#poetry that makes you cry etc
. Sorry im ranting its been a weird day gonna go clean now
#i try not to betray too much of myself (selective overdisclosure)#BUT#it makes me FURIOUS on that post about rap haters being racist (chill and good) that people are getting accolades for shitting on country#because like#there is some weird stuff#as there is in any genre! remember kanye and marilyn manson?#but by and large as a genre? there's so much variety in it#and so much feeling and heart and relatability#poetry that makes you cry etc#i am never able to listen to it in the presence of others#because some fucker has to be like 'uhuhuhuhuh white supremacy' 'uhuhuhu bad music what even is a truck'#im like go fuck yourself#im not saying this belongs next to the conversation about rap;#both are a problem of classism and one has intersecting racism that makes it a far more serious cultural phenomenon#but it makes me fucking furious people cant see their own hypocrisy#and im just leftover bitter because i have to self censor because of that in the culture i relocated to#i can laugh at the ridiculous shit#but you know#arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#it also a little bit feels less when i'm displaced#which then makes me even sadder and feel more and MORE pissed off#idk#im sad im so far away from my home and it hurts to see people pissed off about something they don't know#emotionally anyway#im not trying to make everything about me also. like. others have it worse and i know this#i just came here on a dream of money and joy and im here and i have friends which is lovely but im broke and starving etc#and sad and randomly yelled at all the time by upset homeless people#didnt know what i had smh
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mchiti · 10 months
that time of the year serie a offers us the shitshow of players playing with some red painting on their cheek...... to manifest......against violence........towards women....... while some r*pists are allowed to play bc it's only controversy till you get convicted (so, never)
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yanderenightmare · 1 month
your vocab is really rich, what's ur secret
oh! uhm... excellent question!
Read! And every time you stumble upon a word you've never noticed before or know but don't often use, put it in a list, write down its meanings, and try using it the next time you write! (I'll put my list after the cut)
Read different things! Different authors and different styles, especially poetry! I mean, if you're looking to fatten your vocab, reading poetry is one of the best ways to do it. Poetic writers must search far and wide for the perfect words to create rhymes and rhythms and audibly pleasing sentences---they practically do all the work for you! Honestly, I am so serious about this. One of the best things you can do is buy a fat compendium of poetry with all different authors and eras. Get you some Edgar Allen Poe, Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson, and Shakespeare if you want to hurt your head. Also! The same goes for music! Try listening to the lyrics---you'll probably hear some words you've never thought of using in your writing.
Here's a cheap trick for bilinguals---write something in your own language and put it through Google Translate. Honestly, I've found so many words just by doing this.
Every time you feel you've used a word too much, or anytime a word bores you to read, search up its synonyms and try using something you've never used before---don't stop the search until you're satisfied. Sometimes, it takes me more time to find just one word than it takes to write an entire post. Not only does this enrich your vocab, but you've probably just written a whole other sentence with newer meanings and more nuance!
Make your own synonym lists! Seriously! Because you can only find that many creative synonyms by searching up "word+synonyms."
Additionally! Think outside the box! Often, the best synonyms are those words that aren't actual synonyms at all. If you read poetry, you'll see poets use unorthodox words in place of something all the time---it's called a metaphor. Take flesh, for example---you can use fat, meat, muscle, brawn, beef---but you can also use cake, down, plume, pillow, softness, etc... I find this one especially useful for writing erotica, as you have to describe a lot of the same actions and body parts over and over and still make it interesting. (I'll add my synonyms list after the cut)
Also! This one is trickier, but instead of using words and synonyms, try making sentences that can replace the word instead---such as longer metaphors and fuller descriptions! This aligns with the literary device of "showing vs. telling." Of course, outright telling has its uses too and should not be disbarred entirely from writing, but often, it's showing that persuades the reader more. For example, instead of saying nervous, make sentences that describe how the character in question showcases nervousness---does their throat close up, do they sweat, do their eyes go wide, do they stutter, do they fiddle with their fingers, pick their nails, bite their lip, kick the ground, hunch their shoulders, look away, blush, flush, cry, run away or do they feel stuck? Describing these things helps the reader better understand the type of nervousness the character is experiencing. Hence, it makes for not only more interesting writing but also clearer writing!
A similar literary device is "focus and expanding," which slows down the reading or puts focus on certain aspects of the text by describing something to a great extent. If, say, this nervousness the example character is experiencing is of great significance, then that's what the readers' takeaway should be. But the reader won't think too much of it if the text simply states that they're nervous without underlining it. Luckily, there are plenty of ways of doing that, firstly through showing vs. telling, such as in the examples above, then metaphorically, such as "the ground seemed to swallow him up, down the guzzle of a monster with an appetite for disaster---darkness ensued like a storm cloud, cold and clawing with a weight heavy enough to nail him to the spot---all eyes were on him, unblinking and all-seeing, no matter what, he couldn't escape, he was stuck, glued to the ground by the soles of his shoes." I mean, the options are truly endless. These metaphors piled together are also a form of focusing and expanding, but you can take it even further than that by focusing on a small detail and giving it significance. For example, say the character is sweating because he's so nervous---you might focus on a single droplet of sweat instead of everything else, "A chill ran down his back. No, not a chill--sweat. Cold and creepily tracing the rigid bones of his spine. He can't move--if he moves, then they'll see. The sweat will seep into his shirt, and everyone will know what a sweaty and pathetic wreck he is. So, he can't move. No, yes, leave it alone. The droplet continues, running down the cold skin of his clammy back, sliding undeterred until meeting the band of his boxers and disappearing in the fibers. He swallows thickly and sighs with relief--only for another to pill at his nape, tracking the same course as the former. A vicious cycle is forming. He needs to get out of there!" And that's focus and expanding, folks! Focusing on something minuscule and expanding it by using it to describe what the character is feeling. It's a way to have a fresh take on something that's been written a thousand times before, such as "he was nervous."
