#plus solar system disco
sciencestyled · 4 months
When Da Vinci Meets Da DNA: Sculpting Your Way Through Science
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all the nerdy squirrels, gather 'round! Today we're diving headfirst into a topic so spicy, it’s hotter than a jalapeño in a sauna – Scientific Visualization Through Sculpture. Yes, we're talking about transforming the cold, hard facts of science into cold, hard statues that you can touch, poke, and accidentally knock over if you’re as clumsy as a toddler on a sugar high.
Imagine this: You're strolling through an art gallery. On one side, you've got the classics: marble statues of toga-wearing philosophers who probably never touched a test tube in their lives. On the other, you've got sculptures that look like they've escaped from a high school science fair on steroids. There's a massive, twirling DNA double helix that looks like it was stolen straight from Jurassic Park, and over there is a planetary system that could double as a stage for a Taylor Swift concert. Welcome to the wild world where Da Vinci meets Da DNA!
Let’s kick things off with the basics. Scientific visualization through sculpture is exactly what it sounds like: using sculptural art to represent scientific structures and models. If you’re thinking, “Why?” well, why not? We live in a world where we turn everything into art – coffee foam, avocado toast, Instagram selfies – so why not science? It's like turning your dull biology textbook into a blockbuster summer flick. Spielberg, eat your heart out.
First up, let’s talk DNA sculptures. Picture this: a DNA double helix, but instead of the boring old stick-and-ball model, you’ve got a sculpture that looks like it was designed by Willy Wonka after a Red Bull binge. It’s colorful, it's twisty, and it’s got more flair than Lady Gaga’s wardrobe. These sculptures aren’t just eye candy; they’re educational. They help students visualize the complex structure of DNA in a way that’s more engaging than a thousand PowerPoint slides. Plus, they make for killer Instagram content. #ScienceArt #DoubleHelixSwag
Next on our tour of scientifically artistic insanity, let's swing by the solar system sculptures. Now, if you’ve ever looked at a textbook diagram of the solar system and thought, “This needs more pizazz,” then these sculptures are for you. Imagine a scale model of the planets, but with a twist. Instead of boring old spheres, each planet is a work of art. Mercury could be a silver bullet, Venus a glowing orb of LED lights, Earth a lush, green marble, and Pluto… well, Pluto’s a disco ball because we’re still not over its planetary demotion. These sculptures are not just informative; they’re a cosmic party. Throw in some facts about orbital mechanics, and you’ve got yourself an educational rave.
But wait, there's more! Have you ever wondered what a molecule would look like if it were designed by Dr. Seuss? Welcome to the world of molecular sculptures. These bad boys take the abstract, microscopic world of molecules and blow it up to a size that’s easier to comprehend than the plot of Inception. Picture a giant model of water molecules where the hydrogen atoms are represented by rubber duckies and the oxygen by a beach ball. It’s quirky, it’s fun, and it makes learning chemistry as enjoyable as a day at the beach – minus the sunburn.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “This all sounds amazing, but where do I fit in?” Well, dear reader, this is where science education with art comes into play. Imagine a classroom where instead of dusty old charts and faded posters, you’ve got these incredible sculptures. They’re conversation starters, they’re interactive, and they turn learning into an experience rather than a chore. When students can physically see and touch a DNA model or a solar system sculpture, it bridges the gap between abstract concepts and tangible understanding. Plus, it makes for some epic classroom decor. Move over, motivational posters – there’s a new sheriff in town.
Let's not forget the application side of things. Scientific sculptures aren’t just for classrooms; they’re invading museums, parks, and even your local Starbucks (okay, maybe not Starbucks, but one can dream). Imagine a public park where instead of generic statues of long-forgotten politicians, you’ve got a series of sculptures representing various scientific phenomena. There’s a black hole sculpture that’s actually a giant spiral slide, a fractal tree made of neon lights, and a neuron network that doubles as a jungle gym. It's the ultimate fusion of fun and education, and it makes science as accessible as a TikTok dance craze.
Speaking of TikTok, scientific sculptures are made for social media. They’re the perfect blend of nerdy and cool, and they’re just begging to go viral. Imagine the likes, the shares, the comments! “OMG, this DNA sculpture is lit!” “Check out this sick planetary system model!” “BRB, gonna take a selfie with the giant neuron sculpture.” It’s science education for the Instagram generation, and it’s about time.
To sum up this whirlwind tour of scientific visualization through sculpture, let’s remember that at its core, this movement is about making science more engaging, more accessible, and a heck of a lot more fun. It’s about taking the cold, hard facts of science and turning them into something you can see, touch, and interact with. It’s about bringing together the precision of science and the creativity of art in a way that makes learning a blast. So next time you find yourself dozing off in a lecture or yawning over a textbook, just imagine how much cooler it would be if that lesson was delivered by a ten-foot-tall sculpture of a DNA double helix or a glowing model of the solar system.
In the words of the great philosopher Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” So let’s stop, look around, and appreciate the wild, wacky world of scientific visualization through sculpture. Because in the end, if you can’t turn science into art, what’s the point? Stay curious, stay creative, and keep sculpting your way through the cosmos!
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rainsmediaradio · 10 months
Nigeria Loss -$4.1bn Due To Di-investment of 5 Multinational Corporations by Kenny Odugbemi
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Nigeria Loss -$4.1bn Due To Di-investment of 5 Multinational Corporations by Kenny Odugbemi 1, America Multinational consumer goods company Procter and Gamble has announced the termination of her ground operation in Nigeria, now prepared to transform into an import-focused market. P&G vitals: Net sales $50m, Portfolio estimate at group level $85bn, Employment capacity in Nigeria 5000, who will hence forth be jobless. This decision will only have minimal impact on their group balance sheet in terms of sales and profitability. 2, Glaxo SmithKline announced withdrawal from Nigeria due to the Standard and poor rated Nigeria economy. Secondly, their global strategy and the challenges of the global supply chain crisis had a major impact on their relocation of their manufacturing operation. 3, Haleon plc also announced termination of their distribution agreement and is now ready to appoint a third party 4, Sanofi a French pharmaceuticals company, also announced their exit to appoint a third-party distributor to handle their commercial portfolio from February 2024 4, Bolt food also announced a difficult decision to discontinue its food delivery so as to streamline her resources to maximize overall efficiency. Their major concern is increase of fuel price fee (20-50)% in economic environment where consumer power spending has been greatly eroded by rising inflation. All these anomalies inhibited them not to be able to cover their operational costs to attain productivity Bolt ride also have similar challenges in their logistics operation Problems Facing Nigeria Major problems are connected with increased difficulties occasioned by continued devaluation of Naira, state of insecurity due to terrorism, kidnapping, killings and destruction of properties, power crisis coupled with unpredictability of Nigeria foreign exchange rate despite unification. Economic Vitals Fy 2022 Manufacturers cumulatively spent $144bn to provide alternative power Review of manufacturing sectors Manufacturing is almost dead because of complex macro economic variable Power system optimization Resolving power supply problems is now Germaine and Sacrosanct We had in 1980 developmental energy plan of 6000MGW to be completed by 1985, all efforts were truncated by unpatriotic cabal involved in sales and distribution of generators, if we had shown more seriousness, we ought now to be self reliant. Current situation Self generation of power, aforementioned is too expensive Capitalizing to establish Solar farms can only be through development partner injection, millions of dollars Nigerian citizen We have low per Capital income Men + money = Market (Reference Olu False formula) We have extremely poor infrastructure without reasonable capital injection, Disco's did not invest in anything substantial. The three tier generation, transmission and distribution FG wasted injection of N2.6trn despite privatization of generation which is epileptic due to inadequacy of gas and continuous collapse of government run transmission line. Discos, still using legacy PHCN, frustrated distribution of prepaid meter, rather prefer ridiculous estimate We are faced with the current hike in kWh cost for residential, N60- N100 rate for residential estate Present government effort about improving power Deregulation of power plus removal from exclusive list to concurrent list of Nigeria constitution hence State can independently generate, transmit and distribute power with three tier license. Power capacity at 1MGW does not require a license Reduction of debt service in Fy 2024 budget Removal of subsidy Signing of power with Germany to provide 12000MGW If this improvement can be stable, available, affordable it will have ripple effect on supply chain across all sectors to improve productive capacity Provisions of fossil fuel Nigeria to conclude major repairs on old PH refineries 60,000lpd, new PH Warri Kaduna These refineries but these must be sold to a very competent global manager to avoid current politicization which gulps over N12trn over 8years yet were abandoned for many decades We are now investing $1.5bn for turn around Fuel prices need to come down remarkably We do not want any importation We should only have the cost of production + reasonable margin Many are benchmarking oil prices by international standards this must be discarded God has endowed us with a quantum of oil as natural resources, why are we suffering now with many Indus tries collapsing and life now hellish putting 63% in multidimensional poverty National issues PBAT must appoint a new Petroleum Minister for the purpose of transparency and accountability On Security FG must restructure this sector just like in the past where we have the following: Nigerian police force Western police force + same for other regions. Community police strictly native New government style We must go back to a new administration that recognizes regions, states and local governments with separation and devolution of power Resources control We need to recognize where these resources are domicile We shall have moritarium to pay all our debt We need allocation of 5-10% to develop Mineral deposit across different states Regional empowerment The six regions must have thier respective constitution They must be able to develop these infrastructure Port operation Prison Power station Airport Rail service Water ways Conclusion For us to have economic prosperity PBAT must restructure, recalibrate and reposition Set result oriented benchmarks based on KPAs KPIs Balance score card with nationally acceptable metrics PBAT must institute a value proposition Merit Pragmatism Honest and Accountability Read the full article
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Hey Everyone! I made a spotify playlist to go along with my satogou fic, "Ships Passing in the Night and Sailing Together Until Morning"!
