#podcast mutuals im so sorry do you still love me
lesbian-jack-barnabas · 9 months
there’s literally nothing more humbling than hyperfixating on a book you read for ENGLISH CLASS. like i did not want to read this thing why am i awake at 1 am reading fanfiction for it. what
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choccy-milky · 29 days
tag nine people you want to get to know better!
ty for the tag @myokk and @theladyofshalott1989 !!💖💖
LAST SONG? - i deadass don't know💀i don't really listen to music i just always have streams/youtube vids on (I KNOW IM SORRY DONT @ ME) ....does the baroque noble party ambience i was listening to while working on my oneshot count??? shoutout to that video btw
FAVORITE COLOR? - yellow!!💛⭐
CURRENTLY WATCHING? - i also don't really watch shows💀....do 6 hour video essays on youtube count? in which case i love action button if you haven't watched his stuff (his boku no natsuyasumi video and his tokimeki memorial video are amazing, and his pacman video), and also super eyepatch wolf & hbomberguy (especially hbomb's 'pathologic is genius' video). also i listen to a podcast called '372 pages we'll never get back' that i highly recommend
LAST MOVIE? - 💀💀💀this is just a meme at this point💀💀💀I DONT EVEN REMEMBER....me and my roommate love watching crappy adam sandler movies so probably one of those??? or my neighbor totoro since i forced my niece to watch it 😍
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? - SAVORY BABY I LOVE SALT IM A SALT FIEND!!!🧂🧂🧂i put my grubby little hands straight into the olive jar and FEAST...also when i was in uni i used to keep a little ziploc bag of salt on me for when i ate out LMFAOOO and i always steal the salt shaker and bring it to my room and my roommate is always like DO YOU HAVE THE SALT AGAIN???......what can i say i love salt........(tho i still love sweets and spicy foods as well. and im addicted to coke zero btw. my body is comprised of 50% salt and 50% coke zero)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? - almost 2 years in my poly relationship with seb and clora😍😍
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? - girl do u even have to ask........
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? - probably timezones for when im talking to mutuals LMAOO...i just like to know what hour it is there no pressure tags: @the-ozzie @sparxyv @ccelicaa @kaviary-blog @siboom777 @boxdstars @versailles-black @limonnitsa @dwightschrute11 @ethniee @celestinawarlock @moonstruckmoony @syaolaurant @bassicallymaestra @lilac-ravenclaw @vienguinn @noelles-legacy @4ever2000lover @lamieboo @magic-in-onyx (NO PRESSURE FR FR I HATE TAGGING PPL BC I FEEL LIKE IM BOTHERING YALL BUT I ALSO DONT WANT TO LEAVE PPL OUT AT THE SAME TIME...SO IF YOURE READING THIS U CAN CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED AS WELL🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️OR CONSIDER YOURSELF UN-TAGGED IF YOU DONT WANNA DO IT BAHAHA)
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silly-lil-scribbles · 6 months
Introduction post!!
status: discussing violence. like a normal person would.
current chance of a response if you dm me*: 79%
* does not apply to mousie cuz its my emotional support friend
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- My name is Finn! You can also call me scribbles, soup, or really any dumb nickname will do. it/he <3
woah look at that.. its me.. on another website!! slight flash warning for spacehey btw ^^
if you havent read this in a while, i would suggest reading again cuz i update it a lot <3
- im oriented aroace! and graysexual (i think? idk man i just work here.)
- im boyflux but also im just a creechur
- I MADE A JAIL ACCOUNT SO IF IM JAILED I MIGHT BE OVER THERE ‼️ @soup-has-been-imprisoned-noooooo
- I post about the magnus archives/protocol and my chem frequently, though I also just reblog a ton of random shit. may be nsfw but never anything explicit. Also I forget to tag for spoilers a lot so just know that there are magpod spoilers in general on my blog.
- Music artists I like: Cavetown, MCR, Mother Mother, Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Dazey and the Scouts, FOB, Nova Twins, p!atd, Noahfinnce, qbomb, Gum Disease, Sparkbird, Mischief Brew, Poppy, Be Your Own Pet, Pierce the Veil, Chloe moriondo, Faetooth, IDKHOW, the mechs, rabbitology, madalyn mei, scene queen, MARINA, she/her/hers, femtanyl, leathermouth, baby queen, pansy division, the spook school, specimen, egg, the crane wives, and of monsters and men
- Shows/Podcasts/Other Media that I like! DANGER DAYSS, Malevolent, The Magnus Archives, Stranger Things, Welcome to Nightvale (though I haven’t finished it yet), the Osemanverse, Nimona, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, ATLA, LOK, It, Hilda, Camp Here and There, Radio Rental, warrior cats,,,, there’s probably more but my memory is shit
- my blog is super messy so all of my art is under the tag #scribbles draws a thing and my original text posts (not the short personal ones typically, just the one i actually want people to see) are under #scribbles says shit.
- my body hates me very much (probably fibromyalgia but like doctors suck so undiagnosed)
- surprise, my brain also hates me very much! And yes also undiagnosed!
- tone tags are appreciated <3
boundaries n stuff:
- not ok with sexual or romantic comments
- platonic flirting is ok if we’re moots
- sex averse, feelings on romance fluctuate a lot but usually indifferent
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- my feeling are really fucking wonky so 80% of the time i dont/barely feel emotions. please be patient and if i sound like i dont mean what im saying, i promise you that i do. but since i know how i would feel if i could, but i still cant feel anything, im trying my best to react accordingly so it may seem like its not genuine but it is. like. imagine youre writing. youre writing your characters reactions to everything, despite not actually being able to feel it. but since you know your character, you can judge hiw they feel in the situation you make them react accordingly even though you arent actually experiencing it yourself. now replace the character with you, thats kinda how i feel. sorry i know that probably didnt make sense but trying my best here lol
- i have a tmagp fic i just starting writing! If you wanna know more, posts related to that are under #electric desires have unraveled all my wires :(
- I have 4 cats and a dog, also a gecko
- i have a queerplatonic partner!! hes awesome and swaggy and writes so much. so. much writing. wow. not saying wow in a bad way im just genuinely impressed. chou if ur reading this i love you <3
- i also have a lovely best friend named zero whos super fun and cool and pathetic /vpos. my favorite excitable soggy cardboard box ilysm <3
- coyotekin therian !!
- My favorite colors are purple, cyan, neon green, and red
- I love interacting with mutuals and getting asks! plspls send me random shit in asks im begging
- I’m creating an animated series called Catlantis (still in progress)
- I have a love hate relationship with writing but i do it anyways so oh well
- Frogs.
other tags i use a lot are:
#soup poorly draws gay people out of obligation; my series of promised dyhard drawings.
#soup gets pathetic abouut friendship; me when im a sappy bitch about my friends or partner
#objectives list; save file for when i say im gonna do something so i dont forget about it
#catlantis save; hoarding info for catlantis
#insomnia induced rambles; i cant sleep and im making it your problem
#our lady of sorrows; not the song, my mcr inspired goddess i made up for my dnd character to worship
#scribbles asks; asks
#info save; good to know
#scribbles liveblogging tmagp; exactly what it sounds like
#art save; resources for doing art
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coffee-at-annies · 11 months
hockey tag game 🏒
Got tagged by @reavenedges-lies last night (love you lovely, sorry tried to get this out before the game and didn’t succeed)
rules: list your
✨️ no°1 team?
Pens Pens Pens. My flightless fucks. My shitsburgh team. The Pittsburgh Penguins
I don’t do multiple teams but shout out to ren’s yotes and ez’s kraken for being over there and making my moots happy
💌 your favorite goalie?
Tristan Jarry. Mouse boy, my beloved. (Flower is there, but a distant second)
🔟what would be your jersey number?
25 cause it’s square
backup would be 7
👯🏻‍♂️what team would you love to play for?
hahaha do not catch me playing any levels of hockey I am bad at sport
❤️‍🔥who is your favorite player currently?
I’ve already said Jarry? Like that’s him. That’s my boy. *stands up and points*
The players on the second tier of the favorite tier list are POJ, DOC, Jakenbake, Rusty
The core are their own separate tier that is up there but unplaceable
👀a trade that hurt you emotionally?
I’ve actually still never forgiven gmjr for trading Oleksiak back to Dallas. I’ve healed from the trade itself but the bitterness of trading him *back* will just live in my heart forever
I’m also still seething at trading Teddy to Vegas for nothing cap space that we used for granlund.
(Technically we got a pick for Teddy that we traded back to Vegas for Smith so like I’m healing but it’s very begrudging and gmrh can still get fucked)
🌈 what is your experience on hockeyblr so far?
It’s probably the fandom that I’ve been in and active in the longest. Been here and live-blogging regularly since late 2017-early 2018. Everything else has been scattershot or I never really got the courage up to actually talk or content create.
Lotta ppl say good things about how welcoming hockeyblr is and that’s something I try to be every game.
Im not a particularly big blog but it’s nice hanging out, watching ppl come and go, making mutuals I try to talk to regularly, and seeing how things shift big and small.
Been seeing a lot of ppl tag lb posts w/ #[name] watches hockey which is a thing I’ve been doing basically since my early days live-blogging cause I started out as an omgcp sideblog and wanted a way for my non-hockey followers to effectively block everything hockey. So like seeing others pick it up and use it has felt very 🥰
and then tag some mutuals you'd like to know these about ☺️🏒🖤
I usually don’t tag ppl cause I don’t like to peer pressure ppl into participating but what’s the point of having mutuals if you don’t bug them on occasion.
Tagging @podcasts-8-my-heart, @archaicbro, @paintingtheice, @carpehistoryandthepens, @starrynight0612, @cornsobsessions, @flyingchiclets, @robindrake13, and anyone else who wants to do it. I’ve absolutely forgotten mutuals and if I’ve forgotten you, oops, it’s not on purpose I’m just forgetful
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seedlessmuffins · 1 year
hi!! so i’m going to the carolina hurricanes vs new york islanders game this sunday and i am almost entirely clueless about either team (and most of the sport but your info post was so helpful) 😭
if there’s any fun facts or interesting things (even if it’s drama or the players being silly) you know about them i’d love to hear, especially the hurricanes since that’s my home team! i’m not sure how much you follow either team, so if you don’t know much or this is a silly question, feel free to ignore
sorry if this breaks hockey etiquette or anything 😭 i wouldn’t expect someone to ask me for fun facts about real madrid lol but you are the resident hockey mutual here so <3
hello lovely anon! first of all, thank you for this ask i am so honoured that you thought of me as the person to go to for these questions, i love it so much! mwah! not breaking much hockey etiquette, i just have to apologize because these teams aren't my team so im not an expert, i just did my best! second of all (before i answer fully lol), i just want to say a disclaimer! hockey isn't as popular in the us as it is in canada, so for some us teams there isn't a lot of information because people in the city are more interested in american football or basketball. unfortunately, raliegh is one of those places. i listened to like 3 hours of canes podcasts, read so many articles, and literally scoured the internet for canes content and i found almost nothing. bestie im so so sorry! i did my best! because there isn't a big fanbase, there isn't many people reporting on this team, many fanpages, or much info about silly moments or drama :( i did my best to give you an overview of the two teams, a crash course in live hockey, some helpful links to learn more about the canes, and some silly stuff about the islanders (because they have so much historical drama!) i hope you enjoy this post and your game bestie ily
Live hockey
when going to a live hockey game, there are a few things you need to know before you go! live hockey is more similar to american football than footie, because the stadiums are quite small so the games are quite catered to people who are watching at home. here are some basics specific to live hockey
there are 3 20 minute periods with 15 minute intermissions in between each. during this intermission, you get to see the zamboni, a machine that cleans the ice to make it hard and smooth before each period. during the period, there will be between 1 and 3 TV time outs, where play will pause for 2 or so minutes so that the ice ladies and gents can shovel the ice with shovels, because the snow builds up and makes it hard to skate. during this time, usually most stadiums do fun games (like kiss cam, lookalike cam, that type of thing) during this time to keep the audience engaged! (zamboni for reference!)
