#plus you dont loose as much water
be-lie-versneverdie · 2 years
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godsstrongestangel · 1 year
Astro notes - 2
This post is definitely for my softies and also I'll be talking about positive side of signs I shot in my previous post
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The element of your moon sign tells how other feels when they come to you during tough times
Air moons will make u forget about ur problems and lighten up the mood also makes jokes as well they are funny and u will realise things are not that serious :)
Water moons will make u feel seen and heard they will hug u n comfort u, might even cry with u :)
Earth moons will make u feel grounded and calm u will realise things aren't that bad n they can be solved :)
Fire moons are they type to motivate you and encourage with lots of positive words, they might even start speaking some quotes or wise words to fire u up :)
Venusians suns with leo moon are great to get advices if u dont like to do the thinking part they can also save u from making stupid mistakes but dont take advice from them if u r not gonna follow through cuz some yall love askin for advices but end up doin wt u wanted in the first place 😭🤣if they find out be prepared for consequences (yes there are consequences n im not telling which one)
Capricorns moon do give this vibe of being well put together, they might not be emotionally but definitely practically so u can really learn from them when it comes to making rational decisions in life.
Libra suns are great to be weird with infact they will adapt ur personality so if u want another lil u befriend a libra sun
I heard this on a reel long time ago it said that air energy is great because it can transcend but if it is underdeveloped it can become gossipy and vain so all my fellow air placement people must develop their energy
Tips for developing air energy would be - meditating, drawing, journaling ur feelings i.e. writing them down with no filter though these habits are great for everyone but its a must for air signs if u want me to explain why u can tell me I'll do it on another post
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Dating an aquarius venus is great because they will give u space and freedom and also they wont loose interest in u unlike other venus signs who might give u space and adventure but will loose interest quickly as well (just make sure u tell ur aqua venus partner that u will be busy for this much time they r just happy with knowing u r theirs n please dont break their trust if u have agreed for monogamy although yall should communicate well with all signs)
Speaking of air venus communication is a must for all of them because speaking and talking is their main way of expressing their emotions
Aquarius venus might not be that possessive with their partners but they can be with their bestfriends
If you find a sagittarius sun who is not that famous it could be because they are not sagittarius dominant
Make out sessions with cancer suns can leave u feeling good (not so sure about sex though) good tip for anyone who might wanna burst into a hookup or smthng
Speaking of hookup ik its unrelated to astrology i think its much better to just make out or do oral/mutual masturbation bcuz sex itself is not that pleasurable,its overrated plus its dangerous on a spiritual level bcuz there is always a risk of soul tie u r not missing out if u dont do penetrating sex trust me on that
Now i mark the end pheww.. Just another day helpin yall with my wise words
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ozzy-boy · 4 months
You kind of implied Cole, Volks and Scale either dont get drunk or are not allowed to get drunk anymore in your last hedcannon. Buuutt what if they did? Drunk or high?
hehehehehehe i was born for posts like this. this one is already getting kind of long so i'll do a part two with them high ;P
-The Order has an alcohol ban on Scale for their work parties because he gets MESSY when he's drunk.
-He doesn't drink often so he has a crazy low tolerance for alcohol. Which means it takes a lot less for him to get fucked up.
-He has fun when he's drunk, but he doesn't like to drink too often because he doesn't like feeling like he can't operate. What if he's too inebriated to pull off his sick ninja maneuvers and someone attacks you?????
-He'll usually save it for special occasions, but with a little prodding he'll agree to drink with you.
-He doesn't really like the taste of alcohol so he prefers drinks where you can't really taste it. (This does nothing to help how drunk he gets) But he'll kind of tolerate anything.
-I could see him being a whiteclaw guy somewhere down the line.
-He also likes fruity, sweet drinks but he's a little embarrassed to get them because they're not 'manly' drinks.
-Laughs a lot while drunk. EVERYTHING is funny to him. Also be prepared to pull him down from doing stupid shit because the alcohol makes him waaay too confident.
-There will be at least one time where he's trying to get up onto a table, insisting that he's perfectly sober enough to do a backflip (he isn't)
-He's also very honest when he's drunk. Be prepared for some messy kisses and some slurring about how much he loves you that he's gonna be really embarrassed to remember later.
-Please take care of him. He'll be a complete baby the whole next day if he ends up with a hangover. If you want to have a good time though, Scale is a good choice to drink with if you can convince him.
-I think Volks just doesn't particularly enjoy drinking. Not enough that he seeks out opportunities to do it, at least.
-Although, if you insist then he'll drink with you. He likes dark liquors like bourbon and whiskey, but he paces himself and doesn't really let himself get fucked up.
-Volks hates loud places, so sorry but bars, clubs, and parties are off the table. If you want to drink quietly at home or at a nice restaurant then that's fine. Good LUCK trying to get his ass in the clubbbb
-PLUS, Volks' face turns red when he drinks a lot and he thinks it's embarrassing. He doesn't like people other than you seeing him like that.
-If you do get him to indulge with you, you'll get to watch his face slowly get pinker. He also gets really smiley and soft.
-Volks will inevitably reach a point where he gets caught on some deep tangent about life. It's super cute watching him ramble though, especially since he's normally on the quiet side.
-He doesn't get much hangover in the first place- he's lucky like that- and he's especially fine considering he's responsible and does stuff like 'pace himself' and 'drink water' 🙄
-He'll chastise you for overdoing it and getting a hangover but he'll still take care of you.
-Again, Cole appreciates nice alcohol like wine, but he prefers not to get fully drunk. A little tipsy is fine but he doesn't often let himself get truly hammered.
-He is the type of guy to drink a bloody mary or mimosa at like 9 am though lol.
-Cole likes to maintain a certain level of... control. Especially around you. A level of control that is difficult to keep up when he's drunk.
-I want you to envision Cole on a normal day, and how clingy he is already. Now multiply that clinginess by 2. That's Cole when he drinks.
-If you convince him to drink with you, he will be glued to your side the whole time.
-Hugging, squeezing, pressing his face into your neck and shoulder.
-His lips get a little loose when he's drunk, too... He tries not to outright say how obsessed with you he is, but it becomes hard when he's inebriated.
-He's halfway into a rambling about how pretty you'd look tied up or inside a little cage before he remembers that- oh yeah, that's kinda weird to tell someone out of nowhere.
-(Although if you're dating him at all, chances are you're into his freakiness anyway.)
-He'll reach a point where he's just hanging onto you and slurring to himself about something you can't quite make out.
-Somehow doesn't get hungover. At all. It's super annoying. He's so smug about it.
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Being Thor's best friend + Týr's Fiance part 3
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Reader: female | Thor x sister-in-law Reader (Platonic)| Týr x reader (romantic eventually)
Notes: thanks for waiting so long guys.
Warnings: bitchy ass mom w / her bitchey ass friends.
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Týr would be up before you would the next morning, your cuddled in close to him, head barried his chest, his arm drapped around you
The loose shirt you're wearing exposes from your neck to your shoulder, and even a bit of your arm
He thinks you're pretty
And FUCK do certain people know.
Freya. Sif. His mother. The dragon that likes to sneak in and grab food off the counter
Anyone that would listen really
He's sure he's told you
But not really he tends to marvel at you instead
Which causes him to go silent and just stare.
Luckily his hands are warm and when he places one of your bare shoulder you sink into it.
And just casually rubs your shoulder, looking at your tattoos he hadnt seen before
He gets startled when you toss and turn, turning to your other side with your back to him.
He's just glad he doesnt disturb you.
He'll admit he wants to kiss you, but just wont.
Well a kiss on the cheek never hurt no body-
"OH Y/N!" Freyr cheered with a bright smile, slamming the shutters open.
"No!" She shouted, grabbing a nearby pillow and throwing it at him.
"Hey! Someone didn't get laid -" Freyr argued Y/n getting up on the bed, "Shit!"
She jumped out the window barefoot and in a night gown, chasing after him as if he was prey.
Choking Freyr out at the crack of dawn in a puddle of mud?
He rather you be passive, but he cant stop you
Plus, no real damage is being done.
You come back covered in mud.
"Ah. Good morning..." Týr chuckled, "You have fun?"
Y/n nodded, "Yeah. I think Freyr knows who's better anyhow."
So as the mud dries on your skin you offer him to go take a bath in a near by lake.
He takes you up on the offer.
You both dont think much of it as you walk together carrying your chlothes for afterward.
You only realized what you've asked as you both stand infront of the water.
"You can!-"
"Oh no-"
The two chuckled.
"Neither of us thought this through I think." Y/n laughed.
"No. We didn't."
Shit you might as well at his point.
Luckily you found a tree and hid behind it as you undressed before jumping in the water.
You manage to convince him in but turn your back, giving him the same amount of privacy he allowed you
Soon akward bathing turns into you guys messing around.
