#souichirou hoshi
bluevelvetea · 3 months
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the real reason they're not on speaking terms with each other
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koisuru-mijinko · 1 year
:: A Certain Black Cat :: Akeshu/Shuake Romance AU #1
Enjoy this silly AU story. :3
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tofueggnoodles · 1 year
Extreme Bath Log Disk 2 – Track 5: Cast Comments
Click here to listen to the track on youtube.
Click here for translations of previous tracks.
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Summary: The voice actors shared their thoughts on the recording and scenes that left a lasting impression on them.
Hoshi: It’s time for the closing cast commentary of Drama CD ‘Extreme Bath Log’! Yay! Today’s topics are your thoughts on the recording and scenes or lines that make a lasting impression on you. I’d ask each of you to talk about these in turn. All right, I’ll start. This is Hoshi Souichirou, who plays Son Goku. Pappi!
A few of the guys: Pappi.
Hoshi: You sure don’t sound lively. (laughs) No, that’s not lively at all, everyone.
Seki: Must we really reply to that greeting?
Hoshi: I’d like you to reply if possible. And to do it as lively as possible for the sake of the listeners.
Seki: Okay.
Hoshi: Er, let’s continue. Hoshi Souichirou, who plays Son Goku. Pappi!
Seki, Hirata and others: Pappi!
Hoshi: Extreme Bath Log – just by listening to the title, it’s difficult to tell apart [from the title of the main series, Saiyuki]. After all, the difference lies only in the kanji for ‘hot bath.’ [Both titles are homonyms in Japanese. In writing, they differ only by the second kanji, the one Hoshi-san referred to.]
(Morikawa laughs.)
Hoshi: That other title is also ‘Saiyuki.’ It’s been an amazing experience for me. I still played Goku, but in a totally new world and story. Acting together with the other cast of Saiyuki, I got this immense feeling of nostalgia. Also, various characters from Minekura-sensei’s other works made their appearances too, making this story all the more delightful. It’s been such fun that I don’t want it to end – it’d be great if I could go on playing Goku in a continuation of the story. By all means, let’s continue [our work in] Extreme Bath Log! That’s all from me. Thank you very much for today. Next, on to you, Seki-san.
Seki: This is Seki Toshihiko, who plays Genjo Sanzo. Scenes which make a lasting impression... er, that’s right – even in this absurd parallel universe, there are some understated, somber scenes. Such as the one at the veranda at the Genjos’ home, in which Hakkai and Goku talked about the Milky Way – that scene makes a profound lasting impression on me. In addition to that, there’s the question of why Konzen was cast as the grandmother, and what’s more, one that has already passed away**. I just have a brief comment on that: I would’ve loved to play Konzen by channeling the old lady I imagine Kinsan to be. My regret is that I was not able to do that. [Kinsan: one of a pair of long-lived identical twin sisters, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinsan_Ginsan] Then, Hira-san, who plays Gojyo, the floor is yours.
Hirata: Hello, this is Hirata, who plays Gojyo and Kenren. Seki-san–
Seki: Yes?
Hirata: You said that, but it’s tough, you know.
Seki: What’s tough?
Hirata: The conversation between Gojyo and Kenren.
Seki: Ah, yes, you did that! It was like a rakugo performance. [traditional Japanese verbal entertainment, in which a lone storyteller performs the narration and the dialogues for all characters]
(They both laugh.)
Hirata: I just want to say one thing: I love doing Drama CDs, Urasai sections and other stuff outside of the [Saiyuki] main storyline, but please, no more conversations between Gojyo and Kenren, ever! Hey, Minekura, are you listening? That was a terribly harsh experience I was made to go through. The conversation was interesting though.
Hoshi: You did alter your acting a bit [to depict the differences between Gojyo and Kenren], didn’t you?
Hirata: Eh?
(Hoshi repeats what he just said.)
Hirata: Of course I did. They’re two different souls after all. Yeah, that conversation was a tough one. So, what do you think of it [the situation in which one has to play two different characters in the same CD Drama]? Er... Akira-san, please.
(Ishikawa laughs.)
Ishida: Alright, this is Ishida Akira, who plays Tenpou and Hakkai. What do I think of that situation? Well, we both might complain that it’s tough, but I believe that undoubtedly, with their wonderful power of imagination, the listeners will be able to grasp the differences between the characters. We both might wonder if we managed to convey the differences without the visuals, but in actuality, in the listeners are able to picture the different characters in their minds. They can ‘see’ Hakkai and Tenpou as distinct individuals as they listen to those two speak and thus can differentiate between the two characters. At least, this is what I hope–
Hirata: Stop it!