These songs are a combontion of songs I think fit the plot/characters in the fic and songs I listened to while writing the fic, though there's a lot of overlap! Try giving it a listen while you read sometime, it's quite fun in my opinion =D!
(Read the fic here if you haven't yet =D)
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Watt martian au? Tell me more
!!!!! okay SO
so it was very very important to me that the finale squad be the ares 3 crew because i just needed that to be a thing so
lewis - cairo
martinez - reese
vogel - annleigh
beck - kate
johanssen - eva
watney - mattie
so mattie is, unfortunately, the one who gets stranded on mars
and then for the other four
mitch henderson - riley
venkat kapoor - chess
annie montrose - farrah
mindy park - clark
cairo is the commander of the ares 3 mission, and she's also the geologist
reese pilots the mdv (how they get from the hermes down to mars), the mav (how they get from mars back to the hermes), and i think the hermes (which is the ship that takes them to and from mars, it's really big and expensive so there's only one that's used for the entire ares program)
annleigh is the chemist and astrodynamicist
eva is the computer expert
kate is the flight surgeon and eva specialist (eva stands for extra-vehicular activity, or anything done outside of an earth atmosphere)
mattie is the botanist and engineer
riley is the head of astronaut corps
chess is the manager of the entire ares program
farrah is in charge of nasa's pr
clark works in satellite imaging and he's the one who figures out that mattie is alive
(also they refer to the astronauts with their last names because nasa so technically i should be saying adekoya, roberts, o'daniel, sanchez, dalton, and wheeler, but no♥️)
the mission i think was around 200 days to mars, and then reese piloted the mdv down to the surface, where all their stuff for the mission was there in advance. in the first few days, they set up the hab (base of operations, where they live, etc), the solar panels, and checked out the mav - the ship that was sent in advance and would bring them back to hermes
on sol (mars days are called sols and they're about forty minutes longer than earth days) 6, the mission was hit with a huge sandstorm - the mission was designed to withstand up to 150 km per hour winds, and the storm was 175 km per hour, so yeah, that was very very BAD. the problem wasn't whether the hab would pop - the problem was that the mav couldn't stand up to that much wind for that long. so houston gave the order to abort and they all suited up and went out in the storm to try and get to the mav. halfway there, mattie was struck by debris (the satellite dish) and the antenna went right through her bio-monitor, showing all her vitals as 0. cairo refused to stop looking, but the mav began to tip and she had to get back, and they left for the hermes, believing mattie to be dead.
SURPRISE!! mattie is not, in fact, dead!
the antenna also ripped a hole in her, but the angle at which she landed and also the blood created a weak seal, so her suit was okay. she stayed passed out while the co2 filters were expended, the suit backfilled with nitrogen, and then eventually the oxygen alarm went off because the suit had to backfill with pure oxygen, and the concentration was about 85% which is very bad. she got up, got back to the hab, fixed her wound, and began to figure out what the fuck to do.
the primary comm system was in the satellite dish, which, as mentioned, definitely wasn't functional. the secondary and tertiary comm systems were in the mav, which the rest of the crew took up to the hermes, so clearly those were gone too, so mattie has no way to get in contact with earth or hermes. and in the case of an abort, hermes would only stay in orbit for 24 hours, so by the time mattie could fix the satellite, they'd be long gone.
the surface mission was only for 31 sols, but for redundancy, nasa sent 56 sols worth of food. since they got 6 sols into their mission, mattie has 50 sols of food for 6 people. since she's only one person, she has 300 sols of food, which if she rationed it, would stretch to 400 sols. except she has four years before ares 4 is supposed to launch, and 400 sols of food won't reach there. but!
the surface mission was during thanksgiving, so nasa's psychologists were like "hey, maybe they should cook a meal together for bonding" and so mattie has twelve non freeze dried potatoes. and! she's a BOTANIST! and because of that, she has some stuff for plant experiments - some earth soil! the only problem with mars soil is that it doesn't have the bacteria that is needed for plants, but mattie can mix her soil with mars soil in the hab and have enough to farm a bunch of potatoes. potatoes plus vitamins can help stretch her food supply!
so she grows potatoes. except water is a problem. so she figures she can make water using liquid oxygen, and then gets hydrogen from leftover hydrazine fuel, by running the hydrazine over an iridium catalyst and separating the nitrogen and hydrogen, and then burning the hydrogen and oxygen to make water. except she miscalculated and accidentally filled the hab with hydrogen and made a bomb. so she burned the hydrogen off little by little, forgot to calculate the oxygen she was breathing, blew herself up, and then tried again and eventually fixed her hydrogen problem. so after a lot of effort, she had a way to make water for the potatoes.
the whole time, she's been bored as hell because she left her own entertainment usb stick on the hermes, to focus on the mission, but now she's super bored, so she rifles through the other crewmembers' stuff and finds medical journals in kate's stuff (nerd), nothing in reese's stuff, annleigh's stuff is in german, agatha christie novels in eva's stuff, and disco music and 70s tv in cairo's stuff. so she's losing her mind listening to SO MUCH DISCO.
back on earth, chess is begging the director of nasa, teddy sanders, for some satellite time to take pictures of the ares 3 site, because she figures that since they aborted so early, there's still almost an entire mission up there and she might be able to get funding for an ares 6 mission, she just needs pictures of what the site looks like and the damage from the storm. teddy keeps denying the request because nasa is a public domain organization and has to release all the photos they take within 24 hours, and teddy doesn't want astronaut wheeler's body on the front page of every newspaper in america. eventually, chess convinces him to give her the satellite time, and clark is assigned to take her pictures. when he does, he notices that the solar panels are clean, one of the rovers has been moved, the mdv has been disassembled (mattie needed the hydrazine), and he can't find mattie's body. so he calls chess and they realize shit, mattie is alive. farrah, being the pr manager, is tasked with telling the world that mattie wheeler is alive, which is a disaster, and they work on getting in contact with mattie. riley says "shit, we have to tell the crew" but teddy and chess veto it, because the crew still has ten months of space travel ahead of them, and they need to focus on their mission. riley is pissed, but there's nothing she can do.