Because tbh your a massive child at heart
Throwing water at one another out of all things, till one gives up
Its you
You can't compete with the massive waves he can make with a wave of his arm
By the end of it your cleaned sure, but now exhausted
Both are now dressed. You sit on a log outlooking the lake
"I'll get you next time." Y/n told
"I look forward to it." He responded smiling at her causing her to chuckle and shake her head.
Its already turning mid-day as you guys sit by the lake in peace
You do feel like the conversation does go kinda dry between you two.
Its like there is nothing else to talk about but so much at the same time
The wedding, perhaps, or really- what to do after it...
"Are they expecting a kid out of us?" Y/n pipped up.
"I. I'm sorry?" He asked, confused.
"Our parents. Are they expecting ae have a child together?" Y/n asked, "like immediately. What happens if we hate each other."
"You are very much a delight to me, Y/n."
Y/n sighed, "I just..."
"Y/n." He spoke, she turning to look at him, "When you are ready, you are ready, when you are not, you are not. That is your choice. The greatest wars are often against oneself. The hardest to win is the one where your heart, your gut sides together, but your mind and your upbringing sides with another, your mother in this case."
"Read me like a book..." she chuckled under her bresthe, "thats gonna get tiring real soon you know."
Týr smiled softly at her, he letting y/n lean into his side as he wrapped an arm around her.
"What's your opinion?" Y/n asked.
"I have no opinion." Týr explained, "there's nothing to have an opinion on. Not on your feelings."
"Your opinion about our parents, I mean." Y/n responded
"Oh well, that. That's a different subject."
You felt the safest you have in a very very long time.
And its. Relaxing almost.
He's pretty sure your the god of sleep though, as you fall asleep on him after you had gotten comfortable.
He lets you snooze and soon snoozes himself
He'll admit he's not used to adventures like you take him on: for the laughs and the funs, his are usually go here: diplomacy here and there
When he wakes up a few hours later you're gone
Your mother had snatched you right from his side
You were just having the time of your life with your mother
"You should be glad I am giving you a choice here." Her mother ordered holding the dress up to Y/n's form.
Y/n yawned, pushing it away.
"I do like, it's pretty white is pretty," Her mother smiled, "You'll look to big in it."
Y/n was silent tired still in her eyes.
"What do you think?" Her mother asked turning to her friends.
"Do you want her look pregnant?" One chuckled.
"Are you pregnant dear? Or perhaps you should lay off the meed."
"Yeah and your all whores so I'll take your words with a grain of fuckin salt."
"Y/n." She was scolded by her mother, Y/n, rolling her eyes.
"Disrespectful little twat." Her mothers friend snapped.
"Oh no. Im so hurt. Mama! Tell the bad lady to stop it!" Y/n cried, a smirk painting her face as she walked away, "I'll find a dress on my own."
Unfortunately, your attempt to leave is well, non existant and your trying on multiple dresses.
Your mother ended up picking a white one: just as bland as she is.
You picked a soft red one, its not bold or strong in color, but it's old, older than you, and decorated beatifully.
So while your mother's too busy laughing it up making fun of you, you take it and leave quickly.
You run into your father outside tending his little garden he always did that.
He looked to see you, holding the dress bundled up, ready to run for the hills with it.
"Quickly. Come on." He spoke guiding her along, "lets get it all folded for you to not ruin."
He's quick to rush you into his little shed where he kept to himself most of the time.
He helps you fold it and put it in a handmade sack and handed it to you.
You thanked him.
You and your dad were always awkward in a sense.
He loved you, and you loved him, but your mother always ruined everything
And that caused a rift.
"Go. Quickly." He spoke, "before your mother finds out you've taken it, go now!"
Y/n nodded and rushed off quickly.
When you get back in the room, your starttled by Týr.
How fast he comes at you next almost scares you as well.
"Are you alright?! You disappeared! I was worried!" His words quick, his voice raising with every word which were laced with concern.
Y/n shifted slightly, back against the door, and sack in arms.
He sighs in releif, the sigh visibly easying Y/n.
"I'm... okay..." y/n spoke softly, "sorry..."
"No, it..." he sighed, "I should have not of rushed you in such a way. I was..."
"Worried?" Y/n asked he nodding, "you don't have to apologize for being worried...I should be sorry I worried you so much."
He looked down at her as she looked up at him, soon moving her eyes away from his gaze, just to look back at him and chuckled softly.
"You... do that a lot."
"Stare." Y/n responded.
"Ah. I." Týr chuckled, his laugh having a flustered tone to it, "I'm sure I have told you before, of your beauty."
Y/n's expression told it all, her lips formed a goofy smile as she looking down in response.
"Oh..uh. my dress." Y/n responded, "for...the ceremony...would you uh...like to see?"
"If you'd like."
Y/n nodded, passing him and making it to the bed to put the sack down and pull out the dress.
"It's uh..red and uh black." Y/n smiled smally, "I liked the sleeves..."
She held it to herself, turning to look at him, "I wasn't going to wear shoes with it...since no one would see my feet anyway. Plus, the cold never really bothered my feet."
A finger carefully grazed the deep v neckline.
"It'll look beautiful on you." He told.
Y/n smiled, looking up at him, her stomach in knots. Face hot to the touch. Her skin glowed and seemed soft as ever. A hand carassed her cheek she leaning into his touch.
"Can I....confess." Y/n spoke.
"Has something gone wrong?"
"I...believe I have....fallen." y/n responded, "for...you that is..."
Týr looked at her, she was concerned, worried. Afraid.
"Y/n." Týr spoke, "I...I..."
"I shouldnt have-"
"No- Y/n-"
"I got caught up I am sorry-"
"I feel the same-"
"Please, don't say that to make me feel better-"
"Y/n." He stopped her, "I feel the same."
You kinda don't care what happens to that dress you once had in your hand as you melt into his palm
Bro didnt even have to kiss you before you were melting for him
Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him.
He ends up just placing a firm kiss on your cheek, holding your face as he does its so sweet and soft.
His beard tickles you.
And your doing stupid laughter.
He starts laughing too he doesn't know what's funny even.
You guys are having a laughing fit.
And it ends with you both dying on the bed. He looks over at you to have you start laughing again
And you both start up again,
This time he grabs you: softly too, ontop of you as you laugh and smile, crying almost.
"I don't understand!" He laughs, Y/n taking a deep breath to calm herself down.
"Okay. Okay..." she breathes, the smile hurting her face as she looked up at him, "im okay..."
He raised an eyebrow as she started up again.
This wasn't ending any time soon.
But it made him happy, to see you laugh so hard it hurt.
He's gonna be telling anyone about it for days.how pretty it was to just sit there and watch you smile and laugh.
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Tags: @gabedreeam
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empresskaze · 10 months
Okay so I have t/m/a on the brain and I'm curious: Which of the Fears would each of your OCs serve and/or which would they be most afraid of? Feel free to say why, too, if you have the energy because I would LOVE to know
OK HERE WE GO, this is probably going to be long and rambling so I'll do a cut so people not into TMA dont have a wall of text on their dash XD
also if people have their own insights let me know!
Gabriel - I feel Fessor would be very much drawn to the Lonely given his childhood, who he grew up being different, his issues with his father. I think he'd both serve and fear it, like the Lonely would totally try seeking him out. He doesn't have many friends at Davenport and even his time with Michael he was seen as his "odd boyfriend". I know the Lonely is an anecdote for depression and I bet espc after Michael broke his heart, Gabriel would have either been consumed by it or become an Avatar had Liam not been there. Eye would be another, he's definitely marked by it being a professor, a bookworm and loves learning but Lonely in the end would beat it out.
Liam - He'd totally serve the Vast. As close to agoraphobic as he is, his issue is mostly with people, he likes being outside by himself (or with Gabriel) with no one around, he loves the water. I mean he's also my own projection and I serve the Vast XD But yeah wide open spaces are for him, plus he does like roller coasters! So he'd fear the Buried but not in a normal claustrophobic way, he hate being crushed by people around him, being put in social situations he can't escape. That kind of buried feeling. Also Corruption a bit only cuz Liam is a clean freak. It's something I could see begin to push him in obsession if it wanted to consume him. Let's also throw End in here given how much his dad's death affected him.
Aiden - I think they're very Web. Not saying he's a manipulator but they like being in control, being the center of attention. She can work a room like no one else. Aiden wants all eyes on them and everyone eating out of their palm. So yeah Web XD Would totally fear the Corruption, mostly the dirt/disgust side, I mean he has an image to uphold, no messy runways, no dirt or grime! He's obv not a clean freak but image is very important and anything to spoil that they wouldn't like.
