#plus her sister is missing and her dad is dying
speakbythechariot · 2 years
can we stop criticizing noelle’s every action and trying to psychoanalyze every little thing she says about susie, like dude just let her be a gay teenager with a crush it’s not that deep freud
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Do you ever think about
Peeta being 5 years old on his first day of school and noticing this girl in a red plaid dress with her hair in two braids that his father points out to him. And then he sees this girl stand up on a stool and sing in front of the whole class and he notices that the birds stop to listen, just like his dad had told him they did for her father.
Peeta being 6 or 7 years old, practicing his cake icing behind the counter of the bakery. And then the father of the girl who wore the red dress comes into the bakery singing a song and Peeta raises his head to see if the birds stop to listen. And they do.
Peeta being 11 years old, standing behind his mother as she yells at that very same girl, looking hunger-stricken and so weak, for looking through their rubbish bins. Watching her as moves just a little bit away until she's behind their pigpen, leaning on their apple tree for support. Hurrying back inside and burning two loaves of good hearty bread, filled with raisins and nuts. Checking over his shoulder as he wills the crusts to blacken faster. Feeling his mother deliver a blow to his cheek with a burning hot tool, falling to the floor. Being told to go out and give the blackened bread to the pigs but waiting until his mother has gone back inside to throw the bread to the girl. Going back inside and watching as she takes it and hurries away. Seeing the girl at school the next day and wanting to catch her eye, waiting and waiting for her to meet his eyes. But the one time she does, she looks away quickly, towards a dandelion, smiles and plucks it from the ground.
Peeta being 12, 13, 14, 15 years old, finding himself constantly sneaking glances at the girl. Wanting desperately to go over to her, talk to her, see if he could make her smile. He sees her watching him back. But then he shakes his head and tells himself to knock it off. Plus she seems to be with that older boy a lot.
Peeta being 16 years old. Staring at the floor until he hears her sister's name. Feels the air go out of him when he sees her push through the crowd and volunteer. Fixing his eyes on her, watching her stand up there, heading far far away from him. Oh, how he wishes he would have talked to her when they had had time. So lost in his thoughts of her that he almost misses his own name being called out. Feels the eyes on him, a pair that must belong to her too, following him as he makes his way to join her on the stage. Shaking her hand and hoping she knows he chooses her.
Peeta being 16 years old, in the games. Deciding that she can win, she can survive, she must live. Letting the whole of Panem know his feelings for her. Choosing to join the Careers to lead them away from her. Choosing to save her even if it means getting his leg slashed by Cato. Finding a place to conceal himself, hoping death comes sooner rather than later. Hoping she's okay, that she's made it. Listening out for cannons and watching the sky, hoping she doesn't appear, as he bleed outs. Hears the rule change one evening and cries, because it's too late now for him.
Peeta being 16 years old and she's found him. She's called out his name and she's found him. And she's helping him. He's struggling and dying and weak, a hindrance more than a help, but she stays by him constantly, watching him closely like she's done for years but now it's up close. And soon she's kissing him and though he's tired and draining all the time, this sets off a spark in him that makes him feel alive. Joking with her, teasing her, sleeping with her curled up against him, hearing her laugh at his jokes, feeling her touch and reaching out to mirror her touches, kissing her. And soon his crush, this care he's felt for this girl, develops into feelings that are stronger, feelings that feel a lot like love. And they talk and they talk. She risks her life trying to get the medicine that will save him and he realises he completely underestimated her.
Peeta being 16 years old and a victor. But he's not the only one. She's right there beside him and he can't believe his luck. Hope. Love. The future lies out ahead of them. But then something is wrong. Haymitch tells them to keep it up until they're back but he doesn't realise there's anything to keep up. Finding out that there was something a bit too shiny and sparkling about these last few weeks. Something not completely real. Feeling something horrible twist inside him. Letting go of this girl and taking a step back, because something hurts deep in his chest.
Peeta being 17 years old, going about his days back in Twelve. Painting, fending off nightmares with a paintbrush, walking by her house everyday, noticing when the lights are on or off in her bedroom. Then they're going on a victory tour and the feelings he's tried to cover up with bakery bread and painted canvases and set alight again because there she is, holding his hand on stage, kissing him at times where he even doesn't anticipate it, smiling up at him in a way that ties his stomach into a million different knots. At night he hears her screaming and runs into her room. Whispers to her til she's conscious, holds her until she's calm in his arms and slips into her bed to hold her until they fall asleep. His own nightmares stay away, their interwoven limbs creating a barrier against them.
Peeta being 17 years old, spending every day in her glow. They're friends now. She might not have chosen him but he can't make himself stay away now, not now that she needs him. Listening to her ideas, wanting to run away with her. Talking to her on the phone. Baking her cheese buns and carrying her up and down stairs. Still holding her while she sleeps. Painting pictures for her family book. Sitting with her in the quiet, feeling her breath close to him. Looking up and smiling at her furrowed brows. Catching her look at him all the time.
Peeta being 17 years old, going back into the games. Making her train, choosing her again. Withdrawing because she has to win. She has to. But seeing her, weary and tired, a mirror of himself, he can't help but open his arms to her, feel her warmth beneath him. And it only furthers his resolve. Fighting, fighting, fighting. Always to make sure she makes it out alive. Feels her mirror his love, his kisses, his touches. And one night, he loses her. He can hear her but he can't see her. And then everything changes.
Peeta being 17 years old, living in a world where shiny images fight their way against other images that are matte in his memory. She's far away now, he's not sure where. But he knows she's alive. Why else would they torture him and the people around him. And he always says he doesn't know, knowing what it will mean. But he'd still suffer those same consequences even if he knew what they needed. Still needing to protect her.
Peeta being 17 years old and here she is in front of him. But his head roars at the sight of her and he doesn't know why. She's anxious and weak and damaged, but the alarms are going off in his head. The shininess takes over in this new setting. And he doesn't know why, but he knows something is very wrong. They take him away then. Try to undo something that needs to be undone.
Peeta being 17 years old, not sure which way is up and which way is down. But he sees her, watches her. And then he's sent off on a mission with her. This girl that consumes his every thought, on both sides of the war that's going on in his head and he doesn't know what to do. The shiny and his memory are still fighting, and it leaves him so tired. Seeing her, hearing her speak brings memories out of the recesses of his mind. He starts to piece together a puzzle that's been scattered in his mind. Feeling feelings that he once felt in his chest. Real or not real? Green. Orange. The colour of her dress. Cheese buns. Lamb stew in their den. Because that's what you and I do. Protect each other. Knowing it's true and knowing he must.
Peeta being 18 years old, coming back to Twelve after the war. For her. Seeing primroses growing and digging them up, bringing them to her house. Planting them for her. Seeing her again, weary and tired and broken. But she's here. And so is that feeling in his chest that was buried under shiny images that he has since ripped up and discarded. Walking with her through town. Having meals with her, making sure she has cheese buns. Seeing her start to smile again. Climbing into bed with her so that they can create that barrier again, the one that holds off their nightmares. Tentatively kissing her and feeling that fire rage again.