Anyway, I might have gone a little above and beyond, but really, all these literary devices are ways of "expanding vocabulary" or at least giving an impression of it.
Manically---like a maniac
Despotic---like a dictator, having unlimited power over someone, often using it unfairly and cruelly
Chasm---a deep fissure, like a ravine, wound, or metaphorical rupture
Shunts---track-change basically, scoots to the side
Dearth---a scarcity or lack of something, a shortage
Raucous---making a harsh or loud noise
Innocuous---not harmful or offensive---harmless and safe, but also bland and unremarkable, maybe even a little boring
Lanyard---the woven necklace of a festival pass
Gossamer---fine spiderwebs, almost mesh
Cossetted---care for and protect in an overindulgent way
Beribboned---decorated with many ribbons
pupil-fat---cool way of saying enlarged pupils
Chitters---snickers, like a bird
Decadent---corrupt, depraved
Blotting---either soak up and absorb, or stain, or obscure
Barbell---a bar “pole” with attachments on each side
Bunting---of animals, when they butt or rub their head against you
Cherubic---angelic, plump cuteness, quality of a child
Waxing poetic---speaking in a flowery or poetical fashion
Inkwell---a container for ink---a dark well
Rend---tear in two, or more pieces
Ebb---recede, go back, like a tide wave
Webbed---like a duck's feet
Cloying---sickly sweet
Apple of your cheek
Swathes---wrap, swaddle
Shroud---obscure something
Moonstone---to describe something grey and dusty, but pretty
Kinked---tangled, messy
Leaden---heavy, dull, slow or the colour of lead, grey
Stygian---devoid of light and brightness, hellish
Flaxen---of hair, champagne colored---ashy blonde
Related to sucking cock:
Allow entry
Related to kissing:
Lock/brush lips
Suck faces
Related to biting:
Sink teeth into
Related to crying:
Related to pre-cum:
Related to fear and panic:
Related to screaming:
Related to moaning:
Related to overstimulated moaning:
Related to groaning:
Related to angry noises:
Related to surprise or fear:
Suck in a sharp breath
Pull back
Related to comforting:
Hug tight
Rock back and forth with
Related to begging:
Related to soreness and pain:
Related to taking cock inside entrance:
Suck inside
Allow entry
Submit to
Ease inside
Bully inside
Squeeze inside
Force inside
Related to how the hole squeezes:
Related to a wet hole:
Related to thrusting:
Squeeze into
Bottom out
Related to pleasure:
Related to overstimulation:
Related to being dumb, high, or overstimulated:
Related to the body and the flesh:
Related to cuteness:
Related to weak or smallness:
Related to struggling:
Related to men:
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sscamanderr · 21 days
On Your Mark // JJK
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~Pretty straight forward; headcanons for how they react to you leaving your mark on them in bed~
Characters: Geto, Nanami, Sukuna, Gojo, Choso, Toji
Disclaimer: minors dni. sexual themes obviously. pain, scratching, biting, hickies, blood mention, etc. Not proof-read, we post like men
Thank @rax-writes for getting me to post this <3 header image made by me too lol
He plays it off cool, relishing the press of your skin on his in the throws of passion. He’ll chuckle into the crook of your neck when you grab for him, needy, breathless. But really it’s to hide the way he shivers when your nails or lips touch his sensitive skin. Not-so-secretly, he’s one of the worst about it. It turns him into a puddle. Likes to run his fingers over the raised skin or red and purple marks left behind with pride. He’s done a good job. So have you. Do it more often.
Loves your bites, and scratches especially. Needs to be needed. He’s muttering things like “Go on, honey, I can take it”. Filthy words feel like poetry from his lips. May even let out a realized laugh at how you’re clinging to him and marking him up. He’s not leaving, baby, he’s staying right here. But do continue. Likes the constant reminder through the day as his button-up catches on the scratches left behind. So much so that he’ll ask for more.
Will forbid you from touching him at first. You’re his; you take what he gives you, take his marks only. Only during a real intimate moment does he let his guard down, and your arms circle his back and nails rake down his back. What’s this? His pathetic, weak, needy princess marking her territory? Turns him into a beast. Only lets you out from under him once you’ve created a map full of trails of pleasure. He makes you cry in return, in the best way. You’d catch him later in the mirror admiring deep welts left by you on his back. A ghost of a smile graces his lips.
Two words: the worst. Whimpers as soon as he feels your lips on his neck and chest, or your nails pressed into his back and sides. He’s panting into your neck, weight fully collapsed into you, half-way through your ministrations. Desperate. May even whine about it. He craves your touch like an addict needs a fix. And you’re his. Whether its your teeth, nails, or anything else you want to use on him, he’s at your mercy. His only request is to keep it below his collar bones, just for the sake of being around kids most of the time. Outside of the school, he’s showing them off like a prize, and he’s won first place.
An actual baby. Will cry out and whimper. But wait. He likes it? Keep doing it, he really does like it! He feels it brings you closer. It tells him how well he’s doing, how much pleasure he’s bringing to you. He might let out a gasp or two, but his grip on you tightens and spurs him on to leave his own marks on you in return. The sounds he makes are animalistic; a chuckle that turns into a rumbling growl. A sigh that turns airy and breathless. Will absolutely ask you to do it every time.