Barrett- Given he's a lawyer, probably would serve the Eye, since lawyers generally need to know a lot of information and just being able to "know" it would save a lot of time XD. God I'm not sure what'd he'd fear cuz I'm nearly positive once in an ask I said what his fears was/were and I can't find it so I dont know if I imagined it or not XD For the sake of this I'd probably say Web (which is funny considering Aiden) because it is a loss of control and he's my type A, workaholic so loosing control of something would be a fear of his, being manipulated, etc. So weird that I picked those for Aiden and Barrett XD
Colin - my germaphobe totally fears the Corruption XD I mean do I have explain why? He's got an immune system worse then Gabriel and Ambrose's, has a cleaning service, boxes of tissues everywhere and rules for River to adhere too XD He's not gonna do well around anything dirty or illness spreading. As for serve, as a joke since he's a food critic Id say Flesh but lets not go there XD Honestly for Colin I cant really think of one he'd outright serve, I think he'd be consumed than serve.
River - ok this is a toughy.... possibly Eye cause he likes to read and gain knowledge but not enough where he'd be compelled to do it. God maybe River would be like Smirke and Leitner who dance around the Fears but never is taken by one XD Or he's Joshua Gillespie and just doesn't notice. Yes I like that for him XD
Noll - HA oh man, this one is gonna be fun. Alcohol is his crutch so he's very Web, he needs that control over him. MAG 172 with Francis is like the perfect example of Noll. Except he doesn't try to do better. He'd definitely serve it as long as it provided him bourbon. A healthy pairing of serving and fear. Also he'd probably fear the Spiral, only cuz so much has happened to him and epsc when you're drunk you can't always trust what you see. Lonely fits in there too and Stranger, he's definitely marked by it. He's several fears in jeans and a tshirt XD
Ren - He 100% fears the Desolation. I mean a fire burned down his family's gallery and permanently damaged his lungs. He has a very healthy fear of fire and who can blame him? Honestly next to Colin his fear was probably the easiest to determine. As for serving, I'd say either Eye or Web. He's smart, quite manipulative (good god is this a theme in my OCs???), wants to impress the right people, definitely doesn't want his secrets known to others. Eye and Web can fight over him.
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therealpontius · 2 years
OMG OMG a fic where reader is sexually inexperienced as well as a virgin and Chris pontius is the Caring gently guide boyfriend, helping them/her/him with they're first time.
For the first time…
Chris pontius x reader (smut)
Plot: chris helps you loose your virginity…
Warnings: pain, praise, walking in to someone masterbating (?)
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"Whats he like?" The question you heard non stop "whats she like?" The question he heard non stop. Not a day went by that you didnt feel guilty for chris, he was experienced with sex yet your a virgin and werent up to loosing your virginity anytime soon. Chris didnt mind though, he was more than happy but his disappointment and impatience was growing.
"Okay babe im just going for a shower" chris announced, lifting himself off the bed. You smiled lovingly up at him "okay babe, might join you later" everyone thought it was weird that you two were openly naked infront of eachother but not sexually active. "Okay babe" he disappeared into the bathroom and no longer than you couldve gotten comfy in your shared bed the shower blasted on. After weeks of saying you might join him you decided you finally would again.
You stripped off and headed to the bathroom. Knocking didnt seem convenient since he was your boyfriend. You entered the bathroom with a smile, expecting to see chris cleaning himself up. Instead you were met with chris playing with himself, mouth hung open and eyes screwed shut, leaning against the shower glass. He hadnt noticed your arrival through the blinding pleasure and the thundering shower water which gave you two options.
Option number one: walk out in a hurry to save the embarrassment, could possibly catch his attention only making the situation more awkward than option number two.
Option number two: let him know that you were there, he would get supper embarrassed and apologetic. Wouldn't embarrass you as much though.
"Or..." you thought to yourself
Option number three (?): finally do stuff with him, hes clearly wanting to have sex if hes hiding himself away to masterbate. Plus it helps you to not keep the anxiety of having to do it for the first time
Option three sounds better right?
You sneaked next to him, he still hadnt really noticed but he began to whimper softly. You anxiously brought your lips to his neck. he jumped when he felt you, looking down at you in utter shock and stopping his pumps. "Its okay baby you can continue" you softly reassured him "is this like.. you know" "yeah, im ready" with that he turned off the shower and brought you into a tight hug "cmon babe lets go to the bedroom"
Once you made it to your shared bedroom, chris offered for you to lie down on the bed. After you done as he asked he crawled over you, a sweet smile plastered on his face that calmed you right down "are you sure honey?" "Absolutely, ive waited too long and its not fair on you" "i could wait an eternity for you" chris began sloppily kissing your neck, you held back a giggle from his beard tickling you. His kisses trailed down to your belly, with each one he made sure to look at you and made sure you weren't uncomfortable. "Im going to finger you to make it ease you up. Is that okay?"
Suddenly you were filled with anxiety. What if it hurts REALLY bad? Ive never been fingered before, what if im bad at receiving it?
As if he caught on "your going to be fine babe, im here to look after you and make this feel as good as it can for you. We can stop whenever you are wanting" you both paused again "does it hurt?" "At first, yes. But when you get used to it it feels fuckin amazing. And no doubt youll be used to it tonight" once again, you paused from nerves. "Okay baby im ready".
Chris continued his kisses down to just where you clit was, stopping and putting one of his fingers in his mouth "ill go slow, dont worry" you pinched your eyes together in fear as he removed his finger. Softly chris parted your legs and entered his finger making you gasp, it wasnt as sore as you thought it would be. The sensation was really weird and new to you and as the pace slowly got quicker you looked down to chris for approval, his eye caught yours and he gave you a warm smile "this okay?" "Yeah babe it feels kinda good" a chuckle sounded from him as he puts his finger up to your clit and slowly starts rubbing it. "Im going to do two now, remember tell me whenever you want me to stop" you nodded to him, not really scared since you took the first one well. Chris slowly inserted two fingers into you and you gasped in pain, gritting your teeth together.
"Will i stop?" "No babe, continue" you felt uneasy and scared incase it wouldnt get any better but as he continued slowly the pain got more bearable and your uncomfortable shifting slowed down, moans letting themself thread out your mouth softly. "Good girl, i love you so much" you let a small laugh escape your mouth in pure joy "i love you more... i think i might be ready" "really?" You nodd in response, feeling the anxiety crawl up your neck again.
“Okay babe ill do this slow” he sits up away from you and holds his dick up to your entrance. You feel him slowly push his tip in, it felt more sore than you thought it would “FUCK OUCH” you squeal, chris instantly pulling out “nonono keep going” you reassure him, his hand slithers into yours as he continues to try and push into you. You bit your lip in utter pain, screwing your eyes so tight you thought they would never loosen again. You felt yourself stretching around him, soft huffs coming from his mouth “are you okay darling?” “Yeah” you reply shakily “your doing so good im so proud of you” he kissed your hand softly, his dick only half way in.
“Thats me in babe, this next part is going to be sore but your doing so good i cant believe it!” He praised, kissing your cheek softly. The feeling of him being sweet yet making you feel the most pain in your life clashing like sweet and sour. “Okay babe just do what you have to do” he begins pulling out and you let out a deep gasp “your okay darling” chris ran his free hand over your hair and over your cheek softly to help you cope.
Loosing your virginity is hard enough without it being to a literal meat bat.
He pushed in before he was fully out, the pain was there but it was easier to take. Five minutes later the pleasure was kicking in and he sped up alittle, you both moaned quitley. “Good girl, im so proud of you” you laughed alittle at his praising. Your arms wrapped arounf his neck and your brought him in for a sloppy kiss while he started to speed up alot faster than his previous pace. You both moaned into the others mouth, tongues intertwining into a hungry kiss that he had been waiting for forever.
He picked up from his normal pace and sat up, moving his thumb down to your clit. Your moans became alot louder making in let out a deep laugh “stop laughing!” You laugh, grabbing onto his wrist “i cant help it your so cute”.
You had read in multiple fanfics ‘the knot in your stomach’ they always said, you giggled and thought it was just some stupid way to describe the beginning of the end but it really was like that, you felt like a genuine knot was being tied in your stomach.
“Chris… i might finish soon” he kept going, resting his hand on your cheek “youll know when babe, ill finish on your stomach” “are you almost finished?” He nodded and smiled down at you. Your legs shook like jelly and you felt the knot undo its self, the release so freeing. Chris groaned at feeling you tightening around him, bitting his lip (as you did when he first started) like he was about to bite it off.
“Fuck” he gasped, pulling out and pumping himself over your naked body. After a significantly harsher pump his warm cum splatted onto your belly that rose and fell aggressively. “Fuck babe, you done so good” chris praised, standing up. The tiredness took over your body like a tsunami, barley able to speak “thankyou…” you muttered.
Chris made his way out the room for abit, you werent to sure how long from drifting off but he arrived again with a cup of tea and a wash cloth.