in the meantime, mattie figures that in four years, she needs to be at the schiaparelli crater, where ares 4 will land, which is really far away from acidalia planetia, where ares 3 is. so she needs to drive like 3400 kilometers to schiaparelli. as a test, she modifies the rover and spends three weeks driving 1500 kilometers to the site of pathfinder, a 1996 probe that nasa lost contact with in 1997. she gets pathfinder, brings it back to the hab, gets it working, and nasa realizes what she's doing and sets up the old pathfinder computers. mattie hacks the rover, and BAM, she can talk to nasa!
since she has her potatoes, that stretches her food supply a bunch, which gives nasa time to hopefully build a probe to send her supplies to help her last until ares 4 arrives. now that there's a viable rescue plan, riley is cleared to tell the crew.
back on the hermes, eva just got the data dump and she's dispatching personal emails to everyone's laptops when she notices a video file for all of them, and cairo calls the whole crew to come watch. it's riley, saying that mattie is alive and they're going to try to rescue her. mattie stresses that it wasn't the crew's fault every time it comes up. annleigh, reese, kate, and eva are all thrilled that mattie is alive, but cairo is devastated that they left her behind.
mattie has been using airlock 1 every time she leaves the hab, just because that's the one she uses, but the constant use has put a lot of wear and tear on the seams and one day, it's too much and as she's in the airlock, the hab pops, blasting her about 100 meters away, still in the airlock. her faceplate gets cracked, and after 24 hours in the airlock, she manages to fix it, but it's super leaky and it'll only last 4 minutes. so she rolls the airlock back to the hab, goes back in, manages to have just enough time to grab reese's suit's helmet and patch kit, and then escapes to the rover. she gets back in contact with nasa, says she's okay, and fixes the hab, but being exposed to mars's atmosphere killed all her crops, shortening her food supply significantly. so the probe nasa is going to send needs to be a whole lot faster.
nasa builds iris in about 46 days, but they have to cancel inspections to save some time, and the launch fails, and they don't have another booster, so mattie is totally fucked.
nasa's psychologists have mattie write emails to each member of her crew, just in case she doesn't make it, which is becoming more and more likely. the emails (summarized):
to reese: if i die, you need to be the one to talk to my parents. they'll wanna hear about mars. it won't be easy, i know, but i'm asking you to do it, because you're my best friend.
to eva: you're a nerd. seriously, i had to do so much computer stuff to connect pathfinder to the rover and how the hell can you stand it oh my god, you're such a nerd.
to annleigh: chemistry is boring, i hate it. also you are a chemist with a base on mars, you're some sort of mad scientist supervillain.
to kate: okay so i don't have to follow mission rules anymore so: dude... you gotta tell eva how you feel or you'll regret it.
to cairo: it wasn't your fault, okay? you did the right thing, you saved everybody else. don't blame yourself. also why the FUCK do you like disco so goddamn much???????
so it turns out that china actually has a booster that isn't public knowledge, so if nasa could build another probe, china could supply the booster. they agree to it, in exchange that the ares 5 crew will have a chinese astronaut. an astrodynamicist named rich purnell realizes that it would be so much more likely to succeed if they sent the hermes back to mars, so he plots a course that could have china's booster, the taiyang shen, resupply the hermes, and then the hermes would go back to mars, do a flyby, and mattie would meet them in space using the ares 4 mav. the problem is there's only one booster, so they can either build iris 2, which has a high chance of killing one person, or do the rich purnell maneuver, which has a low chance of killing six people. teddy decides to go with iris 2, but riley is furious and disagrees and secretly sends the ares 3 crew the instructions for the rich purnell maneuver.
on the ship, annleigh has a personal email from her family that has a jpeg attachment she can't get open, so she goes and finds eva, who realizes it isn't a jpeg, it's a plain ascii file. annleigh recognizes it as a maneuver for the hermes and explains it to the whole crew. cairo says that if they were to do this, which is something that nasa expressly rejected, it would be mutiny, so it isn't her decision to make. they all have to unanimously agree. obviously, all of them immediately agree to go back and save mattie.
riley gets in trouble with teddy for sending the maneuver, but she has no regrets.
nasa tells mattie the plan for the flyby, and she's cool with it - after all, she already had a plan to drive to schiaparelli eventually.
nasa launches the taiyang shen, and it goes perfectly, resupplying the hermes as expected.
back on mars, mattie is modifying the rovers for the trip to schiaparelli. part of this involves drilling a hole in the roof of rover 1, so that she can fit the life support machines she needs in it during the trip. she accidentally leans the drill against a table, and accidentally sends 9000 milliamps through pathfinder's system, which is designed for 100 milliamps, and totally fries it so she can't talk to nasa anymore, which is bad. she decides to proceed with the plan as intended, and once she gets to the ares 4 mav, she'll be able to talk to nasa again.
back on the hermes, reese complains that the cooling system by her room isn't working, and it's basically trying to cook her every night. mattie's room next to hers has the exact same problem. so she's been sleeping in airlock 2, but that's very dangerous for very obvious reasons. so cairo says "okay, you can sleep in kate's room, and kate can sleep with eva." kate apparently took mattie's email to heart, and they've been trying to be subtle, but it's a pretty small ship and everyone knows they're together. cairo says she doesn't care, since this is already a pretty crazy mission, as long as it doesn't mess with their duties.
back on mars, mattie begins her 100 sol drive to schiaparelli. the problem: there's a dust storm, and her rover is powered by solar panels. it's not as violent as the one that forced them to abort the mission, it's just a huge cloud of dust she can get stuck in. but she manages to figure out how to get around the storm and continues on her merry way to the schiaparelli crater.
when she reaches schiaparelli and begins to descend into the crater, her rover hits a soft spot on the ramp and flips over. she's fine, and it doesn't take too long to fix, so eventually she continues on.
and now she has reached schiaparelli!!!! she gets back in contact with nasa through the mav, and nasa lets the hermes and mav talk directly - not a call, just emails back and forth, but they get to have a conversation and the hermes is so close to earth at this point that they're only a couple light-seconds away, so there's barely any delay.
problem: normally, the hermes would orbit mars for 31 sols and then the mav would bring the crew to low mars orbit and dock with the hermes, but the flyby won't let the hermes go into orbit, so mattie has to basically gut the mav to make it light enough to get up into space entirely. part of that involves removing the entire front of the ship, and the control panels, so mattie won't control the ship - reese will pilot it remotely. everything is good to go, and they're ready for launch.
the day of the rescue comes, and because mars and earth are 12 light-minutes apart, if the ares crew asked a question, it would take 24 minutes to get a response, so they're entirely on their own with no help from nasa. the plan is for reese to fly the ship, eva sysops the ascent, and kate literally has to go out in space, catch the mav, and bring mattie back while annleigh is their backup. reese launches the ship, and mattie had to cover the hole with hab canvas, which rips in the ascent and throws mattie off course. they're 68 kilometers apart, which is way too far. they use the attitude adjusters to get closer to the mav, but then they're going 42 meters per second, which is way too fast. to slow down,,,,, cairo has annleigh build a bomb and they blow a hole in the vehicular airlock, which helps them slow down enough that kate can catch mattie.
kate goes out, gets mattie out of the ship, and annleigh reels them in. cairo reports six crew safely aboard, and there's worldwide celebration.
kate brings mattie back to the medbay and bandages her ribs, and it ends with mattie sitting in the medbay, sore, exhausted, starving, vision blurry from acceleration sickness, and so goddamn happy that she's going to live. she reflects a bit on how many people came together to save her life, and how that's basic human nature, and she's just really glad to be on her way back to earth.
