#point longtail!!!!!
sprout-battlecats · 4 days
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rookflower · 1 year
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misc warriors art i don't think i've posted here yet!
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peteytheparrot · 2 months
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I love the warrior cats graphic novel with all of my heart but this Crookedstar design is NOT it, where is his crooked jaw?? I didn’t even know this was him at first ☠️
could we actually make the clearly shown disabled cats look disabled please idk just a thought 👍
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amber-tortoiseshell · 3 months
thoughts on longtail? people always interpret him in so many different ways..brown tabby, silver tabby, people with less knowledge of cat genetics often draw him as this light cream color with black stripes which could be seen as golden maybe but isn't realistic generally lol. canonically he's described as "pale brown tabby with black stripes" but is portrayed in the manga as looking almost blue.
Even the books don't seem to be able to agree on him:
"Longtail is a lean, pale brown tabby tom with black stripes and green eyes. [...] Although called silver in Rising Storm, he is called brown less than fifty pages later. [...] In addition, Longtail is depicted as a brown tabby in A Thief in ThunderClan, on his profile on the Warrior Cats website, and on his mini, though he is depicted as a silver tabby on the family tree."
I've said once that i'm with the figurine in this question, and I still am: I headcanon him as black tabby point - kinda brown, kinda grey, definitely pale.
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He has illustrations like these:
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Seems pretty close.
(warrior cats genetics ask game)
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titanofthedepths · 11 days
Everything about both Longtail and Swiftpaw, and Cinderpelt and Brightheart gets a LOT sadder when you realize that they’re family
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autisticvash · 2 months
I always get so confused when I see art of Swiftpaw either just before or after his death and hes.... kitten sized. they draw him like the stereotypical apprentice size.
Like... Y'all do realize he's older than Cinderpelt and Brackenfur in the first series, right? He was well within his rights to be pissed at not being a warrior. Hell, CINDERPELT got her full name before him, and even that took longer than Brackenfur getting his name. This is especially ironic considering Cinderpelt and Brackenfur were apprenticed /before they even reached 6 moons/. So he was even older than them, at least by a moon or so.
Swiftpaw was a full ass adult but trapped in the apprentice den. Hell, Ashfur and Ferncloud, two cats also in the apprentice den with him when he died, were BORN in Into The Wild, while he was apprenticed in early Fire and Ice, which takes place literally right after Into the Wild.
Swiftpaw was approximately only four moons away from being /2 years old/. Most warriors these days are made such around 1 year old. Brightheart and Thornclaw also were practically adults when in the apprentice den. All three should've been made Warriors a whole lot sooner, and were right for being mad about it.
Hell, taking into account as well that it almost feels like Thornclaw and Brightheart were apprenticed LATE. We have to go by the assumption that Bluestar wouldn't immediately brand herself a hypocrit and apprentice kits at 3 moons, because SEVERAL moons pass in Fire and Ice, between the times of Cinder and Bracken being apprenticed and the end. Meanwhile, Thorn and Bright are apprenticed in the next book, during which Cinder has ALREADY had her leg injured, healed, and "decided" to be a medicine cat.
EDIT: not saying no one can draw swift small thats perfectly fine!!!! just saying it feels like we're infantalizing him a little bit...
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cicadagaze · 1 year
hmm... what if i made a bunch of polls for Eye Color Discourse. could be fun. but dovewing is like. the only one i can think of for eye color DISCOURSE. i'd personally add ravenpaw as well, but like... who else...
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yuridovewing · 11 months
Adderswift lineage is like "Okay so not only are Spottedleaf and Redtail Tigerstar's aunt and uncle, but Tigerstar is also first cousins with Darkstripe and Graystripe, this is indisputable canon btw you can't argue against this it's totally set in stone and what we intended the entireeeeee time. Oh also Patchpelt fathered a bajillion babies and Longtail and Swiftpaw are siblings for some reason because obviously Swiftpaw has to be Longtail's baby brother for him to give a fuck about his death. You can't feel sad someone died unless you wanna fuck them or they're family. This 100% makes sense btw and you cant contest this"
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bonefall · 2 years
could frostfur mentor ashpaw maybe, if you are wanting to keep the brindleface kits adhering to the code ammendment? she wouldn't have kits in the nursery anymore, and ashpaw isn't her kit, and it would keep the reasoning of fireheart not wanting runningwind to mentor a kit while still choosing a warrior of 2+ years
That would work very well-- plus, I can even make Fireheart's reasoning like,
"Darkstripe, Longtail, and Dustpelt need to be rewarded for their loyalty. Dustpelt will want an apprentice... but he's so young," Fireheart remembered when he and Graystripe were given Frostfur's oldest kits to train, as rewards for driving out Brokenstar and retrieving WindClan. There was no doubt Dustpelt would be jealous of his early achievements, but Fireheart wouldn't soon forget how unprepared they both were to guide apprentices into warriorships when they'd barely been adults themselves.