“Cmon dear wake up so i can clean you properly” you rub your eyes “im awake, im awake”. Softly he parted your legs, cleaning you up with a cold cloth “oh my god chris!” You yelp from the coldness “well im definitely awake now” you both chuckle “have your tea when im cleaning up then i have a surprise for after.” He beamed, pointing towards your mug that read ‘keep calm, my boyfriends bunny the life guard’
You slowly sipped on your tea admiring him, no man could ever treat anyone as well as he treats you. “Im going to do your belly now its going to be cold” he pre warned, giggling slightly like he was enjoying the aftercare more than anything. Softly he cleaned your belly making you gasp from the change from warm sweat to freezing cold water “thats you all cleaned let me put the stuff away, think of a movie while im gone”
Your eyes were fighting to close while you waiting, mind barley able to think of anything. “Thought of something?” He asks from the door frame “you pick honey i want you to have a treat too” he smiled and made his way over to the dvd stand “ive already had my treat babe”. He picked out Jurassic park and ran over to the bed “your going to love this” slowly he lifted a box from under the bed, in the box contained loads of packaged chocolates “oh my god!” You gasped “babe thankyou! Why do you have this though?” He handed the box to you and proudly said “well ive had them for awhile for when i need to do my first aftercare, i wanna do it right”
He lay on the bed, letting you lie on his chest “honey you have done more than right this is so perfect, you made it so enjoyable” softly he ran his finders through your scalp making you sleepy “ill eat them when i wake up” you trail off, excepting that no way in hell you would be able to stay awake any longer “you eat them whenever you want, close your beautiful eyes. Ill be here when you wake up” “id hope so” you laughed, kissing his chest.
He spent the next four hours watching movies and cuddling you until he eventually drifted off too…
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forestryfae · 9 months
man it is SO nice to find a solution to a really shit problem only for 50 other problems to happen
i am completely alone with zero support in a house i hate, doing as much housework as possible so it can be manageable both in day to day life and so its not hard to just leave when i move, and i still am not getting any help getting rid of the stuff.
i have almost no money and i have to pay to take the train to buy food or neccessities and i was dumb enough to not send a letter sooner so i dont know if ill get my money until after christmas or not, i havent bought more than one christmas gift either cus im fucking broke, and i dont feel anywhere in my body that i want to spend time making something for anyone. my brother still isnt done paying me my money back and literally hasnt talked to me since last time he asked for money, my dad hasnt fucking talked to me in ages and the one time he called in summer it was out of boredom to ask when i was gonna visit them, none of my extended relatives talk to me at all so what the fuck is the point there, and my mom is just. a fucking bitch.
i had her removed as a legal guardian, not even on purpose initially but because folkenemnda or whoever sent her a letter before i was able to have a meeting, so she ofc got fucking offended and now has decided sve cant be involved in anything. she cant call electricians, she cant help fix the house, its "too difficult" for her to have to talk to me or my new legal guardian instead of just buying stuff right away, and she told ME to get a new phone service provider. i had to fix that myself. on top of her being, once again, a useless bitch. dont touch my stuff i say, its fucking embarrassing that you have dirty laundry she implies while moving all my furniture around and doing shit to my kitchen while refusing to acknowledge its my house but still treating it like her own, and not fixing the internet again after they unplugged it.
so i have no access to internet besides my last 150 mb of phone data unless i call some guy to fix it, but they wont be here until next year most likely so its pretty much pointless, and if i buy phone data i have to pay. so if i cant get it fixed ill be literally alone for two weeks straight with no people at all around me and noone i can talk to on the internet. except for fucking. christmas. idk about new years eve. and i dont even fucking like my family, i dont even want to spend time with them, they treat me like shit.
the ac doesnt work since mom got the electricians to look at everything but never actually hired anyone to fix shit and now is completely uncooperative. and after they checked the fireplace in that control like two years ago im not allowed to use it, and mom never actually got that fixed either even though shes been in charge of absolutely everything since forever.
plus both heaters downstairs are set to 27c or max and it still is only like 17 or 19 or so, i have an entire room in the house i straight up cant use cus theres no power and no light and 17c in there and its full of stuff i asked mom to take to the thrift store for me 6 months ago. also i cant leave either heater on if im boiling water or washing dishes cus that overloads the entire fucking thing.
and its just like so much bullshit all at once and ive been spacing out for like 2 hours while writing this cus i get so frustrated and upset and angry and sad. its not fucking fair that my parents literally dont care about me, yet im expected to be fucking sociable and call and visit them and reach out. they didnt reach out to me or support me at all when i was a kid, or a teenager, or an adult, why the fuck would i want to deal with them. but if i dont go to visit them on christmas or i point out that hey. youre not really being fair or nice to me at all, hell breaks loose cus i should be more than happy with the crumbs they give me, as if theyre the best people in the world for fucking. calling once every six months or letting me celebrate a holiday with them.
like. im stuck here for 2 weeks, im broke as shit, no connection to the outside world once i use all my data, i very much am still mentally ill even if im better than before i went inpatient. but once i go back ill have to go back to work and i dont have a psychiatrist to talk to and im not on any meds i think i might need and i havent been tested for anything yet, i havent been had driving practice yet, i can barely talk to my support contact, i need a lot more help than i am being given, im not getting the help i ask for when i do ask for it, and thats on top of shit parents and a shit house and two cats i love but am not sure i can keep given the whole thing where im gone for months at a time. and i just. how the fuck am i supposed to be able to keep a job or ever move out or make friends properly or keep a new apartment or house or be mentally stable. its so much bullshit all at once wtf
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babithyn · 10 months
November 16th, 2023
tw~ ed
Hey guys, good news! I lost 6lbs within the past 3 days :) i mean its not much compared to what my goal is but im happy im below 230lbs.
I mean my highest weight was 259lbs and that was right before i gave birth to my babygirl :)
Granted, i haven’t been very disciplined so i’m kind of confused as to how i lost 6lbs. Maybe its water weight from all the swelling. I mean my feet we’re probably 4x their normal size. I couldnt even fit into my slides which were size nines and i where a seven. But i can fit in them again!
Also my bf’s hoodie use to be snug around my waist and now its loose so my stomach has gone down a little bit.
We went grocery shopping and i was doing my best to get healthy food and low c@l food. Bit i had to remind myself that i cant eat to little of food otherwise i wont have the nutrients in my body to nurse my daughter.
Another thing i have to remind myself is that the breast milk my body is making weighs about 10-15lbs. But because i’m nursing i should be loosing 1-2lbs a month. Cuz nursing burns calories surprisingly enough.
My goal is to loose another 5lbs by the end of the month. Although thanksgiving is around the corner so thats a little scary. But i might not be going to my moms for it meaning i might not celebrate it in general.
My mom had changed plans on me and is now going to her friends for thanksgiving. See that wouldnt be a problem if i didnt have a newborn and i knew her friend. But considering i dont know her friend i’m not comfortable taking my daughter or myself to some random strangers house. I don’t like meeting new people in general and you can times that by 20 now that i have a kid.
But in other good news. :) my bf and i were approved to rent a house! we get to move in on the first. Meaning we gotta start packing now. But i get to have my pupper with me!
i spent $100 to get him esa certified. So that i dont have to pay a pet fee and they cant refuse us housing or kick us out because we have a dog. So things are looking up for us!
The house is in a nice neighborhood and it has 3beds and 2 and a half af baths. Its two stories with a backyard and a garage! We got a brand new sofa and loveseat set!
The only downside to the house is that we’re going to be paying $2k a month not including utilities. And i probably wont be able to go back to work till about february maybe march. and i’ll probably only be doing part time for the first couple month’s i go back. On top of that ill have to pay for a babysitter.
Im thinking it might be more financially beneficial to just be a stay at home mom until she’s about 8-11months that way she’ll have started saying small words and hopefully have taken her first steps. then i can take her to a daycare and i can go to work full time.
but other than that we also need to get some more furniture and appliances. we need a washer and dryer, a new bed since we have a queen and our daughter loves sleeping with us. We also need a dining room table, dishes, cook wear, dressers nightstands. granted i have two dressers at my moms. its just that they’re heavy as all hell.
But on the plus side my mom and her bf are willing to help us and my bestfriend is coming to visit and said she would help us. And i’m sure my bf’s friends wouldnt mind helping its just a matter of him asking. I mean him and his friends are cops and if you know anything about first responders its that they have a huge sense of camaraderie.
Its kind of funny im dating a cop. I’ve never been a huge fan of them but it’s mostly the system that im not a fan of. it lets the bad ones get away with horrible shit.
But thats off topic. actually the bottom half of this entire post is off topic.
Anyways if you’ve read this far thank you :) Stay safe and much love thank you for coming to my ted talk:)
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weebssecretattic · 2 years
My MHA predictions as an anime only
So I'm an anime only and I have spoilers glimpses of like the *main* events in the manga but I don't know any timelines or details, so I will try to predict when those event will happen in the anime plus expand on what I think will happen. I will try to avoid spoilers as much as possible I have just been spoiled on some of the big events on the manga and I know that they will happen, but I dont know when or how or why.
