#pls sta y safe
kakashixhatakesxwhore · 4 months
sneak peek on the itachi and shisui one pls pls that sounds so intriguing 😩
k y'all i don't know how to do sneak peeks, so this is literally the start of the story, like our girl befriending itachi and meeting shisui. something's wrong w me, i'm too longwinded.
anyway, this is the original request - thank you so much to this person, whoever you are, you beautiful mind. death and angst to come, but for now, enjoy the fluff and smidge of tension, i suppose.
"Thinking about an Uchiha love triangle with Shisui and Itachi. Neither of them got to confess to the girl when they were still kids (also given how things played out for Shisui and Itachi….…) What if Shisui asked Itachi to keep her safe as one final wish? And that years after, she and Itachi ended up accidentally reconnecting. With him as an Akatsuki and her being assigned to investigate them and their whereabouts? What if after all these years, he’s always kept Shisui’s promise? That he’s always been her shadow??? That his feelings for her never faded????? HhhhhH Djdjdncn I’m definitely not a writer but I’m imagining angst. So much angst."
Loving From Afar
Pairing: Uchiha Itachi x f!Reader x Uchiha Shisui
Summary: A little brainwashed by public opinion, our reader is extremely stand-offish when faced with an Uchiha. Itachi changes that, and then had to deal with our reader being nicer to Shisui than she was to him in the beginning.
W/c: 5.3k (IM SO SORRY)
Warnings: Reader's a nervous puker, talk of throwing up but not particularly detailedly, kids flirting with kids (it's all rated G, dw), brief kids bullying kids, Itachi trying to overshadow his cousin
Ages: Itachi - 6 in the first n second bits, 7 in the third | Y/n - 7 in the first n second bits, 8 in the third | Shisui - 9 in the third
Notes: lmk if y'all fuck with this, if y'all hate this, what you would change, add, keep, throw away - just let me know!!!!
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You wished you hadn't been so quick to assume the opinion of your parents, in your younger years. 
Your father, a Jonin, terribly wounded by the attack of the Nine Tails, cursed the Uchiha, whom he was certain were behind the carnage. Though a housewife, your mother steadfastly stood by his opinion, spitting on the once noble name with her husband. Like most of the village, you listened to those who seemed to know best.
They were evil, so evil that even the farmers on the countryside called the Uchiha a Family of Red Devils. Your thoughts were rightfully in accordance with the general public opinion - but it seemed you were one of the few sensible children at the Academy.
"Isn't he dreamy?" Yuna sighed, staring at Itachi over her sandwich.
"Totally," Mio agreed. She didn't even pretend to eat, like Yuna. Mio just stared at Itachi unabashedly, with her elbow propped on her knee and head in hand. "None of the boys in our year have muscles like his."
"Do you think he likes girls with-"
"Who cares what he likes?" You snapped, swallowing a mouthful of white rice. Mio and Yuna both turned their heads painfully slow, looking at you like you had just committed the highest treason. Indignant, you scoffed, quoting your parents, "He's an Uchiha - they're all reprobates, all rotten, vile people, and the more rotten and vile they are, the more powerful, and dangerous, they become. They come in two flavours only; weak or awful, and this one skipped a year, so he's not weak."
Neither Mio nor Yuna were able to come up with a quick enough reply. They just looked at you, and each other, opening and closing their mouths like stupid fish. Relishing the silence, you ate the last bite from your bento box, and threw it back into your bag.
When you looked back at your friends, their eyes were back on Itachi. You rolled your eyes, finally sparing Itachi a glance as you as you asked, "What can he be doing that is so... interesting."
Well, he was staring at you. 
Your group, at least, you figured. Staring-staring, blatantly. His dinner-plate-sized, pitch black eyes stood so starkly against the pristine whites of his eyes and the pale glow of his face. You'd never seen such large eyes before in your life.
It scared the daylight out of you.
"What a creep!" You exclaimed, pulling at your bag over your shoulder and running back into the Academy building, right into Daikoku-Sensei's classroom to hide. He was your favourite instructor, and you were, by far, his favourite student.
Surely, Daikoku would protect your peace and let you spend a little while in his classroom before class.
He greeted you quite jovially, halfway through his own lunch and grading papers. Daikoku let you pull up a chair to his desk, just listening to you yammer about the most trivial things in the world as he marked the pages before him with a red pen.
However, your peace was disturbed again, too soon after it was restored. A knock came and Daikoku called them to enter.
"What a pleasant surprise! My two most gifted students, come to visit," your sensei said warmly once the door opened. 
Intrigued, and a little jealous, you turned your head. Ugh. 
"Come, pull up a chair, we weren't talking about anything important."
"I was just leaving actually," you interjected, collecting your bag from the floor beside you.
But, of course, Daikoku knew you were lying. He chuckled, "No, you were about to tell me about making a new dye for-"
"No, I wasn't," you snipped, standing up quickly. Despite him standing behind you, you could feel Itachi's eyes on you, trying to strip you down to your bare soul.
"Where can you possibly need to go, ten- nine minutes before my class starts?"
Itachi's eyes tickled your skin, searing through. But you kept your calm, trying still to not be rude. You just stammered, "Er... the- the library. I, er, have an over-due book, that I have to, y'know, give back."
Tucking your bag close to your body, you breezed past Itachi, who let you go without a word. You tried not to look at his eyes, having heard the horror stories, but they were just so big, and they were glued to you. Wide and unmoving, as if he were restraining himself greatly, and waging an internal battle.
He freaked you out.
To your core, Itachi unnerved you. Like all of the Uchiha.
It was bad enough that he had been moved up to your year because of his accomplishments, but you never had to interact with him before. You still hadn't, not properly, and, as you scurried away from Daikoku's classroom, you noticed that you were shaking like a leaf. 
The unease travelled to your stomach, and made your mouth fill with saliva.
As quickly as your legs would carry you, you ran down the hall and out the back doors of the school.
You were just in time, kneeling into a bush and pulling your hair back, just as you began to throw up. Hot tears welled into your eyes, but you didn't make a sound as you gagged.
You could hear the doors swinging open again as you heaved into the bush, but you were far too occupied to care.
"Cor lummy - I didn't know you hated me this much."
Great. Yeah, perfect. Just what you wanted.
"Leave me al-" 
Another wave took over your body, cutting off your command and taking every bit of authority out of it.
Much to your dismay, at the time, Itachi came behind you. With fingertips as gentle as feathers, he collected the loose strands of your hair, bringing it back properly and sliding your impromptu ponytail out of your hand.
You wanted to swear at him, yell at him to stop touching your hair, but you couldn't - you just kept throwing up.
After another wave, Itachi's hand came to the center of your back. You could feel a warm tingle were his hand was, and it almost seemed to tingle at the only frequency that could stop the vibrations in your stomach.
"Are... are you okay?" He asked in a unbefittingly soft voice as he stroked small circles into your back.
"No, go away," you snapped, head still in the bush.
Itachi just stated, his hand stilling, "I'm not going to leave you... not if you're not okay."
Coming out of the bush, you sat on the pavement and looked up at Itachi as he stood from his crouch. Your hair fluttered back to your shoulders, feeling strangely warmed, and almost dirty. Your mother and father would have been incensed if they had seen what just happened, so you knew you had to be as well.
"Because," Itachi hummed as he sat in front of you. "I want to show you that I'm not rotten, or vile, or weak, or awful, or that one strange word you used."
"I... I didn't..." He was making it so hard to stay true to your parents' word. You felt guilty to have repeated it. "I know you're not weak."
"And I'm trying to show you I'm none of the other things either."
They said there wasn't a good Uchiha to ever touch grass, but here the good one sat before you. He may have just been trying to prove his worth, but he did, somewhat, no matter how forced his action could have been.
"Thanks," you finally said, still so unsure.
"Do you want to be friends?"
You were wildly taken aback, and your parents late-night tirades flashed through your mind. Scampering to your feet at the speed of sound, you took up your bag, not caring about the pin that fell off in your hasty movement.
In response to Itachi's kindness, you ran.
Back into the Academy you went, finding the nearest girls' washroom to camp. You stayed for fifteen minutes, making yourself late for Daikoku's class intentionally. 
When you arrived, you were woeful to find out that Itachi's wide-eyed stare had suddenly changed.
He glared at you now, and you wished for anything but. 
Itachi's sharp eyes ripped your skin off, just to examine the many layers at their own leisure. You felt as through he was piercing through your soul, cutting it like cloth, with his plain, black eyes alone. Quick as you came, you tried to leave.