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if the game is still tied at the end, the game will go to overtime, and possibly the shootout. these are the best moments of the game! some people like to leave a bit early to beat traffic, but as long as the person/people you're going with agree, i would recommend staying the whole time. after a win, the team will come out onto the ice to celebrate with the fans (its similar but different from footie), and they will award the 3 stars of the night! its totally worth it to stay until the end
crowd atmosphere is so so different from every other sport. usually when watching hockey, everyone is sitting and just watching, there are some chants (idk the canes chants sorry!) but usually there isn't much crowd participation unless there's a goal. the game moves so quickly, you have to really focus to know whats going on (and the puck is small and hard to see it moving!)
watching the game: there are big jumbotrons in the middle of the rink that will show the score, the shots, how much time is left, and a recording of what is being showed from the tv cameras. it is so helpful to watch, especially when there is zoomed in shots. don't worry if you end up watching the jumbotron and the ice for equal amounts of time! i did that all the time as a kid because its honestly pretty hard to follow just looking at the ice unless you really know the game well
penalties! i know they are confusing, but when a player gets a penalty there will be an announcement for what the penalty is for (and who is on the power play), and the jumbotron will show a countdown of how long is left in the penalty! it is always fun to watch penalties, and you can pretty easily look up what each penalty means as they are announced
the night you're going is military appreciation night! i have no idea what this means lol. sorry! in canada we don't really do that sort of thing to the same degree, we did something for remembrance day but that is it lol. what i can sense from the website is that the canes will wear special jerseys for warmup, and they will probably have some military stuff throughout the night
2. overview of the teams
ok, so the hurricanes. hurricanes are doing very well this season, they have won 47 of their 74 games (as im writing this, they just lost their game tonight lol) and they have secured their spot in the stanley cup playoffs! they are at the top of their division, and they are looking to secure that spot by earning points in the remaining 8 games of the season. you are going to watch one of the last games of the season, and the goal for the canes will be to win to be confident going into the playoffs. strengths of the canes include their goaltending, their penalty kill (when they have one less player on the ice, they usually can prevent the other team from scoring) and their defence. weaknesses include scoring, they don't have a "star striker" that scores a bunch of goals, as their star striker recently got injured, and they also don't make the most of the power play (when the other team has one less man on the ice, they aren't consistent about taking advantage and scoring). here's my lil hurricanes summary for you (please ignore my messy writing i did my best)
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lets meet the opponent! the islanders are in a rocky position, as they are fighting two other teams for a wildcard spot into the playoffs. they need to win every game they can to get in. the islanders are hungry, at the trade deadline (transfer window in hockey) they bought a bunch of players to try and improve their squad for the playoffs. they have won 39 of 76 games, they are fourth in their division, and they want to book a trip to the playoffs so this game is crucial for them to win. i didn't do as much research about the islanders (again im so sorry!), but i know that a strength of the islanders is their goaltending, they have one of the best goalies in the league in sorokin. weaknesses, im sure they have many i just don't know what they are. here's my islanders summary (again, sorry about my writing)
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3. the lore
lou lamoriello. this guy is a character. he is old school hockey, he's over 80 years old, and he has been in the league forever. everything i hear from him seems like something either a cartoon villain or jose mourinho would say. he hates beards, and makes all his players shave when they are on his team. he won't let players wear high numbers because its not traditional. every quote he has is absolute gold because he could not care less about his public perception. he is his own boss, and you can tell because this man is unhinged. some gems include "i am not going to make a decision to make a decision," "i really wasn't thinking about it to tell you the truth," and "lets be careful how far we go with that"
islanders as a team. they are from long island, which is like new york's suburb cousin. they won the stanley cup 4 years in a row, set so many league records, and were thriving in the early 80s. then, they did nothing at all for almost 20 years and almost had to be relocated because their arena was literally, physically crumbling and the ice was warming up during games. iconic.
during this down era, random guy john spano tried to buy the team and almost succeeded. he faked bank statements and taxes stating he was a multi-millionaire, and he was the owner of the team for a few months. it wasn't successful, because he was really just a random small business owner from new york. the whole story is kind of unbelievable, there are many documentarties about it. this happened in the 90s. absolutely hilarious
bo horvat. bo horvat was the canucks captain for 3 years and he just got traded to the islanders in january. there's no lore here, i just love and miss bo horvat on the canucks. my heart broke when he left and i hope he's doing well
4. helpful links
because im not a canes expert, heres some useful resources for more information! this tiktok page is from a new canes fan as well, she goes to games and explains hockey as she learns it. her tiktoks are super helpful for info about the hurricanes game experience, and hockey for beginners! (i do my best but i think some of what i say doesn't make sense because some of this stuff ive known since i was little, so i can't explain it well. she does a way better job) and this podcast is helpful for game previews! they post a short 10 minute episode every day, so it is easy to keep up with and has lots of helpful canes specific information. other helpful pages are the carolina hurricanes social media, especially twitter and instagram. they will post pictures and gameday updates that will have info in them about the players, the lineups, and more fan content!
this is where you see that im a writer lol. im so sorry this is so long (and that there's so many footie references, im assuming you're a footie friend so if you're not im sorry)! i hope you find this helpful, this was super fun to make and write. i hope you enjoy your game, let me know how it goes! go canes (just for this one day for you, anon)!
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blogfordantreacy · 1 year
15 questions and 15 mutuals
Thank you for the tags @kittensittin and @broadwayfreak5357! Sorry it’s taken me forever to do this, I’m anxious and lazy sometimes lol. But it means a lot that yall thought to tag me 🥹
were you named after anyone?
Not a person, but my gov’t name is based off of this story: “Once Noah’s ark was completed, the skies opened and rain fell for forty days and nights until the entire earth was covered with water and no living thing survived except those within the safety of the ark. When the skies cleared and another forty days had passed, Noah released a raven. Noah’s raven “went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.” Only when a dove Noah sent out after the raven no longer returned did Noah decide it was time to leave the ark and the mountain top upon which it rested.”
when was the last time you cried?
Mmm probably last week? During household stressors lmfao
do you have kids?
Nope, but I have 4 niblings that I love more than life itself
do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not really? I think it’s cause I have a hard time understanding sarcasm when others use it (neurodivergence baby!) and idk it’s just not my style. I’m more of a facial expressions when exasperated, and also just not a very negative or cynical person. But occasionally I am!
what's the first thing you notice about people?
Ahhhh, usually what they are wearing maybe? Or their hair? I don’t even know
what's your eye color?
Brown, nothin to write home about
scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings > scary movie, but complicated endings > happy endings sometimes. When it makes sense. But sometimes you just need a happy ending. Plus I don’t like most scary movies.
any special talents?
Uhhhh idk! I have a lot of patience, which makes me good at my job. Im good at finding good people for jobs (like a good plumber or whatever). Im really good at Guitar Hero? I play on like expert. Idk these aren’t really talents…
where were you born?
what are your hobbies?
Reading/writing fic, going out to eat lol, doing nature things, traveling, baking, bike riding sometimes. And music and podcasts, I listen to a lot of both.
have any pets?
One! A cat. He’s p alright (I’m not a big pet person but my partner is)
what sports do you play/have you played?
Uhhh I’ve tried my hand at several different sports as a kid, but played soccer the longest. Mostly defense or goalie. I’d love to play dodgeball or rugby these days.
how tall are you?
Like 5’2? Short king
favorite subject in school?
Mmmm probably English or math (sans geometry, fuck that class lol). I loved learning, still do, but don’t like homework or busywork, and I don’t love the way we do education in the US. But I had some wonderful teachers and my mom, who have always encouraged my natural curiosity and wanting to get better at things. I’m a super curious person!
dream job?
I do really love what I do now! Working in a library is a blast. I also think working at NPR would be so cool, but I don’t have a radio voice. Honestly my dream is to shadow/intern at 12 different jobs for 1 year.
Tagging @rosy-avenger, @its-very-cold-in-space and whoever else wants to go I don’t even know who I’m mutuals with at this point 😂
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sapphiquill · 1 year
Hello @angelicminds here! I am here to send you a podcast idea while also chatting with you hehe. So you mentioned in the last podcast you wrote a lot of fan fics. I, me, yes I also write a lot of fan fics. I still do it, even tho I am focused on my book atm. So I was wondering how you feel about the difference in audience?
I am not big in my fandom but big enough to get constant interaction with people, especially when I post something. However, I haven't got that yet writing original fiction. I... am struggling a little with the reduce "fame" for the lack of a better word. I feel so insecure all the time about my writing, as I have never published something and yeah I am just very new to writing original fiction. So I wanted to know your experience with it and how you deal with the difference between fan fic audience and original fiction audience. I hope that made sense, it was hard to form a thought hahah. Hope you're having a nice Monday <3
ahh sorry for answering this do late! hope ur having a nice wednesday too lol :)
firstly this is such a great discussion/question, and i have already recorded a podcast episode about it hehe (i got excited).
but to give u a bit of an answer now i would say there's DEFINITELY a difference in audience. of course i do love the writing community and the ways ppl champion others' wips/writing even without having read the whole thing or anything like that. i especially love events like nanowrimo and equivalents cos it really brings everyone together.
but, it does feel undeniably lonely, far more so than fandom where you build up mutuals and a following because of your shared passion for the characters + piece of media you're all invested in.
here i feel like im sort of shouting into the void sometimes and that no one really cares,, which makes me miss fandom at times 😭
idk if all of that makes sense but yeah!!
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
Petals and Bullets - TASM!Peter Parker x F!Reader
Yay finally posting another fanfiction instead of just reading haha this one was an inspired by a few fics here. Without further ado here it is! Don’t forget to leave feedback hehe
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Summary: a mafia AU where Peter Parker is a gang leader who happens to fall into the lap of a florist on one stormy night.
Warnings: mafia violence, mutual pinning, murder, injury, torture but not graphic or long, slapping, no smut this time but mentions of sex, kidnappings, not proof read. F!reader use of she/her pronouns, gun violence
4.3k words
It was just after closing and she was the only one left in the small shop, being the owner sucked sometimes but she loved nothing more than the smiles her flowers brought to customers. The rain falling outside made the quiet of the shop peaceful as she swept up the dirt and fallen petals were strewn across the floor during business hours.
A small thud alerted her to the front door of the shop, and she checked her watch - it read 10:15 pm - the shop had been closed for 15 minutes, who could it possibly be at this time? Her curiosity got the better of her and she paced towards the door, a figure slumped against the door dripping wet from the rain pelting down outside.
She slowly unlocked the door and opened it just a bit so her voice could be carried out to the stranger.
“Im sorry we're closed for the night! Come back in the morning, than-” she is interrupted by a groan from the stranger who she soon determined was in fact a man.
“Help me please,” the person says. She rushes to open the door more just as the stranger goes limp against her body. She groans as his weight becomes dead weight as she pulls him inside against all logic and the many rules and tips she's heard from all the true crime podcasts she is obsessed with.
Something warm and sticky runs down the hand she has against the stranger's waist, pulling it to the light she sees
“Blood? Shit what have I just gotten myself into here?” she says out loud as she carries the stranger deeper into the store and to the back room. She lays him down against the bags of soil and reaches for her phone.
The stranger shoots awake and grasps her wrist.
“No, no cops, they will only make things worse than they already are,” he says just before passing out from pain once more. She stares at him in shock and fear. She has no medical training and if his injury is worse than what she can do here with her first aid kit then he will surely die.