Ishida: Why?
Hirata: Minekura might get cocky so stop it! [He is probably trying to warn Ishida that Minekura-sensei might come up with a scene in which Hakkai and Tenpou actually speak to each other. Unlike Gojyo and Kenren, Hakkai and Tenpou never appear in the same room at the same time in Extreme Bath Log.]
(Ishida and Hoshi laugh.)
Seki: She might make you do it. [the same thing Hirata had to do]
Hirata: She will.
Ishida: You’re right. You never can tell with this Extreme Bath Log series.
Seki and Hoshi: Series?
Ishida: Yes, series. You never can tell what will happen with it, so let’s just keep our anticipation light for now. Regarding scenes that leave a lasting impression, what particularly caught my attention is this: Sanzo-sama not complaining at being aged up into a grandfather, despite the fact that he seems like a character that would definitely object to that sort of thing. I guess, in the end, whatever Minekura- sensei decides goes and there’s no defying her. That’s the only thing that I’m curious about regarding this Drama CD. Well then, moving on, Morikawa-kun, please.
Morikawa: Ah. Thanks, Akira Ishida, for giving me the floor. Hello, this is Morikawa Toshiyuki, CEO of Axlone.
Ishikawa and a few others: CEO!
Morikawa (laughs): It’s been quite a while since I last played Kubo-chan – Kubota, so I was delighted, though also a bit surprised at the fairly different scenario. But, the relationship between Kubo-chan and Tokito remains unchanged from how it was in Wild Adapter – they still live together [in Extreme Bath Log]. I think it’s great that whatever universe they’re in, these two are always together.
Morikawa: Well, the good thing about Drama CDs is that there’s only audio and no visuals, so one is free to play the character as one sees fit. Since I was playing Kubo-chan for the first time in a long while, I felt uneasy when voicing the first few lines. These days, the director and crew are situated behind the voice actors, so we do the recording without getting a glimpse of their facial expressions**. You get this [feeling of uneasiness] when playing a character you’ve not played for a long time, do you? It happens quite often. Yes, it does.
Morikawa: As usual, even in an audio drama depicting this [parallel] world, unpleasant characters would turn up. For a number of reasons, as in a TV drama, there were quite a number of such background characters. The splendid voice actors here are able to depict background characters with great depth, you know. For example, I’m sure they can portray a crowd bursting into laughter on the first take. How about it, everyone? Okay, in three... two... one, go!
(A burst of laughter resounds.)
Morikawa: There! See what I mean? Everyone’s relaxed and roaring with laughter at will, aren’t they? (laughs himself) That’s how thorough they are **. Ah, is my time up already? Got it. Then, up next is Ishikawa Hideo, who plays Tokito.
Ishikawa: Thank you, Morikawa-san. I’m Ishikawa Hideo, who plays Tokito. Well, since Wild Adapter basically revolves around Kubota and Tokito, other characters such as their friends don’t appear much in that series. Say, there’s Kou-san though, right?
Seki: Yes! [Seki plays Kou, a character in Wild Adapter.]
Ishikawa: Aside from Kou-san, there are some police officers who get involved [but only] from time to time. Therefore, while interacting with Goku [in this CD Drama] I somehow felt like I’d gained a new friend. Frankly, it was very enjoyable experience.
Hoshi: So we’re friends.
Ishikawa: Yeah, it felt like gaining a new friend. That feeling made the recording an exceedingly delightful experience. If this series continues, I hope there will be more new friends to be gained. Thank you very much. Then, on to you, Suzumura-kun.
Suzumura: This is Suzumura Kenichi, who plays Mishiba Toki, a character from Bus Gamer. While talking [to the others] about Bus Gamer just now, I realized that it has been ten years since I first played Mishiba. Yes, I was amazed too [at how time flies]. Say, the voice actors who play Saiyuki characters seem to have various opinions on the work, opinions which they express in an apparently carefree manner.
Hoshi and Seki (laugh): No, don’t mention that again.
Suzumura: Taking opportunity of this occasion, I’d like to learn how you guys survived so far. (laughs) [He is probably referring to the fact that the Saiyuki voice actors have not been axed despite their relatively brazen comments on the work.]
Hoshi: So far, yeah.
Suzumura: Is that so? Then I’d like to try to reach your level from now on. So, please allow me to do my best with this sentiment in mind **. In this CD Drama, my role is basically just to serve coffee in a cafe. (laughs) That’s how the plot has unfolded up to now, but perhaps something will turn up down the road. Hopefully, there will be a continuation of this series and more appearances [for my character]. That’s all from me. Then, Hiroki, the floor is yours.