"No, I have to-"
"Y/n, you just got here-"
As your sensei stood in front of the door, blocking your only exit, you dove for the trashcan beside him.
It was stupid to think that you had gotten whatever was bugging you out earlier, because it wasn't like you ate some bad clams. You had captured Uchiha Itachi's attention, and you were sick to your stomach.
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Tossed in the gutter, you and your reputation became worthless. People used to like you, but once you became the Nervous Puker, people started to steer clear.
Whatever. It gave you a certain freedom you had never had before, not restricted to plans or anyone else's schedule.
The moniker was nasty in the first week of your naming, but you slowly stopped hearing it as people stopped talking to you. You assumed they probably still called you that, but you weren't bothered by it, because it was never staring you in the face.
Meandering the edge of the recess-yard, you stared out at the adults, ninja and civilians alike. They milled around, going about their business in various directions and ways. Some held cases, where others had bags strapped to their backs - the ones with the briefcases styled their hair much more nicely than the others, and you admired one blond man's perfect quaff as he walked past the Academy.
You couldn't wait to get out of the prison that was the Academy, and you forced yourself to make all the progress you could, as quickly as you could. The instructors loved you and gave you top marks, the work was simple, but that only supported your theory that the Academy was only stagnating you. Though, what use was a seven year old on the battlefield?
"Hey! NP!" One of the boys from your year called behind you, making you turn your head in acknowledgement. He laughed, "It's good to see you're used to your new name."
"It's just as good to see you're not eating," his friend commented, barely containing his laughter. "Don't want to put any fuel in the tank!"
Pursing your lips, you just nodded as they cried out with laughter, and turned your head back toward the passing people. Their taunts did little to bother you, so you weren't going to pay them any mind.
That was apparently the wrong thing to do, as a hand gripped your shoulder, throwing you around before you were pushed, back against the chain-link fence. The two boys jeered at you, both pinning your shoulders to the fence as it rattled with your attempts to move.
"Where are you trying to go? Feeling a bit nervous?" The blond boy snickered.
To add, his brunet friend sneered, "We'd better clear the splash zone."
Like a flash, your saviour appeared. You never got the chance to ask him what it was that spurred him to act, but you were always thankful for that decision of Itachi's.
"You two have nothing better to do?"
Their holds instantly relaxed as Itachi's eyes darted between them. You stared at him, confused, but undoubtedly grateful for his intervention. Anxiously, the two boys turned to Itachi. They were both taller than him, but Itachi's mere presence dwarfed them.
"We were just-"
"I don't care, stop bothering my friend."
Hey, you weren't going to poke a hole in that now. 
Itachi was saving you, scooping you up like the hand of a god, being the only person who could realistically stop the teasing, other than Father Time. 
When the wave swelled, you knew you had to ride it as far as it could take you. No gift-horses' mouths were getting looked into by you.
"Dude, you can't be serious," the brunet almost chuckled. "You, friends with the Nervy Puker? Puh-lease."
In an instant, Itachi's eyes swirled, turning from the, regularly unnerving, inky black to a bloody, Ruby red. The sickness came to your stomach immediately, and you looked away from the scene as best you could, scared in every respect.
"Call her that again at your own personal risk."
Yeah, you were going to throw up again. His voice... good, gracious Creator. You'd never heard such a sternness. Such authority. Especially not out of some six year old.
Because he wasn't some six year old. He was an Uchiha.
Just like it had a little over two weeks ago, your mouth began to fill with saliva. You swallowed it furiously, but the more you swallowed, the more came up. Heat travelled through your body, carried by the deep vibrations that pained you dully. In your attempt to stop the feeling, you hadn't even noticed the two boys running off, nor Itachi's eyes returning to their normal hue.
"Look at me."
You swallowed again and looked up. Itachi looked at you like he had a few weeks before, wide-eyed, as something you couldn't name flickered behind his pupils.
"We should go around back again, if you're feeling... unwell," he offered, voice restrained but still kind. Swallowing and clearing your throat, you shook your head, finding it hard to speak. To your surprise, Itachi came forward, stuttering, "I- er, the other day, when you... ran, I-I picked this up, for you. Y'know, so I could, like, give it back."
"Where did all your confidence go?" You teased, feeling greatly eased by his sudden nerves. You sank to the ground while leaning against the fence, arms wrapped around your stomach.
After looking at you strangely for a second, rifling through his pockets, Itachi let a small, straight-faced chuckle pass through him as he replied, "It seems to leave me when I speak to you."
"That's a real troublesome problem between friends."
Itachi's eyes lit up. "You... friends?"
"Isn't that what you said to Jiyuna?"
"Yeah," Itachi grinned, sitting next to you on the fence as he pulled your pin out of his pocket finally. "But... I thought... why'd you run, then?"
Without any good answer yet, you just shrugged and admitted, "You scare me."
As Itachi extended the pin to you, you held out your hand, and he pressed it right into the center, letting his touch linger. His eyes twinkled in a way that somewhat invited you, and his smile wasn't obnoxious or arrogant. Your parents were wrong, you realized then. You also realized you had never seen Itachi smile before, not even a little.
"So, friend, comrade, associate," Itachi started happily, moving his hand to point at the pin in yours. "Tell me about The Ballads of the Green Cloth, and convince me to get a matching pin."
From that day, onward, you and Itachi were as thick as thieves. The people who stopped talking to you tried to start again, attempting to get into Itachi's Good Books through you. It didn't work. Itachi hated them to an extreme, and the people who had actively teased you, even more. He steered you away from all of them, offering you some of the best company in the world; himself, alone.
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After every school day, Itachi began to invite you places. He would take you to the library, to his favourite spot on the creek, to the confectionary just off the main road. With your parents under the impression that you were attending extracurricular classes, you had two or three hours every day to spend with Itachi, completely unadulterated.
Gradually, over a year of spending the afternoons together, you and Itachi had built a steady rotation of places to go. The cycle started at the confectionary, with another nine places on the roster regularly (ten in the Summer). It wasn't set in stone, but you quickly came to find out that Itachi only ran on schedules.
"It's pissing down rain right now, Itachi," you pointed out, motioning to the massive window beside you, that the two of you sat on the ledge of. "Let's just stay in the library today, the creek will be flooded."
"It's creek day, though," Itachi countered.
You groaned, pressing your forehead to the cold glass, "I know, but it's not the day to go to the creek."
"What are you talking about? Yes, it is, we went to the stationary store yesterday."
"I've been meaning to ask you about that; why do we keep going there if you never buy anything? My pen purchases can only support us for so long - they're going to stop being to happy to see us."
"Why would I need to buy something, if you buy a pen every time?"
"My man! I buy the pens because you don't buy anything!"
Laughing lowly, Itachi took the honeysuckle juice that you had made in your kunoichi class that day from your hand and sipped it greedily. You grumbled something about how absolutely gluttonous he was, which only made Itachi laugh louder. The sound of his laughter hit your ear very kindly, cracking your resolve, and making you smile almost instantly. You bit it back, snatching the half-full container from him.
"You are so rich, and yet, you never pay for your own stuff."
"Well, duh, how else do you think I stay rich?" Itachi joked, laughter calming, developing a blush. You giggled, but his face got a bit serious, and he captured your eyes. Gently, a tad regretfully, Itachi asked, "Should I... should I be... paying for you? Like, your stuff?"
For some reason, his tone spoke to your heart, setting it ablaze. Your breath caught in your throat, feeling a tight pinch in the center of your chest. Goosebumps rose on your skin, cascading down your spine, and back, up, all the way up to the top of your head. A chill settled just underneath your skin, destined to never be warmed, save by one thing.
Perhaps it was the cold glass beside you, withstanding a particularly strong sheet of rain.
"No," you whispered. 
Blinking a few times, the tension was cut, and you repeated, shaking your head and looking out the window, 
"No, no. You shouldn't." Swallowing thickly, you chuckled, "You're younger than me anyway, I have more birthday money saved."
"Pretty girls like you shouldn't ever pay for themselves - Itachi, you idiot."
If it weren't for the slight shred to the other's voice, you would have thought Itachi had spoken.
But the voice was inherently not Itachi's, the melody was missing; the colloquialism replaced by a certain type of suave charm.
Your suspicions were confirmed as you looked at the window's glass and saw the reflection of someone on the ground. He was looking up, between you and Itachi, as your friend motioned to him, trying to be discreet. Making you feel even more confident in your deduction, the standing boy looked extremely similar to Itachi. His nose, and general facial shape, seemed a bit rounder, more soft than Itachi, with much shorter hair. And he definitely looked older.
