#honestly i think my biggest gripe with her character is how mark-focused her storyline became in season 8
buffyspeak · 2 years
goddd i know i’m biased because she was my fave but i Miss lexie grey. i can honestly see why some people were bored by her because she was not nearly as flawed as other main characters (i would say her biggest flaws were letting her emotions get in the way, a bit of flighty/indecisiveness, and a dash of immaturity) and usually i’m more interested in characters that are a little more complicated but. she was such a ball of sunshine that lit up the room and i think she was exactly what the show needed when she was introduced. obviously they wanted their first meredith’s secret half-sister storyline but also it was a transitional time with most of the previous interns becoming residents. they needed to give us a reason to care about the upcoming intern class more, especially since we knew george wouldn’t Stay an intern forever, and lexie was the Perfect reason. and even though obviously there were sad things in her life at that point with her mom dying and taking care of her dad who was struggling with alcoholism, she herself was just so full of life that it made a good balance to meredith’s and the show’s general dark and twistyness. which also made for a good transition into season 7 where she was dealing with the fallout and trauma of the shooting and we got to see her struggling more and become a bit more cynical. AND eventually start to heal. plus her and meredith’s relationship worked so well, a huge part of meredith’s arc at that time was learning how to be emotionally vulnerable and giving her a little sister to eventually bond with worked wonders.
tldr: i can sort of get why people find her boring but i think it’s arguably unfair when it’s more that she filled the role the writers wanted her to and that just happened to be a little less BAM POW DRAMA. plus even in the moments where she could have been boring or a little too perfect, chyler leigh was so charismatic and brought so much life to her that to me at least it just! didn’t matter. it’s telling to me that most people who don’t like her don’t even hate her, they’re just a bit bored hshshs.
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