Takahashi (in character): Thank you for your continued patronage! This is Saito Kazuo, heir of Saito Liquor Store, which is still in business even after ten years.
Hoshi: Hello.
(Takahashi exhales loudly.)
Hoshi: Hang on there!
Takahashi: I’m doing my best to. It’s been ten years, huh. The [Bus Gamer] anime was broadcast in 2008. Considering that we’re here today, the franchise’s passably survived. Er, actually–
Ishikawa: They’re not making any more Wild Adapter anime, you know. [The Wild Adapter OVA, first aired in 2014, covers only one of six complete volumes in the manga.]
Takahashi: Is that so? Then, by all means, let’s struggle together to survive.
Ishikawa: Yes, let’s do our best.
Takahashi: And hope for the best too. As for my thought on the Extreme Bath Log CD Drama, even though the main plot revolves around Tanabata, the recording session was performed after Tanabata was over [July 7]. Despite this regrettable condition, I’m pleased we eventually managed to do the recording. Is this CD Drama slated for release in April 2019? Or was I mistaken? Anyhow, it feels good [to have completed the recording].
Takahashi: Well, the Summer Triangle came up in the CD Drama [Track 01-06], right? Vega and Altair are two of the stars in the Summer Triangle. Vega, a star in the Lyra constellation, represents the Weaver Girl while Altair in the Aquila constellation represents the Cowherd. Then, what’s the remaining star in the Summer Triangle called? I’d like Hoshi-san to answer this quiz at the end. Well, on to Suwabe-san, who plays the last of the three Bus Gamer characters.
Suwabe (in Nobuto’s voice): Thank you for giving me the floor. I’m Suwabe Junichi, who’s in charge of voicing Nakajyo Nobuto. How do you find my performance**? (laughs) As my fellow voice actors from Bus Gamer already mentioned, the anime adaptation was broadcast ten years ago in 2008. It left a fond memory in my mind. I certainly recall performing at a Bus Gamer-related event, but it seems that the venue where the event was held no longer exists. Yes, time’s passed to that extent. Even under such a pressure, such–
Suwabe (in his normal voice): Hey, I can’t speak in a nice voice with you guys making such a ruckus. Stop it, everyone!
(The others have been chatting audibly among themselves all this while. Some of them laugh in response to Suwabe’s admonishment.)
Suwabe (back in Nobuto’s voice): That’s how it was [in the CD Drama] – various characters from Minekura-sensei’s works amicably locked in a grapple as they came together in this variety show-like piece. It was a very enjoyable experience for me. It’d be great if another such opportunity or even another appearance in Bus Gamer were to turn up. That’s it from me.
Hoshi: Thank you very much, Suwabe-kun.
Suzumura, Ishikawa and Morikawa: He spoke with a nice voice.
Hoshi: Yes, he did, didn’t he?
Seki: I was taken aback.
Hoshi: What was it again? The question you had for me?
Hirata: What’s the other star in the Summer Triangle?
Takahashi: Sorry for throwing in that question. Just ignore it. **
Hoshi: Er, what’s the answer? Hiroaki.... [I gave up after listening to this for twenty times and scrolling though the google results for the phrase Tanabata+Hiroaki.]
(Takahashi and the others laugh.)
Hirata: I have a bad feeling about this. Why are you looking at my face? [Hiroaki is Hirata’s personal name, but I have never heard Hoshi refer to him by it in all of the Saiyuki cast talks I’ve listened to.]
Hoshi: So, we’ve reached the end of cast commentary of Drama CD ‘Extreme Bath Log’, but I’d certainly be delighted in case of future development to this work. Everyone, I look forward to your continuing support. Thank you very much for listening today. Goodbye!
The others: Goodbye!
Seki: It’s Deneb!
Hoshi: Deneb, it’s Deneb. Pappi! [He finally gave the answer to Takahashi’s question. Deneb, the third star of the Summer Triangle, represents the bridge formed by magpies which enables the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl to meet each other once a year.]
Ishikawa: It’s great you got the answer.
Takahashi: A star’s born, huh? [Probably a pun on Hoshi’s name, since ‘hoshi’ may mean ‘star(s)’ in Japanese.]
Hoshi: Then, goodbye, everyone.
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes or clarifications. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am not sure of. Suggestions for improvements and corrections are more than welcome.
Inane comments which I put at the end so that you can skip them:
1. For fans of Saiyuki anime who find Suwabe’s smooth, deep voice familiar, he plays Sai Tai Sai in Reload Blast. The Bus Gamer event he mentioned (YT video with Chinese subtitles).