Working fast she runs to the small bathroom in the back to fetch her first aid kit, she also grabs a bowl of warm water and a clean rag to wash away any dirt or blood on the handsome - now that she got a good look at him in the light of the room - stranger. Upon returning she sees he is still unconscious which seems to work in her favor as she can work in peace. With her supplies, she lifts up his disheveled shirt to see what she is working with.
She sees where the blood has come from and luckily it has stopped bleeding. She grabs the rag and warm water and begins to clean the area to make sure it isn't as deep as she presumes or else she will have to make the call to the police to get him the help he needs. The cut isn't as deep and she is able to bandage it up. She wipes the sweat from her brow and examines her work.
“Gods, (reader) you sure are stupid to let this strange man into your shop all beaten and bloodied” she mumbles to herself as she leaves the storage and locks the door behind her. She runs up the stairs located to the right of the room and quickly goes to the storage closet in her little apartment, grabbing a pillow and heavy blankets. Winters in New York were cold and if she didn't want to wake to a dead man in her store he needed warmth for the night.
When she reaches him once again she wraps him in the blankets and lays a pillow beneath his head, making sure that he can't possibly hurt himself once more. She closes the door to the storage room once more but does not lock it this time. She walks back up to the small apartment the day’s events finally taking their toll upon her. She makes sure to lock her front door and makes her way to her bed.
The following morning she wakes up and makes her way to the kitchen, making herself coffee, mentally preparing to tell the man injured and asleep in your storage room he has overstayed his welcome or is rather unwelcome. She spins in her little kitchen just as she spots the same injured man sitting upright on her couch reading a book. The mug in her hands breaks as it hits the floor.
“What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?” she says as she stares at him, his short wavy hair falls upon his forehead and he looks at her.
He nonchalantly says “You left your door unlocked, which you really shouldn't do, it isn't safe! Anyone could just come up in here besides I was bored downstairs and decided to explore.”
“I-what the hell is going on?” she contemplates as she steps forward forgetting the broken mug just as her bare foot makes contact and ceramic pieces find a home in her flesh. She hisses in pain and brings her foot up just as the handsome stranger reaches her and helps her to the couch.
“Where's your first aid kit?” He asks as he inspects her foot and lays it down on the coffee table. He looks at her with the most beautiful brown eyes she ever laid eyes on, they were like pools of chocolate she wanted to get lost in. he's so close to her, she can smell his cologne he smells like cinnamon and smoke. She could get used to that scent combination.
“Bathroom, under the sink, it's the second door on the right,” she says while trying to keep the tears in because the glass in her foot really fucking hurt. He quickly comes back and takes her foot again.
“This will hurt a little bit ok,” he says as he takes tweezers and pulls the glass out. she winces in pain as he wipes down her foot with an alcohol wipe.
“What's your name, I should at least know the name of a stranger who has now not only presumably broken into my apartment but who also fell into my lap, whose life I just saved,” she asks as he puts a band-aid on her foot.
“Parker, Peter Parker,” he said smiling with a smirk that graced his face
Her laptop pinged with another notification of a sale, and a smile graced her face when she saw who had made the purchase. Ever since the day Peter Parker fell into (reader) life he was making purchases from her shop weekly, she let him know that he in no way needed to purchase flowers from her but he insisted that he loved her arrangements.
Soon enough they became fast friends, he told (reader) the reason he had fallen into her life that night was a mugger tried to rob him and he fought back ending in the stabbing.
(Reader) was pulled from her thoughts when the bell above her store door rings signaling someone has entered, she wipes her hands on her pants and goes and sees that Peter has come in for a daily lunch date. Well, it isn't really a date even though she wishes it was. These last 5 months of having him in her life have been great.
“Well hello there, how can I help you today?” she says while leaning on her right leg with her arms crossed.
“I've come to take a beautiful woman out to lunch,” he says while grabbing her hand and kissing it. A smile graces his lips while she cringes
“Ugh peter, don't kiss my hands, I've had them in the dirt all morning,” she says pulling her hand away and blushing.
“Well then tough girl, go clean up so we can go and get food. I'm hungry.” he winks at her as he watches her walk to the bathroom to clean her hands.
“Alright, give me a sec,” she says to go to the back room where the sink is and clean off my hands. “Alright let's go!”
He slips his arm around her waist, she turns her head so he can’t see the blush creeping up onto her face. She takes a deep breath to calm herself and turns to look up at Peter, the height difference is quite noticeable, her being almost a few inches shorter than her. Her eyebrow raises as she sees a tattoo peaking out of the color of his shirt.
“Hey what kinda tattoos do you have on your neck?” she asks in genuine curiosity as she reaches up to touch his neck the action and wors making him stop dead in his tracks.
“Don’t worry about it” he says in a dark tone. A chill goes down my spine when I hear the words leave his mouth.
“Uh, ok”
“Come on, the restaurant is just up ahead.”
They make it into the restaurant, and something about his response to her question just didn't sit well with (reader). In the five months that they've known each other he's never snapped at her, why was he being so secretive as he was the first night she met him?
She pulled out of my thoughts when he grabs her hand, he begins rubbing soothing circles into her hand. Butterflies start-up in my stomach and a small smile creeps up onto my face.
We soon finish our food and walk back to the shop. This time a peaceful silence has overcome us only for Peter to break it.
“You know I’ll always protect you right?”
The question catches her off guard but she answers anyway.
“Of course, you always make me feel safe, like the other night when I was throwing away the trash and a noise scared me you went out to investigate it!” she say laughing softly the memory coming to the surface of her mind.
“Yeah, that noise turned out to be a stray cat.” he laughs.
“What's with the sudden question though?” she looks up at him with innocence in her eyes, she looks making him clench his jaw, how he’d wanted to make her look like that while he made her come undone beneath him.
“When we get back to your shop I’m going to tell you something, I've wanted to tell you for a while now but didn't know how.”
“Shit, he’s going to confess to me?” she thinks to herself a small smile gracing her lips
“I really hope this doesn't ruin the relationship that we’ve built over the last five months.”
“Oh, fuck he really is going to confess, and he thinks I dont feel the same,” she hopes the look in her eyes dont give away the feelings she has developed for him in the last few months, eyes are the window to the soul and she desperately wished they were glazed windows at this moment.
“Of course, I promise whatever it is wont to change how I feel about you or the relationship we’ve built,” she says while smiling.
They arrive back at the shop quicker than she thought much to her disdain, not that she's complaining. The second they step through the door, Peter locks the door. Weird but maybe he doesn't want anyone to interrupt his little confession.
“You should sit down, this might be a bit too much.” She sits on her stool by the register and looks at him. A bit of fear rose in her. “Ok, so the day after you met me I told you that I was mugged on my way home, that's why I had gotten stabbed?”
She shakes her head yes.
“Well that was a lie, the real reason I was stabbed, was a rival mafia attack. In retaliation for me taking out one of their higher-ups. (reader) I am the leader of the Uomo Ragno mafia. I trust you enough now that I’m telling you the truth. Please don't hate me.”
Wow, that wasn't the type of confession she was hoping for.
“I-I you kill people! I’m friends with a criminal!” she say all of a sudden feeling light headed. “Wow this is some shit right out of a movie!”
“I’d never in a million years ever think of hurting you, neither would the rest of the guys, as long as you don’t tell anyone.” He says as he reaches over the counter to grab her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I don't know how you want me to process this new found information! Parker you’re apart one of the scariest mafia’s in New Yoek! On one hand that's pretty cool on another I’m friends with a killer. I need time to process all this. I think it’s best you leave. When I'm mentally ready to see you again and have a second conversation about this I’ll call you.” she pulls her hand out of his and walk to the entrance and open the door for him.
“Just know that I'll always protect you no matter what Y/n. I’m just a phone call away.” he says walking past me and leaving a kiss on my cheek, she turns her head away from him not wanting to watch him leave.
She watchs as he walks down the street, she begins to close the door when… “Peter!” she yell. He turns around and walks back towards her, she pullshim into the shop.
“Yes?” he says skeptical and worried he would get yelled at or told to completely stay out of her life.
“I trust you, I trust you will all my heart even though my brain is currently calling me a dumbass. How could I not trust a guy who protects me from scary cats in the alley.”
He smiles at her and she is the one to grab his hand this time.
“Come on we are going up to my apartment and you are telling me everything.” she gently smiles at the man infront of her and drags him up to her apartment.
Another few weeks have gone by since Peter told (reader) his true identity things seem to have gone back to normal however anytime (reader) is without Peter by her side she feels as though someone is watching her. It is like a shadow, when she is out at a vendors market she feels the chill of being watched creep up her spine.
Unfortunately for her the creeping feeling was correct and later that week her shop was broken into while she was away with Peter.
“You are staying with me from now on.” he says as he helps the florist clean up her store.
“Peter, i am fine. This happens especially in new york, this was bound to happen” she sighs.
“I dont care! What if you had been here, and i wasnt able to protect you? Fine, i will have one of my men posted with you at all times to keep you safe and to give myself a peace of mind.”
She smiles up at the man and gives him a kiss on his cheek, lingering just a bit.
“See peter im a big girl and besides the gun training youve given me has been a good help so incase my store gets broken into i’ll be able to protect myself”
If only both of them knew the plan that was happening behind the scenes, a revenge plot that had (reader) stuck in the middle or of the man snapping photos of the too from the car parked across the street. The car reves its engine and drives off.
(Reader) sweeps the floor, just doing anything to distract herself until Peter shows up for their movie night. It’s been a month since Peter confessed that he was a leader of a mafia and surprisingly she was fine with it. A smile appears on her face when I hear the bell chime.
“Peter did you remember the snacks I told you to get!” she calls out back still turned to the door as she puts the broom away.
“Oh, so you're the girl Parker has taken a liking too.” her body freezes. She turns and sees a man, no older than 30, she’d say he was drop dead handsome if it weren't for the fact that he was in my shop and knew who Peter was.
“Where closed, p-please come back in the morning.” she says tightly grabbing her broom handle, trying to be brave but the way her voice wavers betrays her.
“Where are my manners, let me introduce myself. My name is Eddie, Eddie Brock, leader of Venom” he says while walking further in and touching the flowers I have on display.
“Fuck he’s the leader of Venom, the deadliest mafia here in New York. I'm really fucked if i don't think of a getaway plan like now!” she thinks to herself internally.
“Beautiful little shop you have here, Ms. (last name). Might I also add that you are even prettier than you are in the surveillance pictures i had my men take of you over the course of 5 and a half months.”
“What do you want?” she steps back further in the shop, if she could only grab the gun Peter gave her.
“You, Ms (last name). You see, Peter killed one of my top ranked men. I want to make him suffer, the only way to do that is by hurting you.”
Her back hit the counter where the newly planted lilies are. She hisses in pain. Where the fuck was her so called body gaurd, one of the men Peter had told would be with her just outside the shop anytime he wasnt their.
“Now we can do this the hard way or we can do this is the hard way.” he says stepping closer.
“I say hard way!” she grabbed a fresh planted lilies and threw the flower and dirt in his face running to the stairs that lead up to her apartment, the gun behind the register forgotten.
“Stupid little bitch!” Eddie yelled.
She was almost home free when she gets thrown against the wall. She groans in pain, spots begin to form in her vision. She looks up and sees a guy, she trys to scream but a rag is put over her mouth and nose. She begins to fight the urge to breathe in because she knows if she does shes done for but she fails and soon everything fades to black.
“Trash the place, we got what we came for. And leave a note for him. He wants to fuck with me? We’ll make him regret ever leaving us.” Eddie says while walking out following one of his henchmen holding the unconscious girl.
The rest of Venom however, destroy everything in sight, they make it look like a tornado had swept into the little shop. They pick up plants still in their seedling holders and throw them into the walls, once they finish admire their work they walk back out and into an unmarked black Van and head off into the night.
If only Peter had gotten to the shop 30 mins earlier, maybe he could have saved her.
