#please write it the world needs it
bloodorangebetch · 7 months
Picture this: a fix it fic during christmastime where everyone knows about the confession and the two are both on edge around each other because of it so they use the holiday togetherness to parent trap them. What eventually breaks them is at the christmas eve party where they are left to dance together, they end up slow dancing to 'you make me feel so young'. It starts off half awkward and half sheepish but then they look into each others eyes and relive every moment, from barn to now and realize how dumb they were. Just how hopelessly in love they are and have been. okay bye
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lauravian · 8 months
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“Don’t let it get to that big head of yours, Merlin.
I just… thought you were dead.”
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stoopidstapler · 1 year
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imfinereallyy · 3 months
some of us, and I’m not naming names, need to start being properly tagged on fics.
Angst: Is it me?
Unhappy Ending: Is it me?
……it’s not Angst.
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cheesehambu · 4 months
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I survived another russian missile attack(again again and again)
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clarionglass · 9 days
gang,,,,, gang. i am honestly still reeling from The game changer account reblogging the comic,,,, my god. my god.
for newcomers: welcome! thank you for being here!! for those who may have only seen the part of the fic linked to the comic, this is part 6 in the series (because truly i cannot stop myself). all the other parts are linked in the lil game master cinematic universe blurb i've got down the bottom of the post, and the whole thing is now on ao3!
and speaking of my lil blurby thing, if anyone else wants to play around in the game master cinematic universe, tag me so i don't miss it and i'll add whatever you make to the list!! and if you just want to chat about the crossover, hit me up! truly i am so happy to have as many people playing in this sandbox as want to be here :D
but anyway, without further ado:
a selection of correspondence (game master cinematic universe, part 6) | read on ao3
From: Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) To: Group <Dropout cast and crew> Subject: Announcements and info
Hi all,
Just a quick announcement that we have a new member of the team joining us at Dropout! Some of you have met him already, although you may not have realised it—he worked on A Game Most Changed and Escape the Greenroom in season 5, and Bingo, Deja Vu, Beat the Buzzer and Sam Says 4 in season 6, doing some of the hosting in my place.
And before you ask how that can be, this man is my exact doppelganger! He’s a time traveling alien who, for the moment, we are calling Other Sam, because we’ve agreed that the name he’s chosen is not exactly appropriate in a workplace setting. He’s here on a kind of rehabilitation program, as shows like Game Changer provide the sort of enrichment that he needs, without him having to resort to things like planetary conquest and murder. We also have him to thank for our new studio—he has kindly allowed us to use his (currently grounded) spacetime machine to record in, seeing as he did blow up our original studio. On an operational basis, nothing should have changed with the studio, but I do recommend you don’t go poking around in cupboards, just in case.
I promise on everything dear to me that this is not a joke.
I hope you’ll all make Other Sam feel welcome! So there’s minimal confusion between the two of us, he and I will be taking care to differentiate ourselves (he says he will try and look, in his words, “more evil”, although I’ll admit I’m not quite sure how that will work).
Series leads and producers, if you would like to include Other Sam in one of your shows, please let me know. He’s a lot of fun to work with, and he’s promised us his best behaviour, so I can guarantee there will be none of the aforementioned planetary conquest and murder. Of course, the wellbeing of all Dropout cast and crew is my highest priority, so if any of you are not comfortable working with him, please let me know as well, and production and I will ensure you are not cast in the same episodes. In future seasons of Game Changer, we will be sharing the hosting duties, so if you’re on an episode, it’ll be made clear which of us you’ll be working with.
On a related note, you know I hate being the bearer of bad news about mandatory seminars, but there is a training seminar next Monday on psychic defence techniques. This seminar is a requirement if you’re going to be working with him, and even if you’re not planning on that, I’d strongly advise coming along anyway.
As always, if you’ve got any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Cheers, Sam
[Note: many responses with the general sentiment of “what the fuck?!” have not been included in the selection of return correspondence.]
From: Brennan Lee Mulligan (@gmail.com) To: Sam Reich (@droput.tv) Subject: Re: Announcements and info
I need this man in the dome immediately. 
From: Siobhan Thompson (@gmail.com) To: Sam Reich (@droput.tv) Subject: Re: Announcements and info
Hi Sam,
Many thanks for your email, and for letting us know about Other Sam. You don’t need to confirm or deny this, but I’m assuming he did something to us during the Deja Vu recording. I haven’t felt entirely comfortable around you since then, and until now I haven’t been able to find a logical reason why. You mentioned psychic defence techniques in your email, so I take it that there was some kind of mental fuckery involved—perhaps a memory wipe? 