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akikamitsuki · 5 years
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The JPN and KOR fans were able to spot these from Animate when I was supposed to go to sleep last night lmao. I’m posting this early, so very sorry Info-san. From the looks of it, everyone decided to participate in the singing contest! Yup, all 33 characters are present for this release...!!
The songs listed below are most likely some of the songs submitted by the fans back when they asked for suggestions late last year.
ACTORS -Singing Contest Edition-
>> to be released on May 20, 2020
Side A
ジッタードール (Jitter Doll) // niki feat. Mitsuki Akika (CV. Kenji Nojima)
蜜月アン・ドゥ・トロワ (Honeymoon Un Deux Trois) // DAKETEN feat. Washiho Usuki (CV. Ryota Takeuchi)
猛独が襲う (Deathly Loneliness Attacks) // Hihumi feat. Takato Kiyosu (CV. Kousuke Toriumi)
刹那プラス (Moment Plus) // Mikito-P feat. Hajime Kiriyama (CV. Yuuichirou Umehara)
夏の半券 (Summer Ticket Stub) // Mikito-P feat. Kaoru Narugo (CV. Takuya Satou)
エンヴィキャットウォーク (Envy Cat Walk) // Tohma feat. Uta Outa (CV. Yuuya Hozumi)
カメリア・コンプレックス (Camellia Complex) // buzzG feat. Yuuto Nijou (CV. Makoto Furukawa)
とても素敵な六月でした (It Was a Very Beautiful June) // Eight feat. Gin Kunishima (CV. Haruki Ishiya)
ダヴィンチの告白 (Da Vinci’s Confession) // 666 feat. Shirou Nanao (CV. Tetsuya Kakihara)
HEAVEN // Harry feat. Hozumi Uozu (CV. KENN)
てのひらワンダーランド (Palmtop Wonderland) // Sasanomaly feat. Keishi Harumoto (CV. Noriaki Sugiyama)
太陽系デスコ (Solar System Disco) // NayutalieN feat. Hinata Mitsutsuka (CV. Souichirou Hoshi)
脱法ロック (Law-evading Rock) // Neru feat. Chiguma Marume (CV. Subaru Kimura)
ワールド・ランプシェード (World Lampshade) // buzzG feat Kakeru Iimori (CV. Shintarou Asanuma)
命のユースティティア (Justitia of Life) // Neru feat. Kouya Ashihara (CV. Shouta Aoi)
ダブルラリアット (Double Lariat) // Agoaniki feat. Kagetora Chouno (CV. Ryou Horikawa)
恋空予報 (Forecast for My Weather of Love) // koyori feat. Tamotsu Araki (CV. Yuugo Satou)
Side B
エメラルドシティ (Emerald City) // TOKOTOKO feat. Satsuma Kadonoooji (CV. Ryotaro Okiayu)
深海少女 (Deep-Sea Girl) // Yuuyu feat. Ryuunosuke Hanakuma (CV. Kensho Ono)
愛してる (I Love You) // rerulili feat. Rei Ichijoudani (CV. Hikaru Midorikawa)
ケッペキショウ (Clean Freak) // Scop feat. Kippei Uwajima (CV. Shuuta Morishima)
イドラのサーカス (Idola Circus) // Neru feat. Satoru Nijou (CV. Arthur Lounsbery)
ドナーソング (Donor Song) // Hiroki Oshiba feat. Saku Otonomiya (CV. Gakuto Kajiwara)
Knife // rerulili feat. Minori Shido (CV. Naozumi Takahashi)
パラノイド (Paranoid) // niki feat. Masaru Gohonmatsu (CV. Daiki Hamano)
妄想感傷代償連盟 (Delusion Sensation Compensation Federation) // DECO*27 feat. Ryou Saotome (CV. Tomohiro Tsuboi)
paranoia // Tuna Maru feat. Seijun Yuyama (CV. Toshiki Masuda)
アリアドネ (Ariadne) // Kurousa feat. Tsukasa Odawara (CV. Sho Hayami)
六兆年と一夜物語 (A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night) // kemu feat. Mike Enjouji (CV. Yuuki Ono)
少女レイ (Ghost Girl) // Mikito-P feat. Kai Akizuki (CV. Takuya Eguchi)
月見夜ラビット (Moon Gazer Rabbit) // papiyon feat. Itto Takatenjin (CV. Ryota Osaka)
天樂 (Music of Heavens) // Yuuyu feat. Ushio Azabu (CV. Toshiyuki Toyonaga)
二息歩行 (Two Breaths Walking) // DECO*27 feat. Sousuke Kagura (CV. Wataru Urata)
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Hard Light
Ionized polymer synballistic attack platform. The system’s lethality is dynamically robust across tactical spaces.
Type: Auto Rifle
Slot: Kinetic | Energy | Heavy
Element: Arc | Solar | Void | Multiple
Perk: Volatile Light - Rounds fired from this weapon have reduced damage falloff, overpenetrate targets, and ricochet off hard surfaces. Projectile damage increases after bounce.
Trait: The Fundamentals - Hold reload to change this weapon's damage type, cycling between Solar, Arc, and Void. Grants different stats based on your selected damage type. Solar: increases reload speed and aerial effectiveness. Arc: increases handling and range. Void: stability and aim assist.
Ornaments: Lethal System, The Future Is Chrome, Brumal Dawn, Foundational Structure
Origin & Description: Another product from Omolon Foundry, if the pedantic description didn’t give it away. Hard Light is a Pink Floyd laser light show packed into a gun, and when they say ricochet, they mean it - hence the name “Hard Light”. Unlike Sleeper, Hard Light’s ricochets don't split, have travel time, and are relatively predictable. For years PvP players eyed its infinite range (no damage falloff with distance) and the ability to bounce shots behind cover made, but it was hampered by an intense camera/scope shake when firing that made it nigh-impossible to hold on target. That camera shake was greatly reduced at the start of Season 10, a season that also saw major Auto Rifle buffs plus the return of Trials of Osiris, so I think you can imagine what happened next: the inaugural weeks of Trials became a disco rave of incredible proportions. Bungie finally dialed back that whole "infinite range" thing, giving Hard Light a minor but still present damage falloff and dialed down the ricochet damage in PvP specifically. You'll still be dazzled by the occasional spray of Hard Light rounds in Crucible, but it no longer rules Trials. On the PvE side its lack of damage enhancement means it mostly sees use in the same situations as Borealis because of its changeable elemental damage. Hard Light originally had three options (Arc/Solar/Void Core) in its trait slot to choose between, but when both it and Borealis were reworked to cycle in the same order as the Prism combat modifier Bungie also simplified Hard Light by giving it the same "The Fundamentals" trait as Borealis.
Hard Light is another Omolon product, so let's talk a bit about the weapons foundries in the game. Not counting the clandestine Black Armory there are four major weapons foundries in the Last Safe City - Häkke, Omolon, Veist, and SUROS - and several minor foundries both within and without. These foundries grew out of City gunsmiths scavenging Golden Age parts & weaponry outside the walls, and started to cause concern when they reached a certain size and began taking sides in the Faction Wars that divided the City before the formation of the Consensus. These days they answer (sort of) to the Vanguard and spend a lot of time producing Guardian weaponry - because if there's one group in Destiny with a bottomless appetite for guns, it's the Guardians. Each of the four foundries has a distinct style and naming pattern. Häkke's signature is "hammers, not scalpels" - heavy, no-frills weaponry that gets the job done. They make a lot of rocket launchers, is what I'm saying. Omolon (Coldheart, Wavesplitter, Hard Light) is the Apple of Destiny foundries, all about the newest, most cutting-edge nonsense they can get to stop exploding long enough to make a gun out of. They pioneered the trace rifle archetype and the liquid ammo canisters that have become their signature. SUROS (SUROS Regime) focuses on design, often design that harkens back to 50s scifi, and giving the user as many options as possible. Veist (The Colony, The Recluse), added in Destiny 2 and explained as the City's newest foundry, goes for aggressive, high-mobility, high-impact designs. They don't fight fair - there's a reason all their weapons are named for venomous predators.