A short portion of the video with English subtitles.
2. Every single one of the voice actors featured in this Drama CD has voiced the main characters (uke and seme) in various Boys’ Love CD or anime, with the notable exception of Hirata Hiroaki (no, not even a role as a side character which does not appear in any of the sex scenes). Is that the reason why Gojyo always gets the short end of the stick in Saiyuki Drama CDs? Or why Kenren and Gojyo appear at the same scene in Extreme Bath Log but not Tenpou and Hakkai? Only Minekura-sensei knows :D
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shane-the-brain · 2 years
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Last night I went to the Re:Vale live. 😭 It was so good. I didn't check my seat ahead of time because it was by random lottery, but it turns out I was sitting 7 rows back from the stage in a special walled off section. 😳 I was truly shocked, but it was a dream come true. They sang all my favorite songs. I was worried they weren't going to sing ミライノーツ but they ended up doing it for the encore. Of course, because it's a perfect encore song. 😊 It was amazing to see so many Re:vale fans!
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hanxanth · 1 year
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Kies/Keith’s translation is finished! You can read it here https://hanxanthtranslations.com/4-star/keith/
And thanks to some help from the player community, I’ve been able to acquire (in one form or another) all of Yanagi’s chapters for his story. It might take a little extra time to piece things together, but he’s up next!
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fumikirisaikou · 1 year
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feeling so normal about this
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codegeassfacts · 2 years
Sakurai x Taniguchi x Fu-kuyama Interview // NewType November 2008
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--Congratulations on the completion of "Code Geass". When did the thought "It's ended" first occur to you, Director Taniguchi?
Taniguchi: That's a difficult question. Visually, that would be after the V-edit (Video Editing) ended, because after that you can no longer do anything about it. However, in terms of the end [of Code Geass] as a project, I really don't know.
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--How did the final recording session go?
Taniguchi: It was difficult for me to control myself, psychologically. Since it was the final recording session, I kept thinking "This is the end", but in terms of the actual work, I had to hold on for a little while longer.
Fu-kuyama: I was thinking "Let's record our lines in high spirits!", but that only lasted until episode 24. The final recording session was...... This might be the first out of all my works so far in which I completed the final episode without putting too much effort into it. I took it all calmly.
Sakurai: I was in a spiritual state of nothingness. More than two years have passed between the recording of the first episode and the final episode. To be involved in a project for so long is something of a rarity these days, and because of that I was also overwhelmed with feelings. Still, "Code Geass", true to its nature, ended in a cool way.
Fu-kuyama: I think the VA with the most mixed feelings when it comes to the last episode of Code Geass might very well be Hoshi Souichirou, Gino's VA. To tell you the truth, I received a phone call on the night before the recording for the final episode. I wondered who it was... and it turned out to be Hoshi-san.
Sakurai: He called me, too.
Fu-kuyama: When I answered the call, all he said was "Tomorrow's the final episode, isn't it... do your best*." (laugh) [*ganbattene]
Sakurai: He said "Do your best" to me, too. I guess he was especially attached to this show.
Taniguchi: (laugh) It's up to everyone how they want to interpret the ending, I don't mind, but for me, it was a Happy Ending.
Fu-kuyama: I, too, think it was a happier ending than expected.
Sakurai: As for me... I'm looking at things from the viewpoint of Suzaku's VA, of course, but I've been watching the show as just another audience, too. That might be why the ending was painful for me.
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--Was the final episode something you thought of from the very beginning?
Taniguchi: Yes. The ending was decided upon beforehand. Although it was eventually cut, I actually had [Okouchi] write a script for episode 1, one which began with the scene of Suzaku attempting to kill Lelouch. I'm talking about episode 1 of the previous series, not R2.
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--The relationship between Lelouch and Suzaku described in these 50 episodes has seen a lot of ups and downs. They've shot at each other with guns, tried to kill each other, stepped on the other's face after he humbled himself by getting on his knees......
Taniguchi: From my point of view, Lelouch and Suzaku's relationship in the previous series did not go beyond that of reunited childhood friends. It wasn't "friendship" -- they were playing at a "make-believe friendship". With R2, my intention was to show how it turned into "friendship" in the truest sense of the word. ......As for the part with the kneeling, if Lelouch hadn't done that, he might have been killed by Suzaku, and Suzaku, had he not stepped on Lelouch's face, would probably not have been able to control his rage.
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--Basically, it was necessary to go that far* for Lelouch and Suzaku to be able to rebuild their bonds. [*kneeling + stepping on face]
Taniguchi: It's a matter of definition, but for me, the relationship between "good friends", to put it bluntly, is one in which "they are able to change each other's soiled underwear even when they've become doddering geezers".*
Fu-kuyama: Though in my opinion, that's already crossed the line into "love" territory (laugh).