I don’t know what he did, and I’m not sure I want to know, but whatever it is, I don’t think it’s good. I would very much appreciate it if I don’t have to work with him.
Best wishes, Siobhan
From: Grant O’Brien (@gmail.com) To: Sam Reich (@droput.tv) Subject: Re: Announcements and info
Hey Sam,
I’m already digging up info for a Breaking News segment. There’s someone on reddit called scarfytwin who says they might be able to give us some good info, but I might need to sign a few things first? Looks like it’s tangled up in some British government stuff, which is wild. Sounds juicy, whatever it is, and I reckon it would be good payback…
Best, Grant
From: Lou Wilson (@gmail.com) To: Sam Reich (@droput.tv) Subject: Re: Announcements and info
Man, are you telling me that Samuel Dalton was kind of a real fucking thing?? No way. If you let me punch him *hard* one time I’ll go on any show with him.
Cheers, Lou
From: Brian David Gilbert (@gmail.com) To: Sam Reich (@droput.tv) Subject: Re: Announcements and info
Hi Sam,
This explains a lot about the weird feelings I’ve been having since Deja Vu! I know something terrible probably happened during that recording, but I’d love to just sit down with Other Sam and have a chat. Do you recommend we just meet in a professional context, or would that be something you’re able to organize?
Thanks, Brian
From: Zac Oyama (@gmail.com) To: Sam Reich (@droput.tv) Subject: Re: Announcements and info
From: Ally Beardsley (@gmail.com) To: Sam Reich (@droput.tv) Subject: Re: Announcements and info
Absolute freak behavior and i love this for you, sign me up for anything!
From: Mike Trapp (@gmail.com) To: Sam Reich (@droput.tv) Subject: Re: Announcements and info
Hi Sam,
Huh, that sure explains some things. This will probably be cool in future, but for right now, I think I need to do a bit of processing. I’ll let you know!
Cheers, Trapp
From: Vic Michaelis (@gmail.com) To: Sam Reich (@droput.tv) Subject: Re: Announcements and info
Hi Sam,
Intriguing! If you think he’d be up for the prosthetics, I’d love to have either of you on Very Important People next season. Both of you together would be even better!
From: Lily Du (@gmail.com) To: Sam Reich (@droput.tv) Subject: Re: Announcements and info
Hey Sam,
I’ve had a chat to Grant, and I would love to put this guy on Dirty Laundry. Grant says he’ll share what he finds out from the reddit person with me, and we might be able to make a good episode happen.
Cheers, Lily
From: Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) To: Other Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) Subject: Fwd: Announcements and info
Well, most people seem to have taken it well! Looks like we’ll be having some fun…
From: Other Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) To: Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) Subject: Re: Fwd: Announcements and info
“Not exactly appropriate in a workplace setting”?
From: Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) To: Other Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) Subject: Re: Re: Fwd: Announcements and info
We discussed this. You agreed.
From: Other Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) To: Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) Subject: Re: Re: Re: Fwd: Announcements and info
I most certainly did not. I said “hm”. “Hm” does not count as agreement.
From: Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) To: Other Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fwd: Announcements and info
You do know this is a group of people who I can guarantee, on hearing the word “Master”, would react the exact same way Grant did?
From: Other Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) To: Sam Reich (@dropout.tv) Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fwd: Announcements and info
Fine. “Other Sam” it is.
missed an installment of the game master cinematic universe?
original idea by @ace-whovian-neuroscientist: x
art by @northernfireart concept: x scissor sisters sketch: x sam and his doppelganger: x escape the death beam: x
by @bloopdydooooo drawing collection: x
writing by me (!) part one (escape the greenroom): x part two (deja vu): x part three (sam says 4): x part four (you think you know someone): x part five (point and counterpoint): x part six (a selection of correspondence): you are here!
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cupidskissx · 1 year
a funny fic about lestappen being caught doing the dirty by drivers/team principals?😂
Hello sweet Anon, I hope you see this, I’m sorry it took so long 🙈❤️
Now, I know you wanted funny, this has its moments, 2 lines probably, because my inspiration came mostly from this masterful artwork by @lihuiantipyretic so I hope you still enjoy this!
