coffinsilk · 27 days
how it feels opening tumblr and seeing someone in their 30s posting porn they drew of armand and sybelle
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coffinsilk · 27 days
"Average age of Minecraft player is 63" factoid actually just statistical error. The vampire Armand, who is 514, lives in Dubai & spends approx. 7.5 hours a day playing is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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coffinsilk · 1 month
fuck it daniel and lestat should have a podcast i mean. i don't care if they hate each other they're the only out and proud famous vampires and it would be funny as fuck. the podcast should have no theme and they just ramble. the trixie and katya of the vampire world if you will.
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coffinsilk · 1 month
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need them 2 lez out in s3
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coffinsilk · 1 month
daniel wake up do you know who laura palmer is?
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coffinsilk · 1 month
“A bright young reporter with a point of view”
And it’s just him
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coffinsilk · 1 month
Im here as a certified Blade Runner expert to inform all of you that Armand would prefer the theatrical release with the happy ending because deep down hes a scared little kid and he wants to believe that everything is going to be alright for Decker and Rachael forever and Daniel prefers the director's cut which is obviously objectively the better version and so he would be very caught off guard by Armand preferring the theatrical release, even tho he really shouldnt because he and Armand saw the theatrical version together in theaters and the directors cut didn't come out until after they broke up so of course thats the version Armand has been rewatching all these years.
However because they're both so damn stubborn this would result in their first ever couple fight post-turning which inevitably becomes extremely personal extremely quickly (should Rachael get to live forever with Decker? Is her life beautiful BECAUSE its short? Does Decker's love for her mean more if he's turning his back on his long-lived brethren to embrace the ephemerality of her existence?) and results in several pieces of furniture being destroyed. After this Armand has a blu ray of the final cut overnighted bc neither of them have ever seen it (even tho its available digitally) and they have a seven hour long conversation about whether Decker is a replicant and what it would mean if he was which at some point turns into makeup sex but never stops also being a philosophical discussion of the themes of timeless Ridley Scott classic Blade Runner.
And in late 2018 Armand kept mentioning that there's this science fiction movie set next year to Louis like he expected him to be excited but Louis was too busy manipulating the stock market or whatever and he just didn't really get why it mattered- all scifi movies are set in the future Armand, and we're immortal so we're going to live to see all of those futures, you weren't like this in 1984 Armand - and Armand doesn't quite regret what he did but the loneliness cuts sharper than usual on New Year's 2019.
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coffinsilk · 2 months
iwtv season 3:
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coffinsilk · 2 months
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armand from lestat’s pov:
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coffinsilk · 2 months
in hindsight louis saying "i shouldnt have left you alone with him" is the funniest moment in the whole show. yeah no shit girl we all watched armand spend an entire season looking at daniel like this
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coffinsilk · 2 months
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Assad Zaman if I could kiss your brain. You just get him, you really do.
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coffinsilk · 2 months
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Them remembering San Fran
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coffinsilk · 2 months
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coffinsilk · 2 months
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I'm fucking DYING
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coffinsilk · 2 months
help my whole dashboard is just images like this rn
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coffinsilk · 2 months
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rachel this is serious
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coffinsilk · 2 months
save me "armand told the truth" arm tattoo. "armand told the truth" arm tattoo, save me
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