#pls staff
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
doinggreat · 11 months ago
i wish there was an option to post for 'mutuals only' id spill so much tea
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lonelydipshit · 1 year ago
@staff can we please please please get a button to hide our own posts from our dashboards???? Like I know I just reblogged that post, I pressed the button not 5 minutes ago for Pete’s sake.
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azureblooet · 2 years ago
Ok but yo @staff can yall cut it out? Im not gonna use the lives no matter how big and centered you make the button. If anything I’m going to not use it out of spite because of how annoying you’re being. Put the new post button back onto one of your TWO BUTTON DOCKS instead of your ugly ass circle widget.
Also why the liver tidy heck don’t we have gallery mode on your feed like its in the search bar the heck are we doing. I know you’re feeling pressure and you corporations respond to stress by actively pouring yeast and probiotics into your currently rotting code but don’t act like you have to keep making your UI worse as if you didn’t have a completely functional layout before you ruined it.
Though idk how much faith i want to have in the people who put a SNOOZE BUTTON in their settings tab.
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maoxyi · 11 months ago
The day Luffy became sick and accidentally unlocked something 😔 pt 2
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Uta and Sabo having a chat before the chaos started… they’ll never finish the important thing they were talking about 💔💔😞😔
(Ace is rightfully mad at luffy for waking him up and destroying his spine by jumping on it)
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miyoriia · 2 years ago
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free kisses for all trans girls ♡♡
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luguangs · 2 years ago
wait wait, what’s the change tumblr did to the reblog chains ? 🥲🥲🥲 I’m so lost
okay so basically, let's say you see a post on your dash
before the update, if you clicked on a url, you could do 3 things:
view that specific reblog on the blog you follow (A)
view the previous reblog on the blog A reblogged it from (B)
view the original post on op's blog (C)
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however, staff recently implemented an update where clicking on a url no longer takes you to that specific post. now, clicking on a url just takes you to the blog itself.
this means that you now get 5 things:
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view ONLY that specific reblog on the blog you follow (A) -> changed location near header. also, you will now ONLY see that post and nothing else
view ONLY the original post on op's blog (C) -> changed location near header. you will only see that post and nothing else. and ONLY if the op hasn't deleted it, otherwise it just shows an error
view the blog of the person you follow (D)
view the blog of the person D reblogged it from (F) -> option B no longer exists
view the blog of the op (E)
you might be thinking: "cool! i get more options so that's good, right?" well, no.
there are SEVERAL things wrong with this and it goes beyond the prev tags issue
1) first of all, it's counterintuitive that A and C changed locations to the area near the header, especially if your userbase was already used to the previous functions. it just seems like horrible UX design to me but let's put that aside for now.
2) as you can see, option B which allowed you to see the previous reblog of a post no longer exists.
now, if you click on the previous url, you will just be taken to their entire blog. you can no longer view the post itself.
someone asked staff about this, and they replied in this post that the change was INTENTIONAL and if you want to view the previous reblog you would have to "go through the notes view".
to borrow what someone else said:
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basically, this update just killed the prev tags culture in one fell swoop.
(sure, you can still use it to reply directly to the person you're reblogging from, but it's now literally useless to use "prev tags" for everyone else involved. sure, you can choose to copy tags or peer review them, but again, if people will have to copy them then the less people are likely to use them, and not every prev lends itself to peer-reviewing imo)
now, listen. i know not everyone likes the prev tags culture, but it just seems like such a poorly-thought decision to kill a culture that like... half of your entire userbase uses (see this poll as a quick reference) and that's UNIQUE to your site and sets you apart from other social media.
but it's also not even just prev tags. let's say you want to remove an annoying addition on a post's reblog chain? you can no longer do that.
however, i feel like this is the most important point:
regardless of how you may feel about the prev tags culture, the pure UI aspect of it should remain
what i mean by this is: even if you don't like prev tags, simply 1) being able to access the reblog chain, and 2) clicking on a post and actually have it take you to their BLOG (and not just a page with that one single post) is literally essential navigation.
this update threatens to drive down user engagement (which is already critically low) by making it harder to navigate. which is actually another point:
3) even if you click on A and C now to view those specific posts, it's NOT the same as it used to be.
before, you could view the reblog directly on the blog. so you could just scroll down and see the other posts leading up to it. now, you will be taken to a page where you will ONLY see that post and nothing else.
but also, you can no longer easily navigate other people's blogs.
you know how sometimes you would see like 50 notifications of someone going through an entire tag on your blog? that's going to happen a lot less, i'm afraid.
let's suppose you want to go to op's blog because they're an artist and you want to see more of their art. so you click on C and see that the tag they use for posts with their art is "#my art"
cool! before, you could just click on that tag and immediately view ALL of their art as long as the posts have that tag.
but now, if you click on that tag, it will take you to the ENTIRE tumblr tag with literally all the posts that everyone in the history of time has tagged with that specific tag.
now, to do the same thing that just took 2 clicks before, you would have to: click on C to view the post -> look for the tag you want to navigate -> click E to view their whole blog -> scroll and look for a post that just so happens to have that tag (the search function is literally useless) and hope to god that there's a recent one or you'll have to scroll for ages or simply give up -> if you happen to find it, click on that tag to navigate their posts.
you see how this is counterproductive, right? you see how this can literally drive down engagement with content creators, right?
if you make people's blogs harder to navigate, you will literally drive down the number of likes and reblogs on their posts, which have already been steadily declining for years now.