TW: light Dom/Sub, light choking
Charles had seen Max win his third WDC from two car lengths behind, it was something to behold, him weaving down the straight after he passed the checkered flag. Then he’d been rushed off his feet, caught in the whirlwind, probed and prodded, cameras in his face. It wasn’t until the press conference that Charles saw him finally decompress, but something wasn’t right. Charles could see him shifting in his seat, he looked uncomfortable, antsy, and when Charles finally caught his eye he knew instantly.
Max held his gaze for a beat too long, eyebrows pinched, pleading, for the whole room to see.
The newly re-crowned champion, having taken the title off Charles, was looking at him like that in front of everyone. Charles crossed one leg over the other, hands in his lap.
If Charles was a weaker man he would have stood up and dragged him away then and there. But he’s not. As much as he wanted to, needed to, he couldn’t. They couldn’t.
It was another, agonising, 15 minutes before they finished. Their release prolonged due to the fact Max occasionally stumbled over his words, or floundered to recollect the championship winning overtake.
They barely made it into the bathroom down the hall before Charles was kissing him. “You okay?” He asked, shoving Max against the wall.
“Mmm, I am now.”
“Do you still need me to…”
“Yes, need you to bring me back down.”
“Okay, baby, you relax,” Charles pressed him into the wall, hands roaming over his chest as Max’s linked together around his lower back. “Let me take your mind off it all.”
Max nodded.
They didn’t do this so openly, so publicly, it’s something that remained hidden away in dark hotel rooms. But Charles couldn’t deny him, not now, not today, not when he needed it the most.
He got his mouth back on him, slid his tongue into his mouth, and one of his hands up to his neck. He cupped the flesh, the solid muscles shifted as Max tilted his head up for Charles to have better access.
Charles gently added more weight into his hold, Max melted into kiss, into him. The power that ran through Charles’ veins was thick and dangerous. The urge to keep going, to test the limits, got stronger with each laboured breath Max puffed into his mouth.
“More,” Max begged, “Please.”
Charles didn’t need to be told twice, he ran his other hand up to his neck, interlocking his thumbs over his throat, and adding more pressure. Max’s Adam’s apple strained against the tips of his thumbs. Max started to lose the ability to kiss him back.
“That’s it, Cheri, just like that. I’ve got you.”
Max broke away to rest his head back against the tiled wall. Eyes squeezed shut.
Charles pushed his thigh between Max’s legs, he instantly sank down enough to slowly grind against it. Charles rested his forehead against Max’s, whispering to him, telling him how good he is, how Max is his, and only his. Max’s cheeks flushed and Charles didn’t know if it was from being showered in praise or from the lack of air, so Charles eased off, just in case, and kissed him again.
Max didn’t expect the warm mouth on his, he grunted in surprise and tightened his hold around Charles’ waist, pulling him closer, his thigh rutting against Max’s bulge. Max rocked on him, harder and faster, until he stilled. He came undone, still fully clothed, moaning into Charles mouth.
“You really did need that, didn’t you? Didn’t even get to touch you,” Charles murmured. He slipped his thigh out from between his legs and loosened the hold on his neck, but he kept his hands cupped over his throat. The absence of them too soon often made things worse.
“Later,” Max promised, voice tight. “Do you need me to…”
Max unlinked his fingers from around his back and reached for him. Charles grabbed his wrist. “Later sounds good.”
Max nodded and kissed him, long and slow, until they broke away, snapping their heads to look in the direction of the bathroom door as it swept open.
Charles swallowed thickly at the sight of Christian Horner, stock-still, staring at them. The door swung back on its hinges, colliding into Christian’s shoulder, knocking him out of his daze.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Leclerc?” Christian advanced on them, “Get off him!”
Charles dropped his hands instantly, “It’s not what is looks like,” he tried to step back but Max’s tight hold prevented him from moving.
Max’s clear intention to keep Charles in place made Christian stop in his tracks before he could yank Charles off him.
“Max?” Christian turned his fiery glare onto his driver for conformation.
“It’s okay,” he agrees, “Charles and I…”
He didn’t need to say more, Christian filled in the blanks, cutting him off with a breathless: “Jesus…”
Charles could see him fight the urge to tell them this was a PR nightmare. That if the wrong person had walked in it would have been career ending.
Christian sighed, heavy and prolonged. “How long?”