Peeta in his late 30s, watching Katniss lay out a picnic basket in the meadow. Seeing the sunlight fall against her hair and skin, making them shine in a way he knows is real. See the dancing girl weave around the items Katniss lays out. Laughs as the boy with the chubby legs tries to keep up. Walks over to them with the freshly baked cheese buns and sets them down in the space she's left vacant. Feels her smile trained on him before he turns his head to see it. Kisses her softly and breaks away laughing as the dark-haired girl covers her eyes and the blonde boy looks between them. Sits down as Katniss lays her head in his lap. While their children eat cheese buns and make up games in the grass, they sit there in the sunshine, taking it all in. Katniss makes a flower crown using the dandelions growing around her while Peeta runs runs his hand through her hair. He looks down into her eyes just as she tilts her head back to look at him. Knowing that they don't need to freeze this moment.
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olsenmyolsen · 3 months
Chapter One: A Piece of Paper
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The Farmer's Daughter - (A WandaNat Story)
Summary: Free of the military, Natasha Romanoff leaves with no destination in mind.
Word Count: 1K
Content: Just fluff, Clint being a dad,
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"You know you didn't have to come all the way down here for this? We would've mailed it."
Natasha Romanoff walks up to the base commander's desk and takes a piece of paper from his right hand.
"Yeah, I did." She smirked before bringing her green eyes up from the piece of paper to Nicolas Fury's one eye. He smiles. "The second the paper hits your hand, and I'm no longer called Sir?"
Natasha straightens her body out and slams her legs together before saluting Fury. "Sir, yes, sir."
Fury stands up from his old wooden wheelie chair and salutes his favorite soldier. "At ease." Natasha's hand fly down to her side. Nicolas watched and smiled once again. "I'm gonna miss you, Romanoff." He sticks his hand out.
Natasha looks down in shock.
A handshake from Nick Fury was rare.
But she should've expected it, especially on her last day. After all, he was a father figure in some small way to her.
Whether she'd ever believe it or not.
Her hand met his in the middle. "You too, Sir. It's been an honor to serve my country with leaders like you." Fury rolls his eye at that.
"You didn't serve no country." He said, making Natasha tilt her head. "Sir?" Their hands separated. "What you did was save your brothers and sisters. Anyone could've done what you did. Anyone could've been the Grenadier or Lancer. The second in command. Yet your squad would be lesser because of it. No one could ever be you, Romanoff." He looked Natasha up and down as she wore her uniform for the final time. He gave a smile that turned sad. "Even if it costed you."
Natasha gave a flat smile and nodded. Her body was scarred physically and mentally. Her eyes found the paper in her left hand again. "Well, according to this, my work was honorable."
Fury laughed. "Yes, it fucking was." Natasha laughed as Fury came around his desk. "Come on. Let's get you going."
As Natasha and Fury walked out from his office on base, they were stopped multiple times for goodbyes and salutes.
This was all bittersweet to Natasha as this was all she had ever known for the last eight plus years. But this was the next step for her. Her body and mind knew it, and she needed to live for herself for once. So, as she walked up to the exit gate with glossy eyes, she saw her best friend, Clint Barton.
"Bout time they kicked you out." He joked with a huge smile as his eyes drifted to the man next to Natasha. "Sir," he stood up and saluted. Fury dismissed him and stepped back to let the two have their moment.
Natasha shook her head to Clint. "Wasn't too sure they would." Clint smiled. "Seemed to think so last night." Natasha's smile slightly faded as she remembered how she and Clint spoke about the bare future Natasha had planned for herself. She has no solid family anymore. No real home. No friends outside of the base that she still spoke to regularly. But she told Clint that this was right. Her leaving now was better than her dying overseas. "Yeah..." She nodded as she picked up her brown leather duffle bag that rested by his feet. "Thanks for watching this."
Clint noticed the way her body expression changed.
His skills outside of combat were just as worthy of the nickname given to him by his peers: Hawkeye.
"Come here." The man opened his arms and wrapped them around Natasha as her head hit his shoulder. She accepted the hug and didn't cry as she let him go for however long it would be until she saw him again.
"Oh, by the way!" Clint changed the topic after another minute of small talk. "I had Hill bring your bike around." Natasha's eyes looked to where Clint pointed, and her cheeks lifted from her smile. "Don't have to Uber to a motel or wherever the hell you're going since you don't wanna stay with Laura and the kids." Natasha shook her head. Clint had a wife and two kids.
"Yeah, Fury and I had Hill take her in to get repairs and whatever else needed to be done. I mean, jeez Nat, it's been like three years, four years, since you last rode it?"
"Two tours ago." Natasha looked back and answered. "Damn," Clint mumbled as Natasha looked back to the bike. "Thank you." She spoke before turning to Fury. "Thank you, too." He waved her off. "You thank me for anything, and I'll tear up that paper in your hands." Clint laughed, and Natasha rolled her eyes and turned around.
"Keys in the seat?" She asked Clint. "Just like in Budapest."
Natasha didn't look amused. "Next time I see you, please say it right." Clint laughed as he and Fury watched Natasha walk away without another goodbye. "Yeah, I'll make sure of that when you make it a mile on that bike. It's been four years, Nat!" He spoke louder as Natasha was further away.
She shrugged and flipped the seat up to reveal her keys before grabbing the helmet off the handlebars. "Can't be that hard." She yelled back as her legs wrapped around the brown seat.
"And why is that?" Clint's question was muffled in her helmet. But she turned towards him as the key went into the ignition.
"Because it's just like riding a bike." She pulled her visor down and pushed the red button, making herself scarce before Clint could argue back.
"Budapesht." He mumbled.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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eyesxxyou · 8 months
People that say Gwen and Hobie are a thing or are in some type of romantic situation IRRITATE me.
Gwen is a kid. She had to leave her home behind because her dad would have hurt her in some way. There's a reason why Hobie says, "Lookin' out for my drummer is all." She is a KID, and Hobie knows that he needs to be there or no one else will.
My interpretation is that she couch surfed for a while before Mr. Cool Punk Man showed up and they got along because they're both in bands. He knew what it was like to not have a home, so Mr. Cool Punk Man saw Miss Drummer over there and said "I'm big brother now". He probably helped her get back on her feet and start to branch out on who she is (hence why Gwen's hair is pink because I am certain Hobie dyed it one boring afternoon).
That's literally how I see their dynamic. Little sister gets into a fight, big brother comes along and helps.
Plus, I'm pretty sure Hobie got an earful from Gwen talking about Miles 'cause we see how much of a simp she is for him.
Sorry for the rant, 💄
EXACTLY! Hobie is nothing more than an older brother looking out for those you get than him, especially since he can see exactly how predatory the Spider Society can be, getting ppl to fight an imaginary war. "Don't enlist before you know what war you're fighting" or whatever Hobie said
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ashdreams2023 · 1 month
The umbrella academy season 4 thoughts (contain spoilers)
Let’s start with my top characters this season
Alison (surprisingly)
Didn’t like them much for reasons I’ll explain
Neutral about
Opinion on each character:
- First off Victor looks extra manly this season idk what it was but it was so good and he was so brave! I’m so proud of him and so glad he got the recognition he wanted from his dad, I like how his character got through the four seasons, his journey was great, he’s one of the most level headed to me personally in the group, he has every right to be angry and tired.
