#plot twist he’s a vampire.
garlictoastedbread · 1 year
I managed to change Duck’s look entirely— he looks like someone’s oc I SWEAR-
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Anyways have a vampire Duck heehoo😇
Enjoy my fellow simps
I was going for the beach boy aesthetic because yes and because I have no idea what I’m doing😔
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dumbledorathexplora · 2 years
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The girls are gonna FIGHT next season…
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coffinsilk · 3 months
iwtv tiktok is genuinely so crazy bc most of them haven’t read the books and have that sort of tiktok lack of media literacy thing going on being all “omg armand is so evil!!! he was the real villain all along and no one else is to blame!! im so glad my favs are back together and he’s gone”
like im gonna hold your hand when i say this but…
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hulloitsdani · 1 day
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Someone really has to take these ruffles away from me.
Vampire Kiran, what else can I say! Drawing teeth is fun! Found this pose on Pinterest and decided to keep it simple after the brave alt. I wanted to lean away from a more typical Dracula type, both to avoid similarities to the bridal alt and Henry's Halloween alt. So I landed on a more "blood on the white cravat" type beat. Is going a little feral. As a treat. Might be preparing to claw your eyes out or give you a really big hug who knows.
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lilianhuas · 2 months
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And on that bombshell
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lelio · 3 months
IWTV s3 and it's just Lestat staring at Daniel like this for a good chunk of the episode in each ep while Daniel grows increasingly concerned because why the hell doesn't this guy blink
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knownoshamc · 3 months
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first of all, fuck marius, can we bring him back only to burn him. SECONDLY... sam? like the vampire sam? the one that was keeping Armand in that baby jail? is he alive?
If Sam actually is more powerful than Armand, we will all be so so embarrassed.
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childrenofthesun77 · 10 months
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Back when mahiru thought his uncle might be dead he had a flashback to the accident that resulted in his mother's death, but one thing I noticed is that we don't actually see akira in this memory? It feels like either mahiru (or someone like lily or jeje) is supressing his memory here.
And if someone possibly killed akira on purpose, who was it and why?
#servamp#akira shirota#mahiru shirota#I mean the biggest plot twist would actually be that she faked her death and is actually alive/a vampire for whatever reason#But assuming she's dead who would have a motive#touma seems unlikely I feel like he would have taunted mahiru with that back when he mentioned killing several people#I forgot how old mahiru was when akira died but mikuni was probably still too young and also he used to hate humans getting killed#No idea why he's working with tsubaki to do a ritual that will kill all of tokyo now#Tsubaki maybe? He might know about what is so special about mahiru. In that case killing the mother (who also knew what's special about him#Would make some sense. She can't tell mahiru or anyone else about it if she's dead.#But killing her in a way that might have killed mahiru as well...assuming whatever is special about mahiru is needed for the ritual#Risky#But maybe mahiru's memories were faked like misono's were with the night kiriko died and mahiru wasn't actually there when akira got killed#Trying to kill tooru after he had to reveal his ties to c3 before he could explain to mahiru what's special about him#Would also fit with tsubaki#tsubaki would also have a motive not to taunt mahiru with it so nobody tries to look into it and finds out what killing her would achieve#If mahiru is needed for the ritual it's probably even better that mahiru and kuro found a way to get rid of the distance limit#because the enemies probably planned with the distance limit in mind meaning mahiru not needing to be there when kuro tries to stop tsubaki#Might be unexpected to them and throw a wrench in their plans
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i have to read every new chapter of bsd twice because without fail i spend the first read through too distracted hoping for akutagawa to process any of it
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volturiprincess · 6 months
My delusional mind at 1am:
Im listening to a song when a stanza stands out to me:
"I get lost in your gaze every time (Yo me pierdo en tu mirada cada vez)
When you look at me with your honey eyes (Cuando tú me miras con tus ojitos de miel)
You really have me hypnotized (En verdad me tienes bien hipnotizado)
I want to feel your presence every moment (Quiero sentir tu presencia a cada rato)"
This is so how Felix would be like when he looks at his mate. My little dark heart is so filled right now. I will eventually right a one shot about this but aww Im in total euphoria at the thought of Felix right now with this song. Love that beast of a man. (By the way this song is called "Hasta la Muerte" by Eslabon Armado and Ivan Cornejo). When I hear this song im like this:
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And then add Felix into the mix, now I'm like this:
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
I have no shame and will probably go to hell for this but a crack fic of Milgram x the twilight saga
ADFASDFDSF top 10 requests I was unprepared for 😂😂😂 I must confess I never watched Twilight but I tried my best 😤👏 (I went the comedy route instead of the cursed route but you are going to hell for making me think cursed thoughts regardless /j)
“You’re impossibly fast, and strong.” Shidou folded his hands in front of him. He could hear the other shuffling around in the clearing behind him. Leaves rustled through the trees. 
“Your skin is pale white and ice cold. Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like you’re… like…” He shook his head. “You have strange behaviors at different times of day. Sometimes, at night --”
The other man had walked up behind him. Shidou got a glimpse of the harsh expression. This wasn’t Mikoto. This was something far more dangerous.
He inhaled. “How old are you?”
“Twenty-three.” His voice was low, harsh.
“How long have you been twenty-three…?”
“All my life.”
Shidou kept his eyes glued forward. “I know what you are.”