Charles looked at Max who had the tiniest smile on his lips. “A year and a bit.”
Christian nodded, likely piecing together all the small moments that didn’t make sense over. Like when Max arrived at a TAG Heuer sponsorship event wearing a Richard Mille. Or when Max left last year’s Zandvoort debrief early, citing a tummy bug, when in actuality he needed Charles’ hands around his neck. Or more recently when Christian arrived unexpectedly at Max’s hotel room last month only for Max not to let him in because Charles was still spread out, naked, barely lucid, after getting his brain sucked out of his dick not even three minutes prior.
“Don’t become complacent,” it was the closest they’d get to Christian’s blessing for now. He’d likely pull Max into his office and force him to have the conversation they’d both tried so hard to avoid.
“I’m gonna go pee,” Christian said, “When I’m done one of you better be gone.”
Christian went into one of the stalls, and flicked the lock.
“I love you, you know that, right?” Max whispered. Out of all the scenarios, Charles never expected Max to confess those words for the first time inside a small Brazilian bathroom with the sound of Christian Horner peeing in the background.
Charles laughed at the absurdity of the situation and kissed him, “I love you too,” he whispered against his lips. “I’ll see you later, yeah?”
Max nodded, “I’ll be a while, you know how it is.”
Charles recalled being pulled in every direction for hours after winning his championship title. He nodded, “I’ll stay awake for you.”
Max kissed him, long and slow.
“I was serious, stop making out and get out of here,” Christian’s strained voice grumbled.
“Okay, okay. Good luck with him,” Charles grinned, kissed Max one more time then left.
Feel free to send a prompt any time if you don’t mind waiting literal months for me to get my act together 😇🥰
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starpil0tblue · 9 days
as much as i like clowning on Kabru for being Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss but spectacularly fails when it comes to Laios, he makes me SO ILL because as pleasant as he acts, so many subtleties around his character paint him as someone who clearly still suffers from massive trauma in regards to his childhood and personal loss, causing him to be self-sacrificial to the point he clearly neglects his own needs. whenever i think of the quote "eating is a privilege of the living" in regards to Kabru, his nigh aversion to food might stem from the fact he still harbors immense survivor's guilt and constantly feels the need to justify his survival by giving and giving and giving until there is nothing left of him.
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bonebrokebuddy · 2 years
“I don’t understand why you’re so adamant on asking me this, Hal. I just mentioned to Barry that I talked with the head Easter Bunny once and now everyone keeps asking me if I think the Easter Bunny is real! Why do people keep asking me? I’ve met them. I don’t understand why I have to ‘believe’ in the Easter Bunny for them to be real! They exist!”
Hal put his hands up and stepped back, clearly not expecting the frustrated and somewhat hostile response of Billy who slumped back into his seat, which was slightly less satisfying in his bulkier body, and began running his hands through his hair.
The repetition of being interrogated over a simple comment was not only bewildering but had gotten increasingly more annoying to answer as somehow the members of The Justice League, the literal most powerful group of people on earth, didn’t seem to understand a piece of basic knowledge.
Billy was not only very tired of being asked the same thing but even more-so he wanted the laughing at his ordinary response to stop.
He paused and looked Hal dead in the eyes then began to speak in the most dead tone Hal had ever heard from the usually cheerful man.
“Hal, I know the Easter Bunnies are real because I had to spend two, very long weeks personally overseeing the creation of their union that made sure they no longer routinely experience unsafe working conditions and helped establish 8 hour working days so they no longer get overworked or are required to do 80 hour weeks prepping for Easter and get punished for doing less or don’t get paid”,
Billy’s previously slow, blank tone grew more rushed and frustrated as he went on,
“I mean, I didn’t even do much other than sit there and look intimidating by throwing around lightning sometimes and make sure the Easter chicks didn’t do any funny business or tamper with the legal process!
It was in all the papers in Fawcett! I had my picture taken with them and everything. But Hal. I can guarantee you that the Easter Bunny exists. Please. Please stop fucking asking me.” Finally done, Billy slumped onto the table with a loud clunk.
Hal stood there shocked for a moment. “Marvel, did you just imply there’s multiple easter bunnies and they established a form of government?!”
Billy, with seemingly tremendous emotional effort, lifted his head from the table by a few inches and looked Hal in the eyes with a pleading tone, “If I just say no, will you please stop asking me?”