- Alison oh my god she worked this season, she knows she messed up bad and isn’t acting like she didn’t do anything wrong, it’s nice to see that by the end of the day she proved that all she needed was her family, Clare was also adorable, Also her knew powers are cool as shit, this Alison is so much better than season 3 and I’m glad we’re over that version of her
- I can not stress this enough but I’ll never get enough of klaus! It was such a nice touch to make him a germ phobic person and being scared of dying because he couldn’t just come back, him too timid and unlike his…well himself! Also I’m tired of seeing his potential going to waste! He is powerful! Literally he speak and order the dead! What happened?! Like his power is so dope! On a side note I sorta felt sad when I realized he started drinking at a young age to cope with the voices and what he sees
- Ben…Jesus Christ I haven’t liked him since season 3 and I still don’t, I miss the Ben from the first two seasons I used to have a crush on him he was adorable, funny and slightly crazy, plus he was always with klaus they were a duo, this Ben from the sparrow academy was not it and what you mean all of this was his fault? 💀 like yeah you want to be a hero but look to what that lead
- Lila I think she’s cool…her and Diego are badasses, but girl! Tf wrong with you?! Fine do undercover work, you have a right to be your own person you’re not just a wife but god damn did you have to go and be with five! Other than that it was just a mess
- five was so out of character this season, what happened to the overworked, tempered person I loved?! What you mean you fell for Lila because you followed her stupid idea?! And guess what? You got nothing out of it! You got lost for seven years in there, gathered literally nothing and had an affair with your sister in law! they could’ve been creative and pull a human Delors from one of the other timelines and make him a love interest but nope! They had to make it messy and weird
- Diego oh my sweet Diego, his character is so…I don’t know but I never disliked him, he has mommy issues and he’s hella funny without realizing it, also poor him this season, although he’s definitely softened up, it’s adorable that he made himself a family even though it got taken away at the end 💀 also he’s justified for being angry at five, that one bullet scene was excellent though
- Luther, actually like took me tf out that he was working as a stripper omg lol! I almost forgot how slim the actual actor was, he was dumb and funny, and I genuinely wondered where his wife went, he was so ready to go find her at the end of last season 
I didn’t hate the final ending, I mean it made sense for that every timeline they stepped in they destroyed, like I’ll miss them to bits, those dumb idiots and pretend season 4 never happened because I gained nothing but a WTF did I just watch moment, and I thought people were exaggerating but it was just not that good…I wished they gave Ben and Jennifer more time so their relationship isn’t solely based on what’s inside them and justice for my man Klaus he suffered so much throughout these seasons.
Anyways at the end of the day these are only opinions and if you like this season good for you babe, enjoy whatever makes you happy 🤍
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losingherface · 2 years
Ellie x fem reader
Info: Reader can’t seem to get anything done or focus on herself, she needs some space from Ellie
Warnings:Angst, sad-ish
You were spending the day at Ellie’s place in Jackson. The two of you were cuddled up, letting the rain hit the window near her bed while you both gave each other kisses, laughed at stupid jokes in her pun book, and pretty much let the day go to waste.
The both of you loved spending time with each other, especially when the rain would come down hard and everyone in Jackson had no choice but to stay in.
Your legged wrapped around her like always , tugging at her tank top- it was pure heaven.
Hours and hours had passed at this point, the rain had finished and it was pitch black outside with no sounds but crickets. You only noticed this after laughing so hard you had to face the window for a moment.
“Ellie!” You shout, jumping up out of your comfortable position on Ellie’s bed.
“What…?” She said nonchalantly.
“What time is it?”
“I don’t know…Like 9.” She glances over at her clock that’s on the table stand that was about an hour off.
“What is it?”
“Ellie, I was supposed to go meet with my sister.” You panicked.
Your sister had plans to be with you today since she had been out all week on patrol, almost dying once too.
“It’s alright….plus it’s too late to meet with her now anyways.” Ellie pulled you back into her arms, caressing your arm, making you feel safe like always. You though, you drifted off into your thoughts. Thoughts you didn’t want to acknowledge.
The next day, you had left Ellie’s home before she woke up and visited your sister.
“Good morning, Y/S/N.” You say, nervously sliding pass her and into her house.
She had a blank and disappointed look on her face, a face you knew all too well since this isn’t the first time you stood someone up or hadn’t been reliable just to be with Ellie.
“I know. You don’t have to remind me.” You say, sitting on her couch that looked like a cat had been tearing it up for years.
“Let me guess……something happened with Ellie.” She mocked you, rolling her eyes and focusing her attention on the mess in her place.
“Well yeah. She needed my help with something-”
“So you had to spend the whole night with her? Did you know that I almost got killed out there waiting for you? Dad tells me this isn’t the first time either. You never show up to dinners, never help us out on patrol, now you don’t even wanna leave Jackson with us.”
You sat in your puddle of shame, not knowing what to say. But you knew exactly what had to happen.
“…Y/n, we never know when it’ll be our last day seeing each other. The least you could do is show up.” She says, leaving you in your thoughts once again.
Later on that night, you felt like a loser, dragging your feet across the ground heading over to Ellie’s house once again. You were mentally preparing yourself for the inevitable conversation that needed to happen between you and ellie.
You hesitated, but finally knocked on her door. Within seconds she opened up and pulls you in, kissing you everywhere which was her favorite way to greet her favorite girl.
You smiled nervously as she kept going before slightly but gently pushing her away.
“What’s up.” She noticed the sad look on your face as you sat down on her bed. You weren’t spending the night and she knew that.
“…..We need to take a break. Give each other some space.” You say, tears starting to build up in your eyes, your vision getting blurry before you wipe them.
Ellie stood there confused. The two of you had built something that could last- at least she thought so. This was so sudden and unexpected, Ellie’s face looked as if she had been experiencing Joel’s death all over again.
You didn’t want to do this to her but it was true, your family was smaller and smaller as the months went on, you didn’t to miss out on them. It was true, Ellie had been distracting you. And it hurt terribly because you loved her so much.
“…I can’t believe this.” She finally said something. “What happened?”
“Ellie, I’m missing out on every thing going on with my family. My sister almost died yesterday!”
“Who’s fault is that?” She says, you notice she starts getting teary eyed as well.
“It’s no one’s fault. I just want a little space. That’s all. I’ll be back.” You stood up heading to the door.
“When?” She said. And you didn’t have an exact answer because you honestly didn’t know. Maybe tomorrow, maybe never- you thought to yourself.
You felt like you were in one of those cheesy soap operas Joel showed you and Ellie a while ago.
Although, it hurt like hell leaving her behind, you knew it was the best idea for you to do at the time since you truly hadn’t got anything done in awhile at Jackson.
A week or so had passed, still grieving the split between you and Ellie, you had to look to the bright side. You had been patrolling with your sister, learning about how she was pregnant, speaking with your father about stuff other than Ellie and truly feeling in the loop with them.
