#please use owen
mugiwara-lucy · 8 days
Thanks for proving how racist you are, old man 😂
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meep-meep-richie · 9 months
❛ 𝘪 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘴? ❜
Owen Wilson || Obsessed
thanks to @mobius-m-mobius for the inspo
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samijey · 1 year
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Sami and Jey at it again with the tags at WWELive Dublin (feat. a very relatable Kevin and some unexpected homophobia from Elton Prince of all people)
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hannah-fannah9503 · 3 months
Originally put this on AO3 and decided to post it to Tumblr as well to spread my manifesto to the world :) please give me rat Ren please please please pow...pow I'm begging so much rn please
Martyn didn't understand. This shouldn't have been possible. And yet…here he was.
“Damn it, Doc.” He mumbled under his breath as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head with an unfortunately familiar paw-like hand. He could already feel his tail. It'd been a while, but he remembered the feeling of it. He also remembered using it to help him clamber his way up walls and through tiny holes in order to run away from giant humans living in a big mansion. He remembered all too well the feeling of being a rat.
He didn't think he'd ever be back here. Although, to be fair, he didn't recognize where in the world he was, at least not right off the bat. It definitely wasn't the same house, though. He seemed to have woken up in some kind of large contraption, considering all the gears and levers he was surrounded by. They made soft ticking noises as he tried to gather his thoughts, leading him to believe it was some kind of clock. He wondered if Owen was still here.
Whatever the case, it shouldn't have been possible for him to come back. He specifically remembered leaving this world through the portal, so why was it that he was back here again in the same tiny little rat body all over again? Unless…
No, that was stupid. There was no way they would put him in this body for one of those. That'd be ridiculous.
A loud chiming noise startled him, making his tiny heart race in his chest. He'd forgotten how it felt, being this small and vulnerable. Looks like he'd have to get used to it again, though. Well at least this world had been fun the last time, apart from the ordeal with pushing Krow through a random portal. Hopefully that wouldn't happen again.
He stood slowly, scanning his surroundings for where he could exit the clock. He could see what must have been its face, and was shocked when he saw the sheer size of it. It was easily ten times his own size and towered over his head, the second hand tick tick ticking away. He was just about to start looking around the mess of gears for a way down when he spotted something sitting at the clock face.
He frowned, squinting to try and get a better look. It was small, but not so small that he couldn't see it at all. Curious, he grabbed hold of one of the various levers around and hoisted himself up a few more inches to get a better look. From this distance, he could make out the shape of ears and a tail, and his heartrate picked up again. Was it another rat? Maybe a player! Maybe it was Oli again, that'd be nice. He was always a great companion in these worlds, and one of the few regulars he saw that he could say he was pretty sure they were a player and not an NPC–or worse, an agent.
He climbed up higher, trying not to let himself get too excited. The last world had been chaotic and he'd ended up having to abandon all of them in it, players and NPCs alike. And after all that, he still hadn’t been able to make contact with Doc. And, well, maybe he sort of just missed having somebody to talk to, alright? Sue him.
As he got closer to the clock face, he stopped as he heard soft mumbling. The voice sounded oddly familiar, but also didn't at the same time? It definitely wasn't Oli, unless he was playing a different character this time who didn't have the same accent. But no, this voice didn't sound like any of the rats he remembered, so why did it sound so bloody familiar?
“Hello?” He cupped his hands over his mouth and called up. “You up there! You alright?”
The mumbling stopped, followed by a shuffling sound. A moment later, the face of a rat poked over the edge of the wall where the clock face sat, slightly obscured by shadows. As he'd thought, this wasn't one of the rats he'd met in the last world. They must've been new. He watched as this rat broke out in a smile and leaped down from the wall to land on a gear close to where Martyn was balanced. Immediately, once he was level with this new rat, however, his breath caught in his throat.
No way.
“Hi there, dude!” The rat greeted with a wide grin, the pointed brown ears twitching. Of course he still had his stupid dog ears, even in this form. They were smaller, obviously, and slightly less pointy, but Martyn still really wanted to touch them. “My name's Ren! What's yours?”
“I'm–Martyn,” Martyn nearly choked on his own words as he looked over Ren's new form. He couldn't believe his eyes. Ren was really in front of him, in a world that wasn't one of those damn death games, in a world that was generally pretty peaceful and death didn't mean the end. Against his will, his eyes began to well up.