Asks you to mark him straight out the gate. Wants you to make him bleed while he’s buried deep inside you. Tear him up. Go on, mama, show him who he belongs to. Wants you to basically torture him. He can handle it, don’t you worry about it. He doesn’t mind if he looks like he lost a fight to a tiger in a telephone booth. The prickling pain all over his body only makes him want you more. Wants the contrast of your soft wetness and the sweltering scratches and bites you give him simultaneously. Probably will even ask to mark you back, if you really think you can handle him too.
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crimsonred-hi · 8 months
Controversial Age Gap - Headcanons
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne
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• He would be sooo secretive about it in fear of judgement.
• let’s be honest, most of his fans wouldn’t take kindly to him having a conservatively young lass, until they meet her.
• Someone would do an interview of her, and she just acts like she’s a pensioner when she’s actually a uni student.
• If Andrew was gonna date anyone that young she would have to be an old soul. Like already mentally in a nursing home. She would be like super smart and really mature, like he wants a girl he can talk to about literature and poetry, and the fact she’s really young doesn’t mean that much when she completes him.
• Even his friends and band would be find with her, because she acts about 50. She’s always in the corner talking politics with the oldest guy in the pub, because she likes making grown men cry, because she can.
• The Fans would be shocked, because someone would get a video of him getting a quick good luck kiss before he goes on stage, or someone would get a video of them at a festival while she’s fixing his hair for him.
—> Side Rant! Talking about hair! His hair is so healthy now he has her! Like she forces him to sit his arse down once a week so she can deep clean and condition his hair. He’s getting princess treatment.
• I can imagine her running her uni essays through him before they go to her professors, and every time he’s so shocked at how smart she is. Like, he wasn’t this smart, ‘are the younger generation?’ just better he would ask himself.
• We all know he listens to everything, he’s very eclectic. He would love teaching you the blues, he also doesn’t let you play your music, only his. And if you learn his favourite songs and sing them in the car with him, he might cry.
• He’s getting you in any show you want: ya wanna to see Noah Kahan, your going: ya wanna see Lana Del Ray, your going: ya wanna see Taylor Swift, your going. Etc, etc. He’ll get you there, even if he doesn’t like the music that artist makes, he’ll bring his ear plugs and happily watch you enjoy it.
• He would be so careful about talking about you, but it’s a struggle because he’s so proud of you.
• He just thinks you’re incredible. And he wants everyone to know about it, but he’s scared people will judge him for dating someone so much younger than him.
• That jacket in the photo, I bet you think it looks good on him. He thinks it looks better on you. He thinks everything looks better on you; that green jumper he wears all the time, he thinks it looks better when you wear it.
• He loves when your at his concerts, he adores watching you sing and dance along. While everyone thinks he’s winking at them, he’s actually winking at you.
• He loves it when you lay on his chest, you’re so much smaller than him, and watching you distress with the sound of his heart is everything to him.
• She will just spout TikTok and gen z nonsense at him, she once called him ‘submissive and breed-able’ and the look of fear on his face when he turned around to look at her.
—> “what did you just call me…?” He asks his voice cracking with genuine fear, and she just laughs in his face. She just kisses his cheek and runs of giggling.
• He’s probably the first man she’s been with that has a full beard, so she kinda has a little obsession with it. All the other lads she’s dated were her own age and couldn’t grow there pwn full beards, while Andrew is looking sexy as fuck with his beard.
—> He loves when she scratches his beard, because of her obsession with his beard, he practically purrs when she scratches his beard.
—> Also his chest hair, he very rarely goes shirtless but when he does her hands are always desperately trying to get into his chest hair.
• He also gives her beard burn on her thighs and-
• I really like that photo of Andrew, he looks like a god, just me or is he the perfect Poseidon or Hades or Orpheus. Or is he just drop dead gorgeous.
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azure-cherie · 10 months
Astrology for writers
Placements that indicate potential/ talent / interest in writing + tips
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This post is an amalgamation of tropical as well as vedic astrology, you can see for both the placements hope you guys enjoy it <3
Moon - jup conj in the chart will help you derive inspiration from your emotions while writing . You wanna cry write it down you're raged write it downnn you'll be happy later trust me .
Mercury - jup and asteroid Hermes prominence shows that you should just start writing the inspiration will follow , these are the people who realise after writing how good they have done 😭✨
Moon, mercury, jup , Venus in 3rd house is for courage and motivational writing . Venus also indicates the love genre .
Ketu , Jupiter, in 5th , ketu past life talent for writing , Jupiter being naturally talented with creation, is great with all forms of arts .
Mercury in 5 th are the young teen writers who become great eventually, don't tell me you didn't have a Wattpad phase ( that also applies for Mercury in 3rd )
Saraswati yoga ( Venus and Mercury occupy Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th either jointly or independently, Jupiter being in its own, exaltation or friendly sign) gives talent for writing.
Pluto - mercury, Pluto - moon aspects , speaks about writing in dangerous and difficult subjects , activism as well . Thriller , ghost stories , gore etc.
Neptune - mercury aspects , has vivid imagination and writing about fantasy related subjects .
Punarvasu mercury for poetry .
Krittika, hasta , punarvasu, ardra , mrigashira, Swati , shatabhisha, purva phalguni, purva ashadha, Uttara bhadrapada as moon nakshatra or sun nakshatra might give you fame as well in this sector.