You spotted Ellie at the stables once, and flashed a smile at her. She did the same. You knew you’ll be back soon.
a/n: something short but sad bc i’m feeling emo <3
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kholden83 · 6 months
So, I spend Easter weekend dying of pneumonia (exaggeration), and thus missed a bunch of family who were in town very briefly, and also just all the fun.
It was also the weekend I should have picked my medication packaging, but, well, I was too sick for that too. My new fortnight of packaging was supposed to start on Monday, and all the people I'd consider asking to fetch them were busy with the fun, and I got kinda RSD at nobody seeming to miss me. So I didn't have Monday's pills to take, and I started feeling withdrawal symptoms for my antidepressant on Monday night. FUN (sarcasm). That was also when my chest cold decided it was time to be a head cold too, and my sinuses just solidified. Nothing was getting through my nose between 11pm and like 3am
Thankfully, this morning (tuesday) I remembered that I'd forgotten one morning's worth of pills when I was visiting Dad in January, dug those out of the take-back-to-the-chemist-eventually pile, and took them, and about lunch time that plus my somewhat-improved respiratory condition let me finally go retrieve stuff. I usually visit both Coles and Aldi on pill retrieval weekend, but I just did Coles because I am still unwell. Also I usually go with my sister in her car, not by myself with my motorscooter, so I did have to be mindful of cargo space.
Oh, and it was termite inspection morning, which my landlord forgot (?) to tell me about Yet Again. Thankfully one of my neighbours had mentioned it, so I had at least put on a nightie when I got up.
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pdalicedraws · 2 years
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I have both ‘significant time skip’ and ‘character redesigns’ on my bingo sheet, and realized that with the new ep coming out on Saturday it’s my last chance to take my own swing at what those designs could be! So here’s a shot at the gang, six months later, and some headcanons. 
(Yes, I know there’s a trailer and promo images out, and this might all already have been jossed, but don’t tell me so. I’m a liveblogger so I’ve been avoiding spoilers like the plague; I did briefly see the poster but all I saw was “spooky graveyard vibes and Luz is wearing a beanie”.)
Gus is not coping well and is trying to hide it. He knows about Grimwalkers and hasn’t told Hunter he knows— he’s not even sure Hunter knows— so he’s been holding that in, he’s the youngest, and he misses his dad, plus he feels guilty about everything from ‘I always wanted to go to the human realm so it’s somehow my fault we’re stuck here’ to ‘I cast the illusion that let Luz sneak out to the Head’. He’s had another growth spurt and become an absolute beanpole, and he also has a bunch of patchy facial hair starting to come in but he hides it with an illusion because he does not want to learn to shave from anyone but his dad. 
Hunter also had a massive growth spurt, but instead of regular Witch Puberty it’s just because he can actually digest the food here. He shot up and filled out and dyed a red streak into his hair with Amity’s semi-grudging help. He still cuts the underside short but has let the top grow out a bit, and wears it in a little topknot; he won’t admit why but everybody knows. He insisted on getting a part-time job, but he can’t have Flapjack with him on the clock so he wears one of their shed feathers. He likes wearing tight clothes, which is mostly genuine and because the pressure helps keep his scars from aching, but there’s also a little bit of the fact that he and Gus both had growth spurts and Camila doesn’t have a ton of money for new clothes. On the outside, it seems like he’s coping the best out of the group, but it’s pretty much just because his big brother instinct and guard training kicked in at the same time and he’s suppressing his own emotions for the sake of looking after everybody else. Eventually he’s going to crash. 
Luz is… a disaster. Girl already blames herself for everything, and at this point? Hell. She feels like she’s failing the only friends she has because they’re having trouble acclimating to the human realm, she’s terrified that Eda and King might be dead, that the whole isles might be destroyed, and because she’s her she’s pretty sure it’s all her fault. Her glyphs don’t work here, she’s remembering just how out of place she was at home, she’s watching her basilisk baby sister get along with humans better than she ever did, and it’s… rough. She’s putting all her energy into trying to find a way home. Well, the one other constructive thing she’s doing is that she’s picked up the clarinet again, which she used to play in sixth grade— she’s determined to be able to play something for Raine when they meet again. Which they definitely will. Eventually.  She’s the only one of the group who hasn’t let her hair grow out longer, which wasn’t planned, I just gave everyone else longer hair bc I’m salty about the omnipresence of ‘cut off a characters hair to show she’s Matured’
Amity is handling it. She’s okay. Well, she’s okay as could be expected, which isn’t really okay. She’s worried about Luz, she’s trying to make a good impression on Camila (she’s not really aware that she made a fantastic impression on the first day— not with her careful, heels-together, carefully rehearsed introduction in Spanish, though that was adorable, but with the moment she doesn’t know Camila saw when she was sitting with Luz, holding her hands in hers, whispering to her that she did everything right and they’d make it in the end). She’s studying up on all the human realm trivia she can find— they recognize her at the library— helping Camila with the house, being there for Luz, trying to be helpful in every way she possibly can. She’s been carefully maintaining her lilac hair with her natural brown underlayer, and she’s been helping Hunter and Willow with their streaks too. It makes her feel like she’s succeeding at something. 
Willow is being crushed on by every wlw in the greater Gravesfield area who doesn’t already have a partner, and she has no idea. That’s not relevant, though. She’s trying to be the strategizer and team leader, she’s trying to be mom friend, she’s trying to grow enough produce out behind the house to relieve Camila’s grocery bill, she’s trying to let Gus stop pretending he’s fine, she’s trying to keep it together. Hunter still calls her Captain, and it’s wonderful because it’s a sign of how much faith he has in her but it’s also a lot of pressure. She quickly learnt how to play human soccer and drags the others out for a kickabout every weekend in order to keep them all active, and because she remembers something Viney said once about endorphins. She’s been keeping a meticulous journal for the sake of telling her dads everything that’s happened, when she eventually sees them again. 
Vee is conflicted and feels bad about being conflicted. She genuinely adores Luz, she knows she’s such a good person, she’s so grateful for all her help, but she also fears that her return means that her space in the world is disappearing again. She’s changed her human appearance up a little— made her skin a touch darker, closer to Camila’s, given herself her spots back, made her hair the same blue as her ear frills in her true form. She’s also getting steadily femme-r as she differentiates herself from Luz, and has been watching a lot of 90s horror and getting style cues from the final girls. She spun a convoluted yarn to her friends about having been Parent Trapped as a wee child, raised by her and Luz’s crazy great-uncle, and taking her place at camp when she ran away to hang out with a friend out of state; they don’t believe a word of it but they don’t suspect the truth either, and if it turns out their friend is actually named Valentina, not Luz? They’re cool with that. Her sister’s fun too, but Vee is cooler. 
