Explore tagged Tumblr posts
linkronny · 7 days ago
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Made a new Starbound mod that focuses on making a large storage network with crafting capabilities, you can find it on the steam workshop
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augmentedpolls · 12 days ago
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etoastie · 2 months ago
A self-heating electric mug proved to be an extremely worthwhile investment.
I didn't realize how much of a difference it made until I tried using a regular mug again. Turns out that you can both have random periods of intense focus and enjoy hot tea!
New problem to consider: a lot of the tea is now just evaporating. Maybe I can improvise a little lid for it.
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pumaloafing · 10 months ago
As with all of my polls, this is just curiosity.
Edit: This is about your primary vehicle, if you have two or more just pick whichever one you use.
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lonelydipshit · 1 year ago
@staff can we please please please get a button to hide our own posts from our dashboards???? Like I know I just reblogged that post, I pressed the button not 5 minutes ago for Pete’s sake.
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ebay-taxidermy · 2 years ago
Something I haven’t seen discussed as often when people talk about Tumblr’s usability issues:
Why does blog view not have hard-coded page numbers?
Part of the joy of Tumblr is that if you really enjoy someone’s blog, it can feed you for days. Years’ worth of goodies they posted, found and reblogged over the years, some at risk of being lost to time if you hadn’t stumbled across them again... It fosters this sense of exploration, like a “what’ll I find next?!” type of attitude that makes you keep on scrolling. And if you have to take a break, you can always go back to (theirblog).tumblr.com/page/134 and continue where you left off.
But with blog view... you can’t. There are no page numbers. If you hit next page, the URL doesn’t change, and Tumblr doesn’t remember where you left off. One accidental refresh, one browser crash, one Windows update, one misclick, and you’re back to page one, even if you were hundreds of pages in. How deep were you? Where did you leave off? Unless you want to brave the archive, you’ll never know(and the archive won’t help you get back on track). It’s honestly easier to just give up and find another blog to scroll through.
The sad part is I don’t even necessarily hate blog view; it can be a bit more sleek than some cluttered custom themes(even though I love custom themes!) and personally I think it makes finding tags easier. But web view isn’t on by default anymore, so a lot of newer blogs just. Don’t have page numbers. it feels like you aren’t supposed to spend time looking through people’s blogs anymore. On the spend time looking through people’s blogs website.
That sucks :/
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(image ID: the blog view version of the original poster’s blog. The URL has been manually changed to include a page number, and reads “tumblr.com/ebay-taxidermy/page/4″. OP’s blog contains more than four pages, but pages are not supported in blog view, so an error message “You’re too late. This post is no more.” is displayed.)
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milktrician · 1 year ago
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A prisoner and his jailer run away in the dead of night in search of more peaceful lives.
Yelexa and Qol are fairly minor in the grand scheme of things in Absentia but this world mostly had just been a playground for a bunch of narratives to have fun with. If you've seen my previous doodles Qol is Fia's mother and creator.
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In the period before the Common Record and the "gods" reveal themselves to the people, Qol was a soldier in charge of a high security prisoner. A technician for the opposing nation in the current war. Yelexa convinces her to escape with him, forming a partnership.
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Yelexa passes away before Qol is chosen to become the Sombered Lady, the god of the moon and oversees death.
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v0lumnius · 2 years ago
Mods I want for ToTK:
Sort by Outfit
On the armor screen, have a sort option that displays armor sets as a whole. For example, if you select the Zora armor it equips the entire set. This reduces clicks and also would help declutter. The normal sort options would still exist for mixing and matching.
Dedicated Sage Ability Button / Wheel
Having to physically go to a Sage and press A is a terrible decision that makes me sad. This hypothetical mod would:
-Remove the whistle (updated per comment suggestions)
-Remove the "Map" option from the Ultrahand Menu.
-Add Horse Whistle to the Ultrahand Menu
-Code the old Whistle button as a Sage Ability Button
A short press of the button would use the actively selected ability. A long press of the button would pull up a wheel to select your ability (same idea as the Ultrahand button).
Imo this would make the abilities feel vastly more accessible and truly like part of your arsenal.