[*This line sparked an outbreak of "Eeewwww, Taniguchi", "Taniguchi's definition of friendship sets the bar too high" and "...Does Taniguchi actually have such friends?" on 2ch]
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--Once again: what kind of show was "Code Geass" to all of you?
Sakurai: "Code Geass" was a stimulating piece of work, in my opinion. It suddenly appeared and swiftly took society by storm before facing its end in style. I look forward to everyone's reactions after the final episode. I'm sure all of us would like to see more of this type of original anime.
Taniguchi: I would be delighted if the viewers accepted [this show] with that thought in mind. When we first started "Code Geass", there was this sense of danger that if we don't do our best now original anime will die out completely. The way things are, there will eventually only be anime adapted from manga, games and light novels. For the sake of creating an entertaining original anime, we concentrated what skills we had and tried tacking them on little by little during the creation process. Of course, in "R2" we had to continue being aggressive. I continued working on this show feeling like a challenger. It was an enlightening experience!
Sakurai: These days, there are a lot of anime with tactical gimmicks, but "Code Geass" was strategically elaborate and daring, and was very much entertaining in a way other anime weren't. We, as members of the cast, were happy to have been part of its creation.
Fu-kuyama: They kept an iron-fisted control over the information given to us, too. We never knew what was going to happen next, not until we received the script.
Taniguchi: Once the episode directors, the animators and the VAs find out what's going to happen ahead of time, they tend to give their performances working backwards from the end result. There are times when working backwards actually makes it better, but if there is a continuous chain of turning points in the story, there are times when you subconsciously save your strength. I was afraid that would happen.
Fu-kuyama: I didn't want to know what was going to happen next. Finding out beforehand means I'll have to set the bar higher for myself, you see (laugh).
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--Lelouch was a devil of a role to play, having to face some kind of trial every single time, huh.
Fu-kuyama: Lelouch's role is, to put it simply, the chief villain, and Suzaku is the hero. Watching Lelouch use his Geass and prepare the legwork of his strategies with all his heart and soul makes you feel like pitying him.
Taniguchi: Really, I had no idea creating an evil organization of the likes of "Shocker" [*from Kamen Rider] could be so much work (laugh). It's a lot of effort, truly. Here you are, desperately planning some kind of gambit, and "BAM!", the hero appears and everything goes to pieces.
Fu-kuyama: "Code Geass" is a story seen from the side of an evil organization, isn't it? If you were to see the world through a different point of view, a different kind of logic would come into focus. For example, if you were to consider Marianne and Emperor Charles's actions from their point of view, nobody would be able to say they were wrong.
Taniguchi: If you were to rewatch "Code Geass" with the camera on Suzaku's side, Lelouch would be an absolute evil (laugh).
Sakurai: Who's on the side of justice? Who's evil? It all depends on your position and point of view. Telling the story in this manner was very interesting.
Fu-kuyama: I realized that the viewers don't work according to the logic of "justice" and "evil" when choosing which characters to empathize with.
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--Lastly, I'd like to ask each of you which episode left the biggest impression.
Fu-kuyama: It has to be episode 9 of "R2" for me. The conversation when Lelouch snatched Tenshi-sama away from Xingke -- in response to "You devil--!!", Lelouch answers "Ho, is that so?". I thought it was a fantastic exchange.
Sakurai: As for me, it's the final episode of "R2". It lingers on in your heart. The characters' resolve came through loud and clear, and it really got to me.
Taniguchi: All the episodes are important to me, so I can't choose one. If I had to say something... at the end of the recording session of the final episode, the staff, on their own initiative, gave out flowers to all of the cast members. I was happy to see that "Code Geass" has its own special place in the hearts of the staff and cast who have been involved [in the project] for so long. Thank you all for the hard work!
All: Thank you for the hard work!!
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clamptama · 10 days
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This is surprising that some ainana seiyuus, mostly Yaotome Production and Okazaki Production already passed rurouni kenshin 2023 seiyuu audition.
Both Kamiya Kaoru and Anesagi Kaoru share similarity with given name, even their personalities are dicipline and bold as woman ✨
Himura Kenshin & Kujou Tenn voiced by Saitou Souma
Yukyuuzan Anji & Yaotome Gaku voiced by Hatano Wataru
Okita Souji & Momo voiced by Hoshi Souichirou
Shishio Makoto & Okazaki Rinto voiced by Furukawa Makoto
Hiko Seijuurou & Okazaki Rintarou voiced by Nakamura Yuuichi
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mollymerula · 5 months
tagged by @unshatters-your-teacup to shuffle 10 songs from my On Repeat playlist!!