It dawned on you that you were in the presence of another Uchiha, and the fear bloomed within you - it was quickly squashed by a heavy-set guilt for feeling that fear at all.
The guilt just made your stomach feel even worse.
It was as if your mind was on open display to Itachi as he immediately uncrossed his legs, coming closer and putting a hand on your knee as he hissed at the other boy, "Shisui, go away, now. I'll see you later."
"Why? What's wrong?" He, Shisui, asked, sounding so genuinely concerned that it just made you feel guiltier.
"Nothing. Bye. Go away."
"No, not if she's not okay."
Through the window, you watched the reflection of Itachi carrying out a silent fight with Shisui.
You just closed your eyes.
You were mortified. Itachi was so kind, and, here you were, getting all frightened over one of his family members, and then being the cause of his rudeness. If it was his father, you might have been justified in your fear, but another kid? Get serious.
"Look at me."
You did, remarking Itachi's eyes gleaming in the honey-shaded light of the library. A warm comfort overpowered all of your other emotions, wrapping you up tightly. It brought air to your lungs, in a deeper breath that you maintain to have ever been your deepest.
Itachi smiled gently, taking your hand into his and finding the perfect middle of your wrist. He rubbed small firm circles onto the pressure point.
"Do you want to go get an ice-pop, or something?"
"Popsicle," you corrected with a breath.
Chuckling lowly, Itachi nodded, "Whatever. Let's get one."
"Sounds tasty, can I come?" Shisui interrupted.
You froze at the other boy's voice and took a deep breath as Itachi gauged your reaction briefly. Immediately, he geared up to send Shisui on a long walk of a short pier. But, when you looked at Shisui, the words seemed to die on Itachi's tongue.
Nodding slowly, you found you couldn't speak. Well, you probably could have, but it would have sounded like a croak, and you didn't want that.
To your surprise, Shisui smiled broadly. Extending his hand to you, like Itachi always did to help you off of the ledge, Shisui beamed, "Great. I know a lovely, little place to get some really good fruit ice-po-psicles."
"We have our own designated spot, thank you very much," Itachi replied for you, smacking away Shisui's hand just before you were ready to take it.
He jumped off the ledge and extended his hand to you, providing a much more usual sight. You smiled as you took Itachi's hand, jumping close to him as he put his hand around your back as a precaution. Leaning close to Itachi's ear, you brushed his long hair back with your index finger as you whispered, "Maybe we should go to his place, so we don't disrupt the sanctitude of ours."
Gritting his teeth, Itachi leaned into your ear and whispered back, "I don't want him to come at all."
"Why?" You asked in a hush, lips brushing Itachi's ear again.
Dramatically sighing, Itachi bent his knees back and looked at you with narrowed eyes before leaning back into your ear to whisper, "You're going to like him more than me."
"Not very likely, but let's see," you giggled, not bothering to lower your voice. You looked to Shisui behind Itachi's shoulder, and he grinned at you, obviously feeling left out. Gathering up your courage, on Itachi's good word, you finally said to Shisui, "Itachi never mentioned an older brother."
"Ugh, are you calling me ugly, Ms. Nervy?" Shisui joked.
The nickname made your eye twitch, but that was nothing compared to the force Itachi turned around with, turning you with him.
"Don't you dare-"
"Shhh," you hushed, hoping to put Itachi off being even ruder to his uninformed family member.
"We're in the back of the library, and it's a Tuesday," Itachi snapped at you, before setting his fiery gaze back on Shisui who you couldn't see. Resuming a threatening tone, though even lower, thus quieter, Itachi hissed, "If you call her anything like that again, you and I are going to have a bigger issue than you can even fathom."
Sounding taken aback, Shisui said to you, as sweetly as his raspy voice would allow, "My deepest apologies, I should have known your guard dog can't take a joke."
"You know what-"
"Hey," you said gently, letting go of Itachi's hand. His hand on your back lingered a moment longer, but dropped as you approached Shisui. You smiled up at the older boy, remarking how sweetly his eyes shone, giggling lightly as you said, "You're a lot taller than I thought you were, up on the ledge."
"I suppose it's all about perspective, darling," he hummed, that suave voice from before returning. Flickering his eyes to Itachi behind you, Shisui chortled, "Is that one okay, or are you going to threaten me?"
You thought it was more than okay. No one had ever called you darling, except for your mother. Especially not so... lovingly? Of course, Itachi felt a different way. Coming from behind, Itachi tugged at your waist to get to you move around Shisui. You did and Itachi followed you, Shisui folding in behind him.
Once your group made it outside, you were left to your own umbrella, while the boys shared Itachi's. Apparently, Shisui wasn't much for planning.
As the two debated between where to go to get a popsicle, you let yourself get used to Shisui's voice. You quickly discovered they were cousins, but were much closer than any set you had ever seen. Shisui was a year older than you, and two years older than Itachi, which made you wonder if Itachi's voice would soon turn to be like Shisui's on day. Truly, his cadence lacked all the melody that Itachi's had a surplus of. Shisui spoke more loosely, and never went very long without a joke or a little quip. Even their scents were markedly different, as Itachi smelled like herbs and spices, whereas Shisui smelled of harsh soap. You came to know Itachi to be a member of the main family, while Shisui was a part of the branch family.
"Together, or separate?" The shopkeeper of Shisui's spot asked as the three of you put your chosen popsicles on the counter.
"Together," Shisui said quickly, getting out his wallet. 
Itachi noticed, and got out his wallet as well, readying himself to beat Shisui to the money dish. Within your pocket, you collected 70 yen from your own wallet.
"That'll come up to..." The shopkeeper started, typing on his dated machine as it clicked and zipped. "68 yen."
You were first.
Smiling, oh, so very smugly, you looked at the boys as the shopkeeper took your bills from the dish with a soft chuckle.
"You two," he said, pointing at Shisui and Itachi as he gave you your change. "Ought to be paying for this sweetheart."
"Yeah," Shisui said pointedly, capturing your eyes before his smile returned. "If this sweetheart would let us pay for her, that is."
"I hear you, brother," the shopkeeper grinned, pushing the popsicles at you. The three of you took them up as the shopkeeper continued, "I've got a feisty one, too, back at home. They make the most wonderful wives, if either of you ever prove so lucky."
"They won't!" You exclaimed with a bubbly laugh, feeling embarrassed.
Maybe the shopkeeper would cause Itachi to recognize the signs of infatuation you displayed, and then he wouldn't want to be your friend anymore, and nothing scared you more. Not even your previous conceptions about the Uchiha.
"Oh, yeah?" The shopkeeper challenged you.
The boys were strangely quiet, just staring at you. Maybe that was them seeing through your lie, so you decided to add,
"Honest! I like blonds."
"Blonds, hm?" He asked. You nodded with a soft smile on your face, praying that Itachi couldn't see through it. As if a test, the shopkeeper told you, "My son's a blond. Golden blond."
"Get me in contact with him," you laughed.
Before you could continue to dig yourself into the hole of your creation, Itachi put his hand on your shoulder, squeezing, though not strongly enough to hurt. You looked to him, and were met with that god-forsaken, wide-eyed stare.
Itachi needed to only look at you for a second before he kissed his teeth and relaxed his eyes, throwing his arm over you as he guided you out of the shop. Shisui gave the shopkeeper his thanks for the sale, and darted in front of you and Itachi, holding the door open for the two of you to squeeze through.
"Thank you," you and Itachi chorused in mumbles at the same time, before looking at each other and dissolving into a short laugh.
As you undid your umbrella, Itachi gave his umbrella to Shisui, staying by your side. The three of you began to walk slowly, down one of the back roads, Shisui with his own umbrella, you and Itachi sharing. You held it steadily for the two of you, only flopping a bit with the bounce of footsteps.
"I would dye my hair, if you would like it more," he asserted once at a comfortable pace, holding his popsicle to his chest to pop it out of the wrapping. Itachi moved to hold the stick as you took the end of his wrapping, holding it as he pulled it out. He looked at the cherry popsicle and gestured, asking, "Does it need to be blond, or can I do something cool, like red?"
Blushing, and leaning into his arm, you ducked your head down and laughed, "Platinum blond."
"I would look terrible, but if it's what you like..." Itachi replied, helping you with the wrapping of your popsicle before opening his palm for his wrapper in your hand. You gave it to him, and he shoved the wrappers in his pocket, giving you a smile as they crinkled.
Sighing contently, you and Itachi began to eat the popsicles. Your steps synchronized, and soon the bounces of your shoulders did as well.