“Absolutely not, now I have even more questions”
Billy let his head fall back onto the table with an even louder clunk and groaned.
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minhosimthings · 4 months
The feminine urge to have Bang Chan wrap you in his arms tightly and call you baby, darling, honey, and the love of his life.
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mueritos · 5 months
a small moment of kindness that touched me today. speaking about our struggles as grad students in class with classmates. our small group is all BIPOC; another latine and two arabs, one who is palestinian. we are speaking very honestly about our fears and frustrations. feeling useless. feeling scared. upset at the world and its horrors. angry at other peoples' silence. but at the same time so so full of joy and hope. i talked about being scared of being forgotten, and we continued on with our group task of creating a liberation health triangle.
professor transitioned us back to the full class and while our professor began speaking again, my Palestinian classmate--so beautiful and with the most wonderful curls--leaned close to me and whispered "I'll never forgot you." I almost didn't hear her so i whispered back, "what?", and as sweetly as the first time she said, "I'll never forget you. And I'll never forget what you said last semester. You were the first person in this entire program who spoke of your frustrations. I felt less alone."
the walk home from class was very cold, but i could not help but let myself repeat the moment in my head over and over again.
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justaz · 28 days
i desperately crave full power merlin. he was messing with time when he didn't even know one (1) spell, imagine what he could do at his peak bc i genuinely believe we never saw that. a man said to be the embodiment of magic?? said not to have magic but to be magic?? god just imagine it, wielding power like an extension of himself, taking down armies with a wave of his hand, not uttering a single word, traveling through the wind, carried by the elemental magic and reappearing halfway around the world in a single moment, traveling the same through time, reappearing in greece centuries before the romans invade, reappearing in the aztec empire before colonizers landed on their shores, reappearing in new york as cars fly past him and buildings reach up to the heavens.
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reggies-eyeliner · 1 month
i wish whoever storyboarded/animated/voice acted/scripted the kenji kon breakdown scene in ep7 a very good evening. i hope you never suffer from pollen allergies and sleep well and your pillow is cold on both sides and you get your charger in on the first try because genuinely i think that scene changed my brain chemistry because all of the emotions BLED through the screen. it was written so well and i am just yeah. eternally grateful that it was made abundantly clear that the creators all knew what they were doing
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it's been too long since i've sent something debilitatingly horny to you, so here:
edit: im sorry its so long and plot-y 😭 i've never written for poe and got too excited.
imagine being a first order commander in charge of coaxing information from poe dameron. the first batch of interrogators (a couple stormtroopers) couldn't get a thing out of him so you were called in as back up.
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GIF by antagonistenthusiast
you've had a few interactions with poe (as you're both renowned pilots), but you've never actually seen his face. you've only communicated through radios -- well, communicated is a strong word, you've taunted and growled at each other from a distance...
needless to say, you were intrigued to finally meet this 'poe dameron' that you've been chasing around since you became a flight officer.
you're shocked when you see him, not because he's battered and barely conscious, but because he's prettier than you expected.
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GIF by one-blog-to-whump-them-all
of course, he's fucking pretty. he's the resistance's flyboy, the general's favorite, complete with a cut jawline, pouty lips and perfect curls.
it enrages you.
long dark lashes frame half-lidded eyes as you approach him. his body is strapped tight to a chair, but he doesn't seem bothered by it. he's so unbothered, in fact, that he immediately greets you with one of his annoying quips:
"you the good cop?" you're sure it would've sounded better if his voice wasn't so hoarse and broken -- not that you didn't enjoy that sound. there's something about a ruined man that immediately sparks a flame inside of you.
"no, they were the good cops." you refer to the storm troopers that left him this way. "i'm the bad cop, and i like to do things a bit differently..."
you can see it on his face: he recognizes you, or your voice, but he doesn't know from where.
"can't fly away anymore, can you, dameron?"
it finally dawns on him, "you." he almost looks...happy about the revelation.
"yeah, me." his stare is intense and interested, and he's not trying to hide it at all.
cocky bastard.
"y'now i didn't expect such a bea--"
you roll your eyes, "ok, let's stop with all this chatter."
there's a piece of paper sticking out of the breast pocket of his leather jacket, folded several times to fit securely in the space.