(written at the time of release of s6 ep 3)
• The dabi reveal
So I know that the dabi reveal happens when endeavor is around so at this time Dabi and endeavor are in two different places so either endeavor is gonna come to dabi, which seems really unlikely tbh bcs endeavor is really needed to fight the nomus, so it's more possible that dabi will go to the hospital location, maybe for back up? Idk But the other possibility is that maybe this is NOT the war dabi is revealed in which indicates that there is gonna be a second war after this one.... Man that would be rough. But the villains' situation seems pretty dire and shigaraki 😬, but back to topic, in terms of the actual reveal itself. I think dabi and endeavor will face off the dabi might drop a family secret that only family would know to tick off endeavor and endeavor will be like "*in endeavor voice* who are you??? How do you know that!!!?"
Dabi: haha you underestimate me I am _______ (censored bcs I don't want to give spoilers but you should probably know about this one fr)
So I feel like if it's the same war as happening rn it's gonna be in the first 10 episodes, but I think that's pretty unlikely and the second war is the most possible, so if that's the case the reveal will probably be like episode 16-17 as it's only ep 3 rn and this battle will probably be over in like 5 more episodes max and then two episodes for the villains to recover and regroup bcs the villain seem to be loosing this fight, so they'll probably escape. At least that's what I think 💁‍♀️
• Whatever the *heck* is going on w/ deku
Ok so not even the slightest idea what is happening with manga deku I just see his art as this monster thinggy and I have no idea, but the one thing I do kinda Know is that this has many layers, IN MY OPINION, at first deku unlocks all his quirks then fights shigaraki (I swear if someone doesn't stab him when Mirko breaks that glass pod thing-)
Then he(deku) somehow kills someone? So he just carries that scarf around as a reminder that he's a murderer? I honestly don't have a clue what happens after the scarf :/
If you read this far thanks for indulging in my rambling I will post more when other episodes come out or I get exposed to *more* manga spoilers. So uhh stick around for that ig but plz DO NOT spoil the manga for me or try to correct my PREDICTIONS if you're a manga reader, If I said something totally ridiculous or completely off the rails from the actual plot just laugh at me or send one of those manga reader memes my way.
Also stay safe and don't forget to eat and drink or pet your pet and water your plant and check on your sibling and parents or roommates. Until Tumblr decides for us to meet again <3
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waywardsalt · 5 months
i dont have a specific question but tell me more about the dark mage au :)
Oooohhh the dark mage au... In simple terms, the basic premise is that this au is the one that my ganonbeck fic 'Where the Seas Meet the Sands' takes place in, so it is therefore The ganonbeck au, and is named 'dark mage' au because the secondary premise of this au is that Linebeck learns magic! Dark magic, obviously. It's also called 'dark mage' specifically over any other magic-related subtitle because I am personally obsessed with Fire Emblem Awakening's male dark mage design and thus imagine Linebeck in it every so often.
It's... lacking plot right now, but I hope I'll be more motivated to hash out a further plot once I finish up WtSMtS. It’s intended to take place a but before and then directly after that fic, with that fic’s events being… somehow slotted in. that’s my biggest issue with making them effectively the same thing, but that really only applies for if/when I actually write this au.
As said before, this au is effectively half romance and half drama, likely beginning with most focus on the relationship between Ganondorf and Linebeck, before more serious plot threads start appearing- yknow establishing the relationship of the two main characters before muddying the waters a bit.
Some of the worldbuilding is lightly figured out; the majority of it takes place on a large continent where the Hylians, Zora, Rito, Gorons, Gerudo, and Sheikah live (kind of just the botw smattering of groups), while places like Holodrum and Labrynna exist across the sea as other continents. I don’t think anyone will actually go to Holodrum or Labrymna, it’s just worth mentioning since Linebeck does sail around a few times, and it generally makes the world feel a bit bigger. Plus they do get mentioned as places sending or receiving goods.
Back to the ‘dark mage’ part of things, I have a light magic system hashed out across a few of my aus, but it originated with this au and is most important to it. There’s a bit of a focus on how magic works, with Ganondorf being a skilled magic-user, Linebeck learning to use magic, and magic being generally known and used across the story by many other cast members.
The general gist if the magic is that anyone can learn to use magic so long as they know how to, and there are a few types of magic, mostly divided by element. Some groups and people have a specific inclination towards one or two elements and therefore would learn and handle them more easily, but everyone more or less has equal chance to learn magic. No one is more or less automatically superior at magic than anyone else, it’s all based in how much you practice, and there are some specific conditions that can temporarily boost someone’s magic ability.
The magic system is intended to be important to the plot, but first I need to have an actual plot set up. Some crumbs of it are present in WtSMtS, with tension and unrest directed at the Hylain kingdom, and Ganondorf’s more hostile thoughts towards it, so I think the plot that does arise will revolve around a conflict with the Hylian kingdom, not just between them and the Gerudo but also involving a few of the other groups, since they have their own stances on the Hylian Kingdom. The finer details haven’t been figured out yet, though.
Beyond all that, though, at it's core its a ganonbeck fic with some real plot mixed in later on, with actual usage of the loose and basic magic system I've decided on. In a sense, it's one of the few that's actually been a bit written and posed via WtSMtS?? I haven't thought about that much, but it also makes it easier for me to properly write this au using that fic as a sort of springboard.
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ok. since the years starting up for real next week i should make skill progress plans
#you know like what im focusing on each skill i have#example i want to get better at drawing robots so im gonna focus on drawing those for februrary#and i want to get back on learning music so im gonna set up a learnign thingie for me to follow#oh theres programming hm. thats to much to do daily + school#im setting up a schedule#studying comes in daily + loose drawings and doodles i make#but i need to focus a bit more for programming so im isolating an hour or something on some days of the week to practice/study it better#same thing with drawing and music#oh i almost forgot im also getting back into that Healthy Working Out Routine so i also have too have time for that#and i have to have two separate ones bcus two houses#ok ok so heres the plan.#i make a basic skeleton of things i can do in both houses (the study hours basic hygene working out yadda yadda)#then move stuff around according to what i have to do that week (plans responsabilities etc)#plus my set in stone responsabilities (that i dont know yet because that comes with time)#yeah... yeah i can do this is will go so well#the majority of stuff will come in naturally as time goes and as what i feel like doing or dropping so its gonna be chill#its like those coding learning sites for kids where you just have to move the blocks around and fill in spaces#idk why im blogging about it but yeah look at my plans on how to handle life guys im so responsible#totally not sitting around in pijamas at 6pm#totally didnt drink soda insatead of water when i was thirsty#txt
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taechaos · 3 years
Little Secret
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pairing: step-dad!Jungkook x fem!Reader
synopsis: From a fun celebration to not getting to the bathroom on time, you pee yourself in the middle of the living room and your step-dad has to take care of you.
warnings: smut, pseudo-incest, urine, fingering in tub, dubcon
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this is the disgusting fic i was talking about 🥰 not proofread, just smth i wrote in one day for fun. enjoy as long as u dont hate piss lol 😔👍
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It's a night of celebration—the end of high school. It's the best celebration yet because you, after surviving hell of twelve years, are at the legal age to drink in a bar with your friends; the best night you can recall in your drunken state. Dancing, singing karaoke, giggling: pure joy.
So why are you crying while stumbling around in the living room? You sob and hiccup with a hand over your face and the other holding the couch for support. It has never been so difficult to stand straight, and you're thankful your mother's sleep is so heavy that she wouldn't wake up from your wails. 
But your step-dad's sleep is as light as a cat's, and you don't hear his heavy footsteps or grumbles as he climbs down the stairs. He rubs the sleep away from his eyes and they widen the moment they lay on you. He's about to call your name until his eyes trail down to the dark patch on your jeans. He doesn't need to ask why you're crying so loudly; it's easy to tell you're under the influence, and well, it apparently makes you very emotional since you're so upset about peeing your pants. 
But you're not exactly doing anything about it.
"Oh, it's okay," Jungkook coos and walks over to you to bring you into a light hug. 
You snuggle your face into his loose white shirt and sniffle. "I didn't– I didn't mean to," you snivel. "I-I couldn't get to the," you inhale shakily, "b-bathroom on time."
"That's okay," he runs his fingers through your hair soothingly, equally disheveled as his. "Don't cry, sweetheart. It happens; it's not a big deal. We'll get you cleaned up."
"I-I ruined it!"
"The washing machine—"
"No," you whimper pathetically, "it's ruined. My denim—" your head rolls back along with your eyes to the back of your skull. You go limp for a few seconds, and Jungkook holds you tightly. Just as he's about to ask you if you're alright, you continue, "the denim is forever ruined!"
Stepping away from his clutches, you rub your palms against the knees of your jeans and then the damp crotch area. The crotch and knees feel different; it makes your face scrunch up in sorrow. "Never the same," you exhale in a trembling voice.
Jungkook watches you in surprise and amusement. You tend to be closed off around him, well in the past year that he's been married to your mother at least. It makes him feel guilty to like you better drunk—extroverted.
"We'll get you new jeans then," he tries to comfort, but you only shake your head. 
"Feel it."