Though they're not supposed to take sides these days, the foundries still do special orders for the three factions Guardians could choose between during D2 Year 1's Faction Rally events. Veist does orders specifically for the Dead Orbit faction, Omolon makes weapons for Future War Cult, and both Häkke and SUROS make weapons for New Monarchy. Back in Destiny 1 Guardians would also choose which foundry to place orders with at the weekly Armsday event.
While these four foundries make up the bulk of Guardian weaponry by numbers, plenty of other sources produce guns for the solar system's finest heavily-armed children. City foundry Tex Mechanica is a minor foundry constantly trying to make it big; their brand is all about that Wild West aesthetic, a look that's even more ridiculous in Destiny's timeline because thanks to the Collapse even the cultural mythos of the Wild West has barely hung on. Oddly enough they've produced the most exotics of any foundry, big or small, at a solid four: The Last Word, Prospector, the reproduction Chaperone, and Huckleberry. So why aren't they a bigger deal in the City? The Doylist answer would be that they aren't needed to fill out Armsday or the Faction Rally events; the Watsonian one would be that they keep doing dumb shit like trying to bribe Shaxx into throwing Crucible matches in favor of Guardians using Tex Mechanica weapons in order to boost their sales. I have a feeling they won't be winning a Vanguard contract anytime soon.
Less-stupid foundries include Cassoid, which produces strange custom jobs like Telesto, Eriana’s Vow, and the D1 exotic shotgun Invective, Ikora Rey's personal weapon. Crux/Lomar specializes in rocket launchers, building the privacy-invading Truth, Dragon's Breath, and the famous D1 exotic Gjallarhorn. The Black Armory, a secret foundry dating back to the Golden Age, produces a handful of top-notch weapons including the exotics Le Monarque, Jötunn, and Izanagi’s Burden. The Daito foundry, a group with a distinctly Japanese pop aesthetic, created the Jade Rabbit and Two-Tailed Fox. Some Guardians or Guardian-adjacent groups also do their share of smithing. The Sunbreakers, a famous order of solar Titans, tended the Burning Shrine as part of their devotions and forged the Sunshot weapon and the Sunbracers exotic armor, while the Cult of Osiris used the Infinite Forge to create Vigilance Wing. The Warmind Rasputin builds Guardian-specific weaponry plus the exotic Sleeper Simulant under his IKELOS program (and arguably indirectly created Outbreak Perfected.) And that's not counting all the weapons we get bribed with, find on the ground, or beat out of a god. When it comes to firearms, Guardians never lack for variety.
Recently the City foundries have been expanding into other product lines. Whether that's a good thing, well...let's just say they've made some interesting aesthetic choices. Veist, Omolon, and Tex Mechanica have all produced Sparrows, ships, Ghost shells, and even armor ornaments for the Guardian who really wants to demonstrate their brand loyalty. Look up Tex Mechanica's "The Bronco" for a good laugh.
Destiny 2 Compendium Armarum Exoticarum
[ Ace of Spades | Ager's Scepter | Anarchy | Arbalest | Bad Juju | Bastion | Black Talon | Borealis | Cerberus+1 | The Chaperone | Cloudstrike | Coldheart | Collective Obligation | The Colony | Crimson | Cryosthesia 77K | DARCI | Dead Man's Tale | Deathbringer | Dead Messenger | Devil's Ruin | Divinity | Duality | Edge of Action/Concurrence/Intent | Eriana’s Vow | Eyes of Tomorrow | Fighting Lion | The Fourth Horseman | Forerunner | Gjallarhorn | Grand Overture | Graviton Lance | Hard Light | Hawkmoon | Heartshadow | Heir Apparent | The Huckleberry | Izanagi’s Burden | The Jade Rabbit | Jötunn | The Lament | The Last Word | Legend of Acrius | Leviathan’s Breath | Lord of Wolves | Lorentz Driver | Lumina | Malfeasance | Merciless | MIDA Multi-Tool | Le Monarque | Monte Carlo | No Time to Explain | One Thousand Voices | Osteo Striga | Outbreak Perfected | Parasite | Polaris Lance | Prometheus Lens | The Prospector | Queenbreaker | Rat King | Riskrunner | Ruinous Effigy | Salvation's Grip | Skyburner’s Oath | Sleeper Simulant | Sturm | Sunshot | SUROS Regime | Sweet Business | Symmetry | Tarrabah | Telesto | Thorn | Thunderlord | Ticuu's Divination | Tommy's Matchbook | Tractor Cannon | Traveler's Chosen | Trespasser | Trinity Ghoul | Truth | Two-Tailed Fox | Vex Mythoclast | Vigilance Wing | The Wardcliff Coil | Wavesplitter | Whisper of the Worm | Wish-Ender | Witherhoard | Worldline Zero | Xenophage ]
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ccmoved · 5 years
what would you say are ur favourite vocaloid songs? :0
anything in the simple cutesy pop category (shake it!, solar system disco, weekender girl) and a few outliers (miku, kimi no taion, setsuna plus, headphone actor, the real disapperance of hatsune miku)
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rickerduval · 3 years
Making Halloween Pop
With Ricker Duval And Pink Flamingo Party Co.
If ever there was a year for Halloween, it is 2020. As though designed for a pandemic, this holiday already features plenty of masks, and social distancing isn’t as challenging as it once was, even when we’re partying! So we absolutely cannot wait for October 31 and have teamed up with Pink Flamingo Party Co. once again to help you nail your Halloween Fete, no matter the theme, size, or style of your costumed celebration.
Obviously key, but we’re not asking if you’ve got your annoying neighbor on the “maybe” list. When it comes down to it, a party for just adults versus a party for just kids versus a mixed family celebration are very different. Your guest list will help determine your spook factor, too. A six year old is going to react very differently to a severed head platter than a sixteen year old! We keep all of our own Halloween parties entirely family friendly for obvious reasons, but we used to host some barn-burners B.C. (Before Children).
Most folks are up for a get-together day or night, but a daytime ‘do is going to feel very different from a nighttime haunted happening. Planning your look and feel to match the time of your day can help people get – and stay – in the spirit.
Are you a classically spooky, scary All Hallow’s Eve enthusiast? Or is a sunny, bright celebration more your style? Ashley at Pink Flamingo Party Co. has you covered!
For a bright display, ideal for a daytime party or an afternoon pre-trick-or-treating get together, she’s broken the black and orange mold and brought out the big guns with citrus-colored décor and accessories. This color combo is totally unexpected for Halloween, and yet works SO WELL. These perfectly poppy table wares keep the feeling bright and light, but definitely in the spirit. Candy and nibbles from Morsels Party Planning were designed to match both visually and by taste. How much do you want to take a bite of those cookies that look like they might bite back?
Pink Flamingos pink ghost napkins and cute plates, as well as the almost huggable ghost balloons, coupled with friendly ghost and jack o’ lantern cupcake toppers and spirited spider treat bags from Morsels really give this Halloween theme an adorable flair. Plus, the super simple marshmallow pops with very on-trend straw handles are so quick, you can throw them together.
If you’re more Morticia Addams sort and want to kick up the creepy and the kooky, Ashley brought out the eerie crow balloon, a devilishly good balloon cake topper, and more. Take a look at this amazing tablescape! Notice how the candy tray we created plays just as well among the creepy and crawly as it did in the bright display. While this table setting is for a more mature audience, who doesn’t love an abundance of sweet treats? Check out the dark and gooey cauldron cake pops that look almost too realistic to eat!