Asteroid Kalliope , Erato , Eutrepe prominent in your chart shows that your inspiration in writing is divine and check the asteroid chart mercury to find the source of it .
If you really like a writer and take inspiration from them look if they have an asteroid named after them and look for the prominence in your chart for eg : 3453 dostoevsky . Look for various writer asteroids and the prominence in your chart , that would help you find more inspiration .
Tip : write in the hour of mercury on the day your moon is transiting for divine inspiration. Making a sigil in this hour in your notebook will also do great .
This is quite the short post if you wanna see more on writer observations do let me know , also if you want to have observations in other topics like painter , dancer etc my ask box is open .
If you Wanna book a reading on this topic including your asteroids about writing / nakshatras and yogas my dms are open . More about it in my dms .
Thank you so much for reading have a great day ❤️
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
🌠 Subtle Nyx Worship 🌌
Go star-gazing, especially out in nature where you can see the stars more clearly
Learn about the different constellations as well as any Greek myths associated with them
Pay attention to the phases of the moon; learn what their meanings are
Try veiling
Get a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Wear silver jewelry
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Have a stuffed animal horse or owl; have a stuffed animal of any nocturnal animal
Have imagery of the night sky, stars, space, horses (especially in a chariot), owls, nocturnal animals, or foggy nights around
Meditate at night; try to relax at night; sit in darkness silently for a bit
Get a telescope; use it to observe the stars
Leave a glass of water/salt water on your windowsill at night
Take a bath/shower with only the light of candles/dim lighting (SAFELY!!!!)
Support space-related organizations such as NASA
Learn more about space, stars, planets, etc.
Engage in relaxing activities or ones that you're passionate about
Have a bedtime/nighttime routine
Keep a dream journal; write down your dreams; try to interpret them
Drink black tea or coffee (or anything that relaxes you); add honey if you want
Drink red wine or red sparkling grape juice; raise a glass to her
Pick and save flowers still wet with evening dew; dry or press them; great if the colors are ones you personally associate with her
Feed neighborhood cats, dogs, birds, etc., especially at night (please make sure it's safe to leave food out in your area; do not attract predators!!!!)
Burn a relaxing incense at night; lavender, jasmine, patchouli, etc.
Write poetry about the night, stars, space, etc.; it doesn't have to explicitly name her
Try to practice meditation; practice mindfulness
Ground yourself regularly, especially at night
Make your space comfortable and relaxing for yourself; sleep with cozy blankets, decorate with dim fairy lights for nighttime, sleep with stuffed animals, etc.
Learn getting comfortable with change; go outside your comfort zone, do something spontaneous, cope with stress during an unpredictable situation, etc.
Let go of things that no longer serve you
Dance or sing at night; enjoy yourself at the end of your day
Play with pets before bed to tire them out so that they can sleep better c:
Watch movies or shows at night with loved ones; something you'd all enjoy
Light a bonfire or small fire at night; enjoy the peace of the night around you
Go camping; sleep under the stars
Keep a personal diary; write down positives and negatives; make it your own
Make a list of things you enjoyed and disliked about your day at the end of your day
Feel your feelings; cry if you need to, etc.
Practice listening and observing your surroundings/people around you; don't make yourself paranoid, just passively observe
Practice patience and compassion, especially towards yourself
Spend your evenings decompressing, whatever you need to do to unwind; drink a warm drink, eat something comforting for dinner, read a book, etc.
Try to cut down your screentime before bed
I'll likely add more later, but for now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Nyx. I hope it's helpful, and take care! 💜
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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chaos-bites · 5 months
🐺 Subtle Fenrir Worship 🐾
Practice patience and compassion towards yourself
Spend time with any pets you have, especially dogs; play with them, walk them, give them a bath, etc.
Leave a dog treat or bone on your windowsill overnight for Fenrir (please keep your window closed if predators are in your area!!!)
Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, birds, etc.
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Volunteer at an animal or homeless shelter
Engage in random acts of kindness; hold the door for someone, buy someone in need a warm meal, offer to help someone carry stuff, etc.
Support animal/homeless shelters, environmental preservation organizations, or any cause you're passionate about
Have a stuffed animal wolf or snake (snake for his brother c:)
Have imagery of wolves, breaking chains, swords (broken swords especially), or the sun/moon, especially being chased by wolves (Sköll & Hati are said to be his children)
Fall asleep/meditate to the howling of wolves or sounds of the forest
Eat meat that you enjoy; get some good protein in your diet in general
Take a walk/hike in the woods or nature
Learn about healthy coping skills for stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
Make your space comfortable; make it your own!
Tie your hands together with string, and cut or break it as a symbolic breaking of chains
Sing a song, play an instrument, or listen to music in the evening or night (like a wolf howling its song)
Write poetry/stories about wolves, nature, chains, loneliness, friendship, or other themes within Fenrir's myth
Light fire or bonfire at night; sit in front of the fire and simply be at rest for awhile
Go camping; sleep under the stars out in nature
Drink something relaxing that you enjoy or mead; raise a glass to Fenrir
Learn a new survival skill; something that would be useful out in the wild
Allow yourself to feel your feelings; cry, shake, scream - whatever you need to do
Find a healthy outlet for your emotions; drawing, boxing, crafting, writing, etc.
Learn about self-defense; learn how to protect yourself (including weapon use if needed)
Try using your pet as a grounding presence; pet them, focus on their soft fur or smooth scales or fluffy feathers, notice how they feel calm and safe and let that tell you that you can be calm and safe as well, etc.