*30 mins later*
Peter arrives at the little flower shop owned by the girl that he loves, the sight causes him to clench the bag of her favorite snacks, surely crushing the chips into crumbs, he had brought to share with her for their movie night. He steps in hearing the broken glass crunch under his feet. Broken pots and mounds of dirt surrounding the shop. Did someone rob the place?
He thinks to himself then his mind immediately goes to where her guard is, he runs out of the shop and to his unmarked car, only to see her guard dead with a singlr gun shot wound to the forehead. He rushed back into the shop and up to her apartment.
“Y/n! Are you here? Where are you?” he yells into the small home getting no response. He goes back down to the up the shop and back to the counter where she usually did her arrangements and sees a note addressed to him.
“Parker, we have your precious Y/n, if you ever wish to see her alive and in one piece you’ll come back and join us. If you decline have fun putting the puzzle back together again.”
E. B.
Peter crumbles the letter and pulls out his phone, dialing a number.
“It’s Peter, they took her.”
It’s been a few days since (reader) was taken by Venom, only now were they able to find her location. Currently they just outside the gates of the mansion deep in the woods.
“Ready?” Peter asks while looking around the bulletproof van, everyone nods in agreement, “Alright Miles, hit it”
The van drives straight through the front gates and up to the front of the mansion where men had already began to line up in the front. They open the van doors and begin firing, taking out the guards in the front with ease.
They all run to the front taking cover behind the towering pillars. A fire fight ensues between Venom and Uomo Ragno. Peter stealthy slips past while the others take care of the enemy. He moves swiftly through the huge mansion, taking out any of Eddie’s men as he searches for his beloved.
However in the room on the second floor of the house, (Reader) is being tortured for information.
“Just tell us the information we want to know and the pain will stop.” Eddie says while twisting the knife in (reader) leg. She lets out a blood curdling scream. “Screaming wont help you, this room is soundproof.”
“I told y-you, i don't know anything! Please stop this” she cries as blood and tears mix. A slap to the face.
“Don’t fucking lie to me! That little bastard must have told you something! Nonetheless, he should be here soon.”
“Wh-what?” the beaten and bruised girl whispers.
“I told him if he comes back to join me you'll be set free. Doesn't matter much since you’ll both be dead either way.” he says as he picks up the girl and drags her out to the balcony. She tries her hardest to scrirm away from the man with the tight grip on her hair. He hulls her up and grips the collar of her shirt as he hangs her over the edge.
The door opens, giving (Reader) a small bit of hope but it’s crushed when she sees its only one of Eddie’s men coming to inform him that Uomo Ragno are in the building.
“Very well, if you want to make an omelette you have to crack the eggs yourself.” Eddie says as he keeps the girl over the edge, “I could easily kill you right now and i would not feel a thing, however i will keep you here hanging until your boyfriend comes to save you.”
Moments later the door opened once more.
“Peter” she whispers hoping her eyes weren't deceiving her.
“(reader),” he sighs in relief but his face goes back to the stoic expression as he sees her dangling over the ledge, “Eddie let her go, she isnt apart of this, your quarrel is with me.”
“You are right so i will let you choose, who's going to die the useless florist or the traitor? Decisions, decisions,” Eddie says pulling out a gun from his waist.
“If you kill me, will you let her go?” he asks as he lays his gun on the ground.
“No Peter dont you dare throw your life away for me!” she screams gripping harder onto eddie’s arms that are holding on her tightly.
“Fine, if i kill you she can go back to her useless life as a florist.” He says smiling at the mafia boss infront of him.
“Then fucking shoot me and spare her!”
“As you wish” Eddie raised the gun in his hand while pulling her back over the edge, he fires one shot into Peters chest just as (reader) fights his grip on her.
“No!” she screams as Eddie finally let her go, she runs to the man who she has loved since the moment he had picked glass from her foot. She holds his face in her hands as she cries against him.
“You fucking asshole!” she screams as eddie walks past her slapping her hard.
“Pitiful, now get ready to meet him in the after life” he says as she raises his gun to her forehead. She closes her eyes, he pulls the trigger but it jams, thinking fast she grabs peters gun and fires twice, both times the bullets enter his chest. He falls down with a thud.
Peter stirs against her body, he coughs and tries to sit up.
“Peter?” fresh tears begin to fall from her eyes “Peter!” she hugs him tightly
“Hey there tough girl,” he smiles hugging her back just as tightly. “I’m so sorry i’m late” he says as he rips open his shirt revealing the bullet proof vest
“But you are here now, you came for me that is all i truly care about”
“I am never letting you out of my sight ever again” he said grabbing my face between his hands, “Before anything else happens, I want to say that I love you (reader), since the morning after you helped me.”
She is about to speak when a sudden rush of burning hot pain rips through her left leg.
“Fuck! This just gets better, I got stabbed in the leg, but Peter I love you too” she says while pulling him towards her and having their lips locked in a quick chaste kiss.
“Come on, let's go home. This time i get to bandage you up babe” he says with a flirtatious wink, “ill have my men clean this mess up and get rid of his body.” Peter says while standing up with (Reader) and kicking Eddies body.
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since you are a punk, what are your punk music recs!
thanks for asking! im gonna start with newer bands i like a lot!
bob vylan - my favourite hardcore band rn. i love their name, i love their music, i love their whole vibe, and if youre black i doubly recommend them
jer - this is a tiktok mutual who runs a ska project called skatune network! they dont have a full album out (yet!!) but im obsessed with r/edgelord
catbite - this is a band patrick was recommended on the in defense of ska podcast, but i actually heard about them through jer.
we are the union - jers in this band! recently gave them a listen (finally) and i love what ive heard! these are my only ska recs i think
destroy boys - i found them on bandcamp and i think they bop hard
the regrettes - a little less hardcore, but still a fave! a living human girl is a really great song
nova twins - love their stuff so far, need to give their album a listen from cover to cover but i LOVE play fair
otoboke beaver - a japanese punk all girl band, i love their shit, though i havent listened recently
amyl and the sniffers - what a NAME. they really feel like a classic punk band but theyre from this past decade.
some punk (and alternative) acts i like but havent looked more into yet (youll find most of these on the black and bitchin playlist)
blacker face
the black tones
big joanie
lillith ai
special interest
the 1865
rico nasty - if you say shes not punk or alt i will smack a bitch
jhariah (not on the playlist because i need to pick a song of his but i CANT theyre all so good and so different)
stem champ - another beloved tiktok mutual! i love to the front, need to listen to their stuff. very folk punk.
baby storme - what ive heard i LOVE but i need to listen to more
angelboy + the halos isnt really punk tho id say they fall under the broader alt/indie umbrella but theyre so good i hope they pop off in a big way some day
danny denial - gay af
lesane - deeply sorry to everyone i introduced to dont do drugs he immediately went inactive and now we are all in withdrawal
soul glo - cant understand their lyrics yet rip
television screams - they got one single out last i checked. but its a very good one!
teenage halloween
and finally, oldie goldies!
bad brains (banned in dc) - now a lot of the band have said some homophobic stuff but for complicated caribbean diaspora maslows hierarchy politics reasons while i do encourage a load of discretion i do still (VERY TENTATIVELY) recommend them. i like some of their reggae stuff too but im more into modern reggae when i listen, like chronixx (my beloved)
x ray spex - oh bondage, up yours!
fall out boy - theyre still easycore i will die on this hill
racetraitor - one of andys bands, i really love what ive heard so far but tbf ive only heard their stuff from the 90s
arma angelus - petes screaming my beloved
green day - not interested in a philosophical discussion, i like their stuff although i still havent listened to father of all and probably wont
gym class heroes! obviously.
the white stripes - i love elephant. i have my gripes with jack white.
against me! - punk mom <3
my chemical romance - not a HUGE fan but still a fan
idkhbtfm - not old but yes they are
im gonna put florence + the machine here just because i dont know what they are exactly
i could do a little lightning round of classic bands i like: the ramones, misfits, nirvana, the clash, blondie, gorillaz (they count imo), the runaways, joy division, the sex pistols sound good but are shit,
im likely missing some stuff and im probably about to be called a poser but heres a sampler of my taste in music!
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damienthepious · 4 years
okay at least one of y’all guessed Scattered so CONGRATULATION, FRIENDO. also. jesus fuck i’m sorry i keep doing this. ONE more chapter. ONE more. I think.
Scattered On My Shore (chapter 18)
[Ch 1] [Ch 2] [Ch 3] [Ch 4] [Ch 5] [Ch 6] [Ch 7] [Ch 8] [Ch 9] [Ch 10] [Ch 11] [Ch 12] [Ch 13] [Ch 14] [Ch 15] [Ch 16] [Ch 17] [ao3] [Ch 19]
Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast
Relationship: Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla, Sir Damien/Rilla, Lord Arum & The Keep
Characters: Rilla, Lord Arum, Sir Damien, The Keep
Additional Tags: Second Citadel, Lizard Kissin’ Tuesday, Pre-Relationship, (for the three of them. it’s established r/d), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Injury, Injury Recovery, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, (this will also be), Enemies to Lovers, (for damien and arum eventually lol), Mutual Pining, canon typical Arum ignoring feelings
Fic Summary: Strange things wash up out of the lake near Rilla’s hut, on occasion. But this monster… this monster is certainly the strangest.
Chapter Summary: The Lord of the Swamp has returned home! An exciting event for all who live there, certainly. Arum's humans want some assurance that he will still be safe, when they leave him to return to their own home.
Chapter Notes: There's some discussion of mental health, depression, and suicidal ideation in this chapter, mostly dealing with past events in the fic. Take care of yourselves! I love you! aaaaaa kinda freaking out we're so close to the end now aaaaaaaa im. not ready
They stay an extra day. Just to be certain that the Keep's influence and healing are truly going to stick, Amaryllis says, but none of them are fooled.
Arum does not feel as if their time together is passing correctly; every moment feels distinctly present, his awareness heightened by their closeness and by the Keep's consciousness at his edges again, but time rushes past with the speed of a hunted hare. Arum does not know how to dig his claws into this day and make it stay, if only for a moment or so longer.
When they pull themselves from embrace in the late morning, they eat together again (as close by his side as the night previous, and Arum feels warm from his core). After, they explore the greenhouse more deeply, and Damien recites something that bounces such with clever rhyme that Arum can hardly keep up with the content rather than the form.
He takes them outside, then, because they are curious about the swamp itself, and because Arum cannot seem to deny them their curiosities. He cannot seem to, he does not want to- the fact that they wish to know his home is so intoxicating a realization that he can hardly prevent himself from gripping their hands and rushing to show them every single thing that they could possibly have an interest in.
The Keep opens the way, letting them out at the front, near one of the wider ponds, and-
And the noise strikes Arum first. Instinctively he spreads his arms, pressing Amaryllis and Damien behind himself, safe between his back and the Keep, and then he blinks and realizes what, precisely, he hears. What he sees.
His denizens. The assembled masses of the swamp, flocks and families all gathered on the water and among the low foliage and up in the branches, the venomous monkeys interspersed with brightly colored birds, egrets and lynxfish at the edge of the water, frogs and snakes and chittering rodents, every single beast with a touch of his Keep at its heart-
They have amassed here, outside his home, and their rustling feathers and trilling peeps and croaks and squawks, their hooting and scuffling all slowly die off as each one of them turns their gaze upon him.
And then, after that pause, that silence, the crowd erupts.
It is a decidedly cheerful eruption, but Arum still takes a step backward at the sudden noise, pressing the humans back with him as the denizens of his swamp give one enormous, celebratory noise.
Arum can feel the Keep behind him, all smugness and delight, and as the cheering begins to subside, a suspiciously familiar bird alights at to his left, its head tilted to fix him with bright, beady eyes.
"A-ah." Arum stares at the heron, and he hears Amaryllis give a stunned, breathy laugh behind him. "You- ah. What did I say… spread the word if you must," he mutters. "I see you took that instruction quite to heart, yes?"