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buffyspeak · 2 years
goddd i know i’m biased because she was my fave but i Miss lexie grey. i can honestly see why some people were bored by her because she was not nearly as flawed as other main characters (i would say her biggest flaws were letting her emotions get in the way, a bit of flighty/indecisiveness, and a dash of immaturity) and usually i’m more interested in characters that are a little more complicated but. she was such a ball of sunshine that lit up the room and i think she was exactly what the show needed when she was introduced. obviously they wanted their first meredith’s secret half-sister storyline but also it was a transitional time with most of the previous interns becoming residents. they needed to give us a reason to care about the upcoming intern class more, especially since we knew george wouldn’t Stay an intern forever, and lexie was the Perfect reason. and even though obviously there were sad things in her life at that point with her mom dying and taking care of her dad who was struggling with alcoholism, she herself was just so full of life that it made a good balance to meredith’s and the show’s general dark and twistyness. which also made for a good transition into season 7 where she was dealing with the fallout and trauma of the shooting and we got to see her struggling more and become a bit more cynical. AND eventually start to heal. plus her and meredith’s relationship worked so well, a huge part of meredith’s arc at that time was learning how to be emotionally vulnerable and giving her a little sister to eventually bond with worked wonders.
tldr: i can sort of get why people find her boring but i think it’s arguably unfair when it’s more that she filled the role the writers wanted her to and that just happened to be a little less BAM POW DRAMA. plus even in the moments where she could have been boring or a little too perfect, chyler leigh was so charismatic and brought so much life to her that to me at least it just! didn’t matter. it’s telling to me that most people who don’t like her don’t even hate her, they’re just a bit bored hshshs.
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hukkelberg · 2 months
sorry that this is long. also i am the person that sent many long asks about pen in asoiaf - you don't have two anons incapable of saying things concisely, just the one. if that was a concern. anyway how do you picture pen's relationship w her dad? i thought it was kind of funny that after simon (daddy issues) and anthony (daddy issues 2 electric boogaloo) there was v little discussion about either of polin's dads outside of more info about violet/edmund and portia/archibald. between violet-francesca and pen-portia this was truly a season for mommy issues. i get not wanting to focus on edmund's death again but i've always found it odd that we basically don't know anything about pen's relationship w her dad despite his gambling and death still directly affecting her life. not to mention he died during the course of the show and they showed her crying about it. i don't even think colin has ever said anything about pen's dad dying lol. also what do you think about pen and portia's relationship post s3? i thought they did a decent job w it but there's this space where the fatphobia aspect is studiously not mentioned. like if they threw me a bone about portia and archibald's relationship really breaking down after she gave birth to a third daughter or something i would accept portia overlooking pen for nebulous reasons but they just kinda skated around that and did not explain why portia treats pen differently than her sisters. i mentioned this in my ask complaining about s3 but the decision to just handwave away fatphobia once pen is the lead is really something. i don't have a strong opinion on it but the fact that the setup for fatphobia impacting pen is still there except now it's just bc london society Hates Penelope Specifically is certainly something. they really just,,, threw some plus size extras in and called it a day. idk it's just distracting bc there are readily available ways to explain it (dad was a broke gambler, dad was possibly murdered, prudence engaged to cousin jack bc she was supposedly compromised, everything to do w cousin jack) but they just don't😭
don't worry about it! i like lengthy asks, though i'm not sure i manage to respond to every point you raise. if there was anything you asked and i missed you can bring it back up, it's okay. i also write a lot as you can tell by the read more i had to tack on here so i didn't clog anyone's dash lol (i did figure it was the same person hehe)
about daddy issues in general -- edmund to me is a bit of a gimmick tbh. i think the dead dad unless you really bring it into the fold of the character's psyche like in anthony's case (and simon too, just differently) can come off really stiffly? i guess if we saw a little more how his absence affects the family (or not! also interesting) in more personal ways to each character it'd be a little more impactful. i was really interested in seeing how colin reacted to that also, but that was... simply not expanded upon. none of colin's relationships were (sigh). it would help to ground the event and make it less of a gimmick if each member of the family felt like. their own specific feelings about edmund. they did that a little with gregory last season, and i'm hoping they do something with ben as well, but maybe that's because i'm very fond of avocadomoon's take on ben's place in the family after his death. i think daphne as well would've had a really good viewpoint for that event, considering violet's condition afterwards.
about pen's dad -- i think archibald was your run of the mill neglectful father. he doesn't strike me as the sort of man to have any interest in his children, much less daughters. if he'd had a son, i think he might've tried to bring him into the fold of his own interests, but if the son had any kind of brain and pushed back, he'd just been quickly put off and retracted back to his absent ways lol (btw if pen had a loving big brother Everything would be different. but i guess that's the point the show makes as well). i personally don't really buy into a tragic backstory where he was overtly abusive -- there's no real marks of it, and she did cry when he died, which she wouldn't have if there was any real hatred (pen's petty like that). colin only refers to him by his societal position (how his death left them defenseless) which makes me assume he never really amounted as anything more than that nebulous figure of patriarchal authority in the featherington house. not a real person to him. not a real loss.
for what it is, to me there were probably moments of sweetness in their relationship once penelope learned how to angle for some of his affection -- like in THIWFY, which i suppose is how you found me, where i mention her father is how she knows how to bet on a horse in chapter two. what i picture is penelope figuring out that archibald will talk to her if she asks about something he likes, so she asks him how to bet on a horse and he speaks to her on the matter for hours, far longer than they've ever conversed before, because she's listening so intently (because her father never speaks to her! but he is now!) and he never has anyone actually listen to him at home (because all he likes to speak about is gambling and his wife clearly disrespects him). then portia finds out and obviously cuts it short because one sure way to have your worse daughter become even more unmarriageable is to make her a spendthrift and penelope's hopes for understanding are dashed (she would've found out eventually, when she tried for another topic and he didn't respond) and archibald walks away feeling thinking "huh well that one is not so bad" and that the extent of their relationship.
have a little snippet from a future chapter of THIWFY that sort of addresses this (VERY rough. i am aware it is not entirely legible lol):
 "Lord Bridgerton," she whispered. Anthony's father. Colin's.    Penelope had never entertained fantasies of gaining a father when she married. Lord Bridgerton had died when she was barely young enough to recall a blurry face and a kind demeanour, and she had been in love with Colin long enough that she had incorporated his loss into the composition of her most perfect future. She'd liked her father well enough, only in that way you could love a man whom you were certain had never had your best interests at the forefront of his mind a day in his life. Not, she believed, out of any sense of disdain for her, but by the mark of deep and troubling incompetence only cured by the rush of luck coming his way. A detached, but present sort of fondness, resting entirely on the basis of proximity and the occasional good natured allowance, and swallowed almost entirely by pity. He was a simple man, her father. Colin, too, was simple in his own way, but only in that she was simply so attuned to his every thought and feeling it was only her own overbearing heart which blinded her to the meaning behind his actions so that when he stepped in front of her, transparent as ever, and forcefully faced her with the truth, she had only herself to blame for shrouding her eyes to it before. Anthony, in contrast, was nearly unknowable to her. The little intel she had gathered in the months leading to their disastrous marriage had been rendered useless the moment they'd dragged their feet to the altar. The fragile trust they'd nursed—that promise set at the dinner table—had not survived.