"You two are cute," Shisui murmured behind you.  Itachi's head swiveled sharply and the elder cousin snickered, "I rescind that; one of you."
"Oh, you're such a charmer, Shisui," Itachi derided. He was, you thought. But leave it to Itachi to know what you were thinking. Shaking your shoulder a bit, Itachi leaned into your ear and whispered, "Don't fall victim, I'm your friend."
"You're my best friend, Itachi," you said loudly, grinning ear to ear as you swapped your popsicle for his. You licked his and he licked yours, and you both hummed,
"I like yours better."
Laughing again, you both shrugged and continued eating the other's popsicle. Shisui, no doubt feeling a bit left out again, came up beside you on the street and you angled yourself toward him, though Itachi's arm remained on your shoulders. You looked at Shisui as he gave Itachi a very playfully taunting look.
"This is what you two do?" He asked, making Itachi quirk his brow. Shisui motioned at his own popsicle, then the rainy day. "Get treats, and flirt, while walking around?"
Caught, your face screwed up. You didn't know where the line of obvious flirting was, and Shisui could tell you were interested in Itachi... so why couldn't Itachi?
"We're not flirting!" Itachi exclaimed, defended himself, his honour, his family's honour- "Yuck, don't say stuff like that, Shisui, that's so gross."
Oh. Okay. 
You distinctly remembered that pain for the rest of your life. It was like a knife, impossibly sharp, and quite unforgiving. 
For a year and change, you'd been using your small crush on Itachi to help with that overwhelming fear - you convinced yourself that he could have a crush on you too, and if that were true, then he really wouldn't hurt you. You would be safe.
But he didn't. Obviously, he didn't. Why would he?
Cripes, you didn't even feel like throwing up. Just crying.
"Hey," you mumbled, drawing Itachi's attention like a magnet. You looked at him, biting your tongue, as he looked at you with a tentative smile, worry in his eyes. Worry about what? Shaking your head, you got a grip, and half-smiled as you said, "I have to go."
"What?" He asked, smile dropping.
"Mum's making a nice dinner, so I have to go help," you explained, not exactly lying. Itachi nodded, opening his mouth to say something, but closed it just as soon. He moved to join Shisui's umbrella, and you grinned to the older cousin, "It was lovely to meet you, Shisui."
"And you, as well," he hummed. Shisui's smile was broad as he winked, "I hope we meet again, maybe do some flirting of our own."
In response to Shisui's kindness, you nodded, and ran away.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
Hiii!! I see Mr. Djarin and I must request 👀 Could we get Mando having some sort of fear of losing y/n? I love how you change your blog theme throughout the holidays and events btw it's so cute 🥰
~𝕯𝖎𝖓 𝕯𝖏𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓 x Reader: Separation Anxiety~
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"oh sorry guys I don't write with any anxiety topics"
Also my black text thingy STILL ISN'T WORKING (TUMBLR FIX NOW PLS DARLING) so I just didn't use any color...which is entirely against every cell in my body because I like the text color to match the character, but it's not working so I'm forced to just leave it all BORING :(((
ALSO DJDJDHDSHAWOWI THANK YOU SO MUCH ⭐REMEMBERRR THIS IS ALL PART OF THE MANDALORIAN SEASON 3 EVENT THINGY! Any requests I get with Mando will be done BEFORE any other requests in my inbox! This goes all week long!⭐
Note: this is a little bit after Grogu went bye bye with Luke. I made Mando all dumb and clingy C:
𝕯𝖎𝖓 𝕯𝖏𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓
~He seemed to be fine for a few days, he obviously missed the kid but didn't really show it much. Maybe just a bit quieter than usual.
~which basically means he was silent because he already doesn't talk much
~He seemed a bit more unfocused when he picked up bounty hunting again. He came back injured more often than he used to.
~Because his brain was completely focused on you instead of what he was doing. Would you be gone by the time he got back? What are you doing? Are you hurt right now???? No, you're fine. BUT WHAT IF-
~Worried you might just decide to leave him. The Kid left him because he wanted to go, would you leave just because you wanted to as well? Maybe it would just be better for you to, anyway. Life with a bounty hunter? You can't like him enough to stay in a life of danger.
~It doesn't matter how long you've been with him, he'll still worry that you don't like this life.
~Grogu left because it was his "destiny" or whatever, he didn't want to leave, right??
~Okay so basically he's just a mess you get the point
~He always seems to be hovering over you, now. Watching from the doorway, and when you say something about it, he just says he was checking on you.
~It gets annoying and then he's annoyed and embarrassed that you're annoyed and now he's stressed and kind of sad. He thinks he's being oversensitive and now he's even annoying himself. help him omg
~He starts getting way more violent than he used to be during hunts. Anything to protect you.
~Din's just realizing how important you really are to him. Doesn't understand how much something means to him until it's gone, he's learned, so now he's around you and just...looking at you and appreciating you and being so freaking worried over something that doesn't exist and isn't happening
~Super stressed out if you ever need to leave to do something, or even if you just want to go shop around or get something to eat.
~It comes off as him being super annoyed, but he honestly just doesn't want to see your back when you leave, and he's scared of you getting injured, kidnapped, ect.
~He used to always be fine with you doing literally whatever you wanted because he knew you could handle yourself. Now he's worried about the smallest thing happening and does not want you going anywhere.
~(Y/N): I'm going out to eat
~Din: we have food at home
~Clings to you and then tells you that you're the one following him when you say something about it. He gets embarrassed.
~But then he feels bad and realizes that's a form of gaslighting you so he rejects what he said and tells you that you're right.
~Really, he's just an emotional mess. He gets over it slowly, but Din really just wants to make sure you're safe and that you're happy with him. After Grogu left with Luke, you're the only person he has to take care of. He likes feeling needed by you 🥺
~So now you're the baby!
~He did already have separation anxiety due to his parents :( so now it's worse. It's not permanent, but he definitely starts overthinking about you and your safety.
~Just be patient with him, he'll be okay.
~The man just worries a lot and loves you.
Here's my Masterlist!
And here are the rules!
Discord Server! Here you can roleplay with and as your favorite characters, get updates on my fanfiction, and get sneak peaks for my upcoming videogames!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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bpdjelly · 8 years
he blocked me on everything caus ei was too mcuh, I'm always too brokem fr anyone to love jelly and now im gettinh drunk at 1:23pm and i want to die. I've been wrtiing suicide notes all week and havent eaten in like 8 days/ ive lost 10 pounds and vverything hurts. im sorry. im sorry friend
hey anon, ,,ur not too broken for anyone to love. u may be broken but god i promise that doesn ot mean that no one can lvoe u. i prpmise. i’m sorry things have been so rough. he may not have been able to handle u but i promise u deserve someone who can take in everything that u ar e and still lvoes u more than anything. u deserve that.!!! if writing notes helps u cope, than please, write, write ur heart out but please odn’t go.. please take care o furself. get some rest and munch on something, anything, even if it’s small. this is going to be hard, it’s going to be so so rough and it’s going to feel long, but it’s going to be okay without him i promise!! u are strong and brave. thank u for being here. give it time, give urself all the time u need toheal. i will be here for u.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | two
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> series masterlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: (2nd bts member to be revealed later on) x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut (to come)
words: 2.0k
warnings: hoe-ish thoughts / implied sexual content, per usual
tags: @laurynne5​, @yiyi4657​, @bluesharksandfish​, @miinoongi​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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You decided to stay behind with Jimin to get some homework done at the library. You were super tired, being that work earlier in the day was jam-packed with problems left and right. You literally felt like you had no time to take a breather up until now, if this is even considered a breather. You've also been feeling a little behind on your school work, and you knew trying to get this done at home wouldn't do you any good right now. You definitely wouldn't get anything done.
But damn, going home after grabbing your groceries and grubbing on some sushi and wine sure sounded nice as hell. Oh well, at least it'll be worth it.
As you sit in the far corner of the library with Jimin's back facing the entrance, you spot Mr. Kim walking towards the doors with another professor. You continue to write your notes as much as possible, but the distraction was evident and you weren't even mad at it. You continue to glance at him, just because he was simply nice to look at it, as he stood, hands in pockets while he laughed along with professor in front of him. Jimin raises his eyebrow and follows your glance, shaking his head at how blatantly obvious you were being.
"Y/N, really?" You were pulled out of your trance.
"You literally can't be any more obvious." He laughed as he continued to write his notes.
"He's just nice to look at."
"Yes, I've heard." He snorted. "He's like, the talk of campus right now."
"See, and to think Taehyung was the only news that got around."