The heron chuffs, and then preens as if distracted, and Arum laughs as well as the crowd fades back to silence entirely, staring up at him with obvious expectation.
"Er- they seem," Damien laughs nervously when Arum glances over his shoulder to meet the poet's eyes. "Rather- rather exuberant, I should say."
"I mean, yeah, but can you blame them?" Amaryllis adds.
"No, not at all, it is simply- I was not expecting-" Damien laughs again, and this time when Arum glances to check his expression the poet looks almost shy. "It is simply that… I am quite glad to know that you are so beloved, Arum."
Arum blinks, and then he glances back towards the creatures amassed, surrounding. He sighs, but- he cannot quite bury the wry smile that curls his mouth as he steps forward again, allowing his cape to billow behind him.
He waits for a moment, allowing the excited tittering to die back down after his movement, and then he straightens his spine.
"I suppose the lot of you were eager to see proof with your own eyes, rather than rumor on wing." He shoots a glance towards the heron, who makes an admirable show of puffing up its feathers with pride. "Well," he says slowly. "You may lay your fears to rest. I was separated from my purpose by treachery, kept distant by injury, but-" his voice fails, an unexpected hitch in his throat, and he shakes his head quickly. "But I- I am home. I have come home, and I will not be parted from it again. I- I apologize, for the length of my absence-"
He hears the humans behind him make simultaneous disapproving noises, and he shakes his head again.
"It was never my intention to be kept away for so long." He grits his teeth. "It was never my intention to be away at all. Though-"
He can feel the slight tickle of heat, the radiant warmth of the humans behind him, the safety of their presence at his back.
"Though I will admit that the distance has given me a rather inarguable dose of perspective . The Swamp of Titan's Blooms will be reassessing certain alliances and enmities in the near future," he says in a growl, "but- for the moment, it is sufficient that I am home. I will not be torn away again."
The heron cries out, and Arum attempts not to appear startled when the assembly of his denizens takes up the cheer in response. He manages, barely, not to allow his frill to flare. It ruffles at his neck instead, and he grumbles as the noise fades off again. The heron squawks a question as he is opening his mouth to continue, a pointed inquiry, and Arum bristles, but-
Well. The question is a fair one. Arum himself barely understands how this particular arrangement is even possible.
"These- they are-" Arum pauses. He swallows, and then he half turns to glance back towards the humans, and then he quickly turns his attention back to the front as the looks on their faces break through his control, causing his frill to flare partway. The assembled beasts shuffle, slightly, but they do not chitter or call through his brief silence, and he squares his shoulders. "Amaryllis and- and Sir Damien," he says. At the edge of his vision Amaryllis waves, the absurd, charming creature, and he feels Damien stiffen at the further attention. He inhales, and then he- he reaches back, opening his palms without looking behind himself again, and before he can harbor even a moment of doubt he feels their fingers twine with his own, and they step up beside him properly.
Where they belong, he thinks.
"They are… they are my… consorts," he tries, eying the pair of them, and Amaryllis raises an eyebrow with a wide grin. Damien flushes dark, which- is interesting. Worth revisiting at a later time. They do not seem… bothered, that he would claim them as his, however, so he exhales slowly and turns his gaze back towards the assembled creatures. "They are honored guests, under my protection. It was their efforts which allowed me to return to you as quickly as I have. It was their efforts which allowed me to return to you at all."
He pauses again, and the creatures titter with varying levels of excitement and confusion and enthusiasm, and Arum sticks his snout in the air.
"That will be all, then," he snaps quickly, turning as the Keep dutifully reopens a portal for the three of them. "This has taken rather enough of your time- and mine. This absence will not be repeated. Return to your homes and lives and all will be taken care of henceforth, good day."
Amaryllis and Sir Damien laugh rather enthusiastically in his direction once they are safely hidden within the Keep again. Arum attempts to maintain a dignified level of fury, but-
Wretched creatures. Amaryllis snorts into her hand and nearly doubles in half, and Damien makes a noise that approaches a squeak, and Arum cannot help but fall to laughter of his own as he gathers them into his arms.
Amaryllis' expression begins to cloud over with concern partway through dinner, and Arum is wary from the moment he notices the change to the moment when she finally opens her mouth after the meal is done.
"So," she begins, and Arum attempts to stifle his instinct to bolt. "I wanted to… to talk to you about what happens after we leave," she says.
Arum ducks his head slightly, sighing.
"There is no cause for concern, Amaryllis," he murmurs. "I can apply some salves well enough on my own, and obviously you need not fear harm to your species from my hand, either. Provided no knights come traipsing through my swamp, that is," he says, gesturing lazily. "I have no interest whatsoever in returning to the same work that nearly killed me. As far as I am concerned, this war did kill me. I will not be dragged into it again."
Amaryllis winces. Damien's lips press tight together, and he squeezes Amaryllis' hand for a moment before she releases her grip on him, and shifts closer to Arum's seat instead. "That- that's kind of exactly what I wanted to talk about. Arum, I… I need you to tell me you're going to take care of yourself. That you're not-"
"I said, not moments ago, that I am perfectly capable of-"
"Not the injuries, Arum," she says quickly, and he pauses, narrowing his eyes. "I need to know that- that you're not going to hurt yourself if we're not here with you," she manages, and Arum feels his breath go shallow.
"Amaryllis," he says. "Don't- don't be ridiculous."
"I'm not," she says. "I'm worried about you."
"Absurd," he hisses, looking away. "I am home, entirely thanks to the pair of you. I should be the one worrying over you, going back into the wilds. I could not possibly be safer."
"From yourself?" Amaryllis says, her brow furrowed with worry. "Look, I- I know this is uncomfortable, Arum, but- but I know that you've tried to get Damien to- to-"
"What? Wh-what did you tell her?" Arum says, turning towards Damien, and he means to snap but his tone sounds more hurt than furious. Damien only sits, his hands clasped in his lap, his lips pressed tight together. "What did you say, knight?"
"He didn't tell me anything, Arum." She shakes her head, angling her body a bit more between them, leaning closer. "Nothing specific, at least, but I'm not stupid. I heard you goading him plenty of times, and he said you told him about your- your work before we left, and he said that if he killed you then, it wouldn't have been a slaying and really there's only one way to interpret that evidence-" she pauses, cringes, bites her lip. "You tried to get Damien to kill you."
Arum freezes, his mouth going dry.
"I don't know if it was because of guilt or- or depression or panic about the trip or what, but- but I already told you, Arum. I didn't put in all this hard work just for you to die. Just for you to throw all of it away-"
"I am home, Amaryllis," he manages in a whisper. "You brought me home. There will certainly be no reason for me to- to endanger myself now."
"No?" she says weakly. "There wasn't any reason for you to try to goad Damien into killing you back in the hut, either, Arum, but you did it anyway."
"I-" Arum glances away again, his hand flexing, but she reaches out and takes one of his hands, squeezing tight. His eyes flick to Sir Damien, sitting quiet though his worried eyes are fixed on the pair of them. "I- that was- different-"
"Different how, Arum?"
"I did not want you to endanger yourself for me, Amaryllis," he hisses, turning towards her with his tail thrashing. "You- you make the world less cruel, by your actions, your choices, your existence. The both of you. You try, if nothing else, and for you to leap to action and danger for my sake is- was-"
She stares up into his eyes, her hand clasped tight around his wrist, and he clenches his teeth and pretends that his throat is not aching.
"If helping me destroyed you, it would be the worst of cruelties I have inflicted upon this world. And I, Amaryllis, have inflicted more than my share of cruelties already."
"So you try to take yourself out of the picture instead? Arum-"
"The little knight did not bite when provoked regardless, so I hardly see how it matters," Arum growls, and in his periphery he sees Damien flinch, his head ducking.
Amaryllis' grip on his wrist tightens. "You do know that's not comforting, right? It matters because I- because we love you, and because if you die, Arum, you'll be dead. Even if you were trying to protect us in some roundabout way-"
Arum flinches, and she pauses, pressing her lips together for a moment as she visibly chooses a different phrasing.
"If you had managed to convince Damien to do it, it'd be cruel, first of all. He doesn't deserve that kind of guilt weighing on him. And second, again, you would be dead, Arum. You implied that you and the Keep exist in a symbiosis- what good would you be to it if-"
"Another would come after me," Arum hisses. "I am not the first, and I will not be the last. The Keep will always have a familiar, no matter my own mortal status."
"That-" Amaryllis makes a noise, small and uncertain. "I- okay. Okay, explain that. If you dropped dead right now, would the Keep just- generate a new familiar instantly? Would I be talking to your replacement in a minute flat?"
Arum flicks his eyes away again. "No. Don't be foolish, it doesn't work like that."
"Explain it to me, then," Amaryllis repeats. "Of course I don't know how it works, Arum. So explain to me why you would think that your death would be in any way an acceptable option."
"It- another familiar would be created, yes. They would require- time to grow, however. The Keep nurtures us from infancy. It would have a hatchling-"
"So," she says calmly, "obviously this is the preferred option. You can protect your home better than an infant could."
"Would the Keep want you to die?"
Arum flinches again, twisting his body away from Amaryllis though he still will not pull his wrist from her grasp. The Keep gives a sharp, swift reply of its own, near discordant in its vehemence, and Arum ducks his head with a hiss. "N-no."
"I can tell you love the Keep, Arum," she says, more quietly. "I have to imagine that it loves you too."
"It-" Arum inhales, sharp and panicked, then exhales something like a laugh. "I-"
The Keep trills again, and then it reaches with gentle vines to grip a wrist on his other side, echoing the way Amaryllis is holding him. The contact is too gentle, and the feeling of the Keep's affection in his mind is too raw, too close, after so long missing the feeling. He closes his eyes, clenches his teeth together, and pretends not to feel his eyes heating, his throat constricting.
"Yes," he says in a whisper so low he is not confident that Amaryllis' ears will be able to discern it. "Yes, my Keep loves me." He swallows, then lifts another hand to grip the vine the Keep is holding him with. "It loves me," he repeats, a little more steadily, and if he refuses to open his eyes, then perhaps he need not acknowledge the wetness on his cheeks at all. "The Keep loves me, just as I love it."
Amaryllis makes a soft sort of noise, and Arum feels her hand- feels her thumb on his cheek, feels her gentle away the evidence of his ridiculous surplus of emotion. He waits until her hand retreats, and then he opens his eyes again with a sigh.
"You can protect the Keep and care about yourself too, Arum," she says quietly, and her own eyes are bright. "I just- I need to know you're going to be safe. I can't just leave, not knowing if I'm going to see you again-"
"If we are going to see you again," Damien adds gently, moving closer at last, arranging himself behind Amaryllis and reaching to brush his fingers down Arum's arm. "I know, Arum, that it is not so easy as to simply decide that the demons of one's own mind are conquered. It is not a matter of willpower alone- that is why we wish to speak of it."
"We want to help," Amaryllis says, her voice wobbling very slightly. "We want to understand what you're feeling, and we want you to know that we're here, and we care about you, and you matter to us. Even when we leave, even when we're away from you- you matter to us and it's important to us that you know that you matter, that you're not- you're not replaceable. Not to us."
Arum attempts to ignore the way his heart is racing, the way his eyes still feel too hot, and he finds himself failing when the Keep hums, vines embracing him as it echoes the sentiment firmly.
"I- I have- surely you understand that I have precisely zero intention of harming myself," he breathes, quick and harsh. "I do not want to die-"
It is only that sometimes, in the past, when he was exhausted past his means or when the creeping gray of his mind clouded him… it would have been so much easier. Only the Keep would mourn, and soon enough even it would be drawn past that grief by his replacement. Arum very rarely considered those thoughts, outside of those moments of darkness.