pen and portia: i think that's a done deal. i really can't figure out how they're going to use the featheringtons after this? they disabled penelope's position as whistledown, they gave portia everything she's ever wanted (daughters wed well) and they solved the featherington baronetcy matter. i don't expect any meaningful exploration of their relationship now that they've entered a place where they both understand and see a bit of themselves in one another. this really was the season to explore portia and archibald's relationship to me, though, particularly when penelope was about to make an okay marriage herself. i think that would've given the argument for true love (in colin) a lot more weight, if they'd shown how both portia and archibald had settled for each other and how badly it'd gone for them, a la mr. and mrs. bennet. i suppose that would've meant making debling a real option and that was not in the cards.
penelope + fatphobia + the ton -- oooh you just stumbled upon the thing that sets me off every single time. it's SO stupid. it's SO SO stupid. not only stupid: cowardly. vapid. insincere! god. shallow fucking feminism i HATE it. look, there's a difference between saying this woman's body is not something we ought to comment on because she's as good as any of our other leads so we're just. not gonna have it be a problem. because it isn't. (which is fine) and the absolute nonsensical cover up of building two seasons upon this character being invisible and constantly demeaned about her appearance (textually!) and then just acting as though, all this time it wasn't the dresses, it was the attitude! the new attitude she has which we totally didn't switch out last minute! it's so invalidating to the struggles of real fat women to be like guess what girly it was your shitty personality all this time! all those things they said? not real haha when you know people object to you purely on the basis of your weight. it's so stupid. i get that nicola is a goddess upon earth nobody wants to get to worship that more than me BELIEVE ME but making it an issue of confidence is so. disrespectful. and out of character. and you're right because even if we just... brushed off the fatphobia there are thousands of ways to make her a pariah that are significantly more socially weighty than like. is suddenly a fool when people speak to her.
but you know what puzzles me? the show's unwillingness to like, critique the ton. like, at all. the simpering pen had to do at the end of season three like SHE was in the wrong?????? i've always held a very cutthroat perspective on whistledown, but that just pushed me over the edge. what an utterly undignified thing to force the character to do. it just made me feel ashamed for her. why should she lower herself to the demands of these vapid people and their sore egos? to me it's part of making sure these sort of characters (like pen, like ben, like eloise) who would probably find more happiness in other environments stay trapped in this horrible patriarchal, classist, racist sliver of society. even the working class people are either relegated (genevieve) or pushed into becoming aristocrats and leaving everything behind, in an utterly black-and-white way (the mondrichs). i fear for sophie beckett, i do.
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the-mainverse · 8 months
FON Sans: thank you mauve... :'( I just didn't want her to go to heaven to see her mom, her dad, and her brother... I just... Miss her so much... My real life mom misses her too, and her sisters really long name was Gwendolyn Denise Markham Jacobsen... I'm so scared of dying... I don't want to die AT ALL... Even after I had my second seizure this year... I'm still afraid of death... I don't want to die when I have my 3rd seizure... Because I'm afraid of not coming to... And passing away before my mom and my dad do... I'm so sorry for crying... *He is still crying so hard and fast, plus he is still bawling his eyesockets out*
Mauve: Don't apologize for crying. This is all overwhelming for you. Hey, everyone has their time to go. Even me. I got lucky the first and second time. That's because it wasn't my time yet.
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deathdoesntkillyou · 9 months
the dream I had which is now cannon in my heart
(The only way this is even vaguely related to what we've been doing is that it started when Sylvie got sick in the way that things like that get you thinking about what's important etc)
But anyway, the dream was about Maggie and her namesake nan because I vibe that Johnny visits her (first at home in her caravan where she's getting cared for by his sisters and then in the home she gets put in eventually when her Alzheimer's gets worse) every week like a dutiful son and his wife and kids only go on special occasions when they've gotta so Maggie goes with him from when her nan is in the home and she can (because she's the daughter of Ali and she'd insist regardless of however young she may be)
So like I said, when Sylvie is a sick kid she decides that she wants to see her nan more like oh I really should while I still have her and she sneaks and goes whenever she can and the staff let her even though she's only 12 because they recognise her from coming with her dad and she's doing no harm (plus jali will say it's okay when they inevitably find out, even though they don't necessarily know how often she is going, including when she's supposed to be at school (because like her mum she's a wild child so nobody is automatically assuming that's where she is cos she could be off anywhere doing anything and often is/was lol)
A wholesome time is being had despite the nan being deep in her dementia and not able to talk or know her/basically confined to a chair and as time passes a bed, because nevertheless this gal chats away and they look at photos or she sings to her or they have lunch together and she helps feed her, does her hair and paints her nails etc etc all the cute things, sometimes she just draws the nan while they listen to music (which is foreshadowing and handy for later when her nan dies and she gives all these drawings to her dad, including ones she did of her when she was younger from said photos they look at)
Years pass how they will (it was unspecified in the dream, she got older than 12 but she was still a teen idk) and sometimes as the nan got worse she didn't want long visits or was asleep when Maggie came so she ended up making friends with most of the carers + other residents (she's her mother's daughter and makes friends easily) and I've always vibed she likes making clothes especially costumes so picture her throwing a lil Halloween party for the residents who are able to go and making Christmas decs and singing Christmas songs and hiding chocolate eggs all around this home at Easter etc etc, all the while only the peeps closest to her even know she does any of this cos she isn't shouting about it, basically she's a full time volunteer without thinking of it like that
But of course, the day comes when her nan dies (again it was kinda unspecified in the dream but she ended up going into hospital dying basically and poor Mags couldn't go and say her goodbyes because there is so much extended gypsy fam always visiting that she couldn't even sneak when one of them wasn't there and it was really sad*) so she stops visiting the home obvs cos she's really sad but runs into one of the younger carers coincidentally one day when she's in town and they have a lil catch up and she's like we all 'we miss you' + '[one of the residents she made friends with] is having a 90th birthday party, you should come' so she did go and it slayed and she decides to come back and keep visiting again, thinking she'll just go like once a week or every so often and it'll be chill but DUH she ends up going almost as often as she did before, doing all kinds of different shit with different residents, having a whale of a time and living her best life (p.s this did not happen in the dream but as I'm writing this down I'm thinking of the potential for her to get with someone's grandson if we wanted a ship for her, like in that book, cos you know these old ladies would all be trying to pimp their fam out lol)
Long story short, she kept it up and they offered her a job when she finished school which she took and I love that because it's not something she planned (like her mother she's into all sorts of things) but it's just a job she falls into and really enjoys * There was a whole part in the dream about the funeral btw, she (and Ali) did get to go but even though all they were trying to do was pay their respects and serve a lewk, the gypsy fam were SO mad and didn't want them there because it was a full blown traditional affair despite the nan not being a gypsy as we now know, Johnny was sticking up for her while also trying to stop things kicking off but ultimately his dad put his foot down and told her (and Ali) to leave cos he didn't want the drama and felt like he was being shown up as he's clearly on the side of the gypsy fam about it and tries to pretend Maggie and Django (who wasn't there) don't exist
They left cos not trying to cause a scene actually but just before they did there was a whole heartbreaking moment where Maggie said to her granddad in gypsy lingo something like sorry for your loss (idk if they have their own equivalent of things they like to say but if they do it was that vibe because she put her all into it) trying to be nice and respectful and saying it with ALL the feeling in the world cos she loved her nan so much by this point but everyone was simply fuming and didn't take it the right way
So this was when she decided to change her name because not only a fuck you all he's my dad too but fuck you all I'm gonna have my nan's whole name cos she's my bestie and ILY and y'all didn't even visit her unless you were forced
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sleepdeprivedactor · 11 months
The Fog Chapter Five
After talking and explaining the situation, Mike and Annie found themselves being led to a room in the small Cabin. There they were met by two other children. The boy looked about Mike’s age, and the girl was probably no older than 10.