No. Dustpelt would need to be rewarded in a different way. It wouldn't be fair to Ashpaw, or the well-being of the Clan, for Fireheart to use him like a bargaining chip.
"Frostfur is hardworking and experienced," He concluded, "She will mentor Ashpaw." She would appreciate the incentive to return to warrior duties, now that Thornpaw and Brightpaw have joined their siblings. Besides, he thought grimly, ThunderClan would need all paws on patrols now that they had a powerful enemy lurking in the forest.
(side-note; one of my favorite things is warriors-ifying idioms lmao if you put that in your fanfictions, know I'm giddy with glee)
I need to work out a sort of... secondary-apprentice system that still looks canon-compliant, btw. I want Dustpelt to be rewarded by actually learning how to do construction from the previous generation's building expert, using such a system.
Longtail meanwhile, his reward is that Fireheart starts putting him on important patrols and investing real trust in him. They also start becoming 'friends' at this point; I plan to start showing that he is a reliable cat capable of leadership, since he becomes deputy post-BloodClan battle.
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rainheartrivercat · 1 year
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I redrew my gorl Tangledpath from my glory days (aka when I was ten and first read Ravenpaw’s manga lol)
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volcanicflowers · 2 years
i think we could fix the film industry if we handed the whole thing over to warrior cats fans
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cavecry · 2 years
maybe the most annoying part of trying to reread warriors is just how often plotlines/themes directly contradict the series’ own canon
Cinderpelt losing the function of one of her legs tragically “prevents” her from being a warrior, even though Deadfoot is WindClan’s deputy at the same time, and is widely regarded as a fierce and noble warrior despite having a bad front leg, which would be much more disabling for a cat than a bad back leg
Brightheart is disfigured and partially blinded and deafened by dogs and Bluestar renames her Lostface, which is considered horrifying to the characters even though many, many cats are named after their disabilities just in ThunderClan (Halftail and One-eye are right there, plus Deadfoot, Stumpytail, Clawface, and Crookedstar [yes Crookedstar’s name is later retconned in his SE but that wouldn’t come out for years after the first arc was published] in the other clans)
Snowkit is unceremoniously killed off, Longtail is forced to retire early, and Jayfeather is forced to become a medicine cat, even though Brightheart is right there and thriving despite her loss of vision and hearing
it’s frustrating how often the writers go out of their way to be obnoxiously ableist toward their important characters, yes, especially when we’re talking about cats, but it’s made even more frustrating by its wild inconsistency. either disabled cats can be capable warriors, or they can’t. either clan life can accommodate them, or it can’t. pick a lane and stick to it, writers
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waffultaim · 8 days
In my eyes the real true options that could have been TC deputy (after the darkest hour) will always be Mousefur and Sandstorm ⭐
#I lean more into Mousefur#she already aprentticed a new formed warrior by that time#and she was kinda diligent ngl#like she was there#ik she was mentioned to be young but i like to think as same as young as willowpelt i think idk#sandstorm is a good option too#if only her silly bf didnt have trust issues sigh#it would be kinda nepotism but sandstorm could prove you wrong#she also is equal as intelligent that firestar so they would go well#as for brackenfur or longtail options#no they would no be the perfect match in my eyes#is kinda silly of course they are good guys and you like them#but then you would do the same nistake that bluestar and firestar did lols#i dont think those guys wanted the position either#putting that charge on brackenfur is like the same thing that happened to fireheart#as for longtail i dont think that silly guy in his whole canonly self wanted the position#and firestar still holding trust issues would either#i mean he has the potential if you want to go with that but he is just also a silly living guy#do he would want to be leader someday?#i think he was more like a follower in all his life#but if you work with that it could also do a cool but far stretched add for his arc#seeing guys pointing him to be the so sure decision for the position its just silly for me sorry#but yeah tc needed girlbosses in power#(obligatory) firestar your little gay bf wasnt the option tho ❤️#unpopular opinion but i think firestar took a while to get over about some trust issues and trusting his clan at all#i mean its pointed but i dont see guys talking about it??#its makes him more interesting to me#not to put him in a bad spotlight ❤️
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Seeing UV colors is common for butterflies, but in some species, it is a female-only power
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So, you may or may not know that many butterflies can actually see in UV light. It is very cool and I'm definitely not jealous that they get extra colors. It's helpful to them because many flowers have UV patterns on them (invisible to us) that let the butterflies know that they're a good source of food. The plants get pollinated and the butterflies get to eat. Everybody wins. This is a simulated version of what butterflies might see when they look at a flower.