They are watching him, watching whatever must be playing out in his expression, patient and fond and worried, and Arum exhales very slowly.
"I do not want to die," he repeats, his voice coming steadier. "I… I can understand…" he sighs, ducking his head. "It is not unreasonable for you to… to concern yourselves. But I have been- I have been speaking with my Keep, since my return, and- and we will not be parted again, least of all by my own hand. I meant what I said, this afternoon, when I spoke to my subjects. If nothing else, my recent proximity to death has given me a rather jarring dose of perspective. I wish to live, to protect my home, to-"
Arum snaps his teeth together, stifling the words that wish to come next, but then-
His shoulders relax, and he allows a smile to curl his mouth. He need not hide such words. Not anymore.
"I wish to live," he repeats. "I refuse to die before I have loved the both of you as well as you deserve, and I imagine that will take rather a long time."
"Oh," Damien breathes, clinging to Amaryllis as she gives a watery sort of smile. "Oh, Arum- oh, my lily-"
Arum's breath catches, and Damien freezes, his jaw snapping shut in obvious mortification.
"Er- rather, that is- that was- rather presumptuous of me, of course-"
Arum presses forward, draping himself over Amaryllis as she yelps and cackles a laugh, pressing her back so that she and Damien both are trapped between Arum's chest and the cushions below, and then he nuzzles Amaryllis' neck, nuzzles past to press his snout into Damien's ear, nipping gently as he crowds closer, closer, warm and safe as he remembers again that they will not push him away, they will not scorn him.
By all the incomprehensibility of the Universe, they will claim him.
"My honeysuckle," he hisses into the crook of Damien's neck, and Damien gasps. "Mine- my love-"
It is wild, it is absurd, maddening, the things he is allowed- what they allow him-
Amaryllis laughs even harder, her hair falling into her face as she unconvincingly pushes at his shoulders. "You- you are such a-"
"I love you, my Amaryllis," he growls, and his heart swells as her breath catches too.
They have given him so, so much. They have given him everything.
He knows precisely the gift he intends to give them in return.\
The next morning dawns bittersweet, though the resplendent peach-and-gold of the sunrise does not appear to have been informed. The light pours warm through the portal when the Keep pulls it open to the very edge of the swamp, and Arum does not know how, precisely, to feel as he watches Amaryllis' posture stiffen and Damien's shoulders sag, when the reality of the parting strikes the three of them in the same moment.
The Keep presses wrapped packages into the humans's hands, bundles of supplies that should more than keep them fed until they reach some semblance of human civilization again. Arum suspects, but has not pried such to confirm, that the Keep has also stealthily added in portions of sweets, as well as other small gifts and trinkets, possibly some bunches of local herbs that it observed Amaryllis taking a particular interest in.
They tuck the new gifts into their packs, and Damien presses his lips together tight, flicking his eyes to draw down Arum's face, rather obviously committing his sight to memory.
"I don't…" Amaryllis sighs, and he and Damien turn their attention towards her. "I don't know how long it'll be before we can manage another trip like this," she says, frowning, and Damien presses a hand to her shoulder, his own expression going mournful.
Arum forces his expression flat, burying his nerves and his hope both. "It may not be so difficult as you think, to see each other again."
He's gratified when Amaryllis' eyes dart to him, surprise and skepticism on her raised brows.
"You better not be threatening what I think you are," she warns. "Magic healing or no, I do not wanna find out that you decided to take a big solo trip so soon after recovering, even if it means we get to-"
"I do not intend any such thing," he says mildly, suppressing the urge to grin, and he nudges the Keep in his mind to fetch his surprise. "Do you… trust me, Amaryllis?"
"Stupid question, Arum."
"Even if what I tell you will sound impossible?"
"Most of what you say sounds impossible," she hedges, narrowing her eyes.
"We love you," Damien says, a little tearfully, and Arum struggles to maintain his composure as the poet takes his hand, lifting it to press a kiss to his knuckles. "Of course we trust you."
Arum squeezes Damien's hand, and he knows his voice will tremble if he attempts to answer that, so he simply nods before he tugs Damien's hand to his own mouth to echo the gesture as Amaryllis rolls her eyes at the both of them.
"Good," he says eventually, when he knows his voice will come steady. "Good. Then- I have something for you."
"A present?" Damien smiles. "Oh, Arum-"
"I suppose you could call it that," Arum rumbles, looking away for a moment as the Keep deposits the bundle into his free arms. "Though, it is a rather self-serving gift, if anything," he adds in a murmur. "Here."
He hands Amaryllis the linen-wrapped ball of roots and soil, watching as she carefully cradles it, her eyes bright as she tilts her head to better see the dark brown sapling with the shining green and purple leaves sprouting small and fragile from the bundle.
"Arum, what-"
"Trust me," he says, and she shoots him a look, scowling though he knows- he knows that she will bury her curiosity for his sake. It will be worth it, he thinks, for the surprise. "Bring the plant home with you. Ensure that the soil is not lost- it is just as important as the flora itself. Place it somewhere it will be safe-" he pauses, breathes a laugh. "Perhaps you could find some room beside the Jungle Flame, out of sight of the kitchen window. If you can bear to clear the stack of notes cluttering the corner there-"
"Watch it," Amaryllis grumbles, and Arum laughs again.
"Give it a home," he says quietly. "Mix the soil provided with some from your own garden. Not too much- no more than half again. It will bloom quickly, when it is settled, and when it does-"
She tilts her head, calculation in her eyes as she commits his instruction to memory.
"When it does," he murmurs, "if you wish to see me again, all you need do is ask."
"If," Amaryllis snorts, and Arum ducks his head. "Yeah, dummy, if we wanna see you again- Saints you're ridiculous-"
"Oh, Arum," Damien murmurs, and then he- goes up on his toes and flings his arms around Arum's shoulders, embracing him tightly and pressing his face against Arum's neck. "Oh, I can safely assure you that my heart will ache with your absence the very moment we are parted, oh my lily-"
Arum returns the embrace, squeezing tight and lifting Damien fully off the ground, though he growls and glares at Amaryllis over the knight's shoulder. "And you call me ridiculous."
"You both are," she says, utterly fond. "I've got a type."
Arum laughs, and clings more tightly, and when Amaryllis steps close enough to grip his arm and kiss his cheek, it takes more strength than Arum knew he possessed to release the both of them from his grasp.
He does let them go, eventually, murmuring his affection close against their skin until they can no longer justify delay. He watches them leave, smiling despite the ache in his heart, despite the utter strangeness of being parted, at last, after so long beside them. He smiles, willing the Universe to grant them swiftness and safety.
The sooner they are home, the sooner he will see them again.
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bmpmp3 · 4 years
Ok so we talk about cliches that we like but you know a cliche I hate? Love triangles. Rarely do I ever see them done well and they're usually just shoehorned in for some artificial drama instead of actually being creative. Like who's the mc gonna pick? The person they've spent all this time growing close with and developing a bond of mutual character growth or this dude who just showed up like an hour ago?
god love triangles are such a mess of a trope because like I FEEL....IT CAN BE USED FOR GOOD like one of my favourite anime when i was younger was School Rumble so the comedy potential of love triangles (and other polygons) is there but then you have late ninties early 2000s drama shoujo manga love triangles where its just like damn.............please god you each have two hands just date eachother together
also the specific example you mentioned, it is truly the worst.... i dont see it often outside of young adult paranormal romance novels i read in middle school (this is probably because 98% of what i read is shoujo manga from 10-20 years ago hjfdgfdshdfsm) but I hated it so bad....brown hair white girl already was in love with white boy #1 WHO is this white boy #2 and WHY should i care......i cant tell them apart theyre both BLONDE and have names like JOSH or JASON or whatever..........that last bit might be why i struggled a little with young adult books as a kid fjdsnbvdsskds
I do think theres a lot of potential with stuff like love triangles and like multiple people in love with the same person, that sorta situation, a while ago I listened to the Film Reroll podcast where they played a dnd game with the movie Aladdin and I genuinely think that the roll-to-not-fall-in-love mechanic they had going on created one of the most interesting love polygon I’ve seen in the past 5 years and i KNOW how I sound right now im so sorry its just its about the intricacies!!! the web of unrequited love............ anyway I think theres a lot of fun and potential with love triangle situations but I think a big problem with media with love triangles is they focus so aggressively on the dilemma of “oooh who will the main character choooose” (especially in things where it’s obvious who the main character will choose) when it could be so much more interesting exploring the emotions of the characters involved like characters moving on or falling in and out of love between eachother....amicable breakups and rejections.....ones that are specifically NOT amicable....i think there is INTEREST and CREATIVITY to be had narratively qwq even the melodrama can be fun sometimes.................. alas tho so many love triangles are like you said, shoehorned in with little exploration
going off of that tho, with certain things like otome games and really any video game with romance elements, because of the inherent personal-ness of the medium, like even if you dont self insert you still feel like You Are Doing The Game, like even if you dont identify or see yourself in Link, when you play a zelda game you tend to say “I cleared that dungeon” rather than “Link cleared that dungeon”, yknow? So like with video games specifically because of it’s inherent encouragement of self-insertion I do think love triangles, even well written ones, may need to be handled a little more delicately
like I really like the love rival formula in Ikemen Sengoku, how every boy has another boy in his route who’s varying degrees of in love with the main character (with varying degrees of success at being well written too, Mitsuhide as a love rival is famously pretty good, I love Sasuke and Mitsunari, Yoshimoto was good but I personally felt Ranmaru would have been more thematically satisfying, Nobunaga was a drive-by love rival and its the funniest thing in the world to me), but I also know that the love rival story beat makes a lot of people feel real bad and thats not neccessarily what everyone wants in their fun viddy game, I know thats a thing in other otome games and other games with romance in general, people feeling like theyre cheating on the other love interests or they feel like they’re breaking another love interest’s heart, that kinda thing
oh man and recently I found out that the original version of Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town had a mechanic where after a while, characters who you could marry would get married to other people if they werent married to you, and like some people like it cause it makes it feel like the world’s more alive, it actually made me interested in playing the original because I love the concept of a game mechanic where I Steal Yo Girl for comedic reasons BUT also lots of people didnt care for the mechanic, from what i can tell it made some folks feel super bad like they’re stealing someones gf and like, thats completely understandable honestly, video games have such a unique relationship with “action” and “who” is doing said “action” between the player and the player character, they’ve got this connection emotionally we can’t really sever easily so video games I definitely think should be especially cautious about how love triangles and love rivalry is handled
im sorry i wrote an essay with a bajillion sidetracks.......I just have lots of thoughts all the time and I think its fun to discuss these things and ur ask was good,,,,... its lots of fun to talk about tropes, ones you like, ones you hate, ones you want to see done better njgkfddjgfksafdsa gomennnnn
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gangsterscraft · 5 years
thank you @willowthewispp for tagging me <3 i haven't done something like this in so long wow but im excited
nicknames: my siblings call me the basic 'alex' but that's literally it
real name: alexis
zodiac sign: sagittarius– oh wait they're a myth :o (context no one asked for: my friends and i have this inside joke from when i told them that whenever there's zodiac sign merch they never have sagittarius stuff bc apparently we dont exist. i don't care for zodiac sign stuff but i thought it was funny and apparently my friends think so too bc we're dramatic gays)
height: 5’6”/5'7" (? i lit rally don't know)
current time: 1:10 am
fav musicians: twenty one pilots, hippo campus, young the giant, nothing but thieves (there are so many other bands but these are my top ones. fun fact: i was obsessed with bruno mars from 5th grade-10th grade that i was on stan twitter in 2012 on my dsi)
favourite sports team: come again?