He sighs with a breathy chuckle and feels your jeans as you asked. He touches your pockets and then your crotch, practically cupping your heat. It's still warm with your urine and you pout at the look he gives you. You misinterpret it as disappointment, but it's a look of suppressing laughter. "Like I said, it's not a big deal. I'll wash it, okay? Your mother won't know."
You scoff and wipe your tears away. "Thank you. I-I'm very sorry, so sorry."
"Don't be. Let's go to your room," he slings his arm around your shoulder and walks you upstairs. You hold onto his waist and keep your gaze downcast. 
Your hiccups don't cease when you face the door of your bedroom. He twists the doorknob and lets you enter first. With puckered lips and tear stains on your face, you wait for him to come after you. He does, and then turns away from you. "Hand your jeans over to me, okay? I won't look."
He hears you shuffling behind him, and you don't take long to place the tainted pants in his waiting open palm. Your feet don't stay planted on the floor and you eventually land on your bed. The bathroom is right behind you, but you can't muster the energy to sit up nor open your eyes. "My underwear," you mumble with the side of your face squished against the sheets. 
At your indirect request, he cranes his neck and takes a peek at you. You're lying on your stomach and his eyes unintentionally travel to your ass. For being your step-dad, he thinks it to be okay for him to drink in this erotic sight. It isn't as if he's about to take advantage of a drunk girl, no less his step-daughter.
"You can't take them off?"
"Mm-mm," you shake your head.
He blows out a deep breath and stands before your feet. The sight of your wet panties isn't meant to be attractive, but it does get his stomach in knots. He grabs the edges of your underwear and asks you to lift your hips, which you do sluggishly. They're off within seconds and he picks up your jeans from the floor before aiming to exit. He has to get out and cleanse his mind of all his filthy thoughts from seeing your bare pussy two inches from his mouth. "Don't fall asleep before taking a shower first," he reminds with flushed cheeks and pushes the door open.
"Help me," you whine childishly before he can leave. 
He sighs your name as if exhausted—reluctant.
As if it's not bad enough that he got a small glimpse of your pussy, now you're asking him to give you a shower while completely naked. He's trying to be respectful by keeping his focal point at bay, but your ass is still hanging out while you're on the verge of a tantrum.
"Oh God," he mutters to himself and pinches the bridge of his nose. He gives in.
After throwing your dirty clothes in the washing machine downstairs, he returns quickly so he doesn't catch you fast asleep. Thankfully you're still awake, but not so alert.
He warns you to keep your eyes open while he fills the tub in your bathroom. There's a water bottle on your bedside table, which he tells you to drink lots from until he's back. He throws in a pink bath bomb sitting on the edge of your tub so you can hopefully relax. Never has he seen someone be in such a childlike headspace after drinking.
But childlike doesn't fit the current scenario when he's lying under your naked body in his boxers in the bathtub because you seem to be a lot clingier when drunk. You don't move a lot, which is a plus, but your butt is pressed against his crotch, which doesn't make the situation any better. 
"I'm sorry," you slur sleepily, "I really didn't mean to." He can pick up the strong scent of vodka lingering around you better in this position.
He tightens his arms around your shoulders with his hands clasped above your chest as he whispers, "Don't apologize, sweetheart. You won't remember this when you wake up, and I'll keep it a secret. Don't you worry about a thing."
"Why are you crying?" he asks softly when you start to sob again. It's a dry cry, and he's certain you don't know what you're doing yourself at this point.
"I can't do anything," you complain, "I'm so tired and-and I can't move."
He stays silent so you can comfortably babble on and on about nothing until you say, "Wash me. Please."
Jungkook lightly pecks your neck and eyes your tits before dipping his hands in the warm, pinkish water and scrubbing your shoulders. You sigh at his gentle touch, prompting him to switch to your knees. "My knees are not dirty," you grumble incoherently.
"Hm? You're not dirty?"
"I'm not dirty there."
"And you're dirty where?" He's teasing you, knowing exactly where you want to be cleaned, but that'd further agonize him with how little freedom his erection has under the tight restraints of his briefs. It wouldn't be appropriate of him to use you to get rid of it, but is it against the law to simply bathe you?
"Down," you vaguely murmur.
He can't see anything of your lower region from the courtesy of the blanket of colorful hue that the bath bomb transitioned to, which both annoys and relieves Jungkook. But his hand only listens to you as it trails down to your pelvis. "Here?"
You nod against his shoulder, and that's all the confirmation he needs to palm your vulva. You gasp and slightly jump before adjusting to the feeling of his hand. The adjustment proves to be futile when a small moan slips past your lips at his fingers grazing your labia. 
“You want me to stop?”
“No, no,” you breathe with a shake of your head. “I want to be clean, otherwise no sleep.”
“That’s right,” he chuckles and starts running his fingers down your folds. Stopping at your clit, he starts to circle the hood to thoroughly give you the cleaning you desire so much. It isn’t with any ill intentions that he gently cups your pussy and moves it up and down while you squeak out moans without shame. After a few rubs and touches, he's confident there is no more remaints of your drunk mistake. “You’re clean now, love. Want to go to bed?”
“I’m not,” you whine loudly and hold his wrist to keep his hand in place. “I’m not clean,” you cry out and he knows you’re going to start sobbing again, which you do—except your volume might risk waking your mother.
He tries to hush you, but you don’t stop with the crocodile tears. “Baby, baby, look at me,” he pulls your face by your chin, but you escape his grip easily and continue with your tantrum. “I won’t clean you if you don’t look at me.”
With your newfound defiant attitude, it's with a few huffs and puffs that you finally face him and he silences your sniveling with a press of his lips. It's not a kiss in his defence; neither of you are moving your mouths, which he appreciates now that you've gone quiet.
Now that the risk of your mother waking is taken care of, his hand is on your hidden heat again. At this point, it's easy to tell you're not worried about being clean anymore. You aren't sleepy, though you keep your eyes closed from being in this intimate proximity with Jungkook, you're in need of a climax. It's a shame that he's in a similar state as you, but if you're drunk to the point of asking your step-dad to touch you, it wouldn't be clever of him to ask you to return the favor.
Despite his clear lack of vision, Jungkook is a human anatomy professor and he finds your clit and squeezes it between two fingers easily, not to mention he's already experienced in the sex field. Your lips part into a whine and he opens his mouth to swallow your sounds as he slowly rubs your clit.
You lean into the—now labelled as—kiss needily, and he lowers his hand to poke at your entrance with his middle finger. He stupidly peeks an eye open to see if he's located it correctly, but your subtle thrust is approval enough. He cautiously shoves it inside your tightness and uses his palm to continue pleasuring your sensitive nub, grabbing your tit with his other hand to play with your nipple. 
"Oh God, hmmm," you moan against his lips and sloppily make out with him, smearing your slick saliva all over. He hums into you, unbothered by your raw affection as he thrusts his finger inside and pinches your nipple to get you to cum faster. He can't have you sobering up any time soon.
"Are you close, love?"
You murmur something in response, but it's not intelligible enough for him to understand, so he assumes you're at least getting somewhere. He quickens the pace of his thrusts, his palm against your clitoris; massages your boob more roughly and moves his mouth down to kiss your neck. As he's giving you a small love bite, your breathing turns into mere gasps with little broken moans. If he could, he would add a second finger to your pussy, but your clenching hole doesn't feel so ready when he curls his knuckle. 
You clutch onto his hair, chanting, "I'm gonna pee again, I'm gonna pee again…" 
"Try to hold it in, baby," he cuts in hoarsely without ceasing his movements. He does slow down when your legs start to shake and tremble, splashing the water as you do as he leaves calming pecks on your neck, collarbone, and a few on your lips. Not as a warning to lower your voice—your last moans are ones to savour—but to ride out your high. He has no idea if you did squirt in the tub, but he isn't going to take another shower to wash it down. He wants to feel it on his skin.
He can feel your pounding heartbeat under his hand as your body spasms and grinds on his erection. A moment of silence passes with your shaky inhales and exhales while he pets your hair. 
When he feels you calm down, he asks, "Do you feel clean now?"
"Alright," he whispers and kisses your cheek. Your eyes are closed and he predicts you'll be fainting soon, so he pulls the plug with ease and waits for the water to drain before pulling you up by your pits. It's a bit of a struggle because of your slippery wet skin, as well as the water weight on you, but manages to get you out and immediately throws you on the bed. He grabs a towel hanging on the bathroom door and dries you before himself.
Jungkook considers himself an honorable man most of the time, but he can't refrain from jerking off to your naked body while you doze off. Like he said, you won't remember a thing, so it'll be his little secret as he releases on your tits with a groan. He wipes off the evidence of his unorthodox actions, pecks you and your pretty little pussy before dressing you in your pajamas. 
He puts on his clothes and tucks you in before leaving your room with a quiet, "Good night, sweetheart."
All there's left to do is persuade you into doing this again while sober, because he didn't marry your wretched bitch of a mother after two months of meeting if not to have you all for himself. He doesn't mind letting you in on that one secret with time.