Ground yourself within nature; try to meditate there if you can
Stand up for yourself; practice being vocal about your discomfort or upset
Assert your boundaries; learn what your boundaries are; know that not all of them need to be spoken - they can be silent
Find healthy outlets for your emotions; boxing, dancing, drawing, writing, singing, etc.
Practice healthy conflict resolution skills; learn what healthy conflict resolution looks like
Spend time with your loved ones
Do something nice for your loved ones; cook them a meal, give them a gift, watch their favorite movie together, etc.
Cook a good meal for someone in need, especially one that's really filling
Engage in activities you're passionate about
Learn about your local flora and fauna
Go foraging (SAFELY!!!! RESEARCH FIRST!!!!)
Make a list of goals that you'd like to achieve - long-term and short-term; celebrate any progress you make towards these goals
Celebrate your accomplishments, big and small (making your bed, getting out of bed, eating breakfast, taking a shower, etc.)
For the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Fenrir! I hope you found it useful. I'll likely add more to it later on. Take care, y'all!
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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jennifer-jeong · 2 months
Hello there! What about Kazuha x reader who has anxiety <3?
HII POOKIE THANK YOU SM FOR YOUR ASK FJDKALFJAS; I lovee specific asks like this esp as a girlie with GAD hehehe
Fluff | Kazuha x GN!Reader Anxiety Remedies
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CONTENT Fluff, comfort, reader has anxiety (no specific disorder), mentions of panic attacks etc, ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+ WORD COUNT: 509
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Kazuha would be such an amazing partner regardless of if you have anxiety or not but wow is he also good at helping you relax.
He’s already such an observant and smart guy that it doesn’t take long for him to understand your preferences and your tendencies to be a bit more worried about things. He never complains or calls you a “worrywart” though, he loves you and that includes all of you. Of course he’d try to guide you away from being anxious not because it annoys him but because it brings you distress and he hates to see you upset. He’ll gently correct your thinking sometimes, if you’re worried that someone hates you or that you won’t get that job you wanted, Kazuha puts his expansive vocabulary to the test. He’s so good with his words both in and outside of writing poetry. He knows just how to calm you down and explain things to you slowly and logically. Why would your friend hate you? They didn’t reply to you but they might just be busy for a moment and they’ll reply later because your friends love you. Why wouldn’t you get the job? Even if you didn’t, it would be the company’s loss anyways, they missed out on an amazing candidate and you’ll easily get another job somewhere else.
He’ll also just sound really wise sometimes when he says things like “one door closes and another opens” or “the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” The quotes might sound cheesy but he always follows them up with a comforting explanation of why it might apply to you. He’s so sweet and reassuring and will give you lots of hugs and kisses.
Kazuha helps so much with your anxious way of thinking and never ever blames you for it. He’s so helpful in day to day life in helping you unlearn any anxious ways of thinking even though he’s never been trained, he’s just naturally calm and good at calming you down too. When it comes to any physical symptoms of anxiety though, Kazuha is also such a sweetheart. He’ll hold your hands when they shake and breathe with you slowly to calm your racing heart when you’re feeling overwhelmed. If you need to cry, he’ll hold you without a single ounce of judgment. He’s here for you wholly and you love him so much for it (and you make sure he knows it).
For specific anxiety disorders, Kazuha is also amazing at helping you cope with symptoms. Social anxiety? He’s super vigilant in social settings, always making sure you’re comfortable, otherwise he’ll leave with you. Panic disorder/panic attacks? He knows exactly what tricks you use to slow your breathing and he knows to get you somewhere less stimulating to calm you down. Phobias? He’ll 100% help you avoid them in any way he can and will even help you with exposure therapy if you’d like.
Overall he’s amazing and you love him so much, he’s the cure to all your anxieties <3
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|| MASTERLIST ♡ || Thank you for reading! ||
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starshinerart · 7 months
A few Wukong x Reader and Macaque x Reader Headcanons of mine
🍑Sun Wukong🍑
• He has many cute pet names for you, including "Peaches" and "Sweet Peach"
• He really enjoys overflattering you and getting you all flustered. When your face turns red from embarrassment, he knows he's succeeded XD
• He loves to cuddle with you and can be very VERY affectionate.
• He literally CANNOT get ENOUGH of you. This can be great because you'll always have his love, but also can be annoying as he can come off as clingy when you need your space.
• He hates it when Macaque tries to talk to you.
• There may be times when you are unhappy about your weight and feel like you need to lose some, but the truth is that Wukong actually prefers you the way you are!
• He never fails to make you laugh!!
• When you two are kissing, he’ll occasionally forget that you’re mortal and that you need to breathe.
• He calls you his "Sugar Plum"
• He's always there to listen to you whenever you need to vent. He'll always be your shoulder to cry on.
• He writes poetry about you
• He's less clingy than Wukong and knows when to give you space, but still watches from a distance to make sure you are safe.
• He loves to have deep conversations with you about life, love, dreams, etc.
• He'll tolerate whenever Wukong talks to you, though it still bothers him to a degree.
• He truly admires the beauty of your soul more than anything!
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icarusredwings · 16 days
Finding home Au things that are canon (because I said so, and it's MY au so I can do whatever I want. Send me headcanons, and I'll approve them)
Gambit just got back from the void so he's just now meeting everyone. He looks a little different from how they remember since their gambit really was never a full team mate and rather then just some guy that helped Logan a couple of times. This being said hes meeting Rouge as a 35 year old linguistics teacher for a bunch of brats, flirting with her in the halls, trying to impress her all the time, etc. He wanted to have a cool class like how to use a Bo staff or tutor energy weilding kids but instead got stuck with sex ed. Because of this, he now makes a ton of jokes to Rouge about it (she's across the hall) but actually is really excited to start his cooking elective class this coming fall when he's considered a real team member.