4) options D and E to view the blogs and not the posts are literally useless because you could already access other people's blogs before. you just had to click on their url to view their blogs starting from that specific post AND you could choose to just refresh it to view their newest posts.
either way, the change just seems completely unnecessary. and again, it's not just about the prev tags culture but about basic UI.
so what can we do about it?
i normally don't advocate for flooding staff with messages but i do feel like this is one of the worst updates staff has ever done (and that's saying something) and something needs to change.
even if they don't retcon the entire update, that's fine, but staff could at least add the option to view the reblog chain as a different feature (maybe even opt-in) for example. there are better ways to go about this than just axing an entire existing feature.
also, this same issue that makes it harder to navigate blogs needs to change. i feel like content creators will be especially affected by this unless this changes because you can no longer easily navigate their tags, so it will inevitably drive down engagement.
so please, contact staff and let them know we want a change.
you can contact support here!
here's a template for a possible message you could send, but feel free to edit it. (under category you can choose "Feedback")
Hi, I would like to politely request a change to the recent update that affects the reblog chain of posts. Regardless of the "prev tags" culture itself, the UI aspect of being able to view the reblog chain of a post is essential for navigation on this website. Even adding it as a separate, opt-in feature would be a huge help. Additionally, clicking on a post and then on one of the tags now takes you to the entire tumblr tag instead of the tag on that blog, which makes it harder to navigate blogs. Both of these issues have the potential to drive down user engagement by actively making it harder to navigate Tumblr, but especially for content creators. I hope you can do something to address these issues as soon as possible. Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
also, if you can and/or want, reblogs are appreciated to help spread the word!
that's pretty much the gist of the issue from what i've seen, but if anyone else has anything to add or a different way we could contact staff to make ourselves heard, please feel free to let me know!
TLDR: it's not just about prev tags, this update affects basic functionality and content creators as well
Update Sept 07, 2024: this issue was "fixed" a few months back, although with some caveats / downgrades. You can check out this post for how to view the reblog chain, but all the other issues addressed in this post still remain.
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veitchiin · 2 months ago
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nobody tell anders his boyfriend is a blood mage
transcription for my sad handwriting:
Anders: (to Merrill) Nothing ever justifies blood magic! You cannot keep employing it!
Merrill: I do not recall seeking advice or opinions, least of all yours!
Anders: Hawke you must have something to say about this!
Hawke: Eeeerrr.... (has selected blood mage spec)
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melioristicbeast · 1 month ago
rewatching teen wolf a decade later with most of a medical degree is an... experience
Mostly in how it takes me from how does the wound healing work, if the cut goes past the dermis it'd scar if it were just a sped-up process of the normal healing but could be the cells knitting back together and how could that work on a cellular level to oh my god if their bodies heal all minor trauma would that mean that they don't form calluses which means all the wolves have super soft hands and then snort-laughing in public
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dais-and-nights · 2 months ago
tumblr is way weirder than i give it credit for yet i’ve stayed for 10 years and if that isn’t true love i don’t know what is
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booplesnotts-art · 6 months ago
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Hecate doodling again 🖤
I don’t give her enough love
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mo-ok · 1 year ago
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Theres something special about polearms that I cant quite put my finger on
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azureblooet · 2 years ago
hey quick question @staff
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Kindly FUCK right off~
please stop trying to emulate the worst website known to man, thanks ^-^
now I'm sure that staff probably arent to blame. so pass this along to whatever hairbrained exec is telling you guys to do this thanks :P
If you're aware enough to put frog memes you SHOULD be able to understand all of us directly speaking to you.
I hope you know that everybody fucking hated the twitter ui so please for the love of whatever the fuck will spurr you guys to action CUT IT OUT
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violent-viscera · 5 months ago
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the way the ppl whom we love can cut us the most.
after all the love and protection vi sought to provide powder with, a colossal mistake borne of grief and shock and she says, “you’re a jinx, do you hear me?”
after all the former years of idolizing vi then thinking she was dead for so many years, powder’s mental illness running rampant and further fuelled by being in the company of silco and his own insecurities. she thinks being jinx and going by jinx is reclaiming a former insult and turning it into her strength. but to vi, it’s the biggest mistake of her life, calling her baby sister something so hurtful. so i wonder how it feels to hear powder/jinx say, “but he didn’t make jinx. you did.”
and with everything that has been done to one another from each other, the words said to one another, well:
“are we still sisters?”
and isn’t that the most tragic part because there was never a moment where they didn’t love each other. they both said that the thought of the other sister is what kept them alive, kept them going through their darkest days—it was that LOVE that had been there and always there.
but now, they find themselves at the mercy of the other in the new season and all i can hope is that they still feel and can unearth that love.
i just cannot fathom that it’s completely died. maybe they can’t recognize one another after years of estrangement and after finding themselves on opposing sides.
vi doesn’t recognize the manic and chaotic terrorist jinx has become and jinx cannot recognize the sister who is chummy with enforcers and has priorities outside of herself (i am not condoning her perspective or mindset but it was adopted through years of being w silco).
even then, it was vi who said it herself:
“nothing is ever going to change that.”
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mrs-schoenheit · 8 months ago
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restless-soulz · 23 days ago
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cookiedough77 · 6 months ago
remember this post? yeah this came to me in a dream- im so sorry that its so bad i rushed it
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