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pokeheadcannons97 · 3 years
Hi! May I request some HC with Milo, Piers, Leon and maybe Guzma where their S/O hates their body (especially weight on their belly and stretch marks) and just gets really anxious when they wear crop tops, shorts, etc?
As a plus size person, I feel this. This is a PSA, if it's cute and you like to wear it?
This guy basically worships the ground you walk on. He honestly thinks that you are so beautiful, and is one that compliments you often with no shame.
The two of you are herding Wooloo? And you're completely drenched in sweat and mud?
He is awestruck, and he let's you know it!
Hates when you think so low of yourself, and takes it upon himself to tell you how wonderful you are.
Do you not realize how gorgeous that you look? No? Not for long!
"Milo? You're staring, do I look bad? It's the mud isn't it?" You pulled at the shorts of the outfit you were wearing. The shorts had ridden up a little bit, more on the short side due to the heat. You had decided to pick that over the trusted blue jeans you usually wore since you were so self conscious in how you looked. You didn't know if it had been a good idea in the first place since Milo was staring at you without saying anything.
"You look so beautiful, Y/N. More so than a freshly opened tulip in spring." He replied, wiping the sweat from his face with his scarf he wore. Completely unembarrassed or shy about saying it so casually.
It still makes your heart all wack.
You lightly touched your thigh. The bad thoughts seemed to be completely drown out for the compliment. Your face flushed and you leaned in to give him a hug.
This made Milo hum in reply. He wrapped his arms around you and gave you a squeeze around your waist.
You laid your head on his broad shoulder, and let out a shaky breath. "Thank you sweetie, I needed that today."
"Darling, you look good in anything you wear. Dont ever feel like you dont look good to me. Because those thoughts are wrong." He reassured, giving your back a comforting pat as you could only nod in response with a small smile on your face.
He noticed you staring in front of the mirror longer than usual after your shower that evening. The towel still wrapped around your frame.
He watched from over the top of his phone, your hands pulling at your arms, your expression falling by the second.
Your hand traced the stretch marks that etched itself onto the bigger part of your arm, the other one was tightly wrapping the towel closer to your body.
He continued to observe silently, the grip on his phone tighter.
Your hand lowered itself to your torso and you gave out a soft, but heavy sigh. Your e/c orbs shimmering slightly with tears.
When you turned around your face came into contact with Leon's chest and you let out a surprised sound from your lips.
Strong, well toned arms wove themselves around your body, pulling you close.
This caused you to look up at him, slightly confused.
"Awww did you want a hug, Lee? You could have just said so." You laughed lightly, trying to diminish the thoughts you were in a few seconds earlier.
"Y/N." He began, choosing his words carefully, but with a warm smile. "Have I told you how pretty you look lately?"
This caused your cheeks to heat up and you blinked at him. "Ah, thank you Lee... that means a lot."
Your response seemed forced and rehearsed and he did not like that one bit.
He turned you around to where you both could look at yourselves in the large mirror. This made you squirm uncomfortably.
He bent down and kissed alongside your jaw before he said, "I mean it. You know that you're the most beautiful person to me."
He traced his finger tips alongside your arms and then gripped your hands with his. His much larger hands enveloping yours like a warm blanket.
This made your cheeks flush harder, but the comforting warmth was welcomed. "Lee?"
He met your gaze in the mirror, his golden eyes shining with nothing but love. "You're so lovely, every bit of you. No one can even come close."
You felt your breath get caught in your throat and swallowed back the tears that threatened to fall.
Leon kissed your neck softly.
"How about we go out for dinner tonight? I think I wanna show you off." He chuckled lightly against your ear.
You felt your eyes water more, but this time out of relief. You nodded softly and leaned back against him.
You gave a sigh of satisfaction as you basked in the warmth of Alola.
The day was pleasant, you, Guzma, and his gang had decided to head to the beach for a much needed day off.
Your swimsuit cover still laid across your frame, you liked how it basically covered all your "problem" spots.
You crossed your legs as you laid on the beach chair, deciding to take up some sun bathing since it felt so nice.
You watched Guzma play in the water with some of the grunts, their obnoxious laughter echoing through the air.
You smiled softly, your eyes crinkling up a bit. Part of you wanted to join them.
You had worn a swim suit today, even the one that Guzma seemed to like, but you just couldn't do it. Not today anyways, the negative thoughts too loud.
You peered down at yourself, the smile melting from your face.
You looked up when you heard the sand crunching from ahead. Your boyfriend completely drenched, but a playful grin on his features.
"Those guys are somethin' else. Haven't been able to let loose like this in too long!" He exclaimed and sat on the seat next to you, grabbing a towel to dry his hair of the saltwater.
"You guys seem to be having a blast out there for sure!" You replied with a grin on your own.
He looked up at you, onyx eyes meeting yours. "Why dont you come join us? You've just been sitting here since we got here. Who goes to the beach JUST to sun bath?" He joked and the added. "You aren't a Fomantis the last time I checked."
You gave a forced smile in reply. "I'm having fun just observing, Guz. Promise."
This caused his gaze to lower and it seemed to look right through you.
"Babe." He began and continued when you blinked at him. "Tell me the reason why you're still out here. I can tell when something is bothering you." He said and you felt your chest tighten.
You pushed the sunglasses to the top of your head, observing him intently. You stayed quiet for a few seconds, and it seemed like you both were having a stare down.
Your will broke first. As normal.
"I hate you sometimes." You started and stuck your tongue out. You gave a low sigh. "Its just..."
He watched and listened silently, though his gaze was softer.
You gripped your cover against you. "I don't think I look that good today, is all."
This caused Guzma to immediately grunt. "Did someone say something to you? I swear to Arceus, I will END them."
You shook your head furiously. "No! It's all me, I promise. No ones fault but mine."
Guzma rose to his feet, and grabbed your wrist and started leading you to the water.
"G-Guzma? Wait! I don't, I cant!" You protested and tried to free yourself.
Guzma stopped and looked back at you, an idea crossing his mind. He quickly undid the tie that tied your swimsuit cover together and threw it towards the chairs.
This caused you to try to cover yourself, the thoughts becoming worse than before. Fear that everyone could see your "problem" areas.
He gave you a large smile and pointed his thumb towards himself. "Baby, you're the hottest person in the entire world. And I mean that." He said and you blushed.
He then turned around and shouted loudly. "Ey! You guys!"
This caused everyone, grunts and Plumeria to look towards you.
You were gonna kill him.
He stood next to you and gripped your shoulders. "Dont Y/N look fine as hell today?" He asked the group and the group cried out in shouts of cheer and nodding.
"Y/N always looks good!"
"Very nice!"
"Come hang, Y/N! Put that swimming suit to use!"
"Hell yeah!"
You cheeks burned but you felt the thoughts diminish as Guzma gave you a kiss to the cheek.
"What I tell ya? Perfection."
You punched his arm lightly. "Thanks Guz, I mean it."
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So i dont know how to explain this so ill just tell you what i thought while i was watching the ep and we'll see whether i get inspired from there but ill probably edit this post as things develop into words in brain. (Ryeon ep15 related)(ramble) (Joong-gil ep15 too at the end) (this is long)
If you actually read this , get up, go to the bathroom maybe , drink some water take a walk or just open a window and stare out into the world for a bit. Do something completely unrelated to this. For me <3
everything ryeon has been holding in and now the clock is ticking (idk why but that's what she said) and things dont just not go well but she cares so much because of this about this case and Joong-gil shows up at the last minute and betrays her so much its insane. But she doesn't want to fully lash out at him because even though he's a different person (oh btw miss "he's a different person" couldn't look at Ryu without catching her breath, so maybe we're just avoiding things me thinks) she still hurt him with this (i think she recognizes that her actions kind of echoed to these opinions of his) and she says to this guy she's beating up "you're looking for someone else to blame " and i think her spree is caused both by the fact that she's at her limit and this stupid world hasn't changed and these fucking people are heartless and here we are again but she's also looking to lash out at someone other than Joong-gil for what he did. And "you have crossed the line" , "when have i not crossed the line", "this is different " it is, its too much.
Gut punch of a scene when he tells her "(..*pain*...) How could a person like that deceive me and work under me" and are you really doing this right now and you can see all of that and more in her face and she still points out "i never deceived you" I LOVE THAT SHE DOESN'T BUCKLED WHEN SHE LOOKS AT HIM there are scenes when you can see her taking a step back either out of rank respect or because its him or both but she never backs down when she cares she never lets whatever feelings she has for him get in the way of what she wants to say just like she never did. This is part of their relationship and always has been. They talk.
It feels like this has been building up in her from the start (!!!<3!!!)
And because this kickballed to their relationship and him. I am fascinated by the mount of betrayal he feels. Like from the beginning everything suicide related she (the RM team) has done has felt like a person offence to him.