Ororos heals click in the hall like they did when you were a kid and you could tell the principal is coming. She's almost always with a tea or a coffee, walkie talkie and keys jingling. She's very sweet but kids shit their pants if sent to Mrs. Munroes office, meanwhile Mr. Summers office is a nothing, just a lecture and a slap on the wrist. Aint no one actually scared of lasik because they know thw worst theyll get is community work for a couple of weeks but they ligit cry the second theyre sent to munroe's (especially if they know theyre guilty of a big prank or something)
The school gives out free hygiene products and depending on what you need you can special request it.
If students get too angry they are sent to Piotr's art room for art therapy. He surprisingly is very artistic and chill.
Forges shop class is working on a car with no weight limit and that can handle their heavy hitters (Colossus and Wolverine) both in the same car (most bust) as well as a car made from plastic recycling. They're working on it. Its only blown up once!!
Gambit makes breakfast for the staff and some students of they beg enough. He keeps bringing Rouge the first cup of coffee from the pot and has made her pancakes shaped like hearts multiple times. Watching her stab them and smother them make him... giggle helplessly.
Gambit🤝Watching their love intrests viscously stab and rip apart their meals with a boner wishing it was them🤝Wade
He's very respectful towards her, though and sometimes is a bit (COUGH a lot COUGH) of a kiss ass.
Hank's students have blown up the lab at least 4 times by now. One of those times was Wades fault for touching stuff he wasn't supposed to.
Kurt is very glad that Wade has taken over his Duel weaponry/swordsman class, so now he has time to start working out a pitch for a world's religion class+ sunday school. He still runs a fencing club, though.
Peter (quicksilver) has tried so many different positions, including music teacher of all different instruments. Now he just kinda lounges around in the game room and speed cleans the mansion after each day in like 2 minutes flat. Imagine being paid a full salary just for 2 minutes of work? And you get to live somewhere for free and play games all day? Fuck yeah.
Positions I've been thinking about:
Beast (Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy) is the Vice-Principal, so he does orientation. He has multiple science classes, including biophysics, and has electives in philosophy and poetry.
Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) is an art teacher and handles art therapy
Gambit (Remy LeBeau) runs a sex-ed class and is hoping to soon get approved to run a cooking class next semester.
Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) has a fencing elective as well as a religion class, sunday school, and sometimes helps Morph with drama/theater. (Ex duel weaponry instructor)
Rogue (Anna Marie) is a Linguistics teacher who drabbles in social science. “Diction and Linguistics, with Professor Rogue” She can teach just about any language, but russian/german/ french/ spanish and Japanese are her main ones. She's who you go to if you dont understand English and need help. Almost all foreign students have her.
Cyclops (Scott Summers) is the headmaster. He has classes in Geometry, has an elective for leadership and communications (PFFT) as well as being the schools mobility/disability specialist. He, of course, specializes more with children who have trouble with their eyesight.
Storm (Ororo Munroe) is the Headmistress. She has an Environmental Science and Political Science class as well as a multi cultural elective.
Shadowcat (Katherine "Kitty" Pryde) has a comp-sci class and runs an ethics class.
“Ethics 101: Forgetting Everything You Ever Learned From Emma Frost, with Professor Pryde.”
Wolverine (Logan Howlett) is a(n occasional hand to hand combat/ martial arts) PE instructor. (Ex History teacher)
Jubilee is the schools event organizer, event coordinator, event manager, and more broadly, event professional, the ‘hip’ school counselor. "Activities Director & Counselor"
Morph is the director of drama acting and disguises (duh)
Laura is a graduating student In training under the Wolverine (Gabby is a student and is too young to be an understudy)
Yukio graduating student In training Under Storm or Rouge (I can't decide)
Negasonic teenage warhead (Ellie) graduating student In training under Jean Grey.
Mr. Wade Wilson (Deadpool) Is in training under Colossus. Duel weaponry/ swordsman tactics class instructor (plus whatever Logan's doing, he's very nosey and WILL cause issues if bored)
Jean Grey is an english teacher, has a class on psychology, and drabbles in physics.
Ice man (Bobby) is the school financal advisor/accountant and runs a business elective class.
Forge is a Shop teacher.
Quicksilver (Peter maximoff) Janitor, housekeeping, music teacher, replaced original Logan as PE teacher for a while, target practice, teaches fast kids how to avoid running into walls, always in the game room, stock/ errand boy, gets bored super quickly, sports instructor, Read almost all the books in the library, likes swimming, mainly just lays around waiting for something fun to do, his father causes trouble sometimes which he thinks is entertaining but also hella embaressing.
I'm unfortunately left without a history teacher, so shoot me any ideas :)
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Can you write the DMC guys with a reader that has very unique eyes? I’m talking abt their eyes overall like eye color, eyelashes, etc like this
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(These are my illustrations of what her eyes can be like, the highest one is inspired by Drogon from GOT and the lowest one is inspired by the Bearded Vulture)
She’s 100% devil so even when she does shapeshift into her human form, she has to wear shades even when at night to avoid attention because no matter how much her appearance changes, her eyes would always look “off-putting” or just downright demonically abnormal
Her devil form is just like a dragon, if not a feathered demon that looks similar to a Bearded Vulture
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Yo, nice drawings. Enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Reader with unique eyes headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante thinks your eyes are beyond beautiful, they're the most interesting thing he's ever seen.