"God forbid he hears his spotlight has been taken away." Jimin responds sarcastically to match your tone. Mr. Kim glances over and coincidentally catches you looking at him, so he flashes that smile of his before returning his attention to the other professor. You return the favor toothlessly as he walks out of the library, bringing your attention back to the papers in front of you. "Stop!"
"I'm sorry, I really am." You laugh at Jimin's flustered look.
"You and Ryujin need to keep it in your pants."
"Calm down, we are." You rose your eyebrow. "But, let's just say he is single-"
"I'm not even gonna have this conversation with you right now."
"Hear me out." He sighs before looking up at you. "I would literally ride his face and bust it open for that man 24/7. Better yet, I'd ride him into the sunset. I would literally give it all to him, if given the opportunity." There's a slight pause before Jimin responds.
"Are you finished?"
"I think so."
"Never again am I giving you the benefit of the doubt." He waves his hand to dismiss that entire portion of the conversation, but hey, you were just being honest. A little too honest, but sometimes you just had to let it out. "Anyways, what are you doing after this?"
"I have a date with Trader Joes, then I'm gonna meet up with sushi and wine and hang out on my couch." Jimin chuckles.
"What about you?"
"Just head home, probably hop on Monster Hunter and hunt with Taehyungie."
"Sounds productive." You nodded in agreement.
"Wanna have dinner soon? You cook, I clean?" He smirked.
"Or.. you cook, I clean, or we can order take-out. Those are the only two options."
"Actually, I'm not opposed to cooking."
"Just let me know, date and time." He nods. Sooner or later, you both are checking the clock and packing up by the time you realize it's 7:30pm. You figured now would be a good time to grab your groceries since the rush has probably died down. You had quite the list of groceries to grab and you were feeling relieved that you could finally make the time to go.
When you arrive, the lot is still slightly full of cars, but you easily grab a spot on the other end of the lot. You tucked your jacket tightly against your body before grabbing a cart for all your needs. You can't lie, this is pretty soothing to you and you're pretty excited to walk up and down the aisles, browsing at all the unnecessary items you'll probably end up throwing in your cart. I mean, why the hell not? It only means your cabinets and fridge would be stocked for awhile—
"Oops, so sorry." You're pulled out of your exciting thoughts when you accidentally bump into someone trying to step back and bend down for some black truffle alfredo sauce on the bottom shelf.
"Miss Y/L/N?" You recognized that voice. Easily. Slowly turning, you see Mr. Kim and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Your body goes hot and you can't help but feel incredibly embarrassed for having literally bumped into him, yet again. He must be so damn tired of running into you already.
"Oh my god, I did it again." You facepalmed, causing him to chuckle. "I'm so sorry."
"Hey, at least it was softer this time. And you're empty-handed." You flash him a worried look. "I'm kidding, Miss Y/L/N. I promise it's not a big deal." Your expression softened. You can't help but marvel at his beauty and how truly flawless he was.
"You must probably hate me already."
"Well, I don't hate anyone for one thing, and two, I don't think there's any way that I can hate you." You softly smile at him.
"I swear I'm not doing this on purpose, Mr. Kim. I'll be more careful--"
"Call me Jin."
"Mr. Kim doesn't exist if we aren't in the classroom." You nodded as you followed his lead with your cart.
"Alright, Jin. Well, I promise I'm not doing this on purpose."
"Sure about that?"
"100%." You both laughed before there was a slightly awkward pause. "Sooo, grocery day for you, too?"
"Mmm, yeah I figured I might as well since I'm still in the area."
"Do you live nearby?"
"About 25 minutes away or so in Orinda. You?"
"Yeah, right up in the Oakland hills."
"Beautiful area, I gotta say."
"It is. Sometimes, it has its days. Still can't hate it though." He nodded. You had both pushed your carts towards the cashiers at this point, and you took notice of the ring on his finger. Bummer, you jokingly thought. That would have been fun. You internally chuckle at Ryujin's hoe ass ways rubbing off on you, but at the same time, could you really expect a man like him to be single? Fucking kidding me? "Did you grab everything you needed for you and your wife?" You don't know what takes over you, but the question is already out there. No take-backs.
"Uh," He chuckles nervously as he scratches the nape of his neck. "Fiancé, so not entirely there yet. But yes, yes I did. Did you?"
"Yeah, I'm done. Or, I should be, so I don't grab more things that I don't need." You pointed down at your cart. You both fall in line together, with Jin going first. Afterwards, he grabs his bags and lingers around at the end of the cashier.
"Let me grab those for you and walk you to your car."
"I got it."
"No, I got it." He insists as he gently grabs the bags from you. "Besides, it's dark out."
"Thank you, I really do appreciate it. But, I don't wanna take more time out of your day. I am a grown woman who can handle it, you know?" You chuckle.
"Yeah, I know. And you're also a grown woman who lives in this world and it's close to 9pm." He looked down at you as he continued to follow you to your car on the other end of the lot. What a gentleman. Honestly, everything you told Jimin earlier stands and this man was doing nothing but proving your ass right. He could really get it.
When you finally arrived at your car, he placed your bags in your trunk and shut it close.
"What's next, gonna make sure I get home safely?" You joked, but you were silently cursing yourself because your flirting had been a little rusty and this was not it, miss.
"I mean, I would if you really needed me to for safety reasons."
"Well, that's sweet, but I'll be alright. Thank you, though." He nodded.
"You sure?"
"I promise."
"Lots of promises being made tonight Miss Y/L/N, please don't let me down."
"Just call me Y/N." You gave him a reassuring nod.
"Lots of promises being made tonight Miss Y/N, please don't let me down." He repeated, smiling from ear to ear.
"I won't." You took one last look at him. "Thank you again. Not sure how else I can thank you for taking the time out of your evening to do this." You open the door to the driver's side, with Jin holding it open for you as you step in and situate yourself in the seat.
"It's not a problem at all. Drive home safely."
"You too. See you tomorrow?"
"See you in class." He shuts your door and winks before walking off. With that, you had driven off to grab your dinner and head home. What the hell just happened? It seemed like the most basic thing, but you couldn't shake off how sweet his gestures were tonight. Damn, has it really been that long since you've gotten any type of action?! You couldn't help but think of his fiancé and how she must be so happy to have someone like him by her side. Not gonna lie though, you feel a little heartbroken about it.
"He's engaged." You drank a huge gulp of your wine as you facetimed with Ryujin. She snorted and shook her head. "Our fine piece of eye candy is engaged."
"Y/N, I love you, and he was such a gentleman for that, but you're such a hoe." She laughed louder. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? He is a grown ass man with a fiancé and he's our teacher! You need to stop having these impure thoughts."
"Shush, it's harmless. I was just entertaining myself with the what if's."
"Please. I know you. None of these what if's ever stay what if's. Your curiosity always gets to the best of you." Her tone rose playfully.
"What if I just want to have a one-on-one session with him?"
"See, there it goes. One-on-one over what? How to get dicked down properly?"
"No. To get to know him better as our p r o f e s s o r."
"Okay and why wasn't Dr. Bliss on your 'get to know me' list?"
"That's different."
"How?" You laugh. This kind of behavior was unexpected from Ryujin. You didn't think she'd be so against your hoe-ish thoughts. "There's open office hours for that, or maybe yet, a google sheet for him to get in contact with his students so he could set up time with everyone!"
"We're overthinking this."
"We? You. I know you want that ass."
"Stop, no!"
"Mhm, and he probably would too if you gave him the green light cause you're hot as hell." This sounded more like Ryujin. "This is some good, wild shit."
"Oh hush, no it's not. No one wants anything, no one is doing anything and no one should be doing anything."
"Wait till Jimin and Tae hear your thoughts." She laughed out loud once more.
"That's why they aren't on this call." You groaned. "You know what, I need to not talk about this anymore. I'm gonna go sit in a hot, relaxing bath. Goodbye."
"With Mr. Kim?"
"Bitch, alone. Bye." You chucked your phone to the side and shook your head. Where that conversation go? Absolutely nowhere. You were having a tiny crush on your professor and that was it. This too shall pass.
But lowkey, you'd risk it if he gave you the opportunity.
"You don't do that shit, Y/N. Not to anyone." You harshly whisper to yourself to shake the thoughts out of your head and get your bath started. You just don't do that shit to people who are engaged, let alone in relationships. You don't wreck the home they've built from the ground up.
I repeat: you don't lose that respect.