“Who are they?” Asked the girl.
“Two id-” Alli stopped herself from talking. “I mean, two people who got lost in the woods. They’re gonna stay with us until we all get out of here. Be nice.” She left the room, leaving the siblings alone with their new acquaintances.
“So, you're gonna introduce yourselves?” Said the girl.
“Oh, yeah. Well, my name’s Annie.”
“I’m Mike.”
“Wow, such a terrific audience. You both really seem excited to get to know us.” The boy said dryly. “Anyways, my name’s Kenny. Lilith’s my cousin. but I see her as my sister.”
“I’m Charlotte. But you can call me Char. How’d you two end up in this hellhole?” The girl said, brushing pieces of her hair out of her face.
“We were supposed to be bird watching, but we got lost last night. We found the cabin and Lilith answered the door.” Mike explained. “How’d you guys end up here?”
“Lilith and I were going camping around a month ago but got lost. We found the house with Alli and Char in it.”
“Me and Alli were…well, it’s classified. But we found the cabin and decided to crash for a couple days. Days tired into weeks, and weeks turned into two months.”
“Wow. That’s…a long time.” Annie looked at the two children she had just met. “Do you guys…miss your parents?”
“Lilith’s parents were druggys, we don’t miss them at all. I miss my dad though.” Kenny sighed. He looked…odd, to say the least. his hair was dyed brown, but his blonde roots were showing. He had a scar over his right eye, and his sweater was old and torn. Charolette looked odd too, but her clothing was more put together. The only unordinary aspect of her was her chestnut colored skin littered with white patches. Other than that, she did not look like she had been trapped in the woods for two months.
“So, do we just sit around and do nothing all day?”
“Excellent question, what was it…Annie? Anyways we go to the yard. It’s fenced off, so no monsters can see it. We check to see if any fruits are ready to be picked. If they are, we bring them inside and wash them. Alli uses them to make food. Another thing we do is sharpen sticks. you know, in case anything tries to kill us. We also r-“ Charolette was cut off by Mike.
“I’m sorry, in case something tries to KILL you? No thank you. That is not what I signed up for.”
“Listen buddy, no one wants this. But, it is what it is. Plus, no monster has ever found us. We’re safe.” Kenny said in an attempt to calm Mike down. Annie placed her hand on his shoulder.
“Calm down Mike. We’ll get out of here.” Annie reassured with a forced smile. She was trying her best to be calm.
“Your sister has a point. We’ve been planning an escape for a long time. and plus, we found out what the monster’s weakness is.” Kenny said proudly.
“You did? What is it?” Asked Annie with a skeptical expression.
“Fire? What kind of weakness is that?”
“You see Mike, the monsters have been through a lot. I mean, we live in Connecticut. But never fire. They’re not adapted to deal with extreme heat. All we need is a couple bottles of something flammable and a match then boom, they’re wiped out. No monsters, no magic controlling the exits. No magic, nothing stopping us from getting out of here.” Charolette explained, Taking her hair out of the ponytails it was in and letting it down. “Now anyways, I’m going to sleep. It’s late, and i’m in charge of setting up traps tomorrow. good night, new people.”
“Char, it’s only 9:34.”
“Kenny, do you think I care? I’m tired.”
“Fair point. I’m going to take a shower. You two can do whatever, but don’t go downstairs. Lilith’s a little bitch at night.”
Mike looked around the room. There was a bunk bed. I guess we’re sleeping on the floor. He thought.
“Oh, by the way, there’s a pull out under the bottom bunk. It’s not the greatest, but it’s better than the floor.” said Char as she climbed the bunk bed. Annie pulled out the small bed. It had no sheets, but it had three pillows.
“Here, Mike. You can have the bed. I’ll just take two do the pillows.”
“Thanks An.”Mike climbed onto the small bed and laid down. He watched as Annie fell asleep on the floor. It was strange. but for some reason, he felt safe. Something he had never felt at home. He felt that somehow, although it seemed impossible, everything was going to be okay.
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
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edettethegreat · 3 years
in honor of the end of high school, here’s a short summary of every book I had to read over the past 4 years:
9th grade
A Separate Peace-
Finny: Hi Gene!
Gene: *pushes him out of a tree*
Finny: Ouch. *dies*
Great Expectations-
Pip: I hate Estella
Pip: nevermind she’s pretty
Pip: I like Estella
Pip: but she doesn’t like me!
Pip: she was leading me on this whole time!!
Estella, who constantly told Pip she doesn’t like him: I was what now.
Lord of the Flies-
Ralph: we need to keep order on this island
Jack: but what if we didn’t
Ralph: ok you do you and I’ll do me
*after at least 2 people die*
Ralph and Jack: where did we go wrong
Alice in Wonderland-
Alice: huh wow this sure is a weird land I landed in
The Tempest-
Prospero: Here’s my elaborate revenge scheme on my brother
Prospero: it involves my daughter happily marrying the man she loves
Prospero: and then we all happily return to Italy
Prospero: with my brother facing minimal legal consequences for banishing me.
Prospero: REVENGE!!
Driving Miss Daisy-
Daisy: hi I’m racist
Hoke: but what if you weren’t
Daisy: huh. I never considered that. Thanks.
Higgins: I think I’m going to mildly abuse this kid called Eliza
Eliza: huh that sure would suck 
Higgins: sucks to be you then. This wouldn’t be happening if you spoke proper English.
Eliza: that doesn’t sound entirely right, but I don’t know enough about proper English to argue.
10th grade
To Kill a Mockingbird-
Atticus: in conclusion, this man is undeniably innocent
Jury: Atticus have you considered that this is the south and he’s black?
Jury: *unanimously votes Guilty*
Atticus: literally what is wrong with you.
The Merchant of Venice-
Shylock: in conclusion, I have a legal contract stating I can stab the guy who’s been committing hate crimes against me for years now
Portia: Shylock have you considered that this is 14th century Italy and you’re Jewish?
The court: *forces him to give his possessions away and convert to Christianity*
Shylock: literally what  is wrong with you.
The Count of Monte Cristo-
Villefort: In conclusion, you’re clearly innocent and someone’s framing you
Villefort: but have you considered that you now have evidence that my father committed treason and if I don’t send you  to jail you might tell someone?
Villefort: *gives Edmond a life sentence in the Chateau d’If*
Edmond: literally what is wrong with you.
11th Grade
My Antonia-
Jim: welp I’m an orphan now so I’m gonna move in with my relatives in Nebraska
Jim: *does that*
Jim: welp Nebraska is full of fields and farms.