Creative? Yep. Cost effective? Absolutely. Super cute? You bet! If you’re in a pickle on the costume front, or just need to switch it up from one Halloween celebration to the next, Ashley put together four utterly adorable and super do-able costumes for the kiddos in our lives!
With just a black base and some balloons, Pink Flamingo Party Co. put together this adorable solar system costume. Outfit the coolest kid in the galaxy with this quick getup!
If you’ve got a real love for sweets, and need to let the world know, this colorful and fun bag of jelly beans is just the ticket! A clear garbage bag and pack of smaller, multi-colored balloons are all you need to get your Jelly Belly style on!
With one simple disco ball balloon from Pink Flamingo, you can make your roller disco dreams come true! Raid your closet and throw on your favorite pair of skates for this easy and super cute costume that’s as comfy as it is simple! Plus, tied the “disco ball” to your shoulder strap and you can have your hands free all party long.
Speaking of sweets, for the bubble gum enthusiast in your life, Violet Beauregard or otherwise, this perfectly pink bubble-themed costume is super cute and incorporates standard and specialty balloons to get that Super Bubble action.
And last but not least, you can create the cutest costume for the tiniest members of your family with just a few balloons and a wagon you already have. This baby bath takes minutes to put together, and is as entertaining to the kiddos as it is simple! No guarantees they’ll want to stay in their “bath” though, after all, they want to join the party too!
Now go out and get planning. Don’t forget to check out Pink Flamingo Party Co and Morsels Party Planning for you Halloween needs! You can find all of the Halloween themed balloons and decor – and more! – that Ashley used right here. Thank you to everyone who helped make this celebration extra fun – and extra spooky – especially our five costume models (who thankfully get paid in candy!).
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy Halloween!!
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ecosolarenergies · 4 years
Can Factories Run All Heavy Machines And Motors On Solar System?
In the past, the solar system is used to be connected with the solar batteries used to store power before being supplied to the machine and Equipment. This solar power system is referred to as a solar off-grid system Mohali and is usually used as a backup for limited purposes.
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However, with technology breaking through and various improvements in the reliability of electricity supply from discord, the new age of the solar system solution is directly connected to discount solar panels and energy meters through certain protection and relay. No battery needed for this on the solar off-grid system is indispensable stability to match the intermittent properties of a solar power system, provided by the power of the disco. Therefore, the discom acts as a large size battery for solar plants in the grid.
So, Sun only works when power is available from a discode or the set.
This on-grid solar system Mohali produces power during bright hours which averages 1400 hours in one year in Punjab and Mohali, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana with a few hours plus or minus. So from 8760 hours a year, the sun is available for around 16% of the time assuming the full capacity of solar panels in Punjab. The electricity unit produced during solar hours helps reduce factory electricity bills while also helps a discom to reduce the peak load in its network. Therefore, discounts also support the rooftop solar system settings in their regions through clean metering and banking facilities.
As the solarsystem goes along with the power or grid of discussion, solar power can run almost all machines and motorbikes in the factory. Therefore, the solar system has been adopted by heavy load industries including steel, cars, textiles, pharmacies, chemicals, furniture, cold storage, etc. Think of the sun supply as a small pipe connected to a large pipe (Discom) while feeding electrical engine requests.
Because the solar system has never supplied power directly to heavy machinery and equipment, there is absolutely no risk for them. Such a solar system is cost-effective as it do not have expensive storage systems and batteries.
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Why do we go to school?
 Panic! At The Disco- The Good The Bad And The Dirty.
Important lyric:: “don't think i’ve ever used a day of my education”
Why does the school think that they’re teaching us ANYTHING?? They really aren’t. It’s kinda funny to be honest. The only valuable thing that i’ve learned in this school was history. This school didn’t teach me anything else. Nothing. I learned good grammar from listening to music and reading books ON MY OWN TIME. do you want to know what we do in reading class? We read a pointless scholastics magazine. It doesn’t teach us anything? I mean yeah, we learn five “new” vocabulary words in every section, but they’re only new if you’re in second grade.
 I'm a sophomore in high school. You tell us “we’re preparing you for the real world” everything is the real world. Just because we are under the age of 18 does NOT mean we are ANY less capable of comprehending that there are good and bad things in this world and what we should and shouldn’t do. Yes most of us choose to ignore it, but we are aware of it. Do you want to know what i find funny? I find it funny that the schools think we need to know what y=mx+b is. I find it funny that the school thinks we need calculus why they think we need to learn about quantum theory and chemistry. Depending on the job we might want we will. But not all of us need it. Stop depriving me of my education just so that we can fit the curriculum. School is not even about learning anymore. It’s about passing.
 Now there is this song. Its called don't stay in school. Now before you get your pants in a bunch read the lyrics. Because in all honesty, i agree with him.
I wasn't taught how to get a job But I can remember dissecting a frog I wasn't taught how to pay tax But I know loads about Shakespeare's classics I was never taught how to vote They devoted that time to defining isotopes I wasn't taught how to look after my health But mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell Never spent a lesson on current events Instead I studied The Old American West I was never taught what laws there are. I was never taught what laws there are. Let me repeat: I was not taught the laws for the country I live in, But I know how Henry the VIII killed his women. Divorced, beheaded, died. Divorced, beheaded, survived Glad that's in my head instead of financial advice I was shown the wavelengths of different hues of light But I was never taught my human rights Apparently there's 30, do you know them? I don't Why the hell can't we both recite them by rote?! I know igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks Yet I don't know squat about trading stocks Or how money works at all - where does it come from? How does the thing that motivates the world function? Not taught how to budget and disburse my earnings I was too busy there rehearsing cursive. Didn't learn how much it costs to raise a kid or what an affidavit is But I spent days on what the quadratic equation is Negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared Minus 4ac over 2a That's insane, that's absolutely insane. They made me learn that over basic first aid Or how to recognize the most deadly mental disorders Or diseases with preventable causes Or how to buy a house with a mortgage If I could afford it 'Cause abstract maths was deemed more important Than advice That would literally save thousands of lives But it's cool, 'cause now I could tell you if the number of unnecessary deaths caused by that choice was prime. Never taught present day practical medicines, But I was told what the ancient Hippocratic method is "I've got a headache, the pain is ceaseless What should I take?" umm... maybe try some leeches? "Could we discuss domestic abuse and get the facts Or how to help my depressed friend with their mental state?" Ummm... no but learn mental maths Because "you won't have a calculator with you every day!" They say it's not the kids, the parents are the problem Then if you taught the kids to parent that's the problem solved then! All this advice about using a condom But none for when you actually have a kid when you want one I'm only fluent in this language, for serious? The rest of the world speaks two, do you think I'm an idiot? They chose the solar over the political system So like a typical citizen now I don't know what I'm voting on Which policies exist, or how to make them change Mais oui, je parle un peu de Français So at 18, I was expected to elect a representative For a system I had never ever ever been presented with But I won't take it I'll tell everyone my childhood was wasted I'll share it everywhere how I was "educated" And insist these pointless things Don't stay in school.
 I am so so disappointed in the educational system. And it really does piss me off, why the heck don’t you tell us what we need to learn? I don't understand. I really don't.
We have ONE body. One life. Why are we wasting it.
I don't know cpr. I don't know anything about stds or stis or first aid or ANYTHING. The rest of my class does, but I don't. Would you like to know why?
 Because I am in transitional classes because i have issues focusing. :) so just because I can’t pay attention at times and because I lose my focus sometime, I get deprived of my education? How is that fair? PLEASE try to give me some absurd excuse.
I am more than capable of learning cpr and sex ed. I'm capable of learning about how to do taxes and how to pay a mortgage. I'm capable of learning how to budget. I'm capable of learning about mental illnesses and how to know the signs of someone going through depression. Maybe then I could have helped my friend.
 Oh wait i forgot, the schools DO offer it. It’s just an extracurricular activity that we can take our junior and senior years IF we have the room for it.