“Say it.” Shidou could feel his breath on the back of his neck. “Out loud.” 
His voice raised. “Say it.”
Turning on his heel, Shidou faced him. “I do believe you have Dissociative Identity Disorder, or perhaps another dissociative disorder. There are many types, and it may sound intimidating at first, but it’s really nothing to be af--”
“Haaah?” A wide grin spread across Mikoto’s face. “What are you talking about? I was gonna say I play baseball! You mentioned the speed and strength.” He did a goofy little mock-swing. “And sometimes I'm stuck in the office a bit late at night...”
Shidou blinked. “Ah, Mikoto. Y-yes, but as well as your that, there’s something else going on.”
“Nope! Just me, a normal guy.” He started making his way back through the woods. Shidou hurried to follow. “Sheesh, the look on your face, you woulda thought I was a vampire or something!”
“Wh-- Mikoto! Come back, I mean it. What about the change in voice, or eye colors? The red --”
Mikoto called over his shoulder, “I don’t know man, that’s just how I am. Don’t you know color theory?”
“Or the strange behaviors at night?”
“What, are you actually callin’ me a vampire?” He wiggled his fingers back at him. “I could never hurt a fly, you know that. Come on, does this look the skin of a killer to you?”
But as he passed through a patch of sunlight, Shidou could have sworn there was an odd shimmering to his face...
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yellowymellon · 24 days
Scared to check on owari no seraph cuz why every single time I do something crazy is happening like, HOW?? And why are we taking this direction???
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volfoss · 2 months
i will give anne that she is GREAT at writing the most out of touch old as fuck vampires. like this is most clear in qotd, with armand being fascinated by blenders and garbage disposals and just being SO glad to be alive and fascinated by it all + khayman being so intrigued by construction equipment and many other modern things. hell, even lestat, waking up in the 1980s and being FASCINATED by clear computers and phones. however i think in blood and gold, it is REALLY funny. thorne is the only viking vampire and has been like... not in present society for a really long time. marius takes him hunting and thorne instantly gets overstimulated bc marius takes him to a FUCKING CASINO. hes miserable and he wants to leave and marius is like no it will be ok ^-^ go dance it will be fine. and every single chapter so far is thorne (actively a little miserable) experieincing a new modern thing. when marius told him that he ordered models for daniel (for daniels model train hobby table in the basement. this book is a LOT) off the internet, thorne was so confused and upset. its a really good bit that never fails to make me laugh
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transkingcobra · 3 months
Consent PSA: Even blanket consent can be revoked at any point. Consent is never a one and done.
“Ascended Astarion can’t be abusive, Tav consented!”
Do you realize even perfectly average and happy marriages (where you consent to be together forever) in our real life can become abusive?
You realize the point of healthy dynamics and consent is that at any point that can be revoked and re-negotiated, right?
That people get stuck conforming to their originally-consented-to rules now without consent because of their situation in real life? Where none of this magic thrall stuff exists?
You can absolutely abuse someone that originally consented to anything, especially if there is a power dynamic in your favor.
Consent is not a one and done. Previous consent does not overrule current consent.
It is absolutely possible for him to be abusive should a moment happen where Tav changes their mind or doesn’t agree with him anymore and he keeps going anyway. He’s their master, he can just do that.
Anyone can become abusive, even to loved ones - usually especially to loved ones - especially the morally bitchy traumatized vampire with a fuckload of new power.
(This post is AA neutral. I legit thought all the discourse was people doing some variation and combination of forcing headcanons and ignoring canon on both sides, and being really weird about what is moral, not saying the cartoonishly evil character cannot be abusive at all ???? His path is escaping abuse and healing vs. getting stuck in the abuse cycle. That’s his whole deal. If your Tav wants what he’s doing for all eternity then good for them, that’s a very specific line to live. But he is still, always and forever, capable of abuse.)
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maramahan · 4 months
Very strange feeling to have an interesting dream that ends with a post-narrative critique
Like. The ‘story’ ended and the dream shifted from “all of this is Currently Happening” to ‘actually you just watched a movie premiere?’
and as I was leaving the weird subterranean dream-theater with the other protagonists, we were all chatting like —
‘yeah, this project was a lot of fun to work on and a lot of fun to watch, but the story was a little cliche and the ending didn’t make much sense. Like — we started out so strong, but then that third-act twist… I mean — if you think about it for more than a minute, it totally undermined the themes the rest of the story seemed to be setting up! Almost like the studio got scared of making an audience potentially question our current status quo.
Heck. Part of me actually wonders if that’s what happened & the writers retaliated by making it weak on purpose — I mean, having the heroes foil the villain’s plan to terraform the deathworld for capitalistic exploitation only to then contrive a disaster that forces them to abandon their traditional alien way of life in favor of an earthlike environment anyway? The execs get their ‘happy ending’ in which everyone walks out into the sunshine — but it feels empty enough that maybe that’s the point. Maybe they want you to find the ending dissatisfying and then have to sit and think about why that is.
I know, I know — it’s a kids movie; I’m probably overthinking… but still: it’s just kind of a shame that we had all this fun and put all this passion into it, but because of that ending it’ll probably be forgotten by the end of the year.
Oh well. At least it was fun. I hope we all get the chance to work together again someday :)”
…..and then I woke up.
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justplaggin · 1 year
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