Death Demon Festival by KODOKULOVE & ROSU
Natsuhayate - Enishi ver. by Okiayu Ryoutarou
Eternal Theatre by Okiayu Ryoutarou
Sora wa Takaku Kaze wa Utau by Luna Haruna
Ayanagi Showtime by Natsuki Hanae, Ono Kenshou, Arthur Lounsbery, Hosoya Yoshimasa, and Maeno Tomoaki
Houmatsu no Yume by Okiayu Ryoutarou
宵々 by 佐藤流司 & 心之介(ZIPANG OPERA)
Straightforward by Natsuki Hanae, Arthur Lounsbery, and Morikawa Toshiyuki
Wanna be Scream? by Ryoutarou Okiayu, Takeuchi Shunsuke, Shimazaki Nobunaga, Hoshi Souichirou, and Takanashi Kengo
thank u emma!! 💜💜💜
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crehador · 6 months
brother crab's winter 2024 parting thoughts: ishura s1
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tl;dr was originally meh on this for reasons that really aren't fair, ultimately wound up enjoying it well enough to pick up s2, but wouldn't necessarily recommend (especially if you'll be bothered by the fact that it's Very slow)
full review:
you know what i think for the first half of the season i really didn't give this show a fair shake. based on a skim of its summary and the fact that it had the battle royale tag, i went in thinking it would be structurally similar to shuumatsu no valkyrie (which i'd recently binged and enjoyed immensely)
and that sort of battle royale, a tournament between a roster of op heroes, does seem to be coming up. but unlike snv, ishura doesn't dump us straight into the tournament. there's a whole lot of buildup to it, in fact...
the whole first season is buildup for the tournament to choose a hero, which isn't necessarily a bad thing! just isn't what i expected, so i was a bit on the fence for a while
ultimately though i think i did enjoy this series. it's heavy on the action (and gore) but most of the fight scenes are pretty banging, and the cast is full of fairly interesting characters (many of whom are not long-lived lmao)
some of the characters are so cool, in fact, that it feels like a shame to not get more time with them. the pacing didn't feel bad or anything, but it's a very, for lack of a better word, scattered series. not in a negative way, though, because the relatively huge cast provides a wider look at the world. it's just a lot of build-up and so far not much payoff (but clearly it's the start of a longer thing, so i guess to me that's fine)
the worldbuilding to me is by far the strongest point of the series, even stronger than the action sequences. there are some elements of it that i really love, like the naming conventions ("taren the guarded" "dakai the magpie" "alus the star runner" and so on, instead of family surnames) and the word arts magic
the (fairly early) reveal that not only humans and wyverns but even these... constructs? that seemed like mechanical golems? could use this word arts magic was fantastic to me, and i hope we get to see more interesting things of that nature as we continue
ishura has had a second season announced and even though i was a bit lukewarm on it for half this season, i do think i'll continue. if only because the cast is absurdly stacked and i go where my favorite voice actors go lol
i would still say it isn't exactly exceptional as a fantasy action series, but does do some interesting things with worldbuilding that i don't think i've seen much of before (but i also haven't watched fantasy extensively yet, so don't have too much to compare)
dakai my beloved freak i miss u already umu it was such a trip hearing hoshi souichirou voice a character like dakai though lol i mean i'm sure he's done many before but i more associate him with darling momo revale (and more recently saiyuki swk) so this was. new. and a treat
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kenichijoujiofkindness · 11 months
So, since you've been reblogging Digimon Data Squad a lot, I'd thought I'd say something. Actually, even though I love Digimon, a big reason I watched Digimon Savers was that Masaru has the same Japanese voice actor as Keiichi Maebara from the Higurashi When They Cry franchise) So, all the time I watched Digimon Savers, all I could see and hear was Keiichi punching the heck out of Digimon. (Their voice actors are Souichirou Hoshi.)
(Hey. The main reason that I reblog a lot of Digimon Dat Squad/Savers is for three reasons: 1. my friend @cpirits RPs an amazing Masaru/Marcus. 2. The series has interesting characters. 3. I've always enjoyed seeing how the three main ladies in that series are more involved.)
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Yesterday I was finally able to see:
+ Saiyuki Festa 2022 + Sayuki Kagekidan -oasis- and -sunrise- + Adekan daisan and daiyon
Also, at the Saiyuki Festa, the Kagekidan team announced the adaptation of Saiyuki -Gaiden- for 2023.