I am a sophomore in high school. In 2 years i’ll be graduating.
Then i’ll be off to the “real world”. And I won’t even know
How to survive.
I’m angry at all the things I can't change
link to ‘dont stay in school’ by boyinaband:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xe6nLVXEC0
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j-poprocks · 7 years
J Poprocks #87
Gurli, Anamanaguchi, Capsule Silence XXIV Macross Plus, Macross 82-99, Idols Sakura Aviation Girl, NayutalieN ft. Hatsune Miku, ナユタン星からの物体X Solar System Disco, 96neko ft. Hashiyan and Amatsuki, Single Human -Bambi ver-, PowapowaP ft. Kano, Sweet Ices Cream KOISHE, SPACELECTRO ft. R 3/4, EDM3 The Future Is Now, the pillows, Once upon a time in the pillows Confession Rehearsal, Honeyworks ft. GUMI, GUMI -4th Aniversary- Tonchinkan no En, REOL, Single Charles, 96neko, Single Heavy Snaking, James Roach and Toby Fox, HIVESWAP OST Vol. 1 WHAT iS LOVE, capsule, WORLD OF FANTASY DAISUKI, Teddyloid ft. DAOKO, もしも僕らがGAMEの主役で / ダイスキ with TeddyLoid / BANG! Grilletto, GARNiDELiA, Linkage Ring
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headf1rstf0rhal0s · 8 years
i was tagged by @pixieway and @fruity-pete (ur both so lovely!!) for this ask meme where i have to share 11 facts, answer 11 questions, and tag 11 people and ask them 11 questions
11 facts abt me:
1) i’m pretty short (5 foot 2 inches) and will be around that height for the rest of my life lol rip me
2) my first real concert (where i actually picked who i wanted to see) was paramore 2 years ago!! since then i’ve seen fall out boy, panic! at the disco, all time low, sleeping with sirens, waterparks, the 1975 and quite a bit more :)
3) i broke my wrist from running backwards and spinning at the same time while at school i’m an embarrassment to society
4) i’ve never been hospitalized or been extremely sick or anything like that
5) i met misha collins about a month ago and i met waterparks last summer
6) my best friend’s name is lydia and my crush’s nickname is ramen ;))
7) i love horror movies but not thrillers so much
8) my favorite book is the perks of being a wallflower
9) my favorite movie is almost famous pls watch it it’s so good and is similar to throam if u read that
10) i procrastinate very badly but do really well in school
11) i’m gifted and go to a gifted magnet school
questions i was asked
1) favorite type of weather?
i love rain so much it’s so calming
2) favorite song lyric?
“you are what you love, not who loves you” - save rock and roll, fall out boy
3) if you could go to any planet in our solar system, which one would you go to?
saturn just because of the rings lol
4) favorite word and why?
mellifluous because it sounds so pretty and describes something that is pleasant to hear like music
5) favorite outfit?
i have this red n white striped dress which i wear with black vans or black boots which is pretty snazzy. also this oversized maroon sweater with black skinny jeans
6) grab the book closest to you, turn to page 46, what is the first sentence?
“that night, while he did his homework, park made a tape with all his favorite smiths songs, plus a few songs by echo & the bunnymen, and joy division” - eleanor and park by rainbow rowell
7) favorite moodboard of mine? (sorry but i’m curious)
i like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
pink is such a nice color and i love that album :)
8) celebrity crush?
ryan ross from panic! at the disco
9) favorite cryptid/fairytail creature?
jersey devils are cool!!
10) describe your hometown in 3 words?
if we’re going with where i was born and lived for around 5 years i would say cozy, small, and (a lil bit) spooky
11) favorite way to de-stress?
changing into cozy clothes, listening to my favorite soft music, drinking tea, lighting candles, taking long hot showers, and reading one of my favorite books again or watching a really good movie/tv show with snacks
i tag: @obviouslyryanross @ryanfcker @thatgaypanicfan @spineinatwist @melturheadaches @thekilljoykitty @sunshine-ross @blinkbacktoletmeknow @daffodil-dallon @takethistoyograve @flawlessryan
your questions:
1) any pets and what are they like? if not, what pets do you want?
2) first band obsession?
3) describe your best friend :)
4) what was the last movie you watched?
5) what’s ur go to pair of shoes?
6) what’s your favorite thing to do once you get home?
7) first celebrity crush?
8) favorite book to reread? or just favorite book in general?
9) coke or pepsi? coffee or tea?
10) favorite place to go to and hang out?
11) do you play any instruments/sports or have a hobby and what is it?
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aviatrixdj · 5 years
(Obscure Sorrows Records)
Aviatrix started out on the late night air waves playing an emotional mix of experimental, electronic, chillwave, nu-disco, and house music for New Brunswick, NJ-based 90.3FM in 2012. After building a radio audience her blending became more groove-based and she moved into live dance floor mixing of house and techno. Having lived a nomadic lifestyle throughout her twenties have shaped a genre-bending sound to her monthly Now Boarding mixes which are often inspired by travel and the energy of the world around her. The energy of sounds and the feeling that music creates is her primary drive for mixing. She has been living in NYC and NJ for the past two years and has played for the 5th of Nov. Collective, Éveil Productions, Grown Folk Only, Mad Liberation Festival, MASHT NYC, Psiberactive Entertainment, and QXT's. Her love of eclecticism and darker electronic sounds primarily focus on where house meets techno; where one gets lost in the other through deep, hypnotic and haunting blends. To her a DJ mix is not just a bunch of tracks mixed together but is meant to be a sonic, dreamy trip from start to finish. For her first mix of the decade she wanted to bring out the cold and piercing atmospheric sensations felt during the darkness of winter as well as the chaotic sense of doom as the world is changing faster than ever before.
Tracklist: Jokasti & Nek - Sessions of Clinical Hypnosis Ben Garló - Equidistant Bernardo Hangar - Blechnum Tsuyoshi Ogawa - Yubitsume Theory Giordano - Headless Brothers Black - Deviant Wrong Assessment - The Chance Oscar Mulero - Solarized Black Lotus - Give Me Setaoc Mass - Behind Enemy Lines Klara - Absolution (Anetha Remix) Rune Bagge - Repulsion NX1 - EW4 Mathlovsky - HEX5455 Nur Jaber - If Only (UVB Remix) Parallx - Icebreaker [KRTM] - Sapien Dimi Angélis - Cynicism Planetary Assault Systems - Kat AADJA - Interaction Sphere (Deniro Remix 1) Justin Berkovi - Red Light Rush Plus - Sweat UVB - When I Look In Those Dead Eyes
Support the artist @a_viatrix Instagram.com/a.vi.atrix_
Follow Obscure Sorrows Records Instagram.com/Obscuresorrows.records @obscuresorrows obscuresorrowsrecords.bandcamp.com/
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dower · 7 years
“Out of the blue”: Forty years of musical influence
Musical youth
I think it's fair to say that the generation you were born in generally dicatates your musical tastes. Of course there are exceptions to this, some individuals seem to be born too late and some variations of music are truly timeless.
But. for most folks the musical taste is formed in their youth and then develops or dies depending on how engaged they remain during the ups and downs of life.
This is my journey, my life so far in sounds.
The summer of '77
I turned 12 in August 1977, and my Dad bought a good quality radio and a cassette tape recorder. No more listening to Radio Luxembourg on a tinny transistor radio late into the night in bed. I had found music. Real music.
And the journey starts
Coincidentally, it was the year NASA launched the Voyager mission on its Grand Tour across the solar system, and it carried a golden record embossed with the sounds and music from our earth. Amongst all the classical crap, Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry stood out as an excellent “message in a bottle” to toss out into the cosmic ocean. It said something very hopeful about our future. My future.