"you got something for me?" you coo, voice sickly sweet all of the sudden.
you reach out, gliding your hand from his shoulder to his chest, feeling the smooth leather rise and lower under your fingers as he starts to breathe harder. he pushes against your touch like he's touch deprived, like he's been waiting for this moment all his life.
oh, he's easy.
you snicker as you pluck the paper out, taking a second to wag it tauntingly in front of his face.
"what're you...HEY! THAT'S MINE."
you open it up, satisfied by how fluidly this interrogation is going. once you deliver this to ren, you're sure to get a promotion.
when you see what's inside, you glower: it's just a worn photo of some BB-droid.
"really?" you give him an unimpressed look. "what, is this your pet or something?"
"he's my driod! my little buddy!"
"ok...so we'll do this the hard way."
it starts with pain, but it never seems to be enough. he's -- laughing! he's taunting you, groaning out "is that all you got" or whispering a hoarse "i could do this all day".
you realize you're methods will have to be a bit...unconventional to get your point across. you saw how he reacted to your touch, how he looks at you, even when you're punching him in the face.
you know what you need to do, you're just not sure that you could take it.
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GIF by joker1315
you take the step -- blurring the line between pain and pleasure.
it's for the first order, you tell yourself, but you're enjoying it.
you're breathing almost as hard as he is -- you need it just as much as he does.
you've been edging him about an hour now. he whines when you slow your hand again, leaving him right at the brink of release. metal clangs and groans as he pulls against his restraints.
"please, please, please..."
"you know what i need." you squeeze him, not tightly, but just enough to drive him wild. "just one word -- the planet -- and i'll give it to you. i'll let you cum all over yourself."
"can't? or won't?" you swipe your thumb over his leaking tip. he's literally pulsing in your hold.
"fuck!" he yells out a name, one you immediately memorize, desperate voice and all.
;dlfsl;dfgk oh oh oh ohhhhhhh my goddddddddddddd
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no but like, the fact that poe was also kind of into the whole thing though?? him arching into your touch, shooting you heated glances even when you're torturing him, like he likes being at your mercy?????? please send help 🫠🫠🫠
(**WARNING: here there be smut and it could potentially be considered dub-con so read at your own risk**)
if you thought he was pretty before, it's nothing compared to how he looks when he comes--his jaw slack, head thrown back, baring his glorious neck (a neck you just wanna bite), his sweaty curls deliciously mussed, eyes closed in ecstasy as he makes a mess of himself and your hand.
heavenly, you think. the sight is heavenly.
unable to resist, you kiss him softly, so contradictory to the rough way you'd been handling him. he sighs, sagging against his restraints as he kisses you back, his breath fanning across your cheek. you tell him he's a good boy when you pull away and he whines, trying to follow your lips, his mouth gaping, pupils blown wide with lust. he's so drunk on you, on the pleasure you've given him, he'd probably give you whatever you wanted right now; the knowledge fills you with glee. you smile, running a hand down his chest before tucking him back in his trousers.
he comes back to himself when you move to leave, his eyes growing a little harder, jaw clenching as you tell him that you look forward to working with him again.
unfortunately, ren isn't around for you to give him the intel poe gave you, so you hold onto it, intent on telling him when he returns. that night though, you can't sleep, can't stop thinking about poe's breathy whines and whimpers and how pretty he looked begging you to let him come. it's all you can think about, the urge to go to him so strong. so you go, shooing the guards from his cell and going inside. he's asleep, still tied up but removed from the rack he'd been on earlier, bloodied and bruised and beautiful. you allow yourself a moment to study him, eyes tracing the curve of his jaw, of his brow, his nose.
then you take him in your hand, squeezing and stroking, his pretty little noises going straight to your core. you want him, you realize, want to claim him, want to make him yours. the urge is so strong it makes you a little angry--that he could have so much power over you in this state is...well, it's unacceptable.
maybe you just need to fuck him, you reason, to get it out of your system. so you do, straddling him and sheathing his hardness inside your warm, wet cunt. he sounds (and looks) even prettier like this, beneath you, his moans breathy, breathing ragged as you ride him. he feels so good inside you, the stretch of his cock scratching an itch you didn't even realize you had. he watches at you with wide, attentive eyes, hips pushing up to meet yours as you impale yourself on him again and again.
you see stars when you come, cunt clenching around his cock as you throw your head back with a strangled moan. he's still hard and inside you when you come down, his ragged breaths reaching your ears. the look in his eyes is almost reverent when you meet them, and when he begs you to let him come inside you, a little piece of your heart crumbles.