“Nice to meet ya, Martyn!” Ren reached up and pointed to the face of the clock. “Didn't know there was someone else in here with me. I was just trying to figure out how to get down. I really need to go find some food. I might starve if I stay here much longer.”
“Uh, yeah–yeah, same here. We should–” He sucked in a deep breath, forcing the stupid, traitorous burning feeling in his eyes to dissipate. “Let's try looking down. Can probably slip through the gears and find a way out through there.”
“Sounds good to me, dude!” Ren hopped down from his gear and moved to stand next to him, leaning over to look at the array of mechanical things below them. “You escaped from clocks before?”
Martyn laughed despite himself, joining the other on his search. “I guess you could say that. Say, you wouldn't happen to know where exactly we are, would you?”
“Oh, that's easy, dude!” Ren reached down and poked at a lever, which made a loud squealing noise as he did. “We're in Paris! The city of love, dude!”
Martyn chuckled to himself. “Yeah, alright. I can buy that.”
He didn't know what was going on. He didn't know why he was a rat again, or why it was in Paris, and he really had no goddamn idea why Ren of all people was here, but…
Well, you certainly wouldn't hear him complaining about it.
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owenpowerrr · 1 year
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Maybe I just love great hair… 👀
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alrightbuckaroo · 2 years
owen "my son really hates when i do this" strand and andrea "you wouldn't know my son is my son by the way he hasn't hugged me already" reyes planning a wedding with their respective sons we are about to feast
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muxshdraws · 5 months
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Curt Mega & Owen Carvour + the language of flowers
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Yellow Carnation - rejection, disappointment
the show is set in the 60s where being gay was a huge no-no especially for government workers, so Owen and Curt are afraid of the rejection they'd face from their peers
Monkshood - beware, a deadly foe is near
we all know where this is going, the banana approaches...
Acacia - beauty in retirement
perhaps if things were different, Owen and Curt could retire together and simply be
Gladiolus - the flowers of gladiators
both are gladiators in the sense that they're spies. they have to jump into a fight not knowing if they'll emerge alive
Purple Hyacinth - forgive me
Curt wants Owens forgiveness for his death and in the process, Curt is seeking forgiveness from himself for his past mistakes and arrogance
Stock - bonds of affection
Curt and Owen describe each other as 'partners' from the start, whilst in a world where it can only mean lovers. they work for different agencies and different countries, they would never be constant teammates but they could be each other's partner
Amaryllis - pride
Curt has too much pride, setting the timer shorter and shorter just to best a record. but he never thought it would end up like this...
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Moving on from falsettos (except I’ll never move on, this will stay with me forever) and feeding my other hyperfixations (rn, spies are forever, and in may it’ll be itwtv)
I also just realised I forgot the watch so Owen is speaking to Curt’s wrist.
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after reading yasmin benoit's insta posts about O's character, I was all excited for some ace rep, and then, of course, comes the inevitable letdown.
O's (sarah owen's) asexuality was only discussed in the sense of, "it made me do this horrible thing because I felt so alone," and that was literally it.
like why did the villain have to be ace? it could have been anyone else. why is todd from bojack horseman still my favorite ace rep?
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apprehensiveacorn · 1 year
I hope Sparrow becomes a spider.
Not for any strongly founded reason, I just think it’d be fun for him. And by him I mean me, watching him. The fun gimmicks and the realizations he could come to, the way Sparrow always narrows in on his goals, chasing them down until he can catch them, snaring them in his web. I feel like it’d be neat, realizing he has webs and—I would really love—venom.
Becoming something further from human than he expected. Becoming something that he has been unconsciously dehumanizing all this time. I wonder how it would impact his mental health.
I could write a fic about it. Sparrow mentioned to Scott that he was pretty good at climbing, too. Just imagine that lad in an absolute nest of web and you’ll understand me, chilling there, making a little cocoon for himself when sading, getting distressed when his web gets caught in his machinery
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silvertws · 1 month
Me: "mh.. idk what fanart to make"
Spotify: "lemme help you out"
*proceeds to shuffle "War of Hearts" 3 fucking Times in 3 different playlist which all contained hundreds of songs*
Me: "... Ok OK FINE I GET IT. Outsiders SMP it is!"