-He loves just staring at them, easily drifting off and getting lost in their dazzling beauty.
-Thinks your dragon form is prettier than your human form (though that's pretty too) and can't help but poke and prod all your scales.
-Asks for rides, all the time. Nearly every other evening, you're asked to fly him around town on your back.
-Wants to know if your eyes give you any benefits like night vision, x-ray eyes, or even better, laser beam eyes.
-He knows the public won't take kindly to your odd looking eyes, but he will always think they're perfect.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil found your unusual eyes to be truly fascinating.
-He loves watching you, even if you aren't looking directly at him. For some reason, it's just so calming.
-Insists you do not need to conform to human standards and hide your eyes; you deserve to showcase your beauty.
-While your human form is attractive and all that, there's just something about dating a dragon that makes Vergil so happy.
-He would like it if you give him a ride, but he is way too prideful to admit this.
-You'll have to take a hint and give him what he wants without further prompts, because Vergil is a grumbler. He grumbles about everything, even things he likes.
□ Nero □
-Nero thought you were pretty damn weird at first.
-After a few months, he realized that they were actually quite interesting.
-He finds your dragon form nothing less than wild, like a life-sized version of those action figures he had when he was younger.
-You'll catch him just lounging under your wing, especially if it's on a hot summer day.
-Buys you shades of different sizes and colors so you can appear fashionable, and not a freak, for hiding your eyes.
-Will always think you're gorgeous, regardless of what form you happen to be in.
●V ●
-V can recite several poetry excerpts that match his sentiments about you.
-Your eyes are nothing short of magnificent, more dazzling than any jewel he has ever seen.
-Your dragon form has to be one of the most majestic lizards he has ever seen.
-He would ask for a ride, but if he fell off at any point, it would spell very bad news for both of you.
-It's a crying shame that you have to hide your beauty, though the public may not agree.
-Oh well, at least your sunglasses provide you with a hint of alluring mystery.
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cringe-but-proud · 9 months
Some Regulus black x gn!reader headcanons cause I love him
A/n: Requests are open (see pinned post for info). Writing because there's a tornado watch going on, my power's out, and there's a tree blocking the only exit on my road 💀
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He's an old school romantic for sure.
It takes him a while to confess to you. For a while he's just pining after you like the hopeless romantic he is.
His main love language is quality time. He loves long periods of comfortable silence, or when you two are in the same space but doing different tasks.
He also likes gift giving 😻
He doesn't really go out of his way to get you gifts unless it's a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc). BUT, he will take note whenever you say you need something and buy it for you.
Running out of hair ties? He'll have new ones for you by tomorrow.
He also occasionally will just give you his personal items????
"Your sweater looks very comfy, Regulus."
"Thanks. Do you want it?"
He writes you poetry a lot. Sometimes he gives it to you. Sometimes he decides to keep it to himself.
DEFINITELY makes you playlists ‼️
You guys share earbuds and listen to music together while stargazing (it's his favorite date activity)
He lights up whenever he sees you.
He'll have his whole dark and mysterious loner guy™ thing going on. But, as soon as you show up, he's all soft and smiley
He can be very dramatic sometimes, to the point where it's kind of funny
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He has definitely said some shit like this to his friends.
Buckle up, time for some sadder ones.
Some time after Sirius ran away, you guys are on one of your astrology tower dates and he just starts to cry.
He ends up spilling everything about his home life to you while you try to comfort him, and after a while he whispers:
"I'm afraid you're gonna leave me too."
About once a month he asks you if you still love him
He doesn't think he's a good person and sometimes he just doesn't understand what you see in him.
After being forced to get the dark mark, he doesn't tell you for a while cause he's positive you'll despise him once you know about it.
He's so Love like you (feat Rebecca Sugar) coded
I ❤️ my emotionally damaged bf
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anhonest-puck · 1 month
hellooooo!!! this is intro post v.3 :)
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general info!!
name: neil, but ralph/ralphie works too :)
pronouns: she/he
age: MINOR!!! just be aware of that when talking to me please :’) (any1 can talk to me just don’t be odd)
birthday: may 14th
myers briggs type: ENFJ-T (the protagonist)
poetry blog: @nightskies-and-sweetnothings
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fun facts!
i have a cat named ester jo
i’m part of the student council for my school (overachiever….)
i make jewelry/accessories (keychains, etc..)
i adore poetry and literature!!!
i’m a cheerleader
ocd and adhd!
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#rambling on and on: literally just rambling. about what? who knows :’)
#neil’s tweaking hours ™️: tweaking and freaking out or something i thought it was funny
#my stuff: my art or other things!
#reblogging 🖌️: i’m honestly lacking on this tag recently but it’s just stuff i’ve reblogged :)
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dead poets society, lord of the flies, maxxxine, gravity falls, horror (i’m such a wuss but i love it sm :’) ), fantastic mr fox, halloweentown
music stuffs!!
the velvet underground (after hours, i found a reason)
the cure (friday, i’m in love, a night like this)
the smiths (how soon is now?, half a person)
joost klein (offline, PTSD)
lana del rey (doin’ time, fuck it i love you)
hozier (nobody’s soldier, angel of small death & the codeine scene)
mitski (carry me out, working for the knife)
tyler, the creator (answer, peach fuzz)
david bowie (lady grinning soul, heroes)
matt maltese (intolewd, curl up & die)
chris thile (falsetto, you’re an angel, and i’m going to cry)
nickel creek (where the long line leads, helena)
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kin list!!
neil perry (dead poets society)
ralph (lord of the flies)
maxine minx (X, maxxxine)
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lovely people!!
