you can see it as romantic or platonic honestly, wounds, blood, gun, roughness, fainting
◇ Summary: You get shoot while on the Nile with your friend Hercule Poirot and he freaks out.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
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The excruciating pain didn't make you think properly, things around you were blurry as soon as your eyes landed on the gunshot wound.
As soon as you woke up, you found yourself on the sofa in the room you were in, they had already taken care of your wound which fortunately wasn't too serious but enough to be felt and cause a dramatic reaction from your friend Hercule Poirot.
He was a calm and calculating man most of the time, although he had moments like that—messy hair and clear concern in his eyes as he paced the room as Bouch tried to reassure and calm him down.
It took you a couple of minutes to be able to sit up and inspect the fresh wound, which was now covered by a band
"Geez, luckily they had a bad aim or I was 7 feet under the ground right now" you murmured, half joking half serious, jumping slightly when your friend rushed to you to grab your shoulder in a rough way.
"What were you thinking?!" Poirot exclaimed, his accent way heavier than usual "You could have get killed! I told you to be careful" he added quickly, shaking your shoulders as he thought at a way to keep you same for the rest of the 'journey'.
He needed to interrogate you first, to understand more and be able to take care of the person who had used the gun to hurt you.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @wife-of-magic-monkeys , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 1 year ago
Just finished watching a Haunting in Venice, what if there was a TFA bot similar to the detective Hercule Poirot. Who is a famous detective from Cybertron.
What if when a murder occurs, the detective bot starts his investigation and states that everyone is now a suspect, including the TFA Bots? What's their reaction?
-Optimus is putting on his detective cap and becoming the Watson to this bot's Sherlock. Personal HC that he's super into detective stuff and this is basically a dream come true to him (minus a bot being actually murdered of course). He so badly wants to be of use to the detective bot though he sometimes gets frustrated by their vanity and slightly snobby attitude. Takes the whole investigation seriously while at the same time having the time of his life. Fully accepts that he's a suspect as well and answers all of the questions completely honestly.
-Ratchet understands why he is a suspect but that doesn't mean that he won't complain about it. Gets very frustrated and makes sarcastic remarks when questioned but is honestly a great help when it comes to inspecting the body. Does respect the detective despite everything.
-Bumblebee objects when he finds out that he and the rest of his team are suspects. They are the good guys, they could never do that! Well, maybe Prowl could but the rest of them are definitely innocent! Tries to do his own detective work and find the culprit on his own with little success. Has no clue what he's doing and ends up copying what the detective is doing to not appear completely clueless.
-Bulkhead is anxious and paranoid now that he knows that someone is a murderer. He truly believes that all of his friends are innocent and have nothing to do with it though. When Bumblebee starts doing his own investigation he ends up becoming his assistant. Has no idea what he's doing and hopes that the detective will solve everything. Probably ends up unknowingly finding a major piece of evidence that ends up solving the case.
-Prowl appears so suspicious the entire time, it's almost like he wants people to think he's guilty. He randomly disappears and reappears, shows up at the crime scene and other places of interest, says cryptic statements and dodges questions. He's not guilty, he's actually doing some investigation work on his own and simply does not yet trust the detective enough to cooperate.
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