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Some butterflies, such as the zebra longwing pictured above, only display this trait in females. Because of this, male and female butterflies will tend to visit different types of flowers. But scientists have just recently figured out how this difference came to be, evolutionarily speaking.
Obviously many species have sexually dimorphic traits, some more prominently than others. There are also cases in which one sex develops a trait that is just... less useful than the other, like this case with the UV vision. Almost all butterflies can see in the UV spectrum, so it follows that at some point in the evolutionary line the male zebra longwing butterflies lost that particular ability. There are multiple ways that this sort of thing can happen, and the article covers them briefly, but after sequencing the genome for these butterflies they found that none of those previously seen explanations were the case.
Basically, we already know the gene that causes UV vision in butterflies. It is called the opsin gene. In zebra longtail butterflies, this gene occurs on the chromosome W, which is the female sex chromosome. That means that sometime in history, this gene just jumped from a normal chromosome onto the female-only chromosome, and has locked the male butterflies out of this ability ever since. This is the first time we have seen a gene do a jump like that, and it is pretty cool.
But anyway, appreciate the girlpower of zebra longwing butterflies getting all the UV vision, and take a look at the study! It's free to read, which is really nice to see.
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amber-tortoiseshell · 10 months
what's your color headcanons for cinderpelt and longtail?
Blue tortie! She has three red siblings, and most importantly a red sister, so I had to choose between tortie Cinderpelt or tortie Brightheart. I chose Cinderpelt, because I like the paralell of the smoldering ashes imagery of her name vs the grey-orange tortie coloration.
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In my head she has little cream on her, maybe even less then the cat above.
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This makes Frostfur genetically tortoiseshell too, and since she isn't full white for me (she doesn't have white parents nor kits, it's easier this way), I chose a very light color: blue tortie tabby point with white.
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I have to admit Longtail isn't included in my family tree (yet); he just doesn't have any canon family up to point I've read the books. However I like the tabby point mini that came out recently, so I'll probably keep that. (And the wiki says he's also Robinwing's child, like Frostfur, which means I already put the allele into the family.)
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cryptidclaw · 2 days
Question: just out of curiosity but what is the simplest AU you find just 100/10, because even though it's such a simple change, something about the idea seems so good even if it changes so little of the actual book?
I only ask this question because I've seen your take on Warriors; though if you could change just one thing, what would it be?
I will admit, I don't know if you've been asked this before, so bear with me.
These are great questions!
ok my fave REALLY simple/small change is making Sandpaw and Longtail the same character. Think about it... Sandpaw is the one to fight Rusty and tear off his collar, Sandpaw is the one who was mentored by Darkstripe, Sandpaw was asked by Tigerclaw to join her in his exile... Sandpaw realizing that she had been looking up to the cat who had killed her father...
that and Sandstorm being Firestar's first deputy. she just deserves it.
the one thing I would change out of all warriors is either Ravenpaw being Scourge or Leafpool having Lion and Jay while Squirrel has Holly.
Ravenpaw, bec it is just SO thematically fitting, and it brings back around plot points from earlier in the series, tying up loose ends, something that is very important in a story! Scourge is NEVER hinted at until the very last book, however if he was the surprise return of Fire's old friend it would be a pay off from Ravenpaw's arc!
The 3's heritage bec if Hollyleaf was not actually Lion and Jay's sibling it would give more of a reason as to why she was not one of the three. And! it would be an absolute gut punch to Holly for her to find out that she was never her brother's biological sibling... she was never a part of their prophecy... (bonus points if Lion and Jay had a 3rd littermate that died, and would have been the 3rd cat!)
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