@noctilucaa @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @neil-perrys-suicidal-tendencies @lv3buzzz @yourfavvgal
@ace-misplaced @xxcherryberriezxx @sweaty-toothed-mad-woman @1mlostnow
@pingunaa @todds-diary @basementcorelingo @vessel214 @mikeru-funzies
@toddandersonsblog @neilperryismine @y-a-w-p @poetsinnyc @richardcameronshusband
@desire-mona @chaoticamberr @neil-perrys-reincarnation @sillypoetssociety @hyacinthi-mortem
@lefthandedspaghetti @grungelvrr222 @star-laboratory @vampjro @rubeslovesthesmiths
@ra1nc0at @persona5striker5
(if you’d like to be added/taken away from this list feel free to DM me!!)
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if i ever talk about one of the dps boys and DO NOT tag the character in the tags, then i’m most likely talking about one of my irl friends!! i might tag if it fits but ill always say that too so just thought id specify 😸
please do ask if you’d like to be mutuals!!! i’m always open to new friends :) i don’t bite i swear.. maybe.. /j
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beaniemoon · 11 months
Hiiii 🤭 can I request SFW+NSFW headcanons of Kokushibo dating a female reader? <3 (I want that man so badly it’s insane)
I want that man so much as well~~~
Welp, anyways, so sure, why not? I love Kokushibo-sama as much as I love my insanity and don’t worry I shall try to satisfy your request
Warnings: NSFW themes, Swearing
Uppermoon Headcannons : Kokushibo x F!Reader Headcannons
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We all know that The Upper Moon One of the Twelve Kizuki is a dark and eerie demon
His aura would be so big you’d tremble in his presence
He’s always been this way, until he’s met you
You seemed so careless, so free, even in his dark presence
At first he ignored the nagging feeling in his chest, pushing it down to the bottom, as he always did to things that made him feel weak
But after some time he realized his lust for you, and began following you like a stalker in the dark
Soon, he knew legitimate everything about you: your favorite food, color, flower… etc
You had no idea, of course
Then one night, he wasn’t able to hold it any longer, and snatched you away with the speed of lightning
For the first few nights you were just cowering in the corner, crying your heart out 24/7
But in time you got used to him, and as you two bonded, he became softer with you as well
He would leave small letters of his love to you, and they were curiously warm and cute
Don’t get me started on how good his poetry is, because it shall be the most beautiful thing you will ever see
He is a master at being patient (screw everyone that denies that)
You won’t have to even lift a finger, since he’ll have servants do it all
If anyone looks at you the wrong way they will be dead by the next day
Behave, okay? He may be a sweetheart but he can also become rough
Don’t come crying to me if you end up with a red ass
Do not fear, he is gentle with things that are precious to him, such as you
If you’re gonna make out with him you’re gonna be in a lot of pain though…
‘Cause he is BIG
But he’s nice, so don’t worry
He’ll take you slowly
If you can’t, he won’t force you, you’re too precious
So instead he’s gonna finger-fuck you
If you’re too small to even take his fingers you don’t deserve him you son of a bitch
I swear there is no way he is not gonna eat your pussy out
Believe it or not he is a pussy eating God
Moan his name, praise him, do everything that you can think of
He ain’t gonna hate you for it, he loves it
It reminds him that you love him
If you want him rough, just tell - he’ll give you rough, don’t you worry
He’s not a fan of it, but he will do it to please you
You’ll just have to worship him afterwards lol
Be a bad girl and you’re sure to get what you want
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coqxettee · 3 months
How to have a:
“Call me by your name”Summer
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Long hot days in the garden, reading by the river and longing for the type of love that comes into your life once and unexpectedly, here’s how to have a “Sufjan Stevens/CMBYN” inspired summer 𖤓°⋆.ೃ࿔*:
Dress Code:
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Blue, beige, white, cream and gold colors
White maxi skirts & dresses
White trousers
Billowy shirts
Blue and white striped shirts & shorts
Yacht shorts
Milkmaid dresses/ditsy floral print dresses
Hawaiian tee’s
Crop tops/baby tee’s
Beach cover up’s & oversized tee’s
Multiple bikini sets
Sandals/flip flops
Matching Pyjama sets
Anything white & linen
A large sunhat
Any gold jewellery/beach themed jewellery
When choosing an outfit opt for comfort more than anything. In the movie Elio wears comfortable, easy to move in clothing so he can ride his bike or swim at his leisure, walk, play in the river etc
Lifestyle: 🍊
Adapt the “Call me by your name lifestyle” by doing these things this summer:
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Go swimming/sit by a lake or a river
Write your thoughts/how your summer is in your diary/journal
Pick fresh fruit and eat it
Bike around your local town/city
Go on summer hikes and find hidden spots to read and relax
Go swimming
Get a tan
Listen to classical music/Sufjan Stevens
Lay in bed on hot nights and listen to the cicadas/traffic or the rain
Go on picnics and eat foods like pasta, fruit, yoghurt, ice cream
Write and read poetry
Document every day of your summer in a diary or notebook
Fall in love or let love come to you
Make friendship bracelets
Sleep in the garden
Spend long summer days by the pool or lounging in the garden/field
Read outside
Watch the sunset/sunrise at least 3 times a week
Carry a backpack with all of your important trinkets and personal belongings in
Discover vintage shops and hidden bookshops in your local town
Go thrifting
Read classical literature & romance
Learn a new language
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Thank you for reading 𖤓°⋆.ೃ࿔*:
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