Sages follow you in their region
Ideally, I would like all the Sages to be with you together, and they would all have unique voiced interactions between them. However, that would be an insane amount of work. Consider that my ideal and this a compromise:
The sage phantoms exist as is. However, when you enter a region (ex, Hebra) the Sage of the area (ex, Tulin) will join you, dismissing their phantom. They champion has voiced interactions where they talk to Link about their home region/etc.
Hug the Light Dragon
Stand on the Light Dragon and a "Press A to hug" prompt appears. This is very important.
Streamlined Armor Upgrade System
Let's talk about armor. Have you ever needed five Captain 2 Horns to upgrade an item, but you have no idea where to find a Captain 2? This is where the Upgrade Streamline comes into play. This would change upgrade requirements to ask for (X) of (Y) to upgrade. For example, if the Hylian Tunic requires 30 bokoblin horns to upgrade:
A Silver Bokoblin horn counts as 15 horns toward the total.
A red Bokoblin horn counts as 2.
A blue Bokoblin horn counts as 1, etc.
This would allow greater flexibility in upgrading armor. Ideally, progress toward upgrade is saved and doesn't need to be done all at once.
These are my big wants after dumping far too much time into this absolutely lovely game.
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danzoku · 12 days ago
自分とは 自分の人生における
絶対的 主人公である。
一方で 自分とは
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sweetmmminori · 2 months ago
(Same person as before about the links- they're working fine now! Maybe it was an issue on my end? If so sorry for bothering you about it!! Love your blog btw-)
Nope, it just went to "ooc" and "rules". That's it. No "tumblr.com" or anything, and those are just words! Not even websites!
So, oops!
Thank you Anon! And come again, 'cause I love it when people come by to play!
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carenote · 2 months ago
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atsushi-sunafkin · 6 months ago
本人の健康は自分で責任を持ちます。 墓場の🪦後まで責任持てる人はいません。 わたし達 7世代以上300年間かけて 準備しているのでは、ないでしょうか! 縄文時代後 弥生時代からの物語 50年以上 美しい輝く光エネルギーとの 出逢い 豊かな暮らしを味わう為の日々です。 ヒポクラテスの名言 医学の父、『ヒポクラテスの格言』 歩くと頭が軽くなる 火食は過食に通ず まず何よりも害をなすなかれ すべての病気は腸から始まる 歩く事は人間にとって最良の薬である 満腹が原因の病気は空腹によって治る 月に一度断食をすれば病気にならない 病気は神が治し、恩恵は人が受け取る 食べ物について知らない人が、 どうして人の病気について理解できようか。 食物によるよりも飲料によって 回復を図るほうが容易である。 浄化されていない身体は、 栄養を摂れば摂るほど侵される。 満…
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yuusukewada · 6 months ago
Season 5 Episode 195 エンディングとAI
Podcast Season 5 Episode #195 今日は:2024年 9月…
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krissiefox · 6 months ago
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I did some playtesting of my old unfinished Zelda 2 Adventure Map for Minecraft and gave it some updates as I found it was pretty broken in a few areas! Here's a list of the new changes:
removed some things
fixed command blocks at start not having buttons
added a button for turning on keep inventory so players won't lose their key items
Added signs to warn players that they should bring candles into dark tunnels
Fixed broken exit teleporter in the Swamp Temple
Added recommendation to use Optifine so that the player can see in caves by holding a candle/torch
You can download the updated map here!
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arasakas-ronin · 6 months ago
Did you ever take a good look at a child and noticed that they were just shrunk-down adults with a custom animation? And could you then never un-see it?
This mod is here to help.
A facial resculpt changes the childrens' facial proportions to something more realistic - probably not perfect, but far away from uncanny valley.
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captlok · 2 years ago
Lions who were actually designed to maximally gorge on meat and only eat once a week or less after such gorging: you poor little pretender
Do yourself a favor and graze 2 or 4 or more times a day like biology and nature intended
chimpanzees (98% DNA similarity) munch on fruit and seeds much of the day, and greens
As a plus, if you can manage to evade it, not eating a huge dinner like artificial capitalism has sort of forced us into (hard to wake up to eat a substantial breakfast, only 30 min for lunch) vastly improves your sleep quality
ordered pizza from a small local place and they didnt actually cut it so i've chosen to revert to a wild animal and begin ripping it apart instead of just using a knife to portion slices
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