you leave his cell, swearing to yourself that you'll never do it again, that you'll tell ren what you've learned and that dameron will be executed and it'll all be done.
but you don't. can't.
you keep the information you learned to yourself so your trysts with him can continue. every day you go to his cell, send away the guards, and fuck him. you start to look forward to it, to seeing him, to being with him. he starts begging you to let him touch you, and one day you cave and allow it. you groan when he cups your breast, arching into his touch as you bounce slowly on his cock. then his hand falls to your hip, his fingers dig into your skin, and a part of you hopes he'll leave behind bruises. when his thumb finds your clit, he circles the bud, groaning as you gasp, cunt fluttering around him. he whispers something as you fall apart, and it isn't until later that you realize...he'd called you beautiful.
(lmaooooooooooo many, many apologies for going overboard with this, i love me a subby man, especially when that man is poe dameron, hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng)
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cuecrynsleep · 1 month
Being Transparent
Angela can't stop thinking about Amanda choking her for a bit. After a startling realization she has an open and honest talk with her. This is based off of the recent Smosh Games video when Amanda (jokingly) choked Angela.
Tags: Implied sexual content, choking kink, open kink communication, established relationship
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a representation of those in Smosh, rather a fan made perspective on the characters they portray online. Remain respectful.
Word count: 1,308
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It was never rough, nor too hard. It was exaggerated, the way Amanda's hands in Tinky Winky's gloves wrapped around her character's neck. She lightly pushed her around back and forth, but never once squeezing just to be careful. In fact her gloved hands wrapped around the bottom of her neck, touching her collarbone to make sure she didn't hurt her.
It was an instinct how Angela found herself reacting, grabbing onto the purple gloves on the base of her neck. She lightly squeezed Amanda's hands, unintentionally pushing further. There was a little constriction. Feigning off her realisation and panic she over exaggerated her reactions. She leaned back and forth, holding onto her hands as she erratically opened and closed her mouth pretending to struggle to get air. Egging her on was the sounds of the crew laughing, she could hear so clearly Shayne's side comment. Then as soon as it ended, it was over.
The moment remained in her mind after that, staying there, brewing, constantly reminding her of Amanda's hands. Except they weren't covered by purple gloves from a costume. Except they weren't in a room with their fellow cast and crew. They were alone, by themselves, in the comfort of Angela's apartment.
She could imagine it all so vividly. Amanda's voice, deepening as she whispered in her ear. The plush couch cushion avoids Angela's knees to weaken and fall. Amanda's knee separated Angela's thighs as she pushed further. She could feel the pressure radiating down to her core, as she waited with bated breaths to feel it more. Then she's taken back to the moment.
Amanda's hand on the nape of her neck pushing her forward towards her. A brief kiss on her lips leaving a tingling sensation. Then her hand swiftly moves forward around her neck, squeezing at the base of it. Her thumb pushing against her throat, constricting her breaths making it come off more desperate. The pressure makes her pant deeper sharper breaths as her mind gets clouded with lust.
She could feel every passing second making her more wet with want and need. A throaty moan, muffled by a choke, as Amanda's grip softened. She took in a sharp breath, carefully breathing in and out as she instinctively pushed her neck closer to Amanda's hand. She'd look up and saw her beautiful face with a smirk, knowing full well both of them were enjoying this.
Angela bursted up out of bed, her hand on her chest, as she felt her racing heart. Her mind clouded with the memory of the dream infecting every corner of her brain. She ignored the uncomfortable pressure in between her legs, squeezing her thighs as she let out a shaky sigh.
"Shit," she cussed. She looked around her room as if she'd get any answers as to why she had that dream. Her hand reached to run through her hair, as she leaned back against the headboard. This has gotten way too far. Soon enough, Amanda would notice even the slightest difference to how she's acting. Which would then mean Chanse would notice, which could only translate to other people noticing from Courtney to Arasha and so on. The thought itself made her panic.
It's not like it was weird for Angela to have these types of thoughts about Amanda. They were dating for Christ's sake. Though what made her hesitate, what made Angela panic, was the line they were yet to cross in their somewhat new relationship. Never had rushed hands, pulling at clothing, and desperate kisses lasting longer than they should ever make it past there.