other blogs: @gloomycelestial (that used to be a bruno mars acc but now is just a mix of things im into currently) @sosickman (i recently made bc since this is my side blog i can't really follow or interact with other with this one so i'll probably be posting my art on there and use this one to reblog other people's art and stuff)
do I ever get asks: nah not in this acc at least but overall it's rare
how many blogs do I follow: i can't follow ppl on this acc :/
tumblr crushes: @willowthewispp duh?? they're the sickest and their art is SO CUTE it makes me cry sometimes in a good way of course !!!
lucky number: i never put in much thought to this i just say 13 bc it's my birthday number whoops
what i'm wearing right now: a shirt i got at a vip meet and greet from the band state champs (they're my friend's favorite band so i went with her bc she wanted someone to go with her and she bought the tickets so why not? im a good friend) and it's comfy. also some workout tights
drink of choice: lemonade is good
dream car: idk but i'll take a forest/emerald green one please
dream vacation: im not one for travelling and stuff (i know sorry im the most boring person in the world) and i guess i never think about vacationing bc i've been stressing out about doing something with my life like get a job and get my own place to live. maybe my vacationing could be having an apartment to myself? nah that's dumb
favourite food: i always say that my favorite section in a department store is the bakery section [that michael scott 'i love inside jokes' meme: i love the walmart bakery section. love to have money to actually buy pastries some day] so yeah i'll say it pastries are my favorite food. pies are so good man
what languages do I speak: english and spanish
instruments: i recently got a keyboard as my grad gift and ive been learning song chords and im not a pro at it but i hope i can make my own stuff one day. i love singing so i enjoy playing songs at a slow pace and making them sad:) i also used to play clarinet in middle school but i hated my director and my classmates so i got out bc self care ya know (band kids are a different kind of species i don't want to be associated with)
celebrity crushes: by celebrity crushes you mean men i'm not attracted to and just think are pretty sick, right? misha collins has always inspired me, growing up with financial struggles and using his platform now to help others out in similar situations is something i find so endearing. he has the choice to not do any of the things he's done, but he chooses to help others and i think more people should be like him (except don't vote for b*den vote for bernie thank you). bill hader is rad man. it's nice seeing someone in the industry for so long be so genuine still. love that tall anxious man <3 james ransone is so sick and i'd love to meet him someday. following up on most of his interviews/podcasts made me have a lot respect for him and he's also really interesting (he always says he's not and self deprecates but mr james ransone sir please love yourself you deserve it !!!! you're v pretty) i could keep complimenting this man but this would be too long and we gotta keep this rolling gang ! okay to finish this off i'll say who my big lesbo crush is and it's elizabeth mary winstead like she's so pretty i want to bake her some cookies
no one will read this but it was still fun and distracting so thank you again @willowthewispp for tagging me ! i have no excuse for doing this days later but i finally got the motivation at 1 in the morning so here we are (finishing at 3am rip)
tagging: im not tagging anyone since i don't have any mutuals on here
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lord-king-saint · 5 years
theres always that one person that loves you so much that you'll never doubt yourself-- or your "lovability"-- ever again. my person came late, and it didnt last, but it changed me forever.
snap wasnt the most beautiful man in the world-- but he was cute. a mutual friend introduced us at brunch, and i thought he was funny, and decent, but i figured i would never see him again. socializing in the city was so transitory.
but i did see him again, that same day. i left brunch, ran some errands, and was craving something cheap and greasy, so i went to panda express. while devouring the thin and crispy chow mein noodles, i saw a cute lil bubble butt in line. i was staring, but maintaining my queer hyperviligance-- until i realized it was him. it was snap, wearing a tight jogging outfit, and it amused me. why go for a jog if youre just going to eat bad chinese afterwards? i was intrigued.
when he recognized me, he danced over and sat at my booth. he didnt look sweaty-- but who was i to judge? i mean, he was in better shape than i was, so he had more social capital in gay world; and he had soft skin, a professional beard, and liquid green eyes. the more i looked, the more i found things to like.
he was a therapist who worked at a middle school, and we made small talk about our mutual friends. he said i had a good effect on everyone in the group. my mere presence cooled the egos of the gays who tended to be more self-involved, he noticed. it was definitely shade, but i was humble and simply said thank you-- and i remained humble when he asked for my number. he was hard to read, but i was open to his friendship. he was funny, and decent.
later, i discovered he had a partner, who happened to be very handsome. a group of us went on the rooftop together to drink wine, and snap's partner had just returned from spain filled with stories, and we got along well. i noticed that as a couple, they werent intimidated by how i could cool and dazzle a crowd. they were both drawn to it.
it was always fun to run into them. one night, a group of us went dancing and we enjoyed being sloppy drunk messes together. snap cannot dance to save his life. he made awkward hip gyrations, leaned on one leg, and would thrust his arms out in long offbeat displays of emotionality. he was terrible, and dangerous to dance with, because you could easily lose an eye.
even when sober, he danced like a staggering drunk with no rthythm-- but i loved that about him. i loved seeing him express himself, because he truly looked free, and i admired that. it was his own interpretative dance, and eventually the three of us were slowly grinding together, to the gay classics. when they drove me home, i sensed "something" there, but i thought better of it and went home alone. i wasnt prepared to be that messy.
but then, the happy couple came to my spa, and invited me into their hot tub, while i was on the clock. they were both naked. i thanked them, but declined. id never had a threesome, and i was just beginning my queer sexual odyessy. i didnt want to experiment and get my sea legs with my friends. i felt there was too much to risk.
months went by, and eventually the happy couple broke up, just before christmas. they were together for a year. by now, our gay tribe was meeting once a week, and during our Monday Night Dinner, snap spilled the beans. he was distraught, because he had never been broken up with. not only was it devastating, but it was new, so we asked how we could support him. "just text and visit me more," he said. my heart bled for him.
so, i texted him, and visited him more. i even gave him a massage, and invited him out with us to dance or watch standup. i realized i didnt know that much about him, really. he was a secretive scorpio, despite his decent casual nature, and i enjoyed making him laugh, and letting him pour his stories into me. i was an unhealthy empath at the time, and it made me feel good to be a receptacle for his feelings, while also showing him a good time. i thought i was healing him! and so, snap grew very attached to me.
he invited me over to his apartment to see his shelves of comicbooks. we would play music and hold each other while he poured his soul into me, telling me about how he scared his partner away with his jealousy, and his insecurity. i should have seen the red flags early, but i was a trauma victim. i was traumatized from childhood to avoid prolonged human touch-- but snap made me feel so safe in his arms! it surprised me, and it was healing me. i felt like he could hold me all night, and i wouldnt try to escape. it clouded my judgment.
there were so many nights with snap: cuddling with him, spooning him, making him laugh, burying his face in my neck, wrapping our legs and touching feet, breathing, going to new thought churches, planning our new years eve, laying out ideas for a podcast, doing yoga, talking to Alexa, walking to the comicbook store holding hands, crying, talking about libido, making salty mario kart jokes, listening to his top 100 new year playlist, and just laying in bed, him playing with my necklace.
we made plans to drive to san mateo for new years, but while we were rolling around the bed, and i threatened to tickle him, he cried out in fear. it felt like i was struck with a cold lightning bolt! i jumped off of him! i was so sorry! but he said he was fine. he said he was only triggered, and he confessed that i had a lot of power over him. it was the night before new years eve, but i didnt sleep.
the next morning, we were organizing the trip, but he was dark and faraway. i wanted to talk about the night before, and the cry that haunted my thoughts, but he went completely silent. suddenly, i realized what i was doing. i was over-involving myself in snap's dramas, and abandoning my own boundaries. when snap finally spoke, he said that i was in a precarious situation, because snap was still sensitive because of his ex, and he didnt want to take it out on me.
why was i abandoning my friends on new years to be with someone i just met? why was i playing caretaker for snap when he needed to be alone, to process his breakup? i was out of order, so i tried to bail. perhaps i should be with my friends instead. "this is your pattern!" he shouted angrily. "why are you doing this?"
i dug deep.
"im afraid that youre just saying youre fine, but secretly youre still mad at me!" i confessed, starting to cry. "i feel like im being punished for making a mistake!"
next thing i knew, i was sobbing in his arms, and he was stroking my head, soothing me, while my diaphragm pushed hoarse cries into his chest. this wasnt normal or proportionate, and we never resolved the actual issue. instead, we were trauma bonding, and when i finished sobbing, i was filled with so many chemicals, and i was so relieved from expressing my childhood trauma, that i changed my mind and went to san mateo with him.
it was his coworkers new years party, and we ate sliders on hawaiian buns, drank wine, danced the cumbia, and bought a hotel to sleep together. we changed into pajamas, spooned, and in the dark, with my arms around him, snap said, "where have you been all my life?"
when we returned home, i didnt leave. i helped change his bedding, i coached him through his exercises, and he lipsync'd to his favorite songs while i gushed. snap was becoming important to me. whatever he believed, especially about me, affected me greatly. i wanted to be his favorite person in the whole world.
he asked to take me to capitola for another vacation, but my friends warned me that we should spend some time apart, and i sensed they were right, so i did. snap was disappointed, but he went with his friends without me-- until he called me from capitola, and said he was coming back early, to see me. his girlfriends said he talked about me the whole trip, and he offered to drive back, even pick me up some food, and take me to a party.
"i cant believe i miss you this much after just two days!" he laughed. i hugged him tightly. i was happy he missed me. i never wanted to be apart from him, and he felt the same way! he even offered to throw my 30th bday party!
meanwhile, he was showering me with gifts. "look in the bag," he said one night. he had purchased me $60 worth of allergy supplements, the ones i had always wanted! i jumped on top of him and kissed him all over his face.
"youve shown up for me in such a powerful way, and it means more than words can say," he said, holding me. "youre my favorite person."
it was like crack.
we were fully enmeshed.
snap wasnt healing from his past relationship, and i was letting him use me as a distraction. i wanted his energy! i wanted his attention! i didnt care! it was a fully functioning codependent relationship-- and soon, i would have to fight my way out of it.
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 6 years
Some “Swordsmithing For Beginners And Experts” replies!
Tumblr really doesn’t seem to want me to reply to post and reblog comments, but here are some long overdue ones, as best as I could manage. Thank you all so much! As I’ve said before, this fic was kind of a big deal for me personally for a variety of reasons, so engagement with it really makes me happy - especially since, in my experience anyway, Bismuth-centric and Bismuth-heavy content tends to overall get a somewhat lower amount of activity.
tymp3st replied:
Ahhhhhhhh This was great, just Pearl and Bismuth and the huge divide between what was and what can be. That distance between them when Bismuth was brought back again and how quickly they start patching it up again. This is so sweet.
The distance and the patching up was something I really wanted to have work in that last big segment, so I’m really glad to hear this. These two and their relationship steeped in a shared complicated and often burdensome but also valued history is something I really love, and loved exploring here, and I especially loved giving them that promise of a future, they deserve it so much.
dontmindmeoverherejustreblogging replied:
That’s gay!! And incredible
Thank you! I am glad I was able to accomplish both.
@earthsgayestdefender replied:
You left me a whole entire novel and hit the AO3 comment character limit twice, I love you, bless. I still need to go through the whole thing and reply properly, bit by bit, because it’s an absolute GIFT and a fic writer’s dream, but I have to highlight:
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Agreed. Co-signed. Valid.
@ohtakudesu replied:
#Bispearl   #HI I LOVE THIS AND AM DECEASED   #spent the last few hours on the bispearl discord reeling over this fic   #I don't even read fics that often but op this is fucking great   #thank you for my life and my soul   #added ten years to my life just now op
Speaking of other platforms... you bet I saved those discord comments into a doc for easier access for cheer-up reading during crappy days. THANK.
@jeejyboard replied:
#bispearl #it's good fic brent #this shit kills me like how much yearning can you fit into one tiny little wispy lesbian #bismuth is a little more explicable but still it's a stretch
Jeej my pal my bro your comments never fail to kill me.