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writhingcreature · 5 years
Prompt 8 - Stenbrough
“I don’t know if you are still doing drabbles or not, but can you do one with stenbrough? Maybe one using the quote “With you, I am safe?” Please? I’m in the mood for softness.” - @a-false-king​
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Stan was really chill, for the most part. He liked the quiet and the stillness. Or, the slow, lowkey things about the world that often went unnoticed. He liked sitting outside on a sunny day with eyes closed, listening to the very distant sound of traffic and feeling the breeze and light on his skin. He basked in it, far away from chaos and therefore safe from danger.
Life was kind of terrifying for Stan. He was a gut driven man, often leaning towards things that felt good and taking off at full speed away from things that even remotely made him feel uncomfortable. He liked things neat and in order. He liked them to make sense. He liked making people happy and doing what he was supposed to.
Bill was kind of a mess. He wasn’t as bad as Richie, but when Richie needed a midnight friend to go and create havoc with, it was always Bill he called. He liked having fun and going out and driving a little faster than he should. He liked 2am ice cream and thriller movies and horror novels and drama plays that had lots of fighting and ridiculousness in it. He liked getting into trouble, and that never went away- even when he got older.
Things still scared Bill, but he was the kind of man that usually ignored those feelings in favor of doing what was right, or doing what he wanted to do.  On top of that, not only was he good at getting into trouble, he was good at dragging people along with him. Usually, Richie would drag him and sometimes Bev, and Bill would be left with the job of getting those of the Losers who were hesitant.
Even after years of eventually winning over each and every one of the Losers, Stan remained stubborn. It was a fight every time. A promise. A swear. A guarantee. Every time it Stan who hesitated each time, ending up enjoying it the most when it was all over. It was Stan who got them out of trouble, talking or reasoning their way out of getting caught like he was mind controlling them. And every time, it was always only ever Bill who could get him to agree to come along.
As they got older, they got into less pranks and sneaking out became less for the Losers and much more often just the two of them. Bill was talking Stan into dates rather than early morning mischief. They were falling asleep at each other’s houses and holding hands under the table and kissing int he back of the movie theater and flirting with each other when they were sure no one could hear. Soon, it was less “let’s go get food” and more “let’s go make out”.
Suddenly Bill and Stan were in a full fledged secret relationship and Stan was utterly terrified every second of it. On top of the sneaking around, Bill was very obvious and endlessly insatiable. He always wanted to stay a little bit longer. He always wanted one more kiss. Five more minutes cuddling. He flirted with Stan in public for pete’s sake! Thank god for Stan’s cleverness, otherwise everyone would have found out a long time ago.
Two boys being together? In Derry, Maine? I think not.
Yet here Stan and Bill were. Being very much together and most definitely falling in love.
They never did tell the others about them, though their friends weren’t stupid and seemed to know. It was just that no one ever said anything about it. When Stan got into a more serious business, after college, he invited Bill to go with him. To leave Derry. Bill, who fancied being a writer, was all too eager.
Bill was a little dangerous. A little wild. A little crazy. Despite everything, he never lost his touch of youth and drive for excitement. He never fully grew up, cracking jokes and rolling his eyes and winking and teasing and flirting like they were still sixteen and not-so-secretly crushing on each other.
Stan was still terrified. Life still scared him. He still had a tendency to hide behind Bill when people got a little nasty or too curious or Bill was being a tad too obvious. He still had nightmares that woke him up or kept him from sleeping all together. He still jumped when people even said the word gay or looked between Bill and Stan with That Look that hinted at them maybe knowing everything.
At the end of the day though, Bill was there to soothe him. No matter how scared he was. How unsure he was. Bill understood his fear. Hell, Bill was no less afraid than Stan was. Bill understood the clown that haunted his nightmares, and the people that haunted him every waking second of life in general as they hesitated to hold hands in public despite how much Bill wanted to kiss Stan, no matter who was around. 
Bill never judged him or teased him. And Bill wasn’t afraid of everything. He was strong and unbreakable, easy to lean on and never hesitant to support Stan if Stan so needed it. 
Then they got the call. The phone rang and Bill picked it up. “Hello?”
“Hey Bill. It’s Mike Hanlon.”
Bill’s eyebrows came together. “Who?”
“From Derry.” Bill was quiet. “Look Bill. Uh, IT’s back.”
The phone dropped. “Bill?” Stan called from the other room. There was no response. He shot up and to where Bill was, instantly a lot more nervous upon seeing Bill’s blank eyes and pale face. “Bill what’s wrong?” He heard a distant voice and looked down, eyes landing on the phone. He picked it up. “Hello?”
“Hi. This is Mike. Hanlon. Uh, is Bill there?”
“This is his-” he cut off then set his face. “This is his husband.” They’d been working on being more open about that one. Debated on it for a long time. It had gotten easier, especially as people got more and more accepting. Today, it wasn’t too big of a deal. Nothing compared to what it was when they were kids. It was even legal now. They’d gotten married a few months ago, after being together for the last thirty years or so. Give or take. Having shame about it now was just dumb.
The man on the other line was quiet for a second. Maybe a little surprised. “Uh, Stan?”
Stan froze. How did this man know who he was? “I’m sorry, who did you say you were again?”
The man sighed. “Mike Hanlon.” He seemed irritated. “Derry, Stan. I know it’s hard, but you have to remember. IT’s back. We promised, back then. You have to come back. We have to defeat it this time. For real.”
Stan’s brain was having a hard time connecting the pieces of a puzzle he didn’t know he was trying to solve. “It? What is...” And then it clicked. He felt his whole body go numb. His brain went fuzzy. His heart seemed to be beating so fast it couldn’t be felt at all. Or maybe it had just stopped beating.
No. Not this. Anything but this.
“Yes.” Stan was in full business mode, surprising himself with how calm he sounded. “When should I come?”
“Immediately,” Mike answered, seeming relieved. Maybe he’d had a rough time with the others too. Others? What others? Stan’s brain was having a hard time thinking through the utter panic consuming. He looked to Bill for comfort and was even more horrified to realize this is why Bill was currently bent over, hands on the table in front of him and head dangling limply between his shoulders. Stan wouldn’t be able to look for safety this time. 
“Okay. I’ll be there soon.”
“Perfect.” Then he gave Stan some information about some restaurant. An address, time, and date. “See you there?”
“For sure.” Stan hung up, a little piece of paper with all the information on it in his hand. He looked at the paper. Then he placed the phone down very calmly, the piece of paper next to it. Bill might go.
Stan wouldn’t.
But it was Bill. Surely he’d find a way to talk Stan into going. Bill always did. What if Bill couldn’t talk him into it? What if he couldn’t be talked into doing... anything?
“I’m going to take a bath.” He looked at Bill, but the blonde man was still panicking.
Bill did look up just as Stan was about to settle for no response. “Y-yeah. That’s f...” He blinked, both of them becoming pale. Bill hadn’t stuttered in a very, very long time. Probably about ten years. Give o take. “That’s f-fine,” he whispered, his voice hoarse.
Stan went to the bathroom, getting undressed as the tub filled up with water. He climbed in, letting the warm water soothe the guilt that came with his decision. Just a little. He closed his eyes for a second, taking an even breath before opening them again. “I’m sorry, Bill.” The light reflected off of something in his hand. He moved the shiny thing toward his other wrist...
Bill suddenly got a terrible feeling in his gut. He’d been remembering a small boy with a red balloon and a yellow jacket. A little boy that used to mean everything to him. Someone he’d taken for granted before he’d lost him, and with him, nearly everything else. He was so trapped in those memories, he hadn’t even thought of Stan. Everything else had been too overwhelming.
Stanley never took baths. He always took showers.
Bill was running before he could even form another coherent thought. The door flung open and Stan jumped, splashing water on the floor causing him to grip the thing he was holding a little tighter. They locked eyes.
Instantly Stan started crying. Bill tripped closer, reaching over to turn the faucet off before scooping Stan into his arms, pulling them closer despite the water and how it soaked Bill, who was fully dressed. “I’ sorry, Bill,” Stan sobbed, shaking in his arms.
“I-it’s okay,” Bill stuttered weakly, trying not to think about what would have happened if he’d been even a second later. He failed. He thought about that thing, hovering just over the skin of Stan’s wrist. He thought about what this room would have looked like covered in Stan’s blood. “P-please d-d-d-” he cut off, gasping. “I can’t lo-I can’t- you can’t-” He blinked, trying to calm down. “You have to go with me. I c- I can’t lose you too. P-pl-pluh-” He grunted softly. “Please Sta- Stan.”
“I swear, Bill.” As always, Bill could talk Stan into anything.
Even staying alive.