Jim: guess I gotta learn some farming now.
Fahrenheit 451-
Montag: what if I read a book?
Everything: *goes very wrong*
Montag: oh no.
Twelve Angry Men-
Everyone except for 8: the kid’s guilty
8: but get this
8: what if he’s not
Everyone: *is angry*
Witches: you’ll be king!
Macbeth: ah so I have to kill the guy who’s currently king?
Witches: ... literally when did we say that?
Macbeth: ok he’s dead now.
Huckleberry Finn-
Huck: hey Jim let’s leave this place together!
Jim: ok
Huck, 20 chapters later: I don’t know what’s happening but I have at least 10 aliases now
Twelfth Grade
The Longest Day-
The World: hey guys who’s up for a Second World War?
Everybody: no please no
The World: oops too late
Beowulf: I’ll fight all the monsters!!
Everyone: yeah!!
Beowulf: oops a dragon bit me and I’m dead now
Dicey: wow it sure sucks that our mom abandoned us
Dicey: if only we could find a functional place to live
Dicey: actually yeah I don’t know what I was expecting- no one can afford to take in 4 children in this economy
Raison in the Sun-
Lena: Here’s all the money we have
Lena: be very responsible with it- we need it to buy a house and send your sister to medical school
Walter: oops I lost it all to my sketchy friend who turned out to be a scammer 
Lena: literally WHAT DID I JUST SAY??
Antigone: I’m gonna go bury my brother
Creon: ok then I’m gonna go murder you
That one guy: actually if you kill her everything will go very wrong
Creon: I’m gonna kill her anyway.
Everything: *goes wrong*
Creon: If only someone would have warned me!!
the ghost: go kill your uncle. Avenge my death.
Hamlet: ok
Hamlet: *responsibly verifies the facts*
Hamlet: ok NOW it’s murder time!
Hamlet: *kills the wrong person*
Hamlet: whoops.
The ghost: you had ONE job!!
Death of a Salesman-
Willy: I wanna die
Everyone: ok.
Willy: *kills himself*
Everyone: if only there had been some way to prevent this tragic outcome! 
Long day’s Journey into Night-
Edmund: dad I’m dying
James Sr.: hi dying I’m dad
Edmund: that’s not helpful. *proceeds to suffer*
King Lear-
Lear: I’ll divide up my kingdom according to who loves me the most
Goneril and Regan: that would be us
Lear: well since lying wasn’t invented yet I’m going to believe that wholeheartedly.
Pride and Prejudice-
Elizabeth: I hate Darcy
Elizabeth: plus Wickham says he’s the worst
Elizabeth: oh wait Wickham was lying
Elizabeth: oh wait Darcy’s really rich and hot
Elizabeth: nevermind I like Darcy now.
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bluebeetle · 2 years
Also for the Jason Robin story... I kinda want him to know Sheila is his mom from the getgo. She’ll still be involved in him running away and eventually being killed along with her by the joker, but I figure he kinda knew maybe in passing? But just never considered her his mom, not really, because he had Catherine. Also the whole ‘secret mom’ plot is kinda dumb and I want to scrap the entire search for her anyways, as it really only exists because they needed a reason for why Jason thought someone else was his biological mother. I figure, going off of Sheila’s story... she says her and Willis were in a relationship, she had Jason, then had to flee the country as a fugitive from the law, only for Willis to tell her he isn’t coming with her and is now engaged to a woman named Catherine... I’m thinking that’s not the complete truth from Willis’s side of things? I’m thinking he and Catherine were already engaged when he was seeing Sheila and she just had no idea, and when being with her became an issue he just sorta. Dropped her. But kept her kid. Basically he cheated on Catherine with his doctor and Sheila had no idea. 
I figure they met because instead of doing illegal abortions, Sheila was stealing prescription drugs from the clinic she worked at and selling them. Willis either wanted in on the money or was buying them for people (like Catherine). Boom, affair, Sheila has no idea she’s the Other Woman, and then Jason... Sheila gets busted for the stealing, plus someone potentially dying from her actions, and has her license revoked, decides to leave the country to avoid prosecution, and leaves Jason with Willis with the hope they’ll both meet her in England when things cool down.
They never come, Willis gets married to Catherine, and Catherine decides to just accept Jason and forgive Willis for the cheating--though their relationship is still not great owing to Willis being kind of a shitty person (I’m not sure if I want him to be completely abusive, as he wasn’t originally; just... not a great dad and husband, but one who at least cared? So Jason has very mixed feelings about him) Willis has no living family except his sister who’s potentially in jail (Nocturna) while Catherine’s family cut her off after she got engaged to Willis because they hated him and didn’t want them to get married--plus her drug addictions causing issues (and this only made it worse)-- leaving Jason with no one to really turn to once his mother died of an overdose and his dad went missing. 
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jennhoney · 2 years
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Man I still get exhausted like immediately when I’m doing something. But I did two loads of laundry by myself and changed the sheets to some of my sheets. Let’s put some pink & constellations up in this dad pad.
Tomorrow I’m going to pick up some prescriptions to start to get an idea of if I get to live. I’m going to visit the Murbleage and hopefully Fafner! Maybe bring a shelf to my dad’s if it isn’t too wide to get a handle on my stuff while I’m here.
Months ago, when I was still in Georgia, my mom and her sisters planned a trip to key west for a birthday (AuntAbides & uncleCip) and yay chemo is over celebration (my mom and AuntMurble) and I usually avoid family trips but there were times over the months that I entertained going. I really love key west and haven’t been since I was a kid. My brother would be there and gosh I miss him. My mom was really pushing me to go but when I was in the hospital I tried to prepare her for the reality of it not being a good idea to travel while I’m trying to stay off my foot so it can heal. So I’m not going. And the plus of this is that I will be watching Fafner at the end of August! Just the Murbleage with Fafner and me, not having to also tend an old verbally abusive blind man. I still haven’t processed Uncleducey dying and I don’t know if I will.
Over the past weeks I’ve had to answer a lot over and over again about how my mental health is and things like if I am homeless and I then list just a small handful of [the many] things that are challenging me and say that I think I’m doing okay considering. But soon, if the exhaustion continues I’ll have to ask for more attention because I’m off the antibiotics, I’m out of the hospital and the extremely precarious living situation to a slightly less precarious living situation and the cancers of family while not resolved are whatever they are.
I hate that my life still feels so temporary and not mine but it’s whatevery. Free shrugs. And there is Fafner and I’m so fucking trying.
Also hey, remember back in October of 2021 when I was trying to learn manual so I could buy that Volkswagen from abeariknow? That was fucking fate man, I wouldn’t have been able to drive it with my injury. That’s one way to look at it anyway 🤷‍♀️ another way to look at it is, if my mom hadn’t been diagnosed with cancer I wouldn’t have rushed to Georgia and I would have been able to go to the doctor’s appointments I was scheduling around that time and a lot of this wouldn’t have happened to me 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
I could go on and on about alternateJennifer lives. I hope one of us has a pack of dogs and a life and home of their own making.
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