I'm going to apologize in advance, because the only full pov I watched was Owen's :}
So you already know what that means.
*fucking cries in fruit trio*
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misiahasahardname · 10 months
Wait Raj too? Ripper and Raj brothers?? 👀
yeah!! i wrote a bunch of stuff for a nowen family au during ict
sorry if it’s incomprehensible. ya girl-type-creature is incapable of forming coherent sentences
the original total drama took place in 1997 instead of 2007 to make noah and owen’s ages as parents make sense
raj is older than ripper, which is surprising for people. ripper and raj are also twins, which is even more surprising for people!
raj and ripper’s full names are ‘rajesh könig-fraser’ and ‘rhynnfrew könig-fraser’
i headcanon ripper to be welsh, so for that to still be true in the au, owen is of welsh decendance. this means that raj and ripper are part german, part indian, part canadian and part welsh! it’s a very rich cultural background.
raj and ripper regularly speak german or hindi in the house which confuses owen/makes him feel left out since he can only speak english
noah tries to comfort him by saying that learning a language when you’re not born speaking it can be hard, and that owen can speak a bit of welsh while noah can’t. this half-works
noah tried to prevent the boys from discovering what total drama was because they are embarrassed about their past. unfortunately, wayne got in the way of this (big total drama fan - is the reason the brothers auditioned)
owen has a part time job at an ice-cream parlour, and noah teaches languages and psychology at raj and ripper’s highschool.
raj and ripper are Little Dipshits ™️ and decided to take german as their language in school for an easy A, but ended up with noah as their teacher and, as the loving mother they are, they started the school year by calling the two out in front of their entire class.
wayne is the family’s neighbour. he became raj’s best friend immediately, and would constantly be invited over for playdates. ripper became his friend by association.
noah needs glasses for reading. when ripper is mad at them, he will hide those glasses and scatter clues around the house with writing purposefully made tiny and messy to make things harder.
owen sparked raj’s love for hockey. he regularly takes him to see games and picks him up after practice (his shift ends at around the same time raj’s training sessions end)
the family is visited by owen’s parents and brothers very often. they’re always there to come to babysit the boys. noah’s family (the ones in other continents and who live in canada) live far away. they go to their closest family during shorter school holidays, extended family in germany for christmas, and extended family in india in the summer. (they still get to see noah’s closest family there since they all go to those places when noah does anyways)
sometimes, eva and izzy just. randomly break into the home without any warning. this always frightens noah and owen, but ripper and raj are always excited to see them. ripper loves izzy because of her unpredictable nature and the fact she allows him to do stupid and dangerous stuff, and raj loves eva because she’s super sporty and a very worth competitor. they also give awesome birthday gifts.
total drama episodes air the week after they’re filmed. not necessarily for the au, just a headcanon of mine.
owen and noah flipped their shit when ripper and axel kissed.
raj and ripper love to engage in eachother’s shenanigans, but they also love to scrap, insult and pretend they don’t know eachother. they are eachother’s number one supporters and number one haters.
april fool’s day gets very dangerous in the könig-fraser household………
raj and ripper have always shared a room. ripper is absolutely pissed that he’s not allowed to sleep on the top bunk.
noah and owen are really used to being called into school (or the hospital) because of their sons. neither of them know how to do anything without getting in some sort of trouble.
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meep-meep-richie · 8 months
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for all time always
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purplemoonabove · 6 months
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Oh dear Lord, God Almighty.
Please, I ask of you, PLEASE LET THIS BE A REAL DEAL
Four years since the heartbreaking event and I find this?! As well reading up mentions of the rumor from other sources here?!
My heart is racing.
My mind is out of balance.
I need confirmation more than ever.
Please tell me this show may have a chance of continuation! I don’t give a damn if the actors are older! If they’re in it, I’m all for it!
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I support O's asexual wrongs.
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alphashley14 · 1 year
[From “One of Us” Chapter 20 by @alphashley14]
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Professor Pericles on the opposite side of Crystal Cove:
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chaosandwolves · 1 year
I wish they'd give little hints every now and then that the 118 and the 126 are still in contact.
Buck just casually referring to Tarlos' wedding preparations and saying that he talked to TK
Eddie laughing about something Marjan sent
Judd getting dad advice from Eddie
Hen recommending some skin care product to someone that Owen told her about
Like please
Give us something
They all have SUCH great friend potential
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