Later, as they were packing, Stan came over and touched Bill on the shoulder. The blonde man looked over, still frowning. Eyes haunted. Stan wondered if his eyes looked the same. “I’m sorry Bill. I... I can’t imagine how it would have been for you, finding me... like that. On top of everything.”
Bill shook his head. “I d-don’t blame you.” He coughed, looking away as his eyes glazed over with tears.
For the first time, Stan pulled Bill into his arms. Bill buried his face in Stan’s chest. He hid behind Stan for the first time in their relationship. Stan had to be the one to comfort. He’d calmed down a lot. Seeing Bill had cleared his mind a little. Thinking about the consequences to his actions had made him think a little more. He was still terrified. He wasn’t shaking anymore, but he’d faced plenty of scary things. He cold handle anything with Bill by his side.
Unfortunately, Bill hadn’t reached the same conclusion. He was finally facing a fear that had toppled him completely over, and he couldn’t pull himself back up. He was beginning to worry no one could. “You know, wuh-once you asked me how nothing scared me. How I was so untouched by what people thought a-about-about us.” Bill clung to Stan. “Th-That wasn’t true, Stan. S...So much scares me. When I send a book in to a p-p-publisher. When I’m starting a new muh-movie and I’m not sure how the actors will be or h...how it’s all going to work when it comes to uh-applying the script. When someone new finds out I’m married to a muh-man.” He shook his head and Stan rubbed his back, letting him talk. Being patient through the stuttering. “Before I... always felt like nothing could touch me when I was with you, Stan.” He finally managed to not stutter, relaxing him a little more. “With you, I felt safe.” His face contorted. “I-I’m sorry I couldn’t do the same with you.”
Stan felt like he’d been slapped. He leaned close to Bill, making sure his husband could hear him. “You are enough, Bill. That was never the problem. I was an idiot to think that nothing scared you. That nothing bothered you. And it makes me so happy to know that I can help you handle this, in any way. I just...” His eyes watered as well and his grip on Bill tightened. “I’m such a coward.”
Bill sighed, then sniffed. “Let’s be cowards together, huh? Please?”
Stan smiled. “Yeah okay. This time I really do promise.”
“Forever?” Bill whispered.
“Absolutely,” Stan agreed. And suddenly he was a lot more at ease. Because he and Bill had something none of the others did. He had someone who would be by his side as long as he was allowed to be. Someone who not only loved him but understood him. Stan didn’t have to make up some lame excuse to go to Derry to Bill, because Bill would be right there with him.
And damn it all, Stan would make sure he really would always be able to, because Bill made him feel safe too. From then on, they’d have each other’s backs. IT or no.
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fcrvents-blog · 6 years
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♕   *   ╰   (   jessica   vu.   cis   female.   she/her.   )   (   ANASTASIA   ‘STAS’   PHAN   )   ?   oh,   that’s   the   (   twenty-one   )   year   old   (   student   /   horoscope   writer   )   who’s   been   living   in   (   apartment   101   )   for   (   1   year   ),   with   their   (   two   )   roommates.   word   around   king   street   is   that   they’re   (   zany,   perspicacious   &   warm   ),   as   well   as   (   quixotic,   sensitive   &   sybaritic   );   makes   sense,   since   they   remind   me   of   blush-dusted   cheeks.   delicate   gold   necklaces   layered   against   pronounced   collarbones.   trusting   in   the   stars   &   a   steadfast   belief   that   things   will   get   better   .   
good   morning   guys   !   (   or   i   guess   night   to   most   of   you   )   i'm   so   excited   to   introduce   my   FIRST   baby,   stas  !   she's   a   huge   softie   &   a spooky   b*tch   &   i   can't   wait   to   play   her.   stas   is   a   bit   on   the   ODD   side,   she's   always   loved   the   paranormal   &   astrology,   loves   learning   about   mythology,   has   2   pet   tarantulas   called   BERT   and   ERNIE   &   believes   in   witches   100%   (   though   she   doesn't   believe   she   is   one.   yet.   )   she   lives   in   her   own   little   dream   world   99%   of   the   time   &   LOVES   life.   she's   lowkey   a   bit   of   a   drama   queen   /   diva   ...   she's   all   about   giving   out   love   &   sharing   the   world's   resources   but   as   soon   as   she   doesn't   get   her   own   way   ?   everybody   better   watch   tf   OUT   !   she's   a   lil   sensitive   at   times   but   that's   just   because   she   wants   everybody   to   love   her   ...   that's   acceptable,   right   ?   both   of   my   muses   are   completely   new   so   these   intros   might   get   a   little   long   as   i   try   to   delve   into   my   muse   a   lil   more   :~)   sorry   !   pls   lms   or   hmu   to   plot !
anastasia   was   adopted   &   has   only   ever   known   her   adoptive   family   as   her   parents.   she   receives   an   annual   letter   from   her   biological   grandmother   on   her   birthday,   but   it's   the   only   contact   she   has   with   that   part   of   her   life.   for   the   most   part   she   had   a   happy   upbringing,   but   she's   always   been   curious   about   what   her   life   could   have   been   like   and   who   her   parents   were.   she's   the   only   child   in   her   adoptive   family,   and   has   been   deeply   cherished as a result.   it's   safe   to   say   she   was   SPOILED   growing   up.
however,   she   often   found   herself   being   picked   on   at   school   due   to   her   unusual   interests   &   hobbies.   she   loved   playing   with   bugs,   sharing   scary   stories   &   generally   just   being   a   lil   oddball   -   but   nobody   else   harboured   the   same   passions   as   her   and   that   left   her   as   an   outcast   for   the   entirety   of   her   school   days.  
she's   currently   studying   psychology   at   university   &   works   as   a   horoscope   writer   in   a   small,   indie   magazine.   she's   That   Girl   who   thinks   she   can   read   ANYONE   just   by   knowing   their   star   sign   ...   sighs.
P E R S O N A L I T Y  A N D  H E A D C A N N O N S
she's   extremely   bubbly   &   could   probably   talk   your   ear   off   ***   she's   a   humanitarian   &   is   deeply   empathetic,   she's   the   best   friend   you   could   ever   ask   for   ***   the   stranger   something   is,   the   more   drawn   to   it   she   feels   ***   her   apartment   is   decorated   with   weird   &   wonderful   ornaments   &   trinkets   ***   she's   lowkey   a   hoarder   ***   she's   also   a   lover   of   the   finer   things   in   life   such   as   jewellery,   silk   sheets,   etc   etc   etc   ***   as   mentioned   before   she   has   2   pet   tarantulas   called   BERT   &   ERNIE   (   sorry   to   whoever   lives   with   her   )   ***   she'd   also   love   to   have   a   pet   snake   but   ...   that's   a   bit   far   even   for   her   ***   she   volunteers   a   lot,   mostly   at   animal   shelters   ***   she's   a   total   bookworm   &   is   a   sucker   for   gothic   literature   &   poetry   ***   kind   of   a   know-it-all   without   meaning   to   be   ***   she's   a   PISCES   ***   animals are friends not food   ***   also a big fan of plants  ***   a   sucker   for   rom-coms   ***   bisexual   on   that   note   *** always seen with bright eye shadow & perfect nails   ***   she has her nose pierced, as well as double piercings in her lobes   ***   she   has   a   multitude   of   ditsy   tattoos   (   x   ,   x   ,   etc  )   dotted   around   her   body,   most   hidden   ***   i imagine her room to look like / be inspired by these pics   (   1   2   3   )
W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S
best   friends
childhood   friends   (   0   /   2   )
maybe   they   both   go   to   university   together   ?   study   buddies   ?
someone   who   basically   thinks   everything   she   believes   in   is   bs..   SKKKSKDJ  
somebody   she's   infatuated   with   because   there's   probably   a   few
good   /   bad   influence   
charity   shop   searching   buddy   
somebody   else   who   helps   out   at   the   animal   shelter   ?   
partner   in   crime
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hayjeon · 7 years
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Drabble Game prompt 57. “I’m up to the challenge.”
→ burglar!tae with cop/detective!y/n, aka a little fluff/smut/angst → 1.9k words, mentions of sex/fighting/injuries
A/N: I know I’m supposed to be studying but this idea came in randomly. Lie detector scene inspired by some drama/movie I watched ages ago, can’t remember exactly which one… pls remind me
“Kim Taehyung.”ding. 
“437 Gyungidong apt 2b, Seoul 46." ding.
You look up from your computer and quirk an eyebrow at him. But he just looks back at you with a blank expression, a poker face, if not the best one you’ve seen in your years of service. Trying not to break your facade, you move onto the next question. 
“82." ding. 