How wonderful to be alive today 🥰
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koisuru-mijinko · 2 years
:: Surprise :: Akeshu/Shuake Romance Short #1
I made a little thing for TopGoroWeek last week and forgot to share it here.
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tofueggnoodles · 1 year
Saiyuki Noisy Cast Talk
Summary: The voice actors share their thoughts on the recording of the album Saiyuki Noisy and talk about health and relaxation.
See notes at the end for disclaimer.
Hoshi: It’s time for the bonus track of Drama CD Saiyuki Noisy! Thanks for your hard work, everyone. Er... first, the topics of our talk: your thoughts about the recording and anything you wish to share regarding your health and what you do for relaxation. I would like each of us to say our piece in turn. First of all, this is Hoshi Souichirou, who plays Son Goku. Pappi!
(The others laugh.)
Hoshi: Yes, everyone, pappi.
Ishida and Seki: Thank you for your hard work.
Hoshi: Thank you for your hard work. It’s been a while since a full-blown Saiyuki Drama CD [such as this one] was last released. In this CD, a number of bonus audio dramas were compiled. It’s quite a voluminous work, but it also gives me a sense of satisfaction. Well, I wonder if Hirata-san, in particular, is pleased with this undertaking. As for me, it was fun. However, for Goku, there were some serious parts from the beginning to the end. Because of them, interesting episodes as they were, the level of excitement was pretty high and it was challenging [for me]. But those scenes were really rousing, especially the one with the wanko soba. Right?
Seki: You worked hard on it.
Hoshi: Yes, I did. I had fun doing the scene with everyone. Next, regarding my health, there’s nothing to tell in particular. I try to eat as much vegetables as possible. With that aim in mind, I’m doing my best. I like spinach. Whenever possible, I add it to my meals. At this age, this is something I should do. In this sense, everyone, please share what you’re doing for the sake of your health. Well then, over to you, Seki-san.
Seki: Yes. Thank you for your hard work. This is Seki Toshihiko, who plays Sanzo. I got to to let my hair down to my heart’s content and relax playing this funny version [of Sanzo], which appeared for the first time in a while.
Hoshi: You got to relax?
Seki: Well, it felt good. Thanks to this Drama CD, the stiffness in my shoulder blades seem to have loosen up. At least, this is the feeling I got. Now, I said that [performing in] this CD was relaxing, but–
Hoshi: I thought ‘what?’ when you said that.
(They both laugh.)
Seki: When it comes to health or relaxation, well, whenever possible, about twice a week, I run for about an hour. Moreover, recently, I regularly eat dried baby sardines while drinking orange juice.
Hoshi: Eh.... is such a habit beneficial to the health?
Seki: It satisfies my craving for have something in mouth.
Hoshi: You have such a craving?
Seki: Yeah. Well, not really **–
(Hoshi and Ishida laugh.)
Seki: I’d probably been brainwashed into believing doing that is good for my body.
Hoshi: Ah, I see.
Seki: And I got used to it.
Hoshi: I see... dried baby sardines....
Seki: In addition, I use the bamboo tea whisk at home to prepare tea from fine powder green tea – as prescribed by Sen no Rikyū. [a historical figure with the most profound influence the Japanese tea ceremony]
Hoshi: Just what one would expect [from Seki-san].
Seki: Now that the hot summer is approaching, I heard that when you drink hot tea in summer, you’ll enjoy the cool breeze [all the more].
Hoshi: Ah!
Seki: It’s the opposite effect [of what you’d expect] from hot drinks. With this in mind, I’m getting myself ready [for summer by honing my tea-making skills]. How about trying this method too, everyone?
Ishida: Awesome!
Seki: That’s it from me.
Ishida and Hoshi: Thanks for sharing.
Hoshi: Next, Hirata-san please.
Hirata: Hello, everyone. Thanks for your hard work.
Hoshi and the others: Likewise.
Hirata: We really got to make some bonus dramas at last.
Hoshi: Bonus audio dramas are Hira-san’s favorites, right?
Hirata: Yeah, they’re. Is it bad to have them as favorites?
(The others laugh.)
Hirata: As for my thoughts about the recording, we did Cinderella for the first track, right? Why did they come up with this Cinderella story? This happened quite a long time ago, but at an event, I was asked to impersonate Osugi [a gender-bending Japanese celebrity]. And, ah, I was inspired by this [for Gojyo’s role in this track]. I wondered if it was okay to adopt that persona too, even if it was for an actual production [of an audio drama]. I was agonizing between impersonating Osugi or coming up with something else. In the end, though, I arrived at a compromise, a new effeminate character [for Gojyo’s part as Cinderella].