@alliealliealcomfree replied:
# this is amazing! # i love how these two interact #and the mixed feelings about Rose #and the history between them #Bismuth and Pearl are so cute together
I will have you know that “mixed feelings about Rose” is the title of my hot new mix(hahah)tape, check it out.
(There is no mixtape, I’m sorry, only the sound of my tears.)
When that Dove short came out with the “I value our history” bit I just about ascended.
@nacrepearl replied:
#wow i LOVE BISMUTH AND PEARL #thanks oath for this life giving word meal
Bispearl content isn’t super abundant and I’m a great proponent of MAKE IT YOURSELF so I had to. I just had to. It took me a while but I did it, and I am glad I did. And I’m really glad you liked it.
@ajora replied:
#this is absolutely lovely to read all-together #and you know me I'm always down for examining Rose's effects on everyone around her #otp otp otp #ALSO: I was hardly suffering jsyk #ALSO: I do like the section naming scheme
I’m glad to hear it holds up as a whole even after me sending it to you rather piecemeal over the past few... who even knows how long. The section naming is legit one of my favourite things about the fic personally, hah, I am proud of it to a rather silly extent.
@starsailorstories replied:
Not only is this that sweet, sweet Bispearl/Bismuth being loved and appreciated content, I'd like to present you with your lifetime achievement award for contributions to the field of gem hurt-comfort
Not done gushing, I love the way you write Bismuth dialogue, it's so like...brisk and jaunty with just the right edge to it but always coming from that gooey center of the team place. I love it I love her
I am extremely honoured by that award, especially coming from you!
And yes! It’s a BISMUTH fic we need to have that proper wordplay as well as horribly cheesy puns in there! And as a BISPEARL fic it is absolutely necessary to include communicating concepts via relating them to swords and the making thereof. It’s the rules.
Bismuth, I feel, has a very distinct voice AND attitude AND way of expressing herself in general, even as we haven’t yet had the chance to spend as much time with her as some other characters, and getting it down right was very important to me. And there’s stuff like her being noticeably less literal than other Gems, and more prone to using both Gem and human idioms (and as evidenced by her pep talk to Steven in Legs, savvy enough to be able to switch between them at will). Speaking of pep talks, she’s an absolute master there and I love her. I believe Ian JQ said that “gooey center of the team” line on the Bismuth podcast ep and I am forever grateful to him.
Also just. Here, a random moment I just thought of that got me all feelsy. Look at her lovingly and longingly looking out at her friends and waiting to be reunited with them. That really tiny smile. I love her.
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And this moment that breaks my heart into tiny pieces, when she was convinced she’d blown her second chance and that the people she so loves and who she was prepared to go to such great lengths for don’t want her around anymore:
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Nng. Just. So much about her is related to loyalty and community and mutual support and she is so full of love and goopy feelings, while at the same time absolutely being loud and brash and a damn legit fighter and passionate revolutionary, with a definite edge and a large well of (absolutely righteous imo) anger, and she will destroy you if you endanger what she stands for and who she stands with. And the damn “she chooses to build up people instead of building palaces” metaphor that I shall continue to put into everything Bismuth-related I produce as long as I live. I love that. I love her so much.
Aaaaanyway, moving on from that little digression, I’m also flattered by the displays of faith in me, like seeing a reblog tagged with (cheers @altostratusplunge, whom tumblr now won’t let me tag, great):
#i havent read it #will read afyer rebloggimg #but i trust you as a writer and i bet this is gonna be so Good
Trust is a rare and precious commodity and I will have you know I am touched.
Once again, a great big thank you to everyone!
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ywiseul-blog · 6 years
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hey ! you can call me nox ( they/them, 18+, cst, shooter for bts + girl groups ) & this is my quietly broody son, iseul ! i’m really excited to be here. i love stardew valley & harvest moon a lot so this is a basically a rp dream come true for me ! he’s a baking major & assistant librarian who still doesn’t really understand the farming life, despite living in yangwon for five years now. i’ll work on his bio soon, but for now here’s his stats page & acceptance post which gives a little insight about what kind of person he is. under the cut you’ll find both a list of wanted connections ( mayhaps i’ll make a fleshed out plots page one day ... don’t count on it :/ ). if you want to plot feel free to hit the like button & i’ll fly to your ims immediately. or you can ask for either my discord or twitter if that makes things easier ( it definitely does for me ) !
wanted connections:
exes (any gender is fine. i love ex plots so please! it can be friendly or angsty. also i am willing to have iseul be the issue in the relationship because he can be rather ... prickly)
hookups (whether on a regular basis or an one night stand type thing. but the location would have to be on your muse because iseul still lives with his parents JKHGDFLKJGHD)
hey maybe a plot where our muses are trying to smash and they have to find out that iseul still lives at home? just for the laffs x
flirtationships that don’t go anywhere
probably the one person who immediately made iseul feel comfortable when he first moved here, his ride or die, the best buddy (must have live in yangwon for at least five years)
childhood friends and/or childhood crushes (for people who used to live in seoul)
someone break down his walls he needs to OPEN UP
talk to him about fantasy! world of warcraft? elder scrolls? dnd? he’s here for it
same goes for horror/the paranormal. while he’s a sensible, logical kind of guy he’d definitely be up for any ghost hunting shenanigans!
his cooking class guinea pigs (he’s good at cooking but even he can have his mess ups sometimes)
maybe a sibling type relationship? he’s distant but he’ll be soft with anyone younger than himself. or maybe an older muse wants to curve his serious attitude and treat him like the kid he actually is
a bad influence (he’s a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and also just needs to get out so please)
library regulars (give me overdue book fee comedic plots like your muse trying to flirt their way out of paying or things of that sort. also iseul being a nag about your muse being on the computer for longer than the allowed two hours. or just him ignoring your muse because he’s too wrapped up in whatever podcast he’s listening to. maybe your muse wants podcast recs from him!)
one-sided pining (i don’t mind who has the caught feelings)
mutual pining
maybe some bickering about his pro joja stance
someone he can bond with over former city life and how much they miss it (that sweet 4g, fast wifi speeds, the bright lights or anything else)
maybe a bullying/pranking type plot? he is a cushy rich boy nerd so. always down for him being relentlessly teased!
study buddies? maybe he tutors your muse and he gets to brag about just how much better your muse’s grades have gotten
some simple life-esque plot where your muse is determined to teach iseul about the farming lifestyle and he utterly fails at all of it
yangwon book club?!?!?!?!
anything you might be able to think of FDJKDKHGDSLKGJD
info dump:
his parents are well off and a little uptight but they love iseul and he loves them. he’s one of those overachievers who’d do anything for his parents. and they’re those people who nag out of love and maybe don’t give iseul the full praise he deserves. he doesn’t hold it against them but he definitely yearns for their constant approval
because of this iseul wears a constant image of feigned perfection. around them he is proper and upstanding, though on the inside he’s rather pessimistic and definitely still hurt over being hoisted from seoul and put in this middle of nowhere town
his parents would be shocked to learn that he curses let alone has any sort of negative thoughts about the life he’s been given. they grew tired of the hustle and bustle of seoul and wanted to retire somewhere quieter, but iseul merely longs for it years later. yet he refuses to leave because he wishes to be near them (his loyalty is ridiculous)
is he bitter? oh yeah absolutely. will he ever let anyone become aware of this? NOPE
books have always been a comfort for him and he loves being surrounded by them hence his current job position. it’s not something he wants to do forever (his true love is cooking) but it’s definitely better than the other options in yangwon. the thought of doing physical labor makes him shudder
he does more book collecting than actual reading especially in adulthood since he doesn’t really have the time for it anymore. but he loves getting different editions of his favorite books, like a different press or published in another language. this is usually what he gets for his birthday or other holidays
podcasts are his preferred form of entertainment. he listens to them constantly at work though he’s not supposed to. he’s gotten in trouble a few times for not paying attention closely enough / straight up ignoring customers, but he blames it on being an airhead, which he is absolutely not (insert video compilation of jungkook zoning out here)
if he gets less than eight hours of sleep a night he will just be a zombie all of the next day. and he’s an old man in that he gets sleepy around nine pm every night
he enjoys learning about people and their secrets but he refuses to open up to anyone in the same way
he’s absolutely pro jojamart sorry yangwon nation :/ he won’t keep quiet about it either so good luck getting him to shut up about it
he knows absolutely nothing about farming despite having lived here for a good chunk of time now (he thinks cows are really cute though)
his favorite flavor of anything is birthday cake. if it exists he wants it
he hates coffee (strangely enough though he loves cafes and will gladly hang out in one any time) and mostly lives off water and juice. maybe the occasional glass of wine when he’s feeling frisky
while he’s not the most considerate person he loves showering people he considers himself close to in baked goods for any reason possible
his opinions are black and white. he never stands in the middle on an issue. the only thing he’s not 100% sure of is whether he believes in ghosts or not. he definitely wants to but can’t fully get behind the logic of it
nothing gets on his nerves more than people who keep books for longer than they’ve checked them out for or when they hang out on the computers for longer than two hours. expect a glare if you do either of these things
he gets lonely a lot but he’s too stubborn to do anything about it
he’s absolutely afraid of commitment and having to express deep emotions to someone but he does crave affection (cuddling and kissing mostly) constantly
he likes to gossip about the people who come into the library and he loves to make up little fantasy lives for them because it keeps him from going insane at work
he acts very uptight about everything and loves to seem like he’s never had any kind of fun in his life but show him a cat video and he’ll immediately soften up
he’s a chaotic bi and all beautiful people of any gender makes him flustered but he tries not to show it (this usually fails)
he doesn’t have much dating experience and he’s too embarrassed to use things like tinder
he’s probably too much like his parents, old-fashioned ideals and all but he’s doing his best!
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thursdayglrl · 5 years
tagged by @ne0nlal0nde!! tysm!!
rules: answer the questions and tag 15 mutuals~
1. are you named after anyone? not really! my mom kinda homaged brumas de avalon (the mists of avalon) when picking my name but it wasnt like.. the main reason? so nope!
2. when was the last time you cried? like 6 hours ago
3. do you have/want kids? nope! i dont trust myself to care for em nor do i feel a desire to. id love to be an aunt though!
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? i think so!! i used to do it way more but people still call me sarcastic occasionally so yeah
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? i have no idea! probably like. their hair or their face
6. what’s your eye colour? greenish hazel! they’re mostly green but yellowish towards the center
7. scary movie or happy ending? i really like horror movies and i also like happy movies and it depends on my mood but if i HAVE to pick ill go with happy. sorry jordan peele
8. any special talents?  hmmmm my intuition is pretty good and i can wiggle my ears
9. where were you born? BRAZIL!!!!!!!! its a shitshow right now but im still proud to be brazilian
10. what are your hobbies? ah i dont even know! i like to read i guess? and draw! and daydream about actually doing things. and i play dnd with my friends! i also like to post my opinions online and im particularly good at talking your ear off
11. do you have any pets? no i wish! i used to have some but my apartment doesnt allow pets. soon though! i want a cat! (and kind of want a snake)
12. what sports do you play/have you played? ahhhhh i used to do so many as a kid! in elementary school i did swimming, rhythmic gymnastics and ballet but stopped all of it :(. i can rollerblade pretty good but i dont do it as a sport
13. how tall are you? 5′5 (1,66m babey!)
14. favorite subject in school? uhhhhhhhhhh core subject english, elective theatre? this is subject to change but. yknow. im gay.
15. dream job probably something in the psychiatry field if im being practical, but as kind of a pipe dream i think id like to be like. fulltime youtuber/podcaster or teacher/public speaker and just like. talk to people and teach people for cash money
tagging: @ryokoo-sha @smallmight @calebstinkywizard @smorter @womplekins @coffinbog @memeyams @rubrum-panthera @payuappa @sapphirescalemate @lystring @sagiun @jockpassinq @christinecanigula and @ any of my mutuals who want to do it!
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