It was the start of my second year at “big” school, and I recall recording ELOs “Turn to stone” from “Out of the Blue” ... directly from AM radio onto a cassette tape using a proper AUX connection, cables and everything. While not entirely replicating the creation of the golden disc carried on Voyager 1, recording my first music was the start of my journey across the cosmos of music - kickstarting a lifelong deep connection to music. My music.
I was too young to understand punk, which had started a year before, and I quickly developed a love of heavy music: Status Quo were still anti-establishment, AC/DC was “just a racket”, and “Motörhead can’t sing”. I loved them all, plus a side-order of Queen and Meatloaf. It was fast, rocky and it spoke to me with heavy guitar riffs and ballad-style lyrics.
Sadly, the late seventies popular music scene was dominated by Radio 1 playlists; ABBA, Showwaddywaddy, The Wurzels, and The Bay City Rollers - and quite a lot of disco. It was mostly terrible. If we had the internet back then, or I had the money to buy independent label stuff then I’d be spending my time with the Stranglers, The Damned and Ducks Deluxe.
It took until 1979, and my parents splitting, to get a proper record player and the freedom to buy vinyl. My first single was Lucky Numbers by Lene Lovich. A poppy-post-punk track that, till this day, I have no idea why I bought it.
The Eighties
The end of the seventies saw the end of punk, fragmenting into New Wave (think Blondie, Talking Heads, The Cars, and The Police) and Post-Punk (Joy Division, Magazine, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Public Image). Peer and “sheep” thinking meant following one, and I went New Wave until that quickly went soft-in-the-head and became mainstream New Romantic (think Duran Duran, Ultravox, Culture Club, and everything else that came out of Rusty Egan’s Blitz Club).
I’d deepened my love of Heavy Metal, getting into Whitesnake and Deep Purple. It was my “style” if you could call it that. I wore jeans, long hair, cut-off jackets and was a “metal head” from 12 through 16 years old, up to 1982 when I moved into the sixth form and peer-grouped with post-punks and moved to a more affluent area.
It’s also when I properly discovered girls, so I smartened how I looked, got into the disruptive intelligentsia punk scene. But fuck knows why - but it was better than dressing like the gender-confused New Romantics.
With no money, my record collection centred around birthday presents, occasional trades and purchases. But I taped everything on the radio and bootlegged albums from friends on “borrowed” C90 tapes. I had been given a second-hand music centre and became my mums worst late-night-loud-music-nightmare.
I was still a kid, I hadn’t developed my own musical identity and very much led by school-related peer groups. I started to break free from the norms, but that was more of a reaction to the rise of manufactured new romance and the cultural backwater that living in rural East Yorkshire meant.
Last train to London
This would all change in 1984 when as a still-wet teenager I moved to London after landing a “cool job” in the city. I was rich, sort of (£7,500 a year), so bought a wicked stereo and went on a bender buying vinyl. Commuting from my flat in Kilburn to Farringdon every day meant recording “best of” tapes to play on my Walkman clone. I was as cool as a cucumber.
At the same time, I discovered the London club scene; I was a regular visitor to the clubs and bars of Londons West End; the Hippodrome in Charing Cross Road and Samantha’s off Regent Street were my regular haunts. Club music at the time was high-energy, so Frankie Goes to Hollywood and Hazel Dean - it wasn’t, to be honest, great music but played so very loud it went through you, you felt it.
I would get home at 3 am and create my club sound by winding the little stereo up until it could take no more. My neighbours, who I mostly never saw, hated my late-nights music blasts.
All grown up
It would stay that way until the release in 1986 (I was now 21) of Dire Strait’s Brother in Arms on CD. Overnight my collection of 300 vinyl records just seemed antiquated. CD quality was mind-bending to hear for the first time. I went mad and spent over £1,000 on a brand new stereo component system (which I mostly still possess) .
Mostly, my musical taste had gone mainstream, but the late 80’s saw the underground rise of House and Acid. By this time I had a car, with a sound system that included CD, so bass-laden house music was where I was at until the early 90s. But, like most folks, my first influences in music stayed with me - and have remained to this day.
The grim 1990s
By 1990, the Voyager 1 probe was now 4,000,000,000 miles away having flown past all the outer planets; it’s mission over. There was nothing new to record, much like my musical taste - not very much new stuff, not really. And then, for no scientific reason, Voyager flipped around and took the famous “pale blue dot” picture - a selfie of planet earth before slipping off into the featureless, quiet outer solar system.
By 1995 I didn’t play vinyl anymore - my decade-old deck got consigned to deep storage and would not see the light of day for another a decade - and vinyl wouldn’t re-appear back in my lounge until 2016. New music had become a little dull and formulaic, yes, The Strokes, Oasis, Blur and Pulp saved the world from totalitarian purgatory but nothing new was firing me up.
I discovered Jamiroquai and Faithless must be listened to at mental volumes, and when high on dope. More free money meant more music, louder rigs, a flirtation with MiniDisc and eventually a massive (at the time) CD jukebox for 300 CDs. I reached “peak sound” in the late 90s, with a pair of fridge-sized Cerwin Vega speakers powered by a massively powerful domestic rig. It would rattle windows and keep several postcodes awake late into the evening.
The iPod revolution
In early 2002 I visited New York and brought back a new invention called the iPod. It held a thousand songs, lasted for hours on a single charge and fitted in your pocket. It was almost unbelievable at the time. Overnight (again) my music collection was out of date - I spent weeks converting my existing CDs into MP3 and illegally acquiring a whole load more music.
Suddenly every track that ever existed was available free of charge, forever. When YouTube appeared, I now had every music video ever filmed available, too. I now had too much music, and with easy skipping, I had, in fact, reduced the range of music I was listening to.
Too much choice is not always a good thing, and when music moved onto my iPhone in 2008, I started to fall out of love with music. I had no stereo in my lounge anymore, and phone battery life was not conducive to mixing calls and music during a typical working day.
Streaming eveything
A year later in 2009 Spotify launched in the U.K. and I was pretty much straight in. My previous collection of music was made redundant for the third time - I probably had 10,000 MP3 tracks stored when I switched over to using a streaming service.
But I still didn’t listen to music at home, not really. I had a small sound dock for events, summer listening outside and occasional dinners but mostly music only existed on my iPhone.
But, on the road, on the train, on the tube, on planes I was back in love with music. And with Spotify I went back and re-explored my early choices and this time I discovered, for the first time, post-punk. Spotify had most of the smaller labels from day one, while big bands such as AC/DC stayed off the streaming platforms.
Hello again
And then randomly in 2015, I decided to fix my vinyl urge. I had lost most of my LPs over the years, but my wife had quite a few records, and we’d occasionally had a vinyl session on a Heath Robinson setup since 2008, but now I wanted to bring vinyl back into the lounge. I bought a modern turntable deck and a retro-looking Marshall speaker. Oh, and an original 1980s graphic equaliser for that authentic look.
I went on to purchase a few Amazon Echo devices, all attached to various music outlets around the house so now it’s just a case of “Alexa, play Ceremony by New Order”. Simple, and brought music into every room of the house. Nor does it require any technical knowledge ... anyone can ask for anything. Perfect.
My technology habits have gone full cycle and more; tranny->tape->vinyl->CD->Minidisc->MP3->Streaming->Vinyl. I still listen to the music from my formative years - 1978 thru to about 1987. In the last few years, I’ve also picked-up the live music bug again, nicely timed as punk turned 40 and all the old bands came out of the woodwork. But mostly my real musical taste is frozen in time, and space.
And Voyager’s Grand Tour of the solar system is complete, travelling at 10 miles per second, it is now over 13,000,000,000 miles away in interstellar space. Long after we’re dead, long after our sun dies, Voyager 1 will still be trucking along - still carrying Johnny B. Goode. I can relate to that; Voyager still carries the music of its formative years.
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marianoeason-blog · 7 years
Globe Information And also Comment From The Guardian.
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