Emperor calling his existence pathetic was a highlight dont ask me to explain why but it makes sense
I am mad at him for everything gut punch arrangement scene related
I talked about this somewhere else but i can not bare the thought of finding someone, you love each other so much, you grow together,and grow up together,you make promises, find purposes and have hopes for the future make your lives together. Something absolutely horrible happens but you find each other, you fight and find each other, you go home and you try every day to heal from what happened and the people you swore to protect are the ones to tear everything down and you loose yourself, both of you do, and then you loose each other.
That scene the emperor says "usually it only takes one lifetime" and then the hospital 👌👌👌👌
The trauma of that, i do not have the ability to describe any of this.
Such pain, and loneliness,and betrayal and regret and love and all of it just all of it.
Must have been so frustrating having all these pieces of a life he doesn't recognize and he finally had enough (loved to see it)
Spoilers from promo:
I dont want to say anything related to whether he asked her to make him forget or not want to see the rest first, i think he'll remember and feel horrible and take the blame but maybe even before that he won't want ryeon to go to hell(thus the "jumadeung will handle things internally") he's mad (wrong word) at her but he still knows her even if he doesn't remember plus he still wants to remember.
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txdoroki · 4 years
Hi hun! Idk if you write for tamaki or dabi from bnha, but if you do, could you do a headcannon of them plus todoroki and bakugou where reader has pretty violent nature quirk and asking them for help to control it during a breakdown?
Like reader is having a panic attack or is just super stressed and the quirk goes wild like tokoyami's in the dark
Thank you so much and if you dont write i got no problem 🤍
hope this is what you were thinking!! also,, im sorry, i haven’t gotten to the point of mha where tamaki is in the show yet! if you want i can write one of these for him in the future though :)) 
warnings: panic attacks?
words: 933
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-will immediately quit his playful, teasing persona and go to help you. he’d try and calm your quirk however he could, whether it be by grounding you and helping you get control or restraining you if he had to.
-he gets how terrifying it is to not be in control, and it hurts him to know that it mostly only happens when your emotions are wild. he’s usually very tending to your feelings for that reason, in his own way.
-will play some random youtube calm meditation he found. even if it’s shitty, it normally helps you nonetheless.
-over the years of this happening, he’s found the ways to help soothe you and your quirk. he gets you into a quiet area and helps you to focus on your breathing. 
-even while your quirk is attacking him, he still persists in helping you. he knows you’re using all the control you have left to not hurt him. the quirk gets the most out of control when you’re anxious, and that’s the worst time for you to be left alone.
-honestly, although your quirk taking over is a terrifying thing, it’s helped you and dabi bond. to know he will always be by your side, even when you’re accidentally attacking him? you couldn’t trust him more. and that trust makes his heart swell
-when you’re back in control, he helps calm you down more to avoid a double takeover in one day. it drains you a lot just for one time, twice in one day would be unbearable.
-he’d stay with you for a few days afterwards, it’d piss off shigaraki, but dabi isn’t easily swayed in his decisions, especially when they come to you.
-he’s like a fucking nurse-- he tends to you constantly and doesn’t let you get out of bed no matter how many times you insist you’re okay to walk he’s like no you aren’t doing anything but sitting and looking pretty if i can help it, you won’t be having this happen again for a while you hear me????
-every now and then he’d sit next to you on your bed, not too close though, for fear he’d make you uncomfortable with his temperature.
-even though you’d said multiple times it didn’t bother you...
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-he’d think you were just moody the first time this happened around him, not exactly realizing that you’d been extremely stressed the past couple of weeks about school and hero work and it was building up.
- “y/n, what the hell are you doing?” his angry tone did not match his expression, his eyes wide as he watched you start hyperventilating. you would get dizzy, and he was really confused when you fell back a bit before jerking your body up.
-he didn’t really really understand how loose your control over your quirk really was, he thought you had way more control than you did, so when you started filling the room with clouds and rain??
-his face was the personified version of “what. the. fuck.”
-he grabbed your hands and tried to put them together so you wouldn’t move them, but your movements were fluid.? like water or clouds?? he kept trying to contain you, his grasp slowly beginning to be rough from frustration.
-he finally put two and two together and realized this was your quirk, not really you.
-”hey, hey, y/n, do you hear me?” he shouted as he dodged another one of the storm clouds your quirk launched at him, searching your body language for even a bit of an answer.
-he saw the small nod and was like :D from how relieved he was that you were still there
-he talks you down from them usually, and has lowkey gotten skilled at it. no one would expect it, but nowadays he’s excellent at soothing others.
-when you get control again, you’re all apologies and tears but he always just goes, “tch, it’s fine, i get it,”
-finds an excuse for you to stay home from school the next day, just tells aizawa you both got food poisoning from some pizza place.
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-he notices almost immediately when it happens, and works silently, trapping your hands with an ice block that you always break, but hey, it drains your quirk faster.
-when you resist he’s like come on i’m trying to helpp but knows you can’t help it so he doesn’t say anything.
-it breaks his heart to see the fearful expression on your face when your quirk would begin targeting him, you didn’t want it to be happening. 
-”it’ll be okay, y/n,” he tries his best to smile at you, hoping it’d comfort you at least a little bit. to his good will, it does, and that has been the most helpful thing.
-he’d try his best to trap you in his ice, but it was frustrating how resilient your storm quirk was against his ice.
-after a while, your had always quirk ran out of fighting power as you fought it for control over you.
-the routine was pretty much the same everytime, todoroki would switch up the encouragement though
-doesn’t let you out of his sight for a second for weeks after it’d happen to you, it scared him much more than he would’ve liked
-always is like “i’m so proud of you for gaining back control,” and it’s really sweet omg
-like dabi, he tends to you for a while, not wanting it to happen again since your quirk is heavily draining on you, especially when it’s out of control like how it had been sometimes.
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ocdhuacheng · 3 years
The thing that often bothers me the most with the genderbending (wrt Xie Lian) is that the fandom doesn't acknowledge how (strongly) against adopting a female form XL was when SQX tried to persuade him. Like. It was smth very on the nose. But ppl also don't acknowledge that XL doesn't enjoy cross-dressing, either, it's just smth he doesn't feel bothered by anymore (after centuries of the world beating you down, shame isn't smth you care about) and goes ahead with if he has to for a job (plus: annoying fanservice). So, there is a fundamental lack of wanting to acknowledge that gender isn't part of XL's character arc. At all. (He very much likes being a guy.) It is a little for SQX, only. Hua Cheng has this whole shape-shifting shtick, so a case could be made.
(Similarly, I don't get the rare fem!FengQing... Have ppl read/watched their reaction to possibly dressing up as brides???)
Also, that beefleaf is hailed as this lesbian icon ship when I am pretty sure that He Xuan is never thrilled to be female but only goes along with SQX's pestering... I have seen ppl start tgcf because of lesbian beefleaf only to be disappointed and... not cool.
I have nothing against genderbending myself. Not the biggest fan of it but it can be fun sometimes (like. If ppl were to explore canon stuff with it. I have never seen or read about SQX's relationship with gender; e.g. their feelings about it, feelings about having grown up as a girl, SW's disapproval etc. - there is so much one could do, but ppl water it down or erase the struggles altogether. And don't get me started on the glaring lack of female form HC. If he were the preferred bottom, we'd never see an end of content). It just bothers me how often characterization isn't considered in these cases.
And I think you brought your feelings about it across well! I get what you mean and you are right.
yeah like people can headcanon what they want wrt gender but given that the canon indicates xie lian is completely comfortable as a man and very much NOT comfortable as a woman its very sus that everyone turns to him as the one to be ~turned into a female~ in fanworks and not hua cheng, who canonically shapeshifts into a feminine body sometimes.
one of my mutuals said that the watsonian (within the text) explanation for xie lian constantly crossdressing is legit while the doylist (authors intent) explanation is that mxtx wants to make people think of him simply as a feminine uke or the wife or whatever. and theyre right. which is why if tgcf were written by a gay or bi man i would be completely comfortable with the crossdressing/pretending to be pregnant woman arcs, but its not so whenever i read those sections i get vaguely annoyed at them.
though those arcs were also pretty transmisogynist with how much mxtx kept having to remind us over and over about how "weird" and "degenerate" xie lian looked or whatever. but thats another conversation
also about beefleaf............ saaame. i thought they were lesbians u_u (i mean i knew that mxtx would never write a lesbian because i dont think she knows lesbians exist, BUT you know what i mean) i was so disappointed when mxtx had to specifically say that he xuan did not enjoy being in a feminine body and just went along with it to appease sqx. like that felt like such a slap in the face. whatever. my city now
and it would have been awesome if mxtx had gone into sqx's feelings on gender more..... like even just devoting an extra or two for it. especially after they loose their powers, i want to see their feelings on gender then! because it seems like after they become mortal everyone always just views them as a man by default, and their genderfluidity is never mentioned again!! i want to see sqx, who had become used to being able to change their appearance, have to deal with no longer being able to do that. and to be able to accept that this doesn't make them any less genderfluid/trans, and they can be a woman even if they cant shapeshift anymore. i think that would be a nice little character study to have included.
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