She could only be glad that both her and Amanda were off today as she reached towards her bedside table. Quick hands grabbed at her phone, unplugging it from the charger, as she looked at it anxiously. One of the first steps in a relationship was communication, which would then come hand in hand with honesty. Amanda valued both and Angela knew that. She knew that full well. With a deep breath, she checked the time, noticing it was early afternoon as she pulled up Amanda's contact. A text message asking if she could call was quickly replied to. Then as the familiar ringtone rang through her ears, and the sound of Amanda's voice made her smile, she spoke.
"Hey," she paused. "You see there's actually a reason I'm calling you today."
"Oh?" Amanda asked. "Okay, lay it on me. What is it Ange?"
Angela sighed. Somehow those words made it harder for her, as she struggled to find a good starting point. "Okay, wait, before I start I just want to make something clear." Amanda hummed in response, showing she was listening. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, so if I do, just tell me and I'll drop it immediately."
"Is everything okay?" She asked, concern evident in her tone.
"It's just that we didn't exactly get to that stage in our relationship yet." Angela said slightly hesitating over her words. She could only hope Amanda would understand what she was referring to.
A beat of silence passed and she couldn't help but wish that she could see Amanda's face. Maybe her comforting touches on her knee or a lingering hand on the small of her back would've made this all easier.
Then, as blunt as ever, Amanda replied. "Are you talking about sex?" she asked. "Because that's like the only stage I think you could be referring to."
"Yeah," Angela awkwardly shifted.
"Well, obviously we both thought about it before," Amanda started. "So what's different?"
Angela sighed. She sank deeper and deeper into her bed as she pulled her blanket up to her chin. Her phone placed beside her head, as anxious hands grabbed at the blanket as if it'd help ground her into the moment.
"I had a wet dream about you." She started. Her voice continued on before Amanda could even respond, let alone fully process her words. "Do you remember when we were filming that poker video for Smosh Games? You were playing Tinky Winky and I was some fucking dude that just wanted coffee."
It sounded incredibly stupid now that Angela was putting it into words. The mention of a teletubby of all things and the thought of how many jokes she made during that shoot made Angela internationally cringe. She let out a silent groan, hating her subconscious for even pulling that thought in the first place.
"Uh," Amanda awkwardly started. "Where is this going?" She asked, before quickly adding on in a rushed voice. "I'm not judging you! I'm just confused!"
"Okay," Angela laughed this time. "Not what you're thinking, I'm sure," she said. "Look, you were choking me." She finally admitted, Amanda's words had helped calm her down. She always felt seen and listened to by her. Though the conversation wasn't exactly wholesome, and the context that started it all was nothing but silly, she couldn't help but smile.
"Oh, okay," Amanda said after a brief moment of silence. "So, you think you're into that?"
"Yeah, probably," Angela said. She looked up at her ceiling, her hands still fidgeting with the blanket.
Amanda let out a light chuckle. "That's cool," she said. "If you want to try it out at some point, we can.”
Angela could feel the smile pulling at her cheeks as she could feel a familiar twist in her stomach. "Thanks Amanda." A comfortable moment of silence followed, and Angela let herself let go of the blanket, putting her phone against her ear.
"So, do I need the Twinky Winky gloves or can we do without? Because personally, I really don't want that teletubby anywhere near something like that."
"Shut up!" Angela said, before breaking off into a genuine laugh. "I know it's stupid how this all originated! I blame my subconscious mind if anything!”
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math-is-math · 7 months
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I am DYING to know what everyone (i.e. the peanut gallery) was thinking during this moment in World Tour
Everyone hates this girl, which is why they only bother to continue to see her on a surface level. They see the Heather that doesn't care about the feelings of others, who's selfish and prioritizes herself. She's someone with no emotions, no warmth. A single good bone couldn't possibly be in her body. There's no point in giving her the time of day if that's all she is: a purely evil ice queen.
But now here they are watching her be openly vulnerable, they see more of her heart. They’re now able to see a Heather who's capable of having warmth in her heart, who's able to care about someone who's not herself. They see she's capable of actually loving someone.
Did they start to realize hey wait a minute maybe we've been going about this all wrong? Maybe she's an actual person and not the heartless villain we've all imagined her to be? Maybe she wasn't born this way and something in her past caused her to become like this? Maybe we should extend some grace to her because this end result of her character wasn’t necessarily her fault?
I can't stand this mutual hatred for Heather between all of them, I need some justice for my girl they all need to be a family <3
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