You stop when the lie detector sounds in your earpiece, indicating the correct answer and you can hear your supervisor cuss lowly, watching you two through the single camera embedded into the lighting on the side of the wall. Kim Taehyung had fooled the department once again. 
When you hesitate, he lifts an eyebrow at you, mirroring the same look you gave him moments ago with a cocky smile gracing his lips. “Why officer? Aren’t you gonna ask me any more questions?” 
You grit your teeth when you see his tongue poke out and teasingly trace his lips. His posture becomes cocky, his shoulders deflating as he leans back in the metal chair he’s handcuffed to, getting comfortable as he props his feet on the table you’re both sitting at. 
You clear your throat. You’re the best in this department, Y/N, that’s why they gave you this job. You can’t let them know. They can’t know. I’m up for the challenge. You put on your best poker face and smile back at him, turning down the lie detector volume in your earpiece and leaning forward with your chin in your hand. If he was going to play this game, so would you. 
He’s the one who taught you how, anyway. 
“What brings you here Kim Taehyung?”
He scoffs through his nose, eyes darkly rounding the small square room and landing on you and the sickly fake smile gracing your lips. It was a quick movement of his irises, but you recognized it. He was planning his escape. 
His tone is a bit low this time. “I think you know, officer. Y/N, was it?” 
Your heart skips a beat when he mutters your name, the word laced with tinges of anger and bitterness, but with the same low baritone tenderness that had wetness pooling in between your legs. You lose control for a bit, and you inwardly cringe as you notice that your concentration had slipped for a moment. Your pupils were probably blown to bits at the moment, and Taehyung was never one to miss a detail like that. 
Just like you’d expected, he smirks and laughs bitterly. He’s bluffing. “It’s been years, Y/N.” 
“Officer Y/N,” you grit. Your tone indicates that he shouldn’t play this particular game, that this was no longer safe ground, and that he was being listened to. His eyes narrow, as he continues. 
“Okay then, Officer Y/N, to answer your question, I broke into the records here at the department.” 
You match his stare, unwavering. “Why?” 
“Why do you think, officer?” 
“I ask the questions here, Taehyung.” 
“Kim Taehyung. You’re younger than me.” He mimics your earlier bat, eyes twinkling with the familiar mischievous glint that used to have your heart racing and your hand reaching for his. But you can’t, not here, not now. So you keep your hands clasped tightly on the table, focusing on keeping your focus straight as you question him. 
“Kim Taehyung, why did you break into the records at the department?” 
“Inside job.” 
“Who are you working with? Is it the five other men at bangtan again?”
He purses his lips. “I plead the fifth.”
You nod, “Do you know how many charges have been filed against you?” 
He laughs lowly, “Saw how many on my records.”
You glare at him. “The records you broke into, I assume.” 
He nods, chuckling to himself. “Saw all your records too. You’ve come a long way, Y/N, almost proud of you.” 
Your anger flares up again. He was tiptoeing way too close, and was playing with fire. Your superiors were listening in and confused at the familiar tone he was using when speaking of you. You prayed that they would be too stupid and angry at Taehyung’s ability to usurp the lie detector earlier to notice the comment. 
He places his free hand on the table in between you, three fingers splayed out while his pointer and thumb were folded beneath his palm. It was an old indication. 
You almost stutter in haste as you scramble to say something, anything, to get the authorities attention off of the suspicious movement. 
"Why did you look through the records? Looking for something in particular?" 
His middle finger folds as he shifts in his seat, pretending to contemplate your answer. But little did others know, watching through the lens of the security cameras, that Kim Taehyung never contemplated. He knew. 
 "Maybe a few secrets here and there." 
 "What kind?" 
 The fourth finger folds and Taehyung scratches his nose with the remaining pinky, dark eyes still trained carefully on you. "Guess we'll never find out."
 The pinky folds and his fist flits down to his lap and in a swift motion, he throws his picked handcuffs, now a useless heap of metal, perfectly at the glass camera sitting in the light fixture in the corner of the ceiling. Immediately, there's a spark as the heavy metal shatters the light and the camera in one swift movement, and the small room is filled with darkness save for the glow from the laptop. But even before you can register the pitch black, you can hear the scratch of the metal chair he was sitting in be kicked, sliding accurately towards the door and ledging itself beneath the doorknob. His hands come up and grab the laptop, and he throws it in the ground, expertly slamming his boot heel into the RAM drive, cutting off all communication and destroying all evidence that was being recorded. 
 When alarms sounded outside, you had a lingering suspicion that one of the men that helped him, one of the six from bangtan, were on their way and working behind the scenes right now, disarming guards and destroying video evidence. They were buying Kim Taehyung time. But for what? 
In the darkness you can't fight. You stand up angrily, fingers already reaching for and wrapping around the trigger of your hand gun, and you blindly whip it around you to try and shoot something, anything. But you're blind now and you can't even hear him m, save for the blaring alarms outside. 
"What do you want Tae?" You grit, arms held out strong in front of you as you try to hear him. 
 His voice sounds low and deep behind you, right in your ear. "Still haven't improved on your dark combat yet, I see." 
 You whip around and swing your elbow behind you with enough force to break a rib, but it's met with no resistance. You steady your gun and shoot, but it meets no body. He was too quick. 
 You're breathing heavily, but the darkness and the overwhelming tension has a tear slipping past your lashes. 
 "Why did you leave y/n?" His voice is sad now, low and husky, and you can practically see his face, his beautiful lips turned down and his long eyes slanted down in a depressed line. You can't see him, but he can hear the clatter of your gun as you let go of it. The both of you knew you would never, could never shoot him. Because you loved him too much. 
 "Because," you whisper, arms wrapping around yourself, "someone needed to protect you. From the inside." 
The tears fall too quickly now, and you shiver as you remember the night you walked away from him, trying to conceal your tears behind a hard mask, telling him and claiming that you didn't love him anymore. But it was all just a way for him to leave you finally, to forget you and focus on the bigger picture. Because it was all for him. 
 You lower your head as the memories become too much, but then you feel a large, calloused hand on your cheek. It lifts up your face and then suddenly in the dark, you can feel a pair of familiar lips covering yours, coaxing you to come back, begging you to let go, slipping words of love past your lips into you.
"Do you love me?" He huskily grits into the kiss. You moan as his thumbs come up to swipe away your tears. "Yes. Yes, yes, yes." 
Your voice trembles but he doesn't care and kisses it away, not letting you finish, and not letting you think too much. To quickly, too easily, you fall into him, hands coming up to grip his biceps, as he backs you into the table. His tongue slips past your lips, tasting you and carving himself into you. His breath is cold, but so inviting, warming you to your toes. Fingers carve through your locks, tangling and tugging slightly at your scalp, massaging apologies into the skin at your hip. You're too engrossed in the kiss to notice that Taehyungs hands retreat from their place on your body to trace down your arms and grasp your smaller hands in his. He distracts you with his tongue, the familiar taste. 
He presses you harder into the table and with a "click," he pulls away from the kiss with a low breath. Your eyelids are heavy when he stops, but your lashes flutter and snap open when you realize he's just handcuffed you to the heavy metal table. With a swift movement, he pulls the back of your knees, and you tumble with a cry onto your knees. "I'm sorry," he mutters and you can hear him kneel down to you. 
Gripping your jaw he delivers one last kiss, moving his lips against you hard before he finishes it off with a hard bite in your lower lip. You wince and groan at the pain and spit out, "What are you doing?!" In the pitch black, you can hear the air vents being opened and Taehyung making little sounds as he climbs atop the table to gain leverage to leave. He says one last thing before it's silent forever. "I love you too, y/n. I'll be coming for you again, soon."
The other officers, once they finally tear down the door and find you, wince as they see you crumpled on the ground with your hands cuffed to the door and a cut in your lip. Your cheeks are stained with tears and your hair mussed up.
"Shit," one mutters as he unlocks you and surveys the damage to the room. Shattered glass, destroyed laptops, and bent chairs. It was a mess. "Y/n, you okay? Can't believe that bastard would stoop low enough to hit a girl. Look at the cut on your lip." 
You don't say anything as they help you out, and one whispers an encouragement. "Don't worry about boss. He's more concerned over your safety and the other people bangtan attacked than capturing Kim Taehyung." 
You ask, "Any deaths?" The rookie shakes his head. "No, oddly enough. All pressure point and knocking out. Minor injuries." 
 Your lip trembles as he helps you to the infirmary with sore wrists, aching knees, and a busted lip. 
But little did they know, that it was all a show. All just a little teamwork. 
 His words ring in your head. "Ill be coming for you again, soon."
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