Hoshi: Ah, just as I thought.
Seki: I see!
Hirata: No matter how I look at it, everyone is taking good care of their health. Well, at least Seki-san is. Monkey’s not doing anything, is he? As for me, well, to be frank, there’s nothing in particular. For instance, I’m not reducing the amount of cigarettes I’m smoking. However, this is something I’ve been keeping at: after getting out of the bathtub, I always take a cold shower. In summertime, there’s no problem with flinching at the first splash from the shower, since the water temperature is higher. But, in wintertime as well, I make sure to end my bath with an ice-cold shower. I’ve been doing this for about three years, you know. What do you think of it?
Seki: Well, I met my match today. **
Hoshi: As expected of Hira-san.
Hirata: That’s it from me. Everyone, take care of your health too. I don’t care whether it’s hot or cold season that’s approaching, whether you’re asleep or awake at the moment [!], but please pay attention to your state of health, everyone.
Hoshi: Thank you very much. Interesting, isn’t it?
Seki: As usual, you say interesting stuff.
Hoshi: Awesome, as expected of Hira-san. Well then, over to you, Ishida-san.
Ishida: This is Ishida Akira, who plays Cho Hakkai. Thank you for your hard work.
Hoshi: Likewise.
Ishida: I feel as if it’s been a long time since we last made this type of production for Saiyuki. The most recent role I played in this franchise was in [Saiyuki] Gaiden, which is a serious work. It reminded me that Saiyuki does not consist of only serious parts. There are also fun scenes in which the characters joke around.
Seki: It’s to this extent that the work has been misunderstood in the opposite way.
(Ishida laughs.)
Hoshi: Listening this album, you’d think there’s nothing serious about Saiyuki.
Ishida: It’s because it’s bonus audio dramas that we can deviate from the original story **. On the topic of health, since I’d really not been paying attention to my health, I thought I should start exercising. But, I managed to do that for only one day. It’s like the saying ‘a monk for three days.’ [a person who cannot stick to anything] I ended up not exercising the next day.
Hoshi: Ah, a one-day monk. That happened to me too.
Ishida: Therefore–
Seki: Monk? Did you call out to me?
(Ishida and Hoshi laugh.)
Ishida: Sorry for thoughtlessly calling out to you. I’m like a child who tires of something within three days. No, not a child. I can’t even qualify as a three-day monk. Therefore, I’d like someone to teach me a good method for how to continue [exercising after one day].
Hoshi: You want us to teach you.
Ishida: Is there something [you can tell me]? Aside from being bothersome, isn’t it tough as well to move one’s body?
Hoshi: It’s tough.
Ishida: I must be the worst human being for saying that it’s tough to move one’s body. Somehow, I just don’t feel like doing it. I end up thinking: just skip it. I think I need to beat that weakness of my spirit into shape. There you go: Everyone, in order not to end up like me, please pay diligent attention to your health and live a long life. Yes, that’s it from me.
Hirata: Will you conclude the cast talk, monkey?
(Ishida and Seki laugh.)
Ishida: Please take care of it.
Hoshi: Yes, that’s right. Saiyuki Noisy is the first Saiyuki Drama CD we’ve had for a while. What sort of Saiyuki drama will be released next? There’s still the serious stuff from the main story. Whether it’s that sort or something funny like this CD – the extent of this franchise is inexhaustible – everyone, please keep up your anticipation. And of course, we look forward to your continuing support. Well then, until the day we meet again, good-bye everyone!
The others: Good-bye!
Hoshi: Good-bye!
Seki and Hoshi: Until next time!
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes and clarifications. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am really not sure of.
As @soto-translates pointed out, cast talks aren't scripted, so the voice actors often interrupt each other, talk over one another, and mumble. I’m pretty sure I did not get everything right, so I’ll definitely appreciate any correction.
The track Hoshi refers at the beginning (the one with the wanko soba scene, Food Fight)
The translation of the track Hirata refers to (Cinderella)
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akikamitsuki · 3 years
神のまにまに (At God’s Mercy) [Limited Edition Exclusive] by rerulili feat. Mitsuki Akika (CV. Kenji Nojima), Satsuma Kadonoooji (CV. Ryotaro Okiayu), Hinata MItsutsuka (CV. Souichirou Hoshi), Keishi Harumoto (CV. Noriaki Sugiyama), and Ryou Saotome (CV. Tomohiro Tsuboi) from EXIT TUNES Presents ACTORS 7
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fanbun · 3 years
Just imagine Mai Nakahara laughing maniacally at a wall
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